Taxi's Articles

Olive Picking in the Levant is a Form of Resistance

It’s that time of the year when rural Levant populations rush to their olive groves to pick the year’s harvest: generally used for pressing olive oil, pickling olives, and for making olive-based soap and beautification salves.

The timing of olive picking  is crucial:  it must take place after the second autumn rains – then waiting for two days thereafter for the soil to dry a little.  Picking olives any later than that will embitter the flavor and ruin the benefits of the harvest.  As you can imagine, this causes an insane rush to pick literally millions of trees in the region, with everyone working to a deadline.  This tradition has been going on for thousands of years –  even way before the enigmatic Abraham was born.  Here in the south of the Lebanon, the pickers are mostly local villagers joined by Syrian refugees who have taken refuge in sleepy villages.

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Taxi's Articles

Propaganda Never Sleeps

Russia is in Syria to stay until the job of ISIS-cleansing from Syria and Iraq is finished with.

The ‘West’ in practice has surrendered to this reality, but they’re such bastard sore losers that they won’t switch off their propaganda machines and paid minions for even a second.  Of late, the media has had a stream of continuous misinformation articles against the Russia-Iraq-Iran-Syria security plan that they (the West) have actually already publicly agreed is the correct direction for Russia to take in resolving the ISIS crisis in the Levant.  Talk about talking from both sides of mouth!

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Taxi's Articles

Putin Plays Russian Roulette

They don’t call it Russian roulette for nothing.  Get a six-shooter, load it with a single bullet called Destiny, spin the chamber, point the barrel an inch above your ear, any ear – now wait or don’t wait – now squint or don’t squint – think or don’t think – now flashback or don’t – now weep or unweep now breathe or don’t breathe now laugh or don’t laugh so dammit – what the heck you waiting for?!  Pull the goddamn trigger!


Potluck, you’re still alive.

You lost five pounds of sweat in just under a minute.  But you’re alive.

Now it’s Putin’s turn.  Shootin’ hootin’ tootin Putin – it’s his turn.

You hand him the gun.  He takes it.  He looks down at you, even though he’s shorter than you.  How the hell does he do that, you wonder? Continue reading

Taxi's Articles

Drinking Kosher Moonshine in Rogue Town

Bibi:  Goddam this moonshine’s good – give me s’more, you give me s’more now!

General Zee:  Think you’ve had enough – should go home now and–

Bibi:  Awww put a sock in it – just hand the bottle over – I’m in the middle of having a great fish-fish… fision, fizion, vison, vijon, I mean vision of this great big bad–

General Zee:  Mr. Prime Minister, I urge you please stop drinking or you’ll–

Bibi snatches the bottle of moonshine from the General’s hand and takes a long spilling swig.

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Taxi's Articles

Holy Slingshots and Bastard Bullets

The Palestinian today is a human slingshot and the stone in hand is the wrath of the land upon the cruel invader.

To have endured close to seven remorseless decades of daily brutality and death and to not have surrendered deserves earnest applause and fecund tears from the high sky.  The patient ones are rewarded by the gods, they say.  If this be true, then the enduring practice of Sumud has by now become an added survival organ in the Palestine body.  Sumud as dear and silent clinging to life.  A fixated insistence on justice.  Sumud as higher love.  The  virtue that needs to be taught to child and suffering hostage alike.

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Taxi's Articles

Russia Raps at Fortress Israel's Wall

My how the Russian boot suddenly landed heavy and sure on Syria’s soil.

How Israel gasped with surprise and dread to see the giant footprint and realize that its lauded Air Force no longer has the monopoly on Syrian skies.

Soberly it knew only too well that the Merkava is no match for even Hezbollah and Russian subs are a boat ride up the coast – checking Israeli frigates and pirates.

Suddenly Israel has no total freedom of the skies, checked on land and out at sea too.

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Taxi's Articles

A Review of the Reviewer of Max Blumenthal's Book

I was going to leave this as a comment on MW but decided against it because I suddenly realized that I much prefer to write it up for my own blog – simple as that.  But I will be linking it there and people who come to Plato’s to read it will then be able to comment, if they feel so inclined, without gatekeepers reading over their shoulders. 

Why James North’s promotion of Max Blumenthal’s book fails as a review is what interests me here, not Blumentha’s book itself.  So here’s what I’d like to say to James North after reading his promotional and uncritical review of Max Blumentha’s latest book – James’ article is headlined: ‘Why the mainstream media is still ignoring Max Blumenthal’s excellent book on Gaza’.

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Taxi's Articles

Jewish Anti-Goyism and the Entrenched Divisions in the Palestine Movement

Ladies and gentlemen, there is a HUGE and unaddressed problem with anti-goyism within the Jewish branches of the Palestine movement.  And it is disheartening and disappointing that honorable leaders of the movement and other non-aligned individuals, both Jewish and non-Jewish are not addressing it in public for the benefit of the movement’s solidrity.  What are we waiting for?  Permission?  Permission from whom exactly?  Really now!  It’s high time the anti-goy card is put face up on the table and examined.

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Taxi's Articles

The Dirty-Dirty Narrative War and the Smear Attacks on Palestine Activists

We already know that Adleson and Saban held a secret anti BDS summit not too long ago and assigned some Forty Million Dollars to the cause of “fighting BDS”.  Well, now we know where some of that money is going to:  skanky bloggers who are out there smearing activists in the most disgusting way – literally referring to them as “pedophiles” for defending the children of Gaza.  My advice here is two-pronged.  First, relentlessly beat the shit out of the offending deranged zionists on the bloggosphere.  Second:  all smeared activists really need to gather themselves as one and class-action sue the living daylights out of the writers of such filth and fuckeries.

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Taxi's Articles

Who and What the Heck is Plato's Guns?!

Almost six months ago, I set up Plato’s Guns as a newsstand to share articles and information with readers, as well as a platform for open, uncensored discussion of the simultaneous Zionist occupation of Palestine and our Congress – including also discussion on middle eastern geopolitical topics as they relate to our American Empire.  Having either been muzzled or banned from most I/P discussion sites, it was necessary to set up a place where no gatekeepers operated.  I have also taken advantage of this self-created freedom by penning occasional analysis articles and publishing them here on Plato’s.  I  highly encourage and invite others to pen articles on their topic of interest and to submit them to Plato’s for publication.  Community participation is essential for Plato’s growth – be it through the comment section or through article publishing.

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Taxi's Articles

American Empire versus Global Zionism

America in the Middle East: we’re playing so many sides against each other – juggling swords and nukes and oil pipes in the eye of a firestorm.

Why?  And where is this all leading to?

Apparently, it is all for us, for us and only us – it is all for the benefit of America:  the greatest ever Empire in the whole history of mankind.  This is why we do what we do in the Middle East and it is all leading to…  the end of Israel.

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Taxi's Articles

What now, Einstein?


Okay, so the word is now out.  JVP and EtO leaderships are supremist scumbags that have been operating with a sub-agenda that protects zionists and jewish reputations, not the primary victim nation of Palestine – and most certainly not the interests of our country.

Almost a week later and not a pip-squeak from either leadership or their egghead primo supporters as to where we go from here.  So we just stand now either side of the drawn line in the sand and… do exactly what?  Ogle and dart hostilities at each other?   Shout at each other and make rude gestures across the dividing line?  What the…?!!!

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Taxi's Articles

Activist, Heal Thyself

Check your tribalism at the door, please.  Roll your sleeve up, check your own pulse.  Now clean your ears, clear your throat, do some eyeball exercises – shake your wrists, wiggle your fingers, roll your neck, now crack your neck and let’s get cracking!  Welcome to the collective Palestine movement!  You may now enter.

Aaaah it was good to have the long overdue JVP/Weir discussion.  Finally MW opened a window and let in some fresh air.   But why did the MW editors leave the room soon as lanes of oxygen flooded in?  It would be a good thing for MW editors to let us know where they stand on ‘GatekeeperGate’.  Are they for gatekeeping the Palestine debate or are they against it?  It’s a very simple question, really.  A succinct yes or no from the editors would suffice.  The longer they take to answer, the more the reader will wonder about the genuineness of their agenda.  One assumes and hopes that MW editors are 100% against any scurrilous Machiavellian activities in the Palestine movement, including dishonorable activities by their personal friends, associates or patrons.  But we need to hear that from the horse’s mouth.  Make it official, MW.  Stand up, Phil and Adam, and let your voices be counted and recorded for posterity and for history.

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Taxi's Articles

Mondoweiss: Bird In A Cage

No doubt those of us who’ve been around the Mondoweiss block a few times have seen its gradual morphing from Phil Weiss’s sanguine personal blog to a media arm for the dubious JVP corp.

How visions change when the poet is reduced to using borrowed words:  waxing un-lyrical at the drunken image in the mirror.  How easy for some to abandon the principles of revolution in the name of small celebrity.  How sad that the bird should desire the cage.

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Taxi's Articles

Mondoweiss Breaks Silence Over The Alison Weir/JVP Controversy – Or Does It?

Roundtable on the Palestinian solidarity movement and Alison Weir – Adam Horowitz/Mondoweiss 

This summer some in the Palestinian solidarity community have been involved in a debate over Alison Weir of If Americans Knew following Jewish Voice for Peace’s decision to not work with her and the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation’s decision to ask her organization to leave its coalition due to violation of its anti-racism principles. Several readers have asked why we haven’t covered it and the simple answer is that we have devoted our time and resources to other important news stories which we have viewed as a greater priority, the Iran deal and increase in settler violence to name a few. However, we understand that this site plays a role in the Palestine solidarity movement as a place to reflect and debate, not only on the news of the day but on the movement itself. For that reason we are publishing the following three submissions we received on the division within the movement.

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Taxi's Articles

Cedars, Sewers… and Plato’s Guns


One thing I can say about off-road camping under cedar trees is that it gently tilts the axis of your world-view.  It is impossible for human hands to plant seeds of hubris in the wilds of a cedar forest; or in any other grand, natural environment for that matter.  When you are standing before a majestic gathering of ancient trees, modern civilization is but an afterthought with a bitter aftertaste.  The inhaled pure life-force of the scented air may have something to do with one’s sudden altered state and the realization that the world you left behind is but a nightmare of increasing miseries.  The pointlessness of truth in the mouths of liars struck me the hardest on this camping trip.  It would take me years to elaborate on this philosophical point, but suffice it to say that when insidious liars and propagandists perpetually hijack the truth for their own political ends, the sheep of humanity indeed are hopelessly lost to the belly of the wolf.
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Taxi's Articles

Media And Nothingness

I’m so freaking bored today.  Scanning through numerous news sites and their silly headlines.  I really can’t take it anymore.  Since the Iran deal signing, nothing but drab sci-fi from the losers.  Even worse, nothing but tepid modesty from the winners.

How long will this media nothingness go on for?

Maybe it’s just me and I’m on news overload.

More like bullshit overload.

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Taxi's Articles

When The Historic and the Hysteric Collide

Now that the golden dust of the Iran deal has somewhat settled and literally a deluge of analysis on the deal in multiple languages has been published and consumed by the global interested masses, all that’s left now is to watch how the powers of the biggest losers in this deal, Saudi Arabia and Israel, will be slowly imploding before our eyes.

To describe the reactions of both these loser countries as that of a hysteric is to put it mildly. They lost the supreme and highly prized geo-political Super Bowl; they lost American Idol and Arab Idol and the coveted Olympics all on the same night. Much chest beating was reported and their wild and haunting wails of crushing agony were heard even by NASA’s radars all the way out on Pluto’s surface this week.

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In Praise Of The Brave And The Visionary

Qaboos bin Said Al Said, the Sultan of Oman started it all.  He was the original initiator and architect of the Iran rapprochement.  Almost three years ago, he ingeniously set up the initial peace meetings between the USA and Iran.  Secret meetings that went on for six whole months right under the radars of the Mossad and every other intelligence agency on the planet.  Without Qaboos’ peace-seeking visionary initiative to break the hostile ice between the two foes, America and Iran would not be here today celebrating a golden victory for peace and international diplomacy.  All praise and gratitude should first go to this man who worked of his own volition; worked quietly and humbly throughout to bring an alternative to war in a region already ripped by non-state and state terrorism alike.   Against virtually insurmountable obstacles, he calculated and worked on behalf of peace.  He is a brave leader in a region full of narcissistic and despotic leaders.  Even though I am an anti-monarchist, as I’m sure practically everyone who reads Plato’s is, I must here give credit where credit is due. Qaboos behaved honorably for the benefit of not just his country, but for the people of his region as a whole – for humanity.  He is a true universalist.  He is a Peace Hawk.

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Taxi's Articles

NO EXIT: Israel’s Hidden Strategic Weakness

Buried deep inside an occupied mountain in the holy land is a room with no windows.  Inside this room, seven nervous men sit at a roundtable.  These men have not smiled in nine years.  They have not had a good night sleep in nine years.  They have not had a day off since Israel lost the war against Hezbollah in 2006 and Israel’s deterrence capability took a dangerous and public nose-dive.

Ever since then, these seven analysts, each with their own specialist file have congregated together to analyze new and growing existential dangers, and to find an effective way to reverse Israel’s strategic misfortunes. They have not once left this windowless room – they cannot leave this room without a workable solution in hand. The dark circles around their eyes say it all.  By now, very little is spoken between them – and often in whispers.  They wring hands.  They pass maps to each other.  They pass files with the word ‘classified’ stamped skewered in bold red.

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Taxi's Articles

Raging War Under Raging Stars

In the past couple of weeks, while the global Zionist media has been looking into Syria’s trash can for any rot and filth to publish on the beleaguered nation, the Syrian army alongside its battle-hardened ally Hezbollah have been systematically annihilating hundreds of terrorists in the four corners of Syria. They have been doing so with gusto but also with no media fanfare, preferring instead to focus solely on changing the facts on the ground to their strategic advantage. Preferring to conduct a raging war under raging stars without the need for publicity or the sunlight of official statements.

This is a new PR strategy for Syria who’s been bending over backwards trying to defend its narrative and legitimacy in the eyes of the world for the past four years. We can attribute this change of behavior to Hezbollah’s influence and how it operates: fight hard in silence, and only if it absolutely and strictly benefits the cause, release an occasional statement or two to keep your own supporters informed. In other words: fight away and utterly ignore what the Western world thinks – fight away and fuck what the Israelis and their global Zionist media do with the information vacuum.

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Taxi's Articles

Who Guards The Dog?

The American pro Palestine community is divided. Clearly, there is an aggressive attempt by a certain Jewish camp to dominate the narrative and set the boundaries of freedom of speech within the community. On the other hand, there are the resistors to this attempted domination.  I will not go into parsing the details of the JVP-Weir wars here, as they’re already known.  But I will say this:  to question authority using the sword of reason is healthy and in fact it is a necessary activity.

The pro Palestine community has two kinds of infiltrators:  the despicable antisemite and the despicable anti-gentile.  A Jewish contingency within the community, more specifically JVP, has taken it upon themselves to weed out the antisemite amongst us using McCarthy-like tactics and their fault-susceptible broad definition of an antisemite.   I understand the absolute necessity of weeding out undesirables – but it has to be done for non-personal and legitimate reasons – and the ousting must be agreed upon by both Jew and Gentile groups, and not just solely by one side.

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Taxi's Articles

The BDS War Is On, Baby!

BDS haters are out in force.  They’re everywhere you look on mainstream media and they’re everywhere on alternative net media.  It is obvious that a sudden deluge of seething hasbara on the information highway is being unleashed by Sheldon Adleson’s millions and media minions.  And they’re all weirdly jittery yet angry that BDS got this far – they’re furiously scribbling away belittling fisty tirades at the tangible upsurge of BDS’s popularity around the globe.  They’re bearing their teeth menacingly and demonizing and smearing with accusations of… well, you know what – they’re hating on BDS and whinging and lying through rattled teeth and fuming nostrils.

Wonderful to witness this level of desperate hasbara.

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Taxi's Articles

Evil, Thy Name Is Military Industrial Complex

Attacking Yemen – experimenting on the poorest populations in the world – yet again.

The Global Military Industrial Complex.  Hope y’all out there realize that they’ll never let us bankrupt their businesses or disarm their clients.  They will kill us all way before they ever let that happen.

They are insanely wealthy and they have all the guns in the world – literally.  We don’t stand a chance against them in this context.

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Saudi Arabia: A strategy of own-goalism

Man!  The House of Saud is so pissed it can’t win in Yemen and it still can’t stop Iran’s spreading regional hegemony – so much so that for a few years now the Saudi regime has been sending out armies of terrorists to behead, cannibalize, rape, loot, pillage, mass murder and indiscriminately destroy human and animal life – wipe out ancient monuments and  desecrate profound histories right across the Arab fold – and all this wanton death and mayhem: just to stop Iran’s organic progress as a regional power.

All over the middle east and especially in the Levant, the wicked House of Saud has been hyper-actively spreading what can only be only described as an epic Hollywood Blockbuster production of blood and gore, down to the immaculate styling of their black-clad terrorist army and their Hollywood-cheeseball black flags.

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Taxi's Articles

American Terrorism and American Tax Dollars

Our zionist congress is the biggest and most lethal crime syndicate on the planet.  Ever.  Especially considering the mass of exotic and lethal array of weaponry at their disposal.

In their hands, our tax dollars are being converted into gathering lakes of blood.

We are feeding, clothing, sheltering, arming and training large armies of frenzied head-choppers.  True dark evil is being done to millions of innocent people under the leadership and instruction of our zionist congress.

It’s a problem when our government invests our tax dollars into stoking hatred and enabling, nay, committing mass death on poverty-struck populations in faraway lands.

It’s a problem and I don’t know the solution.  I only know that voting doesn’t work.  Evidently.

Yes, the forecast is bleak and oblique, Mr. Johnson.

Taxi's Articles

Engineers of Destruction Never Sleep

I just scrolled down the day’s posted headlines and man there is so much hate and war and instruments of slaughter and ammo and blood and limbs and endless human sacrifice all at the alter of greed for power.  The progress of dark forces is quite rapid – breathtaking really – and not in a good way.  So I’ll leave you with a musical equalizer; and I bid you goodnight from the quiet yet troubled undertows of the Levant.

Taxi's Articles

American Empire’s Vision Of A New Middle East

We’ve read much analysis on why Saudi Arabia is attacking Yemen and heard accusations of criminal hypocrisy against the USA for supporting Saudi Arabia’s attack on the poorest country in the Arabian Peninsula.  But we haven’t yet established why the USA would allow yet another destabilizing war in the Mideast, a violent war taking place right at the gates of the world’s largest oil fields.

On the surface, it would seem odd that the USA would approve of a war that could easily get out of control and threaten to jeopardize global industries and the health of our global economy.  But…  there is method in Empire’s madness.

America intends to remove the House of Saud from power.
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