Taxi's Articles


We live in the age of lies and liars.  Bold deceivers and their sleight of hand rule over all of us fools and melancholics.  Silver-tongued leaders appeal to our desperation but deliver us more contortions and divisions.  We’ve become fragments buoying in a fragmented sea.  Thus separated from each other and deconstructed by the bungling hammer of lies, our collective state of mind has become de-realized. 

We live in the age of post-realism.  The age of reality as cracked mirror.  An age where every word is slaughtered into meaning its opposite.

We live in the Age of Reversalism. 

We live in a flourishing liar’s paradise. 

Liars now own the world.

They own the banks.  They own food and weapons factories.  They own the media and the political halls of power.  They own hospitals and universities.  They own technology and all vital resources.  They own land and sky.  They own the minutes of the day and the months of the year.  They own the shirt on your back.  They own your children.  Your house.  They own your dreams and your nightmares.  They own the death count.  The birth count.  They own everything we count on.  They own your moon and the Milky Way.  They own your speech and song.  They own your history.  Your scripture.  They own your fear and depression.  They own your lust.  They own hate.  They even own love.

They own the crown of the world.

The liar is now god.

And truth, the lunatic.

Observe how, these days, lies have become a necessary accessory for success, for infinite success: for world domination.  Observe how the bigger the lie, the bigger the god.  Thus we see our pathological leaders compete against each other for who can fabricate and spread the biggest lie.

Consider also how lying is a form of mental violence.  Often either based on or leading to actual physical violence.  Warfare, as we all know, depends on lies.  Mega lies.  Lies that fill cemeteries and mass graves with millions of human corpses.

Bankruptcies too are a result of lies.  Liars take advantage of the magpie-eye of humanity that’s reflexively attracted to shiny objects, luring them into Mammon’s dungeon of debt and despair.  Liars beeline at humanity’s Achilles heel, fondling the weakest point in every individual to the point of  blind bankruptcy: grifting both the Michelangelo and the village idiot alike.  Of course it’s positively possible to trade without scamming humanity, but this often entails hard work that the lazy-boned liar despises.  The liar views hard-working people as slaves, not as decent builders of futures.  The liar loathes both hard work and hard worker, knowing all too well that through hard work, the worker advances and develops an organic understanding of justice, fairness and worth.  These are firm attributes that create a natural mental resistance to injustice and larceny: an organic mental resistance that the liar seeks to extinguish.  In the liar’s calculus, every resistance to their manipulation and deception must be brutally annihilated.  Preferably, preemptively so.

But this isn’t the worst of it: liars and deceivers are enemies of human spirituality and of our survival instinct.  Where lies exist, reality dies.  And where reality dies, there you find soulless regression and copious human misery.  Eventual chaos and anarchy: internal and external. 

Where truth dies, there be the disfigured corpse of reality – and the misty remains of soul.

Pathological liars practice a peculiar and morbid greed.  It’s not enough for them to just fleece your taxes, toxify your body and criminalize your free spirit – they absolutely must own your mind too.  It is all about mind-possession for them.  They absolutely must crush your organic, soulful love-affair with truth – pulverize your intellectual attachment to truth.  They must smash every bit of common sense in you: delete every renaissance notion in you – enforce limits and boundaries on the infinite landscape of your human imagination.  Your mind must be a willing and captive slave to their claustrophobic, narcissistic narrative, to their lopsided discourse and world view, else you will, as a resistor to their mind-control, at best live as a mocked outsider and a frail failure in society.

Worst of all, liars are destroyers of the enduring human book of history: the history of histories.  They know that in order for their distorted world order to have longevity, they absolutely must first destroy your rich history.  Your collective ancestral heritage.  And I will quote here one of the biggest racist terrorists of the 20th century, Winston Churchill, who, with a twinge of cynicism in his timber before bombing Dresden, said: “A nation that forgets its past has no future”.  Modern liars who’ve inherited Churchill’s Rothschildian mantle aim to have you, by deception, forget your own history – and worse, with your own hands destroy it.  You are forbidden your own future in the liar’s manifesto.  George Orwell said it best when he stated: “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history”. 

The dark art of deception that’s now become normal practice especially in political life targets the very essence of your human honesty.  Your integrity, your self-esteem and self-honesty are permanently in their crosshairs.  You are the perpetual target of mythomaniacs, deceivers, bluffers, knaves and their seductive banquet of lies.  It is your mind that they seek to dominate now.  After occupying every single aspect of your physical and spiritual existence, all that remains for them to conquer is your very mind.  They have many tricks and tentacles to achieve this.  Hollywood is one effective weapon they frequently employ against your defenseless, sentimental soft-spot.  The media and book publishing is another.  Censorship and the criminalization of free thought is a harsher method that they’ve recently and aggressively taken to.  Their legalization and promotion of human deviancy is the bewitching hand that will pilfer your mind away without resistance – without you even knowing it.  They do not want you to exercise any self-control over your baser self.  They want you to remain a mindless animal.  Animal prey for their sick mind-hunt.  Because your higher self is the cool-headed resistor, your higher self is therefore their prime enemy.  An existential threat.  In the liar’s universe, every depravity and indulgence is permitted you – everything is allowed but for the truth.  The twitchy-eyed liar knows well that truth is a tonic for the higher self.

Truth, which is like oxygen for generational human progress. 

Liberation of humanity from suffering through honest, determined realism and humanist, patient solutions.  This is where truth, practiced collectively, leads us to.  There is no salvation in politics or in the honeyed bosom of Mammon.  Only in truth.  Oh bitter truth!

Truth is vital not only in journalism and in leadership, but also in every single active field in human society, including the very personal aspect of the ‘self’.  Self-honesty, after all, is the only organic enabler of self-discovery, and self-discovery is the ultimate fruit of life.  The old sages were correct to advise us to “know thyself”.  The ancient Greeks declared this motto as the very foundation of civilization itself.

Today, mass mind-mining has become the supreme industry of our dystopian world.  Information-gathering on individual taste and habit is frighteningly robust and corporate and global.  Liars want this information on you so they can determine how best to fleece your pocket; and more importantly, to entrap and enslave your mind for life.  Every day liars and thieves rob a little more of your inherent privacy.  You are not permitted to object to or resist their blatant and invasive operation.  Extreme punitive measures are taken against vocal resistors.  Lying thieves demand the confiscation of your mind as their trophy.

Liars have launched a massive psychological warfare against all lovers of freedom.  Though this war is far from over, we the free are losing more battles than winning them.  To win will take us multiple generations of faithful questioners and creative resistors.  We have no other weapon except our mindful attachment to truth.  Truth is the ultimate survival weapon – against literally everything mendacious and mentally baleful.  Truth is the only shield against the liar’s insidious and predatory mind-hunting industry.

In a world where the liar is king, delusions abound and eventually avalanche our communities wholesale towards a dark and bottomless pit.  We call that place ‘god’s acre’ where civilizations are buried.

We are standing right there on the mossy precipice.

But how did we get here?  To the vertical slopes of insanity and bondage where only a downward slide is possible?  Who is behind the collective collapsing of human reason?  Human dignity?  Nobility?  Genuine progress?

Peel the liar layer by layer and what you are left with is a narcissist weakling who’s gifted at negotiating within society’s communal reality.

We call this liar, this cheater, this beguiler, a Jew.

A Jew.

…  know thy enemy.



  1. Taxi says:

    No I will NOT adhere to the jewish definition of what a jew is.  I have my own, thank you very much.  Based on decades of study and up-close-and-personal observation of jews and their, by now, predictable inclinations, I define the jew by behavior and not by religion or ethnicity.  For instance, John Bolton was not born a jew, but you can’t get jewier than the Bolt.

    And let us all be clear here on the fact that a 'semite' is not a racial or biological condition.  Semites are a gathering of different people who SPEAK one or two of the semitic languages.  The SPEAKERS of semitic languages are referred to as 'semites'.  The speakers, the utterers!  Semiticism is not the sole domain of post WW2 jews.  I reject the jewy definition of 'semite' and 'antisemite'.  I reject everything they have on offer, actually.  Except the offer of genuine peace, of course.  But then again, they've not yet offered peace since back in their Hebrew desert days – and I ain't exactly waiting for them to get around to it.  It's not in their bag.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ Taxi,

      Peace = tranquility

      Something not compatible with the neurotic/paranoid Jewish mind [aka the 'They're out there trying to get us all!' mindset].

      Therefore, peace will never be an option.

    • Sparrow says:

      Well done Taxi…I always love your sermons top 'o the Lev crying  and to that I say…'don't constrain the song of a bird,  whose beauty is in her word, shared freely to be heard…again and again undeterred'.

      Let Freedom Reign…Let Truth not be in Vain…to honor the martyrs slain…their memories to always remain.

      Thank youbroken heart and a wishful New Year to you, everyone here at Plato's, the ever so noble Hezb and the beautiful Leb.  God bless you.  VIVA!  VIVA!  PALESTINE!

  2. Taxi says:

    Gentile elites are slaves to jewish elites.  It’s why jewish power-grabs have been so successful.  Gentile elites are the very enablers of jewish power.

    These Gentile elites I would call 'jews' too.  Because they willingly ape corrosive jewish behavior for personal gain.  They are as far away from a humanistic instinct that Schopenhauer called a "oneness of being": observing that the man who suddenly and selflessly dives into icy water to save a complete stranger experiences a transcending of the duality of life and entry into a "oneness of being": a state of mind where he and the drowned stranger are one.  Not the same, but one.

      • anti_republocrat says:

        Recently, I had occasion to comment on the term "national socialist" as it related to the Nazi Party.  It occurred to me that the official name of that party, "National Socialist German Workers' Party" was an early form of Newspeak or Doublethink, because the Nazi Party was neither nationalist nor socialist.  It was, on the contrary, imperialist and state-capitalist. 

        To be a nationalist and still maintain universality, one must respect the rights of people of other nationalities to take pride in their own national identities.  Thus, consistent nationalism precludes imperialism, but lebensraum was central to Mein Kampff.  Nazism was imperial, not national.  Correspondingly, the state or society did not take ownership of production.  The existing elites continued to be the beneficial owners of the corporations they had owned before the takeover of Nazism.  The state took only the control, not the dividends.  Nazism was capitalist, not  socialist.  Of course, this was acceptable to the existing elite power structure (the right), but was against the interests of the workers (the left).  It was thus a political party of the extreme right.

        It's a shame the term "national socialist" was thus hijacked and unavailable to you because of all this Orwellian baggage.  It would otherwise be a useful and apt description of the populist "Nationalist Left" of which you write.

  3. Taxi says:

    Jewish power was accumulated and amassed through blackmail, coercion, nepotism, cronyism, usury, mass mind-control, assassination and terrorism: all practiced simultaneously, relentlessly and with much bravado and vigor.  The antigentile, genocidal talmud gave jews their justification for mass abuse of power.  Encouraged them to go forth and be the "destroyers" of the world that Gentiles have built.

    As if the mysterious creator of humanity would create trillions of humans over time, just so this creator can watch the jews mass murder and slaughter them all.

  4. Taxi says:

    A lie has many faces, many names – off the top of my head:

    Propaganda, misinformation, disinformation, false flag, covert op, black op, black project, gaslighting, filibuster (military), freebooting, newspeak, agitprop, fogging (media), dissimulation (media) and… okay, I'm sure there's more…

    Duwp!  I forgot to add 'Hollywood' kiss


  5. Cloak And Dagger says:

    I love philosophical discourse! 

    I keep saying that I am an atheist, but that is a lie. I am really closer to being a Deist, if I am honest with myself, but that too, would be an imprecise label.

    I subscribe to Simulation Theory – an unproven belief (I guess that is a religion too) that the universe is a computer simulation and we are all AI, programmed to operate as computer models with limited free will. The simulation has entities that are "good" or "evil" and everything in between, and the goal of the simulator(s) is to pattern the outcome of the interaction of the diverse AI models. This is why there is no divine intervention in the presence of unchecked wickedness. It is in this sense that my beliefs are similar to those of Deists, who believe in a god of nature — a noninterventionist creator — who permits the universe to run itself according to natural laws. That is the essence of simulation – to describe a set of rules that models operate under, and then set them free to run their course and harvest the results for the next simulation.

    If you were writing a computer model, you would feed it with all these factors – wealth, poverty, benevolence, injustice, faith, disbelief, greed, power, etc., etc., and then step back to see what happens. It is like meteorologists who are constantly creating and refining their models to better predict the weather – and that is a clue. The number of variables in a weather model is so vast, it will never be possible to exactly predict the weather (or climate change), which is the basis of Chaos Theory.

    Now take the perspective of a weather model and apply that to the universe, and imagine the magnitude of such a model and the infinity of variables that would have to be applied – to the point that even a super-deity cannot comprehend it (which is the mathematical definition of infinity). 

    Imagine a god or gods that exist outside of our perception of the universe, which is their simulated model. Logic would say that you cannot be outside of infinity, therefore, the universe is finite. But why is it so vast, when all that the model simulates is the interaction of beings on this tiny planet?

    I contend that the universe is not vast – it just portrays the illusion of vastness and infinity, while being quite small and very finite. Imagine a video game, where objects are in utlra high definitions when they are close to you, but have an edge to the game-sphere that you are prevented from crossing, like that road that . loops back around once you start driving on it. Well, the universe is like that game. Things appear to be billions of light years apart from each other -distances that are impossible to travel, and route to anything beyond our solar system is plagued with insurmountable hurdles, from cosmic rays, to supernovae, to black holes – all intended to confine us within the simulated space, so that the simulation is a controlled experiment.

    I have been refining this theory for the past several years, as have a number of scientists, and even the arrogant Elon Musk believes in a 50%+ probability that we are a simulation. This is an interesting article on the subject, and there are many more.

    Why is this relevant to all that we discuss here and on other alt-zines?

    It lends rationale as to why the actors in this world are as incomprehensible as they appear to be. It lends reason to why good and evil cyclically dominate each other. It explains why innocents in the Middle East labor under the atrocities of zionists and other terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad people, and justice and fairness continue to be aspirational, and never realizable concepts. Nietzsche would probably concur.

    As to what it means for us on a day-to-day basis, I am still struggling with trying to define how that should dictate how we spend our brief time here before we are extinguished and the simulation ends – only for the next one to begin.


    • Taxi says:

      What a fascinating and rich concept, Cloak – thank you for sharing. I will digest this new proposition of yours and comment further on it tomorrow morning (Levant time) – right now my brains have mushed and it’s time for me to go to bed.

      G’nite y’all from rainy Upper Galilee.

    • Sparrow says:

      ["I keep saying that I am an atheist, but that is a lie. I am really closer to being a Deist, if I am honest with myself, but that too, would be an imprecise label."]

      Dear Cloak…the secret is to not be anything.  No labels.  No titles.  No boxesbroken heart  No self description for the enemy to exploit or destroy.  Just be…you!  

  6. Canthama says:

    Taxi, superb piece, so actual, so true for us all around the world. Kudos to you, happy new year in southern Lebanon, greetings from Brazil. 

      • Canthama says:

        Last contact with Ziad was on Christmas, he is doing fine and assure me Syrper would be back, counting the days my friend. Enjoy the holidays, hopefully SE Asia is calm during this time of the year. Happy 2020 Daniel, warmest regards to you and family.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Canthama,

        Please extend my best wishes for 2020 to Ziad and loved ones. Hope he gets SyrPers up and running ASAP.

        Cheers and thanks in advance.


    • TEP says:

      @ Canthama – thanks for the Twitter redirect for SyrPers. I deleted my Twitter account a couple of years ago but follow yours and recommend others to do the same. All the best for 2020. TEP.

      • Canthama says:

        Hey TEP, so glad you stopped by, lets keep SyrPer's commenting section flowing on Taxi's place, hopefully Ziad will manage to get it back on line. 

  7. In time of confusion we seek refugee in the words of philosophers. At least we expect from them some thinking discipline. Religion does offer the same. But religion comes from the time most of the world was unknown to their creators. Even more recent philosophers lived in a time radio where radio broadcasting, not to mention the internet, does not exist. So, it worth the effort to dig into the role of these instruments in modern societies.

    I keep hearing the local radio and TV news and read paper journals every day. Many years ago, when I commented the uselessness of this, a friend pointed out the need to not give up, regardless of the misinformation campaign. At the time, Portugal was still a dictatorship. I had witnessed a massacre of the people in a neighborhood of Luanda Angola where I was born and have no illusion whatsoever about the capacity of these technical means to distort the social reality. But then, Bertrand Russel remembered us that bits of conflicting information could leak in isolated paragraphs on inside pages. 

    Governments tend to present news from faraway places differently from local. Local news favors government initiatives or refers to habits and customs. This is not innocent: even locally, the uses vary greatly and through them the institutions necessary to defend their collective interests cannot be consolidated. Only a well-educated population can respond effectively to the blows of those who despise the general welfare. This is what we are seeing to happen in Syria and, in a minor scale, this is what we witnessed in forgotten Iceland where the bankers were arrested for great anger of UK and Holand. Portugal and Greece, which had been subjected to dictatorships for decades, were still struggling to achieve 100% literacy and fell into the financial trap set by the European Union ( The prominent position of football in the news is the prime example in the area of ​​customs, but campaigns for fracturing causes (unrelated to basic living conditions) such as transgenderism also serve as distractions for isolating efforts from trade union or cultural associativism in general.

    Contrary to local news, it is in the governmental news relating remote places that an explanatory chart can be easily drawn because citizens in general are unable to find signs that contradict the current narrative. The knowledge acquired tend to be highly biased. This is a mental trap. Internet offers an alternative, but, as any other tool, can be used in many different ways and finding consistent information remains a challenge.

    As Taxi highlighted previously, people is tired to be misled with motos like 'Assad must go' repeated to exhaustion. And now is trying to connect the dots. Who is responsible for millions of displaced? Why German 'Deutsche Bank' and French 'BNP Paribas' have not sinked? Who is arming Al Quaeda and ISIS? Too many questions unanswered by the same that raised this news and got silent since then.

    Have a good New Year 2020

  8. Taxi says:

    Hey folks, wishing you guys all a wondrous best of the best for 2020 – and beyonder!

    You'll forgive my absence from the boards today – still got house guests for a couple more days and I'm tryna steal bits of time to spend with you chin-wagging 'bout this and that, and especially about LIARS!  Aaaaaargh – they're freaking EVERYWHERE you look!  Even my dog tried lying to me today!  Stealing food off a plate and when caught, he ran away with stolen loot in mouth and dumped it in my other dog's bed: trying to frame and fall-guy him lol!

    But seriously, we're witnessing Pax Americana write its own death sentence in Iraq when it uses the israeli tactic of over-proportionalality as response to a mild attack on one of its opaque assets.  Now Iraqi protestors are thickly venting anger and grief outside the US Embassy in Baghdad – and the number of protestors can only increase, giving off the flavor of the US embassy hostage crisis in Tehran back in 1979.

    For lack of my writing time on this explosive story, I recommend following Elijah Magnier on twitter: he's keeping good score there.  And I also recommend checking out churchdog42's video on it here below:

    But I can give you this bit of sourced info: Iraqi intelligence is whispering that the US attacks were launched from Aman/Jordan, but that the Iraqi gov does not want to categorically state this presently as this in itself will create a near state of war between Jordan and Iraq – and Baghdad can't handle an extra fiery Jordanian crisis on top of everything else it has to deal with.

    RIP to the victims of the US attack.  Let's hope the Iraqis take this opportunity to further liberate themselves from the imperial menace they so foolishly allowed back into their midst.

    • Sparrow says:

      ["Even my dog tried lying to me today!  Stealing food off a plate and when caught, he ran away with stolen loot in mouth and dumped it in my other dog's bed: trying to frame and fall-guy him lol!"]

      lol Taxi…  Even my (too many rescued) cats would have stood their ground!  One overly healthy black female named Sadie enjoys a serious wtf look when I catch her stealing food which is every day.  Another rejected female stomps her paw and everyone runs…lol!  But such good lessons to be learned by me when it comes to intel ops toward the enemycool

    • Daniel Rich says:

      Stealing food off a plate and when caught, he ran away with stolen loot in mouth and dumped it in my other dog's bed: trying to frame and fall-guy him lol!

       I told you, Taxi. Never name a dog 'Patsy.'

      • Taxi says:

        Yeah and the PM is also saying it wasn’t enough time to deliver warning to and evacuate all targeted forces – that the US knew it wouldn’t be enough time to do this.

  9. Taxi says:

    Brief UPDATE on the American-Iraqi crisis.

    Furious protestors have started to pitch tents right outside the US embassy: looks like they will be staying there till America's military and its trash bags of mercenaries fuck the fuck right off outta Iraq.  This is what all Iraqis interviewed on the streets are saying, and all Iraqi analysts on TV are saying.  They are calling the US a backstabbing nation-wrecker who is in Iraq operating against every single Iraqi interest, and they are demanding the immediate eviction of the US ambassador from Iraq and the cutting of all diplomatic ties with the US for its egregious crimes that killed Iraqi heroes who fought against ISIS.  They are openly charging the US with being an israeli agent killing Iraqis to help the zionist cause.

    The WH now knows damn well that this ain't a freaking joke: that the hour of accountability has begun.  Question is, how will they spin this second shameful exit out of Iraq?  How will Trump explain to voters why he failed in Iraq, the same way that his predecessor and nemesis Obama failed?  Obama waaaaay downplayed exiting the troops out of Iraq in the media.  Will the spotlight-loving mass-murdering president of the US, Donald Trump, do the same? What will he goddamn tell us, what will he say?

    Lies and more goddamn lies!

    What's happening to the US in Iraq is but a prelude to what will be happening in 2020.



  10. Taxi says:

    Good morning 1st of January people!

    The WH is denying that the American Green Zone in Baghdad has been breached, despite numerous reports and footage to the contrary.

    An Iraqi analyst on TV last night said that the Green Zone should be immediately closed down and its vast real estate should be given back to the Iraqi people.  He said that the Iraqi government should eventually allow for a new US embassy in Baghdad, so long as it's exactly the same size as the Iraqi embassy in DC.

    Ooooh the uppity natives are demanding equality and balance – how dare they?!!!

  11. Taxi says:

    And while you were sleeping and dreaming of justice and peace, this is what our terrorist government did:


  12. Saladin says:

    Thanks, Taxi, for a great article. I don't have much time to comment these days but I read Plato's Guns at least every few days. Enjoy seeing comments from fellow Syrper folks Canthama, Daniel Rich, and others. (a shout out to you my friends.) Wishing everyone peace and boldness in 2020 and the years to come. The enemy will be vanquished. 

    • Taxi says:

      Thank you for your visits, Saladin. I join you here in greeting all Syrpers the globe over!

      Yes, the enemy “will be vanquished” – mostly due to their own lack of a cogent strategy and their own stupid folly – folly that’s directly instructed by the terrorist israeli jews.

      Future history books will write that America’s friendship with israel was the biggest cause of its fragmentation and downfall.

  13. Taxi says:

    So the protestors' tents outside the US embassy in Baghdad have been dismantled, by agreement between the Iraqi government and the protestors, with the promise that the Americans will be 'removed' from Iraq via a parliamentarian decision, as soon as possible.

    The US can send all the troops and mercenaries to the mideast that it wants – it won't change the resolve of the natives.  The want the jewy US off their land and out of their hair.

    And if their politicians fail them, then they are ready to rebel and slaughter both their politicians and US troops.

    Can you blame the natives for their maximalist position?

    • Taxi says:

      Like israel, America has become the great bluffer.  Unable to go to war, it bluffs its way out of embarrassing situations – like the recent siege of its embassy – by aggressively flying Black Hawks and Apaches over the Iranian embassy.

      Hilarious what the US has been reduced to.

      No fucking way they'd fire a single bullet on the Iranian embassy.  This is all the about the 'loser's theater'.   A 'somebody please hold me back' movie.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        Occupied Palestine pilots used to fly through the sound barrier over Dr. Assad's abode. Those days are over. Hopefully the skies over Iraq and Lebanon will be BSF [Brown-Shirt-Free] as well…

  14. Daniel Rich says:

    Another demi-god rumbles:

    "As mobile launch platforms may relocate or be collocated with civilians, the United States needs to maintain updated sets of pre-vetted “response option” targets that can be struck at a time and place of its choosing. The United States should wait, if need be, for militia headquarters to re-fill, not just strike empty buildings as quickly as possible. Any target in Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, or elsewhere should be considered fair game." – Michael Knights, a 'senior fellow' at the Washington Institute [part of the Israel lobby]

  15. goysplainer says:

    اقتلونا فإن شعبنا سيعي أكثر فأكثر

    Dear Taxi,

    I would say that your timing is rather prescient, if the contents of your essay didn’t so readily apply to any given day. I am convinced that the recent incidents in Iraq are part of a pre-planned strategy to provoke Iran and further insinuate U.S. troops in the region. The rumors of the potential dismissal of Pompeo would confirm this suspicion. In any case, the following sequence of events leaves little doubt as to the intended nature of this escalation:

    First, a random missile attack strikes a joint Iraqi-U.S. military base killing and wounding several Iraqi service members and U.S. mercenaries. The follow day, Mark Esper announces that the U.S. will bomb several Iraqi military installations hundreds of kilometers away on the boarder with Syria. Not more than thirty minutes after the caretaker Prime Minister resolutely objects to this plan, the operation is carried out killing and wounding more than 70 members of the Iraqi Armed forces, the federal police, and seven PMU officers. Mourners respond with protests at the U.S. embassy chanting death to America and recalling to mind the Iranian hostage crisis. This prompts the U.S. to increase their troop presence in the Iraqi capital.

    Today, as the Iraqi parliament convened to discuss the removal of U.S. forces, these reinforcements began to arrive at Baghdad Airport. At the same time, a delegation of distinguished international guests also scheduled to arrive at the airport. After the arrival of these guests, a missile strike occurred, and an Iraqi convoy was sent to investigate the damage and pick up the guests. The U.S. responded to this strike by bombing the convoy, killing three of the guests and several other prominent PMU officials. Numerous reports indicate that head of media relations for the PMU, Mohammed Reda al-Jabri, as well as the second in command of the PMU, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, are among the martyred. It has also been revealed that the heroic Qassem Suleimani has been martyred in this cowardly assault.

    Only time will tell how the Resistance will respond to this drastic escalation. In the meantime, here is a short clip from a from a speech delivered by Seyed Hassan Nasrallah on the forty day anniversary of the martyrdom of Imad Mughniyeh. I've including a translation below. May these words strengthen your resolve and patient discernment in these troubled times:

    “[They wanted the killing of Haj Imad to be to our frustration and despair]… to scorch our consciousness, but we belong to the school of Imam Khomeini who used to say, ‘Kill us, for our people will become more and more aware!’

    This is not a culture of death; the culture of death is when you as lions are killed, and so transform into sheep. The culture of death is when you as a lion, are killed in confrontation, and your children submit their heads to the executioner. But this, the culture of life, is when a lion among us is killed, his offspring know their enemy, and advance to take revenge to end the killing, the usurpation, the occupation and to dignify the nation.”


    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Goysplainer – great comment.

      Post the assassination of Suleimani (at the instruction of tel aviv, no doubt), I don’t expect a full on war between Iran and US yet, cuz it’s election year for Trump – but I do expect many, many and ongoing bloody ‘cuts’ to the dragon and its tentacles all over the middle east, including in tel aviv. Year 2020 will be full of bloodshed: an incremental war in slo-mo where every detail of spilled gut will be filmed and looped. It’s open season for US assets and targets in the middle east now. R.IP. Mr. Suleimani. His burial procession is gonna freak the living daylight out of the perps.

      (I’m writing another article on the insatiable evil of the jewy US Empire – I shoulda finished it yesterday pre Suleimani’s assassination, but time did not permit – will try and finish it today/tomorrow, hopefully time will permit).

      • Taxi says:

        R.I.P. also to the head of Kataib Hezbollah in Iraq, who was also killed in the same attack on Suleimani. R.I.P. to their loyal entourage.

      • Sparrow says:

        Dear Taxi…

        I'm just now getting the horrible news.  I can't describe the sickened disgust I'm feeling at the moment, the kind before emptying stomach contents.  I loved this man.  I watched many interviews just to hear him, watch him and pray for him.  Like Hassan Nasrallah I'm always (at an extreme distance) worried for their protection and praying for their safety.  When I first read a headline I didn't believe it…and still don't.  I just can't accept it.  General Suleimani was for me beyond honorable…beyond good…beyond most human intelligence when it came to Iranian sovereignty and defense.  OH! What I would give to assassinate all of DC!!!!  OH!  What I would give to DESTROY ISRAEL!!!  The worst is not having the power to do anything.  To any and all Shia readers here at Plato's…my utmost sincere repulsion to this horrible thing!  RIP to all past and recent martyr's.  Most of all your dear noble General Suleimani.  My heart is broken!

  16. Taxi says:

    Oh man!  A US strike has assassinated Iranian General Suleiman near Baghdad airport.

    Fasten your freaking seatbelts!

    A bloodbath for the US soldiers as they will now be forced to exit Iraq – never to return there again in our lifetime.

    Aside from the Iranian Supreme Leader, Suleimani is the second biggest person target in Iran: architect of the military aspect of the totality of the Axis of Resistance members.  Biiiiiig Iranian fish.  Dead.  This clearly marks a new and more violent phase between the Axis of Resistance and the Axis of Evil.

  17. Taxi says:

    Whoever gave the order to assassinate  General Suleimani, has just put EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN IN THE MIDDLE EAST, be they civilian, diplomatic or military, in the crosshairs of millions of angry and grieving natives, right across the length and girth of the middle east.

    We know that all political crimes committed in the middle east are incited and planned by terrorist tel aviv.  Jews across the world will also now be a target, including especially inside of occupied Palestine.  Suleimani was worshiped by the Palestinians.

  18. Taxi says:

    The way to punish Trump is for Iran to begin a war of attrition against the US across the middle east.  Keep raising the number of dead soldiers in the middle east between now and November 2020.

    And the way to punish Netanyahu is to unleash violence and mass paranoia internally on israel between now and the next israel elections that will take place in early March 2020.

  19. Taxi says:

    I expect Hassan Nasrallah to speak about the assassination of Suleimani in the next couple of days.  I will report to you on this soon as it happens.

    Today, Friday, all shia mosques across the middle east will be brimming with dark sadness and rage – rage that will find expression in the number of US body bags returning back to their homestead throughout 2020.

  20. Taxi says:

    I'm thinking that the US, pre assassinating General Suleimani, already knew that they would be forced to leave Iraq sooner or later this year, therefore they've preemptively exacted a price for a humiliating exit by assassinating General Suleimani.

    No way would the US think that assassinating the General is their path to remaining in Iraq.

  21. Taxi says:

    Because of the location of the assassination of General Suleimani (Iraq) now Iran has a legitimate entry for overt military operations against US targets INSIDE of Iraq.

    Decision makers in DC have just ruined all their efforts and mass propaganda campaigns that were intended to push Iran out of Iraq.

    It's like, when you suddenly realize that your policies and actions have failed, go forth and just mass murder.  This is how our jewy monster Empire thinks and behaves.

    • Taxi says:

    • Taxi says:

      I wanna say to all them idiot American citizens who swallowed all the anti-Iran propaganda that reached absurd levels last week, I wanna say to all them motherfucking morons swarming the Suleimani commentary boards right now with the nauseating chant of ‘USA-USA-USA’: you deserve to be under brutal occupation by savages and apes yourselves! You deserve ALL the terrorism that’s coming your way! You are preemptively applauding the slaughter of Americans in the middle east, both guilty and innocent. And I say this as a freakishly pissed off American who lives in the middle east.

      Iran Vows Retaliation Following Death of IRGC Commander Soleimani – Senior Military Officer

    • Sparrow says:

      OMG…if I had a twitter account this fucker would be diced and sliced by me.  ASSASSINATE THIS MORBID PIG NOW!!!!

  22. Daniel Rich says:

    Qassem Suleimani and all other martyrs, slaughtered at the hands of the FUKZUS 'war’ machine and at the behest of the illegal squatters in Occupied Palestine, may you rest in peace and may the true Lions of the M.E avenge all the untimely deaths.

    I'm quite shocked to be honest…

  23. Taxi says:

    Does the assassination of Suleimani cancel the Axis of Resistance's stockpile of precision missiles?

    No is doesn't!

    So what actual, practical, facts-on-the-ground gain was extracted by the assassination of Suleimani?  Especially that he's replaceable?

    Half a million missiles are by far more dangerous than a single man in khaki pants.

    Our military strategy is just…. well, brainless.  Barbaric and absolutely brainless.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      Another general will fill the void. Many Iranian military men out there in both ToO.

      My shock is at the US' stupidity. This killing only solidifies bonds between the 2 countries/nations. Trump, the sibyllic CiC doesn't shoot himself in the feet, he's amputating them.

      • Taxi says:

        You’re absolutely right, dear Daniel. Suleimani is not just a single person, he is a giant school, he is legion and he’s already prepared all necessary equations for after his martyrdom.

        This is the problem with the Axis of Evil: they really do not understand their enemies well.

        Yes, I too am shocked at the absurdly low level of stupidity of Trump. He fell for yet another jew ruse. But this time, he too will be the victim of their evil manipulations.

        I wouldn’t be surprised if Suleimani’s assassination triggers the beginning of WW3, parallel to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria that triggered WW1.

  24. Taxi says:

    For Iran, the assassination of Suleimani is BIGGER than 9/11.

    I just watched clips of the biggest Friday sermon in Tehran.

    Summarized: Suleimani, even from his grave, will evict the US from Iraq.

    Bleak days ahead.  More specifically for US troops and israeli spies in Iraq.

    Israel btw is dancing with joy at the news, yet Netanyahu has ordered security to be tripled around 'value targets'.  So they're 'dancing' with fear.

    Netanyahu also ordered that no jew politician speak of Suleimani's assassination in public because: "it's nothing to do with us".  Yeah right!  Having blackmailed Trump into action (from his Florida golf course), they typically wash their hands of everything terrorism.

    My advise to the Iranians and the Axis of Resistance members: start the freaking war on tel aviv already – they are not ready for war and war is precisely the cure for their perpetual evil.

    Or, get a freaking Iran nuke already!

  25. Bornajoo says:

    This really is absolutely huge. I can't see any strategic gain for the Cabal of Evil but I do see it as a massive miscalculation by the 'shoot first ask questions later' bunch of dumb fuck heads

    I hope they've got enough body bags. Maybe the Israelis can supply some as this was definitely their idea too

  26. Taxi says:

    News from Beirut is saying that a half a dozen 'military transporters' carrying American marines have been seen entering the American embassy compound in Beirut.  Yeah they're gonna need the extra protection, that's for damn sure.

    The vile British government has raised the alert on its mideast bases/interests/embassies to 'red'.

    And Hezbollah has just announced that Nasrallah will give a speech this coming Sunday.

    The temperature in the region is literally 'boiling'.

    Iran has announced that it is cancelling all negotiations and the negotiations-over-negotiations with the US.  Full stop.  The Iranian nuclear file has been binned by Iran.  The 'political' war is over: now begins the military war between the Axis of Resistance and the Axis of Evil.

  27. Taxi says:

    Consider that everything that Trump does this year is purely for re-election reasons.  No one can doubt that.  Perhaps he knew that assassinating Suleimani will cause the eviction of American troops from Iraq – and this is EXACTLY what he wanted to achieve: US troops out of Iraq before November 2020.  Thus bypassing the Deep State and the zionist state's attachment to US troops in Iraq.

    If this is the case, then Trump will bend over backwards NOT to escalate any further: no war for him.  But the thing is: the call for war is no longer in his hands, it is in the hands of the Iranians.

    Food for thought, dear reader, just a little food for thought.

    • anti_republocrat says:

      There's speculation that Trump was concerned about the Never-Trump Republicans in the Senate, that this would be a way of firming up their opposition to his removal.  That's plausible, because with 100% Dems voting to remove, it takes only a handful of Never-Trumpers to remove.  Another theory is that Ghislayne Maxwell (therefore Mossad) have enough embarrassing material to sink him.

      On the other hand, considering Chabad Kushner, his converted daughter and long-standing relationships with Zionist Jews in New York, he's just B'rer Rabbit being thrown into that there briar patch and has been for 3 years.  But he'll try to blame it on others

  28. Taxi says:

    Oil prices go up shortly after Suleimani's assassination:

    The price of Brent oil, the international benchmark, surged in the early hours of Hong Kong trading to nearly $70 a barrel — an increase of 4 percent — after the Pentagon said President Trump had authorized the airstrike against Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani at Baghdad’s airport. West Texas Intermediate, the American oil benchmark, also rose about 4 percent, to nearly $64 a barrel.

    Oil Prices Jump After U.S. Kills Iranian Military Leader

  29. Taxi says:

    Perhaps we can look at the silver lining for a mo:

    Getting US troops out of Iraq is no longer wishful thinking, or a far-far into the future event: the assassination of Suleimani has already turned the 'US exit' into a most feasible reality.  Moreover, it is an opportunity for other mideastern nations under the jewy American boot to heave-ho and kick out the US from their lands too.

    Some twelve hours have now passed since the news of the assassination broke, and no one in the know is expecting any reaction from Iran till after the burial of the General, which will be inside of 3 days of death, according to Shia burial customs.  Nasrallah is speaking on Sunday, so I assume that Suleimani's funeral is scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday.  I'm of the mind that the ever patient carpet-weaving Iranian mind will not be kneejerking into a response.  Iran will probably have a two-pronged reaction:

    1- A military one, a direct action response in Iraq or in one of the Gulf nations, of equal shock-value to Soleimani’s assassination.  This reaction will be sooner than later and it will probably be on an industrial target, and not a military one with high human casualties.  The strike-bang will be big on this one.  Comparable to the Houthi's strike on Aramco, but much, much bigger.

    2- A massive strategic hit against the US where Iran puts the full strength of its back to push the US out of Iraq in a humiliating way, all inside of this coming November.  It will do this by facilitating Iraqi cells and militias to engage with US troops in a vicious, bloody war of attrition that will claim a steady and mounting number of US dead soldiers… till US election time in November.  The Iranians can probably bag a few thousands of us between now and November.  And their body bag numbers?  Well, they don't give a fuck about how many of their fighters fall: they're all committed martyrs-to-be and they've got nothing to lose at this stage: they ain't worried about no election and no schmelection.  A war of attrition with a large number of dead American soldiers will sink Trump's chances of re-election.

    Iran will hit both the American Republic (Trump out of WH) and the American Empire (US troops out of Iraq).  This is how Iran will respond.

    • Canthama says:

      There are few people in the world that think hitting Qassem was a good thing, this level of provocation will not be well received by UNSC members nor most of the Muslin countries.

      Having said that, the Orange Man is trying to leave Syria and Iraq for a long time, he is weak and loses every time to the Deep State that manages to outflank him and keep US military or mercenaries in there. The events last night, horrible as it was, could lead Trump for what he supposedly wanted, to leave Iraq (once Parliament decides to kick the US out) and from Syria since without bases in Iraq it will be difficult to stay in eastern Syria.

      I could be way high on the above comment, but I realize things are always cloudy in the ME, I am still expecting to see Russia, China, EU, KSA, UAE etc… official statements on what happened, if we sense some sort of "incentives" toward Iran to easy US sanctions effect to Iran such as buying more oil etc…then it could indicate there may be some backstage deals that we are not aware that will bring payback to these assassinations to a secondary phase, thus buying time for the US to leave Syria and Iraq. But if the US tries to stay in Iraq and Syria against Iraq parliament decision (it depends on al Sadr's group in the Parliament at last), then we can expect shit hitting the fan in the region against US military and contractors, but no WWIII as many folks are now talking about.

      The next few days will be crucial to understand EU, Russia, China and other key ME players have to say on it, so far, it seems many foreign dignitaries are still digesting what happened and what course to take.

  30. Taxi says:

    An excerpt from one of my favorite internet newsstands: Xymphora:

    We're reached the point where the Israelis are using Bibi's situation to get whatever they want.  Bibi flails around trying to keep out of jail, he phones his pal Sheldon in a panic, Sheldon waives the Epstein blackmail material in front of Trump, Trump does something stupid to relieve the pressure, and suddenly we're on the brink of WWIII.  By putting pressure on Bibi, always looking for 'wins' to show the Israeli public he's the only man to lead the killing and stealing of land that is the essence of Israel and its Khazar leaders, the Israeli generals end up with 100% control of Trump.

    Post-Peak ZOG

  31. Taxi says:

    On the southern Lebanon border, israeli military vehicles that normally drive the dirt roads scouting for Hezbollah stowaways and fence jumpers, were nowhere to be seen all day today.  No israeli soldier was visible on the border today either.  But the south of Lebanon, which is in the middle of a rain/thunder/snow storm, experienced much jew drone activity today, right along the east-to-west border line, venturing a mere 3 kilometers only inside of Leb sky territory – after a long (at least 5-6 weeks) absence from Leb skies.

    Sure they're dancing the night away tonight, but tomorrow, the sober reality will hit them that Iranian retaliation may also include them as target.


  32. AriusArmenian says:

    Very saddened to hear of the death of Soleimani at the hand of the US. He knew he was a target and many times was in danger. He knew he was just one man and that there are capable others to step into his place. 

    I do not expect Iran to over react as the US hopes. The US is as the leader of Iran says: "Thank God that our enemies are imbeciles". Iran doesn't have to do other than follow its successful strategy. The US is well on its way to defeating itself and richly deserves defeat and humiliation. 

    Soleimani will be remembered and honored for leading assistance to the people of Syria in their struggle against the western backed jihadi liver eaters. He showed the way to turn the tide against the US. Killing him will not stop that.

  33. Taxi says:

    Once out of Iraq, it would be extremely difficult for Trump to keep troops in Syria, as the US's presence in Iraq and its enterprise is what supports American troops and bases in Syria.

    Moscow Generals are calculating all this and cracking the smallest of self-satisfied smiles.

    Beijing is tonight dreaming big of its Levantean-routed Silk Road.

    Israel is shitting in its unmentionables.

  34. Whozhear says:

    Hi Taxi,

    I commented some weeks ago to which you suggested that I was pessimistic, and now I am sure you know why.

    What ever the Iraqi parliament decides tomorrow, the empire is not going to leave Iraq, but will bolster its presence further.

    It is entirely possible now that Sadr can easily raise an al-Mahdi army in excess of 60,000 men. Iran will not hesitate to arm this army.

  35. Daniel Rich says:

    If I were Iran, I would move around some divisions left and right, activate radar and missile battalions here and there, and paint the odd US plane with radar, but, in actuality, not attack anything or anybody [yet].

    Just keep everyone [the enemy] walk on their toes, expecting the worst to happen. Only when they think it's over, then I'd strike, with utter devastation.

    The strategists in DC must have forgotten Iran downed a UAV, while it could have blown a plane with US military personnel aboard to smithereens. It didn't [for a reason]. Those reasons are over as well.

    Again, the US' stupidity is breathtaking [of course, inspired by Occupied Palestine, that wants to sit back, while US sons and daughters die].

  36. Daniel Rich says:

    <a href="“>;Round Two: US Drone Airstrikes Kill Six Pro-Iran Militia Commanders</b></a> – Link to Zero Hedge

    <b>Excerpt</b>: "Less than 24 hours after a US drone shockingly killed the top Iranian military leader, Qasem Soleimani, resulting in equity markets groaning around the globe in fear over Iranian reprisals (and potentially, World War III), the US has gone for round two with Reuters and various other social media sources reporting that US air strikes targeting Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units umbrella grouping of Iran-backed Shi’ite militias near camp Taji north of Baghdad, have killed six people and critically wounded three, an Iraqi army source said late on Friday."

      • Whozhear says:

        I am reminded from my history books that during the Spanish Civil War and WWII in the Pacific, Japanese fighter pilots would shoot up opposing pilots after they had bailed out of their stricken aircraft. This is the level that the empire has sunken to on the battlefield today.

  37. Whozhear says:

    After the last couple of days, I do hope the Houthi get the opportunity to finish off the bloodthirsty house of Saud and its economy.

  38. Taxi says:

    Bonjour y'all, bonjour!

    I won't have time to respond to your comments today, but I want to thank you all for branding your names here on the comment board while I was sleeping.

    What a day yesterday, right?!  There was so much good analysis of the Solueimani murder on Arab TV that I barely had time to walk my dogs or even eat.  I was meant to finish my new article a couple of days ago, now that my house guests have gone back to California, by I was just too distracted by runs to the vets two days ago and the Soliemani shock yesterday.  And I'm kicking myself for not finishing my new article before the assassination as the article was dissecting and referring exactly to a malignant brute known as Pax Americana.  Oh well, never mind!

    Readers, you should know that top-top Iranian cats met yesterday after the Suleimani assassination to study the crime and configure their response to it.  They emerged from the meeting with a clear response plan, targets, timing etc.  Of course details of all this was not released, but sourced analysts on Arab TV last night indicated that israel may very well also be on the target list, if it is discovered by Iranian investigators in the next couple of days that its hand was involved in the assassination.  This explains israel's mixed bag of emotions yesterday: that of joy and fear.  The fear of the cornered guilty.

    It's also emerged that Trump had sent a couple of messages to Rohani, first through an un-named Arab leader who secretly and all sleepy-eyed arrived to Tehran at 6am to deliver Trump's message that found zero response from Tehran: not a single nod or word.  And a second Trump message delivered by the Swiss embassy at lunchtime, a message that Rohani described as "childish".  Both Trump messages were stating that the US is NOT looking for an escalation.  Yeah right!  Never mind that the US airforce last night killed more Iraqis.

    Today they will bury Soleimani, so today will be taken up with eulogies and mass mourning, with smatterings of analysis here and there.

    Tomorrow, the heat on the perps will begin to be raised, and dog help them, is all I can say.  The Iranians will be harshly responding in the near future, no doubt about that at all.  In the meantime, the perps in their windowless basements and gilded palaces will live with increasingly rattled nerves.  Kinda reminds me of how Hezbollah made the israelis shit in their pants and wait for their Cornet response several months ago: all jittery and jew-yellow from cowardice.

    If the original plan of the Axis of Resistance was to remove US forces from Iraq and Syria, now the plan is much, much bigger.  Now the plan is to COMPLETELY EVICT ALL FOREIGN FORCES FROM THE REGION.  What began as a localized anti-occupation movement, has overnight, with the killing of Suleimani, turned into a MASSIVE regional anti-imperialist movement.  A movement that has overnight united so very many disparate regional groups into a single 'people' from different regional nations.  The very nations that Pax Americana had so violently divided in the first place.

    America's grand ZOG plan for the middle east is now set to royally fail.

    The US can send all the troops it wants to Iraq and Syria that it wants.  Means nothing but more American soldiers stuffed in body bags.  I've been living in the middle east for almost a decade now and I've never sensed such an anti-American feeling as I did yesterday.  Never!  The regional people's will has become one.  They want America out.  And they want israel gone.  This is now the cohesive will of the people.  And there are so very many willing martyrs among them.  More willing martyrs than troops that the US can send.

    Iran will strike back in response to Suleimani's murder, then it will go full steam ahead in its attrition war against the US and its Western, israel and Gulfie allies.  This is how the 2020 show will go.  Blood and tears.

    Blood and tears.

    Till victory.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        Me too. My comment is awaiting 'moderation.'

        Qassem Soleimani has died, but he will never fail to guide from Paradise the forces of the Axis of Resistance as a symbol and as an example. He joins figures such as assassinated commanders Motorola and Givi and Syria’s martyred Zahreddine, as a paradigmatic figure in the struggle for a multipolar world” – Fort Russ

  39. Taxi says:

    Quick commentary on Suleimani's procession:

    All this morning, (non-zio) Arab TV showed footage of regional processions honoring the death of beloved Suleimani and his entourage.  Hundreds of thousands of mourners in Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Tunisia, Algeria, Yemen and Afghanistan marched all clad in black and waving Iranian, Resistance and national flags.  In Iraq, the coffin of Iraqi PMF deputy leader, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, will be taken from Baghdad to the holy Shia city of Najaf where he will be buried this afternoon, along with other Iraqis killed in the attack.  Soleimani will be flown to Iran for burial tomorrow.  His procession will see millions and millions of Iranians marching in his honor.  This will be the very sight and picture that will put the heebeejeebees in the black hearts of his murderers.

    Mourners on the streets all around the region were interviewed and their voice is one and unanimous:

    American and zionist crimes must be immediately punished.  All foreign forces must be expelled.  All native politicians enabling America's occupations must be tried for their corruption.  America is israel is Daesh.  Down with the House of Saud.  We will never surrender.  Death to America.  Death to israel.

    The above are some of the sentiments shared by the mourning peoples of different nations.



    (*for lack of available youtube footage, I've had to resort to sharing the scumbag 'Sun' video – yikes!  You'll forgive, please you'll forgive heh!).

    • Canthama says:

      Foreign troops in the ME will be in real risk, about time.

      For one side I am sad since I have an American friend that late December told me her son was going to be stationed in Qatar's USAAF base this April, he is in admin job, no pilot, but this 20 yr-old kid will be in direct line of fire, for nothing.

      Though I see direct link between US and the apartheid regime on the assassinations in Iraq, I am almost certain UK and Jordan were involved in it, too many "coincidences" involving these two regimes in recent events in Syria & Iraq, and we all know their stance against Iran. I truly believe in few days we will hear that Israel, UK and Jordan prepared the assassination and the US executed.

      I am ashamed since my country, Brazil, was one of the sole countries to support the US assassination in Iraq, a stupid decision from MFA that makes my blood boil with anger.

      • Canthama says:

        I trust zero on the dwarf british king Abdullah II, this moron was instrumental in killing thousands of Syrians, as the freak Erdogan, both should hang like Mussolini did. This freak let the apartheid regime to use its airspace to kill Iraqis and Syrias, same for US & UK, it let his country to trains thousands of al Qaeda terrorists and still do near al Tanf region. This freak joins the US, apartheid regime and EU to sanction Syrians, no trade, and still hold hundreds of thousands Syrian refugees that want to return to Syria. 

        Should the apartheid regime finish with him, so be it, one less enemy for the resistance to deal with. 

  40. Taxi says:

    Let's be clear here: Suleimani was killed because he loved Palestine, worked towards its liberation by becoming the military brains behind the strategic flourishing of the Axis of Resistance.  Pretty much the only counter to saudi-jewish-american terrorism. Imperialism.

    • Taxi says:

      Oooof all these self-styled and cowardly American journalists who today are slamming Trump for assassinating Suleimani and in the same breath call Suleimani a 'terrorist' and 'murderer'.

      Fucking yellow journalism!

      And this includes Tucker Carlson as well, who's been using the same disclaimer about Suleimani yet attacking Trumps shit-fit and assassination order. 

      And freaking Tulsi Gabbard!  Said same thing as Tucker!

      We're a nation of cowards who're allergic to the truth!  Just like… you know who.

  41. Taxi says:

    Slowly, details of the Suleimani assassination emerge:

    Iraqi Sources Reveal Weapon Used To Kill General Soleimani

    Meanwhile the jewy media, distracting readers from looking into the REAL motive for his assassination (israel/Palestine/AoR), is deluged with fake stories about Suleimani's "terrorism" against the USA.  A rapid succession today of of mythomaniacal articles justifying his outright cold-blooded murder.

    Well, I guess that's to be expected.  Question is, will msm readers sense that something is amiss and that this story is really much bigger than Khashokgi's chop-a-lot suey?

    Will they support a full on war against Iran after Tehran responds to Suleimani's killing?

    Is the majority still like sheep to the slaughterhouse?

    • Canthama says:

      There is an on going investigation between Syria-Iraq-Iran about the participation of nationals on the assassination, it seems there is a high chance of moles involved that fed Mossad/CIA with intel. More will be shared soon, but so far, this investigation has arrested few, not all, involved.

      The original blast (filmed in street camera) and destruction consequences were linked to AGM114 hellfire blast radius, and remains confirmed that later on, directly linking the US drone (that left Qatar) in the assassination.

  42. Canthama says:

    As the funeral of the many martyrs are under way…. Iran is showing its clear intent to act:

    First Time In The History, Red Flag Unfurled Over The Holy Dome Of Jamkarān Mosque, Qom Iran.

    Red Flag: A Symbol Of Severe Battle To Come.

    The filthy Qatar/Muslin Brotherhood delegation is right now in Tehran, delivering the 3rd US message in the past 36 hrs (1st of an unknown Arab envoy, 2nd Swiss Embassy in Iran)…

    Too many noises on what has been shared so far, at least what is being guessed out in the social media, but it seems Iran has declined all of the offers. Still too soon, though, to say for sure where this is all going, clearly, the US is very afraid of an all-out war, when I say US, I also mean its stooges and master in the region, it seems these regimes are really freaking out with the possible consequences of industrial/infra structure destructions and a conflict that could destroy their own regimes.

    As I have learnt in the past 2 decades dealing with the ME…talk and threats are cheap, very cheap and widely used, but when the rubber hits the road is when cheap talks/threats mean nothing and action means all. Time for action.

    As one of the last monologue in Blade Runner :"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die." 

    It is time to die, to end this freaking show, time for action.


    • Taxi says:

      I'm hearing just now that Trump is also asking Iran (thru Qatar) to negotiate a peaceful 'out'.  Iran's response: "We will negotiate after we retaliate".


      Again, this Iran-Trump scenario is really reminiscent of israel's nervous waiting for Hezbollah's retaliation a few months back.  Remember the Avivim humiliation?  LOL!

      • Canthama says:

        It is amazing to sense fear on the once mighty US empire of chaos…as if they are regretting the assassination and repercussion. What a freaking disaster of a collapsing power, pathetic indeed. 

        Iran will have to retaliate, as said before by yourself, either for domestic consumption or to keep its image in the ME, what is probably being dealt with in the backstage at the moment is a Syrian like US/UK/France freaking strike that hit empty building and places, in the case of Iran, it will hit US places in the region and maybe kill few disposable Americans or dummies, and then negotiate.

        No war is coming, the US is way too broken for any war, the odds are simply not there for a all out war, but it seems the US and NATO will have a much smaller footprint in the region in the near future.

  43. Taxi says:

    It's inconceivable that Iran will not be responding to Suleimani's assassination.  Not responding would rightly be interpreted as loss of geopolitical deterrence.  Hard-earned deterrence, I may add.

    I'll remind you folks here of what Nasrallah said last year about the three conditions that would compel the Axis of Resistance into war:

    1- Imminent military threat to the Resistance itself

    2- Direct threat to any of its territorial/strategic gains

    3-  Any threat to its deterrence capability

    All three are existential conditions.  And all members of the Axis of Resistance have adopted this credo.

    The Suleimani assassination, when distilled, is all about challenging Iran's growing deterrence capability.

    And hoping that Iran will blink first.

    Well, hope the fuck away, jews.  You can be sure that Iran won't be blinking any time soon – and even if it did, it will take tel aviv down with it.

    You still lose either way.

  44. Sparrow says:


    I can't help but say that I hope Lebanon (and all other ME states) kick out their US Embassy (and their vassals) stronghold(s).  So they don't have an excuse to come in and 'defend' their embassy.  That in and of itself would be a huge strike against them.  I hope this happens.

    • Taxi says:

      Well they stuffed a whole bunch of Marines into the American Embassy here in Beirut yesterday. Obviously they’re worried. But Lebanon isn’t.

      The Lebs kicked Marine ass before – no prob they’d do it again if the Marines misbehaved and got all ‘USA-USA-USA’ on them and started shooting civilians.

  45. Taxi says:

    Trump doesn't care about losing war to Iran, he cares only about losing the next election.

    Today, that jewy Bloomberg rag raised Biden's chances of winning because of Trump's Suleimani assassination that appears to have angered enough democrats.  But, as you and I already know, in a genuinely 'fair' election, it's the independents and undecided who swing the vote.

    I'd post a link to the article but the jewy Bloomberg, after reading another stupid article on their site then returning to the 'Biden chances' article, refused to allow me re-entry without first paying lol!

    Man!  I'd rather stab my eyeballs a hundred times than pay to read anything by a jew.  Only stupid people pay to read lies.

    • Cloak And Dagger says:

      I stopped voting several years ago. Elections are an illusion to keep the plebs thinking that they are in a democracy and have a say in who governs them, and don't realize that the two parties are the flip sides of the same coin. They are also led to believe that the president has some kind of power to make changes to (((foreign policy))).

      The reality is that the president is just a figurehead and the power really belongs to the (((deep state))), so it doesn't matter who the current resident of the WH may be, the (((foreign policy))) has been the same for the last 30 years. People used to say that they don't want Trump impeached because that would put arch-zionist Pence in his stead. Think about that for a minute – what could Pence do more for Israel than Trump hasn't already done? I am not suggesting that we make Pence our prez – just pointing out the absurdity of that logic.

      So, voting is merely endorsing a crooked system. I wish nobody would vote and essentially let them know that we know. Let them throw a party and no guests show up. Bush, Clinton, Shrub, Obama, Hillary, McCain, Trump – all vile and despicable specimens of the human race. Can you point to a single difference between any of these people and their impact on the lives of Americans in a positive sense, or on the foreign policy?

      The only way for us to survive is to BWTTGASO. No dual citizenship or jewish representation in any position of power – not even city dog-catcher.

      So, if any Iranians are reading this:

      • Don't confront the US Govt. directly, give them death by a thousand cuts
      • Asymmetric warfare is the way to overthrow the monster:
        • Assassinate some key zionists like Pompeo, Adelson, Netanyahu
        • Make bullying expensive and personal for zionists
        • For every American attack, hit an oil refinery in Texas
        • Assassinate every Israel-firster when they travel

      This is the kind of retaliation that will hurt without escalating to another Gulf war (or WW3)

      As an article at UR asserted, for US/Israel to win, they have to turn Iran into Iraq. All Iran has to do in order to win is not be destroyed. Targeted killing of Israelis, with their low tolerance for jewish deaths, will hasten victory.

      • Cloak And Dagger says:


        Military revolt is still not possible until there is nothing left to lose. We will have to reach the kind of desperation that the USSR did before that is viable.

        We are not quite there yet, but an economic collapse is on the horizon…

      • Cloak And Dagger says:


        Thanks for the link!

        BTW, a number of posters at UR are asking about what happened with Syper, and specifically about you and your whereabouts. A post from you there that you are hanging out here at Plato's Guns would help – and would draw more readers to Taxi's site. Saw the same query at MOA yesterday…

      • Canthama says:

        Thanks my friend. The last I heard from Ziad was around Christmas, he is fine and said Syrper will be back on line, he also said that the attack to Syrper came from Lebanon and that was devastating for the site.

        I trust Ziad's wishes to return, though recognize he has made his share to combat thr attack against Syria, and has had less time to dedicate to the community at SyrPer. What made SyrPer such a vibrant community was the comment section, lively discussions and info sharing, should, for any reason, SyrPer does not return, then Taxi could have most of SyrPer crew at PlatosGun's, SyrPer had over a thousand followers and hundreds of frequent folks commenting, at least once a week. I am glad we are hanging out at Taxi's and can also be found in twitter.

        All the best my friend.

      • Cloak And Dagger says:


        I hope he does return. In the meantime, let's get them over here while they wait for Ziad. This is a good time to rally the community and keep everyone informed.


    • Taxi says:

      Voting doesn't work unless you live in a clean-water democracy – and our democracy is the stinkiest of swamps.  Unrecognizable as a 'democracy'.

      And I like your advice to Iranians.  It works, as tried and tested by the wily underdog, the Vietcong, who happenstance are also Hezbollah's military inspiration.

    • Taxi says:

      Shias don’t attack while in mourning.

      Could be saudi-paid Iraqi roguesters. Could be mossad. Could be CIA. Not Iran. Not before they bury Soleimani tomorrow.

      If no casualties reported, most likely it’s israfuckingrael. That’s their style.

      Story still “developing’…

  46. Mike-Florida says:

    MSM celebrates Greece, Israel & Cyprus Signing EastMed Gas Pipeline Deal Despite Turkey's Wrath. 1,900 km (1,180 mile) Mediterranean sub-sea pipeline to transport supplies from gas fields opposite Israel (near Lebanon's reserves) to Greece to Italy. Turkey's Foreign Ministry spokesman Hami Aksoy said > pipeline "ignored rights of Turkey and Turkish Cypriots thus doomed to failure. The most economical and secure route to utilize natural resources in eastern Mediterranean and deliver them to consumption markets in Europe, including our country, is Turkey.” 

    Turkey angered Egypt, Greece and Cyprus over its recent maritime boundary agreement with Libya for drilling rights in the southern Mediterranean. (Turkey already guarding its operational drilling rigs off Cyprus – and, with Libya deal, its rights cross the above Israel to Greece line. Squeeze is on. Mike).

    • Taxi says:

      What about the psychotic American mercenaries swarming our mideast bases and shitting on the native’s crops? Who the hell is protesting to get them out? It’s estimated that American mercenaries are 3:1 ratio to American soldiers in Iraq and Syria. So if we’ve got 5000 soldiers in Iraq, we’ve also got 15,000 freaking mercenaries there too, let alone diplomats and several thousand ‘service’ workers! Our Pentagon has outsourced to so-called ‘private security contractors’ who are under our General’s command when clocked in. It’s the government’s way of obscuring the REAL level of our involvement in mideast wars.

      And Code Pink is jewy controlled opposition. Medea “jews are peaceful” Benjamin is leading the march. Fuck them and their fake unorgasmic protests!

      Sorry, Cloaky. I really hope I’m wrong but this is not us “waking up” at grass-root level, this is just more of the shit jews taking control of American discontent with political life.

      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        No arguments about jewy CodePink from me. However, there are others involved:

        CODEPINK, Veterans for Peace, United AntiWar Coalition (UNAC), ANSWER Coalition, World Beyond War, Popular Resistance and Voices for Creative Nonviolence

        Any port in a storm. Whatever their ulterior agenda might be, rallies do inform the sleeping citizenry, and every eye opened is another nail in the coffin of zionism.


  47. Taxi says:

    'He united Iraqis and divided Americans', is what Trump's gravestone will read.

    In the future, mothers will warn their children with: 'don't be stupid or your skin will turn orange'.  Or they'll threaten with: 'don't lie to me or your skin will turn orange'.  Last but not least: 'Don't masturbate or your skin will turn orange'.



    • Cloak And Dagger says:

      LOL to that last one! I am told that you need small hands for that (to turn orange, I mean)!

  48. Canthama says:

    Taxi and all, have just sent the tweet below to all Syrpers, lets hope we gather as many as possible from Syrper at PlatosGun's comment section, until SyrPer is back, no new info from Ziad or Leith on timeline.

    To all SyrPers: While the site does not return, we have gathered few SyrPers at Taxi's place , in the case you want to keep up the lively discussions that we used to have at SyrPer, please stop by. @leithfadel

  49. Canthama says:

    Many people doubt it but it is coming, the US can not stay in Iraq….from my friend Elijah Magnier.

    "To #US read carefully, a message to you @SecPompeo @realDonaldTrump @EsperDoD

    Sayed Mohammad Reza al-Sistani, son of the Grand ayatollah Sayyed Ali, received in-person the coffins pf #QassemSoleimani and #AbuMahdialMuhandis reach Imam Ali Shrine in Najaf.

    This has never been done before. The position of the Marjaiya blessing those assassinated by the #US meaning no more cover for the presence of the US forces in #Iraq. This is a boost to the Parliament meeting tomorrow to those hesitating."


    BTW, Elijah's latest article, as always, to the point.


      • Canthama says:

        Nope, he will be flown tonight to his hometown, grave is already prepared, as massive demonstrations throughout the country, millions will be on the streets of Iran.

    • Whozhear says:

      Just WOW……….

      "Sayed Mohammad Reza al-Sistani, son of the Grand ayatollah Sayyed Ali, received in-person the coffins pf #QassemSoleimani and #AbuMahdialMuhandis reach Imam Ali Shrine in Najaf. Sayed Mohammad Reza al-Sistani, son of the Grand ayatollah Sayyed Ali, received in-person the coffins pf #QassemSoleimani and #AbuMahdialMuhandis reach Imam Ali Shrine in Najaf."

      The "Firsts" that are taking place in the ME over the murder of General Soleimani are simply breathtaking.

  50. Daniel Rich says:

    Occupied Palestine, the UK and US hide behind the Bethlehem Self-Defense Doctrine  – Link to UN [.PDF]

    Time for Iran to pen a 'Tehran-Self-Defense-Doctrine,' in which the words 'imminent' and 'possible' are prominently featured. Frame the legal mumbo jumbo in such a way, anyone can be targeted and assassinated.

    As mentioned by Canthama up-thread [courtesy Fort Russ]:

    • Daniel Rich says:

      Barzan Sadiq @BarzanSadiq – 12:32 UTC · Jan 4, 2020

      “A red flag unfurled above the minarets of a Mosque in the #Qom. in Arabic were the words: "Those who want to avenge the blood of #Hussein." Red flags in Shiite tradition symbolize both blood spilled unjustly and serve as a call to avenge a person who is slain.”

  51. PROSPELLER says:

    Hi Taxi. A great article. Even though I think that lies are not the privilege of Jews. But, we are in the jungle of perceptions, and everyone has his own survival methods, no more about that.

    I was one of the most eager Trumps supporters in SyrPer, but now he himself made supporting him truly challenging. Suleimani was a hero, absolutely. I remember how he planned and personally took part to the rescue-operation of downed Russian pilot(by Turks) in Syria. It was said that he persuaded Russians to start the campaign in Syria. And by doing so, he saved Assad and Syria as a sovereign nation.

    Taxi, in one of your above comments you said that perhaps Trumps true intention, in this mess he created, is the withdrawal of US troops from ME. So, again 5th, or maybe even 6th, dimension chess? Who knows? But as you rightly concluded, things are not in Trumps hands anymore. And that´s why this was his first real and catastrophic mistake.

    Funny, when Trump was elected, I had a vision-like thought that he´s going to do something really stupid, during his first term, in ME. And after that US troops are forced to leave ME. Well, here we are now.

    But what happened was much more than stupid. It seems to me that Trump can´t make the difference between an Iranian patriot, Suleimani, and an extremist freak like Al-Baghdadi. To claim that Suleimani was a murderer and a terrorist is a blatant lie. Sure, his actions costed losses to his adversaries, but he was a soldier, a general. With Trumps logic, most of the US generals should be declared terrorists.

    This kind of lying is a bad sign(omen?). I know that many said that Trump is a liar, but before this, his crazy tweets were more so fun than something to take very seriously. Now mood has changed, and I fear that permanently. Dangerous lies of previous US administrations are on the table again.

    "Where truth dies, there be the disfigured corpse of reality – and the misty remains of soul."

    So true, so true.

    • Taxi says:

      Thank you Prospeller and welcome. Of course Gentiles lie, but they’re not on a mission to bury the truth of EVERYTHING, like the jews are.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      It seems to me that Trump can´t make the difference between an Iranian patriot, Suleimani, and an extremist freak like Al-Baghdadi.

      Because of Trump's ego, he's in a dick-swinging contest and listen to the whispers in his ears [MIC/Neocohens].

      And I thought W was the worst thing to happen to the US.

      • Whozhear says:

        I very much remember these simulations against Iran, and the more recent efforts by The Rand Corp to war-game Russia, which also demonstrated a total failure of the empire against Russia.

        Also unavailable to Van Riper at the time was a modern version of Chaff, you would know it as the Bavar series of small Ekronoplanes. Flying in large spread out groups, how long would the timespan be between Silkworms coming from behind the Chaff being correctly ID'd and impact on, say, Truman, at say 1 miles? At 1 mile, what hope would Truman have of stopping a flight of 20 Silkworms spreadout in a horizontal approch formation?

        I have yet to find a copy of Van Riper's reports, yes in the plural.

      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        I have yet to find a copy of Van Riper's reports, yes in the plural.

        They were immediately classified.


  52. Whozhear says:

    Two must read articles just up from MoA and Elijah…………

    Considering the reported words from  Khamenei  “it is important to make a strong, severe and clear response” after Iran's NSC meeting, I would suggest that the death toll from this response will be quite high.

    Another point not being considered, it appears, is the need for a swift response from Iran to attempt to stop the ongoing drone attacks by the empire, and others, on not only Iraqi personnel but all Resistance personnel.

  53. Whozhear says:

    I agree 100% with Y.N.M.S. as to a suitable response to the murder of General Soleimani……..

    The taking out of Saudi refineries is critical for Iran as it will greatly reduce the availability of Av Tur fuels for the empires aviation units. I would suspect that the Houthi have heavily marked out aviation fuel storage and its associated special refinery operations.

    If the Houthi can also pick off the UAE's refining capacity it will destroy the UAE's tourist industry and its aviation hub for lack of fuels.

    Kuwait may soon be rejoined to Iraq.

  54. Taxi says:

    In Alex's video above, he is saying that Trump was physically surrounded by neocons – including Kushner and Lindsay Graham too – when he took the decision to murder Suleimani.

    Of course israel IS INVOLVED!

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks for all the links you’ve been sharing with us these past couple of days, Whozhear. The Asia Times often gets it right on issues of war and peace – because there’s no jewy fingerprint in their editorial staff. No inherent mythomania in the Asia Times.

    • Whozhear says:

      My two bits worth……

      Since the murder of General Soleimani, Kim in the NK has gone silent. It will likely come as a surprise to most that Kim and General Soleimani liked each other and were on good terms.

      The next missile launch(s) from the NK will not be for sabre rattling purposes, but will be launch(s) in anger. This will be the NK's response, in part, to the empire murdering General Soleimani, among other issues the empire is foisting on NK.

      There are 35,000+ troops in SK, to Kim their mass death would simply be good riddance.

      With the known missiles NK possesses, Guam and Pearl are an easy reach.

      I do not believe for one minute that DC understands anything about the dimensions of the  hornet's nest they have just peeled open.

      God help us all.

      • Canthama says:

        Whozhear, great to see you around here lately, if Taxi do not mind to be invaded by SyrPers, we will make the comment section at PlatosGuns to break all records…Syrpers do share and discuss a lot.

        You brought up an interesting piece of the puzzle, DPRK is indeed prepping a surprise, I have few contacts in ROK and folks down there believe he Kim will fire a ballistic missile with multiple heads, which would mean another technology leap for DPRK, one that makes defenses way much harder. DPRK relationship with Iran and Syria goes back several decades, DPRK was vital for the initial development of the Iranian rocket technology while was mastered and brought to a new level. The 3 countries continue to talk frequently, and I would not disregard a DPRK powerful missile trial that would shift US attention from the ME back to east Asia, or at least split it all. Last but not least, watch for US military KIA in Afghanistan, it will rise in the next weeks, not focused on IEDs but ATGMs, a la Houthis.

      • Taxi says:

        All Syrpers are welcome on Platos – absolutely. Even though I’ve never been interested in expanding plato’s, going commercial etc, several of my articles have already gone viral and records were broken then. After spending close to two decades living in narcissistic Los Angeles, I now have zero interest in anything ‘spotlight’. I like the quiet, anonymous life.

        Again I welcome all commentators, from anywhere on the planet – so long as they don’t love on israel in the comment box. It’s about the only no-no I have. And yes, I will delete any lovefest directed at israel. And I don’t consider this as ‘censorship’, I consider it as good taste. And the moral thing to do. I don’t care one bit to hear what brainwashed zios and jews have to say – waste of my time: heard it all before a million times.

  55. Daniel Rich says:

    @ taxi,

    Be warned, darling: SyrPers had hasbara trolls that used our handles to spout filth. Does your web site have an option to protect us from these dishonest 'name' high jackers?

    Furthermore, occasionally, I'm offered the option to edit someone else's entry. Haven't touched or tried it [of course], but just so you know :o]

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Daniel. I’ve just right now been discussing plato’s security with a wizard techie, knowing very well that Syrpers are a target wherever they go. So far, it’s all good. Asshole trolls won’t be allowed to make a second comment – I will delete their first comment and block anyone who comes over to fuck with my guests – I can easily do this from my admin dashboard.

      If you’re interested in being an admin hand on plato’s, shoot us an email at [email protected]

      Thanks again for your concern and advise. Really much appreciated.

  56. Taxi says:

    In the south Lebanon village where I live, a few homes have been hanging portraits of Suleimani since even before I got here some 9 years ago.  Despite the snowy storm we're currently in the middle off, I decided yesterday to take a drive through the village to gauge the local reaction to Suleimani's murder.  I observed that all the houses that have long had Suleimani's portrait hung on poles or walls outside their home, they all had black ribbon tied to Suleimani's portrait, and some had little alters beneath the portrait where other villagers can do a little prayer and leave flowers.  One portrait had a small American flag, half-burned, strewn among the flower offerings.  Also, I counted some 23 new Suleimani portraits outside other homes.  Yes, my little village is in mourning.

    As an American living in south Lebanon, I want to assure readers that my safety is intact here, despite the crimes committed by my country.  All anti-American sentiments expressed by villagers (and I hear plenty of it from villager's mouths), are always directed at my government and not at my people.  I am very much loved around here, basically because of my utter dedication to supporting the Axis of Resistance, and my HUGE efforts at learning their language.  Hey, I am more Hezby than half the village lol!  There are many Amal supporters in the village, and some have even tried to convert me away from Hezbollah lol.  In any case, I am an open book to the villagers here, and I have no doubt that Hezbollah's 'silent security' in the village has already checked me out, probably in the first week that I moved here years ago.  I'm sure they do regular checks on me too and I'm sure that I've passed every check with flying colors – I'm still here, aren't I?!  They do the exact same security checks with Syrian refugee workers who live in the village too.  Currently, we have 61 Syrian refugees living in the village – back in 2011 when I first moved here, there were some 279 Syrians and this number rose to 540+ at the height of Syria war.  Most of them have returned back to Syria by now, and the ones that remain are regularly and closely monitored.  Same as me, I'm sure.  And just to clarify, my village is very Syria-friendly, and Syrians are regularly monitored just in case they may belong to a wahabi-salafi sleeper cell.  If they check out clean, nobody bothers them at all.  There's also a small charity that was set up by villagers that supplies Syrian refugees living in the village with free monthly bags of rice, sugar and tea – plus assistance if any Syrian worker falls out with their boss or is not given due pay for his work.

  57. Taxi says:

    I've just right now turned into Al-mayadeen TV to watch live coverage of Sulaimani's procession(s) in Iran.  Even if you don't speak the language, take a look at the streaming footage: serious shit going down in Iran today – millions of Iranians are already on the streets:

    Nasrallah is scheduled to speak at 2:30pm, local time.  I believe presstv still carries all Nasrallah's speeches, with an English interpreter overdubbed.  Here's a link to presstv streaming – though right now, for some weird reason, the streaming page is down, but it might be up and going again later:

    Big news day today – distracting me from finishing my new article – that plus my diesel motor that supplements my house electricity is down this morning and am waiting for the engineer to come and fix it.  Ooooooof!  Whatever happened to my quiet and lazy village life?!  Poof – gone these past couple of days!  LOL!

    Meh – anything to get our troops out of the middle east – and anything to see the annihilation of the terrorist state of israel!

    • Whozhear says:

      Thank you for the links Taxi.

      From the live streams I am seeing, already we are looking at millions of Iranians turning out for Soleimani's funeral procession and commemoration processions. With the outpouring in Iraq yesterday coupled with today's turnouts in Iran, it is next to impossible to see the empire remaining in the ME in both the short and long term.

      I expect that it is going to be a 'what ever it takes' to expel the empire from the ME.

      • Taxi says:

        Ironically, Whozhear, Suleimani will be kicking the US out of israel even from his grave. Israel will also be on the chopping block. Suleimani, always knowing that his days are numbered, wished to die a martyr, and wished for the US to exit the middle east, and also wished for the “zionist entity” to be dismantled. Looks like Suleimani will be getting ALL his wishes, albeit posthumously.

    • Sparrow says:

      The ever ending depravity of US/israel in their unlimited par excellence and lack of common sense has IMO elevated Iran in their unending provocations and sufferings.  Anyone with an ounce of common good should be able to see it.  It has made possible the upper hand in bringing justice to the land.  I have welcomed it with waiting arms as I reflect in sorrow with these grieving souls.  Not from the cause of this but from the outcome of it.  As General Suleimani exclaimed in the video I left above…

      ["When the war ends The Honest Mujahid claps his hands sorrowfully.  We lost and the Martyrs won."]

      …and so it is.  Not in the future.  Not in the past.  But now.  My brothers and sisters in Iran, you have given so much more than this dimension could ever dream of…bringing forth life to sustain the weak, poor and vulnerable even in your obedience and suffering to God.  No one on this earth has the possibility to take that away nor diminish the future fruit of it!  Because The Almighty has defeated this liar of the earth and so has, did and will his faithful.  General Suleimani understood it and so must we.  RIP son of Iran~your memory will always remain higher than the defeated liar.


  58. Daniel Rich says:

    I hope Soleimani's gift, from beyond the grave, will be the unification of the wider ME. Something that will result in the US' position in the M.E becoming untenable.

    I hope the Iraqi government will not fold like a shuddering soufflé and refuse to ask the US forces to f*** off!

    I'd like to rephrase a Neocohen one-liner: 'Boys go to Baghdad. Men come from Tehran.'

    R.I.P. brave soul.

  59. Taxi says:

    I just realized that I know several people who were friends with General Suleimani.  This means that there are only two degrees of separation between myself and Suleimani.

    This further means that there are only three degrees of separation between y'all and the martyred General.


  60. Taxi says:

    A few years back, I was banned from commenting on Moon of Alabama.  No biggie – I've been banned from pretty much everywhere else on the net, hence here I am at Platos enjoying commentary without censorship. 

    This MoA ban happened shortly after the outbreak of 'Russiagate'.  Everywhere you looked, there was Russiagate.  Russiagate-Russiagate-Russiagate!  Everywhere Russiagate aaaaaaargh! I couldn't get away from that awful and stupid and boring and OBVIOUSLY fake story.  Bernard from MoA was at the time consistently reporting on it, almost every day – often complaining that the MSM was obsessed with it when it was so clear to him that the story was fake.  He wrote much-much about Russiagate at the time himself.  So one day, I decided to comment on b's latest Russiagate article, and I basically said that pre Russiagate, the misinformation campaign for soiling Putin's reputation in Western media was all about the jews punishing him for entering the Syrian war theater, and thus elbowing the israeli air force out of a giant chunk of the Levantean sky: a massive geopolitical loss for israel.  And that Russiagate was but a continuation of this Putin-punishment campaign that's been given a vitamin-B shot to the arm by throwing the much hated Trump into the mix.  I continued by also adding that if b already knows that the story is fake, why does he continue to write about it himself so very much?  I said that he's only adding to the perpetuation of this insanely fake story by always writing about it himself.  Instead, I recommended he researched and wrote about the REAL reason behind the manufacturing of Russiagate – this being the jewish-American fingerprint and israel.

    My comment was deleted shortly after it was published, and I was never permitted to return to MoA after that.

    I hadn't used any bad language or was rude or anything like that in my comment – though I'm known for 'letting rip good' when pissed off.  I was polite and balanced and reasonable in my argument: is what I thought.  I did not do verbal combat or challenges or sarcasm or anything like that – not even a hint of it.

    But I did use the word 'jew'. 

    Yeah I was guilty of using the word 'jew' at a time when it was super un-PC for Gentiles to use it.   And this word, dear readers, this filthy little word makes a lot of Gentiles instantly flinch: for a variety of reasons: mostly fear.  But it's just a fucking word – a word, just a word!!!  And it's a word that's in the freaking dictionary that's read and used by billions of humans all the time!!!  It's a stupid little word that even jews themselves use all the time!  But nooooooo you Gentile can't use it in a political context at all!  Forbidden!  'How dare you use it?!  You must be an antisemite!!!  You're definitely an antisemite if you use the word jew!'.  This is the reaction that I mostly got when I used the word 'jew': shock, horror, disgust.  And unfortunately, it appears to be the case that b is in that school of thought.

    Ah well – I take both pride and responsibility for getting banned from MoA.  I knew that using the 'jew' word would get me into trouble but frankly I didn't give a fuck – I still don't.  NOBODY on the planet is gonna tell me what words I can or cannot use.  That call is ALL MINE!  I'm a wordsmith, for fuck's sake!  Don't touch my tools motherfucker!  LOL!  Plus, the more I found people cringing at the word 'jew', the more I wanted to use it lol!  I honestly felt that people's minds would be liberated from absurdist jewy PC chains if they saw the word used in public enough times.  I fully intended to re-normalize the use of the word 'jew'.  Because it SHOULD BE NORMAL TO USE IT!  Just like any other word in the dictionary is.  No, I will not make exceptions for the prissy-eared jews.  Either we ban ALL words, or we allow ALL words.  NO FREAKING EXCEPTIONS!

    Words, what are they?  What is a 'word' but a sculpted 'sound' fast-fleeing into thin air as soon as it's uttered?  That's what words are: particles of fast… nothing.

    Now, the impression that words make on the mind: well, that's another matter altogether and that’s between you and your mind, not between you and the freaking jews!!!!

    I'll love you and leave you now with today's word.


    Enjoy it lol!


    • madeleine says:

      I found Plato's Guns thanks to MOA so you're not forgotten over there. Thanks for keeping us informed on Leb, Syria and occupied Palestine!

    • Taxi says:

      Hiya Madeleine!  Thank you for your kind words and visit.  It behooves us all decent humans to fight the 'big fog' of the jewy msm everyday.

  61. Whozhear says:

    @ Daniel Rich

    I would suggest that Kim is currently going by that old maxim "when your enemy is digging himself a bigger hole, just get out of the way".

    We know Kim has at least one centrifuge facility and one operational Plutonium reactor. We do not know the through put capacity of either. We do not know if Kim has been able to buy high purity nuclear material on the open market, like Russia was able to do from Clinton………

    For me, considering the NK's length of time in development and varies helpers like Iran, NK's nuke program at this point in time has at least five flyable nuclear weapons, most likely of varying capabilities.

    When it comes to nukes and NK, I will err on the side of caution.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ WHOZHEAR,

      When it comes to nukes and NK, I will err on the side of caution.

      Always a safe bet. I've seen a lot of [illegal] footage shot in NK [on Japanese TV] and it really looks bad. The delivering vehicles constantly fail in mid-flight.

      Am not saying NK doesn't have enough firepower to wreak havoc in Seoul or the South, but that's lobbing stuff over the border a couple of miles [20 to reach the capital city of Seoul].

    • Taxi says:

      Let’s wait for the final count, which is imminent – and whether it’s going to be a ‘law’ per se, or a non-binding ‘agreement’ between parliamentarians. They’re still discussing this point as I write this.

      A lot of Saudi pressure on the Iraq parliament members to make it a non-binding agreement. Obviously the saudis are fighting to keep as many US troops as possible everywhere in the mideast, especially near KSA.

      • Taxi says:

        Let me correct myself slightly here. Today’s vote is about Iraqi parliamentarians agreeing that nobody will be allowed to change their minds in a later session when the US troops issue is on the table. If a parliamentarian votes at the next session to have US troops out of Iraq, then that’s it, that’s his vote – not allowed to change his mind after that, full stop. No to US troops is a permanent no.

        I guess they had to do this before the session on evicting US troops comes up, as obviously, before today’s ‘agreement vote’, an existing loophole was allowing the US to influence and sway Iraqi politicians’ vote – a loophole that was allowing the US to yo-yo the Iraqi parliament.

        Well, today’s vote closes that loop.

      • Canthama says:

        It was said MbS called Iraqi President last night, no doubt not to apologize for his participation in the assassination of 5 Iranians and 5 Iraqis, 2 high level leaders from both countries murdered, so no one knows what was shared, but we can deduct that KSA is pressuring Iraq not to kick the US out of Iraq…

        Was big money offered ?

        Did to US deliver a message via MbS ?

        No doubt the backstage is busy as hell in the Gulf, the world is seeing the US/Israel provoking Iran at any cost, will Iran fall for it or will use this incredibly messy situation to its favour ?

        There is an incredible and unseen face saving on going, trying to protect from humiliations and geopolitical impacts, all over the place and by all players, but at the end of the day, what we saw yesterday in Iraq and today in Iran, people are showing their will and it has been clear…the people from Iraq and Iran want US out of the ME.

        Last but not least…Iran will for sure speed up its nuke program, this is a given, there are powerful voices inside Iran to change its constitution to allow nukes after the assassinations, that will scare GCC to the bones and will provoke reactions from US, Israel & UK. 

        As per the Orange Man says…the world is safer now after Soleimani was assassinated….yeah dude…LOL.

  62. Taxi says:

    Here's a thought: if Trump has now okayed political and military assassinations, then whoever may in the future assassinate an American politician or General should not be punished.  What's good for the goose and all that…

    Aaaaaargh!  It's the hypocrisy stupid!  Hypocrisy.  The deal breaker in all moral agreements.

    • Canthama says:

      Boomer for the US.

      "PM AbelMahdi said he has an appointment with #QassemSoleimani the next day. he was carrying a letter for me (an envoy of the Iranian government – ouch! That will hurt the #US at the #UN to kill an envoy). PM also said the US confirmed #Israel was bombing Hashd."

      By Elijah Magnier

      Elijhah' twitter feed is covering minute by minute the Iraq Parliament vote, worth checking him now.

  63. Daniel Rich says:

    Breaking News: #Iraq Parliament approved to terminates all presence of foreign forces (#US) in the country and prevent these from using the land and sky if Iraq. [not that they'll oblige, but Soleimani's first victory is in the bag].

    "Every single #US soldier and officer in the Middle East will be a target", said #Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

    #Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah "the US forces killed #QassemSoleimani and #AbuMahdialMuhandis and the US forces should pay the price but not the civilians. Civilians should not be touched".

  64. What is in the Mossad's contingency plans to revert the situation, now? Yet another Bataclan? Charles Hebdo?

    Meanwhile, the US embassy in Lisbon on Saturday issued a security alert to US citizens in Portugal over rising tension in the Middle East following the death of Iranian general Qassem Soleimani in Baghdad.

    Probably, the same happened all over Europe.

  65. Harry law says:

    Thanks Daniel, good news, now they have the political and legal means to violently eject them if/when they refuse to go.

    Trump's twitter…

    The United States just spent Two Trillion Dollars on Military Equipment. We are the biggest and by far the BEST in the World! If Iran attacks an American Base, or any American, we will be sending some of that brand new beautiful equipment their way…and without hesitation!


    President Donald Trump rallied evangelical supporters in Miami on Friday, 3 December, recalling the backing he received from the key voter bloc during the 2016 presidential campaign, and predicting he would “blow those numbers away in 2020.”

    US President Donald Trump addressed supporters in Miami at a campaign event launching his “Evangelicals for Trump” coalition on Friday evening.

    Fuck me, Pence and Pompeo are End timers praying for the rapture, hard to believe Trump is since he is a phony in everything else he does, one thing he definitely is, is off his rocker, in his twitter he encourages any group or individual to kill a US soldier and WW3 is on. ISIS or Al Qaeda need only attack a US target in Iraq, Just as the chemical attacks by those same groups encouraged US reprisals, it would be easy to start such a war with the US on such a hair trigger.

    • Cloak And Dagger says:

      The money quote from MOA:

      It is somehow ironic that the U.S. has spent lots of lives and money to "spread democracy" in Iraq only to be kicked out through an Iraqi  parliament vote.


  66. Taxi says:


    Nasrallah just finished his mindblowing speech that lasted for some 1hr and 45 mins.  He began, naturally, with a moving eulogy and prayers for Suleimani and other martyrs, then went into blow by blow detailing the assassination itself, and who was behind it, what this means etc.  He called Trump a failure in all his foreign policies towards friend and foe alike.   He called him a weak leader because he is well, a fool of a man.

    Then he went into Iranian territory and listed a long litany of US crimes against Iran, all the while Iran containing itself, but… that these old days of self-containment towards its victimization are now over, that an offensive posture has now been adopted by Iran, and that it will punish the perpetrators of the war crime against Suleimani.

    He talked of the immense loss to Iran now that Suleimani has passed.  He called him "irreplaceable".  He added that his loss is also a loss for the members of the Axis of Resistance ('al muqawama').  He clarified that Iran has its own plans for reprisal, and this would be Iran's choice.  He said that Iran is not asking any member of the moqawama to go forth and revenge on its behalf.  Nothing of the sorts.  It is not asking for action, or non action.  This, he added, means that each individual unit of the moqawama must decide for itself how it would respond to Suleimani's killing, separate and independent to Iran's personal plans.  He said: "target US forces, target israel, whatever you choose".  Here, I will tell you, dear reader, that Nasrallah hadn't even mentioned israel till he spoke this sentence – and when he said the word israel, he said it in a dismissive and quiet voice then quickly shifted to talking about the next point.  This told me that the Hezbollah will hit at israeli targets if the US touches Iran's territory – that this decision has been taken.

    Then, his speech got very interesting.  He began talking about the 'action' that must now be taken to avenge Suleimani and ALL other martyrs who died for the muqawama.  He referred to it as the 'just punishment' to the crime.  He said that to target a US General or a Head of State of sorts is not the correct way to go or to measure the response because Suleimani has no equal either in the US military or in the US congress.  He said that "even Suleimani's shoe is worth more than Trump and all the heads of his government put together".  He said that the ONLY FAIR PUNISHMENT therefore is to fully target the US forces for eviction from the region. “Eviction of US forces is the fair punishment”, he emphasized. He named the US MILITARY AS THE TARGET that should be focused on: soldier and General alike – targeted on land, in air and at sea.  He specified that the American citizen is NOT the target, but the American military is.  He emphasized this distinction.  He said that American citizens should NOT BE TOUCHED.  He said it was the US military that performed the murder, therefore the US military must pay the price – nobody else.

    He said that all freedom and justice-loving people of the region must support the eviction of all foreign forces from the middle east as they have done nothing for the people of the middle east except kill, steal all resources and humiliate them.   Moreover, he said that once US troops are forced to leave the middle east, israelis themselves will pack their bags and leave occupied Palestine all by themselves and there will be no need for war (LOL!).

    He said the solution is very simple: the eviction of US forces, and that the people of the region and the moqawama have a golden opportunity for mass liberation that they must seize upon and do their utmost best to utilize.

    He closed his speech with good wishes to the people and prayers to the martyrs, saying that the return of Palestine to its rightful owners is now within the native's reach.

    • Sparrow says:

      Dear Taxi, this is why I came here to Plato's…to hear the words of Hassan Nasrallah gives me hope!  Thank you always and standing.  God Bless the Resistance and Keep you in strength!  broken heart  

  67. PROSPELLER says:

    Magniers tweet:

    "We have learned today from #Iraq Prime Minister AdilAbdl Mahdi how @realDonaldTrump uses diplomacy: #US asked #Iraq to mediate with #Iran. Iraq PM asks #QassemSoleimani to come and talk to him and give him the answer of his mediation, Trump &co assassinate an envoy at the airport."

    Well, well. After this, if Trump wants to survive, he must cut all ties to Israel. And I think that it´s his last change. This leaves him very little room to maneuver.

    I think that Irans hand is now much, much stronger. When this information will reach the public, it will be a political nightmare for US, and they have no other choice than confess their sins.

    What comes to Israel, I believe that they simply hated Suleimani and used ignorance of Trump to get rid of him. But soon they will see that this was not a victory for them, because they can´t understand the geo-political repercussions of their recklessness.

  68. Taxi says:

    Breathtaking – or petrifying – depends on whose side you be on:


  69. Sparrow says:


    January 5, 2020

    The daughter of the martyr General Qasem Suleimani, Zainab, stressed via Al-Manar that the “dirty” US President Donald Trump must know his crime will never wipe out the remembrance of her father, adding that his martyrdom inspired rebirth in our souls.

    “You could not be match rival to my father, so you targeted him with missiles. Had you been so, you would have confronted him face-to-face.”

    The martyrdom of Hajj Qasem will never break us, and we will seek revenge till the end, ” Zainab Qasem Suleimani said.

    Finally, Zainab Qasem Suleimani greeted the Supreme Leader Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei and Hezbollah SG Sayyed Nasrallah, expressing trust that they will both seek revenge on he father’s murderer.

    “I salute our Uncle Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah who I am sure will take revenge for my father.”

    Source: Al-Manar English Website

    • Taxi says:

      What a fantastic share – thank you TEP.

      I jived with every word and meaning in the article except for this little bunch here towards the end: “There is no plan which benefits the United States. Israel? Sure, but not the US, especially since any real war with Iran will shake the United States to its foundation which will make Vietnam look like a vacation”.

      Many people make the mistake in thinking that israel will be alright without American presence nearby. No it won’t. It’s over for israel soon as the US exists. So, in the final analysis, for israelis, they’ve committed Hara-kiri and the dagger was their Iran obsession.

      Suleimani’s assassination is bringing with it seismic jolts and shifts that will redraw the very map of the middle east, this time, to the native’s advantage.

      Modern imperialism is about to receive a kick to the Adam’s apple. It may kill it, or it may not. But it will certainly need to go back to its own cave to lick its wounds.

      A mega historic event.

  70. Saladin says:

    Inspiring to see the response of the Iranians to this treacherous and most foul murder of a great man and leader of the Resistance. So sad to see how low the US has sunk in its moral ugliness and spiritual torpor. Early on in Trump's tenure I held out some hope that he would be able to hold off the zionists and implement his campaign promise of not engaging Russia or fighting in the Middle East. Man was I wrong! He has become a zionist stooge. They have manipulated him into an immoral pretzel of two-faced lunacy. He's in the back pocket of the zionist deep state. Like some mythic Pandora he has really opened a box of horrors for the US and israel. Of course we know who is ultimately behind the folly; the apartheid state holds ultimate responsibility and will soon be dismantled. I love the way Nasrallah carefully explains that ordinary American citizens are not the culprits (though the stupidity of so many of them is breathtaking). Sad that ordinary soldiers will die for the idiotic actions of their rulers, but the US will now be forced to leave. Ironic that was Trumps' campaign position. There is still the possibly of major escalation. It all depends on how the US military establishment, egged on by cowardly israel, responds to the coming retribution and revenge for the insanely ill-advised murder of Soleimani. Thanks Taxi for your insights and providing this forum.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Saladin – great comment.  Possible that israel will not exist by year's end.  And if it does continue living, then it lives temporarily thereafter with only one eye on its face, and with body missing spine, two arms and one leg.  You gotta leave it one leg to give it a chance to hobble off into the shadows.

  71. Taxi says:

    I'm hearing right now that Iran has just officially abandoned the nuclear deal.

    Unleashed, the rumble and tumble begins…

  72. Anonymous says:

    Taxi, this one of your very best, so far. Your truth trumps (pun intended) the liars and receivers. God Bless you and your country. 

    I've been to Lebanon multiple times to visit family and tasted Lebanon to its fullest and have come to love its children who are fighting so hard to reshape their future. They, too, are fighting local liars and deceivers and, I know, will prevail.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks for visiting, dear Anonymous. As an American expat and in context with the article, my “country” is now called Truthania – and its vistas are just vast and wonderful – everyone is encouraged to move there – room for everyone in Truthania.

  73. Daniel Rich says:

    "“We have a very extraordinarily expensive airbase that’s there. It cost billions of dollars to build. Long before my time. We’re not leaving unless they pay us back for it […] We will charge them sanctions like they’ve never seen before ever. " – The Orange Clown @

    Well, kind sir, given the fact your country has done untold damage to Iraq proper, the sort of damage that can't be measured in your precious $$$, let's call it even, shall we?

    Your Jewish son-in-law won't be out there, brandishing his crappy M-16, tuck at a string of flashbangs, ready to face the 'enemy' and die with his face down in the muck of a country he doesn't belong to or be in, will he?

    More ice cream, sir? You love to eat when you kill people or people are killed on behalf of you, don't you, oh, Prince Of Pieces?

  74. goysplainer says:

    these past few years are coming together; the Russian election scam, the toxic manipulative identity politics, the incessant focus on Jewish sensitivities have had a most taming effect. Americans are perfectly prepped. the President is expertly cornered, confused and paranoid. by now his blackmail dossier has grown beyond his casino and real estate days to include three years of imperial fuckery and subterfuge. Adelson's hand is probably so far up Trump's ass by now he's practically palming his brain. 

    whatever the Axis of Resistance has planned (I am imagining a guerrilla war that gradually expands from Iraq to Syria removing American troops), the bottom line is that Americans are easy prey for false flags. firstly, because they assume that their adversaries are equally as unscrupulous, and secondly because all of their relationships are mediated by autonomous platforms managed from Langely, VA and Tel-Aviv. Khamenei and Nasrallah seem to be aware of this and have been keen to differentiate U.S. leadership and military from civilians these past few days.

    a few questions:

    how will Trump respond now that he's been run up a tree? right now, a juicy bull market, impeachment proceedings, Epstein files, an upcoming election and who knows what else are looming over his head. beyond sacrificing his entire public persona, he doesn't have much options outside of escalation. if he's foolish enough to do so, he will be so busy handling the international and domestic blow back there will be no way for him to operate without assistance…

    if the "big one" doesn't happen, i nevertheless expect new false flags implicating internet privacy, free speech and election integrity. there's no reason not to take advantage of this opportunity. the question is whether Americans will continue to be fooled or if they will see the pattern?

    on another note, i suppose the Axis of Resistance position can only get better. at the moment, U.S. and Israeli domestic politics could hardly be more polarized, incompetent and ineffectual. if a war starts now, they will be dealing with an exhausted, demoralized and cowardly enemy. if a war does not start now, this enemy will only continue to grow weaker and more delusional. in the end the ultra machismo of the Krav-Maga, MOAB, genital mutilation cultures will lead to their own defeat:

    1. Sun Tzu said: The good fighters of old first put themselves beyond the possibility of defeat, and then waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy. 

    2. To secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself. 

    p.s. a few days before the attack on the PMU, i had a rather peculiar dream that Hezbollah liberated the Galilee. it was a brief operation that caught the Jews by surprise and only took a few hours. apparently the colonizers broke file and ran.

    • Taxi says:

      Marvelous and insightful commentary from you, again, dear Goysplainer.  Thank you.  I really do appreciate your smarts and turn of phrase.

      Your questions will be answered as events unravel over the next couple of months.  Personally, I see the 'big one' coming if the US goes on a bombing spree inside of Iran.  All members of the Muqawama (AoR) will simultaneously activate if Iran is touched.  No different to a swarm of bees rushing to defend their queen bee's honeycomb.  But I have my doubts about such an attack on Iran occurring and this is because the US does not have enough safety nets set up for its many vulnerable assets and bases.  The US would become dizzy trying to figure out how to be offensive and defensive and protective of ALL of its allies all at the same time.  Plus, well, there's the Hormuz Straights.  Yeah that BIG Iran card that could send the whole universe of the Axis of Evil into a tailspin – never mind the crippling damage that this will cause the industries of the globe.  I think Trump will first send a few US soldiers to their deaths and when bodybags start arriving back to US shores, he will sober up and do exactly what Reagan did in Lebanon: pack up and leave and spin it as 'patriotic wisdom that protects our troops', rather than admittance to defeat.  Or, the blackmail material the mossad have on him (footage of him raping a 12 year old girl at Epstein's pubescent harem) will force his hand towards the nuke button.  I know this is most dramatic – but when jews are cornered and desperate is when they are at their absolute nastiest.  How else to avoid a check-mate move against you except for kicking the freaking chess board and let fly all the pieces?  But it's more complex than that, really.  For Empire, that is, not for the Republic.  Empire does not accept 'withdrawal'.  It only accepts forward motion as this is where its oxygen lies.  Withdrawal is death by suffocation.  So the Republic has to decide whether to unleash Empire's firepower, or subdue it and bring it back home, at massive cost to American hegemony and global industry (petrodollar collapse, therefore dollar collapse).  Year 2020 is going to be full of hair-raising surprises.

      And, one of them surprises might very well be your 'dream' coming true: the liberation of the Galilee.  I laugh here because of this here below from yesterday:


      A fine example of a jewish lalaland.  Israel has totally lost the plot.  Let them figure out how to subdue Gaza first before they touch Hezbollah's land and holy water lol!

      • goysplainer says:

        Americans and Israelis couldn't be further from reality. truly pitiful.

        all empires are like giant snow balls rolling down a hill towards the precipice. the bureaucrats may imagine themselves as possessing power, but in reality they must always act in accordance with that which produces their power. the source of their power is like gravity. the more they follow it's demands, the more vulnerable to the abyss they become. 

        how do empires acquire new territory? by repressing the irrational core of their hierarchical administration at even grander levels. thus, with every expansion in authority, the rulers and the ruled are made increasingly infantile and incapable of reason. on the verge of collapse, the capacity for strategic thinking has completely vanished, and they are hardly aware of their fate.

        the hysterical aggression and mythomonia that have become so common place only point in one direction… who could possible stop the U.S.-Israeli empire for veering off the edge of a cliff? the inertia is so great that if they strike anything on the way down, their little snowball will split up into a million pieces. it's all down hill from here i'm afraid.

      • anti_republocrat says:

        Taxi wrote:

        I think Trump will first send a few US soldiers to their deaths and when bodybags start arriving back to US shores, he will sober up and do exactly what Reagan did in Lebanon: pack up and leave and spin it as 'patriotic wisdom that protects our troops', rather than admittance to defeat.

        Indeed, Trump will say, "Obama left me with an awful mess, and I've been doing my best to clean it up.  But it's just impossible.  It's all Obama's fault.  He should have taken out Soleimani long ago when he had the chance."  The Mythomaniacs will believe him.

  75. idioacracy says:

    I had forgotten how enjoyable your perspective is.

    Often, we live in quiet desperation because we cannot express our tastes for living.

    • Taxi says:

      Good to have you visit again, dear Idioacracy.

      The time for "quiet desperation" is soon to be over.  We will either have a quiet peace after the big war, or our desperation will be bullhorned and amplified all the way to outer space.

      I'm with the first option.

  76. Daniel Rich says:

    Sometimes people summarize stuff and I go like, "Hell, yeah!" The following is one of them:

    "China won the trade war. Russia won the pipeline war. North Korea won the nukes war. Venezuela won the coup war and Syria won the Syrian war. Now Iran has won the Iraq war. The Shia will kick the US out of Iraq, just like they kicked Israel and the US out of Lebanon." – Rob Naardin • 16 hours ago

    Standing ovation.

    • Canthama says:

      Whozhear, it is indeed very likely that Chinese hardware is flowing into Iran, as it has flown into Syria. In a 2 weeks max photo, a brand new Chinese radar was spotted in Qamishili airbase near a Pantsir S1 battery, this was the first time ever to be seen in Syria.

      • Whozhear says:

        @ Canthama,

        Yes, I saw that photo. It speaks to the interoperability of Chinese and Russian defense electronics. That should have been a major wakeup call to the West, though likely ignored.

  77. Canthama says:

    The clown team is coming down…

    "Defense Secretary Mark Esper's chief of staff is stepping down".

    Pompous Pompeo is most liekly next and maybe even the Orange Man will get hurt….geez, will we ever get the awesome news Satanyahoo is arrested for his crimes ? 

  78. Canthama says:

    My countryman, Pepe Escobar, doing his thing…excellent read.

    "With a single stroke, the assassination of Soleimani has managed to unite not only Iraqis but Iranians, and in fact the whole Axis of Resistance. On myriad levels, Soleimani could be described as the 21st century Persian Che Guevara: the Americans have made sure he’s  metastasizing into the Muslim Resistance Che."

  79. Canthama says:

    Just had a quick chat with Ziad, he is doing fine, told him Syrpers were gathering at Taxi's and asked him to stop by as well.

    Ziad said that the attack on Syrper was State sponsored, and was related to his last article regarding the review of HezbAllah book that he was doing in 2 parts. He says he is determined to get it back on line.

  80. PROSPELLER says:

    "BREAKING: Netanyahu told security cabinet that Israel wasn't involved in the killing of Soleimani and stressed "it is a U.S. event and we should stay out of it", according to 2 cabinet ministers who attended the meeting"

    Above is from the comment section of TEPs MoA link.

    Now that US is forced to withdraw, at least to some extent, from Iraq things are looking little better. And if above quote is true and Israel tries to backstab US, then this will give a small chance for Trump to survive.

    If this information will reach Trump, and someone clarifies him the role of Israel in this mess, it will give him the possibility to blame Israel and save his skin. That would create a rift between Tel-Aviv and Washington.

    Israel must be in the damage control mode now, when they start to realize that the outcome of Suleimanis assassination will be possibly devastating to them.

    Rise of Eurasia has weakened Israels position, they can´t ignore Russia and China anymore. And it´s clear that they are willing to abandon US, if that´s in their interests. Which is good. Because after that US can leave them in the mercy of Russians and Chinese.

    In the light of above mentioned, I don´t believe in major war, whatever Iran is going to do. Russia and China are not going to accept that, and they have means to stop it.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      Israel must be in the damage control mode now, when they start to realize that the outcome of Suleimanis assassination will be possibly devastating to them.

      No matter what the illegal squatters of Occupied Palestine do, their days are numbered. Courtesy of the Orange Clown and his sidekick Netanyahoo. 

      Their end is neigh.

  81. Whozhear says:

    A timely article from Helena Cobban on the filling of the void to be left in Iraq when the empire exits Iraq………

    "But the political fallout from Trump’s kill order will extend far wider than Iraq. It will spark an upheaval of the global power dynamic throughout the Middle East, and globally. (And that will happen even if an outright US-Iranian shooting war is averted.)

    For starters, in response to the Pentagon’s notice about ISIS– which retains a considerable potential to wreak havoc in Iraq, and also some in Syria–there have been reports from Iraq that China has offered to step in to replace the US troops, and speculation that Russia will offer to do so, too. (Russia’s military is already a significant part of the anti-ISIS efforts in Syria.)"

    A worthwhile read.


    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ Whozhear,

      As per your link:

      But given the tense situation prevailing in Iraq, it is almost certain that it would have to involve as speedy and orderly as possible an exit of US forces from the country, and their replacement by forces from elsewhere.

      These forces should be capable of playing the technical and air-support roles in the anti-ISIS fight that the US forces played until recently

      We all know the last sentence to be a blatant, ff-ing lie. The FUKZUS 'war' machine operated as the 'takifiri transitional  terror' supporter, Class A+, on every level imaginable.

      Iraq and Iran need partners they can trust. Russia has proven to be trustworthy [in the Syrian ToO], so, that should be a shoe-in. Like they did in Syria, they will bring in Chechen soldiers [Muslims] who will be among brothers and sisters. No friction there.

      I've never seen China as a real fighting force [outside its own borders], but they can assist/help in reconstructing countries and provide $$$ to ease the pain.

      Russia's the only country [atm] that's powerful enough to simply be somewhere and work like a strong 'detergent' without lifting a finger. Of course, the west systematically keeps underestimating/ridiculing Russia's power projection capabilities, but I'm convinced/sure, some 4-star generals are still smart enough, not to pull the trigger. Although nobody seems to have protested against the assassination of martyr Soleimani [afaik], so that's a bad omen.

  82. Daniel Rich says:


    [courtesy MoA] Fereshteh Sadeghi فرشته صادقی @fresh_sadegh – 5:15 UTC · Jan 6, 2020
    I was given this poster tonight by 2 young men next to a stand that offered tea and dates to motorists (dates as a sign of mourning in Iran), I want to stick it on my car’s rear window. It reads: A world will avenge you, with hashtag #crushing_response


    • Whozhear says:

      I would like to find a large downloadable copy of this poster so I can have it printed up and framed for my office.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Whozhear,

        Perhaps try to contact  Fereshteh Sadeghi via twatter?

        Contact the Iranian embassy in your country?

        I mean, if you express your heartfelt shock and horror at the assassination of Soleimani and your willingness to let his memory live on in your office, maybe they're willing to help you out.

        Anyway, good luck [and I sincerely hope you can get a poster]!

  83. Whozhear says:

    @ Canthama,

    A timely article on the supply chain issues with the coming collapse and the civil war in the US, likely starting in Va………

    "We are very concerned that the current gun control versus gun rights controversy may quickly escalate into armed conflict reminiscent of the Civil War as the Democrat Governor threatens to send in the National Guard to enforce new Democrat-pushed gun laws and county governments are declaring their municipalities as 'Second Amendment Sanctuaries,'" Lamb stated. "Most concerning is the possible showdown in Culpeper, Virginia, in which the Sheriff is gearing up for armed conflict by preparing to 'deputize' residents to form a 'militia' to thwart the state's enforcement of new laws slated for January 2020," he added. Lamb says his trade group will be monitoring this situation and the result may be a warning for truckers to steer clear of the "war zone." If a large scale conflict ensues, Lamb says he is concerned about typical war time tactics of disrupting the other side's supply chain and his group will be warning through its 25,000 member "Trucker Lives Matter" Facebook group and other social media to avoid delivering to the state to protect truckers' lives.

    The State of Virginia hosts the largest US Navy facility in the world, Newport News, and as such the White House will not tolerate disruptions to operations at the base. I would suggest that if the gun confiscation in Va goes ahead Trump will designate Va as being "in rebellion" and install Martial Law.

    • Canthama says:

      I have absolute conviction that there will be a civil war in the US, maybe not as in the 19th century with armies and stuff, but most likely uncivil struggles, parallel government like in chanty towns style. The conditions are building quickly, under employment is growing, meaning people making less not meeting ends, police brutality, lack of national cohesion, the super rich becoming richer, the middle class becoming poorer and the poor without the American Dream where all was possible, the there is one last detail, either a huge financial collapse (it is very likely) or a power vacuum due to assassination, illegal impeachment etc… the missing spark seems to be getting near and near.

  84. Mike-Florida says:

    Taxi – question > which Lebanon-based media should I trust? Asking, since it seems what I do check is near same 'cooked' narrative as MSM in general – such as Daily Star, NewsNow, Middle East Eye, etc. Thanks. Mike.

      • Taxi says:

        Yeah, Al Masdar is a good one – probably about the ONLY good one around for straight-up information.

      • Canthama says:

        TEP, AMN is good, solid, unbiased in the sense of searching the truth. As you know, Leith is Ziad's son, he managed to team up with a very good team in Syria and Lebanon with translators from all continents. 

        Paul Antonopoulos (@oulosP) did the big trick to bring AMN to a global professional level, and extending its reaching fairly quickly, but unfortunately it got crossed in a twitter arguments with few al Qaeda/Muslin Brotherhood terrorist supporters few years ago which tamed his image on social media and Leith had to break up the partnership with Paul, which is now at FRN (FrontRusNews).

        AMN never managed to create a vibrant commenting section, was never their goal anyway which would compete with Ziad's SyrPer, but that reduced the impact of their news like it happens in MoA, The Saker etc…

        I hope Leith, which dedicates most of his time to his studying (Law College), can keep up AMN alive and kicking even with the reduction of activities in late 2020 in Syria, when most of Syria will be free of the filth terrorists.

    • Taxi says:

      Hello Mike. You should know that most ME media for the past at least 15+ years has been Saudi/Gulfie owned, and Lebanon is no exception. I tend to not bother with any ME periodical past the occasional headline – I never read the content because the headline says it all and I know that the content is going to be slanted towards the wahabi-jewy way. Instead, I tend to follow individual analysts who make appearances on TV.

      In Lebanon, the TV news stations I check into when big stories break are: Al-Mayadeen (independent, secular pan-Arab, hated by saudi/israel), Al-Manar (Hezbollah, shia TV, hated by saudi/israel), and OTV (owned by the Lebanon prez, Mishel Oun, Christian pro Resistance hated by saudi/israel).

      There’s at least a dozen Arab-speaking analysts that I respect for their smarts and integrity. I put Anis Nakash at the top of my list – the man is a genius analyst par excellence – probably the best analyst in the whole goddamn world. He is a sunni Lebanese who is a Hezbollah and Iran insider. He’s also on the US terrorist list lol! His analysis is always rich, informed and multi-dimensional. Another is Nasser Kandil – a secular Leb Druze, independent and pro the Resistance – this man is an exceptional analyst too.

      I also tend to collect my info from a couple of retired Leb Generals who are still in the Intelligence loop, and also from a couple of ex CIA guys who worked the mideast beat for several decades and are Arabic speakers too. Plus, locally here in the south Leb, I get info on big breaking stories from village personalities who are either Hezbollah fighters or insiders, as well as from a couple of retired and well-seasoned Leb journalists. Also, from inside israel, I follow the informed analysis of Nasser Laham, a Palestinian living in Bethlehem who also speaks hebrew, so his israel analysis if full of nuance that you don’t even get from the staunchest israel-loving msm.

      So, in effect, I follow Arab-speaking analysts whose work is unfortunately not available in English (only very occasionally it is). And I should tell you here that when I first moved to the Leb, I learned my Arabic from watching Arab news channels – like an average of 8 hours per day (same as school hours) for about 5 straight years – this way I learned both the language and the political landscape, both local and regional.

      So, you see, I don’t need no frigging msm fuckers giving me the ‘picture’.

      I do not follow any English-speaking website for mideast news. Sure I check into English sites here and there and every now and then – really to read specific writers as opposed to embracing a site’s political manifesto – but I have no English news website that’s bookmarked on my computer. I know that most people tend to read ‘opposition’ articles on a regular basis to stay informed of what the enemy is up to, but I already know what the predictable enemy is up to so I don’t waste my time on absorbing their twisted POV and mythomania. I can’t think of anything more boring, in fact.

      For me, I follow writers and analysts, not periodicals. And I’ll close by saying that Arab analyst are by far more superior to anything the West produces. Incredibly well-informed and supremely intelligent. There would be a revolution in thought in the Western hemisphere if top Arab analysts were made available in Western media. No doubt about that.

      • Taxi says:

        It might be fun for you to know that 60 Minutes/CBS contacted me early this morning for a hook up with Anis Nakash, with the view to interviewing him regarding the Suleimani murder. I happen to know one of the producers on 60 Minutes so that’s where the connection comes from. CBS did the same a couple of years ago: they contacted me about Anis: they wanted him to organize an interview with Suleimani himself (a personal friend of Anis), and at the time, Suleimani partially declined with: “Okay, but not right now”. CBS didn’t pursue the matter further – put it on ice till now. CBS are today asking of Anis to pick the ‘direction and content’ of the interview himself. I personally think they’re giving him this freedom (unusual for them) because they don’t know what ‘gold’ he knows and they want to make an interview with him whose insider angle flattens the competition back in the US. I know Anis thru a mutual Leb friend and he loves it that a surfing Californian like me loves the Resistance heh! I will today pass CBS’s message to him and they can both take it from there.

      • Sparrow says:

        CBS et all are CIA mouthpieces…I would never give them anything ever.  (except a road leading to the sea!)

      • Mike-Florida says:

        Thanks, Taxi – much appreciate your savvy detailed & true in-depth response to my question regarding ME news info sources. Very, very valuable. You mentioned your sites are predominately broadcasting in Arabic, which you prefer. Asking if in general you find on-line Arabic-English translations mostly reliable from those sources? Here's one example via your first recommendation > Al-Manar – which I found at > broadcasting in Arabic at – which Google translated to English as > – here's a translated article today from that, RE Imam Khamenei Bids Farewell to General Suleimani  > . I presume some PTBs also do this but cannot control what the authors publish as they can with MSMs – which is good!! Apologizing taking your valuable time, but mentioning this to find if on right track to sometimes directly benefit from some of your sources. Thanks much-much!!! Also thanks to Tep and Canthama RE Al Masdar. Mike.

      • Mike-Florida says:

        Taxi – Regarding sites, could not find your >  OTV (owned by the Lebanon prez, Mishel Oun. Assist? p.s. – It was great of you for being a temp for SyrPer, but hope the new volume does not overwhelm your personal time, and thereby reduce your own most savvy posts. Mike.

      • Taxi says:

        Here's the OTV website for youz:

        Hey Syrpers are all welcome, anytime.  No prob with me.

        Regarding checking out translation sites etc, I hope to look into it for you today/tomorrow.  But what I can tell you off hand is that Al-Manar desperately needs a professional English translator, that's for damn sure lol! 

  85. Igor Bundy says:

    When I get angry I get quiet.. Guess I have been very angry lately and these imps celebrating this vile act. 


    But this same behaviour is what americans are known for in history.. 

  86. Daniel Rich says:

    Netanyahu backs away from Soleimani assassination, warns ministers to ‘stay out’ of purely ‘American event’

    I used to sing a tune back when I was a kid…

    It went along the lines of, "Liar, liar, pants on fire…"

    I hope someone is writing the [movie] script for a new flick called 'Exodus IIThe Final Discharge.

    The jubilant Horah, danced feverishly in the streets of downtown Tel Aviv, right after the assassination of General Soleimani to celebrate his death, has died down quite a bit …

    Wasn't me… – Link to youtube

  87. Taxi says:

    Here's a video of Nasrallah's historic speech from two days ago, with an English interpreter overdubbed.  I recommend you make time to watch it through and through.  Double-worthy!


    • Taxi says:

      Seems that the above vid is cutting off at 6+ minutes – damn!!!

      Here’s some links to a couple of clips of the speech that I managed to find with English subs:

      Slim pickings, I know – but better than nothing, I suppose.

      It’s very frustrating that the Resistance is weak in the English-language media. In my estimation, it’s their weakest area – and this is a vast detriment to their cause. I really wish they’d get it together to set up an English-language media campaign that gets their info out to the English-speaking world. They have a very good Spanish campaign going on that’s pretty robust in the South American continent.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        [the first, broken vid] – The translator should have cleared her throat before opening her mouth.

        My ears… Oh, my ears… :o]

      • Taxi says:

        Heh heh! For me, it’s also funny that PressTV overdubbed a female voice on top of manly Nasrallah’s heh!

  88. Taxi says:

    General Suleimani (R.I.P.) is singularly responsible for the stunning military advancement of the non-state members of the Axis of Resistance this past decade.  And more specifically, he's responsible for Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad's acquisition of short and medium range precision missiles.  He generously gave Hezbollah deadly ballistic weaponry and sophisticated radar systems.  This was the very nightmarish game-changer that israel had always feared and always arduously endeavored to stop from happening.  Suleimani threw a giant spanner in the jew works and guaranteed tel aviv's future destruction by putting advanced weapons in Hezbollah's hands.  That's why the jews placed him right at the top of their terrorist list.  That's why they murdered him via Trump's (small) hands.  That's why they danced the night away in tel aviv on the night of his slaughter.  But then, the morning after, having sobered up from being trash-drunk on Suleimani's profound and spirited blood, tel aviv turned yellow and gasped to realize the face-punching reality that the murder of Suleimani would not remove Hezbollah's menacing missiles pointing at it.  The day after, jews gave themselves the shock of their lives to realize that Suleimani is dead but Hezbollah's missiles are still very much alive and live a mere hop away from their bedrooms and bustable bunkers.

    Two days after that, jews are backpeddling fast from ANY involvement in Suleimani's consequential murder – putting everything on Trump and Trump alone.

    Like I've said before: for the jew, the Gentile is NEVER a friend: a true and trusted friend to be treated with affection, generosity and loyalty.  The Gentile is but the eternal servant in the eye of the jew.  The jews, by pure choice, have no real Gentile friends.  The very concept repulses the chosenites.

    They never ever come through for a Gentile 'friend' in need, unless it serves Yinon.

  89. Whozhear says:

    Moving right along in the budding relationship between Russia and Iraq………

    “Iraq is a partner of Russia in the field of military-technical cooperation, and the Russian Federation can supply the necessary funds to ensure the sovereignty of the country and reliable protection of airspace, including the supply of S-400 missiles and other components of the air defense system, such as Buk-M3, Tor -M2 “and so on,” a member of the Public Council for the Russian Ministry of Defense said, as quoted by Avia.Pro.

    …… which is leading to an ever widening disaster for the empire. Nuttyahoo will loose his marbles over this offer by Russia to Iraq.

    • Canthama says:

      The S400 deal is on the table for over 1 year, unfortunately the Iraq Gov was delaying decisions on the talks, not a simple signing papers, but a total new doctrine in Iraq's AA personnel. The US put a lot of pressure on the Iraq Gov not to go ahead, as it did to India, KSA, Qatar, Turkey etc… have wrote recently that without a proper AA (Iraq has some good ones for short distance such as Pantsirs but no long distance AA) it may be that with the assassination, all the "blockers" for this deal were unlocked and Iraq will move forward.

      Without controlling the airspace of all Iraq, it will be hard to defend against the attacks on Iraqis that have happened for the past few years from Turkey, from Jordan etc…Iraq airspace is today, not to mention the "help" from strange C130s and choppers to ISIS all the time between 2014-2018.

      S400 would bring AA long distance capabilities but most importantly, sophisticated radar system to protect the air space, with possibility to integrate short-mid-long range AA missiles in a central C&C, this is for me absolutely critical for Iraq, and moreover to cover the Province of Kurdistan that is infested by Mossad and CIA agents receiving constant aerial support from Turkish airspace, that must stop.

      Without the US military, officially, in Iraq, a proper AA defense is a must. Hope this deal is done ASAP.

  90. Taxi says:

    I'm hearing that Tehran now has a list of 13 US targets on its retaliation list, varying in intensity.  Some are of devastating consequence.  The Iranians are positively ready to retaliate.  I don't believe there will be any delay in their response to Suleimani's murder.  Today is the last day of the traditional shia three-days of eulogies, prayers and burial ceremony – mournful marches too in the case o Suleimani's.  Today is the third and last day for focusing on the dead.  Tomorrow, everyone, with laden hearts, returns to their regular life and desk.

    I wouldn't be surprised at all if Iranian retaliation occurs in the next 24-48 hours.

    The whole region is electrified and awake while waiting.

  91. Igor Bundy says:

    A translation of the below thread by Ahmad Khazraji on Iraqi caretaker Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi, in which he reveals the reasons he held his silence and resigned. (Most significantly, he reveals that US Marine snipers fired at Iraqi protestors.)

    The first revelation is why Halbousi attended the parliamentary session while almost none of the Sunni members did. This was because the Americans learned Abdul-Mehdi planned to reveal sensitive secrets in the session, and sent Halbousi to prevent this.

    This is what was discussed in that session (unbroadcast): Abdul-Mehdi spoke angrily of how the Americans had ruined the country and now refused to complete the infrastructure and electricity grid projects unless they are promised 50% of oil revenues – Which Abdul-Mehdi refused.

    Abdul-Mehdi: This is why I visited China and signed an important agreement with them to undertake the construction instead. Upon my return, Trump called me to rescind the agreement, and when I refused, he threatened me with huge demonstrations against me that would end my PM-ship

    Abdul-Mehdi: And so indeed huge demos materialised against me, and Trump calls again and says, if I don’t comply w/ his demands, he will station Marines snipers atop highest buildings, who will target and kill protestors and security forces alike, in an attempt to pressure me.

    Abdul-Mehdi: After this, when our Minister of Defense publicly said that a third side was targeting both protestors and security (just as Trump threatened), I receive a new call from Trump who threatened to kill both me and the MoD if we keep talking about this “third side”.





    • Taxi says:

      ‘I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you all!’. Way to ‘negotiate’ Don Trump.

      Trumpstein’s Cosa Nostra in action.

      We all knew that something like that was going on behind closed doors in Iraq.

      Observe how the US tortures Iraqi leaders and their political system in exactly the same way that terrorist israel does with the Palestinians. No freaking difference whatsoever.

      Fuck them! Bring the war on already! This torture must be ended, and it seems that the fiendish torturers will not stop of their own volition. Mass violence is therefore the only choice that’s left to the natives.

      And no, I’m not advocating for war, but I don’t see that the natives have any other choice left them at this stage. If you ask me, they’ve been exceptionally nice and accommodating and patient for too long.

  92. Taxi says:

    The quote below came from an Iranian twitter account that only just now suddenly got ovened, so I'm unable to share the actual tweet with you.  But I did find the content of the cancelled thread/account at Southfront, here:

    “We are 80 million Iranians. If each one of us puts aside one American dollar, we will have 80 million American dollars, and we will reward anyone who brings us (Trump)’s head with that amount,” the eulogist said to a crowd in Mashhad.

    “And we would give this $80 million, on our own behalf, as a gift to anyone who brings the head of the person who ordered the murder of the grand figure of our revolution. Anyone who brings us the head of this yellow-haired lunatic, we would give him $80 million on behalf of the great Iranian nation. Chant if you agree.”

    Iran TV Broadcasted Call To Offer $80 Million Bounty For Trump’s Head

    Readers, I'm posting this little side story to demonstrate how psychologically ready the Iranian people are for war – not only is the Iranian military ready, but so are the citizenry.

    My reading is this: Iran will soon respond, then the US will respond to the response, after which Iran will respond again, as indeed will the US thereafter – and so on and so forth till the gates of war open wide.

    And you can be sure that when this war begins, tel aviv will be hit in the first hour of war – and the hits will not stop till tel aviv is in smoking ruins and the terrorist jews climb over each other at ports of exit just to get the fuck out of occupied Palestine.

    Question here is: even if the US wins the Iran war, what will it do after the war's ended and israel and Gulf kingdoms are found smashed and dismantled in this war?  How many allies in the middle east still standing will the US have at the end of the war?  Zero.

    So you win the war and look around and all your friends are dead and all their cities are rubble…

    A victory?


    Nothing but loss awaits the US and its terrorist allies.

  93. Igor Bundy says:

    That 80 mil was reported by al ayrabia as coming from an unnamed dentist and part time goat herder.. Has there been ANY previous case of a bounty being placed by Iran?  Only US allows such unlawful behaviour. Never seen the Chinese or Russians do it either.. A government can nto allow citizens to take the law into their own hands.. Only a regime allows that.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ Whoozhear,

      I hope that ain't a brush you use to paint entire groups or nations with :o]

      Keep me/us posted, if you please.

      Am working my way through this 800 page whopper [a highly recommended read]

      Best Evidence JFK's Assassination

  94. Igor Bundy says:

    This is funny, US delivered what sanctions they would impose on Iraq..

    Moqtada al-Sadr to #US @realDonaldTrump  Are you threatening to starve a population you son of casino? 

    "You want to humiliate the people when you claim our liberation? You wanted to earn the hearts of the people and now you will leave defeated. Trump: if you dare (to hit Iraq) the country of holiness I will stand against you".

    • Whozhear says:

      This is the finalization of needs between Russia and Syria before the war gets into high gear. I would anticipate that some/all restrictions on Syria dealing with the khazars has been lifted.


      • Igor Bundy says:

        I remembered this from last year..

        huh bleh…. “Ukraine had sold 250 nuclear warheads to Iran.”

        "I believe it as my duty to say this: any use of nuclear weapons of any yield – small, medium or whatever – against Russia or its allies will be regarded as a nuclear attack against our country. Retaliation will be instant with all the ensuing consequences."

        A much heralded conference in Jerusalem of Putins friend and national security advisor Patrushev with Bolton and Netanyahu was followed by the lead headline in Israeli newspapers that Russia considers Iran its ally.




  95. Whozhear says:

    On PCR's comment/dissent of the Saker.

    Russia Iran and China all share longstanding broad and increasing business relationships.

    Russia Iran and China also share longstanding though casual military relationships.

    All three though face very different challenges at home and abroad that are caused primarily from the empire and its khazar overload.

    As such the alliance PCR desires would likely be a hindrance much more than a benefit.

    • AriusArmenian says:

      They are allied quietly in the background. Much is going on that we do not see. For sure Russia and China are working to prevent the US conquering Iran as it would be a catastrophe for them.

      Like the Roman Empire, the US Empire has reached its maximum extent. The US cannot change that even by nuking Iran which would bring on a global upset the US could not recover from and would actually energize its retreat.

  96. Taxi says:

    In my continuing endeavors to find you guys Nasrallah's latest speech with English subs, I came across this:

      • Sparrow says:

        One can almost sense the relief in his voice to be able to have the final say of a sovereign right.  Viva Iran Viva IRGC Viva Hezbollah & Suleimani's sacrifice for Justice.  Free Palestine is a breath away…

    • AriusArmenian says:

      Nasrallah's call to not attack US civilians shows him to be civilized compared to the brutal inhuman US.

      In general the contrast between leaders in the East compared to the West is shocking in the lack of humanism in the latter. When I say West I am implicitly including Israel.

  97. Canthama says: is partially coming back….Danny managed to bring back up to 2014, not sure whether he will manage to add the last 5 years, the attack seemed to be a very coordinated and State owned one. Good news, some progress at last, maybe soo we will have the forum back alive. Lets wait Ziad's new article, it could be part 2 of his review of the book on HezbAllah.

  98. Canthama says:

    Putin spent most of the day today in Damascus, met President Assad, visited churches in Orthodox Christmas day and had a Military review in the Russian Military center in Damascus with all his MoD staff, President Assad and Syrian MoD.

    He left Syria and has landed in Istanbul, will meet Erdogan and go through the next steps will happen in Syria, most likely Libya and almost certain will discuss Iraq-Iran.

    Regarding Syria, the leaks so far indicate that all M5 will be free of terrorists in very short term, meaning a large chunk o Idlib will be free and most western Aleppo. In few days we will know for sure more details, but again, al Qaeda/Muslin Brotherhood will lose in Syria, hopefully until end of 2020 there won't any al Qaeda/Muslin Brotherhood in Syria.

    As for Libya, huge gains yesterday, almost 150 kms of coastal ground liberated, Sirte is finally free and LNA is now less than 50 kms away from Misrata. Also important advance inside Tripoli's neighborhood, yesterday LNA had its 1st entrance in years.

    • Taxi says:

      Big Russian punch to the big jewy US nose with Putin visiting Syria yesterday.  Part and parcel of the 'response' from the Axis of the East to Soleimani's murder.

    • Sparrow says:—iranian-media/

      A second series of rockets have been launched toward US targets in Iraq, shortly after dozens of missiles struck US military facilities in the area earlier Wednesday morning local time, according to Iranian media reports.

      Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) has once again warned allies in the US against getting involved in their operation – dubbed "Martyr Soleimani" – and have threatened possible retaliation, according to Tehran-based Tasnim News Agency. 

      Around five rockets have struck Camp Taji – a US coalition base located 27 kilometers north of Baghdad, Iraq – according to a military source cited by VOA News' Carla Babb.

      A military source from Tehran told Sputnik that Iranian military jets are airborne and currently flying in border areas as the operation takes place. 

      Earlier Wednesday morning, approximately 35 missiles were launched and struck US targets in Erbil, Iraq and the country's Ayn al-Asad Air Base, which houses US military forces. 

      • Taxi says:

        FFFFFFwuck! Man! Just woke up to the news. But I felt it coming in my bones yesterday, I really did. Right, well, coffee first! Laterz readers.

      • Taxi says:

        Erbil because the freaking mossad jews are crawling there all over the place: hitting Erbil is a direct message to tel aviv.

        Nobody in israel slept last night – over here in south Leb, I had a wonderful sleep and woke to some very ‘wow’ news.

        Today El Al airline phone lines are gonna be jammed – jammed for weeks to come.

        Hey jews, get outta Palestine NOW if you know what’s good for ya!

  99. Cloak And Dagger says:

    To those of you in Iraq, I wonder if you have a casualty count from the Iranian missiles?

    The local news says no US casualties, but that is hard to believe since all those rockets seem to have hit their target.

    What happened to the vaunted Patriot anti-missile system??? Seems like 0% success rate! We are so fucked!


    • Taxi says:

      The base houses the biggest US radars in Iraq. Current news of ‘no US casualties’ are just part of the fog-of-war.

      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        From The Saker's site, it seems that more than 80 US soldiers were killed and over 200 injured in the attack. Can anyone confirm?


      • Taxi says:

        Media here is saying “large number of casualties” – no specific number verified yet. But I’m sure in the next few hours, exact numbers will be published.

      • Taxi says:

        Iran is saying that there’s approx 80 dead and more than 200 injured too: their drones have been filming the injured US troops being airlifted by helicopters.

      • Canthama says:

        Official info coming out from Iraq and US is that no casualties reported during the attack, also many folks covering Iraq has said that there may be wounded but hardly KIA. One thing is for sure, there were no large casualties, if KIA happened, it will be downplayed as IDF did when Hezballah retaliated few months back and the apartheid regime said no casualties showing the chopper landing on the beach and few weeks later some settler soldiers "died" in training….it all indicates this large and unprecedented event will be downplayed by the US and blown up by Iran to make their points, domestically and internationally, with that a large war is avoided. 

        Putin visit to Syria & Turkey is a sign of presence, timing and deep connection to the region, it won't go unnoticed by most countries.  

        This is an old photo, but it says it all.

        The world is a totally different place today, things have changed for the rest of the 21st Century.


      • Taxi says:

        Iran has just release footage of its 13 launched missiles – just saw them on Al-mayadeen. No doubt they’ll be flooding twitter in a minute or two.

  100. Taxi says:

    Some three hours after Iran hits US base and Washington is still quiet…

    I'm hearing that there are American casualties and dead from the strike.

    Also 4 Iranian missiles missed their mark.

    The sun's about to rise this side of the world – we'll all be watching the damage in glorious technicolor all day today.

    • Taxi says:

      I'm hearing that Iran's strikes are not finished yet – retaliation will continue…

      Hopefully till the jew plan for Iraq and Iran implodes.

      Strikes began at the exact same time as the time the US murdered Suleimani.

      • Taxi says:

        Hard to say right now but the ‘coincidence’ of the crash seems a little too ‘coincidence’ to me. R.I.P. the poor passengers.

        If the plane was targeted, I freaking suspect the jews! False flag and all that.

  101. Taxi says:

    Four hours after Iran retaliated, Trump says: "all is well".


    • Taxi says:

      Impossible that the US won't now respond.

      I predict a 'smallish' response and much chest-beating in the jewy media.

      Then we'll have to see what Tehran does about this 'smallish' US reaction.

      Mindful that now, EVERYTHING is about getting US troops out of the region.


      The expulsion mission was announced by Nasrallah a few days ago, and EVERYONE in the AoR is on the same page, supported by the VAST majority of the regional natives and the global citizenry at large.

      Standing outside of this consensus: jews, christian zionists and Rothschild's neolib cocksuckers.

  102. Taxi says:

    I'm hearing that an Iranian General just announced that if the US retaliates, Iran will declare all out war.  The General also warned Saudi Arabia to "stay out of it" and "not allow the US to use saudi airspace for attack missions, otherwise Saudi will be targeted too".  "Stay on the sideline, this is between Iran, US and israel", the Iranian General said.


    • Taxi says:

      Another Iranian General giving a live speech just now threatened to hit the US in the “place you love”, meaning israel.

      Folks, I’d love for that to happen today. Except the US is too weak to hit back big – israel won’t let it. The jew fuckers in tel aviv are freaking the fuck out right now – reports of jew citizens jamming phone lines to government security institutions and travel agents.

  103. Taxi says:

    I feel sorry for our troops.  Their lives are squeezed between the evil hands of israel and the orange mafia.  I recommend mutiny!

    • Sparrow says:

      I may get slammed for this…but I don't care.  They have held the world captive for too many decades, extorting, bribing and killing at will.  I know their mentality (majority)…and until they come to their senses and mutiny, then bye bye.  I personally don't want them back here.  I hate them and the memories of this since 20 years and now the knowledge since the last two WW.  The memories of arming tel aviv against Gazans trapped and buried under enormous rubble, the orphans all left behind with severe handicaps, Iraqi's living with depleted uranium, babies born unrecognized…all without ever caring except to occupy, steel and tyrannize the population. The only good ones are the ones who have spoken out against all this starting with Ken O'Keefe.   I hate them and israel all of them as the tools in which they are used…all for pay and no concern except for their own.  VIVA THE NOBLE RESISTANCE!!!

  104. Taxi says:

    In Nasrallah's last speech, I neglected to include that he said, with hand gestures included, that the "US troops who came to our lands vertical (making vertical hand gesture) will be leaving horizontal (making horizontal hand gesture)”. Now it's become a meme:


    • Saladin says:

      And Hezbollah has yet to act. Holding back till the appropriate moment. When they get involved, it's a game changer for the wicked little pseudo-state south of Syria. Syria must also be preparing feverishly. The israelis better be packing their bags. Most Americans have no clue the hornet's nest we are stumbling into.

      • Taxi says:

        The Hezb will start its attacks soon as the US responds. It’s not just about Iran’s retaliation. Nasrallah made it clear a couple of days ago: the Moqawama will respond itself to Suleimani’s murder, aside from what Iran will do.

    • Taxi says:

      I took a quick drive to the village shop earlier and saw two village teens making this hand gesture at each other and horsing around – in the rain!

      It's quickly becoming the hand signal for the 'new project for the middle east', designed by the natives, for the natives.

      Fuck you jewy Project for the American Century!  This century will belong to the natives!

    • Taxi says:

      Mainly eulogizing Suleimani, wiping tears as his audience weeps loud with him. A very emotional speech. Iran won’t stop till all its tears are spent – which can take a fuck of a long time.

      Khemini also mentioned israel, talking religious history and how after Moses led them out of captivity, they remained unappreciative of god’s help and toiled away on a meaningless golden calf. He said that their behavior has not changed since that time. That israel, after being given a slice of Palestine, continued on its ungodly path.

  105. ruca says:

    I get the impression that Iran is just getting started, and the red flag will be flying high until the foreign invaders are completely out of the Middle East.

  106. Taxi says:

    Because the Iranians know that isael is behind Suleimani's slaughter, it too will be hit as part and parcel of the 'fair response' that Nasrallah explained a couple of days ago.  Soon as the US responds: simultaneous attacks on little and big satan.

    I hope to fuck it happens today – please, please before my bedtime.  I'd hate to miss the live action after waiting for so fucking long for it!

    • Taxi says:

      American citizens should be fully aware of a possible jew false flag on them – bigger than 9/11. Israel will now probably try to force Trump’s finger on the nuke button.

      As if an American nuke on Iran would save tel aviv. It won’t!

      Israel is toast. Toast of toast: nukes deployed or not.

  107. Taxi says:

    Iran's strikes on the US base have exposed that US and isreal power in the mideast are WAAAAAAY overinflated.  The US can go home with some casualties and head down.  But israel is already in the hole it will be buried in.

    The Axis of Resistance, after a long period of restraint, has been unleashed – and won't stop till the 'eviction project' has been concluded.

  108. Whozhear says:

    @ Canthama,

    The Ukrainians are saying that engine failure was the cause of the crash. In a couple of the pics at PPrune forum it is clear that there is shrapnel damage to a large section of the remains of a wing panel. This tells me that the aircraft suffered a catastrophic uncontained engine failure…………

    An uncontained engine failure in a 3 year old 737-8 is not news Boeing wants to hear. Worse, Boeing is unlikely to be allowed into Iran to be allowed to be a part of the investigation, let alone just watch.

    • Canthama says:

      Whozhear, indeed, good link for the Ukrainian blog that is saying engine failure most case scenario for the accident. As said in previous tweets before, accidents right after take off have the highest percentual rate among all airplane accidents such as engine failures or reversed thrust on while climbing…Black box will show it for sure, and it is easily accessible, so quick answers will be requested due to the timing of it.

      • Taxi says:

        Ukraine Embassy in Tehran is denying making an official statement on the crash. They are waiting for the Blackbox investigation first.

    • Taxi says:

      They always do this ‘alert’ when the stress level raises in the ME, including during times when no strikes on US targets have occurred.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        Tough talk is cheap, Wait until the sirens start blaring, the missiles hit Occupied Palestine and see how tough these mofus really are [hope they have enough diapers :o]

  109. Taxi says:

    Not much is being said in israel this morning about last night's Iran strike against the US base – obviously the nanny-ing military censors put the kibosh on the jewy media there on this subject.  But Netnyahu did this morning say: "I support what Trump is doing" – this short statement and nothing else.

    But, them terrorist jews think they're still winning: busy mazel-toving each other today because the Honduras yesterday declared Hezbollah a "terrorist organization".  LOL they musta gotten a massive discount on the next batch of weapons israel sells them.  Yeah well alrighty yaaaaaaay whoopedeedooo biiiiig victory today for israel – woohoooohooo Honduras thinks Hezbollah is a terrorist too woohooohooo – champagne a my table please garcon!

    The big stupid shits!

    These people live in a bubble – a bubble made of shit and soot! 

    • Taxi says:

      Meanwhile, beneath the surface of the israel jew today: bubbles the agony of fear and foreboding. 

      It's no exaggeration to say that their shit is shitting from fear.

    • Sparrow says:

      Honduras has been overthrown since the 80's (if not before).  The natives are completely occupied by US/is big time bases and severe tyranny.  The teach Terrorists there.  A lot of the illegals coming into US are from there…being pushed out of their ancestral homes and territory.  Tyrannized brutally if they rise up in protests.  It is fucking ugly.  It's a CIA stronghold that I HOPE gets destroyed.  

      • AriusArmenian says:

        We should remember the suffering of the Honduran people. The most recent military coup US backed operation was an Obama/Hillary show of the usual inauthentic Democratic opposition to the Republicans. You are correct on the situation there.

      • Sparrow says:

        All of Central/South America has been subjugated by US for a long long time.  I especially keep notice of the natives and their plight (as usual) when they are trying to protest this giant.  In case you haven't seen this documentary, it further opened my eyes and have been changed forever because of it.  As an American, the shame that engulfs me when I find out how utterly evil this nation has become causes me to naturally defend the weak, poor and defenseless.  Like Suleimani…Hugo Chavez and Che Guevara was and still are noble Resistors I esteem.


        The War On Democracy (English subtitles)

        Motorcycle Diaries – De Usuahia a la Quiaca – Gustavo Santaolalla (HD)


  110. Daniel Rich says:

    Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyhahu has warned about a "hard" retaliation against any country that attacks Israel, while reaffirming his support for the assassination of Iranian Military Commander Qasem Soleimani in the US strike. "Whoever tries to attack us will be dealt the strongest blow", Netanyahu said according to Reuters.

    How stupid can you be? They got a bloody nose in Lebanon. They will be smashed in Occupied Palestine.

    L'chaim to the Axis of Resistance!

  111. Daniel Rich says:

    "We are warning all US allies who gave their bases to its terrorist army that any territory that in any way becomes the starting point of hostile and aggressive acts against the Islamic Republic of Iran will be targeted."

    Well, let's see who has real cojones now… 

    Will those magical 52 sites in Iran come under attack now? Any bets?

    • Taxi says:

      He says that every five minutes.

      He usually calls the nation or group he wants to threaten loudly by name – and a poke in the eye to boot.  He's not doing that at all today.  He's being massively restrained and non specific.  Means that their military intelligence is shitting nails.  After all, they know that the Hezb is yet to retaliate for Soleimani – Nasrallah made this clear only a couple of days ago – but they got no freaking intelligence on the Hezb whatsoever to prepare for a specific response!  I'll repeat: israel has no intelligence on Hezbollah of any significance.  They can only read Hezbollah's info from Nasraallah's speeches.  That's it.  That's all they've got.  Now they're waiting for the Hezb to pounce out of nowhere on their rattled shoulders.  Scary shit uhuh!  But the infanticidal maniacs that israeli jews are, they deserve all the worst of the worst of fears and agonies.  People who dance in the street after intentionally setting toddlers on fire deserve….. angel and a storm of missiles right on their evil heads and navels.

      A pox on the house of judah!


  112. Taxi says:

    Basically, simplified, the Axis of Resistance's  idea is the following: keep on retaliating till ALL invaders leave.

    Saudi and Emiratis understood this brand new chapter this morning and are both genuinely calling for calm and restraint.  The jews in tel aviv are staying shtump from genuine fear.  And Trump is happily sleeping in his big gaudy bed: dreaming of raping east european nubiles while US troops are living through a nightmare in Iraq.

    Shambolic Empire.

  113. Taxi says:

    Kuwait Foreign Minister is saying that large number of US troops are pulling out of Kuwait inside of three days.  He did not say where these troops are heading to.

  114. Canthama says:

    One key aspect of Iranian leaders multiple messages in the past few days was that there would be an official "retaliation" per se, but the real and final objective is that the complete retreat by US/NATO forces from Iraq, Syria and ME, sounds bold objective but one that The Resistance can achieve with low boiling cooking daily attacks to US/NATO forces all over the ME, a long term objective, but one endorsed by Nasrallah during his speech and several Iranians high ranking leaders.

    So based on that we may conclude, last night attack into bases in Iraq was the official retaliation, confirmed by Zarif hours ago that it was concluded and he was offering "parle", while IRGC, PMUs etc… are saying things are just starting, meaning it will continue until final objective is achieved.

    Next few hours will be very telling, full of twists and turns where "between lines" messages will be key to fully grasp the situation.

  115. Taxi says:

    The age of wanton killing by the Axis of Evil is OVER! 

    For every crime committed by them against the natives, there will be harsh repercussions from here on.

    The John Wayne strut will turn to a belly-crawl.

    • Canthama says:

      World has changed for good indeed.

      Elijah is also commenting on possible "warning" pre attack, he will write about that in few hours, it may indicate an intentional "retaliation" with few to no casualties for face savings from all sides prior to de escalation


      #Iran informed #Iraq Prime Minister Adel Abdel Mahdi of its intention to bomb #US military bases in #Anbar and #Kurdistan before the attack. Abdel Mahdi warned the Americans who took their precautions before the attack.

      The news that the US is possibly retreating from Kuwait (hopefully order will be executed) may indicate exactly that, de escalation, or removing "easy targets" near Iran to avoid a US blood bath, we will know in few days I believe.

      Still, the Orange Man had clear intentions to leave Syria and Iraq since late 2018, which somehow he was not "allowed" to do by the Deep State, he than partially messed up with the kurds, leaving from a large chunk of Syria, reduced troops in Iraq etc…but yet he could not leave the region, then comes the golden opportunity to lure Suleimani into a diplomatic trap and cowardly assassinate him, something it would make most of the world disgusted and the ME to boil up, a "casus belli" that would force the US either to a full blown war or a "must retreat" to save American lives. The Orange Man will spit fire, will threat with all bad names, and then retreat US troops, if that happens, then this whole thing was dealt with Russia, China, US & Iran as a de escalation strategy, in the backstage of the past few days and it may explain Putin's sudden visit to Syria and Turkey yesterday.

      It sound a conspiracy theory, yeah, but the world has been changing for some years now, Russia and China's low profile after Suleimani assassination could indicate they saw an opportunity to get the US out of Syria, Iraq, Kuwait and maybe more places, and that may have satisfied Iran, as mentioned before, the next few days will be very telling, looking forward to it.



    • Taxi says:

      ‘Aurora Intel’ twitter account you link to is a “Team of 3 based in the UK/Canada/Israel”. They don’t provide any evidence of a hacking.

      Foggers of war, perhaps?

    • Taxi says:

      I only wish the target was in tel aviv.

      You see how the bang-bangs fall on our heads? This what happens to American soldiers when our politicians say: “no daylight between us and israel”, then push our soldiers in harm’s way to protect the terrorist jew and this stupid, self-defeating brothel policy.

  116. Canthama says:

    Good long new video from The Duran, Russia has stepped up the diplomacy in the ME. There are some comments that may give light to some ideias shared above for the past hour. Worth watching it.

    "Russia ramps up diplomacy to provide off ramp options to Iran & USA"

    BTW, @TomtheBasedCat , one of the best Iraqi source, has confirmed S400 deal between Iraq and Russia is really back on actual negotiations, confirming the info shared by many yesterday, Russia seems to be all over the place.

  117. Taxi says:

    From the Xymphora newsstand today:

    "The catastrophic failure of Israeli arms has buoyed Iran's claim to leadership of the Muslim world in several critical areas.
    First, the Hezbollah victory has shown that Israel – and any modern and technologically sophisticated Western military force – can be defeated in open battle, if the proper military tactics are employed and if they are sustained over a prolonged period. Hezbollah has provided the model for the defeat of a modern army. The tactics are simple: ride out the first wave of a Western air campaign, then deploy rocket forces targeting key military and economic assets of the enemy, then ride out a second and more critical air campaign, and then prolong the conflict for an extended period. At some point, as in the case of Israel's attack on Hezbollah, the enemy will be forced to commit ground troops to accomplish what its air forces could not. It is in this last, and critical, phase that a dedicated, well-trained and well-led force can exact enormous pain on a modern military establishment and defeat it.
    Second, the Hezbollah victory has shown the people of the Muslim world that the strategy employed by Western-allied Arab and Muslim governments – a policy of appeasing US interests in the hopes of gaining substantive political rewards (a recognition of Palestinian rights, fair pricing for Middle Eastern resources, non-interference in the region's political structures, and free, fair and open elections) – cannot and will not work. The Hezbollah victory provides another and different model, of shattering US hegemony and destroying its stature in the region. Of the two most recent events in the Middle East, the invasion of Iraq and the Hezbollah victory over Israel, the latter is by far the most important. Even otherwise anti-Hezbollah groups, including those associated with revolutionary Sunni resistance movements who look on Shi'ites as apostates, have been humbled.
    Third, the Hezbollah victory has had a shattering impact on America's allies in the region. Israeli intelligence officials calculated that Hezbollah could carry on its war for upwards of three months after its end in the middle of August. Hezbollah's calculations reflected Israel's findings, with the caveat that neither the Hezbollah nor Iranian leadership could predict what course to follow after a Hezbollah victory. While Jordan's intelligence services locked down any pro-Hezbollah demonstrations, Egypt's intelligence services were struggling to monitor the growing public dismay over the Israeli bombardment of Lebanon."


  118. Taxi says:

    Right now watching Houthi leader Abdul-Malik al-Houthi give live speech – running thru a litany of israel and American crimes against the whole of the mideast, nation by nation, and also repeating Nasrallah's message to the US: y'all yanks gotta go on home now.  Don't make it hard for yourselves.  Just go home.

  119. Sparrow says:

    Oh the deceit!  Calling on SA and israel to take the lead.  Are you kidding me?  Israel has always been in the lead.  Fuck them all.  Goddamned liars.  Suddenly they act like it's not our business and try to put a victim status on?  I hope they all get wiped out along with their cia/mossad leading their way back to hell.  Will they completely abandon the hundreds of bases surrounding Iran and Russia?  Not until they are destroyed!  I can't even apologize for my cynicism!

    • Sparrow says:

      Do they want us to forget how they have and still are arming SA to kill Yemen?  VIVA HOUTHI'S VIVA!!!

    • Whozhear says:

      Overall, this is a clear warning shot across the bow of the empire and its master. The accuracy displayed in these results clearly demonstrate Iran's ability to exterminate its enemies.

  120. Canthama says:

    Since last night there were news of some US military evac from Syria, it came first as tweets then SANA but we lack visual confirmation or details. The report from Syrianews bring some more light to it.

    On the other side,  @NotWoofers  brings the following news that could be related to a power vacuum in the area, more confirmation is needed.

    "The Deir ez Zor Military Council in Al Janeenah is reportedly skirmishing with the SAA across the river in Al Haseeniah"

    This is too close to DeZ city, so it could be tribal fight as well.

  121. ruca says:

    Did anyone here just listen to the orange buffoon? He lied from beginning to end. I thought it might last longer but I suppose his buzz wore off. I expected ultimatums. He basically didn't say anything.

    • Canthama says:

      LOL he yielded like a calm sheep. He blamed it all on Suleimani…he said the US base intercepted most missiles…sat pics say differently. He was pathetic, very pathetic, but believe this was the whole thing, de escalate and get the hell out Iraq,Syria and Kuwait.

      He talked a lot of nuclear weapons, it seems the message is exactly that…..he is building a momentum for a deal with Iran…prior to elections ? LOL, maybe all of it has been a show at the cost of 10 heroes from Iran and Iraq.

    • American400 says:

      '' Did anyone here just listen to the orange buffoon? He lied from beginning to end.''

      Don't bother listening to the imbicle, his speeches are nothing but a little ditty  that goes……

      ♫ Now put your right foot in\

      Your right foot out

      Right foot in

      And shake it all about

      Then do the hokey pokey

      Turn yourself around

      That's what it's all about  ! ♫



  122. Taxi says:

    The mythomaniac-in-chief just finished giving his statement post the Iran attack.  Man!  Not a single word of truth – not ONE!


    Who the fuck wrote his statement?

    Here's a fast-forward version of what he said, well, what he badly read from a teleprompter:

    'No casualties from Iran strike, none/Suleimani is a terrorist and we should have murdered him before/he gave weapons to hezbollah who threaten our friend israel/Obama emboldened Iran's terrorism/I will ask NATO to get more involved in the middle east/we have big guns but we don't want to use them/we want to work with Iran on killing alqaida.

    LOL thanks tel aviv.


    • Taxi says:

      Trump will respond to the Iran missile attack with more sanctions on Tehran, he said.  So Trump blinked and there will not be a military response to Iran's retaliation.  Well, not yet…

      He did not mention that the Iraq gov and the general region want US troops out.

      A very slimy and slippery statement altogether.

      Trump and the neocohens can delude themselves all they like, meanwhile, the Axis of Resistance will not halt its forwards thrust till all US soldiers are removed from the middle east and Historic Palestine is liberated.

    • Taxi says:

      Trump looked like the startled school bully who’s just received his first bloody nose from the little kid.

      Somebody please tell him that the Iran war has already started! It’s ON ON ON motherfucker!

  123. Taxi says:

    Well, we knew that Empire was weakening but we didn't know that it was so weak that it couldn't punch a smaller nation.

    I mean, we've known that israel is weak and defeatable since back in 2006.  We know saudi arabia can't even load its own gun, and now this: this anorexic response to an attack on Empire just seals the deal.

    Empire's ship is sinking and dragging with it its allies.

  124. Taxi says:

    Military analysts on Arab TV are saying that the Iran missiles were super advanced in speed and managed to bypass US radars, hence the missiles fell on Ein al-Asad airbase with no US repulsion. 

    Can any bang-bang expert explain this, please?

    Also, I don't believe that 16 missiles (4 missing the target) caused not a single death OR casualty.  No, I'm sorry that's just lalaland math.

  125. AriusArmenian says:

    Very good strategy of Iran to threaten to hit Israel if the US attacks to start a second round. The response by Trump tells us who is pushing US buttons. 

    I think the next phase will come inside Iraq whose people will start their campaign to drive the US out. 

  126. Igor Bundy says:

    Is there a way to show the newest comments on the top without scrolling all the way to the bottom?


    Saw this damage.. Iran can do some serious damage here.. They had shown this before when they hit ISIS in DZ less than 2KM from US positions but this is driving it home even through drug induced trance states..

    • Igor Bundy says:

      Did millions of Amerikans stand in the streets to see his coffin pass by?


      At least he was buried in the US unlike many other gree carders..

  127. Taxi says:

    In case you missed this from a few days ago: the same day that Suleimani was murdered:

    Dear Americans, if the numbers are true and there are 80 million christian zionists in the US, then this very motivated block of voter will always decide who the president will be, therefore, also all issues of war and peace.  And we know only too well how attached to israel they are.

    What I'm trying to say is, we're fucked.

    • ruca says:

      I was watching that BS for 6 minutes waiting for Chump to grab her pussy….

      You owe me a beer kiss


      • Taxi says:

        Heh! I sure do owe you a beer.

        And I know exactly what you mean – definitely a lot of sexual tension going on up on that stage – and me, I thought an amateur orgy was about to break out yikes!

        I did like the youtube comment to the vid that said: “Nobody on that stage pays taxes”. Heeeehaaaaw!

    • Taxi says:

      Humble apologies – my page is loading slow – working on the fix tomorrow.

      In the meantime, greetings from the sleepy Levant and g’nite y’all.

      • Sparrow says:

        As always thank you Taxi for all your work to inform.  And thank you commenters for more info.  Pleasant dreams to you.

    • Sparrow says:

      Just lost my lunch…

      They also get big jollies killing big game in Africa that have been enclosed in an area.  The description of total COWARDLY BASTARDS getting a rush from killing.  I can't wait for them to be BAGGED!!!  DEATH TO THE US BASTARDS   DEATH TO ISRAEL who love killing innocent 'enclosed' children, mothers and the elderly.  WISHING for their death everyday.

  128. goysplainer says:

    as expected, the Pentagon will lie about the casualties, but the deaths are not the point.

    Haj Qassem's shoe is worth more than the entire U.S. leadership.

    the point is this:

    just as Israel ran in 2006, and has been terrified of Hezbollah since, today the most powerful empire on the earth has been humiliated. 

    a dozen precision missiles cowed the aggressor. no fanfare and no mass casualties.

    the whole world saw Trump cancel his speech, only to deliver the next day a call for peace and dialogue with quivering lip and bated breath.

    Americans measure success in numbers. they have "big, powerful, fast' missiles", spend billions on technology, and specialize in awe inspiring death and destruction.

    thus, they do not understand the significance of this event.

    true resistance wields the threat of force to deter aggression. it is defensive, and fights to prevent the accumulation of power, and not an alternative power.

    the Iranians have accomplished deterrence with minimal casualties, an idea foreign to the Americans and Israelis.

    they did not invade, kill, occupy, and terrorize millions of Americans, and yet the highest echelons of power are shook to their core.

    that the resistance proceeds towards the liberation of al-Qud's with dignity and respect for life is the deepest humiliation possible for the aggressors. 

    the light of the resistance cannot be hidden for those who respect life. the simple human decency of Haj Qassem exposes the cesspits of tyranny in Washington and Tel-Aviv

    the American officials watching the crowds that gathered for Haj Qassem know in the depth of their being that nobody will bat an eye if they were to die. they mistake Haj Qassem for themselves, and so they see him as a lie. they do not see him as he really was: an ordinary soldier and a gentle and mild man.

    this is only the beginning of the revenge, but don't be like the stupid disciples of Christ who imagine him to be a Jewish Messiah.

    "do you still not understand?" 

    the spoils will not go to the victor!

    Haj Qassem, like Hussein or Christ, is for all humanity.

  129. Daniel Rich says:

    The Orange Cockatoo praised his price, military hardware's 'Early Warning System' for saving US military lives [in Iraq].

    The Swiss embassy personnel in Tehran laughed their collective heads off [the relayed a warning to the US 1 hour before any Iranian missiles took to the skies].

    Soleimani 2 – US 0

    Watch this 'score' go up incrementally over time

  130. Mike-Florida says:

    Tehran, SANA – 8 January, Syrian news agency reports > IRGC: Iranian T.V. quoted an informed source at the IRGC Intelligence Department as saying > At least 80 U.S. army personnel killed in Iran missile – attack against U.S. base of Ein al-Assad. The source added attack caused massive damage to considerable number of drones and helicopters and to military equipment at the base, indicating that 15 missiles hit the base and no one of them was intercepted by the radar systems of the U.S. army. (can others confirm or refute this? Separating fact from propaganda from all sides a challenge. Mike.)


    • Daniel Rich says:

      Hey Mike,

      Iran warned the US via the Swiss embassy [to prevent casualties]. They wanted to send a message [you won't be safe anywhere in the ME], so they clearly did :o]

      The squatters in Occupied Palestine are shitting bricks, hence all the Hebrew hubris, by BiBi the Chest-Thumper. 

      Btw, SyrPErs is up and running again.

      • Mike-Florida says:

        Hi Daniel, I was happy to read your message > "SyrPErs is up and running again" – until I tried a visit to, and failed, receiving this instead > 'Error 524 Ray ID: 552764717bbec86b • 2020-01-09 15:21:36 UTC A timeout occurred.' Did they perhaps change something in the URL? Mike.

      • Canthama says:

        Hi Mike, hope you are doing well my friend and recovered fully. Syrper was down during the morning back back again.

      • Mike-Florida says:

        Thanks Canthama for your kind remarks. Also telling me SyrPer is back after a delay this am – which I just confirmed. Want to mention that while it finally opened there is quite a delay opening the initial page and then again delay after clicking the 'comments' for latest page. Mentioning this since such delay if increased just a bit can again cause a 'time out' failure to open. Wishing you Canthama a great new year, my friend. And continued accolades for the fantastic most savvy reporting you provide. Much appreciated. Mike.

  131. Mike-Florida says:

    translated almanar reports > Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said that Tehran took and accomplished proportionate measures in self-defence in accordance with the UN Charter when it targeted the US military bases in Iraq. He added that Iran is not seeking any war or escalation, but will act in defence against any aggression. Approximately 35 missiles were launched by the IRGC towards military bases in Ayn al-Asad and Erbil, where American military personnel is deployed at the moment. Later, a second series of rockets was fired towards US targets in Iraq, Iranian state TV reported. Tehran dubbed the operation “Martyr Suleimani”

  132. Mike-Florida says:

    almanar reports > Syria – US troops centered in Kharab Al-Jir military base in northeastern Hasakah on border with Iraq started Wednesday a complete withdrawal. SANA quoted local sources around 50 trucks were carrying military equipment and heading into the Iraqi territories. This withdrawal comes hours after Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) launched dozens of missiles at two US airbases. (Although many hope to see evidence US withdrawing from the region, must be careful getting hopes prematerially high until more dots connected – again, others please ck their sources to confirm or refute this news – and, let's be alert for other withdrawal dots? Thanks. Mike).

  133. Taxi says:

    Howdy dear readers!  Just to let you know that I'll be away from the boards for most of the day – I've a sick dog who needs an ear op today and the hospital is a bit of drive from where I am.

    Just now, I quickly perused the dailies and it appears that today's media is full of nothing but further analysis of yesterday's major events.  No significant developments occurred while I slept.  But you'll observe how Iran's message is not from the same universe as Trump's statement.  Trump is a fakester pretending that "all is well", while the Axis of Resistance members have genuinely declared war on US presence in the mideast.

    Iran to the world:  We're announcing a war against all US military personnel present in the middle east.

    Trump to the world: I just negotiated peace with Iran.

    This is bright orange insanity, pure and simple.

    The Emperor, in total denial on issues of life and death, puts his own safety into question.

    Fasten your seatbelts for a year full of asymmetrical warfare between the AoR and the AoE in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Yemen, and possibly even on Iranian shores.

    A new course was charted yesterday.  Let's see who gets to the finish line first – before the November elections.

    Watching a jarred Trump speak yesterday, I had the strong inkling that the statement out of his mouth just sunk his November election chances: because he didn't sound committed enough to the lies coming out of his mouth.  And as we all know, you've got to be a very smooth and convincing liar to win the US presidency.


    Something to think about…

    Y'all have a good one!


    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      The Orange Baboon believes in his own myths, like being the 'deal-maker' of the century. Iran called his bluff and punched the bully where it didn't hurt, yet.  Needless to say, the shattered shield of invisibility/invulnerability can't be pieced back together again. They're a target where ever they set foot in the M.E.

  134. Harry law says:

    I have just posted this comment on ‘Off Guardian’ they have some good articles on Iran at the moment…..

    Fighting the Empire anywhere in the world has to have a starting point, in the Middle East there are two conflicting blocks, the ‘arc of resistance’ Iran, Iraq, Syria, the Houthis, and Lebanon, added to this group could include Russia and China. They are opposed by the ‘arc of terror’ US/NATO, Israel [the Apartheid state], Saudi Arabia [the terrorist supporting, head chopper state] and some other Gulfies. How to defeat the ‘arc of terror’ has to approached methodically, 1/ The US/NATO etc cannot be reasoned with because they think [as Chairman Mao did that [“Power grows out the barrel of a gun”]. Of course today power also grows out of control of the financial system controlled for now by the ‘West’ that is where the Russians and Chinese come in. The ‘arc of resistance is under various forms of attack by the ‘arc of terror’, in the case of Iraq and Syria they are physically occupied and sanctioned territories, Iran and Yemen are under attack and sanctioned and Lebanon is under financial attack, the ‘arc of terror will not attack Lebanon or Iran militarily because they have large inventories of accurate missiles. In the case of Israel Hezbollah alone can destroy Metropolitan Tel Aviv, all the ports, Dimona nuclear plant and off shore gas rigs. How else can the resistance fight back?
    What drove the US out of Iraq the first time was a simple device called an explosively formed projectile [EFP] it consisted of a steel pipe [or even a piece of PVC waste pipe packed with high explosive with a disk of copper at the end, this was placed at the side of roads frequented by US army patrols, they could easily be disguised as rocks or other common features of the landscape, Initially they were set off by electronic means i.e. a cell phone, garage door opener or other such device. The US spent billions and asked Government research laboratories and universities to counter this phenomenon, they succeeded at first when convoys were headed by a vehicle bristling with antennae, the Iraqis were one step ahead of them, they started using a piece of string to detonate the simple device, game over. An EFP is unstoppable and can destroy the latest tanks penetrating from front and out the rear destroying everything inside [US personnel on the scene of such an attack called the unfortunate victims of the EFP’s ‘crispy critters’. On detonation the disk is propelled thus…. EFP 20 cm (8 inches) in diameter can throw a 3 kg (7 lbs) copper slug at Mach 6, or 2,000 meters per second. See also
    The ‘arc of terror’ have these very weak points, Saudi Arabia and the other Gulfies are terrified of their infrastructure, including oil fields and export terminals being destroyed, when they are destroyed the Kings and Princes are destroyed. Since Yemen is at war with Saudi Arabia [the weakest point] it is imperative they are supported by other members of the resistance, by supplying them with accurate missiles and the logistics of supplying them [deniability etc, although Iran is blamed in all circumstances]. Iran can also surround other enemies [Israel] and supply them with same. As has been proven Iranian and Hezbollah missiles when fired in numbers cannot be stopped, see also Professor Theodore A Postol. the Explosively Formed Projectiles cannot be stopped, this is the only way to deal with the Empire.

  135. Igor Bundy says:

    Americans are unfortunately severely reluctant to disbelieve the lies that normally spew forth from the U.S. Government about foreign countries and especially about foreign countries that it invades or wants to invade. 

    In 2000, Big Oil, including Exxon, Chevron, BP and Shell, spent more money to get fellow oilmen Bush and Cheney into office than they had spent on any previous election. 

    Planning for a military invasion was soon under way. Bush’s first Treasury secretary, Paul O’Neill, said in 2004, “Already by February (2001), the talk was mostly about logistics. Not the why (to invade Iraq), but the how and how quickly.”

    Juhasz made clear that all of the bombs and the corpses were done for investors in large international oil companies — not only for U.S. companies, but for the benefit of mega-oil investors from all countries.

  136. Harry law says:

    Finian Cunningham has this brilliant article in Sputnik news, here is part of it…..

    “If the United States and Iran do go to war, it will be in no small part due to the cowardly appeasement of European powers in the face of American criminality.

    Many commentators, including legal experts, have condemned the assassination of the Iranian military commander General Qasem Soleimani at Baghdad airport last week. It was brutal, cold-blooded murder carried out on the orders of US President Donald Trump.

    To kill a senior official of a foreign state in such a dastardly way is an act of war and a war crime.

    This European appeasement of Trump’s maniacal tyranny is an echo of the 1930s when European leaders pandered and appeased Nazi Germany in the face of mounting aggression by the Third Reich.

    If all-out war breaks out between the US and Iran it will very possibly spiral into a catastrophic world war. Cowardly European leaders are again playing their abject role of facilitating war, not stopping it”.

  137. Harry law says:

    Watching Trump [The godfather]and his Generals [made men] at the Press conference felt like I was watching ‘the scum of the earth’ It would be understandable if the Iranians have contracts out on all of them.

    • Mike-Florida says:

      Good point, Harry. Observing faces of generals at that press conference projected to not just being uneasy – but scared. Think they were wishing their faces covered with a burka to hide identity.

      They saw what happened so suddenly to a general called Soleimani, and what Hezbollah leader Abdul Karim Nasrallah said about targets. These guys nearing retirement age -probably want out now, safely to the farm. Hopefully a sign they should not stand in way of Trump finally moving troops out of ME as promised during 2016 election campaign and his ‘promises made, promises kept’ to many who voted for him again needs in November. Of course neocon think tank guys, intelligence agency PTBs, and those salivating for a part of $700 billion defense budget have power influence, but not votes. Time will show. Mike.

  138. Mike-Florida says:

    Sorry, reporting Jan 9, 4:45 pm EST > SyrPer down again not opening, with same previous time-out. Returned display is > "Error 524 Ray ID: 552991ff38aec8a3 • 2020-01-09 21:42:13 UTC A timeout occurred". Mike.


    • Mike-Florida says:

      Antonio – add-on > Tasnim News Agency – Iran used sophisticated missiles with fragmentation warheads in attack on US airbase Ain al-Assad in Iraq early Wednesday. US missile defense systems failed to intercept any missile. US air defense system failed to intercept Iranian rockets due to their high velocity. Iranian rockets which hit US military base in Iraq were provided with radar jamming systems. (the volume of missiles launched and for each the ineffectiveness of US missile defense ops must really embarrass US military chiefs and intelligence agencies. Mike).

  139. Whozhear says:

    @ Canthama,

    There are a series of photos from the crash site of the Ukrainian 737-8 that crashed after takeoff from Tehran at………….

    One of the photos shows the aft section of one of the engines, and note this is the underside of the engine.

    Part of the casing is distorted in an outward direction from some of the internal components exiting through the casing.

    At the circular bolted flange there is evidence of liquid(?) seepage past the seal and pooling further aft. Evidence of an impending failure?

    The engine appears to have disintegrated at the turbine section. It would be of great interest to see the compressor and combustor sections and their locations from the turbine section.

    The damaged wing panel section appears to be the outboard end of the port side flap. You are looking at the underside.

    The attached image is of a 737NG port flap fully deployed

      • Canthama says:

        There seemed to be a overnight briefing for the main news channels to give a new twist to this accident to blame on Iran, all in the name of unbalancing Iran vs EU or other players. The missile thing is a possibility but not necessarily the main one.

        We all know Ukrainian airplanes are not well maintained for the past 5 years, this is not an accusation just a natural reality of the level of corruption there and lack of money..poor maintenance is a most likely scenario.

        Black box will be investigated, Global Civil Aviation, when not following geopolitical pressure (as MH flight hit by Ukraine in Donbas), will get to the bottom of it. 

        Iran took the right measure not to send the BB to Boeing, that would be tampered to serve the US narrative. Time for Russia and China to help analysing this BB.

      • Canthama says:

        The video below may indicate that it was indeed an engine problem at the Ukrainian flight…almost 1 minute of flaming turbine, a direct hit from missile would blow the blame and mostly downwards, not in a possible landing attempt.


    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ All,

      I've [Iranian] HUMINT of a man who saw the plane go down engulfed in flames, but intact. He didn't see the actual crash, because it was too far away and buildings hampered his view. No missile.

      My personal take: engine blow out that set the fuel tanks on fire and knocked out most of the communication/computer channels and cables to fly/steer the plane properly. Although it is said the plane turned to go back to the airport, the above mentioned HUMINT said the plane went down in a straight line.

    • Taxi says:

      G’morning Daniel. G’morning y’all. G’morning world!

      Thanks for asking, Daniel. The op was complicated and long and the surgeon decided to keep ‘Max’ overnight for observation. He had like a pingpong-ball sized sac of infectious fluid down his ear whorl – and his ear whorl has really complicated architecture. He’s a German Pointer. He should be fine today – am picking him up in a bit – so I’ll be away from the boards again this morning.

    • Canthama says:

      In fact, differently from hundreds of fake news on air attacks at al Qaim, yesterday it was real, a clear targeting of a truck carrying weapons. All info coming from Iraq and Syria indicate it was done by the apartheid regime.

      Until there are reliable AA in the area, the soldiers there will be exposed to air strikes from the criminal IDF coming out of Jordanian air space.

    • Sparrow says:

      For whatever it's worth, one thing I have observed through the years is that certain numbers the idf will use to attack, to kill and so on.  They use the numbers 9-11 and they also use full moon/new moon.  Today is full moon.  This may sound stupid but it happens every time.  They go by their witchcraft kaballah rabid rabbi's influence.  If this could get to all Resistance they would be one step ahead of them, waiting on them, and use it to their benefit…and ultimately kill them with it!

  140. Taxi says:

    All day yesterday, I carried this feeling of horrid dissatisfaction at Iran's response to the murder of Suleimani.  It wasn't enough of a response for me – even though the response itself was ground-breaking, ie Iran is the first nation to strike at the US military and openly declare it etc.

    No, it wasn't enough.  I didn't think the Axis of Evil got the message and were deterred.  It felt like the US did a drive-by and managed to get away with it under a hail of bullets that merely hit the fender.  The driver shouldabeen been targeted and that driver is israel.  I was sure the Iranians understand this equation: hit israel and both the US and israel will get the message.  But clearly they didn't as a few hours ago, israel struck both Syria and Iraq – again!

    I maintain that short of destroying tel aviv, nothing in the mideast will change.

    What's the point of a low-grade war when the enemy keeps exploiting your restraint?

    • Whozhear says:

      @ Taxi,

      " I maintain that short of destroying tel aviv, nothing in the mideast will change."


      Plus, the Houthi leveling the "shithouse of saud".

      And only then will the empire vacate the complete ME.

    • Sparrow says:

      I agree with you.  I had to keep telling myself that wiser heads are prevailing?  (only hope)  The only way to keep them out is to destroy them period.  They won't leave on their own.  I simply hate this horrible game (not on Iranian side)…perhaps Putin has some input?  Frustrating.  Hope puppy heals 100%.

  141. Taxi says:

    I have ZERO tolerance for ANY acts of animal cruelty – and if it were in my hands, I'd have the soldier in the clip below lined up against the wall and executed – after I rip his eyes out with my bare hands!  Who'd want a psychotic scumbag like that around?!  The motherfucker!


    • Bornajoo says:

      Hear hear! Taxi

      That made me sick 

      Can we split the task and please let me rip out one of his fucking eyeballs? I'd love nothing more than to torture this motherfucker and then throw him off the same cliff


    • Sparrow says:

      omg…I won't watch the video…can't.  This is why I hate them…as I know how they are.  I personally knew active duty bragging about killing camels in Iraq.  When it comes to the weakest link in creation they will (and I mean will) kill it.  They do it here in the states, leaving rescuers and donations to help these poor creatures.  My house is filled with dumped off and abandoned cats…and I feed them all.  The fuckers that live by me took to shooting them one by one.  I've lost many of them that hung around the house.  If I had a gun…I would be in jail for murder that's all I can say.  One fucker I threatened with just a stick in my hands…to kill him if he ever comes against them again.  I HATE THEM!  (the worse thing is the police side with them…)  

  142. Taxi says:

    Pray tell, what is the difference between chopping up Khashokgi with saw and chopping up Suleimani with missile?


  143. Whozhear says:

    @ Taxi,

    From commenters at various sites I understand that Nasrallah will be giving a speech this coming Sunday. Is this correct?


    • Taxi says:

      Yes, that’s correct. Nasrallah will be speaking again on Sunday afternoon, Levant time – and I’ll be summarizing his main points on Plato’s soon as the speech is finished.

    • TEP says:

      Thanks, I'll be sure to bookmark Atzmon for future reference. I already check Magnier 2 or 3 times a week.

    • Sparrow says:

      They are fake so-called Christians.  They don't know flip about the Bible and don't know any morality.  They do this to do the jews dirty work (like they have done with Muslim's)…and that is to target the true believers.   Reality is that we live with good and evil, with the evil masquerading as the good just as Wahabism masquerading as the true Muslim believer's of Islam.  We know them by their fruit.  VIVA RESISTANCE!

  144. Harry law says:

    I don’t know why the Iraqis are demanding the US military leave Iraq, its true US sanctions on Iraq caused the deaths of 500,000 children, and it was a little inappropriate for US Secretary of State M Albright to say “those deaths were worth it” it’s also true that later the US invaded Iraq, killed upwards of one million people and destroyed it’s infrastructure. Just recently the US together with Israel bombed Iraqi camps and ammunition dumps and murdered many militia members [and their Commander in Chief] who are incorporated in the Iraq armed forces, together with Iran’s second in command who was on a diplomatic mission. The US wants Iraq to forget all that and also scrap the oil deals they have made with China in exchange for Chinese help in fixing the Infrastructure, including electricity infrastructure.  Trumps offer of doing the same in exchange for 50% of Iraq’s oil, together with the threat that both he and his Defence Minister may be killed if a deal is not done, and that Iraq should pay for the very expensive US bases, was turned down by the Prime Minister who then asked the US military to leave. Now how ungrateful is that?

  145. Harry law says:

    I hope my comment above did not need a sarc tag.     As expected the US refuses to leave….

    “US Rebuffs Iraq PM Request To Talk Troop Exit: It's "Our Right" As A "Force For Good" To Stay [Zerohedge]

    I think for many reasons, Israel does not want them to leave, seeing an exodus from Iraq would mean the Syrian occupation would become untenable. Those oil deals with China in exchange for Chinese help with Iraq's electrical infrastructure could not go ahead with US forces in country, and with Trump trying to force his ridiculous terms on Iraq at the point of a gun, so much for Iraqi sovereignty. What will the Iraqi militias do?  I suspect 5.000 US occupying forces is not enough to control the rage of ordinary Iraqis, we shall see.


  146. Daniel Rich says:

    As the House passed the packages Tuesday, the top Republican on the House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee, Rep. Ken Calvert, touted the defense bill’s increase of roughly $20 billion over 2019. “The bill increases funding for operations and maintenance, and procurement for the next generation of equipment to ensure our men and women in uniform always have the tactical advantage,” he said.

    Given the fact that not a single intercept was fired to stop the incoming Iranian missiles, it's good to see, some people still hang on to their sense of [misplaced] humor. 

    • Whozhear says:

      @ Harry law,

      If you think replacing Trump is a positive step you clearly do not understand the dynamics at work within the empire and the zionist state.

    • Taxi says:

      Actually Qaboos died about two weeks ago and they’ve only just now announced it. I know this because around xmas time, Arab news announced he was terribly sick – a very unusual announcement as ‘royal health’ is practically never discussed on the news – plus a Rohani delegation visited Oman overnight and suddenly on the same night as the announcement. Arab Royals like to get their ‘stuff’ in order before making a death announcement, and this usually takes a couple of weeks. I give kudos to Qaboos for stealthily organizing and initiating meetings between Iran and Obama that eventually led to the signing of the Iran Nuke Deal. But I curse him too for inviting Netanyahu and his gang of terrorists to Oman for an official visit last year.

      One hand giveth, and the other taketh away.

    • Sparrow says:

      This journo provides that because of the US threats to retaliate Iran was waiting for that when this Ukrainian flight was headed for a sensitive military base.  He also elaborates how the US is also to blame for the initial attack and threats AND also bears responsibility for reparations to the families.  I had a thought (as this investigation in ongoing)…how do we know the intentions of the Ukrainian pilot(s)?  Though the flight should have been grounded in such situations.  And this can and should be used to counter any propaganda by the US:

      ["On July 3, 1988, Iran Air Flight 655 (IR655) was shot down by USS Vincennes on the Bandar Abbas-Dubai rout, which resulted in the loss of life of 290 innocent civilians from six nations including 66 children. There were 38 non-Iranians aboard.

      On the morning of that disastrous day, 3rd of July, the captain and crew of Flight 655 were at Bandar Abbas airfield in southern Iran, preparing for the second leg of their routine 150-mile flight over the Persian Gulf to Dubai. Flight 655 was a commercial flight operated by Iran Air that flew on a Tehran-Bandar Abbas-Dubai route…"]

    • Taxi says:

      Well, we know that unable to go to all out war with the Resistor nations and non-state Resistor groups, the Axis of Evil has opted for severe sanctions coupled with a campaign of assassinations of the ‘heads’ of the Axis of Resistance.

      And I’ll remind readers here that back in the 1970’s, the ‘resistance’ was basically Palestinian and Arab intelligentsia who were at the time prolific in writing about the Palestine cause. Thus, israel at the time opted to assassinate Palestinian and Arab intellectuals – jew thinking was to “cut off the brains of Palestine so that the body can move hither and dither without direction”. The assassination campaign lasted for a good five years and many ‘brains’ were lobbed off with car bombs and bullets shot with ‘silencers’. The biggest loss at the time was that of Khassan Kanafani, a brilliant author and organizer.

      Ghassan Kanafani: Voice of Palestine (1936-1972)

      And no, I’ve heard nothing about the ‘arrest’ you reference.

      • Taxi says:

        And I’ll add that now that General Suleimani is gone, it’s Hassan Nasrallah who is on top of the assassination list.

    • Taxi says:

      Haitham bin Tariq Al Said used to be a ‘Heritage and Culture’ minister for many years before he was assigned the throne of the Sultanate by a special committee that decides these matters posthumously upon the death of a Sultan. An Omani Sultan does not have the power to assigner a replacement. Haitham bin Tariq Al Said is a cousin of Qaboos. Qaboos was an only child with no siblings – and he was also a gay man who bore no children. He did marry back in the 1970’s for the sake of ‘appearances’, and this marriage lasted for three years. It is an open secret that Qaboos lived the life of a gay man since his divorce.

      The pertinent question here is: will the new Omani Sultan be as friendly towards Iran as Qaboos was? Probably yes: for realpolitik reasons. Oman needs Iranian trade, plus, if it were to go with Saudi Arabia against Iran, geographically speaking, it will open itself up to being at the very front lines of Iranian missile rage. Qaboos maintained a state of ‘neutrality’ in ALL his foreign policies. Quite likely the new Sultan will carry forth this sound policy.

      Let us hope!

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