Taxi's Articles

Athens versus Jerusalem

A review of ‘Being in Time: A Post-Political Manifesto’ – by Gilad Atzmon/Skyscraper Publication

First, I must make stern objection to the subtitle of this book: “A Post-Political Manifesto“.  No, dearest reader, this is no manifesto at all.  A manifesto is usually instructive and Atzmon’s book is actually reflective.  A manifesto is imbibed with strict political dogma, whereas Atzmon’s book is charged with a free-flowing, philosophical energy.  The book is, in fact, an astute and remarkable comment on the metaphysics of our current political condition: using the age-old blueprint of Athens versus Jerusalem to unravel the dark and twisted marvels of our current political dystopia.

For over two thousand years, a war between rationalist Athens and messianic Jerusalem has ensued, but not to clear conclusion.  For several millennia, this epic war has vacillated and the victor’s scales have tipped hither in one era and dither in another.  The war between Athens and Jerusalem continues relentlessly into our present day, and this side of the 21st century, it is cultural philosopher and Jazz artist, Gilad Atzmon, who now updates us on this epic and raging battle where each side is struggling to occupy the very perception of humanity itself.  Both sides claim to be the saviors of mankind; and currently, the Jerusalem school of thought is leading, but only because its agents have successfully infiltrated to the core, the elite leadership and governments of the Western world.

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Taboos And Booze For The Masses

We are living in the peak of Jew World Order.

If you find this statement antisemitic, if you disagree with the facts and statistics that identify American Jews as heavily dominating or fully controlling American Media, Banking, the Judiciary and American Culture (Hollywood/Education/Book Publishing) – controlling through the Jewish lobby our Congress, the Senate, the Pentagon, Policing and Intelligence Agencies as well – if you are still in denial of the above facts, then this article is not for you.  I advise you therefore to go fuck yourself as far away from here as possible.  The above facts are not up for debate, they are easily verifiable and by now common knowledge even among the uninformed, as evidenced a-plenty by the incessant chatter on this subject on local and worldwide Social Media outlets.

What is up for debate, however, is how much longer will the American masses remain asleep to the biggest threat of all to our nation by Jewish influence and caprice.  Will Americans sleep right through the destruction of the First Amendment at the corrosive hands of American Jews seeking to silence criticism of everything Jewish and Israel because the cat is now out of the bag on Social Media: an unruly platform that cannot be controlled without a fisty dictatorship?  Will the American masses freely and passively give up their fundamental right to free speech to appease the tyranny of the Jewish minority?  Or is it that Americans under the reign of Trump are too distracted by the hostilities and divisions of Identitarian Politics to even notice this?  (Fashionable Identity Politics that’s been introduced, no less, by Jews and Jew-centric agents into our current political zeitgeist).  Are American masses really that unattentive and absent-minded to even note that the pernicious Jews are fast making it a crime to speak ill of the self-styled, self-proclaimed Chosenites in any form or measure right here in the United States, the land of freedom itself?  Are Gentile citizens even aware of the aggressive Jewish campaign seeking censorship of their Internet Free Speech that’s already currently gaining traction in our congress – as indeed it has already successfully done so in the UK parliament?

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Bedtime Story For Gilad

In a recently published article, Gilad Atzmon wondered where the concepts of ‘chosenness’ and a ‘vengeful god’ come from.  Here below, I posit a plausible answer to his poignant questions.

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Imagine it’s four thousand years ago and you are the chief elder of a small pagan tribe living in what is now known as Yemen.  You have chosen to pitch your tribe’s tents near an oasis that’s also shared by, say, half a dozen small Arab pagan tribes.  Paganism, with its orgiastic sexual promiscuity, its lawless blood-sacrifices and hyper-irrational superstitions is the zeitgeist of the day – and you, as tribe leader are becoming more concerned for the safety of your tribe because the new four-horned pagan god of your nearest neighbor’s tribe is an aggressive god who instructs his worshipers to raid and kill what they can by night to appease him.  You stoically start to wonder how best you can insure your tribe’s safety: you spend all day performing pagan protection rituals and prayers; and your nights you spend sleepless in nerve-knotting anxiety: over-thinking everything and hitting one mental wall after the other in search of a solution to your security crisis.

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Fake News, Flake News And The Rise of The Electronic Town Crier

It is a linguistic curiosity that the word ‘fake’ has suddenly taken such a prominent hold of our collective global consciousness.  Inside a handful of recent months, this universally catchy buzzword has been stretched and bent sideways and downwards; uttered in every language under the sun a billion times an hour and turned into an elastic prefix that fits just about every noun and verb on earth.  We now have fake news, fake views, fake peace and fake war, fake inquest, fake protest, fake leader, fake lackey, fake friend, fake enemy, fake innocent, fake guilty, fake facts and fake honesty – we have fake Langley, fake leaks, fake angry, fake freaks, fake men, fake women, fake air, fake water, fake dinner, fake blood, fake army, fake soldier, fake good, fake evil, fake victors, fake losers and oh so very many fake schmoozers brown-nosing kingmakers down the halls of power.  We have plenty of fake history, fake future (only the present is real!) – we have fake intelligence and fake intellos, fake analysts and fake experts, fake saviors, fake survivors, fake vandals, fake scandals, fake right, fake left, fake election, fake protection, fake freedom, fake resistance, fake vows and fake commitments – we even have fake actors and the double fake whammy of fake fakers!  We’re presently so inundated with fake victims and dictum, fake healers and fake spielers, fake pollsters and statistics, fake winners, fake sinners and all them so very Botoxed fake grinners in our vast, fickle, hapless, illusory-culture world.  Why everything around us is suddenly looking so faux, fake, false, phony, bogus, sham, artificial and eerily staged: recalling the parallel universe here of The Truman Show.  Fake just about everything conceivable and all leading up to the big fake Red Scare: the most dangerous of all the fakes: disseminated by fakesters with shameless gusto – zapping like perpetual lightening across humanity’s gazillion brain wires.

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Disco For Cynics

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2016 – and what a year – don’t know whether to laugh or cry – some good, a lot of bad for the world – and we’re still in the belly of the tailspin.

But so what?!  Sticks and stones!  Perceived as fucked up, the world was always forever thus.

Today is the last day of the year and tomorrow will be no different.  It’s a little vacuous therefore to blow whistles and bells at midnight.  For me at least.  Rationalist.  Big cynic here.  And I’m inviting cynics of all sizes to get away from the din in the den of fools and join me for a moment or two of sheer cynicism and beauty.

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He Came, He Saw, She Died


By now, we’ve all had time to digest Trump’s presidential victory and a chunk of its implications.  To those who are still surprised, nay devastated at the election’s outcome, I offer my sincerest commiserations and a bucket of ice poured over their heads to shock them back into reality.  For the winners, I offer my sincerest congratulation and a bucket of confetti and thorns rained over their heads to remind them that regardless of Trump’s victory, our nation is still teetering on the same gaping precipice and worse.  To the disgraced mainstream media, I offer them a bucket of feces in their faces – they honestly do not deserve better – I’m sure most of you here will agree.  And to the leaderships of both parties, to the nefarious, self-serving Zionist Washington Establishment itself, I offer them much raucous mockery and my woohoo happy dance.  It is truly a poetic justice that it took an upstart insider billionaire, who’s been buying and selling the very same Establishment politicians himself for some three decades, to sucker-punch the whole lot of them incompetents, traitors and foreign agents.  Nobody ‘important’ has been shielded from the Trumpian fist.  Not the dynastic Clintons.  And certainly not the bullshit Bushes.  Even the normally duck-and-dive Deep State is in a deep panic.  In fact, everywhere you look, instruments and beneficiaries of the current and corrupt Status Quo are quaking in their unmentionables at the imminent prospect of Trump receiving the diamond-and-platinum keys to the White House.  The very same archenemy of the Establishment’s cultish and lucrative Order has handily smashed them all and will now become their prestigious and all powerful master and Commander in Chief.  Thus begins their living political nightmare – thus begins their current decent into political madness and filth.

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Election Impressions

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By now, after a long presidential campaign season marked by shocking levels of corruption scandals and salacious smut – and the election right now being a mere handful of days away – there’s really no need to repeat or parse information that everyone already knows.  But if you’ll kindly indulge me here, I will share below some random, haphazard, stream of consciousness impressions of this election, which I’ve been quasi following from the faraway hills of the Levant:

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American Fascism

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We have arrived.  Teeming, huddled.  We have arrived to the edge and our shadows are now cast over the precipice.  We have arrived at the threshold of mass American fascism.  It is a discriminatory ideology as well as a state of mind and we as a nation have collectively arrived at that grim station.  Unmistakably, we have arrived as evidenced by the very fabric and sinews of the divisive policies and personalities of the presidential forerunners: Clinton and Trump.

But let us here first define the term ‘fascism’.  Let us look at the founder of modern fascism and how he defined it.  No, the originator was not Hitler, nor was it Stalin or Mussolini; it was in fact another Italian by the name of Gabriele d’Annunzio, a popular poet and libertine who lived at the turn of the 20th century (1863 – 1938).  His infamous manifesto was adopted thereafter by Hitler and Mussolini, adding their own brushstroke to the diabolical canvas.

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A Tango with Trump

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With his own party members and elders publicly attacking him full-throttle, Trump has become the elite underdog – a conceptual oxymoron in and of itself, but such is the notable upside-down character of the 2016 presidential campaign.

The main reason for these attacks appears to be Trump’s “neutral” position on Israel and his rejection of warmongering Zioconism and PNAC’s project of endless wars in the middle east – expensive military conflicts that benefit Israel and only Israel, not the USA’s interests and most certainly not Israel’s Arab neighbors and world peace at large.

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Israel Kills Girls

Oh yes they most certainly do!  YouTube be my witness, Israel kills Palestinian girls.  In broad daylight, on film, and in cold blood.

Street executions of Palestinian teen girls are on the rise.  Some of these executed girls had nothing to do with the Knife Intifada.  Often, knives are planted posthumously beside tiny corpses; or else they’re planted on innocent Palestinian girls who then get carted off to jail for an alleged failed stabbing.  And the ones who were out on a mission to stab Israeli soldiers, (a mindblowingly brave endeavor!), well, no doubt a nifty Krav Maga maneuver by a trained Israeli soldier could easily disarm a thin-wristed waif wielding a kitchen knife.  No?  Surely a copiously trained soldier would be able to expertly kick a paltry knife out of a small girl’s hand, no?  Evidently not.  We note, therefore, the excessive new level of fatal force used against Palestinian  girls.

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Netanyahu, King Salman and the Devil’s Valentine

Two champagne glasses clink in a prism of light.

Netanyahu:  I’ve heard you had a mansion made entirely out of gold but I never thought I’d ever get invited to it – and on Valentine’s day, no less – wow –  I mean look at this place – unbelievable!  A sea of red roses, a thousand lit candles, the Mariachi band in the corner, the kosher champagne – and just look at this mountain of kifelta fish – look at this mountain of Ben and Jerry’s pistachio-vanilla!  How on earth did you know it’s my favorite?!

Salman:  I googled it.

With a twinkle in his eye, Salman places a small Israeli flag on top of the ice cream mount.

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Netanyahu and Erdogan flee to the moon

There are two deckchairs on the moon.  Netanyahu is slumped in one; Erdogan is splayed in the other.  A billboard beside them says:  Welcome to the Sea of Crisis.

Netanyahu:  At least you can’t see Aleppo from here.

Erdogan:  And no one can see us crying here either – god – never been so embarrassed in all my life!

Netanyahu:  What the hell went wrong?!  It was such a perfect plan.  We smuggled in so many thousands of terrorists – we trained and armed and nursed them like one of our own – like wacko terminators they chopped off heads of men and boys and raped women and girls – they looted factories and oil wells – our media threw buckets of shit at their army’s name–

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The Infinite Intifada

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There is no stopping the ongoing knifing on the streets of Jerusalem and the West Bank.  A whole generation of young Palestinian teens have willfully placed themselves on the front lines of an urban armed resistance.  They asked nobody’s permission – not their parents, not their preachers, teachers, and certainly not Mahmoud Abbas or Hamas.  Child army of resistors, not marching in traditional single or double file, but springing their cause forward through zigzag martyrdom; paying the high cost of liberation in pure vestal blood – because for Palestinian youth, remaining still is tantamount to a slow death in chains.  Undignified.  Unacceptable.  To be resisted at early age and at all cost.  “Give me liberty or give me death” is their sacred, evident manifesto.

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American Empire’s Shifting Strategies in the Middle East

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The ongoing progress of the daily liberation of Syrian villages, towns and cities is largely absent from Western mainstream media these days, but nevertheless, the facts on the ground in Syria are indisputable.  The Russian Axis in the Levant is militarily more superior than the ISISian armies combined; and despite these terrorist armies being well funded by wealthy global Zioconism, ISIS et all are currently on an unstoppable and disastrous loosing streak.  Looking thus at their territorial retreats and at the shrinking clock of war: the primary fighting forces of Russia, Iran, Syria and Hezbollah look to be but five minutes away from an assured victory.  And riding the coattail of this imminent victory are the USA Empire and Republic, France, Germany and the UK, who, despite having directly or indirectly supported violent regime change in Syria, now see it as geopolitically opportune to pledged their 11th hour support to Putin’s vision and strategy for defeating ISIS in the Levant.

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The Empty Space Between Hammer and Nail

The desire to impress others and gain approval is a natural human inclination.  But when a nation seeks to do the same, when a nation endeavors to impress and widen its sphere of influence, it becomes a very complex project fraught with dangers great and small; pregnant with the possibilities of war.

To create influence, nations have a choice between the use of soft power or the imposition of hard power.  Obviously, the use of soft power barely contains complications and does not normally lead to war or to the material destruction of another nation and its population.

Yet in the Middle East, the nations of Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey have all relentlessly chosen direct use of hard power to assert and further spread their influence; further highlighting their fundamental opposition to the very principles of the UN Charter and civilization; further spotlighting their deeply pernicious intentions towards their neighbors and beyond.

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The Muzzle

The Israel lobby’s hand has recently managed to yet again apply massive smothering censorship not just on the American people, but on world populations at large – censorship on all inquiring minds who are seeking Social Media videos of real live events taking place in occupied Palestine.

Until about two months ago, I was always able to google ‘Intifada 3 videos’ and get the absolute latest in Social Media footage from occupied Palestine, including videos posted only “ten minutes ago”.  If you google ‘Intifada 3’ nowadays, or any other combination of words that pertain to the current Palestine youth crisis, the search engines of both Google and Youtube spit out top listings of videos going all the way back to October and November 2015.  Nothing current, not even videos from a month ago are made instantly available for the public at large.  Even when you enter the year ‘2016’ into their search engines, you still get the same line-up of October 2015 videos – and we all know very well that there are violent resistances taking place in occupied Palestine practically everyday of every month of every year.

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War, Indifference, Empathy

At the end of this year, what can be said that hasn’t already been said in tears?  Wars are still raging; mothers are still burying their children on a daily basis in Palestine, in Syria, in Iraq, Libya and in Yemen.  The Axis of Evil is so very strong.  Frightfully strong.  Needs no introduction or naming at this stage.  Indiscriminate in its insatiable thirst for mass human blood, the Axis of Evil continues to unleash more wars that murder mostly innocent populations overseas and hold us all hostage and terrorized in the homelands.  The world is on the brink of global chaos and mass slaughter and you and I, dear reader, we are the wretched, helpless witnesses to this unfolding 21st century purgatory.

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Micro News from Syria

I currently live in the south of Lebanon, in a farmhouse situated on a green Levantean hill.  My gardener is a 26 year old Syrian who lives with his family in a separate cottage on the property.  His wife is 20 and they have three children, the youngest being 4 months old.  They both hail from a small town that’s a good 40 minutes drive from Raqqa, ISIS’s capital in Syria.  Their town is under ISIS occupation, part of the swath of landmass under control of the terrorist army.  My gardener gets regular news from his town via a cellphone network of brothers, sisters and cousins scattered inside and outside their town and who are all in constant touch with each other with news and updates of the great and the small.  They are in constant circulation of their family, their friends and their neighbors’ news.  They are Micro Media messengers.  They are the purest form of media.  They cannot afford to lie or exaggerate to each other lest they cause unnecessary grief or danger to their loved ones.  I am privy to these microcosmic stories and I would like to share with you my general impression of them.

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Line In The Sand


For the past six months, I have written several analysis articles that have pretty much predicted what’s going on right now in the wider middle east.  No point in me repeating myself and boring, above all, myself.  Currently, there are no fresh stories or new angles to write about.  I know that Thierry Meyssan and The Saker have been talking about the northwestern corner of Syria being given to the Kurds by UK, France, USA and Germany as the next big thing, but I wholly disagree with this premise.  Yes for sure, under the fake guise of “fighting terrorism”, members of the Axis of Evil would very much like this breakup of Syria to happen, but Russia would categorically never allow for the division of Syria, especially by NATO countries.  Russia sees the Kurd for what they are: as Western and NATO allies.  Russia sees no difference  between NATO installing missile shields at its doorstep in Poland and NATO carving out Kurdish territory at Syria’s expense.  Both affect Russian security and hegemony.

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The Last Days of Tel Aviv

I cannot bear to read yet another article on the Palestine-Israel peace process.  This is because I no longer see a solution through peaceful means.

Jewish Israeli society has no interest in a Two State Solution, judging by their voting patterns, as well as by Aipac’s expansive anti-peace activities in our congress and in major European parliaments.  The Zionists in Israel appear blatantly unapologetic and comfortable with their  increasing racism and their Apartheid Laws.  No shaming and no earnest appeals for compromise moves them.  They are intent on usurping more and more of historic Palestine till the last inch and beyond – even at the cost of Tel Aviv and World War Three.

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Putin, NATO and the Turkish Banana Peel

Twenty four hours after two Turkish F-16’s downed a Russian SU-24 on Syrian territory, the smoke of the wreckage has cleared and revealed a banana skin with NATO’s logo stamped on it.

Obviously, Putin is too smart and sure-footed to slip and fall for such a primordial ruse.   But it is worth examining why NATO, which is primarily an American instrument, is resorting to such puerile and reckless tactics in its attempt to create justification to enter the Syrian battlefields, with intent to oust Bashar by force and divide up Syria to the benefits of the Caliphate and the Zionist states.  Do NATO commanders actually think that Putin’s intelligence is that degree of inept and short-sighted?  Or is this an act of desperation on NATO’s  part, with Turkey as front and fall guy?

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The Unmagnificent Seven: Naming ISIS Allies

The Mainstream Media is doing all it can to avoid addressing the obvious:  naming, dissecting and damning ISIS’s major backers and supporters.  There are no such informative and sanguine reports being penned or published by the elite media; they are instead too busy gatecrashing the funerals of the fallen, wiping errant tears and taking selfies.

As usual, wilted pathos and not sound reason is what’s being fed to the public after yet another  horrific series of terrorist attacks.
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Talmudism, Imperialism, Terrorism

Talmudism, that old desert ideology with its celebration of fire and brimstone and genocide needs to be urgently and openly addressed by concerned citizens and by the global intelligentsia alike.

Evidently, Talmudism is not confined to Judaic orthodoxies, indeed it has infiltrated the three Abrahamic faiths to the core.  It is an arcane ideology that is at war with modern Universalist principles, the very principles that if practiced would naturally lead to peaceful unification instead of the violent segregation of humanity.

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Three-card Monte For the American Masses

We’re being hustled by the evil twins again.  The government.  And the mainstream media.

They’re playing a Three-card Monte on the public to counter the unexpected developments in Syria.  A double-act conspiring to hoodwink unsuspecting citizens.  A very dangerous and albeit illegal propaganda practice – especially considering that grave matters of war and peace are at stake.

The government and the media are currently working overtime to mix black propaganda, grey propaganda and white propaganda in a poison bowl of misinformation: and they’re handing it out to the public with a glossy smile.

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Construction of a New World Order for the 21st Century Has Begun

Now that Russian military operations against ISIS in Syria are well underway, with much success already scored and final victory is but certain, Russia launches forth into an impeccably timed diplomatic offensive that seeks to establish a foundation for a new world order for the 21st century.

As current events fast unfold, we are observing Putin’s masterful use of both hard power and soft power to achieve this highly complex and dangerous restructuring.

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Knifing Settlers in Broad Daylight

It is a beautiful autumn morning in the Holy Land.  So magically beautiful in fact that a Palestinian teenage girl walking to school and daydreaming of romance would be forgiven for forgetting, just for a few seconds, the ugly occupation breathing death down on her at every street corner she takes.

She has used this same route for years now – she can walk it blindfolded.  She has learned the rich history of her ancestors and the deadly substance of the occupier on this very same route.  Often when she’s walked it, she’s experienced sickening palpitations and involuntary fist-clenching to encounter the occupier enemy at close range, be they armed and in uniform, or in civilian clothing with weapons possibly concealed.  She has many times seen hate and murder in their eyes as she nervously stepped past them.  This is her daily trail of fear and loathing and she affectionately calls it ‘my little redemption road’.

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Russia Destroys The Greater Israel Dream


The grand plan was going swimmingly.  The concept of endless wars for Greater Israel was working and producing impressive results.  Opportunistically, through aggravation of war after war, chunk by chunk of Arab land was usurped and the map of Greater Israel was slowly materializing.  No matter the unstable chaos surrounding the State of Israel for the past seven decades, and no matter the undying Palestinian resistance and the violent Intifadas that erupted internally, the Zionist dream of Greater Israel remained consistently intact and was progressing unabated and unchallenged by anyone.

But dreams, by their diaphanous nature are easily interruptible – can easily turn into sudden nightmares.  Indeed, dreams do, in the blink of an eye, simply end.

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Occupation is a Crime, Resistance is Not


There is so much silly propaganda out there right now on Palestine and Syria that I honestly can’t be bothered to post up any of it.  It’s all the same tired spin too.

‘Palestinians are terrorists terrorizing the poor Israeli Jews who just want to live in peace and harmony with their neighbors’ –  is basically a propaganda theme taken up by the MSM.  Multiple stories of Israeli ‘personal’ experiences of “Palestinian terrorism” are getting published all over the place too (oh man, the tedium!).

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Dignity or Death

An Israeli Jew, seeing a brown-skinned man walking down his street and assuming him to be Palestinian: lunged forth and stabbed him in a revenge attack – only to discover that the man he critically injured was actually Jewish.  Such is the level of ethnic paranoia permeating the Israeli psyche today.

Reciprocal stabbings between Palestinians and Zionist Israelis have been erupting on the streets of towns and cities and increasing in frequency and violence as the days pass.  The Zionist Israeli media is carrying forth Netanyahu’s propaganda message to his people:  ‘Arabs are attacking us with knives on the streets and we have the right to defend ourselves’.  Other loon Israeli media outlets are warning that the Palestinian stabbers are Daesh announcing their arrival into Israel.  The politics of fear is king in the holy land today.

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Shake, Rattle and Intifada

Against their leaders and against their occupier.  Against the Grim Reaper and a grimmer, dimmer future.  Against deception, oppression, injustice and submission.  Against everyone and everything that humiliates them, Palestinian youth en mass have taken to the streets of the West Bank, Jerusalem and Gaza for five days in a row today – a passion for freedom and an anger at the poverty of their life exploding in their bony chests.  Masked youth, stone in hand, stones stuffed in denim pockets, they duck behind walls and corners and cars, taking turn to leap balletic: throwing rocks with all their might at what can only be described as platoons of armed Israeli robots.

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