Taxi's Articles

Israel on Death Row

Image result for tel aviv destroyed in the future

So much saccharine propaganda is added to Israeli news in Western Mainstream Media that our teeth have turned black with rot and our brains have turned into windswept candyfloss.  But, for the discerning mind whose gray matter remains pickled in natural brine and not in artificial Jewish sugars, the picture of Israel’s power and stability in the Middle East looks very different indeed.  In fact, reality in the Levant is the very opposite of Jewish propaganda in Western nations.  It is no exaggeration nor theory here that having spent the past seven decades dominating every inch of land, water and sky in the Levant, Israel today finds itself unable to effectively defend itself, nor reclaim past military glories and assertions.  Therefore, there is no doubt whatsoever that the wider geopolitical map of the Levant today finds Israel sitting on death row, and without an appellant messiah appearing on the horizon.

For the first time ever since its dubious establishment, Israel is finding it impossible to guarantee the safety of Tel Aviv in a war with ANY of its multiple enemies.  It can no longer protect Tel Aviv even from Gaza’s starved and besieged armed resistors: a reality that suddenly punched Netanyahu in the face last month when he abruptly declared the cessation of military hostilities against Gaza after a mere two days of air strikes – a decision that forced Avigdor Lieberman to dramatically resign from his post as Defense Minister, causing thus a profound and ongoing political chaos in the Knesset.  From here on, and all due to Gaza’s improved armory, its deeper intelligence gathering and legendary Sumud, it is most certain that Israel will suffer substantial consequences for any major military transgressions on Gaza in the future.

Moreover, in the West Bank, Palestinian citizens there have adopted a new strategy that’s brewing itself steadily into an outbreak of a new Intifada, in tandem with their Gaza brethren’s strategy of protesting at the ‘security fence’ every Friday and till kingdom come.  The strategy of this new Intifada is to keep Israelis on edge and shaken by regular violent and deadly operations against their military and their settler colonies.  The new strategy is to maintain a certain and palpable level of discomfort and insecurity in Israeli society: abnomalizing thus their daily existence.  A strategy that attaches and exacts a price for the ongoing Jewish occupation of Palestinian natives.  An active strategy of ‘consistently rattling the nerves of Israeli society till liberation’ has now become the new Palestinian status quo in Gaza and in the West Bank, regardless of what the Palestinian Authority’s policies are, and double-regardless of what the Kushner team has planned for the Palestinians.  Of course, the actual full-throttled outbreak of this new Intifada will depend on Israel’s level of brutal response to these acts of violent resistance in the West Bank.  The Palestinian idea here is to keep up a simmering but pressurized stress on the occupier, while in the meantime, bring more arms into the growing and underground West Bank resistor cells now unified with Gaza’s armed resistors – building up to the twelfth hour when a reluctant Israel is eventually forced into a war with Palestine, as well as with Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Iran simultaneously.

On the Lebanon front, Israel has been reduced to whining to the UN about some four Hezbollah tunnels that it ‘suddenly discovered’ at its northern border: meekly sealing them and planting said tunnels with explosives as a deterrent, instead of what it usually does which is to blow them up Tarantino-style and spectacularly, to much international Jewish media fanfare, applause and whistle.  Despite Israel declaring Hezbollah as first and foremost its “immediate existential threat”, it has not been able to launch a single strike against the Lebanon since 2006 when Tel Aviv lost the war to Hezbollah.  This alone should tell you everything you need to know about the diminished power of Israel over Lebanon.

Syria too has recently established a solid deterrent against Jewish aerial terrorism with the installation of Russian S-300’s in Syria.  Moreover, compounding this game-changing aerial defensive weaponry in Syrian hands is Russia’s New Engagement Rules in Syria that finds Moscow siding with Damascus and not with the belligerent, air-raiding Tel Aviv.  And let’s not forget here the blooming underground Syrian Resistance in the occupied Golan that is being trained to resist the Jewish occupation using the successful Hezbollah model.  This resistance is past its fledgling and youthful stage by now – currently entering its readiness for battle stage, both militarily and politically.  All that is currently stopping the liberation of the Golan is the full readiness of the Syrian army: presently finishing off liberating the last two terrorist-held territories in Idlib and in At-Tanf.

As to Iraq, the Axis of Resistance member there has vowed absolute defense of Hezbollah in a war against Israel.  In the past, it has promised “one million Iraqi Shia martyrs will march and liberate Al Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem”.  You’ll forgive me here but I cannot provide a link to this quote as Google has ‘disappeared’ it, even though I’ve accessed it in the past thru Google on several occasions.  Dear reader, I know that the Iraqi quote above may sound like excessive braggadocio, but these people mean it with every fiber of their soul and they have the foot soldiers for it ten times over to execute it.  Their public announcements are not to be taken lightly, especially that they sit in the secure lap of Iran’s military largess and its shared spiritual ambition of liberating Jerusalem.  Here, I will add that the same hot-blooded level of zealot commitment to liberating the whole of Historic Palestine has also been regularly issued by the Houthis of Yemen.  And even though Western media hardly ever publishes these regular anti-Israel pronouncements by members of the Axis of Resistance, the Jewish military does indeed monitor them and their military strategists already know the impossible task of one day potentially facing an army of one million willing martyrs encroaching upon a small territory such as israel.  We have all seen how the Israeli security apparatus can barely manage the weekly ‘fence’ protests and the handful of ‘terrorist, incendiary kites’ crossing into Israel every week.

And what can one say about Iran except that Iran is king.  Remains untouchable.  And despite the harshest of US sanctions on it, it continues to expand its powers right up to Israel’s doorstep thru both the Lebanon and Syrian gateways – nay, even infiltrating its slick Persian-cat paws right into the heart of Gaza and recently: the West Bank.  It would seem to be the case that Yinon’s grievous failures since the outbreak of the treacherous ‘Arab Spring’ have led to the empowerment and expansion of the Iranian sphere of influence, especially in the Levant, with a dangerous-to-the-Jews regional war being the only option left for the Jews.

Here, and unable to strike at any of its enemies without lethal consequences to the mass citizenry in Tel Aviv and other populated Jewish colonies in the holy land, a deterred Israel finds itself a lame sitting-duck, while its enemies encroach on it and agitate it into an eventual war Israel knows it will lose.  Crunching numbers here, it is absolutely impossible for Tel Aviv to physically survive a regional war on multiple fronts, even if it destroys Damascus, Beirut and Tehran, and even if it drags the US, UK and the usual Western slave governments into the battlefield with it.  Whatever the results of the next war, it is for certain that Tel Aviv will be destroyed.

Yes, Israel is indeed on death row.  And there is nowhere to go to except the grave when you’re on death row.

The Jewish media in the Western world can talk sugar and saccharine about ‘hi-tech, democratized and gay’ Israel all it wants – this will not change the fact that Israel has never been weaker in the Levant, and that this weakness is constantly and smartly being exploited by the unified native resistors in the various Levant nations: all under Iran’s umbrella – all marching in slow-mo towards Jerusalem.

Israel has already lost and all that the Jews can do now is delay the inevitable destruction of Tel Aviv, not reverse it.



  1. Taxi says:

    Regarding the Lebanon-israel conflict, I note with glee that the topic of 'why' Israel no longer strikes Lebanon is a taboo subject for the Israeli media. 

    They've dissected just about everything Hezbollah under Allah's sun except why israel hasn't attacked Lebanon since 2006.

  2. Taxi says:

    Israel does not want to die in a war it already knows it cannot win.  Yet it cannot remain a proverbial sitting duck as its enemies hone in their art of warfare in impressive measures and close in on it.  Their circling and their closing-in tighter on israel will eventually compel/provoke the antigentile-claustrophobic jews to knee-jerk into starting this coming existential war, planned all along by the Axis of Resistance.

  3. Taxi says:

    The Axis of Resistance has circumvented the israeli army and that born-again ziocon fool, Trump.  They can declare that Jerusalem is "eternally Jewish" blah blah and present their fake 'Deal of the Century' and make White House Lawn peace handshakes between Mbs and Netanyahu all they like: the Resistance has its own vision of the middle east and is now capable of imposing it on colonialist and imperialist squatters dotted around the middle east.

    We are on the cusp of a paradigm shift in the middle east.  All it will take is one single significant event to light the short fuse of change there.

    • Taxi says:

      Perhaps Trump's decision to pull out of Syria is this "one single significant event" that triggers the much needed "paradigm shift in the middle east"?

  4. Taxi says:

    A unified Axis of Resistance now has all its offensive arrows simultaneously pointed at the head of the Jewish dragon: Tel Aviv.

    They have defensive arrows too that will block and destroy a chunk of the talmudic offensives.

    The Axis of Resistance has never been so organized, galvanized, willing and capable.

  5. Taxi says:

    Since Hezbollah's victory in 2006, I have commented and published many articles on the hemorrhaging geopolitical powers of israel in the Levant.  To some friendly readers, my POV was an abstract wishful-thinking of sorts…  And just look at where israel is at right now: death row.  And just look at where the jews are right now: spending endless and frantic energy in the West on suppression of gentile speech, while in the Levant they're peddling fast on a stationary bike and getting nowhere safe.

  6. Taxi says:

    An observation: some political wheels are slow to move forward, even though one can see the direction the wheel is in.

  7. Sparrow says:

    Dear Taxi…All I can say is "LONG OVERDUE"!!!!  VIVA  HEZBOLLAH!!!

    Ref: [" As to Iraq, the Axis of Resistance member there has vowed absolute defense of Hezbollah in a war against Israel.  In the past, it has promised “one million Iraqi Shia martyrs will march and liberate Al Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem”.  You’ll forgive me here but I cannot provide a link to this quote as Google has ‘disappeared’ it, even though I’ve accessed it in the past thru Google on several occasions. "]

    Here is a recent RT video with Rick Sanchez interview Michael Maloof who confirms the million man march to Al Quds.

    Here's another one:

    ps…just this little face alone makes me wish I could be one of you:


    Thank you for the great write…as usual cheeky

  8. Sparrow says:

    I can't help but reflect on one such victory in the past…one that helps me think will happen again:

    Battle of Hattin, 1187 – Saladin's Greatest Victory – معركة حطين

    • Sparrow says:

      haha…LOL Taxi…laugh  (esp. 2:55)  reminds me of several times trying to get on my horse in a hurry…HOLD ON!!!

      • Taxi says:

        LOL, Sparrow!  The hilarious thing is that the scene at end of video where the singer and his buddy on their bike steal two machine guns from israeli soldiers actually DID happened a week ago!  While the israeli soldiers were keeping watch on the border, two hezbollah fighters sneaked across unseen and stole their guns lol!

  9. Taxi says:

    What israel fears the most is Hezb's precision missile capabilities.  And so they should!  Here's some of the high-value targets that would disrupt israel's war offensives that I'm sure Hezbollah has in mind:

    1-  Attacking airbases and specific radar planes, attacking military airstrips and various sensitive air-force intelligence sites.

    2-  Sending precision missiles at the Ministry of Defense and the Israeli Defense Forces headquarters in Tel Aviv.  Definitely missiling the Prime Minister’s office in Jerusalem as well as vital military command and control centers and communication nodes in tel aviv, haifa and the negev.  Definitely sending a few hits at the only Apartheid knesset in the world.

    3-  Attacking military mobilization centers, weapons and equipment depots, military car parks and training centers and barracks that house troop concentrations.

    Of course all the above locations would be targeted all at the same time.

    Here, I urge Hezbollah to leave Ben Gurion airport alone: the fleeing mass of jews will need it.


  10. Taxi says:

    A victory or a defeat in war is determined not by how many more humans are killed by one side over the other, but by whether the 'stated objectives' of either side, announced by both sides at the commencement of war, are achieved.  In 2006, israel failed in ALL its stated objectives, while hezbollah achieved ALL of theirs – hence why the israelis turned their guns at Lebanese civilian structures in the last days of war and mass-murdered unarmed Lebanese civilians in their homes: jews still needed to gratify that talmudic bloodlust despite their loss at the battlefield.

    One 'excuse' the israelis gave after losing to hezbollah in 2006 was that 'their hands were tied by the international community' therefore they were forced to be 'soft' on hezbollah.  We all know that that's a big fat and cowardly jewish lie.  It's like a rusty old yoyo: one day the jews cry that hezbollah has advanced weaponry, the next they say 'inaccurate arsenal'.  I guess they'll know for sure when it hits them!  Nasrallah once during a speech brushed of the 'speculated' numbers of hezb missiles and simply said: "We have enough – we have what we need – we don't need many to get the job done".

    Netanyahu now is trying to froth up Trump over this ludicrous 'hezb tunnel' insecurity-story but it seems that Trump and his team want to keep Lebanon (Hariri government and Lebanese army) under their umbrella: out of fear of losing Lebanon to Russia as happened with Syria.  Trump has been advised by his military that US Empire needs Lebanon stable and intact right now and not in a state of war, even if it means hezbollah there thrives – after all they're not 'touching' israel, just acquiring bigger guns in secret.  Also, Trump does not want to start a new war in the middle east that may alienate his shrinking base:  he only wants to expand wars already started by Barak Obama.

    What's Guiding Israel's Actions on the Lebanon Border

  11. Bornajoo says:

    "Here, I urge Hezbollah to leave Ben Gurion airport alone: the fleeing mass of jews will need it." 

    Hahaha! Good one 

    Beautifully written piece Taxi. I very much hope that your analysis is correct and we see the end of this cancerous tumour parading as a country as soon as possible.

    I have no doubt that Hezbollah have been slowly and patiently preparing themselves for the coming war. I just hope it happens sooner rather than later


  12. Harry Law says:

    This is a must watch Jimmy Dore show, Professor Jeffrey Sachs stuns the TV panel with some home truths about the war in Syria, Dore is brilliant.

    Also, an Israeli General said the exposure of the Hezbollah tunnels should come as no surprise and that Hezbollah have so many other ways to get into Israel.That's true and as someone said up thread the 'arc of resistance' have weapons to blunt the Israeli air force. The Iranians have developed the Bavar 373 which is a much improved Iranian version of the Russian S300, how soon will Hezbollah have the Bavar 373?  Hezbollah already have the Iranian Misage 1 and 2 manpads, it is to be hoped they have used their access to Israel to stockpile these weapons near all the military airfields to disrupt those heavily bomb and fuel laden Israeli jets shortly after take-off and on their low flying return.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Harry.  Yeah I remember watching your shared vid when it was first uploaded.  Professor Sachs was clearly unshekeled and therefore unshackled to tell the truth as is while his shekeled hosts looked on with stunned silence lol!  I have no doubt that whoever booked professor Sachs was given a good bollocking afterwards – and I don't believe the professor was ever invited on MSNBS again.

      The truth, like water, will always find a way to pass thru stone walls.

    • Sparrow says:


      WAHOOOOO!  (I'll go out to act like a fool…dumb idiot fool decoy to bring 'em out.  And when I do Marwa…you can get them with your words and blow 'em down and Taxi can scrap 'em!!! 

  13. Taxi says:

    One of the million reasons why I think every TRUE patriotic American should take up arms against israel and against every single shekeled traitor found in DC and in the churches and synagogues of satan right across the homesteads and coast to coast:

  14. Taxi says:

    Close enough to poke them in the eye, a single young Lebanese fighter today managed to push back some dozen idf soldiers at the border who wanted to place a roll of barbed wire inside of Lebanon.  With 2 UN troopers present, the young Lebanese man (the one not wearing a helmet in vid) was absolutely adamant that the idf backpeddle, and backpeddle they did lol!

    • Taxi says:

      Israeli jews freak out when a Lebanese speaks to them in fluent hebrew devil

      I note also that while Netanyahu is feeding his people a giant dollop of the politics of fear with this 'hezb tunnel' theater, Lebanese are feasting on a variety of 'tunnel' satire dishes. 

      The psychological warfare score so far: Hezbollah 1, israel 0.

  15. Taxi says:

    Despite their copious bribes and legendary dirty shekels, failure has been consistently tailing the jews since 2015 when Russia suddenly entered the Levant and thus began the reversal of the Yinon Plan and the halt to ALL advancement of the violent jewish Bantustanization projects in the Levant. 

    Oh the list of jewish failures since then is long and it's led to them now getting stuffed into a dark corner – stuffed and strapped into a chair on death row. 

    Oh it's been so miserably bad for the deluded jews in the Levant of late that they would make big hash out of puny inconsequential successes just to make themselves feel better, feel superior and undeniably 'chosen':

    “We succeeded in making a little history in this world of boycotting Israel,” said Rubinstein. “We won.”

    "We won" refers to jews convincing a UK Pink Floyd cover band (a cover band – an imitation!) to bypass BDS and play in israel after all.

    I guess you gotta be thankful for what you can get out there in Bleaksville.

    Pink Floyd tribute band reverses cancellation of Israel shows

  16. Taxi says:

    A tepid response by the 'Editorial Board' of the New York Times to the OUTRAGE of jews stomping on American principles of free-trade and constitutional freedoms of speech.  But a departure from the norm for the New York Times to criticize 'the jewish will', nevertheless.

    Curbing Speech in the Name of Helping Israel

    Notable too is that the above linked article has no comment section.  Yeah, a compromise between the DC Likudists and the Tzipi Livnists in New York was agreed upon over the publication of the article, no doubt.

    My above article does not mention the inter-jewish warfare going on right now in American syangogues and jewish salons, but this war is certainly going on, as evidenced (mildly) by the New York Times article above, as well as by many other google-able articles out there.  This inter-jewish war has manifested itself thru an increasing number of young American jews becoming disillusioned and disinterested in 'israel' all due to its brutal occupation and its genocidal Apartheid policies in the West Bank and Gaza:

    As Israel moves right, young American Jews target Birthright tours in protest

    Not Just Millennials: These Older U.S. Jews Are Disillusioned by Israel Too

    American Jews are wary of Israel for a reason

    American jews are in a mess too, but not as bad as the mess that the israeli jews are in. Yet.

    Rotting from the inside and cracking from the outside: that's where the jews are at today.

    • Sparrow says:

      I make this observation in total agreement with you Taxi…

      THE JEWS ARE LOSING…ALAS HAVE LOST!!!  So they are grasping every straw that will look good to the abhorrent goy gentiles to save their worthless selves from annihilation.  It's funny that JUST NOW they are coming out in disagreement when all is LOST!!!  Suffocating us with their ever ending deceptions and taxes…oppression and war for endless decades…nay millenniums…and JUST NOW they have a change of heart never to call themselves CHOSEN ever again?   


      How a snake sheds its outer skin only to leave it there to continue to look like a real snake!

      We all need to remember the abominations that deserves no forgiveness for the desert ground filled with Arab and Muslim bloodshed by the disgusting deliberate murder of Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrian, Yemen, Iraqi, Libyan, African, German, Russian and an endless list of diabolical genocide and displacement of native peoples over by these despicable liar jews and their traitor treacherous lovers that has no place on earth nor in heaven.

      That's my take……AND I'M STICKING TO IT!!!!!!!!!!!  Thank you Taxi frown

      • Taxi says:

        Yes, we can enjoy the faltering power of israel but we must be double  vigilant as the synagogue beasts tend to be at their most dangerous when cornered.

  17. Taxi says:

    Ironically, the armed factions of the Axis of Resistance as well as 'peaceful resistor' groups are all vying for the same result: the implementation of the 'right of return' for Palestinians and the eventual (re)establishment of a 'one state' in the holy land, with the natives as the 'natural' majority.

    The paramount question that currently haunts the minds of israeli leaders, both civilian and military is:

    Now, will Netanyahu’s government, or any other future Israeli government for that matter, be prepared to take the risk of a new military confrontation with the prior knowledge that it has lost its upper hand in the fight? Will Israel accept to sacrifice its citizens in the hope that a new battle will restore its military superiority against all odds? To ask the question in a different way, what punishment does Israel need in order to be brought down to the negotiating table, the agenda of which is to find a way to establish a two-state solution let alone a one-state solution? But once again, Israel is not yet ready to give and take. It won’t return the Golan for any political gain, and it won’t even agree to lift the siege on Gaza.

    To answer the above posed questions, I'd say that judging from past behavior, the jewish tribe WILL indeed sacrifice its own to advance the tribe's perceived interests.  More likely than not, jewish leaders will sacrifice other jews in an effort to hold on to that great Golden Calf of theirs, otherwise known as 'israel'.

    The Elusive Middle East Peace

  18. Taxi says:

    Despite the jews strangling free speech (or maybe because of it!), chatter about whether israel should or should not exist is becoming more common – enough for the Unz to publish this:

    The US is withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal because of pressure from Israel, that’s all. As long as Israel exists, Iran will be targeted. Israel was behind the American war against Iraq and Libya, and it’s seeking to destroy Syria and Iran also. Israel was founded on terror, and is maintained by terror, so peace won’t come to the Middle East until Israel disappears.

    US Sanctions Against Iran

    And check out the author Linh Dinh's comment here.

  19. Taxi says:

    Well, the story of Trump ordering US troops out of Syria is looking to be true – and so very fast we got the israeli response to it thru the whore-mouth of Linsdey Graham:

    Graham, who sits on the Senate Armed Services Committee, added that a withdrawal "would be a big win" for ISIS, Iran, Syrian President Bashar Assad and Russia. 

    "I fear it will lead to devastating consequences for our nation, the region, and throughout the world. … Staying there is an insurance policy against the reemergence of ISIS and destruction of our Kurdish allies who fought so bravely against them," he added. 

    Graham: 'Obama-like mistake' for Trump to withdraw troops from Syria

    Predictable.  Boring.  I know.  Sorry I linked it cool

  20. Taxi says:

  21. Taxi says:

    Real (but stupid) tears from israel over American troops leaving Syria:

    Israel will know how to defend itself, Netanyahu said on Wednesday, putting on a brave face. It’s quite possible he’s right. But it will be doing so from a weakened position, with its big brother no longer behind it, at a time when its room for maneuver has been seriously curtailed already, in the wake of the September downing of the Russian aircraft over Latakia.

    Despite the Blow to Its National Security, Israel Will Bow to Trump’s Syria Withdrawal


  22. Taxi says:

    Tel Aviv woke up this morning all tweaked, paranoid and enraged – and that's just the so-called 'peaceful-rational' left!

    (God I love these headlines from israel today!)

    U.S. Withdrawal From Syria Shows Washington Is an Ally, but Only to a Point

    Trump's Pullout Leaves Russia Holding the Cards in Syria, to Israel's Bitter Disappointment

    Despite the Blow to Its National Security, Israel Will Bow to Trump’s Syria Withdrawal

    The link below alone has so very many great negative quotables… wow – I'm speechless!):

    Trump pullout from Syria leaves Israel alone to battle Iran’s likely resurgence

    Oh so much gloom and doom in jewy DC – I just can't bare the joy of it all lol:

    US Senators: Quitting Syria Has ‘Grave Consequences for US, Israel’

  23. Taxi says:

  24. Sparrow says:

    Sorry Taxi…I'm not buying it.  All to resemble past lies.

    Seeing would be believing

    However, there is reason to doubt these new claims that the U.S. could soon withdraw the troops that are currently stationed in the Syrian Arab Republic, in light of the fact that Trump made a similar announcement earlier this year in April. Then, just days after reports that he had instructed military leaders to withdraw from Syria “as soon as possible,” a false-flag chemical weapons attack was promptly blamed on the Syrian government despite a lack of evidence, which ultimately resulted in Trump – and his counterparts in the U.K. and France – launching 105 missiles into Syrian territory.

    As some reports correctly noted at the time, feigning military withdrawal before pushing for greater conflict and military intervention is an established U.S. tactic and was detailed at length in the influential 2009 policy paper “Which Path to Persia? Options for a New American Strategy Toward Iran.” That document was published by the influential pro-intervention, neo-conservative Brookings Institution and focused on destabilizing Iran and its regional allies, including Syria.

    Another reason to doubt the likelihood of the withdrawal becoming reality is the fact that neither the Pentagon nor the White House has put out an official statement on the issue and even Trump’s “confirmation” on Twitter does not amount to a confirmation of a full military withdrawal from Syria.

    Indeed, in July, Trump’s National Security Adviser John Bolton stated that U.S. troops would remain in Syria until the “Iranian menace” – not ISIS — was removed from the war-torn country, a statement that later became official administration policy in September, when administration officials stated that the U.S.’ presence in Syria would be “indefinite” and aimed at containing Iran’s influence in the country. This marked a shift in the U.S.’ “official” reason for occupying Syrian territory from combating ISIS to containing Iran. The Iranian military is present in Syria at the behest of the Syrian government, and Iran has stated it will remain in the country until asked to leave by Syria, and no other entity.

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks, Sparrow, but your link is in Russian(?) and I couldn’t figure out where the English translation button was lol. But I think I saw a similar headline/story in my earlier net surfing. There’s so many takes and points of view on this story.

        Sure the US can still strike at Syria, for example: from one of their bases in Jordan or Iraq or even from the 5th Fleet, but having ZERO US boots on the Syria ground is always-always preferable. That aside, Syria’s S-300 has evened out the skies to Syria’s advantage.

        The situation is still fluid. Fast-paced developments are pulsating…

  25. Taxi says:

    Wow – super fast kurdish turn-about in Syria:

    Fearing U.S. Forces Withdrawal, SDF Initiates Talks With Damascus

    The Syrian Kurds are another fine example of the failures of identitarianism.  When given a choice between patriotism and identitarianism, it's always the smarter bet for citizenry to choose patriotism.  Patriotism unites disparate factions in a society, while identitarianism divides society and thus weakens the nation as a whole.

  26. Sparrow says:

    Sorry…here it is in English:

    The US will not leave Syria, said Russian military expert12/19/2018 7:07:45 PM      *** Only the tactics of war can be transformed 
           Moscow. December 19th. INTERFAX-AVN – The withdrawal of US troops from Syria does not mean that Washington intends to stop the military campaign in this Arab Republic, said Major General Vladimir Bogatyryov. 
           “The withdrawal of the US military from Syria, even if it actually happens, does not mean at all that the United States will cease hostilities here. carpet "bombings and similar methods of destroying the enemy," said V. Bogatyrev to Interfax-AVN on Wednesday, who before heading to the reserve was headed by one of the departments of the Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation.
           So a military expert commented on media reports that the US is embarking on the full withdrawal of troops from Syria on the basis of the relevant order of President Donald Trump. 
           As examples of the tactic of “remote warfare,” the general, in particular, cited the US involvement in military conflicts on the territory of Yugoslavia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. 
           At the same time, he noted that "the United States has too large economic interests in Syria so that they would be removed from participation in the events that take place on the territory of the republic." 
           “In addition,” the expert noted, “Trump’s statement can be regarded as populist, which can add votes to him in upcoming political battles.”
           Earlier on Wednesday, D. Trump said that the United States defeated the forces of the Islamic State (IG, banned in the Russian Federation) in Syria and that the US military is in Syria just for this purpose. "We won the IG in Syria, and this is the only reason why (the United States – IF) are there during the Trump presidency," he wrote on a page on Twitter. 
           In this regard, V. Bogatyryov said: “If this is a real decision, and not another tweet, which will be refuted tomorrow, then this step can only be welcomed. At the same time, it is important to understand: when, how and about the victory over which terrorists are we talking about ? I mean only ISIS? And what about those whom the US allies in the coalition "feed up" financially and politically? What will happen in the "refugee camps"?
           He also stressed that "the United States will never put up with the strengthening of Assad, Russia and their allies." 
           1sb bp LE

  27. Taxi says:

    There's no mistaking the sound of the rattled cage of the condemned:

    US leaves Israel to fight its battles alone

    Israel on High Alert as Trump Pulls US Troops, Diplomats Out of Syria

    Iran will benefit, Israel will lose from U.S. pullout

    Jews are recoiling in horror and disbelief.  They've suddenly seen and realized their geopolical weaknesses – they are naked before the well-clothed natives.  The pressure and paranoia will become unbearable and they're bound to initiate a war sooner than later.  This is what the more-than-ready Axis of Resistance is waiting for: israel to knee-jerk and attack with wonky spine.

  28. Taxi says:

    It's so pathetic that israel sends messages thru it's usual brothel in DC – even more pathetic when the message threatens jew wars against gentile neighbors who are ready, willing and able to kick israel's ass in a New York second.


  29. Taxi says:

  30. Taxi says:

    Jewy DC remains in shock over Trump's decision to pull troops out of Syria.  In tel aviv, not a wink of sleep was caught by jewish strategists and eggheads last night.  The new and sudden reality seems all too nightmarish and unreal.

    Scared of war, and scared of peace.

    Grim reaper plays death-row blues in yiddish:

    Syria Pullout: Israel Left With False Russian Promises and a Volatile U.S. President

    U.S. troop withdrawal from Syria is ‘a dream come true for the Iranians’

    Attack Tunnels on the Israel-Lebanon Border Are Only a Prelude to the Real Hezbollah Threat

    Why the panic in Israel?

  31. Taxi says:

    British jews flex their muscle and push to ban Gilad Atzmon from playing his saxophone with his legendary band 'The Blockheads'.  Leader of the band, Ian Dury (RIP), a working-class hero, would've started riots in the streets on east London over this if he were still alive.  Why do the free-spirited-music-loving Brits put up with mass jewish psychosis? 

    Subverting free speech and free societies: Why it is past time to stand up to Zio-Fascism

    And more on this here: Time to Denounce Zio-Fascism

    And here: A Call for Action

    It's crazy but Islington council has also just banned pork from being served in schools.  I'm not a fan of pork myself but still: I'm not going to go around 'banning' it!  We're at the stage where the jewy local government in north London feels it has the right to control what citizens even eat – just like they do in israel: Labour council bans PORK from primary schools


  32. Taxi says:

    The good-cop (still a cop – and of the zio-jew kind!) Gideon Levi agrees with Trump on Syria.  The ethnic-cleansing filth in him though remains.  He is against the occupation of the West Bank and siege of Gaza, but positively for the initial mass-murder/ethnic cleaning and theft of half of Palestine back in 1948.  Well, half-justice simply wont do, Mr. Levy.  A criminal must be held accountable for ALL their crimes and not just the most recent ones.  The day that Gideon Levy publishes an article that finds him profoundly denouncing zionism itself and declaring that he will no longer live in israel and be an israeli citizen is the day that I will give him kudos and an A+ for justice upheld.  Till then, that waxy zio-lib mask he presents, that mask of hypocritical humanism he wears will taint the underbelly of all his political philosophizing for me.

    Thank You, Trump, for Getting Out of Syria

    Beware the silver-tongued beast.

  33. Taxi says:

    It's so very gratifying to watch jewish mastery of mass-media (mass brainwash) falter and fall by the wayside.  Fewer and fewer people are showing (engineered) sympathy towards jews in the Levant and jews in the diaspora.  Looks like jews underestimated gentile intelligence (jews tend to do this when drunk on tyrannical power); and they also utterly misunderstood what the gentile majority want.  And what they want is their troops out of the middle east, as well as freedom of speech and freedom to participate in peaceful protest: basic and simple civil rights issues that the Bolshie jews have overreached on.  For example, here and here and definitely here.

    The cherry on the cake, the clear indicator of jewish loss of media-manipulation powers in the West came from Apartheid-loving israel itself – oh they are more than worried:

    Editorial: Why didn't IDF's media blitz lead to Hezbollah's full condemnation?

    The same old jew sleight-of-mind isn't working much anymore – oy vey the sky is falling!

  34. intertwiningserpents says:

    Goldman Sachs, where its pure evil CEO Lloyd Blankfein claims to be doing 'god's work'….hahahahahahahahaha.

    1913..The year of the founding of the Federal Reserve in the United States of America.

    2013..The year of the (modern) discovery of Human Biological Immortality through Spirit.

    Go figure.



  35. Taxi says:

    I am linking this Yahoonews/AFP article below not so much for it’s pedestrian info, but for the comment section that I highly recommend you peruse: it is the pulse and indicator of how regular Americans think/feel about israel right now, especially with the Syria pullout:

    Israel sees limits of Trump support with Syria pullout

    No, it's not 'business as usual' for israel anymore – certainly, not presently.

    You've come a long way from your days of permanent mass slumber, dear America.

  36. Harry Law says:

    Regarding Gilad Atzmon being banned from that Islington venue , Chris Williamson was quick off the mark when he withdrew a tweet in support of Atzmon after criticism on social media. He said he had heard that Atzmon was an Antisemite from several people. Funny how people [especially Labour party people have this knee jerk reaction whenever someone is accused of Antisemitism, have they not heard of the first rule of natural justice 'hear both sides' [Audi Alteram Partem] but they may calculate that their careers are worth more than listening to both sides of an argument.

    On another note Labours Deputy leader John McDonnell was interviewed by Jewish News/Times of Israel not long ago and made these comments on Corbyn sharing platforms with Anti-semitic groups over the years, McDonnell said “you have to look at why he was sharing platforms, it was not to endorse them, it was to try and engage with them”. So for all those many years Corbyn has traversed the country speaking up for the Palestinians in so many meetings it would be difficult to count them, McDonnell has the effrontery to claim he did not endorse them. This interview proves that McDonnell is a craven, spineless, lick-spittle with no respect for his colleagues or any self respect.

    • Bornajoo says:

      Hi Harry 

      I couldn't agree more about McDonnell. However  I think we can now add Corbyn to the list of gutless wankers in this country. His failure to act and intervene in Gilad's recent ban within Corbyn's own constituency, where I used to recently live, is simply pathetic. It proves now that he's firmly under the boot of organised Jewish power. He's finished and most of the Labour Party can go to hell and fuck themselves as far as I'm concerned. I've just cancelled my membership of the party and I'm in the process of leaving the occupied zone formerly known as the UK 

      Gilad has since found out that the complaint from the so called Blockheads fan was none other than the director of Likud UK. The whole complaint was a typical act of Jew-deception. Basically the Labour Party have are in cahoots with ultra right wing zionists who are actually out to destroy the Labour Party. You can't  make this up! And for what? To stop one of the most talented musicians on the planet playing with a group he's been playing with for over 25 years  Fucking unbelievable and fuck them all!

      Here is Gilad's update and there's a couple more recent ones on his website. Anyway a Christmas miracle occurred and santa Claus showed up at the gig and played the sax exactly like Gilad 🙂

      Gilad has put himself  his career, his family and livelihood on the front line. He deserves maximum respect and as much financial and moral support we can all muster 

      • Taxi says:

        Hear hear hear and ho ho ho!

        I believe Father Christmas in the end hung the likud-uk honcho by his own petard.


        What a brilliant act of resistance by Gilad.

      • I also cancel my Labour membership !   I never before belonged to Any Party , but joined because I am a born-in-Jerusalem Palestinian-Brit , and felt that Jeremy Corbyn had half the the guts that Gilad has to stand for his right to speak his conscience and Free Speech in this country !  They may call me an anti-semite all they wish , and dump me in jail, I shall still gladly share the same platform as Gilad and will always support him ALL the way ! 

        When  the British pro-zionists will in all honesty stand for respect for International Law , Justice and Peace for the Palestinians and condemn Israel for the Nakba and following brutalities over 70 years , as well as admit that the Palestinians  have EVERY international legal right to resist with any means they may have, then  the way to the true Peace and settling of accounts –Justice may happen !

        Until then , no Justice, no Peace !

        Sumud !

  37. intertwiningserpents says:

    In the very sick mind of Lloyd Blankfein he probably believes he really is doing God's work because after all money is God to many jews and their Prophet is Lord Rothschild the owner of Goldman Sachs located at 85(8+5=13) Broadway Lower Manhattan.

  38. intertwiningserpents says:

    A pork themed comedic song at the top of the pops for British jews to savour this silly season……probably banned from sale in  Islington though…

    • Taxi says:

      Jews hate Christmas. I used to have a jewish-israeli friend back in the 80’s in London who always migrated herself and her husband and child to St. Ives or to some other faraway, quiet seaside town in the UK during Christmas, just to make sure her kid (who was 7 at the time and who went to a jewish school in north London) was never exposed to the ‘spirit’ of Christmas. She was a committed atheist intellectual who blamed Jesus for the holocaust. Yap – an utterly Christophobic jew.

    • Taxi says:

      Did I just say "jews hate Christmas"?  And how right I am!  Only the scumbag antigentile, Christophobic jews would even think to bomb their neighbors on Christmas day:

      Israel Says Missile Fired From Syria Intercepted; Reports of IDF Strikes Near Damascus

      All israeli missiles were intercepted excepted for a couple that damaged a weapons depot and injured three Syrian soldiers.  The israeli/jew media is saying that Iranian and Hezbollah targets were hit, yet, we have Syrian soldier casualties and a Syrian army depot on fire, not Iranian or Hezbollah ones.  Jews love a bad lie as much as they love a good one – they breathe to lie, no doubt about that.

      Strategically speaking, it is best to unleash on israel when the US has fully pulled out of Syria.  Till this happens, israel will step up its game in Syria in the hope that something dramatic would happen that would force Trump to change his mind and keep troops in Syria.  Israel has a short window of opportunity to operate under this premise before all US troops pull out.  Better hurry up and commit ape-shit suicide, little jewish terrorists!  The world can hardly wait for your eventual death.

    • Taxi says:

      Here's what my sources in Lebanon and Syria say about this jewy Christmas gift to Syria, verbatim:

      Dec 26, 2018

      The Israeli air offensive on Tuesday night, Dec. 25, was conducted by IAF F-16 fighter jets firing Delilah cruise missiles from Lebanese air space into Syria.

      Damascus countered the attack with Russian Pantsir-S2 and S-200 SAM air defense weapons.

      The Israeli attack was aimed at Syrian military sites – not Iranian and Hizballah targets as earlier reported in Israel and Damascus.

      The Israeli government and military chiefs had apparently decided to take advantage of the chaos generated by President Donald Trump’s decision to pull US troops out of Syria and Ankara’s threat of a Turkish army thrust across the Euphrates.

      After the F-16 jets failed to connect to their targets, the IA sent the F-35 stealth planes over in a second wave.

      Early Wednesday, the Syrian army released a video claiming to depict the interception of one of many Israeli missiles hit by its air defense systems.

      A blackout covers the circumstances of the massive explosion that rocked Israeli towns, including Hadera, Caesarea and Zichron Yaacov while the attack over Syria was in progress. Syria did indeed
      fire a missile into Israel in retaliation. The IAspokesman would only say “The air defense system was activated against a missile launched from Syria, No damage or casualties.”

      This laconic statement indicates that interception did not take place and the Syrian missile may have landed somewhere in Israel. Social media carry photos of its fragments. Witnesses attest to the activation of an Israeli air defense battery located at Ain Shemer.

      This was the second time in six months that an IA air defense battery failed to down a Syrian missile. On
      July 23, a David’s Sling anti-air battery missed two Syrian SS-21 surface missiles that were heading for the Sea of Galilee.

      The targets of the Israeli attack were located at the military section of Damascus airport, where an Iranian transport plane – some say three – had landed, and two other locations: Dimas, headquarters of the Syrian army’s 4th Division, Qatana, site of its 10th Division, and the command center of Syrian artillery forces further south at Khan al-Sheikh.

      One of the Israeli missiles was aimed at a high-profile Hizballah delegation which had landed in Damascus from Beirut at 16:00 local time ready to board an Iranian flight bound for Tehran. They were on
      their way to the funeral of Ayatollah Hashemi Alshaharoudi. Only one member of the delegation was hurt.

  39. Cloak And Dagger says:

    Merry Christmas, everyone! Just woke up to a sunny California morning after two weeks of light rain. I was dreamin’ of a wet Christmas after all the fires, and Santa delivered!

    Season’s blessings on you and your loved ones, and wishes for a joyous 2019 for all Americans, and lumps of coal for Israel!


    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Cloak, same good wishes and joy to you too.

      So glad Santa delivered you a big fat sack ‘o rain 🙂

  40. intertwiningserpents says:

    Yes the 80's hit 'we built this city' (was it star ship?)copy cat is riding high in the U.K pop charts but this time some family sing 'we built this city on sausage roll' whilst eating the same in the video..

    A true classic of our time only equalled by the smash U.K hit ''Agadoo' by Black Lace.

    Someone wake me up from this.

  41. Harry Law says:

    Gilad Atzmon has been accused of being a 'vile Antisemite' by [according to the BBC and the Guardian newspaper] a "spokesman" of the UK Labour party. Gilad has the right to know if this description of him is the official view of the LP. If the LP refuse to say who was responsible for this accusation, then it must be assumed that the statement is a true description of their views and proceed on the entirely valid assumption that the BBC and Guardian were correct to report that the LP "spokesman" did indeed state that Gilad was a vile Antisemite. The LP cannot act against an individual [Harassment] without evidence [or even with evidence taken out of context as Gilad claims, and most importantly without that first rule of natural justice being applied i.e, 'hear both sides'] as Judge Jury and Executioner in making him a pariah in his own country.

  42. Harry Law says:

    NB, re Gilad, a prosecution under section 2 or 4 of the ‘protection from Harassment Act 1997’ a criminal offence requires proof of harassment [I think on at least two occasions]  In addition, there must be evidence to prove the conduct was targeted at an individual, was calculated to alarm or cause him/her distress, and was oppressive and unreasonable.

    Section 2 offence – Harassment

    The elements of section 2 offence are:

    Gilad could of course sue for defamation he would probably need to be crowd funded. In any case he needs to be lawyered up.

  43. Taxi says:

    Compare the attitude of jews who say that Jesus in the afterlife is perpetually drowning in a sea of boiling excrement and semen, to that of the Shias who love and revere both Jesus and his mother.   A Christmas message from Nasrallah below is a case in point:

  44. Taxi says:

    Further to the story of israel's terrorist attack on Syria on Christmas day, it turns out that the Syrian S-300 was not deployed because israeli jets were taking cover behind civilian airlines in mid-flight: as an attempt to bait the Syrian airforce into causing much civilian harm that would reverse Trump's troop pullout decision.  Treachery and terrorism from the cornered jews, as per usual.  We expect this and more in the lead up to their execution hour.

    Russian MoD: Israeli Air Force Used Landing Of Two Civilian Planes As Cover For Airstrikes


  45. Taxi says:

    Yeah, all israeli military heads AS WELL AS cog-soldiers participating in terrorist invasions, sieges, checkpoints, murder, maiming and arrests of Palestinians and the policing of stolen land-loot: they all are guilty of crimes against humanity and they all definitely deserve to die.  I make no apologies for this judgement. The Nuremberg folks thought same.

    • Bornajoo says:

      Yes, they deserve to die.  I totally agree. If there's a shortage of executioners I'm very happy to volunteer 

  46. Taxi says:

    Trump publicly points out the "books" on israel lol:

    "I told Bibi, you know we give Israel $4.5 billion a year. And they are doing very well at defending themselves."

    He added, "I’m the one that moved the embassy to Jerusalem. I was the one who was willing to do that. So that’s the way it is – we are going to take great care of Israel. Israel is going to be good. We give Israel 4.5 billion a year. And we give frankly a lot more than that if you look at the books. They’ve been doing a good job.”

    Trump on Syria Withdrawal: We Give Israel Billions of Dollars, They'll Be OK

  47. Taxi says:

    Despite the israeli terrorist attack on Damascus on Christmas day that actually did absolutely nothing to change or reverse the winding down of the Syria war, so many other substantial and positive military, diplomatic and geopolitical gains were chalked up to Syria this week.  But I'd like to side-step the details of these gains (we've all seen the headlines for them already), and instead, I'd like to take us on a short video journey thru Damascus and Homs, as recorded by a foreign teen visitor several weeks ago.  His video diary gives the viewer more information on what's presently going on in Syria than all the MSM outlets combined.  Gives more soul too.  Enjoy.

  48. Taxi says:

    Hey y'all, I guess it's time to wish you and the good Gentile people of the world a very HAPPY NEW YEAR, and many more to come. 

    Those who know me know that I have zero interest in ANY public holiday – can't take the conformism and consumerism of it all, and 'tis why as a proud holiday cynic, I cannot bring myself to share a jolly seasonal jingle with you, but… I'm more than delighted to share this little ditty with you:

    My sincere thanks to ALL the regular readers and commentators, and also to all the tourists who stumbled upon Plato's and sent me nice emails.  Happy New Year, folks!

    • Sparrow says:

      And dear Taxi a double sincere thanks to you and your SUMUD…to your ever presence to help keep the rabble from your border.  Maybe you have seen this as it is from 2 years ago but I'm just now seeing it and it just made me weep.  It still pertains to now and I hope for you and all of the ME…Salam.  I don't celebrate anymore but this blessed me.  Happy New Year to everyone and Love to everyone's everyone!

      • Many many thanks , dear Sparrow , for posting this video !   I hadn't seen it !

        I who never celebrate anything any more, except  truth , love and loyalty to principles held and applied ,  was in a flood of tears at the spectacle of Aleppo rising from the actual ashes to celebrate their freedom from the ugly obscurantist tyranny imposed on it by the ptb !

        To our beloved Taxi , here's endless bushels of love and gratitude for all the faith and sumud she inspires and upholds with her amazing shining  presence amongst us !

        To all on Plato's and beyond, my heartfelt wishes for all good things to come your way this 2019 brand new Year !

    • duplicitousdemocracy says:

      I too cannot stand how commercialism as turned a religious (even though I'm not affiliated to any religion) event into a cash cow, that exists purely to line the pockets of corporations. They don't get a penny of my money. Great video find of the young lad in Syria. Peace to you and all your readers and of course to all the people around the world who are adversely affected by my corrupt governments policies.

      • Taxi says:

        Thank you for you good wishes, Duplicitousdemocracy.  And right back at ya with Plato’s sincere good wishes for 2019. 

        Also, ditto on the "they don't get a penny of my money".


      • Taxi says:

        And may I add here that when I was a kid (born in 1961), my parents, as well as the parents of other peer kids (all fairly well off), never bought Christmas cards. They bought art kits: paints, brushes, glue, sparkle dust and thick multicolored paper and basically instructed us kids to sit down and make some Christmas cards ourselves – which we did, and it was fun. Of course the parents bought gifts for us kids but the kids had to also make their own gifts to give to their best friend and family members etc – sculptural gifts made from bits of broken toys, old clothes and other knickknacks and junk stuff found while playing outdoors – also filling up gift tins with home-made Christmas cookies that the kids helped bake. I myself liked hand-making little books with half a dozen folded pages as Christmas gifts: I’d fill them with collages and juvenillia writing that amused the reader; and often my concept would be over-ambitious and I’d run out of ideas on page 2 or 3 and start using GIANT letters so as to quickly fill up the rest of the empty pages. I thought at the time that I was smart to do this, but really I was just a little cheat winging it heh!

        Anyway, point being: you think you can talk a parent or a child into making their own Christmas cards and gifts these days? I believe they’d call it a sure way to social ruin, or worse: they’d call it rampant child abuse these days. Yap, the mass citizenry today is addicted to corporate baubles and trinkets. And they fucking love it! That’s the problem too, not just the opportunistic corporations.

    • Taxi says:

      Right, well, as much as I like the band 'The Waterboys', I decided to ditch their vid in the lead Holiday comment above for a song by Korantemaa.  I was in a bit of a meh mood when I picked the Waterboys song and every time I've visited the thread and saw it posted, for some reason it just annoyed the heck out of me heh – and for days now it's been bothering me and for the life of me I've not been able to find the remedy till now.  So, sorry to say, Waterboys, but you've now been replaced by 'Korantemaa' as the 2019 musical opener at Plato's because: marking the beginning of a new year, if we want to be prescient about the future, we need to know well our subject matter, and just as importantly, we've to look in the now for signs and seeds – thus, eyes and ears must turn towards the youth population and pick out the bright and unique among them – estimate them and the permeation of their art and craft.  So, I look around, I scan… I see Korantemaa as a golden seed in a sack of dull wheat.  I think Korantemaa is unique and beautiful.  Natural and talented.  And in our age where celebritydom totally dominates mass, over-sexed youth culture, it's refreshing to see and hear young, genuine and pure romanticism.  Intimate and timeless.

      There are still beautiful souls being born into our ugly world.

      And on this very note, I welcome in year 2019.


  49. Taxi says:

    New York jews and their goy minions are seething over this NYT’s report on Hezbollah – heh!

  50. Taxi says:

    I'm suspicious of Palestinians who befriend American jews involved with BDS.  Rana Khaled is an example of a compromised Palestinian for her 'friendship' with that controlled-opposition jew-twat Max Blumenthal.  I often wonder  why the hell these Palestinian-Americans need to cling to a jew apron while defending Palestine, and whether they're actually FULLY aware of the extent and depth of the skullduggery and deception that their so-called jewish friends have been trained in since birth.  That aside, Rana does on occasion come up with useful info, like here:

    • Sparrow says:

      I agree Taxi…

      I would NEVER hold up that blue and white flag of oppression…not for anyone anywhere.  We are all Hezbollah!  I saw that video too and like past videos I feel the same about that subject.  Maybe it is the feeling of desperation?  The feeling and knowing that NO ONE HEARS?  This video caused me considerable rage all to realize that I couldn't do anything to stop this except the mental thought of reversing these horrible crimes onto the blue/white monster heads.  Oh how I wish!

      Zionist brutality against the children of Palestine

      • I am speechless with white fury … it is all I can do from doing some very nasty harm to myself  out of dreadful frustration of not being able to tear that mindless moronic stupid beastly depraved soldier's heart out with my bare hands !

        The rest of the world too busy celebrating festivities with shopping and fireworks !

  51. Sparrow says:

    Dear dear Bintbiba…

    And I wish that video of Aleppo 1000 times for Palestine, for Palestinians and all of Gaza, for all Palestinians in diaspora (or forced displacement as I know it).  In my spirit there will never be peace until Palestine is Free…and her beloved back into her bosom with outstreached arms.  It is what Bashar al Assad has always said…"We are all Syrians".  May it be tomorrow!  SUMUD your heart dear one…as I say it to myself everyday.  God Bless You and yours today and forever.  SUMUD 2019 PALESTINE…May your nightmares be finally over.  May your enemies be finally put to shame and defeated completely from the river to the sea!  And may your pain be turned into healing by the miracle that it needs to be.

  52. Taxi says:

    Word of the year 2018?  'Misinformation'.


    Lol, of course it is.

    Weird world, weird times.

  53. Sparrow says:

    Bintbiba…I hope you don't mind, I just wanted to dedicate this video to 'Mothers'…especially Palestinian, Yemen and Syria.  Notwithstanding all mothers who have been obscenely oppressed and martyred by the despicable government of the US…my home of birth.  As I miss my mother everyday, I dedicate this new year 2019 to them all and their suffering children…my days stay vexed   Love, love, love to you all…and thank you Bintbiba, Taxi and all for the opportunity to share here.  May we see a new peace in the center of the world…refugees return home…and families bonding love again.  SUMUD dear ones.

    • Taxi says:

      I'd say that lately, Trump seems to be a 'tad' fed up with the jews and their unpleasant methodology – or is it that his 'America First' disposition utterly hates paying out money to foreigners, including jews?

      • Bornajoo says:

        Thanks for the gorgeous Korantemaa track above. Absolutely lovely

        I think being stabbed in the back by his former lawyer, Cohen, and the other Jews, has made Trump finally understand the nature of the beast he's dealing with. I guess he expected Cohen to 'take one for the tribe'  especially after everything he's done for them since being POTUS, including the Jerusalem move. But instead they're throwing him to the dogs. It's a one way relationship. They love you when you're continually doing endless favours for them as they've come to expect with their insatiable sense of entitlement, but as he might have possibly realised, you never get anything in return except a dagger in the back.

        The Syria pullout (if it ever really happens)  hurts the Israelis more than anyone else. I'm hoping, maybe foolishly, that this is the start of a period of pulling away from Israel. Well here's hoping anyway 

  54. Taxi says:

    Whoah Tucker Carlson!  You're really gonna 'tuck' off the Men in Black if you carry on with all that sensible dot-joining!

  55. Sparrow says:

    Palestinian Women Celebrate Rashida Tlaib’s Swearing-In With Traditional Dress Photos

    Women posted photos with #TweetYourThobe to honor the first Palestinian-American congresswoman, who wore the traditional dress to her swearing in.smiley

    Tlaib told HuffPost in August that she was “going to be a voice for” Palestinians. 

    “I look forward to being able to humanize so many of them that have felt ‘less than’ for so long,” she said at the time.


    • Taxi says:

      Well, I perused the media after two days of absence and as far as I can see, nothing but more regurgitation of same old cheap tricks from politicians and more fake news from the usual suspects – nothing new… so methinks I'll just snuggle up by fireplace and enjoy my lazy dogs and the snowy view outside…

  56. Taxi says:

    With Bolton and Pompeo continuously sidestepping Trump's instructions and policies on Syria for israel's sake, I'm not sure how long before their firing by Trump occurs.  And if this were to happen, then I'm sure there will be blow-back against Trump especially from the camp of Adleson, the jewish casino terrorist donor to Trump's campaign who 'convinced' Trump to employ both of the treasonous dirty duo in the first place.

    I hope the Syria issue ends up wrecking the lives and careers of the lot of them!

    Trump is distancing himself from national security advisor John Bolton and sometimes calls him ‘Mike’ Bolton by mistake 

    Trump denies backtracking on Syria, even as withdrawal possibly delayed

    Note the word "possibly" in the headline too: always beware of the words 'may' and 'possibly' in media headlines: not based on reality, only conjecture.

    DC and tel aviv still going apeshit about the Syria pullout.  Grrrrreat!  Keep 'em jew nerves rattled!


    • Taxi says:

      I forgot to also mention the real reason why Trump is already peeved at Adleson: not so much for his despicable jewy treason of the USA, but for Adleson's donation deal with Trump's campaign.  The deal between the two men was for Trump to 'give' Jerusalem to israel as well as tear up the Iran nuke deal, in exchange for Adleson 'fixing it' for the Trump/Republicans to keep the 'House' during midterms.  But Adleson failed to deliver on the deal whereas Trump delivered everything Adleson asked of him.  This is why Trump is mouthing off here and there about israel aid packages as well as saying that 'israel will be fine if we leave Syria' etc.  Little pokes at israel here and there.  And we also haven't seen jewy Ivanka and her vampirical husband swanning their stuff about since Trump's mid term losses either.  Most unusual.  Don't you think?  Hmmmmm….

  57. Taxi says:

    So much desperation and lies from the jewy press regarding the US's troop pullout from Syria – don't believe a word of the BS, especially if Bolton or Pompeo are quoted.  Truth can be found amidst the facts on the ground in Syria, and the facts there contradict the jewy press.

    Russian-Kurdish Negotiations In Moscow: Turkey Has Defined Its Options And Washington Is Trying To Gain Time

    And here:

    US Is Already Pulling Out Its Troops From Syria: Coalition Spokesman

  58. Taxi says:

    Even though they've shared borders for some seventy years, Lebanese culture is directly opposite to israeli culture.  The Lebanese psyche is steeped in poetics, while the israeli psyche is pickled in artless machismo and mass murder.  Contrast here:

    With here:

    And I challenge ANYONE to produce a single piece of israeli art that can rival what the Lebanese have been producing for millennia.

    In my opinion, even graffiti done by Palestinians on the Apartheid wall is more superior than any frame hanging in tel aviv's Museum of Art.

    When your war culture is more prevalent than your art culture, doom indeed awaits you.

  59. Taxi says:

    The israeli airforce flew diversionary planes over south Lebanon at midnight last night, while sending some 10 missiles from occupied Golan to Damascus airport.  Syrian airforce intercepted 8 jew missiles and the two that hit caused minimal structural damage and lightly injured two menial airport workers.  The Syrian airforce did not deploy its S-300 – there was no need.  Clearly, these strikes are like pine needles propelled at a bear – utterly ineffectual and incapable of changing the FACTS ON THE GROUND.  They are also very costly to the American tax payers who are unwittingly paying for these jewish aerial failures.  Cost of last night's strikes is 7+ million spent in 28 minutes, and repairing the damage to the Damascus airport will cost the Syrians approx $35.000 – repairs will take several days.

    These silly jewy pinpricks at Syria will continue till the US pulls its troops out, a project that began in earnest several days ago.  The desperate jews are hoping that Syria or Russia will overreact to these strikes and force thus the US to reverse its troop pullout decision.  They're fucking dreaming in tel aviv!  Rather, I should say: they're fucking nightmaring in tel aviv lol!

  60. Taxi says:

    Here's a bundle of links to add to your Sunday read – some articles require nose pegs – all articles involve ongoing jewish criminality in broad daylight:

    House passes bill to force Trump to nominate “anti-semitism” head who would monitor criticism of Israel

    School Employee Sues District for Israel Loyalty Oath in Contract

    In 2018, Israel’s mask finally came off

    When Jewish Leaders Decide To Harass College Kids — To ‘Support’ Israel

    Israel coerces PA to accept ‘Deal of the Century’

    Angela Davis is latest Black target of Israel lobby

    Quantifying the Holocaust: Measuring murder rates during the Nazi genocide

    Who or What Brought Down Dag Hammarskjöld?

    Y'all have a good one now!  I'm bundled up for another 4 day storm (hope the internet keeps steady!) – wow so much rain and snow has already fallen and we're not even halfway thru winter.  Springtime Lebanon flora is gonna be just magnificently lush!  What fecundity!  Makes you forget the evildoers of the world for a moment or two.  Or three or four…


  61. Taxi says:

    • Taxi says:

    • Oh -oh Rachel, Rachel, Rachel

      Do you have an idea of how you are embarrassing yourself with this idiotic interview !?! And you have a reputation of being 'brainy'!!   

      Ouch !  Don't you know how to read ?  There are sooo many books, articles, essays, videos, interviews, blogs, websites you could read and discover the history of how Israel was created and how"they who were chucked out of so many countries over the centuries"  took it upon themselves to have the right to bloody well 'chuck ' out most of a people that had existed and belonged to that land called PALESTINE for centuries , regardless of whatever  a speech Margaret Hodge spouted or what you read on that Twitteroo  obsession that some people use to disparage , dehumanise and lie about what really happened !   

      Put aside your Math and Television  fame, and delve into  some history of the past century ! 

      There are many Jewish and non-Jewish authors  who could point  you towards the righteous way , right here in the UK , if only you took the trouble to use some 'critical thinking ' Rachel !

      Thanks to Gilad's beneficial and kind guidance, ( no ' beast ' he , but a serious moral thinker and genius!) I hope you open your eyes and take the trouble to investigate and really inform yourself

      Read Gilad Atzmon's books and many more as a starter … …  all very well documented , and readily available online  by very well respected historians ,   before you regale us with all of that  "so much , too much information that  (you)  already have "  !  

      Very sad !

  62. Taxi says:

    If you have the time this weekend, do please listen to the great Linh Dinh being interviewed by the great Dr. Kevin Barett – a gem:

    Linh Dinh is one of America's best writers. He is now living in Dak Lak, Vietnam, working as a foreman in his brother-in-law's plastics recycling plant. Read about life in Dak Lak, among other things, in Linh's new article "Endless Culture War."

    How did Linh get unofficially expelled from the American literary scene? 

    "It happened step by step. I didn't support Obama like everybody else. I'm not a Democrat, not a Republican—I'm neither. So it started there. And then I'd talk about 9/11. And I wrote articles about the Bin Laden assassination. I thought it was nonsense. There was no proof that anything happened…at that point I hadn't discussed the Holocaust, because I didn't know much about it. But still the invitations (to speak at campuses) dried up."

    In this interview we discuss Wikipedia's lies (for example, they falsely claim Linh is a regular contributor to Russia Today, when in fact he has never even appeared on that channel); the rise of internet censorship; the ubiquity of tribalism including among the two tribes that pretend to oppose tribalism, Jews and liberals/leftists; the destruction of human sociability and society and the rise of techno-dystopia; the naturalness of voluntary gender segregation.

    Linh Dinh: Vietnam "may be grim on some level. But American slums are the worst, in my experience, because of the desolation. It's not because of the material deprivation. It's that people are isolated. They're deprived of human contacts and spiritual solace. Even American suburbs are very desolate. I've been to thirty countries, but I've never seen a society organize itself as badly as the United States, as far as taking care of basic social needs."

    Clink for full interview here.

  63. Harry Law says:

    Jewish state' will soon cease to exist, Israelis may flee to West: Zionist historian

    Influential Zionist historian Benny Morris, professor of the Middle East studies department of the Israeli Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, has foreseen a bleak future for the Zionist establishment.

    "Already today there are more Arabs than Jews between the [Mediterranean] sea and the Jordan. The whole territory is unavoidably becoming one state with an Arab majority," said Morris in an interview published by the Israeli Haaretz newspaper on Thursday.

    "Israel still calls itself a Jewish state, but a situation in which we rule an occupied people that has no rights, can not persist in the 21st century, in the modern world. And as soon as they do have rights, the state will no longer be Jewish," added Morris.

    "I do not see how we get out of it."

    Morris, who was injured by an Egyptian artillery shell in 1969, was discharged from the military to eventually become one of Israel’s influential historians.

    Describing himself as a staunch "left-winger" and "Zionist," Morris is part of a controversial group of Israeli revisionist historians, openly admitting to and defending events like the 1948 expulsion of Palestinians that is today remembered as the Nakba Day.

    "A Jewish state would not have come into being without the uprooting of 700,000 Palestinians. Therefore it was necessary to uproot them. There was no choice but to expel that population," said Morris in an interview with Haaretz in 2004.

    Today, however, Morris believes Israel faces a bleak future considering Arabs' non-integration in Israel and their larger population.

    "The Palestinians look at everything from a broad, long-term perspective. They see that at the moment, there are five-six-seven million Jews here, surrounded by hundreds of millions of Arabs," the historian said in the Thursday interview.

    "They have no reason to give in, because the Jewish state can not last."

    Morris further envisions how an Israel dominated by Arabs will slowly disintegrate.  

    "The Arabs will demand the return of the refugees. The Jews will remain a small minority within a large Arab sea of ​​Palestinians,” the historian said.

    "Those among the Jews who can, will flee to America and the West [to avoid persecution]."

    Many Jews, however, have rejected the Zionist concept of Israel being a legitimate Jewish state, dismissing Morris’s understanding, which pits Jews against Arabs.

    Full article here,,,

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks for the pertinent link, Harry. The Palestinian/Arab demographic bomb is most certainly real and it’s one way of dissolving the Apartheid state of israel. This we have all known for quite some time, but it’s a great confirmation coming from the much lauded israeli-jewish historian, Benny Morris.

      Interestingly, Iran, unless forced into a direct, physical war with israel, has a strategy of waiting in the wings for israel to ‘dissolve from within’. They see the jewish ‘rot’ in the character of israel itself as being its ultimate, natural killer. Indeed, the current zeitgeist and strategy of the Axis of Resistance is to play the ‘long game’ against israel, while at the same time be absolutely ready for any direct confrontation that israel may instigate out of desperation.

  64. Taxi says:

    Headlines from devil's press:

    When talentless israeli jews win shekeled european awards:  Protesters crash Israeli Eurovision winner's performance

    When leftie israeli jews sugar-coat reality: Benny Morris' Dystopian Predictions About Israel's Future Miss the Point

    When jews expose their hoogliboogli paganism: Rabbi Yekutiel Fish: Lunar eclipse sign Jews must leave Diaspora

    When jewish fences have holes in them:  Washington in talks with Lebanon over American Jew captured by Hezbollah

    When jews do their usual evil thing in occupied Palestine:

  65. Taxi says:

    What does israel do when it's in panic mode over US pulling out of Syria?  It goes blind and ballistic – yet non of its terroristic thrashing actually changes the facts on the ground in Syria:  Bashar and friends are still winning.  And the response for all of israel's illegal attacks on Syria will be answered soon enough with strategic timing.  Yes, israel is desperate to keep US troops in Syria, but that train has long left the station.

  66. Cloak And Dagger says:

    Desperation on the cusp of madness! — Cloak & Dagger, 1/21/2019

    Israel Announces Sustained Strikes On Damascus; Syria Fires Back In Major Escalation

    Well, you would know better than I, Taxi, sitting in your perch in the Levant, but the information I have is that over 40 cruise missiles were fired but only 1 got through. That is an amazing interception rate of almost 100% by the Syrian air defense! Our own Patriot systems achieved, at best, 10% interception rate.

    As for the Syrian missile intercepted over the Golan, it is being misrepresented as targeting Israel. It is a common strategy to launch a missile at the attacking aircraft launching those missiles and locking on to them, not with the intent of shooting them down (they are too far away), but to cause the pilot to take evasive action, thus reducing the capacity of the co-pilot/missile-tracker to guide the launched attack missiles. This gives more time for the air defense system (BUK and S-200s) to take out the missiles, which they appear to have done.

    My sense is that Israel with their neocon sayanim is throwing everything and the kitchen sink at Trump's attempt to withdraw from Syria, at least to Iraq, if not back home. Israel cannot survive without constant war and instability across the world, with the support of our MIC. Besides trying to deflect attention from Netanyahu's imminent indictment, Israel is doing everything it can to keep the US in Syria, from false-flags, to a provoked attack on Israel by Syrian forces. They need something, anything, to allow the deep state to justify repealing Trump's withdrawal order, including impeaching him.

    These are depressing times, but take heart. Nobody said the Apocalypse ("the unveiling") would be a cake walk. A lot more blood must spill before the Sun rises again. Keep your loved ones safe and pass the wine.



    • Taxi says:

      Cloak, the single rocket that israel claims is Iranian and fell on israeli-occupied Golan causing no damage and no injuries is one of their own: used as pretext for yet another inconsequential attack on Damascus, ie all that jewish firework in the Syrian sky did not change the facts on the Syria ground that indicate that Bashar is still winning. Just ask yourself, ‘why would Iran send only a single silly rocket’? The Iranians are a little more sophisticated than that, don’t you think? The more exposed israeli geopolitical weaknesses become (we’ve known about them for a long time here at Plato’s) – and the US troop pullout is one giant exposure – the more desperate israeli leaders become, especially keen to keep these weaknesses hidden from their own jewish citizens (they don’t want mass reverse Aliya). These jewish terrorist attacks on Damascus are but weapons of mass distraction ops against israeli jews themselves. I wrote somewhere that they are but pine needles flung at a bear, as far as the Axis of Resistance is concerned.

      Look, even with US soldiers in Syria and in israel, the Axis of Resistance still holds the upper hand. There is no changing this dynamic when hundreds of thousands of missiles are aimed at tel aviv, ready to be fired. And if tel aviv is attacked, being the center of the criminal jewish colony, everything israel will very rapidly fall apart (so too will jewish lobbies in the West). Keep this fact in mind when you’re surfing media headlines – you’ll find that literally 98% of articles are pointless jewy psy ops on the masses, both gentile and jewish – even anti israel media outlets end up unwittingly disseminating jewy psy ops. So very many daily bullets of distraction are fired by the jews at media consumers – and incessantly so.

      I don’t bother with most of it, I tend to go by the ‘facts on the ground’ and only that. And here in sth Lebanon, everything is still fine, quiet, beautiful. And Damascus remains standing. Plus, there is no shortage of either weapons or men and women ready to smash the motherfucking terrorist state of israel. So, till this very equation above changes, israeli strikes on Damascus are mere show for mainly political reasons inside of the crumbling jewish state.

      Attack the jewish airforce runways in the first hours of the next war – which is what will be happening – and it’s game over for the antigentile, satanic jews in the Levant.

      Yes, it’s “depressing times” indeed, but for the US and israel and not for the Levant. It’s the opposite in the Levant, despite the optics that the media publishes.

      All Netanyahu can do is strike Syria (never Lebanon!) to give himself ‘muscle’ for the coming elections in April. He’ll behave very badly till then – but he won’t let it get out of control: he will not be turning these strikes into a regional war: a regional war will bring down his government when tel aviv casualties mount in the first several days (and they will in a regional war) – worse, a regional war is projected by all unbiased as well as partisan experts to bring down and cancel israel itself – even stupid biblical prophecies say israel will be destroyed. The israeli military know this and so does Netanyahu.

      It’s all just nasty jewish fuckeries to give the illusion of ‘muscle’. Hollywood style!

      Around here, nobody gives a fuck what israel is up to – everyone knows there’s NOTHING it can do to change the facts on the ground in the Levant, and everyone knows what makes the jews ‘tick’ so non of their psy ops are given a second thought – seen it all before a thousand times and more. The jewish deceivers even recently resorted to recycling the old lie that Nasrallah is “dying”. OF COURSE HE’S NOT! LOL! They spread this lie like at least five times per year. Once, while giving a speech a few years back, it was noted that Nasrallah was intermittently sipping from a glass of water with a slice of lemon in it – the jews even used this ‘slice of lemon’ as proof that Nasrallah is dying from cancer. When asked about it, Nasrallah replied: “I like the taste of a little lemon in my water”. No cancer and no shmancer! And as it happens, Nasrallah, who’s been quiet for couple of months, will be giving a one-on-one interview with Al-Mayadeen TV this coming Saturday. I will try and find an English translation of this interview as I’m sure it will have some very interesting information.

      Thanks Cloak for your concerns and advise. I’m really perfectly fine where I am. The jewish hand will be cut off at the border if it ever attempts to reach into Lebanon, and I am located near the ‘second line of defense’ with enough time and space to relocate if need be. I’m actually more concerned about the safety of Americans inside of America, torn up madly by the satanic jews of America, under instruction of zealot-lunatic rabbis in occupied Palestine. American society at the moment is by far worse off than Gaza and Damascus combined. The threat of pockets of racial/identitarian civil war breaking out in the US are becoming more and more real. To me, this is seriously fucking scary.

      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        I will have more to see on this later, but look at who is instigating racism. Things are seldom as they appear. Check out the "Israelites".


      • Taxi says:

        Yeah I posted a Jimmy Dore video yesterday and his video clearly shows the black “israelites” provoking the young catholic boys.

        Anyway, this whole story is but a jewish weapon of mass distraction as well as a racial instrument for social destruction.

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks, Cloak. It’s always a combination of sad and boring for me to watch clips of American news programs. Sad because I see the tyrannical and deceptive hand of the (jew) media fucking with people’s lives. And boring because, well, because it’s all so very predictable.

        I feel sorry for the kid – his parents should NOT have allowed for ANY media interviews and most certainly should not have assigned a PR firm (that’s probably owned and run by jews) to his case. He should have been pulled out of school immediately and given home-schooling for the rest of the year – by then the story would most certainly have died out. Kid looks like a deer caught in the headlights in the interview.

    • Cloak And Dagger says:

      Bombs Over Damascus: Has Israel Crossed a Russian Red Line in Syria?

      This could get interesting…


      Friday, citing Russian sources the Palestinian-run, London-based, pan-Arabic newspaper Al-Quds Al-Arabi reported that Russia has told Israel it will not tolerate further air strikes near the Damascus International Airport:

      According to the report, which cited Russian sources, Moscow has told Jerusalem that it intends to renovate the Damascus International Airport, and that further attacks by Israel will not be welcomed.

  67. Cloak And Dagger says:

    Well, this is a first!

    Time to Break the Silence on Palestine

    The NYT posted a pro-Palestine op-ed! I wonder what fights broke out within that building that led to this! Perhaps the writing on the wall of the collapsing Jewish narrative in our mass media…

    I was waiting for the cacophony of cries of anti-semitism to blare from the megaphones of Israeli supporters, and I did not have to wait long. This morning, that pillar of truth in news reporting, CAMERA, meted out its verdict on this historical piece:


    To be honest, I only read the first few lines to confirm the message I was expecting, having more important things to do with my time, but as anticipated, the wasp has lost its sting. A quick scan of the Internet shows that nobody, except for the Hasbara brigade, is taking this seriously.

    Sayonara Israel, may you rot in hell (sorry, I am not the turn-your-other-butt-cheek-and-forgive or love-thy-enemy kind of guy).


    • Taxi says:

      Thanks for the links, Cloak. The jewy NYT practices tokenism. Every now and then, or I should say, every blue moon or so, when they need to give the illusion that the NYT editorial office isn’t a major aipac arm, they publish a negative article about israel, purely for appearances – the usual ‘goodcop/badcop jewish sleight of hand. Really, both articles are a set up – utterly pointless and utterly wasteful of one’s time – the only battle of real interest, as far as I am concerned, is the ground battle: because the ‘media’ battle is just waaaaay too predictable. We’ve already established whose side the NYT is on in the israel-palestine propaganda war – they’re never gonna change their ultra friendly publishing policies towards israel. For this one pro Palestine article, the NYT will be publishing 30 pro israel articles between now and the end of the month – 3000+ between now and the end of 2019.

      Nevertheless, I encourage readers to check out both linked articles for themselves. Subtle but noteworthy here is that the top comment for the ‘NYT Pick’, chosen by the editorial, is, of course, pro israel. Always look for the overt as well as the covert propagandistic messaging.

  68. Taxi says:

    For humanity, there is nothing more serious or graver than the issue of war and peace.  Because it is about morality.  Not justice.

    If a child throws a tantrum and strikes you, do you beat the shit out of them?  Of course not because that would be wrong and immoral – though your cause may be just.

    Morality and justice are sisters, but one is written-law based, and the other is the unwritten understanding of spirituality and humanism.

    Unfortunately, the msm and the priesthood of all religions have self-assigned themselves as the ultimate arbiters of morality: and the masses tend to follow them and their dictates and definitions of morality instead of arriving at their own individual understanding of the term.  The freedom-loving Socrates who never preached and only ever openly 'discussed' topics was considered a highly immoral person – and for his “corruption of the youth”, he was sentenced to die in a bathtub filled with poisoned water: a copious amount of hemlock mixed with warm water that slowly and painfully paralyzes the body from the toes upwards.  Socrates died thus while the corrupt and immoral priesthood looked on.

    It is important to separate morality from justice – also because sometimes justice can lead to immoral acts (ie, beating a child to a pulp cuz he kicked you hard in the shins). 

    It's a very complex topic that I'm barely touching on in this comment, so you'll forgive my over-simplification and I hope that you get the point.

    The Saker has an article on 'Western values and civilization' which got me thinking about the differences between morality and justice – though the article does not take the reader in the philosophical direction that I found myself on.  Altogether, I enjoyed his article – read it here for yourselves:

    Russia, Israel and the values of “western civilization” – where is the truth?

  69. Taxi says:

    …  And about all them Venezuela headlines…

    First, let us remember that Venezuela is in the crosshairs because (just like Iran) it openly supports the Palestinian cause; and though geographically it is continents away from the holy land, it is indeed a bitter and vocal enemy of israel.  The massive political attack (attempted coup) and verbal threats of US military "invasion" of Venezuela has nothing to do with it being a 'socialist' nation – most of our good European allies are socialist nations – the only difference is that European governments are all pretty much compromised by jewish influence and control, but the wormy jew has not been able to yet infiltrate into Venezuelan political society.  With this in mind, understanding the attempted coup of Maduro should be seen for what it is:  the punitive jews using Empire's long arm, with the promise of 'oil' as reward/loot, to whack at a faraway Resistor nation that still officially refuses to 'recognize' the jewish terrorist state as a legal member state of the UN. 

    In other words, Venezuela knows who the talmudic jews really are: killers of prophets and of peace, warmongers, mass murderers and mass land thieves – deceivers and haters of humanity and of the natural order of the universe – believers in and promoters of death and of destructive forces.

    The jews thought they could pull a 'Mubarak' on Maduro and asked the Venezuelan army to step in and take control of the country BUT the army refused to follow the ruinous, treasonous instruction sent from tel aviv via the WH and DC's Deep State.  So the coup that started yesterday has today failed – it was bound to – but it will leave a very sour taste in the mouths of citizens, and create waves of civic unrest and turmoil in Venezuela, all engineered by the satanic jewy side.  The coup has failed, yes, but it has damaged.  There will be more attempts at whacking at Venezuela, of course – evil never sleeps, as we all know, and we've all seen this movie before a few times over, staring middle east leaders: all sworn enemies of israel.

    What's striking and astounding is that the jewy MSM has spent the past two years hysterically alleging 'Russian interference in US elections' – which it has yet to prove, I may add – but today it is blatantly and publicly dictating to other nations who is and who is not a 'legitimate' leader for them.  Why bother with the practice of democracy when America, under the fugue of the jews, will just from here on publicly declare who should rule non-American nations?

    But this rank hypocrisy and arrogant behavior is to be expected.  A dying empire is easily led by baubles (oil), and is also quick to anger as it grows more tyrannical with every fading breath it takes.  Losing power is like an addict losing his heroin: expect them to go into paroxysm and fits of anger during this 'loss' period. 

    No dear reader, the jews will not leave a single corner of the world in peace.  They never have before in history.  They are by now beyond rehabilitation.  Their antigentilism is peaking before our eyes.  And you're next.

    Unless you resist.

    In your own way.

  70. Taxi says:

    Lead story on ALL israeli TV news stations tonight?  Nasrallah's much anticipated interview on Al-Mayadeen TV at 8:30pm, local time.

    Sure seems like the israelis are just as excited about a Nasrallah TV appearance as the Lebanese are wink

    I will comment on the interview later…

  71. Taxi says:

    The more the goyim know, the more jewish censorship gets heavy-handed and Bolshie.   Oh long gone are the days when jews worked their evil all quietly, demurely, clandestinely: giving off, back in the day, the image of the eternal, helpless, taintless victim.  Now, the more their diabolical deceptions are exposed, the more they flail and froth and bang on their pots and pans and right in your face: censor you.

    Just as well that some humans are immune to bullies and charlatans and brainwash.  Don't let the jews or any other stranger PC your existence.  They can hide the truth, but they can't bury it.

    Free Speech, Hassan Nasrallah, and Other Victims of Internet Censorship

  72. Taxi says:

    Yet more proof of the jewish hand in the conspiracy to destroy and loot yet another pro-Palestine gentile nation.

  73. Taxi says:

    I managed to find some 12 minutes (out of 3+ hrs) of Nasrallah's latest interview, with English subtitles – I will post more of the interview as more subs (hopefully) become available sooner than later.  Worth it!

  74. Taxi says:

    When liberal jews discuss the 'philosophy' of mass murder and occupation, all I can say is 'oooooof'!  Just denounce your judaism already instead of yakking endlessly and passively about the 'cruelty' of the occupation etc!   All yea liberal jews who claim allegiance to justice and humanism: your kind words towards the Palestinians mean NOTHING if you still actually live in colonialist israel as a colonialist israeli jew.  Your presence in occupied Historic Palestine is ITSELF the freaking MAJOR problem!  Denounce and depart or stfu!

  75. Taxi says:

    The jew-on-jew push and shove election campaigning have started in israel.  Haaretz has an article on this behind a paywall, so, for your convenience, dear reader, I've copy/pasted it for you below.

    A Military Coup Coming to Replace Netanyahu

    Maybe it isn’t surprising that a system whose task is to fight Israel's real enemies rebels against Netanyahu, the expert in inventing imaginary foes      by Carolina Landsmann  – Feb 01, 2019 

    Anyone who doesn’t understand what three ultra-rightists are doing in the inner circle of the left’s new hope Benny Gantz apparently hasn’t taken Hosen L’Yisrael’s color, name and election slogan seriously: “Neither right nor left.” Gantz hasn’t set up a party – he’s set up a political-assassination unit.

    It’s interesting to realize that despite the overtness of Gantz’s political move, it is seen as a political move under ideological camouflage. It’s as if Gantz’s image, like Yair Lapid’s, is engineered by media advisers, who are also concocting a sterile ideological platform for him that will “work” on the voters and “steal” votes from the right. But when we follow Gantz’s moves it appears that their “secrecy” is the biggest open secret in Israel.

     The man colored his election billboards khaki, called his party Hosen L’Yisrael (Resilience for Israel), recruited a retired chief of staff as his No. 2 and presented him to the public as his commander. He wishes to recruit at least one more chief of staff (Gabi Ashkenazi), if not two (Ehud Barak); his campaign clips show the army under his command wiping Gaza out and returning it to “the stone age;” and his famous silence is nothing but part of “the Israeli secrecy code” – which he defended in his speech.

    What else must he do to make us understand that this is a military coup by democratic means – don his uniform? What isn’t clear here? It’s the IDF against Benjamin Netanyahu.

    And not only the IDF. In recent years it seems the entire security establishment has become a greenhouse for growing Netanyahu opponents. Former Mossad chief Meir Dagan and Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin came out publicly against Netanyahu, especially over the “Iran” fixation, at the price of becoming “traitors” in the eyes of the right.

    The former prime ministers who grew up in the IDF developed a real loathing for Netanyahu (Yitzhak Rabin, Ariel Sharon, Ehud Barak). David Bitan couldn’t have said it better: “Something happens to those who serve as heads of the Mossad and the Shin Bet. Along the years they become leftists.” Bitan said this as coalition chairman.

    Well, perhaps that “something” is called Benjamin Netanyahu. Maybe it isn’t surprising that a system whose task is to fight real enemies rebels against Netanyahu, the expert in inventing imaginary foes.

     Recruiting the “Bogie trio” – three former senior officers who were close to Netanyahu and turned their backs on him – is almost an elementary step in Gantz’s military operation. Where the left sees rightists, Gantz sees vital partners to the targeted assassination of Netanyahu’s rule.

    Gantz has surrounded himself by three pronounced right-wingers: Ya’alon, who is convinced Netanyahu and his attorney are involved in the case of the shady submarine purchase from Germany, dubbed Case 3000; Yoaz Hendel, formerly Netanyahu’s director of communications and public diplomacy, who resigned following the Natan Eshel affair, which he exposed to the premier’s chagrin; and Zvi Hauser, who was Netanyahu’s cabinet secretary.

    But their presence is not an ideological camouflage act. Quite the opposite, it conveys to the public that this is not an ideological coup. Gantz isn’t here to return the occupied territories or not to return them. He is here to send Netanyahu into retirement. They are here to make it clear that the objection to Netanyahu and all he represents, as well as the understanding that Netanyahu has poisoned the public sphere and corrupted the state and the society, crosses political camps. Neither right nor left.

    A Military Coup Coming to Replace Netanyahu

    My true wish is for Netanyahu to start a war before the elections so that tel aviv would be turned into a smoking heap, which means there won't actually be any more jew elections after all wink

    • Taxi says:

      Greetings readers. I’m on a hiatus from news-monitoring because of a combination of disgust and boredom. The same evil doing THE SAME evil deeds day in and day out – oooooooooffff it’s enough to put gray hairs on Kojak!

      … My hiatus remains in force… I’ll comment again in the ‘soon’, I guess, maybe a new article… In the meantime, be well and be, well… be goodly mindful.

      p.s. after not visiting the site for a good week now, I’ve just noticed that there’s a glitch with regards to ‘commenting’ – I can’t see the comment box on the main article page: seems to have disappeared, at least for me it has – I’m using my admin dashboard to post out this comment (it’s a separate page). I’ll let my techie know about this problem and hopefully he’ll get on it sooner than later. If you need to send word out to me, I am contactable at : A-toodalooz friends!

    • Taxi says:

      I hear that when the  Ilhan Omar story broke several days ago, twitter recorded the most chatter ever on 'aipac and 'antisemitism'.   That's what we want: non-stop chatter on aipac, fake antisemitism and the tyranny of the jewish minority.

  76. Taxi says:

    The more the scoundrel jews use the 'antisemite' label on upstart Gentiles, the quicker the smear seems to be losing its effect – thank you sensible people on social media for that.  I encourage the jew occupiers of Western nations to keep at it – go full speed and publicly accuse ALL Gentiles of jew-hatred.  Speed it up some, knock yourselves out, if you please.

    The Growing Anti-Semitism Scam

  77. Taxi says:

    Jewish terrorism and violent ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Arab Jerusalem continues:

    Really, at this stage of the game, if I ever was face to face with an 'israel lover', be they jew or gentile, I'd have every right to kick their fucking skulls in!  Yeah and I'd call my reaction righteous, valid and absolutely necessary for world peace. 

  78. Taxi says:

    There are three different types of religions in judaism: talmudic, holocaustic, and holomudic (a combo of talmudic and holocaustic).  Most jews are holomudic.  Their judaism demands they dominate everything gentile through violence, deception and usury; and it also demands that jew and gentile alike treat the state of israel as if an infallible god, demanding as well the mass murder of resistors to this psychotic effigy.  Don't ever be fooled by 'liberal' or secular/atheistic jews.  They may all have different eyes, but ALL their eyes are fixed on the same prize.

    How the rule of the rabbis is fuelling a holy war in Israel

  79. Jonathan Cook is a prince among men !

    What depressing times we are living these days , Taxi !  The whole world seems to be on an insane path towards extiction … just reading the international news , analyses and  furiously outrageous  reactions to truthful and factual  declarations … all countered with that ever so predictable 'antisemite' smear !  

    What the 'empire ' is trying to do to Venezuela is too unbearably evil … so blatant and brazenly out -in-the-open breaks my heart . 

    I feel so utterly sickened by politics and out-of-control politicians just because they can !       I don't even make sense to myself any more … I just wanted to write a few words  today as a modest comment on the state of the world and all I can come out with are some fatuous  words about how I feel !  Sorry  but my brain feels too sclerotic to be making any sense even of my own feelings !                    

    • Taxi says:

      The 'evil' news bores the socks off me.  It's all the same, same, same evil committed by the same, same, same evil-doers.  It's like a profession for these people now – they've been doing it for sooooo long.  I don't know why we don't already have university courses in 'How To Fuck Up The Whole World Fast' – little moral skill is required, yet gigantic profits are insured.  Perfect for the stupid, insufferable snowflake generation and other identitarians of today.

      As to Venezuela: sabers will rattle but nothing will happen.  It's all the usual blowhard fuckeries by shekeled fuckers.  A dying Empire huffing and puffing: more puff than huff.  What a bore!

      And the jews with their 'antishmanti' crap left, right and center and 24/7!  LOL!  I've said enough about their predictable bullshit to last ten lifetimes.  But… I encourage them to carry on with this incessant bombardment – yes, the masses will soon experience a historic 'antisemite fatigue'.

  80. These great interviews with Alistair Crooke are unmissable … so honest and concise. I watched this one twice since …  … so much to learn ! 

    But they leave me panting for more when the short half hour whizzes by so fast  that RT should be pressed to give Mr Lavelle a whole hour for his programmes , including his Cross Talk half hour , especially that on Cross Talk he usually has two or three people to debate with !

  81. Taxi says:

    Unlike Nasrallah, who advises the israelis NOT to "miscalculate", I actually encourage and want the satanic jews of israel to miscalculate.

  82. Taxi says:

    If you're wondering why Jarred Kushner's face does not move a muscle from the mouth  upwards, just ask Doctor Botox.  And if you're wondering why Jarred Kushner talks about both "defining borders" and "eliminating borders' in the same breath, just ask Doctor Klepto and his surgeon, Doctor War:

  83. Taxi says:

    Sheep: You’re an antisemite.
    Taxi: So what? You think I care one bit how you identify me? There’s absolutely nothing dark you can call me that will stop my utter and absolute disgust at and rejection of evil. When the jews stop being talmudically evil, committing evil acts, my revulsion at them will then naturally dissipate and cease. Till then, call me whatever the fuck you want.

    The accompanying article to the above video is here:  On The Current International Zionist Smear Campaign

  84. Taxi says:

    So the anglozionist shekeled desperado Teresa May pushed to label Hezbollah a terrorist group and passed it through.  Hezbollah responded with:

    “No country in the world that embraces terrorism, funds and supports it has the right to accuse Hezbollah or any other resistance movement of being terrorist.”

    I mean, really now, madam UK, who cares what you think and what you do when the future will find your wrinkly old colonial arse kicked like a soccer ball to the curb of the middle east?  Stay in your dank, dingy island and stfu shrimp – you're nothing but a street thug for hire.  Yeah it's what happens when your soul's been shekeled.

    (Can you tell I'm just completely over the pompous limey fuckers?  Sooo over it…) 

    Of course, Hezbollah had a few more choice words about it:

    Lebanon’s Hezbollah rejects Britain’s move to ban it

  85. Taxi says:

    Soon as you point to ACTUAL evidence (like video footage) that israel is an infanticidal, mass murdering terrorist, the war-criminal jews and their pet goyrats in media attack you with the stupid: you're a 'hater' and an 'antisemite'.  Well… yawn.  We've been seeing this exact jewy kneejerk EVERY DAY AND FOR DECADES! 

    Here, I'm sending a shoutout to the people of Gaza, applauding their sumud and courage in the face of the most evil talmudics on earth.  The UN's Human Rights Council also sent a shoutout to Gaza and determined that israel is guilty of targeting unarmed children, journalists, nurses and handicapped persons in wheelchairs.

    UN Council: Israel Intentionally Shot Children and Journalists in Gaza

    Of course the jewish media is wigging out ballistic about the HRC's latest report:

    UN Human Rights Council Derided as ‘Dangerous Joke’ After Issuing Anti-Israel Report on Gaza Border Violence

    And here's the "joke" report that the despicable jews are objecting to – I encourage you to especially read the section on dead Gaza children, not to sadden the heart out of your rib cage, but for you to see for yourselves the current status of the absolute infanticidal evil that israel commits in the (fake) name of their security – an infanticidal evil that will eventually be the norm in Western nations under jewish occupation.  Whaaat?!  You think if you keep letting the jews take over your very existence and freedoms, your life will improve and catapult to utopia?  Think again.  It's mass murdered Palestinian children today and tomorrow it'll be your children.  'Militarize and desensitize' – this is the path your Western nation is on under the influence and boot of the satanic jews.

    And Let's not forget here that the mass murder of children as state policy is most definitely a crime of genocide.

    Report of the independent international commission of inquiry on the protests in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

    Yes, dear reader, I believe the sooner israel is destroyed and the leaders of world jewery hanged from tree and lamp post, the sooner your traditional, inalienable rights can return to you – the sooner a peaceful and safe future for your children will be at hand.

  86. Taxi says:

    Wake up all yea American and Western sheep – wake the fuck up already!

    (You’ll forgive the religious perspective in the video, but much jewish evil is demonstrated in this video, regardless)

  87. Taxi says:

    “Not enough people have been killed – push more – Let the jews kill more!”, says Jesus Netanyahu.

  88. Taxi says:

    And let us NEVER forget that ISIS was established essentially to fight Hezbollah after their victory against the evil jewish state back in 2006.  This should leave no doubt whatsoever in your minds as to who exactly is behind ISIS:

  89. Taxi says:

    Go on Ilhan Oman, keep going past the 'ruffling of feathers' stage to actually plucking them right off them grotesque DC chickens. 

    Let’s all chatter about it and shine a sharp light on the usurpers, fleecers and traitors in our midst.

    • Taxi says:

      Oh Kevin Barrett, you are such a good apple, you really are:

      Ilhan Omar’s “Tropes” Are True

      Meanwhile, at the jolly jewish abattoir – otherwise known as occupied Palestine – jewish lunatics and their uncles wig out under pinned skullcaps and their paid whores in DC go pulling out their big political guns, with the aim of assassinating the adorable truth:

      Trump: Ilhan Omar comments are a ‘dark day for Israel’

      Oooh yeah – and may that "dark day" never, ever end till the cancerous jewish state is chemo-ed out of existence.

      …  Oh wait!  The ladeedah NYT also penned a screed about it all, written by (of course) a jew of sorts: Ilhan Omar’s Criticism Raises the Question: Is Aipac Too Powerful?

      Reading the above article was like taking heroin while being given bad news – somehow this narcotic undercurrent was injected throughout the critical parts of the article, making it seem as if Aipac is not really the most evil lobby on the planet, which it is, but rather, Aipac is this cuddly teddy bear with… well, just a couple of tiny harmless little teeth – that's all.  Cuddly, tough little teddy bear, aipac is. 

      Dear reader, I love this Ilhan Omar story because thank fuck the topic of aipac/israel/jew/domination of DC is the BIG simultaneous chatter du jour among both media outlets AND the general public on social media.  A very rare phenomenon, indeed.

      And ironically, the jews lately have been trying so darn hard to suppress ANY neg chatter and gossip about israel/aipac/jews, and with much success: even criminalizing it in some States.  Yes, they've been on a huge roll for some time now in their attacks on our freedom of speech, only to suddenly get some little black Somali muslim female throw a spanner in their works with a mere handful of… tweets – lol.  Everything the racist/sexist chosenites hate is embodied in the petite frame of Ilhan Omar and she's giving them a very clever run for their money.


      Oh and I think the general Gentiles are pushing back a little on this one too.  This is also new behaviorism that I hope to see more of.

      Even if they force Ilhan out at the next elections, she still has some twenty months left to keep skinning them israel-branded DC chickens.


      • "… …    Even if they force Ilhan out at the next elections, she still has some twenty months left to keep skinning them israel-branded DC chickens. " 

        Amen !!     



  90. Taxi says:

    Well, well, rebellion against the tyrannical jews is breaking out in France too. 

    French resist effort to censor criticism of Zionism

    The Gentiles DO NOT appreciate being silenced by smarmy jews and their zombified minions.  And they DO NOT gel will the jews' definition of what 'antisemitism' is either.

    Again, the fuckers overreached with their 'demands' to silence FACTS and were met by an ongoing push-back by the general public against jewish censorship in the Ilhan Omar case – this grand reaction has been surprising and remains very much present and palpable on social media, and mainstream media/tv/radio too.  Now EVERYONE is talking about aipac's tyrannical power and jewish dual-loyalty: the very topics the jews were desperate to censor and suppress in the first place.

    It took one petite Somali muslim female to trip over the giant bigfoot that is 'world jewry'.  LOL!  Someone please help them big-bellied jew boys get up off the dusty ground lol.

    Suddenly, the smear of 'antisemite' lost at least half its fear value.  Another 5 years of push-back and no one will give a shit about that stupid smear. 

    Boy who cried wolf…  We warned them about this, didn't we?  And I believe our ancestors warned their ancestors about this too.

    Oh well, they do not, never ever, want to learn.

  91. Taxi says:

    The last couple of days, I've been researching how US churches have been responding to the jewish grip on the Christian narrative.  Indeed, I came across much information in this regard, with much Christian concern over what is currently taking place.  If you have the time, I do highly recommend you watch these two videos below as they encompasses a consensus of how concerned Christians currently feel about the jewish invasion of Christianity in the US.  Their concerns are not just religious, but also civic and patriotic: this is where their concerns converge with Plato's.

      • Stay strong ,  keep playing , writing ,  speaking ,  Gilad !

        Only the Truth wins in the end ! ( to use a very tired cliché ) !  We can all watch as the Truth is slowly revealing itself inexorably  …the mask is falling off the ugly shameful face of fascism  in  the US , Occupied Palestine , here in the UK and also  in Venezuela ,very obviously  ! And people are not stupid , really !

        Your true supporters can only grow and keep growing !


  92. " Informative" :    You  can say that again, Taxi  !

    A brilliant article …  very scary ! It may have to get even much worse before it starts to get any better , with bigger substantial personalities in possession of wiser ' beautiful minds'  ,  more moral , serene scenarios , and purer brave hearts to match !

    Not holding my breath !

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