Taxi's Articles

Israel Plans To Assassinate Saad Hariri

When all else fails against an enemy, the Israeli Mossad activates its assassins, either through a missile strike targeting a passenger in a moving car, or through a car bomb, through poisoned toothpaste, else through a bullet to the brain of their target.  This is their MO, as illustrated by their very own supremely long history of terrorism.

Following the dramatic civil unrest and protest upheaval in the Lebanon these past two weeks – a genuine anti corruption Lebanese revolution that was hijacked on the fifth day by the internal and external enemies of Lebanon, and more specifically, by the enemies of Hezbollah – Lebanon returned to some semblance of normality two days ago, albeit a volatile one.

Nasrallah, in his last speech, heartily congratulated the “awoke population of the Lebanon” for foiling an Israeli-Saudi plan to ignite sectarian civil war in their nation.  Indeed, it’s a miracle that gun fights on narrow Lebanese streets and strategic bridges didn’t erupt between hot-headed protesting civilians, considering that the majority of Lebanese homes proudly count weapons as part and parcel of their furniture.

Clearly, the aim of the revolution’s hijackers was solely to target Hezbollah for destruction – or at least, for weakening.  For over two decades, Hezbollah’s Jewish and Jew-centric enemies have been conspiring to destroy it, and all their efforts and missions have failed thus far – nay, all their efforts ended up making Hezbollah even stronger than the day before the dastardly conspiracies against it.

It is practically impossible to destroy a popular, home-grown resistance group that’s focused, disciplined, committed, well-trained and well-armed.  In fact, we can no longer refer to the Hezbollah as a resistance ‘group’, for it is now an intact army on par with any able-bodied regional army.  Yes, Hezbollah is an army – an experienced one, a professional one – and its stellar warfare tactics and methodology are currently being studied in military academies the world over.

Strategists in Tel Aviv sitting in windowless rooms have ran out of ideas in their endeavors to destroy Hezbollah.  They have run through the whole gamut of evil ploys with zero results, and now as a last resort, they have called in their kosher assassins.  And when Jewish assassins are called in, the target is usually the highest and most consequential.  Often, the target is one of their own ‘Controlled Opposition’ agents – an agent directly or indirectly and preferably Gentile – as indeed was the case with the Mossad-murdered Rafik Hariri, Lebanon’s ex Prime Minister and father of the current (resigned) Prime Minister, Saad Hariri.

In Lebanon, sectarianism still exists, though in much milder form than it did back in the 1970’s.  The recent mass protests distinguished themselves and confirmed this by the pluralistic protestors’ unified anti-corruption cries, instead of divisive and bellicose calls in support of their own religious sect, which used to be the norm in Lebanon.  Watchers of Saad Hariri observed that soon as he resigned, he began speaking in a sectarian language and warning of Lebanon’s Sunni community losing political power in the next new government, thus inciting Sunni extremists to take to the streets to ‘insult’ the powerful Hezbollah and their proud Shia and Christian supporters.  Armed protestors on the night streets of Tripoli (a Hariri stronghold) demanded his immediate return to government and skirmished and battled with the Lebanese army over two nights (they only appeared at nightfall).  It became clear then that Saad Hariri’s resignation and government dissolution was intended by him (and his Axis of Evil controllers) to elbow Hezbollah’s members out of government, thus stripping them of political power; as well as spinning the nation into an ‘atmosphere’ of sectarian civil war.  But alas, this too didn’t work as Tripoli’s armed and paid Sunni extremists could not give more than two nights’ worth of sedition and ruinous rebellion; and Hezbollah’s leadership, being an awoke and cool-headed lot, showed no physical reaction to these incitements at all.

Fizzle after fizzle laid at the feet of Hezbollah these past two weeks.

Saad Hariri, not known for being a political intellectual, nor for being a notable strategist, now with hindsight appears to be a pawn-member of the Jewish plan to weaken Hezbollah at the expense of Lebanon’s security – all to insure his leadership as head Sunni puppet, and not as a patriotic leader with profound responsibility towards the whole of the citizenry of Lebanon.

Here we must pause and ask ourselves: what does Saad Hariri mean to the Israeli Mossad?  What is his value and worth to the Jewish terrorist state?

We know that the Axis of Evil members, all of them, consider him as a weakling and view him with utter contempt.  Saudi MbS kidnapped him and had his security men slap him around and put a gun to his head.  We know that Jews and Jew-centric globalists and regime-changers in DC, with peg on nose use him as bait and pawn inside the Lebanon.  And we know that the Mossad found his father, well, very ‘disposable’.

Therefore, he too, Saad Hariri is disposable.

At this stage of the game between Hezbollah and the Mossad, and after all of the Mossad’s plans against the Hezbollah have failed over the decades, only one single ploy that may have some measure of success in turning the Lebanon theater into a pit of civil war that would weaken Hezbollah internally remains: it is the assassination of Saad Hariri.  To be pinned on Hezbollah.  Exactly as they did with his father.

This is the only card left in Jewish hands.

And they are already ready for it – by god the Jews are ready for it but… for Trump’s permission.

Will Trump ever give Tel Aviv the green light to assassinate Saad Hariri, thus triggering civil war in the Lebanon?  A war that may spill over into both a recovering Syria and an insecure Israel, thus raising with it the specter of a dreaded regional war?

The American embassy in Beirut is not behaving as if an engineered civil war is about to break out in the Lebanon.  They are more than happy for now to just engineer a hijacking of Lebanon’s genuine protests to bring the small nation to the brink of a ‘Trumpian’ bankruptcy, but, they’ve not been given orders by the White House to prepare for a dangerous, uncontrollable civil war.  Yet.

One thing we can be sure of is this: should the ‘nod’ to assassinate Saad Hariri be given to the Mossad and his murder plunges the country of Lebanon into civil war overnight, Tel Aviv will not be left unmolested by Hezbollah’s weapons, especially if Hezbollah’s Intelligence Unit (the best in the country and one of the best in the region) can provide evidence of Jewish hands in the assassination of Saad Hariri to the public.

Two years ago, a Mossad operative in Lebanon was caught planning the assassination of Rafik Hariri’s sister, Bahia Hariri – Saad Hariri’s aunt.  Report of this was denied by the Lebanese Ministry of Interior, but it was understood in Lebanon that this denial was to preserve the security of the nation.  Secular, Lebanese Al-Mayadeen TV, who were first to report this story, have access to both Hezbollah and Lebanese Intelligence information.  They are not known for spreading fake news, or for sectarian incitement.  Moreover, Hariri’s aunt traveled to Paris the day after the attempted assassination on her and remained there for months, after adamantly refusing to comment on the story while still in Beirut packing her bags.

In classic mafia style, assassinating Saad Hariri’s aunt (successful or not) was intended to send a message to Hariri, the pawn: ‘fight Hezbollah dirtier, or else!’.

And who, pray tell, is sending this menacing message to him?  Why, it’s no other than the Israeli and Saudi intelligence, with support from the CIA.

If Israel finds no other way to diminish Hezbollah’s growing might and power domestically and regionally,  it will indeed call upon its DC brigade to pressure Trump into green-lighting the assassination of Saad Hariri.

After all, who is Saad Hariri to the racist Jews except yet another disposable, Gentile pawn?  A worthless Arab!

Ideally, Tel Aviv would much prefer to assassinate Hassan Nasrallah himself.  But all their attempts at getting intelligence on his whereabouts have so far been futile.  Therefore, for Tel Aviv to create the deeply desired sectarian war between Lebanese Shia and Sunnis, the next best way forward would be the assassination of Saad Hariri.

His life now rests in the small hands of President Donald J. Trump.



  1. Bornajoo says:

    Such an act would be described as disgracefully evil and cunningly deceptive. It would knowingly lead to chaos and the untold loss of innocent human lives. And it also demonstrates a kind of unrivalled ruthlessness 

    Therefore it's extremely likely that this is exactly what Isra-hell is planning to do as this fits their profile perfectly. They have the ability to carry out acts which most other humans couldn't even conceive of

    Hariri is hopefully aware of this risk and if not he needs to be told. But if the 'nod' is given, then staying safe is extremely difficult, especially when you look at the lengths the fuckers went to in order to kill his dad 

    It's very hard to disagree with your analysis here Taxi 

  2. Taxi says:

    From a political science perspective, the recent pluralistic Lebanon protests prove that it is indeed possible to reverse Identitarianism at grass-root level.

  3. Taxi says:

    Every time the mossad fails against Hezbollah, I think of israel as Wile E Coyote and Hezbollah as the Road Runner – with the Acme gizmo store being the USA.

    Goofy analogy, I know, but vividly true.

    When will the dumb chosenites realize that they cannot dispose of Hezbollah without simultaneously causing the pulverization of tel aviv?  The body of Hezbollah has become one with its advanced missile system.  Hezbollah are positively inseparable from their  ballistic missiles.  If you cannot get rid of Hezbollah's missiles, you cannot also get rid of Hezbollah's body.

    Unless, of course, tel aviv is feeling desperately, maniacally suicidal and doesn't mind tel aviv being the sacrificial lamb.  Which, towards that end, the immutably powerful Hezbollah appears to be driving it towards anyway.

  4. Canthama says:

    Hariri is everything but not a patriot Lebanese, he is a jelly being, a pawn and a thief. His lack of recognition to Hezb Allah support to him PM position when he was kidnapped and beaten like a pussy dog in Saudi Barbaria, this make him a spineless, a jelly disposable being.

    There will never be peace for Lebanon or Syria unless the Occupied Palestine is turned up side down, with loss of all the ground it illegal occupies and with the vast majority of Arabs inside the occupied Palestine and refugees take control of the area in a secular new country…which is something they will never happen without a war inside Palestine borders.

    A assassination attempt on Hariri would bring EU/US/GCC against Hezb Allah and Lebanon, no matter the prove pointing to the apartheid regime, but as you well said, this would actually trigger a back fire and could bring war to occupied Palestine.

    At the end of the day, any major move from the apartheid regime, from now onwards will bring its destruction, the only possible strategy, and only to buy time, is for the apartheid regime to stay low for as long as possible, no move, no provocation, not even breathing, they would gain time with that, but the end would be the same, war inside Palestine.  

    • Taxi says:

      All wars in the Levant have always been about Palestine. Multiple wars in the nations of Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Jordan, Sudan, Yemen, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon – all their 20th and 21st century wars have been about Palestine.

      Even beyond the Arab borderlands, warmongering at Iran is about Palestine and nothing but Palestine.

      For over seventy years, all the war victims of the middle east have been martyred for Palestine.

  5. Taxi says:

    A couple of thoughts on why Trump is currently reluctant to give a green light to the mossad:

    1-  His philosophy in life is 'the dollar is mightier than the gun'.  He is naturally faster at drawing a dollar from his pocket than he is at drawing a pistol.  He is by far more kleptomaniac than he is warmonger.  He's more porn than he is slasher movie.  I'd go as far as to even call him 'a squeamish man'. 

    2- Politically-wise, intermittently, he's disobeyed tel aviv orders on Syria, looking for any old excuse to get out of the jew-war disco in that part of the Levant.  His soft-dollar ears can't handle all that death-metal trash music that jew wars make.  He's gone rogue and run off home whenever he got a chance, straight to the lap of his easy-listening mama-voter, only to be dragged back again to the Syrian bullet party by the scruff of his blackmailed neck.  Now he's staying in Syria because he wants the oil: it's the only acceptable excuse for his equally klepto mama-voter.  He will not lose his voter-teats if he steals the oil for them.

    3-  Thus, with oil-loot in hand, in his mind, he has already won in Syria.  And all the bells and whistles and victory parade drums are currently bouncing nicely inside his skull.  Why would he spoil such a sweet feeling by adding a game of Russian roulette in Lebanon to the mix.  No.  He's in the afterglow of his own delusion of grandeur.  No green light yet.  Not when he feels that the Levant largely remains under his Empire's control, not Russia or Iran.

    It's enough for his old, battered ears for now to just have looted Syrian oil and used the dollar batton to beat Lebanon's banks unconscious.  It’s a very good strategic score, to his calculation: a double-win without an American body count. This is a "great achievement" for him.  No more is needed to make this simpleton's soft ears happy.

    Between now and election time, only a mossad false-flag against Americans that's pinned on Hezbollah will instantly compel Trump to give a firm and seething "nod" to plunging Lebanon into civil war.  We can be sure the israel's 'strategic convincers' of Trump have already thought about this extremist direction/action.  But, they will not act on such a plot presently as tel aviv itself is in dire political chaos too, and it cannot simultaneously handle both a political and security crisis at its northern border.  The political timing is not opportune. But may become so soon, once an israeli government has been officially formed. Mindful here too that tel aviv has timed all its existential and non-existential ops to suit the jewish leadership in tel aviv and not the American president in the white house. They have often demonstrated that they will do in the middle east what the fuck whey want to and WHEN they want to, with or without White House permission.

    So.  Trump.  To nod or not to nod?

    Well, anything is possible with Trump.  I think the whole world has already established this.  Anything is possible – anything between now and November 2020: the month when Americans vote for the next presidency.

    • American400 says:

      Thats a good read on Trump. Will he or wont he allow a attack on Iran? The Jewish Fifth Column in the Us is currently running a media propaganda campaign that goes like this….'Trump deserted Syria so he will desert Israel, therefore we are alone and must attack Iran and its proxies (Hezbollah) by ourselves'…..its a bullshit type blackmail and threat ploy to agitate Trump/US into being ready to jump into a war Israel starts. Israel will go after Hezbollah first as they are the most dangerous threat to Israel in the event of a wider war with Iran. If the Arab States had the sense God gave a goat they would drop their fiefdom squabbles and  'unite ' against the US and Israel.

    • Assad al-islam says:

      I am an Arab, a Shia from GCC. The Muslims whether the Sunni Muslims (Arab and Iranians), or the Shia Muslims (Arabs and Iranians) are united to get rid of the cancer in the Middle East. As TAXI rightly said, “Even beyond the Arab borderlands, warmongering at Iran is about Palestine and nothing but Palestine. For over seventy years, all the war victims of the middle east have been martyred for Palestine.”

      Kerry is wrong when he says that there is no daylight between USA and Isreal. What is correct for him to say, “that there is no daylight between Sunni and Shia, between Arabs and Persians when it comes to Masjid al-Quds and Palestine”

      The Muslims are united and even the FAKE Yemen War makes sense as the access to the Red Sea through the Bab al-Mandeb is now controlled by the Iranians. That leaves Mediterranean Sea which is under the control of Russia. Kudos to Obama for handing over the Crimea to Putin on a sliver platter.

      • Taxi says:

        Hiya Assad. Thanks for your comment and welcome to Plato’s Guns.

        What you are talking about in your comment is what is known as ‘Uruba’ (Pan Arabism). The only ideological cure for combating jewish colonialism and American imperialism in the Arab middle east.

        Uruba: the very thing that the West, the GCC leaderships and israel have all been aggressively fighting since Jamal Abdel Nasser’s days. In Pan Arabist ideology (as well as in the Quoran), it is forbidden to have a monarchy rule over Arabs. Pan Arabism indeed is a secular, socialist, socio-political order that is inherently anti-elitist. Therefore the self-appointed GCC ‘royals’ fear it spreading in the midst – fear also invasions by Pan Arab nations with strong armies – hence why Iraq, Syria, Libya and Egypt were always the GCC’s primary targets for either destruction (read Iraq, Syria, Libya), or political puppeteering (read Egypt).

        At the basis of Pan Arabism is the idea that all Arab countries should be united as one nation, under a federated, socialist democracy – sharing the land’s resources equally between them. Interestingly, throughout the whole history of Arabs, including throughout the 400+ years of the Ottoman colonials ruling Arabs, there was not a single border between ANY of the current Arab nations. None. Not a single fence. Arab land was wide open to ALL Arabs. This tells us that the organic and natural state of Arab territory is a borderless one. To my mind, it should therefore return to its natural state. It was the colonial Brits and French (Sykes and Picot) who first cut up the land with the malicious intent of robbing the natives of their resources, just so that their own elite citizens, thousands of miles away, can have a nice frou-frou life.

        Imagine, if you may, that suddenly, every American state was a country of its own, and every time your crossed state lines you were required by law to produce a passport, sometimes even visas. Yeah, as an American you’d feel hemmed in some by this sudden imposition. Well, this is what Sykes and Picot actually did: they hemmed in a vastly-vast region: reversing the natural and historic norm of free movement and everything good that comes with it.

        Pan Arabism has had a few punches in the gut dealt it, especially since the invasion of Iraq. But it’s still around and roaring in the breast of the majority of Arabs. Of course, the MSM and the GCC media would never speak of or investigate such a sanguine and enduring Arab movement – mainly because their job is not to inform and educate, but to obscure facts/truths and to confuse by inventing a non existing reality. So-called ‘normalization with israel’ is literally impossible to occur outside the GCC (with treasonous leaderships); and the so-called peace treaties that israel made with Egypt and Jordan are more submission-to-israel contracts and not really a genuine peace. Yes, absolutely, the MAJORITY of regular Arab people are just like you: supporters of Uruba and its cause: the unification of all Arab countries into a single nation, which naturally includes the whole of Historic Palestine.

        Needless to say, the Axis of Resistance members are all Urubies: supporters of Pan Arabism.

      • Assad al-islam says:

        Taxi Hiya back to you. I believe that you missed understood my comment. I am a Shia, and to a Shia the institution of the Caliphate system is a abhorrent, where one Caliph in Turkey rules all the Muslims in the whole world. The Pan Arabism, is a prejudice idea which divides the Arabs and Ajam. The prophet had ahl (family) and ahlul Buyat (the house family). The ahlul Bayat consisted of the Prophet and four other family members. Imam Ali being the great, great grandfather of Sayyid Hassan NasrAllah, Sayyid Ruhollah Khomeini and Sayyid Ali Hossein Khamenei who are all Arabs and not Ajams.

        Prophet used to call Salman al-Farsi his ahluh Bayat, thus eliminating the difference between Arab and Ajam. Imam Ali says, either you are a brother in religion or a brother in Adam.

        Jamal Abdul Nasser was under the influence of USSR and socialism. He provided his army to Saudi Arabia againt Yemen many, many moon ago empowering Saudi Arabia to steal Yemen's Old under the border.

        I am not talking about Arabs, I am talking about the Muslims. I am talking about the Arab Monarch of the GCC. All Muslims and their Arab leaders are in cahoots with Iran, when it comes to Masjid al-Quds. No sellers on this core issue.

      • Taxi says:

        Right you are, Assad – thanks for the clarification.

        Yes, the prophet Mohammad was an all-embracing, inclusive person – a uniter of people of different skin color, rank and nationality.  This is what gave his message global appeal.  I was myself referring to political systems when talking about Pan Arabism, and not to regional religious aspirations.

        In the mideast, back in the 1950's, you were either under Soviet or American influence.  The colonial Brit and French influence in the mideast had began to fade there during WW2.  The US elbowed the Brits out of the mideast and took over their beat, and the Soviets did the same with the French and their colonies.  Egypt at the time, though an ex Brit colony, aligned with the Soviets basically because its leader, Jamal Abdul Nasser, had rejected the predatory capitalism of the US – he was pro working man and not pro elite, same as the Soviets at the time, whereas the US was pro elite and anti unionization of the working man.  It was natural thus for Nasser to magnetize towards the Soviets.

        Nasser did not actually wage war against the Yemen and fight its people.  But he did send troops to Yemen to intervene in the Yemen civil war at the time, a war that had the dynastic Mutawakkilite Kingdom who'd been ruling Yemen for an astonishing 1055 years (since year 897!), pitted against a national political group that went by the name of the 'Yemen Arab Republic'.  Monarchy versus Republic.  This Yemen Arab Republic party had drawn its inspiration and manifesto from the Nassarite Pan Arab ideology that rejected elitism and monarchy and desired to live in a more equitable society that's regulated and administered by a socialist democratic system of government.  Saudi Arabia was vehemently against Nasser's intervention in Yemen, fearing its own monarchy might be next in line to be swept by the Nassarite fever.  Nasser's intervention in Yemen lasted some three years, if memory serves, and he suddenly withdrew his troops from there when the Syrian army suddenly needed Egypt's assistance during the dramatic 1967 war with israel.  Needless to say, the Mutawakkilite royals lost the Yemen civil war and their kingdom's influence very quickly faded to desert dust, with its remaining members migrating by moonlight to Saudi Arabia.

        Assad, I appreciate your message of unity for all Muslims, regardless of race or nationality, but, I respectfully beg to differ with your statement here below:

        I am not talking about Arabs, I am talking about the Muslims. I am talking about the Arab Monarch of the GCC. All Muslims and their Arab leaders are in cahoots with Iran, when it comes to Masjid al-Quds. No sellers on this core issue.

        I don't believe that the House of Saud, the House of Khalifa (Bahrain), the House of Al Thani (Qatar), and the House of Al Nahyan (Abu Dhabi/UAE) – I don't believe these ruling dynastic families care one bit about Palestine or the Masjid al-Quds (Al-Aqsa Mosque).  They've paid nothing but much lip-service and boatloads of peanut shells to the Palestine/Al-Aqsa cause.  Good grief they've spent by far more dollars on the destruction of Syria than on liberating a single inch of Palestine and the Al-Aqsa with it.  They've now, after decades of secret cooperation and friendship with israel, officially 'normalized' relations with israel – and they publicly torment the Palestinians over it.  They hate the Moqawama (the Resistance) – any Moqawama!  They're crypto jews.  Defined by their own actions and a sordid ancestral history that's pickled in talmudism.  Wahabism is talmudic islam: ironically birthed and celebrated on consecrated Islamic land, promoted and protected by the House of Saud and their reglious partners (in crime).  It's the vile talmud that sanctions the kind of mindless violence and injustice that we've seen in Syria, Iraq and Libya, not the Quran – nor the inspired teachings of Jesus.

      • Taxi says:

        … And I should continue re Yemen history and add here that since the overturn of the Mutawakkilite Kingdom, Yemen as a Republic has not yet known a stable day. Soon as they got rid of the kingdom and its pomp, they were faced with two existential problems: saudi interference and tribal infighting. Thusly the saudi-Yemen war continues to date. Mindful too that previous saudi interference had also led to their occupation and annexation of Yemen border territories back in the 1930’s, soon after oil was discovered in Saudi Arabia and the Brits had became saudi enforcers fighting the Yemenis over control of strategic Aden.

        We can therefore deduce from the above that the Nassarite project in Yemen did not succeed past getting rid of the monarchy. Local analysts and observers of Yemen see the Houthis as being the first tribe since the birth of the Republic that has actually endeavored to unite the fractious tribes of Yemen. Until the Houthis asserted themselves and began spreading their culture of patriotism and Pan Arabism, Yemen tribes hardly even talked to each other. The country of Yemen may not be politically stable enough to fully practice Pan Arbism yet, but Yemenis are known for being the most Pan Arabist people in the Arabian peninsular.

  6. Taxi says:

    And furthermore about that jew drone that was shot at by a hezb anti-aircraft missile two days ago, jewish media reports on it here:

    Nasrallah vows Hezbollah will ‘clean up’ Lebanon’s skies from Israeli incursions

    And this one here below cracked me up: it's like not only are jews committed to pathological lying, but they are also in denial of their own brutality against "dissent" (read Gaza's Friday 'Fence Protests', for one!) – ooh the hate in the jew pen in this one is sizzling:

    Iranian Generals in Iraq, Hezbollah Thugs in Lebanon: Tehran Demonstrates How to Snuff Out Dissent

    Same demonization angle backed up by their German globalist slaves here below:

    Hashd al-Shaabi and Hezbollah: Iran's allies in Iraq and Lebanon

    When you can't murder, demonize.  Twist the illuminating facts into shadows.  Deceive, deceive, deceive.  This is the jewy way.

    • Taxi says:

      Another message that the Hezb has sent tel aviv by its use of an anti-aircraft missile against their jew drone a few days ago is:  'look, if we're prepared to use an anti-aircraft missile against your drone over Lebanon, then we're prepared to use one against your f-16's'.

  7. Taxi says:

    Axis of Resistance news:  Houthi spokesperson this afternoon gave a televised statement, with video footage illustrating that thousands of Sudanese soldiers hired by Saudi Arabia had been surrounded and captured several days ago.  Of course, I still can't find youtube footage of it to share with you – even though this latest Houthis victory is all over the mideast news cycle today.

    I'll post the video when it eventually turns up on the net, I guess.

    • Taxi says:

      I forgot to add that the Houthis spokesperson also publicly asked the Sudanese government to arrange for the return of its thousands of soldiers back to their homeland of Sudan.  He referred to Sudanese POWSs as "our Sudanese brothers who were cheated by Saudi Arabia".

      • Canthama says:

        Early in the week Sudan had announced 10,000 of its soldiers would be leaving Yemen, it seems that is on top of the POWs, meaning Saudi Barbaria is in deep shit with the largest mercenary army moving away from Yemen, this is the right time to hit another oil infra structure in KSA, it would force KSA's hands toward peace or bankruptcy.

      • Taxi says:

        Mindblowing that such a big Yemen story that broke yesterday about the capture of masses of Sudanese soldiers is still unavailable on English search engines – wtf?!  The footage shown by the Houthi spokesperson yesterday showed so very many Sudanese soldier corpses literally strewn all over the desert after the latest battle that forced the Sudanese soldiers to surrender.  You'd think with all that death, a headline or two would appear on the net, no?

        Freaking media!!!

        In any case, yeah here's a link to your "10.000 Sudanese soldiers leaving Yemen":

        Sudan withdraws 10,000 Sudanese soldiers from Yemen

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Taxi,

        Mindblowing that such a big Yemen story that broke yesterday about the capture of masses of Sudanese soldiers is still unavailable on English search engines – wtf?!

        Reply: The 'If it ain't on TV [Talmud Vision – TM geokat], it didn't happen' ploy.

    • Taxi says:

      Right, well I’ve found the relevant video to the Houthi/Sudani POW’s – turned up just now on an Arabic youtube station – guess it went under the jew censor’s nose for being in Arabic.

  8. goysplainer says:

    ya weli shu meskin this Hariri!! even though he is a punk, what a tragic character he is. this poor man was sold into a lifetime of slavery by his father actions and his own naivety. now that he's older, you can see how miserable this burden has become. but by now it's too late and there is nowhere he can go to escape his father's image; it dominates his entire existence as the threat of death. not even in the privacy of his own dwelling (his fathers' as well) can he find respite – there too it haunts him as a foreboding reminder: your life belongs to us!  

    photo from October 29, 2019 – the day he was decommissioned  

    • Taxi says:

      You're absolutely spot on – Saad Hariri is utterly haunted by his father's life AND his death.  The shadow of Hamlet looms large over his psychological biography.

  9. Veritas X- says:

    Hello Taxi.

    Canthama made me aware of your site a few weeks ago. I spent quite a bit of time reviewing your *Hezbollah Will Liberate the Galilee* with comments. Just so You know, I saw over 250+ cookies/tracking sources thru 1 of my 'computer security programs'. This story only has <10 trackers, so, I give my 1st comment here at your blog.

    Regarding your previous story about the jizzreali military forces pulling back from the border area, and, of course all of the 'bravado talk' from virtually everyone, I'd like to be very specific on 1 point. The immediate & total disappearance of these jizzrealis up to 3-10 km(?) from the border can easily be explained by something no-one mentioned. i.e. *Contingency Planning (DEW)-Directed Energy Weapons*. These types of weapons have been around for many decades. The jizzrealis used these, for example in Jan. 2002 with the seizure of the Palestinian freighter *Karine A*:
    I would think the modern-day variants are soo sophisticated that We will only see them deployed when WWIII goes 'hot'.
    The old stuff is quite good, as proved in the 2003-Iraq War.

    Regarding your thesis that the present saudi-stooge Saad Hariri is expendable and highly likely to be removed by matzaballers, I totally agree with You.
    As his father was.
    *Revelations on Rafik Hariri’s Assassination* 29 November 2010 by Thierry Meyssan, is an excellent reference source in english:
    "While western media have announced that indictments against Hezbollah will be issued shortly by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, it is the entire UN investigation that Russian magazine Odnako is calling into question. Thierry Meyssan posits that the weapon used to assassinate former Prime Minister Rafik Hairiri was supplied by Germany. Former German prosecutor and first commissioner in charge of the UN probe, Detlev Mehlis, seemingly doctored evidence to cover up his country’s involvement. These revelations embarrass the Tribunal and reverse the tide in Lebanon…."

    And the scientifically-based fact the many khazars are prone to be schizophrenic as well as like bragging about murdering people, well, it sure supports your thesis additionally:
    "Scientists have discovered a gene that predisposes Ashkenazi Jews to schizophrenia. For purely genetic reasons, these Jews are 40 percent more likely to develop schizophrenia and related mental disorders than non-Jews…"
    AND, last but not least:
    "The first definitive history of the Mossad, Shin Bet, and the IDF’s targeted killing programs, from the man hailed by David Remnick as “arguably [Israel’s] best investigative reporter”

    The Talmud says: “If someone comes to kill you, rise up and kill him first.” This instinct to take every measure, even the most aggressive, to defend the Jewish people is hardwired into Israel’s DNA. From the very beginning of its statehood in 1948, protecting the nation from harm has been the responsibility of its intelligence community and armed services, and there is one weapon in their vast arsenal that they have relied upon to thwart the most serious threats: Targeted assassinations have been used countless times, on enemies large and small, sometimes in response to attacks against the Israeli people and sometimes preemptively. In this page-turning, eye-opening book, journalist and military analyst Ronen Bergman offers a riveting inside account of the targeted killing programs—their successes, their failures, and the moral and political price exacted on the men and women who approved and carried out the missions.

    Bergman has gained the exceedingly rare cooperation of many current and former members of the Israeli government, including Prime Ministers Shimon Peres, Ehud Barak, Ariel Sharon, and Benjamin Netanyahu, as well as high-level figures in the country’s military and intelligence services: the IDF (Israel Defense Forces), the Mossad (the world’s most feared intelligence agency), Caesarea (a “Mossad within the Mossad” that carries out attacks on the highest-value targets), and the Shin Bet (an internal security service that implemented the largest targeted assassination campaign ever, in order to stop what had once appeared to be unstoppable: suicide terrorism).

    Including never-before-reported, behind-the-curtain accounts of key operations, and based on hundreds of on-the-record interviews and thousands of files to which Bergman has gotten exclusive access over his decades of reporting, Rise and Kill First brings us deep into the heart of Israel’s most secret activities. Bergman traces, from statehood to the present, the gripping events and thorny ethical questions underlying Israel’s targeted killing campaign, which has shaped the Israeli nation, the Middle East, and the entire world."
    * Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel's Targeted Assassinations* January 30th 2018 by Ronen Bergman
    Please Read the following comment in its entirety at the link supplied below:
    ***Murtaza 's review ***
    "…I was genuinely amazed at many of the revelations that Bergman documents, including the fact that the IDF had carried out a wave of deliberate car bombing attacks against Palestinian civilians in Beirut, tried to brainwash captured Palestinians to assassinate Arafat, and even blamed assassinations and bombings in Lebanon on fictional Sunni extremist groups. The means used to carry out these operations were often chilling, including the use of gruesome poisons, package bombings, home invasion murders and other "terroristic" forms of killing. Faced with what they consider existential threats and not thinking too highly of their neighbors, the Israeli officials have been ruthless in their fight to preserve the state over the past several decades. It really is clear that Mossad is willing to do anything, anywhere to potentially anyone if its leaders deem it necessary…."

    Without a doubt the zionazis are doing their very best to neutralize Hezbollah.
    They will fail.
    Surprisingly, the *Axis of Resistance* -Russia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Hezbollah has masterly played the sick S.O.B.'s of the Anglo-Zionist(zionazis) Empire.
    But, that's a whole 'nother story.
    Perhaps my comment is a little-bit dis-jointed but, I hope You-Taxi & readers appreciate it and the source-info.

    Best Regards Veritas X-
    I'm an old 'new jersey guy' that left the States to work in KSA-Saudi Barbaria in the late 1970's.
    And, been living in Scandinavia since then.
    40+ years abroad. No Regrets.
    Good Luck Taxi. "Home is where the Heart is".

    • Taxi says:

      What an awesome comment, VeritasX – thank you so much for all the goodie-good info.  Plato's welcomes you and your gift for sharing.

      Your comment was not "disjointed" at all.  You addressed several issues and all your thoughts are worthy of attention and consideration.

      Thank you for your explanation of the 5-7 kilometer jew pullback from the Lebanon border (Hezbollah says the idf pulled back 5 kilometers in some patches and 7 in others).  Good to have someone who understands arms and armory give us the benefit of their knowledge and understanding in such matters.  This jewish pullback, however, does not reverse the fact that jew cowardice was also involved in their pullback.  It is the norm for israel always to 'push forward' to establish needed range for their weapons, but they pulled back this last time round, apparently because they did NOT want to "escalate" with Hezbollah.  And when was the last time that jews opted for non-escalation?  Right, never before!  More proof that they're in a security pickle.

      Regarding Rafik Hariri's assassination, I remember reading several of Thierry Meyssan's investigative articles on the subject.  Really, for me, it was obvious from the beginning that it was an israel op.  First, israel's Leb and international agents accused Syria of doing it – despite Syria having no grand enough motive for such a profoundly consequential op.  When the charge against Syria didn't legally stick, the same accusers turned and pointed fingers at Hezbollah.  At that point, I lost interest in the case and stopped following, especially after Nasrallah had presented Hezbollah's own intel (in one of his speeches) that cogently demonstrated how the mossad executed the assassination op against Rafik Hariri.  Also, I kinda switched off the case cuz I already knew how jews love to 'entangle' their enemies in legal cases that have no basis, entangle them in gossipmongering and bickermongering etc – it's a weapon of mass distraction for them – they love it when Gentiles pars themselves into an infinite circle and get nowhere.  Fuck that, I ain't following their crumbs cuz there ain't any crumbs to follow!

      Your other points, briefly (cuz I'm short on time):

      1- Being schizophrenic does not necessarily make one a murderer.  But reading the talmud and blindly following its genocidal instructions day after day and for the length and width of your whole life certainly does!  And the talmud's fundamental instruction to jews is: “go forth and destroy all non-jews, their cities and their gods”.  This is apparently what the jew god wants jews to do on this earth.  Be its destroyers.  Cuz it pleases their god.  This is why they especially party and dance when they burn gentile babies and kill whole Gentile families, as indeed we've seen them do in Palestine over and over again.  They're only fulfilling their god's instruction, after all.  This is why they brag and feel no shame or empathy towards their victims – they're doing their god-sanctioned work on earth.  This is why Jesus rejected talmudic teachings and referred to jews as worshiping in the synagogue of satan.  "The destroyers of the world".  It's what they call themselves too – they've even actually written books about it.

      2-  Bergman's book – yeah heard about it, perused through a review – got what it's about, thought maybe one day I may make time to read it.  I'm sure it's well written and packed with illuminating diamonds of information on jewish terrorism and methodology.  It's good that a book like this exists so as people become more informed.  Thank you for reviewing it and expounding on it. 

      3-  Just to clarify who the (first tier) Axis of Resistance members are:  the nations of Iran and Syria, and the non-state members of Hezbollah/Lebanon, Jaish-al-shaab/Iraq, Houthis/Yemen, and of course, the Palestinian resistance groups in both Gaza and the underbelly of the West Bank.  The second tier of the Axis of Resistance consists of the nations of Tunisia, Algeria, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Malaysia.

      Russia is not a member of the Axis of Resistance, but it is friendly to all of its members, as indeed it is very friendly to israel too.  Russia is, however, a member of the Axis of the East (with China and her eastern allies), which is currently in a state of luke-warm-war with the Axis of the West (USA and it's English-speaking poodles). 

      And of course, we all know who the Axis of Evil are: US, israel and saudi Arabia.  And all shekeled sycophant nations carrying water for them, they're part of the Axis of Evil too – and that includes, I'm afraid to say, Sweden too.  The jewish rot has really burrowed itself into civilized Sweden a good decade ago and whatever the synagogue of satan wants, Sweden now immediately, unquestionably obliges.  Same goes for all other major European nations.

      Like you, I'm an American expat – southern California – now in south Lebanon marking my eighth year.  And I kinda miss everything and nothing heh!  Crazy that you went from living in saudi arabia to living in Sweden – two ends of the environmental spectrum in every conceivable manner – diametrically opposite.  What a trip for a NJ dude lol!

      p.s.  I have a soft spot for Sweden – some of my living relatives are Swedish.  I have not a single mush-spot for saudi arabia.  And of course, my black spot is wholesale reserved for the terrorist state of israel.

      • Assad al-islam says:

        Dear Taxi, the (first tier) Axis of Resistance are all Muslim Countries. The good cop like Iran, the bad cop like Saudi Arabia and the neutral cop like Iraq, these are all (first tier) Axis of Resistance. Kissinger kicked out the USSR from Middle East including Syria. And, Kerry invited back Russia to Syria for mopping up Obama's Red Line. Since then, the Russians haven't looked back!

      • 5 dancing shlomos says:

        From a diseased belief system comes diseased minds,

        the disease passed generation to generation.

        Lies for brain cells. Snakes and worms inside their heads.

  10. Taxi says:

    I was just talking to a Lebanese villager, 87 years of age – he's seen all the wars of the Lebanon and the wars of other Arab countries since the forced establishment of terrorist israel.  I told him that I'd just written this article about Israel and Hariri's assassination plan and he said to me: "Look, the jews want the head of Nasrallah on a pike, but killing him doesn't weaken the Hezbollah, it only makes them sad.  Nasrallah is replaceable in a second".  He added, "Israel murdering Nasrallah might start a regional war, but not a civil war in Lebanon.  On the other hand, if the jews murdered Hariri, now THAT would start a civil war in the country – and I think the jews want a civil war in Lebanon, not a regional war that would put israel in the line of fire".

    If then we're to go by my villager friend's logic, Saad Hariri therefore is a higher-value target than Nasrallah in the eyes of tel aviv.  As pathetic a personality as Saad Hariri is, apparently his head is worth much more to the jews than even Nasrallah's.


  11. AriusArmenian says:

    As an Armenian born and raised in the US I was surprised to learn of the substantial Armenian and other Christian support for Hezbollah. They are close to the poor and they also have the respect of Christians in Syria.

    Certainly the US will try to set off more chaos in Lebanon – it's right out of their regime change playbook. 

    I only question that Mossad will wait until Trump approves the hit. They will go ahead when they want and their agents of influence will keep the US in line. 

    • Taxi says:

      The Armenian community in the Leb is very well integrated and pretty ‘awoke’. They are a civilized lot who’ve never created any trouble for their host nation – au contraire, they are a huge religious and cultural plus for Lebanon, a classy community that contributes much to Lebanese business, arts and cuisine – and politically speaking, they have representation in parliament and tend to peacefully align with all conscientious issues. Their grandparents having arrived to Leb as refugees and escapees from the Turkish genocide against them, a genocide that was instigated by Turkish jews and Turkish crypto jews, the Lebanese Armenian community is anti israel and everything it stands for, but in a soft-spoken, peaceful sort of way. An Armenian-Leb friend of mine once said to me: “jews organized our genocide and they murdered our Lord Jesus, but we would like to forgive them because we are the first Christians in the world and we have to lead by Christian example”.

      Can you imagine a jew saying such a statement about the Nazi Germans? No you can’t because their talmud does not instruct jews towards ‘forgiveness’, on the contrary, it instructs them to “never forgive, never forget”. Freaking bitter satanists!

      And regarding your comment about the mossad doing whatever the fuck suits it and whenever. Yeah, you’re right about that one. Currently, they’re mainly constrained because they have no official government, not because Trumpy has asked them to.

  12. Taxi says:

    Yesterday, Sunday the 3rd November, thousands of Lebanese protestors gathered in Martyr Square/Beirut and in the squares of other major cities: a mix of genuine and paid protestors – they did the old familiar blahblah protesting.  Simultaneously, a huge pro President Aoun rally also took place in Beirut, and the President gave a speech to his supporters under blue-gray autumn skies.  The day's events went unmolested by jewish dirt and terrorism, though one could sense that their 'activists' were in the shadows awaiting orders from tel aviv via the American embassy in Beirut.   This week should see some political progress on the formation of a new government – unless of course the seething-with-jealousy jews throw a crooked spanner in the works.

    One thing I'd like readers to be aware of: many media outlets keep reporting that the Lebanese government is "dominated by Hezbollah".   This is far-far from the truth.  Lebanon's parliament has 128 seats, of which Hezbollah has won 13.  Do 13 seats "dominate" 128 seats?  They surely don't!  What the jewy media in the West should be saying instead is: even though Hezbollah has only 13 out of 128 parliamentarian seats, most of the other parliament seats are in SUPPORT of Hezbollah's resistance activities against terrorist israel.  Now THAT would be giving their readers the facts!


  13. Taxi says:

    We have already established a link between the coincided timing of the Iraq and Lebanon protests.  Unable to make direct war on Iran, and Pax Americana and its allies beginning to feel the seeping of their powers in the middle east, a campaign of internal civic unrest has been activated in these two middle eastern countries as compensation for Empire's weakened hegemony.  It's like the evicted brute who smashes the furniture on his way out the bar.

    I ask readers here not to confuse civic unrest with military weakening.  These are two separate universes.  Just as the Leb protests don't diminish the number of Hezbollah's missiles pointing at tel aviv, the Iraq protests too don't diminish the 'Hashd ash-Sha'bi' and their weaponry that's pointed at Iraq's Green Zone, tel aviv and Riyadh.  And just so readers also know, the Iraqi 'Hashd ash-Sha'bi', otherwise known as the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), is an Iraqi state-sponsored umbrella organization composed of some 40 militias that are mostly Shia Muslim groups, but also include Iraqi Christian and Yazidi militias.

    Yesterday, paid Iraqi protestors were directed by DC/tel aviv towards the Iranian consulate in Karbala (a Shia holy city, by all accounts a very pro Iranian city), where these paid protestors circled the Iranian consulate with burning tires and brought down the Iranian flag, replacing it with an Iraqi one.  Oh don't worry yourselves too much – non of this weakens Iranian influence in Iraq, as the jewy media would have you believe.  The best that the Axis of Evil can do in their frustrated and humiliated state is attack 'symbols' of Iranian power, and not Tehran itself where Iranian power is concentrated.  Furthermore, what's to stop pro Iran Iraqis from launching their own protests outside the Green Zone and burning American and israeli flags there and doing their 'death to America, death to israel' chant?  Just because they're not protesting outside the Green Zone right now doesn't mean that this is not on the cards – as indeed anti-American Iraqis have done this before.  Perhaps it's wise of Iraqis not to have two opposing protests going on at the same time so as to avoid civilian-on-civilian violence.

    The evil jewish plans for Iraq and Lebanon are easy to decipher:  create peak insecurity internally before striking from externally.  Except, there will not be any 'external striking' while tel aviv remains in political chaos itself, and while the terrorist state of israel also remains in a state of unreadiness for war on its northern border with Hezbollah.

    When the jews can't do BIG EVIL, they will send out a perpetual bunch of small evils to spoil people's lives with in the meantime.  They cannot live a single day without needing a bucket of innocent blood to moisten their evil hands with.  Freaking satanist!

    • Taxi says:

      One must be mindful that the ONLY card left in the hands of the Axis of Evil is the sectarian card: attempting to create a full on war between Sunnis and Shias right across the middle east.  Sure it's the most dangerous of cards, but once fully played, the jews won't exactly survive it either.  In fact, post such a horrific war, native Sunnis and Shias will eventually recover, whereas the terrorist euro jews won't have an inch of land in the middle east to recover at.

  14. Taxi says:

    First we had 'rubber bullets', now we have "sponge-tipped bullets"?  Wow sounds positively kinky!  Honestly, who the fuck comes up with these mushy names for weapons that kill and maim?

    Take a look at jewish terrorism, and note the freaking high level of fear in the voice of the female jew terrorist (vid inside article):


    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ Taxi,

      It's also a war of words, where we cull animals [not kill or slaughter], where we have rendition flights [torture and worse] and 'Horizontal Aluminium Transportation Tubes'  HATT [better now to the layman as <b>coffins<b>].

      • Taxi says:

        Yeah sure it's a "war of words" against the living as well as against the dead!  It's social engineering through the abuse of language, otherwise known as gonad-less 'propaganda'.

    • Taxi says:

      Hey Yankee, ya think you can fuck with holy Karbala and not get a smack back for it?  Think again.

      The restless natives' balls are growing.

  15. Taxi says:

    “We don’t have any involvement in what is going on,”, stressed the terrorist israeli army spokesman Jonathan Conricus.  Yeah suuuuuuure no involvement at all, nada, zilch lol!

    'Careful what you wish for' is the adage that comes to mind:

    Wary of Hezbollah, Israel unsure if Lebanon turmoil an opportunity or threat

    A few days ago, Nasrallah told the nation of Lebanon that Hezbollah is "very strong, very, very strong, and throughout the protests, Hezbollah didn't use any of its immense powers, not one!".

  16. Taxi says:

    A general strike by protestors has been called in for today in Lebanon.  Roads are getting closed here and there and picket lines at schools have been formed to stop students from entering school property.

    Of importance is the airport road, which the army has closed off.  They've been guarding it and keeping it open for a good ten days now.  Perhaps they have intel that forces them to take this extreme action?

    Something is beginning to smell bad again on the streets of Lebanon.

    Early this morning, south of the airport in a coastal neighborhood called Khalde, the army confronted Jumblatt thugs – in accordance with a political decision taken yesterday to send a message to Jumblatt to stop fucking around.

    In the northern city of Tripoli, the army clashed with unarmed protestors and civilian casualties were reported.

    Keeping y'all posted….

    • Taxi says:

      Iraq too is experiencing a turbulent morning on its streets today.  Reports of looter-gangs mingling with protestors and causing mayhem etc.  Also, a high-level Iraqi security person was caught working for the mossad – he's being accused of organizing the fiery protest outside the Iranian consulate in Karbala.

    • Taxi says:

      Massive anti-American protest on the streets of Tehran right now – massive and collecting momentum!…

      • Taxi says:

        I shoulda added that the protests in Tehran is to mark 40 years since the American Embassy in Tehran was taken over by Iranian protestors.

    • Taxi says:

      In the southern city of Saida (city that's closest to where I am: a 30 minute drive away), a general strike there has also been called: protestors pouring on the streets right now, but gathering specifically outside the government's electricity company compound and also outside 'Ogero', a private telecommunications company (phones/internet), that till recently was owned by Saad Hariri.   Protests are peaceful but creating traffic mayhem.

    • Taxi says:

      Notable messages at protests in Leb today: calls by protestors for the Leb army to issue a travel ban on ALL politicians in Leb, forbidding them travel till their bank accounts have been investigated, as well as calls for the army to immediately take over governance till a new government is formed.

      • Taxi says:

        Now reporting on the general conclusion of today's protests in the Leb:

        By now, end of the day, most major roads have been reopened by the army.  The number of protestors per city today was much, much smaller than last week's.  When the army was not available, frustrated residents and locals of neighborhoods took it upon themselves to physically remove the 'road closers'.  It seems to be the case now that road-closing has become an unacceptable form of protest to the vast majority of the population, including the vast majority of protestors themselves.  And who were the road-closers today?  Stupid identitarean students (a minority of a minority), plus political thugs belonging to either Geagea, Jumblatt or the salafis of Tripoli.  This motley group was today getting much loathing from the citizenry for closing roads and denying them their freedom of movement.  This grouping also attempted to change the message of the genuine and original protest from an economic one, to one about either 'destroy everything that doesn't vibe with us' (the stupid identitarians), ‘disarm Hezbollah’ (Geagea and Jumblatt), and 'fuck the Lebanese army and authorities' (the Tripoli salafists who are aligned with wahabi saudi arabia, whom we should really now be calling an israel proxie).  Genuine economic protestors fervently rejected these messages with one angry guy on TV saying: "The government stole our money and now these idiots think they can steal our tears, our pain, our revolution – I will not let them do it!".

        The sun is now setting golden over the Lebanon coast (I have a nice view of it from my farmhouse).  There is quiet in the air again – the protestors have pretty much dissipated and left their protest locations, which were mainly outside of banking and governmental institutions in all the major cities.

        Lebanon survived yet another day in the crosshairs of the USA, israel and saudi Arabia.

  17. Taxi says:

    Big ass israeli f-16 flying overhead right now.  Freaking low and loud and my dogs are barking at it like mad.

    Yeah, after so many years of living in south Leb,  I can now tell the difference between the sound of a terrorist jew F-16 and an F-35 one.

    Oh the things you pick up as an expat overseas.

  18. Cloak And Dagger says:

    Stay safe, Taxi – and thanks for all the frontline reports. Does it get darkest before dawn?


  19. AriusArmenian says:

    Really appreciate your reporting on events in Lebanon. US/UK regime change operators are hard at work causing major chaos in Hong Kong. Hopefully they (along with France) will not get that far with Lebanon that should keep its focus on the western backed rich and powerful button pushing elites and their neoliberal economic plowing and plundering regime.

  20. Taxi says:

    Even though we all know that evil, like rust, never sleeps, there are no interesting headlines around the world today – not for my mind anyway – and the jewish press in israel is full of the usual lies and wanky supremicist manure.  Meh, won't bother myself or you with any of their tedious headlines.

    And here on the Leb front – yes, protests still ongoing, but even smaller today than yesterday's shrink up.  Though, there was a casualty this morning when a road-blocker refused to step away from his roadblock, and in the ensuing shove and fist-swing with residents wanting to get through, he fell and hit his head on the pavement and instantly passed away.  Even though he was being an asshole in his final life moments, he didn't deserve to die like that and so I will give him a respectful R.I.P. 

    So many senseless deaths in this world…

    The Lebs today and their media are preoccupied with parsing the pros and cons of the tactic of roadblocking as a civic right in any protesting democracy.  Oooof!  The Lebs can really talk your ears right off your head when their blood temperature rises.  And as a so-called 'laid back' Californian, what for me sounds like a confrontation between two Lebs, often turns out to be just them two excitedly agreeing with each other lol!   To be honest, after tuning to the Leb pulse for an hour this morning, I decided to switch off from all that roadblock-blockhead discussion and instead, I enjoyed a beautiful autumnal walk with my dogs in the wild hills of south Lebanon.

    The day would have been by far more exciting if the jew f-16 that flew overhead early this morning had spiraled downwards and crashed at the foot of my hill sad.

  21. Taxi says:

    Last night, the airport road was taken over for a couple of hours, not by protestors, but by Lebanese soccer fans celebrating and welcoming the return of the Lebanon soccer team, Al Ahed, who had just won the Asia Cup final against North Korea. This is the equivalent of winning the Superbowl of Asia.

    Lebanon's Al Ahed Clinch AFC Cup with Win over North Korean Side

    Netanyahu, last year at the UN referred to the national Leb soccer team as "Hezbollah's soccer team".  LOL what a sore-assed loser!

    The Story of Hezbollah's Soccer Team Netanyahu Mentioned at the UN

    Let's hope the Lebs keep scoring goals against their enemies within and without.

  22. Taxi says:

    Today in the Leb, so far, same as yesterday: beautiful autumn weather, army keeping roads open, and smaller protests outside of banking and governmental institution.  Relative peace.

    Your minimalist news provided today by busy bee me.

  23. Taxi says:

    Over the past decade, we've all observed color revolutions pop up across the four corners of the world, specifically in countries that resist Empire and its handmaiden nations.  For Empire, these color revolutions have become preferred alternatives to 'boots on the ground'.  A cheaper alternative for Empire, but an expensive one, especially in blood, for the targeted nations.  From Venezuela to Hong Kong and everywhere in between, including 'Arab Spring' revolts, these color revolutions' success has depended on how much brainwashing of the native masses the foreign organizers and local paid-activists can achieve – and the architects of this mass brainwashing have been non other than neoliberal Western foreigners and their media, with their NGOs supplying electronic armies, as well as plans and instruction to internal forces unhappy with their current governance.  Furthermore, these foreign neolibs and their NGO agencies themselves have been operating in collaboration with the CIA that essentially supplies intel, as well as the mighty dollar (through illegal, global drug trading): 'dirty dollars for chaos' and not clean dollars as humanitarian aid given for native-reprieve, that is.

    We've seen the same methods and tactics over and over again in these manufactured revolutions, that it's become obvious for the discerning mind to spot them and spot them quick by now.  These manufactured revolutions also earn the distinction of being divisive Identarian revolutions, as promoted by global jewish powers.  The good old 'divide and rule' tactic.

    The success of these overt ops against the rebel nations appears to depend wholly on how much identitarian brainwashing the neolibs can foist upon the minds of the restless natives within a specific and limited time-frame.  And as we all know, brainwashing doesn't work on 'woke' populations: indeed, cases in point here are the failed color revolution of Iran, and the attempted but failed hijacking of the revolutions both in France and the Lebanon.  Wherever you have mass 'wokefullness' is where you see color revolutions fail, or at least circumvent the malevolent neolib scheme.

    We all know the immense destructive powers of the CIA, but they too do not work alone.  They depend on DC mossadist-neolib think-tank analysis and studied propositions for solutions.  The CIA and jewish-run DC think-tanks work hand in hand to reshape nations: away from rebellious independence and into submissiveness to Empire and its jew-controlled throne.

    One of the worst think-tank offenders is the well-manicured Brookings Institute, disguised as a pluralistic advocate for so-called global 'human rights'.  They have literally and in fact written the handbook for the CIA on how to conduct color revolutions, all in the deceptive name of Democracy, of course.  I'm linking this very Brookings Institute handbook below.  It is a long read, but certainly worthy of your time:

    THE DEMOCRACY PLAYBOOK:Preventing and Reversing Democratic Backsliding

    (More on this later when I have more computer time).


    • Canthama says:

      Very true Taxi. I wonder how these "color revolutions" will either back fire in those countries or even in the US when the USD collapses for good, we are living thru the last-ditch effort to keep is the Dollar afloat but can not see it standing beyond 2023 at all due to the innumerous events to pop up…from US political infighting, de dollarization expansion, Yuan backed by gold possible attempt by China (lots of buzz on this one, it seems serious for 2020), golden age of Russian energy supply that starts in 2020 (Siberia-China gas, NordStream II, Turkish stream I & II), all of them pumping Euros, Yuan and Rubbles back to Russia, and last but not least the collapse of US "protection" in the ME…in part due to Russia's presence, BRI and the huge victory by the Resistance all over the place.

      In short, there is nothing, not even a large war possibility, that can sustain the USD fiat currency, all global indications point to a severe collapse on its value, trade and thus pushing inflation and disorder to that country, I keep saying the US but the EU is also in deep shit, mostly banks. Worth checking the article below.

      • Taxi says:

        The terrorist Rothschild’s global financial empire, with their state client-slaves in tow are certainly threatened with a massive collapse once their ‘Fiat’ creation collapses – and by all expert indications, they’re inching towards exactly this end. May they all perish with their insane swindles forevermore. And may the world’s finances instead become permanently based on gold obtained through production meritocracy rather than the jewish Fiat scams that invaded the world these past 200 years and created with it untold poverty, lopsided inequality and unnecessary warfare for 99% of humanity.

  24. Canthama says:

    The subject related to the SAA handing over to Russia a missile from Raytheon’s state-of-the-art defense systems (David's Sling) has been buzzed for the past 2 days, this article seems to be the most detailed so far, what it amazes me is the spin toward Russia giving the technology to Iran…and not Syria giving to Iran, sometimes journalists outdo themselves…worth the reading though for further investigation on this subject, that of course could be fake since there is no evidence of it.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ Canthama,

      Greetings, dear friend. Hope you and yours are well.

      If this missile is still intact, it means it failed to do its job, aka a dud.  In that case the Russians learn what not to do :o]

      According to the Asia Times article, the missile failed to self-destruct and is a ‘hit to kill’ missile [non-explosive].

      • Taxi says:

        Russia needs all the tech info on American weaponry that it can get its hand on – and the easiest way to get this info is from dumbass, trigger-happy israeli hands. Israeli terrorist Raphael Industries are today eating Syrian poop, and Raytheon back at home are eating Russian poop. Bon appetite mass-murdering motherfuckers!

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks for the great link, Canthama. I always find the exceptionally informative – because it’s a neutral outlet when it comes to mideast affairs.

      Yap, chalk the incident you and the article refer to as yet another loss for the Axis of Evil.

  25. Taxi says:

    Right, well I drove from down south to the airport in Beirut today to drop off my Singapore guests who couldn't get to the airport some 12 days ago for road closures due to protests.  Nice open roads – presence of army dotted main junctions and hot-spots along the way, keeping roads open and safe.

    The protests continue as per the past few days: peaceful and concentrated mainly outside banking and governmental institutions.  Worthy of mention here are the tens of thousands of students, as if on school outings, who've taken to the streets in protest for the past three days, in a sense compensating for the ongoing shrinkage of 'adult' protestors.  They're well-behaved – and yes, very opinionated: demanding the immediate end of corruption and their right to a better and brighter future.  Hey, they're getting a fantastic education on balanced governance and how to create a stable future – while our kids stateside are getting an education on how to 'obey' our broken jewy system.  Sad.  It wouldn't surprise me one bit if in 50 years time, Americans would want to emigrate to a thriving Lebanon instead of the other way round.

    On the political front in the Leb, two days ago, an IMF contingency arrived to Beirut to discuss Lebanon's dire finances and to propose a 'rescue package'.  WTF?!!!  Freaking sharks double-circling their prey!  Yet, their arrival weirdly bodes good news for the Leb: the US does not want civil war to break out – certainly not before the next elections in the US, otherwise the IMF motherfuckers wouldn't have rushed at Beirut soon as the roads were taken over by the army.

    Also, the Leb prez Aoun met for five hours yesterday with Hariri to discuss forming a technocratic government that would soon take over the reigns from Hariri's greasy hands.  No official statement was delivered after the meeting by either men, but many Leb analysts are indicating that this new technocratic government will be named inside of one week.  More dramatically, the prez delivered 17 files on corrupt politicians to the hands of the justice ministry and so investigations into kleptomaniac activities by Leb politicians have now begun.  The biggest fish on this list is no less than Foad Siniora, right hand man of both Hariri the father, and Saad his son, and himself an ex PM.  Siniora is accused of stealing $11 billion dollars.  And let us not forget here that he is a US agent (therefore a proxy man for israel) and an avid hater of Hezbollah.  May his Swiss bank account soon become like Swiss cheese.

    The Hezb, as usual, they lay low and just keep an eye on the jewish vermin at the border.  If not for the excellent vigilance and much-capable shia resistance here in the south, I'd not be having the time of my life as an American in south Lebanon woohoo!  Thank you my little hezbi friends for enabling me, nay for rescuing me from a life of utter vacuous beachbumness in jewy southern California.  Thank you especially for allowing me my FULL freedom of speech here in the Lebanon: something that unfortunately my own jew-occupied country has denied me.

    Absurd beyond belief that Americans are freer overseas than they are back at home.

    • Canthama says:

      IMF is a death trap for any country, it presents as easy money and a solution but it comes with huge price tag for the inhabitants, it would make way more sense to go to a 1to1 deal with China or Russia for financial relief in exchange of rights for infra structure such as off shore exploration or any other thing, cheaper, productive and simple, and a bonus…some weapons.

      IMF will demand no weapons, no Hezb Allah, no corruption for non IMF gangbang members (like in Ukraine) and lets not forget who controls with veto powers the IMF…US then you have UK and France with substantial powers as well.

      Hope Lebanon shows them the middle finger.

    • Taxi says:

      I share your concerns about the IMF.  In the case of the Leb, well, the IMF has already done its ruinous tap dance on the Leb pocket, invited into the Leb by no less than the mossad-assassinated Rafik Hariri and his side-kick Fouad Siniora back in 1992.  It was Rafik Hariri and his globalist banking policies that opened the Leb door for the global ponzi lending scheme known as the IMF.  Before Rafik Hariri took governmental reign, Lebanon's finances were robust – hell, even during the Leb's civil war (lasting 15 years) that also coincided with an israeli invasion (that lasted for 18 years), Lebanon's finance remained largely active and by far more independent and healthy than it is even now.

      Your suggestions for the Leb to go the way of "China or Russia" is absolutely sound, and this idea has been circulating the Leb for many years, but the powers that be in the Leb, ie saudi arabia (Hariri) and USA (Hariri) have not, and still will not allow for such a transition and have bent over backwards to be sure this doesn't take place.  They won't even allow the Lebanese government to resume open relations with Bashar's government – no official trade or diplomatic services exist between the neighboring countries of Lebanon and Syria – they were closed down soon after the Takfiris took over Syria some nine years ago.  The absurdity of this situation is beyond words, especially considering that the Leb has over 1 million Syrian refugees that need government-assisted repatriation back to their homeland.  Saad Hariri facilitated this despicable and unfriendly scenario towards Syria when an assaulted Syria needed the most support out of its Lebanon neighbor – and it's Saad Hariri who continued to block a rapprochement with Syria up to date, despite many attempts by Hezb and Aoun and other politicians to return the Leb to its traditional friendly political posture with it's neighbor, Syria .

      Are you know seeing the utter and deep treason of the Hariri clan?  They prefer to hurt Lebanon and its trade-orientated people so long as Bashar is kicked in the gut (for the benefit of israel).  They would prefer for the Leb to be starving under the IMF instead of being independent and thriving (starve for the benefit of israel).

      So very much is wrong with the Leb right now, and I don't believe a technocratic government will fix it so long as the banking system remains in the clutches of elite globalist bankers with Leb passports, and so long as Hariri (US and saudi arabia: both israelis proxies in the Leb) remains politically fingering at Leb's wounds and woes.  And how to reverse this grip?  Only with the weakening of the dollar, which unfortunately is not coming fast enough.

      Look, the Axis of Evil, wanting to launch a war on the Axis of Resistance nations yet not being able to do so, has now opted for economic warfare, and presently, the best way for the Axis of Evil to shred the multiple Resistance members is to curb their nation's trading powers with each other, hence, the intended delays in Syria's recovery, and the simultaneous and economically disruptive protests taking place in both the Lebanon and Iraq.  These three countries' abilities to trade with each other is what produces their independence from Empire, and so therefore they have been strategically prohibited from resuming their traditional and historic trading partnerships.

      And where will all this lead to?  Regional war against Empire and its gangbangers, of course.

      Grim prospects for Lebanon remain ahead indeed, despite the current relative calm and peace.

  26. Taxi says:

    Of course, the equally kleptomaniacal Democratic Party would utterly intentionally ignore here this REAL impeachable offense against Trump:

    … if Trump puts into practice his promise to seize Syrian oil production, that will constitute, according to authoritative legal experts, a violation of international law against ‘pillaging’ enshrined in the Fourth Geneva Convention and thus constitute a war crime. Any party complicit in pillaging, and that would surely include other parties in the Joint Task Force, even if only headquarters staff and not boots on the ground, could also be culpable. The British government might find itself challenged in a UK court even if no international court could be found willing to act.

    Former British Ambassador to Syria: UK complicit in Trump’s Syria Oil Grab  

    • AriusArmenian says:

      Reason being that button pushing US elites are united on a US plowing and plundering foreign policy.

      Russiagate and now Ukraingate are both creatures of the US intel agencies that see in the Trump stump and inauguration speeches a direct threat to their and Wall Street's control of the US. They are running regime change operations inside the US for Wall Street and against main street. They really didn't have to do anything as Trump would have self-destructed anyway. It's like the Roman senators that murdered Julius Caesar to save the Republic but were the final act to destroy it.

      Another part of the picture is that US elites were split on going after Russia first or going after China first. Trump's campaign policy was to go after China and buddy up to Russia – this was from Kissinger. But the elites could't agree and settled on and insist on going after both at the same time. This strategic blunder is leading directly to accelerating Russia and China further into alliance which has checkmated the West leading directly to even greater desperation of US elites.

      What I refer to as the Eastern Allies are in a good position and should stay the course. The US is the last western empire and along with its Anglosphere and EU vassals and under the limitation of the Checkmate from the East is turning inward against itself. It is in its last act of a debt super cycle collapse, its final critique which Israel is not likely to survive.

      • Taxi says:

        China is America’s ultimate enemy to be reckoned with. Usually, an enemy is strategically separated from its allies so as to weaken it before the final blow. But America is run by stupid men and women who are strategy-challenged and so today we have a situation where all their policies lead to the enemy gaining more allies rather than being left alone on the vine for the picking. You’re correct that Kissinger advised targeting the separation of China from Russia as prime strategy, but it fell on deaf ears in DC, including on them orange ears of president Trump. He’s an idiot like the rest of them – a bombast who speaks with both sides of his mouth: “I like China”, he says, yet he wages an economic war against it. “I like Putin”, he says, yet he wages an economic war on Russia. He’s just an actor doing his part for the warmongering swamp – going along with the grotesque theater. When he won the presidency, he had a clear mandate from the people, plus much political currency to wind down ALL US wars around the globe and begin closing all them unnecessary and expensive-to-maintain US military bases peppered around the world. He didn’t do this, and instead, he expanded the existing wars and added new bases. He buckled to the blood-thirsty warmongers and thus became one of them.

        I wouldn’t mind the elites so much if they just stayed at home and counted their stupid money. But they don’t do that, do they? They go forth and by deception of the masses, they occupy ALL halls of power and unleash their psychotic inclinations at both working class compatriots and foreign nations alike. They truly are the scourge of the world. No true democracy is possible with the existence of the elite class.

  27. Taxi says:

    Michael Oren, that manicured jewish terrorist, that traitor-in-yer-face and war criminal was feeling so fretful over the safety of israel that he was compelled to write an article about it for the Atlantic Magazine earlier this week, depicting a scenario that doesn't quite favor israel in the next war – though he just about shies away from reading israel its last rites.  Yeah, the cold-blooded jew supremicist Oren really-really wants to believe that israel can survive the next war.  His Atlantic article should have been written back in 2008 when it was becoming clear that Hezbollah's victory over the jew military in 2006 was but a mere war appetizer for the Axis of Resistance, and but a small but clear glimpse into the future destruction of israel.   'Johnny come lately to reality' Oren is evidently concerned that the US may not come to israel's aid in the next war, and is sending out a jew-cry for help to his influential American goy friends right now in an effort to get some kinda assurance that Americans are willing to die for israel in the coming war.  Well, fat chance of that happening outside of the detested, psychotic christian zionist community.

    Begs the question here: if the jews are so deeply and profoundly 'insecure' about the next war, an existential war, no less, why then not prepare for peace instead of war?

    Aha!  Ahahaha!!!

    Because the fucker jewish state is so soaked to the eyeballs with the blood of mass murder that they cannot see peace as ever an option.  Their mindset for so long now has been so immersed in war and kleptomania for Greater Israel that they've literally wiped out the word 'peace' from their kosher dictionary.

    The talmudic prime tenet “never forgive, never forget" that jews follow is greatly at play here – cuz when you "never forgive and never forget", you're basically in a permanent state of war.  Over 3000 years of jews being in a mental state of war without even a single day of peace.  Yeah they drowned that peace baby in the rivers of Babylon back in Babylonian days.

    And here they are today, still cowards warmongering with fists punching at air while hiding behind the big guy.  Oren and his article are examples of this enduring, jewish mental trend.

    Really, there's nothing new in Oren's article – we've all been saying the very same thing here at Plato's for yonkers.  Therefore the question to ask here is 'why' is jewish-supremicist Michael Oren writing such an article in the first place?

    Gilad Atzmon would answer with his classic: 'it's the jewish pre-traumatic syndrome at full display here'.  And he's right, of course, and I would go further and add that this "pre-traumatic syndrome" is uniquely and reflexively prompted by ingrained jewish cowardice that by now is impossible to hide from the world.  No, you will not see Holywood-style Blockbuster jew bravery in the next israel war.   You will see the exact opposite.  Oren's article kinda hints at this too.  He's deathly-pale scared for his tribe.  And our friend Gilad answers Oren's fear-filled confessional with an article of his own that discusses israel's future death scenario – something of an area that Gilad doesn't usually delve into, being  more comfortable parsing the criminal quirks of  'jewish identity' instead of the 'jewish military'.

    Here's links to both articles, starting first with terrorist Oren's – whose article I note does NOT allow for commentary by the public: an indicator of deep jewish trepidation in and of itself:

    The Coming Middle East Conflagration

    Israel's Last War

    Yet, Gilad's article above has several hundred comments already, naturally.

    Dear reader, with the advent of the internet that allows for the open dissemination of 'public opinion', let's face it: an article without public commentary is but a COWARD's article.

    One gains the 'true full picture' of an issue, not from reading an article to its end, but really, from reading till end of the article's commentary that's written by the public.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      But I noted ['Israel's Last War' article] how natural it is for Occupied Palestine to run to Unca Sammy for refills of everything, coz Gilad doesn't question it. It's treated like a natural and unquestionable outcome or reflex. 

      Here's FB's take on Gilad's article

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Daniel.

      It's actually common knowledge (at least in the middle east) that the jewish state does not pay for ANY of its fighter jet fuel, but the American tax payer does.  Sure, this point raises eyebrows if one didn't know this before – it certainly raised mine when I first found out about it a couple of decades ago – but it doesn't anymore cuz by now this fact has become a 'norm' for me, not necessarily worthy of mention at every turn of phrase.  Perhaps Gilad is in the same mindset on this issue, especially that his orientation and work revolve around jewish identity and not the jewish military.

      Regarding the linked comment you shared.  The dude addresses propaganda points by Oren that Gilad does not correct in his counter article.  Fair enough.  But the dude clearly doesn't understand the clear danger that the jewish state poses into perpetuity.  He suggests that writers should be pushing for a 'peace' between Iran and israel and not for a much dreaded war.  He does not realize, or care to remember that 'peace' with the jewish state is but a ruse and an illusion – he has not gleaned that 'peace' is but a jewish ploy used and exploited to gain more jewish dominance.  Personally, I let people like that shadow-box by themselves.  I pay them no attention.  Especially when they browbeat the victims of jewish terrorism.  And Iran, undoubtedly, is a victim of jewish terrorism.

      Well, who isn't a victim of jewish terrorism, pray tell?!

  28. Taxi says:

    While Christians go merrily to their churches on Sunday, Plato's goes to the library and beelines straight to the Religion and Mythology shelves, where, there we take a good look at the innards of the human condition and its odd penchant for ritual and worship of the invisible – an activity that distinguishes humans from other mammals and beasts.

    The most unoriginal concept on earth must be that of 'god'.  Everybody in history had (at least) one, and everybody in present time still has one, including atheists – atheists being aligned and attached to the 'no god' god, born out of the same 'god worship' impulse but in reverse.  In other words, there's no getting away from NOT thinking about the 'god' issue if you're born human.  Never.

    This little video below tells us precisely what cloth the jews used to tailor their god from:

    • goysplainer says:

      the entire history of civilization spanning the past 10,000 years accounts for a fraction of our time on earth. the vast majority of our existence (~99%) was pre-agricultural. though it's hard to imagine at present, we have no reason to assume that these people were religious.

      the 'god' issue that we talk about today, was never just a single issue, but a developing set of relationships and premises based on the conditions of each historical epoch. each 'god' remains only as long as the conditions which support it continue to be reproduced.

      for instance, there is no ancient term that corresponds to our contemporary use of the word 'religion' – it is a byproduct of the European Enlightenment and the bourgeois-democratic revolution which gave to us the modern nation state; and with it the relegation of the new category of religion to the realm of civil society (private interest), an act unthinkable under the Catholic feudal caste system.

      that Sheldon Adelson imagines himself as ushering in the era of the moshiach is infinitely remarkable on it's own, but hardly as relevant as the actual material consequences of his shekling of Donald Trump—the latter at least we can empirically verify. that a Saudi head-chopper justifies his behavior in the name of religion changes nothing about the reality of decapitated domestic workers. to ask what affords Sheldon Adelson and MbS the ability to translate their unreal fantasies into real material existence is the same as asking what produces the head chopping takfiri and the Jew?

      Judaism doesn’t exist in the sky; it exists on the earth, and is inextricable from the world which produced it, and the world that needs and produces religion, i.e. the world of money, commodities and the state—the domain of Caesar as identified by Christ—is the real basis for Judaism. and as we know, that world has no share in the authentic human community (the Kingdom of Heaven) as understood by Marx and Christ:

      “No one can serve two masters; for a slave will either hate the one and love the other or be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon.”

      “L'humanité est en dehors de l'économie politique, l'inhumanité est en elle.”

      just as money, commodities, and the state assume a transhistorical universality today, despite the fact that they could hardly be more foreign to humanity throughout the history of our species, the idea that 'god' or 'religion' is intrinsic to the human experience is not a historical fact, but rather a consequence of viewing the past through the inverted logic of the present.

      'god' is not the human issue, but it is the issue of our times whose reality is being transformed at this moment even as i make these remarks. you can also rest assured that the 'god' issue will experience a massive revision with the dissolution of the bi-national US-Israeli terror state. ironically, the "Party of God" is at the forefront of this metamorphosis. 

      the fact that the 'god' issue is a conditioned phenomenon means that one day it will cease to exist. we can say the same about political economy: it came about, it is developing and one day its faulty premises will lead to its own dissolution – hopefully before we destroy the planet…

      good news: the status quo is not the end of history, concrete as it may seem!

      Francis Cousin has an excellent discussion about this subject that has been shared by Egalité et Réconciliation. for those who are unfamiliar with the radical distortion of Marx ("if I am anything, i am not a Marxist!") both by his detractors and his pathetic disciples, it is an excellent primer:

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks for riffing on the god thang, goysplainer.  Archeological findings illustrate that wherever and whenever a human community gathered, some kind of 'religion' was established and followed – and we're taking here as far back as caveman times.  The first 'gods' worshiped by man were the thunder gods – probably cuz thunder, more than any other phenomena in nature, strikes a profoundest fear and awe in the hearts of both man and beast.  A gigantic booming explosive sound falling from the empty-infinite sky can only be attributed to a 'god' in pagan minds.  Humanity is cast at 190.000+ years old – most of which has been 'pagan'.  In fact, strands of paganism still exist in monotheism, which is only some 5000 years old.  This means the human psyche is yet to be free of paganism.  I don't know about you, but for me paganism is regressive, juvenile and anti-logic.  Even more worrisome, it uses superstitious belief to wage endless wars and it demands ritual murder of humans and animals as 'sacrifice to the gods'.

      Fundamentally, we have religious concepts as a way of explaining the whys and wherefores of our existence.  In a sense, we invented religion as a way of avoiding the reality that 'here we all are on a planet floating in infinite space, all alone'.  No pilot.  No steering wheel.  No sign posts.  Born naked without tooth or claw for protection – without fur for cover – and with empty belly needing to be filled at any cost.

      Our finite thought-mind cannot process information to do with concepts of infinity.  Therefore we invent, and will continue to invent, gods that assist and protect and feed.

      • goysplainer says:

        first: victory to the resistance and may the memory of our martyrs be honored

        now: i will respond in full to the above at a later date. 

        for now, regarding monotheism, if we consider monotheism to be the denial of the existence of other tribe’s deities, then we can say that it is, at most, only several thousand years old. the first explicitly monotheistic reference in the Jewish magic book occurs in the latter portion of Isaiah (known as Deutero-Isaiah), written approximately 2,500 years ago during the Babylonian Exile. note the claim that only our deity is real begins after the Jews have been stripped of all political authority.

        also, religion at the 'caveman times', ha! no such archeological evidence exists… the closest thing to a 'religious' practice from the Paleolithic era is burial of the dead and a lone settlement from the period during the transition to agriculture.


        thanks always for the updates

      • Taxi says:

        Yes!  Victory-victory-victory, may the greatest victory of all time be ours!

        And in response to your brief but lucid comment about religion, I have to confess that I always regret bringing up the subject of religion (heh heh!), because, well, it can just keep going round and round and round till kingdom come (heh heh!).  Really, I can only go by my observations of the human condition, and the support of archeological findings and anthropological studies.

        If the case be true, as indicated by archeology and anthropology, that the first gods worshiped by mankind were the gods of thunder, a phenomenon that all animals (including humans) on earth feared the most, then we can deduce from this that religion and our god-concept were born out of fear (and desolation).

        Indeed cavemen did practice a religion of their own making, as attested by their cave paintings that were drawn on walls to please their god so as to gain favor from this god while out on hunting expeditions etc.  Cave paintings were not done by bored cavemen just doodling on walls for the sake of it.  They carried order and intention in hand and depicted scenes where man needed assistance from higher powers when faced with certain dangerous tasks, such as hunting beasts for food, or warring with other invading caveman tribes – or even seeking the mercies of nature in flood-prone, earthquake-prone, or dry, hostile territories.  Therefore, I personally see evidence of religious awareness (a human projection of a 'higher power'), as well as religious ritual (decorative painting in stone as an offering to god): I see this god-thing going as far back as caveman days.

        And regarding the ‘burial’ issue: archeologists have already uncovered human burials that go all the way back to Neaderthal times (they lived some 400.000 years ago and disappeared around 40.000 years ago – and they too practiced 'intentional burial' and therefore burial ritual, therefore Neaderthals too had their own gods).  Furthermore, in the 1970's (sorry I forget the exact year), the ritual grave of a human mother and her child in Qafzeh (in occupied Palestine) was discovered and dated at some 100.000 years old.  All this tells us that what in archeology is referred to as 'intentional burial' (meaning ritual burial) was practiced long-long before recorded time.

        I have my own little theory about humans burying their dead.  It's very simple.  Over the passing seasons in pre historic times, man observed that a lifeless seed, an empty shell, sprouts life when buried.  And so early mankind, limited by his mental inclination towards animism (which is an earlier form of paganism), thought that burying a dead corpse (an empty shell) may very well reincarnate it back to life on earth at some stage in time too.  Mankind merely emulated what he observed in nature. 

        (Plus there was this issue of the maggots and flies and the vomit-inducing stench of it all!)

        Lastly, dear Goysplainer, I have to truly thank you here for your brilliant illumination regarding judaism and its opportunistic falsification of its own false god (yeah it's a double falsification – it's what cults do).  I'm not usually one to plug my own articles, but I think you might enjoy reading my little story about the birth of Hebrewism here.


      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Taxi,

        One of my friends is an embalmer. I fully agree with the logic behind your reasoning. However, on a side note, don't forget about the smells a decaying body produces. Add heat to it and the whole process speeds up. I'm sure, in the beginning [no idea when the process actually started], bodies were buried in rather shallow graves [why waste time digging deep?], but that must have resulted in animals digging them up again and, thus, graves were dug deeper. Of course, the above is pure speculation n my behalf.

  29. Daniel Rich says:

    A happy LOL moment:

    Top Chinese Diplomat: Our Mid-Range Missiles Don’t Pose Threat To Washington Unless It Moves Too Close…

    • Canthama says:

      Priceless Daniel. So simple, so true. Hope you continue to enjoy living in Asia Pacific, had wonderful time myself in many countries in Asia for almost 10 years.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Canthama,

        Thank you. The world itself is beautiful, no matter where you set foot. People however… :o]

        I have met so many nice and decent people everywhere I went, so my hope of this world one day being a peaceful one will never die.

  30. Taxi says:

    Well wadyaknow: I disappear from the comment board from just a single day and all hell breaks loose in the world.

    1-  A military coup, instigated by right-wing elites in Bolivia, saw Morales resign in a second,  by demand of some of his (compromised) army Generals.  Morales, wisely chose resignation instead of rivers of blood on Bolivian streets.  His resignation speech also included a call for quick new elections.  And being so popular with the masses, he will represent some tough tasks for the elites come election time.  Unless the elites manage to steal the next elections, it is most certain that Morales will be re-elected as president of Bolivia.  Perhaps we can call this the 'khaki' revolution, in a rainbow of manufactured color revolutions.

    Does this represent a victory for the Axis of Evil and its south American agents of destruction?  At best, so far, it's only half a victory.  We can call it a victory if Morales loses the next elections fair and square:

    Bolivia's Evo Morales resigns: What prompted it and what's next?

    2-  Islamic Jihad in Gaza, trained by Hezbollah and armed by Iran, took a hit on their military leader yesterday: assassinated by terrorist jews still salivating with covetousness over Gaza's prime real estate and marine gas fields:

    Gaza Rockets Rain on Israel After IDF Kills Prominent Islamic Jihad Commander in Nighttime Raid

    3-  Houthi leader responds to Netanyahu's threat to Yemen with his own counter threat to israel, thus historically signalling Yemen's official membership into the Axis of Resistance against israel.  Now the stupid jews have a 6th front to contend with in the next war: they gotta now counter simultaneous attacks from Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Palestine AND the Yemen with its long-range ballistic missiles and unbreakable resolve in warfare.  Stupid Khazar mutts!

    The Houthis Are Preparing for a Planned Israeli Attack on Yemen

    4-  US interference and chaos-making in Iraq is reaching fever-pitch and may very well blow up in its yankeedoodle face:

    5-  Hassan Nasrallah gave a speech yesterday and proposed that Lebanon's leaders start defying the US whose policies are hostile to the Lebanon, and aligning instead with China that can indeed lift the tiny nation out of its quagmire without humiliating strings attached.  This call may very well gain traction in a populace that has grown deeply suspicious and weary of American intention and intervention in their affairs.

    Nasrallah ups the ante amid financial and political turmoil



    • Taxi says:

      After last night's assassination in Gaza, a second jewish missile strike on Damascus occurred at dawn, targeting another Islamic Jihad leader, who survived the attack but lost his son in the terrorist jewish attack.  Islamic Jihad is vowing a response and escalation of attacks on israel proper and on illegal jewish colonies.  Sirens in Jewish settlements that hug throttling at Gaza have been going on and off since dawn.  It's gonna be a rough-rough day in Gaza.

      Islamic Jihad says senior commander targeted in Damascus strike, son killed


      • Canthama says:

        50 missiles from IJM fired on the occupied Palestine, more flying now, only 20 were intercepted. 
        The successful attempt in Gazah & the failed attempt in Damascus against IJM leaders which had an innocent kid killed will have dire consequences in Palestine, as usual Muslin Brotherhood Hamas is not getting involved against its ally and maker in the Occupied 
        Palestine, and there are still people that do not see the connecting line between the apartheid regime-Muslin Brotherhood-Hamas-al Qaeda-Turkish regime.

        This is going to have consequences, the apartheid regime hit on IJM is a way for it to hit Hezb Allah and Iran.

      • Taxi says:

        Yeah, been watching live Gaza coverage all day. Terrorist tel aviv is desperate for any kind of victory over ANY resistor and it thinks Islamic Jihad is easiest to strike at. But this latest attack by the terrorist jewish state will not translate into a victory cuz Islamic Jihad continues to send rockets at israel and jew sirens in illegal colonies are still deafening the airwaves. Presently on TV, I am watching a massive fire at a jewish settlement being put out by jewish firefighters. Islamic Jihad will probably not stop till 4 jews have died: same number of Palestinians murdered by the jewish airforce this morning. They tend to work on this principle of equivalency, same as Hezbollah. This calculation is a tactic and method to reinstate their deterrence capability against israel after getting assaulted.

        After months of internal division, Netanyahu has managed to unite all jew parties in support of the military assault on Islamic Jihad leaders. However, there is trepidation in tel aviv right now: Islamic Jihad is not stopping its volleys of rockets launched at jewish terrorist settlements and Netanyahu is praying that no jew settler gets a rocket between the eyeballs as this will fissure the unity he just gained with his gamble against Islamic Jihad.

        The child that was killed was the grandson of Akram al-Ajouri, the Islamic Jihad senior leader who survived the Damascus strike earlier. His son was instantly killed, and his grandson died later in hospital from his injuries.

        And regarding your ‘Hamas equals Muslim Brotherhood’: this is partially true as not all members of Hamas are followers of the Muslim Brotherhood and right now two-thirds of the political leadership of Hamas pays homage to Iran and not to Qatar-Turkey. Having multiple patrons was always a structural problem for Hamas, a problem that terrorist israel used to its advantage.

        Let’s hope that islamic Jihad manages to kill four jewish terrorist settlers and Netanyahu’s Islamic Jihad gamble backfires in his face and disunity and political chaos resume apace back in tel aviv.

      • Taxi says:

        Sderot, a terrorist settler enclave that’s only one mile away from Gaza’s southern end is getting battered by Islamic Jihad: schools are cancelled, shelters are open and firetrucks everywhere – also a building there that was struck by Islamic Jihad had to be evacuated for ‘structural danger’.

        In Bethlehem, occupied Palestinians there showed anger and solidarity with their Islamic Jihad brethren and are throwing storms of rocks at jewish military vehicles.

      • Taxi says:

        Houthi leadership just announced their readiness to help Islamic Jihad teach israel a lesson.  Now, a lot of poop stains on tel aviv's underpants.

        Netanyahu thought he could do the usual hit-and-run on the Palestinian Gaza Resistance and get hailed as a heroic 'king of israel'.  But… but… it ain't working this time round.  Egypt, as usual, trying to negotiate a ceasefire but 'fuck that', islamic Jihad has decided.  They're still sending rockets at settlements, 12 hours after the assault.  Let's see what the night brings…

      • Daniel Rich says:

        What's worrisome [to me] is how does the Apartheid State in Occupied Palestine know where their 'targets' are and when to hit them?

        During the 2006 onslaught on Lebanon, the illegal squatters desperately tried to get Nasrallah off the airwaves, but never succeeded in silencing or killing him.


        I hope other resistance organizations follow suit.

      • Taxi says:

        Yes, indeed the Palestinians have learned much from how Hezbollah conducts both warfare and intelligence against its jewish enemy. The situation used to be much worst with leaked intel in Palestine – it’s improved much but it’s not yet as air-tight and inaccessible to jews as Hezbollah intel is. Here we have to be mindful of how israel conducts intel-gathering ops against the Palestinians: jews basically use sexual blackmail against Palestinian gays or married hetro ‘players’ as a means of getting them to deliver intelligence. Also, if a Palestinian has a sick mother or other family member needing an expensive operation that he can’t afford, then terrorist jews will offer to pay for the op in exchange for intel on their brethren. Other methods of coercion are used against vulnerable Palestinians. In south Lebanon, the jew terrorists no longer have access to intel on Hezbollah. They used to till Hezbollah evicted the idf from their Leb territories back in year 2000, and subsequently went through a successful intelligence campaign that pretty much cleaned out all israel spies from the south of Lebanon. Hezbollah continues to bust up israel-spy cells all over the Leb – but by now they’re very few and far between.

  31. Taxi says:

    My internet was down all day – and now that it's back on, I'm kinda busy doing something else that I need to finish up with today.

    Sod's law!

    Back on track tomorrow y'all, sleeves rolled and all.

    p.s.  Big stuff going down with Gaza – Islamic Jihad rockets crippled tel aviv today and also emptied out several jew settlements bordering Gaza – more on this tomorrow.

    • Canthama says:

      The situation in Gazah has turned into a major blow back to the apartheid regime, big way, Islamic Resistance is hitting hard occupied Palestine and in sensitive areas…the turds are getting very very worried, some key sites such as airport and harbour are not safe at all, this is an incredible cluster fuck for Satanyahoo, he got screwed big time this time. 

  32. Cloak And Dagger says:

    I try to keep a finger on the pulse of American sentiment, without having to believe what the zio-owned pollsters tell me. Instead, I conduct my own sampling by patrolling a representative selection of websites every few months. I tend to select websites that are targeted viciously by the hasbarats and the megaphone project, e.g. Unz Review, ZeroHedge, etc., etc. which tend to be more reliable alternative media outlets. The comment sections are illuminating.

    In the past, these sites would be overrun by counter-narratives from the usual suspects. Lately, however, there has been a surge of rejection of these nefarious netizens by more and more Americans. The alternative narrative debunks the zio one and withdraws credibility from them. Moreover, and gratifyingly, almost any attack on Israel is immediately considered to be a false-flag by Israel et al.

    Here is an example from the comment section of a ZeroHedge article on the recent rockets fired on Israel by IJ:

    Watch: Gaza Rockets Narrowly Miss Cars Traveling On Israeli Highway

    Now people are questioning how 150 rockets could have been fired without a single casualty, but gives Israel the excuse to go bomb a bunch of innocent civilians. The same shills from hasbara central are still present, but they appear to get slammed by multiple readers and forced into reluctant retreat.




    Oh wow, a few puffs of smoke…better get the Willy-Pete ready to drop on the Palestinian Schoolkids again….


    Yea Dickhead, until it's your wife and children that are the victims. 


    Sorry Shlomo…nobody cares about your problems anymore…suck it up buttercup


    Bottem feeder…

    Asher Pat

    I am Shlomo.  And you know Bundacho, you will never, never live to see us going into the chambers again.  Never.  Isn't it a drag?


    Too late, the neural toxins have been released.


    No one saw you going into the gas chambers the first time, Shlomo! 

    Everyone associated with WW2 is dead or soon will be. 


    lol, aint no one buying that shit with yo 6 gorillion chambers anymore dum dum, or lampshades or some shit

    tom nicholas American historian

    …………hey sclmo….your holocaust is total bullsh..t…LIES like everything else associated with you phoney rothchild jews….not even jews…..wake up….its all bs.


    Looks like you got the attention of a few self-Chosenites and/or their Evunjellycull moron slaves.

    Asher Pat

    Antisemitism is a mental disorder that prevents the sufferer from thinking logically.

    The Palestinians are Semites while the Jews who emigrated from Europe to Palestine aren't.

    Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European


    They are Asiatic, but I agree that the Pals are the only Semites there today.


    I have nothing against the Palestinians.  Now the ash-ke-nazis, on the other hand….the race represented by Barbara Lerner Specter, Adam Schiff, George Soros, et al…now THOSE fake semites I hate.


    From my vantage, the tide has turned and the eventual conclusion is in sight. I don't know how many innocents in the ME will have to die or be maimed before Israel can be destroyed, but there is little doubt as to where this is headed.

    My advice to the people in the ME (and my fellow Americans) is: organize, focus, destroy. It is the lack of unity of the denizens of the ME that has allowed Israel to survive as long as it has and for the rampant CIA mischief in that region, indistinguishable from war crimes.

    Similarly, here in the mainland, if we are able to organize and focus on the Israel lobby, we can destroy it. Nonetheless, I take heart in knowing that the end is nigh for the dark forces as the cycle of history reteaches the age-old lesson: 

    What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.

        — Thomas Jefferson




    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Cloak for a great comment and for bringing us your illuminating research and observations.

      Yes, indeed, more and more Americans are not buying the jew narrative, even though it still overpopulates both alt and mainstream medias (yeah they've infiltrated some alt media outlets too earlier on during the birth of alt media).  The comments you used to demonstrate your point sure are a far cry from the old days of blogging (2001), when perhaps only some 5% of commentators were 'jew woke', and the rest were either ignorant of the facts or outright paid propagandists for israel.  I love it nowadays when I read comment after comment dissing on the jew narrative.

      And regarding comments that call every attack on israel a 'false flag op', well, they're sometimes mistaken.  First, israel always hides its casualty numbers during a conflict, by order of the military censors who do not want to panic their coward citizens.  Secondly, even though the Resistors in Gaza now have precision guided missiles, they are only using old unguided rockets in their 'skirmishes' with tel aviv.  It’s a hit-and-miss situ. These Gaza rockets are used to scare the terrorist jews and not necessarily to kill them – and it works.  After all, they need to use up every old weapon at their disposal in the meantime, while saving the big ones for the 'big day'.

      Your end proposition to "organize, focus, destroy" indeed resonates with me, as I'm sure it will with any patriot incensed by the abusive jewish occupation of DC.  And your Thomas Jefferson quote?  Priceless!  Thank you again for another enlightening post.

      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        And regarding comments that call every attack on israel a 'false flag op', well, they're sometimes mistaken.

        Undoubtedly they are sometimes mistaken – they are just commenters away from the actual action, unlike you. My point was that whenever news erupts about some action by, as you call it, the Axis of Resistance, the immediate reaction is: It's a false flag.

        It goes to show that those in control of what is disseminated, have lost all credibility and their grip on their cooked-up narratives grows ever weaker each day.



      • Taxi says:

        It’s stunning that the corporate mainstream media is still in business, considering how very many terrible lies-that-cost-lives they’re been caught in. The MSM has killed journalism therefore they’ve killed their reputation. Literally, EVERYTHING about the MSM sucks.

        Stunning that even fluffy Larry king (born Lawrence Zeiger) is still on CNN.

        I rest my case.

  33. Taxi says:

    Terrorist jews continue to underestimate the powers of the native resistors – as indeed they continue to over-rely on their big US guns.  Mass murdering Jews thought that they could crush the Palestinian Islamic Jihad overnight with two leadership assassinations and a bunch of aerial bombardments on their centers in Gaza.  They did not account for the fact that in Gaza, and for some time now, ALL resistance groups there have conjoined into one, and ALL operate under one single war theater.  You can no longer target one group  in Gaza without the rest of the resistance groups there all rushing to meet in their unified war theater for a response.  Which is exactly what has happened in this latest round between tel aviv and the Palestinian resistors.

    Netanyahu, a knee-jerking gambler when cornered, thought that his Islamic Jihad political assassination orders would bring him 'security kudos' by Thursday (today), the day when he's supposed to present his government for consideration, against army General Gantz's proposition for a government of his own choice.  Well, what started for Netanyahu as a double assassination ploy has now become a military 'entanglement' that has crippled tel aviv for the past two days, as well as seen damage to property and the evacuation of illegal jew settlers from the jew towns of Ashkelon and Ashdod.  Now, Netanyahu, at the eleventh hour is seen as "putting israel in danger" instead of being israel's protector.  Yes, it's now almost a certainty that Gantz will lead the next government – and poor old terrorist Netanyahu will be off to jew jail on corruption charges that he's been slithering away from for the past two weeks.

    Looks like the Palestinian resistors played not only a military card against the terrorist jews, but also a political one against Netanyahu himself: by notching up their military response to his terrorist attacks, and by prolonging their rocket responses to coincide with today (Thursday), the day that tel aviv decides who is best capable of running/protecting israel.  If (or when) Netanyahu finds himself with no government and in jail, it would have been the Palestinians who put him there and not opposition jew parties.

    Aah I just love it when poetic justice manifests.

    Here's a map of the range of targets that the Gaza resistors have reached these past two days:


    • Taxi says:

      To compensate for his stupidity, Netanyahu thought he could appease the blood-thirsty jews by turning his guns away from the resistors in Gaza and instead striking at civilians, killing Gaza civilians – casualties so far: 32 Palestinians killed and over 100 injured – many of them are women and children.

      Yet, this is not stopping the Gaza resistors from exacting a 'price' that tel avivians and jew settlements are paying for.

      Worthy of mention here that since two days ago, Netanyahu has been asking for a ceasefire from the Palestinians.  He clearly started something that immediately went pear-shaped and clearly he has no exit strategy out of this present entanglement.  His slimeball friends in Egypt did overnight manage to insure a ceasefire from the Gazans – and this ceasefire was supposed to take effect this morning at 5:30am.  But, as usual, backstabbing jews continued lobbing missiles at Gaza past this dawn hour and now the Gaza resistors have added new conditions to the next ceasefire.  These conditions are:

      1-  Halt all political assassinations

      2-  Halt the assault and murder of Gazan protesting at the separation fence on Fridays

      3- Lift the siege on Gaza

      Well, knowing the arrogance of jews like I do, I reckon they could swallow the first condition but not the second one, and most certainly not the third one.

      Let's see how the jews today deal with both their internal governmental crisis as well as their security one.

      One here must ask: what chance would israeli jews have in a war against Hezbollah, a resistance group that is 400 times better armed and more capable than the Gaza resistance?

      Oooof!  I wouldn't wanna be a jew living in israel right now.  EVERYTHING there is flimsy and vulnerable: wafer-thin paper-tiger.  Even chaotic Beirut right now is standing on solider security ground than tel aviv is.  And the jews had better not engineer a Geagea-ian civil war there, else the Hezbollah will drag them war-criminal jews into a ruinous border war that will see the Galilee (northern israel) liberated at the hands of Hezbollah.  And if the Galilee is liberated, will the Palestinians just stand aside and be happy just watching, or will they expand the conflict and attempt themselves a liberation of other jew-occupied latitudes?

      Ooof!  I really wouldn't wanna be a jew living in the Arab holy land right now.

      Can't do peace and can't do war either.  A recipe for extinction.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Taxi,

        That ceasefire came about quite quickly, didn't it?

        Dishing it out is one thing, but being hit on the chin [even if accidental] is something the squatters in Occupied Palestine can't handle [or deal with].

        Am happy all factions face the enemy in unison, and attack it.

        Keep the squatters on their toes. Let those sirens blare all day and night. Severely rattled nerves, experienced in the cramped space of shelters, underlined by random explosion around is the perfect recipe to slam some sense into people who only understand brute force.

        Disappear off the pages of time, into the dustbin of history, never to be looked at, ever again.

      • Taxi says:

        They’re calling it a “shaky ceasefire” – that’s what’s gone on all day with the intermittent aerial tennis match between Islamic Jihad in Gaza and israel.

        Three days of Islamic Jihad rockets put 1/3 of israelis in shelters, with financial losses marked at one billion shekels – and sadly, three days of israeli bombardment put 33 Palestinians in their graves. Usually, israel kills more Palestinians in clashes like this, and it usually doesn’t lose a shekel. Relative progress (of the morbid kind – but that’s the cross the occupied are lumbered with).

  34. Taxi says:

    Meanwhile, in the Leb, enemies of Lebanon within are pissed that last week's protests didn't produce a 'hezbollah-weakening' civil war that they desperately want, so they've upped the vile ante and are really snarking for a spanking by the Leb army – an army that's normally extremely reluctant to assault civilians, even badly-behaved ones.

    The thing is, a civil war in the Leb does NOT get rid of all them Hezbollah missiles pointing at tel aviv, nor does it wipe out internal support for hezbollah.  Hezbollah remains Hezbollah, with all of its geopolitical and geomilitary gains and strength, civil war or not.


    • Taxi says:

      The Leb army notched up its use of power to restore order and open roads to the Leb today: they unblocked all protest roads (again!), including the attempted cementing of a key tunnel in the north of Leb by Geagea’s israel-loving fascist thugs (picture of tunnel in above tweet). Footage on TV news of the sight of that same tunnel getting the same enforced closure treatment by the same gangbangers back in the 1970’s civil war, and again today, well it was just too much for Lebs to deal with. The country is somewhat still in state of post civil war trauma. Nobody in Lebanon – except for israel-loving Geagea and his anemic number of followers – nobody in Lebanon wants a civil war to break out. Not even the stupid Identitarian Leb students who continue to protest and chant: “we demand, we do not negotiate”. Yeah, hello stupid nihilism! Not even the nihilists in Lebanon want civil war.

      Yet civil war is what’s constantly been pushed by evil israel.

      After the unexpected and undesirable price that tel aviv just paid for assassinating an Islamic Jihad leader in Gaza three days ago, will israel now have second thoughts about their planned assassination op against Saad Hariri (their last civil war card against Lebanon)? It seems to me that Islamic Jihad’s fiery reaction to the assassination of one of its leaders has forced an added somber and consequential consideration upon the jew planners of political assassination ops. The freedom to just assassinate away then go home and take a nice shower has been snatched away from the jew hand.

      Overnight, Islamic Jihad have practically turned israel’s future political assassination ops null and void. Political assassinations are no longer a viable tactical weapon in israel’s hands, to use as it pleases, when it pleases.

    • Taxi says:

      Just a few meters eastwards at opposing traffic and you'd have definitely seen dead jews on the motorway, and in tel aviv, Netanyahu's head woulda been rolling and rolling and rolling… all the way to the jew jailhouse.

  35. Taxi says:

    Despite the ceasefire MC'ed by Egypt last night, israel (no surprises here!) resumed its aerial attacks on Gaza this morning, targeting with missiles a civilian home and mass murdering 8 family members there: burying them all under the rubble of their home.  R.I.P.  Islamic Jihad responded by continuing to send rockets to Ashdod, tel aviv, etc, crippling normal daily activities there.  Being a numbers people, israelis today are counting their shekel losses since Netanyahu started the latest round with Gaza.  And the cost in lost earnings and damage are mounting up, today reaching a billion shekels in losses.  Suddenly, neither their person nor their purse is safe.  They are pissed at Netanyahu – he's supposed to provide protection for both jew body and jew purse.  A fine mess he's landed the jews in lol!  Even Lieberman today is saying that "israel has lost and Iran has won" this round.  Question is, how will the jews stop Islamic Jihad from sending more rockets?  How will the jews save face against an evident defeat against little old Gaza?  And dare they initiate another political assassination campaign against Palestinian leaders in the future?

    Jew hands just got a new set of handcuffs on them.

    Dare they assassinate Nasrallah now?  LOL oh boy!

    Every jew terrorist operation against the natives now carries a price tag.  The era of accountability for the criminal jew has begun – and its enforcers are the heroic and moral Axis of Resistance – not the zionized UN, nor that fetid Pax Americana and its megalomaniac orange Caligula.

    • Taxi says:

    • Taxi says:

      Thank you for your question, Anonymous.

      Russia is friends with Lebanon, the Republic, and it is also friends with Lebanese Hezbollah, whom it fought alongside in Syria against the Takfiri terrorist invaders.  Russia is also friends with israel, counting some 1.5 million Russian jews living there.  In the Levant, both israel and Lebanon fall under the US's umbrella, unlike Syria who falls under Russia's.  One here can see that geostrategically speaking, it would serve Russia much to 'acquire' Lebanon, and moreover, it would serve Lebanon too to be under Russia's umbrella as the US is perpetually hostile and demeaning towards Lebanon, on instruction from tel aviv.  Even though the US's influence has somewhat diminished in Lebanon since the Syria war, DC still controls the powerful head of the Lebanese National Bank, as well as Lebanon's Army Chief – both having a local reputation of answering to the US embassy in Beirut.  These two men have been called out by protestors on the streets as "unpatriotic" and "corrupt".  The protestors are demanding the removal of the banking chief, so the US may very well lose big muscle in the Leb should this happen. 

      The US despises the Lebanon yet clings to it for dear life: it would loath it if the (soon to be appointed) new Leb government rejects the US's self-defeating and paltry assistance, and instead opts for pragmatic military and industrial deals with Russia (with China and Iran too).  It is hoped that the new Leb government will take decisions that are 100% in Lebanon's interest – but that wild horse has yet to be lassoed and broken in.

      Yes, the US would go bonkers if the Leb turned eastwards.  The punishment would be harsher than harsh – but the Leb at that stage would have the protection and compensatory powers of the Axis of the East, which includes China, Russia Iran and India.  Lebanon is a strategic gateway to Europe, Africa and Arabia for the mega Silk Road 2 Project, so some kind of 'alliance shifting' for the Lebanon would have to occur in the near-to-medium future. 

      Under US (forced) patronage, Lebanon has imploded and depleted, not progressed.  The results of American 'care' of Lebanon has literally devastated it worse than its civil war back in the mid 1970's.  The Leb economy was healthier during the civil war than it has been since Rafik Hariri (an American/israel agent via Saudi Arabia patronage) stuck his globalist claws into the Leb government back in 1992.  Lebanon has seen literally zero progress in EVERYTHING since 1992.  Thousands of protestors on the streets of Leb keep naming this year out, yelling stuff like: "nothing-nothing has improved since 1992!".

      And they'd be correct.

      As we all know, one of the reasons why Lebanon is being punished with US sanctions is because of Hezbollah, and a second reason is also because earlier this year, president Aoun went ahead and traveled to Moscow to meet with Putin to discuss Lebanon extending its cooperation with Russia – and Aoun did this without 'permission' from DC.  He went rogue.  For several decades, Russia and Lebanon have wanted to become closer friends but the US had forbidden such a tryst – and it continues to forbid it.  Lebanon under prez Aoun would like to get weapons from Russia, being extremely dissatisfied with the peanuts weaponry that the US provides it.  Aoun would also like for Russia to kickstart building electricity plants and pharmaceutical labs and factories in the Leb, enhancing thus its dead industries. Agricultural projects, tourism and trade are also on file for cooperation. Russia would also like to be involved in excavating oil from Leb's coast – there are 10 oil blocks along the Leb shoreline and Russia so far will be involved in Block #4.

      So, to answer your question simply:  America won't let pretty Lebanon date dashing Russia – and it won't take pretty Lebanon out to dinner either.

      The Princess in the Tower.  That's Lebanon. 

      Here's some links:

      ASIA/LEBANON – Aoun thanks Putin also for supporting Christians in the Middle East

      Russian Companies Want to Invest in Lebanon Oil, Gas Drilling

      Block 4 oil drilling to start in December: Total report

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Taxi,


        Sorry, didn't realize I posted as anonymous, but thanks for your informative reply. Appreciated.

        Yes, I expect Russia to be assertive when it comes to her role in the ME. The US track record is one of broken promises and turned into a broken record.

        Russia, as is shown in the Syrian ToO, is a trustworthy partner and China will invest without too many strings attached. I hope Lebanon realines itself with countries that opt for a multilatreral world and peace among nations.

  36. Taxi says:

    Some ugly shit went down on the streets of Tripoli/Lebanon between the army and a sudden outburst of protestors, egged on by calls to attack the army from one particular sunni mosque there.

    Take a look:


    And here's here's what happened as a consequence:



    After this incident, the army tightened its belt, rolled its sleeves up and became more forceful with the hostile, and sometimes armed, paid road-blockers, whose instruction is clearly to cause a civil war: their actions speak it.  The army did manage to open all roads again yesterday and today, some of them by force. 

    Let us here pause and make a distinction between the 'protestors', and the 'road-blockers'.  The genuine protestors (and they remain on the streets protesting peacefully outside banking and gov institutions): they have fully denounced the road-blockers as "fake protestors" and "destroyers" of the nation.  They have cautioned others not to follow them as this will only take the country to civil war.  Every day the road-blockers are denounced by protestors before TV cameras.

    Yes, even though all is quiet and normal here in the south where I am, high tension remains in the country, specially northwards: inside strips of territory controlled by both christian Geagea and the Tripoli salafists – both funded by saudi arabia.

    After roads and banks had opened again a week ago or so, bank workers across the country went on strike last Tuesday: demanding army protection outside their work place, fearing a possible mob rush at their doors.  The government is looking into this added clusterfuck.

    Ooof for days now, paid agents take to the streets and light a small civil war fire there, and by the end of the day, that evil little fire gets put out by both civilian patriots and the army.  Back and forth to the edge of civil war the Lebs go – yo-yoing like that many days have passed.

    The only assuring fact is that MOST Lebanese do NOT want civil war – and most are woke enough to see the laid traps.

    Let's hope their destiny remains in their hands.

  37. AriusArmenian says:

    Elijah J Magnier has published "THE WORST-CASE SCENARIO IN LEBANON: CIVIL WAR"

    What are your thoughts on his analysis and conclusion?

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Arius. I meant to link Elijah’s article earlier but forgot. Here it is for friends and readers who haven’t seen it:

      The Worst Case Scenario in Lebanon: Civil War

      Elijah has his background facts straight, and indeed he is in Lebanon right now, in the north and in Beirut: he’s feeling the pulse where the action is.

      There’s not a wakeful soul in the Lebanon right now, native or not, who’s not thinking of the possibility of a civil war breaking out. And yes, it is possible with the aid of an outrageous act of manufactured terrorism on a sectarian leader or group. Today, I put a 70-30 against civil war. Yesterday I would have put a 50-50. It’s ‘in the air as a whiff’, so to speak, and the possibility of it occurring fluctuates every day. It’s why I would call what’s going on in Lebanon right now a ‘civic turbulence’. Lebanon is in turbulent times, and turbulent times, unless becalmed inside a tight time frame, can easily get out of hand and turn into civil wars.

      Yet, a thought-thread about it all keeps bugging me. It’s just hard to imagine that Hezbollah would remain standing on the sidelines, all quiet with folded arms, should the evil-doers in Lebanon succeed at achieving ‘phase one’ of igniting a civil war. Hezbollah would leap into action at this point and stop them before they reach phase-two. You have to understand how truly powerful and exceptionally armed and disciplined Hezbollah are in Lebanon. They’d be able to subdue all Leb armed factions, and the Leb army with them, inside of a week. They can dominate the shit out of the country if need be. And it would be a temporary measure till the integrity of Lebanon’s safety was restored. Hezbollah do not want to rule the Leb, they have zero ambitions in this regard, but they can if they have to. And when you have such a powerful player like Hezbollah in a group with weaker, bickering members, well, it’s just kind of hard to imagine that a civil war can break out and fully blossom, especially when the powerful member can body-slam the lot of them unconscious. And one simply can’t make war, civil war or otherwise, if one is unconscious.

      In a sense, Hezbollah could maneuver and turn a fledgling civil war into a coup.

      Two speeches ago, Nasrallah said that the Hezb “has not used a single one of our powers, not one, none”. I really don’t think the Hezb would just stand by at the eleventh hour and watch their beloved country fall into a foreign trap and shred itself to pieces. I reckon they would start using their numerous “powers” strategically, if push comes to shove. And mindful here that two-third of Leb Christians support them, as well as some Druze at 40%, and about 25% of Sunnis and pretty much 100% of shia groups.

      So, perhaps I’m not as fully sold on the inevitability of civil war as Elijah is – though, I still consider it an active conspiracy against the Lebanon, and its perps will keep trying and trying and trying for civil war till something gives. And I also think that should a full-blown civil war in the Leb break out, it will rock the region and drag israel into its last war with it. Hezbollah has the power to make this happen.

      Yes, I therefore agree with Elijah in his conclusion: a civil war will not weaken Hezbollah, but indeed it will unfetter it.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        "civic turbulence"

        Like the phrase. I do suspect this turbulence is caused by vortexes created by outside forces in an attempt to weaken Lebanon's ability to resist Occupied Palestine's antics?

        Hezbollah doesn't need to lift a finger, so to speak, as it has reached a point where its presence suffices as a bulwark of stability against foreign intervention, like a good bouncer keeps the peace among a bunch of bickering, drunk guests. 

        At least that's what it looks like to me, as an outsider.

  38. Taxi says:

    Now THAT'S a very satisfying boycott to watch:  israel ambassador Dani Dayan, literally barely introduced himself to students before this here happened:


  39. Taxi says:

    The Lebanese have a tradition of writing patriotic songs that drip with poetry.  There are hundreds of such songs circulating, many of them born out of wars and suffering, yet full to the brim with beauty and soul.  Any Lebanese songwriter worth their salt would have at least a couple of patriotic classics under his/her belt.  The capital city of Beirut as a theme is a popular one among songwriters here and I'm struck by the sudden realization that, yeah sure, back Stateside, we've got a long list of songs about New York, LA, Atlanta, Denver, Philadelphia etc, but we don't exactly have a single memorable song about our capital of Washington  DC.   It would seem to be the case that American songwriters aren't exactly enamored or inspired by the awe-inspiring powers of their capital, Washington DC.  They find it poetically barren?  Political power snuffed out poetic vision in DC? Did the Senate kill the muse? Did the CIA kidnap Eros and imprison him in one of the White House tunnels? Does the president even love DC? Does ANYBODY in America love DC?  The way the Lebanese love their capital city of Beirut?


    • goysplainer says:

      li Beirut – wistful, entrancing, powerful! supposedly the melody is based on "Concierto de Aranjuez" by the Spanish composer Joaquín Rodrigo. 

      the only song about D.C. i've ever heard was written by the great American poet Gil Scott-Heron, and it's not exactly doting: 

    • Taxi says:

      Ah Gil Scott-Heron, of course!  Singing about DC's cruelty to even its own children, no different to how Iraqis feel about DC: "we all dead duck", indeed.

      I have observed that Arab songwriters often refer to their capital cities as either loving mothers or soulful brides.  They really do romance their prime city like it's the love of their life and their public absolutely relates to this metaphor.  This indicates a collective poetic psyche of the feminine kind.  We're missing this soft, feminized perspective when it comes to our capital of DC.  But I'll have to add here that our national anthem, though butchered by plenty of vocal chords over many decades, remains positively planted in the poetry of human suffering.  Here's the story behind the lyrics of our national anthem.  It moves me because in essence it's a love song writ by dying men.

      • goysplainer says:

        This indicates a collective poetic psyche of the feminine kind.  We're missing this soft, feminized perspective when it comes to our capital of DC

        and no wonder! sexual violence is their first experience of the world, and sets the tone for a lifetime of pleasureless, abusive, and characteristically perverse relationships… outside of Israel, the US is the only developed nation where the brutal Talmudic hazing ritual known as the bris is practiced on a majority of newborn boys. not only are the American and Jewish practices physically indistinct, but to do so to helpless newborns, totally innovative! 

      • Taxi says:

        Yikes! That’s an emotively groinal topic and a half lol! Honestly, I don’t know if I can go along with your link’s theory that ALL circumcised men across the world are inclined towards rape and misogyny. It’s important here to consider that different people react differently to the same trauma. And furthermore, because the list of sexual crimes reads like the guest list for a bar mitzvah, (with several token gentile names thrown in), it becomes undeniable that the talmud’s violent instruction is the encourager and instructor of said vile sexual crimes. For eff’s sake the talmud condones even the rape of two year old girls, saying that it’s no more damaging to the toddlers than a “poke in the eye”.

        Time and time again, ALL jewish crimes lead back to the evil talmud. The very depraved instruction that turned Jesus into an ex jew – the very reason why Jesus referred to jewish place of worship as no less than the “synagogue of satan”.

  40. Taxi says:

    Dear reader, I can't tell you how absolutely bored to fuck I am with the designers and manufacturers of color revolutions.  Same evil hands, same method, same tactic, same scenario, same-same-same-same EVERYTHING!  Yeah, you guessed it: today they're trying it out in Iran – again!

    The jewy media everywhere is full of Iran lies on steroids today, they're part of the 'action' after all – major players in color revolutions actually – and I just can't bring myself today to link their repetitive poppycock.  So I'll give you Scott Creighton instead and he'll give you the simple bone of it all (even though he's intermittently distracted by his homey dog 'Beau'):

    • Taxi says:

      Well it all just fizzled out inside of 24 hours: color-revolution attempt whimpered right off the map of Tehran a mere few hours after it banged. No, it ain’t happening. Iran threw a bucket of water at it so fast and the dye just ran off gurgling into the drain. Full stop.

      Earlier today, Iranian internal security arrested over 150 ‘trouble-makers’ who tried to close down major roads – they suspect them of being “embassy protestors” (fake, paid protestors). Them Axis of Evil members thought they could do simultaneous, exact damage to the trio of Beirut-Baghdad-Tehran: have a bunch of civilians there murdered while they cozily stuffed their Thanksgiving turkey and made Christmas shopping lists. No such luck, busters!

      And as it happens, the Leb situ is picking up some too (more on that later), and even in Iraq, some kind of light at the end of the tunnel can now be glimpsed (more on that later too). Don’t get me wrong, it ain’t over yet for either Iraq or the Leb, but the ‘destroyers of the world’ appear to have ran out of handcuffs, and ran out of road too. They’ve hit a political wall in both Iraq and the Leb.

      • Taxi says:

        A tsunami of misinformation on the protests in Iran was unleashed on the globe for a few days, mainly by a saudi-funded internet army that was organized by israel's Unit 8200.  But what difference do all these lies and rumors make when soon enough, the manufactured 'fog of war' usually does lift and none of the misinformation remains in the minds of most people.  The brief protests against the gas price hike were very quickly infiltrated therefore quickly quashed by Iranian internal security, and Rohani gave a speech to his people explaining that due to the sanctions, gas taxes now need to be added and these taxes would be used to supplement payment of gas for poor Iranians.  (Iranian gas has always been tax-free and therefore has been cheap-cheap for citizens to buy and now with a new added tax, it's just 'cheap').  Rohani also warned his people that their legitimate protest was being cynically hijacked, and his people believed him cuz they saw it for themselves too: armed infiltrators among them provoking armed policemen etc looking to cause mass bloodshed on the streets.  By now we're all very familiar with these manufactured provocations and criminal methods – we've all seen the same obvious moves a few times over in manufactured revolutions.

        In any case, it's always best to get the word straight from the horse's mouth on the Iran situation, and here below, Zarif riffs on why Iran is perpetually targeted by, well, the usual suspects:

        …  The problem is we decided not to fold. That is our only crime. We had a revolution against a government that was supported by the United States, imposed on our country by the United States, [that] tortured our people with the help of the United States, and never received a single human rights condemnation, and now people are worried why they say ‘Death to America’? We say death to these policies, because they have brought nothing but this farce. What did they bring to us? If somebody came to the United States, removed your president, imposed a dictator who killed your people, wouldn’t you say death to that country?”

        Zarif inevitably had to evoke Mike Pompeo: “Today the Secretary of State of the United States says publicly: ‘If Iran wants to eat, it has to obey the United States.’ This is a war crime. Starvation is a crime against humanity. It’s a newspeak headline. If Iran wants its people to eat, it has to follow what he said. He says, ‘Death to the entire Iranian people.’”

        Iran’s ‘Only Crime Is We Decided Not to Fold’


      • Canthama says:

        Taxi, the article below from Arabi Souri corroborates with yours on Iran.

        The situation in Iran, Iraq and Lebanon seems to be returning to normal, though there may be ups & downs, the broad attempt to destabilize the Resistance may have ended last night in Syria during the apartheid regime attack, what follows from these broad attack to the Resistance may redefine the ME for decades to come, there can be no good coming out of Occupied Palestine, all indications that the US regime giving out what is not his to give may lead to a definitive answer to the apartheid regime, boiling point is slowly approaching.

      • Taxi says:

        They can't go to direct war with Iran.  And sanctions are meh so-so: not quite slitting the throat of Tehran as the Bolton Knife Club would have wanted.  Therefore there's only destabilization left.  The only card left to play is the 'destabilization card'.  And they'll milk it for as long as they can – like hell they will!  But episodic manufactured revolution is not enough to unseat the meaty mullahs.  Iranian anger and distrust of America and israel is precisely what unites 99% of Iranians, whether they love their mullahs or not.  Their loathing of israel and the US transcends their differences.

        And you're absolutely correct when you say "boiling point is slowly approaching".  And the cost of it all – the cost of freedom from the death-grip of The Greater Israel Project, so far and into the final battle, and not just for the natives but for the world at large – the cost is just too unbearable to think about.  Yet the enslaved must wage war on the slave-master.  This is their burden to bear.  They know that no one was put on this earth to be a slave who's alive just to procreate more little slaves for a cruel and sadistic master.

        It's "boiling over" cuz the slaves can't take it anymore.  They want a better present and a freer, brighter future for their children.  They don't want to go to war.  But, they must.

        Here lies the unbearable tragedy.

    • Taxi says:

      Dear reader, I was too tired to write the following last night, so here it is now, regarding Lebanon and Iraq and that “light at the end of the tunnel”:

      What Pax Americana actually fears the most is NOT Hezbollah or Iranian influence in the aforementioned two nations, but the idea that they would pivot eastwards towards Russia and China. And indeed, there are signs that they are inching towards precisely this eastward pivot, all because of the perpetual, ruinous abuse they’ve been receiving at the hands of their ‘protector’, Pax Americana.

      Sure, Pax Americana has been creating divisions in these two nations for decades in order to subdue and control them (for the benefit of israel), and to a large degree this has worked (for israel). But, it’s got to the stage now – the end of the road of manufactured civil unrest, if you like – where Pax America has to either kick harder and actually start a big civil war in both nations of Iraq and the Leb, or, simply start being nice to them. Push them now into a civil war, a civil war that the mass woke citizens of both nations will blame on America (and israel) only serves to rush them headlong into an eastward pivot. No, America does NOT want this scenario at all, in fact it fears this scenario: losing these two strategic nations would literally spell the end of Pax Americana’s hegemony over the Levant and right across into Arabia. Pax Americana will be left with pathetic-papertiger israel and the unstable Gulf nations whose oil wealth is certainly diminishing. Left with nothing in the middle east but horses that cannot win a single small war off their own backs.

      The incessant miseries that Pax Americana has inflicted on the Leb and Iraq have become dangerously existential to the natives. The proud people of these two nations will not accept death by patron’s steel-toed boot. This explains why the captive nations of Lebanon and Iraq are now starting a public discourse on whether the patronage of Russia and China would serve their interests and existence better than what Pax Americana has on offer. Two months ago, this subject of ‘changing patrons’ was NOT on the radars or lips of the natives, and now it certainly is. So very fed up are the natives with their protector-patron’s ill treatment of them that they are now seeking an alternative deal with a new ‘protector’. And this is (one of) Empire’s nightmares.

      America will have to stop playing its evil ‘color revolution’ games with these two nations, else they’re leaving it and heading east. America has become the sadistic torturer who ends up over-torturing their subject to the grave when they need them alive.

      America will have to start being nice to its victims.

      But, as we already know, it’s virtually impossible for America to be ‘nice’ to israel’s enemies, especially at a time when israel is experiencing definite geopolitical hemorrhaging and existential insecurities. Yet the US is currently facing the following dilemma: protect israel, as is traditional, and lose further global hegemony, or else, put Empire’s interests above those of terrorist israel.

      It CANNOT have it both ways anymore. Pax Americana must choose, and choose soon it must. And time, is NOT on Empire’s side.

      I’ve recently heard Leb analysts on TV saying that they would much rather be under Pax Americana’s patronage, but that this patronage is killing them and so therefore they are now forced to think of alternative patrons. You see, even supporters of America in the Leb will not cooperate with their own destruction. Same in Iraq.

      I was pleased to read this morning an article by Alistair Crooke, who more or less voiced the same new geopolitical trend:

      Is the Middle East Beginning a Self-Correction?

      “Self-correction”? You bet, dear reader! Despite the untold and immense suffering, change is in the air: because the natives are finally woke. And because they love life.

      • Taxi says:

        And I’ll add here, nay I’ll predict that the US will, as usual, be in denial of ‘reality’ and keep pushing that stupid color-revolution malarkey till the eleventh hour. It will probably get worse for the Leb and Iraq before it gets better. And the ‘better’ days will find Pax Americana and israel and their Gulfie proxies utterly defeated and thrashed by… the Axis of Resistance. Without them, without the Axis of Resistance, that is, there would be no mass ‘woke’ citizens in these nations. The Axis of Resistance must been seen for what it is: an educator and liberator of the downtrodden.

      • Canthama says:

        Taxi, we've crossed comments on this issue, there is no other solution for Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Iran but to seek allies in Eurasia, it is the future powerhouse of the world no matter what, so the sooner the better. 

        I realize it is hard decision, these countries lived through strong bonds to EU for too long, lots of people with dual citizenship, personal money abroad etc…then they were destroyed by the US/apartheid regime/GCC/EU multiple times, then sanctioned, then deprivation and the list goes on. Though it is recognized a tough decision to swing directions, it must be done, if the region wants a better future and some justice against constant aggression, I do not see patronage as the way to go, but I do see lots of opportunities, business opportunity for China & Russia to step in, be off shore oil & gas fields, agriculture, fertilizers, tourism, basic infra structure that all lacks (sewage systems, power generation, roads, bridges), and the list goes on, when there are investment on the ground and business to be protected, then both China and Russia would have nearby military presence to overlook the peaceful conditions, that is what Tartous & Khmeimim means for Russia, besides a presence in Med Sea, it is a foothold for future protection for exploration of off shore drilling.

        China has a small Navy base in the Red Sea, and as things progressed, it is likely China will have a base in Med Sea…maybe Cyprus, too much at stake for China in Greece at the moment, it is one of the most important end point to BRI.

        Financially speaking, Lebanon debt is nothing for China and BRI, it could be easily dealt with in exchange of preference to off shore gas exploration in the coast, so what is needed is to reach out, and maybe here Syria could play a role, it has deeper ties with China now.

        Iraq is moving toward a better and balanced perspective, too much to do still to recover the destroyed infra structure from the war of aggression against the Iraqis, but with so much oil revenue, Iraq can survive if corruption and foreign presence is eased or even eliminated, only a strong & independent Gov can do that, hopefully the seeds were planted.

        Iran is a different ball game, it has become a powerhouse on its own, out of necessity, no doubt Iran could be in way much better situation if they could export its oil & gas freely, that would boost its economy and life condition to all Iranians, but I can not see that happening as long as MbS/MbZ are there as Israeli stooges, fostering the rivalry for the sake of holding Iranian presence in the oil & gas market, and that it why I am pro policy of depressing the Saudis from producing large quantities of oils, the Houthis attack was good, but more is needed, only when the world feels that KSA can not export 2-3MM barrels/day vs 10-11MM, is when they will fight to easy sanctions against Iran, what we see now is that comfort of EU drives complacency to US sanctions.

        Alastair Crooke's article touches on something even deeper, a true revolution, non sectarianism mentality strengthening in Iraq and Lebanon, and that would be a death of US/UK/Israel evil project in the ME. 

        Stay safe my friend, bright days for the future of the ME.


      • Taxi says:

        Thank you, Canthama – you make some very good points regarding Leb and Iraq pivoting eastwards. But unfortunately, it’s not so simple for them to do this. They would first need not just mega business deals with Russia and China, they would also need mega security deals to protect them from the wrath of a jilted, unhinged Empire. They need to know it’s safe to cross over, and Russia and China would need to publicly accept the challenge of facing the old Empire – they’d need to be prepared to literally confront Empire and ‘fight’ over possession of territories. Both the Leb and Iraq have only just opened the door to such a concept of pivoting eastwards – many ducks still need lining up. They cannot up and leave just like that. They are beholden to Empire. Unfortunately, when you’re a small nation like the Leb, or you’re a broken nation like Iraq, you need a ‘patron-protector’ otherwise either your neighbors, or some faraway enemy will pick your land and your trade bones clean. And really, when Empire says you’re on its side, there’s not much you can do about it except bow and accept, else you might face its devastating fist. This is the old model of global control that’s still practiced in our modern day – an imperialist model that the international Axis of Resistance in the Levant, Western Asia, North Africa and South America are trying to overturn.

        A more direct and quicker way for Leb and Iraq to free themselves up from Empire’s throttle is to wage an indirect but fierce war against it – and fortunately, a mighty Resistance exists in both nations. For Empire to start to ‘face’ the reality of their weakening powers, some of its client states would first need to be either disabled, or defeated in battle. In human society, nothing like a good old fashioned sobering war guarantees ‘change’. Of everything. And I agree with you regarding the need for more ‘Aramco’ missions: this would indeed cripple the house of saud financially, and increase demand therefore for Iranian oil – and subsequently weaken Empire: leave it with no regional allies it can rely on – leave it exposed to asymmetrical warfare by the natives.

        In the case of the Leb and Iraq, yes, they have a good chance of liberating themselves from a cruel and sadistic master, especially now that the sectarian weapon is turning limp in the hands of Empire as more and more citizens in these two nations are rejecting divisive sectarianism in their societies.

        Sadly, that level of freedom from Empire is usually paid for in blood. But what other choice do dignified slaves have? Armed resistance is but the only answer.

    • Taxi says:

      Because last week israel's Iron Dome performed so poorly against Islamic Jihad rockets, of course, the ever deceptive jews would today try to rectify the further-shattered reputation of the Iron Dome, as well as try to assure its nervous jew citizen that all is super-duper well with israel's defensive capabilities by conducting a false flag op against a neighbor nation it knows is unlikely (presently) to respond.  It's how the loathsome, lying cowards operate.  Check out this unbelievably chickenshit bullshit story in the linked article below.  Mindful that it just simply doesn't make sense that the Iron Dome missed over 70% of Islmic Jihad rockets only a few days ago, yet managed to intercept 100% of all four rockets fired at it from Syria – and of course no jew was hurt and of course tel aviv retaliated in Syria.

      Theater, theater, theater – it's all theater and smoke and mirrors and fiddler on the roof!

      Israel Intercepts Four Rockets Launched From Syria


      • Taxi says:

        And I see Pompeo’s shekel transfer has finally arrived. Oh don’t worry yourself one bit with this stupid and predictable piece of news, dear reader. It really doesn’t matter what American slaves of israel say or decide about the holy land: the Axis of Resistance will take it all away from the hands of the evil thieves anyway. Who the fuck cares what these mass-murdering motherfuckers think or say? Hundreds of thousands of Resistance missiles remain hotly pointed at tel aviv.

  41. Taxi says:

    The eldest relative in my family (89 years old) just shared a chat she'd recently had about me with her old friend from Laguna Beach.

    Old Friend:  I don't understand why ever she'd do a thing like that – how could she live all the way out there, they got a million wars going on over there.

    Relative:  Oh she's fine, they've only got five or six wars going on, not a million.  She's just fine where she is, Hizbollah take care of everyone there, make sure everyone's alright.

    Old Friend:  Huh?!  You mean she's living with terrorists, with them, next door to them – what if they kidnap her?

    Relative:  Oh don't worry yourself dear, Hizbollah is friendlier than the LAPD.


    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      Sadly it's true. But your relative has got it all figured out correctly. Buddy of mine went to visit his gf in Iran. When he told his mom, she tried everything in the book [and then some] to convince him not to go there, "Because they will behead you!!!"

      The image the ME has around the world is so much detached from what really happens on the ground, but alas. Jordan will not extend its land lease to Occupied Palestine, so there's some progress.

      Also, we are fortunate to get HUMINT from you about Lebanon, so that’s precious in and all by itself :o]

      • Taxi says:

        Kind words, thank you Daniel.

        Yeah, I was told I'd be spending my "short life chained to a radiator" when I told friends and some family members that I'll be moving to south Lebanon.  What people don't realize about mideast wars, or wars in general, is that even though they put unbearable, immense pressure on a nation's security and livelihood, most of the time military engagements tend to occur in 'pockets' of land and not right across every inch of it.  Even in war zones, there are safe havens.  Even in Syria at the height of the takfiri inavasion, there were still safe spots in Syria.  In Libya and in Iraq, pretty much the same thing.  Iran, of course, always gets the worst demonization, of which probably 95% of it is propaganda.

        And it's true what you say: Jordan refusing to extend its land lease to the synagogue of satan is "some progress".  But, Jordan has not done this out of rebellion, rather, it's done it out of self-preservation.  Over the decades, Jordan has given israel so very much, including arms and legs and eyes and ears and vital organs, and all that its left with now, all that remains of it is a pulsating heart – something that it simply cannot give to israel, otherwise it would cease to exist.

  42. Taxi says:

    You've all heard of the term 'the deplorables' that was coined by that chuckling mass-murderer, Hilary Clinton, who used it to describe American citizens who'd voted for Trump.  Well, from here on, I think I'll be using the term 'the loathsomes' to describe… yeah, you guessed right:

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ Taxi,

      I get this message: "Video unavailable – This video has been removed by the user."

      Youtube censorship, I guess.

      • Taxi says:

        Oh man, they’ve censored Kevork from the Syriana youtube channel – again! Hand on heart: all he talked about for a few short minutes was clarifying information on the last israeli terrorist attack on Syria. Motherfuckers!

  43. ZiojooistanSucks says:

    FFS! Have you seen this, Taxi:


    In an unprecedented leak from one of the world’s most secretive regimes, an anonymous source provided 700 pages of Iranian intelligence reports to The Intercept, saying they wanted to “let the world know what Iran is doing in my country Iraq.”

    In partnership with:

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Z!  No, I haven't seen it, but I've read about 'the cables'.  No, I won't be reading 7000000000000000 pages on Iran lol!  And no, I can't quite tell whose a bigger, more despicable liar: the NYT or the Intercept – yikes!   But, I do trust this dude here below – he pretty much does know what he's talking about:


      • AriusArmenian says:

        I have learned the hard way to never trust any news from the US media controlled by its demented button pushing elites, especially when they report on entities they demonize. Even when the documents like the recently reported from China and Iran do not paint a negative picture they will create an agitprop narrative – their reports simply lie, or they modify the document to their nefarious agenda. They will do and say anything to advance their worldwide plowing and plundering.

      • Anonymous says:

        @ Taxi,

        You gotta keep your facts straight: it's 6,000,000 Eyeranian pages. All burned to a crisp, in stainless steel ovens… [cough, rattle…]

      • Taxi says:

        Lol yeah right and you forgot to add that a pristine passport belonging to the Mufti of Jerusalem circa 1945 was found inside that stainless steel oven.

  44. Taxi says:

    Jeffrey Feltman, that zionist up to the wazoo terrorist, yesterday basically laid down very clearly the reason behind the US-israel-saudi hand in the hijacking of the Leb financial protests.  He iterated that the US will lift the Lebanon sanctions soon as a new government in Beirut is formed, SO LONG AS IT DOESN'T INCLUDE HEZBOLLAH IN IT.

    Uhuh.  Like we didn't all know this already!

    Furthermore, he stated that the Lebanon is a global strategic place that's crucial for the US and that the US must absolutely not allow any Syrian, Iranian, Chinese or Russian influence to be established in the Lebanon.  He warned the Lebanon not to allow the aforementioned countries to participate in any industrial projects whatsoever.  He's spelling it out for the Lebs right now because next month, Russian-led oil excavations on 'Block 4' off the Leb shore are scheduled to commence.

    So basically the US threat is loud and clear: get rid of Hezbollah and Iran and Syria and Russia and China – (a China that’s now very keen to enter the Lebanon industries for profit and influence, as well as to insure its Silk Road 2 trade access to Europe thru the strategic Leb).  The US is demanding that Lebanon get rid of the whole heck of them friendly-to-Leb countries, or else the US aims to bankrupt and starve and turn the Lebs against each other till kingdom come.

    Well, we'll see about that, Feltman motherfucker!

    Hezbollah hasn't played ANY of its cards yet.  What's to stop it, if severely cornered, from taking over the whole of the Leb scene and inviting a Chinese aircraft carrier to dock off the coast of Lebanon for starters?  Within days China could be in the Leb waters were this scenario to occur.

    And what's to stop Hezbollah from really fucking with israel at the border, provoking it into a war tel aviv cannot out and out win?

    Moreover, what's to stop Hezbollah taking over and cancelling the dollar-trade that is rampant in the Leb and enforcing the use of ONLY the national currency, and reopening with it historic trade routes with Syria and Iraq that were closed this past decade by the wars for the Greater Israel Project?  A triad of trade deals between Beirut and Damascus and Baghdad that have traditionally and historically sufficed to keep the Leb economy sanguine.

    Fuck off Pax Americana!  The hot-headed Lebanese aren't about to let you starve them.  They're not about to let you deliver them to the jewish invader by helping you disarm Hezbollah either.  A task that would be impossible to achieve without tel aviv getting the fuck bombed out of it by the very weapons you're trying to take away.

    Feltman (speaking on behalf of Netanyahu) has given the Lebs two choices: die by starvation or die by jewish invasion.  Neither is acceptable to Lebs.  They will hold out under extreme pressure and in the meantime, all that the US can do is finger away at the Leb with ongoing street protests which at some point will stop working.  I can vouch and tell you, dear reader, that for the past two weeks or so, 'regular' Leb citizens have come to loath the remaining protestors on the streets, cussing them openly and calling them "traitors for israel" and a "destructive force".  They're now literally recommending that they all be "rounded up and locked up for sedition".  Knowing the Lebanese like I do, I can't see them as caving in to the US's conditions en mass.

    No, no way will Trump on the stump this summer be declaring to voters that he's saved israel by successfully disarming Hezbollah.  Fat chance of THAT ever happening!

    Here's a link to Feltman's shekeled testimony:

    What’s next for Lebanon? Examining the implications of current protests


    • AriusArmenian says:

      Jeffrey Feltman is a vile creature that has contributed to immense suffering, death, and destruction. He is a product of western civilization scraping the bottom of the barrel that has lost its sense of humanity to produce anything better. How can it when it honors its inhumanity and hypocrisy?

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ Taxi,

      So, Lebanon is now the 51st state?

      When will the US stop digging deeper holes? It's on the way out. Having no true diplomats left [the ones with their fingers at the pulse of societies worldwide] and a president who thinks his appearance is about TV ratings is the way forward? No court jesters seeing the abyss we're heading toward?

      We're royally f***ed.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Arius and Daniel.

      Feltman sure is a viler than vile terrorist jew.  And he's certainly got an ax to grind against the Hezbollah.  After all, Feltman was the American ambassador in Beirut back in 2006 when Hezbollah beat the poopelz outta the jewish military – and he, Feltman, could do NOTHING about it from Beirut.  He could not deliver ANYTHING of use to tel aviv: ZERO INTELLIGENCE on the hezb and he's right there in the heart of the city with all of America's spy tools in his hands lol!  He failed miserably and he's full of cold rage at the Hezb for it.

      What a fucking joke of a jew is Feltman!  Giving a long-long testimony on Hezbollah when the topic was Lebanon's financial crisis, and without ONCE mentioning the demands of the Lebanese street protestors.  Yeah the Lebs DID NOTICE THIS!  What a stupid theater he put on!  He just used that platform to further demonize Hezbollah with jew lies.

      In any case, I'm feeling rather relaxed about Leb now.  I say there will be no sectarian civil war: because the Christian Maronites are tight-tight pals with the Leb shias and together they represent the majority of the population.  Furthermore, I say the US can only play the financial card against the Leb for so long, considering that if Lebanon goes bankrupt, it loses some 5% of its private investments whereas the US would lose 100% of its investments.  The Lebs have been living under abnormal finances for three decades now and I strongly feel that they are able to ride out the financial crisis for some months till it's corrected.

      And corrected it will be.  Next month the Russians come to Beirut to start their joint oil explorations with the Lebs. 

      Can tel aviv or DC throw a spanner in the works of this project in the interim?  For sure they will try as fuck!  But, I see the Leb-Russian team turning that spanner into a boomerang.


  45. Taxi says:

    Today I saw so many headlines that say that now that Netanyahu has been indicted for bribery, he's 'more dangerous than ever and will start a war, most likely against Lebanon'.  Huh?!  Say whaaaaat?!  LOL!  Erm, I don't think so.  Only last week, the terrorist Netanyahu was practically begging for Islamic Jihad to stop firing their rockets on the second day of engagement.   And have we so soon forgotten what happened at Avivim?  If tel aviv hasn't dared to touch Lebanon like that since 2006, let alone it dared not touch Lebanon throughout the whole of the Syria war, like it's gonna go for it now out of prime-ministerial desperation and necessity?!  Naaah sorry, not buying it one bit.  To me, this scenario is but a media invention – looking for high drama.  Sure israel is desperate for a war it can win, but it's not yet desperate to the point of suicidalness to go picking on Lebanon with Hezbollah at the front lines.

    A more plausible alternative for Netanyahu to buy time is to annex parts of the West Bank for more jew votes in a 3rd election.  Sure it'll fire up the Palestinians but so what?  It'll be somewhat more controllable than Gaza or Lebanon.  Netanyahu will kill a few more Palestinian families there and get even more jew votes.  Yet, unfortunately for him, and most certainly unfortunately for his victims,  it will all be for nothing.  It won't work.  The motherfucker is going to jail sooner or later.

    But a war against Lebanon is NOT on the table.

    Here's Moon of Alabama on how "dangerous" Netanyahu has become:

    Netanyahoo, Indicted For Bribery, Fraud And Breach Of Trust, Becomes More Dangerous

    Sure Netanyahu is a very desperate criminal, but he's also helpless.  He's out of rescue remedies.  He's used them all up.

    • Canthama says:

      Taxi, I also do not buy this media frenzy that Satanyahoo will open battle fronts against anyone of the Resistance, Satanyahoo is a criminal no doubt, but he is a pussycat, a coward behind the US military mighty. 

      Satanyahoo and his apartheid regime will continue to provoke Syria, Iraq, and anybody else, but will be very careful not to engage in a real war, a war that even the criminal IDF knows it will back fire big time. 

      I have people I know in Israel, that though they are arrogant and despise any of their neighbours, they know few smart missiles well placed can bring down Israel's economy severely, their industries and main infra structure are extremely vulnerable, and any disruption on them, the domino effect will happen and economic chaos would reign. 

      The only thing this freaks can continue to do is to provoke until a tough answer is given, as Hezb Allah has done since 2006, but I do not see Syria and Iraq at the same level of response yet, but it will come.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Canthama.  For sure, right now, the only country that Netanyahu presents a threat to is the terrorist state of israel itself.

  46. Taxi says:

    Somebody needs to remind the terrorist jews and ALL their minions that attacking Lebanon will likewise GUARANTEE an attack on "tel aviv and beyond".  The letter mentioned in the linked article below is not a humanitarian concern for the Lebanon, it's an act of desperate jew fear.  EVERYTHING that israel can do to Lebanon, Hezbollah can do back to israel.  Only direct war can change this equation:

    240 US Congress members call on UN chief to curb Hezbollah

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks for the heads-up, Whozhear. We all damn well now that jews are ALWAYS up to one kinda evil or another. But so what? The Axis of Resistance is ready. They look forward to fulfilling their mission in life which is the eviction of imperialist and colonialist forces from their region. And it means nothing to the Resistance if israel manages to fool America into a direct war with Iran cuz tel aviv will be dragged into it in any case, whether it pleads innocent or guilty to the world.

      But really, if I have to give it two seconds of thought, I’d say the US Generals’ visit to israel may very well have more to do with israel’s weak defense systems, as proven again in the latest encounter with Islamic Jihad, than anything else. But of course, the obsessed terrorist jews will also be taking Iran-Iran-Iran.

      Right now, it’s sitting like this: the Axis of Evil wants war but can’t do it, and the Axis of Resistance can do war but doesn’t want it. The Axis of Resistance is playing the long game and waiting out the enemy to become geostrategically weaker and further weaker, which indeed it is. And the reason for this long wait is because they know if the enemy’s punch is weaker, they will sustain less casualties. Plus, it’s against their religion to launch a preemptive war. Only a war of self-defense is allowed in islam.

    • Canthama says:

      Hey my friend, good to see you around at Taxi's place. The sick people will continue to do the same, on and on, Iran continues to be on the list for the coalition of killing.

      As more info is also shared from the lates apartheid regime attack on Syria, 58 out 70 missiles were intercepted by SyAAD, while 12 found targets on SAA sites and civilian houses. I mentioned at Syrper that this late apartheid regime was the toughest one in a long time, was nailed for that, but now that nbrs are coming out, it shows a massive & coordinated attack with air-surface and surface to surface missiles used. Syria has damages way higher than USD 1Bi equivalent when a missile depot was hit besides some short-mid range SyAAD equipments were put down as well (BUK and others).

      The apartheid regime sold as a great victory, but they are running out of stratetgies to attack Syria as the North and NE become better protected by AA systems, the apartheid is relying on al Tanf corridor, occupied Golan Heights and Lebanese airspace, a favorite for IDF jets flying low than high to launch the missiles and low again below Qalamoun's heights for protection against S200-S300. There are two ways to block this IDF key strategy, 1) Syria installs some long range missiles in the Qalamoun to block this way, or 2) Hezb Allah start using AA to hit IDFs jets in Lebanese airspace, the latter would implicate a much more complicated situation internally in Lebanon and expose Hezb Allah AA to IDFs attacks, so for Damascus area to be protected it seems SyAAD must look for a higher ground and protected area to lock IDFs' jets inside Lebanese airspace and shoot them down mercilessly. 
      A interesting enough we hear recently that Syria is talking to China to acquire HQ-9 air defensive system, this is a 200kms Chinese version of S300, thus fixing the issues of using Syrian S300 against the apartheid regime jets. As we hear more about HQ-9, we will learn why IDF is desperate, and besides, it would also remove Iran from the equation entirely, no excuse for US/apartheid regime to blame on Iran though they will find a way to say that Chinese are in fact Iranians that migrated to China via Mars 5000 yrs ago…touché.

      • Whozhear says:

        Hi Canthama,

        The recent attack had the khazars again targeting the 4th division base west of Damascus. Last december they hit what appears to be the admin building. They also hit a parking area. This same parking area was again hit in this past attack, this time hitting two workshops beside the parking area. The vehicles in this area are likely to be vehicles the SAA has brought in from the fields of battle to be reclaimed. These vehicles are most likely all ex terrorist. Basically all the SAA is doing here is running a salvage yard. Sometimes, it is well beyond a khazar's ability to figure out what they are actually attacking.


      • Taxi says:

        Pretty much every single terrorist jew strike on Syria has changed zilch facts on the ground – hundreds of strikes yet ever so very-very little to show for it in terms of war gains – actually NOTHING to show for it except the breaking of International Laws. Jews strike at Syria, adhering to the tactic of ‘controlled casualties’, so as to not expand the conflict and themselves get dragged in. All them hit and run after hit and run are all for domestic purposes: all to give the illusion that israel is a mighty force. Well yeah, its weapons catalogue is impressive but good grief they are born cowards and this tends to limit their desire for direct confrontation with the enemy, which is the only way to win wars. Jewish over-reliance on their air force is actually israel’s Achilles heel. This is what Hezbollah intends to exploit in full in their next war with the terrorist jews.

    • Taxi says:

      Here’s another theory on why the US General and Chief of Army Staff went to tel aviv: Netanyahu had a massive meltdown last night and ordered a strike on Iran which the israeli army chief refused to obey and so the big US military brass had to go tell Netanyahu in person to quit it with his desperate game cuz Trump ain’t going to war with Iran, certainly not before the November 2020 elections.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks for the updates on Syria, Canthama.  I've been too lazy these past couple of days to post up some stuff on israel and the evil that it does in the hood – well, more like political fatigue than laziness, actually – although, I am known for being lazy too and I'll admit all rumors about my lazy-bone are all true no.  I'll admit that having to every day think about all them vile psycho personalities running the world sickens me intermittently and I need to switch off from thinking about them lest my mental nausea turns into a paroxysm of actual vomiting.  These war criminals really do make me sick to my stomach.

      And speaking of guts, all this week the jews fought bitterly among themselves and kicked each other's intestines and testicles out.  Nice!  In fact they fought so hard and so dirty that it prompted Gantz to say that unless Netanyahu cools it, israel will slide into "civil war".


      It would be absolute, perfect poetic justice if israel were to slip into a civil war then have all of its neighbors liberate their land while it's in a state of existential fracture.

      Gantz Says Netanyahu 'Risks Igniting Civil War,' Calls on Likud Members to Speak Out


  47. Taxi says:

    Alison Weir demonstrates her meticulous research again with her latest piece linked below.  Seasoned jew-watchers will be familiar with much of the info she provides, but she does add new information on the makers and shakers of the jewish universe – who also happen to also dominate the Gentile one:

    World Jewish Congress: Billionaires, Oligarchs, Global Influencers for Israel

    One would think that with sooooo much wealth between them (jews), they'd have had more success at fully realizing their Greater Israel dream by now.  Mass-murdering dumb fucks!  If they'd spent even a fraction of their combined wealth on sincere peace efforts, tel aviv wouldn't have been in the existentially impossible pickle it finds itself in today.

    • Taxi says:

      Alison Weir writes that mister Rothschild alone is worth an estimated eye-popping $700 Trillion.  Begs the question here: how the fuck do you topple a man who is worth $700 Trillion?!!!

      I'm exasperated to even think about it.

      And I'm wondering how many Trillions would Rothschild lose when israel is pronounced dead.

    • Taxi says:

      This story is fake-fake news – yeah a double-fake story! The stupid student protestors closed the Ring Bridge, again, and clashed with the much inconvenienced locals who live there, again! It’s mainly a Christian neighborhood and so it was Christian residents who clashed with the fucker road-blockers till the army stepped in and separated them at 5am yesterday morning. Absolutely NOTHING to do with Hezbollah and Amal – they wouldn’t be so freaking stupid to get involved in a street fight with a bunch of stupid teens waaaay north of Beirut. Zero involvement! In fact, there was a deadly incident with other protestors down south right at the same time, who had also clearly coordinated with the aforementioned Ring Bridge protestors north of Beirut. The Naame protestors down south also closed a main road at 5am too, using an electricity pylon, and when a car managed to drive thru the small open gap at the edge of the pylon, the car received a big rock which made the car careen and crash into an infernal blaze and two people died in the fire, while one survived. The victims were all shias from the south and naturally supporters of Hezbollah. America’s hand in the Lebanon is desperate to bring Hezbollah to the streets but the Hezb is not falling for the silly bait. They’re taking a barrage of insults and smears on a daily basis, their supporters are also taking fatalities and injuries, but the Hezb continues to call for calm and remains waaaaay off the streets.

      Yesterday, I took a drive to the port city of Saida to go to a bank and five minutes after I was in the bank, seven college kids came in and demanded the bank close its doors to customers. Literally, it took 30 seconds before five armed army personnel arrived and asked the kids to leave the bank’s premises. Well, they did exit the bank but planted their asses on the stoops right outside the bank’s door and just sat there. They enraged me to the point where when I stepped out of the bank and saw them just sitting there and taking up most of the stair’s space, I found myself gritting my teeth and telling them to “go protest at the border in israel’s face you stupid people! Go fuck with the real enemy motherfucka!”. I said it in English and they all looked at me in shock and one of them said “thank you, miss”. Oh man, I was a hair away from kicking his face in as he sat on the stair at my knee-level only some 3 feet away. It took everything out of me not to make physical contact with the little sarcastic fucker. I had to freeze my knee and bite my lip cuz I’m a foreigner here and they would probably deport me if I started street brawling with a buncha kids lol! Driving back home up the white-knuckle, twisting mountain roads, I became fully aware of how angry these NGOed student protestors make me feel. I fucking hate them: I ran away from Californian snowflakes like that and bajeezus they’ve popped up here in the south of Lebanon lol!

      I can tell you one thing for sure, if a buncha kids went into a California bank and tried to stop civilians from transacting with their money, they’d be shot dead on the spot by the civilians in the bank themselves lol!

      And I’d just like to add here that the coordinated Ring Bridge clashes and the Naame pylon deadly incident that took place yesterday during early Monday morning: both were America’s response to the big protest outside the American Embassy in Beirut that took place the day before on Sunday morning. The American Embassy in Beirut was freaked and angered by the protest outside its door and got its agents to lash back at Lebanese society inside of 24 hours. The embassy protest got much coverage all day Sunday and practically everyone in the Lebanon heard the chants that were basically saying: ‘fuck you America, you are the very reason our country is in suffering’. Of course, American and israeli flags were burned all morning outside the embassy too, and speakers at the protest slammed America and israel by listing ALL their joint crimes against the Lebanese, going back decades. The cat’s outta the bag now – and citizens are turning against America’s agents on the streets.

      • Canthama says:

        Take care of yourself Taxi, the situation continues to be "hot" in Lebanon, the provocations now are clearly paid ones, like in Hong Kong, these freaks are paid to disturb, thus they will continue to do so. The desperation from the coalition of evils is also evident, they can not accept they lost in Syria and Yemen, I just hope the apartheid regime does something really stupid inside Israel and starts a civil war there.

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks for your good wishes, Canthama.  Today marks 41 days of protests and the Leb street remains mostly intact and under control.  A total of 9 protest fatalities have been reported during this time.  The engineers and manufacturers of the Leb protests are pissed that the casualty number remains in the single digits and that to a large extent, normal life in the Leb resumes and continues albeit with much ongoing financial distress and insecurity.

        Civil war is not possible when the majority of Christians and the majority of Shias are solidly united.  They can't break them up as allies, so instead they are trying to isolate them politically by attempting to exclude them from the next new government.  This won't work either when the combination of the majority Christians plus the shias represent almost two-third of voters.

        Russia and its oil-excavation file arrive to the Leb next month, adding another layer of geopolitical consideration to the situation, just like it added a significant consideration in the Syria war when it landed there.  The Axis of Evil is running out of time in the Leb, therefore it is becoming more vicious.


      • AriusArmenian says:

        I really appreciate your reports on Lebanon, and am disgusted by the demented US and its Anglosphere vassals and proxies that stroke chaos to bring so much suffering. The US hand seems everywhere. just published an article by Thierry Meyssan about the recent coup in Bolivia that involves christian fascists (have these idiots even read the teachings of Christ?) that have a CIA/US/Nazi connection. We can sure that the US will cook up something similar for Lebanon if it can. There is so much of this around the world I wonder if the US is some kind of anti-human blood sucking vampire. It most certainly is the fascist rogue state of the 21st century which humanity must defeat, neutralize, or exhaust to survive and not suffer a US global medieval horror show. I have a near term extreme pessimism about the West wherein there is almost nothing left to believe in or hope for. Longer term I am optimistic about what I call the 'coalescing multifarious East' that is rising where defeat is not an option and that will not bend its knee to the West. It is building the future the US is trying to spike in a global last gasp counter-attack that each of us, millions of us, must do all we can wherever we are to defeat.

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks Arius. The US Empire is behaving ‘talmudically’ and as far away from the civilized American Constitution as you can get. I despair at this. And the only remedy that I see curbing the mindless violence and destruction that Pax Americana is inflicting on the world is through the weakening of the dollar. Something that China, Russia and Iran are currently inching towards. Not happening fast enough though. But who knows? Perhaps Empires can collapse overnight? Like the Berlin Wall did? One thing is for sure: you cannot rehabilitate the imperial/colonialist mindset. It can only be either temporarily managed or outright destroyed, as if a rabid beast. I’m expecting next year to be an extremely unsettling year for the world. And perhaps the year after will be even worse.

        I draw your attention here to this observation: the weaker israel becomes geostrategically, the more violent Pax Americana becomes.

        Therefore the sooner israel dies, the sooner the world can find its relative peace.

        The price of the death of israel will tax us all in the four corners of the world, but it won’t kill us all. Whereas the longer israel lives, the faster we’re all driven into either killing each other, or getting mass-murdered by the judeofied fist of the captive Empire.

        Adopting a permanent ‘resistance’ state of mind here becomes a life-saver and is the only dignified way to be.

    • Taxi says:

      I should also add here that the Hezb and its other shia allies WILL take to the streets BUT only in national security emergencies, and what you will see is a complete takeover of the streets by them to insure safety, law and order.

      Shias on the street yesterday were there NOT as protestors or troublemakers, but as supporters of the victims of the Naame pylon incident, milling around peacefully and yet also making a show of force with their numerous Vespas and motorbikes.

      The pictures used in your linked article were taken from other protest stories. Note how there’s not a single picture taken of the Hezb or Amal actually attacking anyone, despite EVERYONE at protests having easy access to cameras in their cellphones.

  48. Taxi says:

    In his latest article, Elijah Magnier predicts doom and gloom for the Lebanon.  I happen to disagree with him on this particular point.  I say that if 'doom and gloom' does hit the Lebanon, then israel will be dragged into a war with Hezbollah, whether it wants to or not.  No peace for Lebanon and Hezbollah equals same for israel.  Tel Aviv knows this.  What I see happening right now is akin to a mafia man (USrael) dangling a victim (Lebanon) over the balcony to shake him down and not necessarily to drop him from a great height.

    Drop Hezbollah from a great height and it will grab at you for dear life and pull your weight down with it.

    The explosion in Lebanon has been delayed: until when?

      • Taxi says:

        Good catch, Sparrow – thanks.  Seems that Andre will first whip himself into a frenzy before he picks up his pen.  And one thing about 'frenzy' is that it has zero patience – and without 'patience', there is no insight – and without insight there is no real truth to be had.  If Andre had waited for just one week before he wrote the second linked article you provided, he would have included in his article how the terrorist coward jews ran away from their Avivim base at the sight of the first Hezbollah Cornet.  He obviously just lifted the Nasrallah quote from somewhere: he did not hear the full speech himself – otherwise, he would have heard Nasrallah say a few times that the Hezb WILL respond to the drone attack, which they successfully did a mere one week after the incident.  And this Cornet response by Hezbollah would have changed the whole tone and direction of his article.  But I don't think he was interested in writing about that at all.

        For me, writers who claim to be pro 'the people', especially pro 'the brown people', and who do not rip the freaking head of the macabre jewish dogmatists, all the while criticizing everyone else, simply are Controlled Opposition agents.  I suspected he may be this kinda asshole yesterday but I couldn't be bothered to research him for confirmation of my initial instinct.  The fucker seems to be pickled in cultural marxism: giving token lip service to the 'people' while ripping their societies into shreds, ignoring the natural good that's there, thus intellectually and spiritually weakening the patriotic foundations of their existence.  His take on Lebanon is completely unhinged and imbalanced.  He's more than happy to slam Hariri for being helpless but lets the bully jew israelis off lightly at the same time.  Know waddamean?  And no, Lebanon is not a "joke" – and if it is, then so is every other country on earth too.  Nothing that Lebanon is suffering from that cannot be found in other places in the world, including in monstrous, terrorist israel.  And any writer writing on the mideast who does not pin the source of mayhem and terrorism in the Levant on israel is a fucking agent of tel aviv.  Full fucking stop!  Andre relies too much on his bombastic  style of writing to cover his footprint in-and-out of tel aviv.  A very effective method and disguise.  Distraction by excessive histrionics  and melodrama.  That's Andre's ticket.  And it wouldn't surprise me one bit if his very handler is Max Blumenthal.  They both reek of the same nasty cologne.

        Now that I've read three articles by Andre inside of 24 hours, enough to last me a lifetime, I hope no more of his articles will be shared here by readers.  Waste of fucking time dissecting the writings of a speed freak.

      • AriusArmenian says:

        Thanks, Sparrow, I didn't know about Vltchek's writings about Christianity in history. I mostly read his articles about South America and Indonesia. The Carnaptious comment at explained it as: "That something 'encoded in Christianity' is the Old Testament, the Judeo part of Judeo-Christianity".

        His recent article about Lebanon did surprise me as off the rails. You or someone here mentioned he doesn't focus on the Palestinians – I hadn't thought about it until it was mentioned.


    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Arius.  Your linked article is certainly a gnarly trip of a read.  Right now, I'm short on time to pars up some important political points the writer makes, and to also challenge his overall understanding of the Lebanon and 'Lebaneseness'.  I hope to have more time to address this when time permits.  Provide you with a distillation of 'what the real protestors want', a question that the writer could not answer for himself in his long piece.  But for now, suffice it to say that I found the article a little too thick with pathos, and a little skinny on insight.  Very dramatic POV.  As if a tourist suddenly stumbled into a ghetto gunfight and his adrenaline beans jumped for the unexpected thrill of it – all his senses instantly came to life all at once, thus entering him into a hyper-reality state of mind.  And I must also make mention here of his using a brush of bravado on himself when interacting with internal security personnel.  What he fails to understand is that even before the protests, NOBODY was allowed to take pictures of ANY uniformed men, for obvious reasons: the Leb is at war with both israel and takfirism and their spies are everywhere and operations against the security apparatus are intermittently foiled.  And, only an idiot would challenge a uniformed officer at an airport.  Any airport.  Know what I mean?  Not very sensible.   His worst offense is that he doesn't get that Lebanon is not a PC country.  I personally consider this to be one of its charms.  Sure you get racist and cruel people in the Leb, but that's not the national character by any means.  The Lebanese are just not a PC nation, and yes, liberal snowflakes and trendies will find Lebanese honesty offensive.  For me, it is refreshing to hear people speak what they really think.  But, here I must pause and also give the writer credit for some soaring poetics and astute illuminations.  I believe he truly loves the Lebanon.  I just don't agree with his overall assessment.  There are chess pieces about to be played and it's those pieces once played that will give a clear indication of which direction the Lebanon will be going down.  For example, the arrival of the Russians to Lebanon next month to begin oil and gas excavations, and the color and shape of the spanners that the US is planning to throw at its way.  Yes, America too wants its hands on Lebanese oil/gas, hence its intentional prolonging of the financial crisis there, and its hand in delaying the formation of a new Lebanese government.  Begs the question here: will the Lebanon become a hot battleground between Russia and the US, same as Syria is?  Will the Russians even arrive to Lebanon next month as scheduled?  Even if the Russian project in the Leb is delayed, then this in itself would be loaded with implications and information.

      In the meantime, again I repeat: no civil war in the Leb, but a crushing financial crisis continues, bringing with it outbursts of manufactured (but controllable) civil unrest here and there.  Simply, Leb is not in the hour of 'doom and gloom'.

      In my estimation, it is too soon to bring down the gavel.  We must wait and first see what will transpire in the next few weeks.  Mindful here that out of all the street protests taking place around the world today, the Lebanon has suffered the least human fatalities and casualties.

      Perspective, perspective.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Taxi,

        "I believe he truly loves the Lebanon.  I just don't agree with his overall assessment.  There are chess pieces about to be played and it's those pieces once played that will give a clear indication of which direction the Lebanon will be going down."

        I've been a 'newcomer' myself in/on many a land, therefore know it takes time to get the lay of the land right. It helps a lot when you're not dealing with all the tourist stuff [only], but get to know individuals on more personal level. I wear  my heart on my sleeve and nobody rubs it off :o] Thanks for all the updates, darling. Very much appreciated!

      • AriusArmenian says:

        I have read a lot of articles by Andre Vltchek that have shown his empathy for the people that suffer from the heavy hand of the rich and powerful elites. His article on Lebanon is different than his others so perhaps he needs to have a longer visit. And I agree that it is a bit gnarly which for him is unusual.

      • Sparrow says:

        Several red flags with this author who benefits from the exploitation of war and its people to 'sell' books and documentaries.  He's chummy with the likes of jew Chomsky and he cries of inhumanity for people but makes not one cry for Palestinians with a write up, book or documentary.  He is paid big bucks to 'sell' his photos to many various news outlets, again making money off of the misery of humanity whilst feigning to care.  The sickness of exploitation is really unbearable to me especially when they add their own perspective to mold your mind.  Terrorists of isis do the same thing in their own particular gruesome way.  How is it he is in ultimate placement when sudden protests go down any where in the world…then get paid for his so-called professional opinion?  Hello White Helmets et al.

    • Whozhear says:

      At the rate that Lebanon's banks are squeezing their depositors…………

      ……. and watching Hezbollah's bank pay wages etc and it's 'no limits' on withdrawals………..

      ……….. I would conclude its a matter of a couple of weeks, if that, until the Lebanon goes up in flames.

      It will be interesting to see which group(ing) sets off the flames, though my money would be on leftover Falangists in cohorts with wally the weasel and or Geagea. All of this scum has, as I understand it, the deepest ties to the zionist state.

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks Whozhear. The first tweet is accurate, but I’ll add it’s somewhat old news: it happened early last week. And the reason for limiting dollar withdrawal from personal accounts is actually to protect the joint interests of account holders as well as the banks’ fluidity. Moreover, different banks have different weekly dollar withdrawals – for instance, the International Bank of Beirut is allowing the withdrawal of $1000 per week. I don’t feel as pessimistic as you do about the Leb financial crisis. Last night, a major meeting on Leb finances took place at the presidential palace, hosted by President Aoun. It lasted some six hours and was attended by all Lebanese financial honchos. The results of this meeting were positive and a plan of action was agreed upon by all who were present. Corrupt politicians remain on the chopping block and investigations into mass theft will continue (they began some two weeks ago and ex PM Mekati has already been officially questioned twice since then – other corrupt names will be next). Furthermore, and very importantly, wealthy citizens who began shifting their dollars out of the country in unison BEFORE the protests began will now be investigated and forced by new laws to return their dollars back to Lebanon. The investigators intend to discover where the ‘whisper campaign’ against Lebanon’s banking were first issued from – a whisper campaign that drove these Lebanese millionaires and billionaires to migrate their bank accounts to foreign shores right before the protests: thus opening the floodgates to the present financial crisis. In this regard, the Swiss Finance Ministry has also agreed to lift ‘secrecy’ on Lebanese political clients. Interestingly, Lebanese depositors rank 11th on the Swiss banking’s client list: #SwissLeaks: Lebanon Is #11 and #12 In Countries With The Most Money In Swiss Banks . Also, early last week, a Swiss bank complied by a Leb gov request to reject and return a recent deposit of millions by a Lebanese financier (sorry I forget his name off hand but will post a link on this story later when I have the correct name of financier and Swiss bank – if memory serves, it was HSBC).

        And the second tweet of ‘hezb dollar stash’ is saudi propaganda. True that the Hezb civil and military personnel are getting paid as per usual, and that’s because the Hezb gets its money directly from Iran banks and other wealthy expat donors now living in various African countries – not from the Leb government or the Lebanese national bank – they have zero banking relationship with any Lebanese banks. Hezb accounts therefore are completely separate from Lebanese banking. Moreover, even before the current financial crisis, Hezb accountants had already put into effect some austerity measures, all due to US sanctions on Iran. Despite the ongoing flow of money into the Hezb coffers, they have indeed tightened their belt as far as spending is concerned, a good year before the current Leb dollar crisis. The stupid tweet implies that while the Lebanese citizens suffer, Hezbollah is rolling in dollars and living it up. Nothing can be further from the truth. EVERYONE in the Leb has been negatively affected by the crisis.

        Anis Nakash, an exceptionally competent Lebanese analyst says that the Leb is in its “first 15 minutes of crisis”. He reckons that the Lebs can and have the time to “change course in the next 45 minutes”. I tend to agree with him. He also recommends starting a war with israel right now as this will benefit Leb finance, Leb unity and Leb security. I tend to agree with him on this too 🙂

      • Taxi says:

        It will be interesting to see which group(ing) sets off the flames, though my money would be on leftover Falangists in cohorts with wally the weasel and or Geagea. All of this scum has, as I understand it, the deepest ties to the zionist state.

        Whozhear, you're correct about the "weasels" with ties to terrorist israel – this is common knowledge in the Leb.  However, Geagea cannot start a civil war as inside his small 'territory', he will end up fighting the Maronite Christians who support Hezbollah and support the opposite of EVERYTHING he stands for – and they are a larger Christian group who will slaughter him and his pathetic motley minority should Geagea start seriously fingering in that direction.

        All doors to a civil war in the Leb have been closed except for one: the assassination of Saad Hariri.  This tells us that if a civil war were to break out, it will be the Leb sunnis who will open this Pandora's box.

      • Taxi says:

        Whozhear. Looks like Elijah too doesn’t think that the modest Hezb would go filming its dollar stash – and film it in such a cheap and dinky way, as if the footage is taken in secret then leaked by an insider. Ask yourself this question: would the wily Hezb place such a shady filmmaking-character anywhere near their structural operation, let alone anywhere near their coffers? The answer to this is a decisive ‘no’.

  49. Sparrow says:

    @ Ariusarmenian

    Just to set the record straight for you hopefully you can start your research on the 'truth' about the Bolshevik Jews vs. what hasbara jews consistently pervert to Nazi's.  With every breath!  

    ["The US hand seems everywhere. just published an article by Thierry Meyssan about the recent coup in Bolivia that involves christian fascists (have these idiots even read the teachings of Christ?) that have a CIA/US/Nazi connection. We can sure that the US will cook up something similar for Lebanon if it can."]

    It is incorrect to connect CIA/US with Nazi.  The truth is actually CIA/MOSSAD/BOLSHEVIK connection.

    The Jewish Bolsheviks are known and history repeats as I speak, for murdering in cold blood…tens of millions if not more ethnic Russians with the majority Christians, the Tsar Nicolas II and his family assassinated and the list is horribly long since then.  A good example would be what they are doing occupying Palestine and murdering Palestinians.  What is occupying the ME, the US, EU, NATO is the Bolsheviks.  The Nazi's never in 'original' history as opposed to the jew revised history, never murdered millions. They murdered the 'declared enemy' of Germany and the German people.  Here is more history for you to be enlightened from Adolf Hitler's own words: with correct English subtitles.  

    ["…have these idiots even read the teachings of Christ?…"]  Sadly they are fake just like a lot of fake Muslims and Jews.  All trained and groomed in my occupied US terrorist government by jews and their bribed goyim.  As a matter of fact while I'm on the subject that concerns 'war'…did you know that your name 'Arius':  Derived from Greek ἄρειος (areios) meaning "of Ares" or "devoted to Ares." This word has also been explained as meaning "warlike, martial", which is understandable, given that Ares is the Greek god of war. Also compare the Greek words ἀρειά (areia) "threats, menaces" and ἀρειή (areiē) "cursing, threatening", which look like they are etymologically related.  And Ares: Perhaps from either Greek αρη (are) meaning "bane, ruin" or αρσην (arsen) meaning "male". The name first appears as a-re in Mycenaean Greek writing. Ares was the bloodthirsty god of war in Greek mythology, a son of Zeus and Hera.  I find it interesting that a person with that preferred name would be concerned with the teachings of Christ!

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Sparrow.  You'll forgive me for saying this but I prefer it here on Plato's that we 'share' with each other instead of "educate".  And I also prefer that we stick to the topic at hand as best as we can.

      p.s. you came to mind yesterday because I bought towels with sparrows printed on them broken heart

    • Boris Johnson says:

      Preferred name?……How do yo know that Arius isn't the name given to him(or her  LOL) by their Armenian parents?.

      Sounds to me educator bird(am assuming you are a bird from your preferred name LOL) that you you should just relax a bit and not go looking for negatives out of nothing.




    • AriusArmenian says:

      My use of Arius has nothing to do with any of that. Many years ago I was studying the rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire and the role of Arius in the first ecumenical council. Later when I was ginning up an anonymous handle for Facebook I was able to get Arius Armenian through their filters and the rest is history. I use it as just a word with no intended meaning behind it.

    • Taxi says:

      I personally like the name 'Arius'.   Even though I know it represents the god of war, my mind associates it with the word 'aria' because, well, my mind taps feet at the phonetics of words, hence my strong attraction to poetry and word-play.  In my euphonic brain-dictionary, 'Arius' is the masculine of 'aria' broken heart.

    • Sparrow says:

      "Nobody knows that Zionism appeared as a Marxist movement, a socialist one…Zionism is actually a revolution."  Sergei Lezov, scientist at the Soviet Academy of Science, Institute for Scientific Information.  Strana i Mir Magazine (Munich).  No. 3 1988 p. 94

      "The ideals of Bolshevism at many points are consonant with the finest ideals of Judaism."  Jewish Chronicle, 4th April 1919. (London)

      • Sparrow says:

        [“You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. They were Jews. Driven by ethnic hatred, they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be overstated. Jewish Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of its perpetrators.”]

        —Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Nobel prize-winning author writing about the Jewish Bolsheviks and their murder of 66 million Christians in “200 Years Together.”

  50. Bornajoo says:

    Indeed dear Sparrow. I think Ron Unz sums it up quite well

    "…….But combine them together with the relatively tiny size of worldwide Jewry, around 16 million prior to World War II, and the inescapable conclusion is that in per capita terms Jews were the greatest mass-murderers of the twentieth century, holding that unfortunate distinction by an enormous margin and with no other nationality coming even remotely close.

    "And yet, by the astonishing alchemy of Hollywood, the greatest killers of the last one hundred years have somehow been transmuted into being seen as the greatest victims, a transformation so seemingly implausible that future generations will surely be left gasping in awe."

    • Sparrow says:

      Hi Bornajoo!

      I left a long reply to Ariusarmenian with several links to educate him about the Nazi hasbara being done in the name of Bolsheviks.  It's a constant lie they do.  I hope you are well and happy…I miss everyone wink.   Much love your way and keep safe wherever you may go.  As for me, my fight is with my occupied government and spreading the truth to those who give a damn about this nation.  I wish nothing but death to dc and israel…the word loathing doesn't come close.  I was so glad Ron Unz spelled it out…in a desperate time like this.  His posting of lengthy reports by one of the writers on the assassination of JFK/RFK is an eye opener to the US citizens (and the world for that matter) as who was behind it.  Namely Israel.  He doesn't blink an eye or back step.  I'm so tired of the coward sell outs in DC.  Treason along with countless war crimes, subverting national laws, constitution, bill of rights to the point of uselessness…just like they have done with International Law.  Now Bolshevik Bloomberg wants in the race for 2020.  They've ruined this nation.  I believe their time is up…they've run their course and no one is buying it anymore, hence the overload of hasbara fuckers everywhere.  So be it!!!!!  The day they are gone will be a true day of liberation and peace.  Thank you for reply broken heart and may many alerts come to Taxi along with her protection.  VIVA!

  51. Taxi says:

    Hey!  Whatever the fuck happened to the regime-change protests in Iran?!  LOL!  Yeah, that's right: fizzled to fuck!

    Hey!  Whatever the fuck happened to the regime-change civil war in Lebanon?  LOL!  Yeah, that's right: fizzled to fuck!

    Hey!  Whatever the fuck happened to the regime-change street violence in Iraq?  LOL! Yeah that's right: Iraqi gov fizzled out but Iranian power in Iraq remains.

    Overall, the evil plan to topple up the trio of Baghdad, Beirut and Tehran so as to weaken the Iranian head of the Axis of Resistance is not quite the success that the Boltonesque brigade had hoped for.

    No doubt they will keep trying though.  And trying.  And trying again…

    Till they can try no more and are but forced into a military confrontation that will lead them and their cowardice straight to the souless graves of history.

    • Sparrow says:

      Death to the Bolshevik's and their desire for a Communist new world order.  Their ever changing clothes, words, titles and accusations worming in and out of nations subverting peace, dividing peoples, overthrowing with coups while their so-called human rights activists with their endless supply of money presents themselves as their liberators in disguise, their opponent on both sides.  They will blame the 'Nazi or Christian' with their implanted fakes to make revolution only to then blame true Christians for the Bolshevik atrocities whose aim is to destroy them entirely.  Their shadow dance with Muslim's are the same so their Communist rule for the ME and the world can be fulfilled.   May all true Christians learn and know this.  90~% Central and South America is Christian hence the violent protests now.  Hong Kong is targeted because Communist China/Israel wants needed control.  Israel and China are allies and share many trade deals.  As for our Muslim brothers and sisters, the Bolsheviks will play the sympathizers, or be outright oppressors again playing both sides.  We as the majority of peoples must see this at work and reveal it openly and everywhere while the enemies within our gates arrogantly subvert our land and cause our brothers to war (for them!).  Wisdom we must have to subvert their plans and bring to ashes their agendas.  VIVA HEZBOLLAH!  VIVA and much love to all my brothers and sisters, and to Taxi for having the courage to be a link and a voice for us.

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks, Sparrow. 

        I remember a decade ago being back in LA in my beach house: reading msm articles on the mideast and really wondering how much of what I was reading was true.  I longed to get 'clean' news on the situ so I could assess for myself who was in the right and who in the wrong.  I realized then and there that the only way to get 'clean' news on the mideast was to learn the language for myself and get the news thus from the horse's mouth.  And the only way to learn the language for me was to immerse myself in an Arabic environment, which is what I did, choosing Lebanon as my base.  It took me a good five agonizing years to learn the language to the point of proficiency.  And I basically learned the language by watching Arabic news channels every day for an average of 5-7 hours (same as daily college hours).  This way, I managed to simultaneously learn both language and local political landscapes.  I never bought an English-Arabic dictionary, but relied on my Leb friends and neighbors to translate Arabic words for me, which I wrote down, creating thus my own learner's dictionary.

        Phew!  What a journey it's been!

      • Sparrow says:

        When I lived in 'occupied' Germany I learned the same way as a dialect was in every town, and I experienced some very good people there.  Much credit to you for having the courage to do that Taxi…and a plus to be welcomed in such a positive way.  Nothing's by chance and every happening has a reason when you don't have an agenda.  If only the fake governments operated in this kind of way instead of secrets and innuendos.  Most part is that you are happy at what you are doing…and that's making a positive difference enlightened My thanks to you and Mr. Edmonson for introducing the Hezb and its leader Hassan Nasrallah to me (and for translating his much anticipated words).  It changed me forever.  I was born and grew up in a place with two different towns nearby called Lebanon and New Lebanon.  Probably settled by Lebanese originally (my guess). And my favorite actor/singer was Danny Thomas (I was young in the 60's).  So I feel some kind of kinship with mother country who you've embraced and to bring a good American sentiment instead of what the world suffers from.  We as Americans have so much to do in this regard…to work on bringing goodwill to our neighbors near and far…not evil.  Thanks for being you kid.  To dear sweet Bornajoo and dear Bintbiba…much love and so thankful to have met you…many many wishes of happiness your way. (Especially translating one of my now favorite videos…by Bintbiba about the mother olive tree in Palestine frown).  FREE PALESTINE FOREVER!!!

  52. Taxi says:

    Dear readers, I hope you've all had a pleasant and restful weekend.  I just wanted to send y'all a shout out and to also say that the reason why my daily links and comments have been reduced of late is simply because there really is no new or consequential news to be shared, and as you all know, I am loathed to repeat myself with old info that we all already know about.  Not being a journalist, and not wanting to be one either, I tend to skip minor developments that kinda mean nothing to the big picture – and much of these days' headlines are of minor importance and lead to nothing and nowhere.  Sure, I know about these minor developments, but it's a waste of my time and yours to pars them up here on Plato's.  I actually can't think of anything more boring!  Plus, I have better things to do in life, like tie up, for myself, a hammock between two trees.

    The big picture today, succinctly: the Levant and the general mideast is swamped by a shared struggle against jewish colonialism and American imperialism.  Because neither israel nor the US can guarantee themselves a victory in military war against the natives, they have opted for financial and societal warfare instead as a last resort, ie the manufacturing of bankruptcy and civil wars inside of these targeted native nations.  The degree of the US/israel's success in this has depended on the targeted country's political and geographical construct, and this success, when occasionally found, has also been fluctuating from day to day.  They lose some today, only to win tomorrow, but only to lose again the day after, and so on and so forth.  This means that the situation remains fluid and the jury is still out on a final judgement as to who the victor is in these multiple battlefields.

    Despite ongoing attacks against the natives by local traitors and foreign agents and assets, resistance to America and israel remains high and solid in all the hotspots on the mideast map.  In my estimation, the israel-US current project will eventually run out of steam and fail.  Or worse (for them), get dragged into a direct and costly military confrontation.

    But in the meantime, with this perpetual game of tug-o-war between the Axis of Resistance and the Axis of Evil, I'm observing nothing new taking place on a daily basis – it's all so very same-same:

    In Syria, the battle for Idlib continues: generally speaking, it's all much of the same-same everyday, inching towards final liberation.

    In Iraq, the battle against ISIS is now pretty much over but the battle for liberation from the jewy US continues, with its latest guise and chapter being the violent street protests there.  Trump is anxious to create a division within the Iraqi shia majority, pitting shia against shia so as to weaken neighboring Iran.  It's the same shit in Iraq every day with no consequential event passing that would change this equation, and no visible winner.  R.I.P to its victims.

    In Lebanon, more or less same as Iraq minus the horrendous violence.  The US continues to attempt to weaken Hezbollah so as to weaken Iran: putting the nation under extreme duress, yet, Hezbollah remains as is: exceptionally powerful and untouched.  Everyday, the same struggle, the same results and the same news.

    In Yemen: same-same.

    In Libya: same-same.

    All mideast nations currently bleeding are in the thick of their struggles, wading in varying degrees of agony through their political and socio-political swamps.  Their jewy attackers have taken this path of warfare against them out of weakness, not out of confidence in their  (waning) kosher powers.  Despite their heavy-handedness, the assailants do not have the upper hand yet.  Seeped of direct military opportunities, they too are struggling to maintain external pressure on the natives – mainly because they too are suffering from internal perpetual political crisis and socio-political instability.  They too are busy and somewhat distracted by their own domestic, political turbulence.

    I see it all like this: the only effective defense left in israel's bag is to busy the resisting natives with internal violence and strife, because as soon as the natives stop being distracted by their own shit, they will be leaping at the first chance to behead the jewish dragon.  In other words, the terrorist jews are working hard to delay their inevitable slaughter and eviction from the mideast.  It is by now impossible for them to guarantee their safety and future in the holy land – especially when, at some point in time, the natives will eventually find ways to resolve their internal strife.  Grief does not make the natives forget who caused their grief, au contraire, their ceaseless grief only reminds them to further prepare to 'locate and destroy' the source of it all – and as we know, the source of it all is tel aviv.  The hot-blooded natives will eventually burn down the epicenter of the source of evil, and they will battle and kill the very people who caused their immense grief .  The grief merchants in this scenario are the terrorist jews and their day of reckoning at the hands of their native-victims is a-coming.

    Civil strife cannot last forever, but resistance to evil does.

    They say 'evil never sleeps', and I'll add to it: 'and neither does resistance to evil'.

  53. Taxi says:

    I'd say the link below's tone is a teeny-weeny itzy-bitzy optimistic, but overall, yes, the Gulfies are – reluctantly and out of necessity – seeking rapprochement with Iran's Mullas.

    Yet, I continue to see one Gulfie hand ready to shake for peace, while the other still carries a dagger.

    Mind you, any measure of cessation of hostility in that region should be flooded with light-beams and applause.

    Taken to Brink by Trump, Gulf States Are Backpedaling on Iran

    Let us therefore proceed with maximum cautious optimism.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ Taxi,

      Thanks for the updates. Even if the news dies down to a trickle, your invested time and effort to bring us facts of the M.E. region in person, are always appreciated.

      It is said that for the world to fully unite, 'we' need an outside threat. One would expect the M.E. region to see Occupied Palestine as a malignant, cancerous growth. A growth that has to be forcibly removed until 'healthy tissue' is reached. Occupied Palestine can't live with peace. The evil entity needs a perpetuate state of paranoia to feel 'at ease.'

      May justice return swiftly tot he lands of ancient history.

      P.S. despite filling out my name, occasionally it ends up as anonymous, so, when you see an anonymous entry, 9 out of 10 times it’ll be mine :o]

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks Daniel. Regional resistors have been calling israel a “cancer” since back in May 1948. It is an accurate description, proven by the invading jews’ own terrorism, warmongering and land-theft over the past 70+ years. But, jewish power in the region has been noticeably on the decline since 2006 (losing to Hezbollah peeled off the mask of invincibility). Not even the illegal jewish nukes can reverse this geopolitical downward trend. Not even the mighty Pax Americana can save tel aviv either. The Grim Reaper is literally at israel’s doorstep.

        Observe with me, if you please, how the link below clearly tells us that sanctioning the Leb army did not work; plus, it tells us that the US does NOT want all out civil war to break out in the Leb, a civil war that would be exacerbated by a weakened, bankrupted army. Moreover, the US is wanting to make sure that with the imminent arrival of the Russian oil/gas project to Lebanon this month, the White House remains in control of the Leb army.

        I would personally like for the Leb army to tell the US: ‘fuck you and your aid, we now want China cuz it’s going to give us BIGGER free stuff’.

        And in any case, the WH says it is un-freezing the aid to the Leb army because it wants it to be strong enough to counter Hezb military power in the Leb. Well, this WILL NOT work either. Unless of course, the US supplies the Leb army with 100.000 anti-aircraft precision missiles, 5000 armored tanks, Apache helicopters and radars that can detect enemy aircraft. And this, dear reader, as we all know will never happen because of (cough-cough) israel.

        Trump Administration Quietly Releases Lebanon Military Aid

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Taxi,

        I sincerely hope Russia will support Lebanon's efforts to rely less and less on Yankee 'support' any which way possible [financially, militarily, etc.], because the US' concern evolves solemnly around Occupied Palestine.

        I hope both countries will pivot toward an elaborate and extended cooperation [including China and Iran, if possible] for decades to come.

        With the right partners in your corner it's easier to pick a fight or simply defend yourself.

        But, yeah, the tide turned in 2006. A few more nails and the coffin's ready to be lowered into its not so kosher burial vault.

    • Taxi says:

      So, now Bashar is no more the “butcher of Damascus, gassing his own people”. No, he is now the respected “Dr. Bashar Al-Assad”. Rrrrrrrrright UAE, right you are. Yet, there’s still a motherfucker written all over yer face!

      • Taxi says:

        Didn't I tell you that uae still has "motherfucker" written all over its face? The double-crossing scumbags are still working for Yinon!


    • Taxi says:

      Thanks for the links, goysplainer. But, don’t you be “amazed”: jewish evil is so very predictable – it really is. There are hundreds of similar sad stories of other Palestinian villages. My response to jewish land-gobbling is one of deep, violent disgust. I stopped being amazed at their villainous depravity and kleptomania since back during late 2001. After the mossad and its US and saudi lackeys did 9-11, nothing that terrorist jews do surprises or amazes me anymore.

  54. Taxi says:

    …  And the fizzle in Iraq begins, confirmed by a multitude of Arabic TV stations I've tuned into today: all thanks mainly to southern Iraqi-shia tribal chiefs, who all met and publicly called for calm, as a counter to the israel-saudi-US plan to pit Iraqi shia against Iraqi shia, dividing thus Iraqi shia's support for Iran:



    Heh heh heh!

    I'm thinking here if saudi and uae are now wanting peace deals with Iran and Syria and Yemen, whispering in Trump's ear thus to loosen up on other Iran allies in Iraq and Lebanon too, where the heck does that leave the most loathsome people on earth?  (Yeah I'm talking about the fucking jews!).  Erm, up kosher-shit street, that's where.  I mean what's the point of the jews making (fake) friends with the Oilies if no petrodollars are getting spent on destroying the Iranian mullahs on their behalf?  Oh right, there are other devilish perks to be stirred, and other glib Arab cows to be milked by the hands of the synagogue of satan,

    What perks?  And what Arab cows?  I hear you asking.  I'll illustrate my point with this little story here:

    A couple of months ago, I had the following conversation with a Leb friend who's been living in Dubai for 34 years:

    Taxi: WTF?!  Israel's moving right into your Dubai hood now – how can you stand it?!

    Friend: I love it!

    Taxi:  WTF?!  Don't say that!

    Friend: Why not?  Finally Dubai can get some drugs and porn and prostitution.

    Yeah, that's exactly what he said to me and he meant it too!  (What can I tell you?  I got all kinds of friends with all kinds of tastes).

    Anyway, point is, every time the jews are allowed into a non-jewish society, well… take a fucking look at history and the contemporary West and there be the ugly picture.  The jewish destructive pattern is just impossible to ignore by now.  They enter society either as fake victim or fake friend – they worm their way into the innards of society – then they fuck you over from every possible angle – all the while pleading innocence and victimhood – yet all the while fucking you over and over again and again… till there is not much left of you… unless… of course, you resist.

    It's not far-fetched to think that whenever an israeli leader shakes the hand of an Arab leader, he surreptitiously gets handed a kosher wet-wipe by their stealthy aide. 

    Jews: if they can't steal from you, they'll kill you.  And if they can't kill you, they'll corrupt you, knowing very well that corrupting you is the slowest form of death to be dealt to all and any who refuse to openly serve the talmudic lunatic motherfuckers.

    • Bornajoo says:

      "Anyway, point is, every time the jews are allowed into a non-jewish society, well… take a fucking look at history and the contemporary West and there be the ugly picture.  The jewish destructive pattern is just impossible to ignore by now.  They enter society either as fake victim or fake friend – they worm their way into the innards of society – then they fuck you over from every possible angle – all the while pleading innocence and victimhood – yet all the while fucking you over and over again and again… till there is not much left of you… unless… of course, you resist." (Taxi) 

      Never a truer bunch of words. And I say this as someone brought up among them. The vast majority of online porn is owned and run by Jews. The vast majority of online gambling is owned and run by Jews. The vast majority of slum and illegal housing is owned and run by Jews and the list goes on and on. They're prolific vampire criminals, hiding behind their fake victimhood, corrupting society while raping and pillaging at the same time. They inflict misery and strife on their host society and make a huge profit from it too. You can't make these fuckers up! 

      (ps, great to meet you too dear Sparrow) 

    • Sparrow says:

      Here is an example of the way communism has taken over America (after years in the making…I'd say after the assassination of JFK).  And now they are trying to get their hooks onto NHS in Great Britain.

      • Sparrow says:

        This is Talmudik Bolshevik Communism.  So where to the youth go after this cancer takes hold?  The military.  The slavery killing arm of the Bolsheviks whose head is in Occupied Palestine.  Instead of fighting back…they allow themselves to be slaves to this debauchery as lawless collaborators and/or die in the process.  This is the way they want the world…along with their AI, 5G and all their weapons to keep us in line.  Small ex:  with video.  China has benefited from all of this.  They are also tremendous allies with Israel.  


      • Taxi says:

        China may very well be a “tremendous” trade ally with israel, but Beijing does not cover for israel’s crimes at the UN. Plus, China is, traditionally and historically, by far closer to Iran and the Arabs than it is to the terrorist ashkanazim.

      • Taxi says:

        Reminds me of a joke I once read in a comment somewhere: "Because jews can't pass for Chinese, the world is saved".


  55. Taxi says:

    Oh Hezbollwily!

    I'm laughing cuz egomaniacal Trump would go orange-apeshit to know about this – that his sanctions are making money for the very resistors he had targeted for sanctioning in the first place lol!  But, his jewy handlers would never let him know this little Hezbolldollar story, would they?  They want Trump blindfolded and perpetually blindly attacking, regardless of the outcome.

    It's basically the tactic of a cornered loser.


  56. Taxi says:

    So every day, unfailing, klepto jews in israel wake up and immediately start scheming how to steal yet another inch or two of Palestine.  And for over seventy years, every night these vile thieves go to bed with a long sigh and a smile on their ugly faces, all self-satisfied that a little more Palestinian land has been nicked to their side of the tracks.  Throw Trump publicly sanctioning Palestinian land-theft into the mix and you should really have a nice bouquet of security for the jews, no?  I mean they want land, not peace, right?  'Laaaaaaaaand (hand-rubbing) laaaaaaaaaand laaaaaaaand of milkh and khoney', right?  I mean they got more and more land, they got the big bad bang-bang bomb, they got Europe and America's shoulders to climb on, they've got $700 Trillion from jewy Rothschild alone – I mean they got the EVERYTHING ENCHILADA on their plate, right?  But… they still ain't got their 'security'.  And every day that passes, whether they steal a Palestine inch or village, kill one Palestinian or one hundred, every day that passes, they feel a little more darn insecure.  Tomorrow, a little more insecure.  Day after, same.  Hemorrhaging security every day.  This is israel today, and tomorrow, and till its last foul breath.

    Well, they can steal all the land that they can steal, but, can they actually live and prosper on this stolen land after a certain sell-by-date?  And when the heck is this sell-by-date?

    Today we have the answer to this from an israeli poll taken regarding the 'security' of the terrorist jew settlers.  Let's take a look together, shall we?

    Third of Israelis in the periphery do not feel safe and consider moving

    I actually think it's a little worse than what the polls indicate, but even as they are presented in the above article, it's quite the security clusterfuck to have that many citizens in a nation, any nation, living in dire fear for their lives.  And really, somebody should tell the dumb jew cogs of terrorist israel that NOWHERE in Historic Palestine is freaking safe for them, NOWHERE!  Certainly not with Hezbollah around.  But I guess they'll all find out the hard way.  May they all eat the dust-and-glass of war and die the miserable death of roasted hogs in agony.

    After all, they did exactly the same to millions of innocents.

    Oh man – they are so freaking evil and they deserve the worst of deaths!

  57. Taxi says:

    Dear reader, is there anything more dramatic in the world that the collapse of an Empire?  Short of an alien spaceship landing on the White House lawn, the answer is an unswerving 'no'.  One single wrong policy, one single wrong strategy and the domino effect kicks in, usually in slo-mo down the line of time, but kicks in in does.  Every decision is a linchpin.  The bigger an Empire grows, the more precarious becomes its decision-making process, all due to the immense complexities of holding a hundred and one reigns all at the same time.  One wrong pull here or there, one single wrong turn and a horse may trip and fall and cause the rest of the charging beasts to crash into one another and tumble and turn the great Emperor's chariot on its side: crashed in a great big puff of dust and runaway wheels.

    Here on Plato's, we are all interested in the rise and fall of Empires, and most especially in the vicissitudes of Pax Americana: the most powerful and biggest Empire that humanity has ever known.  The Duran too delves into Empire's affairs when they hit the headlines, and today they give us a well-rounded map of Pax Americana's current longitude, latitude and status.  And here, dear reader, allow yourself to compare and contrast the 'quality of context' of the Duran's POV to that of the WaPo article on the same subject linked below.  The "subject" is literally the biggest and most dangerous challenge that Pax America faces: the China-Russia alliance.

    A huge Siberian pipeline binds Russia and China, as gas flows for the first time

    And here's the Duran vid – worth making time for:


    • AriusArmenian says:

      It is even worse for the US than a dangerous challenge. The Russia/China alliance has crossed the line to checkmate the US in most important respects. The days of the East bending its knee to the West is over. The US button pushing elites keep the American people ignorant of it by continually stroking fear, hate, and supremacist narratives into the people's heads to keep the funding flowing into their MIC Tower of Babel corruption. But the US elites know they are racing at failure. The multiple regime change operations (aka color revolutions) they are pushing right now at the same time reeks of the desperation of the Empires endgame.

  58. Taxi says:

    Meh, the stupid news again!  Really can't look at all them rat turds today.  Instead, let's take a look at the phenomenon of 'revolution', more specially, let's chew on some Aristotlian quotes on revolution.  After all, the very crucible of 'revolution' was practically invented/illuminated by him.

    Revolutions are effected in two ways, by force and by fraud.

    Inferiors revolt in order that they may be equal, and equals that they may be superior. Such is the state of mind which creates revolutions.

    Where the laws are not supreme, there demagogues spring up.

    Tyrants preserve themselves by sowing fear and mistrust among the citizens by means of spies, by distracting them with foreign wars, by eliminating men of spirit who might lead a revolution, by humbling the people, and making them incapable of decisive action.

    Democracy appears to be safer and less liable to revolution than oligarchy. For in oligarchies there is the double danger of the oligarchs falling out among themselves and also with the people; but in democracies there is only the danger of a quarrel with the oligarchs. No dissension worth mentioning arises among the people themselves. And we may further remark that a government which is composed of the middle class more nearly approximates to democracy than to oligarchy, and is the safest of the imperfect forms of government.

    Revolutions are not about trifles, but spring from trifles.

    Democracy is when the indigent, and not the men of property, are the rulers.

    Those who have the command of the arms in a country are masters of the state, and have it in their power to make what revolutions they please. [Thus,] there is no end to observations on the difference between the measures likely to be pursued by a minister backed by a standing army, and those of a court awed by the fear of an armed people.

    Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime.

    Clearly, the political human condition has not changed one bit since the time of Aristotle and even waaaaay before that: from the time of Thales of Miletus, the very first recorded Greek philosopher: the first Western person to discard ancient mythology as explanation of life, and instead, thus used observations of natural phenomenon as a path to understanding our earth and our universe.

    Thales of Miletus


    Food for thought for y'all.

  59. Taxi says:

    You'd be hot-damned right to think the people who wrote the government's findings on 9/11 are the very same ones who also wrote the Epstein death narrative.  Yeah, it's all fake butterstein.



  60. Taxi says:

    After having lived a mere hour and a half away from head-chopping wahabi camps on the border between Syria and Lebanon, and did so for a good three years before Hezbollah wiped them out, I honestly don't give a shit about pinprick London bridge stabbings, US mall or barrack shootings, or any other genuine or manufactured terrorist attacks on Western targets.  Means fuck all to me therefore I will not pontificate or write about these incidents except to say "I don't give a FUCK!".

    That's all, folks kiss.

  61. Taxi says:

    Honestly, there's literally nothing of substance and consequence going on in the news today.  It's all just the same garbage demonizing of the members of the Axis of Resistance, while the Axis of Evil continues with its war crimes against humanity.  Sure, good people like Philip Gilardi keep exposing the corrosive jewish influence on the US, and this is indeed a very excellent thing – but, dear readers, how many more articles on the (boring) topic of jewish evil can one read when one already knows the info a thousand times over and inside out?  I tend to skip these articles now and beeline straight to the comment section to take the grass-root pulse.  And indeed, everyday, a few more people get woke and turn against jewish power.  This trend is ongoing and the jews are not able, thus far, to stop it, despite billions poured into reversing it.

    This tells us that there is a solidly growing mental resistance against jewish power in the US.  Gathering slow momentum…

    This in itself is quite something if you consider that even five years ago, most Americans didn't even know what 'zionism' was. And although the road to freedom from ruinous jewish power remains somewhat long for Americans, do congratulate yourselves for doing your part to getting the collective this far down the path of liberation. Chapeau!!!

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ TAXI,

      In case you missed this gem on Unz Review: “You surely know that Judaism encourages treating the lower orders and the especially vulnerable – the poor, the orphan, the widow, the stranger – with special consideration and kindness.”

      A 100,000 dead individuals nod in unison…

      What do you mean ‘delusional?’ 

  62. Taxi says:

    For a good ten days now, I've not said much about further developments in the Leb and that's because the protests there have shrunk to a knuckle and the Leb politicians have been going back and forth a few times over on who the next leader of the new government should be.  Speculative vacillation bores the pants of me so I was waiting for something solid to be established first before I reported and dissected it for y'all.  But now I don't have to do that, courtesy of the good and astute Elijah Magnier who sums it all up rather nicely in his new linked article below.   Elijah gets it right, part from his banking figures which I will correct here:  in the current Leb financial crisis, different banks are allowing for different daily/weekly/monthly dollar withdrawals – anywhere between $300 to $1000 per month.  The Lebanese lira is, on the other hand, plentiful and unrestricted.  I got a wad of crispy Liras the other day from my bank: no questions asked.  I'm not belittling the plight of Lebs whose import and export trade depends on the dollar, but I really just wish that all in unison would just dump the darned dollar and boycott their suppliers who refuse to take Leb Liras.  Also, the dollar yesterday was at 1,800LL, whereas last week it peaked at 2,400LL.

    What have the US and protestors in Lebanon achieved over Iran and its allies?

    Someone should tell the Axis of Evil that underestimating the Hezb's smarts leads to failure.  Just like the coward jews underestimated the Hezb's guns and lost two wars to them.

  63. Taxi says:

    Two days ago, I spoke to a retired Leb army General who confirmed that the Russians will indeed be starting their offshore oil drilling on Block 4 in January 2020, as well as on Block 9 in December 2020.  Representatives of Russian oil drilling companies, Gazprom and Lukoil, indeed have arrived to the capital of Beirut and are currently making preparations for commencement of drilling that’s due next month.  This means that Russia will be the main contractor for both Syrian and Lebanese offshore drilling.  Quite the geopetro bulk acquisition for Moscow.  My research shows no offshore US drillers in the eastern Med.  I guess they much prefer to circumvent international red-tape on drilling and instead just drill away inland on Syria's stolen Golan Heights.  Oh and steal oil from established oil wells in eastern Syria too.

    Freaking jewy klepto villains!

    They're gonna lose all them looted oil fields in the next war, if not before.  Why?  Because the Axis of Evil is stupid at strategy and doesn't know how to play the long (honest) game.  For instance, consider the distance between the Golan Heights and Deir al-Zour oil wells in east Syria that the jewy US controls: they're 717 miles apart.  Not exactly a solid contiguous block that can be protected and held onto in times of war, like the giant back-to-back offshore energy block that Moscow already controls (on the quiet), spanning the length of 250 miles of uninterrupted Lebanese and Syrian shorelines combined.  NOBODY and NO WAR can shake Russia off their giant offshore Med block now.  And to think the Russians only made their first move on acquiring the Med oil shores some 6 years ago, all gently but right in the face of the jew-drunk, dumb US.


    • Taxi says:

      And here's some info on Russia's tapping of offshore Syrian oil:

      Russia Is Taking Over Syria’s Oil And Gas

      Yeah you betcha Russia's got its eye on Syrian oil in the east and in the Golan too – and it will eventually get it, with native blessing.

      Sure looks like Russia's moving into the Levant, and the US is dusting up its suitcase.

      • Canthama says:

        The really good news is that Russia is finally moving in for the oil & gas extraction, mostly gas indeed. This is by far the best news for Syria and Lebanon, but we are a good 5-8 years until we see production coming out of the fields. 

        Transportation toward final destination will be a bumpy road, this is where these two countries will compete with the apartheid regime.


      • Taxi says:

        Thanks Canthama.  For sure it will take several years before offshore Leb oil/gas hits the energy supermarket shelves, but investments will trickle/pour in almost instantaneously.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ Taxi/Canthama,

      How does the above translate into budding [Lebanese] job opportunities and a financial trickle down of investments?

      • Canthama says:

        Oil & gas extraction is not a job intensive sector, it will create new jobs for sure, good pay ones BTW, but it not massive. On the other hand, it will generate taxes and large income for the the Government coffers, that will bring possibility for both Governments to revert it to the society, Syria is famous for that, by funnelling resources to free heath care, roads, schools, parks etc…Lebanon is a bit less on that, but no doubt both countries will benefit from additional taxes and income.

        In a different perspective, in time, higher Gov revenue will also bring investments to infra structure, roads, hotels, resorts, thus it will bring tourists and more revenues, I see good perspectives here for both Syria and Lebanon if additional resources are used wisely.

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks C and D.

        There’s also the added angle of foreign investors being more willing to invest in other industrial/pharmaceutical/touristic businesses in the Leb, upon seeing that oil investors’ money there is stable.

    • AriusArmenian says:

      A US "…demand that Lebanon concede its position over the East Mediterranean oil and gas demarcation – to Israel."?

      This blew me over. Is this true?

      • Taxi says:

        "We lie, we steal, we cheat" Pompeo speaks on behalf of terrorist israel and terrorist US – one and the same foul, immoral beast:

        Lebanon's banking sector under immense pressure, warns Pompeo

        Intentional delays by the American embassy in Beirut in allowing the formation of a new Leb government have a limited shelf-life.  Delays can only work so many times in a row.  A new Leb government will be formed sooner or later, and with this new formation, you will start to hear many Leb politicians, for the first time ever, calling for Chinese and Russian help: discarding thus America's fake and ruinous friendship.

        Oh that day is a-coming.

    • Taxi says:

      Yes, indeed it's true, Arius.  The financial dollar-squeeze that the US has put Lebanon under is meant to achieve two things of equal importance to the Axis of Evil, and especially to the synagogue of satan's branch of the vile club. 

      First, it is meant to create an internal environment where Leb citizens protesting demand en mass the disarming of Hezbollah and thus clash on the streets of Leb with Hezb people over it: creating thus a civil war of sorts.  This evil plot was hatched when it became clear that, after two decades of trying, not the external UN nor israel itself can achieve this hezb-disarmament objective themselves.  And as we see, clearly, this second disarmament ploy has not worked either.  The Hezb was not touched by the mass protests in the Leb, despite all the dastardly provocations and fake news of "Hezb and Amal fighers attacking Leb protestors on the streets" bullshit headlines.  The Hezb circumvented the trap by deciding very early on in the protests (on the 5th day of protests) that they will simply not participate in the protests.  A simple slipway strategy. It worked.

      And the second reason is to force Leb to submit, thru financial blackmail, to israel's idea of where the marine border line between Leb and israel should be, discarding thus the international line that's already been established decades ago.  The klepto jews want Leb land, Leb water AND Leb offshore gas and oil.  As you see from the map below, jews apparently don't know how to draw a straight line: jew lines always veer into their neighbors' territories. Jew lines are, well, crooked, never straight.

      Mindful that Hezbollah is right there at both southern marine and land borders, with Nasrallah vowing not to surrender a single inch of water or land to the terrorist jewish state.  In fact, a few months ago, Nasrallah went as far as to say in one of his speeches that should israel attempt to steal Leb marine waters, the Hezb will "destroy israel's offshore drilling ops in a mere four hours".  Yap, it'll take the Hezb a handful of hours to destroy israel's drilling projects.

      And speaking of Nasrallah speeches, he's scheduled to give a new one today at 5:30 pm, Levant time.  I will comment on the speech either soon as it finishes, or the following morning, time permitting.

  64. Daniel Rich says:

    @ Taxi/et al,

    Brought to you by the same hasbara troll as above, another priceless quote [wtf are these people on?]: " Doing bad stuff to other people’s for your group is self-sacrificing, not selfish in an individual sense.”



  65. Taxi says:

    Yesterday, a funny thing happened at one of the Leb protests.  The handful of Lebs who are pro 'normalization' with israel booked a large protest tent to give a lecture there and advertised it ahead of time.  The tent indeed got packed with protestors, but literally five minutes after the speaker began speaking about how Lebanon should be friendly and compromising to israel by giving it a slice of Leb land and water, the audience in the tent just erupted with "Palestine is Arab" and "We will liberate Palestine" chants that basically overwhelmed the speaker and his gangbangers and the lecture had to be closed down.  Audience members also shouted that they didn't even recognize the 'name' israel.  LOL!

    Seems that the protests have really brought all the wormy Leb traitors out of the woodwork – which can only be a good thing.


    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ Taxi,

      Know thy enemy. Put a name and a face to it and you'll recognize her/him when s/he shows up again. Then know thy self, and all will be well.

  66. Taxi says:

    Elijan Magnier has a new article about israel and the Axis of Resistance.

    Does Israel believe a war with the Axis of the Resistance will be just a walkover?

    Dear reader, I have utmost respect for Elijah Magnier's work.  In fact, I don't mind to tell you that I have an ongoing friendly correspondence with him – he is a Plato reader – and we have arranged for him to come and visit me at my farmhouse when he next visits south Lebanon.  I give this prelude as a confirmation of my solidarity with Elijah, but, I honestly don't see the point of his new article, or any other article that talks about a direct 'war with Iran' that would be willfully initiated by israel, or even by the US inside of "six months".  The Axis of Evil has already been snookered by the Axis of Resistance where ANY attack on ANY member of the Axis of Resistance will result in the immediate destruction of tel aviv.  I'll remind readers here that all members of the Axis of Resistance have signed a military treaty between them that specifies that any attack on any of their members that threatens their "existence or their deterrence achievements will be met with a united assault against the aggressor".  The Axis of Resistance has already long established a well-coordinated and unified war theater between them.

    It is an absolute fallacy to say that "Iran is readying a strike on israel".  This is just another stupid jewish narrative.  Iran does not need "readying", by gawd it already IS ready!  Just waiting for the jewish terrorist state to slip on its own banana skin.

    All warmongering coming out of israel is purely for domestic political reasons, NOTHING else.  Tel aviv's military honchos know damn well that the next war will be an existential one for them, and that odds are that israel will be wiped off the map completely in this war, as this is indeed the aim of the Axis of Resistance, and they are perfectly capable and armed to this end.  Of course, the US and israel with their big guns can cause huge military damage to the Axis of Resistance too, but the Axis of Resistance has set it up that a HUGE and prohibitive price will be paid for such an adventure.  Both the US and israel understand this and are unwilling to pay the price.  It is precisely the deterrence that the Axis of Resistance has achieved that is in fact maintaining a state of non-regional-war in the mideast.  Israel has now become a pathetic chest-beater, incapable of any serious war action on any of its many enemies.  Yet, despite this fact, it continues to warmonger with its big ugly mouth; it continues with its aggressive policies; and it continues to spit on peace, even though making peace at this stage of the game is the only option left for its survival.  But making peace means giving back stolen land (up to the '67 border) and paying massive reparations that go back to 1948 – reparations that would surely either severely break the spine of, or even bankrupt, the Rothschild motherfuckers.

    Yes, there will be war in the Levant, but it will be because of israel's stupidity and not because of israel's smarts or bravery.  The US will interfere in this coming war (how could it not when jews occupy DC?), but it will be in the form of a limited assistance.  The Pentagon will not flog a dying horse – and a dying horse israel will be on third day of war.

    And I'll remind you here that size and amount of guns is not exactly what brings victory, but smart strategy and level of discipline of soldier does.  And I'll double-remind readers too that even the small nation of Lebanon has managed to evict both US and israel forces off their land by force of (small) arms.

    Netanyahu the mass-murderer can prod for war with Iran all he likes for whatever reason, but the fact remains that the israeli military WILL NOT GO TO WAR WITH IRAN with the current geomilitary equation being so against them.  The israeli military will put a bullet in Netanyahu's brains first before they will let him take israel to a war that will utterly destroy and wipe the terrorist jewish state off the map of the middle east.

  67. Taxi says:

    What has gone under the radar of the msm is the change in Russia's policy of late towards israeli strikes on Iranian and Syrian targets inside of Syria.  In fact, there is now an understanding between Russia, Turkey, Iran and Syria that no more israeli strikes inside of Syria should hereon be allowed.  The Russian Defense Ministry has recently been making many statements to this effect.  Russia has included Turkey in this equation: inflating its regional geopolitical muscle as counter to israel's hegemony – and Turkey is only too happy about this, being pissed off at the klepto jews for helping Egypt, Greece and Greek-Cyprus through joint oil excavation deals that deny oil resources to Turkish-Cyprus and to Turkey itself.

    Oil cold-wars in the eastern Mediterranean are certainly heating up.

    Check out these headlines on Russia's new tone towards israel:

    Russian Su-35 jets scrambled to stop Israel over Syria – reports

    Angry Russia exposes operational details of Israeli strikes in Syria

    Russia Says 'Arbitrary' Israeli Air Strikes on Syria Must Stop

    The wording of these above headlines says a lot about Russia's changing tune towards the israel-Syria situ, and note how very little analysis is given in these reports.  No, mustn't analyze and reveal fundamental changes in Russia's attitude towards israel's ongoing terrorism against Syria – no need to further panic the terrorist israeli jews.  Putin may have forgiven israel for causing the death of 16 Russian airmen several years ago, but Russian Generals haven't.  And they won't be any time soon either.  Russian Generals now want to put the kibosh on israeli assaults on Syria for once and for all, despite Putin's soft hand on israel.  I can only imagine the tense discussions over this between Putin and his patriotic Generals.

    And here's some info on the israel-Cyprus-Greece-versus-Turkey oil conflict:

    Turkey warns oil companies against drilling near Cyprus

    Ankara seeking to counter Greek influence in East Med

    Let's all chew on the implications of all these links while the msm distracts with stupid Trump impeachment news and other vacuous distractions and propaganda.

  68. Taxi says:

    I don't know about you, dear reader, but I have reached a point where I stopped believing in any election result taking place in Western nations.  I see democracy in the West as a dead animal bloating in the sun.  I see everything as 'fixed'.  All thanks be to corrosive, corrupt jewish hands and interference.  Yeah, jews have killed democracy in the West.  After all, democracy is the very antithesis of talmudism.

    Here's what happened with the UK election overnight:

    Election results 2019: Conservatives win overall majority

    • AriusArmenian says:

      Do you think there will be eventual progress on Lebanon obtaining defenses against Israel using its air space for missile attacks on Syria? My impression is that the US keeps Lebanon unable to defend its air space.

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks Arius.  Indeed, since back in 1952, the US has prohibited the Leb from obtaining ANY kind of weaponry that would overcome or counter israel's arsenal.  But, all thanks to Hezbollah, the Leb Resistance now has anti-aircraft missiles, specifically to counter the israeli airforce in the next war. 

        As you know, Hezb's arsenal is much larger than that of the Leb army and not constrained by Leb army red-tape or the American embassy in Beirut.  If the Hezb was to use these weapons to strike at israeli terrorist aircraft heading to Syria, then this would create a massive controversy in the Leb political arena and put the Hezb in a bad spotlight.  This is because, officially speaking, the Leb does not currently have any diplomatic relationships with its Syrian neighbor, let alone any mutual defense pacts: all thanks to Hariri who was under instruction by the US to isolate Bashar at the beginning of the Syria war some 9 years ago.  To date, by US instruction, the Leb gov remains officially anti Bashar with no exchange of diplomats between the neighboring nations.  This imposed state of non-diplomacy between them is also to stop Syrian refugees in Leb from returning en mass to Syria for nation rebuilding – a delay tactic by US and israel.  But if israel was to use its terrorist jets to strike at Leb targets, then the Hezb would not hesitate or have any qualms about bringing the motherfucking jew jets down, with little to no political consequence to them at that.  Note how israel has stopped jet strikes on the Leb since Hezb's victory back in 2006.  Before then, the Leb was victim to ongoing israeli terrorist strikes here and there and everywhere.

        As it happens, my farmhouse lies atop a hill in a region that's overcrowded with hills and gorges, mostly wild and unspoiled.  I mention this cuz I have this fantasy of watching an israeli jet get shot by a Hezb missile one day: watching it spiral and fall right into the gorge below my hill, whereby myself and my dogs would rush at the smoking jet and arrest the jew terrorist pilot, drag him up the thorny hill and lock him up in my fortified chicken coup till Hezb men arrived to collect him mail 

    • Boris Johnson says:

      A land slide for the Zionist Tory party in U.K just shows how the scummy western elite, even after more than two decades of internet truth awareness about Zionism still control the minds(Murdoch's pre- event Sun headline 'Boris ticks all the boxes') of the majority in the west and sadly at this current rate will do for many years to come.

      No one in their right and non brainwashed mind in the U.K would have voted for that pig eyed blond haired friend of that vile Netanyahu, with or without all the Brexit shenanigans.


      • Taxi says:

        To tell the truth, Boris, UK politics bores the ass of me. Well, any nation’s politics that is dominated by jew bastards nd banshees bores me cuz it’s all the fucking same.

        Two days ago, someone asked me if I thought Corbyn would win the elections and I answered: “He’s hated by the jews – you think the people who killed Jesus would allow a provincial mutt to rule over them?”.

        The very substance of Corbyn is way too genteel to win a battle against the devil himself.

      • Taxi says:

        Really, Boris, I see a silver-lining to Johnson's win here: this being that pretty much EVERYONE in the UK has seen for themselves how the slimeball jews operate.  The unintended consequence of Corbyn's loss is that it brought ugly-vicious jewish behavior right out into the open.  For excellent reasons, the Brits will now be wary of the motherfucking jews and their motherfucking evil ways.  Maybe some will even start questioning this whole holocaust numbers-swindling shebang that has held their affections in bleak captivity and blinded them to the anti-gentilism that's been covertly and incrementally practiced against them for the past 70+ years. 

        I'd say more Brits have become 'woke' with the way the jews openly bludgeoned Corbyn with their 'antisemite cricket bat.  Can I get a read from someone in the UK on this point?  That would be simply marvelous.

  69. Taxi says:

    Observe with me please, how even without direct war, israel's military defense weakens by the day – every day, they become less 'ready' for war. 

    Saddam once said that "israel is like a bar of soap, tumble it softly between two hands and it will eventually melt away".  Perhaps the sage Iranians are also treating israel like it's a bar of soap: just creating soapy bubbles for it instead of increased hegemony.  For sure, every day finds israel getting smaller and smaller.

    A nation cannot win a war based on lies it stuffs its public with:

    Inflated Number of ultra-Orthodox in Israeli Army Exposes a Deeper Problem

  70. Taxi says:

    Ho ho ho it's snowing outside my window!  Okay, it's not staying on tree and lawn for long (ground temp is still above zero), but it's snowing nevertheless.  Last year I got snowed in for 3 whole days hurrah!  I love it when this crazy world is out of reach sad

  71. Taxi says:

    *Off topic:  I've noticed that on my admin dashboard, I'm seeing a comment by Boris that hasn't been published in the actual comment section of the article itself.  Weird glitch, I suppose.  I'll look into this with my un-techie boggled mind aaaaaargh!  But in the meantime, perhaps I can publish Boris's missing comment and my response to it here below:

    Boris:  A land slide for the Zionist Tory party in U.K just shows how the scummy western elite, even after more than two decades of internet truth awareness about Zionism still control the minds(Murdoch's pre- event Sun headline 'Boris ticks all the boxes') of the majority in the west and sadly at this current rate will do for many years to come.

    No one in their right and non brainwashed mind in the U.K would have voted for that pig eyed blond haired friend of that vile Netanyahu, with or without all the Brexit shenanigans.

    Taxi:   To tell the truth, Boris, UK politics bores the ass of me. Well, any nation’s politics that is dominated by jew bastards and banshees bores me cuz it’s all the same fucking "shenanigans".

    Two days ago, someone asked me if I thought Corbyn would win the elections and I answered: “He’s hated by the jews – you think the people who killed Jesus would allow a provincial mutt to rule over them?”.

    The very substance of Corbyn is way too genteel to win a battle against the devil himself.  This became more and more obvious as he failed to defend or fight back the 'antisemite' campaign that UK jews so viciously launched against him.

    To fight the jews successfully, you have to fight them with non-stop roaring and non-strop ra-tah-tah bullets aimed at face and heart and groin. 

    In other words, you have to fight them the Hezb way.

    • Taxi says:

      Right, well Boris' missing comment has returned itself, all by itself lol!  Oh well – I'll leave the above comment in as well, I guess – it's got a couple of extra nuggets belatedly written in.

  72. Taxi says:

    So last night Nasrallah gave a pre-scheduled speech.  It was a short speech, mainly to do with internal Leb politics and the new government that's yet to be formed.  I will spare you the tedium of the to-and-fro between the players, but suffice it to say that this coming Monday is the day that's been set for a list of contenders to be presented to the President.  We can talk about all that here when finally the Lebs get it together and actually announce a new gov leader.

    But Nasrallah did open his talk with discussion of American lies and deceptions when Pompeo claims that Trump is pro the "Lebanese people" yet he's sanctioning and starving them – all because they won't cooperate with him and demand en mass that Hezbollah be disarmed.  He reminded and warned them that EVERYTHING that America does in Lebanon is for the benefit of israel and not the Lebanese people.  He called for the discarding of political sectarianism to be replaced by patriotic unity.  His tone of voice and demeanor was notably calm and light-hearted.

    A nice little speech.  Outside my window it was snowing and every time Nasrallah smiled during his speech, I imagined him in a red Santa suit cuz, well he's just got that jolly seasonal 'something' about his face – don't y'all think?  angry

  73. Harry law says:

    In today’s Labour party it is an expellable offence to tell the truth, arguing that Israel is a racist state for instance as per the IHRA will get you in trouble with Labours compliance team [the witch hunters].

    Taxi, I think you are interested in literature so you will be familiar with Arthur Miller’s work ‘the Crucible’ here is an article of mine, posted on other sites which encapsulates for me the fear of politicians of being called an Anti Semite…….

    “Today in the Labour Party it is Anti-Semitic to suggest that Anti-Semitism has been weaponized despite the fact that allegations of ‘Anti-Semitism’ are the first resort of Israel’s supporters. I doubt if there is a single Palestine solidarity activist who hasn’t been accused of Anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism is the go to accusation levelled against supporters of the Palestinians including Jewish supporters of same.
    Israel’s supporters argue that Zionism is an integral part of being Jewish whilst claiming, as per the IHRA that to blame Jews for what Israel does is anti-Semitic! For example Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League openly declared that “Anti-Zionism is Anti-Semitism.’
    What is happening in the Labour Party today is straight out of Arthur Miller’s ‘The Crucible’ when denial of being a witch was itself proof of one’s guilt. People are scared of discussing Israel or Zionism for fear of being pounced upon by ‘investigators’ from the Labour Party’s Compliance Unit.
    When Arthur Miller explained why he wrote the Crucible, he used the Salem Witchcraft Trials as a metaphor for what was happening in the America of Joe McCarthy.
    “I was motivated in some great part by the paralysis that had set in among many liberals who, despite their discomfort with the inquisitors’ violations of civil rights, were fearful, and with good reason, of being identified as covert Communists if they should protest too strongly”.
    ‘Anti-Semitism’ is the new anti-communism and you are the liberals that Arthur Miller referred to wracked by paralysis. Today all manner of racists profess their opposition to Anti-Semitism. After spending 17 minutes denouncing refugees in his State of the Union Address, Trump took time out to denounce ‘Anti-Semitism’!

    Below is part of a comment from ‘Off Guardian’ [not by me, as you can tell from the swear words] about what Corbyn should have done……

    “Why didn’t Corbyn express anger and shock when he was accused of being a paedophile, sorry, an anti-Semite? Those MPs who went along with that sordid narrative, should have been kicked out of Labour immediately by Corbyn himself. He needed to be far more aggressive and proactive, taking the fight to his enemies and using his position to crush them at once. Call me a kiddy fiddler and I’ll rip your fucking throat out! Only Corbyn was passive, defensive, apathetic and totally hopeless when smeared so terribly. People don’t respect a coward, they do respect someone who fights back and sounds righteously angry at being smeared so falsely. Corbyn looked and sounded like someone who had something to hide and apologize about, which only encouraged the Israeli lobby to attack him even more! Un-fuckin’ believable”.

    It must be said that the numbers of members expelled from the Labour party has been only 8 yes only eight, this from a party with a membership of over 5000,000 tells you all you need to know. How many of those were booted out for falling foul of the discredited IHRA?


    • Taxi says:

      Always great to hear from you, dear Harry – hope you've been keeping well. 

      You're correct, yes, I do know my literature – and I also know A. Miller's classic, 'The Crucible'.  And yes, I also do know how the jews work and grease up the antishmanti scam too.  Same old, same old.

      People worry that they would be equated with Hitler when they're smeared with the antisemite floor-mop.  Ironically, by historical records, Hitler is not considered to be the worst mass murderer that ever lived.  Stalin scored higher in that department and Chairman Mao too, though I find the figures on Mao somewhat dubious and suspiciously inexact: it's claimed that Mao's victims amount to between 50-75 million and to my mind, the large gap between 50 and 75 million sounds like (politicized?) guesswork was involved in the calculation.  In any case, to get back to people's fear of being branded an antisemite… all I can say is that la-di-da revisionist Hollywood and the holocaust media industry is responsible for this programmed mass fear.  I actually see Hitler as more zionist than he is an antisemite.  After all, his original wish was for German jews to move to Palestine and not be the internal enemy of Germany.  And his hate of jews was based on their evil actions towards Germany – really, no different to how Jesus felt about the evil actions of the ancient jews in this context.  Because so very much of what we've been taught about WW2 is actually fake history, I have stopped caring about who Hitler was or wasn't.  He's become like fabricated character in a Hollywood movie to me.  When I hear 'antisemite' nowadays, I actually think of Jesus, not Hitler – because by today's definition of 'antisemite', Jesus is its ultimate posterboy.  Nobody in history has got the jew 'number' better than Jesus.  Nobody.  He knew them and their evil inside-out and analyzed them oh so very meticulously – was unapologetically vocal about his findings.

      I'm so utterly bored with this whole antisemite claptrap, aren't you?  Never mind that the term itself is bogus, considering that the majority of world jewry is hardly semitic, and that 22 Arab nations representing some 300 million people are also semites.  And the biggest absurdity of all is that a 'semite' is not a religious, racialist or biological state, but the word merely describes people who SPEAK semitic languages, of which there are a good dozen.  But this is exactly how jews operate: throw fog-bombs at language and meaning to create mass confusion to hide behind.

      More importantly, I am against the criminalization of 'hateful thought' – (of course, I am for the criminalization of hateful acts that lead to injury or loss).  It is not the place of government or the justice system to censor citizen's thoughts or feelings.  People should be allowed to hate whom they want, the very same way that they should be allowed to love whom they want.  Criminalization of certain 'feelings' or mental inclinations is the antithesis of democracy and personal freedoms.  I do not subscribe to any measure of thought-policing.  Eleanor Roosevelt is famed for saying: "With freedom comes responsibility", and in the context of censorship, I agree with Eleanor and subscribe to self-censorship when appropriate, and non self-censorship when appropriate, and in both cases taking FULL responsibility for what one says, or doesn't say.  You know, like how cognitive adult should behave.   All these 'jew protection' laws that have been imposed on Western nations are having the exact opposite effect: it's making citizens actually hate the jews, mostly in silence – at best, it's making the masses resent them.  And the only remedy against the smear is literally NOT TO CARE ABOUT IT.  Just don't give a fuck en mass and see what happens.

      Yes, I've been called an antisemite a few times in my life but it stopped offending me a good 15 years ago.  Now if a Gentile calls me an antisemite, I say 'thank you for putting me in the same opera box as Jesus'.  And if a jew calls me an antisemite then I just call them an anti-gentile motherfucker back.  Meh, easy as pie.

      My Lebanese village neighbor who lost two sons (8 and 9 years old) during the brutal israeli invasion of Lebanon back in the 1980's, plus he's read much of the talmud and jewish history, well, he's always smacking down at the jews when we converse and he proudly calls himself "an antisemite semite" – lol his phrase always cracks me up.  Yeah he's a REAL semite and knows the evil of the jews almost as much as Jesus did and he's not even a Christian.  As far as I'm concerned, being a pedo is by far WORSE than being an antisemite.  And ironically, as we all now know, it's actually jews who are top operators, promoters and merchants of pedophilia.

      And Corbyn…  well, Gilad Atzmon was right about him from way back: he called him "spineless" and predicted his failure when Corbyn started apologizing and submitting to self-defeating jewish demands and hissy-fit neurosis.  I don't know what it will take for 'traditional' Labor to put its smashed up skull back together again after getting bludgeoned by the jews.  Oh man, what a mess they're in now.  But it looks like the jews are attempting what they've succeeded at in the US: turn both major UK parties into a single hive that serves terrorist israel.  And all decent dissenters will be vilified into oblivion, or assassinated.  Oh, or crucified atop a hill where all can see.

      And all this jew evil spreading across the West is for what exactly?  Dear Harry, it's all about Palestine.  Jews want to shut everyone the fuck up as they continue with their theft of Palestine.  Yes, it's aaaaaaaall about Palestine.

    • Taxi says:

      Hey I didn't know you wrote articles – would love a link or two, if you feel like sharing.  You write such excellent commentary, Harry, and I'm pretty sure there's excellent value in your articles too.  Thank you for always bringing us the goods.

  74. Boris Johnson says:

    Perhaps Corbyn was/is terribly fearful of fighting back so offensively because after all look what happened to JFK in Dallas and for sure he is old enough to remember that day in Dallas.

    For this reason I would personally refrain from labelling him as a coward because he obviously doesn't have a Hezbollah style defence like Nasrallah does(lol) and I would urge empathy for his situation these past years and anyway for certain he would get my vote any day over a Zionist like Bibi's friend Johnston who was voted in by far too many propagandized British people.

    • Taxi says:

      Whatever Corbyn's weakness may be, he is undoubtedly a good egg – a very good egg, actually.  I like him – I even chanted "ohhh Jeremy Corbyn, ohhh Jeremy Corbyn…' in the shower, back in the good days sad

      His main crime, in the eyes of jews, was that he was standing up for Palestinian children who were getting targeted for cold-blooded murder by the terrorist israeli government and military.  Corbyn wanting to talk to Hamas and Hezbollah, enemies of israel, is but a secondary reason for jews piling on him.  Infanticidal jews do not want to be exposed, criticized or reprimanded for mass murdering Gentile children and they will see to it that whoever raises this sensitive issue ends up on the chopping block.  Sure Corbyn may not have Nasrallah's fighting gonads, but he is a gifted orator, as indeed Nasrallah is, and he could have better used his oratory skills to shield himself from incoming jew poison arrows.  He could have given a speech (or a hundred!) on this very issue and provided his audience with evidence of jewish hostility towards him because of his moral sympathies towards Palestinian children.  He could have raised the patriotic flag and talked about British interests being above all other foreign nation's interests, including that of israel.  He could have made hay out of jews actively conspiring against British politicians who disagree with israel racism and Apartheid, as indeed was exposed in Aljazeera's investigative documentary on aipace/UK.  He coulda done a heckalot more, you must admit.  But he didn't.  Yeah probably because he feared for his life and those of his loved ones.  But this fear has dire consequences: it guarantees jewish victory over you, rendering you thus a quintessentially hollow leader.  My only wish is that the next generation of Corbyns have learned how to fight the vermin smarter, and harder.

      And don't you go thinking that israel is a friend to Boris Johnson either.  Sure Boris is friends with israel, but israel is friends with NOBODY but itself!  For starters, the Boris freak looks too much like a Germanic blond nazi.  Secondly, with Rothschild practically owning London's Square Mile (London's Wall Street), plus Rothschild being the Queen's personal banker, the UK needs jewish israel more than israel needs the UK – and this status of master and slave has existed between jew and Brit for over 200 years.  Boris is just a white nigga for tel aviv. 

      Today, the UK, and especially London, is still in shock over Boris's victory.  Here's some headlines:

      "F**k Boris" – Antifa Protesters Clash With Police Outside Downing Street As Furious Leftists Revolt

      Note how Soro's antifa mingled with the left to cause trouble that would only put further funky shade on the left.  No, they were not paid to go to Downing Street to protest AGAINST Boris, but to further injure the left's reputation.  No surprises there.  Jews always do this: they will kick you again and again to death once they've brought you down.  Some will even relish kicking your lifeless corpse again and again and again.

      This is why you can never show them any mercy once the fight is on.

      And here below, look at how the UK left is already splintering.  A tad crusty and unhinged, if you ask me – considering today's economics, the working class are now technically the underclass and the middleclass, the workingclass – so any leftie claiming to be pro working class will actually be serving the strapped middle class and bankrupt Hooray Henrys.  In today's acute financial disparities and injustices, you're not a REAL leftie unless your message and reason for existing is to highlight and raise the issues of the underclass.  The working class don't need the left any more – they are now covert bourgeoisi – as indeed indicated by Boris' sweeping victory over traditional Labor territory. 

      Striking also is the unimaginative naming of this new leftie party.  Galloway just took out his thesaurus and looked up 'labor' and got 'worker' and Kazzam!  So it was!  Lol!  The old 'Labor Party' died and was instantly reincarnated as, well, wadyaknow: the 'Worker's Party'!  Ridiculous and hilarious.

      And sad to watch.

      The prognosis is not looking good.

      The island is sick and sinking.


  75. Boris Johnson says:

    Brave is the one who stands up to the devil himself and I guess he could have done more but I don't blame him at all for wanting a more quiet and peaceful life in his older years.

    So long Jeremy it was nice to know about you.

  76. Harry law says:

    What puzzles me is why Turkey is buying the stolen oil from Syrian fields, and why Putin would allow him to do so

    Given that Foreign Sec Lavrov warned just last week that the US aims to set up a nascent Kurdish state in Eastern Syria, are the Turks going to help them, Turk Turkeys voting for Christmas?

    It would be understandable if the Syrians made that stolen oil the most expensive oil ever to be transported over that long distance by oil trucks to Turkey, special forces or better still proxies could litter the route [well known] with mines, IED’s and better still EFP’s [see below] just to prove  crime does not pay.

    What drove the US out of Iraq the first time was a simple device called an explosively formed projectile [EFP] it consisted of a steel pipe [or even a piece of PVC waste pipe packed with high explosive with a disk of copper at the end, this was placed at the side of roads frequented by US army patrols, they could easily be disguised as rocks or other common features of the landscape, Initially they were set off by electronic means i.e. a cell phone, garage door opener or other such device. The US spent billions and asked Government research laboratories and universities to counter this phenomenon, they succeeded at first when convoys were headed by a vehicle bristling with antennae, the Iraqis were one step ahead of them, they started using a piece of string, game over. An EFP can destroy the latest tanks, on detonation the disk is propelled thus…. EFP 20 cm (8 inches) in diameter can throw a 3 kg (7 lbs) copper slug at Mach 6, or 2,000 meters per second.

    But then Putin and Assad may have a better plan.

    • Taxi says:

      "But then Putin and Assad may have a better plan" (Harry Law).  Yes, one assumes this to be the case, Harry.  I observe that the pace of the advance in the liberation of Syria has reached a point now where they're working it thread by slow thread.  Just like the Iranians weave their carpets kiss.

      And fezzed and unfazed Erdo?  Well, he's a scalper alright.  Same as the US but minus the John Wayne strut.

      Thanks for the links.

  77. Taxi says:

    Howdy guys and gals!  Well, these past couple of days, I've been taking advantage of the pleasant dry and sunny winter weather here in the south Leb by hiking the virgin hills around here for hours with my dogs.  Up another hill: breathe in deeper, breathe out more mmmmm feels goooooood!  Nothing like a massive dose of crispy-sweet air to make you forget about the mean old world out there.  Temporary amnesia has become a survival necessity in today's maddening world (of politics).

    Should I even bother yakking on Trump?  Soon as I even type his name, my eyes roll to the ceiling – so naaaaah – another fucking idiot humping the star of David.  Too cowardly to start a war, too cowardly to stop any war.

    Talk about Bibi then?  Fuck that!

    Talk about Pompeo?  Oh man someone kill me now!

    Talk about what then?  What's there to say?  What's new?   Nut'in.  The Axis of Resistance continues resisting here and there and everywhere while the Axis of Evil keeps spending money and blackmail material to smack down the Resistance here and there and everywhere.  Everywhere, that is, except the battlefield.  Today they slap, tomorrow they miss and the Resistance dives and ducks and rolls with the punches and remains standing – and on and on it goes between them.  And if you're wondering about the Leb situ, then, distilled, it's like this right now: delays (instructed by American embassy in Beirut) swamp the forming of a new government, creating a growing political vacuum and a trunk full of added socio-political worry.  The US wants Leb to give terrorist israel a slash of its offshore Block 9 that lies on the southern marine border, or else!  The Lebs are refusing to budge.  Thus the punishment of uppity Lebanon continues.  The standoff between the US and the Leb will probably take months to end – and I can't see it ending with a Leb capitulation.  US agents in Beirut are up to the same protest tricks and media lies, in an attempt to cause further internal misery, pressure and strife but it ain't really working on the same large scale anymore.  Leb citizens are too busy being worried sick about the hike in prices and the safety of their bank accounts, and not what the freaking American University students and Geagea's treason-squad want.

    Oy vey!

    If you ask me, it's imperative that the Axis of Resistance tip the scale further to its advantage this coming year.  It needs a new alloy to use as shield.  The 'Maximum Pressure' war against it has punched a dent in its thigh, but muscle can recover.  Their vital organs will be targeted next year.  They need immediate preventative action.  My advise to the Axis of Resistance members is to hold out till early next autumn and then start the demolition of tel aviv while the Orange Con is too busy practicing his debate lines.  Would Trump start another grand mideast war for the jews a mere weeks before the elections?  What a minefield of a decision he'll have to make.  Earthquakes in DC!  All the jewy motherfuckers in the world on their toes!

    It's exactly where they need to be put in 2020.

    Go west, young man.  Let's see some Iranian gear in tel aviv.  After spending a whole year mostly on the defensive, prepare now to go offensive.

    Go!  Offensive!  By gawd do it before they get you by the spleen.

  78. Daniel Rich says:

    What happened to Syrian Perspective?

    Get this message when trying to access it: "ACCOUNT SUSPENDED OR NO LONGER ACTIVE

    • Taxi says:

      Hmmm… probably got ovened post Trump’s new ‘judaism is a nationality’ law.

      Makes me mad as fuck to see another good site trampled on and disappeared by the hooved jews.

    • Canthama says:

      Daniel, down for few days now, Have been trying to reach Ziad but no answer, asked Leith as well, I fear something bad may have happened this time. Will see if I manage to reach Danny in Denmark, SyrPer has been down few times in the past due to attacks, but never suspended, I am in touch to several SyrPer by twitter, will keep posted if I manage to reach Danny or Ziad.

    • Canthama says:

      Hey Daniel, good news, Ziad is fine, finally touched base with him, he said SyrPer suffered one the hardest attack ever, he believes it was originated in Lebanon this time, he said Danny and Leith are on top of it and it may return soon. No matter what, good news Ziad is fine as all his family. Lets wait to see how quickly SyrPer is back on. All the best my friend.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Canthama/et al,

        When receiving flak, one is over the target. Ziad's site has been targeted by hasbara bots ever since I joined SyrPers a couple of years back. The only way Occupied Palestine can deal with the truth is by silencing/eliminating it. Hence all these draconian laws all over the ff-ing place.

        Glad to hear Ziad and loved ones are OK, though.

        Will sit back and wait.

        Happy holidays season to you, taxi and all other readers/participants.

        Let's hope Syria will be freed from the takfiri/FUKZUS 'war' machine's tentacles' clutches in 2020. 

      • Canthama says:

        Daniel and Arius, the fact Syrper was down just before the phase 3 offensive to liberate Idlib Province is not a coincidence…sharing the truth hurts the zio-neocons killers.

        Phase 3 started today, offensive should have multiple fronts, by now the SE has kicked off and the SAA is about to liberate Umm Jalal village an important one for turkish backed al Qaeda terrorists.

        Hard to know the final objective of this phase but it all indicates that the liberation of large chunk of M5 and possibly M4 highways is underway.

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks Canthama. Around here they’re calling it ‘Christmas in Idlib’. Yeah we’re gonna be seeing quite a few terrorists light up like a Christmas tree this festive season in Syria.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Canthama,

        Thank you, good sir.

        You truly are a solid pillar of the SyrPers community [and beyond].

        May the upcoming festivities embrace you with the warmth of a true brother.

  79. Artur Dent says:

    Dear Taxi

    It has taken such a long time to get to planet Ju that Ford and I prematurely cracked the 200 year old champagne on arrival; discusting vinegar like beverage that it was, it not only disoriented us but also gave us a rather difficult hangover which made exploration rather slow I'm afraid, so apologies darling. 

    The journey was not made much easier due to our captain insisting that we all read Alexander Solskynitskn's book 200 years together as a 'so called' primer before landing on planet Ju.

    We were told that it would prepare us; supposedly he was already prepared? Our detour via the Dog Star and Ursular Minor, which gave me the unfortunate opportunity to read the book twice, due to our delay lead me to believe that I would be even better prepared?

    How wrong I was.

    I will fill you in very soon x


    • Taxi says:

      Ooof what a bumpy ride! Hope you didn’t lose any buttons during the descent heh.

      Gilad Atzmon swears by Alexander Solskynitskn’s work. I’ve yet to get to it myself. And yes, at your convenience, do share what resonated with you when you read him. Would love to hear all about it over a nice cuppa (*humming to self: Polly put the kettle on, Polly put the kettle on, Polly put the kettle on and we’ll all have tea… :-))

  80. Taxi says:

    I apologize for going incognito yesterday – my internet connection went down again (aaaaargh very frustrating!).

    IMPORTANT UPDATE: Lebanon yesterday had a very dramatic afternoon and evening. A vote by existing ministers to name a new Sunni government leader finally took place and the winner was NOT Hariri, it was an independent Sunni politician, an ex minister of Education and current professor at the American University of Beirut who won the confidence of the majority. His name is Hassan Diab, and he received 69 votes against the 13 votes that went to America’s man, Nawaf Salam, with a single vote going to some lady and a total of 42 recorded abstentions. President Oun’s ministerial allies voted for Diab, so did Hezbollah and other shia ministers, as well as Foreign Minister Gibran Baseel and his allies in parliament. This group of three blocks combined represent a parliamentary majority, referred to as the ‘Resistance Block’. Basically, this Resistance Block that comprises Shia and Christians won the day, and this victory signaled the end of the Hariri reign that began with Rafic (the father) back in 1992. It also signaled a major political defeat for the Axis of Evil and its operators in the Lebanon.

    Poor Hariris (not really!). Their Saudi patrons dumped them, and so did the Yankeelians of the USA. Even Hariri’s political ally and Israel’s man in Lebanon, Geagea, abandoned him on the 12th hour of voting by abstaining from the vote.

    Worth noting here that since Saad Hariri resigned some two months ago, there’s been much-much political theater going on to inflate him as the prodigal ‘savior’ of Lebanon, in preparations for his return to government. I believe that the US/Israel/Saudi plan was to return him in a spectacular manner, all PR inflated, then assassinate his disposable arse once he was in power again, driving thus the country into a sudden, violent sectarian conflict a-la Iraq style. But this all became impossible to achieve when the ‘Resistance block’ circumvented the dastardly plan by naming a “clean-handed”, independent Sunni leader. I don’t think they could have chosen a better spanner-in-the-works candidate than the genteel academic, Hassan Diab.

    The announcement of Diab as Lebanon’s new government leader inflamed Hariri supporters and a section of the stupid “leaderless embassy-protestors” who took to the streets last night and closed roads and set tires on fire and raved and raged before TV cameras. The army and other internal security forces allowed them to let off steam for a couple of hours before moving in on them and forcing roads open again. It was a crazy-ugly scene to watch the Hariris in their death throes all wailing and melting like the wicked witch of the west. This morning, so far, it appears that all is quiet on the open streets of Lebanon.

    The next stage for Diab is the naming of his new government ministers, which is scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday. The anti Diab block is promising to disallow the ‘naming session’ in parliament on Saturday by closing roads that surround parliament and thus blocking ministers from actually physically arriving to parliament to attend the Diab naming of the new government. ‘We’ll see about that’, says the security apparatus.

    No doubt, today’s Leb media will be full of analysis of the implications of the Diab election. Will keep you posted.

    In conclusion: the Resistance block appears to be politically extremely powerful in the Leb, despite all attempts at weakening it. The Axis of Evil agents are incapable of interfering with its agenda, or capable in any measure in dividing them.

    Oh, and somebody who goes by the pedestrian name of David Hill was due to arrive to Beirut from DC last night – probably to further threaten Leb and deliver it a coup de grâce regarding Lebanon’s offshore Block 9. Well, Mr. Hill had his visit to Beirut cancelled last minute when Diab was announced as winner. This tells us that the US was NOT expecting Diab, or anyone else to be named yesterday. They had planned, plotted and relied on further delays in naming a new leader to be the major headline of the day, but… alas. The Resistance block successfully turned the tables on the jews of Israel and on the jewy US.


    Fuck you and your ‘interference’ tel fucking aviv! Fuck all of you Kushnerites in DC!

    That being said, expect a long campaign of vicious attacks on the newly-appointed Diab by the usual suspects, even though he is a committed ‘independent’ with a technocratic sensibility – something that the protestors have been insisting on for the past 66 days of protests. Expect also the jewy media to refer to him as a ‘hezbollah’ man, which he actually isn’t, even though he does support the Hezb’s defense against both wahabi and jewish terrorism. I should also say that Diab gave a short speech last night where he said he is “committed to securing Lebanon’s independence, integrity, its water and its land and gas resources”. This particular line was most definitely directed at Israel and the US. It is actually a sentiment and line on the lips of all Lebanese. Does this make the WHOLE of Lebanon a ‘hezbollah’s guy’. No, it doesn’t. But it is indeed a most natural and patriotic statement.

    • Taxi says:

      Actually, I need to update the David Hill visit to Leb.  Apparently, it's being reported now that he will visit Leb today after all, but he will NOT be meeting with Gibran Baseel, the Foreign Minister, or anyone from his ministry.  Instead, he will be meeting with Saad Hariri this afternoon upon arrival – and possibly with the Leb prez this evening, though this is yet to be confirmed.  Aaaah rapid change of plans lol!  David Hill is visiting for one reason and one reason only: to try and get israeli companies to be part of the excavation of Block 9.  This is a sneaky way to 'normalization' with the Leb.  But it won't happen.  Ever!  Not with Prez Oun in charge of the excavation file – and most certainly not when these waters are under Hezbollah's security.

      • Taxi says:

        Ok I gotta do another correction here dawp!  His name is David Hale, not David Hill.  Hilarious how so many Arab newscasters are pronouncing it 'Hell', calling him 'David Hell' lol!

  81. Canthama says:

    Russians are moving into Syria for oil exploration in land and off shore, this time two contracts were granted to Russians in land Syria. One thing is for sure, there were several European and US companies making money out of Syria for decades, this seems to be over, Russians, Chinese and Iranians are moving in to rebuild Syria and push the country upwards. On the long run, Syrians will be in way better shape than pre war of aggression against the Syrians.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Canthama.  It's astounding that the Axis of Evil continues to milk out the delaying and slowing down of Syria's progress, knowing very well that there's no chance in hell that Syria will ever be Yinonized or Ottomanized, certainly not with Russia and Iran now cozily ensconced right across Syrian territory, with China's hands firmly in there too.  Same with the Leb: they've hit a wall there yet they keep milking the same failed plot.

      A 'crisis of imagination' comes to mind.  The Axis of Evil has run out of ideas on how to achieve criminal victory in the Levant, so they've instead opted for the lowest form of warfare: delay and loot.

      • Taxi says:

        Woohoo! Clean up western Syria already so focus can simultaneously fork on terrorist-occupied eastern Syria and the Golan. You know they got the worst terrorists in both these territories. We’re all waiting for THEM two war theaters to open up and seal the deal.

      • Canthama says:

        Daniel, some reflections on recent SAA gains:

        1) The terrain is pro mobility and exposed, meaning the M5 will be liberated and cleaned of turkish backed terrorists with speed and out maneuvering.

        2) The speed will only increase since the main defenses (trenches, mines and armoured vehicles traps were in the frontline that was way passed already), once you are inside a clear zone not letting the turkish backed terrorists to prep more defenses, the SAA move surround them in cauldron or pockets, thus forcing the terrorists to retreat even faster. This is the 25th Special Forces MO, previous Tiger Forces.

        3) Keep an eye on Surman, this is where the turkish invaders have a "fort", as in Morek they are saying they will remain inside…only idiots due to that and stay isolated like in Morek doing nothing…head yesterday that the Syrians are throwing large quantity of shit and urine on Morek's turkish fort walls every day…it became a shithouse for the Syrians with turkish idiots inside it doing nothing and meaning nothing.

        Late at night the SAA has liberated Tall Damm, as Sayyadi, with fights now at Abu Sharji and Khirbat ‘Arabah, meaning the SAA will surround the turks either today or tonight.

        4) 3 days on the offensive and the SAA has liberated over 20 villages and may reach 30 tonight. Bad weather is coming once again and may delay progress due to lack of air support. The faster the SAA moves today and tonight and the faster defenses are built the better, the objective is clearly reaching Maarratt al Numan, now 10-13 kms away depending on the direction the SAA has reached so far.

      • Taxi says:

        Great and illuminating update, Canthama – thank you.  And allow me please here to add the civilian plight into the equation.  We're hearing here in the south Leb that up to twenty thousand Syrian civilians have fled from Idlib during the offensive of the past two days, mostly heading towards the Turkish border.  More are expected to flee today as, added to the ongoing bombing, yesterday saw armed drones attack oil and gas facilities in Homs: the attack timed just before a snowy storm is forecast for late Monday.  No one has claimed responsibility for the drone attack – word is that it was terrorist israel's doing: prohibited now from missile striking at Syria by Russia, it is now targeting what little infrastructure is left in Homs as direct punishment of the Syrian people.  It's going to be a rough and cold coming week, especially for Idlib's displaced civilians who headed towards the wilderness of central Syria instead of the Turkish border where a couple of relief tent camps have been set up for the fleeing and displaced. 

  82. Taxi says:

    Even if the investigation ends up getting 'Goldstoned', it's still excellent news!  The billions of shekels that terrorist jews spend on PR-ing a clean, victim image will go down the stink drain.  Oh that that holocaust-shmolocaust thang will also lose some of its poison punch:

    ICC to investigate alleged Israeli and Palestinian war crimes

    All cross-eyed from reading lie after lie from a teleprompter, terrorist Netanyahu presents a stupid-stupid lying counter argument:

    Seems that everywhere Netanyahu looks, there's a court case waiting for him heh!

    No doubt the jews will now punish the whole world for this correct criminal charge.  Yeah, well bring it on mofers!

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      Can only look at that crook's face for a millisecond at a time, before descending into an abyss of convulsions. 

      One OT question: I can reply to this entry of yours, but there ain't no reply button on Canthama's post above this one. Why is that?

      Thank you, btw, Canthama. Your input/info is golden in an age where so much sewage is peddled as 'news.'

      • Taxi says:

        I share your reaction to the motherfucking jew terrorist known as Benjamin Netanyahu.

        And I also share your gratitude towards Canthama for his "golden" reportage on Syria that he so generously shares here with us on Plato's.

        And finally, my comment box is designed to be 'two-tiered' – I can add more tiers but then the comment box 'replies' shrink to an anemic column – this is visually annoying.  To reply to a comment that's missing a 'reply' button, simply seek out and click on the nearest 'reply' button above it – this will line you up nicely below the targeted comment.

        Thank you too for your great comments, dear Daniel.  I especially enjoy your habit of consistently referring to terrorist israel as "occupied Palestine" laugh broken heart

      • Boris Johnson says:

        'By the time Corbyn and his party were literally wiped out, every Brit knew who runs the country for real'.

        If this were true I wonder how many hundreds of thousands or even millions of comments Atzmon (or Giraldi etc) would be getting under their articles on Unz, instead of the several hundred or so Atzmon gets?.LOL.

        I said it before up thread and I will say it again,if 'every' person in the U.K 'knew'(and refused to pay for their British Brainwashing Corporation T.V license) then no decent and moral person would have voted for a motherfucking Zionist party like the Tories, Brexit or no Brexit but they did didn't they and by a fucking landslide!!.

        And I doubt very much that if everyone really 'knew', that there would be a synagogue left standing and not razed to the ground in the whole of the U.K.LOL.

        As someone residing in the U.K I really don't see a mass awakening here yet unfortunately and I just don't get why Atzmon clearly does.

        Most in U.K are 'woke' to political corruption since the expenses scandal and are far more untrusting of politicians these days but this is where it ends if you ask me.



      • Taxi says:

        Thanks, Boris.  The election was about Brexit above all, not about the jews, Boris Johnson or Corbyn.  Brits would have voted for Worzel Gummidge if he was for Brexit.  Brexit is all that mattered for the majority of the Brit voters, and on this paramount point, Corbyn did not have a clear answer or position.  He went neutral on Brexit and voters never trust 'neutral' on a matter of great consequence.  Corbyn lost cuz he showed weakness in the face of very aggressive attacks, especially by UK jews; plus he didn't give the majority what they want and what they wanted was to Brexit the fuck outta the european union.

        I do reckon though that in the process of this past election, many voters took note of 'jewish privilege' and they didn't like it one bit.  They may not have expressed it through the ballot box, but there will come a time when these resentments towards jews will be expressed.

        For readers who don't know who Worzel Gummidge is, he's a TV character from a children's TV show in the UK.  Here's a picture of him:


    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Daniel. To be honest with you, I stopped reading Meysssan a few years back. But to give credit where credit is due, he does have originality of thought and he’s a well-sourced journalist. But his sources appear to be only Syrian and he tends to overestimate the veracity of some of these sources; plus he has a propensity for outlandish theorizing and weird zig-zag linkages. Yet, he does often bring interesting information to the table.

      Regarding his linked article… ooooooof! Now that’s what a call a bowl of ‘tossed salad’: some facts tossed about and doused with an overbearing, pungent non-fact dressing. He makes non-existent assertions and really wild connections that have no basis in reality. I don’t have time to parse every single line right now, but suffice it to say that his article begins with literally a false premise in the sub-heading where he says that the Lebanon Central Bank has collapsed. Well, it hasn’t, actually. Then he gives a partially true history of Lebanon banking, mixed up with true facts on the design of Lebanon’s sectarian constitutional laws that were cynically set up by the exiting French colonials back in 1948.

      He spins wheels that go nowhere on the issue of south American drug cartel money-laundering in Lebanon. Any regional financial analyst worth his salt knows that ALL illicit international money-laundering in the eastern Mediterranean (drug, arms, etc) take place in Cyprus and not in Lebanon: Cyprus being by far a more stable economy and a most willing facilitator. Sure you have money-laundering in the Leb, but it’s mainly by corrupt Leb politicians and their business associated pocketing stolen loot.

      Lebanon’s economy has been propped up for some two decades by wealthy and middle-class immigrants sending monthly transfers to their families back in Lebanon and not by Saudi or Emirati money, though they have indeed invested plenty in Leb real estate – though this trend ended back in 2006 when Hezbollah beat israel, which royally pissed off the Gulfies and they punished Lebanon for Hezbollah’s victory by stopping literally 90% of their investment projects in the Leb – you’d be hard pressed to find ANY recent saudi/emirati investors in the Leb these days: they don’t even come over as tourists anymore.

      Meyssan gets it right when he states that Hezbollah has nothing to do with the creation of the financial crisis – but he gets it wrong when he says that they knowingly accept donations from hashish growers in Baalbek and the Bekaa valley. No they don’t! Hezbollah doesn’t touch the hashish growers, leaving all that to internal security teams – though it’s true that the hezb has been trying to influence hashish farmers there to grow non-hashish perishables (veggies, fruit and tobacco leaf) for some time now, but to no avail – this is a project that needs governmental financial injections into Bekaa’s agriculture, not Hezbollah brains or brawn.

      Furthermore, Amal and Hezbollah did NOT attack Soros’ boys, as claimed by Meyssan AND the jewy msm, it was Amal who did this and they withdrew from the street immediately after they dismantled the Soros protest tents. Amal drew their red lines on the street then stepped back instead of remaining there all puffy-chested and confrontational.

      Meyssan doesn’t really understand Lebanon beyond the limited minds of his ‘Syrian sources’ – and he wrote his article the day before Hassan Diab was appointed new leader of the gov – and since his naming, literally everything has changed overnight. Meyssan doesn’t realize that there’s currently a huge will and trend in the Leb to discard the French influence from the constitution and rewrite it as a non-sectarian, purely nationalist constitution. This tells you that there is a massive sense of ‘nationalism’ going on with the citizenry right now, and of course this sensibility and yearning wasn’t born just two months ago with the start of the protests. Contrary to what Meyssan says, there IS mass nationalism going on in the Leb right now.

      I’d go on, but I honestly don’t presently have the time.

      I’d give this article a ‘C’ grade as far as accuracy is concerned, and a ‘D’ for his not-so-very-astute analysis.

      Meyssan is better on Syria than he is on the Lebanon.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Taxi,

        Thanks, darling. The invaluable input of HUMINT :o]

        With guests arriving, please focus on them.

        Feast and enjoy life to the fullest.

        Best wishes to all!

  83. Taxi says:

    Hiya readers and friends.  Just to let you know that I have house-guests arriving from California tonight for the holidays, so my time on Plato's will be somewhat erratic and random till the new year.

    Unless, of course, the 'big war' breaks out, or some other big event occurs in the meantime.

    Y'all have a sweet-sweet and cool holiday season kiss.

  84. Taxi says:

    Now that it's Christmas, let us here remember who killed Jesus.  And let us be sure that the killers of Christ continue unabated with their murderous ways and their genocide against humanity.  Let us remember that the most hated people for jews are the true Christians who support Palestine:

    They Tried to Poison Me with ‘Chemical Substance’: Archbishop Hanna Urges Unity from His Hospital Bed in Jordan

    And they want us to feel sorry for them because of the alleged Nazi use of poison gas?  Or that Bashar "gassed his own people"?  LOL!  Open your eyes, dear world, and be rid of the well poisoners already!  Strip them of their shekels and nukes!  Turn tel aviv into a REAL gas chamber!  Serial mass murderers and remorseless killers of prophets deserve no less.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Sparrow,

        What ff-ing beasts can do this to a woman?

        Ff-ing diaper-wearing cowards, I tell ya.

        As a man, I always get outraged when women and children are targeted [regardless where it happens], but these monsters need to be drowned in the sewage canal they crept out of.


        Want to end this on a positive note: best wishes for all who so rightfully deserve it, and a Happy and Healthy 2020 [when it's on your calendar, that is :o]

      • Sparrow says:

        @Daniel…I don't post these much anymore because of my complete and utter revulsion to these monsters.  To hate them is an understatement.  So to get this frustration out of my head I continue to blast wherever I can the truth.  To be an American living in a nation of complete lawless clueless shitheads makes me consider suicide everyday…I hate it and the supporters of these monsters.  I can't say what I wish I could do…but others like Cloak shares my hatred.  To CHASE these fuckers somewhere else to continue their monstrous activities is not an option if I had the authority.  Nope…destruction is the only option…so no one else could ever lift up their ugly fucking talmud/etc along with the most UGLY excuses for human beings there is.  Just check out this ugly detestable display of a worthy bombing:

        I don't know how Taxi deals with it everyday…I do need her hashish in a good flavor enlightened to get me peace every now and then.  Peace to you too and to all of decent people in 2020.  FREE PALESTINE!



  85. Cloak And Dagger says:

    Merry Christmas, Taxi! Wishing you a happy and prosperous Jew-Free New Year! This is the first year that I have done 100% of my shopping online to avoid stepping into the fecal matter that litters the streets of San Francisco!

    May every Israeli plane, gifted by my hard-earned tax dollars, fall from the skies like snowflakes, and every lobbyist in this fair land of ours choke on their Hanukah latkes and sufganiyot.

    May every American wake tomorrow morning, not to reindeer bells and half-eaten cookies and milk, but to a gigantic thunk as zionist jews are kicked out of this country, and for good measure, every evangelical christian is raptured out to the emptiness of space.

    BTW, I haven't forgotten my promise to write an article for you titled: "Weaponized Racism: The Battle For Lesser Minds"! Unfortunately, this has been a busier than usual year at work, and personal time has been scarce. Perhaps 2020 will allow me a little more leisure.

    Take care, dear friend! Best regards to you and yours, as well as all the readers of Plato's Guns!



    • Taxi says:

      Merry Crimbles, Cloak! Woohoo! I too wish you a “jew-free” new year, buddy.

      San Fransisco – oh man! Little shithole now – so freaking sad. But I had a thought about it all last summer: I wondered whether some smartass gang of hobos thought they could weaponize their shit by dumping their logs en mass on pavements and doorways as a tactic to force the City to house them. ‘We’re all gonna shit our way outta this mess together bro’, is probably what they merrily slurred at each other one drunken, fusty night in a back alley: starting a trend. The shitters want housing or they’re gonna be shitting on the streets till kingdom come. This is the ‘lizard brain’ at work here, Cloak. I say this cuz when you corner a lizard and threaten its life, it takes an instant dump, quickly rolls its turds into balls and starts rapidly throwing them at you. LOL tis true – it’s how lizards fight: they weaponize their turds. I really do hope SF regains its sanity and sanitary disposition in 2020, though I fear that this primordial problem would take many years to fix.

      And what a great and delicious wish list you shared with us! Many dead jew terrorist pilots works for me! The motherfuckers! They’ve mass murdered so very many in so very many places! And I’m all for sending all jewy christians and jewy muslims and jewy hindus and bindus and shmindus to the outer of the outer of empty fucking space! Yesyesyesss!!!

      I’ll close with a song for you, dear Cloak, and for all of us frustrated lip-biters out there – a golden oldie but, oh, so very apt and current:

  86. Cloak And Dagger says:

    Wow, that is old! You are dating both of us!

    Enjoy your time with your guests and let's hope 2020 brings some good news for all of us. The last many years haven't been all that great. Power and greed corrupt absolutely, and both the US and Occupied Palestine (h/t Daniel Rich) have been sucking the world dry.

    But a stake through the heart is all it takes to finish off vampires. 

    Now, where did I misplace that hammer?


    • Boris Johnson says:

      Fat arse Pompeo @ 5 jewish???.

      Not sure about CIA torturer Haspel@ 8 either?.

      It does look like there could be quite a few 'blue jews' though(2,3,6,9,10,12,13,17,18,19,20)by my eye as I cant put names to any of them apart from Mnuchin @16 but I know he is jewish anyway.




      • Taxi says:

        Pompeo is a rabid christian zionist, therefore, in essence and in practice, he's a fucking jew.  And I'd also blue up Pence's portrait cuz he too is a VERY committed zionist motherfucker.

    • Daniel Rich says:


      Pompeo and Haspel are Occupied Palestine whores [who in congress isn't?], so I don't see any difference between them being zio/judeo christians or agnostic heretics.

      They happily do the 'Goy Grovel Dance' [GGD] to  the tune of 'Que será, será' in front of any jewish gathering, be it local or abroad. 

      • Boris Johnson says:

        I bet Trump and Pence and Bolton still have their foreskins though.LOL.

        I would call them Anglo Zionists and not jews personally.

      • Taxi says:

        If you consistently behave like a jew, then you’re a jew. A crypto jew. A jew-in-training. A wannabe jew. A janitor for jews. They’re all fucking jews as far as I’m concerned. In practice, that is.

        In theory, of course, you’re right, Boris – though I’m told that many christian zionists and old testament followers are ‘snipped’, some even in adulthood (ouch!).

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ BORIS JOHNSON,

        Fully agree with your foreskin angle.

        However, am lining up with Taxi's sentiments regarding all these crypto-Jews. They're like true turncoats, but you don't recognize them as one, until they speak or act out like one.

  87. Mike-Florida says:

    Taxi – have followed your site past few months after Canthama pointed it out. My hearty congratulations to your great contribution adding savvy dots for connection. This my first post, I ask if I may > On Dec. 19, Hassan Diab was named by president Aoun as Lebanon's next PM. I presume he must first form a viable government which Lebanon so desperately needs, hopefully more in tune with the president and parliament majority. Of course MSM as expected is blasting away he is a puppet of Hezbollah, etc. etc. – trying to discredit him, hoping for a PM controlled by PTB outsiders. Appreciate if you would comment on current status and projection of Diab successfully forming a government and expected outcome, and if so, will he soon move to recommend establishing official & friendly diplomatic relations with neighboring Syria – which prior PM Hariri apparently refused to do. Long live dear little Lebanon as a happy sovereign nation. Thanks. Mike.

    • Taxi says:

      Howdy Mike! Welcome, welcome! And thank you for your most pertinent questions.

      Hassan Diab is currently in the process of organizing a new government, an interim, minimalist government consisting of only 18 ministers who will be primarily tasked with ‘fixing’ the finances of the country, till the next elections take place in two years’ time. The naming of the new ministers is imminent – it may very well take place this coming week – no names have so far been leaked, as Diab plays his cards very close to his chest.

      As the days pass, more and more Lebanese embrace Diab, discarding the stupid MSM propaganda against him. The jewy press that controls the Western world have indeed dubbed him ‘Hezbollah’s man’, basically because he has on several occasions asserted that “everyone will be represented in the new government, including Hezbollah – no one will be left out”. Diab is an intelligent patriot, half-ideologue and half-pragmatist, with a propensity, it seems, to being stubborn. This stubbornness is actually a sign of his strength, demonstrating that he is not easily swayed or bought by external forces. He is not under direct influence or instruction of DC, tel aviv or Riyadh – or Tehran or Beijing or Moscow. This is refreshing and a clear sign of patriotism.

      Regarding your Diab-Syria question, it works like this, Mike: it’s actually President Oun’s decision whether diplomatic relations with Syria should continue or not, and not the head of the government. Two years ago, when Oun took power, he instructed Hariri to work towards resuming diplomatic, trade and security cooperation with Syria, but Hariri, under DC instruction, refused the presidential dictate and pushed the Syria file deeper into the freezer. It is assumed that Diab, though he has not categorically or officially stated this, will be defrosting the Syria file. Diab has been very careful not to leak ANY information on his foreign policy inclinations till after the official naming of the new government. Suffice it to say that his background is a mix of Pan-Arabism and liberalism: he will therefore no doubt endeavor to fulfill both aspects of his political body. I do not think that he will be following Hariri’s path on Syria – especially that Lebanon’s financial rescue remedy depends on resuming the historic trade pact with Syria, Lebanon’s neighbor to both the North and to the east (the south is israel and the west is the Mediterranean).

      More on this will be revealed in the next week or two, but in the meantime, Leb analysts and woke citizens wait with bated breath for Diab’s naming of the following: Finance Minister, Foreign Minister, and Internal Security Minister. The naming of this triad will determine the success or failure of Diab’s governance.

      I’m of the mind that Diab will follow President Oun’s legal instruction on Syria, and moreover, I reckon that he will also follow Oun’s instruction to initiate Chinese industrial electricity and sewage projects in Lebanon, thus allowing the Chinese a foot into the strategically vital Lebanese doorway.

      As you can imagine, this will royally piss off the Axis of Evil members, especially America – and they will no doubt look for ways to punish Lebanon further.

      But they will fail. They can’t exactly bomb Lebanon as this will have Hezbollah sending missiles at tel aviv.

      It’s really quite astounding that little Hezbollah and its big missiles have created such a serious deterrence against even the US: the biggest and most powerful Empire that’s ever existed.

      And cynics wonder why Hezbollah draws so much respect and admiration? LOL! Idiots! Look, you don’t have to ‘love’ the Hezb, but you sure gotta admire their smart balls.

  88. Taxi – As Daniel Rich and Mike Florida, I've been following your blog. I appreciate very much the wealth of solid information in it offering an accurate and deep understanding of  the complex social process going on in Lebanon (certainly I can say the same about the insigths of Canthama on Syria). May I suggest an article about a book published by a Portuguese army general officer about the imperialist aggression that led to the destruction of Yugoslavia, which he knew directly.

    Original in Portuguese:


    Google translation:

    • Taxi says:

      Hiya António! Thank you for your visit and your kind words. Thank you too for the great link you shared with us, which I read with great interest. Yes, the games of Empire have not changed since the ancient days of the Egyptian pharaohs: fool the masses with newspeak/religiospeak. The game has always been the same, but the people’s current awareness of Empire’s heavy-handed ways and crooked machinations has by now certainly critically risen in the four corners of the world: mostly due to mass self-education, accelerated especially with the advent of the internet these past three decades. It’s no wonder that for thousands of years, the rulers of humanity have intentionally kept their masses illiterate and uneducated. Empires indeed hemorrhage influence once the people shake off all that cumbersome, imperial propaganda. Let’s hope that at least with the encroaching darkness that 2020 will be bringing, more and more people will be discarding the mental chains of Empire’s captivity.

      Yes, I do think 2020 will be a tougher year for the world, considering that Pax Americana, terrorist israel and their proxy demons all have their backs against the wall: a consequence of so many failed projects during 2019. More on this later…

  89. Taxi says:

    Ho ho howwwwdy everybody!  I'm baaaaaack, though somewhat reluctantly – like a kid dragged off back to school again .  It's just so very life-affirming to detox from the lying news, even for just a handful of days – hard to resist the refreshing mental freedom of  news-free days.  I do hope that you've all had a jolly good time of it in the meantime.  And I take this opportunity to thank readers for their comments and thoughts and goofs in my absence, not forgetting of course to heartily welcome new readers and commentators.

    In appreciation of y'all, I humbly bow.

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks for the links, Sparrow. I saw the rabbi vid the other day. These rabbis spill the beans on how jews ‘work’ money when another jew has ripped them off badly. It’s NOT for the love of justice and human decency that rabbis make this kind of video. In any case, it was an eye-opener, yet not so surprising, if you know wadamean.

        Happy New Year to all the sparrows of the world – and vultures be damned!

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      Saw this the other day. Couldn't get beyond 10 seconds into it when automatic gaga reflexes kicked in. What's even worse, his voice sounds exactly like a non-Jewish, British buddy of mine.

      Double yikes.

  90. Taxi says:

    Continuing the jewish tradition of hostility towards, well everybody and everything Gentile, continuously de-ingratiating themselves thus from the civilized world, here's Bibi's son attacking (shock-horror!) Prince Charles, the future king of the British Kingdom and its Commonwealth nations.  LOL!  First, UK jews fuck with somewhat popular Jeremy Corbyn and gloat about it in public,  then israel's vile jews fuck with beloved British royalty.  LOL and tsk tsk tsk – jews are so damn good at inspiring hate.

    Benjamin Netanyahu’s son calls for British diplomats to be expelled from Israel

    Note how the insidiously treasonous Guardian cushions up the the jew attack on Prince Charles by referring to him in the headline as a lower-ranked "diplomat" lol!  Right there is the evil of journalism: willfully obscuring facts and truths – intentionally misleading and deceiving the reader.  A practice I really-really hate!  Right now, I can't tell whom I loathe more: rude jews or that jewish 'fixer' known as the 'Guardian Newspaper'.

    And speaking of them enthusiastic hate-generators, the jews – oooopsy: they never learn, do they?  And I ask you this: is the synagogue of satan ever innocent?

    New York machete stabbings at Hanukkah event in rabbi's home result in 5 wounded: reports

    Twitter is nervously whispering that the attacker's car was traced to the Bronx.  Gulp!  If this turns out to be true in this developing story, will we see reciprocal jew on Black violence as vengeance followed by Black on jew violence as response?  An escalating cycle of violence between the ex slave and the ex slave-trader?  Between two unequal minorities: between the African freedom fighter and the supremicist euro jew?  This will surely short-circuit the brains of all them cultural marxism merchants and neolib bloodsucking mites: the Obamamites!  LOL!   And pray tell, who will the KKK cranks side with in this fight: the jews or the blacks?  LOL!  I see a profusion of divided loyalties and mega confusion in the identitarian universe over this story.  A story that I really like, btw.

    Jews, tis true: they never learn – they brag and brutalize their way to the top, only to turn to yellow chickens when the hour of reckoning comes:

    IDF chief warns Israelis: The next war will hit our home front extremely hard

    LOL the israeli jews are still ranting about how they're gonna be stopping 'sophisticated missiles' from falling into the hands of their enemies.  Somebody tell them that that train's already left the station.

      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        Dear Taxi (rant alert):

        Heh! I wish anti-jews would spike here in the Bay Area! It is so hard to know whom to discuss the JQ with at work – so many crypto jews everywhere. 

        You know – until 2001, I never used to hate anyone. I used to frown on people who would disparage jews or blacks or latinos. I still don't hate latinos or blacks – their culture and behavior is the result of 400 years of jewish manipulations (yes, starting from the days of jewish slave traders – with the first African slaves on our shores back in 1619). All reports seem to use the euphemism "English Privateer" as those slave traders, and none ever point to their jewish character.

        But, hoo boy! Do I ever hate the jews who rule us today! I have jewish colleagues at work, and over the years I have detached myself from them, because it is not possible to speak freely in their presence (or earshot) about world affairs before they send in the antishemanti police, and you are on the street looking for another job. Meanwhile, why is there so much hate against latinos, blacks, yes, even whites, on the streets of my once fair country? I will give you 3 guesses and the first two don't count.

        Racism has been weaponized to divide and conquer. As long as we are hating everyone around us, the jews can continue to ravage the west. It has been a constant attack on western culture. Weaponized pornography, virulent feminism, trans genderism, same sex marriage, LGBTQXYZZY nonsense – these were all calculated, and succeeded in breaking down the family unit – the bastion of strength of our culture. Don't get me wrong – I don't care what consenting adults do in the privacy of their home. I rail against the constant barrage of perversion-normative visualizations that we are constantly forced to view in the media, and any protest against these gets us branded as bigoted.

        Of course, the stupid whites among us are the first to fall for this propaganda – where now it is considered "woke" to hate whites! Will someone please educate these idiots, that the so-called "whites" are mostly jews with christian names?

        Of course, the white supremacists are useful idiots (the lesser minds) as well. "Whites" is another manipulative grouping to have X fight Y – a well known jewish tradition: "let you and he fight, and I will gather the spoils". "Whites" is an astoundingly stupid flag to fly under. There is a western culture – but there is no "white" culture. My culture is very different from that of a "white" from Ukraine – and planets apart from the white-when-convenient jews, in New York or Tel Aviv.

        This rant is not a cop-out from writing the article I promised you, but it gives the essence of what I started to write and have yet to complete.

        For the past few months, I have stopped posting in blogs (like Unz Review, and others), because I am overcome with hate-fatigue. There are righteous souls like Phil Giraldi and others whom I respect greatly, who inform us every week about the latest jewish travesty and hijacking of our nation – but they are all descriptive, and not prescriptive. There is nothing new that anyone can tell me about the behavior of jews that I don't already know in spades. Nobody, not one leader in this country will take up arms against these jews. At least you guys have the Hezbollah as a champion – we have no one.

        If someone could organize Americans to beat their plough shares back to swords, we could wipe this scourge from the planet. The same disease infects the muslim countries (with the exception of Iran, and now Syria). If these countries could put aside their trivial differences (shia vs sunni, for example) and unite against the dark forces, Israel would be gone in 20 minutes, and we would hike our tails out of the ME wars for Israel overnight.

        But of course, they are not about to let that happen. They install puppet governments everywhere, bribed to the nostrils with wealth and power. 

        Happy New Year y'all!


      • Daniel Rich says:


        This is how it works: you're a manipulative minority, one that likes to control everything, with the least amount of physical work [live off of the work of others -think managers, agents, spokesperson and the likes], but you don't want to be caught out in the open. OK. Create more minorities, along lines of gender, color and religion. Especially the gender angle allows 'you' to create an endless row of needy minorities. Play all against each other, divide and, as a minority of your own, disappear in the dust of fights and folly. Anyone point a finger at 'you?' Yell AS or bring up the holocasut [sorry, I'm a Holywood exec] – Jewish rule 101.

        Never forget about the very strong [Jewish] feelings of resentment against goy and christian religion/s. They're so filled with a longing for openness and justice, that they happily silence anyone who disagrees with them. Keep that in mind, always.

        Unz now hands out golden/yellow stars to what he deems to be top commenters. It irks me, because I left MSM behind me to find solace in alt webzines. His act doesn’t diminish the contributions made by writers and commneters, but I hate to see those stars. It triggers some people’s vanity and, so far, only Erebus did what I believe is the right thing to do, he unhooked himself from this slanted system of misplaced praise.

      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        @Daniel Rich

        Unz now hands out golden/yellow stars to what he deems to be top commenters.

        Thanks for letting me know. I have long ceased to be a "top commenter", whatever that means, so it doesn't bother me. I know that Ron is trying to get rid of some long-time trolls, like "Sean", "The Whizzer of Arse", "A123", etc. My guess is that if you are a heavy commenter sans Gold Star, he will levy a fee on you as he has threatened to do, with the hope that trolls will balk at footing the bill for their bile. I have mixed feelings about that but I will give him the benefit of the doubt. Let's see where it all ends up.

        [sorry, I'm a Holywood exec] 

        Condolences! Must be rough surrounded by zionists. Taxi could probably tell you stories from her days as a screenwriter in Hollywood.

        Never forget about the very strong [Jewish] feelings of resentment against goy and christian religion/s.

        Aye, and there's the rub! They paint muslims as terrorists and portray themselves as our allies as "Judeo Christians" who are the enemies of these muslims. Meanwhile, it is they who are the terrorists, and the muslims have more in common with Christians than Jews. Muslims revere Jesus, and they are not the ones waging war on Christmas. I hav e never had a muslim offended when I wished them a "Merry Christmas", so we know that they are not the problem. They are also not the ones promoting sodomy and all sorts of sexual perversions, nor does their religion permit the mass distribution of pornography to little kids with their laptops. Don't get me started on the Scofield Bible – the most virulent attack on Christianity and the bible of the evangelicals.

        I am an atheist, but the truth is that Christianity is their biggest threat followed by Islam. So they have waged war against half the population of this planet by getting their two greatest foes to fight with each other. They don't directly attack Christianity, as that would open too many eyes, so they wage war against Islam with the intent of getting the Christians to also view them as enemies, while they rapidly destroy Christian civilization from within. What pals! Meanwhile, stupid racists play into their deception, and further their ends. This is one of the things that bother me about some of the commenters on Unz, who on one hand decry Israelis and Jews, and on the other hand, side with those who aim their arrows at the muslims, who are the real victims of Anglo/US/Zionist atrocities. It is stupid to complain about the mass immigration of the denizens of the ME into Europe and US, when their countries have been destroyed by IFUKUS. Where is someone supposed to go if you are bombing the crap out of where they live? Logic would say that they would head for our shores where they will not be bombed.

        What a mess!






      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Cloak and Dagger

        holocasut [sorry, I'm a Holywood exec] – Sorry, I should've added a disclaimer. This is a claim made by a Hollywood exec in a Wikileaks released batch of Hollywood emails [holocasut].

        I'm a heretic as well, but the Jewish attacks on Christianity are way too obvious [by now], but have been gone on for centuries. Fortunately, most of their deeds are detectable [and spreadable] via electronic means.

        Think of how Occupied Palestine patched up takfifir terrorists fighting the legitimate government in Damascus [with the backing of the FUKZUS 'war' machine],

        Ye, what a mess we live in. Fortunately, there's light at the end of this darkened tunnel.

      • Taxi says:

        I always love your rants, Cloak.  Always insightful and passionate.

        Like you, I too always defended the 'little jew', till I discovered that jews operate as a deceitful and virulently anti-Gentile tribe.  Till I discovered that they are covertly and overtly the aggressor and not the victim.

        I never had a 'hate' till I made these ugly discoveries.  Now I tell people that I only have a single hate in life: israel and its builders: the jews.

        I have zero qualms about my hate for israel and the jews.  My hate for them does not bother me at all.  I feel healthy for this hate.  I do.  It's my natural reaction to evil, and no motherfucking jew is gonna repress my repulsion at their mass murder and maleficence.

        Cloak, I would absolutely love to publish your article once it's finished – no pressure though.  You have an excellent and timely theme – and excellent perspective, for sure.  I also really dig your writing style.

        Hey other readers are welcome to submit articles here at Plato's too.  Just email me at: [email protected]

        An affectionate 'box on yer ear' y'all and a Happy New Yeeeeeeeeeeear!


      • Cloak And Dagger says:


        Cloak, I would absolutely love to publish your article once it's finished – no pressure though.

        Thanks! Perhaps the New Year will afford me the uninterrupted luxury of being able to research and collate.


    • Daniel Rich says:

      The British Consulate in Jerusalem last week announced on Twitter that Prince Charles would pay a visit to the “occupied Palestinian territories” in January. Yair Netanyahu replied to the tweet: “God willing you guys will be kicked out of Israel soon. Until then I’m thinking of visiting the occupied lands of Scotland or Wales, which do you recommend?”


      No matter where Charles puts his foot down, it will always be  somewhere in Occupied Palestine. 


      Removing  & Silencing. 2 handy tools in the squatters' wrecking ball of [in] justice.

      • Taxi says:

        Hey friends and readers, for those who are not subscribed to Plato's, I've just posted up a new article here:


        You'll forgive me please my indulging in political philosophy in this new article, but I'm also planning a second purely political piece in the next couple of days, soon as my house guests depart.

        See y'all at Mythomania.

  91. Daniel Rich says:

    <b><a href="">More Holocaust Reparations for 2020: The Gift That Keeps on Giving</b></a> – Link to AH Tribune [ Philip Giraldi]

    <b>Excerpt</b>: "One of the singular manifestations of the Jewish power in both the U.S. and in Europe has been the creation of mechanisms to address the perceived needs of “holocaust survivors.” One might argue reasonably enough that there cannot be actually that many genuine survivors remaining after 74 years, but the term has proven to be extremely elastic. It has come to include not only the actual victims who were allegedly sent to labor or concentration camps but also any Jew who survived 1939 through 1945 in Europe or even in Asia living in ghettos. And it also includes their children, even if born after the war."

  92. Cloak And Dagger says:

    I forgot to mention above that it is because of Jewish activism in our country that people are no longer getting married, and when they do, they are not having children. Of course, gays and lesbians and trans genders are not able to reproduce. In the end, our civilization commits suicide without offsprings.

    This is the most insidious and hidden form of genocide of the goyim.


    • Daniel Rich says:


      I forgot to mention above that it is because of Jewish activism in our country that people are no longer getting married, 

      It's actually a 2-edged dagger.

      Firstly: you can tax 2 people instead of one [working couple].

      Secondly: tell women they need an independent career [no time for kids].

      Goal achieved.

      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        Goal achieved.

        You got that right – and it gets worse:

        1. There is a marriage tax – most of my friends file as "married filing separately", because in the Silicon Valley, the combined income puts the couple in the top tax bracket, so half of one wage earner's income just disappears.So, don’t get married.

        2. The jews at the Federal Reserve steal from us using the secret tax of inflation, so single-income families are a thing of the past. This means that both parents spend the better part of their lives trying to earn enough for the family to survive. Who has time for raising a family? Most people don't even have any savings or a pension and live from paycheck to paycheck. Social Security is a joke. Even if you managed to get it, it is a pittance, which means that those of us in California will have to leave when we retire.

        3. So, toil slave, and keep doing that until you die!

        So, with all of this, why get married and have children?


      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Cloak and Dagger,

        Add to all the misery you've detailed above, the parents who're forced to either go live with their kids or end up homeless/in cars/on streets.

        Thank you for your life of servitude [not].

  93. Daniel Rich says:

    The US MIC pushes the 'Russia's a Threat to the entire Globe' meme [US/Occupied Palestine only, of course], whereas the politicians see it as a backward 'Gas Station.'

    A recipe for disaster…


  94. This account has either been suspended or has been deactivated by the owner.

    With this message the Mossad hackers are trying to hide the responsibility of their own actions. As for all other shameful cowards, they will be defeated. Ziad Fadel's Syrian Perspective will be active again and we will meet our friends all over the world.

    • Canthama says:

      Antonio, como estas ? I am in touch with Ziad on email, he is fine, still struggling to get SyrPer back on line, as mentioned in a previous comment, this time the attack was different, it came from Lebanon and it seems it completely wiped out the site, last thing he told be before Christmas was that he is coming back with Syrper, it is a great global community and it must be preserved. Um forte abraço meu amigo.

    • Taxi says:

      Hey Syrper guys, I’d be happy to set you up with a ‘Syrper’ page/thread here on Plato’s where you can all meet up and keep abreast of up-to-date Syria news. Just say the word and ‘kazzzzam’, y’all got a place of your own till Ziad’s blog is back on its feet.

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