Taxi's Articles

Anti-Gentilism Causes Antisemitism

The first bullet of hate was fired by the Jews.

Some three thousand years ago, the ancient desert followers of Moses who lived in Babylonia had amassed and collated their 600 year old oral folklore, before studiously recording it on scrolls and slabs.  This collection of ancient Jewish writings is commonly known as the Babylonian Talmud.  And this very Talmud, according to Jewish history, not only represents the primary source for Jewish theology and law, it also continues to be the centerpiece of Jewish cultural life.  Jewish Babylonian writers of the Talmud at the time had indeed galvanized, labored and penned away: unanimously agreeing on the content of all its chapters.  They’d all signed on their religious mission-statement that notably also included declaring eternal war on all Gentiles.  This genocidal, tribal decree found in the Talmud is the first recorded case of Jewish Anti-Gentilism.  It took place a good several millennia before even the concept of Antisemitism was invented.  Ancient Jews had actually put this historic and dark Anti-Gentile declaration down in writing some two thousand years before pogroms and the religious persecution of Jews were ever recorded.  We actually presently know of the genocidal inclinations of the Jews from their own ancient Talmudic writings: fairly well hidden from the eyes of Gentiles for thousands of years till the advent of the internet clearly revealed the Jewish ill-intention towards all Gentiles.

This long-silent Jewish war against Gentiles continues to persist some four thousand years later; except nowadays, this ‘eternal’ war on Gentiles is overt and profoundly malicious and nihilistic: having already caused the destruction of many modern Gentile nations, as well as the deaths of hundreds of millions of innocent Gentiles since the late 1800’s.  Here, I’m counting casualties from both World Wars, the Russian Revolution, as well as past and present devastating Mideast wars – numerous savage wars whose architects bare the clear Jewish fingerprint.

When the content and calendar of the Jewish Talmud are soberly considered, one cannot help but conclude that Anti-Gentilism manifested before Antisemitism, therefore, Anti-Gentilism is actually the very source of Antisemitism.  Moreover, we can even say that, more often than not, Antisemitism is a reaction to covert and overt Anti-Gentilism.

Yes, Anti-Gentilism is the primal source and cause of Antisemitism.

It’s that simple.

And it’s astonishing that not a single piece of academic literature on this topic can be found on the internet.  Astonishing too that some dictionaries don’t even list ‘Anti-Gentilism’ as a phrase or word – and some that do, actually give the wrong definition.

Yet, this in itself is not surprising at all: considering that Jews are masters of the dark art of deception and mass-distraction; considering too that they either own or run Western Education Ministries, Mainstream Media, Identitarian Culture, Internet Censorship, etc.

Since World War II, and all thanks to relentless Hollywood and MSM propaganda, ostensibly, modern Jews are viewed as both victim and hero.  (A contradiction in terms, no?!).  The Jews have been incessantly telling us that antisemitism is the “irrational hatred of Jews”.  At least this was their definition and talking point during and post World War II.  Some seventy years after the so-called German Holocaust and the creation of the genocidal state of Israel, this old definition has now morphed into the fascistic: “criticism of Israel is the New Antisemitism”.  This means that not even Jewish ‘property’ is allowed to be criticized, and every single Jewish government is sacred.  This right here, dear reader, is your classic definition of ‘zero freedom of speech’ for all Gentiles, not just for the White Supremicist minority.  Here, we can clearly see that with each updated Jewish definition of ‘antisemitism’, larger chunks of Gentiles suffer a harsher censorship and a darker social fate.

Let us be clear here that the modern weapons used by Jews against Gentile societies are numerous and the most powerful weapon they have is their so-called ‘holocaust narrative’.  Elite secular and Rabbinical Jews alike use the holocaust like a buzzing chainsaw to silence and censor Gentiles with.  They also use the holocaust narrative to brainwash unsuspecting Gentiles as well as Jews themselves.  The holocaust-brainwash is undoubtedly the most powerful mind-potion that Jews have ever concocted.  Moreover, it’s the holocaust brainwash that actually weaponizes the ‘antisemite’ smear.  Without the holocaust narrative brainwash, the antisemitic smear would be utterly meaningless and ineffectual.

Here, one naturally wonders: why are Jews such enthusiastic supporters of tyrannical censorship when it comes to their tribal affairs?  Why are Jews always on the offensive when it comes to Gentile free-speech?  What is it they are trying to hide?  What dark truths and histories are they consistently trying to bury and obscure from Gentile eyes?  Some would say the inconsistencies of the lucrative holocaust narrative explains this antisocial Jewish behavior towards inquiring Gentiles.  Of course, this is true – and I call this the ‘guarding of the golden calf’ syndrome.  But, I also say it’s deeper than that.  I say that elite Jews fear that once the swindles in the Jewish holocaust narrative have been exposed and gone universally viral, the next big exposé, nay the mother of all targets for sunlight will be the content and calendar of the Jewish Talmud.

In other words, Jews fear Gentiles en mass discovering that the first bullet of hate is actually embedded and fossilized in the Jewish Talmud.

Jews deeply-deeply fear Gentiles unraveling the true identity of the owner of the first bullet of hate in the war between Gentile and Jew.

They absolutely and utterly fear the discovery of their pathological and deep-seated Anti-Gentilism.

Sure, they have manged to suppress the ‘Anti-Gentile’ discussion and debate for over four thousand years – they have even succeeded at covertly suppressing even the mere ‘mention’ of the phrase ‘Anti-Gentilism’.  So then, isn’t it high time now, before Jewish censorship gets even more suffocating, to squarely and nakedly put this crucial topic on the table for all to examine?  Isn’t it high time to start asking Jews why they fired the first shot?  I say it plainly here: it behooves all Gentiles to now counter the viral ‘Antisemitic’ smear with the viral ‘Anti-Gentile’ one.  I can assure you (from experience) that Jews become dumbfounded stutterers when a Gentile brings up the topic of Jewish Anti-Gentilism.  This is because, as we all know, there is no existing Hasbara in the Jewish lexicon that can explain away the enduring hatred that Jews have felt towards Gentiles for millennia.

Time to ‘chatter’ about Anti-Gentilism en mass.

Time for Jews to face their Kryptonite.



  1. Taxi says:

    The way to counter jewish censorship is to keep talking about it.  Incessantly.

    The way to counter the antisemitic smear is to chatter about anti-gentilism.  Incessantly.

    The way to bypass jewish mass mind-control is to question their history and narrative, past and present.  Incessantly.

    The way to halt all 'wars for jews' is to expose their anti-gentile and genocidal talmud.  Incessantly.

    And the way to free Palestine and America is to destroy tel aviv.  Swiftly!

  2. Lou Cassivi says:

    "If we understand the mechanisms and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing it In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind."

    When Austrian-American Edward Bernays transcribed those thoughts into his 1928 book, Propaganda, he was most likely reflecting on the grandest hoax in history – perpetrated on humankind by his Zionist forefathers roughly a century earlier – that “Jews” were (and still are) chosen by “God” to be an exceptional, superior, separate, people and nation.

    Ever since, the masses (including “Jews”) – minds controlled and regimented according to the Zionist will, unconsciously and without a second thought – believe that “Jews” are a people, a race, and a nation, and not just adherents of the Jewish religion.

    So now, after roughly 170 years of programming, humanity mindlessly accepts the con. I can understand those who believe politicians and msm: they've been programmed. What I find most disconcerting is to see people like you ("Taxi"), as well as other critical, independent thinkers; revisionist historians (including Israeli); academics and politicians, heedlessly tossing about the word “Jew” while offering neither definition nor explanation. Thus the hoax continues, unquestioned.

    Sure. It's perplexing. What else can any of us do, or say? How else to describe a non-practicing Jew?

    Well, how do we describe non-religious Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Sikhs, etc? We don't. Because no such creatures exist. We refer to people by their nationality: American, Canadian, German, Russian, etc, or by their race: either the human race, or white/Caucasian, Mongoloid/Asian, Negroid/Black and Australoid, and most, or many, of us don't give a damn about their beliefs.

    As there is no way any of us is going to change the minds of the regimented masses and their Orwellian group-think – may I suggest one solution: when writing, we enclose with quotations the word “Jew” and its derivatives “Jews,” “Jewish,” “Jewishness,”, and preface any book, comment, article, remark, or book with:

    "When I enclose the word Jew in quotations, it's to indicate that I'm referring – not to an adherent of the Jewish religion – but to a person who believes – wittingly or not – that (s)he is one of the “chosenites,” i.e., belonging to the God-chosen, exceptional, superior, separate race, people, and nation." Or words to that effect.

    (When speaking, we can preface our remarks with an explanation of what we mean by the word Jew.)

    Zionists/ Chosenites will continue to disseminate the farcical lie and use it as their ancient and malicious Pharisaic-Talmudic WMD to instigate global mayhem; to destroy anyone who dares question their God-given right to world hegemony; to effect regime change worldwide (including the U.S.); to slaughter and exterminate Palestinians and Arabs; confiscate their land, and eventually annex the entire Middle East as their God-given “Jewish State.”

    They will continue to distract us with such fabricated accessories as “Orthodox,” “Sephardic,” “Ashkenazi,” “Khazarian,” “Kabbalistic,” etc, as if there were not only a “Jewish” race but different tribes or sects within it. Whether Orthodox or Paradox, Sephardic or Sefarcical; Ashkenazi or Ashkenutty; Khazarian or Caesarian, Kabbalistic or cannibalistic, they do not exist.

    The only evidence the Zionist con-artists ever provided has been an anthology of ancient oral anecdotes – transcribed centuries after they allegedly happened – into what is commonly referred to as the Old Testament or Tanakh, or Mikra.

    Appears Bernays was truly onto something. In the 1920s, Joseph Goebbels, minister of propaganda for the Third Reich, became such an admirer of Bernays and his writings that he exploited Bernays’ ideas to the fullest extent possible, including creating “Fuhrer cult” around Adolph Hitler.

    So please, Taxi, when you use the word "Jew," explain whom you're referring to.



    • Taxi says:

      Thank you for your comment.

      Lou, wouldn’t asking me to pontificate on ‘what is a jew’ be just another distraction-and-fogging tactic that jews repeatedly employ? Having spent some six years of daily exposure to Mondoweiss and its tedious obsession with ‘what is a jew’, I think I’ll give a pass on this one – with all due respect. But in the spirit of your thought-provoking comment, I can perhaps put it succinctly thus: a jew is a person who suffers from chosenite derangement syndrome. Be they semite or convert, or be they religious or atheist, this chosenite derangement afflicts some 99.5% of world jewry – so I’ve been told by jews-gone-rogue. (Added to that, my personal experience with jews and my study and debates with them for almost four decades now also inform me).

      To me, zionism is a contemporary eruption of the chosenite disease: a goiter on the neck of judaism – it too is a jewish weapon of mass distraction. “Zionism is but a fig-leaf for badly-behaved jews”, I once wrote. What I’m trying to say here, Lou, is the only apt word to use is the word: jew – all other words and labels to describe/divide/differentiate between jews is but part of their sleight of hand. No quotation marks or frills are needed on Plato’s, no prologue or pre-presentation necessary, no mental convolutions, no veils and no white gloves, no need for semantic acrobatics and futile intellectual muscle-flexing here. Calling the plain spade here a spade. Keeping the lingo de-fogged. Simple. And being mindful too that jews love it when gentiles get entangled in definitions – and I love it when I side-step that silly old mind-trap.

      “… heedlessly tossing about the word “Jew” while offering neither definition nor explanation” – Lou Cassivi.
      I don’t do “heedless”, Lou, I really don’t.

      But what I do actually ‘do’ is enjoy comments like yours that introduce me to interesting quotes and information. Here I sincerely thank you for bringing the words of Edward Bernays to our little parlor to educate – and even amuse us. Edward Bernays, a jew himself and nephew of Freud, no less. Edward Bernays: a fine propagandist and mind-controller for his tribe’s benefit: judging by the devotional obituaries to him in the israeli press at the time of his death. And in case my sarcasm here is too subtle to be noticeable, here below is a brief list of Bernays’ famous mind-control achievements, his ‘brilliant’ contribution to American society:

      – Convincing Americans that fluoridated water is safe
      – Convincing women to smoke by calling cigarettes, “torches of liberty”
      – Convincing consumers that only disposable cups were sanitary by linking the imagery of an overflowing cup with subliminal images of vaginas and venereal disease
      – Helping overthrow the government of Guatemala on behalf of the United Fruit Company
      – Organizing the first media event for a US President, a homey pancake breakfast for Calvin Coolidge
      – Convincing America that bacon and eggs is the “true All-American” breakfast

      Yap. Edward Bernays: a jew who made the whole country eat bacon every day – hello obesity and heart disease trend in the USA.

      … A little genocide here, a little anti-gentile genocide there… mmm, food for thought, Lou, food for thought – or should I say bacon for thought?…

  3. Sparrow says:

    [The jews as a tribe need to start taking responsibility for their collective 'hate'.]  OMG LOL!

    Taxi I laughed so hard at this briiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiant piece my stomach is all tied up.  You nailed it.  Well done "Taxi" my "say it straight" place to go. "…"

    crying [chosenite derangement syndrome] crying.   Yes my friend it is that particular mental hydrogen that causes Jews  their own demise.    ONE STATE PALESTINE!!!  VIVA HEZBOLLAH!!!  VIVA LIBERATION!!!  VIVA "TAXI"!!!  chirp!  "…."

    Stay safe

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks sparrow – great clip from the Motorcycle Diaries too – love that movie!

      Here's a fun thought for you:  if all-powerful israel controls America yet israel is petrified of Hezbollah, this then makes Hezbollah the REAL superpower cheeky

    • Taxi says:

      "Chirp" – SPARROW.

      Say, this here's for you, dear SPARROW – and for all other lovers of birdsong out there:

      • Taxi says:

        I enjoyed reading this youtube comment on the above video:

        emre yilmaz 4 years ago

        You have to listen to them at night.  Best tenors come to the Belgrade forest north of Istanbul first week of May.  One tenor is never good enough.  You've got to hear three of them simultaneously trying to out sing each other while you are sipping a dark Thracian wine reclining on freshly cut hay.  They go on for hours never repeating the same song twice.  They also change their singing perches frequently.  So every night you hear a new concert in a new venue.  The ultimate experience comes when the dew is falling at the early hours.  Unfortunately this particular bird was not full throat-ed.  A young one for sure. Turks have different names for for various styles, tunes and meters.  They bring on their canaries in their cages to teach them new melodies.  Only one night out of maybe thirty is an Out-of-this world experience.  Also every May older more experienced birds create new fads to outdo their younger rivals.  Singing the joy of life is always followed by the futility of it all.  Melancholy is followed by Hope.  Hope by Love.  Love by Death.  Persians say the Nightingale is in love with the Rose- budding at the same time of the year.  But soon he will realize that his is an impossible love.  His songs will get sadder and sadder.  This is an accurate obsevation as the bird probably gets tired from excessive singing towards the end of May.  The last songs are truly heart wrenching – gone are the long and ecstatic–fiy..fiyy…fiyy…fiy s that can go for over a minute followed by very muscular chuck… chuck… chucks.. followed by more fiys crescendo and a sudden sharp stop.

      • Sparrow says:

        Thank you Taxi for this beautiful song and words that witness.  I can only hear the song of the nightingale by video…so beautiful.  This is God my friend.  Making wise the simple.  You see it too everyday as your simplistic common sense points out (which is why I like to fly over here to perch)!  It is the extreme knowledge of man that corrupts it in every way.  Extreme words, extreme sentences, extremity in every fashion.  The Gentiles of the ME have shown the harsh understanding of real faith…their tenacity boggles my mind.  They inspire me…just as the Monarch butterfly migrates from Canada to Mexico every year, some 3000 miles or more away.  A feat humans could never do by foot relying on their creator to feed them on the way.  All creation is groaning, the land is quaking, and to understand it is just one question away of asking God Himself.  It is just that simple.  I won't get into debate here…but just leave this with everyone…have a wonderful day.

  4. Bornajoo says:


    Prescient article and strategy Taxi

    This strategy is already beginning, organically. I've noticed a few comments like this under the non stop and never ending attack on Corbyn by the Jews and the neocon wing of the Labour Party. First of all the Jews and their zionist supporters are now outnumbered by at least 10 to 1 by those who are finally fed up and fighting back. Second there are former Jews, like my brothers and I, who are openly stating they are no longer Jews and I've even seen comments correctly accusing the Jews of 'anti-goyism'. However, your term, anti-gentilism is much more palatable and appropriate

    It is indeed the correct strategy and I personally look forward to employing it as often as possible from today onwards. Let's hope it takes off 

    With regards to Lou's comment this is a very interesting issue. My brothers and I have personally left the group. This includes a full divorce from everything that can label or tie us to being 'Jewish' (happened a long time ago (as well as a name change (happening now). 

    It is difficult to understand how anyone can claim to be Jewish if they don't practise the actual religion. However I now see it as a cult, not a religion, not a race, not an ethnicity, but a cult. This idea of a tribal grouping which transcends national borders and has no geographical limitations is simply a cult and a fucking horrible death cult at that. The death part applies to anyone and everyone else who gets in their way. 

    It's a cult with a network that has its own agenda based on the mantra "as long as it's good for the Jews". Take the Corbyn saga, for example. They will never allow a man who cares for the people they are in the process of annihilating and robbing to ever get into power. So the whole network works together to eradicate the threat. The network is all members of the cult. They can be religious, secular or atheist. It does not matter. What matters is that they primarily see themselves not as a UK citizen, or an American citizen but as a Jew cult member who just happens to be living in a certain country. This is why and how the anti-Corbyn campaign is being promoted simultaneously in several countries at the same time in the jew controlled mass media. One day they wheel out a secular academic to berate Corbyn and the next they use a Rabbi. They will use any method or tactic regardless of how shameful or low down as long as they achieve their goals. They constantly invoke images of the alleged holocaust, another invented myth which has done more for them than all their other myths put together

    However, it also appears to be backfiring and there is no doubt that people are waking up. In fact it seems to be a race between how effective their strategy is and how many people wake up in the meantime 

    And thanks to Lou for also for bringing up the subject of Edward Bernays, who has left a devastating footprint on our planet. And thank you for listing some of his 'achievements' Taxi. I have no doubt Goebbels learned a lot from this Jewish master of brainwashing. The same methods have been used to brainwash the planet that the only people that suffered in ww2 were the Jews who lost 6 million. Not only is that whole story a crock of shit, but nobody talks about the real tragedies and deaths of nearly 60 million people from so many other countries. Only real masters of total deception can ever pull something like this off and they are indeed THE masters of deception. Not only have they convinced everyone that they're a race but also that they lost and suffered the most which is why they deserve to steal someone else's country and be the recipient of unlimited gifts of money and aid as "compensation" for what WASN'T done to them. On top of that they now control the political and military wings of the Empire and are using that massive power to destroy and kill, kill, kill anyone they perceive as an enemy. 

    When I look back now at my former association with that cult I see it as a massive personal trauma. They are not nice people. They hate everyone else and if they could get away with it would kill us us all if they had no further use for us. But they are the ultimate masters of deception and it's going to be a tough job convincing the critical mass required to understand this truth. But I'll do my bit! 

    • Taxi says:


      I can't stress enough how vitally important defector-voices like yours are.  Thank you for the courage you've mustered and applied in your personal life to dislodge yourself from the most evil cult that humanity has ever produced.  It is especially good that you had your brothers' support on this most perilous and traumatic journey.

      You are a better person for the huge personal sacrifices you've made.  It ain't easy to go against the tribal grain, especially if the tribe is a satanic one that revels in the blood-sacrifices of Gentiles, including Gentile children.

      I am in awe of your warriorship.

  5. skrik says:

    G'day all; for Lou Cassivi, an 'associated' quote from Bernays:

    <i>"•The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society."</i>

    There's a lie in there; I'll come back to it.

    For Taxi: The “torches of liberty” stunt was exactly that; I suppose that Bernays had to somehow make a living, so he did such stunts to earn $s. But I assess a 'turning point' in Bernays' career when he became fascinated by the phrase/concept <i>"making the world safe for democracy"</i> [aside: Another lie in context], which he encountered around the time of being recruited to the US post-WW1 Versailles-treaty team.

    For Bornajoo: There's more to Bernays than Taxi's stunt list – but I think you know that, since you go on to discuss brainwashing. Another aside, it would seem that 'hating everyone else' could be both one of the keys to Jewish malevolency and also a possible key to their downfall. [Q: Who wants to be hated, especially when that could lead to being deceived/ripped-off/stolen from/murdered?] Ergo, one would be well-advised to try to acquaint "everyone else" to the vile Jew-hate danger coming at them.

    Now, back to "there's a lie in there;" surrounding "must cooperate" – it's simply not true – but worse, worst and no lie: "<b>an invisible government</b>." The latter is what may be termed the <i>‘deep state’ tyranny</i>; the foul, unelected and criminal puppet-string manipulators [assumedly part of the ~1% as opposed to us, we the 'normal, decent' people = ~99%], the invisible government aka 'our actual rulers' – 'top' of which being what I term the ccc [= covert-criminal-cabal].

    Disclosure: I can't be, nor have I been, everywhere. But from the 'true facts' that I've encountered, I have identified a few sources of erring ideology, two of whom are of interest here, namely Strauss and Bernays. They have provided 'key items' of ideology to the non-Jew components in the ccc – who may, as a consequence, proceed to lie, cheat and murder to steal. Jews, of course, don't need any added extras to their evil, one of the main the themes of the headline article – Jews lie, cheat and murder to steal due to their Babylonian Talmud-derived nature. rgds

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Skrik.

      "I suppose that Bernays had to somehow make a living"…

      He was on the Mossad payroll – obviously high-paid to detrimentally brainwash the American masses.  I don't believe for a second that he was NOT an israel-firster.  And I don't believe for a second that he was 'just a poor little jew with an empty stomach'.

      I see Bernays as a major-top mossadist disguised as an American advertising copywriter and market researcher.

      A keystone figure, no less, in the initial brainwash and mental occupation of the happy-go-lucky (at the time) American masses.

      I don't believe for a second that his work centered around "making the world safe for democracy".  I believe his REAL work centered around making Americans israel's fat-dumb bitch.

      Bernays: pure jewish evil.


  6. Lou Cassivi says:

    touché! and thanks, Taxi, Bornajoo, Skrik,…

    Love your "chosenite derangement syndrome," Taxi. And wrt my "heedlessly," that was, in haste, poorly chosen. For me, "disconcertingly" would work.  I must disagree with your comments re the use of the term Jew, or jew, as there is no such person. Thus my attempt at addressing the fact.

    Keep well all,

    Lou Cassivi


    • Taxi says:

      Dear Lou. I am still intrigued by your “there is no such thing as a jew” concept. I confess I don’t fully understand how you arrived at this conclusion. Please, if you can, send me links that can clarify your thinking. Or, if possible, write another comment on this topic that cogently explains it. Thanks again.

  7. Taxi says:

    Imagine my article with its headline getting published in the Guardian or the New York Times:  they'd lock me up in a second!

    But first, they'd have to go past Hezbollah's first and second line of defense to capture me cheekycheekycheeky

  8. Taxi says:

    Two important videos on the evil jewish plans for Syria from the grrrrrreat Jake Morphonious – please watch in the order listed:

  9. Taxi says:

    To prove to the world that you are a REAL 'chosenite', you first have to prove that god exists, following this, you have to also provide irrefutable evidence of this 'chosenite' godly decree.  Otherwise, this 'chosenite' thing is but a silly bluff.  Seeing that nobody (not even the greatest of prophets) has been able to prove the actual existence of god (as interpreted by the followers of the Abrahamic religions), it thus renders this 'chosenite' concept a permanent magnet for hostility towards the 'chosenites'.  A recipe for disaster after disaster: which is actually how jewish history reads.

    They never learn, and they persist and insist on sticking to the 'chosenite' suicidal route.

    Worse, they intend to destroy humanity for NOT buying into their "silly bluff".

    I would feel no remorse if such a people were utterly destroyed and their 'chosenite' concept with them turned into inconsequential dust.

    No, I shed no tears for dead terrorists and the haters of humanity.

    • intertwiningserpents says:

      'Seeing that nobody has been able to prove the actual existence of God'….Actually Taxi the existence of God is very easily provable but the very few who are alive today who able to prove it's existence are kept in the shadows due to legal issues with the sacrament,,

      Very very scary stuff though to a spiritual noob like most everyone alive is and 'a certain mastery' is needed to get to meet God and of course that is why more than 7 billion Humans haven't met it yet….and yeah God isn't a' He' or even a

      Love is all there is 'in fact' and so best to radiate it out to 'everyone' and let nature take care of others crimes as nature surely will……..




      • Taxi says:

        Thanks, interwiningserpents.

        “…the very few who are alive today who able to prove its existence are kept in the shadows due to legal issues with the sacrament”…

        I don’t understand what you mean by the above – please, if you can, do elaborate on the “legal issues with the sacrament” part. Thanks again.

  10. Taxi says:

    Just keep asking jews: 'why did you fire the first bullet?'.  Oh they'll know what you're talking about alright – and of course, they'll deny it with committed and absolute viciousness.

  11. Bornajoo says:

    Ditto on "chosenite derangement syndrome". One of the best terms ever created to describe that mob. Brilliant! I'll be stealing it regularly from now on but always with honour to the creator who owns the copyright👍


    • Bornajoo says:

      Yes, that false flag will happen any day now and the Americans, French and UK will carry out bombing raids on Syrian infrastructure  

      That's a given and the majority of the numbed and dumbed brainwashed masses will believe it.

      The big question is what will Russia do?

      • Taxi says:

        What will Teharan do if the targets include Iranian ones?

        What will Hezbollah do if the targets also included theirs?

        Will sneaky-coward israel also join the illegal/immoral usa-uk-fr assault? Ride on the shoulders of giants again in times of war?

        Honestly, bornajoo, I’m kinda seeing the buildup as a bluff by the losing side (the Axis of Evil). I’m either right, or my lack of proper sleep for the past couple of nights is getting the better of me. I guess we’ll find out soon enough. If Idlib gets liberated before the anticipated false-flag strike, then it was a bluff all along.

    • Taxi says:

      Jaafari speaking today – important words – but will the jew-drunk world sober up and hear it? And Act?!!!

      • Taxi says:

        Hey you covetous jews, did you hear that?  Little-big message to you from Jaafari @14:25 – you'd be reeeeeeal smart to think about his words every night when you're putting on your (stolen) pajamas:

        "What matters is the Syrian government and the army have taken a decisive decision to liberate every inch of our territories.  If not today, then tomorrow.  If not tomorrow, then after tomorrow".  (Jaafari)

        No ifs or buts, or maybes: the official Syria policy is FULL LIBERATION.

      • Bornajoo says:

        Incredible isn't it? He's standing there at the UN telling the truth and explaining that there's going to be a false flag chemical attack and exactly who's behind it. And when it happens Syria will be bombed and everyone will pretend he was never there and told them so beforehand 

        This is like a surreal mind bending Philip K Dick Novel. You can't make it up 

  12. intertwiningserpents says:

    Hi Taxi…. Here where I live in England, due to Entheogens/Psychedelics being a class A 'drug' these days means that possession of them could put you in prison for a maximum of 6 years(the last time I checked anyway) and so it isn't easy at all to let others know about how to 'feel' God as it streams through our pineal glands…….

    Buddha was most certainly doing this after taking Cubensis Mushrooms whilst sat meditating in the lotus position and that's why he had the famous 'pineal' mark  painted on his forehead(the pineal gland is situated in the frontal lobes of our brains right behind our foreheads and the 'third eye' of ancient eastern religion is due to the visionary nature of the plant medicines/Entheogens……..And as any scientist who has worked with psychedelic mushrooms or DMT etc will tell you, that they do indeed effect only the frontal lobe of our brains and that cannot be disputed and only serves as more evidence to what I say…..An easy experiment is for one to actually feel in what part of our brains we 'think' and that is in the frontal part of our brains right behind our eyes(and the painted  Buddha/Hindu mark!) and so we can hopefully come to understand that Entheogens are largely just trying to help us access a very very powerful God energy by meditating…… 'without any thought'…… whatsoever and thus without Ego, just like Buddha was doing 2500 years ago……The ultra scariness of a tripping noob is just their Ego's/minds hanging on for dear life as God is trying its best to dissolve it and to be as one with it……a bad trip isn't called a mind fuck for nothing because that is essentially what it is but most give up with entheos at this stage because they don't understand what is going on with their minds and so are not God realised and not awakened to spirit…,,

    Anyone who claims that certain 'drugs' are not the way to access God simply haven't yet experienced what I and others have and they simply don't have a clue what they are talking about and lack spiritual understanding and just because  Google doesn't know about what I am saying only goes to show how so very few know about how we become God and wake up..

    Bravo to you by the way,Taxi for continuing to try and un-muddy the waters of deception….

    Hopefully before too long Humanity will wake up…. in more ways than one.

    • Taxi says:

      Right you are, Intertwining. 

      May I introduce you here to the soaring yet simple verse of William Blake who wrote:

      To see a World in a Grain of Sand
      And a Heaven in a Wild Flower
      Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
      And Eternity in an hour.

      (*from: To See a World…/Auguries of Innocence)

      There are evidently as many 'descriptions' of god as there are grand visionaries, mystics and humble-awoke Joes and Janes.  Some humans arrive at the god experience through mind-altering substances, others need only look at a mere grain of sand.  Both are subjective experiences and valid as a 'reality' to their owners.  But it's a subjective and personalized 'reality', Intertwining, and not an inclusive and communal one.  I was referring to communal, three-dimensional proof when I said:  "Seeing that nobody has been able to prove the actual existence of God".

      I'm afraid that your personal experience of god is not enough for me.  Neither is Buddha's experience of god enough for me.  I don't deny your experience nor the Buddha's; and I'm also not critical of how you both arrived there either.  All roads lead to Damascus, as they say.  Personal experiences of god are proof only to the experiencer.  I totally understand your description of your godly experience.  I understand it, but, I don't 'know' it.

      But I do feel it.  Feel something big and weird and unknowable.  I suppose you could call that an experience of the 'presence' of  god.  But I would never assume to present this to others as irrefutable 'proof' of the existence of god.  For all I know, I'm probably organically and momentarily hallucinating this 'feeling' of god: due to a shift in my neurological fluids when I'm sharply focused on this subject matter in particular.

      In other words: what the heck do I know about what I know?!


      • intertwiningserpents says:

        Within about 5-15 years many millions will strongly desire to become masters of spirit and get to feel the amazing God energy I can feel and the God energy Buddha felt and so basically everyone will awaken to the truth about spirit in the coming age……mark my words Taxi…it will be happening as Biological Immortality for Humans is here now and it will very very likely NOT be achievable by employees of MIC or greedy banksters and self serving and corrupt politicians etc etc….jewish or not…

        Sure only experience will reveal to others what I claim is true but all I can do is tell about my experience in the mean time and I can assure you that my personal proof, at least, is absolute and not pretty anything..

        Yeah, all is one anyway and so Blake's grain of sand or flower etc are God but just within the Dream aspect of the Duality.





  13. skrik says:

    G'day Taxi: "you first have to prove that god exists"

    Well, I can give a pretty good proof that there can be no such thing, but the proof has a possible hole; what's only to be determined is if this hole can/does exist – naturally for me & as always IMHO, not.

    My proof starts with the 'conservation laws' which, in short form, say: Matter/energy can neither be created nor destroyed.

    Note that this immediately clashes with the believers' idea of some 'creator,' but that can easily be countered with: There was no such thing as 'creation;' the universe [me = infinite; Einstein said 'the universe is finite yet unbounded' – whatever that may mean], but [consequent to my research/thinking], the universe a) was always there, b) must be infinite [Q: What could any 'boundary' look like? An end to the extent of matter, transitioning to 'empty' space? Really? There would be 'painful' consequences = terminal contraction, back to a 'big blob'] and c) 'merely' went through a 'phase change' at the moment of 'the big bang.' [One can imagine this phase change as an analogy to when super-heated water in a pressure-cooker flashes over to steam when the pressure is suddenly released] – so one can envisage the big bang as a) a phase-change from static, super-dense to super-hot, expanding with density dropping, or b) the lid coming off hell. But note that in this phase-change, nothing was created nor destroyed; mass converted to energy yes, and we're back to the conservation laws.

    An intermediate step is to note that the 'conservation laws' are considered 'extremely robust;' they could be broken by a single exception, so far none detected and none expected, despite occasional, extremely strenuous efforts.

    Now, consider our 'visible universe,' bounded by the receding edge of the big-bang microwave radiation front. [Until about 378,000 years after the big bang, the universe was composed of a very hot plasma 'soup' of protons, neutrons, electrons and photons, all interacting with each other, then the cooling reached a point when atoms formed, mostly hydrogen and helium in proportion of very close to 3:1]. But this 'atomisation' set the photons free = today's big-bang microwave 'background' radiation. In every direction one looks, with 'suitable' instrumentation, one sees this radiation as the visible extent of our 'local' universe; naturally, that 'moment frozen in time' is receding from us at light speed. Sorry if that sounds a bit complicated, but it's not as important as this next bit:

    The conservation laws would be violated if a message were to be 'received' from 'outside' the universe, visible or not. Think about it: To receive some message, some object, a proton, neutron, electron or photon would have to be influenced – but by conservation, that's simply not possible [due to any such influence = by necessity, 'created;' looping.]

    So my proof of no god [= alleged supernatural something] is a proof of a negative: No external, un-prompted change to any proton, neutron, electron or photon – as we strictly observe = no possible 'incoming' message = no possible evidence of supernatural anything = nothing to believe in. QED

    PS The "possible hole" would of course be conservation violation – never expected by science, but 'never say never' = the only [extremely marginal, instantly tending to impossible] believers' hole = hope [hope being hopeless policy] – then, all that and only to save their miserable mortal necks by wishfully posited 'eternal life/after death' – finally, think Occam's razor. Another way of saying this is: There is simply both no evidence available, and none possibly coming available, for the chosenites' god, heaven and/or putative rapture, etc.. In cold, clear facts: They waste their lives believing in nothing. Haw; what complete and utter fools.

    PPS One of the biggest problems is a) how to, then b) actually performing a defeat/dismantling of such totally irrational beliefs and systems. Me = now lightening up, rgds

    • Taxi says:

      Thank you SKRIK.  I read your comment twice to be sure I understood it and understand it I do.

      I very much gel with scientific thought and methodology.  But I'm afraid to say that, for me, science is as hopeless at the god thing as religion is.

      This is because when it comes to the 'detection' of god, scientific instruments and new concepts are still evolving, therefore, all we scientifically-inclined minds can say is: 'so far, and only so far in time, our evolving but limited instruments of measure show no signs of god, therefore we have NO ABSOLUTE proof of either the existence, or non-existence of god'.

      Also, scientists, generally speaking, tend to be a closed-minded lot, not much different to religious zealots.  So there is always that fossilized mental wall that would need knocking down first before scientists can arrive at full-spectrum calculation and give an accurate and prejudice-free evaluation and conclusion.

      Truth is, thus far, we have no 'communal/three-dimentional' proof of god.  It could be out there, or it could not be out there – we just simply don't know.  All we have are a collection of many people's intangible, personal 'experiences' of god, and a vast earth and celestial nature reserves to observe closely in our continuing search for 'proof' of god.

      And if we ever do find this 'proof' of god, by heck it will NOT have a jewish deed or stamp on it!  This much I definitely do know.

      • I very long ago discovered and decided that for me , the road to understanding the impossible unfathomable mystery of creation and life is what would  inexorably dump me into permanent state of madness , truly insane loss of mind  !  

        So I desist and maintain just trying to be a somewhat reasonably 'human -, somewhat -decent,- acceptable -to- my- human -peers -being ' ; and that is just about as much as I could stand without ending up in a straitjacket banging my head against a wall of harsh oblivion and nothingness !

        So mindless incoherence should be my middle name !

      • Taxi says:

        LOL Bintbiba!  I know just how you feel.  Some of my days are just like that – sometimes without even that extra-maddening dash of god thrown into the mix.

        Curiously, having totally given up on ever finding any god of substance some years ago, I'm now both not seeking and seeking at the same time.  Detached and attached in the same breath.  This cocktail is quite pleasant – I'm not complaining.  Just noting.

    • Taxi says:

      Where’s our old pal Sean McBride to create us one of his thought-provoking lists  – a list, not so much of what god is, but of what god is not.  A list of what god is NOT, please Sean, if you’re reading this.

      • intertwiningserpents says:

        Any such list Taxi would be utterly meaningless and nonsensical, due the fact that there is 'no separation'….if something isn't real,then how can it be separated into parts?…..and its an indisputable fact that this world is a dream world and that 7 billion + humans are just ignorant to this fact at this present time..

        The ancient Rishis who wrote the Vedas(and took the Sacrament/Entheogen Soma) knew full well about the true nature of things and that's the reason why we have the word Maya(illusion) in Hinduism…..Of course 'Dream' and 'Illusion(or Hologram if you like) meaning the same thing and something that isn't their or real and so cannot be separated…

        Again,ALL is One and all is Love,without separation and what most believe to be real most certainly is not.






    • Taxi says:

      All I can say is WHOAAAAH!

      Can hardly wait for the FULL leak – or even better: a red carpet Premier of it.

      The withheld full version of the video must feel like a giant wrecking-ball swinging juuuust above the eggy heads of AIPAC and jews in general.

      Fantastic ammunition against the dark and deceptive forces of evil.

      Did the Emir of Qatar greenlight the leaks?  Is he pissed at israel for not working DC hard enough to get the Saudis to lift the blockade on Qatar?  Especially after he paid them jews all that good petrodosh in advance for their DC lobbying services, AND also buttered up the slimy jews nicely by protecting them and shelving what may be the worst PR catastrophe for jews since the crucifixion of Jesus: the Al-jazeera's infiltration into mighty AIPAC/USA, and the uncovering of the skullduggery and rabid anti-gentilism of American jews.  All captured in clear audio and film.  Nice!

      I really hope that some behind-the-scenes dirty backstabing between Qatar and israel are in full flush.  Wahabism and Talmudism together in the ring.  That's what the world badly needs to see if humanity is ever to return to a measure of sanity and relative peace.

  14. Taxi says:

    Will we ever see our universities offering courses with titles like: ‘The Global History of Anti-Gentilism, Volume 999′? How about, ‘Dissecting Anti-Gentilism: A Philosophical Approach’?  I’d be happy to see a succinct course title like: ’Jews And The Art of Hate’.  Here’s a good one with an academic flair: ‘Jews: A Study in Cainesque Warfare’.  One last one: ’Who Killed The Talmud’?


  15. Taxi says:

    I got so hectically busy today that I totally forgot to think about the jews.  What peace!  No kidding!  What fantastic peace!!!

    I'll get back into my gentile saddle tomorrow and charge thru some jew-only roads and lies.

    Y'all have a good one till then.  And if you've got some time on your hands this weekend, check out the Alison Weir/Ryan Dawson discusion here:

  16. Taxi says:

    Oh poor, poor British jews.  Gentile Jeremy Corbyn's campaign slogan: '‘for the many, not the few' rejects and denies them their delusional 'choseness’ – so he MUST be punished and made an example of:

    This week the former chief rabbi, Jonathan Sacks, became completely unhinged; comparing Corbyn utterances to Enoch Powell’s “rivers of blood” speech. In an interview, Sacks maintained that Corbyn “undermines the existence of an entire group of British citizens by depicting them as essentially alien”. What had Corbyn said that provoked such an extreme reaction from the celebrity rabbi? Apparently, in 2013 Corbyn criticised British Zionists by suggesting that they have two problems. “One is they don’t want to study history and, secondly, having lived in this country for a very long time, probably all their lives, they don’t understand English irony.”

    Jeremy Corbyn and the ‘Jewish Question’

    (*check out the debate on the vimeo vid at end of article)

    • Bornajoo says:

      That disgusting fucker *rabbi*Jonathan sacks is a real piece of shit. This motherfucker was on TV today demanding that Corbyn "repents and recants" which basically means gets on his knees and sucks Jewish cock like every other zio controlled politician in the UK. This son of a bitch has led marches with rabid ultra zionist settlers through the west Bank and Hebron chanting "death to the Arabs" and "we will liberate our lands"  Basically a supremacist jew nazi pontificating to Jeremy Corbyn. As I keep saying this is so surreal you can't make it up 

  17. Taxi says:

    The survival and longevity of the human race depends on their peaceful cooperation with each other.  Yet clearly, the jewish camp in our global humanity want gentiles divided and at each others' throats.  This is not only anti-humanity, it is also anti-nature itself:

    (*point above is demonstrated from 4:31 to 8:00 mins – I've already set the vid up to start at 4:31mins)

    • Bornajoo says:

      What a cool guy.

       He's the extreme opposite of the Talmudic Jews, in fact the most diametrically opposite possible. They don't posses even one microscopic atom of this man's obvious humanity 

      • So beautiful, introspection of the internal divine that exists within each one of us ever questioning , ever wondering flawed humans !

        Thank you for posting it, Taxi !

    • Taxi says:

      Now compare the humanism of Radhanath Swami in the vid above to that of Bibi Netanyahu, who, several days ago while standing inside the Dimona said the following:

      • intertwiningserpents says:

        A limbless blind and deaf person on a makeshift skateboard begging on the streets of Mumbai for Bibi perhaps, in his next life?….

      • Taxi says:

        You're too kind about bibi's reincarnation – it may illicit sympathy from some to see his limbless beggerdom.  May I instead suggest he returns as a writhing worm in a stray dog's turd?

  18. Taxi says:

    The wonderful songstress, Lana Del Ray, has pulled out of playing in anti-gentile israel stating:

    “It’s important to me to perform in both Palestine and Israel and treat all my fans equally. Unfortunately it hasn’t been possible to line up both visits with such short notice and therefore I’m postponing my appearance at the Meteor Festival until a time when I can schedule visits for both my Israeli and Palestinian fans, as well as hopefully other countries in the region.”

  19. intertwiningserpents says:

    Also in Buddhism we can see the 'illusory nature of things' with 'Anatta'(no self)….From the Wikipedia page on Anatta…'self exists' is a false premise,asserts the ancient Buddhist Nixtaya texts..

    Buddha's teaching is nothing but a mirror of the highly advanced Entheogen experience and anyone who disputes this (or anything I say on the subject matter of spirit) has yet to experience what I have and they have yet to come to understand the true nature of things.





    • Taxi says:

      "Anatta' (no self)" – intertwining.

      Interesting to note that in Arabic, the word for me/myself/I is 'ana'.

      • intertwiningserpents says:

        I believe that the word is a Pali word Taxi but I don't know how that ancient Indian Alphabet influenced Arabic?…..I know Sanskrit influenced lands to the east of India and that s why we have the name Singapore because Singh(or Sinha to be more precise) in Sanskrit is Lion and so Singapore is 'lion City'……..Also in Thailand further up the Malay peninsula they have 'Beer Singh' and that's why of course there is a picture of a gold lion on the label…

  20. intertwiningserpents says:

    Ok, but only if the chin skateboarder in Mumbai gets to mistakenly eat the stray dogs turd with the writhing worm and that the worm survives, only for it to be afflicted by the the same cancer as the host …just in case god made a mistake…

      • intertwiningserpents says:

        Glad you liked it Taxi and if the pitiful dog turd eating chin skateboarder in Mumbai isn't Bibi and the writhing worm in the turd is then its just fine anyway for them to eat the dog turd because then it would have to be George Dubya's or Tony B Liar's rebirth!.

  21. Taxi says:

    Grrrrreat yarn-spinning, possibly even crystal-ball reading from Gilad Atzmon:

    "Commentators agreed that the escalation in British Jews’ troubled relationship with the rest of the nation was a very dangerous development. Corbyn, for his part, repeatedly stated that Labour would fight all forms of racism including antisemitsm. But the Jewish leaders’ concerns didn’t abate. “We didn’t ask him to fight racism, we want him to fight antisemitism.” Corbyns’ assurances were totally dismissed by the Jewish bodies. His motto, ‘For the Many not the Few,’ that excited so many Brits was interpreted by Zionist Jews as “for the Many not the Jew.”  It became clear that no one within the Jewish community knew how to calm things down. On the contrary, the self-appointed Jewish ‘representative’ bodies, seemed to compete amongst themselves to see who could drip more oil into the blaze".

    Back To The Future


    • Bornajoo says:

      Just read it, funny and so eerily true at the same time. Too good!

      I also saw the video at the bottom of the article.  That debate between that disgusting zionist whore and the really cool working class but very articulate cockney trade union chap is very indicative of the current state of play in the UK right now. As Gilad says, ordinary working class Brits have seen right through this fake smear bullshit and it's backfiring big time on the the you-know-whos 

      • I really hope that Gilad's "Writings " do reach a whole lot of people in the Jewish community and other communities !   It is time they had a good look in the mirror and saw the  devastating error of their vicious ways vis-à-vis Jeremy Corbyn !  If it is starting to backfire on the perpetrators of the slander and calumnies towards the Labour Party , then well and good , and so it should !  The Jewish community minority should not have the right to give itself major precedence of special priority / power beyond any of the other minorities in  Britain!

        Why is it that telling the Truth about  Israel's crimes against the Human Rights of the Palestinian people who are within its cruel iron grip in the WB and Israel itself ( I don't use the word 'proper' in the context of Israel!) …  …  that saying the Truth is tantamount to being anti-semitic? Doesn't make sense at all ! The fact that it is and has been a blatantly racist policy right from the very start of Israel till now should not be denied / excused under duress by signing that  ridiculous 'example' of the IHRA this week 



  22. Lou Cassivi says:

    Hey Taxi, hoping that late is better than never, a few further comments re "no such thing as a jew" (meaning secular jew):

    To repeat some of my initial comments:

    ( … how do we describe non-religious Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Sikhs, etc? We don't. Because no such creatures exist. We refer to people by their nationality: American, Canadian, German, Russian, etc, or by their race: either the human race, or white/Caucasian, Mongoloid/Asian, Negroid/Black and Australoid, and most, or many, of us don't give a damn about their beliefs. As there is no way any of us is going to change the minds of the regimented masses and their Orwellian group-think – may I suggest one solution: when writing, we enclose with quotations the word “Jew” and its derivatives “Jews,” “Jewish,” “Jewishness,”, and preface any book, comment, article, remark, or book with: "When I enclose the word Jew in quotations, it's to indicate that I'm referring – not to an adherent of the Jewish religion – but to a person who believes – wittingly or not – that (s)he is one of the “chosenites,” i.e., belonging to the God-chosen, exceptional, superior, separate race, people, and nation." Or words to that effect.)

    Following your, and other, comments, I now think replacing "Jew" with the better "Chosenite" would help the reader better understand – if not instantly clarify – to whom we're referring, and save us from any prefacing remarks.

    Wrt other sources, I've found that among the many prominent and impressive Israeli historical sociologists and revisionist historians that I follow (Illan Pappe, Tom Segev, Gilad Atzmon, et al) I highly recommend Shlomo Sand, Israeli Emeritus Professor of History at Tel Aviv University.

    Of the many books he's authored, he's particularly noted – and vilified – for (in order) "The Invention of the Jewish People," The Invention of the Land of Israel," and "How I Stopped Being a Jew."

    Succinct, erudite and disarmingly reasonable, Sand scrutinizes every possible justification for secular Jewish identity and culture, and deconstructs all of the Jewish/ Zionist founding myths.

    His conclusion? There is no such thing as secular Jewish identity, there is no such thing as a secular Jewish culture, there is no such thing as a secular Jew.

    So, imho, continuing to use the word Jew when referring to secular, non-religious Chosenites only validates the lie.


    • Taxi says:

      Thank you, Lou.  It is never too late to say your piece around here.  You'll forgive me though, I'm pressed for time today to cogently respond to your thoughtful comment.  But I will – in the next day or two.

    • Taxi says:

      Lou, thanks for your patience in waiting for my reply.

      Yes, I am familiar with the works of all the names you mention; and regarding Sands, I have read his “Invention of the Jewish People”.

      My take is this: judaism is an invented set of dogmas/rules/lifestyle that borrowed from paganism under the banner of Abraham’s uni-god teachings a good millennia after Abraham’s supposed ‘discovery of and covenant’ with god. Abraham’s teachings were not written down but passed thru word of mouth – and in order for the message not to get garbled by Chinese-whispers down the line of time, his uncomplicated-by-volumes-of-dogma message was very simple and very clear: ‘there is only one god and if you follow his will, which is to do good with his creation, you shall then be blessed and rewarded’. Judaism, as we know it thru the talmud, which was written almost 900 years after Abraham’s time, carries the opposite of this message, hence: the jewish identification with (psychotic) Moses, above that of (genteel) Abraham – the (materialistic) jews use Abraham only to benefit from his ‘godly inheritance’ (real estate in the Levant), not for his original message.

      Because judaism is therefore an ancient sect/cult and not a religion, and also because the most important and number one tenet of the talmud is that jews are ‘chosenites’, both secular and religious jews (are brainwashed to) defend it. The only difference being that secular jews do not perform the rituals surrounding this ‘chosenite’ theme. Yes, secular jews may not go to synagogue but they most certainly believe in their chosenism, therefore they remain thus ‘talmudic jews’. Plenty of proof that secular jews believe in their chosenness – just take a look at the founders of israel, for starters. Plus, every single so-called secular jew that I’ve personally met – and I’ve met plenty thru my area of work and thru living in Los Angeles for several decades – every single one of them secular jews without a single exception has been a proud jewish supremicist.

      To my mind, there is no difference between secular and religious jews as they both profoundly believe in their ‘chosenite’ status – which to them is permanent and eternal. The only ‘jews’ who do not believe in this silly ‘chosenite’ myth are ex-jews, which means they are no longer jews. You kinda automatically become an ex-jew by sheer rejection of this ‘chosenite’ nonsense.

      Besides, Lou, they (the talmudists) themselves refer to themselves as ‘jews’ so I don’t see a problem with the use of this word to describe them.

      And to be clear here, when I use the term ‘jews/jew’, I am referring to the ‘chosenite tribe’ as a whole, or to a ‘chosenite’ member of this tribe. Not my fault or my problem if both secular and so-called religious jews believe in their ‘chosenism’ and consistently (due to brainwash) operate out of a sense of tribal unity and loyalty.

      “Jew/Jews” it is!

  23. Taxi says:

    Klepto israel:  a house of fucking cards!  Always has been, always will be.

    Paraguay's former President Horacio Cartes travelled to Jerusalem to inaugurate the embassy in May. But Cartes' successor, Mario Abdo Benitez, also a member of the conservative Colorado party, took office last month and reversed the decision.

    "So much for the everlasting friendship between Paraguay and Israel, professed by Benjamin Netanyahu … in May, when Paraguay's former president Horacio Cartes decided to move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem," Al Jazeera's Lucia Newman said.

    Paraguay moves its embassy back to Tel Aviv

    Thank you, Paraguay.

  24. Taxi says:

    Revisiting the clashes between jews and African-Americans back in 1994 – a zionist Ozzy perspective in the video, but at least we get the African-American POV too:

  25. Taxi says:

    Just like the jews keep rolling out the 'holocaust' stuff in (propaganda) movies, books and media articles, American Gentiles should keep rolling out the cover-up of the jewish assault on the USS Liberty as an example of the jewish occupation of DC:

    The Liberty story demonstrates how Israel’s ability to make the United States government act against its own interests has been around for a long time. Grant Smith of IRMEP, cites how Israeli spying carried out by AIPAC in Washington back in the mid-1980s resulted in a lopsided trade agreement that currently benefits Israel by more than $10 billion per year on the top of direct grants from the U.S. Treasury and billions in tax exempt “charitable” donations by American Jews.

    Israel's Fifth Column


  26. Taxi says:

    We keep telling them fuckers: if you keep falsely pointing fingers, you'd better watch yer ass:

    A strong lobby is one that is largely invisible, one that – like the financial and arms industries – has no need to flex its muscles. In making so much noise to damage Corbyn, the Israel lobby is also for the first time being forced to bring out into the open the racist premises that always underpinned its arguments.

    Over time, that exposure is going to harm, not benefit, the apologists for Israel.

    The Israel Lobby’s Non-stop Attacks on Corbyn will Backfire

  27. Taxi says:

    What is this pathetic and vacillating game of chicken that Trump is playing in Idlib?! Start the freaking war already, little orange coward! Let’s see how the jewy US fares against the Russians/Chinese/Iranians/Syrians/Hezbollah in their ongoing push to obliterate the largest and last terrorist stronghold dedicated to advancing the jewish Yinon Plan!

  28. Taxi says:

    Bless Alex Christoforou from The Duran when he publishes good analysis on the shredding of American society and the coming Second American Civil War.  But really, he's a long way still to go when only the symptoms are highlighted in his periodical.  Fact is, it's the anti-gentile jewish takeover of university curriculum from back in the late 1960's that has been THE major factor that's led to the current spread of divisive Identitarian Politics.  I'm hoping that sooner than later, Mr. Christoforou will put a sharper magnifying glass over the very source of the chaos inside of America and right across the Western hemisphere, plus the whole continent of America.  We live in hope, Mr. Christoforou…

    Since the 1960s, America’s leaders have been educated through an immersion in the culturally radical and postmodernist narratives that dominate the curricula of our best universities. It has become a primary goal of higher education to sensitize the future establishment to issues of race, gender, and class, and to raise awareness of global challenges such as climate change. Elite education is no longer designed to hand down a common cultural tradition and to serve as an intergenerational transmission belt for the American and Western heritage. In elite institutions, it is taught instead that America is a great obstacle to the empowerment of oppressed minorities and the central driver of global crises. A core teaching in the humanities and social sciences is that the Western heritage represents a monstrous oppression myth conjured up by dead European white men, which, of course, has its political expression in the identity politics of the Democratic Party.

    U.S. civil war: The globalist elites vs. the deplorables

    • Taxi says:

      "… that America is a great obstacle to the empowerment of oppressed minorities and the central driver of global crises".

      Of course, I find the above statement to be accurate, and my only gripe is that the above stated fact could have easily been 'taught' in a neutral and academic way, instead of the usual offensive/divisive anti-gentile method that jews are so fond of employing.

  29. Taxi says:

    Gilad Atzmon has a few words to say about the failed 'promise' of zionism in the link below.   I say zionism is a failed political regime because it is based on pure talmudic anti-gentile hatred and insatiable bloodlust – mindful here that judaism remains the least popular Abrahamic religion (2000+ years of always coming third) – and rightly so it should come last for all the anti-gentile/anti-humanity psychosis it promotes and encourages in its adherents.

    "French philosopher Jean-Francois Lyotard taught us that history claims to tell us ‘what happened’ but in most cases it actually does the opposite: it is there to conceal our collective shame. To suppress their shame, Americans build holocaust museums in every American city rather than explore their own slave holding past. Rather than deal with their dark imperial history, the Brits allocated a large part of their Imperial Wars Museum to a Holocaust Memorial. Both American and British holocaust museums fail to address the shameful fact that both countries largely blocked their gates to European Jewish refugees fleeing the holocaust. According to Lyotard, the role of the true historian is to unveil the shame, removing layer after layer of suppression. This painful process is where history matures into ethical awareness. And then, there is no examination of responsibility for historical wrongs in the Zionist narrative, for the notion of shame, that instigated the Early Zionist ideology, is totally foreign to Zionist culture and politics" – Gilad Atzmon

    Jews and Gentiles

  30. Sparrow says:

    [he Noahide Project has the support of Israel’s Chief Rabbinate and the Israeli government. Noahides are members of a new religion founded by rabbis from Israel, mainly from Chabad and the religious Zionist movement – a form of Zionist mission that seeks to create a world religion whose believers adore the Jewish people and the State of Israel… the first Noahide gathering took place in Texas in 1990 and was attended by Rabbi Meir Kahane…]



    • Sparrow says:


      Small Noahide communities exist in various countries, with the largest one in the Philippines.

      Cooperation between Israel and the Philippines is constantly growing, and this week reached new heights with the visit to Israel of the country’s president, Rodrigo Duterte. The Philippines are a key arena of Chabad activity, and one of the primary venues where the new religion is being disseminated. There are four Chabad centers in the country, and in addition to assisting Jews, they support 10 Noahide houses of prayer. The Hasidic emissaries view the Philippines community as the model for Noahide communities in other countries. A group from the community was brought to Israel two years ago, and its members met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has also sent his greetings to all the communities worldwide.]

  31. Sparrow says:

    Need I say more of the HUGE hurricane Florence now arriving NC/SC usa?  Will it demolish the likes of Graham/Haley strongholds and homes?  Looks likely.  This is justice in my opinion…the US cannot escape it.  Hopefully it will wipe out DC smiley and the jew power-less.


  32. Lou Cassivi says:

    Hey, Taxi,

    Tx for the time and the thoughts. A final observation and then I'm outta here.

    Because judaism is therefore an ancient sect/cult and not a religion….” is simply semantics. There is no difference between sect/cult/religion. None. After 60 yrs, I finally read/researched myself out of the Christian (Catholic) cult, which I now see so clearly as no different than the Judaism cult, the Islam cult, the Hindu cult, the People's Temple/Jonestown cult, etc. All are dictatorial, fascistic cults of power and control – particularly mind-control – and they all have their own flavour of Kool-Aid for their disciples to drink.

    To my mind, there is no difference between secular and religious jews as they both profoundly believe in their ‘chosenite’ status – which to them is permanent and eternal. The only ‘jews’ who do not believe in this silly ‘chosenite’ myth are ex-jews, which means they are no longer jews. You kinda automatically become an ex-jew by sheer rejection of this ‘chosenite’ nonsense.” Sorry, Taxi, this para makes no sense to me. As there's no such animal as a secular Christian, secular Muslim, secular Sikh, etc, there is no secular Jew. You believe the mythology or you don't. Erecting a tree or menorah or meccano set in December does not a believer make.

    And finally, “they (the talmudists) themselves refer to themselves as ‘jews’ so I don’t see a problem with the use of this word to describe them.” On that I rest my case, wrt validating the mythology.

    Again tx for your thoughts and time. Regards.

    PS: Check out Rob Urie's 17 Sep CounterPunch gem on American Fascism. He gets into Bernays and Goebbels.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Lou.  Even though "semantics" are involved, there is actually a non-religious and mathematical difference between a cult and a religion: this being that a 'cult' is used to describe a relatively small group of adherents to the same belief-instruction, whereas a 'religion' usually encompasses a large chunk of humanity who all follow the same scripture – be this scripture mythological or wotnot.  'It's in the numbers', as they say.  And regarding the 'brainwashing/myth' factor, indeed, both religious and cult masters employ the same exact brainwashing methods to achieve the same end: convert more people to their world view while holding on to the already converted.

      The other two points you make regarding secularism and jew-id: it seems to me that you and I are tumbling in a circular 'semantic' surf.  I can tell you that living in London/UK during the 1970's and 80's, most native Christians there lived and breathed secularism; never went to church or read the bible; in fact, often making fun of and taking hard jabs at the absurdities in the bible (hello Monty Python!).  In fact, I don't remember anyone I met at the time in 70's-80's Europe ever referring to themselves as 'only born christian' or even 'secular', even though they lived a 100% secular life.  'Counter Culture' at the time had become a solid substitute for religion and religious ID and Counter Culture was the mainstream.  I'm sharing the above with you not to make a contrary point to yours (what's the point in that eh?!), but to illustrate my personal experience of secular christians who never gave a fuck about Jesus when I knew them back in the day.

      Lou, thanks again for your thought-provoking POV, and also especially for bringing to our attention the (evil imho) legacy of Edward Bernays, who is also referenced in the Rob Urie's CounterPunch article that you recommended.  I am linking this much informative and grrrrrreat article below for readers' convenience – hard to quote here a single teaser-paragraph from it as every single sentence in it is interesting-smart and the article really needs to be read as a whole.

      American Fascism


  33. Taxi says:

    Gilad Atzmon calls the vicious-defensive reflex in jews: "pre traumatic stress disorder (Pre TSD)".  I call it: pure, unadulterated evil anti-gentilism: the very scourge of many millennia, past and present.  Yes, indeed, we do have a 'jewish problem' and it remains unsolved – nay, it is currently at its most turgid and dangerous phase.

    It took me years to grasp that Israel’s panic during the first few days of the war led to some serious military blunders (such as the IDF’s disastrous counter offensive on the 8th of October). This panic was fuelled by projection.  Believing that the Arabs were ‘about to throw the Jews into the sea’, Israeli generals and cabinet members reacted irrationally and wasted their limited reserve forces in a  counter offensive that failed and cost many Israeli lives.

    But why did the Israelis believe that the Arabs were about to throw them into the sea? Why did they assume the Arab armies were murderous or possibly genocidal? Why did PM Golda Meir and Defense Minister Moshe Dayan believe that the ‘3rd temple’ was about to be annihilated?  Simple, because the Israelis were and still are driven by lethal inclinations towards their neighbours. It was the Israelis who literally pushed the Palestinians into the sea in 1948 into the sea. Israelis were panicking because they were projecting their own symptoms onto the Arabs.

    The Yom Kippur Syndrome


  34. Understanding the identity of the true Israel of God is of the utmost importance, as these people are His chosen ones, also referred to as the Elect.

    In this message, we will examine the scriptures regarding the true Israel of God and the covenants that He made with them.

    The necessary information required to fully grasp God’s plan for Israel will be revealed in part here in this brief synopsis.

    The cutting-edge supporting evidence related to the true Israel of God will only be available to members. You will find a link to the website where you can access the article entitled the true Israel of God is revealed at the end of this message or you can click here.

    True Israel of God

    A popular Judeo-Christian viewpoint is that the true Israel of God represents the people who reside in the nation of Israel formed in 1948. Many who adhere to this doctrine believe that the Christian church represents the bride of Christ.

    John 3:29 He that hath the bride is the bridegroom: but the friend of the bridegroom, which standeth and heareth him, rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom's voice: this my joy therefore is fulfilled.

    John speaks of the bride of Christ in John 3:29, so the born-again believer that is a part of the Christian church indeed is that bride (John 3:3-19).

    Romans 7:6 But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter.

    Those who are partakers of the new covenant brought forth through the birth, life, testimony, death and resurrection of Yahshua the Messiah.

    However, anyone who follows after strange doctrines that pervert the gospel of Christ will be accursed (Gal 1:6-9).

    Romans 7:4 Wherefore, my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ; that ye should be married to another, even to him who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto God.

    Yahshua also made a covenant with the Hebrews. The true Israel of God was established in Abraham, in that through him all of the faithful of the earth would be blessed (Gen 12:3, Heb 8:9).

    God also declared that He would make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah (Jer 31:31). The identity of who He would establish this covenant with is essential if we are to understand all of the characteristics of the true Israel of God.

    Mal 2:11 Judah hath dealt treacherously, and an abomination is committed in Israel and in Jerusalem; for Judah hath profaned the holiness of the Lord which he loved, and hath married the daughter of a strange god.

    Both Israel and Judah were at one time the bride of God as they were married to Him. However, both of them committed incredibly wicked acts of whoredoms against God. Those that violated the conditions of the Holy covenant caused the promise to become void (Deut 28:1-64).

    Jer 3:8 And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but went and played the harlot also.

    Sometimes a bad marriage must end with a divorce especially when adultery is involved.

    The house of Judah that committed adultery was also put away for these sins. Yahshua declared "Behold, your house is left unto you desolate" (Matt 23:37-38).

    The fulfillment of the promise to the true Israel of God is found in part in the following five verses.

    Isaiah 51:11 Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall return, and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy shall be upon their head: they shall obtain gladness and joy; and sorrow and mourning shall flee away.

    Heb 9:15 And for this cause he is the mediator of the new testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance.

    True Israel of God

    The identity of the true Israel of God is a mystery to most, however, the Word of God describes in vivid detail the identity of the seed to whom the promises were made (Gal 3:16, Eph 2:10-16).

    Gal 3:29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

    Luke 1:68 Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people,

    Obviously, this refers to all believers in Yahshua, as he did not only come to set free those that were in Israel.

    Rom 9:6 Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel

    The introduction above is but a portion of an article entitled "the true Israel of God is revealed "

    The full article, as well as access to all of the works listed below, are available at click here for the link.

      • The true Israel of God is revealed
      • The Redeemed of the Lord shall return to Zion
      • Second Gathering of Israel – part two
      • Let the redeemed of the Lord say so
      • He shall Confirm The Covenant with Many – part two

    If you have been blessed with the preaching at destined to be revealed, it is time to take that next step. Become a member today and you will receive a backstage password enabling you to access these and other groundbreaking articles.

  35. The True Israel of God?

    A popular Judeo-Christian viewpoint is that the true Israel of God represents the people who reside in the nation of Israel formed in 1948. Many who adhere to this doctrine believe that the Christian church represents the bride of Christ.

    John 3:29 He that hath the bride is the bridegroom: but the friend of the bridegroom, which standeth and heareth him, rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom's voice: this my joy therefore is fulfilled.

    John speaks of the bride of Christ in John 3:29, so the born-again believer that is a part of the Christian church indeed is that bride (John 3:3-19).

    Romans 7:6 But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter.

    Those who are partakers of the new covenant brought forth through the birth, life, testimony, death and resurrection of Yahshua the Messiah.

    However, anyone who follows after strange doctrines that pervert the gospel of Christ will be accursed (Gal 1:6-9).

    Romans 7:4 Wherefore, my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ; that ye should be married to another, even to him who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto God.

    Yahshua also made a covenant with the Hebrews. The true Israel of God was established in Abraham, in that through him all of the faithful of the earth would be blessed (Gen 12:3, Heb 8:9).

    God also declared that He would make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah (Jer 31:31). The identity of who He would establish this covenant with is essential if we are to understand all of the characteristics of the true Israel of God.

    Mal 2:11 Judah hath dealt treacherously, and an abomination is committed in Israel and in Jerusalem; for Judah hath profaned the holiness of the Lord which he loved, and hath married the daughter of a strange god.

    Both Israel and Judah were at one time the bride of God as they were married to Him. However, both of them committed incredibly wicked acts of whoredoms against God. Those that violated the conditions of the Holy covenant caused the promise to become void (Deut 28:1-64).

    Jer 3:8 And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but went and played the harlot also.

    Sometimes a bad marriage must end with a divorce especially when adultery is involved.

    The house of Judah that committed adultery was also put away for these sins. Yahshua declared "Behold, your house is left unto you desolate" (Matt 23:37-38).

    The fulfillment of the promise to the true Israel of God is found in part in the following five verses.

    Isaiah 51:11 Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall return, and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy shall be upon their head: they shall obtain gladness and joy; and sorrow and mourning shall flee away.

    Heb 9:15 And for this cause he is the mediator of the new testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance.

    True Israel of God

    The identity of the true Israel of God is a mystery to most, however, the Word of God describes in vivid detail the identity of the seed to whom the promises were made (Gal 3:16, Eph 2:10-16).

    Gal 3:29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

    Luke 1:68 Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people,

    Obviously, this refers to all believers in Yahshua, as he did not only come to set free those that were in Israel.

    Rom 9:6 Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel

    The introduction above is but a portion of an article entitled "the true Israel of God is revealed "

    The full article, as well as access to all of the works listed below, are available at click here for the link.

      • The true Israel of God is revealed
      • The Redeemed of the Lord shall return to Zion
      • Second Gathering of Israel – part two
      • Let the redeemed of the Lord say so
      • He shall Confirm The Covenant with Many – part two

    • Taxi says:

      Thank you John Alexander for your visit and for your immense commentary on this article as well as on other Plato articles today.

      Even though my knowledge of Christian eschatology is puny compared to yours, I am able to clearly see israel’s evil fingerprint on the world as clear as daylight. And like you, I am deeply disappointed with world Christianity and their lethargy – nay, profoundly disappointed at their collusion with talmudic jews and their brainwashed Mammonite agents.

      For those who feel that their hands are tied in the face of ongoing and insatiable jewish evil, let me remind you that your tongues are NOT tied, therefore, it behooves you to ALWAYS SPEAK OUT against it – and relentlessly so!

      Antigentilism has claimed by far more lives than antisemiticm has. Antigentilism IS the oldest and greatest crime banner the world has ever known. In fact, antigentilism IS the very scourge of humanity itself.

      Whether you are religious or not, highlighting and fighting jewish antigentilism is the duty of all decent humans who care to create a better future for their children.

      Never stop fighting the talmudic-genocidal jews. Never give up the good fight against the ultimate haters of humanity. Never EVER surrender your good self to the satanically evil jews.

      • Bornajoo says:

        "Never stop fighting the talmudic-genocidal jews. Never give up the good fight against the ultimate haters of humanity. Never EVER surrender your good self to the satanically evil Jews" 



        BTW I too am of the mind that israel's days are numbered.  Five years ago, I moved from my home town in south California to south Lebanon so as to bypass the zio propaganda saturating the US and to get a better 'view' of israel's eventual destruction 🙂


        Interesting comment?? That is a huge move Lena, is it ok if I use your name?

        And are you Taxi ie the owner writer of this blog?

        Thanks John

      • Taxi says:

        Hi John, Lena is not my real name, neither is Taxi, nor is Max (which I use for plato’s gun emails).

        Taxi is what I’m mostly known as for being a blogger – so best stick to that to avoid confusion.

        And yeah – feels grrrrrreat to live in a zio-free zone!

  36. Taxi says:

    Israel is in serious panic!  Russian military officials and aviation experts who received the israeli team in Moscow regarding the downed Russian plane/death of 15 Russian airmen several days ago, now think that the israeli investigation/report into the incident is full of lies. (No surprises there!).

    I am reserving the right to comment on this AFTER the Russian report on this incident is concluded and published – which hopefully is soon.  But in the meantime, one thing's for sure: israel really is in a major-major-deep-deep panic heh!

    And I came across this video demo of the incident here:


  37. Taxi says:

    Who is the (Russian) gentile and who is the jew in this li'l ol' Aesop fable?

    The Scorpion and the Frog

    A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream and the scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back. The frog asks, "How do I know you won't sting me?" The scorpion says, "Because if I do, I will die too."

    The frog is satisfied, and they set out, but in midstream, the scorpion stings the frog. The frog feels the onset of paralysis and starts to sink, knowing they both will drown, but has just enough time to gasp "Why?"

    Replies the scorpion: "Its my nature…"

    • Bornajoo says:

      Excellent analogy! Quite perfect 

      Yes it certainly is the nature of these psycho-killers 

      They can't help it

      Unfortunately I believe that they will not face any punishment or sanctions. I hope I'm wrong 

  38. bornajoo yes these psychopaths aka the great whore will be punished very soon

    The Identity of the Great Whore Is Revealed by the Ten Kings that will destroy her

    The Judgment of the Great Whore is at the hands of the ten kings who are a part of the last kingdom on earth before the return of Yahshua the Messiah. The judgment of Mystery Babylon the Mother of Harlots, (or whores) is at the end of the Great Tribulation period, however, the Judgment of the Great Whore occurs at the beginning.

    Rev 17:16-17 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the (great) whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.  For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.

    The Judgment of the Great Whore comes as a result of the fourth beast system that will expose and crush her. As the creator of all false religions, it will be easy for Satan to expose the great carnage that they produced, and through lying signs and wonders convince the world that he is their long-awaited messiah.

    The identity of the Great Whore is revealed through observing how she interacts with those around her. Her leaders are like unto wolves that devour their prey. These people use oppression on the poor and those in need, and they are without compassion. They take what is not rightfully theirs, and with great cruelty trample down those around them unnecessarily. They are also quick to shed blood and love dishonest gain which is covetousness.

    The Identity of The Great Whore Is Revealed

    A final Woe is given to a filthy, oppressing and polluted city, and at the end of this age, the Lord will pour out His indignation and wrath on those that are full of pride and self-righteousness.

    The vast majority of people today, and their religious leaders follow the traditions of men as opposed to the Word of God. Within the majority of Christendom today the same holds true, mankind looks to other men for spiritual answers. When the blind lead the blind, they both fall into a ditch.

    In the last days perilous times shall come, and it will be as it was in the days of Noah (Luke 17:26-29). As we approach the end of days, the evil and deception of men will greatly intensify.

    The most wicked of these men are the Narcissists; this group is especially heinous, as they destroy not only mankind but also the earth as well (Rev 11:18; Isa 9:16).

    The identity of the Great Whore is revealed by examining those who truly believe they are the elect of God and are superior to all others. These are high-minded and are in love with themselves. They are also boasters, proud, blasphemers,  trucebreakers, false accusers, fierce and despisers of those that are good.

    These traitors are lovers of pleasures, more than lovers of God, they will be judged at the appearance of Christ and His kingdom (2 Tim 3:1-9; 4:1).

    The full article, The Identity of The Great Whore Is Revealed, as well as access to all of the messages listed below, are now only available to members (at click here for the link.

    • The Revelation of Mystery Babylon
    • The Great Whore and Mystery Babylon
    • The Judgment Of The Great Whore
    • Mystery Babylon the Great
    • The identity of Mystery Babylon is Revealed
    • The Identity of The Great Whore Is Revealed

    These articles will finally show with clarity the true identity of the Great Whore, and Mystery Babylon, and at the same time expose the so-called end time teachers for the charlatans they are.

    • intertwiningserpents says:

      John……it is so utterly ridiculous of Christians or Jews (or whoever) to view god as some very old man sitting in the heavens looking down on us(who made up this crap?…….god is simply the emptiness/nothingness/love that is 'all there is' outside of the duality that is our dream world and that nothingness and thus god is not a he or even a she…….wakey wakey 7 billion + sleeple its time to take your wake up  medicine..


        perhaps if people were to wake up and look around at the intelligent design all around- then it would be a matter of deciding who god really is

        I tell you this  it takes more faith to believe in the big bang theory that it does to believe in the Creator who has His fingerprints all around just wake up and observe

  39. Taxi says:

    Parts of Syria that have been liberated are now being 'normalized' again.  But how to get rid of Wahabism so as to insure such a catastrophe that befell Syria does not repeat itself again in the future?  Physical wars are easier to bring to conclusion than the wars of the mind…

  40. Taxi says:

    Since Hezbollah's resounding victory over israel back in 2006, I've been saying, and oft repeating that israel's well-hidden (by MSM propaganda) geostrategic weaknesses have finally been exposed, and that israel from there on would grow weaker and weaker by the day, while the Axis of Resistance will henceforth grow exponentially stronger and stronger, able thus to eventually turn tel aviv into a smoking ruin.

    Hats off, therefore, to Elijah J. Magnier for getting this same realistic analysis out to the four corners of the world, especially to American shores:

    The “Axis of the Resistance” was first hit in 2006 with the Israeli attack on Hezbollah, again in 2011 with the war on Syria, and in 2018 it is Iran’s turn. The first two plans failed dramatically, reinforcing the strength of Hezbollah, whose organization has now become one of the strongest armies in the Middle East. In Iraq, it gave birth to al-Hashd al-Shaabi, an Iraqi security force with strong ideological convictions who are prepared to kick the US out of Mesopotamia. In Syria, President Assad has emerged stronger and his ministers are meeting Arab ministers in the corridors of the UN- indicating a serious shift in the Arab position towards the Levant.

    Iran and Hezbollah Are Ready to Face Any Challenge: But Are Israel and The US Ready?

  41. Taxi says:

    A quick note on J. K. Rowlings and her new novel that casts the baddie as an antisemite. 

    To my mind, Rowlings in her new novel is practicing social engineering of the absolute darkest kind.  When poll after poll suggests that younger people are less and less interested in the holocaust, here she comes steamrolling in with a propagandistic book for children, that no doubt will also be made into a mega (jewy) Hollywood movie soon enough. 

    Obviously the jews are desperate for some good PR and Rowlings is the big gun they're now needing to pull out.  That she would participate in the obvious and grotesque brainwashing of children around the world is an outrage that should not be left unchallenged, or punished.  Rowlings, not being a stupid person and being well-versed in child psychology, she is thus a willing party to this evil ploy to render the most evil-doers on the planet, ie the jews/zionists, as innocent victims to be defended at every turn.  Rowlings is attempting to re-write good as evil and evil as good.  Disgusting!  It's tantamount to launching mental warfare against the very nature of children, who instinctively know good from evil when given the 'correct' information.

    Children's books are a sacred realm where no politics, no sex and no wars exist, or should ever exist – and anyone who tries to abuse this realm in any way should be shot by a firing squad for the unforgivable crime of aggravated global child abuse.

    This is not just about the suffering Palestinians – it's bigger than that – it's about how the jews are literally destroying the Western world, including its children, both physically and mentally.  The targeting of Gentile children is by far THE WORST kind of antigentilism that jews practice.

    If you're a parent, or a grandparent, please counter the jewish assault on Gentile children by NOT exposing them to jewish propaganda aimed at them, no matter the popularity and bling of the writer of this evil propaganda!

    J.K. Rowling Rolls Out Tired Anti-Semitism Trope

    • intertwiningserpents says:

      Now I know why i 'just didn't get' the Harry Potter craze that swept the U.K like a never ending Tsunami and why i cringed when I found out that my adoptive parents were reading the books.

      Well, at least the author is now wealthy enough to pamper herself it appears…..with Ammonia.



  42. Taxi says:

    Millions of gentiles are still fooled by the jewish good-cop/bad-cop routine.  This oft-employed tactic must be absolutely exposed.  More articles on this dark charade are needed to expose this crafty and successful antigentile deception.  Nobody sheds better light on this topic than the prolific Gilad Atzmon: having been a deep insider and all that.

    …  My study of Jewish controlled opposition postulates that self-identified Jewish activists always attempt to dominate both poles of any debate that is relevant to Jewish interests.  (Gilad Atzmon)

    Smear and Shekels

  43. Taxi says:

    While the Axis of Resistance grows stronger and stronger every day, the genocidal jews and their evil agents in both the West and in Arabia rush head first towards catastrophe:

    Heavy gunfire in Riyadh last April sparked rumors that MBS, as he’s known, had been killed in a palace coup. In May, an exiled Saudi prince urged top members of the royal family to oust him and put an end to his “irrational, erratic, and stupid” rule. Recently, Bruce Riedel, an ex-CIA analyst who heads up the Brookings Institution’s Intelligence Project, reported that the prince is so afraid for his life that he’s taken to spending nights on his yacht in the Red Sea port of Jeddah.  

    Is Saudi Arabia the Middle East’s Next Failed State?

  44. Taxi says:

    Demented British jews who need either the straight-jacket or the guillotine for all their antigentile "Corbyn is an antisemite" fabricated tribal psychosis – well, let's just say their aim of 'socially criminalizing' ANY support for the Palestinians in the UK boomeranged spectacularly. 

    Yap – I am reclined, languid and counting another failed project by the jewish tyrants.

    See how easy it is to trip up the antigentiles?  All you gotta do is stick together and stick to your righteous guns. 

    Damn spit instead of lick at the shekel!

    Yap – a sign of what's to come:

    • Taxi says:

      "… East Enders, like Palestinians, don't go down easy!" – Colin Monehen (from above vid)

      It's worth noting that most young working-class males from the East End of London (like the great grandparents of Mr. Monehen, no doubt) ended up on the 1944-48 front lines fighting the Nazis and coming back in body bags – and the ones who survived and made it back home, returned thus with a big sentimental compassion for the jews, seeing them as innocent victims of a most atrocious nazi holocaust etc…  And just look at where the East Ender's sentiment is now regarding the grandchildren of holocausted jews…  Yap: generational downtrending.  

      That's a HUGE loss for talmud's grand deception.

      Can British jews reverse the negative trend now that the East Enders, symbol of British working-class folk, appear to be 'awoke' to jewish antigentilism? 

      How many holes in the sinking jewish ship can be plugged by shekeled fingers?

      Oh the deluge it is a-coming!

      (…  And let us here always be mindful that the bigger they lose, the more dangerous they become).

  45. Taxi says:

    We are not even half-surprised that the talmudist ruler in Riyadh would again win the (dis)honorable title of  'Abductor of the Year'.   This Khashoukgi-Saudi kak story has been streaking around for a few days now and the globalist-Western msm has been breathlessly romanticizing the kidnapped Khashoukgi and making him out to be like some kinda Saudi Jesus, when in fact, he is a supporter of both the war on Yemen and the war on Syria – in other words, a globalist supporter of the diabolical Yinon Plan.  Articles published in Western media on Khashoukgi for the past few days have been waaaay too sickening for me to link to here on Plato's, but today, Moon of Alabama has a brief (though decent) review of the dramarama.  Mindful here that we also await the conclusions of the Turkish investigators on this most macabre story…

    Mainstream Journos Are Pissed That Their Beloved Saudi Clown Prince Nabs One Of Their Class

    • Taxi says:

      I wrote a few years back (too lazy right now to look for it and link – maybe I’ll link later): soon as Saudi Arabia began its war on the suffering Yemenis, I wrote that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia would soon enough experience internal unrest and a ruinous political shakedown at the very hands of the West itself: because the West was actually allowing a war to be waged so very close to a globally-mega producer of oil and ally. I understood this Western permission for such a geostrategically disastrous war as Empire’s first step towards elbowing the House of Saud out of power in the Arabian Peninsula – I could not see any other reason for the West’s total approval and complete support (military/intelligence/dimplomatic/media) of the disastrous Saudi war on Yemen (disastrous for Saudi, in this context). There was no other explanation. So comfortably cradled by the West Saudi Arabia was at the time, it just seemed that what I was writing about was out of touch and channeled through a tin-foil hat. But, ladies and gentlemen, as we’ve been seeing since the Yemen war started, Saudi Arabia’s very stability and global prestige have been on a serious decline – and now this Khashokgi abduction story just may be the straw that would break the Saudi camel’s back.

      This morning, even before the Turkish report on the incident has been released and the picture clarified and detailed by the Turkish investigators, the Hercule Poirot in me wants to say that Khashokgi is positively dead, or, at best: physically severely deformed by torture and is thus unable to face the world’s cameras without inflaming the already incendiary scandal further. Otherwise, the Saudis would have produced him by now, under back-breaking pressure from the WH/Deep State/Globalists Media.

      We do know that Khashokgi went into the Saudi consulate and we do know he never left that building, right?

      So where is he? Why aren’t the Saudis producing him?…

      • Bornajoo says:

        Yep, I remember very well your prediction from a couple of years back and it all seems to be coming true 

        As much as Trump and his cronies want to brush it all under the carpet there are growing calls for action including sanctions and the downgrading of diplomatic ties

        I see similarities between what happened to Saddam. He was 'emboldened' to invade Kuwait which was the start of his downfall 

        The Saudis have been emboldened to start a war in Yemen they can't win, to try and isolate Qatar (failure), to begin diplomatic relations with Israel  which is causing a huge backlash on Saudi Street and now murder a well known journalist. A catalogue of disasters 

        The longer Kashokgi remains missing the worse this (yet another) serious miscalculation becomes for the Clown Prince

        Like you, I for once do believe the Turkish version of the story which appears to add up. It does seem certain that Mr Kashokgi is now in very small pieces transported in small suitcases back to Saudi Arabia

        This will not just go away and be forgotten 

  46. Taxi says:

    It is NOT antisemitic to observe and note the activities of the mass-murdering jews throughout history.  Gentiles (ploddingly) progress through a process of 'observation and learning/trial and error', while antigentiles progress through the engineering of mass crimes against humanity.  Antigentile jews have been doing it for so long now… and they never change, dear reader, cuz they never learn and they never learn cuz they falsify history itself to the point of believing the falsities and thus they become fitfully trapped in eternal delusions – never able to grasp reality itself. 

    And never able to grasp reality, one is therefore consigned to manufacturing failed solutions to all problems under the sun.  One can say therefore that as followers of the talmud, it's impossible for jews to 'transcend’. To a higher collective consciousness.

    Seeing clearly the negative jewish pattern throughout history, one can easily therefore determine that jews are a regressive school that thrives on wars and crimes against humanity.  A nihilistic cancer that consumes the host even to its own eventual detriment.  Their pattern of (self-loathing?) evil is undeniable, despite their constant attempts at muddying the waters to deceive the gentile masses.

    History should be 'revelation' if writ by a neutral observer.  Mr. Dalton's article below is such an example of historic 'revelation'.

    The Jewish Hand in the World Wars, Part 1

    (*The article above remains well-worth the time to read, even though it was penned back in 2013)

  47. Taxi says:

    More (brief) history for you, this time re the Yom Kippur War/1973… and let us here recognize that the treason that Sadat committed back then against his Syrian partner still reverberates – in fact, to my mind the single most crucial factor that allowed israel to exist past 1973 was Sadat's sell-out treason: unilaterally pulling out of the war without informing his partner, just as both Egypt and Syria were defeating the occupier-jews in the Golan and in the Sinai.

    You could say that all the blood of semites killed by jews since the 1973 are on Sadat's hands.  ALL OF IT!!!  And they gave the fucker a Nobel Peace Prize to boot aaaaaaaarghhh!

    • Taxi says:

      The real tragedy of the 1973 war is that Hezbollah was not yet born. Otherwise Syria would have confidently teamed up with them in their war against israel, and not with that narcissist stoner, Anwar (sprinkle a little keefer in my pipe) Sadat.

  48. Taxi says:

    For those who are religious as well as for those who are not, Jake Morphonious most certainly delivers the goods – and it's so great to finally have someone make the connection between zionism and talmudism using history of religion and eschatology:

    • I love Jake's work and always thank him for it .    Yet with my greatest respect towards him , he lost me there at the end . 

      I do not preclude intense spirituality from being atheist . I am an atheist since many decades ago!   Sprituality and morality go in tandem  and they do have  aspects (rather than forms) …  spirituality is innate in oneself and so is morality, love, kindness, generosity and all the good attributes in life  connected to common sense and intelligent decency .  It is simply a matter of choice and the struggle involved to achieve it without the crutches and doomsday threats  that 'religion' provides  !

      One needs to disconnect from what we are told to believe as children and educate ourselves into growing internally  mentally and spiritually .  Jesus and the good  prophets be they rabbis or seculars are great  moral human beings to be respected  as well as the great thinkers and scribes of our modern times who perchance do not follow the dictated orthodoxies ! It just depends on whom and what aspect we choose to be inspired by !

      Whereas I hope that respect is due towards all decent , moral believers in the religious edicts , as many so-called 'religous' believers do not in their behaviours and actions act with the pure morality required for the welfare of community and the rest of humanity .

      My humble belief is Heaven / Hell exists here on this planet and nowhere else … our  concept , our choice !


  49. Taxi says:

    There's plenty of background info on the Khashokgi murder case here:

    The Killing of Saudi Journalist Khashoggi Could Spell the End for Mohammad bin Salman

    Elite fighting elite… I see it as a good omen.

    And how is it that the msm remains utterly silent on saudi's mass murder of yemeni children yet they 'blow their top' over a 'liberal' wahabi friend of the CIA and israel who was chopped up by his own saudi cousin?!

    Fuck the msm and fuck khashokgi: is all I have to say at this point!

  50. Taxi says:

    Finian Cunningham, and a fine tooth-comb journalist he is, sees a CIA-9/11 connection in Khashokgi's gruesome fate:

    Even more intriguing are US media reports now emerging that American intelligence had snooped on and were aware of Saudi officials making plans to capture Khashoggi prior to his apparent disappearance at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul last week. If the Americans knew the journalist’s life was in danger, why didn’t they tip him off to avoid his doom?

    Did Saudis, CIA Fear Khashoggi 9/11 Bombshell?

    • Taxi says:

      And how is tel aviv responding to the Khashokgi story?  Oh they're worried that they might lose the wicked Kushner-MBS 'peace deal' for Palestine, which is THE surrender deal the jews would like the Palestinians to take:

      “It is certainly not in our interests to see the status of the Saudi government diminished in Washington.” – Eran Lerman

      Khashoggi and the Jewish Question

    • Taxi says:

      Moon of Alabama adds to the Khashokgi info and how his murder corners Trump:

      …  But Trumps Middle East policy depends on Saudi Arabia and on Mohammad bin Salman personally. MbS finances the U.S. occupation in Syria. Trump's son in law Jared Kushner build his 'peace plan' for Netanyahoo on Saudi endorsement. The sanctions against Iran can only be sustained if Saudi oil replaces the loss of Iranian output. Trump's 'Make America Great Again' program needs the Saudi demand for U.S. weapons. He also needs the Saudis to avoid utter defeat in Afghanistan. Last but not least Trump will perceive the Kashoogi issue as part of the anti-Trump campaign.

      Settling The Khashoggi Case Is A Difficult Matter

    • Taxi says:

      Wow Lou, that was one silly-mean way to share a link with your non “disciples”. Perhaps if your ‘there’s no such thing as a jew’ argument was more convincing…

  51. Taxi says:

    After nearly two years of totally dominating Western media headlines, finally the patheticlly fake/propagandistic 'Russiagate' story has been elbowed out by the Khashokgi story.  And after some three weeks of Khashokgi's talmudic-style death by dismemberment, I must confess that I'm a tad bored with this story – the regurgitation of the same (yet unverified) details over and over everywhere you look.

    My only interest in this story is the israel angle that finds the antigentile jews standing to lose their 'man in Riyadh', MbS, to the CIA's man, bin Tayef.  Yes, behind the scenes, a battle between the CIA and the mossad over the control of Sawdi Arabia is raging.  And it appers that it is kushner and his antigentile cabal who are losing sleep.

    If MbS remains in power, then he will serve as a 'lame king' on the international playing field, having lost pretty much all of his prestige with his ordering of the dismemberment of Khashokgi (can you imagine the queen of England now receiving him in Buckingham Palace?  A photo op for her with a gruesome Arab serial killer?).  International (silent) support for MbS's Yemen war will now dramatically dwindle and Sawdi support of kushner's 'deal of the century' for Palestinians will be even further down the sewers than it already is.

    And if the king of Sawdi Arabia decides to throw MbS out and replace him with another (perhaps MbS's younger brother who's currently the DC ambassador), then it's probably back to the drawing board for the antigentile Yinon planners.

    Either way, the Yinon plan has taken a big motherfucking hit with the Khashokgi story, and LOL so soon after the 'S-300 delivery to Syria' kick in the Adam's apple.

    Meanwhile, the Axis of Resistance is drinking tea and smiling from Damascus, Tehran, Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, and just about everywhere else in the goddamn civilized world.

    The leaders of the Axis of Evil (USA, israel and Sawdi Arabia) have now been internally damaged by their own hands.

    In a sense, Khashokgi's death has become the gift that keeps on giving.  Giving to the Axis of Resistance, that is.

    • Taxi says:

      The marriage between talmudic islam (Sawdi Arabia) and talmudic judaism (terrorist israel) is no longer in the honeymoon phase:

      There have been remarks in Israel recently expressing disappointment at Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman’s performance regarding the disappearance of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. This does not stem from his bloody repression of his opponents, but from the fact that this policy has reduced Israel’s ability to rely on him to draw a new map of the Middle East or to push US President Donald Trump’s plan for the Palestinian cause in a manner that serves the policies of the occupation. Reading between the lines, we can also see more of Israel’s hidden aspirations for Bin Salman.

      The reduction of Israel’s reliance on Bin Salman

    • Taxi says:

      Some antigentile jews are no longer keeping mum:

      The Israelis are “in a very difficult position,” Dan Shapiro, the US ambassador to Israel under President Barack Obama, told BuzzFeed News. “They count very much on Saudi Arabia,” which is “central to their strategic concept of the region.” Saudi Arabia, after all, is their partner in arms in countering and isolating Iran and Israel’s “strategic anchor” in the region.

      In Washington, Israel Stays Quiet As Anger Grows Over Saudi Arabia And Jamal Khashoggi

  52. Taxi says:

    I read this little gem by some commentator out there: "Someone please help me figure out how to get my mother-in-law to the Saudi consulate in Istanbul" cheeky

    • intertwiningserpents says:

      I liked the one i read who said how great it would be if the Turkish investigators who entered after the clean up were to find his middle finger hidden behind and leaning up against a table leg.

  53. Taxi says:

    Slimy is as slimy does – and nobody does slime better than the jews – conspiring and gurgling under the murky swamp:

    … Israel’s silence however is not merely because Tel Aviv does not want to expose its Saudi partner beyond that which has already occurred. Nor is Israel’s silence merely motivated by a reticence to admit that Turkey got something absolutely right while Saudi Arabia got the same matter absolutely wrong.  Israel’s powerful lobby groups in America have already done much to prevent a much needed Turko-US rapprochement and as a result it is no surprise that Israel’s silent dog-whistle to the US has led the overtly pro-Israel and mutually pro-Saudi White House to accept Saudi Arabia’s explanation for the murder even though the court of public opinion has already deemed Riyadh to be a guilty party. In this sense, beyond America’s business dealing with Riyadh, it is Israel that is preventing the US from taking the necessary positive steps towards Turkey at this time while it is equally Israel that is preventing the US from taking the necessary punitive steps against Saudi Arabia.

    Israel and Iran Have Both Fallen Silent on Jamal Khashoggi – The Implications Are Vast

    • Taxi says:

      I've never met the Angry Arab (As'ad Abukhalil) in person, but I don't mind to share with you that our fathers were very close friends for several decades back in the 70's and 80's wink

  54. Taxi says:

    It's like the dance of a thousand veils, this Khashokgi number – several more revelations that raise hair on forearm have been released in the past few hours – and today (Oct 23rd), during his upcoming speech to his parliament, Erdogan has promised to "reveal" the whole macabre mess (or at least most of it) – so we wait with bated breath… for the fallout.

    In the meantime, Moon of Alabama hits the bullseye:

    Khashoggi Drama – A Deal Is No Longer Possible – Erdogan Demands That MbS Goes


    • Taxi says:

      And this here is probably the most important geostrategic angle on the khashokgi murder:

      ". . . there is considerable evidence pointing to the fact that the U.S.’ response to the Khashoggi affair is likely to be determined, not by any Saudi government responsibility for Khashoggi’s fate, but instead whether or not the Saudis choose to follow through with their promise to purchase the $15 billion U.S.-made THAAD missile system or it cheaper, Russia-made equivalent, the S-400. According to reports, the Saudis failed to meet the deadline for their planned THAAD purchase and had hinted in late September that they were planning to buy the S-400 from Russia instead.
      While the U.S.’ response to the alleged murder of the Saudi journalist is being cast as a U.S. government effort to defend press freedom and finally hold the Saudi government to account for its long litany of human-rights abuses, there is every indication that the U.S. is not in fact seeking to punish the Saudis for their alleged role in Khashoggi’s apparent murder but instead to punish them for reneging on this $15 billion deal to U.S. weapons giant Lockheed Martin, which manufactures the THAAD system.
      Khashoggi’s disappearance merely provided a convenient pretext for the U.S. to pressure the Saudis over abandoning the weapons deal by allowing the U.S. to frame its retaliation as a “human rights” issue. As a result, it seems likely that, if the Saudis move forward with the latter, the U.S. and the Trump administration  the Saudi government guilty of involvement in Khashoggi’s disappearance while, if they move forward with the former, the media frenzy and controversy surrounding the Saudi national will likely fizzle out and, with it, Trump’s threats of “severe punishment.”
      Ultimately, the response of the U.S. political class to the Khashoggi affair is just the latest example of a U.S. government policy being motivated by the military-industrial complex but masquerading as a policy motivated by concern for “human rights.”

      Angered by Saudi Plan to Purchase Russian S-400, Trump Admin Exploiting Khashoggi Disappearance to Force Saudis to “Buy American”

  55. Taxi says:

    A few days ago, Hassan Nasrallah gave a speech and luckily, I just found a vid with English translation for part of this recent speech.  You can easily tell from the quote below (taken from video) that Hezbollah's 'method and religious instruction' is the direct opposite of talmudic thinking – indeed, it appears that shia muslims ARE NOT talmudic: jewish satanic 'thought' has not managed to infiltrate the shiadom of islam, like it has with sunni takfirism (wahabism/salafism):

    “We have said, for 7 years, in all our speeches, that wherever an agreement could be reached, it should be done. Wherever a reconciliation could take place, it should take place. Any reasonable man, wherever he can achieve his goals without casualties and effusion of blood, has to do so, or with the least possible casualties and effusion of blood, he has to do so” – Nasrallah/Oct 16th, 2018.

    • Taxi says:

      And while we're on the topic of Resistance and heroism against the satanic jews in the Levant, here's another bite of Nasrallah from his speech last August: revealing the true weakness of the jewish state in the face of the Lebanese Resistance:

  56. Taxi says:

    • Bornajoo says:

      Well that really says it all doesn't it? The piercing truth all there in that photo with those few words 

      And this shitty, dank, damp rotten shithole of a country, aka the UK, is 100% complicit in this ongoing genocide as we are and have always been in so many other places

      Following your lead, we too are getting out of here as early as next year and the sooner the better. This country deserves to go to the dogs for its unconditional support for Israel, Saudi and being part of the Axis of Evil and I really, really hope it does indeed turn into a third world country which will one day also be bombed to smithereens. It's the least they deserve 

      Rant over 

  57. Taxi says:

    It is now being revealed that Turkish jews, of the crypto kind, were the ones who designed and instigated the Armenian genocide – just like Russian jews did with the Bolshevik revolution and the mass murder of some 10 million Russian Chrisians.   Yes, even a needle in a haystack will eventually be discovered glinting in the sun:

    Israel has always been reluctant to describe the Turkish massacre of the Armenians by the Turks in 1915 as “genocide.” It has always been believed that the reason for Israel’s reticence was not to upset Israel’s close military and diplomatic ties with Turkey. However, more evidence is being uncovered that the Armenian genocide was largely the work of the Dönmeh leadership of the Young Turks. Historians like Ahmed Refik, who served as an intelligence officer in the Ottoman army, averred that it was the aim of the Young Turks to destroy the Armenians, who were mostly Christian. The Young Turks, under Ataturk’s direction, also expelled Greek Christians from Turkish cities and attempted to commit a smaller-scale genocide of the Assyrians, who were also mainly Christian.

    The Dönmeh: The Middle East’s Most Whispered Secret (Part I)

    • Taxi says:

      And here's part two of the above article that links Turkish crypto jews to Saudi ones:

      After World War I, the British facilitated the coming to power of the Saud regime in the former Hejaz and Nejd provinces of the Ottoman Empire. The Sauds established Wahhabism as the state religion of the new Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and, like the Kemalist Dönmeh in Turkey, began to move against other Islamic beliefs and sects, including the Sunnis and Shi’as. The Wahhabi Sauds accomplished what the Kemalist Dönmeh were able to achieve in Turkey: a fractured Middle East that was ripe for Western imperialistic designs and laid the groundwork for the creation of the Zionist state of Israel.

      The Dönmeh: The Middle East’s Most Whispered Secret (Part II)

  58. Taxi says:

    Unlike Western media, Arab media is already "imagining" a Middle East without the House of Saud:

    Arabia without sultans will have to go through the first transitional phase of allowing people the experience of participating in government and decision-making. Freedom of speech, release of political prisoners, and civil society are essential immediate steps to open the public sphere for political forces to emerge, mature and present their agendas for a real transformation of the country.

    This may take a constitutional monarchy as a bridge towards full democracy.

    Arabia without sultans will eventually look like a decentralised political system, possibly a federal state, encompassing at least three or four regions, with full local autonomy and elected regional councils. Self-government in the regions will replace the appointed Amirs.

    Can Saudi Arabia survive without the House of Saud?

  59. Taxi says:

    Briefly, from occupied Golan:  israel has been trying to force native Syrian Druze to participate in the first ever local Golan-israeli election since 1967.  The likud jews had infiltrated some Druze communities and put forth their cherry-picked Druze candidate willing to work with israel.  Israel has for weeks been threatening violence and harsher subjugation of Druze who refuse to vote in their local elections (democracy by force of arms and jackboot – jewish style, right?!).  Tensions have been increasingly rising between Golani Druze and the idf and jewish settlers in the occupied Golan these past few weeks… 

    Well, today was voting day and Syrian-Golani Druze en mass refused to go to polling stations, taking to the streets instead, linking arms and staring down the idf who eventually retreated from physical confrontations on Druze village streets.  Only one Druze village voted, creating thus a failed attempt at the political judaification of occupied Golan.

    Heh heh!

    Go Druze!  And a proud Syrian people they are: waving Syrian flags everywhere while protesting today.

    News of this hasn't quite hit the internet yet for me to provide you with a link – and knowing the msm's MO, I doubt that they would report on jewish 'failures' – I'm watching it live on Al-Mayadeen TV and it's all still happening raw right now as I write this:  Druze natives are still angrily holding protests on their streets while the idf occupier looks on from the sidelines, doing nothing.

    How embarrassing for tel aviv!

    I've ran out of ink listing Netanyahu's strategic and tactical failures while he's been in office.  It seems that everything he touches turns to crap.  Because ancient Greek writers never balanced out the myth of Midas with an opposite one, allow me here to propose such a myth that I shall name, 'Shydas': the king who turned everything he touched into shit.

    Netanyahu as king Shydas, (also known as Shylock Shydas).  Everything he touches turns to shit.  'Tis why we love him cheeky

    • Taxi says:

      Hiya bintbiba – if you’re watching Al-Mayadeen TV right now, no doubt you’re seeing the situ heat up some with small clashes erupting in a Druze village between the restless natives and the sweaty idf. The thing is, the idf can’t use too much violence, fearing that a third resistance front in the Golan will open overnight and leave the kelpto jews having to deal with danger from the north (hezbollah), north east (Golan resistance), and Gaza. Plus the idf has Druze soldiers in their ranks and they do not want to create disharmony and division inside the jewish military.

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