Taxi's Articles

Death of Israel

For the zealot, Zionist West, International Law is dead.  Democracy is dead.  Personal privacy is dead.  Free speech is dead.  Free thought is dead.  Morality itself is dead.

Therefore, there will be war.

Presently, with Syria and the Axis of Resistance so close to a complete victory over the terrorist invading army that’s supported by the Axis of Evil, Israel’s only chance at remaining a regional dominant entity is to gather its Goyim Western friends on the front lines of war-torn Syria.  Israel desperately needs the Goyim slave nations of the West to fight there on its behalf because, like I have been saying for a good decade now, Israel is in an existential, geopolitical crisis that it thinks can be resolved through yet another war of aggression against its regional neighbors.  It’s a gamble-war that the Israelis have no choice but to ignite, all due to their enemies gaining continuing strength and improved armory.

In the recent weeks, we’ve been hearing of much Western-Israeli-Saudi preparations, both militarily and diplomatically, for this coming war.  But we don’t hear of the preparations of the Axis of Resistance and this is because the Axis of Resistance is already very ready for the big event.  They sit in calm silent wait for the first bullet to be fired by the Axis of Evil.  They do this because their religion requires that they be defenders and not assailants; and moreover, they do not want to be remembered by history as the aggressors in a war that they see as a physical and spiritual war of liberation from Imperialism, Colonialism and Zionism: a triple-headed evil that’s been violently imposed on them and their homelands for centuries now – since even before the dubious creation of the state of Israel.

Dear reader, recent events as well as something in my waters tells me that we are now on the threshold of this war that will end up physically devastating not just the region, but the very nations of the Axis of Evil as well – not to mention our global economy too: soon as the Straights of Hormuz gets closed by an assaulted Iran.  The Axis of Evil is mistaken if they think they can contain a war in Syria when they start attacking Iranians there – and I’m not talking randomly shooting missiles at Iranian military stations or compounds like we’ve been seeing of late: I am talking about an all out war against Iranians in Syria, which is what the Axis of Evil is planning to do.

For lack of time, I wished today to write this article not as thoughtful analysis, but as a bell to announce that the Axis of Evil has more or less now lined up all their war ducks that will be quacking thunderously within the next couple of months – maybe even in less than a handful of weeks.

When this coming war occurs, expect Israel to lay in a bed of smokey ruin, regardless of the hits it delivers the Axis of Resistance.  In fact, the destruction of Israel is the first thing that will happen in this war and this will indeed change the world as we know it: change especially the Middle East as well as the Jew-dominated Western world.

I am a hater of war but I am not a pacifist.  I understand that gathered forces of evil must be confronted head-on and destroyed by any means necessary.  This is why I personally support the Axis of Resistance in this war.  As far as I’m concerned, a world without the terrorist state of Israel will be a better world, once the rebuilding and post-war healing begins.

Brace yourselves tight.  The righteous patriots of the Middle East are about to begin their mission to liberate their land and take control of their own destiny.

A world without American Imperialism, European Colonialism and Jewish Zionism will enable the rest of humanity to live longer and in relative peace.



  1. Taxi says:

    This time round in our lifetime, jews have shown themselves to be, yet again, destroyers and not builders.

    This is why once tel aviv is in rubble, jews there who remain intact will abandon the holy land, never to return for untold generations, while the Levant natives will remain and rebuild their communities again.

    Song of the Phoenix will echo across the Levant…

  2. Taxi says:

    The 'jewish problem' that europe was suffering from for centuries, evidently cannot be solved by the transfer of jews to the middle east.  In fact, the transfer of european jews to the middle east has caused not a single notable good but endless death and mayhem for the people of the region.  Not forgetting that giving the jews their own state only emboldened and encouraged maximum, lethal jewish behavior.

    After the death of isreal, fleeing jews will flood europe and America. Because they ARE from there, they cannot therefore be considered as refugees.

    I know many in europe and the US do not want more jews among them, but this is not the problem of the people of the middle east.  The west needs to address its jewish problem and find a solution for it themselves and 'over there'.

    • Cloak And Dagger says:

      I don't want any fucking jews in my backyard! I did not create the jewish problem and I don't want to suffer the consequence of Israel's destruction. They can drown in the sea for all I care. Fuck 'em all.

    • Taxi says:

      Sure you don't, Cloak – who in their right mind would want more Odessa and Brooklyn jews in their "backyard"?!

      Maybe there's substance to the 'Patagonia-is-the-new-Palestine' rumors after all.  Try googling 'jews buying land in Patagonia' for an insight into jewish/israeli real-estate activity in Patagonia.  Read the link below as a small example and see for yourself:

      Why is Patagonia a New Palestine?

      Looks like the jews already know their time in historic Palestine is limited and have created for themselves a safety net out there in the jungles of Patagonia.  Looks like the 'jewish problem' will be moving to south America when the kak hits the fan.

      Other links on google search talk of jews building bunkers and tunnel systems in the jungle – somewhere to wait out a nuclear winter that they will cause with the death of israel?  The International Jewish Community has bought Patagonia Argentina and Chile to build a Second Israel planned in 1896

      *Note the linked source of info in the above article is now dud.

      As recent as last December, this jew/patagonia article here appeared in GlobalResearch: Does Israel Have “A Patagonia Project” in Argentina?

      This one here from January 2018: Israel in Patagonia, Argentine: Exodus. Refuge for Israeli Elite after Gog-Magog Attack?

      And try this story here for size: ADL, Israel, Jews and the Chilean Patagonia fire

      Wikipedia records a name for this phenomena: The Andinia Plan – and of course it refers to it as a "conspiracy theory".  (*We already know that paid hasbarados are given 'wiki-editing' training courses).

    • Taxi says:

      Giving Palestine to the jews only made the jews worse.  In fact, without Palestine, more specifically: without tel aviv as their (terrorist) 'headquarters', Aipac would not have been able to control/occupy DC.

      Evidently, the occupation of Palestine by euro jews facilitated and expanded the global reach of jewish power.

      We are where we are today with the jews because they were given Palestine.  Therefore to weaken global jewish power, the first thing that must happen is to take Palestine back and out of jewish hands.

  3. Long Life to the Axis of Resistance!

    May all those brainwashed and hoodwinked with the fake stories of how Israel came to be, come to their senses and leave,  or then join the rest of the World in respect and renewed awe of The Declaration of Universal  Human Rights, only through which Justice and Peace can ever emerge.

    Rising From The Ashes will be a sight to behold!

  4. Taxi says:

    By now we're all very familiar with the finer details of jewish abuse of power – many honest writers have been detailing it for us over and over again – Philip Giraldi below gives us yet another fine version.  But what would be really helpful at this stage is for 'experts' out there to actually provide us with a plausible solution to America's Jewish problem.

    Syria is only part of a much larger problem. It is remarkable the extent to which Israeli concerns dominate those of the United States, which now has a foreign policy that often is not even remotely connected to actual U.S. interests. Congress and the Special Counsel are investigating Russia’s alleged interference in America’s political system while looking the other way when Israel operates aggressively in the open and does much more damage. Netanyahu and his crew of unsavory cutthroats are hardly ever cited for their malignant influence over America’s political class and media. Bomb Syria? Sure. After all, it’s good for Israel.

    Whose Wars?

    • Taxi says:

      Gilad forgot to add 'illegal' right after the word "pile".  His sentence should really read: A clown who sits on a huge pile of illegal WMDs….

  5. Taxi says:

    Let us never forget that israel and saudi arabia are British creations.

    Colonialist, racist, exploitative, brutal Brits.

    For a layered understanding of what's behind British malice and its enduring geopolitical war crimes in the middle east, please read this excellently informed article linked below.   It is refreshing and illuminating to read an unadulterated page of history.

    …  So the current British-Saudi war against Yemen is in fact the third in a century. But why is Britain so seemingly determined to see the country dismembered and its development sabotaged? Strange as it may seem, the answer is that Britain is scared of Yemen. For Yemen is the sole country on the Arab peninsula with the potential power to challenge the colonial stitch-up reached between Britain and the Gulf monarchies it placed in power in the nineteenth century, and who continue to rule to this day. As Palestinian author Said Aburish has noted, the very “nature of the Yemen was a challenge to the Saudis: it was a populous country with more than half the population of the whole Arabian peninsula, had a solid urban history and was more advanced than its new neighbour. It also represented a thorn in the side of British colonialism, a possible springboard for action against their control of Saudi Arabia and all the makeshift tributary sheikhdoms and emirates of the Gulf. In particular, the Yemen represented a threat to the British colonisation of Aden, a territory which considered itself part of a greater Yemen which had been dismembered by colonialism”.

    Britain and the ‘Yemeni Threat’

    • Bornajoo says:

      What a fascinating article about Yemen. I had no idea. I feel even worse about living in this country than I did before. I never thought that was possible 

      • If they did what they did with Balfour in Palestine , then why couldn't they do it anywhere else they chose ,  just because they could … and did  !!

        As lord and masters , the World was nothing but their playground to fiddle with as they chose !

  6. Taxi says:

    Let us remember that unlike our illegal military presence in Syria, Iran's military was officially invited into Syria by the Syrian government to aid them in destroying the terrorist jihadi army sent there by the Axis of Evil to destroy Syria for the benefit of israel.  Iran in Syria has actually helped the global war on terrorism – a terrorism that israel and its Axis of Evil friends created in the first place.

  7. Taxi says:

    Israel and her Western agents created and drove the war in Syria to insure israeli hegemony in the Levant; and to also weaken the (pro Palestinian) Iran-Syria-Hezbollah axis: a jewish project that has been ongoing for several decades, with the view of eventual 'regime change' in Iran: the ultimate prize for israel.

    First they attempted to break up this power trio by attacking hezbollah in Lebanon back in 2006, thinking it was the weakest link. The results were disastrous for israel: hezbollah ended up winning the war and worse: creating thus a 'living deterrence' against israel on the Lebanese border for the first time ever.

    Trying their hands at Syria next, and after some 7 years of war there, israel now finds itself lumbered with tens of thousands of actual Iranian military boots on Syria territory, right there at israel's doorstep.  There were no Iranian troops in Syria before the war started.

    Unable itself to successfully hit at Iran proper, and unable (yet) to get the US to confront Iran directly on Iranian soil, yet very much still needing to be rid of Iranian troops parked at its doorstep, the only option now left for israel is to battle Iranians directly on Syrian soil.

    It has been decided, therefore, that Syria will be the location for the direct battle between Iran and Israel.

    Thus we now have the reason and the location of the next war's epicenter.  A war that can very easily become a regional war – a regional war that can very plausibly lead to WW3 when israel is taking its last gasp.

    Seems that for years now, israel's projects for the Levant have failed, nay, backfired.  Direct war with Iran was what cowardly israel was trying to avoid all along, but now, it has no other option but to face it in Syria – well, face the Iranians with the zionist West on the front lines and not israeli troops.

  8. Taxi says:

    Netanyahu’s big-shpeel presentation against Iran doesn't look like it's working as intended: even jewy CNN is questioning Iran's master 'accuser'.

    • Taxi says:

      Regarding Netanyahu's 'gotcha Iran!' powerpoint presentation:

  9. Bornajoo says:

    I think a lot depends on Trump's next move on 12th May which is when he's due to sign the next waiver, or not, as the case may be 

    The Israelis are, I believe, firstly hoping that Trump will pull out of the deal and slap more sanctions on Iran in the hope of collapsing its economy which will then lead to an overthrow of the current leadership. Very fanciful thinking

    I do believe, like you, that there's a war at the end of either road. Funny enough I think it will start more quickly if Trump stays inside the current deal. If he pulls out huge efforts will be made to bring down the current Iranian leadership with an unprecedented economic attack. So I think it's a two pronged strategy 

    Let's see what he does on 12th May

    But in a nutshell Iran, Hezbollah and thankfully (still) Syria are 3 groups who are opposed to Israel, have military capability and live in the same neighbourhood. Just these three features alone make them targets for destruction regardless of any other circumstances 

    This paranoid talmudic death cult will destroy anyone around them they conceive to be a possible threat to them either today, tomorrow or in 30 years. All the excuses and posturing is just white noise. They only care about their own survival and nothing or nobody else. If you happen to be a strong neighbour you will be targeted for destabilisation, balkanisation and destruction. This is because this dangerous and evil bunch of demented psychos will want to kill you just for those reasons alone. Anyone or anything that threatens their regional hegemony and ability to bomb and kill anyone with total impunity is an enemy to them. 

    That's why their eradication is the only real long term answer 

  10. Taxi says:

    Over here in the south Lebanon side of the Levant, we've been hearing much israeli aerial night activity this past week.  For certain, the atmosphere is brewing:

    Iran and Israel have been exchanging threats for decades. What’s different now is that Syria’s civil war, which sucked in both countries, provides a potential battlespace — one that’s much closer to Jerusalem than to Tehran.

    Israel Sees Iran War Looming as Mideast Tinderbox Awaits a Spark

    • Taxi says:

      Lebanon is holding parliamentary elections this weekend on the 6th May

      On the 12th May, Trump will be announcing his latest 'judgement' on the Iran deal.

      And on May 14th, the US embassy move to Jerusalem will become official – with HALF of congress apparently booked to go to israel for the opening ceremony. 

      Mindful too that Palestinian Nakba Day falls on the 15th May, with all the din and street angst of the 'Right of Return' protests bursting forth.

      May 15th also marks the beginning of the islamic month of Ramadan this year.

      Expect serious fireworks in the Levant mid May onward.  Expect war especially if the Iran deal is bust and Iran decides to retaliate against israel's missile attacks on its Syria bases.

  11. Taxi says:

    Israel's security 'strategy' of constantly trying to bomb its neighbors into the stone age has resulted in bringing Iranian troops to israel's door.  It has chosen thuggery and mass-murder instead of addressing the root cause of its problems with its neighbors:  The Palestinian issue.

    Live by thuggery, die by thuggery.

  12. Taxi says:

    When the war between the Axis of Resistance and israel commences in the Levant, israel had better be careful what enemy targets it chooses.  The Axis of Resistance has already warned it plenty of times: hit our civilians and we will hit yours – leave our civilians alone and we will leave yours alone.  But can israel ever resist mass-murdering unarmed civilians?  I doubt it.

  13. intertwiningserpents says:

    Taxi.In writing this I am hoping that you remember me telling you by e.mail last year about my 'shape shifting ability and specifically what that ability was?.

    Before I go on I would like to say to doubters to ask themselves 'what is possible when one comes to understand that there is no physicality?.

    It is becoming increasingly apparent to me that I may have been duped by a U.S residing jewish owner of a kabbalah blog.More than a year ago I visited his blog, which basically by numbers predicts the arrival of the next  Messiah/Moshiach in 2018/5778.To cut a longer story short he became aware of my birthdate and birthday(which synchronise 'very nicely' with kabbalah by the way) through our private online communication and believed without any further evidence that what I was telling him about my 'very special ability' was true.About one year ago again by e.mail I explained to him in detail exactly how to achieve this ability.

    Yesterday on his blog in a new article it appears that he is saying that Moshiach will be coming later on  this may during the jewish holiday of shaviot.If a jew in Israel (or much less likely the U.S) comes forward this month claiming to be able to do something 'very deeply profound' on a spiritual level then  for an 'absolute certainty' i have been totally duped by this United States of American jew..

    If something does happen later this month like I am suggesting that it may then please remember my words here and the name 'intertwiningserpents' that I use and also how I gave a commenter here(was it sparrow or bornajoo?) a clue a month or two back about this name and how it is connected with 'DNA regeneration'……And then ask yourself about the implications of a jewish Messiah who would be pro Trump and pro Bibi and thus pro Axis of evil.

    I know others will doubt my true story here at present but I hope that Taxi 'gets me a little' and can see what may be playing out here with this potential jew deception and if it does play out as I fear it may,  that she and others here of the Axis of resistance will offer suggestions about how to go about getting my story told.


    • Taxi says:


      As I promised you, I have not divulged ANY of your personal information that you shared with me via email last year – not to ANYONE – and this is the first time that I make mention of it in public – and I do this only because of you putting some of your info out on the table and prompting me thus to respond.

      I knew that sooner or later, your deceptive kabalah guy would betray you and that your smarts would be able to eventually enlighten you to this betrayal. I know how tribal jews operate inside and out and I did not at the time need physical evidence to demonstrate this to you: the case eventually demonstrated itself to you – jewish nefarious activity is highly predictable to me and to many others who have been studying their evil anti-gentilism. All I can say is bravo to your smarts for getting you dislodged from both his jewish presence in your spiritual life and his pretentious interest in you.

      I have actually alluded that past mid month of May, some event will trigger a war between Iran and israel on Syrian territory. The israelis foolishly think that they can “teach Iran a lesson it will never forget” in Syria and keep the Iran-israel war contained inside of Syria. But happily, they are wrong! They underestimate the resolve and abilities of the Axis of Resistance and they, as jews, as always will ‘overreach’ – a very fatal combo that will reverse their fortunes in the Levant literally overnight.

      Is this all connected to ‘biblical prophecy’? I cannot make eschatological commentary because I’m not well-versed on this topic, basically for lack of interest in it: I do not believe in divine prophecy, only in human self-fulfilling prophecy. All I can tell you is to write down your ‘story’ in as simple a form as possible and share it with as many people as you can (you can set up a wordpress page for this task – it’s free of charge to do this). You may very well experience further inner revelation by the act of writing itself – it will not be a waste of your time to write it all down. My other practical advise to you would be to not rush to over-interpret events: let the dusty winds of destiny first become still before scanning the horizon.

      I know many people on earth from many different faiths are waiting for the anti-christ to make an appearance that will then ‘trigger’ the manifestation of the Second Coming of the Messiah. The thing is, there are probably several million anti-christs already living among us and enjoying their evil deeds: warmongering, mass-death of innocents, creation of mass orphans, mass starvation, mass disease, mass ecological disasters, mass chaos, poverty, misery and human sadness etc. This understanding makes me less inclined to be on the look out for the anti-christ. And as I understand life: one is one’s own savior, so I am not waiting on an external Messiah either.

      And considering that I am located close to the epicenter of the next war (2 hrs drive south to Jerusalem and 2 hrs drive east to Damascus), I am more concerned with sheltering myself and my dogs than I am with biblical prophecy.

      I advise realism and wholesome patience before final judgement on the death of israel.

  14. intertwiningserpents says:

    Taxi.You mention the first half of may but what about the second half?.

  15. intertwiningserpents says:

    I want to give the jew in question more time to answer my e,mail to him yesterday before i mention the name of his blog.

    Taxi.I should have said…'You mention 'dates' for the first half of may but not the second half'.

  16. intertwiningserpents says:

    I also wanted to mention that this jew was the only person online or even otherwise since I discovered 'my ability' in mid 2013 that I explained in detail the secret to. To be fair Taxi did warn me about him but anyway by then I had already explained everything to this jew.

    Could we this month be starting to see the meaning behind the term 'anti christ'…… name is Chris by the way as [perhaps Taxi may be able to confirm.

  17. intertwiningserpents says:

    This dear readers and commenters, is about biological immortality and potentially being able to live for hundreds of years and you heard it here first before any jew may tell you soon with Bibi smiling in the background.

  18. intertwiningserpents says:

    Taxi.I didnt mean to imply that you made no comment about the second half of may and I only meant to make meaning of the fact that the jewish holiday of shaviot wasn't mentioned as being in the second half as an 'add on' to what looks like being a very interesting month…..sorry, I should have worded it better…

    Only time will tell if a jew comes forward with the 'discovery of the fountain of youth'' that would for sure have been learnt from myself after my discovery of it in 13 and not long after the end of the Mayan long 13 count in late 12 and so at the moment the dust has not settled until after shaviot and the jew's prediction for  the arrival of moshiach.(whatever that holiday is).

    If it happens the person may call for world peace and 'unity' but in my eyes they would be in their position by deception and that's not very good at all…If it is going down then the smart option for them would have been to try and pay me off but I guess they are jews  after all and where I grew up and went to school in suburban London in the 60's and 70's if you were tight fisted you were called a jew regardless.



  19. intertwiningserpents says:

    There has to be a messiah to wake everyone up from their 'slumber of seperation' and explain how we can all be immortal Taxi but in the meantime stay safe with your rescue dogs in southern Lebanon.

  20. intertwiningserpents says:

    I know no one here will believe my ' biological immortality claim' and I totally understand why you wouldn't  but after shaviot  you will probably start too if the jews are rejoicing in israel with the jewish Messiah/anti Christ .

    • Taxi says:


      Having myself practiced a macrobiotic diet for some 14 years now (and without a day of sickness since then, not even a single cold/flu), I understand the reality of 'cellular rejuvenation' and the 'fountain of youth' thru diet.  I am therefore open to considering other paths that can produce the same youth-ifying results.

      That topic aside…. and for the benefit of other readers, here is the wiki page on the jewish festivities of Shavuot:

      And I can't help but note that this Shavuot thing is drenched and birthed from paganism, not monotheism.  Yet another reason why I do not consider the jewish god to be a monotheistic god, as understood by Christianity and Islam.

  21. intertwiningserpents says:

    Taxi.Biological mmortality for us means being 200 years of age but looking facially 27-28.Seriously.At 54 now I look 29-30 but I drink 1 litre of Germen wheat beer a night due to an insomnia issue I am working on but I know for a fact that if I was teetotal the power of the spirit in psycoactive mushrooms etc would mean I would look about 2 years tounger even…Who looks 27 at 54 years of age?….I know the power of spirit well enogh to know for a fact that I will never age facially unless I die from a traumatic injury which is possible but unlikely..

    The only issues are teeth and hair and I have the teeth and hair of a 54 year old but I am already thinking of titanium dental implants for when my teeth are rotten and brown and my hair can keep going grey for all I care and if I lose it one day then I will take that over dying at 80-100 if I live to 800…

    As for diet I agree that witth your macrobiotic diet you are being wise and if I remember correctly this is a low fat diet of whole grains pulse sea salt veggies seaweed and perhaps fruit? and I believe part of it its success may lie in the fact that it is naturally a low fat diet and in my experience it is fat in ones diet thatgreatly impairs digestion and elimination and that cant be good for health and also and no nasty growth hormones and antibiotics in non organic meat….Personally I eat mainly vegan but I do eat organic butter and organic eggs but I know I should eat less fat and especially in the warmer months…..In the future anyone wanting to live hundreds of years will have to pay strict attention to an optimum diet.and organics will no doubt become the norm once again.

    I am glad to be sharing all this here because if the shaviot thing goes down in israel you will all know I was being truthful because the only reason that there will be a messiah coming from israel or any place in the world anytime  soon is because of the discovery of biological immortality 'and that is a fact'.

    Thank you for your open mindedness Taxi for allowing me to share such a 'fantasy' as i try and get what seems to be a jew curse off my back.



    • Taxi says:

      You want to live for 800 years? What for? The human form is so limited and earth is so very boring. Beautiful, yes, but kinda boring too.

      In any case, Intertwining, thank you for sharing some of the more unusual thought-dimensions commentary we’ve seen here on Plato’s – most certainly, you’ve presented a most unique aspect and connection to the jewish question, albeit a supra esoteric one. For readers out there, I’m sure your material has raised eyebrows for some and consciousness for others 🙂

      And at this point, I think ’tis germane to return the thread back to where the actual evils of war are upon us.

      We wait with the ticking clock… till the clock-hand strikes the hour of truth and reckoning.

  22. intertwiningserpents says:

    The day in question may be just before the start of Shavuot on the 18 th of may as the number 18 in kabbalah/Hebrew has the numerical meaning 'life'(all the 7 numbers from my birthdate add to 18) and if anything does happen in israel then as I have been saying it will  most certainly be about 'life' extension and the beginning of a massive paradigm shift and the start of a mass spiritual awakening like the world has never seen.




  23. intertwiningserpents says:

    Just to finish on the topic I will say that if life wasn't boring and a bit dull we probably wouldn't ever desire a permanent exit out of this dream world that we keep rebirthing into and thus we wouldn't really desire  nirvana/cessation of samsara which would end the duality that is  the dream and God and in the end stage of the mushroom experience it appears that we are able to freefall into the abyss  and if we don't plead to come back it is very likely that we wont come back ever again to experience boredom and life…..So yeah I agree life can be pretty boring but that is perfect for us also.

    Also the mind free meditation that is the spiritual experience/mushroom experience dissolves all thoughts and boredom is nothing but a trick of the ego/mind and so with the sacrament taken often or even daily bliss and euphoria over monotony is life during the peak and post peak and so why not live for 800 years as an awakened master of spirit?….. As i mentioned before somewhere we probably reincarnate just to experience magic mushrooms etc because the experience is that good and it is the future regardless of any potential jewish deception during Shavuot this year.

    Now back to geo politics and apologies for being off topic… a bit.

  24. Taxi says:

    After israel targeted and killed Iranians stationed in Syria’s T-4 military base, Nasrallah gave a speech and basically said that a geopolitical paradigm shift had just occurred as a consequence:

    "As a comment on this incident, I stress that it constitutes a turning point in the situation of the region. What follows will be very different from what preceded it. This is an incident that cannot be considered lightly, contrary to what happens with many incidents here. It is a turning point, a historic turning point. And when the Israelis committed this stupid act, they had some assessment (of the situation), but I tell them that their evaluation is false. And even in the future, since you have opened a new path in the confrontation, (you should ensure) not to be wrong in your evaluations. In this new path you opened and initiated, don’t be wrong in your assessment,when you are face to face, and directly (in conflict) with the Islamic Republic of Iran. Final point. That is all for my statement.

    (Audience chants praise)

    Thank you, brothers. We must naturally register here a testimony to Iran’s credit, a (testimony) they wrote with blood, and this testimony is: Israel says it cannot bear the presence of Iran in Syria because Iran grips a rope around its neck, and represents a strategic and existential threat to Israel, etc., etc. A small number… Because of course there is not a large number of Iranians in Syria. A limited number of Iranians in Syria are considered (as an existential threat) by Israel. But as for the tens of thousands (of combatants of) armed organizations in Quneitra, Deraa, and on the border with the occupied Syrian Golan, tens of thousands (of fighters) of the Al-Nusra Front, ISIS, of other pseudonyms of Islamist organizations, which have a large number and a wide variety of weapons, missiles, Katyushas, anti-tank weapons and sensitive weapons, all those do not concern Israel, they do not even think about them. They do not constitute a strategic threat. Israel does not consider them a danger and does not even think about them, and rather works with them and supports them, heals their wounded, provides them with information, helps them in the fight (with air strikes) …"

  25. Taxi says:

    I must say I am impressed by the journalist David Swanson for all the effort it took to come up with a list of Top 100 Reasons Not To Bomb Iran.

    He's new to me and so I perused thru his archives – liked what I came across and will be giving his writings more attention when time permits.

  26. Taxi says:

    Know thyself, America!

    Senior U.S. military officers have hailed the U.S. doctrine of covert and proxy war that found its full flowering under the Obama administration as a “disguised, quiet, media-free” approach to war, and have traced the development of this doctrine back to U.S. wars in Central America in the 1980s. While the U.S. recruitment, training, command and control of death squads in Iraq was dubbed “the Salvador Option,” U.S. strategy in Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen has in fact followed this model even more closely.

    These wars have been catastrophic for the people of all these countries, but the U.S.’s “disguised, quiet, media-free” approach to them has been so successful in propaganda terms that most Americans know very little about the U.S. role in the intractable violence and chaos that has engulfed them.

    How many millions have been killed in America’s post-9/11 wars?

  27. Pingback: Death of Israel – open mind news

  28. intertwiningserpents says:

    Taxi. If you will permit me I would just like to clarify for any readers that are interested the connection between 'intertwiningserpents' and DNA regeneration/Biological Immortality because it helps in putting all the pieces of the jigsaw together.

    The commonly seen visions of intertwining serpents/snakes whilst taking entheogens such as Psilocybin containing Mushrooms and Ayahuasca was/is a clue from another dimension (and outside of the duality) that Biological Immortality is infinitely possible and that it is myself that discovered this in Southern England in mid 2013.

    In the future much will be made of the connection between ancient Serpent mythology throughout the world and the discovery of the fountain of youth..One example from ancient Egypt is the famous Serpent Ra and in ancient Mexico and the Mayans is the Serpent Quetazcoatl…It is noteworthy that both these ancient cultures have evidence of use of Entheogens.

    I haven't even looked into this in any detail but another clue lies in ancient India and how the ancients incorporated Serpents into the architecture of Hindu temples and again the connection with India and its  ancient use of Entheogens is obvious as we have Soma from the Rig Veda and the ancient Rishis and how cows became sacred because magic mushrooms grow from their dung and that the Avatar Krishna was a Cow herder and he is often illustrated as being blue and the stems of cubensis mushrooms bruise blue.

    As far as I am aware it isn't possible by searching online to make a connection between entheogens and the mind dissolving meditation that is the spiritual experience and 'very few' in the world know about this due to the fact that it is a massive shock to the ego/mind and for a newcomer it feels like one is literally at the gates of death itself…If we take this into consideration we can start to see how no one in the past several thousand years has made this 'immortality' discovery until now.Due to the fact that there are relatively few jews in the world by comparison I believe it is highly unlikely that there is a jew alive who understands spirit and I can assure you if there is that there is no way that they would also discover what I did because there is a process involved and that is the reason in several thousand years NO ONE has discovered aging reversal like I have and 'if' we see a jew come out of Israel(or anywhere) between 14-21 May or any time before the jewish new year ends in September claiming what i claim then it is a 100% certainty that I have been duped by the jewish kabblah network in New York City and I have e.mail evidence that about a year ago I explained the whole process to the kabbalah blogging jew too..

    This is the only place I interact with 'social media' and I hope Taxi, that you will allow me these words partly, as a means to show others what 'may' have been the reason for what 'may' happen before or during Shavuot this month or even any time before the end of the jewish year in this year 2018 Gregorian calendar/5778Hebrew calendar.

    Thank you.

    p.s. What I forgot to mention is that the visions of intertwining serpents are/were a clue because they mimic perfectly the DNA double helix but of course ancient Mayans or Egyptians wouldn’t have known anything about DNA as that is only a recent discovery.

    p.p.s. On the ‘serpent symbolsism ‘ page on Wikipedia I just counted 5 different illustrations of intertwining serpents.As I said in the future much will be made of what I am telling you here.

  29. Taxi says:

    All the globalist 'celebrities' (like the war criminal Samantha Powers) are weeping into their handkerchiefs over the White House's decision to freeze funds for their Oscar-winning pet terrorists infamous for wearing pristine, shiny White Helmets for half the day and the other half wearing black Alqaida balaclavas.

    Begs the question here: does Trump want to permanently stop the CIA's collaboration with the White Helmets in setting up fake chem attacks in Syria because the last one flopped so badly and hardly anybody in the 'normal' world believes them now?

    Does Trump now want to focus on warring directly with Iran in Syria instead of continuing America's war against Bashar that Obama started?  Is he leaving Syria for israel while taking on Iran?

    With so very many Americans now, especially in Trump's base, 'awoke' and giving kudos to Bashar for successfully fighting ISIS, it would probably be easier for Trump to sell them a war against Iran instead of a war against Syria, even though Iran too has been successfully killing ISIS in Syria.

    For sure, Trump's Syria policy keeps shapeshifting – but can Trump keep vacillating or will this month completely clarify his true policy towards both Syria and Iran?

    The only thing we are certain of regarding Trump's foreign policy is that he is unwilling to war with Russia or China directly, despite the Pentagon and NATO constantly testing the limits of these two major powers.  Yes, the Trump trade wars against Russia and China are on and swinging, but no US military threats have been officially uttered as of yet.

    We await critical revelations from Trump in the second half of this month.

    Samantha Power gets PUMMELED on twitter after she voices her support for Al Qaeda proxy White Helmets

  30. Taxi says:

    The Saker in the link below pretty much sums up the current mideast geopolitical knot.  But I disagree with him on the point that israel will be attacked/destroyed by Iran and Hezb missiles ONLY if israel nukes Iran.  I see it the other way round: kill israel at the onset of war which will leave the genocidal jews with only nuke-armed submarines: submarines that Iran may be able to scramble through electronic warfare before a nuke on Iran is launched from there.

    Iran has said many times in the past that if America should strike at Iran directly, their first response will be a three-pronged simultaneous direct assault on US (assets in the mideast), on israel proper and on Saudi Arabian targets.

    The Iran-Iraq war lasted for eight years (1980-1988). It cost the Iranians hundreds of thousands of lives (if not more). The Iraqis had the full support of the USA, the Soviet Union, France and pretty much everybody else. As for the Iranian military, it had just suffered from a traumatic revolution. The official history (meaning Wikipedia) calls the outcome a “stalemate”. Considering the odds and the circumstances, I call it a magnificent Iranian victory and a total defeat for those who wanted to overthrow the Islamic Republic (something which decades of harsh sanctions also failed to achieve, by the way).

    Is there any reason at all to believe that this time around, when Iran has had almost 40 years to prepare for a full-scale AngloZionist attack the Iranians will fight less fiercely or less competently? We could also look at the actual record of the US armed forces (see Paul Craig Roberts’ superb summary here) and ask: do you think that the USA, lead by the likes of Trump, Bolton or Nikki Haley will have the staying power to fight the Iranians to exhaustion (since a land invasion of Iran is out of the question)? Or this: what will happen to the world economy if the entire Middle-East blows up into a major regional war?

    Now comes the scary part: both the Israelis and the Neocons always, always, double-down. The notion of cutting their losses and stopping what is a self-evidently mistaken policy is simply beyond them. Their arrogance simply cannot survive even the appearance of having made a mistake (remember how both Dubya and Olmert declared that they had won against Hezbollah in 2006?). As soon as Trump and Netanyahu realize that they did something really fantastically stupid and as soon as they run out of their usual options (missile and airstrikes first, then terrorizing the civilian population) they will have a stark and simple choice: admit defeat or use nukes.

    Which one do you think they will choose?


    The Warmakers

  31. Taxi says:

    Let me repeat again: the jews are powerful everywhere in the so-called Western world but they are geopolitically weak in the Levant.  They are weak-weak-weak despite their latest American weapons and their illegal stockpile of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons.

    Big weapons, but soft underbelly and glassy jaw: this is israel.

  32. Taxi says:

    Tomorrow, Sunday 6th May, Lebanon goes to the voting booths for its parliamentarian elections (yes, it's been a democracy since 1946 – 2 years before the illegal/immoral establishment of israel). (It could not become a democracy before then as for some 400+ years prior to 1946, it was colonized by both the Turks and by the French respectively).

    The Leb government today issued a directive instructing all non-Lebanese to stay indoors tomorrow for security reasons. All foreigners found on the streets of Leb tomorrow will be detained for questioning. The Lebanese authorities are expecting a massive turnout for the vote and they do not want endless traffic gridlock that (israel's) terrorist can take advantage of (suicide bombers etc).

    I have never seen this degree of security detailing since I've been here (coming on to six years now).

    Fingers crossed, no ugly incident will occur tomorrow.  Despite their low security budget, the Lebanese intelligence forces/internal security are a pretty tight and ultra professional bunch who have manged to halt numerous terrorist operations and arrest many terrorists since the war in Syria began 7 years ago.

    It is predicted that the hezbollah and their Christian allies will landslide-sweep into victory with these elections.

    Up yours israel motherfuckers!!!!

  33. Pingback: Death of Israel | Silvia's Boinnk!!!

  34. Taxi says:

    A thought-provoking article from the ever astute and brilliant, Fred Reed:

    The costs in lives and money do not include the staggering cost of weapons that do nothing for America or Americans. Do you, the reader, believe that you are safer because of the F-35? Do a dozen aircraft carriers improve the lives of your children? Will the B-21, an unbelievably expensive new thermonuclear bomber, make your streets safer? Then add the bleeding of engineering talent better spent on advancing America’s economic competitiveness. The country has many crying needs, falls behind China, but money and talent go to the military.

    We cannot escape from the soldiers. The armed forces have embedded themselves so deeply into the country that they have almost become the country. America is little more than a funding mechanism for what clumsily may be called the military-industrial-intelligence-media-Israeli complex. Some of these entities belong to the military (NSA). Some depend on it (Lockheed-Martin). Some use it to their own ends (Israel), but the military is the central infection from which the other symptoms flow. Congress? A storefront, a subcommittee of the Knesset or, as P. J. O’Rourke put it, a parliament of whores. Factories, jobs, contracts, towns depend on military spending. If the Second Marine Division folded, Jacksonville NC would dry up and blow away. So would dozens of other towns. Without military spending, California’s economy would crash. Universities depend on military research funding.

    The military has achieved its current autonomy by degrees, unnoticed. The Pentagon learned much in Vietnam, not about fighting wars, which it still cannot do well, but about managing its real enemy, the public. The media, which savaged the war on Vietnam, are now firmly controlled by the corporations that own them. Thus we do not see photos of the horrors committed by American aircraft bombing cities. While the existence of phenomenally expensive weapons like the B-21 is not quite suppressed, coverage is so slight that most Americans have never heard of it. This the Complex learned from the F-35 debacle. And of course Congress, thoroughly bought and wanting jobs in its districts, allows no serious opposition to anything military. Neither Congress nor the media point out the extent to which military expenditure dominates the economy, draining resources from civilian needs.

    A Most Sordid Profession

  35. Taxi says:

    Living in America, one would think that all Christians there are (scumbag) zionists – this is due to the jewy MSM giving megaphones to zionists of all social and religious stripes, while smothering into silence REAL Christians and the truly unifying message of Jesus.

    Empires throughout history break apart and collapse for various reasons.

    However, they usually bankrupt themselves because of foreign entanglements and unholy alliances, which ultimately lead to unsustainable expansions and wars.

    Strangely, the collapse of most major Empires from the Western world has been because of alliances and entanglements with Israel, in one form or another. It is something that needs to be acknowledged, otherwise we face a calamity of biblical proportions.

    Israel: The Scourge Of Empires

  36. Taxi says:

    Lebanese parliamentarian elections went nice and smooth yesterday.  Iran's friends in Lebanon: Shias and majority of Maronite Christians fared best, as was expected.  Saudi Arabia's friends: Sunnis and minority Christians lost constituents and seats – notable was the result in Tripoli (Leb), usually a staunch Saudi Arabia/Sunni supporters' hub, lost a substantial 4 seats in parliament.

    After a dreamy, stormy day, right now as I write this, and for the past at least one and a half hours, israeli jets have been growling and cutting up the skies above my farmhouse – a reminder that despite the glorious calm here in south Lebanon, there remains the underlying 'unfinished business' and menace of war that could erupt at any given moment.  For sure, the israelis are in this mindset too:

    Israel Will ‘Eliminate’ Assad if He Continues to Let Iran Operate From Syria: Minister

    • Cloak And Dagger says:

      Hey Taxi,

      What were the final election results? I saw a tweet that the Hez won by a landslide while Harriri got trounced, but I see no coverage in national or international news.

      • Taxi says:

        Put it this way, Cloak: the result that israel feared the most, actually happened. The Christian-Maronite/Amal/Hezbollah coalition gained substantial parliamentarian seats, while the Hariri/saudi/christian-phalange lost seats. Notable: voter-turnout was at 49.6%, almost five points less that last election. Also notable: 4 new female parliamentarians gained seats: impressive considering there are only three other current female parliamentarians.

        Simplified: the hezb coalition now has enough political power between them to shift parliament whichever way they need to. (Pissy israel is pissed at that!)

        Will the MSM report on it in English? Maybe tomorrow. Maybe never. The losers!

        Here’s what Voice of America has to say about it: Reports: Hezbollah Gains Seats in Lebanon Parliamentary Election

  37. Taxi says:

    Well, the geopolitical squeeze that israel finds itself in is now is becoming unbearable and forcing its evil intent out in the open.  And let's not forget here that Nasrallah once described israel's 'toughness' as that of a spider's web.

    "We are determined to stop Iran's aggression in its early stages, even if it this involves a conflict," he continued. "Better now than later. Nations that were unprepared to take timely action against murderous aggression paid much heavier prices afterwards. We do not want escalation, but we are prepared for any scenario” – Bibzy.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Cloak.

      Yeah well after Nasrallah yesterday gave an election victory and analysis speech: referring to Beirut now as being the “capital of the Resistance”, jewy media editors are still chewing on the massive political implication of the Hezb/Amal/Christian-Maronite victory.

      And this coalition is so smart that immediately after their victory in parliament, they announced that they want Hariri (the pro saudi arabia loser) to remain as head of government, thereby embracing the opposition and power-sharing with them to maintain internal political cohesion, and blocking thus simultaneously too any ‘premise’ for an attempted ‘regime change’ by the usual jewy-wahabi suspects. Why would the Axis of Evil topple a government that’s already headed by one of their own? Albeit a weak head who now cannot enforce his agenda without the approval of Hezb/Amal/Christian-Maronites coalition (mindful that this coalition represents the Axis of Resistance in the Leb, though there are many other smaller Leb parties who support the Resistance too).

      So, the Axis of Resistance parties in the Lebanon basically won hands down and with the speed of lightning disarmed lethal saboteurs at the same time. This is what I call real ‘political finesse’ produced by real patriots who chose power-sharing for the sake of the country instead of power-grabbing for the sake of party/special-interests.

      Now that the Lebanese parliament is controlled by the Axis of Resistance, issues like officially re-instating governmental relations with Syria can now resume. Saudi Arabia forced Hariri’s government 7 years ago to cut ties with Syria and so throughout the Syria war, there’s been an antagonistic and hostile anti-Syria Lebanese government. But no more. Natural relations between the two neighboring countries can now officially resume. What Yinon slashed in Lebanon during the Syria war was mended with yesterday’s victory for the Axis of Resistance.

      Yes, it’s a victory with geopolitical gravitas. Now Lebanon’s army, people AND parliament are all united in their support for the Axis of Resistance project.

      I will keep a look out for MSM articles on this event – but I’m not holding my breath. The losers have a habit of distracting the public from their losses with a deluge of holocaust stories and other hollow/absurdist topics like the waist size of a female ant.

      And if any readers out there come across analysis articles on the Leb elections, please do share them with us here. Thank you.

  38. Taxi says:

    The dude in the video below, he's a 'Christian' who lives in the holy land – and, well, I've seen a couple of his videos before and they've been kinda soft on israel, but he seems to have flipped over in his latest vid that I'm posting below. 

    Is it 'last call for changing sides' right now or what?  The hour to pick sides before the battle between good and evil commences?

  39. Taxi says:

    The question of dual-loyalty has shadowed the jews (and their agents) for millennia .   About time somebody like Philip Giraldi take this treasonous bull by the horns.  In his new article, he reminds us of a pertinent warning that President George Washington delivered during his Farewell Address:

    “…a passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a variety of evils. Sympathy for the favorite nation, facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest in cases where no real common interest exists, and infusing into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former into a participation in the quarrels and wars of the latter without adequate inducement or justification. It leads also to concessions to the favorite nation of privileges denied to others which is apt doubly to injure the nation making the concessions; by unnecessarily parting with what ought to have been retained, and by exciting jealousy, ill-will, and a disposition to retaliate, in the parties from whom equal privileges are withheld. And it gives to ambitious, corrupted, or deluded citizens (who devote themselves to the favorite nation), facility to betray or sacrifice the interests of their own country, without odium, sometimes even with popularity; gilding, with the appearances of a virtuous sense of obligation, a commendable deference for public opinion, or a laudable zeal for public good, the base or foolish compliances of ambition, corruption, or infatuation. As avenues to foreign influence in innumerable ways, such attachments are particularly alarming to the truly enlightened and independent patriot.”

    Protecting Israel Is Their Full-Time Job: Time to question the loyalty of some legislators and judges



  40. Taxi says:

    Right, well, Trump just announced America's withdrawal from the Iran Deal.  Speech written by jews, clearly.  Aggressive speech, full of jewy lies.  A hostile (and bloated) Trump even gave Bibi's 'evidence' from last week as proof of Iran's "terrorism"

    Need I say more?

    There is not an asylum large enough for the mad two-legged devils of the world.

    War is coming…

    • Taxi says:

      Rohani just responded to Trump's announcement by saying that Iran will remain in the deal with its other partners.

      He pointed out America's 'bad manners' in this deal etc – he assured his people that their nation is 'safe' and that he would be giving a speech on this matter to the Iranian nation shortly.

      This is what I saw: in one corner, an over-groomed, over-fed megalomaniac with squinty beady eyes wagging fingers with melodramatic flare and showing fake white teeth.  A rather large orange swamp thing bullying…

      A rather thin, old and pious man in a turban, bearded, robed.  Wearing John Lennon glasses.


  41. Taxi says:

    Right now, 9:30pm Levant time, there is news that israel opened shelters across the Golan, citing Iranian military 'movements' in Syria.

    Also, I write this with israeli jets buzzing overhead – been doing this for a good 45 minutes…

  42. Taxi says:

    Let's remember here the reason why American has been hellbent on 'regime change' in Iran for almost five decades… well, it's quintessentially because Iran supports the Palestinian cause.

    It's about Palestine.

    Well, more precisely, it's about the theft of Palestine by jews.

    Iran's power threatens the jew thief and his loot.

    • Taxi says:

      Jews stole America first, then they stole Palestine. 

      We've been in jew bondage for longer than the Palestinians.

  43. Taxi says:

    A country that's actually used nukes (USA) gangs up with another country that actually has illegal nukes (israel) and together they viciously accuse a third country (Iran) of possessing illegal nukes that it intends to use in the next 5 minutes.  A totally false charge by sick-fuck-hypocrites and blood-lusters.

    Our own Intel agencies say Iran has no 'secret' nuke weapons program – only the israeli intel-web claims the contrary.  Trump putting israeli intel above ours?

    And then there's the rumor that he, Trump, will NOT be attending the Jerusalem embassy opening?


    Trump is Janus?

    The orange changeling?

    He giveth the jews with one hand and with the other he taketh away?

  44. Bornajoo says:

    Sounds like the Israeli jets buzzing over your farmhouse fired some rockets at Syrian military positions in Syria. They (the Fucking cowards) appear to have carried out the attack within a couple hours of the Trump announcement

    I'm the first to admit that I never thought the obviously compromised buffoon would actually do it. The main reason being the extremely awkward position the USA would be left in with regards to their European partners. I know they don't give a shit what Russia and China think but the 28 countries of the eu is a different matter

    In fact the eu has just issued a very strong statement declaring that the eu will definitely remain in the deal because Iran has complied fully with all of its obligations towards the deal

    So what are the Americans going to do? Sanction all eu countries that continue to do business with Iran? Does Trump expect all the European countries which have invested tens of billions of dollars into Iran since the deal was finalised to just walk away from their investments? The main reason Macron was in Washington grovelling was because he's desperate to save the billions invested in Iran by the likes of Total, Peugeot and a whole host of other French companies. And we're not taking small change 

    What has happened here is that the Jewish/neocon lobby has succeeded in getting the orange ape buffoon to withdraw from the deal to serve their own warmongering interests. But by doing so they have led Trump into a much more serious position with his eu partners who are going to stick with the deal. This makes American sanctions unworkable, unless the sanctions are applied to all European countries too

    Expect lots of demonstrations in Iran, in my opinion. Bolton will now mobilise his 5th column brigade and attempt an overthrow, thinking that the added financial pressures on Iran will cause Iranians to join his troublemakers in mass protests to bring down the government 

    Right now Iran has a huge political upper hand and they must play it politically and astutely. In the meantime the Israelis will do their best to provoke a military reaction but unless its a serious attack that must be answered, I believe Iran should continue to show restraint. This could also be a huge opportunity to drive a huge wedge between Europe and the USA

    I also heard about panic in the North of Israel. Great! 

  45. Taxi says:

    What a sick jewy kabuki was played out yesterday!  And all for what?  Scaring (mostly israeli) people for nothing again?  What gains and who gains?  The answer to the first question: no gain.  The answer to the second one: no one gains.  Iran's military is still solid in Syria and israel is still freaking out in its crumbling, shrinking Golani corner.

    Israeli news told us last night that israel preemptively struck Syria because "it feared an imminent Iranian strike immediately after Trump's Iran Deal announcement".  Well, there you have it, folks: nerves are jittery in israel and hitting the roof.  Paranoia galore in the jewish fishbowl.  Just think of how easy it will be to spook israelis out of Palestine when the REAL SHIT HITS THE REAL FAN.

    Fortunately for the world, Iran is a sane actor in this dark jewish grimoire.  No, Iran will not respond.  Yet.

    They will not respond according to israel's timing, but to their own advantaged timing.  The carpet weaver threads patience in the spirit of perfection.  They know that the terrorist regime in tel aviv should be knocked out with the first blow.  Therefore all arrows must first be tipped with poison, and all archers must first be perfectly poised and positioned.

    We all know israel has an impressive air force – okay a dumb one (read 2006 war with hezb), but a technologically advanced one nevertheless.  Yet, all it would take to disarm it is to bomb israeli runways and scramble their communication signals via signal infiltration and inserting of corrupt data.  Not an easy task but most certainly doable.  We know for a fact, for instance, that the Hezb has been successful at infiltrating israeli skies with basic/cheap drones – this tells you that the israeli radar systems are compromise-able.  Mindful here also that according to israel itself, without its air force controlling the skies, the rest of its military is nothing: israel is nothing.

    Do not be fooled by the jew military fireworks in the sky – they are mostly for domestic consumption: for allaying the very same fears in their people that they themselves engineered into existence.

    Unable to wait for the total victory of the Axis of Resistance over ISIS in Syria; unable to withstand the pressure of just standing by while the AoR soon turns its cannons towards the Golan, an irritated and erratic isreal prods to instigate the Golan war now and not later.  In case you were not aware, dear reader, some 5000 US soldiers are now in Jordan, near the foothills of the south-eastern side of the Golan: ready to fight for Genie Oil and for Yinon.  Israel needs them because it knows it cannot successfully fight for the Golan on its own.  The dumb American goy soldiers in their thousands will be marching for israel.

    But so what?  There are more local and ready AoR fighters hiding in the hills.

    What I'm trying to say is that we are watching one of the worst military plans in our lifetime.  An israeli military plan that the US Empire is being dragged into by the nose – a plan that will eventually see the destruction of both israel and Pax Americana.  Albiet at a high-high price to the natives too.

    But what choice is there at this stage of the game?  A stage that finds the US and israel fighting on the side of Alqaida and ISIS against the remaining secular nations in the Levant.

    Let's look at the plausible results of such a horrific war:

    1)  A war that could end with the nuking of Iran and the simultaneous utter destruction of israel.

    2)  A war that sees the defeat of Iran and the AoR while leaving israel intact, thus begins the full-throttle commencement of the overt enslavement of the world by the genocidal talmudists.

    The lesser evil to my mind is the first option.


    Anything but the Jew World Order!  Anything!!!

  46. Taxi says:

    And regarding the freeing up of US from the Iran Deal so that the US military can now, on behalf of israel, directly go to war with Iran, especially now that Iran has also dropped the petrodollar:

    Well, folks, who cares about the US charade and its Iran Deal?

    Obama put the deal in place merely to delay an israel-Iran war: didn't want it on his watch – he'd already created enough wars in the middle east on his plate.

    But it was bound to happen sooner than later: this Iran-israel war with US involvement.

    How else is the region going to liberate itself from the scourge of talmudism and western imperialism but thru an all-out war?

    The Iran Deal remains intact, despite the US-israel belligerence and hostility towards it.  Now Iran can work on diplomatically estranging europe from the US.  Now israel and the US can be isolated in the world.  To the advantage of the AoR and the free-world at large.

    There was going to be a US-israel war on Iran anyway, deal or no deal.

    Just remember that.



  47. Taxi says:

    My question is: why did Trump rush his announcement some 4 days before its scheduled release-date of May 12th?

    What gives that Adleson just could not wait 4 more days to get the 'Iran' goods that he so generously paid Trump for ($50mil)?

  48. Taxi says:

    Moon of Alabama has a few good words to say about the Iran Deal, though he doesn't quite answer the question in his headline (but Plato's here will and the answer is WAR):

    U.S. credibility has been seriously damaged. Its soft power is gone. Its hard power has shown to be inadequate in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.

    China and Russia are both making huge deals with Iran and are now effectively its protectors. While they have no common ideology all three oppose a globalized world under exclusive "western" rules. They have the economic power, the population and resources to do so. Neither the U.S. nor Europe has come to terms with that.

    Iran has not only new allies but gained in the Middle East because of U.S., Israeli and Saudi stupidity. The wars on Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen have all strengthened Iran's position while it largely kept largely out of them. The recent election in Lebanon went well for the 'resistance' camp. Within Lebanon Hizbullah can no longer be challenged. The upcoming elections in Iraq will result in another Iran-friendly government. The Syrian army is winning the war waged against the country. The U.S. position in Afghanistan is hopeless. Saudi Arabia is now in a fight with the UAE over the war on Yemen. The GCC spat with Qatar is still unsolved.

    While Israel wants to keep Iran as a boogeyman to divert attention from its genocidal campaign against Palestinians, it does not want a large war. Hizbullah in Lebanon has enough missiles to make modern life in Israel untenable. A war on Iran could easily end up with Tel Aviv in flames.

    Trump Ends The Nuclear Deal With Iran – What's Next?

  49. Taxi says:

    Now we have a division between the ‘liberal’ globalists versus the ‘ziocon’ globalists:

  50. Taxi says:

    As I said in a comment above: all this Iran-war-activity is over Palestine.

    Let me explain:

    Israel plans, at some stage, to ethnically cleanse the rest of the Palestinian natives from Historic Palestine.  To do this successfully, it needs to have zero challengers/missiles fired at it in mid ethnic-cleansing operation.  Iran, Syria and Lebanon stand in the way of this major talmudic ethnic cleansing project.

    This is the heart and bone of the matter.

    • Bornajoo says:

      I fully agree with you. This has always been part of the agenda right from the very start of the whole conspiracy to steal Palestine. It's been a case of waiting for the right conditions to carry out the mass expulsion, probably into Jordan. Iran would have never stood by and allowed this to happen. Another reason why this talmudic genocidal death cult wants to destroy Iran, probably the main one

      It's all part of the same plan which was hatched in its current form in the 19th century. The first major part of the plan was executed in 48. The second major part was executed in 67. Attempts were made at a further expansion into South Lebanon which would have been another stage in the plan but Hezbollah appeared and stopped them in their tracks 

      The two main players stopping their plan from continuing are Iran and Hezbollah. This is why they are seeking to destroy both, using American power which they now completely control 

      • Taxi says:

        Historic Palestine is one giant golden calf for the jews.

        It will bring on their end in the middle east – because they are lousy planners and cowards to boot.

  51. Taxi says:

    Pretty soon, israel is going to run out of extreme methods of provocation against Iran and resort thus to super-extreme methods such as a mega false flag to be pinned on Iran.

    Unless, of course, Iran beats them to it and initiates their Syrian-Lebanese paramilitaries to charge at the occupied Golan.

  52. Taxi says:

    When real war breaks out, we already know what the hezb plans, Nasrallah told us this himself several times before:  Hezb fighters will be liberating the Galilee thru and thru.  But what is of little discussion, nay even clear knowledge, is what Nasrallah only once before mentioned/let slip about the actual war plan to achieve this liberation of the Galilee.   He said in one of his speeches, in a by-and-by manner, that the very plan to achieve this is already very much ready and it was masterminded by Imad Mughnieh (R.I.P.):  the sole and very brains behind the 2002 military liberation of Lebanon from israel, as well as the Hezb military victory over israel in 2006.  This means that this man's advanced gifts in military planning has actualy caused the double defeat of one of the most touted militaries in the world.  This means Mughnieh was smarter than all the israeli military eggheads combined.  And he will be giving the Resistance in death, much the same as he gave it while still alive.

    I am greatly confident in Mughneih's planning for the Galilee, as well as confident that Hezb fighters can execute his plan to perfection.

    • Taxi says:

      Part of the liberation of the Galilee plan is to immediately re-populate it with Palestinian refugees who are currently living in camps scattered across the Levant.

  53. Taxi says:

    Even as a dog-lover myself, I say a rabid dog must be eliminated pronto:

    Psychopaths are narcissists with a huge appetite for power and no moral conscience. Incapable of emotional empathy, they feel no remorse for the suffering they inflict on others. The diagnostic criteria for psychopathy, as listed by Robert Hare, include pathological lying, cunning, and manipulative behavior.[7] The psychopath has no feeling for anyone, but has developed a great ability to simulate, sometimes with a tendency to histrionics. He can be charming and charismatic. Although he himself is immunized from guilt, he learns the art of inducing and exploiting others’ guilt.

    Lying is so deeply embedded in his nature that the question of his sincerity is almost irrelevant. The truth has no value in his eyes, or is confused with the version of events that serves him; he can beat a lie detector. The psychopath is unable to put himself in the shoes of anyone else, and thus to view himself critically. He is never wrong, and his failures are always the fault of others. Confident in any circumstance of being right, innocent, and superior, he considers the resentment of his victims as pointless “hatred.”

    Is Israel a psychopath?

  54. Taxi says:

    People are mistaken if they think the timing of Bibi's last powerpoint speech is not related to the timing of Trump's announcement yesterday.  It was all well planned and coordinated between Trump and Bibi in advance.  Hammy political theater is what we just witnessed.  A confidence trick on the world.

    Don't buy it!

    The war against Iran is most desirable for the Axis of Evil – israel just needs to be 100% assured that the US will support it to the very end and not cut and run halfway thru.

    This guarantee will obviously be obtained through blackmail and coercion of American politicians.

    They're no quite there yet – Obama's power-brigade have to get over the shock of Trump's withdrawal from the Iran Deal first.


  55. Taxi says:

    It's 3:30am Levant time and I just got woken up by a heckalotta low flying jet fighters.   Local news coverage is sighting Iranian strikes on idf positions in Golan…  Quneintra (just below Golan where Iranian forces are) is taking fire too…

    I'm gonna need some strong coffee… back to y'all in a bit when I've got more info…


    • Taxi says:

      Kiryat Shemona, a large jewish settlement on the borders with Lebanon, has opened its shelters and residents there are taking refuge.

      • Taxi says:

        I'll look for a better map of the Levant in a bit, but in the meantime, here's a map of where Kiryat Shemona lays: sandwiched in a narrow strip between Lebanon and foothills of the Golan/Syria:


  56. Taxi says:

    Three israel jets broke the sound barrier over Lebanon. No hits on Lebanon… yet.  It doesn't look like israel wants to open a simultaneous front there against the Hezb.

    Maybe israel will just 'swallow' the Iran hit in the Golan… for now… cuz they don't want the US embassy in a couple of days to open with a 'bang'.

  57. Taxi says:

    Iran chose to respond to israel's mass murder of its soldiers in Syria by hitting at the IDF in occupied Golan.

    Smart choice.  Take the hill before you take the valley.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: the Golan, with its rich oil discovery has now become the second most important real estate to israel after Jerusalem.  Tel aviv is now third.

    The israelis are psychologically 'very sensitive' about the Golan: pushing them around over there feels to the israelis like someone is tugging at the carpet beneath their feet.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Cloak for your concern but… am staying put… tucked away in safety.

      It's israel that's about to get the shock of its life, not me.

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks bintbiba and Bornajoo.

        The jewy MSM can say what the fuck it likes! Who cares about the lying losers?!

        The Axis of Resistance has most certainly began the Golan liberation war – the best news since hezb’s victory in 2006.

        Bibi apparently told Putin to tell the Iranians that he does not want war with Iran. LOL! Well ’tis true israel doesn’t want war but only cuz it ain’t ready for one like that and its goy slave nations are not lined up properly to defend it either. But the Axis of Resistance doesn’t care what israel ‘wants’ because it is fed up being a punching bag for gloating israeli arrogance.

        Jew cowards! I tell you they’re lowly, loathsome cowards!

  58. Taxi says:

    The israelis are not ready for 'direct' war – I mean they want it, want it badly: but they want it done by someone else like the US.

    I hope the Axis of Resistance keeps pushing into the Golan: cuz this takes the battle right to the heart of the IDF's Achilles and away from Syria proper.

    Though I'm hearing right now that israel a few minutes ago managed to strike at a radar system outside of Damascus.

    • Taxi says:

      It's still dark here…  waiting for the light of day and daylight footage of the aftermath of the 'tennis match' in the sky.

  59. Taxi says:

    The supremicist Sheldon Adleson must be frothing at the mouth: 'how dare the Eye-ranians spoil his double-victory of evil:  trashing the Iran Deal and moving US embassy to Jerusalem.

    The motherfuckers in DC right now must be screaming down phones like bare-assed Banshees.

    • NancyC says:

      Actually the "motherfuckers in DC" don't appear to be doing anything right now.  I googled just now, (11:00 p.m. US Pacific 05/9/18) "Iran Israel war" (without the quotes) and only got 1 New York Times article posted 4 hours ago, "Iran Fires Rockets into Golan Heights from Syria, Israeli's Say"

      Thanks for posting Nasrallah's speech up thread.  This is indeed a turning point.  The CIA gives MSM its news items for the day at 4:00 a.m Eastern so there might be some news/propaganda tomorrow.  Maybe AIPAC, et al are in shock. 

      Trump's Christian base are noticing that the moral depravity, pedophilia of Jewish Hollywood is negatively impacting their current lives & well being to the detriment of the far off "rapture" Christian Zionist concerns over Israel.  It's ironic justice that just as Israel is attacking Iran & Syria that much of Trump's base is abandoning Israel. I had never heard of Netanyahu's Finks Bar speech until it was posted on many Alt Right web sites a few days ago. 

      From Netanyahu’s infamous “Fink’s Bar diatribe” of 1990

      March 28, 2015 by ggita32

      “If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it does not matter what you do, America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of God and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.”

      Isn't it beautiful karmic justice that this speech is going viral through Trump's Christian base at this time. 

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks Nancy for sharing your reading of the Christian Trumpsters with us.

        I’ve seen the script for the FinkBar/Netanyahu thing a few months ago on some site or another but commenters there were saying that it’s a fraud that cannot be verified. But it doesn’t matter really if Bibi said all that shit or not cuz we know he fucking thinks it and acts according to it every minute of every day! Glad it’s going viral. No American patriot worth their salt should ever tip their hat at the klepto jews.

        And yes, Nancy: new war chapter was turned in the Levant, all thanks, again, to israel’s arrogance and ‘overreach’ reflex.

        I bet my farm that AIPAC are spending a sleepless night tonight. Boy is israel is deep doodoo now!

        I’ve seen some footage on local TV this morning of the devastation of the idf compounds as a result of the missile/rocket exchanges on the Golan a few hours ago. Soon as I find this footage on the net, I will share indeed.

        I keep seeing tel aviv in smoky rumble and it pleases the peezes outta me!

  60. Taxi says:

    Of course our MSM will be hollering that 'israel' is the victim.

    They will NOT call Iran's missiles on the IDF in occupied Golan as a REACTION to israel's evil assaults, but as an evil action against poor little shitty israel.

  61. Taxi says:

    Let us remember here that israel is sending rockets and missiles at Iranian and Syrian positions in the Golan, but NOT at Alqaida fighters camped out a few kilometers from the IDF.

  62. Taxi says:

    Officially, neither israel, Syria or Iran have declared a full-on war as of yet.  Of course, this could change in the blink of an eye.

    I don't want readers to be worried about me: I am fine.  I am located just north of the 2nd line of the Lebanese defense line – it would be a miracle for an israeli Merkavah to find its way to where I am; and more importantly, if the israel airforce starts blitzing south of Lebanon, then look out for hezb anti aircraft missiles to be used against them for the first time – look out for israeli jets falling from the skies over Lebanon.

    Yes, I have that much confidence in the Hezb's security abilities.  And I should know all about that: I live in hezb land!

    • Cloak And Dagger says:

      Glad to hear that – but I am a little nervous. I have never been in a war zone, but I bet it is not a picnic.

    • Taxi says:

      And I hope you never find yourself in a war zone, dear Cloak.

      So far, and truthfully, it's more exciting than it is scary.

      It's always exciting when israel gets punched back.

      I look forward to the death blow.

      Oh it's so very doable from where I sit.

      Right now, feels a little like the Persian cat is playing with the mice in tel aviv.  A prelude to claws coming out.

      • Taxi says:

        I'm pretty sure that if you had the same orientation of the place as I do, Cloak, you would feel just the same about the security issue.

        My only concern a few years back was israel 'carpet bombing' the south like it did back in 2006, but now that it's clear that the hezb has precision anti-aircraft missiles, and knowing the profound cowardice of the israeli military, I'm not so worried about that anymore.  Overall concerned, yes – but not worried.

  63. Taxi says:

    I don't think israel will push up into full war today – like I said before, they're not ready.  Question is: what of the day after?  Will israel keeping striking at Syria, knowing now that the Golan will keep getting hit as a retaliation pad?

    Military eggheads in tel aviv are cornered.  REAL war is at their doorstep: should they, will they take that leap?

    The Iranian response tonight changes EVERYTHING!  In tel aviv.

  64. Taxi says:

    Get a sick-bag ready for the day: you're gonna be hearing "israel has the right to defend itself" at least a million times from the MSM.

    • Taxi says:

      You may counter this haggard phrase on social media with: Iran has the right to defend itself, and/or: Syria has the right to defend itself.  If the jeweez out there use it once, do use it back at them 10 times the more!

      Smash at their 'victim' rhetoric-ruse at every turn!

  65. Taxi says:

    I bet israel is already exhausted: what with having to deal with 2 simultaneous small fronts these past few hours and all: fighting in the Golan and fighting in Quneitra.

    The israeli public today will be in a collective state of shock.  And the usual tribal talmudic rage.

    The smart ones will start packing suitcases.

    Cuz it just ain't gonna get any better for them from here on.

    I repeat: Iran's direct attacks on the idf in the Golan now changes EVERYTHING.

    • Taxi says:

      The map: the thin area between the orange Golan line and the darker blue Leb borders line: that skinny strip there is the weakest bone on israel's tail.

      Needless to say: it's full of evil settlers and limited access (not many roads) to tel aviv.

  66. Taxi says:

    When ground troops from Syria or Iran start moving about the place: expect war.

    So far, the clashes have been but aerial.

  67. Taxi says:

    What will CENTCOM do?  Start moving several thousand US troops out of Jordan camps to the Golan to help israel?


  68. Taxi says:

    Many pant-poopers in israel right now: glued to their tv sets: getting brainwashed by their terrorist government into believing that should a wider war break out, they would indeed be victorious: because they are chosen and because they have the bigger gun.

    The fuckers live in a 1948 time warp!

  69. Taxi says:

    And let's remember here that Syria attacked the israeli occupiers of its Golani land, therefore its action is legitimate in the eyes of International Law.

    • Taxi says:

      And Iran's attack on the jewish occupiers of the Golan most definitely would have received the green light from the Syrian government, therefore the same International Law applied to it too.

  70. Taxi says:

    If the US starts fucking with Iranian troops in Syria, Tehran has a long list of 'small and open' US military targets scattered all over the middle east and Afghanistan.  It would be so very easy for Iran to pay-back the US outside of the Syria front.

    • Cloak And Dagger says:

      I will be curious to see how Russia reacts. Netanhyahu claims that Putin said Russia would not get in the way of Israeli actions in Syria after the V-day celebrations. I tend not to believe him, but who knows?

      • Taxi says:

        Russia's policy in Syria is limited to annihilating takfiri terrorists as well as defending its own troops and military advances.

        Therefore it will not interfere with any clashes between israel and the Axis of Resistance groups.  Unless of course its own gains and troops are threatened.

        The Axis of Resistance understands this and works the 'israel' military file without Russian involvement or supervision.

  71. Taxi says:

    Nobody died so far from either side during the exchange of strikes a few hours ago.  No doubt, tel aviv will be spinning the outcome way off reality, telling its people that both sides took hits but israel still maintains the 'upper hand'.

  72. Taxi says:

    I'm hearing on local TV news from an Arab correspondent in DC that apparently Trump gave israel the green light to engage in a limited 'fight' with Iran/Syria but not a full on war.

    Smart of Trump to know israel's military limits.

    • Cloak And Dagger says:

      Trump smart? He is anything but. Idiot savant comes to mind.

      I bet congress is scrambling a midnight session in D.C. to authorize him to use force to defend our ally(!) from the Persian devils.

  73. Taxi says:

    Look at it this way: the AoR wants war, but it's in no particular hurry for it: time is on its side.

    Whereas israel doesn't want war, not really, but needs to have a war to reverse its immense geopolitical losses in Syria: time is not on its side.

  74. Taxi says:

    Okay so Iran fired twenty shots at israel's military today, but how many will it fire tomorrow?

    This is the question being hotly debated and studied in the isreali defense ministry right now.

    The Iran strike sets a new precedent to the detriment of israel's established deterrence.

    This new situation is utterly unacceptable to the genocidal chosenites.

    They must do something about it and do it quick.

    The thing is: short of a regional war, no such thing is now possible.

    And israel will lose in this war anyway.

    There is no saving israel.

    Better convert those shekels into Chinese petroyuans: the dollar is doing down with israel, though for different reasons.

    • Cloak And Dagger says:

      But it will be the blood of our boys that congress will send to the front…

      • Taxi says:

        I am so full of rage to think that our soldiers are literally being dragged by the nose to fight and die for israel!  I literally see red to think of this!  Aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrgh!!!

    • Taxi says:

      Seems to me that israel is most reluctant to provoke Hezbollah these past few hours, yet it has no qualms in attacking Syrian and Iranian troops.

      Clearly, israel is more scared of Hezbollah than they are of Iran and Syria combined.

    • Taxi says:

      Yes, I'm hearing of the 50 Syrian rockets on local news too.  But also of the Iranian strikes launched from Quneitra where they have a base, which is why israel targeted it a few hours ago.

  75. Taxi says:

    Turkey is watching these dramatic developments closely: after the coming war, the Levant would fall under the geopolitical protection and influence of one of three regional power nations: israel, Iran, or Turkey.

    And considering that israel has little to no chance in surviving such a war, the field is left to a tug-o'-war between Iran and Turkey.

  76. Taxi says:

  77. Taxi says:

    The propaganda machine in israel is a lunatic.  Apparently, halfway during the strikes, the israeli military radio started saying that one of their missiles struck a 'very high up person' who was rushed to a Damascus hospital: meaning it was either the Iranian General Suleiman, or Bashar himself who got critically wounded.  They stopped their jewy back-patting when this fake news was taken off the media loop a couple of hours later.

  78. Bornajoo says:

    Just reading the news now. As you already know and expect its all been completely framed as Iran being the aggressor and shitty scummy israel having the right to defend itself

    Apparently the biggest attack in Syria since 1974

    Very glad to hear that you're safe, even if somewhat sleep deprived 

  79. Bornajoo says:

    Still no news about any possible damage to the Israeli infrastructure on the Occupied side. Most likely there is substantial damage but I bet they'll keep all such information under wraps in order to maintain their fake invincibility. The last thing they want is a stampede for the airport

    If there are any decent ones left  there, it's now time for them to leave. But that's a big 'if' 

    • Taxi says:

      All the footage available on the English-speaking net so far is basically comprised of night footage of missiles and rockets and interceptors flying across dark skies – very boring really. But just now when I was in the village shop buying food, the shop’s little corner tv was on an Arabic news channel showing damage of idf compounds in the Golan: serious rubble is what I saw. I’m kicking myself now cuz I can’t find this same footage on the net yet – and I never asked the shopkeeper what TV channel he was watching and I’m just toooooooo lazy to get in the car again and drive back to the shop for that info 🙂

      I’m sure by end of today, some daytime footage of the damage will start circulating.

      Beware: the jewy press is full of fake headlines that paint israel as the victorious victim lol!

    • Taxi says:


      Last night’s israel-Iran-Syria fire exchange signaled the very beginning of the Golan Liberation War. Most israelis probably don’t realize this: so fattened stupid on their own mythology of invincibility they are.

      And I must say, I was approximating in my head that the Axis of Resistance would move towards the Golan maybe sometime next winter: but Christmas came early woohoo! Hey I might even be able to spend next winter in the Golan heh heh!

  80. Taxi says:

    Dear American Sir/Madam,

    You DO NOT support our troops if you support israel's wars!!!

    Supporting our troops means not sending them off to die in faraway lands for foreign causes and interests!!!

    • Taxi says:

      Remember this next time you hear your representative on TV saying that we must absolutely “defend israel”.

      And speak up about it for Pete’s sake! Phone your rep and threaten to stop voting for them if they keep putting israel first!

      Tell them to bring our troops home or else!!!

  81. Taxi says:

    Last night before I fell asleep, I was thinking of Trump ditching the Iran Deal and I suddenly felt happy about it.  In my half-sleepy head, I saw the deal as a handcuff on Iran's wrists.  I thought the very idea that there would be a (bondage) deal in the first place presumes guilt or ill-intent on behalf of Iran and is therefore a form of punishment for Iran for doing absolutely nothing wrong.  Why should anyone sign a deal that binds their limbs when no wrong has been committed in the first place.

    So, today I'm happy for Trump's ditching, but not for the same reasons as Trump and that kleptokunt Bibi.

    And I just found this article here that expresses similar deductions to mine (though not all):

    Why Cry? It’s Great News That Trump Pulled Out Of The Iran Deal!

  82. Taxi says:

    I see that the MSM is flooded with the news of the 3 Americans released from NKorea, with the Golan dog-fights in the sky from last night holding second story place.

    From this media configuration, you just know that israel took a huge geopolitical hit that it doesn't want advertised past the "israel has the right to defend itself" wrinkled jargon.

    If things had gone well even just a tiny bit for israel last night, it would have been the media’s top story and they'd already be making a Hollywood movie about it today.

  83. Taxi says:

    During reports of the to-and-fro strikes last night, israelis rushed to their bunkers to hide while Syrians rushed to their streets to dance.

    True fact.

  84. Taxi says:

    Last week, israel hollered at Iran:  I will fight you in Syria.

    This week Iran turned the tables and hollered back:  I will fight you in Golan!

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Cloak.

      Yeah several hours after the punch up in the sky ended yesterday, there were numerous contradictory rumors circulating that it became hard for people who were not following events from the getgo to know what really was going on. It was strange because a ‘fog of war’ was created by the jewy msm after the fact and not before or during it. All I can tell you is what the Levant news agencies were reporting in real time: israel fired at an Iranian position in Quneitra, Iran responded by launching 20 rockets at the Golan – prompting an enraged israel to strike heavily at Damascus (israel told us two days prior that it will punish Bashar for any Iranian aggression on its army). But things didn’t go according to israel’s plan and the Syrian military, unexpectedly, responded to israel just as heavily by intercepting over half of their missiles as well as successfully hitting at high value israeli targets in the Golan, bloodying israel’s nose and prompting its operation to come to a sudden halt – and a sudden halt it was, Cloak. I heard that in the skies above my head: there was no gradual ‘slowing down’ of aerial activity, but literally a sudden ‘halt’.

      All the while and for many hours after the clash, Iran kept shtump… then it claimed that it had nothing to do with nothing, that it “didn’t even have a base in Syria”, lol. My reading of Iranian behavior: they figured that israel’s provocative assault on them in the Quneitra was a part and parcel of Trump’s ‘withdraw’ the day before: a gangbanger’s twofer where Trump would whoop Iran diplomatically then israel would whoop it militarily in Syria, attempting yet again to force it into attacking israel proper so that Uncle Sam can then immediately step in and crush the Iranians in Syria, which is what israel’s latest obsession is: getting Iranians out of Syria by force. And having probably used unmarked rockets in its initial response, Iran could then, hours after the strikes, claim plausible deniability.

      What is undeniable though, Cloak, is that israel’s mission was unsuccessful in large parts, considering that it was not accounting for Syria’s rigorous response, especially in its extensive targeting of israeli idfs in the Golan: a first for the books. And a new defensive policy for Syria was thus born in the blink of an eye: retaliate against israel in the Golan.

      Whether Iran did or did not strike is beside the point at this stage: fact is, when the Syria kitchen got too hot for israel, it stopped firing and went home pissed off and immediately put its billion dollar msm industry in the West to practical use and began spinning a tale of the event that made it both victim and hero. No surprises there.

      At the end of the day, it was the Syrian army that was the hero and not Iran or israel.

      And the incident’s uniqueness is that Syria has begun knocking on the Golan door, finally: thus changing the rules of the game to their advantage. This marks yet another geostrategic loss for israel: before the attack, Syria was not touching the Golan, after the attack, the israelis are now going to have to be even more alert in the Golan AND Iranian forces are still entrenched in Syria. And let’s not forget here that the Syrian success rate at blocking israeli missiles in this event was so very huge that it’s left israeli generals and US MIC eggheads dizzy to realize that not only is israel’s defensive abilities weak in practical terms (the abilities of David’s Sling and Iron Dome are greatly exaggerated), but that its offensive abilities now are easily challenge-able. Today, militarily speaking, israel appears to have a weak defense and a mediocre offense. The israelis know this and it is why they are desperate for our military intervention in the Levant.

      Of course, israel always lies, always tells the opposite of the truth. We were getting real time (unconfirmed) reports of israeli soldier casualties in the Golan during the attack, some 23 of them hospitalized and lo, after the dust settles, israel starts claiming that its strikes “killed 23 fighters” as per your link indicates. The Syrian Army info confirmed the death of 3 Syrian soldiers, killed when israel successfully struck a radar station in Damascus. Army reports of casualties tend to be more accurate than the media’s: because they are ‘on record’ (for history) and they cannot lie about or discount deaths for fear of disrespecting the families of their fallen soldiers (soldiers will start disobeying orders or abandoning their interest in soldering if they think that their army may disrespect their families after their deaths).

      Southfront has an article on the Russian take of the missile exchange:

      Russian Defense Ministry Reveals New Details About Israeli Strikes On Syria

      Really, Cloak, the only way to know what is true or not is to look for any failed goals and for new changes in the aftermath of an event, and the aftermath of the latest israeli adventure in Syria tells us that israel gained nothing on the Syria ground (failed goal: Iran is still very much there) and lost plenty deterrence (new changes: Syria now is not scared to hit at the Golan).

      These two points are hugely significant.

      All that ‘he said she said’ in the msm and alt media… pointless. The only takeaway in real terms are the two points I made in the above paragraph.

      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        Thanks for the awesome analysis, Taxi! Your perspective makes perfect sense to me. We are fortunate to have your perch in the Levant (albeit a dangerous one) to get the unvarnished journalism without a jewish filter.

        It would be phenomenal if the Golan falls, along with Israel's dream of stealing the oil there. 2018 could be an historical year.

    • Taxi says:

      From a Duran commentator:

      ColinNZ3 hours ago

      Below is a comprehensive post-incident assessment from the SAA FB folks, who have the best connections within the Syrian forces and associated command structures.

      – Late yesterday evening the Israeli military conducted a number of artillery strikes against a Syrian Army post in Khan Arnabea which led to SAA returning fire by firing a number of mortars against the source of Israeli fire.

      – Israel did not stop its attack and launched a number of recon drones to sweep the borders over the airspace of the occupied-Golan Heights without entering Syrian Airspace.

      – Israel brought a Merkava Tank which fired 6 random shots into al-Baa`th city inal-Quneitra which led to SAA’s Tank Hunters dealing with the situation according to the rules of engagement.

      – Israel fired a long-range Stand-Off missile into Damascus International Airport which was intercepted and destroyed by SyAAD ~30km Southeast of Damascus.

      – The Syrian 7th Division was given an order to strike 4 Israeli military establishments inside the occupied-Golan Heights; at 00:00 a barrage of 40 rockets were fired at these military establishments.

      – The Israeli airforce quickly escalated the situation by launching several long-range Stand-Off missiles at a number of Syrian targets in and around Damascus, and three targets in Homs.

      – SyAAD foiled the first three waves of attacks by Israel which forced the Zionists to resort to surface-to-surface missiles.

      – After Israel’s 3rd wave of missiles, the Syrian 7th Division was given another order to launch a barrage of 20 missiles at Israeli Military establishments in the occupied-Golan Heights.

      – The number of Israeli aircraft participating in the attack was about 30, all of which fired their missiles from outside the Syrian and even Lebanese airspace and did not dare to enter either.

      – Israel launched a 4th wave of missiles combined with decoy, surface to surface and air launched
      long-range missiles; and this was the wave that 4 of it's missiles reached their targets and hit a SyAAD detection radar and SyAAD short-range defense battery and two ammunition depots.

      – No Long-Range SAM were fired at the Israeli jets although they were in range multiple times.

      – To our knowledge, the majority of the Syrian missiles fired at Israel's locations reached their targets.

      – Syrian casualties were three personnel.

      With all due respect to Syria's allies, the entire situation was dealt with by the Syrian Arab Army and under Syrian command’s orders.

      Which side is lying about Israel’s missile attack on Syria?

    • Taxi says:

      Elijah J Magnier has picked up on the geostrategic shift that just occurred as a consequence of the recent israeli fireworks in Syria:

      Iran Breaks the Rules of Engagement: Israel Takes Its Revenge, and Syria and Iran Impose The Golan Equation

      Also, Thierry Meyssan gives us an insight into Putin's fears in the Levant:

      Russia is opposed to a war between Iran and Israel

      Let me add here that I do believe that the West and Russia's attachment to the existence of israel is because they don't want the jews returning back to their ancestral European/Russian motherlands.  They will do what they can to keep 'em jews as far away from their neighborhoods as possible.

      I can't say I blame them, but they will have no other option but to take their genocidal jews back when israel is destroyed.

      The mideast will never accept these violent imposters among them, not in a million years.  And I very much doubt these vile jews would want to go anywhere near the middle east once israel is done and dusted.


  85. Sparrow says:

    Hi Taxi

    Thank you for the updates and it's good to know you are still around in them there hills.  I am with you and have always been in the Hezb corner…Syria's Long Suffering Assad…and last but NOT LEAST the blood of Palestine and her people crying from the grave, from the prisons, from their exposure to the elements, from their brave and from their old that has had everything stolen from them since the criminal inception of the evil jew lie of israel.  

    I am somewhat taken back with this commentary by Adam Garrie,

    The word "concessions" in the context of the article basically made my jaw drop.  Unless I am completely stupid and simply can ignore the decades of bloodshed by israel/US/UK/NATO, with the theft of land and countries (by coup and/or occupation), I along with the rest of Plato comments are in the Free Palestine (and the whole of the Levant/ME) camp.  I simply can not totally agree with this assessment even if it were true…I may respect Mr. Garrie, but I respect Palestine and all those who have suffered immensely under the chains, deceptions, lies, murders, and gross depravity at the hands of fucking israel better.  Russia or not.  Viva Hezbollah each and everyday…and as I always feel deep down and ever present, wipe israel off the map and put the fucking jews in a real camp called The AntiSemite Concession Holocaust.  Let them feel the bitter TRUTH OF THAT LIE they have extorted the world by.  Damn them and their ugly lies.  They will NEVER CHANGE their ugly spots…only posers as the psychopaths they have been and will always remain.  DEATH TO ISRAEL.

    • Taxi says:

      Thank you, Sparrow.

      I am saddened to say that literally every single death in the Levant wars since 1948 has been over the Palestine issue. Every death. Levantian people that oppose israel’s occupation of historic Palestine have died for their opposition to the genocidal jews of israel. (May all the victims of talmudism rest in peace…).

      And Adam Garrie’s article? To my mind, I see it as normal for Putin to have invited Bibi: after all, they are both historically and emotionally connected to each other thru WW2 and the holocaust. But to make Bibi a “guest of honor” for the event? Now that indeed requires scrutiny… and scrutinizing thus, I smell a PR rat. Or two PR rats, I should say. Rat number one: Bibi wants in deep with Putin over the Iran-in-Syria issue, he is desperate for Putin to pressure Iran out of Syria. Rat number two: Putin wants in with Bibi, the darling of the West, so as to get Bibi to help him curb Russiaphobia in the West. See what I mean? One rat scratches another rat’s back. They call it ‘realpolitik’. You and I might call it ‘disgusting’! A Faustian bargain!

      Sparrow, you must know who Adam Garrie really is: what makes him tick. He is first and foremost and to the bone an utterly devoted lover of Russia, of China and of the Philippines. He is a ‘Silk Road 2’ sycophant. If you read his articles regularly, you will see that he is finely tuned to Eastern concerns, writing mostly about the developing stories in mostly these three above-mentioned nations. The leaders of these three nations can do no wrong in Garrie’s eyes. He loves them and applauds them at every turn. So, of course, he will spin to their advantage when they make a weird maneuver.

      Having said that, Garrie does make some cogent points that are based on fact, and all together, he is by far smarter, better informed and more honest than most MSM and alt media journalists out there. I have high regard for his smarts, but not necessarily always in agreement with his geopolitical deductions.

  86. intertwiningserpents says:

    Adam Garrie quite recently wrote an article about Thailand and its problem with 'child sex tourism' .I lived in Thailand for eight years and not once did I see an underage girl with a 'farang' western male tourist or tourists from anywhere for that matter and for a start bar girls have to be 19 by law to work in the tourist bars of infamous places such as Patong on Phuket and Pattaya and one 'never' sees underage female prostitutes on the streets or discos of tourist Thailand either.

    If one wants to see where child prostitution is a major issue in the world one should look no further than India but there it is the local men that frequent the brothels by and large and not tourists and the same can be said of Cambodia.

    It just goes to show that even the likes of the highly regarded Mr Garrie can talk complete nonsense sometimes and in this instance he seems to have been hoodwinked by western mainstream media untruths about western male involvement in the so called child sex industry of Thailand which is basically non-existent believe me.


    • Taxi says:

      Meh-heh-heh – good one!  This so-called "promised land" has a girth wider than earth itself!

      I once read a comment and it said: "it's because the jews can't pass for Chinese that the world is still safe".


  87. Taxi says:

    Alexander Mercouris, Mr. Duran himself, puts forth a militarily interesting angle on the isreali assault on Syria:

    In my opinion it is the growing potency of the Syrian air defence system, and its increasing success in shooting down Israeli aircraft, and US and Israeli missiles, which is almost certainly the true reason for the latest Israeli strike.

    The revelation of the growing potency of the Syrian air defence system, and its recent successes against both the US and Israel, appears to be sending shockwaves throughout the US and Israeli defence establishments, which have become accustomed to taking their hitherto unchallenged air superiority in the Middle East for granted.

    Explaining Israel’s Syrian strike: Israel tries to reverse shift in military balance

  88. Taxi says:

    Propaganda is like a virus designed specifically to attack the rationale.

    Like an ethereal common cold, it spreads and infects the mental brainwaves of the masses.

    The media is the baneful infector: the cold-eyed nurse with menacing syringe in hand.

    The chemistry of lies and the dark art of rumor-mongering make for a nasty serum manufactured in the bunkered laboratories of Deep State.

    Their gear and delivery system can be lethal.  At best, detrimental to your mental health and cognitive potential.

    Fortunately, it is possible to avoid catching this insidious brain cold:

    Inoculate yourselves against propaganda by constantly exercising your rationale.

  89. Taxi says:

    • Taxi says:

      He spits and kicks at the israeli flag in the video.

      If only the rest of our politicians are patriots.

      Of course, he will now be trashed out of office for being an 'antisemite', white supremicist blah blah.

      Good luck Mr. Patrick Little – you're gonna need it!

      As a Californian, I stand with Patrick Little.  Cuz he be telling the truth.

  90. Taxi says:

    People don't realize how the fucking fake euro jews took over historic Palestine: mass-killing, looting, and stepping over corpses as they get away with the loot!  Un-happy 70th birthday israeli motherfuckers!  Soon enough, the same will be done to you:

  91. Taxi says:

    Important info on the Deep State machinations and its treasonous membership – worth your time investment:

    • Taxi says:

      I've watched the totality of the video and learned much new information. 

      I'm afraid the diagnosis is worse than I thought. 

      I'm sickened to absorb the evils of our political system.  Now I can't see a clear way out of the maze of evil.  Forget about our mass-murder wars overseas for a minute, just look at how our beloved Constitution has been spat and shat on then set on fire…

      Democracy, the sacred oath between us all patriots, has been completely deleted from our system and only a hologram of it effectively exists.

      We, the people, didn't directly cause this ruinous damage – the motherfucking people we've put in charge have – and willingly so!!!

      Everyone in government and in our Intelligence agencies needs to be immediately sacked and tried for crimes against the American constitution and the American people.


      Don't vote, riot!

      Enough of the sick charade!!!


      • It is a soul cruncher, Taxi!

        I'm still going through it and having short breaks in between segments, just to try and digest what I'm listening to!   I had seen Mr  Kevin  Shipp before in another presentation, but nothing as detailed and well presented with clips for clarity! A massively courageous job he has done!

        So sad, so depressing, so scary for all of us! I am not an American, but I commiserate and feel your pain, your sad disappointment and embarrassment at the discovery of the whole extent of depravity and corruption in what goes for 'government' these days!

         I salute your resolve in pursuing your deeply thoughtful, incisive writings and condemnations of the scandalous infringements of the  American Constitution for greed and hegemony! 

        And that also goes in more than equal measure for our totally corrupt and decadent self- imposed, self- anointed leaders: the US's Middle Eastern vassals and lapdogs !

        All of them (with just a couple of exceptions) hand in glove with the brutal occupiers of Palestine,  the multiple aggressors of Lebanon  and the instigators   of the wars that have destroyed the whole of the Middle East, in the name of their long-term zionist plan of total expansion, depopulation and control!!

        The most reliable Chas Freeman says it all so skilfully and without running around the bush in circles ! Thanks for posting it too , Taxi  .  It has cleared up many of the cobwebs seriously compacting inside my brain 

        As always these days … I am incadescent with indignation and revulsion!

      • Taxi says:

        The loss of democracy and the murder of its Guru, the Constitution, is too big a stab in the back to bare and spells for a true and irreversible disaster in the making for the American people. The constitution is just about the only thing the eclectic majority agree on. Take that away and you have yourself a large, unstable Republic torn insanely by civil war and hatred.

  92. intertwiningserpents says:

    Worth looking into how jew Stanley Kubrick left so many hidden messages in all of his films and how he wanted people to see through the lies and the crimes of the elite….For me personally 'The Shining' is the greatest film ever made because for one of my reasons the 'horror hotel' in the film was built on a native North American burial site….And no I don't believe that the elite sent people to the moon either and that it is a distinct possibility that Kubrick himself directed the fake moon landings….Yeah that's it 'fake' as in 'fake news' that naranjaman told everyone about last year.

      • intertwiningserpents says:

        Yeah, but it appears that this particular jew Kubrick 'went rogue' and they may have killed him for doing so.

      • Taxi says:

        Don’t know much about Kubrick but I wouldn’t put it past the ‘tribe’ to commit foul play against him, or against others. When they’ve killed Jesus himself, it’s certainly not ‘out of character’ for them to assassinate other ‘uppity’ jews.

  93. Bornajoo says:

    I just saw it. I think Bintbiba sums it up when she says she's "incandescent with indignation and revulsion" 

    The sacred constitution has been violated beyond saving. Nothing short of a revolution is now required

    It was kind of obvious when you look at the annual budget and see that 700 billion is spent on the military and intelligence (aka shadow state and deep state) and literally fuck all on everything else. Hence you have the world's superpower with around 1000 military bases worldwide and yet most of its people live in poverty within a crumbling infrastructure. Something is very, very deeply wrong 

    What struck me was the date this all started. 1947. So within one year Truman 'allows' the formation of the CIA and also gives the go ahead for israel to declare itself a state. Coincidence? I think not. Basically that was the year that began the total fuck up we have today.

    It's also sooo obvious why they killed Kennedy. 

    There's no way that this can end well. My fear is that the end of it will also be the end of everything 

    • Taxi says:

      I'll repeat again: the human race is a failed species.  Because most are either psychopathic or lazy-brained.

      I can't see a cure to either.

      We are still stuck in the jungle (mind-set).

    • Taxi says:

      It's becoming more and more difficult for me to think of moving back to the States.  I can't see myself ever living under the jew boot in my own country.

      I'm not fussy.  My only requirement is to live somewhere that does NOT host a holocaust museum.

  94. Taxi says:

    From the pen of that eccentric homing pigeon, Adam Garrie: a fun read of the Eurovision Song Contest, israel and BDS :

    The Winner of Next Year’s Eurovision Song Contest Must be BDS

    *p.s.  I didn't click on the winning song vid linked in the article: the very thought nauseated me and my index finger refused to cooperate – you'll see why when you read the article.  You might be made of tougher dough though?

  95. Bornajoo says:

    Great article by Adam Garrie. I never even considered the BDS angle but he's of course absolutely right. This is actually an excellent opportunity for the BDS movement, if israel is unfortunately still around in another year 

    I'm not able to click the song link either. I'm just about to set off for a long day's work and I can't risk feeling sick and queezy. It might also send my anger and frustration levels even more sky high.

    And I couldn't agree more with you about the human species. Most have the brains of sheep who seem happy to be led by the minority of psychopaths 

    I've read quite a bit of stuff by Bob Hare. His solution to saving the world is to screen all children from a very young age and if they are deemed to be psychopaths, remove them from society. He believes the world will be a better place within one generation. Of course the problem with this solution is the psychopaths who already run the world will never allow it and it will be good people like him who will end up being removed from society, or more accurately, their playground 

    • Taxi says:

      Okay so Bob Hare's fixed 'psycho'.  But what about 'stupid'?  Can he really fix 'stupid'?


      • Bornajoo says:

        "can he really fix stupid?" 

        Good question. If he can, we'll have the pleasure of living on a very depopulated planet. No psychos and no Fucking idiots 

        That might be the real definition of paradise 

  96. Cloak And Dagger says:

    This is a very credible analysis:

    Over the next several years – within this status quo – the global balance of power will only further shift further away from America’s favor. As that happens, Syria will have a much better opportunity to reclaim its occupied territory.

    While it is only human for people to become infuriated by unprovoked attacks – these attacks by the US and Israel are designed specifically to provoke a response. Long-term patience is just as important to winning a war as immediate fury.


    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Cloak.  Yes, humble patience, or 'sumud' as they say in Arabic, is a powerful weapon in war that cannot be bought.


    • Taxi says:

      I agree with the article where it says that time is on the side of Syria/allies and not on israel/allies’ side – and the writer’s overall Syria/Empire/Israel/Iran has some interesting and illuminating points. But I think the writer lacks a degree of insight and understanding of israel’s geopolitical crisis; he’s not touching on the very fabric of its behaviorism and MO. He’s mistaken/wrong, for instance, when he says that Israel wants a war with its neighbors, but the fact is that it simply can’t handle a war: it would have started one when Syria downed its F-16 inside of israel proper a couple of months ago, if this were the case. No, it does not want war, but, it does very much want the US to smash Syria up to pieces on its behalf, and while the Empire’s iron is still hot, to keep sledgehammering non-stop from Damascus and all the way to Tehran.

      Don’t fall for analysis that says israel is ‘provoking’ for a war: this is not quite true. More accurately: israel is trying its darnest, mostly thru hit-and-run aerial activity in Syria, to trip the US into blitzing Syria. Israel is desperate to clear its ‘near vicinity’ from any Iranian presence, while simultaneously maintaining ‘security’ and a state of non-war inside of israel. Something that’s impossible to achieve all by itself. It wants the US to clear the Iranians from Syria, while it enjoys ‘peace-time’ in the jew-occupied holy land.

  97. Taxi says:

    Today, jewy Ivanka, her hairdresser and her husband Jarred in tow, attended, with half of the senate members, the official ceremony for moving the US embassy from tel aviv to Jerusalem.

    I had no interest tuning into the klepto orgy so I didn't bother past seeing a clip of Ivanka's super straight, shiny shiksa-blonde hair.

    Meanwhile in Gaza, some 50+ unarmed protestors were murdered in cold blood by jewish vampire-snipers looking for their daily bucket of blood.  Over two thousand Palestinians were injured too.

    Needless to say, TV footage of all areas in occupied Palestine showed Palestinians very upset and emotional at the embassy's opening ceremony.  Made for very hard viewing.

    A good half an hour ago, Nasrallah gave a speech about this sordid, immoral embassy affair.  He said that israel, usa and saudi arabia will now try and force the Palestinians to accept the 'new' peace deal that Trump will soon present: a deal that excludes the Right of Return and gives only limited autonomy in non-contiguous terrain to the Palestinians.  Not different at all from what they already have under occupation.  Nasrallah advised them the following, he said: "the only thing that's required of you Palestinians is simply NOT to sign the coming peace deal – just don't sign it – this will render the embassy move moot and will also ruin the zionist-Trump ploy to literally cancel the Palestine cause for once and for all”.

    He also said that Syria during the "night of missiles" fired 55 missiles and rockets on the idf in the Golan, causing much damage.  Moreover, the reason why israel suddenly stopped its attacks on Syria that night was because the Syrians, after firing their 55 missiles and rockets, did promptly send a message to the isrealis threatening they will start sending missiles past the Golan and into israel proper if israel didn't immediately halt its attacks on Damascus.  The israeli (cowards) complied.

    Israelis are so not ready, psychologically or logistically (bunkers, firefighters etc) for war inside of israel – and they never will be.  Swindlers and stupid bluffers that they are! 

    The only thing the jew scumbags are good at is 'hit and run'.  This tactic does not a war win.


    • Bornajoo says:

      What a disgusting, horrible day. I was driving around London stuck in traffic jams, listening to the news and reading up when I could. I wanted to ram the car into something, preferably an Israeli. I'm so angry, so disgusted, so frustrated, so Fucking unable to find the words to describe my feelings right now

      Those cowardly scum bastards will one day pay for the blood and lives of these brave and noble, yet absolutely innocent people they have slaughtered with impunity, for sport and fun.

      I just hope I will be around to see these fuckers pay. I don't care about anything else except to see justice done on these evil, psychopathic, sadistic killers and thieves

      May every Israeli burn in hell along with every fucker who supports them, whether they be Jews, gentiles or Christian zionists. Fuck them all 

  98. Taxi says:

    In his speech tonight, Abbas called the US embassy in Jerusalem: "a US colony on our land".

  99. Taxi says:

    I have just posted a new article on subject of the Palestinian Nakba.

    I ask that comments concerning Syria be shared here on this thread, and comments concerning Palestine be shared on the new thread here.

    I know that the two issue often converge so I'll leave it to your discretion.

    What I mean is that if more fireworks between Syria and israel occur in the (near) future, then please return to this thread for updates and commentary.

    Thank you.

  100. Taxi says:

    A couple of days ago, Nasrallah in his speech basically said that during the last dog fight between Syria and israel over the Golan, Syria sent a message to the israelis saying that if they did not stop striking at Damascus, their airforce would start sending missiles to israel proper.  Israel promptly stopped firing at Damascus when it received the message.

    This indicates that we may have seen the last of the 'hit-and-run' israeli missile strikes on Syria.  Now they are positively cornered.  There is nothing left for evil israel to do now except to trigger one of their pre-prepared false flags that wold drag the US into striking at Syria instead.

    Look out!

    Expect the worst from a panicked synagogue of satan.


  101. Taxi says:

    Well, well, lookie here:

    It was reported in 2004 by the New Zealand media that Mossad agent Zev William Barkan, alias Lev Bruckenstein, wanted by New Zealand for illegally attempting to obtain New Zealand passports, turned up in Pyongyang as a security adviser for the North Korean government. Barkan and other Mossad agents were in Pyongyang to negotiate a deal to build a West Bank-style security wall along the border with China, which was to be outfitted with Israeli-manufactured motion detectors and night vision equipment. The North Korean people, isolated for so long from other nations, are naturally suspicious of foreigners. For that reason, Mossad chose to rely on South Korean evangelical Christian agents working in the North, individuals who were better able to blend into North Korean society.

    Several Israeli interlocutors in Pyongyang reportedly managed to convince Kim Jong-un’s government that Koreans, as a “Turkic people,” are one of the lost tribes of Israel. The North Korean self-sufficiency concept of "Juche" melded nicely with Israel's policy of "kibbutzism," which also stresses self-sustenance. In reality, the Israelis were trying to position themselves as middlemen between North Korea and countries enacting direct trade sanctions against Pyongyang, just as the Israelis have done with Iran in respect to everything from secret oil deals to buying pistachios, caviar, and Persian carpets through middlemen in Turkey. Israel buys $26 million worth of Iranian pistachios annually, turning their noses up at the pistachio industry in California. Marc Rich, the sanction-busting American-Israeli-Belgian-Spaniard-Bolivian, was a significant Mossad asset because of his ability to skirt United Nations and United States sanctions against certain pariah regimes, including post-revolutionary Iran, something that enriched not only Rich, but several Israeli businessmen.

    Trump the Schlump: Iran Nuclear Deal Is Bad; North Korean Nuclear Deal Is Good

  102. Taxi says:

    Most certainly, Putin is trying to avoid a WW3 over Syria, and most certainly he's not part of the Axis of Resistance, but they are indeed a needed Russian ally for trade and for security/anti-terrorism projects.  For sure, Putin wants nothing to do with an Israel-Syria/Iran/Hezbollah war.  He just wants to kill terrorists and secure his two bases in Syria:

    Neither Iran nor Syria will accept any Russian or Israeli ultimatum. Russia would not have achieved anything in Syria without Iranian allies and their ground troops and the reverse is also true.

    Russia Is In The Middle East To Halt The War, Not Take Part In The Iran-Israel Conflict


  103. Taxi says:

    That ogre Pompeo yesterday outlined the US's 'new' policy towards Iran.  But nothing is new in it at all: no surprises there for sure: hostility towards Iran continues as per israel's agenda.   The US ape beating its chest and hollering at Iran: 'I am the king of the jungle!' as smaller jungle jew critters crawl all over it and cling to its hair follicles and suck its blood dry. 

    The cost of directly striking Iran is too high: only in extreme-extreme conditions would the US military take on Iran inside of Iranian territory.  These 'conditions' are nowhere near the horizon.  This leaves the US only two choices: economic warfare against Tehran, as well as supporting a color revolution inside of Iran.  Well, the first one has already been tried before the deal was signed and it failed.  The new 'powerful sanctions' will only complicate the US's relationships with its allies who trade with Iran, allowing thus for China to grab discarded deals with Iran – mindful here too that if Cuba managed to prosper under "powerful US sanctions" for decades, then all bets are that Iran can do the same.  And as regards the 'color' regime change:  last time the CIA tried it six months ago, it lasted for 3 days then went all pear-shaped.  In other words, the biggest loser in Trump's withdrawal is actually the US, followed by israel.  But we know that evil never sleeps so expect a false-flag op designed by the Axis of Evil to trigger world-wide hostility towards Iran, IF the op's propaganda is successful in the age of the internet and alt media.

    I agree with Moon of Alabama's take on Pompeo's speech:

    And btw, them "12 conditions" laid out by Pompeo as a warning to Iran really remind me of the pathetic and delusional 'conditions' that saudi arabia gave Qatar when their spat publicly exploded some 18 months ago: conditions that require a nation to self-lobotomize and alter its quintessential character are dead soon as they get printed.

    The only thing that matters in the end are the 'facts on the ground', and the facts on the ground clearly indicate that Iran's internal policies remain intact, and its foreign policies thus far have been notably successful, especially in Levant.  Therefore, Pompeo can pump up the volume all he wants: won't mean a thing unless the US is prepared to pay the impossible price of invading Iran.

    • Taxi says:

      I forgot to also mention that 'destroying' Iran throws a giant and destructive wrench into China's Silk Road 2 project, a project that the whole of the East benefits from economically: a project that threatens the global economic hegemony of the US and its Western allies.  China especially won't sit idly by while the US bombs away at a large chunk of its most important economic project.

  104. intertwiningserpents says:

    That interesting analysis on Iraq by Adam Garrie reflects nicely with the military industrial complex's very own invention of the internet and how it went on to serve as a 'natural tripwire' for them by letting more and more people become awakened to their vile shenanigans that unbeknown to these evil fools will  most certainly come back to haunt them at some time or other throughout time,such is the natural law of cause and effect.

    One has to very greatly pity them for their lack of education of life and they will just have to learn the 'very hard way' until they learn that it is very wrong to kill other humans and in effect they are just killing themselves because there is no separation.

  105. Taxi says:

    Everything the US and israel are doing right now is to cover up their loses in Syria.  Hollow victories like the Iran Deal withdrawal and the US embassy move to Jerusalem are meaningless in the bigger picture: the longer game.  But when the israelis lose the Golan in coming-soon battle, there will then be no hiding the geopolitical precipice that israel stands upon from the eyes of the world.

    Do not be disheartened or misdirected by jewy bombast MSM headlines.  Like I said before, all that matters are the 'facts on the ground' and the facts on the ground in the Levant and in Iran continue to indicate that the Axis of Resistance is still on a victory streak.  Even the Right of Return March of the past six weeks that saw Gazans massacred and injured by the genocidal idf, even THAT in itself created a global PR victory for the Palestinians.  Created more global hatred for the jews and their servile gentile agents.

    Yes, survival of a nation is partly dependent on its global popularity. Like Saddam once said after the Iraq-Iran war ended: "what's the point of victory if no one likes you?".


  106. Taxi says:

    Our friend-in-cause, Philip Giraldi, has just visited Teharan and wrote this about it:

    Among the Persians: Iranians want to be friends with Americans but Israel hates the idea

    Some good comments there too.  I haven't read all of them, but so far, I particularly like this comment below by Mark Green:

    mark green says:

    May 22, 2018 at 6:06 am GMT • 400 Words

    Great job, Philip. You are doing excellent and important work.

    Sadly, it is becoming more and more evident that neocons, crypto-Israelis, deep-pocket Zionists, liberal interventionists, and the usual cabal of tribal supremacists have taken control of Washington and American culture in general. What we have in our midst is an ongoing, invisible coup. America has been captured.

    A viable, legitimate, anti-Zionist position in US culture no longer exists. It’s not allowed to. Resistance is not only marginalized, it is being criminalized; one insidious step at a time. The coordination is vast, sophisticated and ruthless.

    This phenomena is unique. It is partially hidden. Many do not see it at all. Some sense it. Many who do understand it and see the complex process behind it remain silent and afraid. Identifying the source is forbidden. Objecting to it requires oblique, obsequious cant. Most simply refuse to look there.

    If the usual suspects get their way, certain areas of dissent will soon become ‘speech crimes’, carrying criminal penalties. This, incredibly, is the direction in which we are headed. In fact, we are already partly there.

    ‘Denying’ the Holocaust can land you in prison. Advocating for a lethal, cataclysmic, preemptive war on an enemy of Israel’s on the other hand can win you the Presidency.

    Jewish influence has attained such power as to make the very discussion of Jewish power OFF LIMITS.

    This moral distortion is a political cancer. It affects the entire world. It undermines fairness. It destabilizes world order. It has turned the US into a rogue superpower.

    Until the American people can 1) re-assert their political authority and 2) reimpose ‘national interests’ (as well as the rule of law) as a fundamental, guiding principles attached to all US policies, millions of lives are at risk. Just count the bodies. They’re real. In Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, Syria and Palestine. And the ancient civilization of Iran–a nation the poses no conceivable military threat to the US–is our next target.

    The economic interests as well as security interests of the United States have become deeply compromised via extra-national subterfuge.

    Who do I blame for this?

    Sure, there’s plenty of blame and responsibility to go around. The deep state. The ‘military-industrial complex’. And of course there’s Trump.

    But primarily, I blame the Jews.

  107. Taxi says:

    Would you let the meglomaniac Orange Emperor with his talmudic klepto cabal babysit your kid?  I'm posing this question at Putin who is in danger of giving them TOO MUCH of the benefit of the doubt.

    Paul Craig Roberts has this to say about the scumbag warmongers and saboteurs:

    Putin’s Peace Efforts Are Coming To Naught

  108. Taxi says:

    Cracks in the jew dam:

    Patrick Little (R) is promising Californians that if elected in the Midterm elections, he intends to get rid of treasonous dual-citizen jews from our political scene, starting with Diane Feinstein (D).  Of course, the jewy media is calling him a "white supremicist",  and "anti semite", blah blah. 

    California Senate Candidate Endorses Call to ‘Rid America of Traitorous Jews Like Dianne Feinstein’

    He created quite the stir last week, if you remember, when this happened:

    The jew fuckers and their agents will attack you if you even whisper "America First".

    To learn more about Patrick Little, check out his interview with Ryan Dawson:

    We also have Soro turning his attention and pouring dollars into the California DA elections: Soros spends big in California's DA races in bid to reshape criminal justice system

    Californians had better stop smoking all that legal weed all day long and start paying attention to their terrorist jew leaders who intend to keep them enslaved in their talmudic dungeon of ignorance and servitude.

  109. Taxi says:

    The weaponized 'antisemite' jew card, the most powerful card that jews have against ALL gentiles, will be the very end of them as more and more people just don't appreciate its abusiveness and reject the capricious, unjust jewy smear and censorship forcefully being imposed on them:

    How I became an anti-Semite without hating Jews

    • Taxi says:

      Do click on the "fascinating thread" twitter link – read thru for a step by step developments of events.

      Begs the question here: is there anyone of importance, either friend or foe, the mossad hasn't tried to assassinate directly or through a 'proxy'?!

      Just as records of Nazi nefarious ops were eventually exposed with the fall of Germany, so too will mossad's records be accessed and exposed when the terrorist state of israel falls.

  110. Taxi says:

    9:32pm and israeli jets are flying lowwwww overhead.

    … Now slightly fading… I can trace with my ear they're heading eastwards toward the Syrian border: southern part of Syria/not far from the Golan.

    The jews (illegally) fly over the Lebanon on a regular basis – it's become normalized and the norm.  I only mention it tonight cuz when they fly THIS low, it usually means trouble: not always, but often.  The problem is not with a strike here and a strike there, it's that one never knows which strike will be the one that will trigger off the big war. 

    I live thus in an odd juxtaposition: in the perfect tranquility of Levantean village life: such quiet peace and bountiful natural beauty – and yet all this idyllicness with bird song and butterflies trilling and gliding everywhere and cherry on top is then suddenly punctuated by the fucking jews ripping up the sky with their war jets, spreading toxicities and chasing away the peace of everything. 

    Peace, people, is an extremely shy animal: lives off soulfulness and harmonious energy exchanges – the slightest ripple of hostility, the slightest threatening growl of man or engine and peace instantly flees to an undisclosed location, sometimes living in hiding for decades and centuries on end.

    Luckily, peace is child-like too: easily entice-able with daisies and cupcakes and soft songs.

    (*Commodities not available in warmongering israel).


  111. Taxi says:

    One of the most understated, unassuming, realistic and fair-minded leaders in today's world:

  112. Ezek 16:35 Wherefore, O whore, hear the word of the LORD

    The Identity Of The Great Whore Is Revealed by the Ten Kings that will destroy her

    He will also judge them at the second death through the Law of Moses. For if they truly believed the words of Moses they would have also believed in Christ; Moses, the old law and the prophets all spoke of Christ (John 5:42-47; Rev 20:6).

     Rev 17:16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the (great) whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.

    Throughout her history, Jerusalem went through many sorrows and ruins. As Israel after the flesh was put away, so to was Jerusalem finally declared desolate by Christ (Mat 23:37-39).

    The Sons of God are now the Temple of God, and Christ dwells within those that are Baptized in the Holy Spirit (2 Cor 6:16). Up until the end of this age, Desolations are determined on Jerusalem, especially during the reign of the Beast during the Great Tribulation (Dan 9:26-27; Isa 6:11; Jer 7:1-17; Jer 7:29-34; Jer 9:5-10; Jer 19:1-8; Joel 2:1-11).

    Ezek 16:39 And I will also give thee into their hand, and they shall throw down thine eminent place, and shall break down thy high places: they shall strip thee also of thy clothes, and shall take thy fair jewels, and leave thee naked and bare.

    An assembly comes up against her and she is stoned, thrust through with swords and her houses are burnt up ( Ezek 16:40-41). Her self-righteousness, pride, and vanity will all be destroyed. Those that are exalted will be brought low (Isa 2:11-18).

    Ezek 16:46-47 And thine elder sister is Samaria, she and her daughters that dwell at thy left hand: and thy younger sister, that dwelleth at thy right hand, is Sodom and her daughters. Yet hast thou not walked after their ways, nor done after their abominations: but, as if that were a very little thing, thou wast corrupted more than they in all thy ways.

    The Identity Of The Great Whore Is Revealed by looking at her sister, there were two women, and they were the daughters of one mother (Ezek 23:2). Samaria was the capital of the northern kingdom of Israel.

    Ezek 23:4 And the names of them were Aholah the elder, and Aholibah her sister: and they were mine, and they bare sons and daughters. Thus were their names; Samaria is Aholah, and Jerusalem Aholibah.

    Jerusalem and Samaria both had the same mother, Samaria was Jerusalem’s older sister, and Sodom was the younger sister. Sodom was destroyed by fire. This fate was also in Jerusalem’s destiny, as she was more corrupt in her whoredoms than Samaria (Ezek 23:11).

    During the final 3 1/2 years of Jerusalem’s existence, before Christ returns, she is spiritually compared to Sodom and Egypt (Rev 11:8).

    But even before this time period where the Beast controls Jerusalem, there is nothing to suggest any type of relationship with the Lord God.

    Isaiah 1:21-22 How is the faithful city become an harlot! it was full of judgment; righteousness lodged in it; but now murderers. Thy silver is become dross, thy wine mixed with water:

    In Isaiah’s prophecy, Jerusalem will be burned with fire and be desolate. Except for a remnant, it is likened unto Sodom and Gomorrah (Isa 1:7-9).

    Jer 23:3 And I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries whither I have driven them, and will bring them again to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and increase.

    Jer 23:5-6 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth.  In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.

    The second gathering of God’s people unto a Holy Jerusalem, through Christ, has yet to transpire.

    Jer 23:14 I have seen also in the prophets of Jerusalem an horrible thing: they commit adultery, and walk in lies: they strengthen also the hands of evildoers, that none doth return from his wickedness: they are all of them unto me as Sodom, and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorrah.

    Jerusalem today is also full of evil, deceit, and iniquity. Her leaders control one of the world’s most lethal killing machines.

    The Lord will visit them for these great sins they commit (Jer 9:1-10).

    Jerusalem shall be heaps and a dwelling place for dragons (Jer 9:11).

    Babylon shall be heaps and a dwelling place for dragons…(Jer 51:37).

    The cities of Judah will be desolate and a den of dragons (Jer 10:22).

    Jer 23:15 Therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts concerning the prophets; Behold, I will feed them with wormwood, and make them drink the water of gall: for from the prophets of Jerusalem is profaneness gone forth into all the land.

    Jer 9:14-16  But have walked after the imagination of their own heart, and after Baalim, which their fathers taught them:  Therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will feed them, even this people, with wormwood, and give them water of gall to drink.  I will scatter them also among the heathen, whom neither they nor their fathers have known: and I will send a sword after them, till I have consumed them.

    Rev 16:4 And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood.

    The third Vial judgment in the book of Revelations refers to the plague called wormwood.

     Rev 8:10-11 And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;  And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.

    The third Trumpet judgment in the book of Revelations also refers to the plague called wormwood.

    The Identity of the Great Whore is revealed throughout the Word of God

    Ezek 22:2 Now, thou son of man, wilt thou judge, wilt thou judge the bloody city? yea, thou shalt shew her all her abominations.

    Ezek 22:11-12 And one hath committed abomination with his neighbour’s wife; and another hath lewdly defiled his daughter in law; and another in thee hath humbled his sister, his father’s daughter. In thee have they taken gifts to shed blood; thou hast taken usury and increase, and thou hast greedily gained of thy neighbours by extortion, and hast forgotten me, saith the Lord GOD.

    Here the great whore is not only involved in spiritual lewdness but physical fornication and even incest.

    Ezek 22:19 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Because ye are all become dross, behold, therefore I will gather you into the midst of Jerusalem.

    Ezek 22:21 Yea, I will gather you, and blow upon you in the fire of my wrath, and ye shall be melted in the midst thereof.

    The words melted in Ezek 22:21, and desolate in Dan 9:27, are translated from the same Greek word and have the same meaning.

    Dan 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

    The Identity Of The Great Whore Is Revealed through observing how she interacts with those around her. Her leaders are like unto wolves that devour their prey. These people use oppression on the poor and those in need, and they are without compassion. They take what is not rightfully theirs, and with great cruelty trample down those around them unnecessarily. They are also quick to shed blood and love dishonest gain which is covetousness. They are guilty of breaking all of the commandments of Moses and worthy of God’s wrath (Ezek 22:24-30).

    Is not Ezekiel chapter 22, a description of the modern day nation of Israel?

    The Identity of The Great Whore Is Revealed

    Ezek 22:31 Therefore have I poured out mine indignation upon them; I have consumed them with the fire of my wrath: their own way have I recompensed upon their heads, saith the Lord GOD.

    Pour out my indignation and consume with the fire of my wrath, may be a better translation of the message in Ezek 22:31. The words, therefore, and have I, are added and suggest that this wrath has already been performed.

    In Ezekiel 22:19, it is the Lord, Yahshua (Adonai) that gathers the dross or impure in the midst of Jerusalem. This word dross is only used eight times in the Old Testament. Two of those references are in Isaiah chapter one, (which describes a future event), and three times the word is used in Ezekiel chapter 22.

    The Identity of the Great Whore is revealed through her images

    The Hexagram is not the Star of David, this symbol may or may not be unto the Beast, but it does represent an image of a star of the heavens. The Hebrews were commanded not to make any graven images of anything on earth or in Heaven. The pentagram and hexagram are both images unto pagan deities. Because of their idolatry and the worship of the star of their god, the people were taken into captivity (Amos 5:25-27).

    In light of all of these facts, the Identity of The Great Whore Is Revealed by the choice to use this Satanic symbol on a flag representing the nation of Israel, birthed through great deception and murder. This satanic symbol that was adopted by the first Zionist congress in 1897 was not coincidental.

    Ex 20:3-4 Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:

    There is no mention in the Bible of King David ever adopting a star or the hexagram as a symbol of the nation he ruled, so this theory is just another lie.

    Solomon, unlike his father David, became very wicked as he turned towards idolatry towards the end of his reign. Through his many wives, he went after many strange gods, and he even built an altar unto Molech, in or near Jerusalem (1 Kings 11:7).

    There are two Bible verses that do mention both the words Molech and star of your god. The first reference to this star goes back to a time that Israel spent in the wilderness, that was well before Solomon’s reign, and may well have been an image to a god adopted from their time in Egypt.

    Amos 5:25-27 Have ye offered unto me sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness forty years, O house of Israel?  But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.  Therefore will I cause you to go into captivity beyond Damascus, saith the LORD, whose name is The God of hosts.

    Solomon did marry pharaoh’s daughter, and also took many other wives, and went after their gods. So this hexagram symbol may have been an image to a god, but it has absolutely nothing to do with the true Israel of God.

    Acts 7:42-43 Then God turned, and gave them up to worship the host of heaven; as it is written in the book of the prophets, O ye house of Israel, have ye offered to me slain beasts and sacrifices by the space of forty years in the wilderness?  Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.

    The fact that mystery Israel would adopt this symbol, which has pagan roots is disturbing to say the least. This nation is not of the Lord Jesus, nor is she gathered together by Him. The true Israel of God will not return to Jerusalem until it is thoroughly cleansed and restored by and through Christ.

    Israel is Given a Bill of Divorce, and Christ Declared the House of Judah Desolate.

    Jer 3:6-8 The LORD said also unto me in the days of Josiah the king, Hast thou seen that which backsliding Israel hath done? she is gone up upon every high mountain and under every green tree, and there hath played the whore. And I said after she had done all these things, Turn thou unto me. But she returned not. And her treacherous sister Judah saw it. And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but went and played the whore also

    The word backsliding is used twelve times in the Old Testament, all in reference to Israel or Judah. Here it refers to turning away from that which is Holy.

    Israel that played the whore was put away for Her harlotry. Her sister, the treacherous Judah, saw it and was even more traitorous towards the Lord, and became known as the great whore (Jer 3:11).

    Jer 13:9-10 Thus saith the LORD, After this manner will I mar the pride of Judah, and the great pride of Jerusalem.  This evil people, which refuse to hear my words, which walk in the imagination of their heart, and walk after other gods, to serve them, and to worship them, shall even be as this girdle, which is good for nothing.

    The Identity of The Great Whore Is Revealed through the prophets describing her judgments, both in the past and in the future.

    Jeremiah prophesizes that Jerusalem and the false tribe of Judah will be discarded and be considered to be as useful as a filthy rag. He sees spiritual drunkenness and gross darkness, and because of the lewdness of their idolatry, destruction.

    Luke 13:34-35 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not!  Behold, your house is left unto you desolate: and verily I say unto you, Ye shall not see me, until the time come when ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.

    A final Woe is given to a filthy, oppressing and polluted city. At the end of this age, the Lord will gather all nations and kingdoms into Jerusalem. There He will pour upon them His Indignation and wrath; those that are full of pride and self-righteousness will be removed from the midst of the land (Zep 3:1-11; Joel 3:2).

    King David’s great sin was that he slew Uriah the Hittite, and took his wife Bathsheba to be his own. Bathsheba bare him a son, and his name was Solomon. For this sin the Lord informed David that the sword would never depart from his house (2 Sam 12:10).

    2 Sam 12:10 Now therefore the sword shall never depart from thine house; because thou hast despised me, and hast taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be thy wife.

    The sins of Solomon were much worse than those of his father, and as a result of his horrible adultery, Israel would be taken away and divided (1 Kings 11:11). Yet for Jerusalem’s sake, the Lord would leave one tribe.

    After Solomon, the kingdom was divided into the northern kingdom of Israel, and the southern kingdom called Judah. The northern kings were mostly wicked, and Israel finally fell in 722 BC.

    The Lord gave Israel a bill of divorce and put her away (Isa 50:1; Jer 3:8).

    The southern kings of Judah were good and evil, but Judah fell in 686 BC, and would never have another king, or true sovereignty again. The Lord gave Jerusalem, and Judah into the hands of the Chaldeans, and into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon because of their immense evil. They defiled the house of God, they built altars to Baal and sacrificed their children unto Molech (Jer 32:28-35).

    After their Babylonian captivity, they would return to Jerusalem and the area that is known as Judaea; but these people would be the subjects of other kingdoms.

    Christ came to the tribe of Judah in Judaea, and many accepted His Lordship.

    But the vast majority of the people and their religious leaders followed the traditions of men as opposed to the word of God.  Within the majority of Christendom today the same holds true, mankind looks to men for spiritual answers. When the Blind lead the Blind, they both fall into a ditch.

    The Identity of The Great Whore Is Revealed by the fact that they hated Yahshua without a cause (John 15:25). They also conspired to kill Him and succeeded. They were the children of their fathers that had killed the prophets beforehand that Yahshua sent to them (Math 23:34).

    As a result of playing the whore, this people that claimed to be of the house of Judah had turned the place where God once dwelled, into a den of thieves (Mat 21:13). Jerusalem, like Israel, was now desolate (Math 23:38; Luke 13:35). All that follow Yahshua and have been Baptized with His Holy Spirit are the Israel of God.

    The Identity Of The Great Whore Is Revealed by the knowledge that the nation of Israel, with Jerusalem as its chosen capital represents a spiritual fraud. This is based on the claim that they are the chosen ones, and that they were promised the Holy land by God.

    In the last days, perilous times shall come, and it will be as it was in the days of Noah (Luke 17:26-29). As we approach the end of days, the evil and deception of men will greatly intensify.

    The most wicked of these men are the Narcissists; this group is especially heinous, as they destroy not only mankind but also the earth as well (Rev 11:18; Isa 9:16).

    The Identity Of The Great Whore Is Revealed by examining those who truly believe they are the elect of God and are superior to all others. These are high-minded and are in love with themselves. They are also boasters, proud, blasphemers,  trucebreakers, false accusers, fierce and despisers of those that are good.

    These traitors are lovers of pleasures, more than lovers of God, they will be judged at the second advent of Yahshua when He establishes His kingdom (2 Tim 3:1-9; 4:1). The Identity Of The Great Whore Is Revealed, and it is now understood, that all who take part in the idolatry with this Whore,(a system of immense spiritual wickedness and idolatry) are condemned to hell.

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