Taxi's Articles

Hiatus Till War Breaks Out

This is not an article, but a personal announcement.

We all know that members of the Axis of Resistance currently have the weapons, the intel, the training, and the indelible resolve to go to war with Israel and defeat it.  They have both ability and capability to remove the illegal and immoral Jewish colony from existence altogether.  A petrified Israel and its concerned allies also know this inevitability only too well.  Therefore, the game being aggressively played by Israel right now is the ‘delay game’ that employs war-by-other-means.  Anything but to face the Axis of Resistance on the battlefield.  Anything!  Anything will do for now, in the small hope that the future may change the current anemic chances of an Israeli victory in the next war.  Therefore, what we all see presently is Israel and its Axis of Evil cabal employing political, diplomatic, economic, social and cyber warfare against all the Resistor nations, especially against the Lebanon: home of Hezbollah, whom Israel fears the most.

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Dorothy versus Hassan

The US ambassador to Lebanon, Dorothy Shea, thinks she’s smarter than Hassan Nasrallah.

Yet, evidence shows that since Trump appointed her as ambassador to Lebanon back in February 2020, every dastardly trap she has placed before Mr. Nasrallah and his Hezbollah resistance group has failed.  Proof of this failure is that Hezbollah keeps growing stronger and stronger, untouched by all external or internal forces hellbent on destroying the Lebanese resistance group.  Failed simply because Dorothy is not as smart as she thinks she is.  Most certainly, she is not as intelligent as the nifty leader of Hezbollah. 

Having spent some three years working as Deputy Principal Officer at the US Consulate General in Jerusalem immediately prior to her post in Beirut, Dorothy no doubt continues to have a direct hotline to the Israeli Prime Minister’s office, if not to his direct cell phone; and no doubt, every morning, her first official word from Beirut is ‘shalom’.

Dorothy does not behave like a diplomat.  Instead, she behaves like an eye-patched leader of a sketchy militia: laying aside all diplomatic decorum and behaviorism and charging forth into every single aspect of Lebanese social, economic and political life, with the blatant intent of widening existing societal fissures in Lebanon, as well as adding new ones: aiming for a sectarian war that would cause the wholesale mass murder of innocents.  One could say that she behaves as the Jews do in DC.  A Puss in Boots, but utterly charmless and physically unattractive.  Puss in Boots with mouth bigger than boots.  So much so that last year, a Lebanese judge banned Lebanese media from interviewing Dorothy for her atrocious and blatant attempts at creating sectarian warfare in Lebanon.  Needless to say, Dorothy the ‘ambassador’ gave the proverbial middle finger to this native judge while hiding behind the skirts of her diplomatic immunity.  She continues to pollute Lebanese media and its political landscape with daily feces propelled out of all her orifices.  Yes, she literally defecates on Lebanon every day, while feigning love and affection for the Lebanese people.  Because the Lebanese resistance group, Hezbollah, defeated Israel twice already on the battlefield, Dorothy’s instruction since taking the ambassadorship has been to starve the Lebanese population as punishment for these victories.  Tel Aviv must love her for her Zionist activism and zeal.  The Mossad must be sending her monthly boxes of Cuban cigars.

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Discuss the Disgusting

No More Wars For Israel | The Palestine Poster Project Archives

Grrrrreetings good fellows and fellowettes!  Till I get it together to post up a new article, this page will be open for comments on current affairs: a continuation of the thread from the last article here, in the hope that it helps readers who access Plato’s via their phones.

My techie is recovering from a med op so till he’s back in action and able to change the settings for me (I tried this morning and failed), I invite everyone to use this page for commentary.

So, what are we all waiting for?!  Let’s discuss the disgusting!

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From Here On, Palestine Calls the Shots

From rocks to rockets.  This is now the recorded evolution of the armed Palestinian Resistance.  From throwing Intifada rocks that barely scratched occupation tanks, to lobbing rockets that can now reach anywhere in Israel: this is presently the undeniable status of the Palestinian Resistance.  Hard, therefore, not to deduce that some impressive progress has been achieved by the armed Palestinian Resistance in Gaza, despite Gaza being under a severe land, sea and air siege.  Right under the very noses of the bulky Israeli military and its lauded hi-tech Intel, the Palestinian Resistance has managed to arm itself in a significant way – and indeed, it continues to improve its arsenal, undetected.  Of course, Israel’s weaponry remains by far more superior to that of the Palestinians, but this superiority in arms became meaningless during the recent ‘Sword of Jerusalem’ combat: a small war that found the Israeli forces unilaterally withdrawing from the battlefield after only some ten days.  In normal military parlance, this would be defined as a defeat, yet this defeat is being referred to in the West as a ‘ceasefire’.  Well, semantics aside, the simple takeaway is that Israel’s mighty military lost to pitiful Gaza rockets.  The biblical story of David and Goliath repeated itself right before our modern eyes.  And from here on, the hulking Israeli military will be powerless to protect Israeli Jews and their properties in the holy land.

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Oh, Jerusalem!

Violence Renews Near Iconic Holy Site in Old Jerusalem | Voice of America -  English


“Hands off Jerusalem and its people.”  This is the first, foremost and non-negotiable condition that the Palestinian Resistance is demanding, in exchange for halting rocketry at Israel.

But it’s falling on the deaf ears of the terrorist Jewish government, as its military continues pounding hard at civilian targets in Gaza.  R.I.P. to the Gaza family that was murdered by a genocidal, Jewish missile as its members sat down together for lunch yesterday.  R.I.P. to all other Gaza people who were indiscriminately slaughtered by the remorseless and demonic Jewish air force these past ten days.

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Palestine Has the Right to Defend Itself

How to Learn Self-Defense When You Live With Chronic Pain

We have entered a new era in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.  The old days of Israel committing war crimes against the downtrodden, captive Palestinians are over.  The world has done zero to address Israel’s fundamental crime of nation-stealing: a megalith crime that can only be described as the longest and most vicious war crime in our modern history.  A crime that millions of people around the world consider to be even worse than the holocaust.  After some 73 years of enduring relentless Israeli terrorism, land-theft, cultural appropriation AND the silence of the world, the Palestinian Resistance has finally taken charge and has, literally overnight, turned the tables against Israel.  From here on, there will be accountability for Israel for any crime it commits against the Palestinians.  From here on, all previous Israeli red lines will be crossed in favor of the Palestinians.  From here on, the death of Israel is no longer a far-fetched fantasy.  From here on, the Palestinian Resistance will take charge of Palestine’s destiny.  And its destiny is total liberation.

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Hezbollah The Beautiful

A warrior’s soul sleeps in his fist.  Wakes in his fist.  Till his dying breath, will exist in his fist.

No gun and no mortal danger can unfold this fist.  A warrior will live and die with his fist clenched.

This is not for love of violence nor for the thrills of war.  Not because of a demented passion for death either.  This is because a warrior knows that even in times of peace, evil and evil-doers lurk in the shadow of peace.

Warriorship is vocational.  It is non-mercenary.  Non-materialistic.  Non-negotiable.  True warriorhood is purely defensive.  It is fixated solely on the protection of a higher justice and defense of self and the meek.  It is never predatory.  A warrior is steeped in a culture of righteous dignity and martyrdom.  Humble dignity.  And a sacred martyrdom.  A true warrior is not an ordinary soldier, nor a celebrated figure from either media or mythology.  A true warrior is real.  And rare.  A true warrior is the only class of human capable of kissing death right in the eyeball.  There is no fear of the infinite black void in the heart of a true warrior.

Throughout history, cultures under duress and attack by covetous enemies have produced their own brand of warrior.  Native American Indians gave us the ‘Braves’.  Japan gave us the ‘Samurai’.  France gave us Joan of Arc.   Africa gave us ‘Warrior Queen Amina’.  And modern Lebanon has given us, Hezbollah.

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Congratulations President Kamala

The kindest thing we can say about Joe Biden is that he is a proven scatterbrain whose physical and cognitive daily life depends on his wife’s vigilant handling of his word and foot.  She is forever present wherever he is: whispering to him his forgotten word, and showing him where podium and exit door is.  Simply, she is his guide-dog and theatrical standby coaching him from the wings.  And for all we know, Biden may also already be incontinent and needing adult diapers under his pajamas and Mrs. Biden here plays the role of personal diaper-changer too.

This is the pre-election status of our new president, Joe Biden.

But what of post-election?  How will our handicapped and dependent president manage complex state affairs and even more complex foreign policies for the next four years?  He is already 77 years of age and clearly his cognitive abilities will continue to naturally diminish with age, with no prospect whatsoever of their return to robust elasticity.

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The US, Israel and Beirutshima

Wherever there is mass murder in the Middle East, there you find the Israeli fingerprint.  And it was always forever thus. 

Time and time again, since 1948, Israel has demonstrated that it solves all its regional problems with violent terroristic solutions that change the political and geostrategic equation in its favor.  Time and time again, there is always a major Western government that benefits from and supports this Israeli terrorism, and in the case of the recent horrific explosion at the Beirut Port, now otherwise known as ‘Beirutshima’, it is the US who greatly benefits as well as Tel Aviv.

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America Chooses a New Mideast Policeman

Running out of time, and desperate to gather focus and forces to fast pivot east to confront a rapidly rising Chinese superpower, America is currently arranging for its exit from the Middle East in a way that militarily secures its allies and proxies there, especially that of Israel.  Naturally, it has to pick a top dog from its kennel of allies to police the region in its absence, and pick one, indeed, it has.


Not Israel.

This explains the wanton and brazen geostrategic moves that Turkey has been making of late in Iraq, in Syria, in Lebanon, in Yemen, in Libya, in Algeria and even in Greece: all seemingly with America’s approval.

Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the Gulf nations and Israel have all been side-stepped for this lauded position and the crown has been handed over to Turkey.  Turkey: the global capital of the Muslim Brotherhood.

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Annexation, War, Liberation

Nothing sends chills down the spine of Israel more than the mere mention of the name ‘Hezbollah’.  Nothing, no superpower nor hurtling supernova petrifies Israel more than the existence of Hezbollah’s muscle and missile at its doorstep.  Israel does not fear Egypt; it does not fear Jordan or Syria or even faraway Iran, but, it is indeed absolutely and positively petrified of little Lebanon with its uncontested resistance army: the Hezbollah.  And this deep-seated pathological fear has found much gory and exuberant expression since the Israeli military was soundly defeated by Hezbollah back in 2006.  Every single Israeli military project right across the Middle East since 2006 has been about defeating Hezbollah and stopping the spread of its popular resistor-culture.  And evidently, every Israeli attempt to achieve this for the past decade and a half has flatly failed.

Unable to best Hezbollah’s spectacular performance on the battlefield, unable to also access any consequential Intel on Hezbollah’s brains and brawn, and moreover, unable to ignite a sectarian civil war in Lebanon after numerous attempts over the years, a humiliated Israel resorted to engineering, through American hands and influence, the unleashing of an army of  terrorist Takfiris on Syria: Damascus being the main artery of support from Tehran to Hezbollah in Lebanon.  One could say that Syria was attacked by an army of head-choppers because Hezbophobic Israel could not directly retaliate against a victorious Hezbollah in Lebanon.  The Israeli master plan here was to cut off Hezbollah from Syria, thereby from its Iranian sponsor, and to flood both Levantean nations with Takfiri terrorists, thus specifically busying Hezbollah’s hands while the Israeli military “attacked it from the back”.  Yet, alas for the Israelis, this diabolical plan to defeat or weaken the Hezbollah has only produced the opposite results for Tel Aviv.  Syria, though severely damaged, still stands and remains a main artery of Iranian support to Hezbollah, and Hezbollah itself has increased its wholesale military and geopolitical powers even further.  Now Hezbollah possesses an even larger stockpile of sophisticated missiles pointing at Tel Aviv and at everywhere else of vital value in Israel proper.  Presently, there is not a single inch of Israel that’s not in Hezbollah’s cross-hairs.  The Israeli military’s top brass know only too well that Hezbollah will most certainly use these missiles on Israel if provoked, or, indeed when a wider regional war is ignited.  And this is precisely what is causing an incurable insomnia to both Israel’s military architects, as well as to all its Judeo-centric allies in the West: all flaccidly scrambling to find ways to assist a geopolitically cornered Israel.

But, dear reader, there is also another issue that Israel equally fears and loses much sleep over.  A fear that has rattled Israel’s shadowy bones since the Palestinian Nakba back in 1948.  An old, old fear.  A terrorizing fear that Tel Aviv has somewhat succeeded at camouflaging and suppressing from the public eye and ear with the help of its propaganda arm in Western media.

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Microbes and Messiahs


Look how empty the sky, the roads, the market place.  Hollowed human life.  Ghost world.

See how sociable humanity is suddenly gripped by a strange foreboding and a desperate need for isolation.  Self-imposed quarantine all over planet.

Ladies and gentlemen, a paradigm shift has occurred right under our feet, and this time round, it unfolded in imperceptible and expanding biological ripples.  Toxic ripples that no one can now avoid grappling with.  A paradigm shift akin in surrealism and machinations to the traumatic event of 9/11 – an event that saw new and unconstitutional laws imposed on citizens; saw also citizens accepting these impositions with little to no resistance.  Saw, but alas, only a heightened increase in terrorism since then.

As nation borders rapidly close today, each isolating itself from the other, citizens of the world everywhere become one, united in fear and common dread. All seeking some kind of a pharmaceutical messiah.  All seeking protection and cure.  All seeking life-saving council.  All seeking updated information.  But, only to find themselves lost in a forest of unverifiable data and quackery, as the mysterious and deadly COVID-19 continues to infect more cities and whole nations.

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Empire Games and Ghouls

What is Empire but a colossal corporation whose sole mission is the hostile takeover of everything on earth?

What is Empire but a titanic shark charging forth and gobbling up all lifeforms in its path?

What is Empire but a gluttonous, gargantuan gut full of humanity’s tears and shredded corpses?

Addicted to bloodlust and war porn, and hooked to the bone on Vulture Capitalism, a rapacious Empire struts and swaggers across our globe: demanding other nations’ resources and servitude at gunpoint, while holding a plastic olive branch in its brute fist.  Always speaking from both sides of its mouth, Empire plays a game of sadistic ownership with humanity.

…  And it was always forever thus.

Our human history consists mainly of the rise and fall of some 70 empires of all sizes – and all of them have by now violently perished, all but one, that is.  We call it, Pax Americana.  Students of the rise and fall of empires observe how the lifespan of empires have tended to get shorter and shorter down the line of time, indicating poorer and poorer management by empire, coupled with an increased resistance to its dominion – resistance that’s due to humanity’s growing awareness of the insatiable brutality and nihilism of imperial power.

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We live in the age of lies and liars.  Bold deceivers and their sleight of hand rule over all of us fools and melancholics.  Silver-tongued leaders appeal to our desperation but deliver us more contortions and divisions.  We’ve become fragments buoying in a fragmented sea.  Thus separated from each other and deconstructed by the bungling hammer of lies, our collective state of mind has become de-realized. 

We live in the age of post-realism.  The age of reality as cracked mirror.  An age where every word is slaughtered into meaning its opposite.

We live in the Age of Reversalism. 

We live in a flourishing liar’s paradise. 

Liars now own the world.

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Israel Plans To Assassinate Saad Hariri

When all else fails against an enemy, the Israeli Mossad activates its assassins, either through a missile strike targeting a passenger in a moving car, or through a car bomb, through poisoned toothpaste, else through a bullet to the brain of their target.  This is their MO, as illustrated by their very own supremely long history of terrorism.

Following the dramatic civil unrest and protest upheaval in the Lebanon these past two weeks – a genuine anti corruption Lebanese revolution that was hijacked on the fifth day by the internal and external enemies of Lebanon, and more specifically, by the enemies of Hezbollah – Lebanon returned to some semblance of normality two days ago, albeit a volatile one.

Nasrallah, in his last speech, heartily congratulated the “awoke population of the Lebanon” for foiling an Israeli-Saudi plan to ignite sectarian civil war in their nation.  Indeed, it’s a miracle that gun fights on narrow Lebanese streets and strategic bridges didn’t erupt between hot-headed protesting civilians, considering that the majority of Lebanese homes proudly count weapons as part and parcel of their furniture.

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Hezbollah Will Liberate the Galilee

After the audacious Hezbollah struck at the IDF’s military transporter in Avivim on September 1st, a new red line at gunpoint was imposed on Israel by Hezbollah, and a new war phase thus began.

Naturally, a seething Tel Aviv went into intensive and absurdist denial of this new red line, and a war of narratives between the two foes ensued in the media and on the internet.  But Israel lost this narrative war when Hezbollah opportunistically released their own video of the attack several days after its success.  We used to say that ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’, and now we can say that a video is worth a million words – or better still: worth no words at all.  The whole world saw with their own eyes the mass cowardice of the Israeli army after losing only a single military vehicle to two Hezbollah Kornets.  The whole world saw the very weak marrow of the fleeing Israeli soldiers for themselves – saw the false reputation of the IDF as a ‘superior army’ thoroughly exposed over nine continuous days and smashed beyond repair.  “Weaker than a spider’s web”, a phrase coined by Nasrallah to describe Israel’s military back in year 2000, a phrase that for some two decades has been confined to only Hezbollah supporters, suddenly became the phrase du jour on the lips of the global internet.

Yes, nothing satisfies like the cold humiliation of an enemy.  And the real humiliation hasn’t even begun.

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The Yinon Plan is Dead, Long Live the Persian Cat!

Never has the Yinon Plan seen such dark days; and irreversible darker days are yet to come.

The Yinon Plan, being the most celebrated Jewish expansionist strategy in Tel Aviv, was made public in 1982, and indeed it has seemingly achieved much notable success for over three decades.  But what was unknown to Tel Aviv and the world at large in the interim was that since 1979, the year of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, the nascent Axis of Resistance led by Iran has also had its own counter strategy to liberate occupied Arab lands, including and especially the whole of Historic Palestine.  A visionary plan that would see the removal of the cancerous Jewish implant that not only threatens neighboring Arab nations, but also threatens faraway Iran – a classified and intricate super plan that only nowadays is being incrementally revealed.  For its assured success, this countering plan has depended on utter secrecy and the patience of a thousand saints.  Even today, this plan’s actual name remains secret, though it is often referred to in regional media as the ‘Liberation Battle’.  Most certainly, we can by now weave together information on this liberation plan: all based on the already realized military advancements of the Axis of Resistance, as well as on explosive new information revealed by Nasrallah in his three hour interview of last week.

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Missile-Phobia in Tel Aviv

Since the silent annexation of the United States of America by Tel Aviv, global Jewish crime syndicates have never had it so good.  Jewish oppression and kleptomania have hit the roof and everywhere you look, there’s a Jew smiling at their quantum success.  Happy Jew here, happy Jew there, happy Jews everywhere, everywhere, everywhere… except… in Tel Aviv.

Well, who can relax when hundreds of thousands of ballistic missiles are pointing at their head 24/7 and the enemy’s finger is hotly on the trigger?

Fact is, that despite all that ill-gotten Jewish affluence and control of the Western hemisphere, despite their possession of nukes and their dictatorship of all of America’s political, intelligence and military institutions, Tel Aviv remains a hapless sitting duck in the Middle East – increasingly targeted by increasing missiles.

Yes, it’s the missiles, stupid!

If you thought Trump’s fisty sanctions on Iran are about their nuclear program, think again.  If you thought these sanctions have anything to do with Iran’s “mad Mullahs” desiring world domination through terrorism, think again.  And definitely redouble your thinking too if you believe that “they hate our freedoms”, or that it’s about Iranian street chants of “Death to America, Death to Israel”.  All media reasons given for our hostility towards Iran are but a cloak that conceals Israel’s current reality and state of mind:  missile-phobia in Tel Aviv.  A rampant and jittery phobia that has rendered the Jewish halls of power permanently gasping with anxiety and clasping at any thread of an idea that may reverse their fatal security malady: a geopolitical-military malady that appears to have absolutely no cure.  (Too late for the cure, as it happens).

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They Shoot Gentiles, Don’t They?

We have ceased to be mesmerized by the hypnotic sorrows of the holocaust.

We no longer care about how or how many Jews perished in World War Two.

Ann Frank, that Jewish cultural vampire that’s been weaponized and directed at our Gentile youth’s jugular for seventy odd years has now been publicly exposed as a hoax; accused by some of being a pornographer; featured as an object of ridicule in the  popular party game ‘Cards Against Humanity‘; and more recently: little Ann got herself a long-overdue roasting from Hitler himself on a Netflix comedy show.  Ann Frank, that melancholic, melodramatic Jew with violin in one hand and a begging bowl in the other has lost her status as Grand Jew Icon and scared cow of the so-called holocaust.

Seventy some years of her myth relentlessly forced upon the Gentile psyche through a Jew-manufactured cultural saturation has by now dulled our passions to the point of indifference.  We don’t give a damn about Ann Frank anymore.  Not when we know that approximately over a million Iraqi, Yemeni, Libyan, Syrian and Palestinian children have been the targets of ongoing multiple genocidal wars, all engineered by Tel Aviv in its attempt to realize its terroristic, kleptomaniac Yinon Plan.  The Gentile masses are no longer interested in the deaths of Jewish children who lived in the last century – certainly not when on a daily basis, we read about Palestinian children being murdered and intentionally maimed by Jews: shot in the back or in the crotch for no good reason and with no remorse.  (*Note the genocidal implication of shooting at the crutch).

Simply, the Jews have created so very many wars in our present day that we no longer have the time or the emotional capacity to extend our ‘care’ to the alleged suffering of historic Jewish figures who lived in some faraway black and white calendar from the past.  You could say: the iconography of Ann Frank has arrived at the overreach point and no one gives a hooting poppycock anymore.  Ann Frank is now becoming irrelevant.  Ann Frank is dying – which is just as well as we too were about to die from the utter boredom of her nauseating, pseudo-literary spin.

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Jewish Terrorism

Image result for jewish terrorism

Mutilators of history and inverters of reality.  Infanticidal, satanic pedophiles of antiquity and of modern times.  Human-organ traders; sex-slave traders; historic slave-traders; executioners of the unarmed and snipers of the bellies of expectant mothers.  Mass murderers and rapists and pornographers and drug pushers; grave robbers and loan sharks and mafia lords and lords of the ghetto them ghetto Jew billionaires and their coterie of rabid rabbis.  War pigs obsessed with policing the peaceful.  Death merchants obsessed with the six-million mathematical.  Swindlers and heisters in love with their red heifer.  Pagans in disguise and kabalistic bilkers of the loveless and the bereaved – shooters and looters of lost souls.  Liars and deceivers and congods of the universe.  Diddlers and bamboozlers of lush towns and cities.  Poisoners of air and water and garden and the body human.  Brainwashers of beautiful minds and saboteurs of sunshine and sunny days.  Terrorists and interlopers and smashers of sacred truths.  Haters and killers of all the prophets of peace.  Lovers of genocide and of mass graves.  Purveyors of the flowers of death and lawyers for the devil and his army of kidnappers.  Torturers and tormentors of orphans and the handicapped.  Castrators of boys and men in their prime.  Ungloved abortionists with bullet for scalpel.  Blackmailers of the redeemed and the pardoned.  Insatiable brutes and sadists and vain bullies pickled in their pharaohnic complex.  Covetous cowards and relentless conspirators behind the black curtain.  Parasite of parasite.  Counterfeiters of piety and victimhood.  Worshipers of blood-diamonds and looted gold and milk and honey.  Inventors of the fucking atom bomb!  Arsonists and burners of babies in their cribs; muggers and assaulters of the blind in their beds; backstabbers of heroes and Eros and Gentile friend and foe alike; architects of intolerance and violent division; protectors of psychopaths who prey on the praying; narcissists and polishers of the lunatic hall of mirrors; landscapers of greed and enablers of destitution; gluttonous vandals of heaven and of earth; spitters on harvests and on the bread baskets of the world; builders of walls and moats and spiky guillotines; birthers of primordial bigotry and racism and chauvinistic-chosenistic xenophobia; haters of humanity and justice and exquisite Gentile beauty; revelers dancing on the crushed bones of the innocent under rubble; enthusiastic beheaders of facts and science and human napes.  Spoilers and decayers and devastators of delicate, divine life itself.

Shall I go on?  The list of Jewish chicanery and their anti-Gentile crimes is long and getting longer with every new day.  And there really is no need to even report on their latest criminal orgies – their evil is such that it’s all so very predictable by now.  But, there is always the drawing of the curtain they hide behind.  There is always and forever the exposing of their grotesque center of operations and its psychotic masterplan: a Talmudic mindset hellbent on world domination and the violent subjugation and enslavement of Gentiles and their progeny.  There is always the targeting of their very center of evil: Tel Aviv.  Tel Aviv.  My dart today is aimed right there between the eyes of Tel Aviv.

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Israel on Death Row

Image result for tel aviv destroyed in the future

So much saccharine propaganda is added to Israeli news in Western Mainstream Media that our teeth have turned black with rot and our brains have turned into windswept candyfloss.  But, for the discerning mind whose gray matter remains pickled in natural brine and not in artificial Jewish sugars, the picture of Israel’s power and stability in the Middle East looks very different indeed.  In fact, reality in the Levant is the very opposite of Jewish propaganda in Western nations.  It is no exaggeration nor theory here that having spent the past seven decades dominating every inch of land, water and sky in the Levant, Israel today finds itself unable to effectively defend itself, nor reclaim past military glories and assertions.  Therefore, there is no doubt whatsoever that the wider geopolitical map of the Levant today finds Israel sitting on death row, and without an appellant messiah appearing on the horizon.

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The Banality of Jews

Aren’t you sick of the Jews already?!  Have you not had enough of their pastiche of evil, clichéd psy-ops and pompous political pantomime?  How about their dark tapestry of mass-murder across history, their easy seduction by Genocide and their intellectually frou-froued chosenite fantasies?  Have you not had enough of their silly-Billy paganism, their darkly-managed deceptions, their demonic greed and unequivocal, unholy usury?  How about their falsification of human history?  Their maniacal self-fulfilling bogus prophecies?  How about their meanness?  Aren’t you by now just utterly stuffed up to the eyeballs with their incessant, insatiable mean streak?  And let me ask you this: are you not also by now profoundly BORED with the banality of the Jews?

Well, I most certainly am!

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Anti-Gentilism Causes Antisemitism

The first bullet of hate was fired by the Jews.

Some three thousand years ago, the ancient desert followers of Moses who lived in Babylonia had amassed and collated their 600 year old oral folklore, before studiously recording it on scrolls and slabs.  This collection of ancient Jewish writings is commonly known as the Babylonian Talmud.  And this very Talmud, according to Jewish history, not only represents the primary source for Jewish theology and law, it also continues to be the centerpiece of Jewish cultural life.  Jewish Babylonian writers of the Talmud at the time had indeed galvanized, labored and penned away: unanimously agreeing on the content of all its chapters.  They’d all signed on their religious mission-statement that notably also included declaring eternal war on all Gentiles.  This genocidal, tribal decree found in the Talmud is the first recorded case of Jewish Anti-Gentilism.  It took place a good several millennia before even the concept of Antisemitism was invented.  Ancient Jews had actually put this historic and dark Anti-Gentile declaration down in writing some two thousand years before pogroms and the religious persecution of Jews were ever recorded.  We actually presently know of the genocidal inclinations of the Jews from their own ancient Talmudic writings: fairly well hidden from the eyes of Gentiles for thousands of years till the advent of the internet clearly revealed the Jewish ill-intention towards all Gentiles.

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The Coward’s Holocaust

I define the Nakba as a holocaust.  A holocaust committed incrementally by Jewish cowards.  A coward’s holocaust!

I reject the definition of ‘ethnic cleansing’ that’s stamped on the Nakba, because, even though mass ethnic cleansing did occur with the monstrous birth of Israel, the intention of the Jews who arrived from Europe to occupy Palestine had Talmudic genocide on their minds and not a Two State paradigm: as evidenced by historic quotes from the Jewish founders of Israel, as well as by the Jewish Knesset’s genocidal policies and their perpetual crimes against the suffering Palestinian people.

I define the Nakba as a ‘coward’s holocaust’ because the watered-down label of ‘ethnic-cleansing’ lessens the true depth and immensity of Jewish crimes against the Semitic natives of Palestine.  I define it so because the Jews think gentiles are too stupid to notice a ‘genocide’ taking place if it’s done in increments.  Jews think they’re performing some kind of Houdini-esque, invisible holocaust that no gentile can see.  Such is the degree of their criminal narcissism.  Pathological lunacy!

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Death of Israel

For the zealot, Zionist West, International Law is dead.  Democracy is dead.  Personal privacy is dead.  Free speech is dead.  Free thought is dead.  Morality itself is dead.

Therefore, there will be war.

Presently, with Syria and the Axis of Resistance so close to a complete victory over the terrorist invading army that’s supported by the Axis of Evil, Israel’s only chance at remaining a regional dominant entity is to gather its Goyim Western friends on the front lines of war-torn Syria.  Israel desperately needs the Goyim slave nations of the West to fight there on its behalf because, like I have been saying for a good decade now, Israel is in an existential, geopolitical crisis that it thinks can be resolved through yet another war of aggression against its regional neighbors.  It’s a gamble-war that the Israelis have no choice but to ignite, all due to their enemies gaining continuing strength and improved armory.

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Taxi's Articles

Oh Syria!

Damn the bombs and the missile blues!  Damn the warmongers and psychopaths in power!  Damn the eyeless war profiteers – damn their fists clutching at human bones!  Damn the rapists and annihilators of nations!  Damn the destroyers of Palestine, of Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Syria!  Damn them all in this precious hour of ours!  Let us push them all aside with gusto!  Let us un-darken our doors here with their absence and instead: let us ponder the wondrous gravitas and historic riches of ancient cities currently under bombardment.  Let us, for instance, pay homage to the ancient masons who laid the very first brick of Damascus – that very same brick that launched a contiguous twelve-thousand year community.  Let us for a moment digest this stunningly immense numerical – this extravagant, extraordinary achievement in longevity!  Let us remember these ancient artisans and bricklayers and what marvelous vision stirred their breast to compel them to build a city like Damascus.  Let us leave our philistine century aside for a moment and remember the philosophical womb of Damascus that incubated the humanistic ideal and desire for everlasting human community.  Let us remember the intoxicating scent of Damascus jasmine and the dreamy ambience of ancient public fountains; let us generously evoke the sartorial silky-elegance of Dame Damascus; and in poetic whispers, let us invite into our hectic highway of thought, the ultimate messiah of humanity: the diaphanous Muse.  The very force behind all human progress emanating from the vast and unexplored human imagination: that infinite and internal world of ours that’s full of mystery and genius and innovation.  Let us privately hold court with this ageless Muse – this Muse who is as old as god – this Muse whose most enduring vision of community was birthed in the minds of the builders of Damascus: this Muse who was called forth by the first founders of Damascus to assist them in manifesting the finest and most enduring of all human cities.  Let us all sit by the banks of the Barada River and eat apples with the Muse that inspired these faceless ancient Syrians to create and build such an everlasting city as Damascus – a city that is even older than the oldest pyramid on earth – a city that is actually twice as old as the oldest pyramid.

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Taxi's Articles

Say Goodbye to America As We Know It

Fasten your seatbelts, dear patriots, you’re about to be dragged into yet another Jewy war.  This time, against a Hypersonically-nuclear Russia and its capable and motivated allies in the Middle East.

Too late to stop the Jewy push for war emanating out of Jewy DC.  Too late, therefore, for you to protest against another Jewy war of choice and against all the gobsmacking, fascist censorship that comes with it.

Forget your First Amendment Rights.  Forever!

Face it already: you’ve lost to the wicked power-Jews and their nefarious plans to hold you in permanent enslavement.  Yes, you are now a certified slave to the Jews: a true Goyim.

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Taxi's Articles

Empire of Gunpowder and Glass

It is abundantly clear by now that our Empire’s economy in the 21st century is utterly reliant on the sales ledgers of our Military Industrial Complex (MIC), and not on our scientific or technological innovations, as indeed was the case for several decades in the mid part of the 20th century.  This means that our economic stability is now dependent on a continuing necklace of wars, mostly manufactured by us and in collusion with our ex-colonialist allies in Europe, as well as our client-state list of theocratic dictators in the middle east, including Israel – actually, especially Israel.

How did we get to this stage where our bread and butter is literally now soaked with rivers of human blood shed overseas, instead of fortified with American pride and peaceful civic innovation?  Who or what is behind this meteoric rise of MIC in the past three decades?  The answer to this is not a mystery.  Even a scant review of who owns the gunpowder corporations and their supporting banks in the USA tells us that political Jews and Jewish bankers have, since Perestroika, taken over this national industry and redirected it from manufacturing weapons that kill communists, to manufacturing weapons that kill Israel’s enemies – and boy, does Israel have (and love) a long-long list of enemies!

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Plato’s Pow Wow

Plato’s Too is Changing Design/Theme

Greetings dear readers and friends.  You’ll all forgive the current technical intrusions on Plato’s website – this will only be for a few more days: my techie is working on installing a new theme at the moment.  The old streamlined, clean ‘look’ will remain the same (you know me and my hate of clutter and net-noise!).  I’ve had to change theme as the one that I was using got old and its designers stopped updating the plugins – this was causing much grief for the lone, non-techie administrator (me).

Considering the seismic events in Jerusalem of late, of course I will be writing something about it soon as the technical work on the site itself is completed.  Actually, I plan to write about the geopolitical overview in the region and this includes, of course, the new developments on the status of Jerusalem.

I’m not sure if the comment section to this article is yet functioning – but keep checking in for the comment box installation if you want to leave a comment – I’m expecting it to be fixed in the next 24 hours.

I trust everyone is well and enjoying their lives.  I certainly am!  Especially thrilled with Trump’s Jerusalem announcement.  I can’t tell you how happy I get when Israel makes a dumb move – and in this case, more than dumb… suicidal!  Yaaay!  What a godsend – what a golden opportunity!!!

Take care y’all – see you around in a few days.
