Taxi's Articles

From Here On, Palestine Calls the Shots

From rocks to rockets.  This is now the recorded evolution of the armed Palestinian Resistance.  From throwing Intifada rocks that barely scratched occupation tanks, to lobbing rockets that can now reach anywhere in Israel: this is presently the undeniable status of the Palestinian Resistance.  Hard, therefore, not to deduce that some impressive progress has been achieved by the armed Palestinian Resistance in Gaza, despite Gaza being under a severe land, sea and air siege.  Right under the very noses of the bulky Israeli military and its lauded hi-tech Intel, the Palestinian Resistance has managed to arm itself in a significant way – and indeed, it continues to improve its arsenal, undetected.  Of course, Israel’s weaponry remains by far more superior to that of the Palestinians, but this superiority in arms became meaningless during the recent ‘Sword of Jerusalem’ combat: a small war that found the Israeli forces unilaterally withdrawing from the battlefield after only some ten days.  In normal military parlance, this would be defined as a defeat, yet this defeat is being referred to in the West as a ‘ceasefire’.  Well, semantics aside, the simple takeaway is that Israel’s mighty military lost to pitiful Gaza rockets.  The biblical story of David and Goliath repeated itself right before our modern eyes.  And from here on, the hulking Israeli military will be powerless to protect Israeli Jews and their properties in the holy land.

In 1948, Zionism had promised the Jews of Israel two vital services: security and prosperity.  Indeed, it had kept good on its promise for some 73 years.  But now, in 2021 and post the ‘Sword of Jerusalem’ war, it can no longer provide either.  From here on, Zionism cannot guarantee either security or prosperity for its Jewish population – not with Gaza rockets now permanently looming and ready to disrupt daily Jewish life in the holy land.  It used to be that the Israeli military was the one capriciously disrupting the security and prosperity of Palestinians, but overnight, the success of the ‘Sword of Jerusalem’ has turned the tables on Israel.  From here on, Palestine calls the shots.  From here on, Israel will pay a very heavy price for any significant aggression against the suffering, occupied Palestinian people.  This equation is now fixed; immovable.  This is the new status quo.  

Moreover, Zionism, appealing specifically to Jewish zealots, had also promised the total Judeofication of Jerusalem.  A project that is contrary to International Law.  A project that entails illegal land theft and the total ethnic cleansing of native Palestinians from their ancestral homes.  Now, this project has come to a total standstill, with Hassan Nasrallah announcing recently that his resistance army, Hezbollah, as well as the armies of other members of the Axis of Resistance, will from here on militarily involve themselves in defending Jerusalem from this Judeofication project.  Therefore, what we have now is Gaza’s improved rocketry checking Israel from within, and from without, we have several million Axis of Resistance fighters and their immense arsenal standing by, all ready to liberate Jerusalem at a moment’s notice.  “Jerusalem for regional war,” was Nasrallah’s succinct warning to Israel.  A regional war that will in fact be an existential war for Israel.  A regional war that even the staunchest Israeli supporters are deathly fearful of because it will completely destroy modern Israel and cost tens of thousands of Jewish lives.

With Israel’s Zionism now unable to fulfill any of its fundamental promises, where does all this leave Zionism but collapsing before the very eyes of Jews themselves.

It is now simply impossible for Israel to reverse its sinking fortune without igniting a suicidal, regional war.  No power on earth, not even mighty US powers can reverse this track.  All the US and other Western friends of Israel can do now is delay the inevitable destruction of Israel with the use of a proverbial band aid here and a band aid there.  Blinken, who is currently visiting the holy land is offering nothing but band aids to both sides.  Other Western leaders will soon enough also come to Tel Aviv and to Ramallah with offers of more band aid.  In reality, no one has anything else to offer Israel but band aid, because everything else has already been gifted to Israel in the past, and Israel appears to have squandered and abused, instead of used these gifts wisely for its longevity’s sake.  There is no more that the West can do for Israel, save for actually sending their troops to the holy land to die for the Jews.  An unlikely and most controversial move to now send democratic Western troops to die for ‘Apartheid Israel’, especially in the current depressive economic state that the whole world finds itself in.  And Even if some Western nation was foolish enough to send its troops to fight for Tel Aviv, these troops will not be able to stop the intensive waves of Resistance precision missiles and rockets already poised to saturate Tel Aviv and the rest of Israel proper.  Here, even geography is against Israel.

The ‘Sword of Jerusalem’ has irreversibly weakened Israel, not just on the home front, but the world over too.  Overnight, Israel’s universal image went from its traditional ‘victim State’, straight to ‘Apartheid state’.  Now, in the minds of the majority of the world, Israel is believed to be an Apartheid state.  And in this new Apartheid definition of Israel, the so-called holocaust violin and begging bowl are nowhere to be found.  The world is no longer interested in considering the sentimental holocaust when it comes to Israel.  All the world can see now are the numerous and unconscionable Crimes Against Humanity that Israel has wantonly engaged in against the Palestinians – numerous crimes that israel has committed without a single instance of accountability.  The world is no longer prepared to remain silent on this, or to accept the status of Israel as eternal victim. 

So very much has been shattered within the Zionist machinery by the ‘Sword of Jerusalem’.  And there are no spare parts to be found anywhere to replace them.  Not even a false flag operation by Israel will return it to the victim chair.  The whole gaggle and cackle of Jewish deceptions are by now also known and exposed to global populations.  What in the past used to work in favor of Israel, is no longer working.  The apple has lost its shine.

And another major victim of the ‘Sword of Jerusalem’ is the Deal of the Century.  At this stage of the game, with Jerusalem currently being a focal and highly emotive topic deluging Arab world medias,  it is impossible for any corrupt Arab leader to now sign up anew to the Deal of the Century.  And who in their right mind would sign a highly controversial deal with a sinking nation that can offer nothing in return?  Mindful here too that two out of the four Arab nations that have already normalized with Israel under the Deal of the Century, did so purely for personal and not ideological reasons.  These two nations are Sudan that signed the Deal in exchange for the removal of its name from the US’s terrorism list; and Morocco that signed the Deal in exchange for US support in Morocco’s illegal land claims over the Western Sahara.  We can therefore safely say that out of 22 Arab nations, only two despotic Arab dictatorships are ideologically aligned with Israel: the UAE and Bahrain.  These petite Zioninst-Arab nations cannot save Israel from even a single Gaza rocket, let alone from the combined weapons of the Axis of Resistance that now surround Israel: all coiled and waiting for Israel to miscalculate.  Kushner’s attempt at wiping out the Palestine cause from the Arab world by creating a normalization program has utterly and completely failed.  The Palestine cause has never been stronger in the Arab mind than it is now.  The Deal of the Century has become the Tomb of the Century.

Moreover, an even more important pro Israel project has also collapsed at the swipe of the ‘Sword of Jerusalem’: The Oslo Agreement.  No longer are the Palestinians happy with just a pitiful ‘crumb of land with no autonomy’ offered to them by Israel under Oslo, they are now unanimously demanding the return of all their land ‘from the river to the sea’.  Their supporters worldwide are backing this notion by loudly chanting ‘from the river to the sea’ at all their mass protests.  The ‘Sword of Jerusalem’ has veritably stabbed Oslo in the heart.  The Two State Solution is dead.  The One State Palestine Solution has grown massive wings.

Indeed, with Palestine now demanding all its land back ‘from the river to the sea’, Zionism appears to have symbolically lost all the land it acquired by force of arms since 1948.  This symbolism will now become a reality in the next war between Israel and the Axis of Resistance.  And war is coming.  Plans and maps for the final War 0f Liberation remain very much on the table.  Over the past 7 decades, Israel had stridently rejected numerous calls by friend and foe alike to surrender to the Levant’s historic culture of equitable coexistence between religions; rejected blending into the local scenery, opting instead to war against all its neighbors so as to assert itself as a vastly dominant power beyond reproach.  Now it finds itself with many missed opportunities for peace and with its jugular bleeding: cut by no less than an over-zealous, blunt Zionist knife.  War is coming to the holy land because Zionism has relentlessly expressed itself as a supremacist ideology that is fundamentally incapable of compromise, incapable of equality and justice, incapable of making real and genuine peace with any of its non Jewish neighbors.  Through unchecked savagery, through arrogance and overreach since its inception, Israel has now become impotent in the face of the real existential threat it faces today.  Apartheid policies and land-kleptomania will only get you so far.  The Jews should have learned this lesson from the now defunct Apartheid South Africa.

Israel and its Jewish population now find themselves in an unsustainable and untenable position.  They have now but two choices: depart from the Jewish colony in peace and physically intact, or from here on face a daily life of fear of Palestinian rockets and whatnot, followed eventually by a violent death when the big war breaks out.

Addressing Israeli Jews in his speech yesterday, Nasrallah stated: “We see how Muslim and Christian holy places are these days under dangerous attacks by you.  When you destroy homes and people in Palestine: we leave this to the internal Palestinian Resistance to address.  But we as the Axis of Resistance cannot stand idly by when you violate the sanctity of Muslim and Christian holy places in Jerusalem.  Any further violations of Jerusalem by you will lead to regional war.”

Will Israeli civilian and military societies listen to Nasrallah’s warning, or will they, in their traditional arrogance, dismiss his words as being mere empty threats?

The Axis of Resistance now has all its war ducks lined up.  The much longed for and necessary Palestinian unity is now a reality.  All the needed weapons for victory are a reality.  Global moral support for Palestinian liberation is now a reality.  The War of Liberation is but one single step away.  And the timing of this war will be triggered when Israel foolishly violates Jerusalem again.  And violate it will, in its attempt to put oxygen back in the collapsing lung of Zionism.  After all, violation is the only method that Israel knows.  Violation is the definitive Israeli MO.

Will the Jews of Israel now risk life and limb and continue clinging to and supporting a shattered Zionism that can no longer deliver them its promised goods?  Or will their survival instinct kick in and have them packing suitcases and returning back to their European, Russian and American origins?

A combination of both, I suspect.  Some Jews will leave Israel.  Some won’t.  The die-hard Zionists are pathologically deluded enough to remain: believing that present conditions are militarily reversible.  They’re not.  Not anymore.  Not ever.  All that the Zionist Israeli government can do now in the aftermath of the ‘Sword of Jerusalem’ is ease up a small measure of pressure on the Palestinians and on the city of Jerusalem: buying itself time to come up with a solution that would be acceptable to both Israeli Jews on one hand, and Palestinian Muslims and Christians on the other.  But Zionism, by its own definition does not allow for equitable co-existence with non-Jews.  Sober minds on both sides do not believe that a win-win solution is available, or feasible.  They estimate that this too-little-too-late path of Israel releasing some pressure on Jerusalem will lead to nowhere, and at some point en route, the Israeli government will become insensible with frustration to the point of miscalculation.  Indeed, it will be Israel’s very last miscalculation.

We shall soon enough see a costly but heroic and historic return of the nation of Palestine: from the river to the sea.

No stopping now the winds of change that favor the suffering Palestinians.



  1. Taxi says:

    Dear world, brace yourself for a massive tectonic geopolitical shift all over the world when the War of Liberation in the holy land gets triggered.

    Empire is in decline and its fanged attack dog is about to be slain by the righteous.

  2. Hammer & Anvil says:

    Taxi,  I am imagining the artwork that you put at the top of the article is a self portrait of you leading the prisoner away. Happy thoughts….

    Anyway I saw these this morning and thought I should share them – here are two takes on the recent Nasrallah speech, the first is talk of his phrases and the second an actual translation.


    • Taxi says:

      LOL thanks for the chuckle, Hammer & Anvil. No, the artwork is not a self-portrait. Although I am svelte like the Palestinian lady in the artwork, I am not a hijabi muslim. I found the artwork on the internet – and I liked it.

      Thanks for the links too. Great that the Saker is managing quick translations of Nasrallah’s speeches lately – though these translations are incomplete, they still make a positive difference in informing English-speaking inquiring minds.

      • grr says:

        I had the temerity to tell Silly Saker that he was downplaying the Palestinian Resistance’s arsenal in his recent blog post “Palestine: Hamas defeats Israel”.

        I merely pointed out what you, Taxi, and others have said. That they have adopted the Hezbollah doctrine of incremental increase of weapons and that their old stock was used in the Sword  of Jerusalem. I also quoted Nasrallah’s statement that the Palestinian’s have everything that they need from weapons to radar, etc.

        He couldn’t accept this and refused to submit my post. So well living up to his reputation of being wrong many times and arrogance in his belief that his is the correct analysis.

        I usually just skim his scribblings and go straight to the comments, of which many are great. I will go back to that from now on.


      • Canthama says:

        My friend GRR, it wouldn't be the first time The Saker misses the point in the ME.

        Back in 2015 he was completely out of scope when he first analysed the Russian intervention in Syria to tip the balance from western backed ISIS/al Qaeda back to the Syrian Government and people. He got it totally wrong, and after sometimes he was adapting to the reality that he missed badly.

        The Saker has very good intel and understanding of what happens in Eastern Europe, really good understanding, but lacks in the ME, and he seems not to accept this lack of source or understanding, hence what happened to you.

        On the other side, comment section is what makers The Saker a lively blog, as in the now defunct Syrian Perspective, the comment section drew hundreds if not thousands of visitors. The Saker blog managed to create that forum of debate that bring together many bright minds and opinions.

        Glad to see you around my friend.

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks grr. Yes, I do find that the Saker and that b from Moon of Alabama are overly concerned with their brand name instead of collecting correct information from near and far. Both share the propensity for know-it-all behavior. Drama queens! So annoying.

        If either wants to legitimately dispute what the non-lying Nasrallah has to say, then they will both need to first go learn Arabic, listen to Nasrallah in his native language, then step into the boxing ring.

      • Hammer & Anvil says:

        I completely agree that the sakers strong point is east europe. He does post good articles by others though.

        I was a little miffed when a few weeks ago he forbid links to several websites with the reasoning that they were sanctioned by USA. (or some such)

        I had to bookmark them to keep up with any forbiden knoowledge they impart to the world…

        They are:,, and

        I also want to give a hearty thank you to Taxi and everyone else posting here.  🙂

  3. Harry Law says:

    Hope you don't mind me providing  a quick update on the important Batley and Spen by election where Labour leader Keir 'I am a Zionist without qualification' Starmer is being represented by the previously murdered MP Jo Cox. Date of by election 1st July 2021.

    It would appear Labours candidate is going to be the law and order candidate, a usually Conservative choice of policy. Leadbeater may hope nobody asks about other Labour polices or says they are confidential that should ensure her defeat.
    Jo Cox built he career on causes she believed in, one of which was Palestine freedom, she was very critical of the Israeli government and the Apartheid system Israel had built regarding the way Israeli children were treated differently by the courts and prison system as Palestinian children, she also supported BDS. In fact Jo Cox would have been expelled by the Labour party had she been alive today. Is Leadbeater going to cynically use Jo Cox’s name whilst denigrating everything she believed in? She needs to speak in support of her sisters deeply held opinions or go down as a despicable opportunist and Starmer sycophant.

    ‘Ms Leadbeater and the national party are understood to be working on a hyper-local campaign that focuses on crime and anti-social behaviour. Unlike the Hartlepool campaign there won’t be as many national party messages delivered on the doorstep’.


    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Harry. No minding anything that exposes the corrupt and underhanded ploys and ruses of the ‘Friends of Israel’ cabal, be they in the UK, the USA, or anywhere else on our spinning blue world.

      Do please keep us informed on the Batley and Spen parliamentary By-Elections.

  4. Taxi says:

    I suspect that European nations who will verbally remain in support of israel in its final, dying hour are nations that do not want their own jewish people back.

    I'm sorry, but every nation is responsible for its own trash.  Dumping zionist trash right smack on the heads of Palestinians was never going to work in the first place.  Palestine will now sing: take your trash back, Jack – and don't you come back no more, no more, no more, no more…

  5. Taxi says:

    What the UN and all the nations of the world could not achieve, the Axis of Resistance accomplished: Israel on its knees with pee stains on pants.

  6. john says:

    I stopped by Plato's a few years ago…and overstayed my welcome real fast…it was my fault, but I think no big deal.

    Anyhoo, I've been following along ever since and decided this was a good moment to tell you how much I've savored your missives from the Levant, how informative and rewarding they've been.

    Yes, up to this pivotal moment that perhaps foretells of better times to come, thank you.

    • Taxi says:

      Welcome back, dear john. I apologize if I offended you all those years ago – I was young and foolish and temperamental – what can I say (shrugging shoulders)? Heh.

      Thank you for your kind words. Yes, better times are coming – but, really, only after the storm has passed. Now we sit and confidently wait, while they sit in their own petrified turds.

  7. It's only now obvious to many of us in the west why the Jew mixed it's Satanic blood with the European, Russian and American = Caucasoid. They seen us as the capable attack dog so set the stage for (((global power))) while deflecting blame away from themselves, it gave them free passage to internally sabotage the moral, and economic compass of our nations. The (((Jewish Central banker crime families))) have well primed all European nations to be the sacrificial target, this is the end game for global control, and Israel is nothing but a pawn in the bigger Jew picture, they care not about wiping out there own to save the diaspora of many.

    They've had 8+ thousand years to work out this phycological dialectic game of rapture, redemption and Hezbollah peppered with a twist of (((their))) perestroika deception. 

    Unless there is a mass awakening to the Jew problem across the world, then no doubt (((they))) have well forecasted a favourable outcome for themselves.. Wait and see! 

    # peterquiggins the emperors new clothes ….. 

      and watch the video t

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks for visiting, dear PeterQuiggins. Here at Plato’s we’re all well aware of the diabolical plan against humanity that’s contrived and attempted by the kippas who run the World Jewish Congress and its multiple tentacles. We are aware of their perfidy and their corrosive impact on Western societies. Their vindictive nature is known to us. Their greed, their hate, their mass-mass murders, their kleptomania, their jealousies and narcissism and their love of savage blood-rituals have all been sliced and diced and closely studied by us all here at Plato’s. Really, there is nothing we don’t already know about the evil-doing jews.

      They may be ‘all that’ in the West, but they haven’t got much umph here in the Levant. This here, the Levant, therefore, is their Achilles heel. Tel aviv, as headquarters for jewish global terrorism and usury will most certainly be pulverized in the coming war. Israeli jew cogs will exodus themselves out of the devastation and seek their original homeland to recover in. Without tel aviv as its center of power and reason d’etre, like a headless chicken jewish power will be flailing and scramming around the world. It’s up to the individual nations in the world how they deal with this returning menace.

      For sure the ‘jewish problem’ was not solved by the bleak Palestinian experiment of 1948. The solution to the jewish problem should not again come from jews. Palestine was their idea, their own proposition to the ‘jewish problem’. It cost humanity untold millions of dead, perpetual misery and poverty in Europe’s WW1, WW2 and all the wars of the middle east since 1948, just so that the ‘jews can feel safe’. Well goddamn do not let this happen again. The solution for the ‘jewish problem’ in the middle east is easier to solve than the jewish problem in the West. All Middle Easterners have to do is physically remove them as invaders from their land. For the West, it’s more complicated. For the West, it’s cerebral not physical. You cannot remove your own people from the country just because of their espoused religion. Religious freedom is paramount in a healthy democracy. We do not want to destroy our democracies just to punish the jews. This is definitely not the way to go, otherwise we’re faced with a constitutional and even moral crisis. We do not want to be extremists and hypocrites like they are. I don’t have an answer or a solution to give to the West – I’m still trying to figure it out. But one thing’s for sure: I don’t think the jewish ‘solution’ should cause injury to ourselves, our communities, or to our nation’s stability. We need a solution that doesn’t entail us losing our soul in the process. And the solution must be out there. There is no choice but to keep seeking.

      Here at plato’s we are not ideologues. We do not see the jewish ‘thing’ as an ethnic, religious or race issue. We judge the jews on their actions – and their actions have been evil aplenty. We see the jewish issue as a battle between good and evil. And for me personally, it is the only war worth fighting in.

      • emersonreturn says:

        i've been giving the return of the chosen some thought as well.  as a calif girl you probably know beverly hills/the palisades are essentially home to many…as are miami & nyny & langley—i suggest giving them those 5 for starters (it's possible from there the chosen can then continue their renown land grab practises which america welcomes & openly warm heartedly supports)…as well the chosen can consider claiming the city of london.  😉  thank you, taxi, for your work, links & guidance.

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks, emersonreturn. And don’t forget they still have Birobidzhan, the first jewish autonomous territory out in Russia. They also have that giant, contiguous chunk of land that jews have been buying and adding to since 1880, right there between Argentinian and Chile. Fecund chunk of land that’s 3 times the size of Palestine.

    • Taxi says:

      Oh and many thanks for your video link. I will definitely make time to watch it soon as time permits. From a very quick peruse of your linked page, I gather you’ve made this video yourself. Not an easy task, so, well done PQ.

  8. Harry Law says:

    Thanks for this article Taxi, it is one of your best, full of optimism and not forgetting the price all resisters are willing to pay to achieve justice. Nasrallah once said awhile back they had enough rockets etc to do the job, here is my one point of disagreement  with him, a quibble really, in my opinion you can never have enough precision rockets, they need to double up, then double up again on decoys. Just to make sure.

    • Taxi says:

      Lol Harry and thanks. Some two years ago, Nasrallah said during a speech: “I can’t tell you how many precision weapons we have. Let’s just say we have enough to get the job done. We have enough, we have more than enough, we have so much that we’ve run out of places to store them.”

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ Harry Law,

      One of the first things I learned in defending myself, was the art of deception.

      When someone tries to mug you with a knife or gun, it means he's actually afraid of you.

      Be honest, you didn't think of that, right…?

      In that case, 'you' raise both hands, like so;

      to make it look like you surrender.

      The only reason 'you' lift your hands is to make it easier to either knock the dude cold or grab the gun, as the distance between your hand/fist and the dude is that much shorter, compared to having both hands down near your hips.

      In other words, make deception the first ammo in 'your' arsenal of attack.

      Remember, during the 2006 attack on Lebanon, Occupied Palestine did everything within its power to stop Nasrallah's TV broadcastings. They utterly and miserably failed.

      Personally, I take it from there. The 2006 bloody nose is a mere foreshadow of what's coming next.

      If I were a squatter, I'd be worried [and I don't worry easily].


    • Taxi says:

      That’s a great share. Thanks, Canthama. Oh man how the tide is turning. The fuckers really don’t stand a chance.

  9. Barbara Jean Keilt says:

    I'm an old hippy chick from USA, Taxi, and you are my favorite informant of the Middle East. Your one two punch writing style and your undying faith and optimism in good over evil oxygenates my tired blood!  The pen IS greater than the sword. BJK7

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, BJ.  What a sweetheart girl you are.

      Humbly, if I may please correct: 'The pen is mightier than the sword'.

      And it comes from this, here:

      "The pen is mightier than the sword" is a metonymic adage, penned by English author Edward Bulwer-Lytton in 1839, indicating that communication, or in some interpretations, administrative power or advocacy of an independent press, is a more effective tool than direct violence. Wikipedia

      And I absolutely agree: the pen IS mightier than the sword.  But, I wouldn't take a pen to a gunfight. 


  10. mike-florida says:

    A good sign > "Taliban Warns Afghanistan’s Neighbors Against Hosting US Bases.

    Taliban says >
    Foreign forces are the root cause of insecurity and war in the region and the greatest tragedy is that everyone has witnessed in the last twenty years, especially our afflicted people who have suffered and continue to suffer more than anyone else,” the Taliban said in its statement. “We urge neighboring countries not to allow and grant anyone such a concession. As we have repeatedly assured others that our soil will not be used against the security of others, we are similarly urging others not to use their soil and airspace against our country. If such a step is taken, then the responsibility for all the misfortunes and difficulties lies upon those who commit such mistakes.”

    (While a good sign, hopefully, regarding such others as Pakistan, Iraq, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan – what about the huge US bases in Qatar and Bahrain? And, of course, in NE Syria where US occupies local energy and agriculture areas backed by zero agreement from the Syrian govt. But, trend is good news. Mike)

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, dear Mike. Yes, a major problem in the middle east is the presence of foreign military bases – and so very many of them! These foreign countries with military bases in the middle east would themselves go ballistic should the Taliban or the Syrians have projects to open military bases on these foreign countries’ soil. Taliban training camps in Langley? Yeah, right – that would go down real well.

      Rest assured that removing foreign forces from the middle east is an ongoing native project – a complicated project that Iran heads in the region. They play the long game: unstitching small thread by small thread. And one day, the fabric will be, well, un-fabric-ed.

  11. Daniel Rich says:

    After tel aviv, the next step needs to be london

    then DC

    and finally, Paris

    When gangrene sets in, one has no choice but to cut deep, until it bleeds, and fresh tissue is found. Liberating the ME will not lift the weight of the ‘Friends of Occupied Palestine‘ around the globe, off of the scales of Lady Justice.

    A goyim might perceive him/herself to be a friend of this entity, but jews never reciprocate such sentiments.

    They are chosen.

    You are not.

    Let that sink in [as deep as is humanly possible], and take it from there.


    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, buddy. But did I have to see all them ugly pictures first thing in the morning?

      Yikes! LOL!

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ DENNIS GANNON,

        "Chosen for destruction like Esau or Chosen of life like Jacob?"

        Only god knows… 

  12. Taxi says:

    Well, I mean, when you're an army of baby-killers, you've just got to do the kill in a bikini, right?

    Why Are Israeli Defense Forces Soldiers Posting Thirst Traps on TikTok?

    Old tricks don't work in the new paradigm, and the sleazy idf is now reduced to appealing for sympathy from, well, chronic masturbators – naturally, in the hope that wankers of the world will get them out of their current, sticky situation.

    Real smart strategy to appeal to dumb cum makers.  It's how you win wars, right?  Kill babies then quickly go distract the masturbators of the world.

  13. Taxi says:

    Congratulations, dear Syria.  You most definitely voted for the right man.  Congratulations Mr. Bashar.  How great does it feel to get so much love right before the eyes of the world?  Nice!

    No doubt Bashar's enemies are jealous for not being as popular among their own as Bashar is among his own people.

    Let them eat crow.

    • Canthama says:

      The celebration all over the free Syria was amazing yesterday, parties and literally millions on the street…Eva Bartlett is in Damascus covering live from her social media the elections and implications…simply amazing how the people went on to party.

      Of course the rotten Western regimes were quick to say the election was fraudulent and the EU did not even wait for the results and extended the harsh sanctions…Syrians gave the middle finger for those MFs…they re elected a President that never left the country during a severe war of aggression funded and led by the rotten. Western regimes to kill Syrians using ISIS and al Qaeda terrorists…this very President stayed, led, and made substantial alliances with other countries to win the war. Thanks to him, to the Syrians and the thousands of martyrs Syria is still there today, defiant and getting ready for a new golden age.

      Well done Mr. President, you always had my respect and admiration.

      • grr says:

        How upset must the Zionists be? This is cause for further loss of sleep in the evil (stolen) homes of the Zionists.

        Viva la resistance.


        As an aside Zionist controlled regimes ('Western") stating this is a fraudulent election is a sick joke; where I live (and refuse to vote) the scum of the moment can be and has been installed with 49% of the vote!

        Thanks to a trick called preferential voting. And coalitions of course.

  14. larry, dfh says:

    So…I think the times are very right to re-consider the real  perpetraitors of 9-11.

  15. sarz says:

    After three days the door will close on the nuclear deal with Iran. Congress will not allow the clearing of sanctions because a majority vote Israel-first. The next largest group is Wall Street-first. Their man is Biden. He's now got his orders. The Rothschild Economist mouthpiece tells us what's on offer:


    Instead of imposing peace in one top-down stroke of diplomatic brilliance, a more realistic aim would be to build it patiently from the bottom up. The guiding principle should be to focus on the human and civil rights of Palestinians. Israel will not grant Palestinians full rights tomorrow. But it can make its Arab citizens more equal by devoting resources to their communities. It could make the administration of Jerusalem more inclusive, so that tiffs over fencing do not escalate into war. It must take more responsibility for the suffering in the West Bank and Gaza—and work harder to alleviate it.


    If that's the final offer from the King of the Jews, so be it. Palestine from the river to the sea! It will be the moral responsibility of the Resistance to see the Jews home in dignity and comfort. 

    • grr says:

      "It will be the moral responsibility of the Resistance to see the Jews home in dignity and comfort."

      Sarz, I need to ask why? Why should it be their responsibility? And why do you think the Zionist scum deserve any of either?

      Evict them with extreme prejudice I say, treat them as they have treated others for 73 years (and more).

      Nasrallah has stated that Jews that have done no harm will be allowed to stay. Hezbollah knows the who the participants of evil are, the utterly mad settler scum, the crazy ultra right religious fascists, the Zionist supremacists, the war criminals past and present, and more.

      They will be given no mercy, none at all.

  16. Harry Law says:

    Things are getting interesting in Batley and Spen

    Labour’s desperation ploy to salvage Batley and Spen by-election at risk of implosion just 4 days after selection

    Keir Starmer is under pressure to suspend Labour’s new candidate for the Batley and Spen by-election, after pro-Israel groups took exception to a tweet by Kim Leadbeater.

    Leadbeater, the sister of the constituency’s murdered former MP Jo Cox, tweeted about a visit to a local shop for an Indian Muslim Welfare Society fundraiser for Palestine – but was accused of posing with ‘antisemitic’ t-shirts portraying the erasure of Israel

    At the time of writing, the tweet – which triggered a ‘pile-on’ of hundreds of angry pro-Israel accounts attacking Starmer and the party as well as Leadbeater – had not been deleted.

    • Taxi says:

      Oh man wow the level of jewish skulduggery, duplicity and subterfuge in Batley and Spen’s By-Elections is just mindblowing. Batley and Spen as microcosmic example of macrocosmic jewish conspiracies and evil.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Tom. It’s great news that at least 15.000 israeli jews are making moves towards reverse-aliya. But you know what? There’s something very, very fishy about this story. I mean, I am always suspicious of rounded up numbers that governments release. I never believe these numbers’ accuracy. Also, I was at the American embassy in Beirut some three weeks ago to get my passport renewed. The place is waaaay overstaffed and it took only 6 days for them to issue me a new passport. I have no doubt that the US embassy in israel has a larger budget with a larger staff. The American embassies worldwide have a very streamlined passport-application bureaucracy: simple and to the point, therefore making the procedure nice and short and quick. My English friend in Lebanon applied to renew her UK passport at the UK embassy in Beirut. She had to fill in 9 frigging pages of form and wait 3 months for her new passport. Me, I had to fill in one and a half pages of form and got my passport back in 6 days – and Lebanon has Corona too. I don’t know exactly what it is, but there’s something about this story that’s just not adding up. I mean they could easily get extra temporary staff at the US embassy in israel just to process these so-called 15.000 expired passports, no?

    • Taxi says:

      Oh man I so enjoyed your link’s blog – excellent and delicious. Thank you dear hillcountry for bringing it to us. Fantastic stuff in there lol.

  17. Taxi says:

    Howdy y'all – sorry for my absence from the boards this afternoon – life stuff to do etc., and now I'm back home and too tired to do anything that requires focus and clarity.  I shall therefore bid you a super cool day/evening, and I hope to respond to visitor's comments tomorrow with the help of some spunky brain cells.  And thanks to everyone for commenting and thanks also to regular and new visitors to Plato's.

    But before I go, here's a a quick little nugget or two for you. 

    Soon as the very first Gaza rocket fell on that road in Jerusalem two weeks ago, the israeli military went into emergency preparations on the norther border with Lebanon.  All along the border, new israeli military posts suddenly got erected here and there, and the israeli reserve soldiers manning them raised their 'war flags' then disappeared from open view.  Naturally, Hezbollah saw all this and just smiled and let the jew boys be.  Well, yesterday, all these posts were hurriedly dismantled, and with them the israeli war flags were taken down too – the reservists left the border in a hurry. 

    Today, some Leb teens from a border village went to one of these dismantled posts, quickly planted the Palestinian flag there and set off a bunch of firecrackers and ran back to their village across the border.  About fifteen minutes later, some israeli drones and a robotic gizmo were sent by remote control to pull the Palestinian flag down and to scan the surround for any planted explosives.   The bot broke down halfway through the job and another one was sent as replacement soon after.  The replacement came and finished the scan but at a much slower pace than the first one: nothing on site was detected by the new robot but for firework debris.  It took over five hours for the israelis to clear the scene, all the time Hezbollah's eyes watching – all the time the israeli drones not spotting Hezbollah.  Suddenly, a jeep driving like crazy arrived to where the bots were and four israeli soldiers jumped out, quickly grabbing both bots, and all stuffed themselves into the jeep and sped off like their lives depended on it.

    Well, one of the teens who planted the Palestinian flag is the nephew of a guy from the village where I live.  The uncle said to me earlier: "My teenage nephew and his friends get bored and sometimes they work the enemy, you know, get them busy for nothing."   "But that's some dangerous games they play, no? I asked, concerned. “Nah,”he replied, "the boys know every rock and tree branch on the other side of the wire – they've been playing this game of crossing over for a few years.  Sometimes they come back with things that enemy soldiers leave behind after a night stakeout."  "Like what?" I asked.  "Like hebrew newspapers, canned food and sweet wrappers with hebrew writing; and one time they found just one military boot – but the best find was a gun, an israeli gun!"  He chuckled and added "the soldier forgot his gun."  "And what happened to this gun?" I asked.  "My nephew's friend kept it, intending to use it in the next war against the enemy.  But the Hezb heard about it, went to his house, took the gun away and asked his parents to keep their son away from the border.  But, you know our young boys,  you can't stop them – they still cross the border when they're bored."

    Readers, every now and then, I hear of stories of Leb civilians crossing the border for shits and giggles.  I most certainly have never heard of israeli civilians crossing into Lebanon for shits and giggles.  The israelis have militarized the border all they possibly can.  Yet, it remains porous.

    The thing to also know here is that as soon as the War of Liberation kicks off, major focus by the Resistance will also be on clearing the border with occupied Palestine so as to allow Palestinians refugees in Lebanon to practice their 'Right of Return'.  Syria will be doing the same on its border with israel too.  Resistance plans are already set to establish specific safe entry points for these returning refugees, and at these entry points, weapons will be handed to these refugees to defend themselves with inside of israel.  There will indeed be untold scores of Palestinian refugees living in Syria and Lebanon who will swarm the border to re-enter Historic Palestine to reclaim their land, even as the war rages inside israel proper.

    In a sense, the core of the next war will be to facilitate the Palestinian Right of Return, by force of arms.  At gun point, Palestinians were made refugees, and by the gun they will be returning.

    This is legal under International Law.  And what the UN in some 73 years couldn't enforce, the Axis of Resistance aims to deliver.


    • grr says:

      "Resistance plans are already set to establish specific safe entry points for these returning refugees, and at these entry points, weapons will be handed to these refugees to defend themselves with inside of israel."


      Wow, love it. The genius of the Resistance keeps on amazing me. But isn't it a (Zionist) fact that Arabs can't think, can't plan, and can't co-operate?

      And this tactic also increases the armed resistance substantially and will crate so many flashpoints the Joo 'security' services will be overwhelmed.

      Viva la resistance!

  18. WBDuncan says:


    This is amazing (sorry I couldn't load an image) but afterall life goes on.

    Just the thing for a drive to Chateau Musar for a Sat afternoon tasting.

    Recently, Lebanon, a middle eastern country, unveiled its first electric sports car, Quds Rise EV, for $30,000 only. Considering the economic status of Lebanon, this seemed quite impressive.

    This affordable electric car is a product of a local Lebanese company, EV Electra LTD., and will be called “Quds Rise EV.”

  19. mike-florida says:

    More on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's great victory for a 4th term – 78% voter-turnout – and he's only 55 years old. The link includes a nice video with pix of Dr. Assad and his lovely wife – and the huge, celebrating crowds. An amazing feat by Syria's president has achieved, never, ever backing down despite 10 year onslaught by the rich & powerful Empire, which failed to bring him down. Syria stands tall and proud. Cheers to Dr. Assad and the celebrating Syrian people, who have set a world-wide example to so many. Additionally, Lebanon must also be proud of their Hezbollah's vital assistance to Syria defeating its invaders, while also protecting their own Lebanon homeland. Seldom in history have two such small naitons overcome such a challenge. Bravo.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ MF,

      I’ve always been [and always will be] a proud man.

      This pride is based upon the things I’ve done and achieved throughout my life.

      However, as a westerner, I feel embarrassed to see what the western world is willing to do to remain somewhat important. Those leaders, in no way, represent me.

      I think you’re in a likewise predicament; you are you, but those who pretend to represent you [govern over you], don’t even come close to who you really are.

      It’s a really f***d up place to be in.

      To the left; a rock.

      To the right; a hard place.

      Not your choice, but still a horrid reality to find yourself in.

  20. Taxi says:

    ‘A land without people for a people without a land’ – this here be the biggest jew lie – not as big as the holocaust lie, but still a biiiiiiig lie:

    • grr says:

      "…not as big as the holocaust lie, but still a biiiiiiig lie"

      Here's a  huge lie of the disgusting British Empire; Terra Nullis. A lie to cover up another great land theft and genocide.

      • Taxi says:

        Terra Nullis (Latin for ‘nobody’s land). An unconscionable justification for colonial crimes committed against natives. ‘Nobody’s land’ quickly becomes nobody’s children, nobody’s water, nobody’s diamonds, nobody’s artifacts etc. Despicable, klepto-supremacist mindset!

  21. 5 dancing shlomos says:

      No longer are the Palestinians happy with just a pitiful ‘crumb of land with no autonomy’ offered to them by Israel under Oslo, they are now unanimously demanding the return of all their land ‘from the river to the sea

    Yes, take back all of Palestine. Palestine belongs to the Palestinians not one particle to alien parasites. Yid can leave for a Jersey landfill. Take nothing but your body odor and pretend language. Not one Yid remains. Everything Yid has is stolen.


    I would like to see a Greater Syria return. A large, strong country; many great cities; tourist attractions; resources; coastline. Bashar al Assad would be first president.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, 5 dancing sholoms. Actually, in every Arab Levantian country, there exists branches of a secular political party know as ‘The Syrian Social Nationalist Party’, whose manifesto is all about cancelling the wretched Sykes-Picot border and re-creating a united Greater Syria again. I support this, not for political reasons, but for pragmatic reasons. If the Levant is one single nation, then their security and their prosperity could be easily guaranteed in the future against the ravages of wars inflicted on the good people of the Levant. And this Greater Syria would be excellently self-sufficient, with its own agriculture, water, petrol, gas, massive army etc. The Levant as a whole has absolutely everything in it. The Syrian Social Nationalist Party also already has an active Resistance group. Their fighters have fought many battles shoulder-to-shoulder with Hezbollah and against the invading israelis.

      Syrian Social Nationalist Party

  22. Taxi says:

    I just visited the comment section at Unz (where my article was republished), and I read all 250+ comments while having my morning coffee.  So many crasshead commenters there lol – definitely not gonna respond to any stupid fucks at the Unz, that's for damn sure.  Although I do have to  give intelligence credit to a small handful of commenters there too.

    What struck me about the consensus of the comment thread there (thus far) is that even though I outline the impossible military bind that israel currently finds itself in (active existential threat within and without), with no other exit for it possible at this stage except the war path that will lead to its death, still, the jew brainwash is so damn intense, even on some pro Palestine supporters, that it's hard for people to see israel as a loser.

    Well, what can I say except they're in for quite the surprise in the near future.  I don't aim to convince anybody, I only endeavor to share local (but significant) details; share also the mood and the zeitgeist of the locale that hardly ever gets mention in the msm.  Without access to info on the 'other side', one's perception of the reality of the situation will always be incomplete, therefore all judgement on it will be inaccurate.

    The brainwashing msm gives its readers only the view of one side of the coin – and even this, they heavily distort with sugars and violins, thus distorting actual gritty reality, while simultaneously never, ever giving readers a true view of the other side. 

    How small and nebulous looks the world with only one blurry eye open.

    (Unz comments here)

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      I especially like the pseudo psycho babble about your personality, as if those commenters really do know you in person. 

      That, and the usual hasbara hags being out in full force :o]

      • Taxi says:

        “… pseudo psycho babble about your personality, as if those commenters really do know you in person.”

        I know, right?! LOL! They’re sooooo far off the mark; and they always will be.

    • grr says:

      I don’t know how you could read them all, I wanted to scream at the ignorance after just a few; such as this sarcastic pearl of wisdom “Yeah, sure, Palestinians are calling the shots, with rocks and homemade rockets… “.

      The ignorance is outstanding.

      Anyway he/she who laughs last, laughs best!


      • Taxi says:

        Meh, who cares what the stupidos think of you or me, or anything else for that matter. Water off a duck’s back.

  23. Daniel Rich says:

    Nothing beats HUMINT.

    It is precious to have a person that knows the lay of the land, feels the pulse of the people and is fueled by a willingness to stand tall like Wadjet.

    Thank you, taxi.

    • Taxi says:

      Wow “wadjet’! Never seen anyone on the internet use this word before lol! Sincere thanks, dear Daniel.

  24. Taxi says:

    Well, well, well, the BLM movement that jewy Soros infiltrated, distorted and corrupted with mega dollars and endless waves of positive, global-mass media is now beginning to turn against the talmudic tribe.  The Sword of Jerusalem claims another victory, but this time, it's a victory that also ironically benefits faraway, captive Americans:

    Really, we have to thank the jews for previously galvanizing the bleating, race-focused, Black Identerians and their millions of White and Brown supporters, having them as a ready-made megaphone for anti-racism/anti-Apartheid slogans: thus saving us much-much work, trouble and energy.  Very useful and timely to have mouth-soldiers ready for action.  At least some measure of good can be extracted out of this awful BLM movement that took advantage of many people's genuine goodness and desire for an equitable society.

    Un-PC criticism of israel spread so widely in the US these past two weeks that it broke the hideous PC wall that jews had erected and held strong against us all for such a frigging long time.  The unusual, copious amount of open criticism of israel these past two weeks undid the censor's lip-zip and beat back the jewy hands strangling our First Amendment.  What happened in Gaza recently has actually altered the fabric of our current American socio-political discourse.  More Americans than ever before outright dismissed the jew card being played against Gaza.  Decent Americans bravely spoke out for Palestinians, risking the wrath of the jewish social-media hoards and their predictable 'antisemite' smear.  One could even say that the martyrs of Gaza made America free again.  The First Amendment is breathing better, all thanks to the Sword of Jerusalem effect.

    • Taxi says:

      LOL thanks Canthama. Actually, on the second day of Sword of Jerusalem, word spread through the protesting Palestinians to smile if they get arrested. Indeed, many of them did just that: smile while in handcuffs.

    • grr says:

      The young woman under arrest has a big happy smile, head up and proud; the Zionist cop’s face is downcast, and taut with worry.

      Says it all really.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ GRR,

        the Zionist cop’s face is downcast, and taut with worry.”

        That happens when you know what you’re doing is not backed up by any sense of justice. 

        The profound pride on the arrested lady’ face works like a spiritual periapt, against the evil that surrounds her on all sides. 

        Kudos to her.

  25. TEP says:

    Taxi, this has to be profoundly significant, especially the timing. The Resistance axis members KNOW that they now have escalation control. Iran can strategically supply and upgrade the members military capabilities and there is very little the zionists can do about it. The Game is over and I suspect many israelis also know it. Like you say – the die-hard zionists will stay and in their arrogance eventually trigger the final war, though I agree with a comment on a previous post that there will be more battles before that.


    Iran ready to boost Syria defenses

  26. Taxi says:

    Greetings y'all from the lush, springtime Levant.  Al-Manar TV, Hezbollah's official TV station whose news is always a reliable source of Resistance news, ie they don't lie about their Resistance news, conducted an interview last night with Mr. Ibrahim Ameen, a Hezbollah insider, and the Sword of Jerusalem was the topic.

    Mr. Ameen said that during the battle of the Sword of Jerusalem, the top Gaza Resistance leaders from both Hamas and Islamic Jihad managed to come to Beirut through 'special routes'.  They did this trip twice apparently, in order to hold meetings with Iranian, Syrian, Iraqi, Houthi and Hezbollah's military leaderships, who'd established a joint room of operations in Beirut on the first day of Sword of Jerusalem.  The idea was for the Axis of Resistance to monitor the situation and be prepared to coordinate together their militaries should israel decide "to go crazy" and take the battle in Gaza to the next level.  As it turned out, israel packed up its missiles and diapers on the 11th day.

    The mere fact that Gaza's military leaders TWICE managed to go to Beirut and back to Gaza, completely undetected by the humongous israeli military intel tells us that the wily Resistors have ways and methods of safely bypassing not just the Gaza siege, but also the israeli northern border patrols and all their hi-techs and added reserves soldiery.

    I find this quite incredible.  Their tunnel systems now must be linked from Gaza all the way to south Lebanon.  The distance between these two points is 229 km – that's 142 miles worth of tunnels that have been constructed without detection by the jewish enemy whose monster eyes are most numerous and everywhere.

    Mr. Ameen said that the Axis of Resistance was more than ready throughout the Sword of Jerusalem to go to regional war in defense of Palestine and all its land, including especially, of course, Jerusalem.  The situation was "inches away" from regional war, he said.

    He also said that the 4,000+ rockets that Gaza fired at israel in 10 days, Hezbollah could do in half an hour.

    Apparently, also during battle, the Iraqi Resistance managed to send a camera-drone over to the borders of Gaza-israel, take footage of israeli military posts there, transmit them to Gaza and return back to Iraq completely undetected.

    He also said that the weapons that Gaza used in Sword of Jerusalem were the most basic weapons in their arsenal; that Gaza possesses precision weapons that it would have used had the battle continued and progressed into a regional war.

    He said that israel was so shocked by Gaza's unexpeceted missile targets, by the unusual mass rebellion that took place in the 48-Triangle, and by the immense protests that broke out against it worldwide, and especially the mass protests that broke out on the Lebanon and Jordan borders with israel, which were very heated.  He added that strategically speaking, the israelis needed to immediately narrow the battle parameter so as not to spread itself too thin, hence it avoided any major escalation on its borders where these mass Jordanian and Lebanese protests were taking place.  They could not treat these protests like they normally do with the Gaza border protests, ie: kill unarmed protestors at the Jordanian and Lebanese borders.  

    With regards to the two new and vital strategies that have now been imposed on israel (Gaza's direct military connection to Jerusalem now, and Nasrallah's 'Jerusalem for regional war), Mr Ameen said that any attempt by israel to challenge these two new realities by force will bring nothing but "extreme troubles" to israel, ie outbreak of the big war.  He said all the gains from the Sword of Jersualem will be staunchly defended "by all means available."

    When asked if the Hezb is handcuffed by Leb's internal financial and political crisis, with regards to participating in a regional war, Mr. Ameen said that "a regional war would solve these domestic Lebanese problems that were manufactured by the US on behalf of israel."  He added: "any time US power and the powers of its allies in the region are challenged by the Resistance, especially challenged on battlefields, this always undoes some of the problems that the US has entangled us in."

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,


      As a firefighter, the last thing you want to see is a wall of fire all around you.

      Of course, in this case, the fighter can’t even fight, but still. 

      I simply don’t see this entity roll over. Whatever happens next, has to be forceful and decisive. It is great to hear the Axis of Resistance is working so closely together, plus the additional fact that leaders can move around so freely, from one country to the next. I remember the picture of Nasrallah in Iran, last year or so. I’m glad everything that always used to work for Occupied Palestine, is backfiring with a pure, vastation vengeance.

    • john says:

      <I>I find this quite incredible.  Their tunnel systems now must be linked from Gaza all the way to south Lebanon</I>

      Yeah, really, intriguing stuff. The Ho Chi Minh trail's subterranean matrix extended up to 200 miles in certain areas, and was largely impervious to US bombs and CIA <I>intelligence</I>. It won the war.

      I like to imagine some liaison from the Gaza Strip scrambling up north underground, emerging by some baker's kiln in southern Lebanon, grabbing a quick <I>knefeh</I>, stepping outside and hailing…taksi! 

      • Taxi says:

        Heh heh “taksi!” – I love that. Thank you, john.

        You’d be surprised how structurally advanced these tunnels are. More like cruising from Gaza to Sth Lebanon, not ‘scrambling’. I’ve seen several Hezbollah tunnels: ones built in the 90’s. They’re at Mleeta Park here in the south – now defunct and open for visitors. Super cool shit, re-enforced everywhere. I can only imagine how much more improved at tunnel-making they are by now. If Hamas or Hezbollah were basketball fans, they’d probably put a basketball court down there too heh.

    • Saladin says:

      Hi Taxi and all. Great new post Taxi. I've often wondered how extensive the Resistance tunnel system is. I mean, we knew it was extensive, but exactly how long and how universally connected. If it's true that it extends from Beirut or south Lebanon to Gaza, (and why not?) that means crack Hezbollah first line fighters can enter the fray FROM GAZA. That should for sure strike terror in the heart of the settler state. The main thing is they can easily share intel and munitions, but also bring far greater fighter strength to bear when it counts. Amazing to contemplate what all this implies.

      • Taxi says:

        Houthis can enter Gaza through the Lebanon tunnels too, no? Heh heh! My fantasy of seeing sandaled Houthis swanning around the holy land is not so far fetched after all.

  27. Taxi says:

    Although israel has ceased strikes on Gaza, the unarmed Palestine civil resistance inside of israel continues its protests with gusto.  I wanna give a huge love and solidarity shout-out to them: they are in actual fact unarmed and on the very front lines of the conflict, vulnerable to violent attacks, to fatal injury or imprisonment at every minute of every day.  RESPECT!  I'm truly moved by their soulful courage. 

    Their strategy is to keep up heated civil resistance in the aftermath of the Sword of Jerusalem, and all the way to liberation day.  They intend to keep the privileged jewish invaders continuously rattled and living in a state of perpetual unease.  They intend to make them live with the same physical insecurities that the klepto jews have for decades forced on the Palestinian people.  They will not allow jews to live a 'normal' life anymore, and they are prepared to make the necessary sacrifices to keep the pressure up on the cowardly israeli society.  Do not ever think that these resisting Palestinians will now allow for the return of the old israel-imposed status quo.  They'd rather die than return back to a demoralized past.  They have tasted but a single bite of victory from the fruits of the Sword of Jerusalem, and they want more-more-more of the same.  Nothing else matters now except the taking of another bite, a big-big bite of victory. 

    Pro Palestinian protests and marches have also continued around the world, despite the end of combat between israel and Gaza.  Everybody is still in an excitable state.

  28. Bornajoo says:

    "I simply don’t see this entity roll over. Whatever happens next, has to be forceful and decisive." 

    Hi Daniel, I agree with you. It must be a highly coordinated, multi-fronted attack including Hezbollah in the North, gaza in the South, all the West Bank territory, the 48 group already inside, plus the SAA liberating the Golan Heights which is of course their legal right under international law

    The fact that they are already meeting with each other, which is supposed to be impossible, is a great sign and something we'd never know about without our 'ear on the ground'. So thanks again for all this great information Taxi! 

    • Taxi says:

      Sure the israeli military won’t be rolling over. I’m pretty sure the Axis of Resistance strategists already know this and have their contingency plans to roll over them real good and as fast as possible.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ Bornajoo,

      The fact that they are already meeting with each other, which is supposed to be impossible, is a great sign and something we’d never know about without our ‘ear on the ground’. So thanks again for all this great information Taxi! ”

       I talked to many combat veterans. The thing I took away from it was that these men were so reluctant to talk about their  XP to begin with, but also how all plans went down the shitter the moment shots were fired. I judge people [whether I like ’em or not] by the way they act in reality. I don’t give a f*** about words. The reality, as I see it, is a dire situation for Occupied Palestine, as the Axis of Resistance is now able to hit right back.

      When this happens , the KO will be swift and deadly, as Occupied Palestine isn’t able and/or capable to really put up a fight.

      It’s [finally] over. 

      Time out…

  29. Taxi says:

    Let's see: last week and this week saw two of Empires hotshots get beat up real good.  Saudi Arabia and israel both got an excellent thrashing.  We've already seen footage of Gaza's first-time-ever attacks on to tel aviv etc.  Here below is a video of what the Houthis have been doing to saudi arabia.  I timed the video to play at minute 32:20, which is a couple of minutes before the end of the video, because that's the latest Houthi attack and the one that I just saw on Arab TV.  The video is actually spectacular and very much worth watching from beginning to end.  It is a compilation of some of the victorious Houthi battles this year.  Watch/download etc before it gets disappeared – it was uploaded only today and the jew censors are especially sore-arsed this weekend and may very well nab it.

    So… who the hell in the Middle East can Empire rely on now?  UAE?  Bahrain? LOL!

    • Taxi says:

      Oh yeah and Empire also got a political thrashing from Bashar with his mega landslide Presidential victory.  Really, it was the Syrian voters in their millions  who bitchslapped Empire at least thirteen million times.

      Poor wittle yanky ting.  Here's a made-in-China bucket of sand for head-burying.

    • grr says:

      What would be great to see from Yemen is the capture of NATO/MI6/CIA/SF of various military backers, and then their trials and executions.
      At 7:35 if that overweight terrorist that thought he could outrun resistance bullets is indicative of Saudi/mercenary “soldiers” then they have nothing.

      No mercy.

  30. Linda J Najar says:

    wow, awesome article posted on a few Palestinian sites on FB …thanks from a Syrian American who has been standing up to Jewish zionist power in the U.S.

    • Taxi says:

      Howdy Linda! Thanks for visiting Plato’s. Say hi to all your Palestinian friends on FB. We love Syria too, here on Plato’s.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Linda J Najar/taxi,

        I love justice where ever I run into it.

        It's faceless, but omnipotent.

        Peace be upon all of ya

  31. Taxi says:

    The day after, all israeli jews returning to their land of origin should be individually investigated in their country of origin by a special tribunal looking for crimes done by them in the holy land.  And should there be evidence of such crimes, or even evidence of aiding and abetting, then their voting rights should be stripped from them in the same way we strip hardened criminals from their voting rights.

    You'd probably end up with just a handful of voting jews.

  32. Taxi says:

    On the second day of the Sword of Jerusalem, when that video of sunbathing tel avivians scramming away from the beach in fear went viral, many Lebanese intentionally spent the day on the beach as an expression of solidarity with Palestinians.

    And speaking of bitches and peachy beaches, I'm a-going surfside for a swim today – first time this year woohooooooo!

    Helllllo Mediterranean!

    Laterz gunnerz!

    • john says:

      The Tyrrhenian sirens are calling here as well…

      ♫ 🎶 Oh, that magic feeling ♪ 🎶

      Have a good one.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, John.

      Long day at the beach – nice and mushy I am now.  Dinner, movie, sleep.  Oh perfect day.

  33. Taxi says:

    No, we don't expect the Apartheid jews to change their sadistic behavior, especially towards children.  Don't these dumb jews realize that nothing provokes world hatred more than cruelty and abuse of children?  Ooops, almost forgot, jews live off the hatred of others.  It's what makes them happy.  And it's why they should be sentenced to swing from trees:

    • john says:

      I watched the Palestinian film, The Present, the other evening…I guess the opening scenes were shot clandestinely at checkpoint 300. It's pretty depressing, but fortunately a cortometraggio.

      Quick, effective, and to the point.

    • grr says:

      Oooh my blood is boiling at these odious cowards. These murderous cockroaches have a well deserved reckoning looming.

      BTW the murderous and genocidal Javanese military, police, and settlers are doing this same thing in West Papua, but totally off the radar due to US mining capital influence.

  34. Taxi says:

    Mia Khalifa, who apparently is a catholic-Lebanese-American ex porn star with over 24.1 million Instagram followers and 3.7 million Twitter followers, well, she's rocking some serious zionist-bashing and freaking out da twitter djuwz.  She called Gad Gadot a "Genocide Barbie" (heh heh!), bitchslapped Amber Heard for being a zionist, never misses an opportunity to give support to Palestine and had this to say about the terrorist jewish state:

    Heh heh!

  35. Taxi says:

    Seriously, jews?  You think an animated superhero will save your asses from… well, the death and destruction coming your way?  Or is this stupidity below the jewish nanny-state's way of giving comfort and security to the mass of infantile, idiot israeli jews?

  36. Taxi says:

    Even a decade before Sword of Jerusalem, reverse-Aliya was very much on the minds of israeli jews:

    I doubt the israeli gov will be releasing any stats on reverse-Aliya in the near future, but we know for damn sure that now, post Sword of Jerusalem, a chunk of the jewish population in israel have turned into Mexican jumping beans: give them just a little heat and watch them jumping-jumping… ship.

  37. albagen says:

    taxi, the etimology of reverse-aliya? i know what it is but its origins are not clear to me. searched the web but no definition. of course, a taboo concept… :-d

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks for providing the info, dear Antonio.

        And thanks too to Albagen for your healthy curiosity and interest in learning more about the evil machinations and lexicon of the terrorist jewish State. Please feel free to always ask questions here on Plato’s.

  38. Daniel Rich says:

    Do rabbit zionists have any idea how much they reveal about their own personality, when they utter things like:

    "Anti-Zionism unites dysfunctional, resentful, violent and/or low IQ people worldwide!"

    I wonder, which one am I…?

  39. Daniel Rich says:

    Another Occupied Palestine goon that finds the soil below his feet more interesting than the real world around him.

  40. sarz says:
    Hello Taxi. Here’s a small piece of good news. The Yang Zionist guy currently running for mayor of New York finds he made the wrong opportune move and has sunk in the polls by half. In Hymietown! 
    My own quirky long held reading is there has been a major split for over ten years amongst the big Jews, finance-first (A) versus Israel-first (B). Israel was brought about by finance, but took on a life of its own, and by bringing Jews and their sorrows to centre-stage as a vehicle for the total corruption of American politics, came to serve the big money Jews in a way they might not have expected. But Israel is not just an embarrassment now it is a burden to big money Jews. The Mega group, the B billionaires, has shrunk. We now see combat between two big (crypto-) Jews, Trump and Biden. Biden cannot bring back the nuclear treaty because the way is blocked by B Jews in Congress. Biden will of course go through the motions of supporting Israel but the B Jews are aware of course what he’s up to. (Two of them wrote about in the Tablet,) Israel as we know it will no longer exist. If it is not destroyed it will be Sorosified—the last one to go. 
    Your post-Gaza stuff is bringing smiles to many long-despondent people. It’s your knowledge and your writing skill but most of all your conviction. Thanks. 

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, dear Sars, and wow what a great article you bring us: collating the numerous cultural losses that israel has suffered inside the US, all due to the Sword of Jerusalem effect. Yeah absolutely: the proverbial ‘Overton Window’ has dramatically shifted overnight in favor of the Palestinians. But, we still need for this to translate politically INSIDE of the Senate and Congress. Actually, come to think of it, the Axis of Resistance doesn’t really need for the US political classes to stop supporting israel; what it needs is the moral support of the American people, which apparently is plentiful and sanguine. Americans are now braving themselves and taking risks right of their own volition to call a spade, a spade: to call israel an ‘Apartheid State’. The more widespread the name of ‘israel’ is connected and associaated with the word ‘Apartheid’, the sooner the American tax payers can keep their hard earned taxes out of the reach of genocidal, jewish hands. I ask readers and commenters here to, from here on, always use the phrase ‘Apartheid israel’ whenever they publicly reference the terrorist jewish state.

      Let us all applaud the victories of the Sword of Jerusalem whose positive ripple effects have even reached the American shores.

      Let us all know that the Sword of Jerusalem was but a drill for the coming War of Liberation.

      • Golden Rule Please says:

        I'd like to get a bumper sticker that says something like "Defund Israel" and maybe a companion to go with it that says "Expose the Talmud".

        And I'd love to see such stickers get plastered everywhere.

        The best thing would be to have a url on the stickers that does indeed expose the Talmud as the vilest, most supremacist and hateful "book" that has ever existed on the planet. 

        Does anyone have a particularly good link for learning the truth about the Talmud?

        This is probably the best single article I've come across:


      • Taxi says:

        “Defund Apartheid Israel”. I’d go with that. It’ll get more thumbs up than stickers that negatively reference (so-called) religious text. The time for the exposure of the talmud will come after the death of israel, when people trying to make sense of it all begin fingering with curiosity at the content and influence of the talmud on jewish behaviorism.

        Even though I’ve read some of the talmud’s tracktates and much talmudic analysis too, mostly penned by jewish writers, right now I can only think of Ron Unz’ writings on jewish habits and habitats. I’m thinking of this article here below:

        American Pravda: Oddities of the Jewish Religion

    • Taxi says:

      And btw, dear Sarz. Honestly, I don’t aim to bring “smiles” to despondent people with my writings. I only merely intend to pass on the inspired progress of the Axis of Resistance that the jewy msm is loathed to disseminate.

  41. Daniel Rich says:

    This might be of interest: Establishment comic John Oliver breaks ranks with the zionists and all hell breaks loose

    Excerpt: "It's a well known fact that the totality of corporate journos and entertainers, under penalty of career cancellation, obediently toe the imperialist line, that's why unless you watch or read alternative media sources (like this one) you are liable to be consuming nothing but the smelly servings of the Ministry of Truth. That's the case therefore with all major comedians approved by the empire, a select group of extremely well paid people which includes Steven Colbert, Bill Maher, John Oliver, and others of equivalent caliber."

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Daniel. As the great Irish poet, W. B. Yeats, once wrote: “…Things fall apart; the center cannot hold…”

      The Second Coming, a poem by Yeats.

      A fundamental fault with jewish thinking is that they believe in the concept of permanency. They believe that once at the top, they will forevermore remain thus. They really ought to drop the freakish talmud as guide and take up the Chinese ‘Book of Wisdom’ for consultancy in State affairs, as indeed the Chinese leaders have always done throughout history. The book advises leaders how to best operate while in times of yin, and how to function in times of yang. It doesn’t provide advise for only a single mode of movement. It very much takes into account the cyclical, cosmic law of ‘what goes up, must come down. And what is down, must come up’.

  42. Taxi says:

    During Sword of Jerusalem, the Houthis offered the armed Palestinian Resistance to send Houthi missiles fired from Yemen at tel aviv.  The Palestinians thanked them and said 'We've got this one, bros."

    Nasrallah, during his recent "Jerusalem for regional war" speech was visibly choking with emotion and had to stop speaking for a few seconds in order to collect himself again, when he was recounting how the Houthi leader, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, had told the Palestinians in his speech that was televised during mid Sword of Jerusalem battle: "We will do anything and everything to help our brothers in Palestine.  We are prepared to share our weapons. We are prepared to share our food, we are prepared to share our bread with Palestine."  Nasrallah said of this Houthi level of solidarity with Palestinians: "Our brothers in Yemen are themselves starving and in great suffering, yet they are more than prepared to share the little that they have with the Palestinians."

    There is no doubt whatsoever that come the War of Liberation, the Houthis will be involved in attacking israel.  The israelis know this and are heavily pressuring the saudis, with the help of the despicable criminal MbZ of UAE, to keep the Yemen war going, although saudi arabia and its allies (US, israel, UAE) are clearly losing the war. 

    Israel's new strategy for Yemen is for UAE to occupy Yemeni islands and hand them over to the israeli military.  Coincidentally, MbZ arranged yesterday for a plane-load of israeli "tourists" to visit the Yemeni island of Socotra, currently under both UAE and israeli occupation. (So the mossad and the israeli military are now fucking 'tourists' in Yemen?! LOL!). Yemen, in response hotly warned MbZ with: "You continue with this level of aggression against us and you will find our missiles endless in the heart of your palaces."

    I really do hope that MbZ continues with his aggression on Yemen.  It would be poetic justice to see not just MbZ palaces in smoking rubble, but also all them office high-rises made of glass in Abu Dhabi shattered before the cameras of the world, and all foreign investments fleeing the Gulf.

    The ending of the Yemen war will symbolize a HUGE military loss for the US, israel, saudi arabia and uae. This is what the Axis of Evil fears the most, with regards the Yemen file. Israel especially cannot afford another military loss at the heels of the Sword of Jerusalem.  It is therefore putting obsessive efforts in keeping the Yemen war active. 

    As if this will save israel from the hundreds of thousands of missiles about to rain on its criminal head.

    • grr says:

      "We will do anything and everything to help our brothers in Palestine.  We are prepared to share our weapons. We are prepared to share our food, we are prepared to share our bread with Palestine."  Nasrallah said of this Houthi level of solidarity with Palestinians: "Our brothers in Yemen are themselves starving and in great suffering, yet they are more than prepared to share the little that they have with the Palestinians."

      And that there, is one reason the Zionist controlled 'West' along with their shitty little settler state are doomed, as those Joo money power controlled societies have greed, selfishness, dishonesty,competitiveness, and love of money as their guiding principles.(did I miss any other negative traits LOL).

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, GRR.  You've pointed at exactly the fundamental difference in relationship between the Axis of Resistance and israel.  Israel's relationship with other members of the Axis of Evil are based on corruption, blackmail and coercion.  Whereas the Axis of Resistance have their relationships among each other all based on true brotherhood and friendship.

      Begs the question here: what sort of deviant, blackmail material do the jews have on MbZ that had him acting so very un-strategically and so very foolishly with his rush to normalize with israel?

  43. Harry Law says:

    Daniel Rich, It is to be welcomed that John Oliver sort of makes an attempt at 'hearing both sides' he said 'most rockets did not reach their targets and that 'iron dome is a real military defence system that really works'  that's not true [see Professor Theodore Postol   &nbsp; Professor Postol calculates 5% success rate, if that.  

    Oliver said "Most rockets did not reach their targets because iron dome really works" here he is parroting Israeli propaganda, NO, most rockets did not reach their targets because they had no guidance systems and fell on waste ground, those that were successful were because they were larger and were probably packed with more explosives and probably of a better design than earlier Hamas rockets. In the 2014 massacre Hamas were reputed to have sent approx 10,000 rockets,  again with no guidance systems just pointed in the general direction of the enemy, they caused minimal damage it was said most had little or no explosive warheads just flying pipes, they only succeeded in destroying the equivalent of 1 large building and  succeeded only in blowing up the desert. Whereas Israel killed over 2,000 people and destroyed 20,000 buildings at a replacement cost of $8 Billion dollars [Finkelstein]. It is said an army can only fight with the weapons it has, that is true, it is to be hoped [no, it is imperative that this targeting deficit with the help of the other members of the Axis of resistance who have it, is overcome as a matter of urgency]. This is not a critique of Hamas, but a practical and logical extension of what other Axis members already have.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ Harry Law,

      When asked why the resistance relied on bombs in strollers, the reply was as simple as succinct; “Give us airplanes, artillery and tanks, and we happily use those instead!”

      If this is what Palestine can do on its own [keep Occupied Palestine at bay], then what will await this malign entity, once the alpha males [the ones that do have plenty of guided munitions] join the fray…?

      I’m the kinda guy who plans way ahead, with a multitude of plans B/C/D/E in my back pocket, but still, when I look at Occupied Palestine, I know its days are numbered.

      Unca sammy’s sinking back into its shit-soaked depends. No longer a force to be reckoned with. The EU’s on its 3rd pair of teeth and no longer to be taken serious/ly.

      China and Russia are the future, something I wouldn’t have believed in 15 years ago. But it’s there. Can’t deny it.

      Even think it’s better to have level-headed individuals trying to steer this vessel we call Earth into a future we have no knowledge of.

  44. Harry Law says:

    Here is an analogy: imagine in the second World war the Air Chief Marshall had approached Churchill with a plan to send 10,000 bombers on a mission to bomb Germany, the bombers had no guidance and wandered off course over Finland or Norway or they did not have enough fuel and had to ditch in the North sea. All bombers lost, one German building hit. What would be the fate of the Air Chief Marshall? Excuse the Hyperbole. Again not criticizing Hamas who did a marvelous and courageous fight back with the disparity of arms.  What I am really saying is that in the next round of fighting the Axis of Resistance must act with a common purpose and as one. This is very difficult because each country may not be in the same political or military position to join combat together, take Iran for instance they are in the final negotiations with the US over the JCPOA or Syria who may be pressured by Russia. But it must be said that Israel/US are at present waging a war against the Axis of resistance in the form of severe sanctions against all of them [themselves acts of war] also as the saying goes, and the US/Israel would prefer, you must not fight back together, we would like you to be destroyed separately.

    • Taxi says:

      Don’t fret over Gaza’s weapons, dear Harry. And definitely don’t fret over other members of the Axis of Resistance not getting involved in the next war. It’s all been thoroughly taken care of by Axis of Resistance strategists. Really, there is no need to worry. Gaza only used its shittiest old weapons during Sword of Jerusalem, with the token ‘surprise’ here and there. And what else has the Axis of Resistance sacrificed, trained and lived for except to fight in the War of Liberation? This IS their only mission in life. And they are as committed to entering the War of Liberation as a mama bear is committed to defending her cub.

      It’s most fortunate that the core membership of the Axis of Resistance contains only two recognized nations: Syria and Iran. The rest of the members are non-state actors: flexible: beyond bureaucracy and outside influence and dictates. And it’s truly fortunate that both Syria and Iran are prepared to drop EVERYTHING on the international and domestic scene come the War of Liberation. After all, this war is of absolute paramount importance to their own national securities and futures.

      This here is how the next war will be executed: first, Palestine, Hezbollah and Syria will become engaged. Then, if need be, Yemen will step in. And last, Iran will step in, only if need be. Only if the American military gets involved would Iran get involved.

      Jordanian, Iraqi, Pakistani, Afghani, Algerian and Tunisian fighters will also be seeped in strategically, if need be.

      But first and foremost, it falls on israel’s direct neighbors of Palestine, Lebanon and Syria to carry the first load. And as I understand it, they can more than do the job by themselves.

      You will note that the Axis’s strategists will enter ‘upgraded’ members into the battle only should the war expand due to American and European interference. And if Iran gets involve, then you’d better believe that Russia and China will too get involved. After all, an intact Iran is now fundamental to both China and Russia’s national securities, as well as to their Silk Route 2 project that their economic futures depend on.

      The US strategists already know this, and it makes their position extremely-extremely complex. They know that victory cannot be guaranteed should they enter an expanded version of the War of Liberation; and a military loss in this war will not only destroy israel for sure, but it will also demolish America as a superpower, having lost the high seat of the Middle East and all.

      There will be no gun-ho US generals reflexively charging into the holy land to save israel. Not if it risks America its superpowedom. ‘Live to fight another day’ is the American military motto.

      • Harry Law says:

        Taxi, thanks for your interesting and considered reply, I think being a Devil's advocate is always important when addressing such complex issues, I am sure the Axis of resistance are under no illusions about what they are going to undertake.

      • emersonreturn says:

        i've never fretted over gaza's weapons or that the axis of resistance is stalwart & true.  i find the order of entry fascinating…if however syria & lebanon are the next relay partners, russia then is also there.  not that i doubt russia's commitment or resolve…certainly syria's entry in though brings russia & her shiny toys, some recent arrivals alter the med considerably.  if that's the plan & as the saying goes, russians don't go the bathroom without a plan, so i'm not disputing that russia is aware of the plan…it has to change/enter into the demented empire's strategy.   thank you, taxi, for your views.  

    • Taxi says:

      Yeah I saw that the other day and thought Haaretz and its sister-in-crime the nyt just wanna give themselves street cred in the face of Netanyahu’s right-wing disastrous leadership.

      I’ll believe both these jewy rags better should they ever establish a tangible, non-zionist pattern of editorship.

      But it’s helpful, and a first – so I’ll give them that.

  45. Canthama says:

    Erdogan and his terrorists are in serious trouble….as we all know well….al Qaeda/ISIS attack on Syria was in fact a project by US/UK/Israel/Erdogan with Qatar/UAE/KSA money…we know the GCC is trying to walk back from the crimes in Syria, basically shutting down the huge money flow to the terrorists, leaving Erdogan/Israel/US/UK to continue their game in Syria with al Qaeda/ISIS and the Kurds, while al Qaeda/ISIS is now very much dependent to Erdogan for funding, the Kurds are relying in US/UK/Israel for funding from oil and wheat stealing from Eastern Syria.

    The possible Erdogan loss in the next elections will seal the fate of al Qaeda/ISIS in Syria and the occupation of NW and northern Syria,  thus incredibly weakening the Kurdish card in NE /Eastern Syria, a very important domino effect may happen in Syria and Iraq, with serious implications for Israel/GCC plans in the ME for decades to come.

    This is why Erdogan's loss in the turkish elections is so important, a critical step to unleash the domino effect.


    Turkish Presidential election, run-off scenarios:

    Yavaş (CHP-S&D): 54% (+2)

    Erdoğan (AKP~NI): 46% (-2)


    İmamoğlu (CHP-S&D): 52% (+3)

    Erdoğan (AKP~NI): 48% (-3)



    • Durlin says:

      Canthma, do yo have any information on the two running in opposition to Erdo and if they're polacies will be any different than the sultans.  Are they patriots or empire boot lickers?

      • Canthama says:

        Hard to say, but the parties are supposedly more secular, which by itself would conflict with the hardcore Muslin Brotherhood from Erdogan.

        During the western backed coup in 2016, the coup leaders quickly announced retreating from Iraq and from the war on Syria, but again these people are long gone in Turkish prisons.

        No matter what, Turkey is in a deep economic hardship, serious crossroad, and solving it means find friendship and trade with neighbours, it is too early for the elections 1 year from now, as before, the satanic Erdogan can always pull a war card to rally nationalism….but this time, most foreign "supporters" want to see him gone, maybe even Russia due to Erdogan's military attempt against Armenia and recent public and military support to Ukraine.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ WBDUNCAN,

      Web sites that say things like this: “Word is that Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah has died. Now, I’m not one to talk badly of the dead [yes, you ff-ing do in the next bit], but, he’s hardly going to be a great loss to the world. Just ask any yemeni or arab for that matter.”

      F*** these people. Nasrallah is 60. Although not athletically built, his so-called shelf life ain’t over, yet. Sure, his day will come, jut like mine, but the world will keep on spinning, regardless.

      Ask Qasem Soleimani how that works…

    • Cloak And Dagger says:

      I will hazard a guess that even if the news of his demise is not exaggerated, a strategic leader like he, will undoubtedly have a cadre of heirs apparent selected, trained, and indoctrinated, to effortlessly slide into his chair and continue the mission without batting an eyelid.


      • Taxi says:

        Thanks, Cloak. You’re absolutely right.

        Hezbollah’s inner circle has a ‘Congress’. This Congress collectively makes ALL Hezbollah’s decisions, both military and political. The leader of the Congress (currently Nasrallah) is given the title of ‘Secretary’. The Secretary is the face and voice of this Congress. The Congress votes democratically on all concerning issues. Nasrallah is not the solo decision-maker. Nasrallah once told this story of how he tried to resign from his position (wanting to spend all his time on religious study and practice), but the Congress unanimously refused his resignation, so he had no choice but to remain as Secretary.

        The Congress, btw, consists of people whose names are not known. Nobody knows who they are; nobody knows who is next in line. But for sure, every member of this Congress is a Nasrallah. Before Nasrallah became Secretary, no one in Lebanon had ever heard of him.

        The Secretary’s face may change, but the plans remain the same. The song remains the same.

      • Taxi says:

        If memory serves, Hezbollah’s Congress has 12 members, including the chair of the Secretary.

      • Taxi says:

        Here’s an article on Nasrallah’s death rumors. It is published by An-Nahar, a popular, daily Leb paper that supports the Hariri block (March 14th) and is in opposition to the Aoun-Hezbollah block (March 8th):

        Nasrallah’s Health Reportedly Getting Better

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        "Here’s an article on Nasrallah’s death rumors. "

        The link ain't working. 

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Duncan. No news here whatsoever about Nasrallah’s demise.

      The enemy circulates this rumor every now and then. I’m actually surprised that it took the enemy this long to circulate the latest one, considering that they saw a sick Nasrallah speaking a WHOLE week ago. After a quick net-surf, I’m deducing that this rumor first issued out of israel and disseminated via saudi arabia.

      I assure you that if Nasrallah was truly gone, the south of Lebanon where I am would have exploded into loud mourning and non-stop prayers issuing out of every single mosque in every single shia village. Shias also cannot/do not hide the death of their own, being religiously obliged to bury them within 3 days, and also being obliged to carry the coffin in a loud funereal procession (a mini Ashura). This is also why shia casualties of war are always accurate. Death for shias is a public event. Even when an average shia dies, whether they be religious or not, whether they die in their village or in Timbuktu, their local mosque will announce it here in the south. All shia deaths are publicly announced, with instructions on where people can go to give their commiserations to the bereaved family. It’s simply impossible to hide a shia death, let alone the death of a shia leader.

      I’ve just scanned the local news and I can’t even find a news item reporting the rumor.

  46. Taxi says:

    Hey Daniel, here below is the An-Nahar link again, with referenced article copy-pasted:

    Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s health is “improving” and “is now better than it was during his latest TV appearance,” sources close to him have said.

    “He is specifically being treated for a spring allergy and pneumonia and it is not correct that he is infected with coronavirus,” the sources told the journalist Imad Marmal, who is close to Hizbullah and works for its al-Manar TV, in remarks published Tuesday in al-Joumhouria newspaper.

    “This is not the first time that Nasrallah suffers from this allergy and its complications, but he used to receive treatment without noise and without drawing the attention of anyone, because his illness never coincided with occasions obliging him to appear on TV,” the sources added.

    The sources also noted that Nasrallah has been examined by a specialist doctor and that he has not needed hospitalization until the moment.

    “Doctors, one of them based in the United States, have called to give their opinion on his condition, and they all agreed that Nasrallah is suffering from a natural allergy and pneumonia and that the dry weather and antibiotics will aid his recovery,” the sources added.

    “Nasrallah is continuing his work and his follow-up on the files he is concerned with in a calculated frequency through Hizbullah’s internal telecom network,” the sources went on to say.

    Marmal’s article also quoted a Hizbullah official who called Nasrallah two days ago as saying that he had personally inquired about the Hizbullah leader's health and that he felt that his voice had improved.

    The Hizbullah official also called for “dismissing the rumors that are being launched for distortion.”

    “Hizbullah’s leadership meanwhile informed its institutions and committees that Sayyed Nasrallah is fine and that there is no need to worry, adding that his illness is limited to a spring allergy and does not pose any danger,” the article adds.

    Israeli experts have suggested that Nasrallah’s situation in his latest speech had indicated that “the issue is not linked to a localized problem.”

    Others have meanwhile circulated claims that Nasrallah’s health had deteriorated and that he had “entered into a coma.”

    There were also on Tuesday social media rumors alleging that he has died, which Hizbullah supporters blamed on "Israeli and Saudi electronic armies."

    Nasrallah's Health Reportedly Getting Better

  47. Taxi says:

    The literal grounds in the holy land remain extremely shaky for everyone living there.  Gangs of armed, jewish terrorist-settlers are still roaming streets and attacking unarmed Palestinian citizens all over the holy land, especially in Jerusalem and in the West Bank, with the terrorist jewish police protecting the jewish terrorist-settlers as they commit these racist crimes.  Jews have stabbed Palestinians.  They have assaulted old women and young men alike.  They have remorselessly targeted Palestinian children with batons, with fists, with chains and even attempting to run them over with jewish-owned cars.  Terrorist settlers have burned massive Palestinian grazing fields in the West Bank.  They have also burned rows of cars in Palestinian neighborhoods.  Sure, the klepto jews have halted all their ethnic-cleansing eviction notices in Jerusalem since the so-called 'ceasefire', but they have increased their street violence against unarmed Palestinians everywhere.  It has gotten so bad that Hamas is loading up its launchers again. 

    The jewish knesset is in the middle of a nasty jew-on-jew political warfare where the victor will take the premiership: no one cares or dares to challenge the settlers right now, or ever. And what difference does it make who's in charge when all israeli leaders are war criminals with genocidal intention towards the Palestinians?  No jew in israel is checking settler violence.  And they won't be.  This is a mounting problem. Hamas will have to make some kinda move towards addressing this on-the-ground, low-level warfare that israel has launched against the Palestinians after its defeat in Sword of Jerusalem.  The supremacist losers are sore as hell and sadistically taking it out on unarmed Palestinian citizens.  All day long, here in the Leb, TV stations are broadcasting footage of jewish settlers and jewish police victimizing Palestinians with an array of violence and arrests.  Hamas has called for a 'Day of Rage' this coming Friday.  Palestinian voices are asking the PA to do something, but presently, the weakest Palestinian political party is the PA.  Even though the klepto jews have complied with the new status quo and have not trashed out the Al-Aqsa mosque this week, Hamas will probably have to strike hard at West Bank settlements in order to establish an added red line with them.   What else can the armed Palestinian Resistance do to stop the mounting street terrorism against unarmed Palestinians who are isolated, locally unprotected and at the mercy of the livid, evil jew?  I'm not saying that Gaza missiles will start flying at israel tomorrow, I'm saying that things are still hell-hot and shaky on the streets of occupied Palestine.  Anything can happen at any given point.  So much can still re-light the fuse.

    Meanwhile, in the city of Lid – that has 20% Palestinian residents who revolted to the max during Sword of Jerusalem – there appears to be a substantial reverse-Aliya taking place there, with jewish families stuffing up their cars with their belongings and leaving the city.  Interviewed on TV, departing jewish Lid residents are saying that they are too afraid to live in Lid now – that they are going elsewhere in israel: to the homes of their relatives, with the view of leaving israel.  "I have 3 kids, I don't think things will be normal here again," said a departing jewish resident of Lid to the cameras.  Many israelis feel this way too, but they're waiting for a 'new' government to be formed before they decide whether to leave israel or not.  These jewish fence-sitters are idiots if they believe that a new government will change any of its policies towards the Palestinians.  At best, they will temporarily freeze a single hard-core, anti Palestine policy, only to unfreeze it again when politically convenient.  That's it – that's all that's ever happened before.  Any jewish-israeli politician that takes his knee off the Palestine neck, or even talks about it, faces abuse and failure, and failure forever.  The Apartheid monster system has insured that all its bolts are welded and not just screwed in, so that no one is ever capable of easing up the screws or changing them.  It's a system that is 'Apartheid or death' – no in between, no room for compromise, no turns possible and no new ideas permitted.  It's a closed system till death.

    And may this death come sooner than later.

  48. Taxi says:

    Early this morning, right at the very gate of Shebaa Farms, right there at the actual gate: a rusty, old farm gate that looks like a 6 x 8 ft structure standing somewhat slanted and unmanned on a dirt road with green wilderness all around it; a gate that literally separates the Lebanon from the israeli military that's occupying the Shebaa, an incident there occurred.

    Four israeli Merkavas, six military trucks full of israeli soldiers, four jeeps with one of them shuttling a jewish camera crew, plus a bunch of israeli drones flying overhead: all motored in a single file towards this Shebaa Farm gate, with the mission of removing some 8 flags that Lebanese citizens had planted right atop the gate during Sword of Jerusalem.  The flags were of Hezbollah's, Amal and Palestine: color-matched and fluttering in the wind.

    The israeli military's bulky, macho caravan drove down the dirt road, bee-lining with intent straight at the gate, but then came to a sudden and complete halt some 200 yards away from it.  They subsequently spent FIVE HOURS trying to remove these flags from that distance, failing time after time because they were too nervous to get any closer to the gate, in case the planted flags were wired with explosives.  This had actually occurred once before on the borders of Gaza where an israeli soldier died when he tried to remove a wired Palestinian flag tied to the fence there (the video of it went viral).  End result this morning: the frustrated and maddened israeli crew left in an evident huff, intentionally and angrily revving up engines of Merkavas and trucks (for Hezbolla's unseen eyes, no doubt) as they turned around and headed right back to where they came from: creating much engine noise and a giant storm of dust in their humiliated exit.  The 8 flags are still up on the gate.

    Piff and lol!

    The fuckers are so desperate to show sommmme kind of positive military achievement to their own people: they'd even brought a camera crew with them to record the cheap and pathetic propaganda plan.  I mean this hardened baby-killing army can't even take down frigging flags from a short-assed gate.  They could not bring themselves to get closer than 200 yards from the flags.  They could not think of a way to get closer to their target of fluttering fabric either. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

  49. Taxi says:

    It's looking like the Rothschilds are no longer pleased with Netanyahu, now preferring Gantz instead.  It's looking like Gantz will be granted the lauded position of forming a new israeli government.

    He's gonna have to be more Netanyahu than Netanyahu in order to keep the zombie right-wing settlers from raging on him and creating jew-on-jew violence at protests.  They will take Gantz down the Rabin way if he does not please them.

  50. Taxi says:

    Remembering Ghassan Kanafani: through his prolific writing, he was considered the very brain behind the 'culture' of resistance, establishing also the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in 1967.  He was assassinated by an israeli a car bomb in 1972 in Beirut: during a period of time when the mossad was on a campaign of assassinating the ‘brains’ of Palestine: aiming to render the Palestinian people as a headless body thrashing away without guided direction and without mental resistance.

  51. Daniel Rich says:

    When in  a [boxing] ring, one doesn't negotiate with one's opponent.

    There's only 1 goal, 1 outcome; you're standing vertical, your opponent lies down horizontally.

    Settlers run amok?

    They die.

    As simple as that.

    We've seen footage of Palestinians using Molotov cocktails.

    Burn the MoFus.

    No mercy.

    No ceasefires.

    Keep that pressure up until the last MoFu has left their none existent, borderless, constitutionally deprived ff-ing 'country.'

    Don't trust this filth to do any good.

    They can't.

    They won't.

  52. Taxi says:

    Howdy y'all!  Took a day off to detox from electronica and bright screens and instead spent it lazing in the garden – beautiful springtime weather we're having here.

    Tomorrow is the Day of Rage in Palestine – I will monitor the events and hope to pick up info from some ruddy analysts, especially military ones – am sure they'll be doing the TV rounds tomorrow.  We will also get to know what's on the minds of the Gaza Resistors from their Day of Rage speeches tomorrow – I will monitor these too.  Let's see what Gaza's Resistors have planned for the jew settler-berserkers who've been mounting assaults on unarmed Palestinians in occupied territories since the so-called 'ceasefire':  their violence prompted by right-wing settler politicians, and enabled by the jewish security apparatus.

    And speaking of speeches, Nasrallah is scheduled to give another speech this coming Tuesday.  Looking forward to that one too.  Huh!  I guess he's still alive and kicking, right?  LOL!  No doubt he will crack a joke about his death rumor that ballooned for about 19 hours yesterday before some Resistance pin popped it.

    Watching movies tonight, not following news, so I'll bid you all have a wonderful day, or evening, or both.  And why not?!

    Sending love and good wishes to all.

    • Taxi says:

      Oh yeah and I almost forgot: Bibi is out! But not gone. I hope doesn’t go to jail (yet) – I hope he sticks around for a few months and causes a jew-on-jew civil war AND a war with the Resistance, all simultaneously.

      We should thank the Bib for serving his people so badly, and for serving the Resistance so very generously. Heh!

  53. WBDuncan says:

    OT Question

    Greetings Taxi,

    About  10 years ago I produced a couple low budget indie films. We were told by the producers reps to never disclose the budget because we wouldn't be taken seriously. Both won awards at small festivals, one was wait listed for the Starz festival in Denver but was ultimately rejected. Both were briefly on netflix and hulu.

    Once memories of the clash of egos receded I decided it was fun.

    So every now and then the desire to make another film rattles around though memories of the negative returns usually stops the rattling.

    We developed a 3 pager and hired writers to create 90 or so pages required for a screen play.

    Do you ever get the urge to convert your knowledge into a narrative feature?

    OK I am kinda bored and the thought is rattling around again today.

    Feel free to delete the post if it is inappropriate.



    • Taxi says:

      Thanks WB. No prob at all to ask about screenwriting.

      I did write a bunch of original political screenplays: based on history and revolving around Iraq-Iran-CIA, but I couldn’t sell them in Hollywood. Hollywood hates history, I discovered, and only ever want Arab and Iranian characters as cartoonish baddies, literally. I only sold one original screenplay – the first screenplay that I ever wrote, in fact. But I did write a fair number of commissioned screenplays over the years; plus I script-doctored a big bunch of other writer’s screenplays.

      Script-doctoring is what I mostly did for the last 5 years or so of my Hollywood life. This was by choice because it took the least time and paid real good too. The producers would give me six weeks to doctor a script and I’d be done in two to three days straight. I’d fill my fridge up with food, unplug my phone, lock my front door and just sit there silent, focused, and doctoring away with no interruptions – I worked from dawn till I dropped and before I knew it, I was on page 90. Of course, I didn’t tell the producers that I was finishing so quickly because I didn’t want them resenting the mega bucks they were giving me for doing just a couple of days work. Sometimes I’d have 3-4 scripts to doctor per month so the work was rolling in nicely.

      When I realized that Hollywood would never make the kind of screenplay that I wanted to write, I opted to being a writing ‘technician’ instead. I’m self-taught in this craft and by a weird set of coincidences, I found myself one day cracking the mysterious ‘Hollywood Formula’ that all commercially successful films are built around. It’s actually a highly technical form of writing where specific dramatics must occur at specific times throughout the story. The Hollywood Formula works on all genres. Once you know the Formula’s beats, you can weave them into even a crappy script, making it thus filmable and editable (though it will remain a bad story). When I was last a screenwriter, a good decade ago now, perhaps only 15% of screenwriters in Hollywood actually knew the Formula. I think more screenwriters are catching on to it these days.

      Apart from political script, I wasn’t really interested in writing other genres of my own back, Formula or not. Commissioned work: sure I’d do that, but not sit there for a good 6-8 weeks writing an original ‘commercial’ screenplay for Hollywood then go through the tedium and soulless bore of sending it out to do the rounds at studios and have stupid meetings with stupid people over my stupid commercial script aaaaaaaarrrgh omg no-no not that stupid nightmare no lol. That’s not the way I wanted to live at all. I just had zero interest in writing commercial material – I tried to motivate myself into it but it just didn’t work. My background before screenwriting was in literature, with heaviest leaning in poetry. I only became a screenwriter because I was already living in LA and wanted to make money out of my ripe writing skills et voila: there was Hollywood. I couldn’t think of another ‘job’ to do at the time. Meh.

      And so finally, to answer your question (sorry I digressed above): I do still get screenplay ideas but darn it I’m so lazy and I just can’t be bothered anymore. I’m book-writing on the quiet these days instead. Literary stuff. Where I’m most at home.

      Hey it’s cool you did some film production. If you have the right crew and talent, film production makes for really exciting work and dollars.

    • john says:

      I mentioned upthread on May 31st @ 3:48 pm of having recently seen the Palestinian short film by Farah Nabulsi, The Present. Clearly a low budget production, apparently highly acclaimed. I liked it, but no feedback…

  54. Daniel Rich says:

    "Anyone dumb enough to push a tank column through Wadi Saluki should not be an armored brigade commander but a cook“.

    I wouldn't be too happy when comments like the above are made about me…

    Luckily, the Occupied Palestine goons live in their own bubble of side-chained reality.

  55. Harry Law says:

    Abby Martin wins a landmark case in the US.

    Last Monday, Judge Mark Cohen of the Federal District Court in Atlanta ruled in her favor, declaring that the University System of Georgia had violated Martin’s constitutional rights when it cancelled her speaking engagement over her refused to sign the state-mandated oath pledging not to engage in boycotts of Israel, which the court determined to be protected by the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution.

    The Georgian government defense argued absurdly that it had canceled Martin’s speech because it had “an interest in furthering foreign policy goals regarding relations with Israel.” Dismissing that contention, the judge countered with “Defendants fail to explain how Martin’s advocacy of a boycott of Israel has any bearing on Georgia’s ability to advance foreign policy goals with Israel.” One might also add that the U.S. Constitution grants to the federal government alone the conduct of foreign affairs for the entire United States, so, in a sense, Georgia has no foreign policy.

  56. Taxi says:

    As we all suspected, the Palestinian Day of Rage brought with it much stress and much violence against unarmed Palestinian protestors – at one point the rattled jewish police fired live bullets at Palestinian crowds in the West Bank – more arrests were made and a variety of terrorist attacks by the lunatic settler gangs were committed against the natives.  Same as it ever was.

    Hamas publicly warned of renewed rocketry over ongoing violence and assaults against unarmed Palestinians living under israeli occupation.  Hamas is also livid that Qatar had sent 'family-relief' dollars to Gaza and israel is refusing to allow this aid money into the Strip.

    Gantz went to DC to complain about the 'paltry' $735 million's worth of Iron Dome weapons that Biden is selling israel.  Gantz wants a 'gift' of $1 billion instead.  Of course he does!  LOL!

    That potato head, Neftalli Bennett, who is now about to apparently become israel's next PM is saying that he's prepared to go to war with both Gaza and Lebanon, and that he would never halt or slow down settlement building.  Wow what a surprise – NOT!  That little Shitler is infamous for saying stuff like:

    “I’ve killed lots of Arabs in my life and there’s no problem with that.”

    “The way to deal with Palestinians is to beat them up. Not once but repeatedly, beat them up so it hurts so badly, until its unbearable.”

    “Israeli is not a state for all its citizens.”

    All this, of course, keeps the War of Liberation on schedule. 

    The worse a leader israel gets, the better it is for the Axis of Resistance.  Therefore we welcome Mister Bennette's small hands and shiny spud head to the battlefield.

    Netanyahu this afternoon, full of poison fury and incitement, called on his likud supporters to take to the streets tonight to revolt against a 'treasonous' Bennette: an extremist right-winger who has successfully formed a coalition with Lapid's leftist party and the Arab-israeli party (yeah an insane coalition, and yeah a "treasonous" coalition in Likud's eyes).  Likud is out of the premiership and so now jew blood will be spilled on the streets of the holy land tonight.

    How to describe a day in the life of an average israeli jew: by day, assault and terrorize Palestinians, and by night beat up other jews.

    Well I hope tonight's jew-on-jew hostility leads to, well, more jew-on-jew violence.

    The prognosis still looks appalling for the appalling jews.

    Moses and Jesus hi-five.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      "Occupied Palestine medics say two people are dead and more than 150 injured after a bleacher collapsed at an uncompleted West Bank synagogue."

      What could possibly go wrong…? 

  57. Taxi says:

    Good-goodly morning to y'all.  Are we still winning or what?!  LOL!

    So, I'm a-going camping with my pack of dogs today – be back Monday or Tuesday.  I go camping twice a year, ritualistically.  As springtime here is at its tail end and temps are just beginning to warm up, it is the perfect time to camp out while the landscape is still lush with greenery and wild flowers.  This year I'm heading south to the Litani River – you know, that beautiful mass of water that israel has been coveting since 1948 – that watery plot that israel has time and time again failed at stealing and colonizing.   The river issues from way up north-east of Lebanon and ends up snaking some 27 klm from the Leb-israel border.  The good thing about going there is that, due to enduring and ongoing tensions with israel in the south of Lebanon, no tourist corporations have spoiled or corrupted it.  There is not a whiff of tourism there.  The Litani's surround remains bucolic and commercially virginal.

    One could say that this river has resisted both occupation and globalism.  One could say that the Litani is a Resistance River heh!

    I shall pitch my tent at the shallow end of the river, about a mile from the bridge you see in the video.  My dogs and I will take serene hikes and baptism dips in the freshwater river. 

    Looking forward woohoo! I’d better start packing now.  Hope you all have a greaty-great weekend.

    p.s.  someone on TV last night said that israel will be so intensely deluged by ballistic missiles in the coming War of Liberation that it could "fall within hours".  Now wouldn't that be something to behold.  Talk about the supremacist jews eating crow and turd stew!  Let's all wish for this to happen as this would mean least casualties for both sides. 

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      Have fun!

      Just be sure to check upstream weather. Dipping in the river is once thing, I/we don't want you to get washed away by it.

      Survival tip: dig a hole near the river and wait for water to come up. It will be murky at first, but after a while it is drinkable [filtered by the sand/mud].

      As for dogs, well, my mutt used to drink out of the toilet, so they're good no matter where they are.


    • Canthama says:

      Enjoy it Taxi, being close to Nature is what makes us human a bit more human…back to roots. Tks for this video, I honestly had no idea on the size and beauty of the Litani, a river that guided and comforted humans for hundreds of thousands of years, i can only imagine the crystalline waters after the mountain's thawing.

      Enjoy it. 


  58. Daniel Rich says:

    I <3 comedy and especially miss this guy; Bill Hicks

    JFK’s death was an assassination.

    A marksman knows what happens to heads when they’re hit by bullets.

    You hit a head for a reason.

    You want the person you hit to be dead.

    Well, who likes to kill people with bullets to the head…?

    Needless to say, Bill died of a rare disease…, like most who stand up for truth…

  59. Canthama says:

    This is an excellent interview on Palestine, strongly recommend it.

    Uniting Muslims for Palestine–MES EP.109


    • Cloak And Dagger says:

      Hopefully, the reunification of the neighboring muslim countries is imminent. That would be an unstoppable force that would overthrow the occupiers and restore Palestine.

      Unfortunately, avarice still plagues the rulers of these nations, and the US still has its hand up the back of these corrupt leaders, and so Israel gets to exploit them at its leisure and the world suffers.

      The US is not long for this world. Money talks, and we suddenly need a whole bunch more of it. Politicians shuffling their feet about aid to Israel (including the latest demand), are losing favor with congress as an increasingly aware citizenry has started to voice its displeasure with Israel and demand for cessation of aid to Israel has started to move from a rumble to a roar. Congress-critters are most active and vocal prior to a re-election, and there will be hell to pay before the next elections, as many of the pols are critically terminal after their recent performance – so there will be increased pandering by them.


      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ C&D,

        Hear, hear. Well said, good sir.

        Sooner rather than later, would be the best  solution, but alas, we're moving forward and because the world is so much more connected, so many people have mobile phones, that the illegal squatters in Occupied Palestine can't keep the lid on news spreading like wildfire.

        Oh, and they lost :o]

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ C&D,

      Am not near Syria, but Occupied Palestine always fires missiles when things get f***ed up at the home front.

      Net-an-yahoo's about to lose control, so he wants to go out with a bang [imo].

    • Canthama says:

      C&D, Satanyahoo is desperate for a war, he is trying all he can to get a response from The Resistance, this was the goal for this attack into Syria. Somehow this attack was expected, IDF spy planes were seen over the Med Sea all day long.

      Nine IDF jets, flying the Med Sea and Lebanon, attacked several locations in Syria, at least 7 missiles were hit,  and some inside Lebanese airspace.

      Some missiles hit the ground in Syria, at least 1 martyr reported, a SAA soldier from Homs. RIP.

      As far as known, not much was achieved by this attack in terms of strategic targets, no main one was hit, many missiles were intercepted,  clearly it was a bait for Syria to react, it seems the high command was prepared this time.

      • Canthama says:

        C&D, it is significant indeed. There are a large group of Syrians that want the rapprochement to happen and there are the ones that do not want. The vast majority of Syrians want the rapprochement to happen, for many reasons:

        1) Like or not KSA is a leading voice in the Arab world, in the past we had more voices but they faded away with death and destruction. KSA return to diplomatic, trade and tourism relations will mean a lot to Syria as a whole and it opens doors to all Arab Nation to rejoin diplomatic ties. Even if EU and US regimes do not return, as a whole, to diplomatic ties with Syria, that will fall apart if Arabs unite behind Syria.

        2) There is the Erdogan's regime Ottoman component on all this move from KSA…it is clear that the Arab world allows Turkey to stay and occupy part of Syria, Iraq and Libya, they know it will grow in time, this is an important incentive for KSA and other Arab Nations.

        3) "It the way there is a rock, there is a rock in the way". Carlos Drummond de Andrade 60 year old poem fits perfectly on the kurdish dilemma. The rotten West and GCC allowed to arm them to their teeth, even tried the independence card…only to know the problem they got into their hands, for the rotten West regimes, these freaks created a potential genocide bomb either way….a NATO country killing thousands of Kurds or even the some kurdish factions annihilating Arabs, Yazidis and Assyrians in Syria and Iraq…they almost got that by using ISIS as the depopulating tool in both countries…remember the Yazidis were left to ISIS by Barzani's Pershmegas only to be saved by PKK ? This dilemma will be complicated, the longer the time the worst.  KSA has kept dialog with the Syrian Kurds, and more important, funds,  stop the flow of $, they will be in trouble.

        4)  Then there is Iran, we all know with the inevitable JCPOA re start and the collapse of 'Israeli invisibility and license to kill anyone. anywhere', KSA must change direction, and fast, for its own Saudi family survival. These are some of the key reasons behind the rapprochement with Iran, of course there is the turkish component mentioned above and the inevitable military defeat in Yemen, which they will always try to spin as victory. All in one, KSA seems it lost the attempt to block The Resistance advance in more Arab Nations, and lest be frank…KSA has now The Resistance in its long border with Iraq and Yemen, NE and all South…the West is Iran few miles away…leaving the Red Sea and Jordan not controlled by The Resistance….and now the. cherry on the cake, just image when the apartheid regime in Occupied Palestine collapses and lose the big battle and Palestine is set free ? Which side KSA will want to be ? For the pigmy regime leader of Jordan, that will be surrounded from all side but KSA from the resistance and with 4MM Palestinians inside it…which side will it want to be ? KSA understands now that US/EU security promises are 'flatus vocis',  thus their move toward Iran, lets not forget that under Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Presidency, Iran had decent relations with KSA and vice versa.  Last but not least, with JCPOA back on track, Iranian oil will invade the global market…high quality, low cost oil and gas…it will boost Iranian economy and bring massive investments to Iran, when money flows to Iran…all Iranian partners will get a piece…Hezbollah,  Syria, Hamas and Houthis…see why KSA must amend urgently with all of these players ? It is losing to them when there is few Iranian help, just think for a sec a cash rich Iran funding them what they can do in the ME….


        Only time will tell, but rest assured that the future of Syria's integrity,  reconstruction and return of its war of aggression against Syrian diaspora will always depend of the peace it can assure to its entire population, healthy trade with neighbours and abroad and tourist money to improve country's finance. 

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ C&D,

        "Thanks @Canthama! Is this significant?"

        Some people call me when they need money.

        They don't get it [in each and every way :o].

        MBS wants to 'normalize' relationships with Syria, only because SA wants to curtail Iran's burgeoning influence in the M.E. region. I hope Dr. Assad follows H.E. Putin's approach; smile politely, but go your own way.

        Both Russia and Iran have stood side by side, and shed blood, to uphold what used to be international norms in Syria proper.

        SA funded these ff-ing takfiri terrorists.

        Fool me once….

      • Cloak And Dagger says:


        I have another question (I hope I am not pestering you).

        Last night I had dinner with a lovely Syrian-American lady. She asserted that the majority of Syrians are anti-Assad, and they were forced to vote for him. Apparently, there is a grain of truth about the western criticism of Assad, and internally, the claim is that he is actually aligned with Netanyahu, and that the rocket attacks from Israel are just for show.

        This lady was virulently anti-Israel, so I don't think she is a zio plant – but I have been surprised before, so I am declaring ignorance.


      • Canthama says:

        C&D, hard to agree with her statement when we saw over 10 years the Syrians fighting and dying to defend their country and their leaders.

        President Assad has a connection to the people, of course he does not please them all,  but he connects well to the Syrian people. The legal opposition is not well known in Syria, they do not have the Government reach and support President Assad enjoys.

        An interesting person to refer to is Eva Bartlett, she lives in Russia now and is doing free lance to RT, she went to Syria to cover the elections,  she is US/Canadian citizen, pro Palestine, coverage in loco for many years, as well as she did in Syria. Worth following her daily coverage of Syria, talking to ordinary people etc…

        I do not see in President Assad the same leadership style as his Father or Nasser, he lacks their carisma and brillance, but he is doing what he can to get Syria back on track.

        The funny aspect, and Kevork Almassian always mention is that, Syrians do not have President Assad as an idol, king or “God”, they value he defended Syria, they trust in him and. they say it is the best there is right now,  maybe in the future there will be different leadership. Russia says the same.

        I do not see in President Assad as the same category leadership as his Father or Nasser, but he is doing what he can to hold the country together when attacked by hundreds of thousands of terrorists funded by the Western regimes, he is not perfect, far from it, his admiration to the West proved to be almost fatal to Syria, major mistake, as an enemy of the apartheid regime in. Occupied Palestine, he should know better never to befriend these freaks.

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks Cloak. Your Syrian-American friend doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Like most Arab-Americans, she is tainted with jewish propaganda, and in her case, she has swallowed the ‘Evil Bashar gassed his own people’ jewish lie. Even the internal patriotic Syrian opposition who were asking Bashar to leave Syria at the beginning of the war voted for him in the last election, and did so for the right reason: Bashar actually SAVED Syria from wahabism. If your friend doesn’t get this, then she’s just disseminating the jewish propaganda spiel. Bashar is actually more loved by Syrians than his father before him, who was more feared than loved.

  60. Daniel Rich says:

    Lest we forget…

    "A temple in Queens got a small dose of surprise on Sunday — the final night of Hanukkah — when Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a New York Democrat with a knack for dramatic flourish, told those gathered to light the menorah that her ancestors were Jewish."

     More for Occupied Palestine… Really? = noose + lamppost!

  61. Taxi says:

    Hiya beautiful people!  Am back from my camping trip.  Will be busy for another day getting stuff done for the house etc and also for checking out what news I may have missed these past few days.  I know Nasrallah spoke last night – I just saw a quick clip of it and he's looking very healthy and with thumping pulse in his voice again – he's back to normal woohoo!  I will write about this speech hopefully tomorrow.  In the meantime, I have a vet run to Beirut this afternoon, plus food shopping etc this morning – plus I have guests this weekend so I also have to prep for this.

    Needless to say, apart from having had to kill several hundred insects while camping (not enjoyable or desirable for me), it was a truly glorious experience.  Memorable was how one of my dogs (a teen German Shepard) disappeared on the first day of camp out, then returned two days later with three mutty stray dogs he'd befriended.  Boy was I glad to see him again.  The stray pack scrammed soon as they saw my other dogs (Pointers) at the campsite, which was good as otherwise there may well have been a horrid pack fight.  Nah you definitely don't want dog fights in paradise kiss.

    Even though I was merely 28 klms away from the israel border, I heard no jewy jets or drones.  The skies were filled with nothing but gentle birdsong by day, and the distant howls of jackals by night.  It was as if israel did not exist at all.

    Right!  Mundane things to do now ooooof!  Hope you're all having a grrrrreat day.

    • Taxi says:

      Oh and thanks to all visitors and commenters who fed the fire of the hearth while I was away.

  62. Taxi says:

    Today is the day that zionist ghouls celebrate their occupation of the city of Jerusalem during the '67 war (which is contrary to modern International Law, and contrary to their original contract with the League of Nations.  It is customary for jewish zealots to parade and make a crazed din of their occupation on this date.  However, Netanyahu has cancelled this parade – actually, postponed it, according to some reports – for 'security' reasons.  Clearly, the supremacist losers are nervous of ANY 'incident' occurring in Jerusalem in the aftermath of Sword of Jerusalem and Nasrallah's "Jerusalem for regional war" assertion.

    I wouldn't be surprised at all if groups of jewish settler zealots defied Netanyahu's security orders and took to the streets of Jerusalem anyway.  Let's see what happens today.  In any case, cancelling/postponing the parade is yet another negative indicator of the Sword of Jerusalem effect on israel's hegemony.

  63. Taxi says:

    Have you ever wondered what Jerusalem and the holy land was like before zionism assaulted and tainted it with evil ideologies?  Then take a look at this rare video of Jerusalem in 1896: one year before Herzl sitting in his rat hole in Germany conceived of zionism.

  64. Taxi says:

    My word!  My (above main) article that was republished at the Unz has garnered over 1000 comments!  Sheesh, that's the most comments I've ever had per single article inside of two weeks.

    I have to thank all them evil zionists and their narcissism for their intensive participation lol!

    Man do these fuckers LURRRRV endlessly talking about themselves or what? Heh!

  65. Taxi says:

    Summary of Nasrallah's speech, June 8th, 2021:

    First comment is about his health.  Yes, he's still alive and kicking and not even a trace of pneumonia remains lingering in him.  He's fully recovered, and clearly, even positively cheerful.  He spoke for a good 1 hour and 9 minutes, never once losing breath, and occasionally beaming his signature boyish smile when cracking jokes.

    The speech was in honor of Al-Manar TV station's 30th birthday.  Nasrallah praised the station for being only ever concerned with disseminating Resistance facts instead of, like other news channels, vying for commercial superiority at the cost of truth and the genuine aims of the Resistance.  In case readers are not aware, Al-Manar has been a major target for israeli missiles ever since its establishment – and remains so.  During the 2006 war, israeli missiles bombed the station in Dahia/Beirut, causing destruction and murdering some staff there, yet, Al-Manar managed to keep its broadcast going non-stop, having already prepared a second secret location to broadcast from: a location that the israeli terrorists could not find during the 33 day war in 2006.  "Without Al-Manar, our war's victories would not have been disseminated so widely," so said Nasrallah – mindful here that in 2006, Al-Mayadeen TV was not born yet and Al-Manar was pretty much the ONLY station reporting on the 2006 war from the heart of the battlefields.  Nasrallah added: "Al-Manar IS the Resistance and Liberation channel."

    Nasrallah then praised the successes of the Sword of Jerusalem, adding that the loser Netanyahu is "dumb and desperate and this type of person may dangerously jump the gun to hide their failures at home."  This was a warning to his viewers to be wary of possible and dangerous israeli knee-jerk reactions during the present period of time.  He also mocked Netanyahu and compared him to Trump as both bitterly complained that the result of their elections were compromised/faked/stolen.

    Nasrallah further asserted that Jerusalem was the responsibility of the whole of the Islamic Umma (nation) and not just a Palestinian responsibility.  That it behooves all people who care about the Abrahamic prophets to defend Jersualem from the covetous jews who aim to destroy all non-jewish places of worship in Jerusalem.  He said that the Palestinians living under occupation in Historic Palestine have alone for decades defended Jerusalem with their own bare hands and chests, and that now, presently, it is the responsibility of the Umma as a whole to insure the holy city's defense and protection.

    He further praised Al-Manar and its martyrs; he praised its editors and workers and all their sacrifices; then proceeded to tell how a saudi-owned TV satellite station conditioned Al-Manar's contract renewal on it NOT reporting on the Yemen war.  "Naturally, Al-Manar rejected this condition and sought a different satellite service, despite this service reaching fewer viewers," he stated.   He then waxed lyrical about the heroism and purity-of-heart of the Houthi-Yemeni Resistance.  *(Nasrallah is a master orator who is pitch perfect and intensely lyrical when praising Resistors and good Samaritans).  He stated that the US and saudi arabia are currently looking for a face-saving route to extract themselves from the Yemen war.  "I don't know if they will find such a route," he added offhandedly, "but most certainly they are now looking to exit."

    Hezbollah's General Secretary, Mr. Hassan Nasrallah, then went into Lebanese domestic issues.  He summarized what had transpired this past year with Leb's financial and political crisis, and briefly traced it back to Raffic Hariri's reign, some 30 years ago.  He showed despondency and lack of trust in the length of time that it's taken to form a 'new’ government to be led by Hariri Jnr., since Diab's resignation as PM at the heels of Beirushima last August 4th.  "You have wasted so much time with your squabbling", he said, addressing Leb politicians, "and our nation's people, our people's lives are getting worse by the day with no solution provided by you," he emphasized.  "Now some internal voices, and I notice too some european voices are also talking about early parliamentary elections, or even extending the current parliametary term.  We in Hezbollah reject both schools of thought.  There is no compelling reason to do either.  We will not participate in such a project.  We think it's best to not interfere with election dates at this stage.  **(Here, he totally blocks the 'voices' from attempting to fiddle with Leb's voting regulations – stops their fingers from molesting one of the few remaining political institutions in the Leb that has not been fucked over by the shekel-handed cunts and traitors).

    Furthermore, he opened the subject of continuing rising prices and the shortages of food, fuel and medicine that the Leb is currently experiencing (long lines at Leb petrol stations lately).  He said: "I have it on good and solid authority that there is plenty of fuel and medicine in our country.  The problem is not in deficiency of materials, but with the price gougers in our country who are ruthlessly hoarding, criminally and wantonly exploiting the domestic market," he asserted with disgust and anger that "They are known, their names and their mother's names are known, but they are protected by political personalities, unfortunately."  He lashed out at these price gougers calling them traitors to humanity, traitors to their own people and nation, "criminal, conniving murderers of souls" is what he referred to them as, even adding that they are supporting their families with profit-money that's stained with the blood and agony of the people.  Oh he really pulled out the big verbal stick for the price gougers.  And then… oh boy did he pull out an even BIGGER stick when he said that unless the Ministry of Trade does its job and halts/arrests these known price gougers who are purposely hoarding fuel and medicine from ordinary people, then the Hezb will have no choice but to "buy Iranian fuel in Lebanese Liras and bring Iranian ships loaded with electricity and fuel to the Beirut Port, and let the government just try and stop these ships from delivering Mazot and electricity to our needy people!"  Then he repeated this statement again in a defiant and serious tone, adding: "we cannot just stand by while our people's suffering deepens because of price gougers and lack of government action.  If they can't help the people and deliver, then we will!"

    ***(Oooof, I can't tell you how explosive this statement of bringing Iranian ships full of much needed goods into Beirut Port is.  Courageous and unflinching humanitarianism!  Nasrallah's detractors in the Leb, in DC and in tel aviv must have shot raging flames from ears at hearing this.  Analysts are saying that Nasrallah will ride out the summer in the hope that price gougers get rounded up by the government apparatus, and if not, and also if no sign of Western foreign investment appears to be forthcoming, then and only then will Nasrallah bring in the fuel-loaded Iranian ships, as by then, Lebanon will be past the stage of 'crisis' and in a dangerous state of 'emergency'.  I expect another huge paradigm shift in the geopolitics of the region should Iranian ports hit Beirut Port to save Lebanon.).

    Lastly, Nasrallah also said that apart from bringing Iranian fuel/Mazot/electricity into Lebanon, another way of alleviating the suffering of the people would be for the government to activate and open the already existing but dormant 'people's stimulus package' that is large enough to give a monthly allowance to some 750.000 Lebanese families (that's pretty much the number of all Leb families residing in Lebanon right now), and do so comfortably for over a year – and in the meantime, it will also give politicians some breathing room to work out the 'new government' file.  Notable here that not a single politician has ever mentioned the existence of this stimulus package – ever.  This is news to all Lebanese; and Nasrallah is the first person to publicly indicate its existence.

    He ended his domestic file reflections by saying that harder times are ahead, and that his two suggestions do not solve Lebanon's fundamental problems, but only alleviate the symptoms, and that these symptoms must be addressed by the Leb body politic simultaneously with alleviating the pain of the people.  "The people must not be left alone to endlessly suffer," he stated, "any alleviation of the suffering of our people is worth doing."

    His final words were again in praise of Al-Manar, citing it as the "great bringer of past and future victories to our people all around the world."

    It was real good to see the great man looking so healthy and sounding so perfectly 'resistory' and compassionate.

    The road ahead for Lebanon’s domestic issues remains bleak and complex.  However, a war that defeats israel will remove the foreign hands pounding at the limbs and lungs of Lebanon, as well as drain internal enemies from dollar and shekel and riyal and dirham resources.


    • Canthama says:

      Remarkable times we live in Taxi…what a speech !!!! Thank you so much for this incredible break down of Nasrallah's long speech, impressive.

      Have commented to C&D above on implications and reasons of Syria-KSA, and one topic was Iranian rich funds after the JCPOA is done deal again and Iranian oil, gas and industrial goods start to reach the world….it will be O2 directly to the vein of The Resistance, and Nasrallah's mention of Hezbollah's reaching out to Iran to by pass the gang-based trade in The Lebanon and 'save' Lebanon from these freaks, is a perfect example of what a cash rich Iran can do in the ME and change the game overnight…as if US/EU would not even matter anymore…either KSA understand that deep down or it will lose for good Iraq-Syria-Lebanon-Palestine-Yemen and maybe Jordan…

      Amazing time we live. Thank you.

      • sarz says:

        Taxi, thanks for your summation. I had to look up “mazot”, so let me share it: a thick, low quality oil used for generating electricity. 

        Canthama, I am pretty sure no deal with Iran can come through, but that itself might be Khamenei’s point in going ahead with the discussions, to let Iran and the world in general know that the US is terminally “agreement incapable”, and it is not for want of Iran doing its part. The new Irani president who can best handle the upcoming situation is on his way, and the Westernisers will have been properly discredited and sidelined. It’s not a bad outcome, even though Iran would like the agreement reinstated without sacrificing the rights the original agreement recognised. 

    • Daniel Rich says:

      "…it is the responsibility of the Umma as a whole to insure the holy city's defense and protection."

      Nature taught me there's safety in numbers.

      Reality showed me the west <3 the 'divide and rule' gambit.

      Once the wider M.E. kicks the western indoctrination to the curb and unites [as they are truly brothers and sisters] the yoke of diversity will evaporate and the lands of Palestine will return to its rightful owners.

      So it is said.

      So it will be written.

  66. Harry Law says:

    Well doneTaxi, 1,119 comments for your last article, methinks you could be thinking about putting your pearls of wisdom behind a pay wall.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ Harry Law,

      "…methinks you could be thinking about putting your pearls of wisdom behind a pay wall."

      I disagree. Taxi's wisdom should be free and accessible to all, not the few that are fortunate enough the have enough dough to not feed mouths only.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Harry. Tickley jokes aside, I don’t think I’ll ever do a commercial paywall thing. If I’m charging people, then it means I have a responsibility towards them and this is something that I really don’t want in my life. Readers who’ve been following Plato’s know that I hate responsibilities, hate routine, hate journalistic obligations because I am no journalist. I wanna write when I feel it’s worthy. Plus, I agree with Daniel’s point too: gotta give free information to the “unfortunates” too.

  67. Daniel Rich says:

    If 'you' want to understand true jewishness, watch this episode of; The Newsroom S03 – E05 Oh Shenandoah.

    Says it all…

  68. Cloak And Dagger says:

    How People Think They Get HackedMany (most?) cyber hacks originate in Israel  perhaps govt. funded.

    Here’s a practical life tip from my old friend, Arthur Tyde, over at Oracle… NEVER answer these questions. It feeds data harvesting systems that can essentially guess your passwords, estimate your birthdays, confirm your addresses, sort out most of the digits in your social security number and make remarkably accurate guesses at your banks security questions.


    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ C&D,

      Thanks for sharing. I hope this message gets spread wide and far [as it should be].

  69. Daniel Rich says:

    It would be nice to have a trustworthy source inside Occupied Palestine to get a feel for what's really going on in there.

    Oops, trustworthy… Yeah that's where the whole thing comes off the rails.

    Anyway, I hope they'll be eating fried ini on an ait soon :o]

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Daniel. There are actually some very excellent and reliable sources reporting from inside occupied Palestine on the daily jewish crimes against the native Palestinians. Unfortunately, they are Arabic speakers and their daily stream of information is not available to non-Arabic speakers. Here in the Lebanon, I hear about jewish crimes being reported on a daily basis, but I don’t tend to share them here on Plato’s as it’s just too depressing and it’s really the same heartbreaking story told day after day and for decades now – this, plus my available research/writing time is often short and limited. There are people and sites that report on jewish crimes in the holy land in English, with names of victims provided etc. As much as I despise the owners of Electronic Intifada online (because they’re friends with controlled oppositions agents like Max Blumenthal, JVP and Mondoweiss etc.), they do actually provide this service in English on a regular basis (not always daily). Also, Alison Weir’s site ‘If Americans Knew‘ is a decent site that collects data on israeli crimes against the Palestinians. And writers/analysts like Philip Giraldi also do a good job of keeping readers abreast of jewish crimes in the holy land, though he doesn’t always provide names of victims or their circumstances etc. Today, I notice Giraldi has this to say about what’s going on in israel-Palestine:

      The Israeli Government Is Changing, But Some Things Remain the Same

      • Daniel Rich says:

        Thanks, taxi, but I was referring to how the illegal sqatters are feeling, coz from a military pov, they’re royally f***ed :o]

        I wouldn’t be feeling humpty dumpty, were I a squatter, coz the motherlode will come.

        But you’re right about the depressiveness of bad news about the mistreatment of Palestinians at the hands of the swelp sorcerers of satan.

  70. Taxi says:

    A US-israel plan to counter Nasrallah's promise to bring in Iranian ships to Beirut Port appears to be formulating through the Banc Du Liban (the national Leb bank who answers to the globalist US and not to the Leb gov, Presidency, people etc).   Yesterday, the Banc put out a statement saying that they are now looking into formulas that will release more dollars to account holders who've been denied access to their moneys.  This will open a pressure valve and actually help greatly.  The details of the 'formula' have not yet been announced so we will have to wait and see if they commit to their word or not.  They haven't yet lived up to their word since the financial crisis began.

    This Banc statement also tells us that the only thing the US-israel can do now to prevent Iranian ships from entering Lebanon water to provide aid, thus breaking the neck-choke that the US has on Leb's finances, is to allow internal monies to circulate at higher numbers inside of Lebanon.  This, analysts are saying, may very well also include lifting all Trump's sanctions on Lebanon as well.  

    Let Lebanon have its money now, or risk losing Lebanon to Iranian influence.  This now appears to be the new US strategy for Lebanon.

    Let's wait and see what the Banc's formula is first. 

  71. Harry Law says:

    This is some serious and entirely justified push back from the Chinese, all these US unilateral and therefore illegal sanctions against China and others like Iran and Venezuela will be met with similar sanctions against companies and entities that enforce those sanctions. What the Chinese are saying is, who gave you [the US] the right to impose your laws on the rest of the world. Good on them.

    With the law's passage, details have been revealed as follows:

    Countermeasures in the Chinese law include "refusal to issue visas, denial of entry, deportation… and sealing, seizing, and freezing property of individuals or businesses that adhere to foreign sanctions against Chinese businesses or officials," according to the text published by the standing committee of the National People's Congress, China's top legislature.

    Thus it "answers" current US tactics in a serious escalation: whereas Washington currently often seeks to punish third party entities or countries for direct or even indirect dealings with a sanctioned regime (the cases of Venezuela and Iran are clear examples, or even European companies which worked on the Russia-to-Germany Nord Stream 2 pipeline), Beijing has now given itself the 'legal authority' to do the same.  The foreign ministry announced upon the law's passage: "The law aims to firmly safeguard the sovereign dignity and core interests of the country and oppose Western hegemony and power politics," according to state media. And a Global Times op-ed asserted: "It will act as a powerful deterrent against countries imposing sanctions,"

    Does this mean America is not “The Indispensable nation” “The shining city on a hill” and “the exceptional nation” I hope so.

  72. Taxi says:

    Below is a poem about war by the soldier-poet Wilfred Owen, one of the finest WW1 poets writing in English. Here, Owen poetically recounts being wounded in the trenches and there meeting a wounded enemy soldier:


    Strange Meeting

    It seemed that out of battle I escaped
    Down some profound dull tunnel, long since scooped
    Through granites which titanic wars had groined.

    Yet also there encumbered sleepers groaned,
    Too fast in thought or death to be bestirred.
    Then, as I probed them, one sprang up, and stared
    With piteous recognition in fixed eyes,
    Lifting distressful hands, as if to bless.
    And by his smile, I knew that sullen hall,—
    By his dead smile I knew we stood in Hell.

    With a thousand fears that vision’s face was grained;
    Yet no blood reached there from the upper ground,
    And no guns thumped, or down the flues made moan.
    ‘Strange friend,’ I said, ‘here is no cause to mourn.’
    ‘None,’ said that other, ‘save the undone years,
    The hopelessness. Whatever hope is yours,
    Was my life also; I went hunting wild
    After the wildest beauty in the world,
    Which lies not calm in eyes, or braided hair,
    But mocks the steady running of the hour,
    And if it grieves, grieves richlier than here.
    For by my glee might many men have laughed,
    And of my weeping something had been left,
    Which must die now. I mean the truth untold,
    The pity of war, the pity war distilled.
    Now men will go content with what we spoiled.
    Or, discontent, boil bloody, and be spilled.
    They will be swift with swiftness of the tigress.
    None will break ranks, though nations trek from progress.
    Courage was mine, and I had mystery;
    Wisdom was mine, and I had mastery:
    To miss the march of this retreating world
    Into vain citadels that are not walled.
    Then, when much blood had clogged their chariot-wheels,
    I would go up and wash them from sweet wells,
    Even with truths that lie too deep for taint.
    I would have poured my spirit without stint
    But not through wounds; not on the cess of war.
    Foreheads of men have bled where no wounds were.

    ‘I am the enemy you killed, my friend.
    I knew you in this dark: for so you frowned
    Yesterday through me as you jabbed and killed.
    I parried; but my hands were loath and cold.
    Let us sleep now. . . .’

    By Wilfred Owen

    • john says:

      My favourite WW1 poem was written by a fascist, another soldier-poet…he discovered poetry in the trenches, Giuseppe Ungaretti.


      Si sta come
      sugli alberi
      le foglie



      It's like
      the leaves
      on the trees

      (my translation, but I think everything is simple enough)



  73. Harry Law says:

    Thanks Taxi for this link to this tour de force of the Middle East by Chas Freeman, he sure knows his stuff. He said the Israelis must learn how to transcend Zionism, I think it is too late for that, now B’tselem, HRW and the UN report from Richard  Falk and Virginia Tilley with others to follow are gaining more publicity.

    The Israelis will not allow a two state solution, they have said the ‘land of Israel is the whole of Palestine from the river to the sea. They may allow several ‘Bantustans’ which may have Palestinian “Self Rule” with no sovereignty and definitely no West Bank/Gazan Palestinians voting in the Knesset. Similar to Kushner’s crackpot scheme in 2020 under Trump. Ronnie Kasrils former Minister in the S African government once said Apartheid in Israel is much worse than the SA kind, saying, at least the SA authorities did not send tanks and aircraft to bomb the townships every few years.

     Israel will only concede territory when Tel Aviv [approx 52 Sq Kilometres] is targeted and levelled by the ‘axis of resistance’ Iran, Syria, Hamas and Hezbollah, with their precision rockets, remember Metropolitan Tel Aviv is where most of the Israeli population live, and were most of its Industry is. Hezbollah alone have 130,000 Precision rockets which Nasrallah has promised can reach every part of Israel, including Dimona and all the gas rigs with their C802 missiles [the missile that took the Israeli Frigate out of action in the 2006 war with Lebanon.  No sensible person wants war, unfortunately as Netanyahu once said Israel will live by the sword, this also seems to be the choice of most Israelis [for the moment]. The next general war with Israel will be Israels last.

  74. sarz says:

    Taxi, I hold you to blame for a wasted evening reading Chas Freeman’s boring and pointless article. It’s like a mouse fart. The bugger threw away his golden chance with Obama to make a difference by taking the Jew head on. He just collapsed. And now with nothing to lose he still refuses to talk the simple truth about 9/11, leave alone the Jewish Problem. 

    Freeman talks as though he understands something of Islam. That’s a laugh. The real problem is that there are no Christians left in the WASP aristocracy that he comes from. I could swear that’s your background too. I think you guys were Jewified sometime in the 19th century. 

    • Cloak And Dagger says:

      @ Sarz

      Let not the perfect be the enemy of the good. Yes, he still thinks (or pretends)  9/11 was done by 19 Arabs, some of who are still alive. 

      I found his essay to be anything but boring – it is an astute analysis by a great man who was wronged. The lobby was too strong in his hour of nomination, but things have since changed. While he cannot do much by himself, here is a good example of the pen being mightier than the sword.

      His new role is to inspire others to do what he himself could not accomplish. All revolutions need a muse – and he would make an excellent one.


    • Taxi says:

      Thanks for the link, dear hillcountry. Words cannot explain my rage and fury at the mass-murdering jewish mafia, whom our successive governments have blindly embraced and armed to the eyeballs: allowing them thus constant opportunity to murder and coverup.

  75. Daniel Rich says:

    Our country is different from other countries. Our country is a Jewish state…A Jewish and democratic state [insert straight face]. It’s a very delicate balance. In some cases, the two contradict each other. If you bring in a million Africans, it will no longer be Jewish. We are waging war against the phenomenon of assimilation.” – Michael Ben-Ari, founder of the Otzma Yehudit Party in Occupied Palestine

    I don't think it is a smart idea to wage that war all over the planet, because of that lil' thingy, best known as the 'boomerang effect.'

  76. mike-florida says:

    More RE Lebanon’s financial crisis. Taxi above touched on the possibility Lebanon citizens may finally have access to their dollar accounts after being denied past 12 months. The article below adds to that – to which Taxi may wish to comment –

    This is an MSM article with. the continuing ‘broken record’ disinformation about how bad is the Leb economy because the Leb won’t form an official legal government with the power to make what the Empire calls ‘reforms’ – such that the way is cleared for the Leb to sign-up for a pile of new IMF loans, to fund past creditors, bribes, bailouts, etc. President Michael Aoun clearly understands the game to entrap the Leb, and is allowing only a ‘care-taker- govt. with no power to make new debt deals, to bide time and wait them out and not allow the Leb to be sucked into more international debt control. He understands that if they sigh up for more debt the  first cash there from will not go to Lebanon but to past creditors, bribes, etc, and for the Leb to get any helpful cash in their economy they would have to sign-up for even more new debt. Aoun clearly has put his foot down, firmly – biding his time with just a ‘care-taker’ government without power to approve any IMF loans, until the other side caves. I think time is on his side, but in the meantime certainly many Leb citizens are suffereing. Salute the Leb.

    Below excerpts from the MSM article about the economy > 

    “As Lebanon’s economic crisis deepens, currency drops to new low.”

    ‘Lebanon’s currency reached a new low against the dollar on Sunday, as the country continues to suffer a worsening financial crisis and political impasse. Market dealers said the Lebanese pound was trading at around 15,150 to the dollar, losing around 90 percent of what it was worth in late 2019, when Lebanon’s economic and financial crisis erupted.

    Depositors have been promised some access to their dollars starting July, after being denied withdrawals from their own bank accounts since last year. Each customer would be allowed to withdraw $400 in cash and an equivalent in Lebanese pounds at a rate close to market value.

    But the International Monetary Fund on Thursday (June 10) criticised Lebanon’s proposal for dollar deposit withdrawals and a capital control law, yet to be approved by parliament, saying both measures would only be meaningful as part of broader reforms.’

    (The last statement you will notice is the Empire’s agenda for this article. I hope others will pitch-in with info regarding how the Leb citizens are coping. Mike)


    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, dear Mike. It’s true that Lebanese President Aoun is officially and single-handedly holding back the imf wheels from running amok in the Lebanon. It’s hard to tell how he aims to smash up that wheel for good, but perhaps he gave us a hint when he approved of Nasraallah’s “we will bring in Iranian fuel ships into Beirut Port.” Although Aoun did not tacitly announce his approval of Nasrallah’s statement (for realpolitik reasons), he did most certainly nod at it by saying “we are open to solutions proposed by private citizens and official parties.”

      In the meantime, Leb people’s finances are just getting worse and worse, and now extreme long lines at gas stations are a common sight, some meds are scarce and some food stuffs are also unavailable. Here in the south, we’re not feeling it as much as in the rest of the country, although we are seeing long lines at gas stations here too. Taking the advise of Nasrallah a year and a half ago to ‘go and plant foodstuff’ to counter to coming crisis, the south of Lebanon, as well as the Bekaa valley are presently better able to feed themselves. From my hill, I can now see three big veg farms constructed last year and presently operational on three nearby hills that used to be nothing but weedy wilderness.

      Now everyone waits to see if the $400 withdrawal, in dollars, will actually be implemented in July. If this becomes the case, then people can withdraw their dollars from their banks and change them at ‘exchange bureaus’ at triple the rate that the bank gives.

      Everyone is just waiting to see what happens in a couple of weeks.

      Meanwhile, despite the horrendous and dangerous inflation, the Lebs are still doing their normal seasonal thing: they’re already at the beaches with the outbreak of summer.

      p.s. should Iranian fuel ships dock in Beirut Port, this in itself will give a considerable boost to the Lebanese Lira as Iran is prepared to accept Leb Liras as payment method: thus completely bypassing the dollar stranglehold.

  77. Taxi says:

    Howdy y'all!

    So the potato head Neftalli is now officially israel's new PM.  I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the adherents of the synagogue of satan on their excellently ruinous choice.  Jews went from the extremist Netanyahu to the ultra-extremist Neftalli, whose solution to the Palestine problem is 'transfer'.  In other words: swift and complete ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from the holy land, especially from Jerusalem.  Bravo motherfuckers!  And good for the Axis of Resistance.  Neftalli will fix nothing for the jews.  Au contraire, he will only accelerate the coming War of Liberation, and literary, on his first day of governance, he will do this:

    New Israeli government approves nationalist march in Jerusalem


    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      Glad Nuttali uses this opportunity to pick up a loaded AK-47 and shoot himself in the foot. Did he miss all those rockets flying through pristine Occupied Palestine air…?

      • Taxi says:

        In Apartheid israel, a leader’s credibility is connected to how much Arab/Palestinian blood he has/can shed. This is pretty much the fixed criteria that jews demand of their leaders. Potatohead (this will be my name for Neftali forever) needs to establish his bloodlust-credibility now that he’s in office, so he’s bound to rush into trouble. So let him. LOL! And apparently, settlers who live in illegal settlements on the Gaza border are now scared of Gaza rockets and have asked their political reps to “find an alternative” to their flag-marches etc.

        I think potatohead knows that Jerusalem is a red line, and what he will do instead, being an avid supporter of ethnic cleansing and all, is that he will focus on other less controversial Palestinian areas to ethnically cleanse, leaving Jerusalem till last. Little does he know that when it comes to ethnic-cleansing en mass, the WHOLE of Palestine is considered as Jerusalem by the Axis of Resistance.

        Wouldn’t be great if at the end of the day, history writes that a mere potatohead destroyed israel via his talmudic machismo?

        We are currently in a ‘pause’ mode before the big war. Just waiting for the synagogue of satan to next overreach.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        It's a bit of a cliché to use, but, in this case, the writing is really on the wall.

        Potato head wants to show his 'balls' by shedding Palestinian blood?

        I don't know the exact spelling of 'retribution' in hebrew, but is guess it is something along the line of; 'Get Me The Fvck Outta Here'

        Unca sammy's cavalry won't be rushing to the rescue this time around.

        You're done for, baby. Your downfall is all because of your own undoing.

        How wonderful this real fire burning [offering] will finally be.

        To paraphrase Ahnold; "Hasta la vista, baybeh!!!!!!!"

  78. harry law says:

    Naftali Bennett has Bantustans or Transfer on his mind, in this op ed in the New York Times in 2014 he gave his opinions thus…

    “This Palestinian entity will be short of a state. It will not control its own borders and will not be allowed to have a military.

    Gaza already functions like a state, but the Hamas government in control there is bent on Israel’s destruction. As long as Gaza remains on this path, it cannot be a party to any agreement. If we were to pull out of the West Bank, the entire country would become a target for terrorists who would be able to set up rocket launchers adjacent to the Old City of Jerusalem and on the hills above the runways of Ben-Gurion International Airport and the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange”

    Those targets are already easily reachable from Lebanon,Syria and  Iraq etc, is it his opinion that all these areas be occupied or destroyed? A better solution would by 100 mile high walls around 48 borders with Israelis living in cities, 1 mile underground.

      Bennett…. Also “I propose applying Israeli law in Area C, which is the part of the West Bank controlled by Israel under the Oslo agreement. The Palestinians who live there would be offered full Israeli citizenship. We can start with the known settlement blocs that everyone agrees will remain part of Israel even under a final status agreement.

    Very generous /s 60% of the best of the West Bank which houses very few Palestinians [approx 180,000 thousand] Bennett offers no solutions, only more of the same.

    • sarz says:

      Let’s face it. This is a tribe that as a tribe is utterly without nobility. There is nothing to be done with them but defeat them in war when the time is ripe, making the sacrifices that are called for, taking back the land they have stolen and sending them on their way, all with all the nobility we can muster. We have our charters of nobility, not least among them the Quran. 

  79. Daniel Rich says:

    My grandad [the guy that hated lying and cheating] told me, ‘You, boy, always beat up lying until it leads you to the truth!”

    So, I asked him, “What is the truth?”

    And he replied, “The truth is something that lives deep inside of you… You’ll recognize it when you see it… Nobody rules over it, but you…”

    And, one day, I did.

  80. Taxi says:

    With jewish Prime Minister, Potatohead, today sanctioning his zombie settlers' 'flag march' in Jerusalem (the same march that netanyahu had cancelled last week out of fear of the Axis of Resistance's Jerusalem red line), Palestinian women and youths have all day been gathering at the Al-Aqsa compound in preparation for the pharisee zombie's arrival.  Right now, watching it live, the jewish gestapo is using violence against unarmed Palestinians in an attempt to clear the Al-Aqsa compound of all Palestinians.  I am watching clashes and arrests of Palestinians right now.  It will get hotter when the settlers are due to arrive at the entrance of the compound in about an hour.  Apparently the Iron Dome is being oiled up, and Gaza's rockets are also being mounted.  It could blow up again today – let's wait and see…

    Honk if you wanna see THE big war this summer.

    • Taxi says:

      Will Potatohead’s weird coalition government last out the summer? Let’s hope the new government and its demonic jewish colony both meet their maker in Oblivionstan before end of summertime. Oblivionstan: about the only kosher land that is truly theirs.

    • Taxi says:

      Let’s hope Potatohead puts his preemptive skullcap on and simultaneously attacks Iran, Yemen, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon.

      Oh goddddd am on my kneeeeez puleeeeezepuleeeeezohprettypuleeezohgod (if you have ears), let Potatohead bake.

  81. Taxi says:

    Video dude's got good riff – he’s half-Syrian and half-British. I think Plato friends like Mike-Florida and Canthama would particularly enjoy it:

  82. Taxi says:

    Potatohead's First Day at Work:

    Well, it seems to be the case that Potatohead does good theater.  In the morning, he waved his spudy fist at the Palestinians and frothed and screamed: 'Jerusalem is ours!  I'll show you!  I'll show you what big jew balls look like!'  By lunchtime he was telling the jewish police: 'Just pretend you're hard, okay?  Just let the Palestinians believe you'll kill them.  But don't kill them.  No deaths in Al-Aqsa tonight, okay?  Keep the Red Line cool, okay?  No one wants to sleep in shelters tonight, right?'  And so it was to be.  Potatohead 'theatrically' allowed the previously banned Flag March to take place in a sealed off section outside the Al-Aqsa compound, with heavy-heavy jewish security detail.  Maybe 2-3 thousand flag-wavers attended, as opposed to the usual tens of thousands.  And these flag-waving jews were mostly, well, weedy, very young, soft-skinned, narrow-shouldered and boy-scout-nerdy looking.  This was for the optics, you understand.  Potatohead kept the paunchy zombi settler types away from the march and away from international cameras.  The Jerusalem streets were all blocked off by the jewish security apparatus and in such a way that Palestinian protestors and jewish zealots never actually met up, or even had the chance to meet and clash.  The Al-Aqsa compound was sealed off from the jews, and the jews were sealed off from the Palestinians, et viola!  The theater of the coward was performed.

    Cheap-cheap theater.

    Tomorrow, Potatohead’s media will spin it into headlines such as: 'PM Potatohead is a National Hero'.  Or, 'Potatohead Stops Gaza Rockets'.  Or, 'Potatohead Liberates Jerusalem'  Or, Potatoheadism Saves!'.

    Jewish street credibility?  Always obtained through deception and theatrics.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      According to jewish scriptwriters, Native Americans were unleashing ‘pogroms’ on innocent settlers for no apparent reason whatsoever on TV…

      True projection never fails to rear its ugly head…

      Much to my surprise, the countdown has started.

      Occupied Palestine is on its way out.

      It’s inevitable now. 

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ C&D,

      My previous reply to you disappeared somehow, but it was a thank you note.

      Remembered The Who sold out so their songs could be used on CSI Las Vegas.

      Am glad/pleased to see Roger flip the Bird in Mark’s face.

      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        @ Daniel Rich

        It pleased me bigly as well to see Roger Waters publicly voice his contempt for that zio turd (there is an unconfirmed rumor in my circles that Facebook is an extended Mossad/CIA operation that siphons off private data from your computer even when FB is not loaded).


  83. Taxi says:

    Man, there are so very many patriotic songs composed in the Arab Levant nations, both military and romantic; some are hundreds of years old, others are contemporary.  The Levant has been under continuous foreign occupation/hostilities since the early 1500s.  No wonder then that their patriotic songs are so immense in number, and even ancient ones remain popular today.

    • Taxi says:

      And funny enough, Hamas is also upset with Ilhan because she compared them to the evil israelis.

      It was a stupid comparison and she added Hamas to her list because she's a pretentious cunt who is feigning a 'balanced' view.  In my book, you don't have to 'like' a resistance group but you most certainly have to acknowledge their inalienable right to resist, rebel, cause mayhem and evil kill their occupier.  Her inclusion of Hamas robs the Palestinian Resistance of this right.


      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        @ Taxi

        I concur with the c*nt comment (cant quite get myself to use that word comfortably).

        Meanwhile, another vile jew goes down for the count:

        Harvey Weinstein holds his head in his hands on finding out he WILL be extradited to LA to face sex assault charges after judge rejected rapist's attempt to stay in NY


        He is facing 11 counts of rape and sexual assault, which could carry a maximum sentence of 140 years. 

        Weinstein was charged in California in a criminal complaint before being indicted by a grand jury.

        He maintains his innocence and contends that any sexual activity was consensual. 

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ C&D,

        Winestain didn’t need this thing when he performed his sex/ual acts;

        One might argue ‘eye-candy’ to soften the jurors’ eyes…?

      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        @ Daniel Rich

        He could have gotten himself a motorized crutch, a seeing-eye dog, and wrapped himself in bandages, and he would still remain a vile zio-c*nt (there's that word again) who will evoke neither empathy, nor sympathy. 

        I look forward with glee to the day he is rogered in his cell by Bubba and his gang from Sodom, giving him a taste of what the receiving end of rape feels like! It would be consensual (!) because refusal could be fatal! 

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ C&D,

        "I look forward with glee to the day he is rogered in his cell by Bubba and his gang from Sodom, giving him a taste of what the receiving end of rape feels like!"

        Oh, you vile and evil man!

        Glee? What glee?

        [insert fiend whacking at a detuned organ]

  84. Taxi says:

    For the past few days, Gaza teenagers have been busy sending 'incendiary kites' to illegal jewish settlements surrounding Gaza, causing a fire here and a fire there.  Last night, the terrorist jewish airforce responded with a limited strike on Gaza.  Pfff!  Just think and compare here the cost of an IAF strike against a kite strike.

    Will a war break out over last night's strike on Gaza?  No.  Remember, it's judification attacks on 'Jerusalem' and its Palestinian residents that present the new Red Line.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      "Just think and compare here the cost of an IAF strike against a kite strike."

      With the US [the tax payer, actually] picking up the tab, the illegal squatters don't worry too much about military costs, imo. 

  85. harry law says:

    US lawmakers have warned that UFOs could pose a threat to the country’s national security, alleging that they could be espionage assets of Washington's adversaries.

    Forget the trillion dollar MIC defence bill, here is a real boondoggle, I think they should appoint Captain James T Kirk Space supremo [remember him Taxi] he also saved the earth at least once a week, I saw it with my own eyes on tv.

    A senior Iranian military commander says the country’s air defenses work as an integrated network, which provides full protection for Iran’s entire airspace, guaranteeing complete security for all authorized aircraft.

    Iran’s Armed Forces have attained the highest level of advancement, despite the country’s being targeted by the United States’ illegal sanctions, the official said.

    How much of a game changer would a supply of even a small quantity of air defences such as these to Hezbollah?  Why not, everyone has a right to defend themselves right.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks for the links, dear Harry.

      It beggars belief that the biggest terrorist in the world being the jewy US (based on penchant for perpetual warfare) would play victim and juxtapose the topic of UFOs with its nuclear weapons stock. Something very, very fishy about this story. It reeks of the politics of fear. And yes, I do remember Captain Kirk: I did once reject his flirtatious advances.

      And your second link: Iran is a perfect example of what a nation can achieve when it rejects submission to outside bully-interference and simultaneously manages to realize its own unadulterated potential: BECAUSE it had courageously chosen the path of dignity and independence.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      "North Korean defector Yeonmi Park said that Ivy League universities are even crazier than the regime she fled from when she was 13. ‘North Korea was pretty crazy, but not this crazy,’ said the 27 year old, who studied at Columbia University. ‘They are forcing you to think the way they want you to think,’ Park added. ‘I realized, wow, this is insane. I thought America was different, but I saw so many similarities to what I saw in North Korea that I started worrying.’ One such similarity Park noticed was an anti-Western sentiment, but she also noted that other red flags, such as collective guilt and extreme political correctness, were also pervasive at the school. According to Park, she was ridiculed for expressing her interest in classic American literature, such as the works of Jane Austen, because it was written by ‘racists and bigots’ with ‘colonial mindsets’ whose sole purpose was to ‘subconsciously brainwash’ Americans. She later realized that her entire prestigious Ivy League school was infested with the same anti-American propaganda that she had grown up with as a young student in North Korea. Only this time, America was doing it to itself."

      Well done, unca sammy!

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks, Daniel. Yeah I read the same article a couple of days ago. Here’s a link to it for readers who haven’t seen it:

        Even North Korea is not this nuts, total chaos: Defector Yeonmi Park after attending Ivy League university

        The thing is, a story like this would have had more ump if it was published in a leftie zine. You’d know then that the collective Left is waking up to the corrosive influence of the woke movement that they’ve allowed into their stable: waking up to the fact that there have been infiltrated by baby fascists who will grow up to become the very brain cancer of the Left movement.

        Having said the above, I don’t consider the US Left as a leftist movement. The do not fit the traditional definition of the Left. The American Left is so very right wing, especially in its tight alignment with corporate interests.

    • ZiojooistanSucks says:

      Hi Taxi,

      Great article, as usual.


      Andrew Neil is a rich, right wing, Brexit supporting hack who is so very “proud to be British” he lives as a tax exile in the south of France.

      As for “GB News”, the owner is a company called All Perspectives Ltd.

      3 of the 4 “active persons with significant control” of the company live in the United Arab Emirates, and only 1 of these 3 people is “British”.

      The 4th interest “with significant control”, is a private company called “Discovery Communications Europe Limited”, which is registered in the UK, and is a subsidiary of  Discovery Communications Inc., based in the United States.

      And 4 of the 8 “officers” of the company don’t live in the United Kingdom.


      Wokism tactics are identical to jewy tactics.  Absolutely the exact same.  We sure know who drew up the woke blue-print.  And why.

      The “right wing” tactic of demonising and smearing “left wing” people and views as “woke” and “Wokism”, rather than engaging with them, is identical to jewy tactics too. Absolutely the exact same, in fact.  We sure know who drew up the divide and rule blueprint.  And why. 😉

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks, dear ZiojooistanSucks. I am already aware of Andrew Neil’s credentials, having lived in London as a youth for 24 years. And yes, you’re very correct in that the right-wing employs jewy tactics as well. Here, I will add that in my mind, the issue of freedom of speech is a cross-party issue. People on both sides of the isle are pissed off at the absurdities of the repressive woke movement. I know lefties who hate wokers for their (jewy) fascistic methodology, and obviously right wingers hate on them too: mainly due to their (jewy) Critical Race Theory. It is absolutely correct that one should engage in informed debates with the opposition, but I don’t know if I would ever want to engage with a woke person for this simple reason: would one engage in a debate with a certifiable loon? I certainly wouldn’t. I spent 11 years as a volunteer in a mental hospital in sth Cal (reading stories to patients once a week). I’ve interacted with plenty of certifiable people and the first thing they teach you as a volunteer in such institutions is NEVER argue with patients; never correct them because it’s just simply pointless.

        If I was ever forced into a position of having to ‘debate’ a woke person, my interaction would be one of complete hostility to them as I do not give a nano inch to anybody who intends to suppress my freedom of speech. I would verbally nuke them instead of debating them. I honestly don’t care what any ideology claims so long as it leaves my freedom of speech alone. Freedom of speech is sacred in my book and whoever attacks it is my enemy, be they a left or a right winger.

  86. Taxi says:

    Arab media today is focusing on the Iranian elections: wall to wall coverage on it.  This means there's really nothing to share out at Plato's till the Iranian election results are announced.

    Of course, the Palestine issue remains prominent: being a daily topic of discussion, and today Palestine is being discussed but from the angle of Iranian support to the Palestinian armed resistance.  Well, we already know about Iranian weapons supply to the Palestinians so there's nothing new here to add either.  Therefore… I'm going to the beach for the day heh!

    Y'all have a good morning, a good lunchtime, or a good evening, all depending on your time zone.

  87. Hi Taxi and everybody

    You may find interest in this poll about the media in France

    Feelings towards the media

    Distrust, 55%

    Anger, 18%

    Disgust, 17%


    Positive emotions

    Interest, 16%

    Curiosity, 15%


    Indifference toward media

    Young people, 24%

    Average, 11%


    Doubting the veracity of the information received. 66%+


    Wanting to know the source of the information provided, 83%


    Feeling overwhelmed by omnipresent and overabundant information , 70%


    Difficulty finding the information they were looking for, 50%


    • Taxi says:

      That’s a great share. Thanks, dear Antonio.

      I’m sure wherever jews control/own the media, be it in Europe or in the Five-Eyes nations, you will find approximate/parallel figures and stats. ‘Serious’ corpo media that deceives and deceives again and again will eventually go lackluster and bust. Hard for writers to regain credibility once people become repulsed by their lies. Our reflex emotion towards liars is that of indignant repulsion. It seems to be the case that humans are instinctively and profoundly repulsed the most by a lover’s lies, and second to that is media lies.

      We need new media models. Based on fact-providing. With a side order of informed opinion.

      Wherever there is power, there is corruption of power. Here, the essential function of media is to keep an eye on politicians and bankers and other powerful agents because we ourselves cant’ do it, and we can’t because we’re all tied up and too busy busting our asses non-stop, paying bills, raising families etc. Media is supposed to be the people’s watchdog. Therefore, when media colludes with government, they become the enemy of the people.

      When I was growing up, the taxman was public enemy number one. Nowadays, it’s the mediaman.

  88. Taxi says:

    Here's just one minute and one second of the life of Palestine today:

    Literally, every single (Arabic) comment on this video is a prayer to 'god' to help Palestine; help protect it; help bring on victory and fast.  No hot-blooded, fist-waving at the terrorist jews or anything like that.  Just one earnest prayer for Palestine after the next.

  89. Cloak And Dagger says:

    I hope the Palestinians reject this "gift" from Israeli "generosity" of almost-expired vaccines!

    I have not been vaccinated, nor do I intend to be – until they find a way to force me to do so (vaccine passports are their latest attempt at doing so). This "vaccine" is anything but. Vaccines have trace pathogens from the virus to allow the body to create antibodies. This is just experimental gene therapy that is a one-way transformation of your DNA. The mRNA delivers a spike protein that resembles  the C19 virus (virus? how come we can't even isolate this virus after over a year?? Why should I believe any tests, if we don't know what to look for???) is causing all the mutant strains like “Delta” (doesn’t the name strike fear in your heart?). Recently, more people are dying from the “vaccine” than from C19!

    I found this video to be informative (it, and Dr. Ryan Cole, got attacked immediately – don't believe the attackers):

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ C&D,

      “Work on Coronavirus began in 1999; the CDC filed a patent application on SARS-CoV in 2004; it was granted in 2007. They kept tampering with the virus for a few years, trying to make it more infectious and more deadly. After gain-of-function research was forbidden by the US government in 2014, it was promptly offshored to Wuhan lab. 

      Ralph S. Baric was the man who weaponized the virus in 2015, “and described without any inhibition how he took what appears to be a natural strain of a bat virus and altered its properties by adding HIV strains (the Spike Protein in question). “

      Stay healthy and safe.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, dear Cloak. The Palestinians just made it official: they will NOT be accepting the diabolical ‘gift’ from the synagogue of satan.

  90. Taxi says:

    Preliminary results in the Iran elections are naming the hardliner Ebrahim Raisi as the winner.  Analysts are positive that this result will not change, considering that Raisi already has a couple of million votes more than the next guy.

    As far as israel is concerned, Raisi is considered to be the absolute worst choice.  As a hardliner, they fear Raisi will increase and speed up Iranian uranium enrichment.  Well, whose fucking fault is that?!  The idiot jews headed by Sheldon Adelson pushed Trump into breaking the original Iran nuke deal which had nicely contained Iran's nuclear activities, and here now is the blowback in the face of the cunting moron jews!   So it's now zealot PM Potatohead versus Iranian hardliner, Mr. Raisi.  Seems like a fateful fit to me.

    About Ebrahim Raisi:

    Watch now how the demonization campaign against Mr. Raisi will be exploding right across the jewy media’s universe.

    Clearly, ayatollah khamenei, Iran's Supreme Leader, is not expecting success out of the current Geneva negotiations – he was never a fan of the first one to begin with, but Rouhani had convinced him to give it a chance.   Having foiled Trump's added and severe sanctions on Iran, to me it looks like the Ayatollah doesn't care which way the current negotiations go.  Iran continues to sell its oil to China without the use of the dollar, therefore, Iranian economic collapse is out of the question, though economic hardships here and there will continue, though they too are rectifiable with increased trade deals with various Iran-friendly nations that belong to the Axis of the East.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      "The idiot jews headed by Sheldon Adelson pushed Trump into breaking the original Iran nuke deal which had nicely contained Iran's nuclear activities, and here now is the blowback in the face of the cunting moron jews! "

      It's safe to say, most, if not all, of these people are mentally, fully FUBAR.

      They throw away boomerangs and are always surprised when it hits them back in the face.

      • Taxi says:

        They never fucking learn! Don’t know about you, but to me the very definition of stupidity is the inability to learn.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        To learn is to make progress and grow [as an individual]. 

        Hate is a cesspool, where nothing but gangrene grows.

        Let it rot and die.

        It deserves it.

        Any news about the Occupied Palestine Brownshirts' shenanigans near the Leb border…[more dummies, more fakeness]?

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks, Daniel. As the local Leb saying goes, the ‘enemy is still standing on one and half feet’.

    • Taxi says:

      Wow the demonization of Ebrahim Raisi had begun even before his win today.  Here below is an example; and wowwweeee the article is so choke-full of lies it should really be in the Guinness Book of Records.  I mean there is not a single whiff of truth in it whatsoever.  Iranian jurisprudence does not operate the way the article depicts it does at all.  Headline, copy and pics in this article are a complete fabrication, with a fat jewy fingerprint smeared all over it.

      Horrors of Iran’s ‘next president’ Ebrahim ‘The Butcher’ Raisi who tortured pregnant women & threw people off cliffs

      I guess the same jewy propaganda team that worked Saddam's file are now working the Raisi file.

      • Daniel Rich says:


        "The Israeli military has posted haunting CCTV footage of a veiled woman in the moments before she was shot dead after allegedly trying to shoot soldiers with an assault rifle."

        As per your link [taxi], when one stumbles over a line like this; the Islamic Republic’s ruthless regime…, one knows exactly where the 'news' comes from, indeed, very kosher.

  91. sarz says:

    Taxi, what do you see as the likely effect of the latest provocation at al Aqsa. Looks like Naftali had to get himself on record, but one death was his way of having his cake and eating it. Just my guess. Iran would have to be involved and it is preoccupied. 

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Sarz. The Axis of Resistance does not respond to ‘incidents’. It will however promptly respond to ‘events’ that threaten to skew or remove the current strategic Red Line that was gained and imposed on israel via the Sword of Jerusalem.

  92. sarz says:

    I don’t think the Resistance is willing to wait forever, even if there is no big crossing of the red line. Imagine the process of expulsion of Palestinians going much slower, so that it would take ten years to drive them all out. Why should the Resistance, that is assured of victory in battle, just stand aside? I assume you are, like Alastair Crooke, taking it as given that a large incident, a significant event, is inevitable. The record does show that the genocidal impulse is baked into that culture. 

  93. Daniel Rich says:


    As a child I was utterly walloped when I saw a rainbow for the first time; because it was so beautiful, so magical.

    Today it gives me the shudders, as the rainbow has been highjacked by the LQWERTYHNGBS movements. As to rainbowing the military; I want a guy to have my back, not be on it.

    • Cloak And Dagger says:

      @ Daniel Rich

      I have no objection to people doing whatever floats their boats. I object vehemently to having it foisted on me at every opportunity. Don't tell me what pronouns I get to use when referring to you – you don't get to control my speech or vocabulary. Somebody got fired for using the wrong pronoun. I challenge anyone to list the 75+ pronouns with more being created every day.

      The "woke" will go broke, as many companies are finding out. They underestimate the backlash of forced behavior. 

      It's fine if you consider yourself to be gay or lesbian or whatever. That is your business and yours alone. Don't make it my business. Don't tell me that 10% of the population is gay! It's a fake and inflated narrative to justify societal changes. According to the UCLA school of law, only 3.5% of the population is gay, and only 0.3% are transgender:

      How many people are lesbian, gay, transgender

      Again, I have nothing against however people want to live their lives or lifestyle choices they make – not a whit. They have no right to have any impact on my life or choices. Your right to freedom of speech stops at my nose.


      You can identify as whatever you choose to be (man, woman, dog), but why do you think I have to endorse it? I identify as a bank. Send me your money.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ C&D,

        "I identify as a bank. Send me your money."

        I fully agree with all your expressed sentiments and could add a million words to it, but the above segment nails it perfectly. Do whatever 'you' want to do, but as long as there is no 'hetrosexual' parade, let's keep all those 'floats' at bay.

        As my granddad used to say, "By being wrong, and admitting so, with a willingness to understanding so, I’ll inevitably get to the point, where, one day, I will be right."

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ C&D,

        Thanks for sharing. 

        When I lived in Thailand, there was a lot of diversity, but nothing in your face. I'm of the 'Live and Let live' persuasion, and it is not up to me to judge others on their sexual orientation [provided it's not toward kids], their religion or color of skin, but I do keep the right to have an opinion based upon personalities and the way people act.

      • That’s brilliant, ‘I identify as a bank .Send me your money’. Joking aside, your sentiment is spot on. While we are distracted by these tiny diversions (which the EU have responded to within days of Hungary creating a law) almost 7 million people are living in dire conditions and it’s been going on for over 70 years.

        Why is is relative? Because the EU gives them extremely favourable trading concessions even though they aren’t even in Europe and yet they do nothing about the starving people of Gaza having to drink contaminated water. Just a threat to the occupier might be enough to improve conditions for the Palestinians. But the disgustingly corrupt EU officials don’t even have the balls to threaten the equally disgusting occupiers.

    • grr says:

      Hearing the adjective "gay" gives me the shudders. They hijacked that too.

      A gay outing used to be a picnic with my grandparents.

      Now it's an "out of the closet" fag snitching on a fag still in the closet (where they should all be IMO).

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks grr, Cloak and Daniel. Yeah me too re the hijacking of the word gay and the rainbow image. I’ve previously written commentary regarding exactly these points a couple of times here on Platos. I will add no qualifier or explanation on how I feel about some members of the gay community, but suffice it to say that some of the most misogynistic men I’ve ever met were actually gay. Men who admitted to me their absolute, profound and utter disgust at the fact that they’d emerged out of a female vagina. I guess they would have preferred emerging out of a hairy asshole, the turds that they really are. These gay misogynists regularly refer to women as ‘fish’. Of course, the stink of fresh shit is more preferable to these gay men than the smell of fresh fish. Needless to say, some women are more hygienic than others, practicing better diets than others, therefore no whiff of fish is detected upon their groins.

        I say take back the word gay, and definitely take back the rainbow image and return it to universal childhood. We need slogans like ‘Rainbows are for Kids and not for the gay community’. It’s positively child abuse to steal from children.

  94. Canthama says:

    Fellow Platos & exiled Syrpers, it seems we will see action in Syria once more, rumours are strong that there is some sort of agreement to end al Qaeda in NE/North Syria once and forever.

    Recent alignments between Iran-KSA-UAE-Russia-Syria may indicate the ground has been paved, on top of that there is Erdogan's regime isolation as a whole. S

    ome signs we need to see in t he next week to sustain these rumours:

    1) RuAF airstrikes increase in Idlib/Lattakia

    2) AA defenses closing NE Syria airspace

    3) Massive move of SAA to the frontline

    4) The usual huge artillery pounding of terrorists the precede an offensive.

    Stay tuned.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ Canthama,

      Thanks for the update, my friend. Hope all’s well in your neck of the woods. Stay healthy and strong.

      May the casual rate remain low.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks for the update, dear Canthama. Looks like it’s gonna be a very exciting summer. My love and support goes out to all soldiers on the front lines of the battle between good and evil.

      I encourage and welcome Syrpers to use Plato’s for their Syria comments when the shit hits the fan.

    • emersonreturn says:

      thank you, canthama, news we've been waiting for, bless syria, bless all syrians, we stand in awe of your bravery/

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, dear Golden Rule Please. I fucking concur! Heh!

      I hope many more anti talmud articles get printed and disseminated. The very source of evil in this world is the talmud, and its exposure to the ‘normies’ is probably the most important first step that all good people must undertake – and do so of their own individual volition. There will never be (relative) peace again while jewish supremacists and their goy agents run amok among us.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, dear Sarz. Yeah mister Potatohead is attempting to fuck with the new red line and the Axis of Resistance has only so much patience. Don’t be surprised if the big war gets ignited this summer. Bangers and mash, bangers and mash all around on the beaches of tel aviv.

  95. Saladin says:

    It appears something is brewing. PressTV and other mideast websites have been seized by the US govt. An obvious sign of censorship and hostility, it may indicate some aggression is afoot. Perhaps a false flag event. Another oddity, possibly entirely unconnected but nonetheless strange in its timing, the local siren warning system for emergencies, dating back to WW2, is being tested locally. (central California coastal town). Hmmm. Anything like that going on elsewhere among Plato’s readership?

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Saladin and WBDuncan.

      Yeah the timing of all this ‘seizing’ is highly suspect. I think Saladin has his finger on the pulse when he indicates the plausibility of “aggression is afoot.” And let us be certain here that any kind of jewy false-flag a-la 9/11 that would be pinned on Iran or any other member of the Axis of Resistance will ignite a regional war that will find israel destroyed and imperial America limping out of the Eastern Mediterranean. Back in the day, Saddam had no friends, but presently, Iran has many powerful friends who will not stand idly by and just watch Iran get Iraqified by the motherfucking jews and their agents.

    • Canthama says:

      Saladin, many strange things happening after the recent NATO, G7, Bilderberg meetings and a bit later Biden-Putin, some examples:

      1) The IMF/G7 war against crypto all over the world. Clear indication of monetary policy crisis, there must be some underground events not obvious to us all that is showing the level of aggravation. We all know the FED in the US is unable to raise interest rates without going bankrupt the whole country's Banking and mortgage system, it is put against the corner with rising inflation. The EU is also placed in a corner, with some bankrupt Nations at the end of the rope putting huge pressure on ECB and the fragile system in place. 

      2) JCPOA is not flying, contrary to what we hear here and there, the US/EU are adamant to place restrain in Iranian ballistic missiles at JCOPA, new Iranian leadership came to power to let no deviation on the original, Iran is actually preparing to post JCPOA.

      3) Russia adapted Khmeimim to receive strategic bombers, it is using already, 2 days ago a Tu22 was seen flying over Lattakia. This simple step changes completely the game in the ME where only the US used to enjoy strategic bombing capabilities in the region. Worth to mention that RuAF strategic bombers carry now the new hypersonic missiles, feared by the US carriers, it basically neutralized the carriers in the Med Sea, Red Sea and Persian Gulf.

      4) I watched the Putin press conference post meeting with Biden, what I saw was a leader relaxed, confident and prepared, and that told me he delivered the message he wanted to deliver to the US…no more full around, this is the end game, "we will hurt you badly if provoked further". I am so sure he said Russia-China has an unbreakable bond at the moment, we are coming for you.

      We may see strange things such as IMF and SWIFT trying to push Russia out of the global system, US trying to sue China for covid, some crazy shit, every time we see these things, a response will happen on the monetary system, we are at WWIII, without nukes, but this is a full war. ME won't be spared of it, we see all signs for more and more preparations for a hot summer of fight and major conflict, who thought the rotten western regimes would go down like a lamb is mistaken, they will try to preserve their wealth and fiat economic system, we will see a more and more attempts to control the people with "pandemic" like events and proxy wars, we will see violence, and I am sorry to say, the US is up for a civil war, the country is so much divided, poor people are becoming totally marginalized and in. great number, the tipping point is approaching.

      Stay safe my old friend.

      • Saladin says:

        Thanks Canthama. You stay safe as well. You're right about "civil war" coming to the US. But it may take years to play out. The 2022 elections will be pivotal. Things may really start to unwind. We are going to see events globally and domestically in this decade that none of us could've dreamed of. 

  96. Daniel Rich says:


    The following might be of interest to some readers/commenters; Conspirators’ Hierarchy; The Story of the Committee of 300 – Link to CIA [PDF]

    Excerpt: “It will be recalled that Prime Minister Moro was kidnaped by the Red Brigades in 1978 and subsequently brutally shot to death. It was at the trial of members of the Red Brigades that several of them testified to the fact that they knew of high-level U.S. involvement in the plot to kill Moro. When threatening Moro [Either you stop your political line or you will pay dearly for it.“], Kissinger was obviously not carrying out U.S. foreign policy, but rather acting according to instructions received from the Club of Rome, the foreign-policy arm of the Committee of 3OO. The witness who delivered the bombshell in open court was a close associate of Moro’s, Gorrado Guerzoni. His explosive testimony was broadcast over Italian television and radio on November lOth, 1982, and printed in several Italian newspapers yet this vital information was suppressed in the U.S. Those famous bastions of freedom with a compelling right to know, the Washington Post and the New York Times, did not think it important to even print a single line of Guerzoni’s testimony.”

    side note: All of Moro’s bodyguards were killed during the kidnapping [5 well-trained policemen].

    P.S. If some of you are squeaky about visiting the CIA web site, please let me know and I will send the PDF to taxi and ask if he will be kind enough to put up a link.

  97. sarz says:

    Something seems afoot. But it's getting hard to read the signs. Thierry Meyssan (who might be less straight than he once was) has a detailed analysis of the Putin-Biden meeting as another Yalta where Putin was treated as victor. Sounds weird, I know, but he gives supporting evidence. The question is, if the crippling of Resistance websites is a prelude to war, where does Russia stand now? There are a couple million goyish Russians in Israel. If Sayyid Nasrallah is speaking of sending the invaders home, where is Putin on that? (He might very well welcome a bigger population.) It is not tallked about in Western media, but Iran has been under Russia's nuclear umbrella. Putin had solemnly declared in his annual public meeting a few years ago that any nuclear attack, no matter how small, on an ally would be responded to at once as a full-scale nuclear attack on Russia. But he didn't say who Russia's allies were. A year later there was a much-heralded meeting in Jerusalem, that Western commentators were looking forward to as some sort of capitulation by Russia. Putin's close friend and national security advisor Patrushev huddled for a day with Netanyahu and Bolton, and the next day all Israeli newspapers headlined that Iran is Russia's ally. The message was clear. The question now is what if anything has changed.

    I have argued for some time that the international Judaic establishment has been split between those who put Israel first and those who put first the dark ocean of Jewish money. Trump is the first sort of Jew and Biden the second. There was an extended complaint in the Jewish webzine Tablet by two AIPAC sorts that Biden was planning to sell out Israel while pretending to support it fully.

    I suppose soon things will be a lot plainer.

  98. Durlin says:

    No matter where you look chaos reigns, velocity of chaos is picking up the closer the west comes to financial and societal collapse.  The wounded, cornered animal syndrome, the west knows it is running out of time not realizing it is already past.   

      Some thoughts.  The Davos crowd war gamed the scandemic in 2018 or there abouts and this is fact.  Many people including me believe this was a giant psyops to condition and install fear into the sheeple and to encourage them to take the gates/fauci killshot which is not a vaccination but experimental gene therapy and no one knows the final outcome (search for The 5 Doctors on Bitchute).

     Russia has dedollarized, Putin meets with Biden and we all know one of the main reasons was to  try and break the double helix.  Putin will meet with Xi either 7/1 or 7/16.  Along with the scamdemic the Davos  crowd also planned to war game a grid down massive cyber attack called Cyber Polygon on 7/6.  What does this mean,  only time will tell but a normal sane person cannot predict the actions of the criminaly insane we can only judge by past behavior.

  99. harry law says:

    I am very pessimistic about the future of the JCPOA, first of all it was not, in my opinion, primarily about nuclear weapons that Trump abandoned the treaty, rather Iran’s clever strategy of producing its own precision missiles with proliferation of same [i.e. so called malign influence] to its allies in the region, hence another condition Iran has to comply with. The US/Israel demand for Iran to give up any means to defend itself and also for its friends is a straightforward demand for Iran to commit suicide. Fortunately with Iran turning East with the huge deal with China and accommodation with Russia has now bought Iran time and relief from the maximum pressure campaign from the US and its vassals, with or without the JCPOA. Of course Iran is a crucial node in the Belt and Road initiative which together with Iran’s oil and gas reserves China must be eyeing up long term, therefore it is in Chinese long term interests to nurture and build close relations with Iran together with sales of high tech military equipment.

    The Chinese philosophy of doing deals with anyone regardless of who is in power is mirrored by the US who do deals with the biggest tyrants on the face of the earth but hypocritically tell others not to do deals because of some human rights abuses [think Saudi Arabia and other Gulfies] The US is not welcome in more and more regions, especially in the Middle East and with the growing economic power of Iran, so its missile arsenal will grow, with Israel and the Gulfies in the cross hairs unless they curb their ‘malign’ influences, something we know is not possible with Israel.

    • Cloak And Dagger says:

      I concur. The JCPOA is DOA. This is just theater from the Biden team. There is no way that Israel will permit any such deal. I think Iran knows that, but hopes to have something with the EU even if the US doesn't participate – not likely since the US imposes unilateral sanctions and the UN is worthless.


  100. mike-florida says:

    More on U.S. pathetic ‘huffing & puffing’ capturing domain names of news sites. Such smells of a type of desperation >

    “US Justice Department has finally issued a statement related to the seizure of the domain names of multiple overseas news websites, including The statement reports 33 website domains were seized for being at least partly represented by the Iranian Islamic Radio and Television Union, with three others operated by Iraq’s Kataib Hezbollah.

  101. sarz says:

    Israel Shamir's account of the summit seems better rooted than Meyssan's speculation. It seems to be based on reports from his colleagues in Israeli intelligence: "Now we have some answers, based on conversations with my Israeli friends who had the advantage of hearing both sides, the Russians and the Americans."

    I see no evidence here of Biden's willingness to let the Israelis lie in the bed of their own making. As for the JCPOA, Biden simply cannot deliver the dropping of Trump's sanctions. That's in the hands of Congress, where Biden cannot get around the AIPAC crowd. He might be willing to screw Israel for the Rothschilds but he doesn't have those cards to play. 

    • Cloak And Dagger says:


      He might be willing to screw Israel for the Rothschilds

      Screw Israel? "I am a Zionist", Biden? Not in a million years! He and Kamala will be competing with Trump for who can lick Zio ass better.

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks Cloak. Sarz distinguishes between jews who love israel more than they love the shekel, and jews who love the shekel more than they love israel. He sees the same distinction between Gentile agents of jews.

        Perhaps Sarz would care to expound on this?

  102. Taxi says:

    Hey y'all.  Apologies for my absence from the boards for the past couple of days, but my sth Cal cousins are (as per every summer) coming to visit me for their vacation and I've had to run around getting the house ready for them – they arrive tomorrow so I have today to finalize details etc.

    Meanwhile, a couple of news items are worthy of mention.  First, yesterday, the PA assassinated a famed West Bank, Palestinian activist and critic of Abbas, Nizar Banat (R.I.P.), in a horrific, jewy-like manner, thus rocking the Palestinian unity that Palestinians have enjoyed since the conclusion of the Sword of Jerusalem.  I personally found this story very upsetting, but the silver lining is that it brought with it an important and focused discussion on the need for the PA to halt all security cooperation with the evil israeli jews.  This is a very complex issue that puts the PA in a dim corner.  The PA does not protect unarmed Palestinians under occupational attack.  Save for rhetoric, the PA does not actively protect Jerusalem churches or the Al-Aqsa mosque.  In practice, the PA operates as a subsidiary to the jewish security apparatus, keeping Palestinian activists in check.  What I'm saying here is that without this singular, anti-Palestinian security task, the PA literally has no other function in Palestinian society, and considering that moves are being made in Palestine to initiate a new election,  Abbas and his cronies fear a humiliating loss of power and face.  Currently, Hamas and the Palestinian Resistance are hugely popular and they would win an election hands down and by a landslide.  The problem is that the PA is armed and they are not likely to just drop their guns and accept defeat.  Needless to say, the PA are being egged on by the israelis who are desperate to divide Palestinian society again, and who are undoubtedly very happy about the assassination of Nizar Banat.  Hamas responded to Banat's assassination by avoiding a bitter and public criticism of the PA (so as to maintain Palestinian unity) and instead strongly urged the PA to halt its security cooperation with the jew invaders.  This very message has been put out before by Hamas, only to fall on deaf PA ears.  The aftermath of the death of Nizar Banat remains fluid and we shall see how the Palestinians deal with it in their attempt to remain 'unified'.  And meanwhile, Potatohead's jewish thugs continue with their sadistic and criminal attacks on unarmed Palestinian civilians, with ongoing, numerous daily arrests and violent beatings.

    Meanwhile, in Lebanon, the economic situation has now reached a critical point with the fuel and medicine crisis, and with food prices hitting the fucking roof.  Extremely long lines of cars at petrol stations everywhere; and yesterday, the official spokesperson to Leb hospitals announced that hospitals are now almost empty of Mazot (fuel) for their generators, and that unless Mazot becomes available again asap, some hospitals will be closing down their operation theaters within days.  The political crisis within has also completely crippled the wheels of the state – everyone is blaming their detractor for the lack of an official new government, and meanwhile, the country sinks further and further into despair.  Tonight, Nasrallah is scheduled to speak on both domestic and regional issues.  This speech was announced only two days ago, which means that it's an emergency speech.  Let's hope that Nasrallah will be announcing the arrival of Iranian fuel ships into Beirut Port.  This in itself would initially rock the country, especially in enclaves that are pro US, ie in enclaves where minority, Iranophobic, fascist christians live, and also in other enclaves where pro saudi sunni muslims live (not all sunni Lebs are pro saudi).

    Therefore, this summer looks to be quite explosive here in the Levant.

    I will write a summary of Nasrallah's speech, either tonight (if not too tired), or tomorrow when my cousins are sleeping/recovering from their jetlag.

    Y'all have a good one.


    • Taxi says:

      I’m hearing reports that the armed wing of Fatah (PA) has vociferously condemned the killing of Nizar Banat by the ‘civic’ security arm, and is demanding from Abbas an immediate internal investigation into the case, as well as the cancellation of all his security cooperation with terrorist israel. Therefore, the issue has now become an internal and containable Fatah one. This is good as now the focus is on the internal machinations of Fatah, rather than have it as a wider and divisive, wholesale Palestinian issue.

  103. emersonreturn says:

    may the PA grasp their mistake & join the resistance. thank you, taxi, for this.  enjoy your family…in the midst of this. the axis are indeed turning within the blink of an eye.  thank you, nasrallah, iran, putin for teaching the art of patience.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks for your good wishes, dear emersonreturn. I am indeed not expecting a ‘quiet’ summer. Actually, I don’t know a single south Leb local who is not wanting the big war to break out this summer. So very many boiling points abound right now. Because my Cal cousins live out in the sticks of the desert where nothing ever happens, they absolutely love all the Leb tumult and action. They’ve been coming over regularly over the years, to the point where they now have their own Leb-friends circle – and, of course, I am their designated chauffeur ooofff lol! Truth be told, I really love their visits, even though they’re a bunch of loud-mouthed Americans.

  104. Taxi says:

    A friend of Plato's just emailed me a link to his blog here, and this message from his blog page:

    Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.  John 8:44

    You might wonder, why are white people called Caucasian? Very few have any connection to the Caucasus, a mountain range in southern Russia. You'll recall, the Caucasus is where Prometheus (an analog of Lucifer) was chained for rebelling against Zeus and bringing fire to humans. There is however a small subset of white people who have a connection to the Caucasus, and those people are called Jews. The Khazars, who converted en masse to Judaism in the eighth century AD, were based around the Caucasus. I wondered, do Jews consider themselves the true Caucasians? I asked this question eight or nine years ago, and as sometimes happens, I got an answer. Yes, they do consider themselves the true Caucasians. I can't remember where the answer came from, but it came.

    • Taxi says:

      I must say here that although both Lucifer and Prometheus share several similarities, I personally do not consider Prometheus as a Luciferian entity, nor is he, to my mind, the ancient Greek equivalent to Lucifer.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ C&D,

      Are you telling me that a country that extra-judicially kills people, has the right to be judgmental…?

      What have we come to…?

    • Taxi says:

      Last night, in his speech, Nasrallah made mention that "there's a foreign government that is ready and willing to build and establish, inside of 6 months, two crude oil distilleries in the Lebanon, one in the north of Lebanon's coast and one in the coastal south," adding that "this foreign country is not asking for a single penny from Lebanon to do these two building projects, and eventually the payment will be made in Lebanese Liras and not in US dollars."  Nasrallah did not name this "foreign country" last night, but he asserted that this offer is real and genuine.  Many people, including myself, thought that he must be referring to China, but, we're getting news this evening that this "foreign country" is in fact, Russia.  Tomorrow, a high level Russian delegation is arriving in Lebanon for discussions on this very matter.

      This is one immense life-jacket for Lebanon.

      Six years ago, Russia entered the Syria war and literary saved Syria.  Now it looks as if Russia will enter Lebanon and save it too.  Wow fucking wow!  This is really great news for the Lebanon.  And it's also fantastic news for Russia's geostrategic advance/assertions in the eastern Mediterranean: the most important strategic territory literally in the whole world, being the very belly and center of the whole world.

      • emersonreturn says:

        OMG yes!  the russians have also delivered aircraft that fly with kinzals to their syrian airbase.  which means they own the med now.  the uk, america are on notice.  russia understands what it is like to have the foot of the shield on your neck.  they will negotiate to peace, as will iran, bt they will not submit.  china & russia are allies, like hezbollah acting in coordination with hers, the axis work together.  i suppose it's true mi6 & the deep state all work with the shield so i oughtn't to be surprised the lines are distinctly drawn.

      • Canthama says:

        Taxi, for a long time Russia is eyeing the gas reserves of Syria and Lebanon,  they needed Syria in reasonable peace and order to advance on this very subject. Then, it makes all sense to build a refinery, which would most likely be shallow waters gas fed, meaning extremely competitive for exports. I sincerely hope Russia steps up its investments in Syria and Lebanon, both countries in dire need for new taxes and products.

        Emersonreturn may be into something when he mentioned Mig 31 stationed in Syria, this has followed some contructions in hmeimim Air Base to enlarge and create longer landing and take off sit strips, then we saw the strategic bomber Tu22 operating out of Syria, which was already a game changer for long range strategic nuclear bombing capabilities and now Mig31, the fastest jet in the world now equipped with the devastating air carrier killer missiles, basically neutralizing all and any carrier force in eastern Med Sea.

        All together, Russia managed to create a way much stronger air base and naval base in Syria, with proper 1st class air defenses, allowing Russia to rule over Syria, Lebanon, southern Turkey and Cyprus…and why not over Palestine. This mighty presence will, most likely, create ripple effects in Russia's trading and economic interest in the Middle East and North Africa, we all know Russia has many projects in Syria, but now maybe Lebanon too.

        That on top of US threat of sanctions to UAE due to rapprochement to Syria, most likely the same message dropped to KSA and Kuwait,  a new President in Iran….stability in Syria with 7 years of president Assad….advances in restoring unity in Libya etc…all indications that the ME is moving toward a new era and Russia decided more involved with all of them.

        Amazing times for the ME.

  105. Taxi says:

    The US, being the stupid mouthpiece of terrorist israel when it comes to Middle Eastern issues, is warning Arab countries NOT to normalize with Syria.  Of course, they're pushing the normalization with evil israel at the same time.  For all the hate that the democrats spewed on Trump for four years straight, it sure looks like they absolute approve and LOVE his mideast sanctions as Biden insists he will continue with Trump's Caesar's Act and other criminal sanctions that were conceived and promoted by no less than tel fucking aviv.

    US threatens UAE with sanctions over Syria rapprochement

  106. sarz says:

    Hi Cloak and Dagger and Taxi. Let me respond to C&D's comment about Biden and Zionism. Biden's comment that you don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist is well-known. You don't have to be, but it helps. It's less well-known that Biden is halachically Jewish. Biden's father was Irish and his mother 'English' and a big supporter of Israel. In the January 2005 Iraqi election under Bremer people of Iraqi descent could vote. CNN had a feature on Biden voting in the election. There was a photo of him with his ink-stained finger as proof of having cast his vote, and another one of him holding up his Iraqi grandfather's Torah. So the 'Englishwoman' was an Iraqi Jew. (This material was scrubbed from CNN when Biden ran for vice-president.)

    There are lots of crypto-Jews in the woodwork. Trump and Pelosi are clear cases. And Obama has a Jewish connection through his mother, besides his 'wife's' connection to coloured Jews (descendants of slaves owned by Jews who converted to an inferior status of Jewishness).

    All these Jews will have some soft spot for Israel. But it takes more than a soft spot. Adolf Hitler rightly noted that the Jews who were so eager to have a  homeland in Palestine would not dream of living there themselves. What they wanted above all was the cover of sovereign immunity for their criminal activities.

    It's now a fact that Israel is getting to be a burden that the leaders of the Judaic empire would rather not bear. That's why Obama was ordered to put through the nuke deal with Iran.

    The Jew who went against the Rothschild rules respectively for Democrats and Republicans was Trump. He is an Israel-firster disguised as an America-firster. And the main part, the Rothschild-led part, of the Jewish establishment fought tooth and nail to bring him down. He had the support of some Israel-first billionaires such as Adelson and Saban and Singer, but that was not enough.

    You must have heard of the Zionist front, the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. Two of its members, Michael Doran and Tony Badran, have written bitterly of the Biden plot  against Israel. Their piece was published in The Tablet, the Jewish webzine.

    Both these men are shabbos goys. Here's what Michael Doran wrote to his Jewish friends complaining about the actions of then-president Obama. It's noteworthy that this anti-Israeli president had forty-five 'czars' in his administration, all but one of them Jews.

    The other author, Tony Badran, is also a nominal Christian, brought up in Lebanon. Yet he is a major columnist for The Tablet.

    Their joint article is titled The Realignment. It's the AIPAC crowd's cri-de-coeur against what the financial Jews are allowing to happen to Israel. Tellingly, this work by two whores has no energy and freely makes use of the various elaborate but obvious lies against Assad and other enemies of Israel. But if you want to know what's happening behind the scenes, you have to plow through it.

    • Cloak And Dagger says:

      @Sarz – very astute observations, thank you! I shall have to make time to read your links today. 

    • emersonreturn says:

      rothschild or the red shield is as always the head of both wings.  not much different from the morgan left/blue wing & the rockafeller red wing, all answering & doing the work of the head.  this ploy has proven useful for hundreds of years.  adelson, hitlery, trump, biden, obama, all do what they are told & serve the shield.  

  107. Canthama says:

    Good analysis by @Praecursator007 on Iran and the future, worth watching 8 minutes video.

    Will The Islamic Republic Of Iran Defeat The United State In Vienna?

  108. Taxi says:

    Look at this:

    Biden Admin Walks Back U.S. Recognition of Golan Heights as Israeli Territory

    And less than 24 hours later, this:

    US: no change to policy recognizing Israeli sovereignty on Golan

    Ooooh no honor among thieves lol!

    Man, and how fast did them jewy DC whips come out a-hissin' and a-fussin'!

    And as if the US's unilateral 'recognition' of a criminal annexation is universal, legal and binding.  More striking: it's just so very stupid of the thieving jews to think that a mere US 'recognition' equals actual security on the ground – on stolen ground, no less.  And as if this airhead 'recognition' will make one bit of difference when the hour of the Big War strikes.


    The Shortest Screenplay In The World:

    Beacon:  Read all 'bout it – all 'bout it: Biden sayin' Golan's Syrian – goddamn Syrian – get the story here, read all 'bout it right here – all 'bout it Biden-Syrian-Biden-Syrian – all 'bout it!

    Potatohead:  Oh fuckh whaaakht?!  Fuckh zat Joe azzhole! 

    Like all israeli jews do, he cusses in Arabic, his eyes turning red with fury as he types Joe a message in his cellphone. 

    Close-up of message: You have heard of JFK, no?!

    Twenty four hours later, the story is killed.

    • sarz says:

      Hi Taxi. I think the JFK reference is amusing but misconceived. Sure, there was a specifically Israeli role in the JFK killing, but overall it was the work of a Judaic establishment, with a leading role played by a Sephardic Texan, LBJ, but also a huge role by Wasp leaders. Today, the weight of the Judaic establishment in the agencies falls outside the specifically Israel-oriented. The Jewish-led identitarian movement cuts against Israel. And Israel is specifically an embarrassment to any claim of human rights leadership. It's in Congress that Israel still pulls considerable weight, but even there the momentum is against it. It's because of Congress and AIPAC power that the sanctions against Iran cannot be undone. (A bit of Trump cleverness.) It's the same nuisance value that made 'Biden' take back the Golan statement. But the anti-Israel note will pop up somewhere else. Don't misjudge what Judaic leaders are capable of. They are satanic. Their most prominent sacrifice is their own babies. What is Israel next to that?

    • Cloak And Dagger says:

      @Sarz – what is your speculation on how this will end? If I were a betting man I would bet in the circular file…

      • sarz says:

        Hi C&D. Here's a puzzle for you. A month ago the Economist, the Rothschild mouthpiece, put out this article about the one-state and two-state prospects. The first thing for Israel to do, they say, is to support the human rights and economic development of the Palestinians,and then later address the one-state or two-state issue. I can't figure out whom among Israeli Jews this could be addressed to. There couldn't be more than a hundred Jews in Israel who don't think of Palestinians as goyim, literal cattle. There must be some opaque purpose served by this proposal. Could be the Rothschild way of saying, when the red heifer is found and al Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock demolished, "Do with them what you will. They might be talmudic satanists, but they are are low-toned scum. We don't need them for anything."

        There is another definition of Jew, quite apart from Israel and from ritual observance. A friend married into one of the top Jewish financial families told me of a large dinner she attended in Italy, where hundreds of Europe's top aristocrats, nobility and big money, were gathered. She was astounded that they all considered themselves Jews. These people have got it all. They don't want to be bothered with playing the antisemitism game or with caring all that much about the mess that Israelis have made of their lives. These are the people running the pandemic and making sure China welcomes their investment. These are the people Biden and Obama are working for.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ SARZ,

        I haven't met anyone ruder and more despisable than Israeli jews, throughout all my travels, worldwide. 

        Back in the day I had a trainer, who was a jew; Avithal Shalom. He was the only jew I could talk to, because he was honest about what was going on in Occupied Palestine. He said to me, "The moment I get off the plane down there, I am surrounded by the feeling I'm going to die. The entire society is geared toward an upcoming apocalypse. And it gets to you…, one way or the other!"

  109. Daniel Rich says:

    There's a big difference between saying things [I'm gonna] and doing things [I did].

    Russia has the military bag.

    The US's just a windbag, and they know it.

    Sabre-rattling doesn't equate being able to fight a war.

    Russia will do everything it can do to avoid conflicts.

    But, don't be fooled, it can turn into a ferocious hammer, that will treat all of the west as if they're a bunch of cowering nails.

  110. Daniel Rich says:


    Russia started to deploy MiG-31Ks with Kinzhals to Syria. The Kinzhal missile has a range of 2,000 kilometers (with the range of carrier-around 3,000 kilometers) at M=9 velocity it maneuvers at terminal speed, making it impossible to intercept by any combination of existing AD means at NATO’s disposal.

    Russia’s Defense Ministry said that three Tu-22M3 bombers have arrived at the Hemeimeem air base [Syria]. Tu-22M3 [ code-named Backfire by NATO], is a supersonic twin-engine long-range bomber which is capable of carrying nuclear weapons and has a range exceeding 5,000 kilometers (3,100 miles).

    The above makes any aircraft carrier group a floating duck, regardless where they are in and around the wider M.E., as Russia has the means to destroy an entire AC group in 1 go.

    Given the fact that Russia did fire at [and closely bombed] the british vessel, HMS Defender, and promised to sink the next foreign ship trying to pull off this feat, I think it is safe to say Russia, ‘Has had it!’

    Personally, I’d stay far, far away from Russian borders/coasts. Needless to say, one never knows what the nitwits in London and DC are up to…, as the policymakers there believe their armies are invincible and untouchable. A recipe for real disaster.

    • Canthama says:

      Daniel, watch this….Major General Igor Konashenkov trolling the brainless Kirby, the UK naval fat target joke and Ukrainian Mosquito fleet…LOL Freaking priceless.

      Russian Ministry of Defense commented on the incident with the British destroyer HMS Defender


      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Canthama,

        The world has indeed become a giant [yet rather awkward] stage.

        Fortunately, I can still laugh at it.

        Like they say in the Kremlin, "You can dance with wolves al you want, but don't f*** with a bear!"

  111. Daniel Rich says:

    This is what flies off the ff-ing US embassy in Moscow;

    2 things;

    1) – the LGTHQWERDFHJKG flag [is that really who we are?]

    2) – According to Title 36 Section 176 of the U.S. flag code, the flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property [is this really what we have become?].

  112. Canthama says:

    As mentioned before, the presence of Tu22 & Mig31 in Syria basically changed the situation in TMENA. Any carrier task force in Eastern Med Sea lost is tactical advantage, totally neutralized.


    MiG31 Bombers in Syria Endanger US Navy in Mediterranean


  113. mike-florida says:

    "US Threatens Sanctions On Gulf Allies If They Normalize Relations With Assad"

    The first major step toward detente came when Saudi Arabia's powerful intelligence chief, Gen Khalid Humaidan, traveled to Damascus to meet with his Syrian counterpart.

    On a call to reporters on Friday (June 25, 2021), Joey Hood, acting assistant secretary of state for Near East affairs, said Washington's opposition to the Syrian government would not change unless there was a "major change in behavior" in Damascus.

    "With regard to others, who may be considering making moves, we are asking them to consider very carefully the atrocities committed by the regime on the Syrian people over the last decade, as well as the regime's continuing efforts to deny much of the country access to humanitarian aid and security," Hood said.

    "And I would also, of course, add that we also have the Caesar Act sanctions," the top State Dept. official said. "This is a law that has wide bipartisan support in the Congress, and the administration is going to follow the law on that. And so governments and businesses need to be careful that their proposed or envisioned transactions don’t expose them to potential sanctions from the United States under that act."

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ MF,

      This is a law that has wide bipartisan support in the Congress, and the administration is going to follow the law on that. And so governments and businesses need to be careful that their proposed or envisioned transactions don’t expose them to potential sanctions from the United States under that act.

      Spoken like a true, 95-year-old, C-grade actress.  

      Nobody gives a f***!

      Die already…

  114. sarz says:

    For what it's worth, I repeated in a comment at ZeroHedge much of what I've said above, about the tension amongst top Jews over putting Israel first as opposed to putting Jewish finance first. Mine was a detached statement without any sort of name-calling, in the midst of various curses directed at Jews or their enemies. Yet my comment was deleted within two hours while the vollies of abuse were allowed to stay. In case you didn't know, the sole remaining owner of ZeroHedge is a Bulgarian Jew who was for a while not allowed access to the stock market on account of fraud. ZH poses as a free speech zone, but it turns out that is just one more Judaic fraud. Looks like you aren't allowed to talk about some top Jews' willingness to sacrifice Israel for the greater tribal good. That's got to be good news. 

  115. harry law says:

    Regarding the use of the Caesar Act as threats against Gulfies and others who engage with Syria is not surprising, is there any country that has not been threatened? The US are using blackmail and violence in occupying Syria and Iraq illegally not forgetting the money for all oil sales the US forced the Iraqis to deposit in US banks and which Trump threatened to close down if the US were told to leave..                                                                                                                                     &nbsp; There is no law the US are not prepared to break, especially International law, the Russians and Chinese are now realizing this and are, some might say belatedly confronting this reality in the Ukraine [“we will bomb the next ship illegally entering Russian territory”] There is only one language the US understands and it was used successfully the first time Iraq was invaded, the US must be driven out, and they will be.

    What drove the US occupiers out of Iraq the first time was a simple device called an explosively formed projectile [EFP] it consisted of a steel pipe [or even a piece of PVC waste pipe packed with high explosive with a disc of copper at the end, this was placed at the side of roads frequented by US army patrols, they could easily be disguised as rocks or other common features of the landscape, Initially they were set off by electronic means i.e. a cell phone, garage door openers or other such device. The US spent billions and asked Government research laboratories and universities to counter this phenomenon, they succeeded at first when convoys were headed by a vehicle bristling with antennae, the Iraqis were one step ahead of them, they started using a long piece of string to detonate the EFP, game over. An EFP can destroy the latest tanks, penetrate from one side to the other killing the unfortunate crispy critters inside, on detonation the disk is propelled thus…. EFP 20 cm (8 inches) in diameter can throw a 3 kg (7 lbs) copper slug at Mach 6, or 2,000 meters per second . These devices are easy to build and impossible to defend against. Add into the mix the right of these Syrian and Iraq groups to legally defend their sovereignty with the proliferation of rockets these groups have at their disposal.  By the way, these “so called Iranian backed groups” are a legitimate part of the Iraqi armed forces, so the US are waging war on Iraq just as they are on Syria and an economic war on Iran and Lebanon.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ HL,

      Anywhere, worldwide, where the US has its so-called ‘interests‘ you’ll find their vile hands, busy doing the dirty work, either via proxies, or, in some cases, with boots on the ground [remember the 4 US soldiers that died in Niger, in 2018?].

      Operation Juniper Shield has the US military, and, of course, the infamous CIA, roaming the lands of Niger, Libya and Mali [to name a few].

      Both you and I know, every named country is stuck to the Mexican border, hence the presence of the US inside said countries…

      Russia will fight back. Not sure about China, though.

  116. Taxi says:

    In Palestine:  ongoing jewish sadism against the native Palestinians continues unabated, as they in turn resist both the evil jews and evil Abbas' treason and violence against them.  Israel here is attempting, through their Abbas agent, to distract Palestinians with inter-Palestinian fighting again.  Palestinian civil society now demanding the removal of Abbas.  Abbas is a deaf ass with rocks in his ears.  Maybe it's time to poison the king and leave no fingerprint.  Time for the remaining old guards to dismantle their offices and go live in retirement homes.  There's not a single young Palestinian (or old!) who would vote for the enemy within.

    In Lebanon:  The petrol crisis is seriously deepening: now drivers are waiting in car lines for two hours to get only $2 worth of gas (what most gas stations are allowing per purchase, as their gas supply is limited).  Meanwhile, the Russian delegation had its first meeting with Leb leaders yesterday, and there will be more meetings for the next two days.  So far, no official statements have been released either by the Russians or by the Lebanese authorities regarding the first meeting, except for a very short statement last night that confirmed the talks were about the building of two crude oil distilleries in Lebanon, ADDING also that Russia has expressed serious interest in rebuilding the giant grain silo at Beirut Port that blew up during Beirutshima almost a year ago (first anniversary is coming up in 5 days – big protests at the Port are scheduled: all demanding the Leb Army releases the conclusion of its investigation into Beirutshima).

    Here, I would like to point out a couple of observations about Russia's sudden attempted entry into the Lebanon.  Russia, for long has had its eye on both Syria and Lebanon – geostrategically, you cannot have influence over just one of these countries as they're umblically intertwined with each other's destiny.  Russia's national security requires control of this combined Levantean territory so as to block any hostile US/NATO creep towards Russia, and also to safeguard and facilitate Russia's expanding trade routes towards Africa, southern europe and the Americas.  It appears to be the case that Russia has for the past 6 years worked exceptionally on the quiet: relying on Iran, Syria and Hezbollah to clear a Levantean path for it before it asserts its presence there.  (Yes Hezbollah is in the equation and explains why Hezbollah is regularly invited to Moscow for 'security talks').  Getting its native allies to 'first clear the way' is Russia/Putin's way/path of 'least resistance'.  Naturally, the US and israel are livid over Russia's presence in the Levant – the State Department considers Russia to be the biggest danger for 'mideast security' and not Iran, or terrorist israel and wahabism.  With Russia finally 'coming out' in Lebanon only a handful of days ago, we may now see a US-Russia fight over Lebanon, as indeed is currently taking place in Syria and Iraq too.  Russia will not quit its Lebanon reach – it can't afford to.  Whereas 6 years ago, the mideast hosted only US military forces, now we see blatant Russian forces dotted on the mideast map, and also 'quieter' Chinese forces are now appearing here and there on the mideast map, and especially in neighboring Arab and non-Arab Africa. 

    Point is: the US is facing big challenges as it withdraws from the ME – it is acting like a  schizophrenic as it attempts to withdraw itself quietly from the mideast, justifying the withdrawals as silly this and sillier that, (link here and here).  As the US withdraws, it remains a capricious killing machine, with two deadly missiles strike missions yesterday at two Iraqi Resistance bases located at the Syrian-Iraqi borders.  As Iraq buried its martyred resistors today, the Iraqi Resistance simultaneously responded with strikes on a US base in Deir Al Zour, link here.

    I'm left with a big sigh this morning, thinking/confirming to myself that there cannot possibly be peace in the mideast without the violent eviction of both American and israeli troops.  How much can the natives take and for how fucking long?!  Every time the natives find a solution to a single problem, the Axis of Evil throws yet another evil at them.

    Just do the Big War already!

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, dear Sarz. Xymphora’s tweet has been removed. Do you recall the content?

      Also, apologies for my absence from the boards but my car only has a half a tank of gas, which I’m saving for emergencies, and so I can’t drive my visiting cousins anywhere outside the village to do their own thing for the day, not even to the nearby beach, till the long lines of cars at gas stations have drastically subsided – hopefully in a few days. Meanwhile, no way – I ain’t waiting 2 hours just to buy $2 worth of gas! In practice, this means that my cousins and their partners are around my farmhouse all day long, therefore, I’ve had very little me-time to contemplate, surf the net and blog at Plato’s. My visitors don’t mind staying in, for the time being, that is: gives them a chance to get used to the Levantean time zone, acclimatize etc. But in any case, the 6 acres of grounds on my farmhouse do not make anyone feel like they’re imprisoned, so we’re all having a good and chilled time outdoors under the pine and eucalyptus trees. I just hope the gas crisis ends soon cuz I don’t think I can handle my cousins tete-a-tete 24/7 and for a whole month lol!

      This, plus I gather nothing new and consequential has occurred these past few days in the news. Feels like the news remains in some kind of jewy limbo: same tricks of evil repackaged to sell more of the same Persil brainwash to unsuspecting minds. I don’t enjoy repetition and I don’t enjoy writing just for the heck of it. Biden meets Putin: outcome predictable. Biden says stupid shit: predictable foot-in-mouth. Biden refusing to remove Trump’s sanctions: predictable. Israeli violence against the natives: predictable. Covid shit: predictable. Sinking local and global economies: predictable. See waddamean? Predictable shit everywhere and life is too short to parse up inconsequential headlines. I’m better off rolling with my cousin’s vibes and enjoying their visit, now that they’re here and all that.

    • sarz says:

      Xymphora’s post (not tweet) was a single word, Wow, with a link to Cynthia McKinney’s amusing tweet showing the last piece of the 9/11 puzzle. That last piece says something like “Israel did 9/11.”

      Needless to say, if you click on the link you will get a message from Twitter saying “This Tweet is no longer available.”

      It was good while it lasted. You should have seen the squeals of “antisemitism”. They are terrified it’s all going to come out. Which it might well do if countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran hold a tribunal and get The Lawyers’ Committee for 9-11 Inquiry to present its case. 

    • Taxi says:

      Good for Cynthia!

      … if countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran hold a tribunal and get The Lawyers’ Committee for 9-11 Inquiry to present its case. 

      First time I hear of this proposition.  Interesting.  What would prompt these nations to take on the official 9/11 narrative?  What profits them to stick their hands right into the vampire's toothy mouth at midnight?  At best, I think plenty of Americans already think it's an inside job with israel 'knowing about it'; and at worst: a total mossad-conducted inside job.  Certainly, I don't know a single American who believes the official 9/11 version.  Not one.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi/et al,

        "What would prompt these nations to take on the official 9/11 narrative?"

        Malaysia's court condemned Occupied Palestine for its slaughter of Palestinians, and within the blink of an eye had 1 of its national airliner planes disappear [somewhere] and another 1 shot down over the Ukraine.

        It's best to keep this in mind when dealing with zionist infested countries. 

        Also, for the 1st time since WWII, Russia can [and will] dominate the Med [and thus the entire M.E.]. Big news indeed.

      • sarz says:

        Good question about the vampire's toothy mouth. That's not the way to go. You have to make nice. Very nice.

        The three countries, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq (not Iran, sorry) have been materially hugely injured by the fallout from 9/11. Moreover, Muslims in general, have suffered great reputational damage. So, of course, these states are, as injured parties, legitimately interested in knowing the truth about 9/11. There is a long-standing attempt by a committee of distinguished American lawyers to get the district attorney of the SDNY to present a set of facts to a grand jury. This has not happened, for reasons that do not require to be disclosed. These three countries can ask to be made parties to the request to present the findings to a grand jury. But if for some inexplicable reason justice is running aground in the United States, these injured states can ask a collection of impartial, neutral states (say Russia, China, Iran and Malaysia among others) to set up a tribunal to which the Lawyers' Committee for 9-11 Inquiry can present its findings. 

        The story might well play out with trillions of dollars in damages down the line. Question: If by that time there is no Israel, would that be okay? 

  117. Taxi says:

    Something worth pondering:

    We all know that israel will do absolutely ANYTHING to stop the JCPOA deal.  ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING!  Biden appears to be deaf to israel's paranoia on this issue, and is plowing ahead to reach a conclusion with this deal.  I submit that the genociding lunatic, Potatohead, will address Biden's rebellion by giving the mosad a green light for a false flag op against the US, to be pinned on Iran.  I wouldn't be surprised at all if this happens this summer – symbolically, the 4th of July would give optimum result to the warmongering jews who would love nothing more than to have Iranophobia saturate the US, a-la 9/11 and the birth of mass islamophobia in the US.

    Am I being an alarmist?  Yeah probably.  But I don't put anything past a desperate jew, and the jews are currently absolutely desperate to stop the deal and have the US go to war with Iran instead.  To them, a war on Iran would bring back the Shahists and defund both Hamas and Hezbollah: the biggest 'immediate' threats to the terrorist jewish state. 

    I am in agreement here with Sarz who separates the jews who care about israel, from the jews who care more about the shekel than they do israel.  The jews who care more about the shekel don't give a fuck about whether israel survives an Iranian retaliation post a mosad false flag op against Iran.  I submit that Potatohead is a confused jew who's been given contradictory orders by the shekel-jews: find a way to have Iran attacked and israel will find a way to absorb the blow-back and survive.  To the shekel-jews, controlling Iran is by far more profitable that owning israel.  Yes, they would sacrifice israel for control of Iran's vast natural resources.  And yes they would like to throw a big-fat grenade at the Axis of the East's Silk Road 2 project that currently allows the jews but a crumb of the big cake.

    I keep getting the sense that something big is about to happen this summer.  Stateside.

    This sense may have something to do with me living in the Leb, which is like living literally on the edge of the unknown.  I wake up with the palatable unknown, and I sleep with the palatable unknown.  The 'unknown' is very much the zeitgeist of the Levant.  This may be coloring my perspective.  Or it may not.  We shall see.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      "Am I being an alarmist?"

      I'd say you are very much a realist. If it hadn't been for history [WWI, WWII, King David hotel, Benadotte, Egypt, the rape of Palestine, USS Liberty, 9/11, assassinations of Iranian scientists, etc.] you might be off, but history proves your gut feeling to be right.

      Like with the King David bombing, the squatters don't mind killing off some of their own, to get to a certain target [cue in the holocasut hoax]. Simply never turn 'your' back on these critters. Always keep on eye on them, as it is a matter of survival.

  118. sarz says:

    The Jerusalem Post mentions Cynthia Mckinney's (censored) Tweet. 

    Here's a comment I left (unless it's been censored) at the article:

    It's a factual matter. There is a big trail of evidence showing the Jewish, particularly Israeli, hand behind 9/11 collected by Chris Bollyn at

    The anrisemitism game is very clever, but getting tiresome. If evidence is brought showing that Jews did something truly horrible, then the more horrible it is the more the hearer is going to hate Jews. That's only natural. The antisemitism game works by changing the topic from the horrific crime of the Jews to the spreading of hate. The worse the crime of the Jews, the bigger hate-spreader you are for mentioning it. You horrible hate-spreader. Shame on you!

    Hey, presto! The crime of the Jews has disappeared and only your hate is left. 

    • sarz says:

      Hi Taxi. This is a very confusing topic. Take a look at the Moon of Alabama piece on the topic.

      One reason is that even if Biden and Blinken mean to sacrifice Israeli interests, they have to pretend otherwise. Nor can any big Jew, crypto or overt, do otherwise. While the Rothschild's Economist has been solidly behind the Iran deal all along, just last year the Rothschilds participated in a big way to commemorate the founding of Israel, and their own role in it. The optics is all one way. 

      The question is, is Blinken really an out of control ultra-Zionist, or is he putting it on? 

      I really cannot see how the globalists can turn their full attention to China as long as Israel continues to run amok. The only solution I see is military defeat. Maybe the finance Jews see it too. 

      Whatever is really going on is way behind the scenes. 

  119. sarz says:

    Hi Taxi. Didn't Nasrallah say recently that they are waiting for the military's official assessment of Beirutshima? Any gossip you've picked up about that? 

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Sarz. Unfortunately, the Leb army is staying mum on the conclusion of its investigation of Beirutshima. However, some legal activity is taking place, but it won’t go anywhere as, in my opinion, the last judge on the case as well as the new one have both been politicized.

      August the 4th will mark the first anniversary of the horrific event. I’m expecting mass, collective grief and very possibly, street violence as well on this saddest of days.

      Some fresh links on the subject matter:

      Lebanese judge goes after top officials over port blast

      Inside the clean-up of last year’s deadly Beirut blast

  120. sarz says:

    I had mentioned above about a comment of mine at ZeroHedge getting censored. It regarded the quarrel among top Jews, the Israel-first (including Trump) versus the finance-first (including Biden).

    Now I've run up against the Jewish Problem there once again. Here's the comment that has got disappeared, at an article about Bill Cosby being freed by a court:


    Bill Cosby is an American hero. His main crime was that he wanted to buy NBC and had the money to do it. But that's not allowed for non-Jews. So fifty or so obvious whores were lined up with the same implausible story. They went with the single one who seemed able to carry it off.

    This is the sort of comment that ZeroHedge censors, so I'm keeping a copy in case.


    I note that crypto-Jew Trump has signed up with Rumble on the condition that Rumble disallow Discussion of the Jewish Problem (aka Antisemitism).

    What can we do to get truth forums back? 

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ SARZ,

      "What can we do to get truth forums back? "

      My advice would be; stay here and get more people to visit this forum.

  121. sarz says:

    Taxi, I'm taking the liberty of posting my latest attempt to comment (blocked in advance) at ZeroHedge. This is to a second article about Cosby's release.


    Here's a comment I made on ZeroHedge's first story, on the overturning of Cosby's conviction. ZeroHedge deleted it. Why?


    Bill Cosby is an American hero. His main crime was that he wanted to buy NBC and had the money to do it. But that's not allowed for non-Jews. So fifty or so obvious whores were lined up with the same implausible story. They went with the single one who seemed able to carry it off.

    This is the sort of comment that ZeroHedge censors, so I'm keeping a copy in case.


    Is one not allowed to talk oj Jewish machinations here? It's clear that all sorts if inconsequential vulgarity is okay here. But not a factual charge against a powerful community?

    And now you (Daniel Ivandjiiski, Bulgarian Jew owner of ZeroHedge) see fit to see to it that Cosby's reputation sustains maximum damage: "Bill Cosby is the ultimate example that you do not have to be entirely innocent to be wrongly convicted." Can he still buy NBC, or is it just to show what happens if you try?

    I see that I am blocked on Twitter for some inexplicable reason. That's really odd. 

    Copied for safekeeping, because that's what ZeroHedge is. 




    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Sarz. Sorry to hear about your comments being censored. By now, censorship is to be expected, really. The fuckers! I was never a fan of Zero Hedge in the first place – honestly, I can’t think of any site I’m a currently a fan of. Seems to be the case that so many apples in the alt-media basket have rotted.

      Feel free to share your freedom of speech angst with us anytime.

      The double-fuckers! (If I had enough keyboard time right now, I’d have shot off on a cuss-infested, word-twisting rant about evil-sucking censors heh!).

  122. Taxi says:

    So, the Russians finished their Leb discussions/negotiations yesterday.  Hopefully, the media here today/tomorrow will have some info and some good analysis on what had actually transpired during the 3-day Leb-Russian meetings – what the game plan and the next steps are etc.  Will keep you posted on this front as the situation develops.

    Important to keep in mind that the topic of Russia in Lebanon is not only a Leb economic and domestic issue, it is also a giant geopolitical issue of vital importance and of great concern to Empire.  There is no doubt that soon as the Russian delegation landed in Lebanon earlier this week, an active struggle between the US and Russia in Lebanon was triggered.  This struggle was always there, but for decades it had laid completely dormant.  Well, not anymore.  Now it is an active and growing struggle.  The American embassy in Beirut has expressed utter displeasure at the arrival of the Russian delegation to Lebanon – let's see what kind of spanner(s) in the works they will be throwing into the mix to counter Russia's active and expanding reach in the Levant; and especially with regards Russia's fixation on dominating the eastern coast of the Mediterranean.

    The US has already managed to kick backwards Chinese ambitions in the east Med last year: by forcing israel to cancel its massive Haifa Port contract with Beijing; followed shortly after that by the highly suspect and shocking terrorist event of the explosion in Beirut Port, the very same port that the Chinese had previously began negotiating with the Leb gov over.  Although China lost momentum on both Haifa and Beirut ports, it has not quite given up on the east Med coast.  For the time being, it lays low and waits for the 'right' conditions to make its next geogrategic move in the east Med.

    Meanwhile, Russia, having already established a hyper secure port in Tartus, will never accept any US bullying, or the elbowing of its ambitions out of the remainder of the east Med coast.  The battleground is Lebanon, and the visible competitors over it are now Russia and America, with China opportunistically waiting in the shadows.

    Be mindful that nowadays, when we speak of the eastern Med coast, we are primarily speaking of massive gas and oil deposits, and not just speaking of traditional trade routes between East and West.  Therefore, when we speak of the eastern Med coast, we are speaking of the geostrategic maneuvers of Empire and its determined, giant competitors.

    • emersonreturn says:

      thank you, taxi, succinctly said & very informative.  putin's q&a, lavrov's essay, xi & putin's conversation, & xi's speech all tell us the deranged mafia is stymied & will resort to the diabolical…the blast/biowarfair/sanctions all indicators of what they've devised.  apparently the dutch ship in the black sea lost some of its electronics…putin during his q&a revealed the number of the america spy plane escorting the 'defender'.  my take—the axis are prepared & working to end the deranged mafia's reign without taking out the entire planet.  patience & time well used has resulted in this hope & goal.  the deranged mafia used its time to accumulate spoils which as you know will  rot if not soon, very soon.

  123. sarz says:

    I knew you would be gracious about my using your site to expose this evil. However I myself would hate to see your site lose its main focus. I come here because who you are always lifts my spirits, and I imagine that's why most venture by this way. I'd hate to lose that. 

    We do need a truth forum and it would be great if you would spend some of your energy and your connections to bring about something like a takeover of NBC by the right forces. Let's think of it this way. There's no dearth of people among us who could invest a million dollars if it made financial sense. Why should Jews (of the wrong sort) be the only ones to conspire to get media power? Who's to stop us from conspiring—from, literally, breathing as one? 

    • Taxi says:

      Kind words, thank you dear Sarz. I never think of my blog writing as ‘cheerful’ lol, although I do enjoy myself a lot when I get writing and I’m on an irreverent roll. Glad to hear I cheer up some of you out there. It’s cheered me up to know this heh. Thanks everybody. Sending y’all all my love.

      Sarz, don’t worry about about my site losing focus. Even if I disappear for a couple of days (due to busy schedule or boring headlines of the day), I soon enough perfume my blog with my word-scent. Just post whatever you choose, or whatever you deem good for readers to know – I’ll leave it all at your discretion.

      As to starting a forum to challenge the likes of NBC, ooof what a tall order lol! I don’t actually have what it takes to do it, personality-wise. I already live a semi-reclusive life, and I am constantly trying to figure out how to go full reclusive, and a giant project like you propose would entail me having to forget about my desired seclusion and instead endlessly talk/communicate to many people on a daily basis: a task I would consider to be a nightmare lol! Hand on heart, if you ask me to choose between a million dollars or a hammock and two trees, I would choose the hammock and two trees. I’m not a big fan of the world, though I am a fan of life. I see the distinction between them and I prefer to be in ‘life’ and not in the (man-made) world. I retired from business and the rat race ten years ago. I ain’t never going back to that horrid way of existing ever again. Too many assholes and too many prejudices and hypocrisies in that ‘world’. Being in ‘life’ perfectly suits my personality and my zero ambitions for materialism. I’m not even lah-dee-dah ‘spiritual’. I keep it simple: pleasantly live day by day and away from mean people.

      I want to take this opportunity to express my true and sincere appreciation of Plato’s regular readers and new visitors. Your interest and support of Plato’s make my efforts worthwhile. I wish I could buy you all a nice dinner – I mean it heh!

  124. Taxi says:

    I mentioned a few days ago that Hamas's Political Bureau Chief, Ismail Haniyeh, had arrived to Lebanon for high level meetings with Nasrallah and the Leb President, as well as with other political and Resistance leaders.  Well, I'm hearing now that apart from discussions on the Palestinian Right of Return and the Sword of Jerusalem affect, another very important issue was also discussed, it being the subject of the siege of Gaza.

    Apparently, word is that unless the siege is lifted in the next few weeks, the Gaza Resistance will initiate another attack on israel, a-la Sword of Jerusalem.  Gaza currently has a very hefty card in hand to play against israel, especially now that its rocket and missile stocks have become substantial.  It wants to use its 'missile/rocket' instruments to redress the siege, in the same way it used these same instruments to draw a deterring red line in Jerusalem.  Word is that this combative event will also include Gaza's ground forces.  I'm saying that the combined Gaza Resistance is planning to move its fighters into illegal jewish settlements at the Gaza border so as to liberate that land from evil, jewish settlers.  The thinking is: keep freaking out the settlers till the siege is lifted.

    Of course, should the Gazans liberate a bordering settlement, Potatohead, being more violent and stupid and reactive than Netnyahu, would probably be easily dragged into a regional war.

    The equation for israel will be: lift the siege or face a regional war.

    The israelis will be prodded into the war corner.

    Let's hope the stars this summer line up for another (small or large) Palestine/Axis of Resistance victory.

    • Taxi says:

      The evil plan to starve out the Syrians, Lebanese and Palestinians (because the Axis of Evil could not defeat them on the battlefield) is currently in full-throttle mode. This only means that the starved natives have even less to lose when war breaks out.

  125. Anonymous says:

    Now let me get this straight they get all the oil and we get to cut off the end of our di&^*

    Question explains a lot of the anger not all though.

    Feel free to remove if it offends anyone.

    • Taxi says:

      Only boring shit is considered offensive on this blog.

      But I must say, I don’t really know whom you mean when you say “they”. And also, who is the “we”? Could be the late hour of the night I’m in, but I need some clarification to fully understand your comment. And thank you, dear Anonymous, for visiting and sharing.

      I can tell you this much: if I had a dick, I’d butcher like a butcher whoever tried to cut it off.

      • Taxi says:

        Oh wow now I get it! Sorry I was a bit slow catching on lol. What a funny bunny boo you are. And so very succinct. Thank you.

  126. Daniel Rich says:


    Meet Assistant Secretary of Health, Rachel Levine [a jewish 'woman' with a dick], who's gonna take care of your and mine impressionable mind…

    Need I say more…?

    • Taxi says:

      You just made me weep for America. Thanks a bunch, buddy. (Sniff, sniffle, sniff).

      I mean, if a shit could take a shit, it would still look better than Mr. Rachel Levine. Inside and out.

      Three small words for you that describe how I feel about the present America: sad, mad, blue. Okay, I’ll add a forth: DISGUSTED!

      I blame it all on Joe and Jane Average. I mean, how caca-brained is the American voter?! Astounding pandemic of ignorance and infantilism. Hey! Don’t you look at me like that! Like I’m some sorta compassion-less hag talking shit about the ‘poor suffering masses’! Yeah sure I see the voter as a major guilty party in the senseless decline of our nation. The voter ain’t blameless just because they’re stupid!

      I now define the American voter as a slave who believes they’re free.

      The American voter is THAT unhinged.

      And fucking dangerous!

  127. Taxi says:


    What I would call the 'Gaza Teen Pyro Club' has been keeping up non-stop resistance mischief against the invading jews: sending incendiary kites and balloons at illegal jewish settlements and farms, right there at the Gaza border.  One blazing fire after another, the Gaza Teen Pyro Club (GTPC) has certainly been keeping jewish firefighters much ablazingly busy.  And this has been going on continuously every day now since the end of the Sword of Jerusalem war.  Because of these perpetual and unstoppable incendiary balloons, many settlers have now fled the settlements.  (Hey, incendiary-balloon warfare ain't no joke – one could land on your roof in the middle of the night while you sleep – and even if you mange to shoot the balloon down, it still causes a fire – it's ingenious!).  Many of the settler's (stolen) farm fields have also been burned down.  The GTPC is targeting everywhere 'settler' that sits at the belt of Gaza.  Right now, this belt is charred in large patches everywhere.  The israeli nerves were not given a chance to recover after the Sword of Jerusalem ended: having had to, since then, deal with these pyro balloons on a daily basis.  And this has caused an unstoppable and high-pitched rattling of nerves all over israel: especially also that PM Potatohead's rhetoric is that of unhelpful, non-stop unhinged vitriol, incitement and bravado: constantly mainlining the fuel of hate and the politics of fear straight into the gnarly jew vein.   A state of war and warfare and mass fear continues to grip the israeli mind, despite the ending of Sword of Jerusalem, and despite the humiliating departure of warmongering Netnyahu from the jewish seat of power.

    Meanwhile, Palestinians living under occupation also remain in a state of war and rage and martyrdom.  Aside from the hyper sadism and violence they're enduring 24/7 at the hands of their evil, psychopathic occupier, they're also taking to the streets en mass: raging and protesting against Abbas: demanding his immediate unseating.  Notable here is that the Palestinian 48-ers, traditionally and historically the most passive and non-reactive Palestinian group living under occupation, have also been taking to their neighborhood streets en mass and vociferously demanding the ouster of Abbas 'the traitor-murderer'.  Several members of the PA body have resigned this week.  All this big, tumultuous energy is happening because the horrific murder last week of the activist Nizar Banat by PA thugs is being squarely blamed by Palestinian society on a single man: Abbas.  Banat's remorseless execution was the straw that broke the camel's back.  What we see here today in Palestinian society is a conflation of rage against the jailer within, and rage against the jailer without.  There is an overwhelming turbulence in the breast of every Palestinian living under occupation.

    Both israel and Palestine are in a very highly-strung place.

    Safe to say then that despite there currently being no missile exchanges, the holy land remains rocked by a warfare state of mind.

    And it's only the beginning of the summer.   The weather's only gonna get hotter and hotter now.  Israel allowing only 2 hours of electricity to Gaza.  Barely a string of water is allowed to Gaza.  Barely a whiff of gasoline.  Mangy and limited internet bandwidth.  And certainly no proper or enough meds and foodstuffs and absolutely no rebuilding materials.

    If both sides remain in a war state of mind and Gaza remains armed but deprived of essentials, I can see the 'right' conditions manifesting this summer for the Gaza Resistance to test out its next move on the vile, invading jews.  'Lift the Siege' is the name of the game for the summer of 2021.

    More misery is coming.  For both sides.  Maybe this misery becomes contagious and spreads and other Resistances join in and all jab-jab away till the talmudic virus has been vaporized.  Justifiably.

    • Taxi says:

      Lift the siege, or regional war.

      This is what the Gaza Resistance will be pushing for.

      And if regional war breaks out over it, then so be it.

      The cup of injustice doth overflow.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        Palestine has nothing to lose and everything to win.

        The illegal squatters, otoh, are getting more neurotic with every day that passes.

        When you don't have a standing army/air force/navy, you become a partisan, and inflict death by a thousand cuts.

        Make your enemy feel uncomfortable, even when sitting in their 'own homes.' Make them wanting to leave their 'own homes' and f*** off for good.

        Palestine has nothing to lose…

  128. Daniel Rich says:

    [can't reply to your comment above, about America's demise, so try it here]

    @ taxi,

    'You' are what you eat.

    'You' are what you vote for.

    When both you and I [and all of Plato's Guns other forum members] are capable of seeing right through all the BS hurled at us on every single, ff-ing level imaginable, those who stare at their idiot box and believe what they're told, deserve where they're at right now.

    Want jews to call the shots…?

    Fuck both of 'you!'

    Peace be upon you, taxi.

  129. Taxi says:

    I'm right here, right now, right quiet time, right bedtime, right me-time, and with a little thought to share. 


    Although Socrates is my life-long philosophical love, lately, I've been reading Schopenhauer and falling deeper and deeper into his mind hole.  Good journeys of understanding I've been on with good old Schopeez this past year.  He is considered to be the most depressive philosopher, but I rather don't see him as such at all.  I see him as a realist.  And a softie.  Cool combination, don't you think?  Of course, there are many known philosophers whom I love too, more or less because both their proposed life idea AND the language they use to describe it are hyper dynamic, and this marriage of incandescent idea to incandescent word always lights up new, long strings of fairy-lights right down the darker parts of my brain.  I call this, the exuberance of life.  Wow, to ponder on a new idea, a new point of view, a new flicker of light.  To discover a new corridor of self inside the self. Is. Exuberance.

    Then again, there are some great philosophers out there who bore the fuck out of me.

    No, I won't mention names, but suffice it to say that the language they use is dead staid and that's just a deal breaker for me.  I don't have a dissertational, austere mind.  I have a mind that prefers lexical acrobatics and the bending of the metal of words.

    I is what I is.

    And here, I will share a simpler notion of why I believe that it's important for humans to get 'philosophical', at least every now and then.  I propose that philosophy is directly linked to politics.  Good philosophy produces good politics, and bad philosophy produces bad politics.  Unlike Plato, I do not believe that philosophers themselves should be political leaders, but I do think that having a 'philosophical' leader is a must.  You see, if you don't understand human nature, you will never be able to understand the human condition.  And if you don't understand the human condition, how then can you solve a single human problem?  Yes, it all starts with understanding human nature, and as we all know, human nature is the domain of the philosopher and not the politician.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      The west slays dragons.

      The east revers them.

      I like poetry in motion.

      I <3 words.

      This is my all time favorite: Tao-te Ching – Lao-Tzu [Chinese]

      The good thing is, Lao Tzu means – Old Master. Nobody knows who the f*** he was.

      Tao-te Ching means – The way of the road

      Nobody telling ‘you’ that ‘you’ want to f*** ‘your’ mom or dad.

      It’s all about balance and personal responsibility, whilst maintaining an overall eye on the prosperity of the nation and the wellbeing of all.

      Too many words are meaningless.

      Less is better.

      Koto dama [Japanese] – The spirit of words.

      Excerpt [Tao-te Ching]:

      So it is that existence and non-existence give birth the one to (the idea of) the other; that difficulty and ease produce the one (the idea of) the other; that length and shortness fashion out the one the figure of the other; that (the ideas of) height and lowness arise from the contrast of the one with the other; that the musical notes and tones become harmonious through the relation of one with another; and that being before and behind give the idea of one following another. “

      • Taxi says:

        What a great share! Thank you so much, dear Daniel.

        We are thankful that the talmud has not been able to corrupt eastern religions in the same way it has infiltrated and corrupted the Abrahamic religions.

        I think this may be due to the fact that true wisdom goes right over the shit-stuffed heads of the evil jews.

  130. mike-florida says:

    Hi Taxi,

    Asking if you have up dated status regarding 3 items >

    1. Have any Leb citizens gained access to their dollar accounts wich have been locked-down since last year?

    2. Any concrete information showing any reductions in over-spending govt?

    3. Leb actually assisting significant number of refugees returned to Syria?

    Thanks, Mike.

    • Taxi says:

      Hiya Mike! The answers to all your questions are: no, no, and no.

      There’s a political gridlock due to failure to form a new Hariri government. Hariri appears to be under instruction (by US-israel,saudi arabia and uae) to delay-delay-delay the formation of a new government as the country falls further and further into a financial crisis. The Leb is being punished for having a capable resistance group (Hezbollah) that’s backed by both the Presidency and by the largest christian party in Lebanon. Lebanon is also being punished for rejecting israel’s maritime border calculations that would gobble up Leb waters rich in gas. It appears to be the case that the minority christian fascist leader, Gaegae, is being heftily supporter by israel/US/saudi arabia/uae to prepare to cantonize his (very small) territory for when the shit hits the fan in Lebanon. In other words, dark ingredients are being inserted into the current abysmal equation with the aim of creating total chaos in Lebanon. Gaegae has been promised the presidency in the aftermath of this planned chaos. Will this plan succeed? No. Will blood be shed? Yes, unfortunately.

      In the meantime, Lebanon sits on a time bomb.

  131. Daniel Rich says:

    The Israel Defense Forces bombed Gaza for the second time in the last two days. Late at night, Israeli Air Force fighter jets carried out airstrikes on what is reported to be Hamas’ ‘weapons manufacturing sites’.

    "weapons manufacturing sites" makes it sound as if there's a lofty industrial park to be bombed in Gaza. Tsk tsk…

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Sarz. The fuckers know they can’t now mess with Jerusalem so they’ve turned their ethnic-cleansing attention to other Palestinian neighborhoods in the meantime. But non of this pulsating ethnic cleansing will make one bit of difference come the big war. The evil jews will lose EVERYTHING as a result of this war anyway.

      A sincere, big shout out here to all unarmed Palestinians living under the violent jew boot. They are the very definition of courage, dignity and goodness.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      Yay! Keep your indoctrination to yourself, asshole!”

      Oh, you vile man, again!

      I’m just about to board a ‘Hell All‘ flight to Ben Gurion to dive into this open cesspool of open mindedness, where the color of your skin doesn’t’ count!

      Foreskin, yes!!!!!!!

      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        Hey, you can be gay, transgender, a man, a woman, or one of the prescribed 70+ genders, or a horse – I couldn't care less. But if you shove your narcissistic doctrine into my face uninvited, don't be surprised if my foot reflexively and accidentally kicks your teeth in. Oops! Sorry!


      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ C&D,

        "But if you shove your narcissistic doctrine into my face uninvited, don't be surprised if my foot reflexively and accidentally kicks your teeth in. Oops! Sorry!"

        To which I say, "I list myself as a toxic bank. Send me your precious $$$ and be done with it. I know what's best for you!"

        Oh, my ff-ing gawd!

        I'm going gender fluid again.

        When will it stop?!


  132. Daniel Rich says:

    When jews run the place;

    "Most recently, Kiev passed a law on indigenous peoples of Ukraine, which included Crimean Tatars, a Muslim ethnic minority, as well as Karaites and Krymchaks, who practice Judaism. However, Russians were left out of the indigenous people list." – TASS 

    Please allow me to flip the bird as majestically as possible…

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ GRR,

      Per your link;

      During the incident, American warplanes struck one location in Iraq and two in Syria, with the Pentagon alleging the targets to be “facilities” used by Iraqi resistance groups to stage drone attacks on American interests.

      The US’ interests are located between the Canadian and Mexican borders.

      Not in Eyerack, Syria or anywhere else! 

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, dear GRR.  I have not celebrated our Independence Day for a few years now, and I won't be till America has been liberated from the fucking jews.

    • Taxi says:

      Whomever out there in the world who still thinks that the ‘jeeeeeewz’ are the smartest people in the world, well, eat fucking shit already and die!

      Zionist General: Naval Warfare with Iran against Our Interests

      And btw, Nasrallah gave another speech this afternoon on the topics of media censorship, as well as on the topic of social media as a vital Resistance weapon – first time Nasrallah has ever talked about social media. And what a fantastic speech it was and hallefuckinglujah: the Axis of Resistance is FINALLY working social media for all its worth, as evidenced by the incredible social media support that Gaza got during Sword of Jerusalem: the highest global support EVER for the Resistance during conflict.

      Nasrallah spoke for 69 minutes, and as per usual, I will watch it again hopefully tomorrow, for the purpose of accuracy of my comprehension (he used several idioms and words that I want to be sure I understood correctly etc). And despite my full schedule for tomorrow, I will endeavor in all earnestness to make time to also write and share a summary of what the greatest orator this side of the 21st century, Hassan Nasrallah, said to the world today.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        "…And despite my full schedule for tomorrow..."

        You are truly a very busy bee, but fortunately, the sweet nectar of your prose awaits the subtle senses of your readership on an almost daily basis.

        Yours truly included.

        Fly, fly, fly… 

        Let the wind of good fortune rustle under thee wings for ever after.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ C&D,

      Why isn’t it obvious to our “intelligence” community? ”

      Coz they’s too busy planning their next false flag…?

      As to any resistance group; lacking a standing army, it’s important to establish a perimeter of conation. You act or react, to ensure your enemy knows your willingness to fight back are not mere words, but a cold and calculated reality.

      From then onward, your enemy will have to be overly cautious, as no-one [but you] knows when the next blow will be delivered.

      Occupied Palestine is still waiting for the same. Of course, in the beginning they were on full alert, but over time, that’s waning, and the brownshirts slip back into their usual patterns of arrogance and nonchalance.

      That’s when you hit them.

      And hit them hard.

      You might not have an Air Force or a Navy, but psychological warfare doesn’t need much hardware.

    • WBDuncan says:


      Under the heading "you can't make this stuff up":

      When Kissinger was still at Harvard he wrote a paper on the use of nuclear weapons as a negotiation by attacking an adversary with a limited nuclear strike so a surrender could be negotiated. This began his foreign policy advising career and brought him to Nixon's white house. The limited strike concept was being sold to Reagan who did have concerns about SAC and nuclear war due to SAC loosing nuclear weapons and dropping them accidentally on runways and numerous neighborhoods. Reagan then brought in the SAC commanders with a list of the targets for the limited strike. The targets included all the communications infrastructure which dramatically increased the difficulty of negotiations as even a senile old actor could imagine.

      That we are all not dead due to these deep thinkers is a miracle. That he wasn't laughed out of an advisory capacity or even Harvard really points to our valuing war over reason.

      Just a brief note on the above it is my best recollection of various accounts I have read over the last 50 or so years. Exact dates aren't as important as pointing out the lunacy of this war criminal.


      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ WBDUNCAN,

        As they say, “The truth shall set thee free!”

        Unfortunately, for all of us free/openminded individuals, the truth has become an illusive concept. Not because that’s what you and I want. It’s because TPTB run on exhaust fumes of deceit and deception. And they’ll always claim their vortex to be nothing but ‘democracy.’ They can do this with a straight face.

        Don’t get in their way though, as they’ll railroad ‘you’ into submissiveness [either dead or alive].

  133. Daniel Rich says:

    The world will not forget…


    Wonder what the squatter will do when facing a real, battle-hardened man…?

  134. Taxi says:

    Hiya non-chosen everyone and everybody!  Hope you're all in fair stead.  Well, it's just past sunset now and I've only just got back from doing day-long tourism in the north of Lebanon with my cousins.  It was a cool outing, but tiring.  Hit some horrid traffic patches getting back down south – reminded me of Los Angeles gridlocks – unpleasant sensation of time as immovable, metal wall: felt cemented in a tin bucket while the world and the big sky passed me by.  Just now I've finished dinner and real exhaustion is creeping into me, toes first.  Thought I'd like to put a few lines in at Plato's before the exhaustion hits the neck and brain. 

    Have had no time today to even review Nasrallah's speech from yesterday, let alone write about it.  I hope to be able to do all this tomorrow, inshallah.  I'm set up for a quiet, me-time morning tomorrow.

    And speaking of 'quiet', but really, speaking of the opposite of 'quiet', ooof, there's so much stress now in Lebanon everywhere you go, as I discovered while I traipsed its north and south today.  Never experienced this level of mass anxiety in this country in the ten years that I've been here.  Feels like something's gonna give any day now.  Come what may, I'm a-ready.  And interested.

    A short ramble-shramble for the masses:

    It occurred to me just now that when one rebels, one is doing so against the existing status quo, the existing 'order' of the day, if you like; and the only way to tactically fight order is to fling chaos bombs at it.  One cannot fight order with order.  And chaos itself is highly unpredictable.  But, 'strategic' chaos, now that would be the way to go, don't you think?  Smart chaos.  Elegant chaos.  Unusual chaos.  Enlightened chaos.  Chaos as path and not as destination.  Chaos as destructive re-assembler.  A decode and reload chaos.  A deconstruction of the enemy 'order' on all architectural and cellular levels.   Logical, streamlined, chaos.  Chaos that's composed, conducted and controlled by a single, small group of human lightbulbs.  Illuminators, if you like.  All conjoined and without distraction.  All blended into a coruscating maestro.  Focused on creating artistic damage.  Inspired destruction.  A single chandeliered brain drafting destiny's blueprint.

    An anti-talmudic blueprint.

    …  Goodnight from the turbulent Levant, my lovely non-chosenites.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ C&D,

      "…turns my beautiful city by the bay into a crime infested hellhole!"

      Concealed carrying is a possible solution [aka, 'Come and get it!'.


      Attacks on the US are up in both Syria and Iraq.

      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        @Daniel Rich

        Almost impossible to get a conceal-carry permit in California anymore.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ C&D,

        "Almost impossible to get a conceal-carry permit in California anymore."


        You come across a very decent gentleman. How can anyone deny you the right to [properly] defend yourself [and your much beloved city/family]?

        I have to admit, I was utterly shocked to watch the images you provided.

        I am a businessman myself, and whatever I do harps back to that single item we refer to as 'mutual trust.'

        I will shoot the mofus doing this kinda crap.

        Has that [trust] become an endangered notion/species by now, in the US…?

        There's so very little left that I recognize as something I was proud of, back in the day.


      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        @Daniel Rich

        How can anyone deny you the right to [properly] defend yourself [and your much beloved city/family]?

        The historic and unique document called our constitution is in shreds as is the second amendment to it. Gun confiscation has already happened everywhere, and the daft "woke" state of California, once the envy of the world and the pinnacle of freedom and happiness is now a caricature of its former glory.

        The state that gave you the Silicon Valley (where I still work) and allowed hippies and gays to ply their respective desires (largely) unaffected, is now a haven for misfits and malcontents, who hate the very constitution and the land that made it possible for them to grow unchallenged.

        It all started with jewish activists, from militant feminists, to the porn vendors, that turned what was California dreamin' into the nightmare that it is now, with huge swaths of the population now departing for other states, or like Taxi and yourself, departing for foreign shores, leaving the rest of us outnumbered against the rising hordes of anti-American voices, drowning out our cries of protest. 

        I am one of the "unvaccinated" masses, who refuses to swallow the Fauci swill, but the first of the Nuremberg code: "The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential", is a joke. Biden is about to send his Stasi from door to door to force us to take the jab whether we want to or not. It won't be long before I won't be able to go anywhere of buy anything without showing my vaccination card:  "Papier bitte, schnell"!

        I share your sorrow for the resounding crash that has ended the grand experiment in liberty and happiness.

        Chris Isaak could have been singing about the United States' wicked game of making me dream about her.


      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ C&D,

        Man, thanks! That music brought back some sweet & very nice memories :o]

        My Ozzie buddies are probably facing a forced jab, otherwise they wont be allowed back into the country [Ozzie gov's mulling it], both in Japan as well as in Australia.

        Yeah, that kinda 'freedom of choice' is long past its shelf life.

  135. Daniel Rich says:

    U.S. Quietly Slips Out Of Afghanistan In Dead Of Night – Link to The Onion

    Excerpt: "According to firsthand accounts, the 90,000 American troops stationed in Afghanistan lay in their beds pretending to be asleep until well after midnight Tuesday. They then reportedly tiptoed out to a fleet of awaiting Humvees, tanks, armored cars, and stealth aircraft; gently eased the doors shut; and departed as silently as possible so as not to wake the 30- million-person nation."

  136. Taxi says:

    So… this morning, instead of using my pre assigned two hour me-time to work on Nasrallah's speech, I ended up involuntarily falling asleep – sorry guys, couldn't help it.  Then I had to take my cousins to the beach for lunch, spent the rest of the day there till sunset – really great and beautiful beach day.  Inshallah tomorrow I will get the speech done for Plato's.  Apologies again.

    Did I tell you that four days ago I paid a villager $200 to take my car to several gas stations, stand in long lines there to get max allotted gas in my tank till it filled up?  My car fills up at $100.  He went from one gas station to another to another etc – It took him 17 hours to achieve the task – most of the time he was just parked up in gas station lines: waiting for his turn.  This is how come my cousins and I have managed to get around in my car these past few days.  I have a half a tank left so I'll probably have to do this 'hire a gas filler' again before the weekend, probably have to do it on a weekly basis till my cousins leave in 3 weeks time.

    And speaking of the dire gas crisis that's putting the Lebanon on the very edge of collapse, the American ambassador in Beirut is now apparently heading out to saudi arabia along with the snooty French ambassador, to discuss saudi arabia sending money to Lebanon and saving the day.  Weird.  And stupid.  I mean, why not just cancel the freaking Caesar's sanctions on Lebanon?  Why not merely zoom-call saudi arabia and simply 'order' it to give Leb some dollars instead of making an expensive trip to Riyadh with the French ambassador in tow too?  WTF?!  Aha!  Methinks that because Leb's collapse is imminent and the yanks know that the Hezb are not worried because they will be bringing Iranian fuel ships at the 12th hour to save the day, tel aviv jews and the US ambassador to Beirut are now panicking and needing to meet for top secret discussions in person with their Arab ATM machine, saudi arabia, (israeli leaders regularly pay secret visits to saudi arabia), in order to figure out how to keep the Caesar sanctions in place, while simultaneously keeping Iran out of Lebanon.  They need to find a way to block Iran from imminently becoming the savior of Lebanon, by giving Lebanon some saudi crumbs that would save it from collapse yet keep it on the edge of collapse, while the US continues to punish Lebanon with ongoing sanctions.  The US lifting the Caesar sanctions on Lebanon to 'save it' would be tantamount to the US admitting its project against the Resistance in Lebanon has failed.  The US is already currently facing so many failures in the Mid East: Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Palestine: failure, failure, failure, failure, failure and so no way does the US want to add a sixth failure called Lebanon to that shit box. 

    What a fascinating summer it's turning out to be.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      When your opponent brings a ‘knife’ to the fight, ‘you’ve’ already won.

      The US is an embarrassing entity [or has turned into one].

      I no longer feel any pride in claiming to belong to the human race.

      It’s like I’m an alien staring in disgust at what transpires right before my very eyes.

      Tutankhamun, the Egyptian boy-king, with his club-foot and countless canes, was the product of incestuous relationships [à la Habsburg] and died out.

      May this misguided empire follow in his footsteps and fade away into oblivion, ASAP…

  137. Taxi says:

    Why the fuck do we have the star of David as a crown on top of our eagle's head?!!!  This emblem below is featured at all US embassies around the world, including in Lebanon that equates the star of David with a swastika!  This plus two flags fly outside the American embassy in Beirut: our flag PLUS the fucking rainbow flag! (I can’t find a google picture of this, but I saw the rainbow flag fluttering right next to the American flag with my own eyes when I was at the Beirut embassy a couple of months ago).


    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      Here are 'we' in Paris, 1944…

      This was, of course,  before that monster of frankenstien was set loose on the world stage, better known by its stage name; Occupied Palestine.

      "Army regulation AR-850-5 issued August 1942 ordered a plain white five pointed star, as the national symbol, it was seen in all theatres from 1943 and by 1944 was the most common national identification sign. The star point was supposed to be facing rearwards on flat surfaces, upwards on a glacis.

      In armored units, the white star was often painted out or a circle around the star was added, to avoid looking like a German cross at distance. 2nd Armored painted the vehicle number on the turret side in yellow for the same reason in Normandy, with the numbers being removed by D+14.

      The August 1942 regulations authorized, when camouflage and concealment outweighed recognition requirements, the national insignia could be dulled, painted over with olive drab lackluster gasoline solvent paint, or covered."

      DC [must be cohencidence]

  138. sarz says:

    Hi Taxi. You know very well why you have the hexa-star there. The other symbol you have on your military materiel is the two sides of an equilateral triangle, where three of those would make up their hexagram. Have you noticed what they've done with the five-pointed American star? It's now upside-down so it looks like the silhouette of Baphomet. All the American symbols have been redone, most of that under Obama. Maybe that guy from AP can ask Biden one of these days—you know, that Biden who crawled on the floor the other day in front of Rivlin. He said it was for the woman who had the twelve children, but he was pointed to Rivlin. 

  139. Taxi says:

    Nasrallah's Speech on Resistance Media, July 5th, 2021

    Via satellite, Hassan Nasrallah delivered his latest speech as an opener for the National Media Gathering Conference that took place in Beirut, under the banner of ‘Palestine Emerges Victorious’.

    After his customary greetings and prayers to his prophets, and after praising the people and fighters of the Resistance, he launched into discussing the importance of the Resistance having its own dynamic, free media, as well as its own prolific social media presence, referring also to all media platforms as vital weapons in the region’s struggle for liberation and independence from foreign entities.

    He pointed out that despite the enemy’s medias being by far larger than the Resistance’s, all the hard-won victories of the Resistance these past several decades would have gone unacknowledged and forgotten had not the Resistance medias asserted, delivered and celebrated these victories as facts on the ground.  He used the Sword of Jerusalem war as example of the progress of the Resistance media that had, like never before, excelled at delivering real Gaza pictures and facts on the ground to supporters and to the world.  He heartily congratulated the Resistance media writers and photographers for managing to elbow aside and overtake the false narrative of the normally dominant, global Zionist medias.  He also applauded social media activists and writers for helping to create this victory for the narrative of the Resistance, thus significantly advancing the cause of the Resistance itself worldwide.  He reminded viewers that despite the Resistance media’s victory during Sword of Jerusalem, the information war continues at full throttle, and that the Resistance continues to be faced with storms of lies, smears and malignancies from enemy medias.  He then gave special praise to the Resistance media for “foiling the enemy’s media attempts at making the people of the region and the world forget the Palestine issue.”  He noted that the failure of the enemy’s media plan was due to the Resistance medias “rightfully and relentlessly publicizing the agonies, tears and human sacrifices that Palestinians living under occupation have paid in their fight for justice.”  Moreover, he added that media efforts must now be increased so as to “successfully counter new challenges that the Israeli occupier and the American tyrant have placed before the Resistance medias, namely the heavy-handed censorship and the shutting down of Resistance medias post Sword of Jerusalem.” 

    Furthermore, he singled out America as being more dangerous to the region than israel, being the very source and reason for israel’s continued existence.  He also described America as being the very entity that is actively weakening and destroying the region through its interferences in local, political affairs: “determining who rules, and appointing decision-makers who duly execute America’s negative regional agenda, thus constantly undermining the people’s independence and their right to choose their own destiny.”  He also reminded listeners that America “is also in our region to plunder and pirate local resources that belong to the people.”  He added that “it is America that protects Israel, therefore it is impossible to face Israel without first and foremost facing the US; the very same US that has already rendered the region’s various armies lifeless and incompetent in the face of Israel.”  He reminded viewers that after only twelve days of battle, the “Israeli rapist stopped the war because it could no longer fight it effectively, which is more proof that without the US’s active and unlimited support, Israel would not be able to survive in our region today, therefore now our war should be squarely directed against America too.”  He added: “every massacre Israel inflicts upon us has America’s hand and approval. We must not divide and separate them,” he said and added “they are both enemies and both must be confronted.”  He used America’s very recent humiliating withdrawal from Afghanistan as example and proof of the feasibility of evicting the US from territories that reject it.

    Here, Nasrallah went into talking about the essence of the Resistance media; and he defined the differences between it and (mainstream) jewish medias.  He illustrated these differences by making the following points regarding the principles that guide the Resistance media:

    1. Truth.  Always aligning with the truth and publishing nothing but the truth.  “Aligning with the truth equates aligning with justice, uncompromisingly.  Without truth and justice, no popularity for Resistance media would have been possible.”
    2. Strength.  The Resistance media operates out of the apparent strength of its victories.  It does not play victim or weakling pleading for opportunistic assistance or support.  It does not give itself airs, even when it deserves it.  It deals with realism and humility and not with pathos or sentimentality.  It presents exactly what is and not what is delusional – its strength is not a delusion, as the Resistance’s victories on the ground have proved these past two decades.
    3. Knowing the enemy.  The Resistance media never under or overestimates the enemy for propagandistic reasons.  It depicts situations exactly as they are: never fooling its audiences or supplying them with false hope, or with hopelessness.  The Resistance media always acknowledges the enemy’s powers, and it also exposes its weakness in its exact measures.  The Resistance media does not manufacture “lies, dreams, desires, wishes or fantasies, but strictly adheres to presenting the facts and the realism of the equation.  And this is exactly the direction our medias should continue on,”  Nasrallah said.
    4. Integrity.  “Integrity cannot be bought or sold inside the Resistance,” Nasrallah added. “Integrity is morality and morality is the Resistance’s religious essence,” he asserted and added “Resistance supporters have maintained their support over the decades because “our media has established a strong bond of trust with our supporters over the decades, all due to our unbreakable emphasis on following the path of truth.  We strengthen our daily bond of trust by never giving either false information or fake promises to our followers.  So much so that even the enemy’s supporters turn to us for valid information, instead of turning to their own medias.  When we promised victory in the past, we delivered.  When we promised to rescue our people from enemy prisons, wars were launched in order to have them released.  We live to fulfill every promise we make to our people, and we never promise anything we cannot fulfill.”
    5. Diversity.  “Our audiences and supporters come from all over the world, not just local or regional,” he said.  “They come to us with their different religions, ideologies, philosophies and schools of thought.  Our media is acutely aware of the vast variety of the people who support us, including even some jewish supporters.  We address all our audiences with equal respect and affection.  We do not belittle anyone’s support just because they come from enemy entities or from different backgrounds to us.  All of decent humanity is equal and worthy in our eyes.  And what unites the many disparate groups that support us is the holy city of Jerusalem.  The issue of Jerusalem is what brings us all peacefully together despite our differences.  We all have a strong and deep interest in defending and protecting Jerusalem.  We all depend on the Resistance media to keep us abreast of the facts and developments of issues that concern Jerusalem.  And we all do what activism we can to maintain the safety and integrity of Jerusalem.  We all know that personal sacrifices may be needed in order to defend Jerusalem, and we all are equally committed to making meaningful sacrifices for the holy city.  This diversity of support for us has made us stronger in numbers and in resolve.  It is the truthfulness and dignity of our media’s narrative that initially attracted and invited this wide diversity of support into our fold.  It is exactly what has made us all into good and reliable friends.”
    6. Empowerment.  “Our media is a responsible media and its principled position has, like never before, increased the current number of our friends and supporters, as well as increased monetary support towards our shared Jerusalem cause,” so said Nasrallah.  “Our Israeli enemy, after only a few days of fighting a besieged Resistance and its besieged people in Gaza, and despite it having an American superpower as close ally with a vast, global media of its own behind it, found itself desperately searching for a mere ‘picture’ of victory, and not victory itself.  Whereas the Gaza Resistance, as covered by our media, was actually providing the world with actual pictures of actual victories.  Our media here was indispensable to our victory in Gaza.  Without it, our victory would have been lost: dissipated by the vast winds of our enemy’s false narrative.  Throughout all our battles, our media was a partner with our armed wing in asserting the facts of our many victories.  Their efforts have insured that true history was told and not lost.  In the past, due to modesty and disdain of arrogance, our media had over-focused on our weak points, but now it has reached a mature balance where both strengths and weaknesses are treated equally.  We need it to remain on this legitimate and empowering path.  This new and matured face of our media is making our enemy despair, and the proof of this is that, to a great degree never known before, the enemy is now providing massive resources and attention to censorship of our media all around the world.  If our media had not recently reached this degree of effective dissemination and power, would the enemy have bothered to waste its hefty time and resources on censoring us?  I think not.  We need to continue building and expanding our media, adhering to our honest principles as we do this.  We must continue to share with each other our separate media experiences, we need to share and learn just as we do in our various Resistance militaries.  One of the main reasons we have succeeded militarily this far is due to us sharing and galvanizing information, and not blocking each other with regards valuable experiences.” 

    After making these six media points, Nasrallah went on to say that the Resistance had recently done studies on why of all the battles preceding it, Sword of Jerusalem scored the highest popularity points worldwide, and the conclusion to this study clearly indicated that it was social media platforms specifically and not regular TV and print media that had created this spike in popularity.  He heartily thanked social media activists for their labors of love towards Palestine (first time he’s talked about and thanked social media activists), and urged more ordinary Resistance supporters to assert their presence and ideas across social media.

    Moreover, he said that defensive measures against the lies and smears and demonization of Resistance members and the Resistance itself on social media must also be increased.  He advised “awareness of past and contemporary history” to be used as truth weapons against these “evil attacks”.  He requested from pro Resistance media professionals to assert and focus on spreading especially the recent deterrence that was achieved by the Gaza Resistance: this being ‘Jerusalem for regional war’.  He said that Gaza had recently inserted itself into directly defending Jerusalem, and Hezbollah would like to insert the whole region and not only Gaza into directly defending Jerusalem.  He asked the Resistance media to aid in expanding the deterrence that was achieved by Sword of Jerusalem so that the Israeli enemy will think “a thousand times before abusing Jerusalem in the present and the near to mid future.”

    Lastly, Nasrallah addressed the worrisome collapse that Lebanon faces today.  He said that the aim (of the enemy) is to busy the ordinary people of the region with severe internal problems so that they would be distracted from the main and prime issue of Palestine.  “The enemy today is distracting our regional people with fundamental issues like availability of bread, medicine, fuel, baby milk, butane gas for cooking, as well as with weakened local currencies, so as to narrow their sphere of thought and attention and veer them away from the theft of Palestine and from the Resistance that aims to retrieve what was stolen.”  He added: “the enemy has been using this very same method for decades against the people and nations of our region that support the Resistance.  It is their tactic and intention to make us forget Palestine, and up to a certain degree, they are succeeding in this.”  Addressing Resistance media members directly, he continued: “the correct path to take here is twofold:  first, is to remain with Palestine’s issue despite the distractions, and to even expand our support and consciousness of Palestine.  And second, to simultaneously be attentive and focused on disseminating alternative solutions on offer: solutions that would resolve our multiple internal crisis, instead of writing about the despair of the situation, as despair of our people will lose our cause much needed focus.”

    At this point of the speech, Nasrallah said that Lebanon’s problems can be traced to systematic corruption, but that there was also an added and important reason, this being US interference in Lebanon’s internal affairs.  “All of the politicians and political personalities who are known to be corrupt thieves are under the protection of America, and that everything America does in Lebanon is for israel’s security and prosperity and not Lebanon’s.”  He said that the Resistance media must develop a campaign that spotlights America’s relentless criminality and ill-intentions towards Lebanon.  He reminded viewers and listeners that it is America that is forbidding even friends of Lebanon, near and far, from trading with it, or even from delivering any kind of aid to a needy Lebanon; that it is America who is controlling the head of the Central Lebanon Bank who refuses to allow account holders access to their money; that it is America that has blocked and continues to block the dollar from entering the country; that it is America who instructed its Gulfie friends to pull their money out of Lebanon investments and banks, which in itself opened the door wide for the current financial crisis one and a half years ago – that the designer of the collapse of Lebanon is no other than America working on behalf of the Israeli enemy.”  Then he chastised Lebanese ‘friends of the US’ who “already know all this about America’s negative activity in Lebanon, yet continue to shamelessly work with the US, thus enabling it to continue its ruinous hold on Lebanon.”  He stated that “the American ambassador in Lebanon who daily appears before cameras: shedding her crocodile tears over Lebanon, is she not the one who is enforcing America’s crimes and dominations over us?  And she does all this purely for political reasons and for Israel’s benefit, not for the sake of helping Lebanon at all.  Is it not the US that has forbidden our politicians from accepting help offered to us by our friends in the east, like China and Russia?  And our politicians, they are terrified of the American veto and sanctions that are not against companies, but against named individuals.  Our politicians are afraid that their personal names would be added to the American list of sanctions.  But, so what if this happens?!”  Here, his tone became fiery when addressing cowardly Lebanese politicians: “If the Lebanese people themselves have already made blood sacrifices to evict the Israeli invaders, can you not yourself give a non-blood sacrifice and do what is good for the country and allow your names to be added to what we consider THE AMERICAN LIST OF HONOR?!”  (Here, he is renaming the sanctions list as ‘List of honor’).  Nasrallah continued addressing Lebanese politicians, adding: “after our men and women had sacrificed their own blood to liberate you and our nation, do not the people of Lebanon now deserve a sacrifice from their own politicians?!”  He then toned his voice down, saying: “We have actual, real solutions and we have plenty of alternatives, so why are politicians choosing the slow death of our country over their name being included on the sanctions list?”

    Nasrallah further said: “The Americans themselves tell us that their aim is to turn Lebanese people, especially supporters of the Resistance, against the Resistance.  This is their stated agenda.  They do not hide it.  They are shameless about it.  They have the temerity to voice it out loud to our nation and to the world.  Therefore, my dear compatriots, the partner in the collapse of our country is America.  It is America that has conspired against you: took your jobs and bread from you and your families.  The fault here lies in American politics.  It lies with the American administration and with the American embassy in Lebanon and its ambassador who laughs at you and belittles you by absurdly only giving you face masks and fake smiles as a gesture of American friendship and goodwill, while simultaneously burying you in intended misery and bankruptcy.  Sure, we also suffer from non-American problems, but we’ve always had these problems, yet these internal same problems have never brought us to the brink of collapse before.  It is the recent American interference on behalf of Israel that is taking us, by Israeli design and by American enforcement of this design, to our darkness and ruin.  Since our 2006 victory, the US has been threatening us with strikes and with destruction, yet they have not done so because they understand the price of these strikes.  They dare not unleash on us because they know that we’re capable of making them pay for such a crime.  Today we find in Israeli studies and discussions that israel’s only hope of hurting us is through our economy.  They have failed at affecting us in all other areas.  This is their last card against us.  Here, I advise all our Lebanese people to arm themselves with awareness, with patience, with clarity, with determination and with serious efforts in order to succeed at resolving our current problems.”

    Nasrallah then turned his attention towards the crisis over government formation and said: “Efforts are currently being made to assign a new government.  I will not speak of this as over the next few days, decisive meetings will be taking place, and out of these meetings, we will then have a clearer picture of whether a new government will presently be formed or not.”

    Lastly, addressing the investigation into the Beirut Port explosion, he said: “This week, we read in the media a list of names of higher-ups to be investigated.  It is unfortunate that these accused found out that they are on the list through the media.  This makes the investigation politicized, and we are asking that this investigation not be a politicized one as this direction will not deliver the martyrs of the explosion or their families any justice whatsoever.  We rejected the politicization of the investigation in the past when the first judge was working the case, and again we tell the second judge that we reject its politicization.  I will speak more on this when official statements and records are released.  I will not today respond to leaks full of names and innuendoes with no legal substantiation.  Up to now, on this issue, we find that justice is far and the truth is veiled.  For months now we have been asking the head of the investigation to publicly release the conclusion of his report, but all our efforts have fallen on deaf ears.  What caused the explosion in the port?  Was it a conspiracy?  Was it an Israeli missile?  Was it negligence?  Were there Resistance weapon depots in the port, as we were falsely accused of soon after the explosion?  It is our right as Lebanese citizens to have access to this information.  It is the investigator’s duty to hold a conference with the families of the martyrs of the explosion so as to inform them of exactly how their loved ones perished.  Let us therefore now wait and see if the investigation under the second judge is a genuine one that seeks true justice, or a politicized one that aims to sew yet another divisive seed in our nation.”

    He closed his 69 minute speech with: “Regarding the dollar crisis, we must collectively focus on real solutions that are available to us, and not on small glimmers of possibilities here and there.”

    He thanked his audience and apologized for taking too much of their time; and he also wished the Resistance media members watching him live at their conference all the best in all their endeavors.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      Thanks for this summary.

      I must have taken quite some time to type it all.

      I don’t speak on behalf of anyone, but your time and effort are greatly, and most sincerely, appreciated.

      When ‘you’ live in a country where the SC has ruled that ‘The news doesn’t need to be true!’ ‘you’ know one’s truly f***ed.

      The truth shall set thee free and it doesn’t need a single law to be true, so, to be thus, is everything.

    • Taxi says:

      Kind words, thank you sir.

      Just so you know, I'm a very fast typist and I do it blind.  When I was a teenager, my parents forced me to do a typing course one summer – I could type 50 words per minute after 4 weeks of training.  I resented it back then, but boy did this training come in handy when the internet was born or what?!  Heh!

      The truth shall set thee free and it doesn’t need a single law to be true…

      Beautifully put, dear Daniel.  Thank you for this little gem of wisdom.


  140. WBDuncan says:


    Thank you for summarizing the speech. We should be so lucky as to have such a leader. Not that I gravitate to "leaders" but we have them and given a choice I would choose him.

    Thanks for all you do.


    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, dear WBDuncan.  I wrote upthread the other night about the connection between philosophy and politics; that a good philosophy makes for good politics.  We very much see this reflected in Nasrallah's speech above.  Actually, all his speeches are beautifully weaved with good philosophies and universal signposts.

      Like your good self, I too am not a cultists either.  I am turned off by 'personality cults'.  You will note that when I wrote my article, 'Hezbollah The Beautiful',  I stayed well away from praising Nasrallah or from making him the central theme.  If memory serves, I think I may have mentioned him by name maybe two or three times only in that long article.  Even though I am a true and deep admirer of Nasrallah, yet I couldn't bring myself to wax lyrical about him personally.  It was much easier and more natural for me to wax lyrical about the Resistance group itself, and not him.

  141. mike-florida says:

    Taxi – thank you for taking your precious time to deliver in detail Hassan Nasrallah’s most brilliant speech to the Leb people. I especially admired the part where he challenged all Leb politicians to show their integrity and love of their nation and its people by challenging them to ignore sanction threats and be proud if they are put on  the ‘Honor List’. Many Leb citizens hearing this will be watching and taking notes on which politicians are on that list – and, which are not. A most cool challenge Nasraliah made for all to see when he laid down a clear marker every citizen can understand – and track who is with Leb and who has surrendered to the Empire against Lebanon and its people. Perhaps Taxi may report now and then about that list.

    A zillion years ago when completing university studies one of my first job offers was to become an assistant professor of Physics at the American University in the Leb. Although I accepted a space research position with NASA, the Leb has often been on my mind as to what goes on there and what it might have been like had I accepted that position.

    Some years ago as a frequent member of Syrper following the challenges of the Syrian nation to Empire attacks, often news about the Leb came through giving glimpses – including the brave fighters of Hezb who joined to assist the Syrian military fighting against thousands of insurgents hired and trained by the Empire to destabilize and collapse Syria. While today as you outlined the Leb people face most challenging attacks on their economic well-being, at least so far because they have Hezb holding its sword over Israel as a deterrent against outside militarized attacks on Leb citizens, so far not suffering the death and destruction with millions of their citizens refugees in three adjoining countries – as was unleashed on Syria. While the president of Syria has remained focused and firmly in place during the past 8 years of Empire-invasions his steadfastness with prime Russian assistance has been a blessing to the Syrian people.

    If only US and EU citizens were allowed by their mainstream media to hear all of Nasrallah’s speech – –  but the Empire controls all narratives they are allowed to hear. No free press so far, but time is ticking.

    After Syrper crashed and burned last year, most likely by Empire actions, my most savvy friend Canthama introduced me to Taxi’s Plato, where again I find excellent insight into the Leb.

    Thanks again, dear Taxi for all that you do. And, Salute the Leb and Taxi. Mike.

    • Taxi says:

      Thank you so much for a wonderful comment, dear Mike. Because this was Nasrallah’s first speech on ‘Media’, I really felt that giving as much speech details as I could to Plato’s readers would be the correct approach, so as to provide everyone with the blueprint of how the Resistance’s media is guided – in return guiding readers.

      I was most pleased with this speech because, finally, the Resistance was giving special and strategic attention to its media. I had always lamented that the Resistance media was its weakest arm – and I actually found this quite depressing. Even though the Resistance media has recently significantly advanced – enough to challenge the behemoth jewish media – I still think there’s still much work for them to do with regards their English-speaking supporters. For instance, I would very much like them to have better English translators for their articles; and also, I would like them to provide English subs to Nasrallah’s speeches in real time, and not a live interpreter. This way one can read the subs while at the same time experiencing fully the emotion, the dynamic cadence and pulse of Nasrallah’s voice. I always find the emotions that issue out of his voice very informative in and of themselves.

      I do not enjoy PressTV’s live English interpreter mixed on top of Nasrallah’s speeches because it’s a female voice and it really should be a male interpreter’s voice. I find the timber and pitch of PressTV’s female interpreter really annoying and her voice also lacks self-confidence – she’s often dragging behind and sometimes even stutters. This plus the sound engineer they use is not a pro: always keeping Nasrallah’s voice waaaaay too high in the mix, confusing your ears with two voices speaking at the same time and at similar volume: distracting your attention away from what’s being said by Nasrallah. PressTV do a horrible job really and it pisses me off because I think, well, you’ve got as far as getting it together, why then not have an EXCELLENT team of interpreter and sound engineer? Frankly, I find Nasrallah’s speeches unwatchable on PressTV – I find their treatment by PressTV to be utterly amateur. I do hear though that the Spanish interpreters who do Nasrallah’s speeches for their supporters in South America are excellent. Let’s hope they get it together soon and provide their English-speakers with equal professional messaging.

      Mike, I am amazed and impressed that you’re a NASA man. Physics, no less – wow. Well, I think you probably chose right to go with NASA instead of the AUB, but I am 100% sure that you would have seriously enjoyed working at the AUB, and also loved living in Beirut back in the day. Should you ever decide you’d like to come to the Leb and visit in the future (post financial crisis, of course), I would be more than happy to host you – I think you would really love it here. Maybe by the time you get it together to come over, the Leb-Syria-Palestine borders would be open by then. Just imagine what wonderful tri-nation road trips one could take heh!

      Like Nasrallah said in his Media speech: “we never promise anything we cannot deliver”, thus it should give us all, non-muslims included, great joy to remember his Jerusalem promise in a previous speech when he said: “I and you will soon be praying in Al-Aqsa”.

      A special shout-out to our good friend, Canthama, the great connector, who was kind enough to recommend Plato’s to his Syrper friends, thus bringing yourself and so many other great Syrpers here to Plato’s. Plato’s is most certainly richer for your presences.

      Thank you again, dear Mike, and thank you to all visitors and friends of Plato’s. Much love and goodness I send to y’all.

      • Canthama says:

        Hey Taxi, much obliged for your comment.

        I am sure the exiled Syrpers miss the site a lot, but it gives great comfort to many of us to be here at Platosguns, and you are to be thanked for that.

        Superb summary of Nasrallah's speech, it was a remarkable one, a clear speech with so many details and strategic meaning, one that precedes great events…..hopefully the US defeat in the ME and its utter defeat and finally the liberation of Palestine.

        The almost daily events we see in Iraq and easter Syria against the US military presence is an indication that this is going to be non stop until it gives up and leave….with the defeat in Afghanistan war and its complete retreat by late August, new diplomacy is moving in from Asian players and the Taliban, and I am sure we will see peace for while there once common sense get to the table. A major unknown is the Turkish regime sending 2000 al Qaeda terrorists to Afghanistan (many Uighurs), most likely to join ISIS operatives there, Erdogan is willing to extend his influence (recently gained in Libya, Armenia, Syria and Azerbaijan) to Afghanistan, not sure whether Iran, China and Russia will react to this, we will have to wait and see. 

        The same is expect in the ME, major players are moving their pieces and maybe soon enough we will see NATO troops out of Iraq and Syria, and diplomacy back to table either thru the Arab League or directly. 

        In Syria these days, we see an unusual concentration of force in the the frontline, Idlib, with key detachments, such as the 25th Special Forces (previous Tiger Forces), nearby in eastern Hama/southern Raqqa, not far from the M5….intense shelling has been exchanged in the past 2 weeks, as well as air strikes that killed turkish backed terrorist leaders in multiple events, there is a growing sense of an offensive, maybe the one that will liberate the M4 highway. As many previous offensive plans in Syria, this one can be cancelled if there is another agreement in Astana….it is still amazing how Russia and Iran continue to trust Erdogan.

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks for kind words and for your updates, dear Canthama. Indeed, many chess pieces on the great geopolitical board are most certainly ‘in motion’ now. We are witnessing tremendous play by the Axis of Resistance members lately. The time for giving invaders the white glove treatment is over. And quite rightly so.

        Superb summary of Nasrallah’s speech, it was a remarkable one, a clear speech with so many details and strategic meaning, one that precedes great events…

        I too feel that the function of this speech was to prepare and galvanize global supporters on social media for an upcoming “great event.”

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Canthama/et al,

        The US inserted itself into Afghanistan, not because it gives a f*** about women getting schooling, but because it thought it would be a good place to have forward bases to attack Iran, and be/come a wedge between Russia and China’s BRI project.

        [note: there’s not a single US friendly country around them there]

        Imo, the ‘retreat’ has nothing to do with a military defeat, but everything with realizing the US mil are sitting ducks in Afghanistan, especially after Iran attacked the Al Asad air base, in Iraq.

        Where will these troops go?


        Of course not.

        Just redeployed somewhere else in the M.E. region, where they are supposed to be less vulnerable and brass thinks it can sell it as something ‘strategically plausible.’

        It is therefore that I think the US is up to something way more sinister and this so-called ‘pullout’ is to make sure it gets their troops out of [direct] harms way.

        Occupied Palestine wants a war with Eyeran. Never underestimate the circumcised critters, for they are relentless. Therefore, they need to be squashed and exterminated.

        Sadly enough, these words are spoken by a man who cherishes mankind.

      • Canthama says:

        My dearest friend Daniel… comes to my mind Pepe Escobar & Tacitus….

        'When it comes to the American empire, Tacitus once again applies: “They have plundered the world, stripping naked the land in their hunger… They are driven by greed, if their enemy be rich; by ambition, if poor…. They ravage, they slaughter, they seize by false pretenses, and all of this they hail as the construction of empire. And when in their wake nothing remains but a desert, they call that peace.”'

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Canthama,

        When I first read George Orwell's '1984' 2 things rose to the front;

        1) – What kind of imagination did this man have?

        2) – Why the f** does Winston Smith feel even a smithen of sympathy toward 'Big Brother' toward the end of the story?

        The rebel in me never got it.

        I, otoh, finally did get it.

        We've become the ol' Soviet Union ourselves, all the whilst while prattling on about 'freedom' and ' democracy.'

        Our 'utopia' is the ff-ing LGTBAOQIWRETY hinterland, where thoughts are tied to diversity and equity, and severely punished when there's any deviation from such 'free' thoughts.

        Ruled by gender.

        Not by who has the balls to rule.

        See what I did there?

        I'm able to knock 97% of the women cold.

        How dare I…?


        Who gives a f*** [any longer]?

        Having said all that, I'm honored to know you are out there, together with all of PG's members and guests.

        It gives me hope and something to look forward to.

        Hat in hand.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,


      Hopefully suicide drones will find their way into the hands of  the resistance.

    • Canthama says:

      This is a really good video, what a great summary of current status quo.

      I am still surprised the rotten Western regime and its clueless people aren't seeing or can't see it that the whole ball game has changed in the Middle East…. Since the US murderous attack on the Iraq-Syria border roughly 2 weeks ago, The Resistance has been shelling, destroying and hitting US convoys, US bases and US mercenaries, on a freaking daily basis….these attacks are clearly no focusing on killing US soldiers, for a while, but this can change at any second, then there will be a blood bath of dead US and Mercenaries soldiers.

      There is no way back, the US and NATO criminals must get the f•ck out of Iraq and Syria for good, or blood bath will happen.

      • emersonreturn says:

        canthama, thank you, i found taxi through you, a post on sypers, thank you.  regarding the deluded west (i live in victoria bc/step kids live in the palisades) so i am painfully aware of what we are, here in the heart of the beast, & we are thoroughly, most esp. what used to be the left, utterly lost leaves (such as in a picabia, or an episode of the Prisoner) but thank god, russia, china, the axis of resistance are not—they understand poverty & war as we in the heart of the beast have no earthly understanding, no matter how we read the russians or attempt to absorb mao & the trail of tears, bt the forces behind russia, china & the axis of resistance know that the axis of evil are desperate drunks & capable of anything, anything being igniting a nuclear war or @ the very least a number of horrible biowars.  the axis of resistance knows time is on their side.  all they have to do is distract the drunk from the fuse.  all is in god's hands, yes, bt god is on the side of truth, justice, morality, honour, beauty, kindness, wonder & magic—all things which elude the demented empire & nothing whatsoever contaminated by greed.  thank you, canthama, you are a treasure, as is taxi.

  142. Daniel Rich says:
    • There is no future in the past, but there are lessons there.
    • Valuable ones, if we care.
    • Interchanging ones if we dare.
  143. Daniel Rich says:

    "When the inordinate desire after knowledge of things was allayed in me,  and I aspired after nothing but purity and simplicity of mind, there shone in me daily a greater assurance than ever I could have expected, even of those things which before I had the greatest desire to know." – Henry More (1614-1687) 

  144. Daniel Rich says:

    Call me a cynic if you want, but one of my buddies stationed in SA, told me about how females are 3rd ranked entities in the 'kingdom.' [although backroom deals will get you anything you want; booze, drugs, women, etc.] so, how come this is suddenly 'normal'?

    U.S., French Ambassadors Hold Talks with Saudi Counterpart – Link to Naharnet

    as both 'ambassadors' are of the 'opposite' sex…?

    • Taxi says:

      The Leb is currently blighted with two exceptionally ugly and charmless female ambassadors who hail from the US and from France.  The hatred that these two conspiratorial, cunt ambassadors display towards Lebanon on a daily basis is truly unmatched.  Last week, the unsightly pair held hands and together dashed off to saudi arabia in order to talk it into giving Lebanon some 'rescue' money, but israel (admittedly) forbade saudi arabia from giving any support to the Leb, even though it is actually in israel's interest that Lebanon does not fall into a 'security' chaos due to starvation, as Nasrallah has already previously promised israel that "we will kill you, we will kill you, we will kill you!" should the israel-Trump-engineered sanctions against Lebanon intentionally and aggressively take the nation to starvation.

      And no, it is not goodwill towards Lebanon by the US and France when they ask saudi arabia to help Lebanon – not when actually lifting the sanctions against Lebanon would be the effective and friendly solution.  The diabolical hags' idea of helping Lebanon is to throw mere saudi crumbs at Lebanon, thus keeping it fixed right on the edge of total collapse and starvation till the next Lebanon presidential elections: due in some 16 months.  They foolishly believe that the next Lebanese Maronite president can be hand-picked by them and installed at the Presidential palace, when the majority of Maronite christians continue to support the Aounist-Hezbollah alliance.  The unattractive cunts would very much like the (fascist-friend-of-israel) minority Maronite leader, Gaegae, to become the next president.  This is basically the only and last anti-Lebanon card left in the Axis of Evil's hands.  But can the small, percolating-with-crisis nation withstand another 16 months of colossal financial pressure when already its local currency has lost some 80% of its value?

      Fuck!  Some serious heat and insecurity are choking up the Lebanon this summer.  Nobody knows what worse news tomorrow will bring, and the needy population is now living on the edge of a blunt knife.

  145. Taxi says:

    Howdy y'all!  Yesterday marked the day that the 2006 war between Hebollah and israel began, lasting some 33 grueling days – mega consequential days – a war that ended with israel's humiliating military defeat.  To mark this historic day, Hezbollah released new footage of the 'kidnapping of israeli soldiers' incident that ignited this war – you will find this video footage within the article linked below:

    Unseen Footage of Hezbollah Operation Truthful Promise on July 12, 2006

    The video begins with the Hezbollah ambush of the israeli tank, followed by the taking of the israeli prisoners of war.

    Two years past this incident, a prisoner swap occurred between the Hezb and israel: israel got its two soldiers back, in exchange for 5 high-value Hezb prisoners, including the highest value prisoner sitting in israeli jails: Samir Kantar.  Also returned by israel to the Hezb during this prisoner swap: 200+ Palestinian and Lebanese corpses that israel was holding hostage.

    For the next 30 days or so, Lebanon will experience public events and memorials dedicated to Lebanon's martyrs and its historic 2006 victory over israel – though this year, due to coronavirus and the economic crisis, these events will be somewhat subdued.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      I disagree.

      Never show your enemy what you can do.

      Just do it.

      Kill and be done with it.

      Let them figure out what you did.

      Let them [try] to figure how you did it.

      But keep all your [killer] trump cards as close to your chest as possible.

      Never show it.

      Let it be an aftermath.

      Never a showpiece.

      That’s just me, though…

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, dear Daniel.  Actually, I initially felt the same as you, but on further thought and analysis, I began to see a different picture. 

      In case you didn't already know, the first part of the video (up to the ambush itself) had already been released by the Hezb several years ago, and yesterday's video release now includes the second part of the op (the taking of soldiers from armored Humvee and stuffing them into Hezb gataway car).  The Hezb merely added to already existing footage.  I don’t really detect harm in releasing the longer version of the op. I see the release of the video as serious psy warfare by the Hezb against the israelis, during a historic month that they too remember only too well but would very much like to forget.  And if we look at the actual substance of the operation itself, it appears to be simple, straight forward and without any military acrobatics that may benefit the enemy either tactically or strategically. 

      The op appears to be as follows: wait for the israeli Humvee to be caught on a short road between two sharp bends before engaging a double fire exchange with the israeli military post guarding the Humvee from atop the hill, as well as this enemy Humvee itself: ambushing both targets simultaneously from three different positions.  Then, when the military post appears to be subdued, and under cover of Hezb smoke-bombs, Hezb men then approach the israeli armored vehicle and drag the two living soldiers out of it, man-handling and quickly frogmarching them into a hidden Hezb transporting vehicle nearby.

      It's a simple plan that utilizes the lay of the land.  There are literally thousands of south Lebanon hills with numerous narrow roads sandwiched between two sharp and steep bends.  These types of roads are unavoidable in south Lebanon: they are everywhere. They are very dangerous roads for any enemy as they are perfect locations for sudden, unseen ambushes.  Hezbollah has been ambushing the israeli military on such hills since 1985.  What you see in the video is a well-practiced, repeat mission.  I don't believe any secret Hezb military plans were handed out for free with the release of the long-version video. 

      From the beginning of the video where you see Hezb fighters actually crossing the barbed wire that divides Leb from israel, to the very end of the operation where you get the tight close-up, pixilated footage of inside the getaway vehicle, the feeling is that of high stress levels, mortal danger and claustrophobia.  I doubt any israeli soldier watching it would not be seriously unnerved to think that should he ever get caught by the Hezb, he'd have to endure the claustrophobic terror of being in the tight confinement of a car with half a dozen Hezb fighters aiming guns at him and chanting 'allahu akbar' at his face in unison.  The footage shot inside the gataway car: this is a portrait of peak israeli terror.  Jews make fucking movies about such terror moments.  Therefore, the video's psyop value is measurably high, and releasing the 'longer' version some 15 years after the fact is thus relatively justifiable.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        I fully agree with your take on the nerve racking part of the footage it will have on the Occupied Palestine brownshirts.

        Keep in mind though, that Osama bin Laden got bombed, after he released footage of some messages he had to say out loud in 2001, and US geologists knew where he was sitting based upon the rock formation behind him.

        That’s why I wouldn’t release any footage of anything I did. For keep’ sake, sure, but not for the wider world.

        You want to keep your enemy on his toes, and relentlessly so while at it, by unpredictable acts, not images.

        Rumors can be much more powerful than whatever footage you do have. Keep that mill running and grease it’s wheels with deeds, and always unpredictable deeds.

        The element of surprise remains priceless.

        Being insecure, digs down deep [on enemy moral]. That’s the Occupied Palestine part that Hezbollah should feed, as much as they can.

        Of course, I say this as an outsider, plus knowing I’m a very mean man when it comes to retribution…

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks, Daniel.

        Keep in mind though, that Osama bin Laden got bombed, after he released footage of some messages he had to say out loud in 2001, and US geologists knew where he was sitting based upon the rock formation behind him.

        Thing is, the US, just like israel, are both unable to bomb Lebanon without risking the instant pulverization of tel aviv by Hezbollah.  Hence, the current alternative US-israel policy of starving out the little Lebanon.

        Of course, like all their other plans for the past 20 some years, their starvation policy will blow up in their evil faces when the Hezb facilitates Iranian fuel boats docking in Leb waters, and subsequently invites industrial deals with Russia and China into commercial Lebanon.  All this will take place right at the ding-dong bell of the 12th hour – now fast approaching.

        And you know something?  When I stop and think about the Hezb actually going through with this counter plan of theirs, ie bringing Iranian aid into Lebanon, my very spine shudders to realize the behemoth size of Hezb's courage.  Please fully realize here that the second an Iranian fuel ship docks in Leb waters, the whole of the geopolitical middle east will immediately and completely change – and change to favor the natives.

        The rod of transformation is firmly in Hezbollah's hand, not in the hands of the evil enemy who now fights tooth and nail to maintain the bolshie, colonialist status quo.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        All the stories I’ve heard about Hezbollah fighters, is that they’re brave and eager. It’s a reputation that rings over the hillsides like that of the roman legions before them.

        But their enemy is the opposite. They fight mean and dirty, because there’s no honor among thieves.

        I really hope Iranian oil gets to the Leb, I do so from the bottom of my heart, but my heart also worries, because of the enemy they deal with. They [the enemy] should feel like an anvil that’s stuck somewhere, and the hammer of a muscular blacksmith is about to rain down on them, the Chicago way…



      • Taxi says:

        I don't for a second think that Empire and israel will pronto surrender all their mideast plans for expansion and domination soon as Iranian fuel ships hit the Leb waters.  On the contrary, I expect an extremely violent reaction from the combined Axis of Evil, thus leading to an overnight regional war.  I see nothing but extreme violence in the near future of the Levant and the wider middle east region. 

        Past that, I see light.

        Let's see the 'Leb starvation project' as potential powder-keg that will ignite a regional war.  Let's look at this scenario in simple terms: what choice do the Hezb have at the 12th 'starvation' hour but to bring in the Iranian ships?  The Hezb has already intimately considered this scenario and has already publicly chosen to fight standing up, instead of surrendering to the cunt enemy.  The Hezb has opted to fight instead of standing idly by and just watching their nation and people starve, their country fall into socio-economic anarchy and civil war, thus rendering its (broke) army and other domestic security apparatus all weak and vulnerable enough for possible jewish re-occupation (probably with NATO assistance).  This is the worst case scenario that runs through the brains of Hezb strategists.  Out of the current two choices in Hezb's hand – surrender or fight – there is only one correct choice.  Yes.  Fight.

        Then… so be it.  Let the Iran ships sail in; let the enemy's violent chaos loose;  and for fuck's sake let the big war come swift to equalize this damned jewish injustice right out of existence.

  146. Harry Law says:

    When Nasrallah referred to all media platforms as vital weapons in the region’s struggle for liberation and independence from foreign entities, he meant you Taxi, I hope your blog is on his prolific reading list, what a leader Nasrallah is, so truthful and has tremendous self respect.

    One of the issues Nasrallah talked about was the integration of the resistance groups, this integration in my opinion will be difficult because state governments are involved to a degree, for instance groups in Iraq, Syria and Iran will find it easy to organise but difficult to act without the consent/acquiescence of their own governments i.e. when to start a war or at what point is Israeli provocation too great to resist striking back?. Each government may have different time scales or other reasons, For instance Iran would not like the resistance to start a war if or when an agreement is imminent over the JCPOA, or Syria may have the Russians on their backs. Hezbollah are fortunate in having their stockpiles of missiles in place, do the Syrian and Iraqi resistance groups have theirs? No doubt with Nasrallah as leader these problems will be solved, but it would be unfair to rely mostly on Hezbollah.

    In the meantime resistance supporters have only speculation as to the state of play and the military capacities of the various actors, which is both frustrating for us but entirely correct as Daniel pointed out up thread, walls have ears and keep them guessing. Can I borrow an expression from the Israeli settlers and direct it at the Iranian missile assemblers working in the underground missile factories somewhere in Iran “Build baby Build.

    Nasrallah went on “For this equation, we are (currently) working on integrating the elements of power of the Axis of Resistance, (that of its) states, governments, movements, and peoples. We are spending the nights in meetings to coordinate, communicate, study, set forth plans, drawing up the various possible scenarios and plans, (scenario) A, B, etc…This, however, also requires the shaping of a new (form of) public opinion, as we exit the difficult phase of the past ten years. We need a new (form of) public opinion”. 

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ Harry Law,

      “This, however, also requires the shaping of a new (form of) public opinion,…”

      I’m a real simpleton.

      When [not ‘if’] the wider public doesn’t give a f*** about what’s happening to me, well, to put it politely, ‘F*** them!’. 

      You touch me [or any of mine], I kill you.

      That’s the only language these illegal squatters understand.

      Prose and moral dilemmas are something you and I worry about. Not these d***heads.

      They only understand the ‘words‘ spoken by lethal means.

      Not a peep, when Occupied Palestine bombs anything outside of its own, non-existing borders. Level a small village [inside Occupied Palestine, when it does again] and remain silent.

      They’ll get the message.

      That’s the only thing that counts.

      That’s the only thing that works.

      Forget about this ‘wider world,’ coz they couldn’t care less.

      I do hear where you’re coming from, though, but doing nothing doesn’t work [here].

    • Taxi says:

      Kind words, thank you, dear Harry. Although, I doubt that Nasrallah reads Plato’s as his English is practically non-existent heh! However, because the English-speaking Resistance news website ‘Alahed News’ did publish my ‘Hezbollah the Beautiful’ article several months ago, perhaps then Nasrallah’s ‘personal’ team of media gatherers/reporters may have mentioned my article heh!

      Let me say here that non-state members of the Axis of Resistance act separately from their supporting (or un-supporting) governments. If israel was to attack Lebanon today, Iran conferencing in Vienna has zero say on whether Hezbollah should respond or not. Defensive decisions are solely taken by individual members. However, it’s a different story when all members of the Axis of Resistance are under the same war theater roof addressing a wider war. There, joint decisions are taken and all members are equal contributors, despite Iran being the ‘paying boss’ of the Resistance. This is a complete contrast to how the Axis of Evil works. The Axis of Evil members follow orders from an America office that is under the control of tel aviv. Tel aviv gives orders, and the US disseminates the orders to its genuflecting members. Always the Axis of Evil members follow tel aviv’s orders, despite these orders being against their own nation’s interests. The US here being a prime example.

      Let me also assure you that all members of the Axis of Resistance have the weapons they need for the big war – all of them. They are already ready and are using the meantime to increase their arsenal, increase their intelligence gathering, train to remain in tip-top shape, expand their medias and increase pressure on the enemy. They’re never just naval gazing while waiting.

      And yes, I believe that Nasrallah’s sudden attention on the Resistance’s media arm has everything to do with further preparations for the coming war. Now, this media arm will undoubtedly start growing muscle, both regionally and globally, as has been the case with other Resistance arms once they’ve been spotlighted by Resistance leaders.

      Nasrallah’s current focus on media tells us that the zero hour is indeed getting closer. The motto of “Jerusalem is Closer” has been assigned to all Resistance medias since the ending of the Sword of Jerusalem combat. This motto is now featured daily as a banner for discussion on numerous political shows and discussions. “Jerusalem is Closer” is on the minds and lips of all Resistance communities right across the global board. Daily.

      • Canthama says:

        Taxi, that is interesting to hear the current mantra "Jerusalem is closer" by The Resistance.

        It brought to my mind that The Resistance may be playing a very smart game of words, I recall when the west started to back the flood jewish people from Europe post WWII, the settlers adopted centuries old "mantra' at the time….. "next year in Jerusalem", an old phrase from the jewish community in medieval Europe….words are different but the 'soon' feel is the same…

        I am thrilled with the opportunity to live thru the liberation os Palestine, it will be another remarkable event in our life time.

  147. Canthama says:

    For some 3 weeks or so, have mentioned rumours of action in Idlib, these rumours only grows in time, though there are no videos about mobilization, it is clear the SAA has been training in the past 12 months, loads of soldiers for an offensive, while the 5th Corp and 25th Division have been in some sort of action in many areas within Syria (against ISIS or smaller ops), these are two of the most popular SAA forces, and recently the famous 4th Mechanized Division started to remobilise, all of them are either near the Idlib frontline (Hama, Raqqa, Aleppo) or moving toward it (4th in Damascus), that is another key indication of something brewing in the horizon. 

    Two important points to take in consideration are intense shelling and air strikes, both are happening one way or the other, almost daily, but we need to see them both intensified for a longer period of time (a week or so) to be able to conclude that the offensive is imminent.

    There are lots of background talks lately, Astana talks, colder relation between Russia and Turkey, US military under constant attacks in Iraq and Syria, US/Russia talks on Syria etc…many moving parts but the need to get a final resolution on Syria is approaching fast. Next month or so we all know the path forward of all the above, but changes are coming to place in 2021 still regarding Syria. 

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ Canthama,

      Germany attacked Russia in June.

      They should've done so in April.

      And, like France before them, got stuck in the snow.

      I'm not privy to anything militarily in Syria, but would have expected [or will expect] anything to transpire earlier in the year, because it's easier to carry water around than heat.

      • Canthama says:

        In Syria, summer can be extreme for any sort of war…the major battles to reconquest Syria took place in a more mild temperature….Aleppo that ended in December, East Ghouta that was from Feb-Apr….and the battle to liberate M5 all the way to Aleppo was from December to April.

        A big exception was the race to Deir er Zour, high summer, where weather was ignored since the US and SDF tried to get there before the SAA, it was a frantic race on daily temps over 45oc with peaks on 55oc….battles at night, securing perimeter and resting during the day.

        Any battle to liberate Idlib, if it happens, it will be toward end of 3rd Quarter, beginning of 4th Quarter, after weeks of bombing and shelling.


      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Canthama,

        Syria has to deal with the takfiri terrorists, the turkish terrorists, the kurdish terrorists, the american terrorists, the british terrorists and who knows what other terrorists are crawling over parts of Syria.

        What you and I both share [among other things], is a whish for Syria to be run by Syrians. It's their land. It's their future.

        Either you are an invited guest, or, otherwise, Raus!

  148. Daniel Rich says:

    House committees pass $20 mill per day on behalf of Israel

    Excerpt: ”Two House committees recently advanced bills containing provisions that will disburse over $7 billion of Americans’ tax money on behalf of Israel if both houses of Congress pass the bills, and if they’re then signed into law by President Biden, as is expected… ”

    So, what does it take to end this ff-ing madness?

    • Taxi says:

      Answer to your question: a wipe out of the address where the cheques are sent to. 

      No address = no cheques.

  149. Daniel Rich says:

    @ taxi,


    It is so great to get all this HUMINT from you, on a nearly daily basis. You are priceless and a true breath of fresh air.

    It's always a pleasure to visit this place, because of it, and fully enhanced by the guests that visit your web site and their individual contributions.

    A big 'Thanks!', to all of you.

    • Taxi says:

      Wow, so many kind words I've received this week.  Thank you so much, dear Daniel.  And let me here join you too in expressing my deepest and sincerest thanks to all visitors and commentators for making Plato's what it is.  I also want to give a special shout-out to the very many regulars who visit and don't comment.  Thank you to the silent majority!  Your presence too is a major enhancement to Plato's, and I thank you in all earnestness for your time spent here with us loudmouths.

      Sending out all my love to everyone from the turbulent, yet always beautiful Levant.

    • Taxi says:

      Can I also here please add that, no doubt, regular and long-time readers of Plato’s have noticed that I am not as prolific on the boards as I normally am; and also, the quality of my writing is more formal and less linguistically playful of late.  This is due to several reasons.  Keyboard time availability being one.  Plus, more importantly, my spirits have somewhat been dimmed down, especially this past year, as reflected in the style of my writing during this period.  This is due to me loosing 8 dear-to-me people in just these past 14 months.  I now count 6 dear friends who died of Covid.  I count my sister who died of cancer.  And also, my best friend from my teen years who died from suicide-by-hanging.

      So grim.  So unbearable at times. 

      May they all rest in peace.  And may we, the left behind, also find our living peace.

      In the meantime, I'm still digesting these senseless deaths.  Spirit-dampening life stuff.  Coming and going in waves.  Inspires introversion in me.  Finds me disinterested in politics and its daily melodramas.  Really, all I want to do is draw the curtains and sleep for weeks on end and without interruption.  But alas, life things keep interrupting and these (necessary) intrusions allow me only slow, somewhat inadequate rest.

      In other words, the pace of my recovery has been rather slow.

      You'll then forgive me my occasional absences and my lackluster of late.  I assure you the old, zany word-gymnast is still around – just taking a long nap in the old attic till the sun comes out again.

      And of course, the sun always comes out.

      • Saladin says:

        So sorry to hear about your losses Taxi. They must be unbearable at times. For what it's worth, my deepest sympathies.

        Also, just want to affirm, though I have not posted in a while, Plato's is a real refuge of truth for me, and to discern what is going on in Leb and ME thanks to your "ear on the ground" reporting (as well as the contributions of other readers). Blessings to you Taxi and to all the contributors and readers at Plato's.

      • Taxi says:

        Wow Saladin, your message was so wonderful to come home to. Thank you deeply, truly. You are kind and soulful to appreciate my little corner store. You and your Syrperc brothers and sisters are always most welcome at Plato’s.

  150. Taxi says:

    Although not calling the beast by its name (ie jewish), Mr. Cornel West kicks dust and shows public resistance to the fucking jews:

  151. Taxi says:

    So, yesterday Hariri finally presented his list of new government ministers, some 9 goddamn long months after re-entering the frayed, Lebanese political fray.  President Aoun today rejected the list, resulting in Hariri's constitutionally mandated withdrawal from the premiership candidacy.

    So Hariri is gone. 

    So now Lebanon finds itself stepping into the political unknown.

    Aoun will tomorrow hold meetings with political honchos, with the view of coming up with a new name to put forward as new PM instead of Hariri.

    This process will unfortunately take a while.  Too many internal complexities and too many foreign fingers in the Lebanese pie make it so.

    Not boding good for the Lebanon.  Earlier this evening, major roads right across the country were closed by angry protestors who clashed and bloodied the noses of Lebanese soldiers, as the dollar exchange rate hit its highest level yet at 22.400 Lebanese Liras – the highest ever.  (At the beginning of the financial crisis, the dollar was set against 1.500 Lebanese Liras).  The country is today boiling over and the US appears to be suddenly concerned that the Lebanese army is both weak in arsenal and broke as well.  The US fears that should uncontrollable, civic violence erupts on the streets, the army will become helpless and it would fall on Hezbollah to reconstitute internal peace.  This is not a favorable outcome for the US.

    The situation is becoming bleaker and more dangerous, especially that in some three weeks time, on the 4th of August, the extremely emotive issue of the unresolved Beirutshima explosion will hit its first anniversary, no doubt boiling up further the people's blood.  And as we all, I'm sure, concur, the enemy is bound to be planning to take advantage of the people's blistering despair and gloomy bereavement.

    Political disentanglement from this chokehold is a very complex and time-consuming feat.   The gnarly road ahead is forked.  Both paths lead to turbulence and civic hazard. 

    Most certainly, it feels like a storm called chaos is roaring towards the Lebanon.

    Everyone is worried.

    Including Lebanon's enemies.

  152. Daniel Rich says:

    @ taxi,

    I attended way more funerals than I ever imagined I would.

    The thing is, either people died prematurely, after a long physical struggle, accidents or even took their own lives, but they're gone. I was the one staring into a coffin, but nobody was staring back at me.

    Losses can be [and are] painful, but I'm the one crying. Not a single dead person shared in my grieve and cried with me.

    As a living individual, I've come to realize it's all about perspective, because the only 2 things I'm 100% sure about are:

    1) I was born

    2) I will die

    No matter what I do [or want to do], nothing will change anything about these 2 facts.

    I began as stardust and, thus, will return to it.

    I am at peace with that.

    Nevertheless, allow me to give you…

  153. emersonreturn says:

    taxi, grief has a life of its own & we can do little other than submit & allow it to take us to the surface in its own time.  within a period of one year i lost my husband of 35yrs, my mother, brother, 2 friends that were essentially brothers, my beloved dog, & my niece…who died of synovial sarcoma, a cancer one is more likely to be struck by lightening 5 times than contract.  my way through mayn't work for you, bt i felt my connection with them never died & that they were/are with me, guiding my every thought, search, gift.  i would prefer they hadn't left & i could do/change/be with them still bt this opening helps guide me.  i found you, sypers, canthama through their continual channelling, openings.  there's little i can do other than seek the truth & know what the fuck is going on—to witness, understand.  & they help me in that as though it is the reason i am still alive.

    i did not intend to post anything about myself bt rather to ask you, canthama & daniel what you think make of the rumours circulating on duran/moa/voltaire (i know what you think of the sites—still) that america is going to depart iraq/syria, as they supposedly are afghanistan, & that the geneva summit was actually a declaration of defeat??? 

    • Daniel Rich says:


      First off: sorry for all your losses. Just reading it triggers deep and disturbing emotions.

      I see it like this; when someone dies, I can give him/ her the biggest honor, by letting them live onward in my mind [or heart] for as long as I live.

      As to your question: there are still ~ 20K Americans in Afghanistan. The US, of course, never 'departs.' It's always a 'tactical retreat.' If the US leaves both countries [don't think Occupied Palestine will be too happy with such a move], Russia and China will step up to the plate, and fill the void. China is all about deals that work both ways, so everyone involved will be much better off, provided the US does leave.

    • Canthama says:

      My dear friend, it hurts me to know your loses, and Taxi's ones, too many loved ones in such a short period. I fully concur with you that if we nurse the loved ones they will always stay with us in critical decisions we make, it happens with me as well, as you well mentioned, it would be preferred to enjoy their company, but it the absence, their spirit continues with us if we nurse them always. 

      The situation in the MENA is complex, know this is more than a cliché statement, but the reality runs deep indeed, the complexity involves the damaged done to the ME by the criminal aggression in Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Libya, these countries have deep scars, political, social and economical, there are no easy solution for any of them in the short-mid term, infra structure is severely damaged in all of them, and it takes time to fix, repair and rebuild…they will suffer through a long ordeal before it gets better.

      Having said that, there is one key aspect these 4 countries got in common, they developed a stubborned and determine people, the kind of people forged in wars, suffering and victories, and these folks are literally awesome humans, they are the ones perfect to rebuild a Nation, usually, through history, these type of people rebuild Nations into bright moments, so I do expect many good things out of Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Libya in decade or so, they will recover and build a new and honorable Nations in a region that was destroyed by greed, easy money from oil and the occupation of Palestine.

      The US is in a dire situation, of course we do not see the extent of the situation all around, by the US going through a very traumatic moment, one that could be related to a old Empire ending…again history shows us what happened to Romans, Spanish, Portuguese, British, German, Austrian, Ottoman, Chinese etc…each one has its own way down, differently but they all went down, utterly. The US is living thru borrowed time, that makes a fall a bit more complicated, clearly the financial situation is completely catastrophic, and the ability to print money to kick the can down the road as they have being doing for such a long time, gives immediate relief but creates a deeper hole, the hole is so deep now that there is no way out without an utter collapse, when will it happen, no one knows, but it is coming and it seems signs are strong the economic system is weak and without options…can not raise interest rates with rising inflation can only mean a corner position that there is no way out.

      Why I am saying this and the effect in the ME and around the world…..the deeper the US continues to dig its own economic grave, the softer the US will be in foreign policy, softer in the sense of weaker policies and felt weaker by all it enemies, and there are many enemies…the US military can see now that it has over reached, they always need more money to pay it all and buy weapons, these weapons are always more expensive and not necessarily a game changer, so the US military is seeing now the old doctrine from that emerged strong after WWII is no longer feasible, and their clear hegemony from 1990-2010 is gone for good, they most likely feel the need to "regroup" under the new environment and this is what I see all over, and strange sense of "regrouping", the exit from Afghanistan, the hard stop in confrontation in Ukraine and North Korea, these were all periphery wars and conflicts the US deemed OK to continue to steer because it could, but the world has changed and the US knows it can not play any more like before….so after the disastrous attack in al Qaim-Bukamal border crossing 30+- days ago, following the Israeli defeat in Palestine, The Resistance simply shifted gear, it will implement the plan to kick the US out of ME, of course it is a bold statement, and ME is large, so Iraq and Syria will be first, and so The Resistance started a daily attack in both Syria and Iraq against US presence, one may hear one attack in a weak on MSM, but the fact is, there was no single day since the border crossing attack that killed 3 Iraqis that a US site or convoy was not hit, think for a moment how and what the US can do to prevent that ? Nothing, this is guerrilla tactics with suicide drones and hit & run, the US military is sitting ducks in Iraq and Syria, they know that, to change the situation the US would need to send hundreds of thousands soldiers to the region, ain't money any longer, no political will and the sense it would be a catastrophe, not to mention a declaration of war to The Resistance that would involve directly or indirectly Russia and China. So the US put itself into a corner, it understands it is weakening and can not sustain a guerrilla warfare (such Afghanistan) in Iraq and Syria, and has few options left before body bags are photographed daily arriving in America…The US can go on thru proxy war, using peons to do the ugly job….and the US has ran out of hundreds of thousands of al Qaeda & ISIS peons, simply wiped out by the Resistance, then the US has the Kurdish card, it is playing, but there is no one Kurdish card, there are many factions that hate each other, so this is not one card and it is far from reliable, and then there is the Israeli card..this one is licking its wounds after being defeated by Palestinians and must be right now thinking what a messy situation they are in, they know time is ticking for them…so in summary, the US has no more stooges to play, some regional players are moving in strongly, such as Iran and Turkey and some global players have moved in to the ME with military bases such as Russia in Syria and China in the African horn. 

      In part the US has no solution, it can extend its messy doing, but it will be costly in KIA and money, so they have to reduce their footprint, retreat ? Not sure. Here Daniel gives a good definition, tactical retreat, maybe the US will reduce its military footprint and nbrs of soldiers to a minimum in a super fortresses to avoid casualties and mark its presence, and continue to use stooges and mercenaries to do the dirty work, but here is the catching, without air supremacy (no military bases in Iraq with jets and choppers), the US can not have boots on the ground and their stooges will be vulnerable to attacks,  and that is the weakness if the US goes this way…Russia, Syria and Iran are all moving pieces, maybe AA to critical locations in Syria and Iraq, with the retreating US forces and AA to protect Iraq and Syria, how they US will risk losing choppers and jets defending their stooges ? This is way we are seeing SAA gathering troops in Idlib, Raqqa and Deir er Zour, this build up in no random, it is prepping to something bigger, that could come in 2021, I still do not see war with SDF, but I see the East and NE Syria moving back to the Central Gov if not in 2021, then in 2022. Idlib/Afrin/Northern Aleppo will be by force against Turkey and al Qaeda.

      Sorry for the long answer.

      • emersonreturn says:

        thank you, canthama, for your kindness & indeed nursing encapsulates what i was attempting to communicate beautifully.  i very much appreciate your appraisal of syria & the middle east.  i look forward to reading your essay–for what you say & project are spot on & deserve to be published.  

  154. Taxi says:

    I see alotta soul on the boards today – true and sincere thanks to all who poured it, and thank you too dear John for the music – sure hope too that all the Gunners out there are having a hootin' tootin' good ol' time!

    I’m low on blogging time today, but, here's something I watched last night on the Syria situation:

  155. harry law says:

    According to the BICOM assessment                                                                                    &nbsp; Hezbollah have 2,000 zelzal short range missiles which have a range of over 210 kilometres and the Fatah 110 range 300 kilometres and the Scud B/C range 500 kilometres all of which covers all Israel air bases in Israel including the third major one Ramat David just south of Nazareth and well within range of most Hezbollah rockets. It is not known how many of these missiles have been modified to include the GPS systems although many have, since the BICOM assessment is that the upgrade only takes a matter of hours and the cost is between 5 to 10 thousand dollars per copy it must be assumed that all the above missiles now have precision guidance.

    The Iranian attack on the Al Asad airbase numbered 16 short range missiles and featured the short range Qiam-1 of which 11 were on target, they hit the targets they were meant to hit, the Iranians gave the US advanced warnings enabling  US forces to evacuate valuable aircraft and personnel to shelter. Because the Israeli Air Force have such an important role to play in not only bombarding towns and cities of the resistance [think the Dahiya doctrine and war crimes] and its importance in supporting troops and armour, the resistance must find a way to neutralise it either in whole or in part, Hezbollah does not have the in depth or, as far as I know any AA capability at all [yet] which the Iranians do have.

    They have MANPADS of course but most Israeli jets have a suite of sophisticated equipment, as do most jet fighters these day's, to counter these devices] I would think it prudent to allocate a fair proportion of those zelzal missiles to targeting the major Israeli airbases, buildings and hangers and other logistics at those bases, they “may” be able to take off once, but might have to land in Cyprus. Then after the clean up, hit them with another barrage, if 11 missiles can do so much damage to Al Asad airbase, think what 50 to100 Hezbollah missiles per Israeli airbase will do?  Hassan Nasrallah would probably say… “Do you know, we never thought of that? Heh.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, dear Harry. I wouldn’t listen to anybody writing about how much weaponry the Hezbollah has. They don’t know shit and basically borrow from israeli reporters who don’t know shit. Israel has been throwing out the figure of 150.000 Hezb missiles since 2006. This figure has remained static for some 15 years. Fact is, last summer, when Trump was still in the WH, Nasrallah said that “just this past year alone, we have doubled our missile stock.” The doubling up was done under that jewy, macho-peacock Trump, no less!

      In the previous year, Nasrallah, during an interview said to his interviewer who’d asked him about Hezb weapons: “I can’t give you an exact figure. Let’s just say we have enough weapons. We have more than enough. We have enough. We now have so many missiles that we’ve run out of space to store them.”

  156. Daniel Rich says:

    The al-Quds Brigade has deployed additional reinforcements in Syria’s central region, Syrian sources reported on July 17.

    The Palestinian group has been combating ISIS cells in the central region for more than two years now. Russia is reportedly the main backer of the group, which operates side by side with Syrian government forces.

    The al-Quds Brigade took part in all recent operations against ISIS cells in the region. The group sustained some heavy losses on the hands of the terrorist group.

  157. Daniel Rich says:

    "Special Advisor at the Republic Presidency, Bouthaina Shaaban, stressed the importance of the speech delivered by President Bashar al-Assad on Saturday after taking the constitutional oath in which he focused on the necessity for Syrians to have lessons from the war on their homeland."

    What? The 'dictator' with 'dacnomania' from Damascus has a female advisor?

    How does that work…?


    • Canthama says:

      LOL Daniel….indeed Dr. Bouthaina rocks, she is awesome lady and advisor, there was not a single day in the past 10 years since the war of aggression against the Syrians was started by NATO/GCC/Israel using terrorists, that Dr Bouthaina did not call for the devils by their own name. She is super smart…she is a solid rock.

      BTW: before this war of aggression to destroy Syria, the Syrians never asked for another Syrian about their religion or religious belief, they were all the same under the State and among themselves, not the stupid narrative by the western media trying to split in Shia or Sunni. Dr Bouthaina is a Sunni Muslin, she was one of the greatest examples that President Assad (Alawite) Gov was never sectarian.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Canthama,

        Got a buddy that’s got an Eyeranian gf.

        When looking at pictures and listening to stories, you get the idea of a country. Of ordinary people that get on with their lives.

        Not the usual western crappola about blood-thirsty Moslems about to slit your throat [that’s what my buddy’s mom warned him about, and she tried everything a mom can do to keep him from travelling to Eyeran].

        Oh, and he’s still alive :o]

        P.S. my wife tries to let me say Iran, but somehow it doesn’t work LOL!

    • Taxi says:

      Bouthaina, in her youth also spent a good decade working as Hafez Assad’s personal translator (she is a graduate of Warwick University/UK and speaks fluent English). She sat with Hafez at pretty much all his meetings with foreign Heads of States and dignitaries. Only a most trusted ally would be given this most sensitive position by (the exceptionally conspiracy-wary) Hafez. She also served as his personal adviser to the Syrian Foreign Ministry.

      You will note that the US and israel only ever war against secular Arab nations: nations where large measures of women’s rights actually exist.

  158. mike-florida says:

    Hi Taxi – Thanks much for the kind invite should I wish to visit dear Lebanon in the future (post financial crisis). You said > 'Imagine what wonderful tri-nation road trips one could take. Heh!'  It has sadly been so long for so many that such fun trips were safely possible. In the meantime, thanks again for the true quality reporting you are providing. The more who know the truth the better for all. All the best, Mike.

    • Taxi says:

      Yeah Beirut has seen a bevy of pink-skinned imperialists pretending to be paragons of democracy, all visit the Lebanon one after the other of late.  And no, they're not visiting because they care about the Lebanon or its people.  They're visiting to block sound solutions, like the Leb turning eastwards for help.  They're in Beirut to brow-beat the Leb into accepting the MIF's eternal ball and chain.

  159. Taxi says:

    This video here below is a perfect example of how a Director of Photography can also function as a most sophisticated propagandist.  So much so that you’re led to believe that deadly, mass-murdering weapons are a thing of true beauty.  And remember here, folks: this is EXACTLY how jewy Hollywood works too.

    • grr says:

      Living in that general area of N/E Australia it makes my blood boil to see those pieces of shit war criminals here.

      2,000 marines on permanent rotation in Darwin makes us a military occupied country.

      Australians; some are cowards, many are ignorant, and most are morons cheering on these murderers from the JUSA.


      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ GRR,

        Whenever possible I go to the nearby bay area, during my lunch hour.

        10 miles across from where I stand I see one of the world's most active volcanos. A mighty and beautiful sight, with a real wow-factor, no matter how many times I look at it.

        The other day a ff-ing submarine popped up, somewhere in the middle of the bay.

        I feel and hear you.

    • ZiojooistanSucks says:

      It's all propaganda, my dear!

      US <strike>Defense</strike>War Videos.

      United States Secretary of <strike>Defense</strike>War and Plunder.

      United Kingdom Ministry of <strike>Defense</strike>War and Pillage.

  160. Taxi says:

    Being both a light sleeper and also an early riser, I woke this morning at 4:30am to the faraway sound of booming explosions – six of them.  It turns out that two rockets from south Lebanon were fired at the israeli side of the Galilee at that time.  One rocket was intercepted by the Iron Dome, and the other landed in an open field.  These rockets were definitely fired with Hezbollah's approval – nothing is fired in south Leb without the Hezb's knowledge or approval.  Fired probably by a Palestinian faction that's refugeed in Lebanon: as a poke at the israelis for fucking with muslims doing their Eid prayers at the Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem yesterday.  The terrorist israelis also responded by firing four 'smart' shots from their terrorist tanks at a lone Leb border hill that sits between two small villages.  Clearly, the israeli response is asking for de-escalation.  'We don't want any trouble around here': so say the israeli strikes that targeted the poor uninhabited hill.

    The situ at the Leb-isaeli border remains tense, though more tense of late.  The Hezb is super vigilant over the possibility that an israel-usa-uae-saudi strike on the Hezb may be attempted as the Lebanon heads towards some kind of socio-political-economic chaos that will undoubtedly be exacerbated on the 4th August, the anniversary of Beirutshima.

    I can tell you that the parents of young hezb fighters from the village where I live, and also the parents of reserve Hezb and Amal fighters have barely seen their boys for the past 3 weeks.

    Interestingly, we have also had zero israeli drones or fighter jets flying overhead for quite some time now – since even before Sword of Jerusalem.  Longest time ever that israel has not invaded this side of the south Leb skies.

    The 'war between wars' continues…

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        Oh, the gusto these friggin' critters must have felt.

        Hitting an empty hill, coz otherwise it's payback time.

        One day, Hezbollah will kindly reciprocate.

        And in that day, when it rains, it pours…

      • Taxi says:

        It appears that the terrorist jews of israel attempted yet another attack on Syria last night at 1am, and the Syrian military is reporting that the Syrian air force, once again, "intercepted most of their missiles" – no exact figure has been mentioned in their official statement.  (Maybe Russia can step forth and clarify the number again? Heh!)

        Oh deary-deary me.  Now the jew fuckers aren't even able to effectively vent their frustration with Gaza, Iran and Hezbollah on Syria.

        Everyday, the evil jews occupying the Levant lose a little more.  Most of all, they're lately losing much-much sleep over the unannounced fact that they are, in all intents and purposes, themselves besieged by the Axis of Resistance.

      • Canthama says:

        A bit more detail here.

        Patience is The Resistance trade mark, and coincidently the Russian trademark for many centuries.

        The al Qaeda airforce is attacking Syria since they know an offensive is on the works to clean Idlib from IDF/US/UK/Turkish al Qaeda mercenaries.  They have done this for a decade prior to most SAA offensives. It won't work as usual.

        There may be a second reason in all these fruitless attacks, to delay US exist from Syria/Iraq, should SyAAD react to a al Qaeda jet it could spark an outcry in the US. Patience pays dearly. 

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks, Canthama. I second your astute deductions, and will also add that the new terrorist PM of terrorist israel, mister Potatohead, needs to also assert his ‘fighting’ credentials with his domestic base, hence he’s also attempting to assure the frightened jewish masses that their messianic air force remains mighty and free to bomb anywhere it chooses and at any time – and to hell with International Law.

        I also note with amusement that this latest strike on Syria had the israeli air force fly north-westerly out of israel towards Cyprus, then enter Syrian airspace via Lebanon’s north-western edge, which is as far away from any Hezb post in Lebanon as one can get. Heh!

    • Taxi says:

      Oh and one more thing: when they say that the terrorist jewish missile didn't cause any bodily or material damage because it landed in a field or on the side of a mountain, I beg to disagree here with this sentiment.  I mean, do we think that innocent fields and mountains enjoy getting repeatedly stabbed by jewish missiles?  This is an ecological crime that almost always goes without even a mere whiff of a mention.  I don't know about you, but I always get seriously angry to hear about missiles gouging out bucolic locations.  To think of the perfect serenity of such places that suddenly get loudly and violently re-arranged and victimized is upsetting.  Sure, fields have breath and also feelings: when something bad happens to the soil of the field, crops die; and when good things happen, you get an abundant harvest.  These are clear signs that fields are easily influenced by the forces of good and evil; by the forces of happiness and sadness.  For sure, mountains are sensitive digits of the earth.  Hardened tentacles propelled out of the deep darkness of the earth, breaking the surface and stretching upwards to implore the sunny gods.

      Do you find this kooky?  Whatever.  I just don't think any human or un-human material on the planet would want to be blasted to fuckereenz by terroristic jewish missiles.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ Canthama,

      Russia Unveils New Fighter today during MAKS show.

      According to the Russians I know, this might be a single engine version of the SU-57, and likely a F-35 killer, plus a STOL plane [think aircraft carrier].

      • Canthama says:

        Yes, a light weight, 18 tons, one engine stealth fighter, annnnnnnd way cheaper to make than the flying lemon F35….the look is great and many more info will be shared soon, looking forward to it. 

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Canthama,

        You want weapons that work. Weapons you can rely on.

        Too many guys in Nam died coz their Mattel 16 jammed [aka M-16]. Maker was so convinced of its jam-less-ness, they didn't even provide cleaning kits for the rifles [in the beginning].

        Remember Jessica Lynch, back in 2003, in Eyerack? Her lost company got ambushed and hardly anyone could fire back, including Jessica, because most weapons jammed.

        The moment I could lay my hands on an AK-47, it was mine :o]

      • Canthama says:

        Hey Daniel, here are some specs of Russia's new stealth fighter.

        "During the demonstration of the newest promising single-engine fighter to Russian President Vladimir Putin, the characteristics of the newest fighter were identified. They were reflected at the stand, which was approached by the head of state to get acquainted with the new development of Sukhoi.

        So, the practical range of a promising new generation light multipurpose fighter is indicated at the stand. It is 3000 km. The practical ceiling of the aircraft, designated at MAKS-2021 as ''The Checkmate'' (in the export version), is 16.5 thousand tons. The maximum combat load is 7.4 tons. The maximum speed is designated as 1.8-2 speeds of sound (Mach 1.8-2).

        Vladimir Putin was told that several variants of the newest fighter are being developed: a two-seater aircraft and an unmanned version.

        The maximum overload is indicated at 8 units. The aircraft is realized without the use of flat nozzle technology. The fighter jet has a panoramic display with a touch-screen function. Intelligent support algorithms have been implemented that relieve the pilot's load when performing operations. Therefore, he can focus on the main tasks.

        The aircraft is implemented with an AESAR radar (active electronically scanned array), a circular optical and electronic reconnaissance system, a built-in electronic jamming system, an optical sighting system, a wide-range communication system, and an information and management control field of 5th generation cockpit.

        It was reported that the aircraft is being developed based on the concept of a low radar signature."


  161. Taxi says:

    So Hezbollah is now a "an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States?"  Right you are motherfucking losers!  The US is too careful not to bomb Hezbollah's south Lebanon bases for fear over the safety of tel aviv, and the Caesar's Act appears not to have touched the Hezb, so… let's now declare the Hezbollah as an "unusual and extraordinary" national security threat to the US and to the mideast region.  Never mind that israel's illegal nukes present THE ultimate weaponry threat to both the US AND THE WHOLE GODDAMN WORLD!

    Message on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Lebanon

    We can see clearly that the US doesn't know what the fuck to do with Hezbollah.  Not a clue except sign this Bill and that against them.

    Even though the Hezb is mighty and strong, needless to say, the US gives Hezbollah an inflated power it does not actually possess – I mean it certainly is NOT a direct threat to the US, let alone an "unusual and extraordinary' one.  Biden just declared Hezbollah even more dangerous to the US than China or Russia.  What a fucking mean old jew lol!

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      After a fresh retreat from Afghanistan, one needs to throw a few soundbites around to keep the illusion of grandeur alive. The fact that it has turned into a mummified entity be damned.

      Those Palestinian fire balloons maybe crude, but that’s not what the axis of Resistance will throw at Occupied Palestine [they, and their bitches on a leash, know it].

    • Taxi says:

      If the US is now branding the Hezbollah with the tag of ‘unusual and extraordinary threat to the US blah blah’, let’s just hope that this extremist US grading of Hezbollah is a prelude to its resolute intention to strike at Hezbollah, thus igniting the long-awaited for war that will find terrorist israel wiped right off the map.

      Dear god, if you truly exist, you will thus cause the stupid hand of the US to be the very hand that unwittingly opens the floodgates of the last war against israel.

      And how ironic this would be.

  162. Taxi says:

    Hey y'all!  So my cousins and I are headed out north for the weekend, to the wondrous Qadisha Valley.  We will be going on moonlight hikes in the evening: visiting several natural waterfalls, and also caves where ancient hermits and saints have lived.  And by day, we will tour some ancient Christian monasteries, famed for their spectacular locations and vistas.

    Here's a small bite of where we'll be heading – and I hope y'all be having yourselves a terrific weekend too:

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      I would love you to share with us some [nature] pictures of this trip. It all looks so gorgeous and enticing.

      Regardless, y'all have the best of times!

    • Canthama says:

      Wow Taxi, what a place….it reminded me Perigord in France, a trip I mamde in 2014….lots of rocky mountains and the many Neanderthal and Homo Sapiens caves…it surprises me that there are not many reports of ancient human remains in Qadisha, it is a pefect place, the old humans were very smart and always knew the best place for homes…enjoy the super trip, lucky cousins !!!!!

    • ZiojooistanSucks says:

      Full speech:

      Chris Hedges “American Anomie”

      Chris Hedges spoke at The Sanctuary for Independent Media in Troy NY on November 3, 2018.

  163. Taxi says:

    So as you all can see, I'm back from my (long) weekend road trip – and what a memorable one it was.  Hope y'all had some good times yourselves too. 

    I've not read any news since last Friday (nice break from Planet Shit!); except I did earlier watch the short Chris Hedges vid that I shared in the above comment (thanks ZiojooistanSucks for bringing us the full script of the lecture – great share).  I'm sure very little has changed with the geopolitical world since last Friday.  I should be back on the case of fresh info-gathering and ranting etc inshallah in the next couple of days, after I do some domestic catch-up: stock up on food, pay bills/wages/balance-book, trip to the vet etc, plus my cousins are leaving in a few days and I gotta help them get some gift-shopping done (not looking forward to that – I really hate shopping but I speak the language so I gotta help my unwordly American cousins circumvent the wily Leb shopkeepers!). 

    My cozes leave on the 3rd of August: the day before Beirutshima's anniversary hits and big protests erupt in Lebanon and bring with it, no doubt, road closures etc and very possibly eruption of violence: after all, this date is the perfect setting for the enemy to stage something evil-nasty.  Yeah I'm relieved my cousins are leaving before the shit hits the fan – I’d hate for them to be stuck here and the responsibility of their safety to fall on me.  I'll be able to read the Leb situ better once the 4th of August has passed and I can see then what cards have been placed on the Leb table for the next stage, with regards the US and israel targeting the Hezb's internal base and Lebanese society as a whole. 

    What I can tell you though is that for sure it appears that suddenly, and after working so very hard at it, israel does not want the Leb to completely collapse after all, fearing a warring response from the Hezb, and just as bad for them, fearing also Iran would gain another significant geopolitical reach in the Levant via a security vacuum that a Lebanon collapse would cause, a security vacuum that the Hezb would instantly fill.  And you know what?  The jews are right to have these fears.  They are realistic fears.  And me?  Little moi?  Heyyyyy I'm cool like the Fonz!  If internal shit hits the Leb fan, I'm still staying right here.  My village is safe and I ain't going nowhere else till I see tel aviv in smoking rubble, close-up and personal.

    We all should also talk about Biden's gaga-caca brain, and President Kamala's dirty-dirty elbows.  Her Oval Office curtains are being measured on the sly; and her daily ziocaine-in-da-brain dose has been doubled and weaponized of late.  Just as my article on her a few months ago predicted.  Everything going according to script.

    And you know something?  I observe that Aipac fixers and hollywood-jew screenwriters think exactly the same.  They come up with the same fucking stories (I mean lies and fantasies!): same special-effects, same stunts, and same fucking plots.  Same stratagem, same subterfuge.  They share the exact same cloak-and-dagger; they have the whole 'tribe-mind' enchilada thing very much in common.  Lucky that I used to work with hollywood jew fuckers and so therefore I know all about how Aipac fuckers work DC too.  Schemers and screamers!  They always manufacture what hurts the most number of people the most.  Know waddamean?  Hollywood jews.  Definitely some of the worst people on the planet.  Lucky for you, you never had to endure having to look at the shit pages of their brain often and for years on end like I did.  But… it taught me a lot.  Paid me a lot too.  Meh it's all good, all good heh!

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      No matter how repulsive 'your' opponent might be, 'you' have to study and observe him/her very closely, in order to [be able to] beat him/her.

      Never overestimate or underestimate 'your' adversary, always make sure 'you' judge situs based upon reality.

      But once the pucker factor settles in, you know you're in for a hard ride.

      Fantasy's great for wide screen audiences.

      The reality, rawness and razzias of war are not for the feeble minded, not even for those that can stomach the blood and gore that come with it, but the squatters who occupy much of Palestine, don't have what it takes to fight real battles. They're afraid to die. Never go into a battle being afraid to die. Go into it being afraid to come out alive…

      Those who've been there know…

      Onward we go, to a free Jerusalem and jew-less Palestine!

  164. Daniel Rich says:

    This should people give a little bit of an idea what war is all about [and a situation Palestinians face every day].

    It's aged restricted.

  165. Taxi says:

    Finally!  It took the terrorist jews 15 years to admit to the truth of this headline below:

    Hezbollah Is “Israel’s” Main Concern

    The Iran nuke issue all this time was to distract the jewish home base from the existential threat at their doorstep.  They can form all the intelligence units under the sun and they would still have shoddy intelligence, if at all, on the Hezb.  And this shoddy intel was in the past, and will be in the future, fed to them by Hezb agents ensconced inside of israel from decades ago, and Druze assets in the israeli military.

    And check out this article here below – be sure to wear a nose peg for all the lies it tells about mighty-mouse israel killing hezb and Iranians in Syria.  For sure, the winds of change are upon the Levant and they favor the natives and their allies, not the terrorist jews and their demonic cabal:

    Israeli Airstrikes in Syria Shake Up Detente With Russia

    Russia ain't playing the 'blind man in the Levant' no more.  Times have changed.  Get used to it motherfucking jews!

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      During the 2006 battle, Occupied Palestine desperately tried to kill Nasrallah’s TV streaming news, totally in vain.

      The fact that Hezbollah gave the illegal squatters a very bloody nose…,came as a surprise…

      So much for their ‘intelligence gathering‘ capacities.

      The way I see it, Hezbollah’s military arm is made up out of a tightly formed and impenetrable network of men.

      Such networks are full of surprises, but never happy ones for their adversaries.

  166. Harry Law says:

    Let’s face it Israeli/US actions in Syria including Israel’s admitted 200 bombing sorties against Syria are acts of war. This together with the unilateral illegal sanctions against both Syria, Iran and Lebanon in attempts to  starve and regime change both countries are also direct acts of war, since sanctions both direct and especially indirect can only be put in place through the UNSC. But with the new US “rules based order” no such route is needed. The Israelis are panicking and say the JCPOA should not be returned to its former format, in my opinion Trump left the JCPOA at the behest of Israel not because of any prospect that Iran would gain nuclear weapons capability, but simply because Iran’s conventional arms capability is growing exponentially, especially its precision missile program. Israel has a very poor strategic position, i.e. no defence in depth, many strikes at the Tel Aviv area where most of the population live and most industry is found could serve a crippling blow to the Apartheid state.

    Bit unfair really [not] Israel’s military and economic assets are all known and can be reached easily, military airfields oil storage depots ports etc are all mapped out and not capable of being moved. Whereas the sneaky Hezbollah and Iran have many thousands of precision missiles buried in silos all over thousands of miles of Iranian desert and hundreds of miles of coastline alongside the strait of Hormuz, all pointing at US bases and those glittering glass skyscrapers across the Gulf, Hamas managed to hide their arsenal well  in their limited space. It is difficult to see the JCPOA being brought back, the US are constantly trying to renegotiate another deal to replace it, Macron for instance and no doubt the other vassals are now blaming Iran for the delays in the negotiations. The Iranians know the US is incapable of agreement.  The arc of resistance must keep their fingers on the triggers.

    Couple of news stories recently and as Taxi warned must be taken with a pinch of salt …….

    “The IDF and the Mossad stressed that Israel should develop multiple operational plans, which could be put into operation whether the US signs a new deal with Iran or not.

    The goal of such operations would not be to destroy Iran’s nuclear program in a single blow, but to sabotage, disrupt, and delay the program indefinitely through surgical strikes and intelligence operations”.

    “Biden’s refusal to get tough with Tehran is forcing Israel into a “nightmare” scenario, Graham said, adding, “I’ve never been more worried about Israel having to use military force than I am right now.”

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Harry. Doesn’t the exorbitant expense of protecting the terrorist state of israel amaze you? Consider for a moment israel’s security expenses since 1948. I mean trillions worth of weapons in the hands of the terrorist jews, and trillions more spent by Western nations purely for the protection of the synagogue of satan in the Middle East. Yet still, the cunts are not secured. And never will they be secured. Literally, a vast and deep ocean of money has been gifted to the jews and for what? Instead of Western nations spending all that money on domestic projects that can literally alleviate pain and improve the lives of millions of their own suffering people, they have opted instead to spent it, and continue to spend it, on the ingrate jew who is impossible to please and make secure. Talk about selling your soul and your people to the devil himself!

      38 British Watchtowers Span Lebanon’s Borders: Who are They Really Watching?

    • Taxi says:

      Lol there’s long life in Netanyahu’s show-and-tell skits at the UN, right? So very many funny memes have been inspired by the linked image. It was truly such absurd theater what Netanyahu did at the UN. A cheap hollywood production starring a secondhand car salesman. I reckon this meme will still be funny in a hundred years.

  167. Canthama says:

    The most southern part of Syria has tried to live under reconciliation for a long time, but the terrorists, alway bolder due to US, Jordan and Israeli supports, continued to attack and kill SAA and NDF people in the area, Russia has put many hurdles for the SAA to clean the area, always trying reconciliation but this is no more.

    Now we all understand why the Republican Guards and 5th Corps to the area…terrorists' BBQ have started, it won't last longer due to diminished size and no way to resupply. May they all go to hell.

    Hours Before Declaring Daraa Completely Clean from NATO Terrorists


    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ Canthama,

      "May they all go to hell."

      Excrement will be [mercilessly] flushed down the shitter.

      As it should be.

    • emersonreturn says:

      thank you, canthama, we've all waited so many years for this.  blessings upon assad & the brave sane syrians.  may your future & country be returned to its former promise & beauty.  thank you, russia.  thank you, china.  thank you, iran & hezbollah.  this is a great day, & a great victory.  

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, dear Canthama. And may I also add to our basket of victories a couple of ripe, delicious fruits. First being this morning’s attack on an israeli ship in the Gulf of Oman. This, plus apparently, many israeli ships in Arab waters are experiencing ‘piracy alerts’ and ongoing pirate ship harassment. Sure looks to me that israel is losing the undeclared ‘ship wars’ between it and the Axis of Resistance.

      Israeli ship attacked in Gulf of Oman

      Second piece of fruit to add to our basket: the Iraqi Hezbollah also scored last night with an attack on the US embassy in Baghdad, apparently also sending the US embassy the message of: ‘we don’t do diplomacy’, in reference to the meeting between Biden and Iraqi PM Mustafa al-Kadhimi earlier this week, and thus contrasting their style of negotiations with that of al-Kadhimi – (the linked article below does not talk about this message, but analysts on Al-mayadeen TV spent an hour last night talking about it).

      Rockets hit Baghdad Green Zone

      The natives sure are getting restless.

  168. Daniel Rich says:

    "July 28, 2021: Mohammad Moayyad al-‘Allami, 11, was killed by Israeli soldiers at the entrance of Beit Ummar town, north of Hebron, in the southern part of the occupied West Bank.

    Media sources in Hebron said the soldiers fired live rounds at a car his father was driving in Abu Toaq area, at the entrance of Beit Ummar, seriously wounding the child, before the medics rushed him to the al-Ahli hospital, in Hebron, where he succumbed to his severe injury."

    This entity needs to be wiped of the pages of time, ASAP!

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, dear Daniel.

      When the national sport of a nation is infanticide, ‘BURNED’ right off the pages of time should be its fate.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        All around the globe; you touch kids, you die.

        Of course, when you’re a ‘chosen one‘ the goy around ‘you’ are the lesser ones, and can be picked off at random.

        I really wish Hezbollah extends its kill ratio not only to its soldiers being killed by Occupied Palestine, but to all innocent Palestinians being slaughtered by this nefarious entity as well.

        No tit for tat. Rain hell down on these mofus.

        Also note: the west cares more about the Dalai Lama and spotted owls, than it does care about Palestinians kids. A very sick state of being [but to be honest, I walked away from the west and its way of acting/being/thinking, long ago, the same way I walked away from socialism and liberalism, as they no longer reflect any of my thoughts/feelings].

  169. sarz says:

    A comment at Saker's:

    /// Anonymous on July 29, 2021 · at 7:44 am EST/EDT

    Unrelated to Afghanistan, but the US embassy in Baghdad was targeted with two rockets this morning. The missile defense system at the embassy failed to activate. The alarms also failed to activate on time. Afterwards, a US reconnaissance plane flew over Baghdad for an hour, trying to find the source of the attack. Nobody has claimed responsibility for the attack. The attack was conducted using 2 Katyusha rockets.

    Also today, three US logistical convoys were struck in Iraq. Two of the attacks occured in Al-Nassiriyah, and the other at Al-Divaniyah.

    Attacks against the US appear to be intensifying since the deal between what’s-his-name and Biden regarding US troop withdrawal a few days ago. It seems the IRGC believes the deal is a sham.

    And on another note, according to Zionist channel 13, Hamas has issued an ultimatum to the Zionist regime. They are demanding that the Zionist regime,

    1. Hand over the Qatari aid money

    2. Open up the Gaza border crossings, and

    3. Allow the import of construction materials to rebuild Gaza

    According to the report, Hamas has given the Zionist regime one week to comply, or face war. ///

    Taxi, have you heard anything about this? 

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks for sharing the comment from the Saker, Sarz. Hamas’s list of demands that is referenced is correct, but I have not heard of the ‘7 day warning’ you ask about. Definitely not. The Resistance’s media has not made mention of it either. However, one must always know that the threat of Gaza rockets/missiles returning to bombard israel is now a permanent one, and it could happen (finger snap!) just like that.

  170. Cloak And Dagger says:

    Meanwhile, here in the land of the insane and the home of the depraved, life moves towards totalitarian control with the Covid scam, BLM sham, and transgender lunacy. Reminds me of the Monty Python skit:


  171. Harry Law says:

    Daniel Rich in view of the Alex Mercouris link above on the carrier groups around the South China Sea and their threatening intent, I am reminded of an article by the war nerd Gary Brecher 'This is how the carriers will die' it is over 10 years old and Taxi has published it before, however it is still so relevant as well as being witty I hope she does not mind reminding us of it.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ Harry Law,

      Aircraft carrier groups were floating air force bases, supposedly to provide air supremacy against lesser adversaries. 

      Cue in a clueless US talking head;

      "However, Callender expects carrier battle groups and air wings to adapt to the emerging hypersonic threat, just as they did to Japanese kamikazes in World War II and Soviet bombers equipped with anti-ship missiles during the Cold War."

      As a fighter, you know when you're done for. Or even when 'you' want to keep on going, your trainer will throw in the towel. 

      As the US categorically refuses to see itself as anything lesser than a bully, no towels will be thrown.

      China, like Russia, will bend over backwards to prevent any escalation in provocations, but both do have these so-called red lines. The HMS Defender [of what?] is still afloat, because of it, but the way I see it, both China and Russia are fed up with the US [and its vassals] attitude.

      Personally [in my line of duty], I know a [very] bloody nose will stop this nonsense. However, in this case we talk about the lives of 100s of enlisted sailors.

      Will these mofus really jeopardize other people's lives..?

      Unfortunately, yes they do.

  172. Canthama says:

    Folks at Plato, should you find some time strongly recommend to watch this 4 parts video from Alex Mercouris and Tom Luongo, two of my favorites geopolitical analysts, the 1st two parts focused on the UK and 3rd and 4th on the US…lots of info and opinions, these guys know what they are talking about, they understand the nitty-gritty of things…worth the time in my humble opinion.


    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, dear Canthama. I’m more familiar with Mercouris’s work than I am with Luongo. I Look forward to watching your recommended vids. I already know and give much kudos to Mercouris for being such a fantastic walking encyclopedia on global geopolitics and geohistory, but I find that he plays it very safe when it comes to the subject of israel – (for me, israel is always the litmus test for honorable journalism). Whereas often, Mercouris will pass moral judgement on bad players in global politics (and rightly so), he has never actually taken his israel analysis in that direction – and as we all know, israel is way up there on the criminal scale: way past ‘bad player’ and squarely in the ‘evil’ zone.

      Plus, I really resented Mercouris calling the Tunisian President, Kais Saied, a “dictator” in his video earlier this week when he was analyzing the firing of the failed Muslim Brotherhood government by President Saied. I mean the guy was democratically elected as President by a landslide, AND it is his constitutional right and duty to fire a failed government, a move that moreover proved EXTREMELY popular with the Tunisian people. Why call him a “dictator” who performed a “coup”? This skewered view is the West’s spin of the Tunisian drama, originally disseminated by the neolib Guardian/UK. To call Saied a ‘dictator’ is a false definition – intentionally and completely off the mark. This negative Western propaganda against Saied is his punishment for staunchly rejecting ‘normalization’ with israel – he called it ‘the ultimate high treason’ for Arabs to normalize with israel while Palestine remains brutally occupied. Saied never passes a day in political Tunisia without his high praise of Palestinians and their resistance.

      By firing the failed and deeply unpopular Tunisian MB government (that’s supported by the West), Saiedi did the right thing for his country and for his people. A brave move that takes spine and honor-ability. The man takes his responsibilities towards his people seriously. How many countries right now are suffering from failed governments and a vastly discontented populace? And how many of their Presidents have braved firing the government for it? Yeah right! Of course, EVEN when an Arab leader does the right thing for his people, the West will continue to call him a ‘dictator’.

      Mercouris should have read up on the Tunisian Constitution before pinning the badge of ‘dictator’ on saied. I have observed that Mercouris will occasionally turn himself into small fish and swim with the msm school of fish. But overall, he is indeed an excellently good egg, and really, his personality is organically non-confrontational, hence he will always play it safe, always avert putting himself in danger or in the path of ‘evil’ players.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        I live in a land without pedestals. It’s a peaceful place, where everybody stands on his/her own 2 feet. A place where the human rot is recognized as overtly being jewish [add individual choices].

        Leaving out this equation [whatever the reason], is treasonous.

        Plain and simple. 

    • ZiojooistanSucks says:

      Oh, FFS!!

      My blood began boiling around the 3:45 mark:

      Luongo dongo: "You just never get the benefits of…of having gotten your independence back."

      And I nearly threw my phone out of the window after the 6:03 mark:

      Mercouris moron: "We had Brexit here, which it's important to always to remember, is a grassroots movement, this was not something any part of the establishment wanted. ANY part part of the establishment. Not the Conservative Party, certainly not the Labour Party, certainly not any other party, certainly not the civil service, the bureaucracy, the finance people, anybody. And, to make Brexit succeed, you would have needed a strong purposeful government.

      Here's the Eeeevull aNti5emit3 leader of the UK Labour Party on the fucking morning of the EU Referendum result, calling for the UK government to immediately issue an Article 50 notification to the EU, so as to commence exit proceedings—once Article 50 is invoked, this triggers a two-year countdown "to negotiate and conclude an agreement" with the EU, "setting out the arrangements for withdrawal":

      These were the board members of the governing body of the official "Vote Leave" campaign:

      The Vote Leave Board:

      Rt Hon Gisela Stuart MP (Chairman)

      Martin Bellamy

      Harriet Bridgeman

      Peter Cruddas

      Nigel Dodds MP

      Suzanne Evans

      Lord Forsyth

      Alan Halsall

      Daniel Hodson (Chairman, Compliance Committee)

      Bernard Jenkin MP

      Christopher Montgomery

      Jon Moynihan (Chairman, Finance Committee)

      Graham Stringer MP

      Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP

      Victoria Woodcock (Company Secretary)

      These were the committee members of the governing body of the official "Vote Leave" campaign, who met weekly to set the campaign strategy:

      Vote Leave Campaign Committee:

      Rt Hon Michael Gove MP (Co-Convener) *

      Rt Hon Gisela Stuart MP (Co-Convener) *

      Matthew Elliott (Chief Executive) *

      Dominic Cummings (Campaign Director) *

      Steve Baker MP

      Ian Davidson *

      Nigel Dodds MP

      Rt Hon Iain Duncan Smith MP

      Rt Hon Frank Field MP

      Lord Forsyth

      Rt Hon Liam Fox MP

      Rt Hon Chris Grayling MP

      Dan Hannan MEP

      Boris Johnson MP *

      Paul Keetch

      Lord Lawson

      Andrea Leadsom MP

      John Longworth

      Lord Owen

      Rt Hon Priti Patel MP

      Dominic Raab MP

      Graham Stringer MP

      Rt Hon Theresa Villiers MP

      Rt Hon John Whittingdale MP

      * Denotes the core group which will coordinate between campaign committee meetings and meet on a daily basis.

      A "grassroots movement", my asshole! LOL. angryangry

  173. Daniel Rich says:


    Sometimes I read things, and I just wonder…

    "Alison J. Nathan [a woman] and her wife, NY School of Law Professor, Meg Satterthwaite [a woman], are parents to twin sons…"

    Where did the sperm come from…?

  174. Daniel Rich says:


    According to available data, an estimated 15% of Mount Everest climbers died on their way up…

    What can we learn from the 85% that died coming down…?

    [side note: another 15% of bodies have never been recovered, so, nobody knows exactly what happened to them]

  175. sarz says:

    The people over at Gab, an alternative social media platform, offered its services to Trump when he was facing censorship on Twitter and Facebook. He never took it up, and that's because Trump is a Jew who puts Israel first. Recently Kushner made a deal for him with Rumble, after Rumble agreed to disallow antisemitism—whatever that is. Whatever it is, Gab gets called out for it a lot, which inspires a degree of confidence in them despite a light touch of what we used to call Holy-Roller-ism. ("Christ is King.") So it's good to know that Gab is about to launch a payment alternative to Paypal. Hope they can manage it in the teeth of Jewish financial and other power. It might be the thin end of the wedge that gives us back a somewhat free internet. God bless. 

  176. Taxi says:

    Yesterday, the Lebanon came the closest ever to breaking out into sectarian war.  An incident occurred in the southern coastal town of Khaldeh that had the Lebanese army and internal security, as well as the intels of many other factions like Hezbollah and Amal etc, all swoop down on the area to contain it.  I actually saw numerous army tanks etc on the motorway strip that cuts through Khaldeh yesterday when I was returning from a weekend in Beirut with my cousins.  The incident had occurred two hours before we drove through the Khaldeh section, so the situ was much under control by then, although the optics still looked very concerning and drew loud gasps from my cousins as we  sped  through the scene of the incident.  Or, scene of the crime, I should really say.

    A little background to the story.  Historically, Khaldeh is coastal town that sits at the foothills of a Druze territory.  It is traditionally Druze territory.  Shia Dhahiyeh is its neighbor, with the small airport area laying between them.  Due to the Dhahiyeh's population expansion these past two decades, many shias now live in Khaldeh, and also many sunnis.  But these sunnis are not of Lebanese origin.  They are Arab sunni gypsies – yes they have them in the middle east – Arab Romanos.  They are not Arab nomads, but gypsies – they each have their own name in Arabic.  'Baddu' is nomad, and 'Nawar' is gypsy.  The gypsies are seen as rootless, whereas the nomads can still proudly cite the names off their ancestors going back thousands of years.  Until the Syria war began, it was customary for Arab gypsies to traipse through the Lebanon via Syria – you would normally see them around during the springtime, and by summer, they've dismantled their tents and moved on to their next country of destination.  In the 90's, while some Arab gypsies were camped out in the hilly groves of Khaldeh, Rafic Hariri decided to suddenly be their patron and protector, allocating government funds to house them; and most controversially, naturalizing them into Lebanese citizens (a privilege that has always been denied to even the 1948 Palestinian refugees and their families living in Lebanon camps since then).  Obviously, Hariri made this move in order to increase his sunni voting block, and also to create a crack in the Druze's domination of Khaldeh.  Today's khaldeh, therefore, comprises of traditional Druze inhabitants, shia spillover from the Dhahyeh, and naturalized sunni Arab-gypsies.

    Now the story. A year ago in Khaldeh, a young sunni Arab-gypsy was murdered.  A shia youth from Khaldeh was a suspect who claims innocence, yet the family of the victim are convinced that he is the murderer, though they have provided no actual evidence to support their belief.  Being gypsies, the way they do justice is: blood for blood.  And so several weeks after the murder, the brother of the victim gatecrashed a wedding that he knew the suspect would be at.  He was armed and fired at the suspect who was stood in a gathering of wedding guests.  The shot missed the suspect and ended up killing a man standing next to him – a man completely innocent and who had absolutely nothing to do with the situation. 

    All this happened a year ago and the investigators of the first murder have been very slow in producing any meaningful evidence that would indicate either innocence or guilt of the accused.  The case appears to have been put on ice, and I suspect for political reasons, ie it serves the enemy within to have a localized yet bubbling source of friction between the shia and sunni communities in Khaldeh (or anywhere else in Lebanon, for that matter).

    The innocent man who was shot at the wedding, well, yesterday was the anniversary of his passing, and his Khaldeh family and friends had organized a short funereal march through their neighborhood in his remembrance.  Halfway through the march, at least a dozen snipers who were perched in four nearby buildings started firing at the bereaved walking together under the hot sun.  There was non-stop sniper fire at them as six of them were killed and numerous others were injured, some critical.  (*The number of of the snipers is yet to be officially confirmed).  Audio of the video footage of the incident blared out storms of gunfire bangs and rahtahtahs – like immense hail falling.  It was a full on machine gun fight, but one-sided.  Within minutes, the internal security descended on the scene, followed shortly by a serious show of force from the army – tens of tanks and some armored vehicles and canon-mounted jeeps everywhere on the hills of Khaldeh and off the motorway ramps that lead to it.  There was an exchange of fire between the snipers in the tall buildings and the army and it lasted for two long hours before the air became silent again.  No details yet of how it concluded, ie were the snipers caught/did they get away and how etc.

    By dinner time last night, Hezbollah presented the army investigators with a list of 20 suspects who are alleged to be the snipers who had mass murdered and maimed.  They also sent out a message saying that this is "a very dangerous game being played very close to the anniversary of the port explosion by saudi arabi and the american embassy, who are now using 'tribalism' (ie the sunni gypsies) to create sectarian strife for the Hezb and for all Lebanese people collectively, having failed at all previous attempts and methods to destroy Lebanon."  A spokesperson for the Hezb said that the saudi and american ambassadors in Beirut have this summer been touring the few 'Arab tribal' enclaves in the Lebanon: going to their weddings and tribal gatherings, bearing gifts and enlisting them on their agenda, hoping that these Arab tribes (with Lebanese IDs) would take up the mantle of fighting Hezbollah inside of Lebanon.  (Sorry I'm rolling with laughter here at the shortest straw in the universe clasped in the hands of the ambassadors.  I mean really now folks: the superior-armed israeli military couldn't hack a scratch at Hezbollah and these embassy morons think that hiring inexperienced-in-battle gypsies and just giving them dollars and ak-47's will do the job of dismantling the Hezb?!  Wow!  So absurdly delusional).

    Anyway, the Hezb spokesperson also drew a red line: demanding that the army and the justice system act immediately to bring swift peace and justice, else the Hezb will "reconsider our quiet behavior."  "Our patience is limited," he stated.  Here, I will tell you that it is most unsual for the Hezb to threaten to show their badass to their compatriots instead of turning the opposite cheek: something they've been doing throughout all their existence.

    To the Hezb, obviously this was a conspiracy to ignite sectarianism.  Any time a sniper is involved, there's an active conspiracy at hand.  This incident was most certainly the most sectarianly dangerous moment that Lebanon has experienced probably since the 1970's civil war.  (RIP to all the fallen).

    It appears that today the lid had been successfully put on the Khaldeh situation.  The palpable hour of danger has passed, though one can still feel the anxiety in the Lebanon air.

    Everyone now waits with twisting nerves for what Wednesday the 4th of August will bring.  No doubt this Beirutshima day will be full of sadness and rage.  Yet, that aside, nobody knows what's being 'prepared' for the Lebanon too.  Sorrow and foreboding has already gripped the population.  Only 48 more hours till Beirutshima.

    I will keep you posted.  And sorry if this story took too long, but I felt it was worth giving the background and nuances for a more comprehensive understanding of a very, very complex nation and its ongoing struggle against, well, the synagogue of satan, whose members clearly include the cunting US and saudi arabia.

    One last thought: I don't think the sunni-gypsies of Khaldeh (the fake Lebanese) know what the hell they've gotten themselves into.  I mean if the plan of the enemy (and their paymater) had succeeded into provoking an armed response from Hezbollah over the massacre of 6 shias, their whole Khaldeh sunni community would have been invaded by the shias from Dhahiyeh and the Druze on the hills above them in like five minutes.  Yeah, the Druze resent those sunni fake Lebs because they've moved in, trashed out their ancestral hill and brought nothing but trouble to their midst, unlike the shias who are real Lebanese and brought commerce and cleanliness with them.  In times of war, 'useful idiots' are the most disposable, aren't they?  They're pretty much the first to die.

    • Canthama says:

      Taxi, tks for the long report. Folks in Syria-Lebanon twittersphere where saying the same yesterday about Hezbollah's intention to put a lid on this serious assassinations but at the same time demanding swift action, of course the stupid ones where saying Hezbollah is weak in not responding…really stupid comment, but most of people saying this is a true read line….a serious one….no doubt the apartheid regime and the US/UK are putting gasoline in the fire on the 1 year anniversary of the explosions in Beirut's port….

      Iran response to Israel in Oman's waters is a clear indication that The Resistance means business…the world is playing with fire in the ME….what seems to be calm it is the eye of the hurricane…all out war is actually closer than ever. Be safe, it is coming.

    • Cloak And Dagger says:


      Lebanon, such a small country, but sitting on one of the most strategic pieces of real estate in the ME, and a constant thorn in the side of the usurpers to its south, and to their stooges here stateside! It never fails to amaze me that in this world of highly available information and the ubiquitous Internet, the denizens of these latter two countries fail to learn from history, and thus, are doomed to repeat it – except this time may be the last time they are around to do that. 

      Has there ever been a time in history when a populace has been continually oppressed, and regardless of how powerless they may have seemed, not risen up to overthrow their oppressors, and exact a heavy toll on them for their past atrocities? Empires have come and gone, and left much blood in their wake, only to collapse onto themselves. The sun never used to set on the British Empire, and now look at that pathetic island that houses the remains of that once mighty power, reduced to being a mere poodle to the whims of its cousins across the pond, and surviving only because of its connections to the power elites of the Davos crowd, a linkage that is fast fraying.

      Keep an eye on France – the people there are rising against their tyrannical government and the Zionist puppet, Macron, in a redux of the French Revolution. I am counting in weeks, not months, nor years, before the imminent fall of that edifice, and like dominoes, other nations will follow across Europe, and finally here in the land of the ziofied. Once that happens, watch how the picture changes rapidly in the ME. 

      Should I shed a tear for Israel, isolated and abandoned by all those they had relied on? Somehow, I find myself unable to muster that feat.


    • ZiojooistanSucks says:

      Yesterday, the Lebanon came the closest ever to breaking out into sectarian war.  An incident occurred in the southern coastal town of Khaldeh that had the Lebanese army and internal security, as well as the intels of many other factions like Hezbollah and Amal etc, all swoop down on the area to contain it.  I actually saw numerous army tanks etc on the motorway strip that cuts through Khaldeh yesterday when I was returning from a weekend in Beirut with my cousins.  The incident had occurred two hours before we drove through the Khaldeh section, so the situ was much under control by then, although the optics still looked very concerning and drew loud gasps from my cousins as we  sped  through the scene of the incident.  Or, scene of the crime, I should really say.

      Please stay safe, Taxi! wink

      The gypsies are seen as rootless, whereas the nomads can still proudly cite the names off their ancestors going back thousands of years. 

      For how many years has it been customary for these "rootless" gypsies "to traipse through the Lebanon via Syria"? Are we talking tens of years, hundreds of years, or thousands of years?

      Were these Arab Sunni-gypsies stateless before Hariri decided to naturalize them?

      One last thought: I don't think the sunni-gypsies of Khaldeh (the fake Lebanese) know what the hell they've gotten themselves into.  I mean if the plan of the enemy (and their paymater) had succeeded into provoking an armed response from Hezbollah over the massacre of 6 shias, their whole Khaldeh sunni community would have been invaded by the shias from Dhahiyeh and the Druze on the hills above them in like five minutes.  Yeah, the Druze resent those sunni fake Lebs because they've moved in, trashed out their ancestral hill and brought nothing but trouble to their midst, unlike the shias who are real Lebanese and brought commerce and cleanliness with them.  In times of war, 'useful idiots' are the most disposable, aren't they?  They're pretty much the first to die.

      I know the situation in Lebanon is awful, and I take your point regarding Rafic Hariri's cynical and self-serving attempt at currying favor with Lebanese Sunni voters in the '90s, but these Arab Sunni-gypsies do appear to have a genuine connection to both Lebanon and Syria, based on what you wrote, and I really don't think demonizing them or scapegoating them as "fake Lebanese" is going to help ease the sectarian tensions in Lebanon, in any meaningful way.

      I hope and pray that a way can be found to redirect and refocus all this justified Lebanese rage on the real enemies of Lebanon, and soon.

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks, dear ZiojooistanSucks for your words of concern. I am not worried for myself – I feel perfectly safe where I am – I am however very concerned for the millions of Lebanese who are not located in safe spots.

        To answer your questions re the Arab gypsies: yes, these gypsies have been roaming the middle east for thousands of years. And yes, these gypsies, by choice, have been stateless, rejecting the sedentary life and the paying of taxes to nations they do not consider themselves to be part of. They are usually left alone as they are relatively innocuous and small in number, and they tend to keep moving on. They are found in the deserts of the middle east, the lush Levant, and Turkey is also part of their traditional route and destination. For the most part, they breed and graze goats for a living, plus they tend to work as black-market, cross-boarder smugglers.

        And as far as the Arab gypsies who were cynically naturalized by Rafic Hariri are concerned: my dear, they are not Lebanese patriots and they have no spiritual or ancestral connection to the land. I do not demonize them, I merely describe them as they are commonly known, all in accordance with their own questionable behavior. And just so you know (and I should have mentioned this in my earlier comment), these fake Lebanese/Arab gypsies are the very same people who were colluding with ISIS when ISIS was attempting to force-enter Lebanon through its eastern and north-eastern borders, in order to chop the heads off the Lebanese, like they did with the Syrians. It was these very same Arab-gypsies with Leb IDs who puffed up their chests in defense of ISIS and said: “we will protect our ISIS brothers with our own bodies.” They are the same fucks who were attacking the Lebanese army protecting the Syria-Lebanon border, killing numerous soldiers. They are the same cunts who smuggled ISIS into Arsel (northeast Leb mountain), occupied the town there for 4 years, taking everyone there as hostage and killing civilians every time the Leb army tried to enter the town to liberate its inhabitants. Evidently, the saudis are their paymasters, and the safety of Lebanon and the Lebanese people means shit to them.

        Dude, I don’t think it’s possible to “demonize” zealot terrorists. Their violent acts themselves speak volumes. And I should add here that most true-blooded Lebanese sunnis reject them Arab-gypsies and want nothing to do with them.

      • ZiojooistanSucks says:

        Thank you for your detailed reply, Taxi.

        I think these Arab Sunni-gypsies are also known as the Dom people (Dūmī/دومي in Arabic).



      • Taxi says:

        Thanks ZiojooistanSucks. Fascinating to learn more about the so-called Arab gypsies through your provision of the word ‘Dumi’. One didn’t realize quite how many ‘roamers’ there are in the wider middle east. One also realizes how easy it is to purchase the ‘services’ of roamers in the cause of chaos and mass death. A suitcase full of dollars and a handful of trucks full of weapons is all it takes. When one has no loyalty to no one, one belongs to anyone.

  177. harry law says:

    A number of fresh headlines are now underscoring that the 'tanker wars' are back and in full force, with industry analysts at Dryad Global describing that "this latest attack has the hallmarks of the ongoing Israel/Iran 'shadow war'".

    Likely something big is coming in terms of a major escalation in the next days…

    The Israelis have further taken the incident to the United Nations, urging collective action, likely also as part of efforts to halt nuclear negotiations in Vienna, which are already stalled at least into August.

    Secretary of State Antony Blinken had warned that an "appropriate response" is coming: "There is no justification for this attack, which follows a pattern of attacks and other belligerent behavior," he said. "We are working with our partners to consider our next steps and consulting with governments inside the region and beyond on an appropriate response, which will be forthcoming."

    If Blinken is serious about an imminent response, then Israel may get the war they have been working so hard on. Of course Iran having said they were not responsible for the drone attack on the Israeli managed ship the ‘Mercer’ will not sit idly by. This could get serious.

    • Canthama says:

      Harry, so far, everything tells me the apartheid regime pressed its hands to direct the US toward more sanctions and to stay out of JCPOA.

      I truly do not believe the US, in a shaken position in all Arabic Gulf (by removing all Patriot defenses from Iraq, Kuwait, UAE and KSA) will move to war with Iran…

      But the apartheid regime is a totally different story, these freaks are losing their mind, they know they are weaker now and afraid, so their arrogance tells them this is their last chance to attack….little they know they will be wiped out of the map if they do that….

      The late provocations in Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq is to keep Iran off balance, but Iran is really controlling the game, and this is a major change in the power play, major…we will understand, sooner or latter, that anything happening the ME right now is under The Resistance own plans and designs, including this attack on the Gulf of Oman.

      The apartheid regime is afraid.

      I expect The Resistance to continue to raise the bar…testing waters, this is only strengthening their hand among Arab Nations and the ordinary Arabs on the street, when the time comes, we will see the apartheid regime doing their stupid moves and paying dearly for it…without global support for them.

  178. Durlin says:

    Keep an eye on the price  of oil.  The banksters need it at $100 plus and all are saying that is were it will be.  If oil starts heading above $80 then it will probably be war.  Up till now they have been unable to push it past and hold above $75 with the little spit and urine from the bolshevik apartheid state antics so far.  Russia and China will not sanction UN action.  So expect a false flag killing of goyim in ME.  Two things to remember:  the USS Liberty and All Wars are Bankster Wars.

  179. Canthama says:

    This is a good read on Erdogan's New Ottoman Empire attempt…it is in the brinks of collapse…Tunisia's current events may weight heavily against Erdogan, having immediate effect in Libya and Syria…crossing my fingers. Meanwhile, the Sultan of Terrorism watches southern Turkey burn in a hellish fire from his trone in Ankara…people won't forget it.

    After Egypt, will Erdogan lose Tunisia and then Libya?


  180. Daniel Rich says:


    Nobody will refer to him/herself as a ‘sniper,’ as it’s based on an Indian bird.

    ‘Markswo/man’ is the appropriate nomenclature.

    [sharpshooter’s another word, but more associated with police forces].

    Marksman operate on distances beyond direct contact/s [although sharpshooters may operate as close as 50 yards to their possible contact/s], that can be as far away as over 3km [or 2 miles].

    Depending on what country we’re talking about, most countries have so-called sniper cells/teams. These consists out of either a spotter and shooter, or with an additional flanker [protection].

    Ever since WWII, Germany uses a single marksman [and some other countries have followed suit].

    Regardless of the above, becoming a marksman takes a lot of time and training.

    So, for anyone to open [sniper] fire on a procession commemorating the death of a person, entails a highly trained entity.

    Taxi mentions machinegun fire. Marksman don’t use machineguns. Their flanker or spotter might use it to protect the cell/team.

    It also means those firing the machineguns, had to be be much closer to said procession, as the effective range of an average AK-47 is ~ 330 yards.

    Cui bono?


    I don’t think so…

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Daniel. Actually, the bird is called a ‘snipe’: a bird that’s excellent at camouflage and extreme alertness, thus posing a mighty challenge for its hunters who have to be exceptionally stealthy and perfectly patient and still for a successful kill. A sniper is thus the hunter of snipe.

      And, these Khaldeh snipers, they were stationed in buildings that were about 500-600 meters from the procession – real close. And yes, both riffles and ak-47’s were used against both civilians and the army. The snipers were not following standard army procedure, they are not army folk – they are sunni gangbangers on the payroll of saudi arabia and the protection of the American embassy.

      We will all recognize here that blood was means to spill and be seen as sectarian blood.

  181. Taxi says:

    Let me just remind readers here that the paranoid are paranoid of both foe and friend:

    What the above means is that israel should do anything it wants to and do it without a White House green light.

    Would they dare headbutt Iran themselves without per-arrangement with the WH/Pentagon?

    I say they’re chicken shit to do ANYTHING themselves. But they will use proxies, including the slavish US.

  182. Taxi says:

    So… my cousins have left Lebanon and gone back Stateside.  Drove to the airport after lunch on fairly empty roads; and returned on even emptier roads.  Most stores were closed, but supermarkets everywhere were overcrowded with people stocking up on food etc, in case big trouble awaits them the very following day.

    But, really, all day the country was seriously quiet.  Even the local news is eclectic-international and not focusing purely on the Lebanon body politik.  Is this the calm before the storm?  Eerie quietness.

    Let's hope for the best outcome from such a convoluted and bleak scenario.  Let's see what winds will blow over the Lebanon tomorrow.

    Oh, and Nasrallah will give a live speech this coming Saturday evening.

    Never a dull moment in this tiny nation.  Never, ever.

    G'nite y'all from the land of martyrs and saints.  And murderers.


    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      Let’s see what winds will blow over the Lebanon tomorrow.”

      As long as it ain’t FUKZUS breaking ‘wind’ ‘you’ should be good.

      Btw, the other day, those so-called ‘snipers‘ weren’t operating from Hezbollah territory, right?

      • Taxi says:

        Lol thanks Daniel for the gassy comment. The stink of FUKZUS permeates the whole of the Middle East, that’s for damn sure.

        And the snipers were operating out of Khaldeh, which is primarily a Druze territory with Leb shias and naturalized Arab gypsies as residents. And I would also point out here that the sniper attack in Khaldeh was the first time ever that Lebanon witnessed an attack on a funeral procession. Even throughout the Lebanese sectarian civil war of the 1970’s, nobody ever fired at the funeral procession of the enemy. This kind of criminal behavior, ie shooting at the bereaved, is the domain of wahabism/talmudism/US-ism and we’ve all seen plenty of such atrocities in Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Khaldeh snipers were practicing the kind of warfare that’s alien to Lebanese culture and behavior: because they are fucking aliens themselves!

        Yesterday, four men were identified as the Khaldeh snipers and arrested by the army investigators. Their names are being held from the public. I mentioned upthread that Hezbollah had provided the army with a list of 20 suspects a mere handful of hours after the incident – this tells you that the Hezb has really good intel in khaldeh. Out of a dozen or so snipers, 4 have been caught inside of 24 hours and the rest remain in hiding. Unless they’ve already been smuggled out on private saudi jets, they will be caught sooner than later. Lebanon is a small place with tens of thousands of intel people (belonging to all sorts of organizations) operating on the ground, plus Internal Security has a good record of tracking murder and terrorism suspects.

  183. sarz says:

    Interesting that those people are Doms. That happens to be the lowest of the low (“untouchable”) caste peoples of India. It is the Doms of Banaras who carry out cremations in that city sacred to Hindus, where pious Hindus choose to have their final rites. Some Doms are settled and some nomadic, including herdsmen, tinkerers, musicians and petty thieves. These people do not have the intellectual or social wherewithal to make trouble on behalf of the Jews. At best they are being used as a mask.  

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Sarz, for the added info. ‘Doms’, or whatever else name they’re known by: they certainly make for useful idiots. No more, no less. And here I’ll add that last night, a committee from the Khaldeh Arab-gypsies, otherwise locally known as ‘the Arabs’ (as opposed to ‘the Lebanese’), released a statement saying that their community absolutely denounces the crime committed by “a gang from our neighborhood,” and their spokesperson publicly vowed fidelity and fealty to “Lebanon, its laws, its peace and security.”

      I guess there’s a bad apple or two in every big basket.

  184. Taxi says:

    I'm hearing reports that a few minutes ago, a rocket was launched from the south-east Lebanon border at Kiryat Shmona, an israeli border settlement.

    And as I write this, I'm hearing echos of faraway booms: 7 of them.  Probably an israeli response.  Shit!  Now it's non stop echos of booms and two of my dogs are getting disturbed and restless.

    I guess the Resistance is sending messages right at the nose of the enemy.

    Let's s see if it escalates…..

    • Taxi says:

      Sirens are blaring in Kiryat Shmona and several other jewish settlments connected to it – all citizens there are ordered into shelters till further notice.

      Meanwhile, I’m still hearing intermittent faraway booming…

      No word yet from Leb medias as to what’s actually going on – the story only just now broke.

    • Taxi says:

      I’m not hearing echos of booms anymore. Leb media says “rockets”, in the plural, were launched from Leb at Kiryat Shmon. Accounted for so far: 2 rockets that fell on Kirayat Shmona, and one landed just inside the Leb border. And the israeli media is saying that it responded with artillery shells on Leb border villages – well, on their agricultural outskirts – and also that it not want to escalate the situation any further. These jew shellings hit earth and rocks, but splinter from a hit rock spun out to an adjacent field and injured a female farmer.

      So that’s that. Battle of nerves.

      Fuck the jewish settlers. May they all die in their sleep tonight and thus save us some bullets and bleach.

    • Taxi says:

      WTF?! After a good hour of quiet, israel has again resumed its shelling of south Lebanon, changing target location and hitting forest terrain near Shebaa Farms and there causing fires.

      Terrorist jews dare not strike and cause Lebanese human casualties.

  185. Daniel Rich says:

    @ taxi,

    Professionals, hit [their target] and disappear. 

    JFK got shot [and killed].

    Who did it?

    MLK got killed?

    Who did it?

    RFK got shot [and killed]

    Who did it?

    They were all killed by people that know how kill effectively. I was taught to empty at last 3 bullets to the brain/head, to make sure the target died and disappear in the crowd.

    But all these 'killers' got caught and died or ended up in prison forever.

    Any message in there?

  186. sarz says:

    If there’s a war, will the Americans be forced into joining? There’s a big enough AIPAC crowd among the Democrats, and the only Republican  force organising the deplorables is ultra-Zionist crypto-Jew Trump. If a majority of Americans wanted to stay out how would one hear about it?

    • Taxi says:

      Sarz, surely you know by now that not a single American of any color, creed or status has any influence over the military industrial complex or jewy DC.

      Anyway, let the Americans jump right into the fight.  It's only right that big satan and little satan should die together holding hands.

  187. Taxi says:

    So It's just gone past 3:15pm local time, and only now that protestors are coming out to the streets in spits and spats.  The major protest will be at the port itself, and this event is organized by the families of the victims of the explosion.  But, other protests are also organized to take place outside a list of politicians' homes, as well as outside Parliament and an assortment of Ministries.  These protests are organized by NGOs.  There are over 10.000 registered NGOs in Lebanon, and 82% of them are funded by foreign embassies and entities.  There are some 7.4 million people living in the Lebanon, but only 4.2 million of them are Lebanese.  The rest are refugees, mainly from Palestine and Syria.   I mention the population numbers to give you an idea of just how much NGO activity, ie foreign interference, is taking place in the Leb on a regular basis.  Waaaay too many NGOs per Lebanese capita, that's for damn sure.  NGOs swarming en mass and trying to win battles that foreign militaries couldn't.  Fucking agents of chaos and terrorists in civilian clothing.  Fucking loathsome, controlled opposition agents!  I know some NGOs are legit, but few and far between.  With the current proliferation of the use of what I would call: the 'dollar-mind-control' method for destabilizing a society, it is safest to never give the benefit of the doubt to ANY NGO.

    Anyway, all the big protest stuff will begin happening at sunset and roll on into the balmy night, but, I can't see me lasting long after sunset.  If I do fall asleep early (and I probably will), then I'll do a catch-up on the situ tomorrow at some stage.

    Funny, I spent all day looking northwards toward Beirut for anticipated action, but all the action (so far) has come from the south, from the evil, coward jews.  And I'm laughing here because israel's PM only yesterday asserted with machoism that israel can take care of Iran “all on our own”, referencing the latest incident in the Persian Gulf waters, yet, when push comes to shove, they will only dare shell empty fields on the Lebanon border.  Uhuh.  So very scary-mighty, aren't they?  The jews.

    “All on our own.” How apt and ironic. And self-fulfilling.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      All on our own.” How apt and ironic. And self-fulfilling.”

      They did the same thing during WWII.

      If that’s anything to go by, we already know the number of prospective casualties… 

      6… 6… 6… something…

      Or was it  ‘news’ around 7…?

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Daniel, for reminding us of how the jews just keep repeating their treachery against humanity, generation after generation, and pay dearly for that treachery with blood and expulsion, only to repeat it again, and again…

      And last night, apparently because macho PM Potatohead thought it wasn't enough to burn Leb trees by day, he ordered yet another small attack on Leb forests in the south by night, and this time via air force and not via artillery shelling.  Fires erupted in the south just before midnight, but Leb villagers and local firefighters coordinated and put these fires out within a couple of hours.  Obviously, the terrorist jews thought that the Hezb would not instantly respond to an attack during the Beirutshima anniversary.  And we note yet again that this latest assault on Lebanon avoided causing any human casualties.  Uhuh.  Say no more about the coward snake trapped in the drainpipe, banging its head hither and dither – no exit either side.  Stupid jew fucks achieved zero with this attack.

      And it still angers and baffles me that 'green' NGOs around the world don't raise hell against warmongers who senselessly assault and burn down forestry!  What's the point of saving trees from industrialists, only to have them burned by criminal warmongers?

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks for sharing, dear H & A.

      Most certainly, a multi-confessional, eclectic and gigantic crowd gathered at the port in support of the families of the victims of the port explosion. The Lebanese air force performed an aerial display above the port in honor the victims. The army too was there: they performed a synchronized march in homage to the fallen civilians, and also to their own fallen in the explosion. Mass candle-lighting, prayers and the naming of the dead were also featured, with much weeping and wailing at every name uttered. Sad songs were sung. Elegies and sad poetry were recited. It was an occasion of mass, public grieving – many attendants wore black and waved portraits of the departed. A unified demand for ‘truth and accountability’ was the slogan of the event.

      What was striking was that some people arrived at this funereal gathering waving demonized posters of corrupt politicians, but they didn’t/couldn’t stay on at the event as the bereaved in unison shouted them out of the event, telling them that it was disrespectful to the dead and wrong to politicize their grief. The bereaved waaaaaaay outnumbered the political opportunists who were evicted from the belly of the crowd, some by physical push and force.

      Meanwhile, the (paid in dollars) NGOs had their protests in about a dozen other locations across central Beirut and the scenes there were all too familiar. Clashes with security forces. Burning tires. Vandalized trash cans, street signs and other public properties such as city gardens and statues. The smashing of shop and cafe windows. Tear gas and black smoke and ambulances and army tanks and police jeeps everywhere under starry skies. And all this for what? It achieves absolutely nothing but rattle the nerves of the (majority) peaceful public, as well as waste the (very limited) resources of the security apparatus. These NGOs organized their activities to take place after dark and with upbeat music blaring out of big speakers – as if to create a party atmosphere for the participating youth. They cynically rode on the backs of the bereaved purely for political and not for humanitarian reasons. Their protests lost steam around 10:30pm and everyone went back home.


      Today, Lebanon finds out whether a new government under the billionaire Najib Mikati will be formed. He has already had two governments in the past and he is a known member of the club of corrupt politicians. President Aoun is very displeased with his selection and today the two men will meet to decide on whether a government under him is possible or not. If not, the Lebanese Lira will sink even lower, perpetuating the financial crisis further. And if Mikati succeeds, then the corruption continues and nothing changes but for a slight gain for the Lebanese Lira.

      The country is politically really up shit creek.

      Financially up shit creek.

      Socially up shit creek.

      Medically up shit creek.

      Energy up shit creek.

      Everything, everything, everything is up shit creek, but for the Resistance. Standing tall and immovable. Untouched by the thousands of poisoned, jewish arrows flung at it from all directions.

  188. Daniel Rich says:

    First and foremost, It's always about money.

    Money rules.

    Human beings…?

    Well, f*** them.

    Know where you are.

    But above all, know who you are.

    That's the core of being…

  189. Daniel Rich says:

    US occupation continues plundering Syrian oil – Link to SANA

    Excerpt: “The US occupation forces on Thursday brought out a convoy loaded with stolen Syrian oil from the Syrian lands to north Iraq via the illegitimate al-Walid border crossing.

    One’s got to appreciate the fact that the Land of the Free, the very country that wants the tired, the poor, the huddled masses to breath free, sneaking off with a foreign country’s national resources.

    Die already!


  190. Taxi says:


    I wasn't planning on blogging today – I was planning on sleeping the day out: taking a day or two off after a hectic hostessing of my cousins for the month of July.  But, a few minutes ago, I heard yet more faraway boom echos, and it looks like it's flared up again at the Leb-israel border.   Some 20 rockets from inside Leb were fired at an israeli military base called 'Dov', and in return,  israel fired up its Iron Dome and advised ALL jewish residents in settlements at the Leb-israel border stay indoors or in shelters.

    The situation is fluid…

    Needless to say, israel is shocked by the number of rockets launched at its military base some twenty minutes go – they have not yet released info on the damage these rockets have caused.

    Clearly, the message from these 20 rockets is clear: we mean fucking business!

    • Taxi says:

      A few israeli f-16s are flying low over the border villages, and UNIFEL has been informed by the israelis that they intend to strike.  UNIFEL has put its personnel on high alert and is also trying to evacuate Leb villagers whose villages are being circled by the terrorist israeli air force.

      *I can't see this situ resolving in a few hours… may take days, or may escalate into a regional war.  For sure, too much stress abounds that won't be dissipated within the next 24 hours.

      Waiting for Hezbollah statement…

  191. Taxi says:

    Hezbollah's statement published just now is saying that in response to israel's shelling of Lebanon's southern fields during Beirutshima day (4th August) with two assaults: one by day and one by night, two of its Hezb fighters were tasked with sending tens of rockets from their stations at Shebaa: aiming them at the Dov military base.

    So today's fight is not between israel and random Palestinian launchers of rockets from Lebanon territories, the fight is directly between israel and Hezbollah.

    In light of the terrorist Bennett pushing at the established red line with these assaults, the Hezb obviously had to 'correct' this ambition in order to maintain the deterrent red line already established by them.

    The ball is now in israel's court….

    Will keep you posted.

    • Taxi says:

      We will know where the israeli military is at by what their target list is for today.  I mean, they've been bending over backwards in trying to avoid causing Lebanese human casualties with all their Levantean ops for years now, so if they veer off this track and start to intentionally cause Lebanese human casualties, then we'll know this clash is highly likely to escalate.

    • Taxi says:

      Israeli media is now saying that they aim to close down the incident now, now escalate it.

      This is probably the fastest 'defense' resolution that israel has ever made.  I've no doubt that their Lebanon policy is: fuck up the country from inside and stay the heck away from Hezbollah and their people at the border.

    • Taxi says:

      The synagogue of satan did not dare directly strike back at the Hezb, and instead, and under the pretense of responding to Hezb posts, they targeted Lebanese agricultural fields in Shebaa, setting seasonal crops of fire.  Massive fires are now burning in Lebanon's Shebaa Farm lands. 

      If they can't bullet you, they will burn your food.  A war crime, I will remind everyone here.

      The israelis have withdrawn their f-16s from the sky and only spy drones now snake above Leb border villages.

      Will the Hezb respond to this jewish pyromania?  We shall see.

    • Taxi says:

      Take the pathologically lying numbers in the link below with a pinch of salt.  When the jews tell you that their "Iron Dome missile defense system intercepted a number of the rockets," without specifying how many, you just know that the number is low.  And when they say they fired "100 artillery shells" at Lebanon, they are exaggerating to the max, and we know this is so from the footage of the small damage that these artillery shells have caused inside Lebanon.  There would be a heck of a lot more damage if 100 shells were fired.  More like a dozen artillery shells were fired, if we're to go by the size of the damage on the Lebanon side.

      10 Rockets fired from Lebanon into Israel, Hezbollah claims responsibility

    • Taxi says:

      The two Hezb fighters who were tasked with firing the barrage of rockets at israel have returned to base unharmed and intact.  A true 'mission accomplished', without any cynical photo ops and media bells and whistles.

      Interestingly, these fighters were named by the Hezb.  They have nothing to hide.  It is not a crime to defend your land by any means necessary.

  192. Durlin says:

    Taxi I have a question, it is off topic and I apologize.  With the bolsheviks making threats and the exchange of fire along the border you have more pressing problems to worry about so answer at your leisure or not at all, it is a trivial question.

    When Nutsayahoo was king of the bolsheviks there were many stories of his impending trial for a myriad of crimes, Since his defeat I have not seen or heard anything of his trial or impending trial, bolsheviks are pathological liars, was this another one?  My thoughts are with you and  your dogs, stay safe brother.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, dear Durlin.  Actually, your question is not off topic at all, and even if it were, no need to apologize whatsoever – am happy to answer whatever question is thrown at me, as best as I can.

      The wily lawyers of Netanyahu have bought him time away from the courthouse by saying that they are still investigating and gathering materials that will aid in their client's case.  How much time can they buy him?  I don't know.  I'm actually largely disinterested in the minutia of his case, but I guess soon enough Netanyahu's court case will become a major headline across the world.

      Thank you truly for your good wishes to myself and to my dogs.  We are, and we will be fine whatever happens.

      Oh and btw, I am very much a biological 'she' kiss.

  193. Taxi says:

    I'll remind readers here that from 1948 till year 2006, israel used to treat the Lebanon like it does Gaza: shelling and bombing it capriciously and with zero accountability.  The Hezb's victory over israel back in 2006 put an end to these open-ended war crimes against the Lebanon.

    Today's Hezb rocket firing was to insure that Lebanon is not returned to the old status quo.

    • Taxi says:

      No one this side of the border is resting on their laurels just because israel went home with bleeding ears today instead of fighting the Hezb directly.  The Resistance and its people know that when israel can't meet them at the battlefield, they will use 'war by other means' against them, and these methods are terroristic and usually against civilians.  Car bombs, political assassinations, added sanctions, mysterious explosions etc, all these are typical jewish instruments of terror.

      • Canthama says:

        Hey Taxi, thanks for the detailed sequence of events, it was due time for Hezbollah to return the status quo, since the killing of the Hezbollah's soldier in Syria that this pay back was pending and it is still pending, the apartheid settlers needed the wake up call.

        I recently wrote to a friend that he thought the apartheid regime was going to retaliate Iran on the ship incident at the Gulf of Oman, I said, there is no way the apartheid regime will attack Iran, they know the risk of annihilation is high and serious, any misstep could be disastrous, I said the apartheid regime would retaliate as usual, terrorist attacks and sanctions by the enslaved EU/US. The point is that these "paybacks" are useless, these freaks have burned all bridges and their same old attacks have no effects anymore, but what has changed is that The Resistance is now returning fire not in the usual way…like apartheid regime attacks Syria…Syria retaliates…the latest on the Gulf of Oman was an Iranian response to an attack at Qusayr in Syria, the bar has been raised once more, and we see more and more pay backs like that…in summary, the apartheid regime may have put itself in a corner that although it has a supposedly powerful military capability, they could not use indiscriminately anymore…risking annihilation.

        I sense we will soon see some sort of response from Syria toward the Occupied Palestine land, the last two attacks on Syria, though it took a while to confirm, had Russian hand in helping on the air defenses thus hitting 6 out 7 missiles in Aleppo and about the same in Qusayr, it does indicate a change on the ROE for Syria, and maybe just maybe Syria will be allowed to hit a IDF jet over Lebanon or al Tanf…a hint for us all….Russia shifted a complex of radars toward the Euphrates near al Mayadin, that is a first, these radars will control Syria's airspace all the way to western Iraq and NE Jordan, the intention is to clearly detect IDF attacks from these areas…thus freeing up Lebanese airspace for attacks on Syria…

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks, Canthama. You’re right to observe that a recent change of Resistance policy is now being applied. Retaliation from here on will be swift, as opposed to holding back a-la the Syria war equation policy. From here on, the moment israel goes ‘tit’, a Resistance ‘tat’ will immediately follow.

        I see the latest strike on the israeli-owned ship in the Omani waters as a warning to israel to think twice about striking Iranians ships that will be, in the soon, carrying fuel to both Syria AND Lebanon.

      • Taxi says:

        And I will also point out here that the Hezb responded to israel REGARDLESS of the JCPOA taking place in Vienna.

        This indicates that the two issues, as far as the Resistance is concerned, are completely separate issues.

        This also proves what the Resistance members have been saying for years: that when it comes to local security, Iran is not the decider, but the individual Resistance group on the ground is the decision maker.

        Members of the Axis of Resistance are not “Iran’s proxies”, like the Western MSM likes to call them, but they are indeed autonomous security partners with Iran.

      • Taxi says:

        And I will also add here that the Hezb, in order to avoid internal accusations that their barrage put Lebanese lives at stake, set up their launch pads in locations that were very far from human habitation. No Lebanese human, property or pet were place in the direct line of israeli-retaliation fire, or anywhere near it, for that matter.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        From here on, the moment israel goes ‘tit’, a Resistance ‘tat’ will immediately follow.”

        Personally, I can’t wait for Occupied Palestine to go tits up.

        Pardon my French. 

    • Taxi says:

      Military analysts in the Leb are saying that the Hezb decided to retaliate with a 'barrage of old short-range/Grad rockets' (assembled pre year 2000, apparently) as opposed to a ballistic missile or two, in order to force-activate israel's Iron Dome, thus giving the Hezb the opportunity to test and study the reaction and effectiveness of israel's Iron Dome that's located in the Shebaa Farms.

      So the Hezb hit two birds with one stone today: re-asserted the deterrent red line established by them in 2006 and broken by israel two days ago, as well as testing out the efficiency and functionality of the jewish Iron Dome.

      • Taxi says:

        All members of the Axis of Resistance have this lunchtime released public statements in support of Hezbollah's barrage on israel today.  Messages of congratulations came from Gaza, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Iran and Yemen – from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tunisia and Algeria too.

        Armies of civilian supporters of the Axis of Resistance have also been sending their congratulations via social media.

      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        It will be interesting to see the US reaction to all this. Biden's popularity has dropped to below 50% and Kamala Harris is the most unpopular VP in history. The Dems are in total panic because 2022 looks like it will be a complete disaster. They have bungled the handling of Covid and the economy is in free fall despite all the good news you read in the papers. Fauci is probably going to get hauled away in chains as more people die from his gain-of-function research which created the synthetic Covid-19.

        What will they do to distract us?

        The same thing all the past many presidents have done – start a war. But where?

        It can't be Iran, that is far too dangerous. Afghanistan is over. Syria is winding down. Iraq? Nope.

        All eyes are on the South China seas. Taiwan is on the lips of most pols. The effort is on to split Russia from China – not gonna happen. So, what then? The options look limited. A cornered rat comes to mind…


      • Canthama says:

        C&D, I agree the options are limited, I would add the NATOstan regimes would only attack a defensiveless country…ain't China or Russia….that would lead to human extinction….then who ? Myamar ? Venezuela ? Cuba ? I doubt Belarus since it would face Russia…which is a no-no…at the end, the globalist criminals are running out of option…

        The more I think on it, the certainty that the Empire of Evil and its slaves are in a dead end corner, they burned down most bridges and are running out of options….which means bad news to MIC and its flying sailable lemons…. 

        We may be at the crossroad that NATOstan regimes will exponentially retreat from its global footprint.

      • Cloak And Dagger says:


        Yes, Cuba is a possibility, given the strong Cuba lobby in this country, but that would have to go through Florida, and I am not sure if De Santis would permit it.

      • Taxi says:

        The Cuban lobby whose headquarters are in Miami are ALMOST as evil as the jewish lobby – they are the second most evil lobby in the US. Man, are they rabid and hateful and lunatic! I fucking loath the Cuban lobby!

        I suggest here that these days – and after the revelation that both China and Russia have advanced supersonic weapons, weapons that the US does not possess (MIC remins at an experimental stage with supersonic weaponry) – I suggest that the only countries that Empire can presently go to war with are small, weak, island nations like Granada.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ C&D,

        “A cornered rat comes to mind…”

        But cornered rats will simply try to escape.

        The US can’t run away from itself and will have to face the full brunt of the jewish created wokeness [ALM be damned!].

        Am looking forward to the 2024 Olympic Sames, where inter-locking gender-jumps will be introduced as a brand new event…

      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        @Daniel Rich

        But cornered rats will simply try to escape.

        Not according to the Japanese:

        Reading: きゅうそねこをかむ (kyuuso neko o kamu)
        Translation: “a cornered rat will bite the cat”
        Meaning: Left with no choice, even a relatively weak person/animal will fight back.

        Any cornered animal is dangerous, because you can no longer depend on it to make sane or rational choices. In its death throes, it can do unpredictable damage.


      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ C&D,

        I hear you, but the premise is that the rat has no ill intention/s, besides trying to survive.

        The Empire has nothing left to survive.

        I agree with the inherent dangers you mention, but there still has to be something that resembles cohesion in the military ranks, in order to pull off another ‘incident’ and another war.

         Personally, I think they’re too much stuck in woke and equity maneuvers, that have nothing to do with the concept of what the military is supposed to be used for or do.

        1 one thing if for sure though; as a teenager I really wanted to join the marines. Today, no thank you.

  194. emersonreturn says:

    thank you, taxi, for your detailed account, & thank you, canthama, for your update & insights on syria.  indeed, i agree the demented empire is cornered & therefore inexpressibly dangerous.  i think afghanistan is their next play…as pepe & others have observed the taliban is not a united core, yes, all factions desire to benefit from china's bounty & bri bt like erdogan (& modi) some renegades believe they can have it all (china's largesse & the demented empire's pallets of paper).  as the demented empire has played the kurds, so it is gambling it can play certain taliban warlords.   it will continue to press its owned chattels in iraq/syria/afghanistan & its arab gypsies.  we are o/c in the final act, bt it will be tragic.  while i am certain russia/china/iran/hezbollah/yemen will win, my hope remains they can do so by nullifying the demented empire, perhaps in the fog of its own propaganda…allowing it to believe, & its deluded population to believe, it won, & slip into a slumber of oblivion games, social media & vaccinations.

  195. Durlin says:

    After removing the foot from my brain I am able to reply to you Dear Taxi.  Thank you for your response to my question, many things are made clear with your answer.

    • Taxi says:

      And I will add here that the attacks on the Hezb by both internal and external enemies are now in relentless turbo gear. The Hezb is being viciously attacked on absolutely ALL fronts, and operations to demote the Hezb from being the nation’s protectors to ‘nation wreckers’ is being activated left, right and center. No less than three anti Hezb ops inside of one week have now been unraveled. Fortunately, the Hezb has managed to circumvent them all. The Khaldeh incident that was meant to create sectarian strife between sunni and shia failed. The Beirutshima event that was expected to produce bloody clashes between the eclectic bereaved and Hezb civilian supporters failed (because not many Hezb citizens turned up at the port to create an opportunistic critical mass). And yesterday’s Shwayeh incident was meant to create sectarianism between Druze and Shia also failed. Yes, I see the cabin dude in Shwayeh as a zionist plant, even though the Resistance media is not saying such a thing – and I believe they’re not saying this because it’s way too sensitive for the Hezb to go accusing a Lebanese Druze of colluding with the enemy. But, I’m hearing from people in the know that the Hezb will now have double eyes on sketchy individuals who’ve ingratiated themselves into southern habitats.

      The burning heat is on the Hezb, and so far, the Hezb has maintained a cool head.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        The burning heat is on the Hezb, and so far, the Hezb has maintained a cool head.”

        That’s why they are where they are today [and were yesterday and will be tomorrow].

        My gut says that that dude up the hill is no good [from the moment you mentioned his actions first]. Am sure he will be watched and listened to [especially electronically].

  196. pq says:


    Can you elaborate on the news in RT on the Druze villagers trying to stop Hezbollah from transporting rockets? It looks very manufactured but I'd appreciate your take. 

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, pq. Here’s the story in a nutshell. After the Hezb launched its barrage, three Hezb fighters in civilian clothing were tasked with removing one of the launch pads out of the launch location and back to its base. On the outskirts of the border Druze village of Shwayeh, they were spotted by a guy who lives in an isolated cabin. He called the villagers warning them that islamists from Syria had crossed the border and were heading to the village with heavy weapons. Word of this spread immediately like wildfire and the panicked villagers managed to roadblock the Hezb crew, dragging them out of their SUV and holding them till the Lebanese army came. The army arrived, took the launch pad and identified the men as Hezbollah fighters and handed them to Hezbollah’s security. And that’s that.

      A misunderstanding that occurred in the panic of the moment and literally some 15 minutes after the Hezb had fired its barrage and 15 minutes BEFORE the Hezb had announced that it was responsible for this attack on israel. In this short time, and after hearing the big bangs of the barrage, the bewildered villagers really did believe they were about to be attacked by wahabis from Syria – and the Hezb crew wearing civilian clothing only added to this confusion.

      The border village of Shwayeh is a resistance village – they are protected by the Hezb and some of the village men belong to the Hezb’s reserve units. The village leaders, as well as Druze politicians, immediately took to the media after the army confirmed the identity of the captured Hezb crew – they, the Druze elders and politicians, publicly explained the misunderstanding and confirmed their community’s committed support to the Hezb.

      The only detail that bothers me about this story is the cabin guy who alerted the villagers is not from the village of Shwayeh, but from the north of Lebanon, and about a year ago, he decided to go live in the south – not a common occurrence.

      Needless to say, the internal enemies of the Hezb are using this story to say that the Hezb is losing its support in the south – and israel is saying that its plan to turn the Lebs against the Hezb is working. Well, they can go ahead and be deluded all they like. Time will prove them dead wrong.

  197. Daniel Rich says:

    As to last year's explosion in Beirut, please don't forget that a fertilizer induced explosion does not send out shockwaves that shatter windows, up to 6 miles [10km.] away from said explosion.

    See the buildings behind the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building that Timothy McVeigh blew up, back in 1995, in downtown Oklahoma City;

    • grr says:

      Daniel, that pic is misleading as the explosion’s shock wave went forwards.

      Also T.McV wasn’t actually the .bomber’ and it wasn’t a fertiliser bomb. As in 9/11, 7/7, JFK, RFK, Bali bombing, Spanish train station, Port Arthur, Sandy Hook, Boston marathon, etc the official narrative is BS.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ GRR,

        "Daniel, that pic is misleading…"

        Welcome to the world that's supposed to reflect normalcy.

        How do you and I know what is really true?

        I honestly don't know..

        A sad place to be in…

  198. Taxi says:

    Notable about Hezbollah's barrage-response to israel: they intentionally struck open fields that border illegal jewish colonies, in the same measure that israel had, two days previously, struck olive groves and forests that hugged several south Lebanon villages.

    This was a clear message to israel: the status quo remains.  'An airport for an airport, a hospital for a hospital', and now: 'a field for a field'.

  199. pq says:

    Wow, thanks for the explanation. You see this is the difference between Israel and Hezb. If Hezb behaved like the Israelis, the cabin guy would now be at his own funeral, having slipped in the bathtub. But it must have been well orchestrated to make it into the global news. 

    Fully agree with Daniel Rich above, too. I spent a lot of time reading about the chemistry of AN last year and checking out the twitter news feed of the Lebanese opposition media stations in  the hours before and after the explosion. 

    All the rumours about it being a H arms depot were cooked up by Israeli papers and it was the opposition news stations within Lebanon, miles away from the port, that were fueling rumours around stored fireworks etc. Fertilizer grade does not and cannot blow itself up unless it is saturated with oil first. 


  200. Taxi says:

    The israeli media today is twisting its knickers in anticipation of Nasrallah’s speech tonight: speculating he will say this and that and he will mean this and that. Endless, pointless, stressful banter. They are anxious to hear him tonight so as to discern what is on his mind regarding their future.

    Yesterday, the israeli cabinet’s emergency meeting over the Hezb barrage issue took only two hours and concluded with the politicians passing the buck to the army. ‘You go do what you think is best. We don’t want the responsibility of a war with Hezbollah’. This is what israeli politicians literally said to their jewish army honchos. Hence, the israeli military wound everything down yesterday after lunch, and not a jew or a jew drone has been spotted anywhere on or near the border since then – and today too: no sign of a jew or a jew machine on the border. All is quiet. Except for the israeli media who are giving non-stop, free advertising to Nasrallah’s speech tonight.

    I hope to report on the speech on Sunday.

      • Canthama says:

        Daniel, this is such a powerful song….remembering one of the greatest WWII heroes ever to live….Lyudmila Pavlichenko…she is resumed by one of the lyrics as it says :

        "My palm has turned into a fist….and if there is gunpowder, give me a light…that's it"

        The simplicity of words from a determined hero, fighting for her love, her friends, her people…this song was broadly used by the heroes in Donbas to fight back once more the Ukro Nazi offensive on them.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Daniel and Canthama.  Lyudmila Pavlichenko, indeed.

      And who can forget this little Woodie Gutherie homage chorus to Lyudmila Pavlichenko, from back in the good old days when we used to be friends with the Russians:

      Fell by your gun, yes
      Fell by your gun
      More than three hundred nazis fell by your gun

      • Saladin says:

        Admiration to the many noble Russian fighters of WW2, both men and women (not so much to the criminal element in the communist Red Army who raped and slaughtered German civilians). I have to say though, they weren't 300 "Nazis"; they were Germans. Over the years, I've come to think we were fighting the wrong enemy in that war. Patton said so at the war's end, and they (jewish deep state) killed him. America's (and the allies) best general.

  201. sarz says:

    The American Jewish insider and later American hero Benjamin Freedman aptly referred to the Second World War as the Judeo-Communist war against Germany. Woodie Guthrie was actually not all that bright. The sign that on his banjo should have said “This machine serves Jews.” 

    The Jew narrative of the West from Cromwell onwards is really hard to shake. Where would Putin be without his remembrance ceremonies as the foundation of Russian identity? 

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Sarz. Woodie Guthrie spent his whole life giving voice to the downtrodden, working man. Even though he was not a member of the communist party, he did find in communism a refuge for the disenfranchised by capitalism. You can critique his communistic ‘solution’ to the problems of the working man, but you cannot deny his heart was in the right place. Just because he did not write ‘The Critique of Pure Reason’, does not mean he was a stupid person. Artists, especially musicians, have an instinctive intelligence, as opposed to an academic one. That he was dented by jewish holocaust propaganda back in the day (wasn’t practically everyone in the US?!) also does not mean that he would today support them with all the info available on jewish evil. If Woodie was alive today, he would be a supporter of the Palestine cause and the Axis of Resistance. Of this, I have no doubt.

      We are lucky to live in the age of the internet where important information is available to us, unlike past generations who only had official government narratives to work with. Truth is that all political ideologies can easily be veered towards fascism. This is why I avoid falling into ideological traps. This is why I would support a communist village defending itself against an invasion by capitalist industrialists, while also seeing fit to be anti communist if they themselves were invaders of nations who reject communism. I guess you could say that my only cause is that of freedom from occupiers and invaders and thought-controllers. It used to be that I had more support for capitalism because it guaranteed freedom of speech, but this is no longer the case. Capitalism, this side of the 21st century, is anti freedom of speech. I no longer support capitalism because of this. But I do not support communism either, for the same reason. I am standing on a political raft that’s rocking out in mid sea. I anchor nowhere. I vote for no one.

      • sarz says:

        I didn't know Woodie personally, but I have heard of his simplicity and good-heartedness. This particular song of his strikes me as a moral mistake, one thst someone equally good-hearted but somewhat brighter would not have made. 

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks, Sarz. Actually, what I find fascinating about this song is not so much the simple rhymes or even the content, but that it is a record of a recent history, yet long forgotten by Americans. And this forgotten history is that of the friendship between the US and the Soviet Union. I hadn’t heard this song in yonkers and was only reminded of it with Canthama’s mention of Pavlichenko that the song is dedicated to. I laughed imagining what today’s woke, Russiaphobic Democrats would make of it in this day and age. The song disses on fascists (good), yet it praises a Russian soldier (bad). Woodie is a national working class hero, a ‘leftie’ who loves Russia. An impossible contradiction. I saw many woke brain-wires short-circuiting while listening to this song heh!

        Whether Woodie intended it or not (probably not), this song today carries historic value and gravitas.

  202. Harry Law says:


    To pass the time during his early years, Putin and his pals harassed the rats that plagued his apartment's stairwell.

    He said: “There were hordes of rats in the front entryway. My friends and I used to chase them around with sticks.”

    It was during one of those rodent hunts that the future president learned a valuable lesson about the dangers of backing opponents into a corner.

    He said: ”Once I spotted a huge rat and pursued it down the hall until I drove it into a corner.

    “It had nowhere to run. Suddenly it lashed around and threw itself at me. I was surprised and frightened. Now the rat was chasing me."

    The book explains that Putin got away, but the memory never escaped him.

    He said: “Luckily, I was a little faster and I managed to slam the door shut in its nose.

    “There, on that stair landing, I got a quick and lasting lesson in the meaning of the word cornered.”

    Sun Tzu said 'When you surround an army, leave an outlet free. Do not press a desperate foe too hard'.


  203. Taxi says:

    Howdy everyone.  Sorry had to sleep the whole day off yesterday in the shade of a beach umbrella – horrid heatwave and limited mazot in my farmhouse's storage tank meant that I was better off staying cooled down on the beach than turning the AC on at home.  Am trying to keep my mazot/motor use for recharging the house batteries only, as here in the south, like the rest of the country, we're only getting between 2-4 hours of government electricity per day, and there is no mazot to be had at the moment at any gas station.  It takes six hours to recharge my house batteries and they provide me with a good ten hours of electricity to keep the internet and basic light bulbs on.  It's not bothering me to adapt my electricity usage to only basic necessities.  So long as I can keep the internet on, I'll be fine.  I treat it as if I'm camping, with limited energy sources.  And as it happened, last March, at the end of winter, I filled my mazot tank that charges my winter radiators right to the full line (2000 liters), so I also have a spare tank of mazot at hand: all I need to do is transfer it out of the radiator tank to the motor's tank if need be – a long garden hose is all I'll need for this op.  But still, I need to be careful how I use my mazot.

    Anyway, I did watch Nasrallah's speech on Saturday night, even though I was really exhausted and very tempted to just shut my strained eyes.  It was a great speech, as per usual, with Nasrallah making mention of many important Lebanese domestic and foreign policy issues, and with several direct messages to israel.  I hope to make time to watch it again today so as to digest fully the essence and content of the speech better.  It was a long speech that went on for a good 97 minutes, so I'll probably just pick out the main points and do a very brief summary of it.  And after I post this summary, I will probably take a few days off from the internet – rest my overactive brains and my weary old bones after such a hectic two months of summer.  Unless, of course, in this meantime, yet another war with israel takes place and lasts ooooh but 4 hours.

    These israel wars are getting shorter and shorter, don't you think?  LOL!

  204. Durlin says:

    A stock trader Gregory Mannarino has been for some time telling people about the central banking system,  their control over a majority of countries and what their plans are for the sheeple and the  purpose of their unending money printing which will lead to total enslavement.  One of the cornerstones of their power is controlling the price of crude which he labels the life blood of the military industrial complex and also calls the US military the enforcement arm of the petro dollar system which to a large extent is based on crude oil.  All the big banks have been calling for $100 a barrel crude because all of the banks are heavily invested in crude.  Crude has fallen below $70 a barrel today.  He is now telling his followers to watch for a false flag.  Article on Zerohedge this morning talks about the bolshevik apartheid regime is out  in the open  now calling for regime change in Iran.  The G7 this weekend in unison with the US blamed Iran for the tanker attack, is this a lead up to war with Iran or possibly a shut down of the Straights of Hormuz?  The empire is getting desperate.  A poster on Zhedge always ends with "All wars are bankster wars".

    Mannarinos morning look ahead:


    Also, I have been seeing several articles lately on the Iranian attack on Al Assad,  getting the Goyim primed for another war?

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, dear Durlin. Let me just say that if america or israel or the uk or uae or saudi arabia thought for even a moment that a guaranteed military victory against Iran (and allies) could be had, they would have gone to war with Tehran decades ago already. Obviously, their ‘false flag’ bureau that’s on the payroll must still keep coming up with plans to earn their keep, be they plans that never materialize, or fantastical plans, or those plans that fizzle out after 5 minutes of activation.

      What’s clear is the following: the old ways of going to war for the benefit of ‘international bankers’ and the petrodollar just don’t work anymore. The opposition to America’s global hegemony has grown extra limbs. A new way of war must now be conceived. But the fuckers lack imagination so I doubt they will find that new ‘je ne sais quoi’.

  205. sarz says:

    Hi Durlin. The monsters in charge of the Empire won't be stopped from a war by their goodness. But American military leaders, whose ranks were cleared of the self-respecting ones under Obama, are very very clear that if there is war with Iran, since it will involve Russia and China, the empire will get creamed. All their war-gaming shows it, and every month more decisively. 

    • Durlin says:

      SARZ and Taxi, I agree with everyone's thoughts on starting a war with Iran but then again we are talking about insane psychopaths who now find themselves cornered.  The attacks against Iran will not stop, they will be coming from different directions and shutting down the Straights doesn't have to be done with bombs.  How much will Iran endure before they are forced to retaliate, economic war is still war.  And if the straights are shut down that will shoot the price of oil through the proverbial roof.  And any false flag doesn't have to be against Iran, a few refineries left smoldering will do nicely thank you very much.  A couple of articles, UAE is playing a dangerous game, a few shekels and a couple of little children can buy the best of friends.

      • sarz says:

        We shouldn't read too much into what seems an Israeli false flag (see Moon of Alabama). There's a lot else going on. See Bhadrakumar's tweet re Macron (a rep of the Rothschilds) and Raisi.

        Let's not forget that Iran is willing to accept the Jews staying on in Palestine if that's okay with Palestinians. Macron represents the Rothschilds and so, ultimately, do Biden and the Democrats. Israel is no longer paying its way for Jewish finance, which is what Balfour was all about. This is the sort of solution the Russians would want as well. (I know it won't sit well with Taxi.)  So it could well be we'll see a deal after all that ends sanctions, caps Irani nukes, but allows a much more high powered Iran to continue developing its missiles and making Hezbollah and Syria that much more fearsome and Israel less so. The Chinese would be happy to continue with bankster money, maybe US dollar, better SDR. God's supposed chosen would be diminished, but we can leave that in His hands. 

  206. Taxi says:


    After his customary greetings to god, to Abrahamic prophets and to supporters of the Resistance, Nasrallah gave a special homage to the numerous Lebanese martyrs who sacrificed their lives in the 2006 war in order for the Lebanon to have a peaceful border with occupied Palestine.  “For the past 15 years, we have successfully deterred israel from launching commando attacks and aerial bombardments on our country – deadly assaults that israel was in the habit of committing against us from 1984 to 2006.”  He added: “These are tangible results that the Resistance has achieved.  For 15 years we have insured peace and security.  Nobody can deny this.  It was not the UN who stopped ongoing israeli aggression on our nation, it was Resistance fighters and Resistance weapons that achieved this.”

    Regarding the Hezbollah response to Israeli aerial strikes on open fields in the Lebanon several days ago, Nasrallah explained that it was vital and necessary to respond and respond fast so as to maintain the deterrence that had provided the Lebanon with its 15 years of border security.  He explained that some responses to the enemy can wait till an opportune time arises, as in the case of responding to fallen Hezb martyrs murdered by Israel, but that other types of attack need immediate responses if the attack threatens to break the status quo that keeps Lebanon safe.  “Had we not responded swiftly to israel’s latest aerial aggression, tel aviv would start to think that the Lebanon is again an open territory it can dominate with strikes and destruction.”  He added: “The fact that they used their air force against us for the first time in 15 years meant that the new israeli government was aiming to change the status quo that protects Lebanon, and this we will never allow to happen, regardless of internal pressures on us.”  He further explained that Israel had misread the Lebanon room and had thought that due to the multiple crises that currently blight Lebanon, tel aviv had “miscalculated” that the Resistance is inundated and weakened by Lebanon’s multiple internal crisis, thus unable to move and use its weapons even defensively, therefore the Resistance would not be able to respond to an Israeli aerial attack.  He then threatened Israel with: “You attack and burn our field, we will respond likewise: we attack and burn your field.”  Furthermore, he added: “But it is not necessary that we would only respond in the isolated Shebaa Farms in the future – we are not playing cat and mouse here – no, we may retaliate on an open field in northern Galilee that’s under Israeli control, or we might strike back at an open field in the Golan – the Lebanese foothills of the Golan, that is – we can respond anywhere of our choosing.  We have many strike-location cards to play.  Many cards are in our hands.  Don’t test us on this.  For certain we will respond to all aerial attacks on Lebanon in the future.  This is for certain.  We will respond in ways that strictly serve the protection and security of our country and the safety of our people.  All the gains we achieved in 2006 will never be lost – we will never allow for this.  No external or internal pressure can affect us on this point either.  We advise the enemy not to forget this equation or test us on it again.”

    Regarding the Shwayeh incident where Hezb crew were mobbed by the villagers of Shwayeh, Nasrallah retold the story (which I commented on upthread) and asked his supporters not to show hostility or prejudice towards the Shwayeh people as they are historically part of the Resistance people, with some Shwayeh natives belonging to various armed Resistance groups, including the Hezb’s multi-confessional, volunteer branch of its army.  He said that it was not Shwayeh natives who started all this, but a small handful of “outsiders working together with several Syrians who now live in Shwayeh.”  He emphasized that Shwayehh people are good and trusted people, and that many Shwayeh men had indeed defended the mobbed Hezb crew, and that only the trouble-making outsiders  should be investigated by  army intel for opportunistically inciting Shwayeh villagers against the Hezb crew; and also, that these “outsiders” should be held accountable by the law for the “savage way they behaved: the way they disturbed the peace and tried to create sectarian conflict between shias and their southern Druze, brothers in arms.”  Nasrallah’s showed anger when he followed with: “These outsiders offended and assaulted our fighters and commandeered some of their weapons and equipment and we want these returned to us immediately.  We ask the army to work on this as soon as possible.  We ask the army to deliver justice, otherwise, the situation will become very complicated.”  Meaning, that the Hezb already knows who the perps are and will otherwise have to reclaim their weapons themselves, which will be a controversial move by the Hezb, as the army itself is meant to be responsible for the Shwayeh file.

    He then talked about Beirutshima, saying that from the first minute of the explosion, opposition media immediately went into overdrive in accusing the Hezb of causing the explosion; saying that it was Hezb weapon storage in the port that caused the explosion, when no such evidence exists after numerous investigations into this point were concluded, including the recent FBI investigation that makes no mention of Hezbollah weapons or depots in Beirut port.  Nasrallah then said that the Hezb does not fear any investigation into the explosion, but that they do fear the politicization of the investigation.  He urged the new (and second) judge tasked with the Port file to either work the investigation non-politically, or else step aside and allow for another judge to take over.  Nasrallah commented that this judge (judge Tarek Bitar) has been leaking names of politicians as ‘persons of interest’ before he’s even spoken to them in person to determine whether they really are ‘persons of interest’, thus tainting their reputations to serve only a political agenda and not that of justice for the families of the victims.  He recommended that judge Bitar focuses on giving updated information on the investigation to the families of the victims, instead of giving them nothing yet leaking names of politicians pre interviews or investigations.  (The leaked names of these politicians btw are names of Lebanese men that the US embassy doesn’t like because they support the Resistance).  “We fear the truth will be lost,” Nasrallah said.  “We fear the politicization of this enormous crime.  We fear that justice will not be served to the victims, their families and to the nation at large.  We need complete transparency at every stage of the investigation, so that the truth is not lost and the criminals do not get away with having caused this horrendous national catastrophe, only to perhaps do it again.”   Here, I will add that nobody in the Lebanon had dared critique judge Bitar – nobody had dared put a question mark to his scales of justice, but Nasrallah did exactly that during the speech.  “I ask the people of Lebanon to insist to the judge that he redirects the investigation back to where it should be: a non-politicized investigation that only seeks truth and justice.”

    On the khaldeh incident of last week, he retold the events and spoke much of the dangers of manufactured sectarian incidents such as the Khaldeh one, warning his supporters not to victimize the whole population of khaldeh: “We do not have a problem with the people of Khaldeh, not with the Druze there and not with the Arab tribes there either.  Our problem is with a small, criminal gang that has caused much grief this past year, especially with their regular and random closing of Lebanon’s southern coastal highway that runs through Khaldeh.  We ask the army to put an end to these illegal road closures in the south.  This highway is considered to be a vital public and Resistance road – Khaldeh gangs closing it again will create problems and dangers for everyone in the future.  The army must ensure this route is open to everyone.  The army must address this file properly and arrest those who keep closing it – the army must insure the highway’s security.”

    Regarding Lebanon’s new government formation, Nasrallah said: “We all await the conclusion of the discussions between our President and the assigned PM, Mr. Najib Mikati – no point in speculating on this while meetings between them continue.”

    Regarding the financial crisis, and with the current mazot, petrol and medicine shortages heightened, Nasrallah said: “There is much to talk about this, but for lack of time right now, I will discuss it all in detail very soon.  It deserves this.”

    His final point was on shia prayer gatherings for Ashura that will begin in a couple of days.  He advised everyone attending these special prayers to wear medical masks at these events, as the new covid strain had recently picked up pace in Lebanon, with over 1,300 infection cases and 5 deaths from it recorded these past forty eight hours.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ C&D,

      "Under no circumstances will Marines be compelled to take a potentially hazardous vaccination that the FDA won't even fully endorse. You are a coward and a traitor, manipulated by people pushing bad policy on the men and women who provide security to our nation. Neither you nor your puppet president has authority to enforce such a policy." –  Gen. Berger told Austin

      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        @Daniel Rich

        It will be interesting to see who prevails in this fight. Will Biden render the US military incapable of fighting, or do our soldiers still have enough of the American spirit to rebel against the usurpation of their rights.

        We are at a crossroad of destiny. The outcomes are polar opposites. 

        But it gives me great joy to hear the words of the good general! Thanks for sharing!

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ C&D,

        You are welcome.

        When the military refers to their CiC as a “puppet president” I wouldn’t be too convident, were I this so-called ‘leader.’

        And remember the [2001] GWS [gulf war syndrome]?

        “The common factor for the 275,000 British and US veterans who are ill appears to be a substance called squalene, allegedly used in injections to add to their potency. Such an action would have been illegal. Squalene is not licensed for use on either side of the Atlantic because of potential side effects.”

      • Saladin says:

        Thanks Daniel. The general’s words made me smile with happiness and hope. We are entering profoundly dangerous times. The enforced vaxx makes me think of the Biblical “mark of the beast,” without which no one would be able to buy or sell. Already in L.A. one cannot go shopping for groceries without the vaxx, so I have read. And legislation is pending in Congress to prevent any unvaxed person from flying. Truly dangerous and tyrannical times. 

    • Taxi says:

      What a fantastic share. Many thanks, Daniel.

      Menticide, indeed. Since the advent of the internet and the massive, global popularity of the ‘highway of information’, the maniacal fuckers who work ‘the system’ have gone into turbo overdrive with their menticidal projects against ordinary people. First, they censored this and that here and there and everywhere till they could censor no more, then they finally kneecapped much of the individual’s will with the wicked exploitation of the spread of the biological virus, Covid19. But, nay, there was still too much resistance from ordinary folks over the mental incarceration that rode on the back of Covid19, so now we apparently have a deadlier mutation of it, otherwise referred to as the ‘Delta strain’, or, ‘New Variant’. Uhuh, a new and improved brain-Persil, right?

      What the fuck next?!

      When will all this bullshit end?!

      Leave people the fuck alone!

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Sars. Actually, it’s an excerpt from his speech, and only a portion of what Nasrallah talked about with regards the port explosion. It’s a pretty good translation and I just tried to see if the full speech was translated by the same peeps, but to no avail – couldn’t find it on the net. Really great that you came across it and shared it with us – especially that, due to a combination of exhaustion and limited keyboard time, I did not make mention of this particular part of the speech in my summary upthread. I thought it secondary in value and not as essential as his controversial critique of judge Bitar’s handling of the investigation. The proposition that Leb politicians who are anti Syria are behind the storing and consequent delivery of some of this ammoniac material to terrorists in Syria has been circulating for some time now. The recent FBI report on the Beirut Port explosion claims that only some 500 tonnes of the stock actually exploded indicates that either the rest (2,200 tonnes) was already moved out of the port, or that it fizzled out in the big sea spray-up during the first big blast – or a combination of both. Let me say right here that if the world never got the real story behind the 9/11 attack, I’m of mind now that the world will never know the truth behind the Beirut Port explosion either. Not in our lifetimes, that’s for damn sure.

      FBI Investigation into Beirut Port Explosion

    • Taxi says:

      And let me add here that judge Bitar is actually in a very perilous position, regardless of the ‘type’ of judge he may be. Fact is that his life and his family’s life as well are all in great danger, in the present and probably forever, all due to the fact that he’s accepted this exceptionally emotive and explosive case. So very many people must be connected to the criminal web of this evil, massive atrocity, thus so very many people would want him dead, or compromised through harming his family.

      I am sure the enemies of Lebanon are well aware of this too. I am sure judge Bitar is a card they would be willing to play.

      Any harm done to judge Bitar would spin the head of the country right off its neck. And we all know only too well whom the enemy media would want it pinned on.

      I’m confounded to think of how many precipices the Lebanon stands on today. As an outsider-witness, I used to gasp at the wondrous beauty and lifestyle of the place, but lately, I gasp at the rapid fragmentation of its infrastructure, livelihood and nerves.

      Really sad for all the regular, good and beautiful people of the Lebanon to find themselves in the toothy snares of the synagogue of satan. They are being collectively punished for having the most successful Resistance group in the world today. The enemy still cannot touch their Resistance directly, so then their unarmed, vulnerable population is targeted for punishment instead. No different in behavior to a criminal gang killing off the family members of other gangs over turf wars.

      Cosa Nostra!

      ‘Severed horse head in luxuriant bed’, is how the script reads for that infamous Godafather scene.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        A bully never goes after the strong. He thrives on those who're perceived to be weaker. In this case, unarmed civilians.

        Even I, a guy who lives thousands of miles away from the M.E., can sense something's brewing, and it ain't gonna be pretty.

        But in this case, where the rot runs bone deep, one has no choice but to amputate a limb [Occupied Palestine] in order to save the rest of the body [the wider M.E.].

  207. sarz says:

    Hi Taxi. If anyone on our side knows who did the explosion and how it was done, it's the Russians. You remember they were at the scene very soon taking samples. Surely they hsve told Nasrallah. A big pile of nitrate blowing up goes up in a messy and disorderly way. That was there but in the background. The core event was a sharp and focused explosion that resulted in a brief perfect sphere of vapour, which was clearly photographed. That was a point-source event, a small nuke without heavy radioactive elements. Thierry Meyssan showed two other pictures of similar vapour-sphere explosions, one on the coast of Iran that destroyed some wooden boats snd one in Syria. It's got to have been the criminal tribe or its American Golem.

    Knowing the truth Nasrallah is well set to call out the lies. But it seems he is waiting for the military to declare the truth. I wonder if that will ever happen. 

  208. Canthama says:

    A good piece of history of Lebanon from Kings & Generals' boys. Enjoy it.

    Lebanese Civil War of 1958 – Lebanon Crisis DOCUMENTARY

    • Taxi says:

      Nothing but sad news about Leb society these days. The explosion has now claimed some 28 people and over 80 injured. The son of the gas station’s owner has been arrested in connection with the explosion. The situ with this arrest is fluid and we don’t know full details yet, but the story going round is that the son got angry that the army had confiscated his dad’s petrol and was giving it away for free to cars waiting in line for a fill up. And furthermore, even though the details are still opaque here, apparently, the 2 MPs of Akkar were behind organizing the petrol hoarding! So you have here a corruption crime that led to another violent crime. There doesn’t seem to be an enemy conspiracy here, just utterly shameful corruption, hot-bad tempers and spontaneous blind rage. RIP to the victims. Speedy recovery for the injured.

      Good grief, Lebanon! You’ve definitely seen better days.

      • Taxi says:

        … And apparently, the house of the arrested guy was burned down earlier by citizens angry at the fatal inferno he’d caused. Grief-driven mob rule. The army has stepped in and some semblance of order has returned to Akkar; although many of its citizens as well as well-wishing outsiders are still gathered (peacefully) at the scene of the explosion.

        Reports are now saying that some army and security personal are among the perished in the explosion. Missing people too.

  209. Canthama says:

    C&D, priceless video from the brainless idiot that happens, to supposedly, lead the US.

    Kurds in Syria must be now thinking…WTF will happen in northern Syria and NE Syria…..

    The consequences will be broad and visible all over TMENA region and South Asia, like the end of the occupation of Palestine…the end of Erdogan, end of the Sauds etc…

    May it all come true and quickly.

    • Cloak And Dagger says:

      @ Canthama

      This is such a cluster fuck, even I can't believe how incompetently this was executed. I agree, the consequences of this are unfathomable, both domestically and abroad. Even MSM is bad-mouthing the corruption of the Pentagon – both sides of the MSM, Fox News, as well as NBC. Rachel Maddow just announced her resignation citing wanting to spend more time with her family – Tucker Carlson is ridiculing her.

      As for Israel, watch them withdraw into a corner. There is zero appetite for more foreign wars and the weakened Biden administration, whose popularity is spiraling in a free fall, is not going to be able to send troops to support any adventure that the Israelis might try to rope us into. Our economy is in the shitter, the covid mandates are hugely unpopular, Biden is toast.

    • Cloak And Dagger says:

      It is so disgusting listening to Blinken defending Biden and putting a positive spin on this as "having achieved our objectives in Afghanistan". I am embarrassed for them – I shouldn't be: they got exactly what they deserved, except for the 2+ trillion dollars of our tax money that they pocketed. Sure, they achieved their objective of enriching the MIC and corrupt politicians in our nation. I hope they hang them from lampposts.

      • Canthama says:

        And the world goes around….this endless cycle of blood and murders by the Empire of Chaos must stop.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Canthama,

        Hope you and yours are all well, good sir.

        “…this endless cycle of blood and murders by the Empire of Chaos must stop.”

        It will. The empire’s running on its last fumes. The world clearly sees this entity is toothless and a very unfunny joke.

        Biden and Kabala will be the final nails in a creaky, combustive, coffin.

  210. sarz says:

    I don't know where Galloway is coming from, and he probably doesn't either. Biden has communicated to those paying attention that he's cutting back on the over-extended empire. Of course he's pretending in his public statements that it's business as usual. There are idiots like that senator, Sasse, who are outraged that Biden is doing such a bad job defending the empire. But Galloway? It would be better for him to just shut up. Is he going to whine when Israel is left to its own devices? —amidst affirmations of total support. (I linked a while back to an article in the AIPAC-oriented Jewish web magazine Tablet by two shabbos goys complaining of Biden's planned betrayal of Israel.) 

    You'll note that Trump, who pretended to be all for the ordinary American, and kept pretending he was going to pull back from all sorts of wars, is putting on his world-conqueror red hat and dissing Biden.

    Me, I'm ready to pay a million bucks for one of Hunter's paintings. 

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Sarz. Galloway is expressing his disdain at both Empire and the Taliban. It’s a legitimate position. They’re both monstrosities driven by supremacist ideologies.

      I am personally not a fan of Galloway’s ‘celebrity personality’ – it’s positively cringe-worthy to me. I shared his video because I thought many people would be feeling the same: appalled at both Empire and the Taliban. Of course, I support ALL Afghans resisting any occupation, be they called Taliban or Shmaliban, as I indeed do with all occupied people. But, this doesn’t mean I support the Taliban’s internal political and social extremism. I do not support Talibanesque policies just as much as I do not support wahabism, crusaderism or talmudism. I do not see any difference in practice between them all.

      Across the Levant today, the big question is: can israel remain reliant on ‘eternal’ US support after its shoddy abandonment of its allies in Afghanistan? Who will the US abandon next?

      • sarz says:

        Hi Taxi. I agree with you that the Taliban's resistance to empire is welcome, though they leave a lot to be desired. A staunch Shia just a minute ago showed me a video of Taliban people taking down flags commemorating the martyrdom of Imam Husain. They will be hearing about it from Iran, and ultimately they will learn to expand their humanity. Their recent public statements on the welfare of women show they are capable of ethical growth, even if it's the fruit of a Jewish media campaign. It's doubtless something they would have come to on their own if they had been left in peace. I wish them well, and I am hopeful of the flowering of their humanity. 

      • Canthama says:

        taxi, you are so right on the money, there is no good option between Taliban or NATOstan, but I take any and every time the locals vs invaders. Locals must solve their own problems, the International community should always mediate when there is an opportunity and willingness to do so, baseless invasions are basically the option of morally corrupt society.

        There are a lot of talks about northern and NE Syria once the US remove its soldiers from Iraq, we all understand MIC mercs will be left in Iraq, in fewer nbr, but without US bases in Iraq resupply it illegal occupation in Syria, that part will be a waking dead size military liability to hold…al Tanf maybe the last US/ISIS enclave in Syria since it borders Jordan, a a puppet hashemite regime that without US/UK presence will be gone in days.

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks Sarz and Canthama.

        I actually think that problems should be mediated regionally before they get internationalized. Every region should have a native, regional ‘peace cooperative/league’ that’s tasked with mediating for peace between neighbors, or mediating for peace inside war-torn/collapsing nations. Internationalization of political crises only makes it worse, imho, as it brings in the big, cynical, exploitative guns whose nation will not feel the negative consequences of internationalization due to geography and distance. Regional players are by far more invested in achieving peace in their neighborhoods. Non-regional players have much less to lose if their policies fail in faraway countries.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        " I do not support Talibanesque policies just as much as I do not support wahabism, crusaderism or talmudism. I do not see any difference in practice between them all."

        I fully concur with your sentiments.

        Anyone has an inalienable right to defend him/herself, but such a fight should never be translated into a regional policy that separates men from women [and their individual rights].

  211. Taxi says:

    While delivering his Ashura sermon last night, Nasrallah veered off his religious topic and talked about the Akkar petrol explosion: condemning politicians and medias and NGOs for cynically politicizing the event and attempting to turn sunni-muslim against maronite-christian, with the revelation that 2 Akkar MPs – one a sunni from Hariri's party, and the other a maronite from the Aounist party – were both connected to the petrol stations that were illegally hoarding gas in the Akkar mountains.

    Nasrallah was very aggravated by this incident, his voice was fiery as he demanded justice for the victims of the explosion, as well as the criminalization of medias and politicians who ride on the backs of victims and publicly incite for the cause of sectarian warfare in Lebanon.  He vehemently shamed such "terrible, unpatriotic people", and urged the suffering citizens to be "aware of the sectarian conspiracy against the Lebanon," adjuring them to "practice patience with one another in these very anxious and insecure times."  He emphasized the importance of patience and good manners in these bleak times. 

    He further proposed that all solutions are political and depend on, first and foremost, the formation of a new government – that without a government in place, the security incidents will continue to mount, and with it the people's misery.  He confirmed Hezbollah's support for PM-in-waiting Mikati, saying that presently, a new government sworn in is the most vital event if any positive change were to occur; that seeking the greater good presently is more important than individual party interest.

    He also re-iterated his promise of bringing Iranian fuel to Lebanon to alleviate the current shortage of fuel and the immense suffering this has caused, saying: "We never promise what we cannot deliver, we have always proved this, and I confirm to you that any day now, we will be bringing fuel from Iran – we will bring it to Lebanon like we promised, and we will do it during daylight – we have nothing to hide – we are not ashamed to help our people whichever way we can!"  He bellowed in defiance of the powers that be.

    Well, it would be nice if that American cunt ambassador in Beirut would haul ass outta Lebanon like the American ambassador in Kabul did yesterday.

    Poof!  Gone.  Hurrah!

  212. Taxi says:

    "20 years of sacrifice" in Afghanistan, says UK defense minister. 

    Taxi says: fuck you cunt!  What sacrifices?!  You invaded and mass-murdered and looted for TWENTY YEARS and now you cry victim?!

    If your army is an invading army, then you're a terrorist army and not an army of respectable soldiers.  Invading armies deserve death.  No two fucking ways about it and no fucking exemptions!

  213. Cloak And Dagger says:

    A Sudden Collapse of the Global Deep State Is Possibly Nigh

    Clif High makes a strong case that the current world leaders have built their Empire on their ability to tell lies and force us to believe them. Clif argues that the sudden collapse of Afghanistan and the unmasking of lies about the economy, covid and rigged elections in the US will abruptly undo the controls (not real power) they had over us. People around the world will suddenly say No to the lies. It will be a worldwide revolution. It will take about 6 weeks. He expects the Deep State to fall overseas before America. He says it could start in either France or Australia.

    • Taxi says:

      Fascinating share – thanks, Cloak.

      Regardless of what may happen in the speedy, near future, it behooves us all to prepare ourselves for survival off The Grid. “Be prepared”. This old scouts motto never rang more true, or more germane. I’m not saying go get yer tent poles and tin cups out, boys and girls. No alarmism here. I’m just saying it’s wise to have your own personalized Plan B already gathered and ready for activation. You could be in the middle of the city and yet living off The Grid. You could be living in the middle of nowhere yet reliant and connected to The Grid. It’s not the location, it’s the preparation.

      Foresight and self-sufficiency. That’s what I’m talking about.

      In this day and age, it’s really best to Be Prepared. And part of this preparation is also a mental one. Keeping your bullshit-detector well polished and clear helps with that. Discerning mass deceptions during peak-chaos time is necessary for maintaining nimble mental-health. Make logic your best friend. And yes, be emotional, yes, feel your rage, but, only ever make life decisions when calm. Know thyself. Know thy enemy. And you’ll be just fine.

      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        Never pictured myself as a survivalist, but I have stocked up on crates of brown rice and lentils as I expect food prices to skyrocket in the days ahead.

        Gas prices will shoot through the ceiling as well, because OPEC just denied Biden an increase in production (more evidence of our loss of power and influence), but luckily I own an EV car and my house is powered by solar panels, so I should be able to get around.

        I can only imagine how bad it must be in the Levant these days and I sure hope the Iranian oil gets to you guys soon. You once said that you grow your own food, so I assume that you are going to be okay.


      • Taxi says:

        Cloak, what they’re doing in the Levant is starving the native populations, cutting off their electricity/fuel and crashing their currencies. This model of warfare may very well end up duplicated Stateside and the West at large.

        Denying populations food, fuel and currency: Pompeo once said that this is how he would destroy Resistance countries. Because the cost of destroying them on the battlefield is too prohibitive. But lest we forget, Resistance nations have enough resisting people in them to foil the evil plan in the end. Iranian fuel is coming. And with it, no doubt, the turbulent winds of change. Such is the nature of the winds of change. They are never calm on arrival. And yes, I have a seasonal, organic garden, as well as seasonal fruit trees. As does pretty much everyone else living in villages in the Levant. It’s urban centers and their burbs that are affected the worst by the triple assault of no food, no fuel, and no dollars. And btw, this triple-headed instrument of mass slow-death is a talmudic-chabadist-kushnerite policy that so appealed to sadistic Trump.

        P.S. Important to store rock-salt in your emergency pantry. Very necessary to life to have access to salt. Rock salt is best because it’s natural, clean and its minerals match those that the blood needs. Minerals in table salt are actually detrimental to blood health, being mainly manufactured chemicals added to the mix. (Buy rock salt and grind it for table use). Body loses salts every day and has no way of creating its own, hence small amounts of salt must be administered into the body every day for aiding digestion, and more importantly, for a healthy and balanced bloodstream. I read somewhere, some time ago, that Roman foot soldiers were each given 1 kilo of rice and one kilo of rock salt for their canteen as they set off on their journey to the battlefield. They would hunt their meat and forage for their veggies en route. Of course, the rice would soon run out, but a kilo of rock salt can easily be used in numerous meals of hunted game and bird. So long as these foot soldiers had salt, a healthy and tasty meal could be had.

    • Saladin says:

      C & D: Cliff is correct that world leader have gone out on a limb. They are nervous about the growing public outcry in France and elsewhere (most Americans are still sleepwalking, it seems). For example, witness Trudeau's call for an early election in Canada. Is he fearful of something? Truly, there is nothing the elites fear more than an angry populace that awakens to their lies.

      I used to follow Cliff High. He is a smart dude, certainly. But his predictions based on deciphering memes from the Internet were always way off, or at least mostly wildly inaccurate. I think the premise for his work of harvesting data from the Internet is reasonable, but it's a bit like looking for a silver thread amidst millions of gold ones. I think he is wrong in his timing again. However, one doesn't need a weatherman to tell which way the wind blows (paraphrasing Bob Dylan) and a revolt is simmering. Six weeks; that's hard to imagine. But a recall vote removing Gov. Gruesome in California would be a start. Larry Elder is leading in the polls, for what they're worth. He seems like a straight-shooting, reasonable man. France is key, I think. If the French revolt and bring down Macron, the world would wake up fast. France, for all its flaws, is historically at the heart of much of humanity's striving for freedom. 

      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        The Taliban captured a bunch of them. I read somewhere that they now have more choppers than 129 other countries!

      • Taxi says:

        That’s an incredibly haunting photograph. Wow. Volumes could be written on it.

        Thanks for sharing a classic, Cloak.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ C&D,

        What do you think goes through his mind?”

        Based upon my own experiences and all the [combat] men and women I’ve talked to over the years, I’d say something akin to a void.

        You never can ‘un-see.’


        Those images and scenes are burned solidly into the fabric of your being.


        Thus the void becomes the cathedral of hope.

        No matter how hopeless everything actually is.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ C&D,

      The world has indeed become a stage.

      But why are you and I aghast at what transpires [lately]…?

      Do we have a different vision at what's good for mankind?

      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        @Daniel Rich

        "Aghast"? No. "Torn" might be more appropriate.

        I am ecstatic that the power-that-ought-not-to-be has bungled so badly that recovery is implausible. I am saddened by all the sufferings that will continue to cascade on the heads of the poor Afghans on top of what they have suffered at our hands for the past 20 years. I also feel sad for the Afghani women who will presumably go back to being subservient to religious tyrants and relinquish the education and minor freedoms that they had clawed for themselves.

        Hey! What happened to all those vocal feminist organizations in the US, who seem to be strangely silent as they struggle with their loyalty to the democrats vs. the women of Afghanistan. Now you know where their priorities lie!


      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ C&D,

        It seems you prefer to adhere to logic, in a world where [gender] confusion has become the norm.

        As a wise man once said, 'Showing off is the fool's idea of glory.'

        You are a man that lives in peace.

        I respect that.

        I wish we could raise a toast [together].

      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        @Daniel Rich

        You have a seat at my open bar whenever you are stateside next – assuming that there is still a "stateside" left standing when the dust settles.

  214. pq says:

    I was moved by the serious faces of the Taliban fighters in the palace in Kabul, as they said their prayers.I am not religious, I can't relate to their ideology but it's their land. They get to decide. People keep whining about the Taliban and women's rights but come on, somehow NATO droning and bombing women for 20 years is perfectly OK. No matter how awful the Taliban are, as far as I'm concerned they can never out do NATO. And at least they are in their own country. 

    The only people who have resisted the occupation of Afghanistan are the Taliban, like them or not. 

    I listened to a recent speech given by Imran Khan and people are jumping all over him because he said Afghanistan has freed itself from slavery and I totally agree. 

    Pakistan has 3 million Afghan refugees. They were bullied by the US into a 20 year war on terror that cost 75,000 Pakistani lives and destroyed their economy. And now the $4 billion in "aid" was peanuts for what they have suffered. 

    There is all the evidence that the US too was shuttling around insurgents to destabilized both western China and Iran.

    2020 has shown how morally bankrupt and cowardly well paid professionals are in the rich world. It just goes to show how easy it is to foment trouble. 

    I don't understand the rush to judge people who have driven invaders out. How much do we really know about the Taliban that isn't NATO propaganda? 

    I thought this was a good analysis.


    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ PQ,

      What have we [westerns] brought into this world?

      That's all one needs to know for a better understanding of why we are where we are today.

      Simplicity rules. even when I don't understand anything of or about it…

      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        I am not into self-loathing. "We" didn't bring anything into this world, besides our lives. I take no responsibility for the loathsome, despicable, deranged, demonic forces, that have wrought misfortune on the world in our name. For my part I have done, and continue to do, all that is in my feeble power to throw wrenches into the machinery at every opportunity, and supporting others (like Taxi) to do the same.



    • Taxi says:

      Thanks pq. Nobody is disputing the inalienable right of the Taliban to free their own land from occupiers. This is definitely a good thing. Apparently, the Taliban have promised the Chinese to be more inclusive and less violent with their internal political opposition. We’ll see if they stick to their word or not. They may very well comply with the Chinese, for the most part, due to the ‘rescue’ deal that China has offered the Taliban: lucrative Silk Route 2 deals to be activate in the near future, plus an immediately effective industrial package to lift Afghanistan out of its enduring and current poverty pit. This is most certainly a ‘healthier’ deal for Afghanistan than any deal the US would ever put on the table for them.

      Really, I don’t have a problem with the Afghans wanting their country to be an islamic state and wotnot. But I do have a problem with the Taliban’s intolerance of free speech. This is a deal breaker for me in any country. And lack of free speech affects both men and women. It’s cynical and unacceptable for political feminism to only mention the victimization of women under Taliban rule. It’s men too who suffer the same horrid and often fatal repression and their concerns and voices should be considered here as well. Lack of freedom of speech in any society affects the whole society and not just the feminine aspect of it.

    • Canthama says:

      Mike, ISIS was mostly defeated in Syria and Iraq, maybe 99% killed and pushed out if the region.

      In Syria, ISIS was recently pushed back, seriously, in a 3-4 months campaign to clean the desert, maybe 100 ISIS terrorists were eliminated, the fact is there is zero ISIS activity in Syria for many weeks now, this is good news.

      In Iraq, ISIS cells may be attempting to create safety issues, they will never be able, again, to control areas in Iraq, simply because Iraq has now military forces trained by Iran and Hezbollah, that will be able to face them anytime, but ISIS will continue to terrorize, this is what is left until they are totally annihilated in Syraq, I do not see them super active in the future, they will be hunted down, but both Syria and Iraq need time and need the US to leave the area, since it is known the US allow ISIS to operate and helped it in many occasions. 

      All in one, I see things moving in the right direction in Syria and Iraq, far from normality, but moving in the right direciton.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Mike. The usual suspects are the culprits. This is how it’s been working: the US and israel come up with a terrorist plan, or green-light one proposed by one of their allies, and always saudi arabia or uae fund it, while their wahabi minions execute it.

      • mike-florida says:

        Thanks to Canthama and Taxi for their savvy input RE ISIS now close to insignificant in Iraq and Syria – but as Taxi says proposals by remnants to be hired will continue, some of which will be supported by US/Israel/Saudi to spread disruption where possible. Thanks, guys. Quite possible the article link regarding ISIS attacks on Iraq power grid was probably amplified as dis-information propaganda aimed at Iraq not to push US out. Sentiment in US such that US must depart Iraq and Syria soon. Mike.

  215. Daniel Rich says:

    The only way a dictator of a repugnant regime can move around

    Fully guarded by bodyguards and ‘The Beast’

    Cue in Dr. Assad.

     Old, but still so true.


    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ C&D,

      Both the US & NATO are incapable of putting up a real fight.

      Domineering hapless countries around the globe doesn’t count as victorious runarounds, or do they…?

  216. Daniel Rich says:

    I am a board-certified heretic, so I don’t endorse any religion.

    However, in this case, I will add the words of the new leader of Afghanistan to this web site, because western FSM memory holes it as fast as they can;

    To the people of the world:
    « For the last 40 years, we have struggled to establish peace in Afghanistan. We have defeated the forces of the atheistic Communists and the Zionist West, and we have liberated our country.
    We invite all Afghans to participate in our Islamic Emirate and we promise we will work for the betterment of our people. Our priorities are to bring peace to all regions of Afghanistan and to ensure the fairness of law. We will punish those who have done evil, and we will pardon those who fought against us, but have now submitted themselves. Allah is the most merciful and we can only thank Allah for our victory. Islam will be upheld in Afghanistan.
    We have but a few things to say to the world. If you want peace with us, end your hatred for our government of Afghanistan and recognize our rule. We are the rulers of this land graced by Allah, and no matter how hard you have tried, you have never defeated us.
    To the people of this world, especially the Palestinians, we hope that our victory over the superpowers of mankind will inspire you, as our faith in Allah has been confirmed for all to see. How can you deny Allah and his will, when he has delivered such a great victory to the believers?
    We dream of a world in which there is peace between all and we ask all world governments to recognize our government.
    Our message to the American people and people of the Western powers who fought us, who we know are hurt by this defeat, is simple: we do not have any hatred for you. Your governments, ran by Zionists and atheists, who want to spread their anti-Islamic views here, were our enemies, not you. We will pray for the day when you liberate yourselves from their grip, and there can be peace upon this planet.
    One day, in the future, we hope the whole world will see the truth of Islam. Allah is the most merciful. »

    – Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar”

    • Cloak And Dagger says:

      Holy fuck, batman! Those are the words of a statesman and not the so-called "goat-fuckers" as they are depicted in the US.


    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Daniel. Possible to link us to Baradar’s speech?

      I do know for a fact that Hamas yesterday sent its congratulations to the Taliban.

      Hezbollah congratulated the “Afghan people” on their liberation, as opposed to congratulating the ‘Taliban’ per se.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks for all your comments, dear Cloak. (Your last link isn’t working – possible to re-post?).

      Thanks too to Daniel, pq, Saladin, Mike and Canthama for your great contributions to the discussions at hand.

  217. Taxi says:

    What we've all known for quite some time, Nasrallah last night said it succinctly and clearly (vid with English subtitles in link):

    Sayyed Nasrallah: There Is A Room Pushing Lebanon Towards Chaos

    And you wonder why I call Dorothy Shea, the US ambassador to Lebanon a 'cunt'?  I'm sorry, dear polite readers, but being a wordsmith myself, there is actually no other word in the English dictionary to describe her willful, destructive, human-harming cuntiness.  You'll forgive me then my lexical accuracy.

  218. Taxi says:

    We can be sure that 'terror alerts' will now be cynically churned out across the bastard-loser NATOist nations – putting more fear into their own people’s hearts, on top of all that covid fear.  This ‘terror alert’ trend begins with the professional whiner of the world…. israel.  Well, who the fuck else?!

    Israel Braces For Renewed Terrorism Coming From Taliban-Led Afghanistan

    The era of jewy false flags is back.

    Sour-grape losers don't let up.  And narcissistic supremacists are pickled in denial to ever change their domination plans.  The judified Western world is in big trouble and they would like to drag everyone else down with them.  The PR advisers of Atlanticist strategists are advising them to quickly find a war theater they can easily militarily assert themselves in, so as to wipe some of that Afghan egg off their faces.  Strategists are now looking for easy prey nations.  I shudder to think of the terorrist West's next victim.

  219. sarz says:

    I note that a Shia Muharram procession was allowed to take place without incident in Kabul. I happen to be in Srinagar, and this morning a similar procession was beaten by Indian security forces. 

    Some people commenting here feel duty-bound to throw in some slight to the Taliban. I am actually proud of the Taliban I now see. I am hopeful that the model of governance they have in mind is the Iranian one. Khomeini's revolution was not a Shia revolution. It was expressly an Islamic one. (A central tenet was that no Shia should hesitate to pray behind a Sunni imam.) 

    I agree, with conditions, that freedom of speech is critical to a humane and successful society. I'd like to take a historic approach to freedom of speech. I distinguish it from the so-called freedom of expression that our Jewish friends have promoted, of which a crucifix in urine is an example, a work of 'art'. Free speech had its justification, despite the disorder it entails, as a means to truth. Any discussion that observes norms of politeness and decency has a right to quietly promote unpalatable truth. And that's it. Anything more is not a natural right. For example, there is no natural right for Taxi to refer to the American ambassador as a cunt. You might consider it unseemly or colorful. But it is not the exercise of a natural right.

    I hope the Taliban (and the Chinese) see that the core idea of freedom of speech is a natural right. With that in place, the tolerance for the justifiable religious observances of others (such as Shia mourners flagellating themselves in a Muharram procession) will ultimately take care of itself.

    In matters of sexuality, traditional Muslim societies depend on external constraints rather than internal controls. It is assumed that a man and woman left to their own devices will simply have at it. Burqas are a way of extreme control. Hejabs somewhat less. If that's what the Taliban have settled for, it's fine with me (though not with some Muslim women of my acquaintance). I have not seen anywhere else but in Iran lively gaggles of women out at night by themselves, all in hejabs but not otherwise constrained. 

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Sarz. Slinging words at repressive political ideologies is part and parcel of freedom of speech. There is no salient difference between freedom of expression and freedom of speech, despite your proposed distinctions upthread. You cannot support just a ‘bit’ of freedom of speech. Well, actually, you can because it’s your inalienable right to praise, to mock, to shun, to critique anything, in whatever measure you deem for yourself. What one doesn’t have the right to is the ‘imposition’ of restrictive verbal standards and thought-policing upon others. If some stupid artist wants to do a Jesus-urine piece, well that’s actually their right and if people don’t like it, they can just boycott and critique all they want. The proverbial remote control is in one’s hand: change the channel if you don’t like the programming – plenty of other channels out there.

      A society is not a free one if it imposes limitations of expression on its artists, or on its non-artistic citizenry. I do not personally support any art or discourse that intends to humiliate for commercial or otherwise reasons. But, I would never call for censorship of any so-called ‘humiliation’ art, or non-art. I believe that with freedom of speech comes a responsibility of ‘appropriateness’ and good manners. We happen to live in a current world that is severely lacking in good manners, especially in the West. Unfortunately, this is putting freedom of speech in a bad light. The problem is not with free speech, it’s with the ethics and manners of people. And you’re wrong about me not having the “right” to use the word ‘cunt’. Actually, nobody has the right to impose on me the language that I choose to use. NOBODY! Most certainly not perfect strangers such as politicians or religious people etc. I use the word ‘cunt’ when I think it applies. I use it at my own discretion and with appropriateness and I accept the responsibility of its consequences. If someone is behaving like a cunt, then I will call them a cunt and whoever cringes at this has the freedom to stop visiting my blog, but has no right to impose their lexical or moral standards on me.

      ‘Freedom of speech, with responsibility and all the way’. This is where I stand. Believe the Taliban’s honeymoon words at your own reputational risk. I am like the Russians and with the Russians on the Taliban issue: positive yet cautious. I am prepared to give the Taliban the benefit of the doubt for the time being, despite their hideous past record, but I am in no way a supporter or sudden embracer of their socio-political manifesto that promotes repression of freedom of speech. Never mind the atrocious levels of misogyny that the Taliban are infamous for. How do you instantly control half of your population? Easy. Repress the softer gender with threats of violence and death. An old trick, Sarz. And an ugly and cowardly one at that. Islam does not promote repression of women and all I’ve seen from the Taliban is repression towards their women: falsely under the banner of Islam. Islam also encourages polite and honest discourse during debates, not repression of freedom of thought or speech. You know all this – you’re a proper Muslim, right? So far, in the past, the Taliban have not allowed their opposition their full islamic right to discourse. What I’m trying to say here is Talibanesque repression is not Islamic but political. And I don’t buy into it one bit. I don’t support the use of any religion as instrument of repression against humanity. Religion is about one’s relationship with the creator, not about political power-grabbing and political domination. Islam distinguishes itself in being a comprehensive instruction in good manners and good citizenry for everyday life. How to live every day as a ‘good person’ beloved by god is the foundation of the Koran. I applaud this progressive and quintessential Islamic directive. Only yesterday I saw a glimmer of this in statements made by the Taliban. But it’s not enough evidence for me that a genuine Taliban transformation in behavior is afoot. I have to wait and see.

      And you’re right about the Islamic revolution in Iran not quintessentially being a Shia one, but an inclusive Islamic one. It has often been promoted as such. Will the Taliban be able to emulate this Iranian model as far as tweaking their social mores and behaviors etc are concerned? We’ll have to wait and see.

      Obviously, if the Taliban ‘Iranified’ their newfound liberation, the jewy West will still call them islamic extremists and terrorists. But this is to be expected. The West is really like the jew: nothing ever pleases them and their supremacist mindset. No praise for no one by the West except for the cunting synagogue of the satan.

      Aha! My freedom of speech! Heh!

      Feels good and normal.

      • Taxi says:

        I will add here also that there is a difference between ‘provocative’ art and ‘incitement’ art. The first is true art and the second is fake, politicization of art.

        Consider here the vast difference between Picasso’s humanitarian ‘Guernica’ and the malicious Jesus-urine canvas.

      • Taxi says:

        Also, from having lived among Muslims for the past ten years, my understanding is that Islam promotes modesty for Muslim women. Modesty is not repression. Modesty is a form of self-respect, self-containment and self-confidence in one’s femininity (that you don’t have to flaunt flesh for power-grabs). Modesty is also about appropriateness. For instance, I’m a life-long swimmer, I wear a swimsuit for this activity, but you will never find me wearing a swimsuit to a funeral. I will dress as is appropriate for such a somber event.

        Not forgetting here that it is against true Islam to force a woman to wear a hijab or a burka (or to marry an undesirable man). A muslim woman is given the choice of hijab at the time of her choosing and of her own volition. In my village, I see some Muslim families have forced their tween and teen girls into a hijab already, while other village Muslim families have left their females to come to this decision themselves when they reach adulthood. There’s a Muslim nurse in her early fifties who lives nearby and who’s done her Hajj pilgrimage some 6 times already and she does not wear a hijab, but small floral scarves, size of a bandana over her head, with her neck exposed. Nobody bothers her or questions her headgear, and nobody shuns her. Everybody loves her and accepts her for who she is. She is a single, childless Shia lady who lives alone and works shifts in a nearby hospital and in the village clinic. She is an important, very useful and well respected member of the village. I may be wrong on this, but I doubt that the Taliban would consider her a ‘proper’ and modest Muslim if she’s not wearing a hijab.

        The problem with Islamic interpretation is that over the years, regressive local traditions from pre-islamic times have merged with Islamic teachings and by now the two have fused together, warping thus the true message of Islam.

      • Golden Rule Please says:

        Goddamn Taxi. Your courage and eloquence and unshakeable principle fills me with such gratitude that it literally has brought tears to my eyes. From the bottom of my heart thank you.

  220. Taxi says:

    Word is that yesterday, a caravan of some 18 fuel tankers entered Lebanon thru the Syria border, protected by a convoy of Hezbollah's armored vehicles.  It's unclear if this fuel came from Iran, Iraq, or Syria itself.  The fuel cargo was destined to supply hospitals, bakeries and main water reservoirs in the south of Lebanon that can't turn on their water pumps for lack of fuel.

    Last Saturday, I filled my car tank up to full – petrol stations were open then.  On Sunday morning, while driving locally to buy household needs, the fuel pump snapped and all the frigging gasoline leaked out of the car onto the road – all of it!  I had to have the car towed to the garage, then towed again here to the farmhouse after it got fixed.  I spent a good chunk of the morning making phonecalls to see who's got even a bit of petrol for my car.   Ziltch.  All gas stations were closed yesterday and today too.  Black market suppliers are charging 400.000LL per gallon, almost 330% more than the price at gas stations – if you can find a black market gallon, that is.  Word is that gas stations will be opened again before this coming Friday.  I feel so bad for people who need to get to hospitals etc.  My gardener's wife is about to go into delivery and he's frantically trying to organize gas to put in their family car, so as to safely take her to hospital when she's due in the next few days.  He was relying on my full tank but now that full tank is gone.

    Yesterday, my local cable station stopped its transmission for lack of fuel/electricity.

    Does all this fuel angst make me blame the hezb, as the US embassy would like me to feel?  NO fucking way!   Having seen with my own eyes the results of my country's evil activities against people who had done it not harm, I'm afraid, as an expat, I have now fully become anti-American.  Anti DC's domestic and foreign policies.  Anti ALL OF IT!

    Our 'exceptionalism' attitude is hurting and ruining millions of people's lives.  For what purpose except to revel in criminality?  The fuckers know they're killing innocent people and they refuse to stop it – nay, they're glad about it.  They celebrate each kill and each chaos and continue planning for more of the terrible same.  I’ve never said this before, but right now, I'm ashamed to be an American.  Regrettably.

  221. Daniel Rich says:

    @ taxi/et al,

    Link to Taliban speech.


    The rainbow always symbolized natural beauty to me.

    Not a highjacked, weaponized color scheme.

    Not before long, and those flags will have only 1 color; blood-red.

    Would it be safe to say [assume] the US embassy in Kabul’s void of any personnel, as we speak? 

    • Cloak And Dagger says:

      @Daniel Rich

      Not a highjacked, weaponized color scheme.

      Yeah – remember when "gay" meant joyful, cheerful, happy? Remember when "semitic" meant speakers of the languages of the ME? Remember when "he", "she", and "it", were the only identifying pronouns, instead of the 72+, job-threatening ones? Co-opting languages has a long history. We are a stupid species that uses jingoism instead of logic. 

      Yes, the >$1 Billion US embassy in Kabul has been "relocated" to the airport (whatever that means). Apparently, there are still 10,000 American citizens still in Afghanistan, but Biden has prioritized Afghan immigrants over them for transfer to the US. It would appear that this is the current scheme for tipping votes in favor of the democrats by importing as many foreigners as possible – evidenced by the open borders to our south.

      If Americans don't drag these damned politicians by their testicles (or ovaries) and string them from lampposts soon, there is going to be blood on the streets.


      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ C&D,

        If Americans don’t drag these damned politicians by their testicles (or ovaries) and string them from lampposts soon, there is going to be blood on the streets.”

        I fully agree with your sentiments, but there is a ‘but

        When, after the ‘riots’ on January 6, 2021, the DC head ‘honchos’ ordered 20,000 troops into the city to protect themselves, I think they did give away the game as to what will happen when there’s a real uprising.

        A lot of military hardware and weapons have found their way into the hands of the ‘We Protract and Swerve’ crowd.’ Don’t know about you, C&D, but that fact gives me a quite a queasy feeling.

      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        @Daniel Rich

        A lot of military hardware and weapons have found their way into the hands of the ‘We Protract and Swerve’ crowd.’

        True, and a lot of them have been trained in Israel on how to put down crowds. But, a lot more of us are armed (I am still unable to get a permit), and trigger-twitchy. The government has failed to disarm us. I'l bet that if repressive forces start getting picked off, they will quickly lose their appetite for following in Israel's footsteps. After all, even they are going to suffer from a repressive govt. just as we are. It is one thing to be martyred for a noble cause (like protecting your family), it is quite another to die for corporate greed and subservience.

        This is a great article by Tom Luongo:

        What If Afghanistan is More Than Just a Failed War?

        He is inspired by the Afghans overthrowing the empire and feels we can do the same within the US.

        Two weeks ago I implored law enforcement to see things as they were and remind themselves who it is they protect and serve.

        Now is your opportunity to prove to us, in our time of need, that you are our friends and not the enemies of civil society. You have the opportunity to help restore real order. Don’t make the mistakes our soldiers and their families made, sacrificing your lives for people who despise you.

        Wars of all forms are rackets.

        Because the big reveal in Afghanistan is that what happened there can happen here, quickly. Those goat-herders just showed us how to defeat an Empire abroad. Now it’s time to defeat the empire within.

        I am starting to hear echoes of this across the nation. What the Afghans have triggered is more Earth-shattering than we realize. This is a signal moment in history and the ramifications are truly world-changing.



      • Golden Rule Please says:

        @Daniel Rich – I meant to thank you for the incredible video upthread about Mass Psychosis (a spin off could be called Mask Psychosis). I've shared it around and others got as much out of it as I did.

        @C&D – Great share with that Luongo article. Thank you for that and what it represents.

        All – at some point I hope to put in a good comment about a couple of related, truly amazing resources I've come across recently. But rather than wait until I actually formulate my thoughts, I'll just get it out here so I don't delay any further. 

        The first resource is a webinar called Candles in the Dark found at It is put on by Larken and Amanda Rose. It was recommended to me by a friend who is trying to figure out how to help those who are so brainwashed that they can no longer think critically.

        As we all know, providing facts and logic to such people is useless. The webinar explains that the only way to help such people is to ask questions of the person until you reach the point where they see that they are holding two completely contradictory beliefs. If you achieve that, you are done. Walk away and recognize that is the best that can be done. The analogy they use is that of a doctor. The doctor does not heal the patient (we do not heal the mind of the brainwashed) rather the doctor sets the bone so the patient can heal himself (we reveal the inconsistent mind so the person can, god willing, heal himself). 

        One of the most fascinating things about the webinar for me was the way they would refer to statism and voluntaryism. I know that statism sucks (as in Statism: Ideas so Good they have to be Mandatory) but I hadn't really gone much further than that.

        It turns out that Larken Rose has written a book called "The Most Dangerous Superstition".;

        It turns out that the most dangerous superstition is the individual and collective belief that government or any external authority is somehow going to be a better ruler of the individual and the collective than the individual is of his or her own self. This belief is so deeply engrained that we don't even realize we hold it. We are like fish who have no idea about water. It takes time and effort to extract oneself from it.

        But by God what a relief it is to stop saying stupid shit like "there should be a law to (fill in the blank)" or "if only the government would xxx". 

        When we invoke government as a solution, we are invoking coercion backed by violence on the rest of  the population. Our belief in authority outside ourselves is what enables us to invoke the worst behavior on earth (wars, bankster bailouts, prison for non-violent offenders, theft through taxation to pay for something some people want and other don't…) and feel no responsibility for the results. 

        When we invoke government, we disassociate ourselves from our responsibility in a way that 99% of us would never do on our own. 

        I'll try to get in here on occasion to share some of the pearls from the book (I haven't yet found any articles by Larken, but will look for those too) and to discuss with anyone who wants to, but I'm not the best about that sort of follow through.

        We all know intuitively that governments always fail and always do evil. And we know that person to person, the vast majority of people are peace loving and amicable. 

        I hope you'll give the book a look and if you already know about this most dangerous superstition and perhaps have other resources to share, please let us know!


      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ C&D/GOLDEN RULE PLEASE/et al,

        We should thank our host, taxi, for having created a place where truth rules and where we can share whatever info we stumble upon.

        It's this ability to share information that sits at the core of being able to make informed decisions.

        Freedom is like the clouds above our heads. They move, they change, but they never dominate. They are, just like you and me.

        To me, that is a truly state of being a human being. I don't decide what's right or wrong. You do. 

        "This is a signal moment in history and the ramifications are truly world-changing."

        The Afghans have a cultural [and tribal] history of defending themselves [right or wrong] against those that invade their country. What do 'we' have to show for…? Who has invaded us…?


        Should 'we' take out the tribe first…?

  222. emersonreturn says:

    thank you, taxi, for posting the am update, very nice to learn how much ghani left on the tarmac.  i'll share a few of the comments that i've savoured posted on various sites: there are decades when nothing happens, & then weeks where decades happen. lenin

    from pepe, or perhaps one of his many links: the taliban had been paying the ANA salaries for a year, as the govt had stopped, on condition that they wouldn't fight against them.  the taliban also convinced relatives in various cities/villages to convince their relatives working for the govt or nato to give up their job & return free from penalty.

    also revealed from the russian ambassador, that russia has been talking with the taliban for 7years.  no doubt the iranians & chinese as well.

    imran khan today was in tehran then flying to doha.

    russia some months ago met hezbollah, if i recall correctly.

    iran's full membership in the sco imo checkmates israel.

    things are progressing very quickly.  lebanon & syria will not be left behind or forgotten, nor iraq, nor yemen.  a new day, a new world is dawning.

    blessings to all.  peace & prosperity to the axis of resistance.


    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, dear emersonreturn.

      Resistance nations are engaged in a defensive posture against the US-israel’s economic war against the lot of them in Yemen, Palestine, Syria, Iraq and the Lebanon. In the case of Lebanon, the economic war against them is to bring the nation to its knees so that they would accept israel’s plans for the maritime gas on the israel-Leb border, whose negotiations a year ago found the israelis offensively snubbed by the Lebanese. The economic war is also attempting to discredit the Hezbollah inside of Lebanon, lumbering them with the tag of ‘nation destroyer’ as opposed to ‘nation defender’. Collapsing the Lebanon is also a strategic plan to create sectarianism in Lebanon. Armed anti Hezbollah brigades inside of Lebanon do now exist, though they remain hidden for the time being. Their debut performance will coincide with a false flag op by israel, a-la Hariri assassination. The terrorist jews think that if they assassinate a political figure in the Leb as the country is in the throws of economic collapse, the seditious criminal Lebs whom the US embassy has been training and arming will then enter the fray in internal battles against Hezbollah, signalling thus for the israeli airforce to begin a remorseless blitz campaign of the country. This is their evil plan in a nutshell. They think Hezbollah can’t manage battles on two fronts.

      But it won’t work because the Hezb is already very much aware of this plan and any attack by israel on the Leb will signal the beginning of a regional, existential war against israel. And in light of the freaky-deaky and sudden US withdrawal from Afghanistan two days ago, this plan may be put on ice for the time being; or it could be sped up to have the US and israeli military joining forces against the Lebs and the Levantean Axis of Resistance members. We do know that the US needs a military victory of sorts asap to distract away from the humiliation of the Afghanistan loss. Of course, attacking the Leb with Hezbollah in it is not a smart move at all, but the fuckers are desperate and are not thinking clearly, so miscalculations here are a high probability.

      The war and peace situation in the Leb can be read with more clarity once Iranian fuel starts arriving into Lebanon. The Lebanese reaction to this event will give us many clues as to what is in store for the Lebanon and the Levant as a whole. For sure, the US embassy in Beirut has her medias, NGOs and armed militias ready for some kind of action. They have plans and these plans serve not the Lebanese but the synagogue of satan.

  223. sarz says:

    Taxi, I am happy to note your extensive comments on freedom of expression. I look forward to responding some time when there's less news.

    In case you did not hear Biden's address justifying his actions in Afghanistan, here's a transcript.

    Actually, there isn't a link because your page is no longer functioning. I suggest a new page for new comments. I've tried about ten times here, to no avail. I even changed the browser.

    Go to It's called Remarks by President Joe Biden on Afghanistan.

    I've mentioned earlier that the AIPAC crowd is afraid Biden (a crypto-Jew, as I've pointed out) is set on selling Israel down the river. It might come down to one man, one vote. Let's see. 

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Sarz. You can talk about freedom of speech/expression any time, or not at all, if you’re so inclined. Either way, it’s always good to point to and discuss this topic.

      I just posted a comment and a link from the main page and it worked just fine. I know it’s been some three months since my last new article, but remember, I’m not a journalist who feels compelled/obliged to ‘report’ on a daily basis. Sure I enjoy commenting regularly – with some of my comments literally being the length and intensity of an article – but I can’t think of anything more boring and depressing that having to write journalism on a daily basis. Having said that, I think I can make time for a new article in the very near soon, and my subject of interest for this article will be… well, you’ll have to wait for that. I will have to do some research on it etc first.

      My head is still spinning from the sights and sounds of the Afghan-US situ, and what it means geopolitially to the wider mideast and the world as a whole. I have not yet seen Biden’s address that you refer to, but I will in a bit today.

      The jews in tel aviv and DC are sweating buckets over the US withdrawal from Afghanistan. Good! The next move that squeezes israel further will have them peeing in their terrorist underpants.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,


      Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah tends to come across [at least to me and in most cases] as a friendly family uncle. I am not 100% sure if this picture is a screenshot of the speech…

      … but the look on his face is that of determined, serious and stern man.

      Occupied Palestine will unleash it usual hot air BS, aka white noise.

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks, Daniel. Yes it is a picture from his last night’s Ashura sermon.

        I’ve always said that if you stick Nasrallah in a red Christmas suit, he’d look like Santa’s younger brother :-).

  224. Daniel Rich says:


    [sorry, no reply button underneath your comment]

    “russia some months ago met hezbollah, if i recall correctly.”

    Yes, you remember correctly. Russia talks to everyone interested, whereas the US loves to listen to its own voice.

    They enter countries without knowing f*** all about local customs and that has cost them dearly. Not that they learn anything from it, but alas. Another very bloody nose. Feel sorry for the guys and gals that didn’t make it back home, or did, but are maimed for life.

    • emersonreturn says:

      thank you, DR.  many have been surprised by the 'bloodless' transfer bt it's not our first & in this i see russia's mentorship.  what happened in the 2wk build up in ukraine was bloodless & many speculate led to geneva & for some essentially a meeting of victor & loser.  russia apparently understands humiliation is counterproductive & has allowed the demented empire to save face.  i have faith the axis of resistance know the evil they are dealing with & are prepared for yet another ff.  i must trust the axis of resistance can forestall & continue to checkmate.  i sense we are close, very close.

      • Daniel Rich says:


        "russia apparently understands humiliation is counterproductive & has allowed the demented empire to save face. "

        Russians know the cost of war, in human numbers. They lost almost as many soldiers attacking Berlin, as the US did in both the European and Pacific ToW during the entire WWII ops.

        The US needs to shed blood [in droves] on its home turf, but, as usual, it'll be Joe & Jane 6-pack that'll pick up that tab.


  225. sarz says:

    Taxi, on my old Android phone it takes more than a minute and repeated scrolling with my 30 Mb wifi to get to the bottom of your page. On a new iPhone it just takes ten seconds or so. 
    I would not dare—despite all the freedoms here—to suggest you write a new article. Just do a new page. Call it August Comments and pretend it’s an article, if you must. In the meantime, please delete this comment. 

    • Taxi says:

      No worries, dear Sarz. Thanks for bringing my attention to your issue. I’ve never visited Platos via my phone so I was never aware till now of the scroll-time involved – how fucking annoying! I hear you. And you make a great suggestion to open a new page. I may very well do this while I get it together to write a new article.

      I definitely want all visitors to enjoy their experience at Plato’s, whether they access it through their phone or via their computer. Apologies to all who use phones to read Plato’s and who’ve had a frustrating experience.

      Sarz, I think your comment on this subject is valuable, so if you don’t mind, I’d like to keep it up. But if you really want it scrubbed, then just say so and thy will be done.

      p.s. if on your phone you go to menu then ’30 Recent Comments: is that not a shortcut to get there for you? Or is scrolling the only way to arrive at recent comments?

      p.p.s. and please, I ask other readers and visitors to always let me know if you’re having a choppy and unsmooth experience when visiting my little dive. I want the Plato experience to be a pleasant one for everyone.

      • albagen says:

        hi taxi

        there is some time i want to ask the same as sarz, to eliminate scrolling, but didn't have the "courage" { 🙂 }. your house, your rules. i know about websites and web design and i know that sometimes things can't be done as one would wish (assuming you're the webmaster of the site).

        as it stands, viewing last comments is tedious, or to use your terminology, unpleasant.

        you can do as mentioned, to open a new topic, or make comments with page breaks so that we can go directly to the last page, or you can organize comments by date so that when you click a date it displays all messages of that day.

        take care

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks, dear albagen. Glad to hear another smart suggestion put forth, ie paging instead of scrolling. I think this can be done on my ‘settings’ page. I will most certainly look into it. Well, not me, but my techie – I’m nervous to touch anything on my admin dashboard that I don’t fully understand. I will email my techie and ask for paging instead of scrolling, because, even if I start a new article, after a few weeks, readers via phones will face the exact same annoying, scrolling problem.

        Really appreciate your contribution to this. Thank you.

        I’m on it!

  226. Taxi says:

    For a while now, I'd been turned off the Duran youtube channel, mainly because to my mind, they kept overestimating Trump's intelligence – couldn't take it any more.  It was like they never saw that he was of the same body politic, the same frigging DC fabric and club that his Democrat detractors were a part of.  The Duran was stuck in the stupid two-party paradigm, in other words.  A flat and boring place to analyze from, that's for damn sure.  And also, another turn off was that the Duran's 'israel' discussions were/are always constrained.  They hardly ever mention even the name 'israel', and they never utter the connection between tel aviv and, well, pretty much everything bad happening Stateside, or in the mid-to-far-east etc.  They keep israel on the very periphery of the picture – never in the center, or anywhere near the center of discussion.  I feel this is a conscious decision on their part.  A mix of cowardice and self-preservation, in their case.  Understandable, I suppose.  Aipac could easily have the Duran for breakfast.  Alexander Mercouris and Alex Christoforou would become smeared with the 'antishitme' tag blah blah.  De-proffesionalized overnight. Cancelled. We’ve all seen this movie before.

    But, in any case, I must now say that I've re-tuned into the 'Alex & Alexander Show' these past few weeks, and they've been doing a really great job of bringing the goods to the people.  Good for them two smart boys, especially that erudite and eloquent Alexander dude, with his intense articulation always accompanied with much head wiggling (heh).  The guy literally talks with his head.  A talking head! 

    But seriously, Alexander Mercouris is an excellent analyst.  Definitely too good to be a member of the mainstream media.

    Here's the Duran's latest:

    • Canthama says:

      Whozhear, so good to see you around. 

      Yes, there are a lot of indications of something of big proportion to happen in September, there are folks that monitor algorithms and the good old basic economic and financial indications and it seems the cliff has just got very closer to us all.

      I agree with C&D statement above…"I am starting to hear echoes of this across the nation. What the Afghans have triggered is more Earth-shattering than we realize. This is a signal moment in history and the ramifications are truly world-changing."….this is indeed world-changing events, so buckle up, there are rough waters ahead for us all.

      All the best my friend.

      • emersonreturn says:

        thank you, canthama & whozhear.  in 08 i collected my few remaining flakes of fiat & converted them to gold & silver.  presently i've squirrelled a small sum of $ & have bought renminbi.  i'm old & if i can ever travel again (sans covid passport) i shall enjoy revisiting the mena & eu once more…if not my step children may or simply eat.  (the step kids unlike their father do not search for the truth & i fear they shall suffer the consequences of living through their country's facing  the international court for war crimes & reparations.)  

      • WBDuncan says:

        Judging from the statements of the Taliban (amnesty, calls to all factions including  women to participate in governing, peaceful transition etc.,) the west's playbook was certainly consulted. The outcome was known and the plans were in place. The announcements all denied the obvious accusations from msm that would follow events like this in the past. Though with so much reporting of the statements in quasi msm the sure to follow horror stories will effectively be diluted.

        This was a total fuck you to the west implying "yeah what are you going to do about it".

        There are always those who overplay their hands but PNAC, Neocons, and the alphabet of pro Israeli groups took the prize with the Program for a New American Century. Well it is going to be a new American Century not just the one they imagined. And I feel for the population who has no say in their own future.

        All PNACs, attempts to bugger the world of the last 3 decades, have failed, as The resistance transitioned beyond just being the resistance. 

        China is daring the West over Taiwan, Russia did the same with the Ukraine. Venezuela what a pound sand moment that was. The list is long.

        Though it worked for hundreds of years, the demise of cognitive abilities associated with the  West's circular reasoning of "why do we do it this way, because that's the way we do it" has finally run the west hard aground.

        My sensibilities agree with the above post  about the next few weeks being horrific for the west when the arrogance hangover hits.

        As always,

        Thank you Taxi and all the other great posters, for such a  source of  civil reporting and commenting.

  227. Taxi says:

    A conversation between someone called 'Curious' and their friend, 'Honest'.

    Curious: The US occupied Afghanistan with two intended missions.  First was to 'capture' Bin Laden over his alleged involvement with the 9/11 attacks.  And the second reason given was to defeat the 'terrorist' Taliban.  Well, the US kind of achieved both tasks a good decade ago.  Why then did the US remain in Afghanistan?

    Honest:  To circle up on Iran.

    Curious:  Why?  Was Iran a threat to US security?

    Honest:  No.

    Curious:  A threat to its allies in the mideast?

    Honest:  Yes.

    Curious:  Like who?

    Honest:  Initially, Israel.  Tel aviv has been wanting to smack down on Iran since 1979,  and some two decades later, it finally convinced its Arab crypto-jew, secret allies, like saudi arabia, bahrain and uae, that Iran is a threat to their kingdoms too.

    Curious:  Our list of mideast allies is embarrassing.  They distinguish themselves by holding some of the worst Human Rights records and we pandered to them?  Apparently to our own detriment?  We sacrificed our tax dollars and prolonged the time our soldiers spent in harm's way, by a whole extra ten years, no less, just to protect a very small gang of racist criminals and brutal dictators?

    Honest:  Yes, we did exactly that.  But, we don't pander to the Arabs.  We only pander to the jews and the jews wanted the rich Arabs thrown in the mix to fund their extra-curriculum terrorist activities against Iran.  We went along with it cuz we saw a chance to embezzle Arab billions in arms deals from them.

    Curious:  So the israelis made the Arabs paranoid and we exploited that at the tune of billions?  A double act?

    Honest:  Well, 'we' did no such thing.  'They' did it all and pocketed everything.  We the people benefited nothing.  In fact we the people lost thousands of loved ones in Afghanistan with our overstaying there for the jews.

    Curious:  So then we basically spent over one trillion in tax money to kill over 75,000 Afghani people and a few thousand of our own, just to please israel and make it feel secure?

    Honest:  Yap.

    Curious: And did it work? Are the jews now feeling secure?

    Honest: Nope. It’s impossible for jews to feel secure. They are infamous enemy-makers. They thrive on hostility.

    Curious:  So it was ALL for nothing? Then… we deserve the humiliation?

    TOGETHER: …  Fuck yeah!

      • Canthama says:

        Most Americans will never understand why they thought their regime leaders would do any better….lack of historical lessons suck.


        By Patrick Armstrong

        "Every now and again, some crappy little country has to pick up the United States and throw it against the wall. It’s the only way Americans will learn to stay at home and attend to their swampy garden. Is this the moment they learn? We shall see; but American propaganda and self-delusion is strong."

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ C&D,

      In the animal kingdom, most animals will flex their ‘muscles’ before they [do] attack. But physical attacks [in most cases] or costly and/or deadly. Moreover, forcing a population to ‘love and admire‘ you, never really worked [out well].

      Imo, China is an economic powerhouse, that acts as/like a magnet, not a military threat. However, given China’s history, it will never allow any foreign power to direct its future, like it has happened in the past. 

      My money is on an economic bond, that will evolve into an ever closer symbioses, one that, in the end, will bring both entities together, without any blood shed.

      Whatever is happening militarily, is to show the US, China’s ready and more than willing, to go the extra 9 yards physically. 

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ C&D,

      "…that the Taliban must “respect women’s rights” and “humanitarian law” going forward."

      Since when do losers get to dictate what to do next…?

      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        I was trying to refind that footage of some stupid woman reporter asking a group of Taliban fighters if they would have women in government, and they burst out laughing at the dumb bimbo and her stupid question!


  228. Cloak And Dagger says:


    Hezbollah Leader Warns US & Israel Not To Interfere With Iranian Fuel Tanker Bound For Lebanon

    "We don’t want to get into a challenge with anyone, we don’t want to get into a problem with anyone. We want to help our people," Nasrallah said"I say to the Americans and the Israelis that the boat that will sail within hours from Iran is Lebanese territory."

    He warned enemies further that the fuel tanker will be considered Lebanese territory as soon as it sails and will thus be protected. "God willing, this ship and others will arrive safely," he added.

    • Taxi says:

      Yeah how ’bout that, Cloak? Soon as the US flees Afghanistan, China does naval exercises on the edge of Taiwan waters, and Hezbollah brings in Iranian oil to suffering Lebanon.

      A foretaste of what’s to come.

      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        I concur. I am also betting nobody touches those oil tankers. However, if I am wrong, Israel is toast.


  229. Cloak And Dagger says:

    Israel to leverage Afghanistan exit to get US to ‘flex muscle’ against Iran

    Israeli insiders say Israel plans to use the ‘humiliating surrender of the US to the Taliban’ to lead Biden to ‘flex US muscle toward Iran.’ During his upcoming meeting with Biden, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s mission will be to convince Biden that Iran ‘poses a tangible and significant threat to the entire world,’ and that the U.S. must take action against Iran… (Israel has long been targeting Iran)

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