Taxi's Articles

The Banality of Jews

Aren’t you sick of the Jews already?!  Have you not had enough of their pastiche of evil, clichéd psy-ops and pompous political pantomime?  How about their dark tapestry of mass-murder across history, their easy seduction by Genocide and their intellectually frou-froued chosenite fantasies?  Have you not had enough of their silly-Billy paganism, their darkly-managed deceptions, their demonic greed and unequivocal, unholy usury?  How about their falsification of human history?  Their maniacal self-fulfilling bogus prophecies?  How about their meanness?  Aren’t you by now just utterly stuffed up to the eyeballs with their incessant, insatiable mean streak?  And let me ask you this: are you not also by now profoundly BORED with the banality of the Jews?

Well, I most certainly am!

These days, not even the death of (innocent?) Jews moves me.  I don’t care if their death was real or Kabbalistically staged.  It’s not a state of neutrality I find myself in: it’s a state-of-mind of a categorical: ‘I don’t care’.  And I don’t care because my mind now fixedly interprets Jews as insipid and banal: repeating the same MO, the same Talmudic trickery, the very same Anti-gentile ruse they inherited as instruction from their dehydrated and demented Talmudic ancestors some 3000 years ago.  A three thousand year-long observance of Jewish ‘sameness’ day after day after goddamn monotonous day is enough to drive even god to suicide from sheer ‘witness-tedium-syndrome’.  Yes, over-exposure to studies in Jewish criminality has this extraordinary effect of (figuratively) boring you to death.

There are some six million klepto Jews huddled paranoid and squatting in occupied Palestine only some 47 miles away from me here in south Lebanon, yet, recently, even my punctilious, diligent nose has automatically switched off sniffing out their turgid cesspool – and this is all due to their dreary, infinitely repetitious behavior.

You could say I’m experiencing some kind of a Jew-crime overdose combined with a Jew-media overload: as if a peculiar type of anti-stimulant that leaves you utterly disinterested in everything Jewish has been suddenly jabbed into my veins.

Jews are always, always in the news: local and international.  They have their warmongering fingers, either overtly or covertly, in practically every single social and military conflict around the globe: vigorously supporting the evil side, of course: gleefully stirring up Gentile-on-Gentile violence and promoting the unsettling fracture of Gentile societies around the world.  Read up the daily press and you’re guaranteed to find that Jews are either loudly and shamelessly demanding their pound of flesh from Gentile resistors, or they’re playing their holocaust-victim violins to further fleece Gentiledom.  This is all that Jews ever do these days – all they have ever done: demonize and fleece.

All news from Western and Israeli Mainstream Media carry the same Jewish-angled message day after day.  And despite the copious variety of their daily headlines, the same underlying story is weaved into these articles again and again – sometimes subtly, sometimes not so much.  All these articles point to a single covert, hackneyed and hateful Anti-Gentile agenda.  All articles serve to further the clichéd and oh so very grandly-grand Talmudic plan of (drum-roll please): WORLD DOMINATION through manufactured wars of aggression and the destruction of everything Gentile.  (Now you know where Hollywood gets its cheesy, villainous plots from!).

It’s notable too how the more Gentiles learn about the trite evils of the Talmud and its practitioners (thank you internet!), the more Jewish psy-ops are triggered into operation.  It’s just astounding how very many Jewish propaganda projects are currently operating and openly assaulting Gentile rights – and especially Gentile freedom of speech.  Yet, despite the deluge of pro-Jewish counter-activism by the Mossad, by busy-bodied Sayanim, by Hasbarados and Shabbot-goys and the gate-keeping mumbo-jumbo of Jewish media mafias, the popularity of ‘The Jews’ continues to trend downwards and the ‘safety’ of Israel still hangs in the balance.

They’re panicking, coming out of the shadows with more psy-ops than ever before and thus spreading themselves ever thinner: faster and faster.  Don’t be fooled by the Jewish-made-media-illusion that the ‘Jews are winning’.  It’s all the usual Jewish sleight-of-hand of media and mirrors.  “By Deception Thou Shalt Do War” should never, ever be taken lightly.  Because Jews apply this dark art to absolutely everything Gentile, without exception!

I’m bored with everything Jewish-Jew-Judaeo.  I’m bored with endless stories of scandalized ‘Jews of Influence’ and I’m bored reading about the masturbatory bond between the perverse Jews and the head-chopping Wahabi crime syndicates of the Arabian Gulf.  And I’m so bored to the marrow with our Israel-firsters in congress that they’ve literally stopped existing for me: I hardly ever even think about them – I’ve forgotten most of their names.

Really, I could have spent my article-time writing a long list of daily Jewish crimes and transgressions, but there is no sanguine benefit in reporting on the same single crime committed over and over again by the same criminal.

When it comes to the Jews, what’s there left to write about except the actual banality of the lot of them?

Ah, well… then again, the ‘Destruction of Israel’ in real time is about the only Jew headline that hasn’t yet been fingered to life.



  1. Taxi says:

    Talmud Quote: (Sanhedrin 59a): To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.

  2. Taxi says:

    Yet another poll showing the ongoing loss of support for israel:

    The fact that the US public's view towards Israel remains positive overall masks an increasingly partisan divide; the Economist/YouGov poll found that only 25 percent of Democrat-voters consider Israel an "ally" of the US, compared with 57 percent of Republicans.

    These percentages are abysmally low considering that only a handful of years ago, support for the Apartheid jewish state in the US was pushing up into the 80's and 90's.

    Support for Israel 'continues to drop' among US liberals, youth

  3. Taxi says:

    In the so-called modern civilized West, you're given the absolute and ultimate freedom to love whomever you choose, and hate only whom the jews want you to hate.

    I call this a one-legged freedom.

  4. Taxi says:

    During the ascendancy and peak of the European Golden Age, Western Renaissance thinkers and culture-shapers viewed the jews with utter contempt for their violent, religious cultism; their unrefined, introverted communities; and their historic and perpetual hatred of Gentiles.  (Renaissancers had a studied access to the Talmud and to histories not falsified by the jews in those days).

    These Renaissance giants are literally the very founders of our modern Western civilization – they've indeed shaped and molded the progressive ethics and intellectual mannerisms of our modern Western mind.  These demi-gods of wisdom and Athenian vision would today be either assassinated, renditioned or imprisoned by power-jews.  We would have lowly jews like Sarah Silverman publicly cracking jokes about their torture and crucifixion.

    As much as jews tell you that they are a people of "the book", they are in fact anti-intellectual conformists who would love nothing more than to see the last spec of inspired high Renaissance literature turned to ash by the brimstone and fires of the talmud. 

    They would love nothing more than to replace our modern collective Renaissance mind (or what's left of it for all the battering zionification we've suffered for the past some 200 years!): replace it with a twisted, puerile, talmudic one.  Jews would absolutely love it for the talmud to replace the works of Shakespeare in the minds and hearts of gentiles.  Shlomo for Shakespeare.  Star of David for the Sistine Chapel.  Noahide for the Magna Carta.  I could give you more examples but I think you get my gist here.  This is their vision for the future of mankind: EVERYTHING TALMUD!

    And this here is no exaggeration, people.

  5. Taxi says:

    The ever cogent Alison Weir:

    The truth is, despite Israel’s enormous military might (paid for by American taxpayers to the tune of over $10 million per day), Israelis are among the most terrified populations in today’s world. Israelis feel unsafe in their cafes, on their streets, in their homes. They’re frightened to ride their own city buses. (The wealthy, of course, don’t. They take taxis and private cars.) And going to the mall in many parts of Israel is an experience that not many Americans would be eager to replicate here. Being searched by armed soldiers in combat gear before being allowed to enter, and then shopping amid people with loaded rifles strapped to their backs as they peruse the toy section is not a delight many of us would wish to copy.

    Making America as ‘secure’ as Israel

  6. Taxi says:

    An excerpt by Gilad Atzmon from his book, 'Being in Time':

    America is divided into two camps: the Americans and the Identitarians. The Americans are those who see themselves primarily as American patriots. They are driven by rootedness and heritage. For them, the promise to make ‘America great again’ confirms that utopia is nostalgia and that the progressive and liberal offerings are nothing short of an ongoing disaster. The Identitarians, on the other hand, are those who subscribe to liberal and progressive politics. They see themselves primarily as LGBTQ, Latino, Black, Jewish, feminist and so on. Their bond with the American national or patriotic ethos is secondary and often even non-existent.

    But the Identitarian agenda backfired. It was only a question of time before the so-called ‘Whites’, ‘rednecks’ ‘deplorables’ and ‘reactionaries’ grasped that their backs were against the wall and they too, started to act and think as an Identitarian political sector. For these folks, the American flag became their symbolic identifier as well as unifier.

    Simplified, you could say that 'identitarians' are gentiles damaged by jews.

    But is there a reverse remedy for their wretched condition?

    Some say that nothing short of the horrors of a second American civil war would cure them.

  7. Taxi says:

    Let us never forget that both israel's victories and failure result in mass murder:

    The ‘seamless office process’ to which the Israeli official referred with Caspit, is known as ‘stovepiping’, which is when a foreign state’s policy advocacy and intelligence are passed straight to a President’s ear – omitting official Washington from the ‘loop’; by-passing any US oversight; and removing the opportunity for officials to advise on its content.  Well, this has now resulted in the Khashoggi strategic blunder.  And this, of course, comes in the wake of earlier strategic ‘mistakes’: the Yemen war, the siege of Qatar, the Hariri abduction, the Ritz-Carlton princely shakedowns.

    The Unraveling of the Netanyahu Project for the Middle East

  8. Taxi says:

    A thoughtful article by Gilad Atzmon, even though he omits mention of American jewish groups behind the birth and spread of divisive Identarianism in the US:

    This morning there is a new political situation. Trump is not going to save America. Even if he once believed that he could do so, the window for such a manoeuvre has closed. It is unlikely that Trump will be able to make significant changes. The Democratic House of Representatives will likely reject his initiatives. Despite this, Trump’s presence in the White House has revealed the conflict that shatters the West. The old political battle between Left and Right has been replaced by post- political Identitarian wars. WW3 is not going to be fought between countries, or states or across borders. It will be a war that splits states, societies and even families apart.

    Divide and Conquer

  9. Sparrow says:

    Hi Taxi…it's been a long time.  My mom passed away and I've been dealing with her household.  Grief has been front and center to include hateful 'American' neighbors that act exactly like these fucking jews.  And because of our sadistically unjustice system I am now on 'probation' because my mom's neighbor stole her cat that I was responsible for.  The story is long and the enemy of good is a retched ##*&%'er.  I have had jew-like gentile/redneck fuckers mow me over for the past 3 months that I long for their head choppers to arrive.  Make no mistake…many American gentiles/fuckers are just as bad as the jew.  Had my trees chopped down along my border by them…and the police took their side.  If it weren't for caring for my mother's belongings and house I would be in jail for murder by now…(no joke).  I am a Palestinian and have been for a long time.  It has been mind blowing to find kindred folk.  Palestine is not only on a map and has birthed her indigenous people…but Palestine is also that burdened woman who longs for freedom from a terrible tyrant…God and/or man.  Supposedly oppression and tyranny makes one stronger?  I don't know how.  Smiles have forgotten me, and joy has left me.  I don't know how Palestinians keep their hope because mine has left me.  Banality…it's true…has kept me away from reading this sh*t everyday because the only thing I wish for the jew/jew gentile is a noose…or firing squad.  I have no separation anymore, only the fact that these fuckers need to stay away from me period.  Their greed is blurring my capacity to be balanced.  And lastly I TRUST NO ONE!  Here is the latest to confirm your words about Israel dying…

    • Sparrow says:

      As for the emblem in the left corner of each video [Holy Land Media]…I simply don't agree with the blue/white jew pagan flag along with the jew infestation of any land.  I can freely say how much I hate jews and everything they use to elevate themselves, adding in the dumbass christians and taxpayers of the US.  ALL of them are traitors, betrayers and killers with much blood on their hands.  Sorry for my negative feelings dear Taxi…"banality" has birthed it.  Fear is the cause of every captive…that is why it never has stopped me as I rather be dead than live with this ugly lot.  

  10. Taxi says:


    It's a talmudic minset that some gentiles are infected with – and it's the jews who invented and own the talmud – therefore it's still on the jews, just like it's always on the drug pusher in the schoolyard.  For sure gentiles too can be supervillians and evil doers, but the difference is that collective gentility does not follow a genocidal doctrine whereas the jewish collective lives by the genocidal talmud.  Small example: neither the New Testament nor the Koran instruct their adherents to walk right past a drowning person if they thought they were not Christian or Muslim, as indeed jews are instructed by the talmud to ignore a drowning gentile then later feign inability to swim if questioned why no help was afforded the drowning person.

    That aside, Sparrow, I gotta tell you, buddy, it's very upsetting to hear that you're both in bereavement over your departed mother and in a horrible clash-out with her pet-thieving, scoundrel neighbors!  It would be a miracle if people that lowly would ever change – 'tis why I advise you move as soon as possible.

    Oh dear me, how very sad…  I'm so sorry for your loss – and it's a big one… the whole of life is 'mother'…

    And it's true what you imply, Sparrow: if you've suffered love and loss in life, then you know how Palestinians feel.

    Perhaps I can console you (even if only momentary) with this:

    • Sparrow says:

      Thank you Taxi, your condolences mean more than anything.  You are a blessing too.  This video is already a favorite.  I miss mom so much…I've never seen her simple house of 61 years (where I was born) empty before.  But I say…"Mom, no more pain for you even though I miss you…No more lofty predators coming after what little you had worked so hard for…"  And I couldn't say "I love you mom" enough in the end.  She raised four of us by herself.  Her toughness I have inherited as I watched over her and her beloved kitties…still feeding her sparrows and squirrels she loved to watch.  Even the mailman misses her.  Beloved Taxi…take care dear sister.  Viva Hezbollah 🙂heart

      • Dear Sparrow,

        I have no words except that my heart goes out to you in your bereavement and deep grief over your loss . I lost my mama 28 years ago and I still feel her right here with me  !   Some days I even feel I am becoming HER in my way of being with my very ,very grown up boys !  To say your mother never leaves you , you miss and yearn for her presence and her tender touch , yet she never, never ever leaves you. Alive she remains within you every day !

        Please take comfort from having had the inspirational mother that she must have been and remember to take good care of yourself ( as she would say to you , no?)

  11. Sparrow says:

    Dear Bintbiba

    Thank you for sharing your mom with me and your condolences.  I hope I can get to the place knowing her presence…this grief is more real than supposed.  The void has changed me from what I used to be.  Your words give me inspiration and I am listening dear sister.  I have missed everyone here.  My computer went dead too…borrowing one for now.  Please take care too as I hope everyday for a free Palestine.  Wouldn't it be nice to go homeheart  Tell me…where and how do Palestinian people get their strength, their ability to keep going on, and their steadfastness with such horrible evil?   Much of my mixed blood is Scottish…and taking a stand is first nature to me; however, with  the way things are now in the US…it has become an invitation to eradicate that.  Like the Natives and like the American blacks…I am now witness to their long suffering and not just empathetic by association.   My mother's black neighbors were moved by mom's passing, whereas her white neighbors displayed unbelievable evil.  Kindness can take away grief and I am so grateful for it.  Thank you again Bintbiba. smiley

    • Bornajoo says:

      Really sorry to hear about the passing of your mother Sparrow. My mother passed away nearly 11 months ago. It's been really difficult and I can understand how hard it is for you right now.

      I'm also so sorry to hear that you're having to deal with a bunch of nasty humans. I'm afraid they're everywhere. Try and remain calm, which I know is difficult, but they're not worth it

      That's why I just stay as far as possible away from brainwashed Jews and other nasty humans.

      Take care 

      • Sparrow says:

        And I send you my heart felt condolences Bornajoo.  I'm sorry to hear about your mother too.  May she RIP as I hope for all those wonderful moms out there that have left us.  Thank you for the good words and advice.  Evil didn't linger too long at my most vulnerable time.  Can't say I handled things too well.  Now…as you put it…they're not worth it as life is just too short.  Take care of yourself  and your most beloved.  smiley

  12. Taxi says:

    This is a (short) video about the oldest olive tree in Palestine and its devoted guardian, Salah Abu Ali.  The tree is estimated to be some 5500 years old: it's currently at 12 meters high and it produces an astounding 500 kilos of olives per yearly harvest.

    …  And of course, the Apartheid wall in the holy land that's continually been built by the evil jews is creeping up to it…  "Sumud, Sumud!", say Salah Abu Ali:

  13. The translation says “I am sitting in the heart of this tree”, but what the farmer actually said was: “I’m ‘planted’ in the heart of this tree”! – he used the word “planted” (ana mazrou3), which brought tears to the eyes.  What a world of difference a word makes!

    There are no words to express my turbulent emotion. I'm positive you know what I mean, Taxi!

    • Taxi says:

      I absolutely know and feel it too, bintbiba – as indeed, I think billions of non-Palestinians do too.

      How can one not marvel at such a tree and not fear for it with the jewish axe glinting nearby. I have no doubt that some vile settlers have this beautiful old olive tree on their kill list, or on their steal list.

      • Taxi says:

        Where I live in the south of Lebanon is very agricultural and the main produce is olives: they definitely outnumber other types of trees that grow here.  There are olive trees on sides of streets, olive trees in people's gardens and olive groves of every shape and size absolutely everywhere you look – even right out in the middle of nowhere on rocky hills with no paved roads in sight and no electricity poles or water pipes or other sign of civilization: there you will hike and turn a sudden bend and find yet another magnificent, terraced olive grove, hidden in the hilly wilderness.  So… I really do live in olive-land and I'm constantly kinda 'infected' with olive-spirit – that's the atmospheric norm around here.  And Saleh and his olive tree story today, well, it just transported me to a higher level of 'oliveness' – it was a beautiful-somber thing.

    • Bornajoo says:

      I've been spending quite a bit of time in a couple of Greek Islands this year, just west of Lebanon in the Med. The Greeks also have a very deep and ancient relationship with their olive trees. Very similar to Taxi's description of Lebanon below.  Olive trees are absolutely everywhere. Any tiny piece of land has an olive tree on it. Back gardens, front gardens, along the highways and of course the endless olive groves covering the majority of the land.

      You can see and feel how deep this relationship is and how important these trees are to the Greeks and their culture and tradition. And it's the same for the Palestinians, even more so. That's why it's just unimaginable to hear that these beautiful and ancient trees are being burned by the Jews and Palestinian farmers are also denied access to their beloved trees. This is just another unbearably cruel element of the Occupation which most people don't realise is actually happening, or how significant it really is 

      It's hard to match the vicious cruelty of the occupying Jews in Palestine and they'd get the gold medal in any cruelty competition 

      Banality is a good word, especially once you escape the jew-matrix. Now I find them all so banal it's impossible to handle. It's like going through a kind of cold turkey program to give up smoking. Once you finish the program, the moment you even smell a cigarette you want to immediately feel sick. That's what happens to me when I come into contact with most Jews, which is thankfully very, very rare these days! 

      • Sparrow says:

        OMGsh Bornajoo…just this morning I was wondering if you had finally exited UK.  I'm so glad you have found a place to regenerate and soak in the beauty of the land and traditions.  That is where I'm at presently (trying to exit) since mom has passed.  I hope for good tidings to lead and follow you…and give you a new and happy way of living in the midst of all those Greek olives!  How lucky you are!   Yes to banality…it must go away for goodsmiley.  

  14. Sparrow says:

    …"mother tree"

    as the branches and fruit are nothing without her…

    Thank you Bintbiba for correct translation…"what a difference a word makes".

    What a difference Palestinians make…as history is not remade or rebranded with you.  Not one drop of precious olive oil can be made by destroyers of this earth.  

    Thank you Taxi for giving such a profound message today via this bittersweet video of Salah Abu Ali and his most dignified mission…and to all of ours…"steadfastness".

    The destroyers who killed my trees have the criminal audacity to put a birdhouse on their window.  They put no birdseed out…it is what I have been doing with even the last of my pennies every single morning.  They mow 4 acres and step not one foot on it…like so many greedy Americans they like to look at their golf courses whilst destroying all habitat for creatures.  I need this word "steadfastness"…and I breathe for Freedom from their wall of antiLife.  FREE PALESTINE!  Thank you Salah Abu Ali, for we olives here at Plato's are nothing without you!

    • One more thought , Salah Abu Ali of the twinkling blue eyes said in translation : "This tree is the Mother , and these are her branches "   … … what  he actually said was  : "This tree is the Mother and these are her daughters  (banaat'ha , plural of  bint'ha = her daughter offspring) ! 

      So the olive tree is seen as female as is Mother Earth  , the source and reason for all things richly fecund and giving !  And so are her roots and branches through the ages !

      And  Sparrow, ''the Father -of- the -Cats video was one of the most endearing viewings in a long while !  Thank you for posting it !   He only spoke in the classical formal Arabic style , rather than the colloquial that we all speak !  It comes from committing the Qur'aan to memory while young !

      How the children loved him !

    • Taxi says:

      Thank you, Sparrow, for your wonderful comment about the beautiful people of Palestine; and for the shared video too. As you and I and the whole world can see, while israeli jews are busy “mowing the lawn” (in all the gruesome sense of the phrase), Palestinians are busy taking care of old trees and stray cats.

      I have thought of nothing all day except of our new friend ‘Saleh’ and his magnificent olive tree. Now, after watching your linked video, I’ll be spending all night thinking about the wondrous Palestinian known as ‘Abu Huraira’ (Father of Cats) in Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem.

      Sure beats thinking about the frigging banal jews and other “destroyers” who would kill trees and imprison birds in cages just because… well, just because they can.

      It’s a characteristic of evil to destroy good for no good reason.

      And it’s a characteristic of good to be in Sumud (steadfastness) till ripe time comes to smite that evil into oblivion.

      • Thank you Sparrow , such an endearing sweet old man , who speaks the classical Arabic instead of the colloquial that we all speak normally!

        Another little comment about the translation from Salih Abu Ali 's words as he was 'planted' in the middle of his tree . He didn't say  " she  is the Mother and these are her  branches … "  he acually did say "She is the Mother and these are ' Banaat-ha ' ( meaning her female offspring , as bint-ha is the singular for  her daughter or female child ). 

        The olive tree is sprung from Mother Earth ,  and lasts through the ages giving forth her beauty and fecund precious fruit ! 

          There is something so very spiritual about her ! 

    • Taxi says:

      The comments on the youtube page of this video are awesome. The talmud’s internet hand didn’t poison that Palestine well.

      • Sparrow says:

        I don't mean to keep posting on these last two peaceful videos, but I want to share something very amazing.  I have currently a very small approx. 6-8 week old kitten who was left at my back porch by his mama so she could wean him.  Since posting the video of Father of the cats, every time I stop to watch it (again and again), this little guy comes climbing up on my lap, hides in my sweater and falls profoundly asleep.  He has done this for the last 5 times since posting and it just fills me with love.heart  His little head gets so heavy from the peaceful sound of the language, it's not until the addicting music and chanting at the end I have to cradle his head so his neck won't hurt!!!  If only I could hear that certain voice all day chanting I would be just like him!!!  So to say and to witness the kitties following this unique man around, it's not just because of the foodsmiley!   And to my belief…people and animals are very connected and the reason this man and many other folks look out for them.  The last sentence of my mother's obituary are my mothers' words…" please adopt a stray, feed a bird, or give to children".  So I have dedicated these two very special videos to my mom.  Thank you Bintbiba for your help in this beautiful language and to Taxi for sharing a most important message of the oldest olive tree in Palestine (or in the world?) and her loving faithful caretaker Salih Abu Ali who made me smile in the midst of ongoing hardships.  "Sumud" to everyone.  Thank you.

      • Taxi says:

        Thank you, Sparrow.

        It's my experience that all animals, even feral ones, respond well to friendly human dulcimer notes.  It's ALL about 'tone' for the animal ear.  Even my old, earless, garter snake (my pet when I was an experimenting teen) used to go crazy and slam against its glassy tank-walls when I would play Frank Zappa albums; and it would subsequently do a most beautiful swaying dance when I would play Bach cool

        And how wonderful for you to have such a soft and sweet, furry visitor: better for you to stroke a friendly animal when in emotional pain than pop a pill.  Aaah yes, I am a promoter of the spiritualizing benefits of animal-therapy.


  15. Taxi says:

    Right, well, briefly: last night, israeli 'special forces' dressed in civilian clothing (some say in women's clothing), sneaked into Khan Yunis/Gaza by cars and did a jewish drive-by assassination of a Hamas leader.  Even though they hit their target, the op was botched and a firefight broke out when Hamas trapped the fleeing jew-terrorist cars and killed one idf soldier and critically injured two others.  While the firefight raged, the israeli airforce launched 40 missiles at Gaza, injuring many and damaging/destroying properties.

    …  You think you've seen this movie before?

    Well, actually you haven't because what transpired after that is that Hamas and other resistor groups in Gaza began launching, for the first time ever, new, advanced, precision-capable rockets at jew settlements, destroying property and injuring settlers, sending everyone there screaming into shelters etc.

    Whereas, normally, the jew terrorist air force would retaliate heavy-handedly, this time, it appears that the israeli military went into shock and swooned and could not make a military decision in real time to escalate it to their 'normal' brute response.  Israeli military honchos gotta a brain bleed from the sudden punch in the head by Gaza's advanced rockets: israeli tv beaming out images of settler homes and cars ablaze and destroyed.  The whole kelpto nation of israel went into shock at this new and sudden reality.  Especially the military who calculated that these new Gaza missiles are capable of also bringing down their low-flying jets that keep invading Gaza's skies.

    Netanyahu released a statement saying that his (coward) jew army would not escalate the already explosive situation.

    Hmmm…  An unusual response from the normally bloodlusting and vitriolic mass murderer, Netanyahu.


    Israel can't hit at Lebanon, can't hit at Syria, and this evening, suddenly, it can't hit at Gaza.

    No more 'willy-nilly' mass-murder parties for israel without accountability now.

    Thus tonight strikes the bell of the Hour of Consequence.

    *The situation is fluent/ongoing tonight – but am going to bed soon – pick it up again tomorrow…


    For years I'm been telling readers that with each passing day, israel gets geostrategically weaker, while the Axis of Resistance grows stronger in number, in training and in arms.  I've been telling readers that the jews are the weakest in the Middle East – and if they're weak in the Middle East, then all their successes in the West are hollow and crushable when israel is eventually crushed.  I've been reminding readers NOT to believe the jewy media hype that will have you believe that israel is a strong and stable superpower nation with mega international contracts here and there and everywhere.  "All that glitters is not gold", and all that, I'll remind you again.

    Today, we witnessed the righteous noose tighten around the mass-murdering jew invaders of the holy land.

    And it will keep tightening…  faster, especially if israel escalates overnight after all.

    Very interesting development indeed: these new Gaza rockets.  No doubt they now have missiles too: secret advanced weaponry that will be used in the coming Big One.

    The Hezbollah model has now been fully deployed in Gaza.

    All power to the Axis of Resistance!

  16. Sparrow says:

    I'm just now finding out Taxi…12Nov18 @ 7:20est

    Thank you for your input…supposedly there is a MEDIA SHUTDOWN here on this unless it has been lifted.  Funny not much word on alt media.  



    Here's Jake

    SUMUD…SUMUD…SUMUD PALESTINE!!!! (gosh I love that word)

    • Sparrow says:

      One particular note in above video…@ 2:04:40

      "Military spokesman for the Iraqi Hezbollah Brigades Jaafar al-Husseni:  Iraqi Resistance will not remain idle in front of the aggression of the occupation in Gaza"

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks, Sparrow.

        Gaza fired some 300 rockets at illegal settlements last night and israel says its Iron Dome intercepted 70 of them. Of course, coming from the mouth of israeli jews, the figure of ’70’ is exaggerated – and even if it were true, the figure of ’70’ out of 300 remains very worrisome for the paranoid israeli jews. Israel bombed Gaza’s TV station, naturally it wants no evidence presented by the victims when the dust settles. Nothing new here – in fact, israeli terrorist behavior is predictable and that’s an advantage to the Axis of Resistance. BTW, the genocidal jews have bombed Gaza’s TV station several times before, only for the Gazan to rebuild it again.

        Sure Gaza is in trouble, but israel too is in trouble: Nasrallah in his speech two days ago confirmed that if israel attacks one of the Axis of Resistance parties, then the others will be coming to their defense – just like the Iraqi Hezbollah said last night too.

        Israel is not ready for a full scale war erupting in occupied Historic Palestine – it never is (cowards!) – therefore I would be in support of a plan that drags israel into a battle that will find tel aviv dying in a smoking heap.

        … I’ll post comments with further developments as they occur etc…

  17. Taxi says:

    Today, the terrorist known as Netanyahu sent added tanks to the Gaza border and beat at his chest like a drunken ape while threatening a ground incursion of Gaza, and then… nothing.  Nothing.  No big retaliation/incursion happened.

    We've now had two warring anti-climaxes from the genocidal jews inside of 24 hours.

    Sure looks like the israeli military has been out-maneuvered and stunned by the Gaza resistance groups from yesterday's botched jew op in Khan Yunis.  Jewish architects of war this morning were made to shred all old war plans and start configuring new ones based on the new reality that manifested itself overnight: precision weapons in the hands of Gazans: aimed at settlers' communities within a 40 mile radius.  This now means that should israel target civilian structures in Gaza, then Gaza will respond with targeting (with accuracy) jewish settlements within reach. 

    Ah!  No wonder then that all Netanyahu could do today was move his big toy tanks with little toy soldiers around and arrange them tight next to each other to 'look' scary.

    Dear reader, you need to understand how momentous what has occurred in the past 24 hours really is!  A new 'balance of terror' has now finally been established by the Gazans.  And using the Hezbollah deterrence model and code, Gaza has warned israel with: 'a building for a building, a hospital for a hospital, a school for a school'.  And so far, it looks like israel is listening and taking heed.

    So what's there to say right now except a big fat BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO GAZA!!!  Always knew you had it in you.

    And in celebration of this new reality (that the western msm is avoiding mention of for as long as possible), a Gaza resistance group by the name of 'Nasser Salah El-Deen' released this video below of an op against the terrorist jew army from last February.  There is no English translation on this video but the pictures say it clearly.

    But just to help advance the story some for you, I'll call this op: Operation Palestine Flag.  In the first half of the video, you see how the Gaza resistance men put this operation together and how they simulated the attack on the idf using video technology – in the second part, we are shown how the successful op went down exactly how it was planned, and with spectacular conclusion.

    • Sparrow says:

      WOW….SUMUD SUMUD !!!




      • Sparrow says:

        @4:38  Cowards couldn't even carry one of the fallen when a Palestinian carries with one arm!

        Watch on FULL SCREEN WOO HOO!

    • Taxi says:

      If memory serves, I think the footage is taken from one of Trump’s old speeches during the race to the White House, then over-dubbed with a man yelling ‘rain’ – lol!

      But point taken: the Axis of Evil is a buncha silly cowards.

    • Taxi says:

      Interesting and detailed analysis in the link you provide, Sparrow. Oh yeah it sure is ‘Raining Jew Psy-ops’ everywhere you look.

    • Taxi says:

      Well wadyaknow: the israelis suddenly don’t want war with Gaza lol!

      All day long the military eggheads were in meetings trying to figure out how to get outta that new Gaza crunch – no new ideas were put on the table. They had none today, as indeed they’ll have no new idea tomorrow. Meanwhile, a little strike on Gaza here, another little one there throughout the day (for local jew consumption) – and that’s about it. Let’s see how far the jews are willing to escalate it in the next few days – building up to Friday: where yet another ‘Great March of Return’ is scheduled to take place right there by the Gaza separation fence where extra idf tanks have lined up today.

  18. Taxi says:

    Behind the scenes yesterday afternoon, Egypt was called in to broker a ceasefire between the terrorist jew invaders and the native resistors.  The ceasefire took hold during last night.

    Wow!  Have you ever seen israel sign on a ceasefire this fast – and against the weakling Gaza?!   LOL!

    Meanwhile, the jew residents of Sderdot, that sits on the northeastern tip of Gaza, took to the streets last night: burning tires, chanting 'death to Arabs', and demanding the ceasefire be lifted so that the killing of Palestinians goes on.

    Well what else do you expect from the followers of the synagogue of satan?!

    • Taxi says:

      Moon of Alabama, having not taken up the Palestine topic for quite some time now, has this to say about the latest between israel and Gaza:

      For decades the Zionist entity was able to attack its neighbors as it pleased. That changed. It no longer dares to step into Lebanon for fear of Hezbullah's reprisal. Syria's western airspace is closed for Israel thanks to the new S-300PMU2 air defense Russia delivered to the Syrian army. Israeli special forces botched their incursion into Gaza and the Iron Dome missile defense proved to be to faulty to protect Zionist settlements. The resistance in Gaza has new capabilities and surprises for Israel should it again attack. 

      The Short War With Gaza Exposed Israel's Weakness

      • Taxi says:

        So much trouble in jew paradise…

        Now the terrorist Naftali Bennett is kicking off a giant political storm: demanding that he be given the offices and title of ‘Defense Minister’ in place of Lieberman, or else he will fold Bibi Netanyanu’s coalition: triggering thus an early election that Netanyahu does NOT want.

        Oooh all the daggers are out in the Knesset!

    • Taxi says:

      We can now say that israel distinguishes itself as being the ONLY country in the world whose population take to the streets to DEMAND war.

  19. Sparrow says:

    Considering the 'banality of the jews' Taxi…I don't believe for one second that their diabolical twisted minds are going to honor ANY peace agreement(s) as was shown in last idiotic mess.  Any resister(s) know to never trust the enemy…NEVER… especially when one has thousands of years of banalitism.  We never take our guard down and never mention plans.  Just blow them to the wind with their own rhetoric and never miss an opportunity according to their banal castrated wisdom, to hand it smack back in their faces.  I awakened this morning with a renewed spark that there will come just precision intervention toward these very ugly and very disgusting settlers…not to mention tel aviv.  There is only one antidote to them…death.  In unity with the Axis of Resistance, spirit soul and body…VIVA HEZBOLLAH!!!  SUMUD PALESTINE!!!  Thank you for updates too!  Be safe in them thar hills Taxi!

    btw:  What is the translation of Wahunah @2:15 in video?  thank yousmiley

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Sparrow.

      Yes, the turn of events are most encouraging ;-). Glad you’re getting the good vibe and that it’s providing you with a measure of healing and optimism.

      ‘Wahunah’: is Arabic for ‘and here’. It’s actually two words: wa = and, hunah = here.

  20. Taxi says:

    Gilad Atzmon, as a modern philosopher is hugely underrated – ignored especially by the jewy msm.  But for the advent of the internet, very few people would therefore be exposed to his insights and wisdom:

    Seemingly, this Identitarian revolution has been inspired by a few Jewish ideological and philosophical schools including, most importantly, the Frankfurt School. Truth must be said, when it comes to ID politics, Diaspora Jewish ideologists are often slightly more advanced than others, not because Jews are more clever than anyone else but simply because Jews have engaged in identity politics far longer than anyone else. While Gay identity politics is about four decades old and Feminism is maybe a century old, Jewish identity politics started in Babylon two and a half millennia ago. In fact, Judaism can be realised as an exilic Identitarian project. It deliberately and carefully sustains Jewish cultural, spiritual and physical segregation. Although Jews often drop their religion and dispose of God, many cling to Jewishness. For one reason or another, Jews often choose to operate within Jews- only political cells such as Jewish Voice for Peace, Jewish Voice for Labour and so on. These Jewish bodies tend to preach inclusiveness while practicing exclusivity.

    Jewish Politics in America – A Post Political View

  21. Taxi says:

    I'll admit it without shame that I absolutely loath Gulfie-oil Arabs – not because they're 'Arab', but because they are committed monarchists and I am against anything that even whiffs of royalty.

    My second least favorite Arab is the diaspora Arab living the United States (I refer here to 100% of Arab-American politicians and 99% of Arab-American civilians).  This is because Arab-Americans are revoltingly passive and cowardly – seeming to be permanently fearful of the 'antisemite' tag.  These Arab-Americans are under a mental occupation by the jewish masters of America and they have NEVER shown ANY resistance whatsoever, let alone resistance of consequence.

    Just take a good look at the stances of Arab-Americans who played the political field during the last Midterm elections – the worst offender here being a frigging Palestinian!

    God I hate that!

    Newly Elected Progressives Face Palestine Taboo

  22. Sparrow says:

    ["It must be stressed that AIPAC is not a “Jewish lobby,” but a pro-Israel lobby…"]

    Well if Israel is a JEWISH STATE…then AIPAC is a JEWISH LOBBY.  They like to hide behind their goy bribed puppets.

    F$%#ing IDIOTS!!!  I would suppose this LebaneseAmerican wouldn't be so inclined to write this BS in Lebanon. 

    And the worst….

    ["The one Palestinian-American male candidate, Ammar Campa-Najjar, a Democrat who campaigned in San Diego, was the least critical of Israel and the only one who lost. He went to lengths to ingratiate himself with the Israel lobby, having changed his religion and name in the past. He even condemned his grandfather, Abu Yusuf An-Najjar, a PLO diplomat killed by Israeli terrorists in Beirut in 1973, as a “murderer.”]

    We are indeed living in the horrible reality of great betrayers everywhere.angry  $$$ makes a coward.  And $$$ makes a traitor.  The Lobby delivers that plainly.  Thank you Taxi.


    • Sparrow says:

      Here's a jew-slanted editorial about Steven Salaita…just to give a difference to the above sellouts:

      ["…Docility is a gift to those who profit from injustice."]

      [ "Zionists have worked overtime to incriminate me, but they've never found anything incriminating — not from a lack of diligence, but because there's nothing to find but plainspoken disdain for settler colonization."]

      ["People still ask if I would go back in time and change anything. I would not. If my behavior were dishonorable, then I might have something to regret. I condemned a brutal ethnocratic state. On this count, I will die unapologetic."]

    • Taxi says:

      I simply don’t understand why so-called intelligent gentiles haven’t figured out a counter to the antisemite tag after decades of being restricted and assaulted by it. Here at Plato’s, I have recommended that gentiles start accusing jews of rabid anti-gentilism should them jews attempt ANY hostile repression/suppression of gentile free speech. Take for instance this article/situation here:
      Now if I were involved in the above pro-Palestine project, I would have collected the names of ALL those who have ‘complained’ (and I don’t care if they’re in the tens of thousands!), and I would have then phoned/written/responded to them all: AND written to their bosses too with severe and cogent accusations of the jew perp’s anti-gentilism, and I would most certainly throw BIG threats of legal action against their slander in there too. I would have gathered a keen and dedicated team of activists that would have a single focus: exposing the anti-gentilism of all ‘complainers’, one by one: digging into their social and work life etc. I’d have them bitches know that someone is on their frigging tail 24/7!! I’d force them to live in a ruinous nightmare the same as they’ve done to millions of gentiles!

      Oh you’d be sure they’d starting thinking twice about making that ‘antisemite’ call next time they hear the tribe’s whistle blow!

      Jews need to know that there’s a not so nice consequence to using the antisemite baton. It’s high freaking time it happened!

      Having said all that, if someone today would accuse me of being an antisemite, I would find it satisfyingly ticklish 😉

  23. Sparrow says:

    Hi again Taxi…

    This subject of betrayal is the root of all evil and continuing with it is this example I just found with using just three words.  Starting with the first article written by a Palestinian/American,

    …reading is good until the first two giveaway words:  ["Like Assad…"] and then the third word ["Iran…"]

    To my shock (but getting used to it)…I next watched this video by PressTv

    …with my girl,  Journalist and Political Commentator, Marwa Osman (BEIRUT) vs the typical fork tongued US  Founder, American Institute for Foreign Policy, Michael Lane.

    Marwa Osman is the embodiment of my soul regarding the truth and she comes out fast with it…says it plain…and doesn't back down.  I love her and Plato's for this rare and small place to unite with it.  Her loyalty and Hezbollah sumud gives me a jolt as does your commentary Taxi…because it's TRUTH!!!  

    As for the betrayers in words and in actions…they don't exist for me.  It is the reason why war and its disgusting fruit will never be the answer.  I wanted to ask the PalestinianAmerican writer above…"It is only Palestine, who cares?"

    Sumud Hezbollah!

    • Taxi says:

      Marwa Osman is a righteous person – I’ve seen her shinning humanitarianism in other debates too.

      Sami Jamil Jadallah in his VT article mixes it up some: being tainted by the liberal-interventionist stain.

      And speaking of VT – I gotta say that they lost me several years ago when their articles became waaaaaaaay too gutter-conspiracy based.

  24. Taxi says:


    Taxi (banned from twitter) says: Yeah Tulsi, well it's way too easy to smack on the saudis – everybody does it – so let's see you smack-tweet same on israel.

    … crickets… more crickets…

    Cowards!  They're all cowards, I tellzya!!

  25. Taxi says:

    I haven't said it in a while and right now I'm a-really feelin' it: by gollygod's goulash I lurrrrv Hezbollah!  I just lurrrrv the Hezbollah!!!

    There is nothing the US can do to reduce Hezbollah’s military power today. Sayyed Nasrallah is said to be ready to unleash his precision missiles against Israel to show his strength and, above all, to prove how weak Israel will be in any future war. There is no doubt that Israel has an impressive military machine with a great capacity for destruction. Nevertheless, since 1949 Israel has never been subjected to precision missiles with hundreds of explosives on each of their warheads, capable of covering the entire Israeli territory and of reaching any target.

    Hezbollah in Lebanon: US Hegemony is Over

    Sure a super power like the US can destroy Lebanon militarily: destroy neighborhoods and kill a million civilians, but it cannot destroy Hezbollah.  Nobody can!  Because Hezbollah is not just a mere 'building' that can be bombed to eternal rubble – no sireebob it ain't!  As a quintessentially 'liberation' movement, and a righteous and capable one at that, it has thus  naturally weaved itself into the minds and hearts of the citizenry of its nation (as well as the citizenry of its neighbors' nations).  You destroy Lebanese infrastructure and kill citizens there in the name of 'destroying Hezbollah' and all you've done is create an even larger enlistment of motivated young men and women into their Resistance forces.  You try 'wiping out' Hezbollah and you get yourself the absolute opposite effect: you grow Hezbollah every time you try to wipe it out.

    Hezbollah is here to stay till the jewy zionist plan for the Levant has been burned to ash and its supporters have either been evicted or buried.

    Hezbollah cannot be destroyed.  This is israel's nightmare.  Till its last and final breath.

    Once the Palestine problem has been resolved, not by the UN but by the the Axis of Resistance (ie the forced eviction of all western colonials from the Levant and the savage euro khazars with them), Hezbollah will then be no more.  Because there will no longer be a need for a 'resistance', it will therefore self-dissolve/self-dismantle.  Hezbollah will subsequently blend itself into the Lebanese army and remain thus active patriotic guardians of the ancient 'Land of the Ceders', known today as The Lebanon.

    • Sparrow says:

      Thank you Taxi…what a great read.  I didn't know the history of Hamas connection to anti-Assad and regime change in Syria.  I am a bit confounded on that but it confirms the article written by AmericanPalestinian above…Sami Jamil Jadallah.   After all ISIS was invented by the US recruiting many unseemly people to kill their own people.  What utter vile treachery.  What utter insanity.  How the few Arabs have thrown the majority under the bus all to unite with the bigger enemy of humanity.  Leaves me sickened.frown  This makes more understanding why Gaddafi made this speech:

      The Hezb is why the Leb is currently free and unoccupied.  Having the opposite mentality of division…not one finger can operate without the others.  VIVA HEZBOLLAH for the reality of Liberation.  

      This is why Muammar Gaddafi was so hated by the US…They hate any revolutionary that comes against US imperialism…from Cuba and South America to the Middle East and Africa.  The jews will not succeed as their false kingdom is clearly coming to a close.  The iron fist will be crushed and Al Quds will be at peace.smiley  I hope we will see it our lifetimes…

      • Sparrow says:

        Life in the midst of President/Leader Gaddafi in Libya:

        1. Electricity is free for all Libyans. 2. Loans in Libya are free with 0% interest as banks are state owned. 3. Homes are considered a human right in Libya – Gaddafi vowed that his parents would not get a house until everyone in Libya had a home. Gaddafi’s father has died while him, his wife and his mother were still living in a tent. 4. All newly married people in Libya receive US$ 50,000 by the government to buy their first home to help the new family. 5. Medical treatment and education are free in Libya. Before Colonel Muammar Gaddafi ruled the country, only 25% of Libyans were literate. Today the figure is around 83%. 6. If Libyans wanted to take up farming as a career, the government funded people from equipment to seeds, all for free. 7. The government subsidised 50% of the price of a new car if a Libyan citizen wanted to buy their first car. 8. Petrol price in Libya is around $0.14 per litre. 9. Libya has no debt externally and its reserves amounts to $150 billion – now globally frozen. 10. The Libyan government would fund anyone who got a degree and if they could not get employment, and they would receive income as if they were employed until they got a job. 11. The sale of Libyan oil is credited directly to the bank accounts of all Libyan citizens in proportion. 12. A family would get US $5,000 if they had a new baby to support the childs upbringing. 13. 40 loaves of bread in Libya costs around $0.15. 14. 25% of Libyans have a university degree.

      • Taxi says:

        God forbid that an Arab-African oil nation would take care of its own citizens using its oil wealth – no, the French interventionist jews (like the criminal and instigator of the destruction of Libya: Bernard-Henri Levy!) would NOT allow for this level of citizen comfort and rights in Libya!

        Contrast how the house of al-Saud keeps all the oil wealth in its own pockets while leaving some saudi villages in the dark and without electricity even up to now, in contemporary times.

        A choice to live under MbS in Saudi Arabia or Ghaddafi (if he were still alive) in Libya? Libya would indeed win, hands down.

        And I have to say here that I’m hoping that by now, readers are able to realize and see for themselves some vast cultural and political differences between one Arab state and another. No, not all 22 Arab countries are the same at all.

  26. intertwiningserpents says:

    The ultra scummy (and far less than meek) British elite can sell their stolen ' las Malvinas' to israel and then the jews can leave Palestine en masse and when settled they can holiday(or live) in their beloved Patagonia and everyone else if they desire it can keep away from Argentina..

    The large amount of money from the sale has to be given to the Palestinian less than wealthy by the British as compensation for the Balfour stupidity.

    As a way to show remorse the house of Saud can compensate any Argentines who wish to leave Argentina.

    So say's the discoverer of immortality in his dream.

    • Taxi says:

      Well some dreams are not that far from reality, no?

      And I’d say you’re too kind to imagine the jews living unmolested by gentiles in lush Patagonia (where they’ve already bought real estate that’s thrice as large in size as the current israel). My vision is grimmer/deconstructualist: I see the coming war-driven jewish exodus from the holy land to their next destination as a small one – I don’t see large numbers of jews leaving israel/able to leave israel in time – I see large numbers of jewish casualties in the coming war – I see tel aviv in smoking ruin: a gigantic, crippling hit on Rothschild’s evil Empire: possibly even a lethal one.

      The end of the reign of the Rothschilds will insure the talmudics are not in (global) power for the next million years – not with the advent of the internet and the availability now of info on the jews that was much hidden from gentiledom before the birth of the internet. Considering that it’s practically impossible to kill all jews or/and also impossible to talk them into discarding the genodical, antigentile talmud, blocking their path to power in the next round would have to be the next best thing and a paramount project for the ‘awoke’ and for the ‘dreamers and discoverers of immortality’ 🙂

  27. intertwiningserpents says:

    Once the vile 1% and their children and their children's children (and on and on for trillions of years) know that spiritual awakening is 'the only path' that leads to the cure for the disease of aging and biological immortality they will surely cease their nasty way of life because who 'really' wants to grow old?.

    This in my mind will be the ending of the evil Rothschild/jew grip on humanity and the meek will inherit the earth because spirit being love is the antithesis of evil.

    This is the golden age of Aquarius that we are now in/entering but which most everyone has no clue about..,,apart from readers here on Plato's.

    I may be wrong but the israeli nuclear capability factor should hold off any assault on israel in time for peace to arrive finally, once spiritual understanding is commonly known to the masses as it will certainly become known before very long.

    Again I may be wrong but 2020 has ring to it does it not?.



    • Taxi says:

      Israel’s nukes are useless in the case of hezbollah and the Axis of Resistance: being geographically too close to the holy land thus within the radiation radius – the winds could suddenly blow in tel aviv’s direction on the day etc. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: even geography is against israel.

      Though, we do need to remember here that the jews have actually threatened the world (including their so-called allies) with the ‘Samson Option’. Will they use it? Dare they use it, or not? Either way, post the next war in the Levant, there will be no such thing as tel aviv and therefore no such thing as a Rothschild global headquarters with poison tentacles spread across the world and either strangling humanity with grave and enslaving debts, or creating wars where jew profits are made of the mass murder of innocents and the destruction of property and heritage.

  28. intertwiningserpents says:

    Point taken but Iran could be nuked by israel and I doubt very much Hezbollah being a religious force would want that,

    • Taxi says:

      Of course, nobody wants to be nuked – this is where cyber-warfare is at its most useful for nuke-free nations: there is always a way to hack and circumvent.

      And in any case, israel is hoping a craven US would nuke Iran on its behalf one day – the Iranians live under a daily nuke threat from the US and israel and whether Iran attacks or not, the Axis of Evil intends on using nukes on Iran – but I seriously doubt that this will happen: the nuking of Iran will damage the petrodollar beyond repair. Most of the threats against Iran are just pure bluster to appease saudi and israeli leaders.

    • Taxi says:

      I should also add that if israel nuked Iran, then Iran can easily nuke israel by sending sorties of missiles to israel’s Dimona nuke plant.

      Israel knows this, which is why it won’t be nuking Iran. And like I said earlier: them jews love to saber-rattle and pretend they’re larger than life.

  29. intertwiningserpents says:

    Also nuking Iran could lead to WW3 and the vile imperialists in the west know Russia has the most nukes.

    I see a stalemate and so something else has to bring the 1% to their knees as they grovel for forgiveness for their terrible crimes against humanity.


    • Taxi says:

      It’s hard to know who exactly has the most nukes, considering that this information is highly classified by all nuclear nations. Sure you see various figures here and there, but I don’t believe that the figures floated are accurate – I think the numbers are propagandized. But accurate figures here are irrelevant as one thing is for sure: there are enough nukes on the planet to destroy the world as we know it.

      And yes – it is indeed a “stalemate”. Nukes are used as a deterrent. This is their function. The ambiguity of whether a nation would employ nukes or not IS the very power of this weapon: sitting there in some cold bunker somewhere, doing absolutely nothing – just ready and available IS its power.

      And because everyone knows that nobody wins a nuclear war, there is now an arms race between nuke nations to invent/produce a mini-mini nuke (we already have the small nuke and the mini nuke but not the mini-mini one) – they’re racing to invent, if you like, small precision nukes whose power would be double the deadly but whose fallout would be much easier to control and contain.

      … Some much time and brains and resources are wasted on war – it’s stunningly stupid!

  30. Sparrow says:

    Nukes come in so many different forms esp. by the mafia terrorists jews are and always have been.  Just a reminder of the feared jew control on Canada/US/EU…there is still a minority standing up to them and always will be.  So I say to the Sampson Option…go ahead!  You will still die as that is the reality of the story of Sampson!  When will jews ever desire to exit the shithole their minds love to dwell in?  They do not love peace…they do not EVER want to know peace…so let them die without it!



  31. Taxi says:

    People must realize that jewish supremicism comes from the jewish religion itself and NOT from zionism.  Zionism is but a modern political expression of ancient jewish supremicism:

    • I have just been made physically sick! Is it possible that young people could be so brainwashed with ‘belief’ that they can be so stupidly led and manipulated?

      I thank the Providence that since the age of 15 yrs old I have been cleansed from all toxic myth and fairy tale to disfigured and mutilate my brain with religious ‘belief’!

      • Taxi says:

        I’ve said it before and here again I’ll repeat: the most brainwashed people on the planet are the jews.

        Okay sure (general) humanity is easily brainwashable but the trouble with jewish brainwash is that they are antigentile absolutists. Their whole anti-universalist world view has for millennia caused nothing but unnecessary misery and the death of hundreds of millions of gentiles.

        It’s also worth mentioning here that the jews are on such a ‘censorship’ buzz that they are currently demanding that the Quoran and the New Testament include a message on their covers “warning” readers of “antisemitic passages” in their content. This means that the jews’ next step will be an attempt to ban both the New Testament and the Quorn for being antisemitic literature.

        … Yet, so very-very-very few gentiles call out jews for their antigentilism.

      • Taxi says:

        The most concerning/disturbing aspect is that jews believe that world peace is only possible when non-jewish humanity submits to them and to the Nohide laws of their synagogues. This means that they will keep instigating wars of choice until they feel that their talmudic supremicist prophecies have been fulfilled. All the while, they see these torturous, evil wars they keep creating as a good thing that will eventually lead to world peace – a world peace where minority jews rule supreme and the gentiles majority are mere ‘willing’ slaves.

        Of course, only the criminally insane attach themselves to such a warped and bloodthirsty world view.

        Clearly, jews are true haters of world peace. And of diverse gentile unity.

        They will tell you they are not haters of peace – but that’s just their schtick. They schtick 24/7 about pretty much EVERYTHING!

        ‘By Deception Thou Shalt Do War’.

        Learn the mindset, Gentile!

  32. intertwiningserpents says:

    The great irony of our time is that the jewish sense of supremacy makes them anti-god by definition because All is one without separation……Fact!.

    Chosen by God?….hahahaha….That’s hilarious!…..The irony!.

    I guess it had to be jews that got pilate to order the death of Christ because anti Christ or anti god is one and the same thing in this land of illusion starring Mickey Mouse.

    what a sad and sorry bunch of deluded fools are ‘the tribe of anti-god’.

    I have said it before and I will say it again, what most people perceive to be real is in fact ‘no more real’ than Lara Croft and her adventures in PlayStation and so then what is left when there is nothing real to perceive?.

    • Taxi says:

      According to the common story of Jesus, it was the jews that hounded Jesus and told Pilate to arrest him for political insurgency and for appointing himself as’King of the Jews’ instead of recognizing King Herod as king of all. After investigations, both king Herod and Pilate found Jesus to be innocent of the charge of sedition but the bloodthirsty jews insisted that Jesus be crucified (instead of Barabbas, a captured insurrectionary at the time).


  33. intertwiningserpents says:

    When one understands that any kind of human supremacy is 'completely and utterly anti-god' then due to the reflective nature of things, one can perhaps see how god would eventually put a stop to it by throwing down the immortality card to put an absolutely massive spanner in the works of human evil.

  34. Sparrow says:

    One could argue for thousands of years with 'debates' about Truth.  As we have witnessed.  Jesus the Son of God came to end all of that.  The walk He taught about is a walk of the Spirit and by the Spirit of God.  We live at this time with the massive BETRAYAL by Judas and the released Jew criminal Barabbas.  The deception jews and their ilk live with is this very truth.  Jesus came as a 'Servant'…to teach us how to be a servant to ONE ANTHER.  Not to be a servant to this manmade deception and BETRAYAL of the Jews.  The zohar is NOT in the Torah.  The jews betrayal of the Torah (who came as a man…Jesus) is the Talmud and all of its demonic brainwashing.  More Muslims demonstrate this teaching of being a servant to one another more than most perverted Christians (as they too have been perverted by false teachings by not having understanding by the Spirit of God, and instead split their love for money along with their love for God…and thus crucify the Truth all over again and again.  This is the hideous state of the way things are in the USA…the blind support for Israel and all of its barbaric acts that have NOTHING to do with Salvation, Truth, Redemption, Light, Love, and Life.  Faith is trying to live through  this…the same faith Jesus carried with Him and remains with Him.  Hezbollah has demonstrated this faith in my eyes.  Syrians are demonstrating it.  Iraqis…Russians, Germans and on down the massive road to today.  I have my days of giving up on God because I just don't seem to have what these people have.  It's a hard thing to read about it as opposed to living it.  It's why I come here to keep perspective…and to keep faith.  Thank you Taxi indecision.


  35. Taxi says:

    After 9/11, Americans were asking: "why do they hate us"?  Today, Americans should be asking: ‘why do we hate everyone – except for israel and saudi arabia’?

    Lord Palmerston, Prime Minister of Britain in the mid nineteenth century, famously said that “Nations have no permanent friends or allies, they only have permanent interests.”The United States currently has neither real friends nor any clearly defined interests. It is, however, infested with parasites that have convinced an at-drift America that their causes are identical to the interests of the United States.

    U.S. Foreign Policy Has No Policy/Why can't we just leave everyone alone?


  36. Taxi says:

    This Jake Morphonious video below runs a little long but worth every minute: connecting mossad honey-traps with American jewish sex traders and goy politicians and presidents:

    • Taxi says:

      Because terrorist israel was foolish enough to attempt a strike on Damascus a couple of days ago – a strike that the Syrian airforce blocked using their old aerial defense system and not even the newer more powerful S-300 – Hezbollah yesterday released this video as warning to the genocidal jewish state: a warning that included cross-hair coordinates of israeli defense ministries, military and intelligence headquarters and nuclear installations.  As you can imagine, this has overnight created a confused panic across israel.  We can be sure that jewish israeli residents viewing the 'cross-hair and coordinates' footage will be moving house if it's located close to Hezbollah's targets.

      Here's a translation of what Nasrallah is saying in the video:

      "Any attack on Lebanon, any aerial assault on Lebanon, any bombardment of Lebanon, will definitely, definitely, definitely be answered!

      The cornered jew rat nation will have to put its men on the line and be forced into a war sooner or later.  I personally hope for 'sooner'.

    • Taxi says:

      We know this latest vid release from Hezbollah has shook up the scumbag israeli jews because it was removed from Youtube some 33 minutes after uploading.

  37. Taxi says:

    No surprises there: israel's involvement in the Khashoggi murder was bound to come out sooner than later:

    Abdulaziz said he clicked on a link sent to his phone in June 2018 that exposed his mobile communications to Saudi authorities. The lawsuit says Abdulaziz faced increased harassment by Saudi authorities after he clicked on the link, including the detention of family members in Saudi Arabia.

    Israeli firm rejects alleged connection to Khashoggi killing

  38. Taxi says:

    Despite the billions of dollars spent on demonizing Palestinian armed resistors over the decades, especially those in the Hamas camp, it seems that most of the world does actually support the right of the occupied Palestinians, including Hamas, to bare arms in their defense against the insatiably klepto terrorist state of israel.

    As 'symbolic' as the vote at the UN was, it makes for a clear indication of the loss of mideast hegemony of both the US and israel – and especially of US Empire.

    Looks like the world has had it up to the eyeballs with US and israeli evil-making.

    In Blow to U.S. Administration and Israel, UN Fails to Pass anti-Hamas Resolution

  39. Taxi says:

    Hezbollah's number two, Sheik Quassem had this to say to israel yesterday:

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