Taxi's Articles

Dorothy versus Hassan

The US ambassador to Lebanon, Dorothy Shea, thinks she’s smarter than Hassan Nasrallah.

Yet, evidence shows that since Trump appointed her as ambassador to Lebanon back in February 2020, every dastardly trap she has placed before Mr. Nasrallah and his Hezbollah resistance group has failed.  Proof of this failure is that Hezbollah keeps growing stronger and stronger, untouched by all external or internal forces hellbent on destroying the Lebanese resistance group.  Failed simply because Dorothy is not as smart as she thinks she is.  Most certainly, she is not as intelligent as the nifty leader of Hezbollah. 

Having spent some three years working as Deputy Principal Officer at the US Consulate General in Jerusalem immediately prior to her post in Beirut, Dorothy no doubt continues to have a direct hotline to the Israeli Prime Minister’s office, if not to his direct cell phone; and no doubt, every morning, her first official word from Beirut is ‘shalom’.

Dorothy does not behave like a diplomat.  Instead, she behaves like an eye-patched leader of a sketchy militia: laying aside all diplomatic decorum and behaviorism and charging forth into every single aspect of Lebanese social, economic and political life, with the blatant intent of widening existing societal fissures in Lebanon, as well as adding new ones: aiming for a sectarian war that would cause the wholesale mass murder of innocents.  One could say that she behaves as the Jews do in DC.  A Puss in Boots, but utterly charmless and physically unattractive.  Puss in Boots with mouth bigger than boots.  So much so that last year, a Lebanese judge banned Lebanese media from interviewing Dorothy for her atrocious and blatant attempts at creating sectarian warfare in Lebanon.  Needless to say, Dorothy the ‘ambassador’ gave the proverbial middle finger to this native judge while hiding behind the skirts of her diplomatic immunity.  She continues to pollute Lebanese media and its political landscape with daily feces propelled out of all her orifices.  Yes, she literally defecates on Lebanon every day, while feigning love and affection for the Lebanese people.  Because the Lebanese resistance group, Hezbollah, defeated Israel twice already on the battlefield, Dorothy’s instruction since taking the ambassadorship has been to starve the Lebanese population as punishment for these victories.  Tel Aviv must love her for her Zionist activism and zeal.  The Mossad must be sending her monthly boxes of Cuban cigars.

And I’ll remind American taxpayers here that their hard-earned taxes are being spent on starving populations in the middle east, when bombing them to smithereens is not feasible.  Starving millions of people who have done absolutely no harm to the American people.  I’ll remind taxpayers that they are paying Dorothy’s wages while she is spreading anti-Americanism with her bolshie, toxic behaviorism overseas.  I’ll remind them that since 2005, no less than $30 billion have been spent on destroying the Lebanon as a means of demoting Hezbollah – all for the benefit of Israel and Israel alone.  And although Lebanon’s society is currently teetering on total collapse due to Dorothy’s malicious and malignant schemes, yet Hezbollah itself appears untouched by this exuberant, negative expenditure.  And I will add here that Lebanon has suffered from corrupt governments for some thirty years, yet all this while, the Lebanese collective enjoyed a decent lifestyle and were never in need.  They became needy when Dorothy came to town.

Perhaps when she lived in Israel, Dorothy got everything she wanted.  But in Lebanon, what Dorothy wants, Dorothy doesn’t get.  Hassan has insured this.  Time and time again, he has outsmarted all her plans to create civil war in Lebanon.  All straight and curve-balls that Dorothy has daily thrown at Hassan have missed and landed either way off mark, or, unfortunately, on innocent, civilian bystanders.

Let us be clear here that the traditional role of an ambassador is to work the trade and Intel files, as well as to assist expats in a variety of bureaucratic and legal matters.  It is never the job of a diplomat to act politically or to make inciteful, political statements concerning the host nation.  Never!  It is abnormal behavior for a diplomat to be an in-your-face politico whose name and incendiary words are headlines in local media on a daily basis.  Yet, Dorothy Shea swans about the Lebanon like a privileged colonialist: doing exactly that and doing it with shameless gusto.

She is proud that she has turbo-charged the destruction of Lebanon.  But she is very angry that the Hezbollah remains untouched.  Livid that Hassan remains leagues ahead of her diabolical plans.  How dare Hassan challenge her, the mighty Queen Sheba herself?!  She Who Must Be Obeyed, must be obeyed or else!

Yet, she is not obeyed by Hassan.  Currently, the genocidal-minded Dorothy is reeling from the latest punch in the teeth that Hassan metaphorically gave her last week, when he defied US sanctions on Lebanon and announced that Iranian fuel ships are now headed to fuel-starved Lebanon: a miserable and existential shortage that Dorothy herself had engineered for the Lebanese people through her incessant, corrupt interference in absolutely all internal Lebanese affairs bar none.  (She has even interfered in local, district elections, personally rejecting and approving candidates!).  Her destructive meddling is compounded by the Caesar Act sanctions that her chowderhead boss, Trump, had imposed on the Lebanon at the behest of Tel Aviv.  Because Israelis dare not kill Lebanese people with their missiles for fear of an equal Hezbollah retaliation, starving the Lebanese people en mass was to be their path to mass murder of said Lebanese; and thus Dorothy has been assigned the task of insuring that all trade and energy doors were closed to the Lebanese, and all paths to a much-needed new government blocked and blocked some more, ad infinitum.  Dorothy has forbidden the Lebanon from trading with any country in the world, and simultaneously forbidden friendly nations from delivering any aid to Lebanon’s starving population.  She has appeared more than happy this past year and a half to just watch the very fabric of Lebanon disintegrate under her  ‘ambassadorship’ – doing absolutely nothing to help the long-suffering, collective Lebanese people whatsoever.  Au contraire, the more Lebanon’s system broke down, the more the people suffered, and the more Dorothy jumped with joy and stirred the sectarian embers further.

It appears that not only are Hezbollah and the Lebanese population as a whole a target for destruction by Dorothy, but so is the Lebanese government itself.  She does not even want a government for the Lebanon to exist.  She wants for Lebanon what Israel wants: wiping Lebanon and its flag right off the map and turning it into many-flagged, sectarian enclaves and warring Bantustans instead.  Simply, everyone and everything Lebanese is her target for destruction.

Of course, Dorothy gets much help from powerful Lebanese persons and political entities who are opposed to Hezbollah.  Fortunately for the Lebanon, these people do not represent the majority of the Lebanese.  Known Lebanese members of Dorothy’s team are handsomely paid in mega dollars to destroy their own country, just so that they can boost their Swiss bank accounts and augment their seats of power by getting rid of the most popular party in the Lebanon: the Hezbollah.  These unsavory, treasonous Lebanese are ideologically aligned with fascism and predatory globalism, and they are also known for being supporters of the Israeli enemy and its religio-colonialist project in the Levant.  Their names and professional titles are known all over the Lebanon, and they are as follows:

  • Riyad Salame is a Maronite Christian who heads the Lebanese Central Bank (Banque Du Liban).  He is the very man who colluded with Dorothy to collapse the local Lebanese currency in order to initiate the ‘starvation plan’ of his own people.  He is also behind the financial pyramid scheme that suddenly, and by his design, collapsed a year ago.  He is also behind the ‘Capital Control’ system that has been imposed on all bank account holders since the collapse of the Lebanese Lira.  This system limits monthly withdrawals of all account holders, be they rich or poor, to a pitiful $400 per month: thus consigning both rich and poor to the same poverty pot.  This system is currently holding hostage all of the people’s earnings and life-savings.  Salame continues to shamelessly collude with the haters of Lebanon, while hiding some twenty billion dollars that suddenly went missing out of the country a year and a half ago.  He claims no knowledge of where this vast amount went.  He has not been held accountable by Lebanese law, nor has he lost his highest banking office in the nation, all because he has Dorothy’s full political protection.
  • Samir Gaegae, is a Maronite Christian who is a convicted war criminal who colluded with Israel during its 18 years of occupation of Lebanon back in the ’80’s and 90’s, causing thus the torture, the disappearance, and the mass murder of tens of thousands of Lebanese civilians. And Ironically, it was Hezbollah’s hands, after the eviction of Israeli forces from Lebanon, who worked for his clemency, thus sparing him an execution.  The ingrate Gaegae is now also best friends with both Saudi Arabia and Israel: tasked by them too to destroy Hezbollah, even at the cost of destroying Lebanon itself.
  • Patriarch Bechara Boutros al-Rah, who holds the highest seat in the Lebanese Maronite church, is also known for regularly inciting sectarianism during his speeches and sermons.  He became infamous for breaking a Lebanese law that forbids the cooperation or promotion of the Israeli enemy when he illegally visited Israel several years ago with the excuse of “I want to pray in Jerusalem.”  No doubt he dined at Jewish Masonic Lodges there too.  He adamantly refuses to separate ‘church from state’.  He is a regular visitor to the US embassy in Beirut and all his political statements read like memos issued by Tel Aviv.  He supports normalization with Israel that continues to occupy the Lebanese Shebaa Farms.  For a religious Christian leader, he appears to devote his time to spreading the message of the Synagogue of Satan instead of the message of Jesus.
  • NGO’s. The Lebanese population is some 4.6 million natives currently residing in Lebanon, yet Lebanon has over an astounding 10.000 NGO groups, with 92% of them being funded by foreign governments and other dubious Western and oil-Arab institutions.  These shady NGOs are tasked with ‘inflaming’ the masses and creating a Color Revolution in the Lebanon.  They have proved that they can successfully gather the protesting masses with matching banners and baseball hats, but they have failed to achieve their anarchic objective after several attempts.  They are well-paid agents of chaos who swarm the Lebanon like biblical locust: receiving all their instruction from Dorothy’s office at the American embassy in Beirut; and eating all that great, green leaf we call ‘dollars’ right off Dorothy’s hand.

One can clearly discern that the American embassy in Beirut is more of a war theater against the Lebanese themselves, than it is a peaceful salon of diplomacy and trade activity. 

Dorothy also enjoys the occasional support from other powerful Lebanese who may not share her ideology, but assist her when called upon because they are beholden to the US via their investment projects in the US, and also via their children and grandchildren who reside and study in the US.  Yes, just like mafias threaten people with harm done to their businesses and families, so does Dorothy threaten her second tier of helpers, thus they always oblige.  Saad Hariri (a Sunni leader), Walid Jumblatt (a Druze leader), and Nabih Berri (a Shia leader) are examples of second-tier helpers of the US embassy in Beirut.

Here I would add that although Dorothy’s Lebanese inner circle leaders are all Christian Maronites, between them, they actually represent the minority of Maronites in Lebanon.  The majority of Maronites belong to the Maronite President Aoun’s party, who are allies and supporters of Hezbollah.  And it appears that the Maronites who are anti Hezbollah are fundamentally Islamophobic, all due to an aftertaste that the brutal, Sunni Ottoman Empire left in their mouths back in 1922, when the Ottoman Empire collapsed and its soldiers finally exited Lebanon after some 500 years of miserable colonization.

Aside from creating the total collapse of the Lebanon, financially, socially and politically, it is germane here to give a summary of what the enemies of Hezbollah and Lebanon itself hoped to achieve with their treachery and sedition:

1-  IMF enslavement of Lebanon’s financial life.

2-  Disarming Hezbollah and the dismantlement of the Lebanese army, to be replaced with UN or NATO troops that answer to Tel Aviv and DC.

3-  Destroying the current governmental system and the insertion of a new, federalized political theater where only enemies of the Hezbollah are in positions of power.

4-  Naturalization into Lebanese citizenship of captive Sunni-Syrian refugees who are forbidden by the West to return to Syria, thus changing the voting demographic of Lebanon to favor Saudi-sponsored blocks (means Israeli-centric).   This plan even has the temerity to favor Syrian naturalization over Palestinian one, even though Palestinian refugees have been stuck in Lebanon since 1948.

5-  Allow Israel to annex gas field ‘Block 9’ that sits in the southern Lebanese maritime waters and is considered to be the richest field in the Lebanon waters.

6-  Allow Israel to annex the Lebanese Litani River that’s some 23.6 miles from the Israeli border.

7-  Through educational and cultural projects, unleashing insidious social-engineering programs such as ‘woke’, opioid and porn addiction, religious irreverence, cultural Marxism, and what I like to call the ‘gender bandito’ culture.  In other words, social-engineering programs that shred the very fabric of traditional Lebanese life and culture.  And sanity.

8-  The looting and destruction of Lebanon’s museums and ancient artifacts so as to wipe out the ancient identity of the Lebanon.

9-  Bantustaning and turning rural landscapes into militarized zones, and turning cities and towns into police states overseen by Israel-friendly UN or NATO forces.

10-  Normalization with Israel through forced trade with Tel Aviv – the only entity Lebanon would be allowed to trade with.

And last but not least:

11-  Empty Lebanon of its Christian population who are mainly concentrated in the Mount Lebanon area, but also scattered wide in villages and towns all over the Lebanon.

This is a project that analysts say has been handed to the current Lebanese Maronite Patriarch, Bechara Boutros al-Rahi.  His consistent sectarian incitement is intended to promote a religious civil war that will find the majority of Lebanese Christians fleeing the Lebanon as political refugees to mainly Canada and France, where they already have immigration programs that are specifically preferential and lucrative to Lebanese Christian applicants.  Yes, France and Canada are partners with the US in the destruction of Lebanon.  In fact, all other Western nations and some Arab ones too are also conspirators and abettors  in this diabolical, mass-murderous plan.

The Patriarch’s other vital mission is to turn Maronite Aounist voters against President Aoun’s party – driving them to the arms of Saudi-sponsored Samir Gaegae, who is a Maronite himself too and an infamous friend of Israel – not forgetting here his close friendship with Dorothy the Destroyer.

Because Lebanon is the only Christian-Arab country, and Christian Lebanese are fundamental to Lebanese history, heritage and identity, removing them from the Lebanon facilitates the Jewish plan of turning Lebanon into a zombie without a national, rooted identity, all in preparation for future Judeofication of the Lebanon, as per the Yinon Plan.

Of course, Dorothy here is a mere soldier for Tel Aviv.  But still, all responsibility of Lebanon’s current destruction lays at her feet for her absolute devotion and willingness to participate and manage this grand and evil project for the Lebanon.  She is responsible for the current starvation and the misery of millions of Lebanese, Christian and Muslim alike,  because she is the most powerful mover and shaker in the Lebanon: moving and shaking it towards its mass grave.

Even though this ‘starvation plan’ has been well conceived and executed with the help of internal traitors, yet Hezbollah and its Lebanese allies continue to stand like firm walls in its path.  Hassan and his patriotism continue to outsmart Dorothy.  In fact, so much so that now Hezbollah has unexpectedly taken up the new mantle of ‘economic resistance’, as opposed to only a military one.  Only two weeks go, Dorothy’s breathless destruction literally forced the Hezbollah to actively enter the economic war against the Lebanon, after a year and a half of passivity.  They are economically-resisting now by defying the Caesar’s Act and all other members of Dorothy’s inner circle.  This defiance comes in the shape of organizing Iranian fuel ships to arrive to Lebanon as aid for the utterly desperate people of the Lebanon.

The first Iranian fuel ship is due to imminently arrive to Lebanese shores.  Many more Iranian ships are slated thereafter, carrying much needed life-saving medicine and food to the needy Lebanese.

Hassan has botched all nefarious plans and checkmated Dorothy with this move.  He has promised that any harm done to these Iranian aid ships will result in instant, open warfare against Israel.  The man always means what he says.  And he always delivers on his word.  The Israelis know this only too well.  They will be red-faced and watching through their north-pointing binoculars, a long stream of Iranian ships docking a mere hop away from Haifa port.  This was never part of their plan.  Their plan was to starve the Lebanon en mass so as to bring it to its knees and take from it what they want; as well as to get rid of Iran-friendly Hezbollah.  Instead, they’re ending up with a stronger Hezbollah bringing in Iranian aid ships that will feed the Lebanese people and provide them with desperately needed medicine and fuel.  Iranian ships that will be seen by most Lebanese as ‘savior ships’, while Hezbollah will be crowned as ‘savior of Lebanon’ for resisting and breaking the illegal, US economic siege on the Lebanon.

Begs the question here, therefore: will the Mossad continue to send Dorothy her boxes of Cuban cigars?



  1. emersonreturn says:

    fabulous piece of work, thank you, taxi.  the strength of the lebanese is humbling & inspiring.  victory to the axis of resistance.  peace & prosperity to lebanon.  i was fearful the demented empire would leave afghanistan to wage war in lebanon, @ israel's bidding, prior to war with iran…bt the ff @ kabul airport has signalled the demented empire means to use its isis creation to engage china/russia/iran/pakistan in a big sinkhole.  as canthama pointed out yesterday with the saudi russia military purchase entanglement continues; the isis-k no doubt have saudi connections.

    • Taxi says:

      Thank you, dear emersonreturn. Indeed, the Lebs are a resilient and resourceful lot, but they’ve really had a severe head, belly and back bashing pretty much on a daily basis since the port explosion. People are still in shock over that, let alone the very terrible things that have followed since: purse-busting inflation, scarcity of fuel, scarcity of life-saving meds, and food and water shortages during a very hot summer. But, like you’ve implied, they are a spirited people and their legs are still working. (Have legs will travel).

      And let me also say that unless mister Rothschild and the US wanted to see tel aviv in smoking ruin, there will not be a blitzing war on either Iran or the Lebanon. Most definitely not in the immediate or near future. The US and israel are both wobbly-kneed at the moment.

      But on the other hand, what about a ‘war by other means’? Well, yes. We are today witnessing such a war.

  2. Taxi says:

    The $30 billion dollars that's been spent on the deliberate starvation and destruction of Lebanon should be publicly added to the annually published 'israel aid' figures, no?

    We spend billions on supporting the Apartheid jewish state, billions more yearly on Egypt and Jordan for them 'to keep the peace treaty' with israel, and even more-more billions than that on destroying israel's enemies in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen.  Man soooooo many billions of dollars on that "shitty little country."

    Remind me again what we get in return?  Oh right, 9/11 and the assassination of presidents.

  3. Canthama says:

    Awesome piece Taxi, wow!


    I am thrilled with Nasrallah's comment on the 3rd fuel ship from Iran to the Lebanon…this is going to be really fun to see dozens of supply boats breaking all sort of illegal us/EU sanctions in the Lebanon thus Syria as well.

    • Taxi says:

      Hiya Canthama! Thank you very much for your support. In case you missed my comment on the previous article, it’s worth repeating here. Reliable sources are saying that some 40 Iranian aid ships are slated for sailing to Lebanon: one after the other. Now THAT is some serious resistance to Empire. Gives me shivers how good at asserting themselves the Resistance is becoming.

  4. Lou Cassivi says:

    "A puss in Boots, utterly charmless but physically unattractive."  WTF does that have to with anything?

    Do you consider all male "diplomats" charming and attractive?

    That killed the article for me, right there. Get, and stay, serious.



    • Whozhear says:

      @ Lou Cassivi,

      A major attribute of the left side of politics is ugliness, it usually manifests itself in mind, body, sprite and actions. In the case of Dorothy here, Taxi is right on the money.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Lou. I know where you’re coming from but give a girl a break for occasionally being tongue in cheek. Forget not that I am not a journalist, therefore, I need not adhere to journalistic standards. That aside, because Dorothy is so very ugly inside, it has permeated to her outer epidermis. Not my fault she done this to herself. What I say about her is not cattiness, it’s factual. Mocking evil is not a literary crime.

    • Saladin says:

      Lou: What matters most is who we are in the inside. Yet our thoughts, emotions and intentions certainly inscribe them into our features, especially over time. I've seen women in their eighties who I would describe as physically beautiful, certainly beautiful in their facial features; I'd say it's due to a radiance of light and love from within. One cannot hide his or her inner loveliness, or the reverse. The platonic ideal was Goodness, Truth and Beauty. In the case of Dorothy, the reverse is true. Her inner guile and corruption of thinking makes its appearance in a most unpleasant physiognomy. 

  5. Whozhear says:

    Top notch article Taxi, more points for you.

    Dorothy reminds me of April Glaspie, that worthless US Amb. to Iraq who basically did the set up of lies and back-stabbing for the first Gulf War. In Dorothy’s case she is failing hopelessly.

    She is too stupid and inept to be able to defeat Nasrallah, even with tel-aviv pulling her strings and free Castros.

    I would pay big money to watch a debate on international affairs between Dorothy and Lavrov, or to help Dorothy out in her mind, between Dorothy and Zakharova……


    • Taxi says:

      Thanks,dear Whozhear. Just so you know, a very long time ago when I was researching materials on the first Gulf War for a screenplay I was writing, I did actually come across Saddam’s secretary’s minutes that were taken down on that fateful meeting between Glaspie and Saddam. In the secretary’s report, it said that Glaspie (who had been on vacation when she was called in for an emergency meeting with Saddam) had appeared genuinely relaxed and unconcerned with Saddam’s pronouncement to her that he intends to occupy Kuwait. She had paused as if looking for the right words before she responded with: “We do not interfere with local matters. We hope that neighbors can resolve their differences among themselves.” Even though Glaspie had given the diplomatic answer spontaneously and off her own back without first consulting with DC, Saddam understood her statement as an official green light to go ahead and take Kuwait and the US would not interfere. An ex CIA guy (Bob Baer) whom I was talking to about it at the time said that DC chastised Glaspie for not consulting them first before giving Saddam an answer, even though what she said was actual George Bush Snr’s policy at the time, a policy that only two months previous he’s re-signed on to keep in place. Here the Pentagon went apeshit about Glaspie’s lackadaisical response to Saddam and decided to opportunistically kneecap Saddam’s growing regional power by going to war with him over Kuwait. They had had this negative view of Saddam already and were trying to figure out how to dampen his reach that was making especially saudi arabia and israel very nervous. Then, Glaspie’s report on the Saddam meeting landed on their desk and the rest, as they say, is history.

      • 5 dancing shlomos says:

        Book, The Fire This Time, Ramsey Clark, p-23, indicates Secty of State, James Baker had his official spokesman emphasize what Glaspie had told Saddam. On July 24, she had received a cable from the State Dept explicitly directing her (Glaspie) to reiterate that the United States had "no position" on "Arab-Arab" conflicts.

        Bush 1st and US had spent at least 2 years setting up, provoking Iraq into action against Kuwait. There was no escape.

        One way or another Iraq/Saddam was headed to be slaughtered.

        I've never paid much attention to Bob Baer (Yid ?). I tend to ignore anyone who appears as an expert on tv as much as he had appeared. 


        For commenter above, when ugly outside matches ugly inside, individual fair game for any comment. In Dorothy-from-Hell's case, her ugly exterior is "beautiful" compared to her inner self – a perfect example of Yid: from Hell, we bring hell, we are hell.


  6. Bornajoo says:

    Hi Taxi.
    Extremely grateful to you for this brilliantly written (as usual) excellent summary of the current situation and the main characters involved

    I just can’t articulate like you can. When I hear this lady’s name or see her face a bunch of different words pop into my head like cunt, fucking bitch, evil jew-cock sucking destroyer and images that I’d better not try and describe

    Hassan is wise, calm, articulate, highly intelligent, compassionate and a deeply intellectual thinker. It’s a no contest because she’s just a hysterical, shallow, nasty, malicious and pathetic creature using her nasty bitchiness at full capacity while hiding behind the the power bestowed upon her by her masters in DC and TA.

    I just feel really sorry for the majority of the American people but sadly nothing will change through American leadership. The big change will come only when American power and the American Empire comes crashing down and I think that’s starting to happen. And I’m looking forward to that moment just to be able to see these evil chicken shit cunts like Dorothy being chased out of town or even better, strung up from the nearest lamppost.

    There would be no Lebanon today if not for Hezbollah. Hezbollah is the one and only reason Lebanon still exists and may yet overcome these avalanches of ferocious attacks from every possible angle by the AoE. The fact that Lebanon still miraculously survives until now is due to the incredibly masterful Hezbollah, the true defenders of that country and in the face of every possible form of attack coming its way.

    Just hearing what you are going through to survive out there is almost surreal. But once again the Hezb has jumped in and secured the transport of much needed shipments from Iran which the Israelis and USA dare not touch due to the warning given by Hassan. This warning alone is yet another game changer. So incredible that the number one military power and super power on the planet along with its satanic ally, Israel, which supposedly has one of the best airforces in the world, dare not touch these ships due to a warning by the Hezb! And I’m quite sure that those ships will not be touched. That speaks volumes

    Hoping things ease up for you and all the Lebanese people (except for the fucking traitors) as soon as possible. And when they do, it’ll be thanks to the Hezb

    • Taxi says:

      Hiya dear Bornajoo! Kind words, sir, thank you. And thank you too for your unkind words about Dorothy heh. Actually, you were not being unkind, you were being a real human outraged by evil. A perfectly normal response in my book.

      Yes, it is a MASSIVE game-changer for Iranian ships to break the illegal economic siege on the Lebanon. Wherever you see Empire’s injustice in the middle east, there you will, from here on, see palpable, visual and courageous resistance. Begs the question here: if the Axis of Evil can no longer go to actual war for fear over israel’s safety, and its extreme sanctions are now being overcome, what else exactly can they do to the resisting natives? Punishment by false flag here and false flag there, probably. But these ops would have to be as complex as the Beirut Port explosion so as to hide for a long time the culprit’s fingerprint – this way no immediate retaliation that would open the gates of war on israel would be possible. They know that the Axis of Resistance work on evidence and not theory or whimsy, and they will definitely use this to their evil advantage. But, a false flag here and another one there does not the spine of the Resistance break, so all efforts in that direction will not dent the Resistance’s resolve to evict Empire and all her zionist kleptos from the region. We will see this bright day come with our very own eyes. Inshallah.

  7. Sparrow says:

    My comment may not be received by some…but with gross insight of oppression by the most corrupt regime on earth, the US, my native and only home, I can assuredly assess that the simplest way (and most serious way) to get a house in order is to cleanse it from within which will in turn secure the gates from her enemies without.  As I have the highest respect for the Hezb…saving Lebanon's heinous mass killer enemy from due process to then sit in a seat of power was dangerous to the Law, it's citizens and survivors as it opened the door for the enemy to slither in and continue…a mirror image of a usual day of business in the US.  Weakening the Law is not favorable for any of it's citizens (which should be equal under it) and it allows all kinds of devils loose for us to be provoked by.   We all need a government or leadership that is first and foremost dedicated to its Laws and Constitution (a continual reminder)…never allowing the enemy to usurp our only means of strength in unity so all their provocations become null and void.  Without that unity…the enemy is 'legally' able to put up many road blocks and cause a complete blockade to the very breath we breath.  The tasks put before all of us is to clean our house of lies, deceit, hypocrisy, greed, lust and all evil manner, aligning with the Law and Constitution (r.i.p. Chavez, Khomeini, Castro, Hitler, Romanov and many other martyrs) creating a unified strength, will, and dedication to nation.  Then see the blessings from above when we have the bold power to eject/hold accountable corrupt persons, treason, banks, agencies, universities, embassies and all organizations within not abiding by same Laws, Constitution and sovereignty (end of empire).  The more selfless interests in our nation and survival the more prosperity and peace we gain with others.  We can then get rid of our foes by our Law and for our Law.  It is only as strong as we deem it, obey it, uphold it and protect it bringing the true (selfless) liberty we absolutely need to exist as a nation.  Money has proven throughout the ages to be the root of all evil especially when it applies to selfish gain/interests and death to others…the weakness and biggest heart problem of the US and her masonic capitalist greed bringing a sure fire end to an unsustainable existence with the accountability of innocent blood in her rear view mirror.  Viva Lebanon, Palestine and all of us reeling from without…may our true freedom come soon with our rear view mirror telling us peace, security and enough.  May the miracle of repentance come forth from the US (God Willing), to vacate the world and to let go of the whore that occupies Palestine…and her heart.  Free Palestine.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks for sharing, dear Sparrow. I really don’t know if ‘orderly’ change is possible in the US, like you suggest. The law is no longer an ass – it’s now turned into a limp dick. Our constitution has been ditched by the very people who are paid to protect it. You could say our constitution has been abandoned like we abandoned Afghanistan, but without an air force and depots of arms for it to protect itself with.

      The horizon doesn’t look good for the US from where I’m standing. Who knows what further folly our incompetent leaders will stagger into, dragging us all with them. Self-sufficiency is the sure way to self preservation.

  8. Taxi says:

    I’ve just woken up and read the article again to see if any little tweaks here and there are necessary and omg I’m laughing because with fresh eyes it read like I’d slapped Dorothy a hundred times a minute.  I mean, what I write is not meant to be offensive, but if a fucking woman’s done wrong, then she done wrong!  Alright?!  So then a-slappadapadoo I go on her.  Alright?  Alright?!!!  Well, alrightee then.


  9. Saladin says:

    Great article Taxi.  You knocked it out of the park with this one. Dorothy truly is unpleasant to look at. Another fitting title for her might be Wicked Witch of the West.

    • Taxi says:

      Heh heh, thanks dear Saladin. I did actually have a laugh to myself coming up with your exact “fitting” title. I also came up with all sorts of ‘filmic’ headlines for this article. I thought to use ‘When Dorothy met Hassan’, ‘Dorothy Does Beirut’, ‘A Clockwork Dorothy’, ‘Butch Dorothy and the Sundance Hassan” – goofy stuff like that. But because the only picture of both Dorothy and Hassan available on the net is the one I used for the article, I thought it best in the end to just keep the headline simple and matching with the article.

  10. A superlative read!…I was and am stimulated beyond capability of expressing myself!

    Viva Al-Lubnaan!  Viva Hezbollah!  Viva its SG Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah — a hero for the ages, and for all anti-Zionists.

    BTW:  Viva Palestine!  Palestine Is Still THE Issue!

    • Taxi says:

      Oh man your excitement is contagious woohoo! Thank you so much, dear roberthstiver. And you’re absolutely smack on correct: Palestine remains THE absolute and ultimate issue. Nasrallah says this in practically every speech he makes.

  11. Taxi says:


    I'm hearing from reliable sources that the first Iranian fuel ship had actually already arrived and docked in Zahrani waters (south Lebanon) two days ago.  It waited there for 48 hours and today, it will unload some 17 million liters of mazot in a storage depot in Zahrani, after which it will make its way north to the Lebanese city of Tripoli where it will deposit another 19 million liters of mazot there.  Distribution of all this Iranian mazot will begin on Monday.

    The 48 hour wait apparently was due to insuring that all assigned distribution centers were legally and logistically ready to receive.

    They've kept all this docking activity quiet.  The humble resistance does not need whistles and bells when doing the right thing.

    Because it was rich Shias who paid for this first load, and because it greatly helps the local Lira currency to make a huge purchase in Lebanese Liras and not dollars at this most desperate of times, the mazot will be priced at 8.000LL per liter.  Before the financial crisis opened wide a good year ago, it was priced at 3.000LL.  The current black market price is 350.000LL per liter.  Therefore, this pricing of 8.000LL is extremely fair – it somewhat resuscitates the Lebanese Lira, as well as kick the black marketeers and hoarders right smack in the gonads.

    The shia group of buyers of this cargo are not in it for the money, nor are they in the business of fuel trading – nor do they intend to be in this business.  They are doing it for their countryfolk.  And putting a (low) price tag on the liter stops the Iranophobes in Lebanon from shrieking like triggered banshees that they don't want ANY 'Iranian gifts' anywhere near them.  Well, it's not a 'gift' if it's been paid for.  This cargo, because it's been actually purchased by Lebanese is therefore no longer 'Iranian', but legal Lebanese cargo owned and brought in by (Shia) Leb patriots.

    The cargo’s total of 36 million liters of mazot are destined to be distributed to only hospitals, water reservoirs and bakeries – for obvious reasons.  The next ship will carry medicines, medical equipment and parts, and food stuff.  The third will bring in petrol that will be distributed to gas stations all over the Lebanon, for the use of the masses.  Then more and more ships will come bringing in more mazot, more petrol for cars, more meds and foods etc and so on and so forth.

    It looks like within 2-4 weeks, Lebanon will be relieved of its desperation.

    Just you hang in there, buddies!  The bad-bad-bad nightmare is almost over in Lebanon.  And what will remain for the Lebanese at that point would be figuring out how to get out of the remaining political nightmare that has made their economic siege by the Axis of Evil possible.

    Wow, so the first Iranian ship is already here and it arrived without jewish molestation, without fanfare and without stupid photo ops.  Hats off for the Shia group who made all this possible.  Hats off for their love and devotion to their nation and to their resistance.  Hats off for their humility and for not being celebrity freaks like most politicians these days are.

    • Taxi says:

      I should mention here that for a good week now, saudi and israeli media have been saying that the Iranian fuel ships never left Iran – that Hezbollah is hoaxing the people – and that after the Iranian ships had filled up with fuel, the Iranian captain got nervous of a US-israel punishment and refused to sail out, and so the ship is still docked in Iran. Stupid liars lol! Poetasters!

      • Canthama says:

        I wrote on social media yesterday…."these freaks will never learn"….and that is it…they will never understand they were outpaced by The Resistance in all aspects of their war of aggression against Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, Iran, Gazah etc…

        The more I criticize them the more I enjoy the fact they are not changing and learning, their same MO for many decades is what guarantees their defeat, their bravado, their arrogance, their lies, their sense of security, their fiat money…all of it is dust in the wind when the rubber hits the road for the liberation of Palestine.

    • Canthama says:

      This is a historic moment, the timing, the symbolism, the impact in the Lebanon…and I would add to Syria as well, will be felt all around the world….US/EU sanctions brought down by one of the smartest leaders on Earth…Nasrallah, with the help of The Resistance, a blow to all Arab Nations that complied with it, a blow to the apartheid regime, and a huge boost of pride and honor the The Resistance members. 

      What a Sunday.

    • Sparrow says:

      One thing about the Hezb is that they don't have to where a mask and deceive people that they are good…they do what is good.  Viva Hezbollah and Viva Iran…let the same happen to Gaza!

    • Taxi says:

      Someone, whose knowledge and insight on the Leb I greatly respect, told me today that anything important that the Hezb has to say usually comes straight from the horse's mouth: Nasrallah himself.  He added that even though the news about the ship that I relayed above came from shia Amal's TV station (NBN) – and they have no reason to lie about this as they are very close allies with the Hezb – he advised it is best to wait for Nasrallah's official statement on the Iranian ships' comings and goings.

      I guess all will be ‘officially’ revealed in the next day or two.

  12. Durlin says:

    What a beautiful morning it has become reading this, the coffee tastes so much better.  I can almost hear the gnashing of teeth in DC and Tel Aviv by the bolsheviks.  Must be why psycho Bennit has been chewing on sleepy Joes head up in the swamp.

    • Taxi says:

      LOL and thanks, dear Durlin.

      Apparently the Bennett will try to convince the Joe that he should drop the Iran nuke because Bennett’s got a better idea than that. I kid you not.

  13. Taxi says:

    BTW Nasrallah gave a speech yesterday to mark the liberation of south Lebanon.  I hope to make re-viewing-and-keyboard time in the next day or two to write up a summary of it for you.  Just so you know, he made no mention whatsoever of docked ship or anything.  I think this silence was done on purpose.  When the Hezb works big, they work quietly.  They are not attention seekers.  It was wise of Nasrallah to keep mum, otherwise, it would have created a media din and this may have interrupted the important mission at hand.

    Kudos to self-control.

    Soon enough, probably on Monday when public display of distribution of mazot to hospitals etc begins, this story will become a headline.

    I'd be very curious to see if the American University of Beirut Medical Center, a well-established, major and excellent hospital in the Lebanon, a hospital that has had to close wards during this summer's mazot crisis, an American hospital that was originally chartered in NY and opened in Beirut back in 1902 – I wonder if they'll be accepting 'Iranian' Mazot?  Their hospital CEO might be courageous enough to say to Dorothy: 'We are bound by our professional oath.  'Do no harm' is our oath.  Therefore, we will take the mazot and reopen our wards for the sick.  (Smoke blows out of Dorothy's ears as she slams the phone down on the hospital's CEO).  (Heh).

    • Sparrow says:

      Kick them all out and replace them with Lebanese, Palestinian, Syrian, Iranian and Cuban doctors…broken heart

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      The hippocratic oath is not an overweight [and very aggressive] animal gunning for your minimalistic float.

      It’s there to uphold certain moral standards [whatever they may be labeled].

      Hospitals are there to cater for the unfortunate, not the lucky ones, still able to roam the streets.

  14. Sparrow says:

    The day everyone realizes the illusion of fake money…is the day when the sham sanctions are ignored, is the day when sanctions return back on the shammer's illusions.  Fear is not based on truth…but truth stands boldly against fear.  Those who are sanctioned need to go about their business as if it had never been heard of…never to be intimidated by.  Life goes on without a liar's based illusions pretending to be oppressor and tyrant…lord of the mist only to be kicked out, ignored, shunned and dispossessed.  Who are they?  Who aren't they?  But cowardly liars pretending to be gods.  Their fake money is going up in smoke, just where it all began…but we keep on because they don't exist.  Kick. Them. All. Out. Viva Palestine, Viva Lebanon…and hello Robert!enlightened

  15. AriusArmenian says:

    Thank you for the report on the US attack on Lebanon. As an American citizen I am outraged by it. I am deeply saddened to see christians in Lebanon in conspiracy with the US. Do they think the US is a christian nation? Far from it. US elites are very busy using their meda, woke, homo, and idiots on the left troops to disintegrate what is left of it. Let them emigrate to the US and find out there is nothing here except being demonized by those troops of US elites. 

    The situation in Armenia is also tragic. In 2018 a UK stooge was put in control so they thought they had powerful friends in the West. Well seasoned intel agency and military officials were sacked for western oriented stooges. Armenia, after several years of flipping off Russia then appeals to Putin when losing the recent war. Afterwards the idiots re-elect the UK stooge. Armenia has doubled down on stupid. 

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ AriusArmenian,

      "Do they think the US is a christian nation?"

      A state that's run by jews is as kosher as my unblemished d***!

      To me, it seems only turds float to the surface of political wannabes. 

      Personally, I sink like a solid brick.

  16. mike-florida says:

    Afghanistan suicide bomber attacks 2 days ago at the Kabul airport >

    I may be wrong, but > many connecting dots point to the possibility that attack was a false flag operation – designed by several collaborating intelligence agencies – aimed to provide an excuse to cause cancellation of the U.S. militarily withdrawal by 31 August – to be replaced with reoccupation of the country.

    U.S. President Biden has certainly been around long enough to know a false flag when he sees one. Despite all members of the Deep State pushing him to accept such as an excuse not to remove troops he refused to accept the bait – announcing all troops out by 31 August.  This potentially adds to the growing list of positive trends for the Axis of Resistance – interesting timing U.S. troops out of Afghanistan as Iran’s fuel ship arrived in the Leb. We shall soon see.

    • Saladin says:

      There might be more to the “bombing” than appears on the surface. Over 200 people killed, certainly a lot for explosive vests. And only one bomber, so they are saying now. And now Biden says another one is coming. Hmmm. If it’s a false flag than the US would certainly know another is coming. Western (zionist) and Saudi intelligence groups created the Islamic state terrorists (which the US pretended to fight), so they may have a controlled opposition terror group in Afghanistan too. 

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Saladin,

        "Over 200 people killed, certainly a lot for explosive vests. "

        It is rumored that US troops fired into the masses, as, apparently, they were [besides being bombed] shot at, and, in that case, anyone on the other side of a US rifle becomes and enemy [no questions asked].

  17. Daniel Rich says:

    Firing off some random thoughts [and appreciate comments on them] on the news taxi shared with us.


    • Iranian ship reaches Lebanon unscathed [untouched by US/Occupied Palestine/Islamic minions].
    • Why?
    • Is this because of Iran’s retaliation on a US base in Iraq?
    • But Occupied Palestine keeps attacking [what it calls] Iranian forces in Syria, without [any] repercussions.
    • So, why this western in-action?

    I can only geustimate myelf, but that doesn’t necessarily translate into fully grasping what’s going on here.

  18. MD says:

    Hi Taxi, hope you are well. I haven't commented on your blog for a while and partly deliberately because I have an annoying – but not with any ill intention – of being verbose with some of my replies.. .in other fora e.g. the now defunct Syrian perspective. A long detailed comment now and again may be welcome, but on a regular basis can become outright irritating …for some. Anyway you have all been warned…so now let me launch in to another long rant!

    1. The bigger picture:

    a. The US is losing. They lost in Ukraine in 2014 with the failed Maidan and though afaik as I know Victoria Nuland is back in the Biden administration, the Maidan is a failed project with the loss of Crimea and the Donetsk. Russia is still strong and is still able to maintain its over half a decade long military operations in Syria.

    b. Despite the killing of Suleimani, Iran is still standing and there will be no war against Iran with the US becoming weaker and weaker year by year with its recent debacle in Afghanistan, with its resemblance to the American withdrawal from Saigon 50 years earlier, illustrating that quite dramatically. The Iranians will be all too happy for the withdrawal of the Americans on their eastern flank and the Russians and Chinese will be happy to see the Americans out from near their central Asian underbelly which Moscow sees as part of its zone of influence e.g. as much as 1/3 of Moscow residents may be Muslim coming from central Asia and the Caucasus showing how these regions are still integral to Russia. I am talking more about economic factors and the labour market, but hey it's also worth remembering that 1/3 of people in Kazakhstan are Slavic/European, not just Russians and Ukranians but others.

    c. Biden is deeply unpopular now and there was even talk in Taiwan of the commitment of the Americans in defending them against China if they weren't prepared to defend the Kabul government.

    d. Despite Beirutshima, Lebanon hasn't plunged in to civil war though is definitely going through a very harsh time economically.

    This brings me to a question on my part Taxi. You mentioned the French collaboration with the Americans. I was of another opinion, but I could be wrong. Lebanon is a French creation and France sees itself even today as the spiritual and political protector of the Maronite community (a role it was officially given in the late Ottoman empire as protector of Catholic and other western-aligned Christians, Russia was given the role of protector of the Orthodox). Apparently when MBS kidnapped Saad Hariri a few years back, Macron himself got involved personally. Can't remember if he visited Saudi himself. Anyway MBS had to let Hariri go. Some (including me) were of the opinion that Europe was jittery and scared of another war in the eastern Mediterranean and another huge influx of refugees in to a Europe already having to host Libyan and Syrian refugees. So there was a clash of interests between the EU that didn't a Lebanese civil war and the US that did. Am I wrong on this? Any correction is welcome.

    Aside from that you mentioned how the US wants to de-Christianize Lebanon. Now I am  Muslim, (the 'M' in 'MD' stands for Muslim and the D stands for 'Dude', just in case other readers aren't aware) but I totally concur with you on this point. For some reason the 'west' or the Anglo-Saxon west seems to have an issue with Orthodox Christanity but also middle eastern Christianity. The CIA and others create and operate militant Wahabi groups in the middle east that are anti-Christian and lots of Christians from  Iraq, Syria and elsewhere have left. Remember Jesus Christ (pbuh) is traditionally considered a Palestinian Semite (my own personal opinion is more in align with – ironically – Christian Lebanese academic Kemal Salibi, that the Isa of the Quran is somewhat different to the Jesus of the bible and was in Arabia, but that's another topic for another day) thus Christianity if we go by conventional history, a middle eastern religion. A Lebanese Maronite is following the religion of a man who was a few kilometres south in the Galilee in Palestine. The point I am getting at is rather than seeing the middle eastern Christian community as somewhat "alien", "different" in a "default" ocean of Muslims, instead Christianity originated from there and whole parts of the middle east were Christian or had Christian regions way before Islam even Yemen for example.

    So what's with all the hostility and this obsession with the neo-cons in removing Christianity from the middle east? I agree with you there is one and I agree with you they would definitely be supporting militant Sunnism over middle eastern Christians.

    However I don't know their reason for doing so. I do know that in the past in WASP America, the Irish were not considered 'white'. Then it was the Italians. In Australia, Greeks and Italians are still considered 'wogs' and not equivalent to 'Anglos' (people of northern European origin) and by extension the American elite definitely may not see tanned middle eastern Christians as part of their community, not to mention Russophobia and rivalry with Russia, another white Christian nation but orthodox.

    I am not saying it's exclusively racial or sectarian and might just be based on geo-politics, economics etc, but it may have a racial component.

    2.  Predictions for the future based on the past.

    a: Americans were blocked in Ukraine with the loss of Crimea and Donetsk.

    b: Blocked in Syria by Russia.

    c: Blocked in Venezuela with Maduro still in power and Guido a failure. Hardline neo-con John Bolton was even kicked out by Trump.

    d: Kicked out (?) or withdrew (?)…(either way left and considered a humiliation) from Afghanistan.

    A precursor perhaps to future withdrawals from Iraq and Syria.

    Meanwhile America as a society is becoming more divided between red and blue, between 'woke' and 'anti-woke'. The head of the military, Milley is being lambasted by the right on social media as a useless woke general. A far cry from the past where the head of the military was far removed from public attention and was even borderline a civil servant (albeit a uniformed military one) who just ran the military in a supposedly apolitical way. Trump is still active and is being styled as the president of 'red America' with his own parallel government. Poverty is increasing. There has been talk of UBI in the past few years, ironically in the country that more than any other epitomizes raw naked capitalism, the US of A, a country where universal public healthcare, considered in the rest of the west as not just normal but a necessity and a part and parcel of being a modern developed western society, was deemed as 'communist' i.e Obamacare et al. The talk of UBI reflects a recognition perhaps in the inability of the 'system' to constantly create jobs for an expanding population.

    Sorry for the long rant, but I can't foresee a 'regime change' operation a 1991 or 2003 style Iraq invasion ever again. Especially in a country where many members of the military would be castigated by the children of the wealthy middle class elite for being (by birth) members of 'oppressor' groups e.g. for being men, for being white, for being heterosexual. Who would want to lose their life for a country where when you return you are seen almost as a criminal of sorts for being born the way you were.

    My 2 cents, thanks for reading.

    • MD, I'm a newbie to this site; I enjoyed your "rant" (yes, a lotta "words" of rant); you obviously know your stuff.  But I am dismayed and offended that you wrote not one word of "Palestine," whose land and its tormented people I adopted as my passion and cause in 1964.  Zionism and its platform in Palestine control WashDC and much of the Western world…vassal states paying "tribute" to their overlord…the 800-pound gorilla anywhere one looks.  I try hard to conclude any comment at any geopolitical forum with —

      Viva Palestine!  Palestine Is Still THE Issue!

      (and am glad to have that opportunity here at this site that has already become a favored one….)

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ MD,

      Hey, man. Its been while. Hope you and loved ones are just moving onward, in good health and spirit.

      I prefer people to speak their minds. Regardless whether I agree or disagree with them.

      When I look at the basil that grows on my balcony, I know it doesn’t only need me. It needs water. It needs nutrition. It needs sunshine.

      Some I provide. Some I don’t.

      As always, all the best to you and yours!



    • Canthama says:

      Hi MD, good to see you around my friend, long time no see.

      Can't say much on Christian purge in the ME, reduced knowledge on the details of it….but here goes my  view of it:

      1) About 100 yrs ago, Christians represented a large bulk what was called Iraq, post WWI, by the Assyrian Genocide killed a large portion of them from the north, then came the Kurdfication of northern Iraq, with a minority of Kurds-Christian and majority of Kurds-Sunni and Alevi.

      2) The US/NATO war on Iraq in early 90s and invasion 10 years later, clearly displaced millions of Iraq Christians, there was a vibrant community there, some 10-15% of the Iraqi population called themselves Christians 30 years ago, if that proportion was true today, that would represent 4-6MM of Iraqis…and there are no more then 500,000 today, clearly indicating mass migration.

      3) The war of extermination of Syrians pushed a very large Christian population out of the country, clearly fleeing NATO's terrorists head choppers, since there are no census in Syria for a decade…one can only guess how many stayed, clearly way fewer vs 10 years ago.

      4) Lebanon lost many Christians during the civil war, as a comparison Brazil has 13MM Lebanese/Syrians 1st-2nd-3rd generations….this is roughly 3X Lebanon's population and a bit shorter from today's Syria's, and that is just Brazil alone, many went to Argentina, France, Germany etc…

      5) Population growth in the Lebanon is way faster on Shia-Sunni populations than Christians, like in the US with the Latino communities, some estimates 1/3 of the US are Latino 1-2-3-rd generations, always hard to tell since many of the Latinos try hard to blend in and adopt more English last names… But this trend in the Lebanon seems non stop, and NATO's regimes have blocked large displaced Syrians, mostly Sunnis, to go back to Syria in an attempt to further change this balance inside Lebanon if local citizenship is given to them….funny that, as Taxi says, so many displaced Palestinians never got the same 'plan" from NATO regimes.

      6) Last but not least, look at the once vibrant Christian population inside occupied Palestine, it is diminishing super fast, Christian-Palestinians are becoming extremely rare, the Jewishfication of Palestine has been pursued at all cost and pushing Muslins and Christians out.

      A very ugly part of this effort to push Christians out of the ME is the support of major countries in TMENA….such as Turkey, KSA, Qatar and even Egypt, folks may dispute the following statement….both wahhabeasts and Muslin Brotherhood also played a key role to reduce the Christian population in TMENA, their head chopping and human organ eating videos on Christians from Libya to Iraq were fundamental to kill or push many out of the region, fear is the weapon of choice. But lets agree that most if not all 6 points above and the support to Wahhabeasts and Muslin Brotherhood came primarily from 3 Western countries, UK, France and the US….so the reduction of Christians from the ME for over 100 years, are directly linked and these 3 countries policies to this region, direct consequence, was this planned ? Was this a side effect ? I do not trust in 100% coincidence, so, yes, there was some sort of a plan since the Ottomans lost their Empire in TMENA.

      Then there is the rotten western WOKE movement…no comments on it…pushing any spiritual feeling to the trash bin.

      Stay safe my friend.

      • MD says:

        Muito obrigado Canthama, hope you are well.

        I didn't know some of these things and they are quite disturbing. I don't think any religious community should be subject to direct or indirect (pressurised) ethnic cleansing. What a horrible world we live in.

      • larry, dfh says:

        It's like finding an oasis in the desert, sitting down this AM in the middle of the SyPer refugee community!  And there were peaceful, get-along jewish communities in the above-mentioned countries.  But the modern ashkenatscum hate the muslims and christians with equal passion. 

          But i want to mention something else, which i posted very late on a Saker page:  maybe what biden did w/the sudden, chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan was intentional.  I think that for 2 reasons:  the (c.i.a.-controlled) M$M is ll over him 24/7 about this; and the 'suicide bombing' was obviously a pay-back for biden's egregious termination of the opium supply w/no notification.  Secondly, i really think biden's out to get the guys who got the 1st catholic president (biden is only the 2nd catholic president, and i'm sure JFK meantalot to biden).  I may be arguing above my grade here, but this is a forum where one can discuss w/out fear of insults.  

    • emersonreturn says:

      it's simple, md, & good to see you again, like most things in our new world order—it's the jews.  the jews, above all things, hate christ, hate that he threw them out of the temple, that his followers called them murderers.  to have conquered america/uk/france/germany is the greatest joy. russia is next, an almost twice bt not quite yet.  full dominance, full victory can only be crowned with complete defeat of christendom.  take away a nation's, a person's, a soul's faith & you own them.  voila, the woke. voila, america.

    • Sparrow says:

      Read up on the Yinnon Plan…to add to all comments before mine esp. Canthama (ty)

      The US and EU is run by zionist/masonic/talmudic mafia's…killing Christians.  Learn what the axis of evil did in WWII with Christian Germany…the very same is happening in the US.  If it weren't for Gen. Soleimani, Hezbollah, Syrian Pres. Assad, the Muslim Palestinians etc the ME Christians would have been wiped out completely.  (I'm not referring to the Crusader's who were no better than the zionists aligned with the jews of today.)  There are the fake mixed in with the true in which the Bible calls the …'wheat & tares (weeds)'.  The fake (satan) persecutes the true.  Make no mistake these liars use, pay, train and murder all who they want to get rid of and it's not only Christians as you see in Yemen, Libya, Syria, Iraq etc.  Many Muslims are a target because they throughout history have protected Christian communities ( ex: Saladin) so they want to eliminate any connections and allies.  The thing is…WE OUTNUMBER THEM because they must rely on complete lies/propaganda to to fool the populations, use fake money for bribes to control and prop up dictators who will in turn persecute the citizens. The US has a long time history doing this in central and south America.  When we get over that stumbling block the picture will look quite different insert Iranian oil coming to the Leb.  Even Hezbollah gave clemency to a so-called Christian (fake) who mass murdered thousands of Christians…perhaps trying to show grace.  But when these kind of liars do such heinous atrocities…imo the Law should be used for due process so as to not invite another…and to send an example to the world.  No mercy for these kind of acts.  There is coming a day and is waiting in the shadows…the horrible unspeakable atrocities that this US evil empire (totally controlled by the zionist masonic mafia's from tel aviv) will abandon ship when the reaping comes here.  They are hell bent on destroying America just as they have in the ME and in Europe.  Just my 2 cents on a long planned agenda for the whore in occupied Palestine so if I'm still alive I'm riding it out..won't be a refugee.  

      • Sparrow says:

        God bless you too Robert.  And thanks for all your insights and Viva Palestine reminders over at Aletho.  We must keep the candle burning whatever we do. broken heart  Free America will Free the World!  I have been reading since the Afghanistan debacle disgruntled soldiers…esp a Ltc who just got fired for trying to hold brass accountable for many things.  My take is…why just now are you holding them accountable?  Why…after 17 years of your career are you just finding out the real menace to the world even after you admit in killing people?  If it weren't for the military we wouldn't be in this mess!  Why (I would ask to his face) is it OK to kill people in foreign countries for a career?  Too Late for my emotional sympathy…my sympathies are with these poor people and their families.  I just can't fathom what it takes to just live with this kind of mentality, morality and soulessness.  Murderers for hire is all they are enabling the worst evil on this planet.  I would say to that ltc…Why don't you go to Palestine and Gaza and resist with them and their children…go and see who you work for and what they do!  Go and hold a bloody child trying to resist and help him believe it's going to be better!  They need to be held accountable!

      • Thanks, Sparrow!  We the people need to demand that S Scheller be made SECDEF! — and put paid to all this MIC-Zioensnarement bullschi*t!  Faster, please….

        Viva Afghanistan!  Viva Palestine!  Viva Lebanon!  Viva Iraq!  Viva Iran!  Viva Libya!  Viva Algeria [for having just taken on craven Morocco]!  Viva Suffering Yemen!  Viva Venezuela!  Viva Cuba! … and Viva the collective all of our immiserated brothers and sisters here, there, everywhere….


      • MD says:

        Hi Saladin, I have been reading your comments on the blog when I can and am happy to see a fellow member of the 'anti-woke' team on here, as that madness is getting out of hand.


        Hope you are well.

  19. PJD says:

    Greetings from Ireland.

    Thanks for good news, Taxi.

    I'm new to this site; sending best wishes to people of Lebanon and Palestine.

      • Anonymous says:

        Thanks for your welcome, Taxi and thanks for your updates. I first read this on UR. I had no idea things were so bad in once beautiful Lebanon. Basically I’d like to send a donation; as I’m a pensioner it will be a small one but maybe helpful to someone. Can you tell me the best way to do this? Thanks. God bless Lebanon.
        Edit — I didn’t fill the i.d. section, sorry for mistake. It’s PJD/same email.

  20. pq says:

    pq: thanks for the article. Regarding the first Gulf War, I remember July 25, 1990 very clearly. Although I was uninterested in politics and never read newspapers, I happened to pick up a paper left lying around in the cafe at which I was having breakfast. There was an article on the OPEC meeting and a clear statement from Saddam that he would attack Kuwait. I was so worried about it and kept discussing my worries with friends, who told me I was paranoid. I have never believed for one second that the US and NATO were taken by surprise. The subsequent coverage of the Allied forces invasion was all from the "embedded reporters" and gave a sanitized version of the war. 

    That first Gulf War was an open resource grab. Over the 1990s the image of "Islamic terrorism" was carefully cultivated in the media and Hollywood as commies were no longer enemy number one in the public imagination. 

    Cue 21st century wars of terror in the name of freedom, democracy and the most laughable "women's rights". 

    When I first read about the fuel ships, my first thought was for the crew. What an act of bravery just to be on that ship. 

    I look at the events in Kabul:

    1. completely disastrous withdrawal that makes NATO look idiotic

    2. warnings from US of imminent terror attack in Kabul

    3. ISIS-K turns up on cue and Rita Katz of SITE Intelligence sitting in Maryland has all the details. As you do, when you are the exclusive global PR agency for a terrorist group. 

    4. Media reports a successful US drone attack to take out the head of ISIS-K. Biden is now a hero, at least in the MSM. 

    5. Turns out that more than half of the dead at Kabul airport were fired on by US troops in all the confusion and US explosives created all the blasts at the airport. 

    How can anyone believe for a second that ISIS-K, eaters of Kellog's Special-K, is anything other than a US false flag?

  21. mike-florida says:

    Thanks, Canthama. Your article regarding the sad trends of Christians was very well presented. The war against Christianity in the U.S. is on an accelerating path with no end in sight. Control of finance, government and media support trend continuance. While the Axis of Resistance is recently experiencing positive trends, it needs more powerful players. We shall soon see if the rise of China overcomes the greater Axis of Evil, with a major trend reversal. Mike.

    • Taxi says:

      Hey dear Mike. I’ve been meaning to tell you (because you’ve shown interest in Leb gov expenditure) that apparently, some 60% of government expense goes to subsidizing fuel in Lebanon: mazot being a major fuel that supplies power to Leb’s (greatly dilapidated) electricity stations, as well as to the large Lebanese public sector that uses mazot-fueled motors that themselves subsidize government-supplied electricity that’s on daily ration for the whole country.

      This is a HUGE economic strain and drain on the country, and of course using this 60% money to build new electricity stations that would provide 24hr electricity to all, therefore dramatically cutting down this mazot expense, has been a project that keeps getting flogged off the table by Dorothy’s people in government. They want this electricity/mazot money pit ongoing because this is their doorway to bankrupting the Lebanon. Maintaining Lebanon’s infrastructural energy source in a dismally weak and vulnerable state enables the enemies of Lebanon to cripple it both economically and socially, as indeed we are currently witnessing. This is why part and parcel of Lebanon’s recovery is to resolve their electricity crisis. It would be of MAJOR benefit to Lebanon to fix this. China, Russia, Turkey, Germany, France, Japan, Iran and Syria have all offered to build new electricity stations for the Lebanon this past year alone, and all offers were rejected by Dorothy’s people in government. All these nations have estimated it would take 6-8 months to build and activate these new electricity plants. The fight over this crucial Leb energy file continues…

      Let’s here not also forget that Leb waters are filled with huge amounts of gas: waiting for extraction. This file too has been put on ice by Dorothy and her boys and girls.

      This is the Lebanon’s Achilles heel: it’s electricity/energy file.

      Yet, should Dorothy take her boot off the neck of Lebanon’s energy files, full recovery and energy self-sufficiency would be in full swing inside of a single year. Imagine that.

      • Sparrow says:

        Hi Taxi thank you for breaking it down.  I have a question so I'm just putting it out there…

        What if the Hezb declared an emergency government, and they themselves could have the power to evict the (unbelievable) stronghold of the US embassy completely?  This reminds me of our current predicament with (there is a hell) in tel aviv.  Is it dual citizens that are causing this in Lebanon?  Whatever the case, there must be some kind of emergency situation that the Hezb could have the authority and power to govern?  [and hopefully the rest would be history]  After all this complete debacle is nothing short of an insurgency and terrorism.  The people of Lebanon should demand it.

        Method versus movement Terrorism is considered to be a method of pursuing a political goal [19], while insurgency is a political movement aimed at realizing a specific political goal [65, para. 2], which is generally to overthrow a regime.


      • Taxi says:

        Thanks, Sparrow. Even though the Hezb is more powerful than the Lebanese army, and is also the most popular ‘group’ in the Lebanon, it is not really politically strong, with only two Ministers in government and 12 Parliamentarians in Parliament. They are by far more powerful in Parliament: with their combined allies there representing some 70 seats out of 128. By itself, the Hezb has little political power – it’s actually its allies who bulk up its political power. The political wing of the Hezb is a newbie to the scene (since Nov 2005), and with every new election since its entry into politics, it has gained seats. So, slowly but surely, political Hezb is gathering steady power.

        I don’t believe the Hezb would want to take control of the Lebanon: Nasrallah has said this on several occasions. They prefer to just fight the enemy and nothing else. Their establishing a political arm was essentially for self-protection and no more than that, certainly not out of a political ambition. They entered politics because they needed a voice in the political arena to protect Hezb interests.

        What I do know is that Nasrallah has previously said that “should the internal security situation in Lebanon ever get out of hand, then they would be forced to take control of the nation’s internal security.” They don’t really like policing Lebanese people. They are not comfortable in this role. They are more comfortable going to war with the enemy. And they are also not comfortable with the idea of taking over the government. They aare law-abiding people who also care about their reputation and legacy. They would not break constitutional law and coup the government.

        And in any case, should Hezbollah suddenly get a lobotomy and spring into taking over the whole country by force of arms, including taking over the government, they would then rightly be called armed dictators.

        Only the death of israel will bring an enduring and correct solution to Leb’s problems. And as we all know, the Hezb is very much working on making that happen.

      • mike-florida says:

        Taxi – adding to Sparrow's search for solution, here's another >

        The Leb President calls for a national referendum to close the U.S. embassy. The Talaban caused closure of such in their country. Instead of talking about dear Dorothy, just evict her. In your opinion how do you think the general public would vote if such a referendum were held? If verdict is evict, then order the Army to turn off the electricity and lock the doors. Somewhere, someone in the Leb has got to start getting tough on that crap. Others pitch their ideas how to evict. Since the legislature seems unable to act go to the citizens themselves and put them in the driver's seat for action. Sound crazy?

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks, dear Mike. One would need to first promote the concept to the people before it’s presented as a referendum – the public needs to be informed and focused on the issue before a collective, sound decision can be made. That aside, even though the President has the right to call for a referendum, but because all embassies in Lebanon are the legal domain of the Foreign Affairs Ministry, in this case the President does not have the legal right to go above his Foreign Affairs Ministry that’s contracted to oversee all foreign embassies’ needs or trespasses. The only way to close an embassy is for the Foreign Affairs Ministry to give the targeted embassy notice to close embassy and vacate country, while simultaneously withdrawing Lebanese ambassador and closing embassy in targeted nation too.

        It would be suicide for a weak and small country like Lebanon to evict the embassy of the world’s superpower. There is more harm than gain from such a move.

        I’m afraid that the Leb is stuck with that ‘type’ of US ambassador till israel is no more.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Hammer & Anvil here, I hit post before entering my name…
    Yesterday I went to check my regular internet sources and noticed the Duran was not available, they wanted viewers to sign up… Today also was the same thing so I did. It did not cost anything to do it but to post or read comments you need to be a paid subscriber.

    Here is the post they put about about the changes, posted on Aug 28th:

    Message to the LOCALS community 

    This entire week, since the Afghanistan story broke, and we have been covering this topic, we have been attacked by various legal firms and yesterday after our Livestream on the subject, Paypal shut down our Duran business account as well as our personal accounts without notice or explanation. 

    We have since pointed our web site to LOCALS so as to keep our future articles away from the those who wish to do us harm. 

    We were shocked that Paypal not only went after our business account but also targeted our personal accounts. We will from now on be posting articles and analysis as well as videos here on LOCALS, which will serve as our central hub to communicate and report the news.

    Thank you for the support. We are over the target, that is why we have been targeted. Please share our Locals community with friends and family, help us grow this space so we can get the truth out to as many people as we can.

    • Whozhear says:

      @ Hammer & Anvil,

      I saw that too, so I simply removed my bookmark.

      Alex, though he is a dis-barred lawyer now, is a convicted forger. He forged a judge's signature as I remember so I have little faith in what is broadcast these days at the duran. After his nonsensical vid primarily about Rear Adm. Kulits, removing the duran's bookmark was the correct thing to do.


  23. mike-florida says:

    @ MD – Glad to see you again, MD, sharing your knowledge and passion for what is right. Mike.

  24. Sparrow says:

    “Algeria has decided to sever diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Morocco as of August 24,” Algerian Foreign Minister Ramdan Lamamra told a news conference, accusing the neighboring kingdom of “hostile actions.” Although the termination of diplomatic relations has already taken effect, consulates in each country will nevertheless remain open, Ramtane Lamamra said. Algeria is considering suspending air traffic with Morocco, according to the newspaper Algérie Patriotique.

    Algeria accused Rabat (capital of Morocco) of threatening stability and security at the instigation of Israel. Morocco is increasing its military presence on the borders, and some regional observers have assessed that tensions could lead to military clashes….

  25. Daniel Rich says:

    When the US [orderly] retreats from Afghanistan, and 'you' net this…

    Of course, courtesy of the US tax payers.

  26. Taxi says:

    Even though my article applauds the wily Hezbollah for circumventing the jewy Empire's conspiracies and big boots, I would just like to remind readers that the Lebanese people themselves remain extremely vulnerable to Empire's evil intentions.  The enemy of Lebanon still holds several injurious cards it can inflict on the helpless Lebanese collective.  These cards are political and connected to the upcoming local elections, as well as to the presidential elections that will take place in about a year’s time.

    When the Beirut Port explosion happened, the pro-Hezb government of Hassan Diab resigned, and Lebanon has not had a government since, all thanks to Dorothy instructing her 'people' in government not to allow for this to occur.  And she did the same with all positive and feasible, financial 'rescue' proposals put forth by patriotic politicians in the interim.  She's been sinking everything political that would get the Lebanon out of its financial crisis, as well as its political one.  And as this circus continues, and it will, the country falls further and further into institutional and social fragmentation.  This makes the 'security' situation extremely volatile and dangerous.  Dorothy still hopes for a sectarian war through this ‘political disintegration’ route.  It's the only one left, and its where the Hezb has the least power – having only two appointed ministers.  Sure, the Hezb has many ministerial allies and they altogether form a tough little ring, but their task on hand is humongous, and the malevolence of the enemy remains engorged and insatiable.

    Dorothy is also still working against the pro-Hezb, Maronite President Aoun, with the policy of crippling his positive programs for the Lebanon in his last year of office: using saudi/emirati/US sponsored medias in Lebanon to paint him and his Aounist party as absolute failures, so as to drive traditional Aounist voters away from President Aoun’s party and towards Hezb enemy Samir Gaegae, who has already publicly announced his presidential ambitions.  Mindful here too that the Lebanese Deep state, which is blindly pro US, is supporting Gaegae. 

    Here, I would bring your attention to the numerous times that so-called Deep States around the world 'fixed' their elections through bribes of politicians and institutions, through the 'purchase' of individual and voter blocks, as well as other illegal and anti-democratic methods.  In the case of Lebanon's next presidential elections, and with the collapse of the local currency already a reality, the 'purchasing' of votes for the next Lebanese election will be the cheapest the world has ever known.  Before the financial crisis, the dollar gave you 1.500 Lebanese Liras, and now, the dollar is worth 19.100Lebanese Liras.  Buying each vote for a hundred bucks would put almost two million Liras in the pockets of the very needy voter.  Get my drift?  See how cheap-cheap it would be to 'fix' Lebanon's next election?

    The Lebanon battle still rages, despite the Iranian ships.  These ships will provide relief, for sure, but the Lebanon needs a political 'ship' to rescue it as well.  A political ship that Dorothy is determined to sink out at sea.

    The big danger for Lebanon now is for a serious security incident to occur (a false flag/a-la Rafiq Hariri assassination) that would spin the country into the direction of a civil war.  Sectarian-flavored setups have already been attempted this summer, with the Khaldeh massacre and the Shwayah incident. Fortunately, these manufactured, emotive events were quickly dampened by both the Lebanese army and the Hezb.  The ongoing political paralysis in Lebanon enables, and can easily trigger, more of these worrisome incidents.  The Lebanese army, the Lebanese Internal Security apparatus, the Hezbollah and the Christian Aounist party are all feverishly working to counter this.  They have a long year ahead of them that will be full of challenging security traps to overcome; and many political, tightrope acrobatics to perform as well.  Dorothy would like for a sectarian war to break out in this period, so as to busy the Hezb internally, while the Axis of Evil combined executes its death warrant on the nation of Lebanon, knowing very well that such a thing would drag the middle east into a regional war: a war between the Hezb and israel that would instantly widen into a war between the Axis of Evil and the Axis of Resistance nations. Considering that Hezbollah’s sophisticated weapons pointing at tel aviv continue, unstoppable, to increase in number and in hi-tech advancement, the logic of the israeli enemy here is: war is inevitable – strike today because tomorrow we are weaker.

    No, America and israel are not finished with the Lebanon just because the Iranian ships are coming to Lebanon's aid.  No, it ain't over yet by any means.

    Last time I was at the America embassy in Beirut (renewing my passport) was back in May of 2021.  I can tell you that even though the place is nice and big, it was practically empty of American citizens, yet, full of security people – and I mean FULL of security people.  Two unpleasant and concerning sights there troubled me.  The first one was seeing three flags flying together at the embassy's compound: the US flag, next to the Lebanese flag, next to the fucking rainbow flag!  This indeed informed me that I was on 'woke' land, with 'woke' projects designed for Lebanon.  The second concern was that when I first arrived at the embassy road, I took a wrong turn and ended up at the new 'embassy extension' that's currently being built.  Man, it is huge-huge-huge and brought to mind Iraq's Green Zone.  Plus, I was greeted at the gates of this new extension by some seriously beefy, Lebanese armed guards: tattooed, pierced, long-haired and bandana-wearing.  They looked like a cross between Hell's Angel bikers and some dodgy militia out in some boondocks.  They looked angry and defensive in posture that I was suddenly at the dusty gate, but soon as they heard my accent, they relaxed their AK-47s and redirected me to the correct turn with the smallest of smiles.  This told me that the US has no fucking plan whatsoever to leave the Lebanon alone.  In fact, it looked like they intend to stay there forever.  Driving back home, I tried to figure out why the embassy would need this giant building extension when the current space is really more than sufficient to serve US expats in the Lebanon.  Billions of dollars are being spent on this new extension – billions!  It is massive-massive and dominates the whole hill it sits upon.  'Poor Lebanon', I thought to myself, 'how the fuck are they ever going to get rid of this expanding menace'?  The Lebanese have already evicted US troops out of the Lebanon back during the Reagan days – a violent expulsion back in 1983 that caused the death of some 307 marines.

    I guess the US is asking for another mass funeral.  The Hezbollah is not the only resistance group in the Lebanon.  There are plenty of those around (approx 2 dozen+), and they are all armed and on the same page.

    One thing is for sure: a most dangerous and hectic year is ahead for the Lebanon.  Anything can happen.  ANYTHING.  Including a miscalculation by tel aviv that will find it in smoking ruin. 

    This is a certainty, should the Axis of Evil push too many Lebanese resistance buttons.

    Of course, Lebanon too will be in ruins.  The only difference is that once the war dust has settled, Lebanese refugees will return to rebuilt their country, as they have always done in the past, while the colonialist-jewish refugees will not be returning to a newly liberated Palestine for at least the next hundred years.

    In the end, Medusa's head will be buried in a jewish cemetery, and with it, the satanic Yinon Plan.

    But at what cost? Well, this, dear reader, is the price of true freedom.

    • Whozhear says:

      Hi Taxi,

      The logical answer for the massive extension at the empire’s embassy is to attempt to counter Russia’s ops in Syria. If the extensions follows the one in Baghdad, it will have two or more very deep levels that will be basically a magazine.

      Nasarallah also needs to shit or get off the pot. There remains the payment to be extracted for the murder of a hezb member at Damascus airport last year and the recent murder of a young Lebanese lad at the border. And when the juden attack Lebanon, fire missiles over Lebanon and the recon quad-rotors over flying Lebanon Nasarallah needs to start charging costs back to the juden, including the resumption of Lebanese lands stolen from the Lebanese by the juden and firing missiles into juden military barracks along/near the boarder.

      The more mayhem you can create for the juden going forward, the more and greater will be the mistakes they will make. Remember, the juden’s main leaders now, naftil ‘for a few shekels more’ bennet and benny ‘the great gatsby’ gantz, are not real swift. 

      Just to make it clear, Washington is in no real position going forward to be of any assistance to the juden.

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks, Whozhear. Nasrallah explained in one of his speeches earlier in the summer that there are two types of retaliation. One ‘strategic and regional’ and creates deterrence and a balance of terror: like the last Hezbollah rocket response to Bennett when he sent his air force over Lebanon to bomb empty fields there some three weeks ago. And the other is ‘strategic and local’, like the examples you give: retaliating over murdered Hezb fighters. He says that the ‘local’ one has no time stamp on it, and remains on the list of retaliation till an opportune time arrives. But the ‘regional’ one is responded to immediately and in real time, as indeed we saw with the last Hezb rocket response to the israeli air force attack on empty Lebanese fields.

        I hope this clarifies.

        And just so you know, the israeli military remains invisible and in hiding at the Leb-israel border, for fear of the retaliation Hezb has promised over its murdered fighters. Nasrallah vowing retaliation in mere words still achieves a devastating psychological attack on the enemy. This is important, and it is good too. Meanwhile, let the satanic jews remain nervously standing on “one and a half feet,” as Nasrallah famously stated. Their punishment is a-coming one way or another.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks for the link, dear Whozhear. But really, does it matter if the US ambassador in Lebanon is called Dorothy or Shmorothy? No, it makes no difference at all. The previous US ambassador to Lebanon was a fucking cunt too, although she was by far less vocal and in-yer-face than Dorothy is. The next one will no doubt be a cunt as well. Lebanon is stuck with an endless stream of cunts for ambassadors waving the israel and US flags at Lebanon’s face. Till the US and israel are both evicted from east Asia and the Levant.

  27. Taxi says:

    Sorry guys and dolls but it looks like there will be further delays in providing you with a summary of Nasrallah's speech from last Friday.  For the next couple of days or so, I have to spend a chunk of my limited keyboard time on writing comments that expand on the new article, as well as put time aside for responding to commentators both here at Plato's and at the Unz as well.  I'll be able to make proper time for this summary once the initial 'rush' of the new article has died down somewhat.  Thanks for your understanding and patience.

  28. Taxi says:

    Worthy of your time:

    “This video was recorded in 1984 and features former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov explaining/predicting what we’re seeing in present day America.” (Youtuber)

    • Hi Taxi

      Hope you are feeling well.

      I'm keeping Platoo's Gun as my favourity ME information source.

      As, from time to time, more general subjects comes to  surface, I usually avoid plunging into unnecessary controversies. But this Yuri exceeded all my measures. Sorry for the inconvenience.


      Yuri Bezmenov (1984):

      This [USA] is the last country of freedom.

      Not bad for a former KGB agent. He speeks more like a capable instructor of some low grade CIA trainning center.

      What do you do to save America from this fate?

       – To isolate comercially, financially, politically…

      Yuri pretended that a whole generation of American citizens in 1984 lived under a communist education. At the time, Reagan-Tatcher were happily cruching the remainnings of lablour trade unions in USA and UK, and production externalization to China had just begun. The tide over post-War II labour force scarcety had turned into labour force surplus in the USA (Richard Wolf).

      Unlike myself, you have literally…(13'37") Quite quixotic.

      Yuri Bezmenov gave us a live example of what Domenico Losurdo (Liberalism: A Counter-History) described as an ideological autophagy, a rich jewich tradition.


      • Taxi says:

        Thanks, dear Antonio.

        I’m laughing because I know exactly what you mean about Yuri and the ’80’s Intel mindset’ – you describe it perfectly and with the irony it deserves.

        For sure, Yuri is a fast, sharp thinker with good articulation, but I did cringe a little at some of his propositions. To explain: I thought it interesting that he would be talking about ‘generational brainwash’ projects. This was the main point of interest that I wanted to share with Plato’s readers, because it applies to today’s socio-cultural-political wars ripping through Western societies today.

        Yuri Bezmenov gave us a live example of what Domenico Losurdo (Liberalism: A Counter-History) described as an ideological autophagy, a rich jewich tradition.

        “ideological autophagy” = ideological Consumption. (You know, that wasting disease otherwise known as ‘Tuberculosis’).

        Should have just called it: Kosher Nihilism.

  29. Daniel Rich says:

    When you don’t have a Navy.

    When you don’t have an Air Force.

    When you don’t have a Nuclear Arsenal.

    And still manage to keep Occupied Palestine at bay…

    You have my respect.

    Because you’ve earned it.

  30. Daniel Rich says:

    @ taxi,

    Despite this: You have indicated that you do not wish to receive any notifications at from this site. If this is incorrect, or if you wish to have the block removed, please contact the site administrator.

    I still keep getting lots of emails. Before I blocked it, I found out I had ‘subscribed’ to 3 threads. I don’t remember doing so, but even after I unhooked myself, mails kept coming.

    Would you [or your techie] be kind enough and look into this?

    Thanks in advance.

    • Taxi says:

      Hi Daniel. We’ve had exactly this problem before, remember? At my end, your name is appearing on all email notifications by other commenters. I will look into it and see what I can do – otherwise I will contact my techie and see if he’s back working after his op recovery. I think it was him who fixed it last after several maddening attempts.

      The thing is, sometimes when WordPress automatically updates, some of the settings go wonky and need re-tweaking. In the meantime, why don’t you assign [email protected] to your spam box. This will stop the deluge into your inbox. You can always un-spam the email address once the problem is fixed.

      Apologies for the inconvenience and annoyance.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        Thanks, but no need to apologize for something that isn't even in your wheelhouse.

        No hurries, no worries :o]

  31. Aren Haich says:

    Somehow you neglected to mention how Hezbollah single-handedly spared Lebanon from being torn apart by the onslaught of ISIS from Syria. The timely and critical intervention by Hezbollah in the fight against ISIS in Syria literally saved Lebanese Christians from becoming mass refugees and the Shias from a bloody massacre.  

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ Aren Haich,

      Somehow you neglected to mention how Hezbollah single-handedly spared Lebanon from being torn apart by the onslaught of ISIS from Syria.” 

      Hezbollah cares about Lebanon and its citizens.

      Its deeds speak volumes, whereas the resistance itself remains silent.

      I, for one, appreciate such an approach.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Aren. True, that in my article I did not mention the Hezb’s role in saving Lebanese Christian lives from both wahabi mass murder or miserable refugeedom, but this is because the focus of the article is what the US embassy is doing to Lebanon and not the long list of benefits that Hezbollah has gifted Christian Lebanon. Here, I assure you that this subject has been much written about in previous articles and commentary here at Plato’s.

  32. Taxi says:

    Last night, on Leb TV, I watched several long segments on how israel feels about the US's Afghanistan pullout.  A chunk of these segments had israeli jews discussing what this means to israel's security – these discussions were in hebrew with Arabic subtitltes.

    It appears to be the case that the invader jews are extremely concerned, believing that the US can no longer be relied on in the same measure as before, regardless of US assurances during Bennett's recent visit to the WH. They believe that the US has significantly weakened its geopolitical muscle with its Afghanistan withdrawal, and that they must now put maximum pressure on the US to refrain from withdrawing from Syria and Iraq.  "Our jewish citizens would start leaving israel in large numbers if US policy for Syria changes," said one jewish pundit.  Another worried that: "Pulling out of Syria would be a bigger danger to israel than Iran assembling a nuke."  When asked how israel can return to a "secure place with the US", another jewish pundit answered with: "I don't know… if this is possible again." 

    This morning, I went through several search engines looking for articles on this subject in English to share with Plato's readers, but could find none.  It appears that israel does not yet want the English-speaking world to know of their worries just yet, so no analysis-articles on this matter are being published.  This is not the first time that israel says one thing in hebrew, while keeping the English-speaking world out of the discussion room.  But, no doubt, sooner or later, israel's will start wearing its fears on its sleeve.

    Here's an article I came across this morning while researching the topic of israel/US/Afghanistan effect:

    Israelis Watch Afghanistan and Remember Lebanon

    The fact that they're comparing Afghanistan to Lebanon indicates their private fears.

    Not only is israel now surrounded by an armed and encroaching Axis of Resistance, they are presently, in effect, contemplating how to configure a 'new' security equation with a weakened, unreliable US.


    • Daniel Rich says:

      "For its existence and continuity, “Israel” relies on multiple factors – the army with its aura, and support from Western powers that provide it with political cover as well as iron and fire." 

      Nothing and nobody can prepare anyone on how to deal with the horrors of war. Death and destruction are blind to a person's individual innocence and wishes. When they do strike, unexpectedly or not, it ensues a domino effect of solemnness, nobody has truly figured out yet.

      Occupied Palestine brownshirts lack the ability to man up and die for the right cause. They bleat and blabber on about their invincible might.

      Where I come from, true strength is measured in deeds, not words.

  33. Marc says:

    Hello Taxi and all,

    Would you have good, preferably recent, books to recommend about the history of Hezbollah, and Lebanese civil war (I have already read George Corm’s « The geopolitics of the Lebanese conflict » that I liked a lot, but it’s more like an essay than a history book. About Hezbollah I have a few references in mind but would appreciate your advice). These can be in English or French.

    cheers, Marc

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, dear Marc. To be honest with you, I’ve never read a book on Hezbollah. I’ve read many articles/analysis on them, but not books. I sorta live amongst them and know their history etc, therefore I don’t feel the need to read a book on them. However, I did ask a good friend and expert on the Hezb and he recommended the following books on Hezbollah:

      1- Hezbollah, The Story From Within – by Naeem Qassem

      2- The Hezbollah Phenomenon – by Lina Khatib, Dina Matar and Atef Alshaer

      BTW, Naeem Qassem is 2nd in the Hezb leadership (after Nasrallah), so you really couldn’t get more ‘insider’ than that. And the second book works as a worthy companion. Try and see if you can find any free copies of these two books on the net – I bet you can.

  34. Game changer, is a kind of jargon often used recently

    Let's rewind to 1973. Holding the ground in most of Guine-Bissau territory (except for the capital city) had already been achieved by the anti-colonial fighters, leaded by Amilcar Cabral. Portugal had only aerial supremacy. Upon request, the Soviet Union provided anti-aircraft missiles and this last resource of war containment evaporated. Despite the assassination of the leader in 1973, January 20, anti-colonial fighters manage to force Portugal to open discussions to a power transition, help in London. As repeatedly happened, an army forced to surrender in the batlefield became a trouble for the politically paralyzed government. In April 25 1974, the colonial army deposed the government in Lisbon.

    Fast forward to current days:

    Russia to use Buk and Pantsir air defense systems to shoot down Israeli aircraft

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Antonio. One of the major reasons why Russia allowed for years of jewish terrorism on Syria while it stood idly by, was the fear of triggering a US military confrontation with Russia in Syria, should Russia have used force to stop israel and hurt its military in any way in the process. Well, it wasn’t exactly ‘fear’ as such, but Putin always wanted to keep it simple in Syria: a single enemy called ISIS/Daesh/Nusra was to be the sole fighting focus. And now, post the Afghan humiliation, it’s clear that the US is in no mood or position to start a military confrontation with Russia in Syria. After all, Russia is by far a mightier opponent than the Taliban. And without US protection inside of Syria, the terrorist, coward jews would not dare terrorize Syria further. The twerpy Bennett has been checked by Putin in a timely, though expected manner.

      … And I wouldn’t be surprised if israel soon tried a little something in Syria just to test the Russian waters. They always do this.

  35. Taxi says:

    Yesterday, Lebanon got a visit from a US delegation of four Senators – they stayed overnight and left today after lunch.

    Apparently, during their separate visits to Leb's President Aoun and to Mr. Berri (the Leb Speaker of Parliament), this delegation attempted to convince both Leb leaders that Hezbollah must not be part of the new government; and also that Iranian fuel must not be allowed into Lebanon.  (Yawn).  They warned both leaders that there would be “severely damaging consequences” with the import of Iranian fuel.  Well, they might as well have been talking to walls as both Leb leaders that the US Senators spoke to are allies of the Hezb. 

    One of the Senators, a charmless jew called Richard Blumenthal referred to the Hezb as a “malignant cancerous terrorist organization.”  Another senator let slip a comment that the Hezb represents a chunk of the population and they therefore must have representation.   What Lebanon got was unfocused, mixed messages from this delegation.  (A stupid good-cop/bad-cop act, or just discombobulation post the Afghanistan withdrawal?).  Plus, Lebanon got vague promises for help from the Senators, without any specifics or time given about this 'planned' US aid.  The Senators added that they would soon hold a 'special session' in Congress on the Lebanon crisis.  Well, whoopidoo to that!  Waste of time, if you ask me. 

    To me, it's looking very likely now that the US, having been blindsighted by the Hezb and the Iran ships maneuver, will now have no option but to give some concessions to the Leb regarding the Caesar Act, in the same way that they did with Iraq.  Otherwise, Iranian ships will just keep coming in, one after the other.  The US cannot exactly publicly deny the suffering Lebanese much needed fuel during a fuel crisis that is closing down hospitals, bakeries, water-pumping stations and other essential services, therefore, the US has no choice now but to somewhat loosen up on throttling the Lebanon.

    Summed up: by the end of their visit, the US delegation had offered no immediate and tangible alternative to Iranian fuel, and got zero assurances from Aoun and Berri that the Hezb will not be in the next new government.  The US delegation came with nothing and left with nothing.  Waste of taxpayers money on this trip, if you ask me.  I don't understand why they came in the first place.

    The jewy WaPo rag wrote about the visit here below, but omitted mentioning the Senator's quote about Hezb supporters needing representation in the new government.  Trying to hide the cloud of confusion and flies that the four Senators arrived and left with?

    US senators warn against Iranian fuel shipments to Lebanon

    An observation: America's foreign policy used to be 'crazy' and now it's just a mess.  The Afghan debacle has many tentacles and one of them has touched even faraway Lebanon.

    • Canthama says:

      What a freaking joke and a huge loss of time for the Lebanese Government to host the 3+1 stooges….pathetic indeed to come to the Lebanon to threat.

      I now politics and diplomacy are tough and requires thick skin and patience, but wouldn't be awesome that after the 3+1 stooges visit, a delegation from Russia and then China arrived in the Lebanon and talk about solving Lebanese problems for real ? With tangible deals and actual deliveries ?  

      May Hezbollah go all the way to the many dozens shipments from Iran to Lebanon and remove this yoke from the population.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Canthama.

      Actually, I wondered yesterday about the timing of the sudden eruption of offensive violence by Daraa terrorists, and whether it may be connected to the imminent arrival of Iranian fuel ships to Lebanon. What do you think? I mean I have nothing tangible here to offer, but could there be be a link? The Axis of Evil using/activating a terror group that’s located closest to the Lebanon in order to suddenly create direct or indirect ‘problems’ of sorts for the Iranian ships and the Hezb? This way both israel and the US can claim innocence and declare that it’s all just ‘terrorists fighting among themselves’ – even though, as we all know, the Daraa terrorists are currently US-isreal’s pet terrorists in the Levant. When your hands are tied, you send a proxy, right?

      We’ll see how the Syrian army handles the Daraa terrorists in the next 48 hours; and if the Daraa terrorists start suddenly pulling out bigger weapons than previous.

      • Canthama says:

        I agree with you, nothing is a coincidence in the ME, there are links all over indeed.

        The southern Syria "crisis" is shallow, there is no people support, it is s gang thing that used to have direct weapon, money and intel support from the US, Jordan, Israel and UK, there is absolutely no future for these terrorists in Southern Syria, the nbrs are not big nor significant to change anything. 

        Syria allowed Russia to cut a deal in 2018 before the SAA , lead then by. the Tiger Forces (now 25th Special Division), they were few weeks to eradicate these freaks from Earth but Russia intervene (on talks to the US/UK/Israel/Jordan) to minimize civilian deaths blah blah, we all know they tried hard to preserve a viable terrorist organization in southern Syria ready to strike back in the future…as now for instance….the SAA wanted to go all in again and finish the job but Russia asked time to talk…they manage to green bused some terrorists to Idlib, but the remaining ones continue to play Russia, there is a limit and it is believed they have out played their card, as we can see there is no to little rotten west outcry, all occupied with Afghanistan, so it seems the terrorist misused its time and now the SAA will most likely finish the job if no mass surrendering does not happen.

        Important to mention that the SAA is controlling the borders tightly in the South, no doubt smuggling can happen, but it would be a fraction vs in the past, and there are very few large guns left with them, literally, very few tanks, if any, and rockets, these terrorist puppet, al Qaeda/muslin brotherhood in general left, are way out gunned by the SAA, which moved sizeable and well trained forces to the area. 

        My 2 cts, we will see Daraa Balad liberated very soon, terrorist free, and more small towns will follow where the SAA has not set foot on…like Busra al Sham. This "uprise" will not sustain, bad timing and will end with the elimination of terror in southern Syria for good.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi/Canthama,

        When I raise both hands, I do so to make you believe I'm surrendering…

        'You' have no idea of what will happen next [and I'm not gonna tell 'you'].

        I'm not privy to any Hezbollah [military] actions, but I do recognize something akin to a philosophical approach of fighting an opponent.

        Declarations are just words.

        Actions draw blood.

  36. Daniel Rich says:

    Remember this…?

    "Our war on terror begins with al-Qaida, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated. … Americans should not expect one battle, but a lengthy campaign, unlike any other we have ever seen,"

    W, 20 years ago...

    Who [or what] is going to defeat the US?

    Will it do the morally right thing, and commit seppuku…? 

  37. mike-florida says:

    Larger and larger cracks appear against continued U.S. Empire unilateral control of former vassals following the Afghanistan debacle. > “UK may need to develop military capabilities to operate without the U.S.” U.K foreign minister said. Similar talk from EU.Larger and larger cracks appear against continued U.S. Empire unilateral control of former vassals following the Afghanistan debacle. > “UK may need to develop military capabilities to operate without the U.S.” U.K foreign minister said. Similar talk from EU.

    • mike-florida says:

      Thanks Taxi – for your info RE LEB expenses, a lot regarding energy subsidies. 

      Would also like to know relative ratio trends of the balance of govt. spending – all of which has led to indebting the nation to outsiders. Thanks much. Mike.

  38. Taxi says:

    Some Quotes from Nasrallah's Victory speech/August 27th, 2021 – (courtesy of @political_aya_).   (Please be mindful that the 'Second Liberation' refers to the 2018 successful eviction of all takfiris from Arsal in NE Lebanon.  Takfiris had crossed the Syrian border into NE Lebanon and occupied the mountain town of Arsal by force of arms, in an attempt at a Lebanon takfiri invasion back in 2014).

    In tonight's speech, the first topic to be tackled is the event we are celebrating, which we referred to as the second liberation and celebrate as an Eid. The first liberation is that of the South.

    The reason it is necessary to look back at those events and talk about them is the unraveling of new secrets as time passes which we learn lessons from, and also for the sake of looking back at the sacrifices made and thanking those who sacrificed.

    If you recall the map announced by ISIS of the supposedly "Islamic" state they wanted to establish at the beginning of the war, it included the entire area of Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon.

    Those terrorist groups had international support, from funding and arming to media coverage. We even recall several Gulf channels and tools of the American embassy who referred to those terrorists as "rebels."

    Trump admitted that ISIS was the work of Obama and Hillary Clinton. We're not talking about an "Islamic" leader founding this group, but the president of the U.S.

    The [Hariri] government failed to take any decision to defend its lands or return its kidnapped soldiers after the attacks by the terrorist groups on our lands. The U.S. administration through the embassy in Beirut was behind this failure to take a decision, this is a fact.

    Many admitted that the Lebanese authorities left their people, their lands, and even their soldiers under the control of those terrorists. This is where Hezbollah's role came.

    Many of our youth, including doctors and engineers, volunteered to fight in this battle, and many of them fell as martyrs. We remember the scenes of those men in severe weather conditions, in blizzards and whatnot.

    The Lebanese army, the Resistance, and the people of Hermel carried their weapons to liberate those lands which were "cleansed" very carefully. We wanted to ensure that this goal was accomplished with the least amount of bloodshed possible.

    The Islamic Republic of Iran played a huge role in the liberation of those lands and the making of this victory.

    The same way we celebrate the 25th of May for the liberation of the South and the 14th of August for the 2006 victory, logically, we should also speak about the 28th of August. If you go to the regions liberated, you will witness the safety the people live in.

    This victory was the result of this equation: the army, people, and the Resistance. And we tell the terrorists the same thing we tell the Zionists, "If you were to return, we will return."

    This victory was another step along the way of the failure of the American scheme of our region, and what stands evidence of the deterioration of this project is their defeat in Afghanistan. All of those events prove that America's goals are colonial.

    Upon the response of the Iraqi Resistance to the American occupation in Iraq, the Americans began to revive ISIS there.

    The British saw it more fitting to save the cats and dogs in an animal shelter in Afghanistan and saving their alcoholic beverages than to save the humans who worked for them. This is proof of the lack to humanity from those who claim to be humane.

    ISIS' job is almost done in Syria and Iraq, so the Americans moved it to Afghanistan to trouble its neighbors, such as China which shares borders with Afghanistan, but ISIS could go out of control at times.

    The same ones who claim there is no blockade on Lebanon today are the ones who claimed ISIS and Nusra did not pose a threat to Lebanon. Maybe this is because they did not live in Hermel and in the Christian and Muslim villages along the border.

    Those people think a blockade means literally blocking the sea, land, and airspace. The blockade comes in the form of threatening with sanctions if we attempt to make any economic reforms.

    The Caesar Act was not only against Syria, but also to besiege Lebanon.

    We do not want any aid or help from the Americans, we only want for them to keep their harm from us.

    Through the American ambassador's recent statement, she proved that the ones preventing Lebanon from bringing electricity for the past 3 years were the Americans.

    This is also proof that, had the Lebanese people raised their voices and taken the necessary measures before, they could have broken the siege enforced by the Americans long ago.

    If the Americans cared about the Lebanese people more than their cats and dogs, they would have allowed for an exception for the Lebanese people from the Caesar Act.

    We have agreed with our Iranian brothers on sending a third ship of oil to Lebanon. I have nothing else to add on this issue until the first ship at least enters the Mediterranean Sea.

    We condemn the recent decision taken by the prosecutor Ghassan Ouweidat against caretaker PM Hassan Diab.

    On the 31st of August, we remember the painful event of the kidnapping of Imam Sayyed Musa Sadr and his two companions, Sheikh Mohammad Yaaqoub and journalist Abbas Badreddine.

    This incident was an attack on the Resistance for Imam Musa Sadr's vision was set towards Al-Quds, and not only on the liberation of the Lebanese lands.

    Gadaffi and those behind him aimed to distort Lebanon's civil harmony and stability since Imam Musa was one of the most prominent facing in working to prevent any strife or turmoil in the country. We vow to continue his path and salute his honorable family.

    From this occasion of the second liberation, I pray we continue to progress from one victory to another. I bow in respect before the martyrs and their families, the injured soldiers, and all our people who sacrificed to reach this victory.


    • Canthama says:

      The 3+1 Stooges…at least they got some frequent miles….what a bunch of losers. There is little to no hope for the US political class.

      The end is really near.

  39. Canthama says:

    More and more IDF criminal attacks are being precisely intercepted by SyAAD, it does indicate a tremendous training and new tech/weapon involved. Bad news for IDF.

    It should be also highlighted that the SyAAD chased the IDF jets, as previously said by the SAA, and reached areas near Tel Aviv without being intercepted and destroyed…basically ran out of fuel…over 200Kms, keeping in mind this is not the old S200 versions, it is clearly an upgraded S200 that can travel faster and farther. The fact the few S200 missiles went thru Occupied Palestine without being intercepted speak volume of the apartheid regime defense weakness when way more potent Ballistic Missiles from Syria and Hezbollah are aimed at major military, industrial and economical centers…desperation must be mounting.

    Israel Bombs Damascus from over Beirut to Support Daraa ISIS Terrorists


  40. WBDuncan says:

    Hello Canthama and Taxi,

    First +100 for crawfish one of my favorites.


    South Front which I consider sketchy has an article saying Israel struck the S-200 system in response. Can you confirm?

    Thanks for all your great reporting both of you.

    Best WB

    • Canthama says:

      I sincerely doubt it, honestly, Southfront would never be able to know it, this is the sort of thing SyAAD would never leak out, ever.

      What I heard from quite a few local sources is that the SyAAD is getting loads of help from Russia, clean radar data, which is making the short-mid term AA very accurate (BUK and Pantsir), the last 4 IDF attacks had minimum impact and most of them got a 80-85% interception rate, which is very high. In the past few weeks, Russia has sent clear messages and information out to the public showing the high interception rate by the SyAAD, indicating its involvement…

      Th Syrian high command has said weeks ago that in any new IDF attack, missiles would target IDF jets…Syria has paused doing that since the IDF's F16 was shot down, but now the chasing is back…several IDF's jets had to make some radical flying to escape the S200s last night, the prove of that is all over Palestine, near Tel Aviv, S200 landed after flying 200+kms, several pics available, there were, once more undetected by the iron 'rusty' dome. Syria has modified the S200 in the past decade, the talk is that its flying longer (new missile tech) and more accurate (Russia-Syria radar network working together).

      I believe we are about to see another IDF jet getting hit….won't be long.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      Occupied Palestine is driven by its own BS and hubris in believing they're numero uno!!!!!!!

      I watched its much taunted 'Krav Maga' [advertised as the world's deadliest martial art], and couldn't believe my eyes.

      Grab Muhammad's arm with both hands [to neutralize a gun]…?

      But what if Muhammad has a knife as well and uses his other hand to kill you…?

      Bravery is the ability to be afraid, and still keep going despite the fear [as this keeps you alive]…

  41. mike-florida says:

    Thanks, Taxi, for posting about Leb expenses. Very good review. And thanks for putting it together in its own URL for future reference. Mike.

  42. Canthama says:

    Here are some news from Syria…

    Biden Forces Secretly Withdrawing from the Oil Fields Northeast of Syria

    and here it could be one reason why….

    It is common knowledge that once the US military evacs Iraq, its position in Syria will become extremely delicate, there is absolutely no military sense to leave a weak force without the rapid support from the US occupation of bases in Iraq, so as the US starts to retreat from Iraq until the end of the year, pressure will mount on the separatists in NE Syria. There were talks of leaving behind mercenaries, then it would be fair targets under UN charter…like the US hitting Wagner group mercs few years ago on their way to Omar field, the same scenario would happen, inverted this time.

    Interesting days ahead.

    • mike-florida says:

      Thanks for your great report, Canthama. Very hopeful news regarding possible U.S. military exit from NE Syria. Appreciate other confirming links. Nothing yet found in MSM to so inform the ‘blind’ citizens in the West. Most MSM too busy telling all how stupid U.S. was to leave Afghanistan. Meanwhile, Talaban says China is their best friend. Light trend at end of the tunnel brighter each day. Mike.

  43. Canthama says:

    And here goes the rotten western MSM (FP) going nuts with another upcoming US defeat. Can anyone feel the heat ? These freaks can not even call the Syrian Government correctly…they simply can't.

    "The Middle East Is Preparing for the United States’ Exit From Syria

    Among Arab countries, the race is on to repair ties with the Assad regime."

    By Neil Quilliam


  44. Daniel Rich says:


    How far do you want sheep to be up a mountain?

    Hezbollah’s labeled a terrorist organization.

    How mentally f***ed up do you have to be to swallow such BS?

    Honorable men do honorable things.

    How many martyrs have died doing just that?

    My heart is with them and their lonely loved ones.

    There’s only one way, and that’s forward.

    • Taxi says:

      More bad news for the Caesar Act, and as we all know, what's bad for Caesar is good for the Resistance.

      Today, for the first time since 2013, the Lebanese Foreign Minister, Miss Zeina Akar, met the Syrian Foreign Minister, Mr. Faisal Mekdad: another delicious event that defies the Caesar Act.  Their convoys met at the border between their countries, and electricity aid for Lebanon, as well as mutual resumption of diplomacy and trade were discussed.

      Here's a short video of the historic event – it's in Arabic but the optics are goooood.


      • Canthama says:

        This is as sweet as it can be….the many ships coming from Iran will supply not only The Lebanon but Syria as well….in exchange, Syria produces vital electric power to Lebanon, things are collapsing for the axis of evil.


  45. mike-florida says:

    Today’s MSM pushing western citizens to believe this  > “Troops to stay put in Syria even as Biden seeks to end America’s ‘forever wars’, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.” MSM likes to state as fact utterances from anonymous sources.

    This site is one of the favorite reads of Washington establishment types, including Congress. I post as contains some interesting info – especially > “Biden and Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi announced on Monday that the mission in Iraq will transition from combat to advisory by the end of the year.”

    (U.S. military out of Afgahnistan last week, Canthama reports on way out of Syria, and perhaps also out of Iraq by end of year – all good, for sure. While awaiting more confirmation RE Syria pull-out, I hope someone can tell me to which location are U.S. troops redeployed. Mike).

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ MF,

      "Biden and Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi announced on Monday that the mission in Iraq will transition from combat to advisory by the end of the year.”

      That's what they told Germany and Japan as well…

    • Canthama says:

      Mike, critical times for our beloved Syria indeed.

      What is a non negotiable reality is that, not a single US military officer will ever fall into the trap of leaving Iraq and have no land way to re supply or exit their soldiers and cargo, they will advice, re advice the politician this is a non sustainable position that puts US military at serious danger. One can argue it could air lift soldiers and cargo…but it is not the same in size and security while the military position continues to be completely weak and unfavourable, so, if and once the US military retreats from Iraq, withdrawn from Syria must have been completed already and if the US decides to stay for Israel, then it will US mercenaries, which again makes them non Geneva Convention, thus fair target.

      Lets recall some basics from 40+ years ago and 20+ years ago….US and Iran are at odds since 1979, some sort of non declared war with sanctions, illegal confiscations and even small skirmishes, then 20 years some "genius" (I am joking here) from a "Stink Tank" said…what is we surround Iran from all side but the north ? Then the famous phrase from  General Wesley Clark from 2007… "America’s objective is to take out 7 countries in 5 years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Iran. As long as Iran is independent and not in the clutches of the U.S. and Israel, they will be in the crosshairs of NATO and the Zionist regime. The U.S. planned to topple Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Iran since 2001", well the US surely tried and managed to disrupt big time most of these countries, though it did not complete its criminal objective, it caused a lot of destruction for 2 decades, and Afghanistan, though not in the list, was critical to surround Iran….since the US defeat in Afghanistan and exit, it is clear that the use of Afghanistan to encircle Iran is no longer a key piece of the strategy, thus Iraq it is no more needed as well, that makes almost a certainty the US military will leave Iraq any time soon.

      Syria is another story, the apartheid regime in occupied Palestine can not live with a strong Syria, it is too risky since Israel is deep into the ISIS/al Qaeda/Muslin Brotherhood and Syria may be the last country to hold this trio…so critical to Israel, then we know the Syrian Kurds ties to Israel, that makes the Syria case a bit more complicated, that is why I believe the US military will leave and let its mercenaries to keep SDF whole, no one know if it is sustainable position as well since the positions of Russia, Iran, Turkey and of course Syria are completely at odds to this possible plan.

      Next few months will be important to see clearly the next steps in Syria and I would risk Lebanon as well, too many things happening that will weaken the US cards on both countries.

  46. emersonreturn says:

    thank you, canthama.  syria is too important to both china & russia, as well as iran.  it's expected the zio focus & head choppers will be syria & lebanon.  israel covets the water, location & resources of both.  i trust plans to counter are in place.  interesting developments continue…i am a loss to say the full implications but putin's latest speech/interview it was disclosed that lavrov & soigu may be heading for the duma. while i'm certain neither would consider it without having mentored their replacements…if true this news is mind boggling @ such an incredible juncture in world geopolitics.

    • Canthama says:

      My dear friend, these two Sergeys (Sergey Lavrov and Sergey Shoygu) are top on this to replace Putin, though it could be a deception…but the word on the street indicate Shoygu is the chosen one….Lavrov has the incredible and unbreakable Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova to replace him…she would be just perfect. Both would serve well in Duma to support Putin and the continuation of his Government. Russia is a very unique moment, it resume global influence through soft power, it has the most capable modern military weapons, it mostly solved its incredible social disparity, it gave back to people a sense of pride to be Russian and it is now becoming the beacon of true freedom on this planet, Putin recently said no to mandatory vaccination, the people must choose…which country in the West is not fighting demanding the population to be vaccinated, thru apartheid or law ?

      We are close to major global changes, it could be in days, weeks or months, but not years. My warmest regards my dear friend.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Canthama,

        Hope you and yours are well.

        I look at it like this;

        You're dealing with a country that has a 'debt-ceiling…'

        Yet it never reaches it.

        That's all I need to know about the true strength of a nation.

  47. emersonreturn says:

    thank you for your in-depth reply, canthama.  much appreciated.  my feelings on soigu being vvp's successor…may be somewhat dark, as it may mean russia is anticipating war & as always, as smoothie often says, russians don't go to the washroom without a plan, so they are circling & preparing.  i have & continue to hope that putin, lavrov along with iran, assad, hezbollah & xi & wang yi prevent the worst.  unfortunately soigu signals to me that russia is preparing for the worst.  again thank you, my friend, for your wise counsel.

    • Daniel Rich says:


      Aim for the best, but prepare for the worst.

      Russia wanted to be friends with the west [for how many centuries now?], but the west shunned it [no changes until now] like it was a living leper.

      Thus Russia built means to defend itself. Like China, it will never allow millions of its citizens [and military] to die on its own soil, ever again.

      After Putin, Russia will need a wo/man that projects strength.

      Sergey is a no-nonsense man.

      Maria is a no-nonsense woman.

      I'd say PM and VP respectively.

      Or Maria ending up as FM and then PM.

      Regardless, I've never been good at reading tea leaves :o]

  48. emersonreturn says:

    🙂  ty DR for trying…i agree, maria will definitely be a steady great choice.  whatever else may be true i agree with you, neither china, russia (iran/syria) will again subject their people to oligarch rape.  & like you, i believe every russian (other than df navalny) love mother & will serve her with blood, heart & soul.  primakov mentored many, russia has been fortunate in her devoted noble men & women.  i believe syria & lebanon are the same.  iraq will bt she was so brutally raped its hard for her to crawl back.  the mena, eurasia are in my prayers.  along with taxi, you, canthama & syper & plato friends.

  49. Taxi says:

    Hiya everybody – and thanks to Canthama, Daniel Rich, Mike-Florida, Emersonreturn and Larry dfh for all your interesting comments.

    I don't have time today to respond to all your comments, but with the little time I have, I would like to add to Larry dfh's stream.

    Larry, evidently, the world has by now established a narrative of the 'US has lost to the Taliban'.  Yet, something about this conclusion really bugs me.  The mainstream media tells us that some $82 billion's worth of sophisticated American weapons were left behind in Afghanistan.  I find this 'leaving behind' of an immense chest of weapons IMPOSSIBLE to ignore.  It just simply doesn't make sense that this happened either spontaneously or accidentally.  The more I think about it, the more I see the Kabul airport 'pull out' as a grand Hollywoodesque production intended to fool the world into thinking that the mighty US is a 'quitter'.  I see the US Deep State's fingerprint all over the scene, not the Pentagon's, who are following its orders.  I see a 'new' geopolitical re-alignment that Empire is drawing in order to improve its future hold over what is otherwise known as the 'Northern Hemisphere Axis' (Russia and China and their allies).  I don't see the US as 'fleeing' Afghanistan, I see it as repositioning in south-central Asia in order to better face its three major foes of Russia, China and Iran in the medium to far future.  What this vast geopolitical plan is exactly, I am not yet completely clear on, but everyday, it becomes a tad clearer that 'all is not what it seems' – not with so much weaponry left behind, and left just like that.  Perhaps in the very near future, when the picture is completely clear in my head, I will write an article about the psy-op of the Kabul airport incident and the multiple Trojan horses that have been invisibly unleashed against the US's triple threat of Russia-China-Iran.  Slowly, I am seeing the Taliban's Afghanistan, israel and India as being part of this colossal American charade.  I did briefly mention in a comment on the last article that the US would today very well sacrifice its superior image for the sake of a grander future in the Asian realm.  And yes, the controllers of Empire/DeepState would sacrifice US soldiers and Afghan agents in their thousands just to make their 'theater' appear real and genuine.  I have no doubt about this whatsoever.

    There is definitely something amiss in the so-called 'US pull-out' from Afghanistan.  America remains singularly the most powerful nation on earth today – I have not yet seen any evidence to the contrary, post the Kabul Airport incident.  I have only seen a 'reputational' decline, but not a decline in actual power.  So long as the dollar holds its head high above the world, the US remains on top of the world.  When the dollar gets kneecapped, and it will at some stage, only then will the US become demoted from its current position of superpowerdom.  Loosing political battles in the Levant or in Europe etc does not render the US a looser in actuality.  No yet, anyhow.

    Remember that 'all war is deception'.  Remember also what Lao Tzu famously said: “Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”  In this sense, I am viewing the Afghan theatrics as such.  I am viewing the US-Afghan maneuver as a Lao Tzu-ian coup.

    • Taxi, thanks for this useful article! I’m tickled to think that I helped to foster it. Regarding the US withdrawal from Af., I think maybe you’ve been away from here so long that you need to recalibrate on US elite incompetence (and bad faith). I doubt there’s anyone left among our ruling class minions who can think two moves ahead on the geopolitical chess board. I shudder a bit to put incompetence ahead of malevolence but that’s how it looks to me. Many thanks and best regards!

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks, dear Stanley. Biden and his gang are not the decision makers, they are public faces that execute the will of the DeepState that also navigates Empire’s ship. I wouldn’t underestimate the DeepState’s robust, criminal mind if I were you. The DeepState’s enforcers, ie their security, Intel and political classes may very well be an incompetent bunch, but they are not cut from the same intellectual cloth as the gang that operates the DeepState’s affairs, which also include all affairs of Empire.

        Until someone can provide me with a sound and convincing explanation of why so very much weaponry was left behind in Afghanistan, when they’d had plenty of time to organize for its removal prior to the pullout, then I’m afraid the picture to me will continue to look Hollywoodesque and intentionally engineered.

        I cannot just dismiss the reality of $82 billion dollars’ worth of weapons out of the analytical equation. To do so is tantamount to passively buying into the official bullshit. And here I note that the craziness that occurred at Kabul airport was a kind of a weapon of mass distraction away from the $82 billion in abandoned weapons. I did observe that the msm allotted by far more time to the Kabul airport mayhem than it did to the ocean of weapons that were suddenly just deserted/surrendered – clearly for the benefit of the enemy, the Taliban.

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks, Sparrow. I agree with Truenews that something very fishy is going on with regards Bagram Airbase and the 82 billion dollars’ worth of abandoned weapons. But I completely disagree that its “communists” inside of Biden’s admin who directly created the Afghan situ because they are in cahoots with “communist” President Xi, who, according to Truenews, is also blackmailing Biden.

        Soon as I hear an analyst repeat the phrase “communist China”, I’m turned off because I consider the use of this phrase as moot and used only by amateurs, or by anti-China propagandist. In practice, China is in fact operating its trade files in a strict capitalistic fashion. Therefore, its foreign policy cannot be tagged with the “communist” label. China is keeping its communism inside its domestic walls. This, plus, when China has been participating in huge investment projects in foreign countries, it is not bringing with it teams of ‘teachers of communism’ to convert the natives through. No such forced conversions to communism are occurring anywhere in the Chinese trading sphere. China is not exporting communism. It is exporting Chinese products and lucrative, industrial investments, just like Western capitalist countries do. Of course, TrueNews is a christian channel and they fear “communist” China because communism is ‘godless’. This is their very blindspot. Therefore, I take TrueNew’s explanation with a pinch of salt.

      • Saladin says:

        Hi Taxi and all.

        This comment belongs earlier in response to what you wrote Taxi, but there was no reply button. Just to say, I too find it flabbergasting that the US gov. and military would simply leave so much military hardware to be taken by the Taliban. But might it simply be a fiscal write-off due to the immense power of the MIC, which would likely think: we've made our profits off of this batch, let's sell the US gov some more? It is after all, as much about profits as anything. How else to explain 20 years in Afghanistan for naught unless as simply a constant profits machine for the weapons industry. Sure, global strategic thinking and empire building are involved, but did Western think tanks and the Pentagon really believe they could hold Afghanistan when even the former Soviet Union could not?

        Post 9-11, Afghanistan was the opening salvo by the zionist neocons whose ultimate prize is destruction of Iran and full conquest of the middle east for israel. They could care less about the Afghan people. Along with Pharmaceuticals (whose criminal chicanery and ability to control government for profits we see everywhere), the Weapons industry are two of the biggest criminal monopoly mafias endangering the world. So I'm just positing here that "they" (controlled US gov and the probably equally controlled Pentagon, and certainly the arms industry) don't care about the loss of military materiale; now the merchants of war can just sell a whole lot more. Generals and politicians are bribed and paid off and the whole criminal lot is happy. 

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks, Saladin.

        It’s not just the ocean of weapons left behind, it’s also whom it was left for. The Taliban. You know, the so-called ‘islamist terrorists enemies’ whom we’ve already spent almost 3 trillion dollars on supposedly ‘defeating’. Your proposition would be more convincing if the weapons were left in the hands of a verified friendly group/nation.

        The truth/explanation will need to also answer ‘why’ the Taliban? To what end? An seriously armed Trojan horse? To check Iran with? And India, already well-armed, as a checker for China?

        It really does seem that the US just COMPLETELY dumped the old geostrategy and has unrolled a brand new one. One that looks NOTHING like the old one. The ‘weapons/Taliban’ issue allows us but a very small clue into this new strategy. The only clue, in fact. We will have to look out for more clues that will undoubtedly be unfolding (opaquely) with the coming months.

  50. Canthama says:

    Two articles on the Central Asia strategic game, one is the August 12 announcement of Iran's to finally ascend to full membership on SCO, which basically place Iran into the security sphere of the SCO, meaning the US/apartheid regime will have to think 100 times before hitting Iran.

    Moves come after Tajikistan and Uzbekistan agree to drop objections following regional security concerns in Afghanistan (domino effect from NATO's chaotic retreat)


    The following article gives an interesting perspective of the central Asia strategic game, from many different perspectives, I do not agree 100% with the author, though he is balanced he still is US centric on his analysis, but he brings a fair timeline since Pompeo's betrayal with China when removing East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM), roughly radicalized Uighurs and fully supported by the criminal Erdogan.

    I really enjoyed the reading and his line of thought, it gives valuable info to this matter, aways of the freak show at Kabul's airport, and how China and Russia seemed to be anticipating some of the US intended Afghanistan collapse to counter its consequences.



  51. Daniel Rich says:

    The fact that Occupied Palestine has convinced itself to be part of some sort of invincibility scheme, comes apart at the seams [again] when men with no means whatsoever, manage to escape a prison.

    Extrapolate this to Occupied Palestein's much heralded 'army' and you'll see it for the sieve it really is [pun intended].

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Daniel. Again, Nasrallah’s phrase of israel being “weaker than a spider’s web” comes to mind here. This escape involved the prisoners acquiring structural blueprints of the prison compound; and it also required the understanding and analysis of these blueprints that illuminated gaps in the foundations of their cell block. The israeli prison intel had no idea of the escapees till the 4am prison headcount. An hour an a half before this, settlers near the prison alerted their local security of ‘Palestinian thieves’ running through fields with the intent of stealing cattle. The security arrived and searched the fields and turned up nothing. They did not make the connection between the fled prisoners and the “Palestinian thieves” till shortly after 4am prison headcount. Nobody knows where the escaped prisoners are. And so it should be. Many Palestinian leaders were on TV yesterday urging their people not to give any information on the prisoners to anyone – not to even share information with each other. A total and collective stonewalling was urged of the Palestinian citizenry.

      The report from Aljazeera supplies us with visuals here:

      And this here below gives us the israeli perspective on this incredible prison break story:

    • Daniel Rich says:

      You don't talk to [or with] Occupied Palestine.

      You f*** 'em over, and twice while at it, for good measure, just as they would you, given a chance…

      Syria's AD runs on [Russian] S-200 systems.

      Can anyone imagine what the S-500's are capable of…?

  52. Taxi says:

    So the Lebanon is stillllll waiting for the formation of a new government ooof!  Also still waiting for the official announcement of actual arrival and distribution of the shipped Iranian oil.  We've had 3-4 days of everything here being in a state of waiting-suspension.  But, I can report that apparently, Dorothy Shea, US ambassador to Lebanon was called to Washington three days ago.  Ooooooh I wonder what this is about?  My imagination is running wild heh!

    Here's how the jewish enemy of humanity is now viewing the recent Lebanon events:

    Iranian fuel, Hezbollah ‘savior’ of Lebanon and Iran’s goal for Chinese investment

  53. Taxi says:

    Ah yes, it's the 9/11 season again. 9/11: the day that sealed the deaths, maiming and refugeedom of millions of people of the middle east.  A day that brainwashed the American and Western public, through mass trauma, into accepting the jewy neocon 'forever wars' that continue, to this date, to roll out like the devil's black carpet beneath the charred feet of humanity.

    A perfectly talmudic fête, no less.

    Just ask the mossad:

    Seeking 9/11 Truth After Twenty Years

  54. Canthama says:

    Daraa al Balad os done deal, the Syrian Gov now controls it entirely, 800 terrorists reconciled, few hundreds were green bused to Idlib. There are several more villages in the South to be entirely opened to the Syrian Institutions, it must happen or these NATO terrorists will cause issues again, but Daraa al Balad was vital, it controls many roads to the morden Daraa city and other villages nearby and vital for the border crossing with Jordan.

    SAA is mounting forces in Eastern Idlib at the moment, no confirmation of an offensive, we will follow it closely to see whether this move reaches a critical stage.

    • Taxi says:

      The Syrian army Intel needs to clean up Daraa from israeli-saudi-US-UK spies, agents and paid saboteurs asap. The Syrian government needs to pour resources and aid into the district asap. Soft-power and goodwill to the max to secure and heal the traumatized natives.

      Syria: Army units enter Daraa al-Balad area in framework of settlement agreement

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Canthama. Well, when your masses know that israel is a terrorist entity, yet you push for supporting it, you’re gonna lose BIG at any elections. Trump gave Morocco (illegitimate) recognition of Berber lands in the Western Sahara desert in exchange for normalization/recognition of israel. Morocco said ‘okay’, kept the Western Sahara BUT voted out the ‘normalizers’. Quelle dommage! The Moroccan MB party literally came in last in this election heh. I see this as the last page of the manufactured nightmare we refer to as the ‘Arab Spring’.

      Everywhere you look, like a house of cards, the Axis of Evil projects are a-tumbling one by one.

    • Canthama says:

      What a great news….things are changing fast in the ME. Best of luck to the new Government, may justice and good sense be the fouding rock of its decisions.

    • Durlin says:

      Morning Taxi,  I follow a guy on twitter, he is basically a clearing house for what is going on in the world especially mid east and Asia.  He posted about the new Lebanese government alluding that they are all  pro west and backed by the anglozionist central banks.  When you have time Dear Taxi could you give us your insight on what to expect and who these people are?

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks, dear Durlin. Short answer: it’s not really a ‘balanced’ government lineup, considering that new PM Mikati has strong connections to the IMF and World Bank; plus the new Finance Minister comes straight from Bank Du Liban that’s led by the corrupt Riyadh Salame. Yet, a government in place is still better than no government at all, and this new government does have a bunch of good people in there.

        The germane question here is: will the IMFers in the new government be able to bypass Hezbollah’s red lines, and how much leeway is the Hezb prepared to allow? The Hezb officially rejects the IMF, preferring to go eastwards, but the slogan carried by the new government, of which the Hezb has two seats, is ‘compromise to save the country’. For sure, the formation of a new government is a welcomed development at today’s juncture, but some big political battles still lay ahead.

        Israel is doing its best to keep the Leb’s maritime gas files dormant because gas extraction would actually be the ultimate financial-industrial-economic solution to Leb’s future and current financial woes. So far, Cyprus, israel and Egypt have already began their gas extraction and sales projects in their Mediterranean waters – but not Lebanon. The Leb gas file is therefore a very hot-button issue that the Hezb is keeping its eye on and will be endeavoring to push Eastwards, considering that israel has pretty much blocked all Western companies from touching it.

  55. Harry Law says:

    Peter Ford ex UK Ambassador writing in 21st Century Wire last year and quoting  the Rambo of the State Department James Jeffrey is leaving. James Jeffrey, the outgoing Syria envoy, boasts about his achievements in a recent candid interview with Al-Monitor which with no sense of shame opens up to public gaze the cynicism, callousness and sheer power-crazedness of US policy on Syria, conducted as though it were a video game or a game of Monopoly.

      Jeffrey,……..   ‘So, we don’t care a jot if Syrian people are suffering greatly, that’s part of the plan. We are happy to prolong the suffering indefinitely as long as the Russians, Iranians and Assad can’t claim victory’. No doubt the same cynicism is aimed at Lebanon, how can anyone in either country support the West when they openly admit they want to destroy you?  Message to the people of Syria and Lebanon when you deal with the US/Israel remember you are dealing with the scum of the earth.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ Harry Law,

      "Message to the people of Syria and Lebanon when you deal with the US/Israel remember you are dealing with the scum of the earth."

      You are preaching to a choir that watched this hadeharia riddled hymn being written back in the day. The US [or collective west] is/are judged by its/their deeds, never its/their hollow words.

    • Taxi says:

      Satanic jews only ever allow sociopaths to work the Arab beat. They’ve been doing this since they assassinated JFK and subsequently got rid of all the neutral, ‘Arabist’ consultants in DC.

  56. Hello Taxi and visitors to Plato's Guns
    The September 11 2001 attack on the World Trade Center and other targets is the single biggest event that still affects the balance of international relations as well as civil liberties in the US. These days, newspapers, radios and televisions are unfolding in approaches and analyzes of superficial aspects. The article I suggest has, in my opinion, a correct perspective on the events of that day.

  57. Daniel Rich says:


    “The photos released [9/11] are also not original copies and instead appear to be photocopies of photocopies of the original pictures. In addition, of the original 76 pictures developed by authorities from the camera in the Israelis’ possession, only 14 were released.”

    The honesty of the guberment brings tears to my eyes…


  58. Taxi says:

    Well, the terrorist jews have nabbed four Palestinian escapees – two remain at large.  And if you ask me, it was treasonous elements inside of the PA who must have passed over information on their whereabouts to the mossad/shabak.  Now these traitors are millionaire overnight.

    There is no other explanation.  We all know that the jews of israel depend on their brawn and not their brains for survival; and all their meaningful Intel comes from Palestinians who are blackmailed and coerced, or the handful who are just downright unpatriotic and treasonous.

    Four of six Palestinian prison escapees recaptured – Israel

  59. Taxi says:

    Even though some US medias have admitted that the US Empire is on the decline, we're far away from the US administration actually, publicly admitting it.  To hide its apparent decline, and to cork up some leaks in the great ship, it is re-strategizing, as evidenced by its re-positioning of some of its troops and weapons that are stationed in the middle east.  I still do not see a classic US 'withdrawal' from the wider ME yet – I see a re-positioning.  A classic withdrawal means troops and military hardware actually return home, back to US bases.  This has not yet happened.  It may in the near future, but so far, not so.  Notable in the link below that we are not given the new location of the US's "redeployment" of its military hardware from saudi arabia.

    US pulls missile defences in Saudi Arabia amid Yemen attacks

    Furthermore, the FBI released a classified 9/11 document to 'mark' the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attack.

    FBI releases declassified document on 9/11 attacks

    Curious that pulling missiles out of Saudi Arabia had occurred several weeks ago, but news of this withdrawal was released to match up the anniversary of 9/11, in tandem with the FBI's release of a classified document that names the saudi attackers: therefore re-spotlighting and implicating the saudi regime in the court of public opinion, as well as supplying the families of the 9/11 victims with plausible legal evidence to sue the kingdom of saudi arabia for damages – worth hundreds of billions of dollars.  

    I see this non-coincidental timing of the FBI document release AND the military hardware withdrawal from saudi arabia as an underhanded Biden ruse to extract billions out of saudi arabia, in return for quashing any future legal action against the saudi kingdom.  Biden wants to outdo, or at least match Trump's humongous $450 billion in weapon sales to saudi arabia that Trump so ceremoniously and arrogantly publicized during his term.  It's very simple: either saudi arabia spends more billions on buying more US weapons (it doesn't need) via a new Biden contract, thus maintaining its image in the US as a 'lucrative' client, or, it spends billions on legal compensation for 9/11 and muddies its image in US and world medias.  Yeah, clearly, the first option is the better one for saudi arabia.  A Bidenesque blackmail and embezzlement op rolled into one.  

    But, what about the bigger picture here?  What the heck can the US, pickled in denial about Empire's loss of power, do about its weakening hegemony, especially in the middle East?  The overview:

    Seeking a New Balance for U.S. Policy in the Middle East

  60. Durlin says:

    Thank you Taxi for answering my question.  We all look foreword to the day of freedom for all the ME especially little Lebanon and Palestine.  Read somewhere this morning that the fuel from Iran will start reaching the Lebanese people next week, another battle won as well as the formation of a government with fuel and electricity soon flowing from Syria, the bolshevik jews must be gnawing their teeth to the gum line.  The Saker has a new article on 9/11, it as well as the comments are worth a read.  

  61. Harry Law says:

    Blackmail and embezzlement just two manifestations of empire, same as it has always been, Smedley Butler spelt it all out in his ‘war is a racket’

    “I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.” Trump told MBS he would not last 2 weeks without US protection money, prompting Nasrallah to admitting a twinge of sympathy for MBS, only a twinge though.

    • Canthama says:

      Daniel, there are clear indications of a major campaign in Idlib at the moment….

      RuAF has been hitting hard Erdogan’s terrorists in Idlib, really hard as shown above.

      The SAA has been moving troops to the front line, have mentioned about it last week, the movement continues, non stop.

      Daraa al Balad is pacified, few villages remain to be pacified, it seems the SAA has the troops needed to do that in the area.

      Russia has signaled clearly to the apartheid regime in occupied Palestine that it is no longer neutral in the air defense of Syria, the past 4 IDF air strikes were near shameful to IDF…over 90% of their missiles were intercepted, the other 10% were either jammed or simply did not achieve the target, resulting in zero impact, IDF never saw that….this is important so the SAA can exercise its right to return Syrian land to the rightful owners.

      The Syrian Gov is in talks to SDF, oil and gas deals were made, things are progressing. On the other side, the Syrian resitance on the NE is very active at the moment, sensing the US retreat, which will happen once it leaves Iraq. SDF seems a bit more “forgiving” lately…meaning sensing it is game over….I wouldn’t be surprised to see SDF inside the SAA in the near future…as early as late 2021, early 2022.

      All indications that Erdogan is losing grip of Turkey, folks there believe a coup was in place and Erdogan is nothing more than a puppet at the moment, should this be true, then it is possible al Qaeda/Muslin Brotherhood terrorists will be left to be toasted in Idlib, Afrin and Northern Syria.

      I feel we are getting closer to the liberation of Syria, things are moving in the right direction.


      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Canthama,

        Greetings, good sir. Hope all's well in your neck of the woods.

        After my initial assessment, back in 2015, when Russia entered the fray, that all this would be over by the end of 2018…, I'm a bit hesitant/reluctant to predict the outcome of this war, but I concur, Russia's patience and willingness to forge peace through dialogue and negotiations seems to have run out of steam.

        So, I'll join you in your hopes all this will be over soon. Heard [unconfirmed] word of US troops leaving Iraq. If that's true, the [US] troops in Syria have no longer any back-up, and should be bound to leave as well.

      • Canthama says:

        Time will tell Ruca, the vast majority of folks on SDF will get along just fine, 1/2 of them are Arabs and Assyrians and on the kurdish side I would guess 1/2 or 2/3s are from kurdish factions that support the concept of Syria.

        No doubt there will be the separatists, mostly influenced by Pershemegas or even PKKs that came in mass during the attack on Ayn al-Arab (Kobane).

        By far the toughest freaks to get along with will be the kurdish secrete police…Asayish….many of them commited crimes, some horribles, so there is bad blood, and in the region blood calls blood, there will be payback.

        Syrian Gov has been adamant it won't become a Federal State, this is what Russia pished since day one, Syria wants central administration, but it is believed a middle term is on the way, some authonomy but under Syria's Congress and Centralized Gov direction and rule.

    • emersonreturn says:

      thank you for this daniel, it's taken me several days to process.  mother has tried to encourage them to leave to no avail.  the bodies appear to be black, african, & i am supposing when there were reports of the us transporting head choppers to afghanistan or other stans that those were chechen & uyguirs.  if so china & mother will deal with them.  about this i have few doubts.  events are moving with such speed it's a challenge to keep apace.

      • Canthama says:

        Ruca, all indication it was in idlib, but there is no confirmation. RuAF is increasing its air strikes, it seems a thermobaric bomb with its probable burning effect.

        Things are escalating in Idlib and Northern Syria, expect action, but this time…turkish drone won't rule the skies.

  62. Daniel Rich says:


    "From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxemburg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide revolutionary conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing."



    Winston Churchill.

    Wat a difference a day makes, eh?

  63. Taxi says:

    I'd like to remind readers here that, very shortly after the 9/11 attack, President Bush demanded the Taliban hand over Osama bin Laden.  The Taliban responded with 'show us your evidence against bin Laden and we will hand him over to you'.  This is a very reasonable request, I remember thinking to myself.  But the jewycon Empire was not of the same mind.  They scoffed at such an 'uppity' request by a third-world, sandalled nation and assaulted the WHOLE of Afghanistan, not just the Taiban, with a most brutal and racist invasion that lasted some twenty years.  Because the jewycon cabal refused to supply evidence to the Taliban, therefore to the world at large as well, I began to smell a rotten fish.  And the smell has yet to dissipate.

    Scott Ritter can easily be described as a true American patriot.  He may have not been brought up in 'apple-pie county', but he sure is as American as apple pie.  Here's his latest article on 9/11 – and a very personal one it is:

    20 years after 9/11, I no longer recognize my country. The US has become a malignant narcissist, infecting all it encounters

    I only wish he would use words like 'jew' or 'israel' when he talks about 9/11.  I have no doubt that his own investigations point in the direction of tel aviv.

    Still, people will out themselves when they feel ready to.  I'll give 'em that.

  64. Taxi says:

    Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah gave a speech last night.  He mainly focused on the Iranian fuel ships: announcing that the first three ships will be loaded with nothing but mazot; and that distribution will begin this Thursday.  He added that this mazot will be priced below market prices, and that a large amount will also be given as 'free gifts' to the following: hospitals, care homes for the elderly, orphanages, and water-pumping stations.  He explained that the reason why these ships were not going to be docking in Lebanese waters and instead their cargo is being transported by land from Syrian waters is because the Hezb did not want to "put the new Lebanese government in an awkward corner at such a sensitive time".  He emphasized that these Iranian ships were 'non-sectarian' and that the mazot will be distributed to all areas in Lebanon that need and want them.  He assured the Lebanese public by adding that the Hezb is seeking to help all needy Lebanese, regardless of their political affiliations – that the mission of these Iranian ships were purely for charity and aid; and that should the Lebanon no longer need mazot in the near future (because the new government has activated its own channels for importing and distribution), then Iranian ships will no longer need to be brought to Lebanon.

    Nasrallah then went into summarizing the US conspiracy to starve the Lebanon in its attempt to demonize and turn the Leb public against the Hezbollah.  He directed a message at the US, saying: "All your conspiracies against us have failed.  All your conspiracies against us will fail in the future too."

    Here's a summary of the speech, as published by Alahed News:

    Sayyed Nasrallah: Diesel to Arrive in Lebanon Thursday… The American Conspiracies Will Fail as They Always Did

  65. Taxi says:

    Hello everyone.  Just to let you all know that a close family member of mine passed away from Covid two nights ago.  Am feeling a bit winded today by this sad event, hence my brief presence on Plato's these past couple of days.  I will probably need another couple of days off to swallow the latest death, and to catch up with the sleep that I've lost: due to the time difference between the Levant and the US, I've had to be up during nighttime so as to make consoling phone calls to other family members who are bereaved and organizing the funeral Stateside.

    Ashes to ashes, dust to dust…

    • Daniel Rich says:

      Did the JFK jr. curse just bite back and…


      Where the f***'s Oswald when you need him [again]?!

  66. Canthama says:

    As have mentioned in the past weeks, something is brewing in NW Syria and NE-East Syria, some indications of changes to come….

    1) SAA continues to build up troops in southern Idlib and western Aleppo.

    2) RuAF is very active bombing Erdogan's al Qaeda terrorists, many caves holding ammo and weapons have been specically targeted lately, showing an incredible amoung of intel and razor sharp attacks.

    3) Russian Navy is mounting a strong force near the coast of Syria, subs with cruise missiles and frigates.

    4) President Assad visited President Putin yesterday….everytime these two met, war plans were discussed and agreed, would this be different this time ?

    5) Turkey is growing unrest with the SDF in the northern border, of Syria, there is daily escalations and the temperature is reaching boiling point….Russia and SAA won't take lightly a turkish/al Qaeda aggression.

    6) The US is signaling living Iraq at the end of 2021, thus Syria, this is freaking out the apartheid regime in occupied Palestine, few minutes ago, IDF made some air strikes at the Iraq-Syrian border…mentioned that these provovations will stop, it did not today since it used Jordanian airspace.

    7) More villages in Daraa finally surrendering to the SAA and Gov Institutions, Daraa will soon be compeltely free and liberated as close as next week….this is vital for any offensive in Idlib.

    8) RuAF and SAAF are bombing the hell out of any ISIS caves in Raqqa and Homs…..ISIS is on weakest moment ever in Syria in the past 10 years, and this recent air strikes are to keep them depleted from everything, hopem, guns and life….this is vital for any offensive up north to clear the turkish terrorists from northern Syria.

    9) Last but not least…talks continue between the Syrian Gov and SDC/SDF….it is moving in the right direction as the US continues to indicate it is leaving the area late 2021, meaning it is very likely SDF is incorporated inside the SAA and the Syrian institutions return to the Jazira corner.

    Things are definitely heating up, do not take it lightly the visit of President Assad to Russia, this is a clear signial a much bigger thing is coming….Syria is one step closer to be totally free of terrorists, invaders and separatisits. 

    • emersonreturn says:

      i agree assad & putin have much to discuss, both committed  to the welfare of their people & the world.  thank you for the update: afghanistan, syria, iraq.  & iran & hezbollah have succeeded in delivering fuel & food, to everyone with or without political favour.   happy day indeed.   whatsoever the axis of evil believes it might do in lebanon, hezbollah will not allow.  whatsoever they might imagine the extension of the embassy will provide, will dissolve, for the dominance of the rapacious empire of chaos will be over, soon the levant will luxuriate in peace, feasting on its rich promise.  great good news indeed.

  67. Canthama says:

    As being sharing here for few weeks, things are evolving fast in Syria toward a finale.

    1) President Assad visit to President Putin this week is a clear sign of major changes to come.

    2) Several deals between the Syrian Gov and the SDF (oil/gas).

    3) US clearly leaving Iraq late 2021, thus Syria, US military can not stay in syria without its presence in Iraq…US is said to be telling SDF it is leaving Syria sometime in the future.

    4) Turkish terrorist regime is hunting down SDF leaders and killing thme using drone, this is causing the SDF to get closer to Russia and the Syrian Gov.

    5) SAA troops mounting in Idlib, the plan to liberate the M4 seems done deal and offensive will start int he future…RuAF attacking turkish terrorists daily, even crossing Turkish airspace today (10-15 secs), clearly showing total control of airspace.

    6) SDC/SDF is in Moscow tonight and tomorrow…few days after President Assad, the big deal of Eastern Syria and NE Syria is on the works.

    7) Many villages in Daraa have come to reconciliation with the SAA and Syrian Institutions, all the deals will bring peace for good in the region, thus trade will flourish again….this is a closed chapter. Major defeat to Israel. 


    Kevork brings key insights below, worth watching him. 

    Putin meets Assad, takes swipe at US and Turkish occupation forces in Syria

  68. mike-florida says:

    Syrian Refugees – Now that the Leb finally has a government asking Taxi if he knows of discussions to now, finally, arrange return of all Syrian refugees now in the Leb back to their homeland, and overcome the Axis of Evil pressuring not to allow returns as such would help Syria rebuild its poor economy which AofE does not want to happen – ever.

    Will the Leb president now push this forward while there is a new govt. honeymoon period – so dear Syria can rebuild and families can finally be reunited with their homeland?

    We see MSM continues over and over and over, to broadcast they cannot return because it is unsafe. A broken recorded. Who believes the latest as this article > 

    "UN investigators say Syria not safe for refugee return as violence worsens"


  69. Taxi says:

    Hello everyone.  I'm being compelled to dismiss my bereavement sabbatical briefly right now to inform you that a gigantic convoy of mazot trucks have crossed the Syria-Lebanon border and are now in Baalbek/eastern Lebanon, heading towards their designated destination around the country.  They are being greeted by extremely happy civilians lined up on the main road to greet them.  Here and there, groups of women and children clapping and singing to the passing convoy – everyone with a cellphone videotaping the convoy as it drives past them – men hi-fiving and hugging – yellow Hezbollah flags everywhere – portraits of Nasrallah, Bashar and Ayatollah Khamenei everywhere too – a happy excitement is palpable in the air.

    The mazot convoy is driving at 20-25 miles per hour, headed by another long convoy of (volunteer) civilian and intel cars for protection: and all this long train of vehicles is led by a team of Hezb security people with bomb-sniffing dogs, in case of lethal IED's previously planted on the road for sabotage and terrorism purposes.  So the traveling lineup has sniffer dogs and handlers right up front, and behind them civilian/intel security cars, followed by the mazot trucks, followed by more security vehicles operating as rear-end shield.  This very long convoy is also flanked by numerous security motorbikes on both sides.

    This arrival of mazot is big, big, big news both locally and regionally.  This is living history.  The geoplitical implications are tremendously large and positive for local and regional non-state Resistance groups, as well as for Resistance nations at large.  Also very positive geostrategic implications for Russia and China.

    Of course, the Hezb being inherently a very pious and modest lot have urged all their supporters and the public at large “NOT to taunt the local opposition and make a show of the mazot-arrival celebration," but to remain calm and inoffensive – and not to fire guns in the air in celebration either as this will only add to the burdens of the security teams tasked with protecting the convoy.

    Needless to say, though nothing as of yet has been fixed in Lebanon, and everything is a very long way away from getting back to normal, we can all be certain that it will be very-very hard for the happy Lebanese to contain the collective euphoria punching to jump right out of their chests today.

    Congratulations to the Leb people and all fucking hats off to the grrrrrreatest Resistance group of ALL TIME, the undefeatable Hezbollah!  Undefeatable and perpetually charitable.

    Man how the Hezb suddenly, and from a tight headlock, flipped the enemy over and landed it with a thud on its back.  Brilliant Sumo!

    I salute all armed and unarmed supporters of the good cause the world over, and wish them all good health and continuous victories.  Bravo Resistors!

    Thank you, Hezbollah.  Thank you, Iran.  Thank you, Plato's readers.

    Fuck off israel, you cowardly, impotent fucks!  Heh!

    (Now back to my much-needed rest…).

  70. mike-florida says:

    Leb news via MSM > "Hassan Diab has left Lebanon for the US, despite being ordered to answer questions related to the deadly Beirut port explosion that killed over 200." (Perhaps the so-called U.S. trip is not political as this article implies he is fleeing his nation’s laws and its he who is responsible for the port blast, but its simply about his family) > "Laila Hatoum, Diab’s advisor said, Diab left for a pre-planned trip to visit his children who are studying in the United States. He has not seen them since he took office."

    (The Leb is a billion moving parts constantly kept in disinformation mode by the AofE, and this is just another. Maybe our savvy Taxi knows the real story. Our hearts go out to the citizens of dear Lebanon. Mike).

  71. Daniel Rich says:

    When men fight for you and the country, you honor them, after battles are fought.

    "President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday issued an order to allocate a financial grant that includes all wounded of the military operations from the army, the internal security forces and the Popular Defense Forces who have a disability rate between 40 to 100 percent." – Link to SANA

  72. Daniel Rich says:

    Am not a real big fan of Shamir, but today I’ll skip the messenger and focus on the message;

    The Escape and Capture of Zakaria Zubeidi – Link to UNZ Review

    Excerpt: “Heroes are rare; they are tragic and inspiring at the same time. Such a real-life hero is Zakaria Zubeidi, 45, from Jenin in Palestine. A man of brawn and brain, of sword and harp, he was an al Aqsa Brigade commander as well as the director of the Freedom Theatre. ”

    Needless to say, the cowardly Occupied Palestine f***ers beat the living daylights out of Zakaria Zubeidi, while he was handcuffed.

    Need I say more about the moral deprivation of these ff-ing bastards?


    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Dan. Thanks everybody. Just so you all know, I’m fine – not in sorrow – at my age, I’m used to death by now. I’m just taking a much-needed break from the news of the world. I’ll be around again in a few days.

      Y’all have a good one.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        "I’m just taking a much-needed break from the news of the world."

        Regardless, I/we, love you.

        I hope this notion will get/pull you through the roughest of times.

        Love is like a perpetual engine; it never runs out of energy, and it doesn't care about anything.

  73. Canthama says:

    The full liberation of Syria is approaching…there is no place in Syria for al Qaeda/Muslin Brotherhood terrorists not any turkish invaders….the temperature is heating up.


    BREAKING: Russia Issued An Ultimatum to Turkey! Putin gave Erdogan a Week to Withdraw His Troops!

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ Canthama,

      As an army man, you want to move in, in the dead of night, but you never want to die during the evening.

      I don’t understand Turkey’s attitude… They act like Americans on crack [or meth, take your pick], they will lose this ‘fight,’ and lose it badly.

      Only a fool or idiot will pick a fight with Russia. History is littered with examples of what will happen next.

      Go stand in line…

  74. mike-florida says:

    Keep this in mind > The huge influence Israel continually realizes over the U.S. Congress was again demonstrated this week as it voted even more money for Israel's military – by a 98% Yes vote (420 to 9). That vote is more than huge, it is overwhelming influence.  And such occurs regardless of the political party in control of Congress or the White House. Additionally, this vote occurred the same day Congress approved its own record defense spending bill of $778 billion. Politicians know what is most important to their re-election priorities.

    Worth keeping in mind this hard fact when contemplating the AofR soon defeating the AofE.

  75. mike-florida says:

    Lebanon – is this true? > 80% poverty – No electricity next week

    1. 80 percent of the population is estimated to live below the poverty line.

    2. Lebanon’s state electricity company said on Thursday the country could plunge into a total blackout by end of September as fuel oil reserves dwindle. Already, Power cuts across Lebanon can currently last up to 23 hours a day.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ MF,

      When you can’t get to the resistance [in whatever form or shape], you go after the populace and try to hurt them as much as you can, in the hope they rise [to the instigated occasion] and overthrow those you want to be overthrown.

      However, in this case, those that you want to be overthrown, do everything they can to prevent your above described scenario from transpiring.

      Case in point; look at Palestine. The Illegal occupiers have tried everything evil they could deduce out of their satanic talmud. Palestine’s still standing.

      Am not saying there’s no individual suffering, because there is, but in these cases people tend to look for options among themselves to survive.

      Nevertheless, f*** the west and their f***ing fake ‘interest in humanity,’ for there is none. Just look at what’s happening at home…

  76. Harry Law says:

    DANIEL RICH.. “Nevertheless, f*** the west and their f***ing fake ‘interest in humanity,’ for there is none.”  That is correct, the ‘Grayzone’ published an article ‘A PBS Frontline special is the latest vehicle in a PR campaign to legitimize rebranded Syrian al-Qaeda, HTS, and market its leader Mohammad Jolani as a competent American “asset.”. With the northwestern province of Idlib under the control of a self-proclaimed “Syrian Salvation Government” led by the rebranded version of Syria’s al-Qaeda franchise, and protected under the military aegis of NATO member state Turkey, powerful elements from Brussels to Washington have been working to legitimize its leader. in 2013, the CIA launched Operation Timber Sycamore, an arm-and-equip program that funneled up to $1 billion per year (one out of every $15 in the CIA’s budget) into material support for an armed opposition thoroughly dominated by Islamist extremists. It was the agency’s largest covert operation since a similar initiative in Afghanistan in the 1980s, which gave birth to al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

    I suppose the CIA would admit this is just our way of saying, the enemy of my enemy is our friend, even though the US accused them of the 9/11 attack. Regime change is what it is all about, the US will use any group to achieve this aim, including the head choppers, this is who the arc of resistance are up against, make no mistake, the West are no boy scouts and will try and destroy any opposition to their schemes to protect Israel expansionism using murder and support for groups previously deemed terrorist in order to try and balkanize Syria. I hope that meeting between Putin and Assad agreed upon a plan to disabuse them of that notion.

    • Canthama says:

      Harry, there are many developments right now, a lot actually…some thoughts on the current situation:

      1) The western media rebranding of al Qaeda in Syria into moderate did not fly and it won't fly, they lost this strategy, if they insist they will burn more bridges and they may not have many bridges left to be burned after the pandemic. Syria's Gov and allies are slowly rebuilding global diplomacy, 2022 will be key for it.

      2) For the 1st time in a decade, the Syrian Goov sent a representative to speak at the UN this past week, this is a fact and it shows the diplomatic effort by Syria.

      3) The historical enemy of Syria is Israel, every true Syrian knows it by heart, but the most dangerous enemy at the moment is Erdogan's regime. Turkey has been brainwashing millions of Syrians to become 'turskishied', this is more than an occupation policy, this is permanent presence, like in the Iskenderum Province of syria that was stolen from Syria by Turkey with the help of France and a rigged election.

      4) The current status quo in Syria won't last longer….the US will leave the east and NE of Syria as soon as its illegal forces exit Iraq, it is still not confirmed what will happen next, but active dialog continues between Syria-Russia-SDC-Arab tribes, a solution will be found.

      5) The Turkish occupation must end, one way or the other, it may not be that fast, but it is not easy to conclude that there will be fight, it is simply not possible to continue like that, the M4 must be liberated and secured, this is where the most hardcore terrorist on this planet live in, many of them, they must go and preferrebly to hell, so count on a land offensive, not before the SyAAD defense controls the air space of Idlib, Afrin and northern Syria, it must be done to avoid turkish drones and jets to prevent the land offensive, as well as making useless the turkish air defenses inside Syria, yes, there are somme units. Controlling the airspace and disabling turkish AA inside syria will mean the turkish troops on the gound will have to leave or they will be completely unprotected and easy pray, it will be a shameful moment for Erdogan, and this is what makes this criminal dangerous.

      6) At the UN, the criminal Erdogan spoke against Russia's Crimea, few days before he goes to Moscow. He also sent more troops into Idlib this past week…all in the attempt to block SAA offensive, meanwhile RuAF keeps hitting al Qaeda terrorist weapon depots hundreds of meters from turkish military bases inside Syria, it is a clear indication of precise intel and precise bombing…that should tell Erdogan a sample of what is coming…more turkish troops surrounded by the SAA in the near future…Russian Gov is fed up of Erdogan, but it will deal with him, but do not exclude that war is coming to Idlib, this time, many in the Arab League supports this offensive…the anti turkish sentiment is high at the moment.

      7) Last but not least, Iran and KSA are exchanging intense talks, things are advancing very fast now, an important sign of trust and clear diplomatic achievements will be the support to Syria's on anything related to Turkey, Embassies being active in both countries, Syria's return to the Arab League and some defintions/Modus Operandi related to Lebanon and Iraq.


      Next few weeks and months will be very busy, a mix of diplomatic moves, some bold military moves as well as some battles will be fought, and 2022 will be a key year for Syria and be assured, for Iraq and Lebanon as well.

    • Canthama says:

      One event earlier today may describe a lot more what I wrote above….

      RuAF bombed the hell out of a turkish backed 'moderate' terrorist training camp in Aleppo Province (Afrin), belonging to Hamzat Division and the Levant Front…this is clearly a RuAF response to prep Erdogan's trip to Moscow…more to come…

      BTW, dozens of terrorists were killed.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Canthama,

        The Russian philosophy is basically simple and straight forward: "10 years of dialogue is better than 1 year of war."

        Needless to say, when push comes to shove, Russia can and will fight back [just ask Napoleon and Hitler how well their strategy worked out for them].

        So, if Sultan Errdogance wants to turn that duo into a holy trinity, let him go ahead and dig his own grave.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ Harry Law,

      When I was a kid, I knew next to nothing.

      I had a dad, a mom, a brother and a sister.

      My dad went out to work. My mom took care of us kids.

      Once a year, we went abroad on holidays to 'widen our horizon.'

      Today, I've lost the plot, as there are too many genders blocking my view.

      Politics are like playing with poison; whenever you get bitten by this sermocination snake, the truth runs out faster than you and I can think.

  77. emersonreturn says:

    thank you, canthama.   erdogan's moscow visit will be fascinating.  the last visit putin kept him waiting in the room dedicated to a russian victory over turkey.  while i'm sure putin regrets saving erdogan from assassination it indicates to me the axis of resistance estimated that whomsoever the demented empire replaced him with would've been worse.  hard to believe bt perhaps erdogan's meglodreams keep from being completely dictated to by the demented empire.  i shall be happy to see him gone.  thank you for the syrian UN link, a truly happy event for all who love syria.

  78. Canthama says:

    As I have written above earlier today….and here comes the point I was referring to the SyAAD controlling idlib/NE Aleppo air space….this is from Borzzikman, I Russian I support in youtube for over 5 years, since he had few hundred followers…now about to cross 100K. He has excellent connections in Russia media and have access to info before many people have, he is a solid source.–a1GC_U4OQX5SLiWckvk

    “Today, a Turkish drone ”Bayraktar-TB2” was destroyed by Syrian air defenses in the Afrin region.

    This morning, Syrian air defense systems destroyed a Turkish unmanned aerial vehicle near the Afrin region. We are talking about the ”Bayraktar-TB2” drone, which can be used both for reconnaissance and striking.

    From the perspective of the image, published by locals, who claim the destruction of the Turkish UAV, you can see the moment of the explosion of the Turkish unmanned aerial vehicle. Judging by the large enough cloud of smoke, we are not talking about a small drone. And given the fact that the Turkish Bayraktar-TB2 drones were spotted here a few days ago, the likelihood that it is Bayraktar-TB2 was destroyed is very high.

    At the same time, by the current hour, there are no statements from the Turkish side regarding the destruction of its drone in the sky over Afrin. 

    Given that Ankara does not coordinate the flights of its drones over Syria with Russia, another uncoordinated drone flight could well have been interrupted by an attack by Syrian air defense systems.”


  79. emersonreturn says:

    lol, thank you, daniel.  after pepe two weeks ago published one of his afghanistan essays on the cradle, i've bookmarked it & have been quite impressed with the news/articles.  i've just learned the 7th fuel convoy has reached lebanon.

  80. Taxi says:

    Hey hey hey everybody!  Hope you're all keeping well.  I should have mentioned in my comment a couple of weeks ago that I'd (finally!) hunkered down to finish writing and editing my new book – hence my recent, longish absence from Plato's.  Personally, I find that politics, as well as anything to do with domestics/house management, absolutely kill my creative inclinations, therefore I tend to avoid them both while I'm in a writing phase.  I literally cannot bring myself to go anywhere near political media while I'm writing books – I literally feel an intense mental AND physical nausea to even merely think about it.  My mind and body utterly reject the sordid convolutions of the mortal realm when the hour of art is upon me. 

    …  And it's been going well – everything here is fine and dandy.  Despite the current dire and abysmal Lebanon condition, living here remains an absolute pleasure.  The food remains top notch delicious, the people remain wonderful (despite their frustrations at current living conditions), and the weather and nature here remain superb and breathtaking.  Add to that an abundance of free speech and the absence of anything whiffing of despicable wokeness.  What a great environment to be in, and what a great, small but steadfast country to live in, despite the mega efforts of its enemies to wipe it off the map.  Of course, what is keeping the Lebanon great is none other than Hezbollah: the greatest Resistance group this side of the 21st century.  To remember their humble, farming roots in south Lebanon, and to see their influence now spread not only locally and regionally, but internationally as well, all inside of some three decades, is truly a joy to behold.  The Hezbollah now has both evil israel and super-thug US spooked and treading with utter care around the Lebanon.  All of israel and the US's projects to destroy the Hezb have only had the opposite effect.  Hezbollah has never been more powerful than it is today, and this power is sure-footed and keeps on increasing.  Any new moves and projects by the enemy now give vast considerations, first and foremost, to how the defiant and capable Hezb would react.  Of course, Lebanon still has much internal healing and housecleaning to do, but I have no doubt that they will get there eventually, and this is for two reasons: the will of the majority of the population aspiring to better their lives, AND the existence of Hezbollah as guardians of this collective, positive will.  When I close my door to the political world while I'm writing books, I do so with the comfort and confidence that the Hezb can take care of EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING that's thrown at the Lebanon, either by USrael or by their pathetic internal agents.  As an American, I have the Hezb to thank for the pleasure of living in south Lebanon in safety, and the luxury of focusing on nothing but creative writing.  Wow what a lucky gal I am!

    Nothing more can really be added to this…

    Except to wish you all the same level of life-fulfillment.

    …  Aaaaah the air is gooooood this morning.  And on the tip of its wings, I'm sending love and solidarity to all Resistance people the world over.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      May the imaginary and inspirational juices just keep flowing, until the words, ‘The End.’

      Any new moves and projects by the enemy now give vast considerations, first and foremost, to how the defiant and capable Hezb would react. ”

      The fact that Occupied Palestine contacts Hezbollah the very second they find out/realize they’ve killed a Hezbollah fighter and are willing to bend over backward to compensate for it, is all I need to know about who’s the real boss in this game of wanion wickedness. Hezbollah oozes an almost unnatural pureness. An immaculateness, normally found in various alleged and illusive spirits.

      That’s why [ordinary] people respect them.

  81. mike-florida says:

    Taxi – despite some MSM BS, I suggest reading this article regarding political gaming from many players about the U.S. proposed energy pipe-line to the Leb via Syria vs. Iran oil via sea – which also demonstrates what a powerful influence the Hezb has been over this process – despite the AofE trying to bring that great organization down. Appears like the Hezb, Leb and Syria together playing both sides, with both projects in parallel instead of one to benefit both the Leb and Syria. Smart. Appreciate your savvy comments. > 

    ‘Pipeline or lifeline?’ Syria’s Assad and Russia seek future gains from US gas deal’



  82. Hi everyone. Iran breaks the blockade


    Portugal and Iran maintain very close relations

    "In our perspective, Portugal is an important country at a political level, with decision-making power in the EU, and with a lot of influence to build bridges and relations in the Middle East and worldwide", said in statements to Lusa Jalim Rahimi, president of the parliamentary group of Iran-Portugal friendship and member of the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of the Iranian Islamic parliament.

    "We have a diplomatic history with Portugal that dates back 500 years, from the oldest relations we have. The history of the Portuguese discoveries and navigation reached many peoples and for us it is an important history because we are also part of it", stressed the official who heads a parliamentary delegation visiting Portugal since Tuesday.

    The visit, which ends on Saturday, is the first visit abroad by an Iranian parliamentary friendship group following the restrictions caused by the pandemic.

    "We have a very close relationship with Portugal in terms of international politics and we support each other when there is one of our candidates for an international position," said Jalim Rahimi, who now returns the visit made to Tehran by the Parliamentary Friendship Group Portugal two years ago. -Iran, where he held meetings in parliament and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


    Lusa (Portuguese News Agency), 30 set 2021 21:26

  83. Daniel Rich says:


    Who wants to be Captain Charles B. McVay…?

    Aka, when the higher-ups walk away Scot free [where have we seen and heard this before?]. 

  84. emersonreturn says:

    The Cradle has a very interesting post on the oil companies control of lebanon.  i'm wretched @ sending links bt please The Cradle has a couple great posts by pepe & other current news on the region.  also the saker (sigh, i know) has a great video on russia's offer to aid lebanon's fuel crisis & how the minster is avoiding the offer.

    • Daniel Rich says:


      There are 4 things in life I loath [immensely];

      1) drizzle

      2) politicians

      3) lawyers

      4) psychologists/psychiatrists

      Only the truth will set you free…, provided you and I ever get to know what that real truth is all about.

  85. emersonreturn says:

    😉 dear daniel good thing you live in marin,  victoria, we've drizzle @ best, now for months.  O well.  on truth, we fortunately on a similar parallel.  🙂  searching, sieving through chafe daily is the quest.  you, daniel are a light in my day, thank you for your insights on smoothie, unz & plato.  i am enjoying the cradle & grateful to pepe for leading me to it.  

    • Daniel Rich says:


      Thank you for your kind words. 

      They always bring out the good in me, for I have no need for an ego, I just need room for my pervicacious personality :o]

  86. Daniel Rich says:


    COVID-19 vaccines:

    WHO’s own data;

    Go to the bottom

    ·         Accept the agreement

    ·         On the next screen type: COVID-19 Vaccine

    ·         Click Search

    ·         Check ADR

    It’s all there and that doesn’t account for all the data not accepted into this data base.

    Oh, and somewhere in the data, they tucked away the fact that almost 12,000 people died because of the vaccine.


    • Durlin says:

      Morning Daniel, that is just the one's reported.  Only about 10% of the deaths and catastrophic injuries are reported so actual numbers are magnitudes higher, same with VAERS reporting system.

  87. Daniel Rich says:


    "I appreciate all those who say, “I’m trying to find the truth!”

    But tend to step back when people declare, “I’ve found it!!!”

    That’s just me, being me…"


  88. emersonreturn says:

    taxi, i wish you well with your writing & have no desire to lure you from it, bt i'm hoping some ex syper or plato friend has some insights regarding the election in iraq.  sadr is according to the cradle leading.  my info on sadr has been limited & mixed.  o/c i'm hoping b/c of his following he isn't simply a man bloated by fame & influenced by the axis of evil bt truly capable of vision & intending to use his popularity & fortune for the betterment of the iraqis & the axis of resistance.  thank you in advance.

  89. emersonreturn says:

    thank you, canthama…blessings upon pepe, he is a treasure & as always his essays are brimming with succinct finely cut jewels.  after reading the history of lebanon's oil & gas cartels i am beginning to gain a feel for  the depth of corruption the axis of evil has laid upon the rich lands of the middle east.  the empire of chaos views it all as theirs.   

  90. Taxi says:

    Howdy y'all!  Hope you're keeping well and keeping your heads up good and high.

    I thought I'd make a brief visit to Plato's today (before I resume my book-writing), in order to share some important Leb news with you. 

    The big headlines these days are all to do with Beirutshima.  There is now a huge push-back against judge Bitar, who is in charge of the case and who appears to be politicizing the issue, with the US Congress's consent.  Last week, the US congress held a session on Lebanon that ended with a unanimous vote of approval of judge Bitar.  Now, if this in itself is not a giant red flag of US corruption and interference, I don't know what is.  The judge appears to be clearly targeting Hezbollah and its allies (both christian and muslim), in an attempt to pin the explosion on them.  For instance, a month ago, the Leb army uncovered the two tons of missing Ammonium Nitrate that the FBI had indicated were missing from the original Beirut port storage.  The Leb army Intel discovered it buried underground on a property owned by two Leb brothers who are members of Gaegae's party (war criminal and right-wing christian fascist).  Gaegae is an infamous israel and saudi arabia ally (receiving no less than $5,000.000 monthly from saudi arabia).  This shocking Ammonium Nitrate discovery is being COMPLETELY ignored by judge Bitar.  Not even a mention or whisper of it by him.  There are other negligences too that the judge is also ignoring or dismissing, but I don't have time to go into them in detail right now.  Suffice it to say that Beirutshima has suddenly become a severely divisive issue, with the Hezb people today slated to take to the streets outside the Judge's court to protest his handling of the case.  The Hezb people are not exactly known for taking to the streets in protest, so this goes to show you the Hezb's fret and worry that this case will be intentionally turned into a repetition of the Hariri assassination crisis – a crisis that victimizes the resistance with false accusations and stirs the Lebanon civil war embers.  The Hezb and its christian allies are demanding that a new judge be appointed, especially after he was so highly praised by the US congress: "He's the right man for the job," is what our congress said about judge Bitar.  Even though the explosion victimized all sectors of Lebanese society, ie both christians and muslims died in the explosion, and even though up till now, the families of the victims were united in their seeking of justice, the US embassy has recently managed to divide up the 'families of the victims' into two groups: those who already believe that the Hezb are behind the explosion, and those who do not see any evidence indicating this.

    Because the Hezb and its Leb allies remain undefeated on the battlefield as well as politically, the enemy is currently using the incendiary Beirutshima card against them.  And this falls during a period of Ministerial election preparations and campaigns, with elections slated to take place on March 27th, 2022.  The enemy hopes that with the help of their army of NGO's during this election period, they can also push the Hezb and allies out of government: accusing them, via their giant medias, of mass murder of Lebanese civilians via Beirutshima.  These NGO's have now been exposed in Leb media as getting funding via the US and via every single EU nation, as well as UAE and saudi arabia: all as fronts for israel.  Notable here that, apparently, right-wing extremist German groups are funding Gaegae's NGO's.  Clearly, right-wing Germans fear the return of (israeli) jews to europe and have assessed that the Hezb is an existential threat to israel, therefore, they will support the Hezb's political Leb enemies.  Stupid strategy because even if the Hezb loses in the next elections (an impossibility as their base is solid-steel and recently expanded because they brought into Leb Iranian fuel for the Leb people), this does in no way negate or cancel out the Hezb's precision missiles aimed at israel and deemed 'an existential threat to the jewish state'.

    Yeah, big-fat and very dangerous political dramas taking place in the Leb right now, with too many dirty fingers in the Leb pie.  You can follow the progress of the Hezb's internal political dramas via English-language links below, during my absence from the boards.



    The Cradle

    There's probably more jew-free links out there, but I can't right now remember them (it's been a while that I've surfed the net).  Too bad you guys don't speak Arabic as there are some very excellent, informative and nuanced analysis in Arabic out there, both in print and on news analysis tv shows.  Apologies that I don't have time or the right mindset to delve and share further with you, but the links above should be sufficient enough to keep you fairly 'in the know' when checked periodically.

    Stay well and be beautiful.  Adios bambinas and bambinos!

    • Taxi says:

      Oooof I’ve been forced to stop my book-writing session and to return here to Plato’s to report that right-wing Gaegae snipers have attacked the Hezb supporters protesting peacefully today against judge Bitar. Casualties: one dead and five seriously injured. The situation is ongoing and fluid right now, and the Leb army are currently engaged in shooting battles with the snipers who’s location is now surrounded by the army. Also, new snipers are suddenly turning up in buildings near the courthouse and firing randomly – the army is trying to surround these buildings too.

      Will keep you posted.

      This does NOT bode well for the Lebanon. Remember early last summer when wahabi snipers attacked a shia funeral in Khaldeh? The Hezb stayed shtump on that massacre – not sure is they will stay quiet on this one. The country is right now on a knife’s edge.

      Oh and btw, christian Gaegae is allied to the wahabis – with his media giving positive reports on their behalf during the height of the Syria war. Plus Gaegae was smuggling weapons and meds and Captagon to wahabi invaders of Syria throughout the Syria war. The Ammonia that was stolen from Beirut port was meant to reach the wahabis for terrorism activities against the Syrian people.

      • Taxi says:

        Battle between army and snipers ongoing – casualties now are 2 dead and 21 injured. All of them probably shias.

      • Taxi says:

        Battle continuing…. and now the Hezb and Amal have released a joint statement saying that “the very people behind Beirut port explosion are behind today’s sniper massacre, and that it is the army’s responsibility to resolve the dangerous situation.” Analysts are predicting that this violent episode will backfire and have judge Bitar fired and replaced. He is being blamed for taking the country in the direction of civil war and emboldening violent extremists who are funded by the enemy of Lebanon.

        Five of the 21 severely injured by sniper bullets have died this past half an hour, increasing the death count to 7 victims.

      • Taxi says:

        Oh man so much firing and counter-firing still going on! But, soon enough, the snipers, who are surrounded, will run out of ammo and it will all be over. It’s the aftertaste of this that will remain a problem. The Hezb will do anything NOT to give the enemy what they want, which is a civil war. They will probably bite their tongue over today’s massacre and leave it to the official security apparatus and Leb army.

      • Canthama says:

        Taxi, thank you so much for this breaking news, I feel for the Lebanese people that were just recently relieved from a energy-fuel crisis….the enemies of Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Iran etc… are the same old same old….

        Hope some sniper is caught alive so he can open up his filthy mouth who sent them….Gaegae should have never been set free, he is a war criminal, one of the worst living criminal….may he go down hard this time.

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks, dear Canthama.

        A few minutes ago, the Hezb and Amal released another statement where they officially accused the so-called 'Lebanese Forces' (Gaegae's party) for today's mayhem and mass murder.  The Hezb and Amal actually named TEN PEOPLE who are the organizers and perpetrators of today's evil events.  Internal security forces could very well arrest them for questioning today.

        Smart.  Naming them right now, ie exposing them to the suffering citizenry is a sure way to stop potential civil conflict.  Even Lebs who are against Hezb politics most certainly do not want a civil war on top of their Corona crisis, their starvation crisis, their fuel and dollar crisis, and their overall despair.  With these ten names published on the same day of the incident (great Hezb intel wot!), now these citizens will fully hate on Gaegae's party and not be taken by his incitements and his fake patriotism, his nasty NGOs and his vile saudi funded media.  Now people will understand that this was a conspiracy against them and their nation that's been engineered and funded by foreign enemies and executed by a local war criminal and his gang of traitors.

        Curiously, the US Deputy Secretary of State arrives for a visit to Leb in a couple of hours.  Analysts are wondering if the timing of today's sniper massacre was supposed to work in tandem with this visit, with the Deputy supposedly carrying ultimatums to Leb maritime border negotiators.  "We will stop the civil war in your country if you give isreal some of your gas-rich marine territory," is what I imagine the message carried by the Deputy to be.

        Meanwhile, the shooting has somewhat subsided, but not over completely.  So far, no news from the army as to the status of the snipers.  Killed or arrested?  We don't know yet.  But soon as info on this comes in, I will share it here on Plato's.

      • Taxi says:

        It appears that the Leb army is now in control – no more weapons are being fired.  Also, no info yet on the snipers – we don't know how many were arrested and how many escaped.  But we do know who organized and perpetrated:  war criminal Gaegae and his posse of racist, mass murderers, with support from the US embassy, the saudi embassy, and israeli agents who have infiltrated Leb's body politic thru their old ally, Gaegae.  Really, Gaegae's mansion should be renamed 'the israel embassy in Beirut'.

        Here's the latest joint statement by the Hezb and Amal:

        Fooof! What a day!

  91. emersonreturn says:

    blessings, taxi, & thank you.  i regret being unable to access arab farsi outlets & am grateful for your links & o/c the cradle…which i am thoroughly enjoying.  kudos to pepe for introducing it & to its editors, a breath of fresh air.

  92. emersonreturn says:

    taxi—thank you for this.  snipers!!  the axis of evil always begins their dirtiest plots with snipers.  this atrocity will come back on the evil, the time is come.  hezbollah & the axis of resistance will close these forces down.  

    • Taxi says:

      Many thanks, dear emersonreturn. Every time I read one of your comments, I can’t help thinking that you are the nicest person on the internet – nicer than me, that’s for damn sure lol!

      Thank you for visiting and commenting. Plato’s is lucky to have you as a friend.

      • emersonreturn says:

        i am thoroughly humbled, dear taxi, it's you, hezbollah & the beloved lebanonese who are our world's signal standard bearers of nobility & light.  prayers & dreams do become reality.  the forces for good & brotherly love will prevail.  USreal (brilliant!) is dying, nasrallah guides the levant with a wise hand…war is looming.  perhaps nasrallah is doing what he's done in the past with USreal…make them wait & wait…yes, we're coming, you know it's true, so you'd best hunker down & piss yourself while you wait?  

  93. Taxi says:

    After losing (the war) in Syria, losing (illegal residency) in Iraq, losing (the war) in Yemen, losing (the sanctions war) in Iran, losing (the terrorism war) in Afghanistan, and losing (the economic siege) in Lebanon, the Axis of Evil appears to now be on a desperate offensive, with israel striking Syria twice, the US faking election results in Iraq, Usrael unleashing sectarian snipers in Beirut: and all this inside of the past 48 hours.

    Today, the day after the Beirut sniper massacre, I see headlines in the global jewy media describing a literal sniping of unarmed peaceful protestors as "clashes" between christians and shias.  LOL!  Fact is, only the Lebanese army "clashed" with the snipers – no other armed group was involved.  I also see content inside of articles that claim that Hezbollah and Amal brought their big guns out and attacked Christians; I see headlines that claim that Hezbollah is against any Beirutshima investigation because they're behind the Ammonium Nitrate explosion, and that they're also against the coming Leb Ministerial elections because they know they will lose seats.  LOL and double-LOL!  All lies, and tired lies at that. 

    Of course, it's to be expected that nothing but vile lies are spread about the Axis of Resistance in the Judas press.  Yet, the facts are right there before the eyes of the stupid world.  The protest against the prejudicial judge Bitar was actually called by a group of religiously-eclectic Lebanese lawyers objecting the ethical and myopic direction of judge Bitar’s investigation. A protest that the Hezbollah and Amal supporters elected to join in support of the objecting lawyers.  A protest that Hezb and Amal protestors joined with the usual strict instruction by their leadership to remain 100% peaceful, passive and unarmed during the protest.  A protest that ended with 7 dead shia martyrs and some 66 injured, with over half of them critical.  If there really was a "clash" between christian and muslim Lebanese, where are the christian casualty figures?  They do not exist.  And they do not exist, not because the Hezb and Amal missed every single christian target after 6 hours of a shootout, but because there was no christian-muslim "clash" – only the Leb army clashing with Lebanese christian extremists who were under Usrael/saudi instruction to snipe at unarmed, innocent civilians.

    Now, who else fires sniper ammo at unarmed protestors but jews and their slaves-in-arms: the wahabis and the judeofied christian fascists?

    Yeah.  We know very well who conceived and activated this evil plot.

    The spin today on the latest jewish terrorist attacks against Syria, Iraq and Lebanon, with plenty of fake pictures and vids to boot, is truly laughable and amateur.  I will follow the post sniper-massacre in Beirut today and report on any consequential developments.  But in the meantime,  I will leave you with the following geopolitical calculus:

    Everyone knows that the US wishes to strategically redirect its forces away from the Mideast and towards the Axis of the East enemy nations, but it cannot do this without first securing israel's integrity.  But, how does the US do this without first destroying the Axis of Resistance nations to insure israel's safety and dominance of the region?  And how can it destroy them without causing a regional war that does not 'touch' israel?  Quiet the conundrum for US strategists.  Quite the puzzle when their wahabi army fodder has been defeated EVERYWHERE and it is time for their own soldiers to take to the frontline trenches in any future Mideast war.  Out of Syria and Lebanon and Iraq, israel considers Syria and Iraq to be a 'threat' to its security, but it considers the Lebanon as an actual "existential threat", therefore, Lebanon is now slated for utter destruction via a sectarian war.  The Axis of Evil will from here on endeavor, through political corruption and ongoing terrorist ops, to arrest any civic normality returning to Iraq and Syria, while focusing majorly on completely destroying the Lebanon, whose rich marine gas and plentiful fresh water israel also covets. 

    Since 2006, Usrael with uae and saudi funding have failed at igniting a sunni-shia war in Lebanon, and this project has now died with their wahabi army's death.  Now, USrael will attempt a muslim-on-christian sectarian war in Lebanon, via the fascist war criminal Gaegae, who appears to be hand in hand with the politicized judge Bitar.  Bitar's USrael memo is to pin Beirutshima on the Hezb, in an attempt to fully demonize the Hezb in Lebanon society, while Gaegae's memo is to spill muslim blood under the protection and instruction of Dorothy Shia, the American ambassador in Beirut.  How far can USrael take this christian-muslim project, we have yet to see.  But suffice it to say that the 'Muquawama' (Arabic for 'resistance') presents a REAL and mighty challenge for the Axis of Evil.  Mindful here that ALL of the evil, jewy spanners that have been thrown at Hezbollah since its victory against israel in 2006 have missed their target.  This is a VERY promising record.

    On this note, and even though I know that Hassan Nasrallah does not read Plato's, still, I offer him this advice: take to your studio podium and announce the following: 'If Lebanon breaks into a christian-muslim war, we will attack tel aviv".  In the same way that Nasrallah in his speech after the Sword of Jerusalem announced that any jewish/judeofication attack on Jerusalem "equals a regional war", I reckon he should also anoint and sanctify the nation of Lebanon in the same way.

    We have had: "Any harm done to Jerusalem by israel equals a regional war".

    Now we need: 'Any sectarian war in Lebanon equals a massive attack on israel'.

    It's a simple equation.  An equation that a nervous israel heeded after Sword of Jerusalem.  A deterring equation that the terrorist jews would take extremely seriously if pronounced by the mouth of Nasrallah. 

    For certain, yesterday's wanton shootout and blood-spill in Beirut marked a new chapter of heightened aggression.  A deadlier chapter for the Lebanon instigated by the desperate jews.  Either this new evil project gets nipped in the bud asap, or else Lebanon as a nation will be trampled underfoot for several generations at least, while the Hezb remains intact yet without a stable homestead.

    The reality now is that either israel dies, or Lebanon dies.  There is no negating or negotiating out of this inevitable equation.

    Here I will add this message: Mr. Nasrallah, Plato’s urges you NOT to delay the inevitable.

  94. Taxi says:

    Here's a list of what judge Bitar is refusing to do:

    1- Investigate how and why the Ammonium Nitrate material entered the Beirut Port.

    2- Who legally owns the delivery ship and the AN?

    3- Who prohibited the removal of this AN from the port for years?

    4- Who guarded this AN in the port in the meantime.

    5- Technically speaking, what actually caused the explosion.

    6- What happened to the stolen (approx) 1.8 tons of AN stock that the FBI investigation revealed?

    7- Why did two Lebanese brothers belonging to christian Gaegae's party posses almost two tons of the SAME quality AN: a highly dangerous and illegal material that the Lebanese army recently uncovered while hidden underground on one of the brothers' property?

    Judge Bitar has completely refused to address ANY of the above sensible questions, despite many calls by numerous lawyers and eclectic political leaderships to do so.  Instead, judge Bitar has focused solely on 'who sent what port memo to whom and who wrote this and that memo'.  Basically, he is only focusing on the internal corruption aspect of Beirutshima and doing so in an extremely narrow manner, instead of investigating BOTH the internal corruption AS WELL AS the background and technical issues of the AN that exploded and caused so much death and destruction to a nation that was already under an economic siege.  This is why Lebanese lawyers decided to protest against judge Bitar outside of his courthouse.  This, plus judge Bitar has been announcing, through saudi-funded medias in Lebanon and not through traditional lawyerly channels, the names of political leaders that he wants investigated.  And it so happens that ALL of the names he's announced are allies of Hezbollah, neglecting other names that are either from Hariri or Gaegae's camps.  For instance, he has publicly issued an arrest warrant to ex PM Hassan Diab if he refuses to appear before him for questioning, when Diab had been in office for only six months when the port explosion occurred – and at the same time, Bitar is not doing the same with Saad Hariri, Diab's predecessor for almost the entirety of the time that the NA was being stored.  He is doing the same with other politicians too: calling on some while leaving out others who also qualify for questioning.  And to really put the political sting in the jugular of the Lebanese judicial system, Bitar is demanding that he himself tries these named politicians, when constitutionally, any member of parliament or government is afforded a 'special non-civilian trial' by a select body of jurors.  In other words, judge Bitar is denying the accused politicians their constitutional right to their assigned, specialized court.  

    Is it any wonder then that the Lebanese Law Society decided to protest against him yesterday?  And is it any wonder that the Hezb and Amal have become highly suspicious of Bitar's methodology?

    • Taxi says:

      Saddest of all sniped martyrs is a shia mother of five who was sniped in the head while she was in her kitchen preparing lunch for her family.  A Gaegae sniper shot her through her open, un-curtained window.  She wasn't even on the street protesting. Her youngest child is five years of age, and her eldest, a daughter, was married five days ago.

      R.I.P. to her and to all martyrs killed by the fucking terrorist jewish hand, or by evil jewish instruction.

  95. Many thanks for this timely information on the events in the hot spot of geopolitical fight

    Lebanon Yesterday's clashes in the international press

    Silence in Der Spiegel, Deutsche Welt, China Daily, Global Times (China), El País, Diário de Notícias, Russia Today, Pravda, Tass

    Egypt urges calm in Lebanon after deadly shooting (Xinhua)
    Why is Lebanon now reliving its civil war? (El Mundo)
    Deadly Clashes in Beirut Escalate Fears Over Lebanon's Dysfunction (The New York TImes)
    Day-long firefight in Beirut evokes memories of Lebanon’s civil war (Washington Post)
    Le Liban à nouveau face au spectre de la guerre civile (Le Figaro)
    Lebanon on edge after deadly sectarian flare-up (Radio France International)
    Iran Claims Shooting at Hezbollah Protesters Was Backed by Israel (Haaretz)
    Beirut – Relative calm, the deployment of the army, and international calls for calm (Maan News)
    Saudi Arabia says it hopes situation stabilizes in Lebanon (Jerusalem Post)
    Lebanon unrest revives all-too-familiar ghost of civil war (The Times of Israel)
    Clashes in Beirut, Amal and Hezbollah contest the judge who investigates the explosion of the port: 6 dead (La Repubblica)
    Tension over Beirut blast probe nudges Lebanon into new crisis (Assahifa)
    Several killed in shooting during protest in Beirut (Jornal de Notícias)
    Lebanese army arrests nine people after Beirut violence (Al Jazeera)
    Lebanon government calls for 'day of mourning' after deadly clashes (The New Arab)
    Six dead as Beirut gripped by worst street violence in 13 years (The Guardian)
    Six killed in shooting at Hezbollah protest over Beirut explosion probe (Al Monitor)

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, dear Antonio, for a great share. Thank you for putting this compendium of headlines together. Interesting that the Jerusalem Post is sentimentally telling the world that saudi arabia “hopes situation stabilizes in Lebanon”. LOL nobody is hiding no nothing no more. In the past, unholy alliances were performed behind dark curtains; then, over time, over-confident, unholy allies started hiding behind their index fingers; and now, they don’t even bother hiding at all.

  96. Correction:

    Death toll in Beirut's heavy gunfire rises to 5 as violent protests against port blast judge sweep capital, Lebanese army deployed (Russia Today)

    Nice comments on Hezbolah in Moon of Alabama

  97. Canthama says:

    The axis of evil…US/KSA/Israel is trying to start a war in Lebanon. Found this video a good short one with scenes of the shooting, commeting was also good.

    Lebanese fascist group fires on peaceful protest, sparks wider conflict

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, dear Canthama. Despite her good intentions, some of Rania’s info is incomplete, other info is completely wrong.

      The neighborhood that was targeted by the terrorist snipers is of mixed religious faiths, but the majority of residents there are shia and so therefore under the security umbrella of the Amal Party. (The Hezb and Amal, both being shia as well as historic allies, divide between each other all shia majority neighborhoods for security duty).

      It’s true that soon as sniper bullets first echoed through the Amal neighborhood, an Amal security team did rush to the scene of the crime, but they did not fire at anything as they were initially startled and assessing the situation from behind the cover of walls and cars. And, as army tanks were literally right round the corner, parked there as security detail outside of judge Bitar’s courthouse, the army too arrived rapidly at the scene, literally two minutes after the first sniper bullet was fired and right on the heels of Amal’s arrival there too. The army immediately engaged with the snipers upon arrival. The Hezb security team that’s in charge of another nearby shia neighborhood arrived at the scene some ten minutes after the shooting began, to find Amal’s security team still taking cover, while the army was already exchanging hot fire with the snipers. Neither Amal nor Hezbollah needed to fire a single bullet because the Lebanese army, fortunately, was literally already round the corner guarding the courthouse – and this army unit took control and responsibility of the situation soon as it got there, with army support units arriving shortly thereafter.

      This is how the army recorded how the sniper massacre began, as told to me by a retired army General and friend.

      Also, Rania misreports a “retaliation” against (Gaegae’s) Lebanese Forces in Baalbek. No such thing occurred. Nobody did no “retaliation” to nobody up to the time of me writing this. And there will not be a retaliation. The Hezb does not attack or retaliate sectarianly: it only defends. This, plus the Hezb has a loooooong and unbroken record of passing internal security issues to the army. Amal too behaves the same way when in battle mode.

      Rania also says that the Americans are less involved in Lebanon than the Saudis. Oh my fucking god – and this ‘journalist’ woman lives in Beirut?! Wow! She’s really out of the loop on this point. When you have Dorothy Shea pictured carrying a placard that reads “Bitar is a red line”, and relentlessly punishing the Lebanon population with the starvation policies of Caesar’s Act – and when you have the Saudis cutting off all political funding to their (failed) agents except to Gaegae, with MbS sternly stating last springtime that he’s “not interested in Lebanon” when asked if Riyadh would support another Hariri government, well, I mean, come the fuck on lady!

      Like I said above, Rania is well-intentioned, but she’s not exactly well-sourced or nuanced.

      (p.s. I thought it worthy to parse Rania’s video, not to critique her personally, but to demonstrate to readers how easy it is to swallow misinformation from a friendly face. Always keep your critical hats on, ladies and gentlemen).

      • Canthama says:

        Dear Taxi, no doubt, reading all your posts, one clearly see the holes on Rania's narrative…thanks for the timme to clarify it.


    • Taxi says:

      To those who read Arabic, here's a poster of the picture of Dorothy holding a placard that reads: 'Judge Bitar, a red line’. Dorothy had this pic posted on her twitter account a couple of months ago. Yeah she politicized and the Lebs posterized.


  98. Taxi says:

    Today, the day after the sniper massacre in Beirut, all was quiet on the Lebanon streets and in salons. Media analysts merely expounded on yesterday's headline roster.  Little traffic of people in schools and in shops.  A day of mourning had been called by the government, and the shia martyrs were ceremoniously buried in their villages and towns.  I have no doubt that many citizens were deeply thoughtful today, and many probably fearful too. The old must have mentally re-visted the ’75 Lebanon civil war, and the young with them must have imagined the actual cost to them, the fatal cost to their futures that such a savage war would entail, having come so close to the brink of one less than 24 hours ago.  I have no doubt that the absolute majority of Lebanese of all religious persuasions, categorically rejected the path of civil war in their meditations today. 

    Some nine snipers were arrested by the army overnight, with many christian and muslim media analysts and commenters calling for, at least, the official questioning of Gaegae, if not his outright and immediate imprisonment.

    The head of Hezbollah’s Executive Council, Sayyed Hashem Saffiedine, attended one of today's funerals where he gave a religious eulogy to the martyrs, followed by a notable speech that commented on the sniper massacre.  In this speech, he emphasized to muslim attendees that the Hezb and Amal will seek justice for the massacre through the laws of the land, and that no party retaliation against any christian will be sought or permitted.  He also directed some of his speech at Lebanese christians, assuring them of the Hezb's continuing affection, respect and dedication to their well-being.  He gently urged them not to live in fear, and assured them that the Hezb would never allow itself to be dragged into a civil war, as this is precisely what their mutual enemy, israel, wants.  He told them that Lebanon would be dust without their presence there, and that the very soul of Lebanon is christian.  He told them that shias all over the world revere their Jesus. 

    Well, I expected a quiet day or two after the massacre, but things will only heat up again soon thereafter, in the buildup to the Ministerial elections taking place in Lebanon in March of 2022.  Everyone now waits to see if Gaegae and his christian-wahabi-talmudi-terrorist goons will be lawfully held accountable for the sniper massacre and for their blatant attempts at igniting civil war.  This, Beirutshima and the Dollar Crisis will endlessly dominate the social and political landscape, intensifying with the approach of the elections.  It's going to be one long, hard and emotionally draining winter for the Lebanon, with, no doubt, many hardships and many already laid enemy traps that would need circumventing with cool hand and head.

    The US may have left Afghanistan, but the US still has Lebanon very much in the cross-hairs.  The US is in a rush to leave the Middleast to fully pivot eastwards, but it can only do so once the 'Hezbollah problem' has been resolved to israel's satisfaction.  Because of this, I expect the USrael and their agents of chaos in Lebanon to do their worst, and do so in rapid succession.  Will they succeed?  How can they when Hezbollah's precision missiles are still pointing at tel aviv?

    Yet, as we all know, the cost of victory remains extremely high.

    Good luck, buddies from the land of the cedars.  May you live long and prosper.

  99. Mike-Florida says:

    U.S. influence over Leb military > “The United States will offer an additional $67 million to support the Lebanese army, U.S. Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland said in Beirut on Thursday.

    Speaking at a news conference, Nuland said the United States was working with the Lebanese authorities, alongside the World Bank and humanitarian relief agencies, to help the country amid its deep economic crisis.”

    (Amazing that Nuland, the famous U.S. ‘regime-change’ manager, was in the Leb same day as the sniper incident, handing money to the Leb Army. Certainly it’s not a free gift – but with influence stings attached. Taxi often writes of the Hezb and Army cooperating on this and that. Of course, the Hezb is not blind to U.S. influence-control. This particular ‘bribe’ is a part of a news release for the Leb people to believe the U.S. is helping the Leb, when in fact U.S. sanctions are impoverishing the nation. Mike).

    • I haven't time to read the link, but I wonder if it discloses that Nuland, of Ukraine infamy, is the wife of one (Robert?) of the notorious Kagans of Zionist Jewish neocon ilk.  They are bad news, one and all…for the US, for Palestine, for Lebanon, for humanity….

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, dear Mike. Everyone in Lebanon knows that America’s gifts to the Lebanese army keeps it weak and ineffectual in practice.

      There are two schools of thought on arming the Lebanese army in DC. One says that much bigger funding and higher tech weaponry should be supplied to the Lebanese army, with the aim of fully corrupting its leadership, in tandem with manufactured false flag ops in Lebanon that would create a situation where the Lebanese army turns against Hezbollah and fights it from within. It is a small school of thought that peddles this strategy.

      The second school is much-much larger and is paranoid of the mere concept of another well-armed Arab army at israel’s doorstep. This team prefers the tiny purse accessory. In their mindset, the Lebanese army must not have an offensive capability, nor should it have an advanced defense capability. This renders the Lebanese army a pauper who is technically impotent in the face of israel’s hi-tech, filthy rich military. This school of thought has been the decider of what the Lebanese army should or should not be given by the US, since back in 1963. This well-established school of thought is dominated by jews. Of course.

      For example: Lebanon has no air force. Not allowed to have one. But, the US found it in its big heart to kindly ‘donate’ 5 helicopters circa 1985 to the Lebanese military a few years ago. And this oh so generous gift came wrapped with a shiny caveat: every time any of these helicopters need to be taken out, permission from CENTCOM must first be given.

      Wow the US is professional at giving unconditional love. Jesus would be jealous.

      Oh and aaaaarrrrrgh $67 million is so fucking insincere and insultingly cheap! And that aside, just look at how our government’s twisted evil works: we’re giving gifts to an army whose civilians we’re simultaneously killing. Aren’t we just the devil’s dandy dope!

      ‘Beware of strangers bearing gifts,’ I believe the old saying goes.

  100. Saladin says:

    Thanks Taxi for your careful and detailed clarification of the sniper atrocity and the media lies. I’m so sick of the constant lies from the western media about … everything! Especially regarding the middle east and Israel villainy. I agree completely with your “advice” to Hassan Nasrallah regarding announcing the equation: should a civil war be pushed on Lebanon, Hezbollah will attack Tel Aviv. As sorrowful as this incident is, it shows the desperation of the criminal apartheid state and its US criminal allies. It brings to mind how the terror war against Syria began in 2011 with a sniper shootout against innocent civilians. We know who was behind that crime against humanity. It’s always the same ugly racist war criminals. I’m sure, despite the danger and uncertainty of the moment, that this evil plot against Lebanon and its people will boomerang against israel and lead to its ultimate defeat and demise. And soon.

    • grr says:

      The 'tribe' seems to have a fetish with snipers, (the most cowardly of all soldiers). Jewish snipers were used in the war on Iraq against US military to create chaos and hate against the Iraqis.

      Snipers are used in Occupied Palestine to shoot pregnant women and children.

      And Syria, and now Lebanon.

  101. Taxi says:

    Well, two days after the sniper massacre, the street atmosphere in Lebanon is quiet, yet remains very much unsettled.

    President Aoun yesterday apparently sat with government ministers to discuss Gaegae's crime that had occurred the day before.  It's being reported that some Ministers used sectarian slogans during this session and the room got divided, leading the President to bang his hand loudly on his desk in frustration.  Nothing was achieved in this session, except it became apparent to everywhere that indeed there exists a sectarian vein in the government.

    The Gulfie-funded Lebanese media, that was passed to and repeated ad infinitum by the jewy Western media, continued to cling to the narrative that "clashes" between two sides had occurred, and they put the WHOLE blame on "Hezbollah and their violent protestors" for initiating the shootout.  Except, it was not a shootout, rather, it was a snipping op geared to mass murder that would ignite a sectarian warfare.  The sniped martyrs' names were not even mentioned in the anti-Hezb Leb media – they just wiped them right out of the pages of history.  Blaming the dead victims.  How jewish of them all. 

    Also, notable that Gaegae's media considers their latest slaughter of shias as a major victory for their side.  All spokespersons from his camp have puffed chests and grins; all saying: "Hezbollah attacked us and we taught them a lesson they will never forget."  Man, so twisted and deluded!  Gaegae is presenting himself as the tough guy of the christian hood – a brawny messiah.  Yet the facts remain FACTS: Hezbollah is not only a local resistance group, but also a major regional power to reckon with; a force that defeated israel itself and won every battle against the psycho wahabis; a power that if ever unleashed internally in Lebanon will have Gaegae for breakfast in a second.

    I don't except any 'action' to happen tomorrow here in the Leb, but on Monday night, Nasrallah is slated to give a speech.  I will take the time and share with you what the Main Man has to say, hopefully on Tuesday.

    In the meantime, olive-picking season is upon us here in the Levant, and I guess now I will delay further my return to book-writing for the next at least four days.  I will be olive-picking, olive pickling and pressing for oil, plus olive soap-making with a lady from the village.  I've established and integrated this yearly tradition into my simple village lifestyle and I love it.  So, over the next few days while olive season is in play, I hope to have some measure of small time in the evening to continue commenting and updating y'all on developments and events here in the Lebanon.

    Looking forward to hearing what Nasrallah has to say on Monday night, aren't you?  LOL, of course you are!

    Wishing EVERYONE a grrrrrreat weekend.

  102. Bornajoo says:

    Hey Taxi! 

    Thanks, as always for keeping us up to date from your perch on the ground.

    The fortitude of the resistance in Lebanon (and Palestine, Syria etc) is literally beyond description. The evil jewy bastardos were probably pretty sure they would have ignited a civil war by now in order to weaken Hezbollah which is what this is about. But they've been outsmarted and outmanoevered at every turn. But they keep coming back with even more desperate vile and wicked plans. Fuckers!

    Have a great olive picking harvest!

    Take care! 

  103. Taxi says:


    It looks like now the families of the victims of Beirutshima are themselves divided – they've been tightly united and speaking with one voice ever since the port blast some 15 months ago –  but not anymore, it seems:

    Head of Beirut port blast victims group calls for removal of Judge Bitar

    And after releasing his video statement, it looks like hours later he resigned from his position as head of the victim's group:

    Beirut port blast activist resigns after U-turn on judge

    This news is consequential and does not bode well for all who seek the truth behind the explosion, and to all who demand justice for the victims.

    Readers should understand that the only effective solution for Lebanon's multiplying problems is to first destroy israel; and secondly, for the Lebs to destroy their current constitution and write up new one.

    The current constitution is a French colonial legacy that was dumped on the Lebanese by the French as they exited the Lebanon in humiliation back in 1946, when France surrendered to Germany.  In this inherited Lebanese constitution, only a christian can become President; only a sunni can become Prime Minister; and only a shia can become Leader of Parliament.  This constitution's essence is sectarian and promotes ongoing religious sensitivities and strife.  Lebanese society is actually a sophisticated, secular-learning and progressive society, but its Achilles' heel is constitutional sectarianism.  The vile French colonials did indeed physically leave Lebanon, but they intentionally left behind the dark seed of religious conflict that keeps sprouting perpetual misery and instability for the Lebanese people.

    It will take a long time and much bloodshed before Lebanon becomes a normal country.  But… hang on a minute!  Is there a single "normal country" out there in the world?  Not that I know of, that's for damn sure.  But, if any reader knows of one, please do let me know so I can move there tomorrow.

    • Taxi says:

      I forgot to also add that Lebanese army investigators have by now arrested 29 Gaegae-ists – holding them all for questioning over the sniper massacre. Will they capture the head of the snake? Will Gaegae be questioned, or imprisoned? He should be, but… this is Lebanon. So very many hyper-sensitive issues all interconnected. Then add Dorothy the Destroyer into the mix. Oooof!

  104. emersonreturn says:

    the axis of evil when devouring russia gave her a constitution, i believe last year or 2yrs ago putin changed it.  the outcry in the msm was heart wrenching & o/c the hate waged upon putin & russia was massive.  bt i think he navigated the process well…as will nasrallah: first essential is to take control of the money, resources & military, then rewrite the constitution.  above all, deny USreal lebanon's water & offshore wealth.  

  105. Harry Law says:

    Lebanon has been offered military equipment from Iran on a regular basis which the Iranians believe would make them the strongest army in the region, unfortunately, for whatever reason, they will not accept it, maybe they are content with a couple of Tiger moth crop dusters and rifles supplied by the US that when the trigger is pulled a flag with 'bang' written on it pops out the barrel.

    Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said last week [in 2019] he was ready to secure air defense systems for the Lebanese army from Iran to confront Israeli warplanes and to secure “everything it wants to be the strongest army in the region”.

    Asked if Iran was ready to offer military aid, Zarif said: “We always have this type of readiness and we announced on other occasions that this tendency exists in Iran but we are waiting for this desire to exist on the Lebanese side.”

    • Taxi says:

      LOL and thanks, dear Harry.

      The Lebanese Deep State consists of persons who are dual-passport Lebanese-American citizens, as well as Lebanese elite who have vast investments in the US. I hope this explains why the Lebanese army has no voice in deciding where it gets its weapons from. And btw, Russia too has offered to fortify the Lebanese army and what it got as a response was crickets. But, in a roundabout way, this intentional weakening of the Lebanese army is what propelled the necessity of the birth of Hezbollah.

      And speaking of the Lebanese army: two reports have been issued by the army regarding the sniper massacre. The first report identified the incident as a well-organized ambush by a group of snipers belonging to Gaegae’s party. And the second report, issued some four hours after the first one, referred to the incident as “clashes between two sides”. Yeah, well I’m not shocked: this is Lebanon under Dorothy-ian occupation. She must have picked up her phone after the first report was published and threatened the Leb army honchos with cancelling the cheapskate $67 million cheque that was ‘gifted’ the army by the US several days ago.

  106. Taxi says:

    Last night, leader of the largest Lebanese, Maronite-christian party, Gibran Bassil, gave a speech addressing his people.  He openly criticized Gaegae and reminded his audience of Gaegae's dark and criminal past that also included assassinating beloved Maronite leaders, as well as killing thousands of other christian civilians during Lebanon's last civil war.  He reminded his audience that Gaegae and his like-minded Lebanese christians started the 1975 civil war and lost, thus wasting much christian blood and causing immeasurable suffering to their community for 15 long years.  He added that all of Gaegae's past projects have been bloody, all had failed, and it was christians who paid the heaviest price for his dark ideology and direction.  He also reminded them that Gaegae had publicly supported the wahabis, while it was Hezbollah that defended their community from a deadly wahabi invasion back in 2014, sacrificing their own for the safety of christian Lebanese.  Comparing Gaegae's party to his, Bassil said: "Gaegae supported the wahabis, and we supported the ones who protected us from the wahabis." 

    Indeed, it appears that today, some three days after the sniper massacre, the christians of Lebanon are somewhat over the shock of what had happened and most of their leaders are now galvanizing and rejecting Gaegae's call for civil war.  In tandem, Hezbollah leaders today also had a unified message to their people and to Gaegae too: 'We will not be dragged into civil war.  We are a resistance group that defends the motherland, not kill her children”, so said Sayyed Hashem Saffiedine today, while addressing a gathering that was celebrating the birth of the prophet Mohammad today.

    So, the most powerful muslim party in Lebanon (Hezbollah) is now publicly on the same page as the largest christian party in Lebanon (Free Patriotic Movement).  This is good.  Yes.  But, how will the Hezb and the FPM disable Gaegae's assured future crimes that would be geared towards civil war, now that he's been suddenly emboldened and under pressure to 'perform' for Usrael?  Well, I suspect that the answer may very well be supplied by Nasrallah himself when he gives his scheduled speech tomorrow night.

    • emersonreturn says:

      thank you, taxi.  truth always sings.  even the most deluded christians have to see gaegae is satan's snake.  lebanon's many facets are her strength, growing up knowing so many different views & sides cultivates minds & souls such as nasrallah's.  with my flat north american mind i have to study very hard, very long to inhibit a tenth of subtly the lebanese get in the blink of an eye.  today a russian diplomat has condemned the houthis for attacking the saudi airport!!  i understand it goes against the UN mandate bt beyond that i am having trouble…perhaps it's part of mother's greater plan to extract the saudi's from the empire of evil…similar to the duel with erdogan—bt i'm left shaking my head.  blessings taxi, & much gratitude…blessings to lebanon & peace.

      • Taxi says:

        Many love-thanks, dear emersonreturn.

        The “Russian diplomat” thang is probably lip-service to do with Russia’s arms deal with the saudis that’s currently being worked on.

        In politics, when it doesn’t serve a leader to make a public statement on an international matter, usually lower-ranking diplomats are given the task.

        I’m not ‘feeling’ the Russian statement was said in sincerity.

  107. WBDuncan says:


    Many thanks for all of your valuable efforts to keep the truth available. And also a thank you for all the posters helping with the effort. Platos Guns is a fantastic resource.

    Does anyone have a trust worthy source for North Africa news ? I am specifically interested in Tunisia?

    Once again Thank You for all your efforts.



    • Taxi says:

      Hiya WBDuncan! Hope you’re doing good, buddy.

      Actually, ‘Almayadeen’ is a pretty good site to go to for Tunisia news. Although it is a Lebanese news outlet, its top exec guy there is Tunisian and so Tunisian news is covered there in a comprehensive and current manner. And yes, it is published in English too.

      I tend to forget Almayadeen exists as a periodical on the net because I watch its TV channel (in Arabic) where the headlines are the same. And actually, for probably my first five years of living in Lebanon, I sat watching Almayadeen TV pretty much every day for 4-5 hours: it’s how I learned my Arabic, and it’s how I learned all about Arab politics, and Arab history and culture. Because Almayadeen has repeat programming, I would watch the same political or arts discussion at least a couple of times for better comprehension of Arabic (their presenters speak with very nice accents too btw). During the first viewing of a show, I would write down the Arabic words that I didn’t understand, look them up in the dictionary or ask a native friend. Then I would learn these new words by writing them down a few times. After that, I’d watch the same show again all equipped with better vocabulary. I tell you it was fuckhard learning Arabic this way – a seriously arduous mental workout that would occasionally leave me in despair. Also, sometimes I would wake up in the morning with zero ability to recall ANY Arabic words – no fucking memory whatsoever of any Arabic words! Total whitewash! Even though I knew that I knew hundreds and hundreds of Arabic words, they were buried somewhere deep in my mind overnight and suddenly inaccessible by day. And man, the mental struggle to get them back up was agony – so fucking maddening and frustrating lol! Let me tell you that… Arabic. Is. Really. Really. Really hard to learn. I mean if I wasn’t living in an Arabic-speaking country and therefore had no other choice but to learn it, I would have given up after a week – probably less. But I persevered. And persevered. And persevered.

      Here’s Almayadeen’s homepage in English: Almayadeen English

      You can type any country into their search box to get the latest articles on that country. For your convenience, here’s a link to their Tunisia page: Tunisia/Almayadeen

    • Canthama says:

      LOL…it is funny to watch US Military surprised with China, North Korea, Iran and Russia’s military development….I would not be surprised that the Us military learnt from The Financial Times as everybody else…the US Senior military officers have lived in arrogance and blind pride of their “win in the cold war” that they lost total contact with the reality…

      Do y’all recall War Criminal Robert Gates visiting China in 2011 and watching on TV the 1st flight of the J20 Stealth Fighter ? The US had no idea China was so advanced on this technology…it is repeating again…but this time China has shown the DF17 in their annual military parade…and the US military thought they were mock up…same it happened when President Putin, in his speech to the Russians, in 2018, told Russia had 5 new weapons that would change the ROE in modern warfare, he then described each one…and US military and spoke person said it was all BS….until each one of them came to life…

      It is pathetic to see a declining power that does not realize of its actual decline nor the loss of basic good sense of reality.

      This is a total new age, a century of multipolar superpowers at the same time that the World Economic, Political and Military power has shifted to Eurasia…Russia and China, together, are simply too big to be faced, too far developed in military technology to be faced….the sooner the US/EU realize that, the less painfull will be on the Western regimes decline. 

      North Korea has shown a hypersonic missile and it is said a test was made…if North Korea managed to developed this technology…then Iran already has it….touché…the apartheid regime, that bet all the coins they received from the US to buy US military….will be few minutes away from an attack from Iran…and seconds away from Lebanon and Syria…no air defenses are capable to hit a hypersonic glide vehicles, no air defense.

       All the military technology gap by the US and several global players is a direct result of the world largest corruption possible within the MIC-US Gov-US Military….fighting smaller countries and fake terrorists gave a sense of power for the US…but in fact it has hidden the loss of technology edge and threw the US Military far behind key opponents…foreever…the play now is catch up…but that would require trillions of fiat currency printing on a corrupted industry to develop new weapons…we have seen this movie before in the 80s, so clearly….

      • Taxi says:

        Thank you very much for the chuckle and the good wishes, dear ZiojooistanSucks. It would have driven me nuts to edit the vid lol!

        Sending good vibes right back at ya.

  108. WBDuncan says:


    As always thank you. I have a friend who studied German and moved to Berlin. He polished his comprehension in the same way. Even with total immersion in the country and a lot of English speakers it was the most effective way for him to learn.

    I know from my gardening, fermentation and canning experience the work on olives is demanding. Still I am jealous, fresh, clean olive oil sounds like a treat. Cooking oil and wine have the longest history of adulteration in food history. Now with modern AG there is no time to waste everything is  adulterated at the seed stage. These bastards are completely aware of the consequences on the population's health. Every sense Earl Butz perfected weaponizing food the food system has deteriorated to the state where infants poop micro plastics along with their biological waste. Good Thing we have the FDA Department of agriculture, and the EPA to protect us.

    Thank you again


  109. Taxi says:

    Not much to report on from the Lebanon today – everyone is waiting to hear Nasrallah tonight.  But I did want to share with y'all the following:

    Nasser Kandil is a brilliant, top political and geopolitical analyst in Lebanon.  He is a very well-sourced, well-connected and knowledgeable person.  An honorable and honest Resistor who confronted the israelis in battle in his youth during their invasion of Lebanon.  Though not religious, he possesses all the positive qualities and character attributes of the Resistance.

    Two days ago, during a political discussion on TV, Kandil said that Iranian Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, during his visit to Lebanon some 11 days ago, personally told him that the US had recently offered Iran, behind-the-scenes, the following deal: "Recognize israel and we will allow you to have nukes, as well as dominance of the Gulf region.  Convince Hezbollah to recognize israel, and it can have all the gas in Lebanese water, as well as military and political control of the whole of Lebanon – total dominance.  We will allow this, just recognize israel."

    To me, this behind-the-scenes offer by the US to Iran indicates that the US does not know how to secure israel yet, and it is fast running out of time to exit the ME in order to pivot eastwards, therefore it is prepared to even backtrack on the explosive issue of Iranian nukes: figuring that it could tie up Iran’s security via nukes, and its global trade resumed with all sanctions lifted, to some kinda 'normalization' cradle with israel.  US strategists must be thinking that now that israel's nukes are no longer a 'secret', it would serve Empire's long term interest to have two nuclear countries in the ME instead of just one.  One nuke-nation checking the other and saving the US major headaches regarding israel's security in the near and far future.  'The 'MAD' equation worked for the US and the Soviets, therefore it would work for israel and Iran too.  Empire does not want to engage in new ME military wars with the toughest guys on the block, ie Iran and Hezbollah.  All it's asking for is 'recognition' of israel – that's all.  A simple, itsy-bitsy word that would cause no big sweat off Hezbollah and Iran's back, they reckon. 

    But, that's a very fucking tall order.  They're practically asking Iran and the Hezb to back-stab the Palestinians and the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the billion supporters of the cause.  The Axis of Evil does not understand that the Axis of Resistance members are bonded politically AND spiritually.  They do not understand the principles of loyalty, fealty and self-dignity  They think everyone is like them: a whore doing business in a whorehouse.

    Of course, the Iranians declined the offer.

    • emersonreturn says:

      america is not agreement capable—the entire middle east knows it doesn't keep its word, it'a a lying piece of shit & the USreal can never be trusted.  iran's supreme leader has always been very blunt about america's disconnect from honesty, nasrallah as well,  every one in the world even many americans know their country is rife with greed, lies & depravity.  america cannot comprehend honour or faith or truth.  that separates america & its soulless allies from the axis of resistance.  faith is a crowned jewel surrounding the middle east & russia.

    • ZiojooistanSucks says:

      Two days ago, during a political discussion on TV, Kandil said that Iranian Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, during his visit to Lebanon some 11 days ago, personally told him that the US had recently offered Iran, behind-the-scenes, the following deal: “Recognize israel and we will allow you to have nukes, as well as dominance of the Gulf region.  Convince Hezbollah to recognize israel, and it can have all the gas in Lebanese water, as well as military and political control of the whole of Lebanon – total dominance.  We will allow this, just recognize israel.”

      Could you please post a link to the TV discussion with Nasser Kandil, Taxi, if you have one?

      To me, this behind-the-scenes offer by the US to Iran indicates that the US does not know how to secure israel yet, and it is fast running out of time to exit the ME in order to pivot eastwards, therefore it is prepared to even backtrack on the explosive issue of Iranian nukes: figuring that it could tie up Iran’s security via nukes, and its global trade resumed with all sanctions lifted, to some kinda ‘normalization’ cradle with israel.

      I agree, this positively reeks of weakness and desperation.

      The Empire is crumbling before our very eyes, folks, and the plucky little jew squat won’t be making it to its 100th birthday the way things are going: 

      Israel Needs Weapons to Stop Iran’s Bomb: Jerusalem needs help from Washington to prevail in a terrible conflict.

      They’re “working on expanding the Abraham Accords to other countries, including the ones you don’t think of”:

      United States Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken, israeli Alternate Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, and United Arab Emirates Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan at a Joint Press Conference


      israel earmarks NIS 5b. for capabilities to target Iran’s nuclear program

    • Taxi says:

      Here's the video with Nasser Kandil talking about what the Iranian Foreign Minister told him during his recent visit to Beirut (speakers of Arabic can verify this message for themselves – speakers of English will need an Arabic-speaking friend to verify) – (relevant clip set @ 1:24:25 mins):

      • ZiojooistanSucks says:

        Here’s the video with Nasser Kandil talking about what the Iranian Foreign Minister told him during his recent visit to Beirut (speakers of Arabic can verify this message for themselves – speakers of English will need an Arabic-speaking friend to verify) – (relevant clip set @ 1:24:25 mins)

        This is incendiary, Taxi!

        Why is this not headline news?

        Why is no one even talking about this?

        I saw this short translation on sakers site this morning:

        Thank you for the link, Hammer & Anvil.

        From what I gather, and it would be great if Taxi could confirm this: the (very) short translation on the Saker’s website, only covers the segment between 46:27 and 52:33:

        The video in its entirety is a veritable goldmine of information and analysis; it’s criminal that Arabic language videos of this caliber aren’t being translated in their entirety for us idiots at the back who aren’t fluent in Arabic.

      • Taxi says:

        “Why is this not headline news?”

        Because it was not made official by the WH. Plus, the jewy global media does not want to panic world jewry with the idea that the US can accept a nuclear-armed Iran.

        Back and forth offers between enemies, through back channels, are actually the norm.

      • Taxi says:

        Yes, I have often lamented the lack of translated/subtitled Arab news analysis on the English-speaking market. I can’t begin to tell you how mindblowingly astute some Lebanese analysts are, especially the ones who support the Resistance. You have multiple generations of excellent Resistance analysts, and the youngest ones do not disappoint at all.

        P.S. Thanks everyone for sharing relevant links in my absence.

  110. Harry Law says:

    If it was not for Hezbollah Lebanon would not exist, or if it did would be much truncated, needless to say the Litani river would be part of Israel with the rest of the country as slaves to the US/Israel. Thankfully the Hez saved Lebanon, also with Nasrallah’s brilliant diplomatic reading of the competing parties in Lebanese politics he has been able to chart a course acceptable to the majority of the electorate.

    The World’s Most Dangerous Census

    Why Lebanon won’t—officially, at least—count its own population.

    The last census in Lebanon took place in 1932, the reason given for not holding another one is stability since it is reckoned muslims are far more numerous than Christians and Shia more numerous than any other. Be that as it may Gaegae and his ilk must be marginalized if Lebanon is to have a bright future.  

    This speech by Gaddafi to the Arab league in Syria in 2009 is well worth listening to especially in relation to the attempt to start a civil war by certain fascist individuals in Lebanon and Israel/US.

    "We are the enemies of one another, I'm sad to say, we all hate one another, we deceive one another, we gloat at the misfortune of one another, and we conspire against one another, our intelligence agencies conspire against one another, instead of defending us against the enemy, we are the enemies of one another and an Arabs enemy is another Arabs friend. If we only used such ferocity against the enemy. We meet in Syria which is an Arab country, but the relations Syria has with Russia, Iran or Turkey are a thousand times better than its relations with its Arab neighbours. The relations that Libya has with Italy are a thousand times better than its relations with its neighbours Egypt and Tunisia. This is the situation of the Arabs".

    Earlier in his speech Gaddafi said an entire Arab leadership was executed by hanging [Saddam Hussein] who was a friend of Cheney and Rumsfelt, ultimately they sold him out, but one of these days America may hang us. Prescient words


  111. Taxi says:

    Howdy!  Quick message to all: autumn rain fell last night and this morning, thus delaying the time-sensitive work that olive season demands.  This means I will have to do olive-work tonight to make up for this lost time, therefore, I will not be able to comment on Nasrallah's speech tonight.  Tomorrow is the last day of work for olive season, so if I'm not too tired at end of day, I will write a summary of his speech then.  If too tired, then the day after.  Apologies to all for the delay.

    Alahed News is carrying two reports on Gaegae today.  Here they are:

    Syria Hands in Interpol Official Arrest Warrant against Samir Geagea

    And you're forgive the Hollywoodesque headline and arwork for this infographic article here below (lol!):

    The Vampire

  112. Harry Law says:

    Many thanks ZIOJOOISTANSUCKS for the link to ‘Israel needs weapons to stop Iran’s bomb: Jerusalem needs help from Washington to prevail in a terrible conflict’

    This included another link to Uzi Rubin who set out the tumbling costs of the Iran/Hezbollah precision missile programme and how the smart phone has revolutionized the system, these systems used to cost many thousands, now he talks in terms of tens of dollars. He talked about Greece as an example of a small state and how 225 precision weapons could make Greece unviable by hitting power stations, docks and water supplies etc. Left unsaid was the tiny state of Israel which would be even more vulnerable, he spoke about if Hezbollah had only 1000 precision missiles and with Iron done shooting down 90%, that 10% that got through would still do the job. Of course Theodore A Postal a physicist is professor emeritus of science, technology, and national security policy at MIT, estimated that the Iron Dome is not working, and that its success rate was only about 5%.  and that against Hamas bottle rockets.

    The main deficit of any Israeli defence against precision missiles is sheer numbers which can saturate a target, then of course there is the cost at 100,000 dollars per missile. The Israelis have faith in more F35’s [cost 100 million dollars each paid for by the US] assuming Hezbollas’s missiles cost 100,000 dollars per copy and consist of an aluminium tube filled with fuel, a warhead, winglets and a smart phone , then Hezbollah would have 1000 missiles [well hidden] for the cost of one F35 not well hidden and based at Nevatim Air base. The Foreign policy link and the Uzi Rubin link within it are highly recommended.

    • ZiojooistanSucks says:

      Many thanks ZIOJOOISTANSUCKS for the link to ‘Israel needs weapons to stop Iran’s bomb: Jerusalem needs help from Washington to prevail in a terrible conflict’

      You’re very welcome, and many thanks for all your kind words, Harry Law. no

      This included another link to Uzi Rubin who set out the tumbling costs of the Iran/Hezbollah precision missile programme and how the smart phone has revolutionized the system, these systems used to cost many thousands, now he talks in terms of tens of dollars. He talked about Greece as an example of a small state and how 225 precision weapons could make Greece unviable by hitting power stations, docks and water supplies etc.

      Yes, and I nearly spat my coffee out @22.00 in the video, when he said: “I wanted to use [neutral] Switzerland as a test case, but the problem with Switzerland is that about 30% of its power comes from nuclear reactors…so instead I chose another innocent country, Greece, as a test case”!? angryangryangry

      Left unsaid was the tiny state of Israel which would be even more vulnerable, he spoke about if Hezbollah had only 1000 precision missiles and with Iron done shooting down 90%, that 10% that got through would still do the job.

      Yes, which is why it’s so great that Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah said it back in 2019.

      English translation courtesy of the zio jew bottom feeders at MEMRI:

  113. Taxi says:

    So… the olive season work was not finished yesterday: the soil of the olive groves were still muddy and thick from the heavy rains that fell on Monday and Tuesday, thus slowing down the picking work due to the difficulty of having to wade through muddy earth, and the annoying task of picking slippery, individual olives from muddy puddles.  Hopefully, the work will be completed today.  In the meantime, with the little keyboard time I had this morning, I did come across a translation of a segment from Nasrallah's latest speech.  Out of that speech, the media appears to be fixated on the section of the speech where Nasrallah revealed that he has 100.000 ready Hezb fighters.  This would be the first time ever that Nasrallah has given a precise number of his military.  Usually, there are two questions that Nasrallah has always avoided answering directly.  One: how many precision missiles does Hezbollah have?  Two: how many fighters does Hezbollah command?  Well, he answered the second question so there you have it.  And, I believe he revealed his answer because under the trying circumstances that Hezbollah finds itself in internally today, Nasrallah's philosophical and strategic thinking was: 'showing the size of your force can be more effective than using it'.

    Here's the link to the saker's translation:

    ‘We have more than 100,000 fighters!’: Nasrallah warns pro-US party

    • Taxi says:

      Really, this message of '100.000 fighters' was more for israel's ears than it was for Gaegae.  Gaegae is but a mousy, israel pawn who is capable of creating chaos, but not all out civil war as the majority of the Lebanese christian community have zero desire for civil war, and the muslim community feels the same too.  Yet, Gaegae will attempt, through internal terrorism, to again snare Hezbollah into using their weapons against Lebanese civilians in order for him to later say: 'see, I told you that Hezbollah's weapons are dangerous for Lebanon'.  This whole gory theater is ALL about Hezbolla's weapons.

      It was also a message for Dorothy and her war theater at the US embassy in Beirut: 'don't mess with the armed, patriotic natives or else you and your Black Water compound will be evicted from Lebanese territory in the chaos of an internal, armed conflict'.  Yes, Black Water is in Lebanon, it has recently been revealed.  Who else do you think trained Gaegae's snipers?!

      Yes, we will see further violence from Dorothy and Gaegae's camps.  And yes, it will cause another security crisis internally.  And double yes, this will bring the Lebanon to the brink of civil war; but many worthy analysts these past couple of days have thrown doubt on a civil war breaking out a-la 1975.

      The Hezb still has this card to play: 'if we see that civil war has entered the Lebanon, we will start a war with tel aviv'.  I believe that should another Gaegae massacre occur between now and the Lebanese elections due in March 2022, Nasrallah will unleash this warning.  And come what may.


    • Taxi says:

      Notable that soon as Nasrallah uttered the phrase "100.000 fighters", the dollar exchange rate in Lebanon was dramatically hiked up again by USreal's agents inside of Lebanon's banking system: thus hiking up the price of gasoline and mazot too, and with it the price of foods and medicines – sending the population into another dizzy spin of desperation.  The starvation whip has been pulled out again against the Lebanese overnight.  The terrorist dollar is again employed for collective punishment.

      My advise to the Hezbollah: go to fucking war with israel already and wipe its satanic name off the face of the earth.  There will never be peace or prosperity in Lebanon with the jewish evil breathing sulfurs right next door.

      • Hani says:

        Can you post a pix of the hard drive? I may just have a cable for it for you. Hold hardware are still in stores here(Nigeria).


    • Taxi says:

      Thanks for your interest in olive season, dear ruca. The first couple of years of participating in olive season, I did take pics and videos of the whole process: from local pickers up in trees singing traditional Levantian folk songs while picking olives, right through oil-pressing at the mill, olive pickling in my kitchen, and olive oil soap-making at my village friend’s backroom too. I’ve saved all this wonderful footage on my old external hard drive, but it’s now missing a cable that one of my dogs vandalized with his jaw last year. I’ve tried to replace the cable as I have much precious data on that hard drive, but I can’t seem to be able to find one in Lebanon, in London, in LA or in Dubai – believe me I’ve tried a good dozen computer stores here in the south and in central Beirut, plus asked relatives and friends overseas to find one for me too. The hard drive is old (15+ years) and I’ve been told that all its accessories are not manufactured any more and therefore no longer available on the market. An old friend in LA says he has one in his storage and I’m waiting for him to get round to it. (Ooof excuse my mundane rambling about the missing cable). Point is, only an hour ago or so, I finally completed the last task of olive season: picking up the last of the pressed olive oil from the mill. Too late now, unfortunately, to take pics for this year’s season – but definitely, I will do it next year inshallah.

      It’s just gone noon here and I’m already exhausted: been 8 days of a mad rush for me, and now I’m needing the rest of the day off and wondering whether I should spend tomorrow afternoon watching Nasrallah’s speech again (all one hour and forty minutes of it), followed by writing a summary of it (usually takes about 2 hours or so); or, whether I should utilize my limited, free time writing a new article regarding the local and geopolitical implications of the sniper massacre (Tayyouneh Massacre) that occurred in Beirut a few days ago, which will have bits and pieces from Nasrallah’s speech but not all of it. Each will take more or less the same time to complete, and unfortunately, I don’t have the time to do both. I really do have to get back to my book-writing asap but thought it germane to perhaps write up something fresh for Plato’s before I dive back into solitary book-writing. I will figure it all out by tomorrow morning, no doubt. Apologies to readers for delays and absences, but it seems like I’ve barely had time to even just sit, be, and relax for a few days in a row since my cousins visited me last June. Deciding to take on book-writing several months ago has definitely cut down my time on Plato’s, but the work on my book is almost done. I do have another book idea, but I’m aiming to start that in mid winter.

      So now everyone knows my itinerary for the next 6 months lol. Hope this helps readers understand that my absence is not out of neglect, but out of necessity.

      In the meantime, this afternoon, I’ll have to decide between writing a summary of Nasrallah’s speech, or a new article. To summarize or to article-ize? That is my Shakespearean question for today.

      Mmmmm which one? Oh to hell with it all – time now for lunch and a nap. Nothing else matters except for small comforts heh!

      • ruca says:

        I think that an article about the snipers would naturally lead into Nasrallah’s speech indecision

        Thank you very much for your reply. Much appreciated.

      • Taxi says:

        You’re absolutely right. Thank you.

        It’s still tricky though cuz Nasrallah’s last speech is a historic one that marks a fork in the road for Lebanon and for the Hezb. I just wish that Hezb or Hezb-allied medias would provide translations of Nasrallah’s speeches in English and in full; or a professional translator out there would get it together and provide a translating labor of love to the freedom-loving world.

      • WBDuncan says:

        Hello Taxi,

        There is an excellent chance I have a cord that will work. Over the years my collection of electronics, from tube amplifiers, to gagging on giga junk has rarely ever been through a triage. If you provide model info on external hdd and current computer I probably can find something that will work.



  114. Taxi says:

    Here's a couple of important headlines on the latest Lebanon situ:

    Lebanon's Geagea summoned by military court over deadly violence in Beirut

    Can you believe Gaegae's infantile response to being summoned?  LOL!  The Psycho Mouse that he is.

    Hezbollah a Significant Political Force in Lebanon – Putin

    Clearly, Putin is saying to Hezbollah's enemies: hands off my pals!  Confirming yet again, that the Hezb is a regional power, not just a local one in a tiny country.

  115. Hammer & anvil says:

    Congrats on finishing the olives laugh

    It looks like VT has picked up a PressTV article that points out one of the snipers was a US embassy guard, also points blame at Geagea. Take it with the normal pinch of salt needed for a VT post but this just seems to be a repost from presstv so maybe a “little” more accurate?? Warning they have a pic of one of the dead victims shown laying in a pool of blood frown 

    Here is the link:

  116. Taxi says:

    Wow dear Hani and WBDuncan – such a kind offer of help from the both of you.  I'm truly touched and I really appreciate it.  Here's the thing: there is no such thing as a post box, a post office or a mailman where I am.  The post office system in Lebanon was broken even before the dollar crisis.  I have never sent mail out of Lebanon in the ten years that I've been here, and never received mail where I am.  Even my monthly electricity bill is hand-delivered by an employee of the local electricity station: the bill is paid to him – same deal with everyone else around here.  This means that if you did indeed have the correct hard drive cable, it would have to be delivered to me by hand heh. 

    My old, external hard drive is a Lacie, and it takes a high speed 2.0 USB cable.  Weighs a fucking ton!  I mean the hard drive itself not the cable.  My Lacie's is very old school but still going good after all these years.   Even though I do have a new one that I bought maybe three years go now (tiny and weighs little, lots of memory), I do tend to save on my Dropbox these days.  I use a Macbook Air.

    I'm pretty sure my LA friend will get it together eventually and pull the cable out of his storage, hand it over to my LA cousin who is in the habit of visiting me in Lebanon every year.  No worries, I'll get the cable replaced eventually.

    What a saga, right?!  LOL!

  117. Taxi says:

    A Nasrallah Update:

    The Hezb's main man gave another speech last night, mostly religious: marking the 'Day of Islamic Unity', or something to that effect.  The speech was just over an hour long, and a good 45-50 minutes of it was dedicated to religion and spirituality.  The remaining shorter end was spent on politics. 

    I don't usually tune in to Nasrallah's religious speeches, and although I could barely keep my eyes open when the speech started (8:30pm), I did manage to watch it through. 

    What I found interesting about the religious part of the speech were the parallels between islamic principles, as put forth by Nasrallah last night, and christianity.  I mean Nasrallah might as well have been preaching in a church to a christian flock.  Much talk about the goodness of god and his infinite love and forgiveness; much pontifications on the spiritual importance of the brotherhood of mankind; and much illuminations on the principled duty of all who love god to help the sick, the needy and the poor – and how the rich had a bigger responsibility in this regard.  (Doesn't all that sound like christianity to you?). 

    I told all this to the village baker this morning.  I told him how Nasrallah's speech was 'christian' to my ears, and the baker said: "You sound surprised – why are you surprised?  Us muslims, we believe the message of prophet Mohammad is a continuation of the message of Jesus."  This attitude fully explained why many shia men in the village are called 'Issa', which is Arabic for Jesus – and in fact, one of the original and larger families of this village carry the surname 'Issa'.  I once wrote at Plato's how I was amused to meet a village shia guy called Jamal Issa, which literally means 'Beauty of Christ'.  Yes, a shia muslim called 'Beauty of Christ' – heh, still amuses me.

    Anyway, back to Nasrallah.  He gave some 15 minutes to current politics at the end of his speech where he commented on the security situ in the Lebanon, re-iterating again that the Hezb will not be dragged into a civil war, and that the Hezb will continue seeking justice for the martyrs of the sniper massacre through the law and through the courts; adding that down the line of time, should the courts show any corruption or any bending of justice, then "every incident has its own story," which is a local expression that means: every fault will have its own reckoning – meaning: the Hezb will then personally get involved in order to deliver/affect/create justice.  No more was said on this topic, and I don't know what exactly the Hezb would do, should it ever come to that.  

    I'd like Plato readers here to know that the Hezb sees itself as having many options in dealing with Gaegae's ill intent and civil-war plans.  They know that liquidating him is not the answer.  Another psycho will just take over leadership of the Lebanese fascist party.  They believe that it is wrong to partake in political assassinations and such.  They believe that the ideology of Gaegae itself should instead be the prime focus and target.  And how else to neutralize an ideology pickled in hate except through building strong bridges of friendship between an assembly of religiously differing communities?  It's the longer road to take, but it is the wise and correct one, and the one that will produce positive results for future generations – and I mean the future that does not include an israel as neighbor.

    Nasrallah also touched on the issue of the maritime border with israel because a couple of days ago, Victoria Nuland visted the Lebanon again – that's two official visits from that jewish terrorist inside of 7 days! She brought with her a US team of negotiators that also included an israeli-born jew with an American passport.  What a cunting and jewytypical thing to do to your host.  But jewish bad manners aside, doesn't she realize that the Lebanon is used to jewish intrusions upon them?  Doesn't she know that the Hezb does not respond to, or is moved by such puerile maneuvers?  And excuse me here for digressing from Nasrallah's speech for a mo, but isn't it exactly this level of vindictiveness and ignorance of the enemy that has botched and bunged pretty much every single American war since the Korean War?  Oh man it's often so embarrassing to be an American in the middle east: all because of our arse-brained politicians. 

    Anyhooooz, Nasrallah's vocal tone and temperament rose during the maritime border segment of the speech: reminding his compatriots that the enemy intends to force them into submission at the negotiating table.  He said that it is Hezb policy not to interfere in the maritime negotiations, and that the issue of marking all the nation's borders was the domain and responsibility of the government, the army and President, not theirs.  "BUT," he promptly bellowed, "I warn israel that should we get indications that it is cheating us in any way, or excavating sideways into waters still under negotiations, we WILL at this point instantly interfere and put a COMPETE HALT to their project!” Meaning: they will bomb the shit out of the offending human excavators and their machinery.  It sounded like thunder when he said this.  I'm sure this statement put a tense brow on Haliburton's decrepit face, and a shit stain on israel's satanic underpants. 

    We note here how Nasrallah's upstanding challenges to US 'interests', and especially to the US itself of late are consistently unflinching and daring.  The man is not a coward.  No, he is not a jew.

    He closed his speech urging all Lebanese to insist on their rights to control and benefit from their own nation's natural resources.  Asked them to be vigilant and steadfast in protecting, with everything they have, the maritime wealth that is no less than the birthright of their own children and grandchildren thereafter.

    He sealed the speech with salutations to all islamic sects, encouraging them to continue uniting and to deepen this unity.  He gave blessings to all people around the world who love god, love peace and justice.

  118. mike-florida says:

    Thanks, Taxi, for also sharing the last sentence of Nasrallah's speech, which was >

    "He gave blessings to all people around the world who love god, love peace and justice.'

    AMEN !!

  119. Taxi says:

    Howdy everyone!  Plato's is having tech issues: unable to update security files and plugins on my admin dashboard, plus everyone's avatar now has the same image-stamp that will not shake off hard as my techie tries.  For security reasons, I've been advised thus by my techie to disable comments and all other activities till the situ has been fixed.  I've not been given an exact time for the work's completion because the suspected source of the prob is connected to a third party/a subscriber who first needs to address a glitch in their WordPress account, and so we wait on this to be first addressed.  Hopefully, the whole procedure should not take too long.

    Apologies to everyone.

    In the meantime, I am contactable on [email protected].

    Be well and stay sane, everybody.


  120. Taxi says:


    Hiya y’all.  I’m quickly opening comments just to post this one comment up, after which comments will be closed again.

    The suspected WordPress account belonging to a regular poster has finally been deleted by them, but WordPress has a policy of retaining deleted account data for 30 days after deletion.  This means that we still have to wait out these 30 days before all Plato’s links to the corrupted files of this commentator have been officially and completely wiped out.  These corrupt files remain a threat to Plato’s security in the meantime.  Worse, Plato’s original WordPress account ([email protected], which remains connected to Plato’s Dotcom account) began experiencing weird, hostile, mass bot presences ever since the deletion of the commentator’s account.  This indicates that indeed it was the commentator’s corrupted WordPress account that is the source of the security troubles.  My techie will reset the site’s data and its firewalls for both Plato’s Dotcom and WordPress accounts in 30 days: making them both secure again.  Apologies for the inconvenience and much appreciation for everyone’s patience.



    Despite all the multiple crises that Lebanon continues to experience, the Hezb remains untouched and standing tall.  This means we’re still winning – yaaaay!  There’s no more to say about it all than that, really.  All the political and diplomatic hysterias and fusses currently swirling in Beirut will eventually fall ineffectual to the ground.  In fact, I see these enemy gauntlets as a godsend because the external and internal enemies of the Lebanon are getting further exposed through their hissy-fits and blatant conspiracies, thus the enemy’s immense medias in the Leb (Saudi/uae/Israeli/American medias) are failing to deliver the intended brainwash against the Hezb.

    Winter is now approaching in the Leb, and analysts are predicting Leb enemies will impose extra hardships on Leb people during the cold season – all in a leadup to the springtime 2022 elections where huge efforts to demonize the Hezb politically are already underway, especially by that demonic Dorothy who is leading an army of NGOs and filthy-lying medias against Hezb candidates.  Analysts are predicting yet another failure for Dorothy’s dastardly plans but are concerned that this particular failure will create an added depth to her desperation that may cause her to trigger violent campaigns such as political assassinations or car bombs: all to be blamed on the Hezb.  But even if such horrible things were to occur in the near future, the Hezb will NOT be dragged into a civil war, and they will not fail in the elections either as their support numbers are waaaaay too high to even be dented by Dorothy’s gnarly knuckles, or by her NGO henchmen and henchwomen.  There is only ONE WAR that the hezb is prepared to engage in, and this would be the much waited for and final war with the terrorist state of israel.

    Let me confirm: Gaegae remains a threat to Leb’s internal security, but he is incapable of trigging a civil war because so very many Christian Lebs are now against him, post his snipper’s blood fest of last month.  I mean: you do need two sides that are somewhat equal to create a civil war, n'est-ce pas?  Fortunately, even Hezbollah’s political enemies do not want a civil war, and they’ve all made this clear since the sniper massacre.  Only Gaegae’s mini-minority party desires such a nightmare scenario.  Currently, Gaegae is entangled in a mountain of legalities with both the army courts as well as the civil legal system, all due to his terrorism via his snipers.  Yet, he remains protected by Dorothy and by MbS of Saudi barbaria – which is not exactly a good look for either himself or his backers.

    Furthermore, and after receiving such an unjust and harsh thrashing over the past two years, a consensus now is rising in the Leb population where its citizens are beginning to seriously consider the pragmatic concept of turning eastwards for assistance: seeing that their supposed ‘friends’ in the West are doing everything they can to continue making Leb life more miserable for them and for their children.  They are witnessing the West and the oil-Arabs attacking everything and everyone Lebanese, including the new PM, Mikati, who is now being accused by the Gulfies of being a Hezb supporter, when in fact he is not even an ally of the Hezb and never has been.  They’re calling his government “another Hezbollah government” and blocking him from bringing in monetary aid to Lebanon – same as they did with the previous PM, Hassan Diab.  This is not sitting well with all people of the Lebanon.  They waited for thirteen torturous months to form a new government that would work the financial file, only to have the backwards oil-Arabs block it.

    The Beirut port explosion plus the Gaegae’s files will be played to death by enemy medias during the runup to Leb’s elections, while the Hezb and allies will focus on the economic crisis affecting most of the population.

    One side works a negative campaign, while the other side works a positive one.  So then let the best team win!

    And, last but not least, what of Israel?  Poor scared rat with chattering, yellow teeth.  Hard as it tries, it cannot shake itself out of the Hezb nightmare that refuses to budge.  Recently, its media has been naming the Hezb as an existential threat, after hiding this fact for at least the past decade.  Yeah, Israeli army media has finally admitted to its terrorist-people that indeed they are facing an existential threat from the Leb resistance that no amount of ‘normalization’ activities with treasonous Arabs can reduce.  The jewish military is currently engaged in training exercises aimed at foiling a predicted Hezb liberation of the Galilee.  Yet another futile military exercise, if you ask me.  As we all know, come the 12th hour, the Israeli military will cave in exactly the same way it caved during the 2006 war with the Hezb.  We know this because the jews are born cowards – and scramming like rats is their historic MO.   The jews are so fucking predictable.  So very fucking boring.  Die already or depart Palestine, motherfuckers!  There’s no force on earth that can change israel’s darkening future.


    *(I will comment again should a really significant event occur in the Leb in the meantime.  Be well and stay beautiful, Plato people).



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