Taxi's Articles

Empire Games and Ghouls

What is Empire but a colossal corporation whose sole mission is the hostile takeover of everything on earth?

What is Empire but a titanic shark charging forth and gobbling up all lifeforms in its path?

What is Empire but a gluttonous, gargantuan gut full of humanity’s tears and shredded corpses?

Addicted to bloodlust and war porn, and hooked to the bone on Vulture Capitalism, a rapacious Empire struts and swaggers across our globe: demanding other nations’ resources and servitude at gunpoint, while holding a plastic olive branch in its brute fist.  Always speaking from both sides of its mouth, Empire plays a game of sadistic ownership with humanity.

…  And it was always forever thus.

Our human history consists mainly of the rise and fall of some 70 empires of all sizes – and all of them have by now violently perished, all but one, that is.  We call it, Pax Americana.  Students of the rise and fall of empires observe how the lifespan of empires have tended to get shorter and shorter down the line of time, indicating poorer and poorer management by empire, coupled with an increased resistance to its dominion – resistance that’s due to humanity’s growing awareness of the insatiable brutality and nihilism of imperial power.

Humanity in the 21st century is no longer in awe of imperialism.  It rejects it as a sole domineering power.  It rejects it as a civilizing force.  It sees no refinement or humanism in imperial behavior or ideology.  The majority of people nowadays, regardless of their political bent, lean towards equitable independence of nation and equitable free trade.  Being beholden to Empire’s caprice does not serve to fulfill these two aspirations that are fundamental to the progress of nations.  Empire has bruised the face and body of the world and its punches keep coming.  This is the very cause of rebellion against Empire.   

Traditionally, Empires have flourished in longevity because they managed to establish and sustain local consent.  There was some measure of give-and-take between Emperor and Satellite, even though the Emperor always landed the lion’s share.  Today’s ruling Empire behaves in an opposite manner: it rules regardless of local consent and it demands to take-and-take from all its subjects.  It demands that humanity gives in to it and just gives and gives.  Give everything and get a conditional meager little in return.  Since Perestroika, this gluttonous-mobster method has worked to fatten up Empire into obesity while the world went hungry.  This wanton gangdom, this imperial Cosa Nostra is now full of cholesterol and drunk on the vinegar of power.   Presently, Empire has become as if a foggy-headed, prehistoric beast: a giant carnivore snorting and slobbering over the world.  In its wake lay many theaters of war, numerous bankruptcies and global, existential insecurity.

But who is this Pax Americana?  Who is the Emperor?

Unlike any other empire before it, Pax Americana is not what it seems.  It is not the Emperor himself, as is traditional with Empire’s visage.  No bust of the Emperor is etched on contemporary market coins.  No bronze busts of the Emperor litter our plazas and squares.  Today’s Emperor is but a face from a catalogue, a sock puppet, a mouthpiece.  Currently, he is an eccentric parrot with orange feathers, hostile and freakishly squawking down the ear whorl of the world.  Today’s Emperor has been reduced to mouthing a sales pitch dictated to him by a shadowy entity practicing gruff ventriloquism through his mean lips. 

And this very shifty entity working the puppetry from the shadows to create more shadows: it has a face, and it has a name too.  Israel. 

By a long and rusty chain of conspiracy and deception, Israel has hijacked both Empire and Emperor.  Therefore it now owns the global domain.  Shape-shifting, it has usurped the head of god.  It has found entry into the halls of power through a sordid backdoor and it has wholesale kidnapped the Emperor and his family.  It now possesses all his powers and is in the process of exploiting all and everyone at Empire’s disposal.   The Emperor is but a hapless hostage to Israel’s relentless demands.  Haughty demands that empower Israel but weaken the very spine and lifespan of Empire.  One could say that Pax Americana is currently committing slow suicide with a dagger whose iron was cast in Tel Aviv.  The Emperor knows all this only too well, but, pickled in vanity and the salts of narcissism, he is impervious and indifferent to this behemoth and life-threatening corruption.  All Emperor cares about is keeping a crown on his elaborate coiffure – for as long as possible.  This is all that matters to the current Emperor: the crown and its opulent prestige.  Therefore, he is profoundly guilty of enabling the very destruction of his own Empire.

And destruction, as we all know, is the moon-shadow that perpetually stalks all empires.

Today, we see evidence of Empire hemorrhaging power and influence, especially in the Middle East, where, indeed, Israel is located.  We see the stalking shadow of destruction grow taller at Empire’s feet right there.  And we see Empire frantically trying to cover up its weaknesses with bluster and propaganda.  We observe it unsuccessfully manufacturing fake realities it would like the world to believe.  Fantasies composed by agents of Tel Aviv – delusions of excessive grandeur uttered by the Emperor before the cameras of the world, indeed upon instruction from Tel Aviv.  Hubris galore.  Empire’s image engine running on pure mythomania.  All to hide the reality of its weakening status – and to hide especially the gnarly hands of its puppet master.

All to hide that Pax Americana no longer exists. 

But, Pax Judaica does. 

Yes, the Shadow Empire has successfully replaced Empire.  In secret.  Away from the eyes of most of humanity.  The transition is now complete.  For all intents and purposes, Pax Americana will now take the blame for Pax Judaica’s crimes.  And Pax Judaica will benefit from the cover as well as the cover up: its elite agents being the only ones reaping the benefits of Empire’s grotesque plunder.

These are the games being played by a compromised Empire and Emperor right now.  Games of mass deception, mass crime coverups, and the fleecing of the very heart and Mint of Empire and the world at large. 

Mass warfare by the Shadow Empire now dominates the daily headlines around the globe.  The practice of rabid usury by the predatory banks of the Shadow Empire have knee-capped and punched the empty gut of both friend and foe of Pax Americana.  No one is spared.  Agony, hunger and war destitution are now the norm under the clandestine and concealed management of Pax Judaica.

The world is under the mercy of Pax Judaica.  An inherently criminal entity that scoffs at mercy and any other form of humanism.  A Shadow Empire that assassinates or ruins all who expose it and all who challenge it.  Resistors to Pax Judaica are singled out as legitimate targets.  But, the heavier the hand of Pax Judaica, the more resistors are born and the more proactive resistance is conjured between them.  History repeats itself, indeed.  Resistance to Pax Judaica is now palpably felt on all the continents of the world.  Momentum is growing, albeit in snips and snaps.  Resistance is felt most in the Middle East, right at the doorstep of Israel, or Pax Judaica, as it should be more accurately called.

Pax Judaica: thief of Empires and murderer of the prophets of peace.

Pax Judaica: the eyeless leech that will eventually leech its own blood chambers once the veins of Pax Americana are finally drained.

This is the fate of all Empires: self-destruction.

And considering the frighteningly stupendous amount of amassed Weapons of Mass Destruction in our modern age, any death of any empire will also cause the colossal collateral death of perhaps a hundred million human lives – possibly even more.  This is indeed a bleak but very plausible estimation.

And this is precisely the moral dilemma of the Axis of Resistance.  How to shred Empire with least cost to humanity itself?

Pierce Empire with a thousand cuts and watch it drain of blood over time?  Or, do as our cave ancestors did with giant beasts: confuse and drive the herd towards a cliff and over it.

Perhaps a combination of both tactics is what’s required.

Humanity braces itself for darker days to come.  And in the meantime, the Shadow Empire, known otherwise as Pax Judaica, will continue in sure strides its covert assaults on Pax Americana and its overt assaults on both the Axis of Resistance and the peaceful world at large. 

A maleficent and fiendish ghoul seeking humanity’s jugular.

But it will eventually be stopped by opposing forces that are currently gathering mass and momentum.  The Axis of the East: Russia and China (and all their allies from Asia to South America) will eventually publicly and officially partner up with the Axis of Resistance: Iran and its Middle Eastern allies.  Their multiple strategies will distill and assimilate into one.  Their multitude of forces will find common platforms of cooperation on differing battlefields.  The combined size of their power will be Empire’s reckoning.  And we are already beginning to see clear signs of this opportune integration between the Axis of the East and the Axis of Resistance.  Together, the two sanguine Axises will take on the immense and complex challenge of dislocating the hand and ankle joints of Empire, therefore,  also the Shadow Empire’s clinging limbs will be splayed too.  A seemingly impossible double-duty that targets a two-headed Empire.  Their success is not assured but highly likely: considering the current ongoing self-inflicted hemorrhaging of Empire’s powers.

And the price for liberating the world from the murderous choke-hold of Empire?  Here, I can only sigh…

And what of the nature of the force that will take Empire’s place?  Is it trustworthy?  Will it be more benevolent towards humanity than Empire was?  Especially considering all that added and supreme power that will be in their victorious hands?  I’ll answer these questions with a George Orwell quote: “We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it”.

Therefore, for generational survival, a global paradigm shift in political thought is what’s pressingly needed for humanity.  We will continue to witness further instability to our world, regardless of who the victor in the battle of Empires is.  We, as one suffering humanity scattered across the world, we will not know peace, prosperity and enduring safety till the very ideology of imperialism is vanquished from the very mindset of modern times.  Imperialism and all its supremacist sperm must be rejected and ejected from the womb of the future.

Therefore, it behooves humanity to begin unabashedly addressing the very imperialist ideology behind the woes of the world, present and historic.  It is not sufficient rebellion to only criticize the foul words of the Emperor, or the daily mass crimes of the Shadow Empire.  Imperialism itself is the very target question here.

The motto for our 21st century should read: In Empire we do not trust.

Regardless of the nationality of Empire.



  1. Taxi says:

    And let us be mindful here that modern Imperialism is but Pharaonism with a sprinkling of democracy thrown in for distraction.


  2. Taxi says:

    Is it not time to consign imperialism to the dustbin of history already? 

    Same as we did with with the numerous global cults that used to practice religious human sacrifice?

    Rejection of human sacrifice for religious OR FOR POLITICAL purpose should just be shunned as arcane, failed concepts, unworthy of existing, let alone of dominating the world.

    Say no to any form of ideological supremacism.  It just simply doesn't work for humanity to continue embracing or tolerating it.

    Meritocracy is a more just and peaceful measure-tape for greatness and achievement.

  3. Taxi says:

    George Orwell said: “The choice for mankind lies between freedom and happiness and for the great bulk of mankind, happiness is better”.

    This is exactly why imperialism/supremacism has endured since ancient Egyptian times.  Resistance within regular humans – especially those with children, which is the majority of the world – resistance in most people is usually generally low because they do not connect freedom with a 'higher' happiness.  They're contented to just plod along one day at a time: caring only for their immediate needs and creature comforts that give the mere surface 'impression' of happiness.

    For sure prisoners serving a life sentence have a good day every now and then, but are they really 'happy'?  Of course not!  Even animals weep in captivity.

    Denying the symbiotic relationship between happiness and freedom is precisely what enables the existence of brute imperialism. 

    In reality, there is no separating freedom from happiness. 

    This is what humanity needs to learn in the 21st century, so that the 22nd century can be truly transformational for mankind.

  4. Whozhear says:

    Hi Taxi,

    Very well written, thank you.

    Imperialism always ends up collapsing under its own weight.

    In the issues with Pax Americana, its overarching deficiency is its inability to remove the cancer known as zionism. A few carefully injected anti-cancer treatments into this cancer's growth areas will kill it off. Then Pax Americana will simply wither and die off with a minimum of disruption to the rest of the world.

    Looking forward to Dr Nasrallah's speech tomorrow.

  5. Vigil says:

    “The lust for power is not rooted in strength but in weakness. It is the expression of the inability of the individual self to stand alone and live. It is the desperate attempt to gain secondary strength where genuine strength is lacking. The word power has a twofold meaning. One is the possession of power over somebody, the ability to dominate him; the other meaning is the possession of power to do something, to be able, to be potent. The latter meaning has nothing to do with domination; it expresses mastery in the sense of ability.” ~ Erich Fromm, Escape from Freedom

    • Taxi says:

      Thank you, Vigil, for bringing us this interesting mix of judaic and Buddhaic insights.

      This part here below is the judaic, and of course Fromm being a jew himself, he knows exactly what makes some humans lust for power – he's read the talmud and he's observed his insecure tribe lusting after other people's powers for millennia (and land possession is but one certain form of power to be usurped):

      The lust for power is not rooted in strength but in weakness. It is the expression of the inability of the individual self to stand alone and live. It is the desperate attempt to gain secondary strength where genuine strength is lacking.

      And this part of the quote here below is raw Buddhic philosophy:

      The word power has a twofold meaning. One is the possession of power over somebody, the ability to dominate him; the other meaning is the possession of power to do something, to be able, to be potent. The latter meaning has nothing to do with domination; it expresses mastery in the sense of ability.

      I enjoyed reading the passage as a whole – it carries tremendous insight into the human condition within it.

  6. Taxi says:

    As Empire gets weaker in the Mideast, so does exponentially the size of its faulty decision-making.  Observe how Empire's bullyheaded pomposity has no sound strategy behind it, especially with regards to Iraq. 

    Baghdad wants Empire immediately out of its hair.  'Leave my house now!', Baghdad says to the orange Emperor whose heels are dragging mud and blood into the house.  'No I will not leave!', says the filthy-footed Emperor, 'I will kill you all in your own beds!', the incandescent orange parrot squawks bitterly at his host.  'Hah!', the resisting native bellows, 'with my bare hands I will kill you before you kill me, fatso!'.

    And so the two nations sit on the brink of war, with the Shadow Empire stroking Emperor's ego with one hand and with the other, stoking division inside of Iraq, with the aim of igniting a civil war inside of occupied Iraq, so that poor, suffering Iraq would have to contend with two simultaneous wars: internal and external.

    Yes, this imperial decision to stay in Iraq, a decision that's full of folly and murder,  this imperial policy that serves not Empire but Shadow Empire will turn to yet another river of blood in Iraq.

    This is indeed a dastardly and evil plan that's been hatched by a desperate and fretful tel aviv.  This here now is israel's current geopolitical concerns and thinking: 'oh fuck Syria and Iraq are getting back on their feet and when they do they'll be jointly turning their guns against us again and then there's still Hezbollah and my god there's still Iran and aaaaaaargh oh fuck Hezbollah is everywhere around us among us oh fuck-fuck Iran is on our Golan rooftops oh fuck-fuck-fuck we must quickly maneuver dumb Empire into delaying the inevitable by staying in Iraq and maybe we can starve the resistors further first then assassinate their leadership and make them weaker and put them in disarray before unleashing Pax Americana's shark teeth at their neck and groin'.

    In a simplistic nutshell, the above unpunctuated and breathless sentence is what's going down.


  7. Taxi says:

    Philip Giraldi would very much like to bitch-slap the Emperor out of his cowardice:

    America the Repugnant. Assassinating Foreign Leaders Is an Act of War

    Even though much of the information that Giraldi provides in the above article is common knowledge by now, there are some fresh insights disseminated there and in the comment section too – and I especially liked reading Ron Unz's butting into the comment section to challenge a whiny commentator with a definite tel-avivianesque twang:

    Ron Unz comment on Philip Giraldi article

    • Whozhear says:

      In Ron's comment of Lot's scribble, Ron has a link to one of his own articles from June last year. Readers would do well to read that article and even get a copy of Bendersky's book which is the basis of Ron's article.

      You will then get a better understanding of the term 'lies by omission'.

      Judaism as a whole is an eternal threat to mankind.


  8. Igor Bundy says:

    Empire only serves the few and has always been evil. Right now the US dont need any colonies to be an empire, the way it treats its own states shows the federal government is an empire all by itself.

  9. Sparrow says:

    Communication jamming led to missile firing: Iran

    ["The Iranian missile operator who shot down a Ukrainian passenger jet opened fire independently because of communications "jamming", a Revolutionary Guards commander said on Saturday.

    The operator had mistaken the Boeing 737 for a "cruise missile" and only had ten seconds to decide whether or not to open fire, Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, the Guards' aerospace commander, said in televised remarks…"]   


  10. Mike-Florida says:

    Taxi – many thanks your most excellent article – such as following 2 items >

    1. "What is Empire but a colossal corporation whose sole mission is the hostile takeover of everything on earth? Who is Empire? By a long and rusty chain of conspiracy and deception, Israel has hijacked both Empire and Emperor.  Therefore it now owns the global domain."

    2. Then your > "Today, we see evidence of Empire hemorrhaging power and influence."

    Yes, 'Empire hemorrhaging power and influence' as more and more nations get the message, and resisting – for which there is much evidence – including such as the documented understanding recently demonstrated by a huge majority of the World's nations, as below >

    Time and again, plus more recently (November 2019) a huge majority of the nations on earth demonstrated & documented they understand the Empire definition issue and threats – via their UN General Assembly votes – condemning Israel RE Palestine (92-13, 147-7,144-8) and Golan Heights occupation (91-9) – sum to 90% vote condemnation. Additionally, they must also observe that immediately following every such  massive condemning vote by the UN a near unanimous majority of both political parties in US Congress completely 'reject' the UN 90% vote outcome. Additionally, most nations also understand almost never-ever do both US Congressional political parties so massively agree on any subject as they do voting to condemn and arrogantly reject any and all such overwhelming majority votes of the many nations.

    Yes – more and more nations get the message as above, but adequate resistance to over come still seems puny. Its apparent a multi-polar world cannot be achieved until huge majorities of the US Congress vote like the majority of the world's nations regarding this issue – which first requires at least the withdrawal of all 60,000 US troops in the ME, plus those on NK's border past 65 years – and big trimming of US defense budget needed to reduce huge govt. deficits. Asking your comment on what it takes, Taxi – and, thanks again. Mike.

  11. goysplainer says:

    brilliant essay. reminds me of 

    "You are different from the really great man in only one thing: The great man, at one time, also was a very little man but he developed one important ability: he learned to see where he was small in his thinking and actions. Under the pressure of some task, which was dear to him, he learned better and better to sense the threat that came from his smallness nod pettiness. The great man, then, knows when and in what he is a little man. The Little Man does not know that he is little, and he is afraid of knowing it. He covers up his smallness and narrowness with illusions of strength and greatness, of other’s strength and greatness. He is proud of his great generals but not proud of himself. He admires the thought which he did not have and not the thought he did have. He believes in things all the more thoroughly the less he comprehends them, and does nor believe in the correctness of those ideas, which he comprehends most easily."

    – Wilhelm Reich, martyr of Pax Americana

  12. Vigil says:

    I think you might find this reader comment interesting, as I did:

    “A lack of metaphysical belief quickly leads one to an ethics based in observable cause and effect outcomes.

    What that looks like is "If I kill John, I get his land and that is good", etc.

    In fact, this is the Jewish ethic that is repeated throughout the Tanakh. ie: “Genociding the Canaanites / gentiles is good because we get their land as a result” (justified by any number of false political excuses like the farcical “idolatry” that merely means not prostrating oneself to the Jews).

    The modern statement of that torah-based genocidal Jewish, land-stealing ethic is “is it good for the Jews”?

    In fact, this is the core ethic behind the ultimate Messianic goal of the Jewish political group.

    A society that believes in the metaphysical has an investment in something that continues beyond this life. Therefore, the promise of earthly reward (eg: as the result of murder, theft, etc) is subsumed to the preservation of the soul and the respect of its counterparts in one’s neighbors.

    That understanding is the basis of modern ethics as Western civilization knows them.

    Materialist ethics, as represented by the Jewish religion, which logically and quickly become homicidal are not that basis. They are what existed prior to civilization.

    The belief in the metaphysical is merely the injection into wider society of the belief in higher principles that allow it to largely transcend a primary orientation toward widespread animalistic reward seeking behavior.

    Without this visualization of a higher ethics and principles that the metaphysical soul and its heaven provides, ethics and behavior would devolve as the result of a widespread perception that what is “good” is measured by what one gains from any deed no matter how barbaric.

    Atheists and other materialists may transcend this animal ethics and the resultant behavior nonetheless, but make no mistake that they have merely adopted and secularized what is in essence an ethical system born of the historical metaphysical religious view (or metaphor if you wish). This metaphysical religious view is responsible for these socially widespread ethics.

    Atheism is not responsible for socially widespread higher ethics that transcend animalistic cause and effect ethics. This religious view was born to counter the natural cause and effect ethics of atheists and other materialists.

    Functional civilization was the result. Within that functional civilization today, we have a variety of marauding mafias that have either informally rejected these higher ethics for materialist ethics (Italians, Mexicans, etc) or have formalized lower materialist ethics (Jews) into a system that is masquerading as a respectable religion.

    Judaism keeps itself together, in spite of their animalistic ethics, by directing those ethics only onto gentiles whom Judaism openly states that it perceives as literal non-human animals. Within their own group, they deify one another and therefore are able to apply a higher tier of ethical behavior within their group. As a result, the Jews get civilization within their group and open non-ethical de facto war with all non-Jewish groups. As their texts state.

    Materialists can rationalize away “god” when practicing higher ethics, but most of society does not and will not operate in such nuanced niche territory that, frankly, is the domain only of a small selection of higher IQ individuals who are not anywhere near a majority. This is why the metaphysical is still relevant today and will continue to be relevant for as long as we continue to breed human beings as they presently exist.”

    ~ Anon, reader comment

    Personally, I find this justification sophomoric, given the knowledge of quantum physics which has proven that the fabric of existence is subjective, not objective. It is now proven that the observer influences outcomes. This demands an omnicentric view of the world. Every individual is a central point of the universe, aka "flower of life" symbology. Every point of consciousness is equally responsible in creating physical reality.

    This is the Great Equalizer of Universal Natural Law.

    • Igor Bundy says:

      Hey what do you know.. Good to see others have figured this out as well…. Sometimes I think to myself I am losing out and sometimes I hurt a lot so it would make it  alot easier.. But in the end I just feel depressed that I am left out and did not gain anything. Yea being a better person does suck.. its sucks a lot..  and you lose out on a lot and on life.. But for the life of me, I am still unable to go beyond a point, mostly cant even get a leg in before I stop.. It sure sucks to have a concience, what ever that entails..

  13. goysplainer says:

    If human flourishing is our aim, we must consider that “the activity of explaining why things are as they are . . . is intrinsically like the activity of determining what the good is, and in particular how human beings should live” (C. Taylor, 1993, p. 217). The modern world has parsed life into separate domains and practices. However, in the pre-agrarian (i.e., SBHG) mind, it is taken for granted that these activities should be integrated: practical reason with explanation; grasping the nature of the world with determining how humans should situate themselves in it; understanding the cosmos with becoming attuned to it. In other words, facts are used to determine what the good life is. “Practical reason . . . uses facts to approach values” (Chisholm, 1999, p. 2). If we take our animal nature seriously, facts and values are only artificially separated. Ideals infuse nature, from the spider that repairs a broken web to the primates that reconcile after a fight (de Waal, 1996). Cooperative purpose and mutualism occupy every species, every ecosystem, and even our own bodies, which rely on vast numbers of bacteria to digest our food and keep us alive.

    To approach eudaimonia or human flourishing, one must have a concept of human nature, a realization of what constitutes a normal baseline, and an understanding of where humans are—embedded in a cooperating natural world. Apprehending flourishing requires an understanding of human development (in the broad sense) and how emotional systems have evolved to guide actions in response to the facts of the world. Longstanding assumptions in the West—that is, that emotions and desire are “nonrational, arbitrary, and subjective” (Johnson, 1993, p. 132)—have led theorizing in the direction of fallacious reasoning and practice that undermines humanity’s essence. In contrast, understanding human evolution through the mammalian branch, with an appreciation of the vital and powerful nature of social and emotional development, can help humanity retrieve self-understanding. The fluidity of human development and the many systems it comprises fits into the interdependently interactive nature of Nature.


    see also: Baselines for Human Virtue

  14. AriusArmenian says:

    The US Republic morphed during WW2 into Empire and as it grew after the war also manifested massive corruption of plowing and plundering which engenders a feedback loop to massively greater corruption. The corruption cycle feasted on by US button pushing elites eventually grows to such proportions to engulf the entire economy. It is a poison that will kill the host nation.

    The US is near to its end. It's showing all the symptoms like all Empires before it that end up a dried out husk that in its death throes will march its people off the edge of a cliff.


    • Canthama says:

      Arius, I am with you entirely, the US is near its end, we can all see it & feel it.

      It must be terrifying for people in that line of power to know as well, but unfortunately I believe the most powerful are blind, ego is too high and the sense of impunity makes them feel superhumans, with special powers of life and death. 

      The only two things holding the empire of chaos to crumble are a severe and long financial collapse, domestically and worldwide, and second, the real people decide to get the country back, though I must say it may not be the country we know today…

      I learnt in my life time that the real rich elite has no nationality, they think as a citizen of the world and not country A or B, when shit happens, they are long gone, like a parasites, they will move along to another host, that cycle is on for thousands of years, we just do not live that much, but they…they do, they pass on thru family, like dynasties…this is how it works for all times until something really big can finally cut this evil cycle, and I just can not see this cycle ending for these freaks.

  15. Daniel Rich says:

    Most of mankind is too much busy getting from one paycheck to the next to care about the mundane business of man [in general].

    As a kid I thought everybody thought/was like me: a formidable fighter for himself, justice and truth. As a grownup, I know how wrong I was back then. I will always fight for what I believe to be true and am always happy when I meet/see others, who're likewise carrying the torches and pitchforks of truth into the future.

    In that sense, I love you all.

    • Canthama says:

      Hey Daniel, you are a good guy, glad we met at Syrper all these years. Your fight against trolls was long and hard, I remember very well, in that sense, my friend, you have turned the table and became a strong influencer, exactly what the paid zio-nazis trolls did not want to happen. Well done my friend, may you have a happy life, well deserved.


  16. Jug Ular says:

    "The axis of the East: Russia and China will eventually publicly and officially partner up with the Axis of Resistance: Iran and its Middle Eastern allies."

    After draining the Empire dry, the leeches will start sucking blood of the axis of the East partners.

    We're doomed.

    • Sparrow says:

      Yes thank you whozhear…this has been at the forefront of my brain and glad you brought this reminder.  They have been at it for a long time and I've long since known of their Israeli/SA connections.  I somehow missed this article…so thank you much.

      • Whozhear says:

        Glad to be of help SPARROW.

        I have often wondered just how many of the violent student protesters are in fact MEK, whether as active students at the universities or also MEK just joining the MEK students to make the protests look far worse than they actually are.

        In the latest article on Breitbart about the current demos over the Ukrainian 737 shoot-down, Breitbart refers to………

        "Hundreds of Iranians Take Streets Against Regime"

        These protests are a drop in the bucket compared to the mourning processions and the earlier protests over the economy.

        That the students wont walk all over the empire's or the zionist state's flags simply lends credence to my thoughts.


      • Taxi says:

        Moron US strategists don’t realize that Suleimani’s assassination has guaranteed that no color revolution in Iran is now henceforth ever possible – not in our lifetime.

  17. Daniel Rich says:

    Iran blows Ukrainian plane out of the sky.


    At least they have the guts to admit it, but that doesn't do the 176 dead any good.

  18. Taxi says:

    Hey there everyone – hope y'all be having a good weekend.

    Am very short on computer time today, apologies – but I hope to catch some keyboard time later after Nasrallah's speech – scheduled for 2:30pm Leb time.


  19. Taxi says:

    Points from Nasrallah's speech, marking the (religious) 7th day of General Suleimani's death:

    Nasrallah went into a long list of the 'good' that General Suleimani had done in the region, mainly his efforts in the war against ISIS that saved tens of thousands of Christian and Muslim lives in Lebanon, Syria and in Iraq – that Suleimani was instrumental in the defeat of ISIS whom the US, saudi and israel were supporting.  He also asked of Barzani to publicly thank the martyred General Suleimani for saving the lives of thousands of kurds in Iraq when they were under ISIS attacks. *(I guess the CIA put a kibosh on Barzani showing ANY appreciation of anything Iranian since the death of Suleimani and Nasrallah wanted viewers to know the name of the ingrate).

    Nasrallah also revealed that Suleimani spent the whole of the Hezbollah-israel 2006 war helping bring victory to Hezbollah and humiliation to israel.  Soleimani was also instrumental in rushing funds to south Lebanon immediately after the war to rebuild the Leb homes that were bombed by israel, insuring that no post-war homelessness occurred in the south of Lebanon, which was ground zero during the war.

    Nasrallah continued by asserting that the number one enemy of the Resistance is the USA, relegating israel to second place.  He said that even though all US presidents are liars, Trump specially is the biggest and worst liar of them all. He went into a long list of blatant Trump lies – lies we’re all too familiar with. He also went into breaking down the geopolitical implications of Trump opting for  'more sanctions' instead of more bullets after Iran missiled the US base in Iraq, saying that Trump blinked at war with Iran and that this shows a palpable US weakness in the region.  He said that all of Trump's arrogance and lies are compensations for US losing power, especially in Iraq. 

    Furthermore, he reminded viewers that Suleimani's murder will not be forgotten, that the Resistance, as a multi-nation cooperative, has entered a new phase of battles that will be centered around getting the US out of the mideast.  He advised the US to leave Iraq, saying that "the US has a choice of leaving Iraq either vertically or horizontally – and either way, the US will be leaving".  Here, dear reader, I don't know whether this following statement of his was literal or just a turn of phrase, but after saying "either way, the US will be leaving", he (in a ‘let slip’ way) added: “… and in a few days, work on this will begin".

    He also said that the Iranian sophisticated missiles that were fired at the Ein al-Asad base did not only create a deterrence against US military assaults on Iran, but that these launched missiles were also a message specifically to israel to remind it of its geopolitical weakness, a weakness that US military aid will not be able to compensate for.  He said that israel is in constant fear and weakness and that at this stage, all it can do is play the 'delay' games – and that these delays games will not change the end result which will be the eviction of the US from the region and the liberation of Historic Palestine.

    He closed with asking his followers to prepare for this new era that the Resistance has entered, a post-Suleimani phase that will begin with the eviction of the US from Iraq at the hands of the Axis of Resistance, and that liberating Iraq from US forces will be just the first of several chapters.

    • Taxi says:

      In the same way that Lebanese Hezbollah sent its fighters to Syria to assist in evicting ISIS from Syrian land, we will, in the near future, be seeing Lebanese Hezbollah operating against US troops in Iraq. We will also be seeing Syrian, Yemeni, Afghani and Palestinian cells operating against US presence in the Iraqi theater, alongside their Iraqi resistor brethren.

      • Sparrow says:

        Thank you Taxi, I was waiting for his words.  Appreciate the confidence he boldly states and agree that General Suleimani will never be forgotten.  I have read obscene comments coming from tel aviv/dc, lying as they do to match their citizen protests instantly popping up railing against this hero and ultimately up the chain.  By now it is so predictable because their despicable acts are gone and can only repeat them.  My utmost and prayerful protection to Hassan Nasrallah and all of The Resistance whether organized groups or each and every citizen and of course yours Taxi standing in the gap for us that desperately need to hear sanity.  VIVA HEZBOALLAH and THE RESISTANCE!!!

  20. Zarayna Pradyer says:

    By the time the majority realise where the seat of corruption lies, it has moved elsewhere. This is highly regrettable because, people do evil because they want to and, because we (the majority) allow them to.

    An age-old dilemma.

  21. Harry law says:

     I think this interview with Professor Norman Finkelstein is most appropriate for the peoples of Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen at this time.. Professor Norman Finkelstein  IN DEFENCE OF LEBANON. 

    I agree with every word.

  22. Whozhear says:

    @ Taxi,

    Thank you for your commentary on Dr Nasrallah's speech, very much appreciated.

    A couple of days before the Iraqi Parliament voted to oust the empire from Iraqi soil, I commented that the empire would refuse to leave and would instead bolster its forces

    The buildup into the ME continues apace……..

    C-17AS & C5Ms continues to mobilizing into Middle-East: RCH257 RCH627 RCH803 RCH566 RCH207 RCH547

  23. Sparrow says:

    BEIRUT, LEBANON (6:30 P.M.) – Minutes ago, an Iraqi military base that hosts the U.S. contractors was the target of several missiles that were fired by unknown entity.

    According to preliminary reports, at least eight rockets struck the Al-Balad Airbase, resulting in the hospitalization of four Iraqi soldiers who were at the installation.




    No further details have been released at this time.

    The Al-Balad Base is located inside Iraq’s Salaheddine Governorate, which is north of Baghdad.

  24. Wbduncan says:

    Since  he so supportive of democractic outcomes I wonder if Norman Finkelstein would accept a world wide vote on breaking up the central banking cabal. Where is Thucksey (SP) when you need his guiding wisdom.

    • Boris Johnson says:

      I am not at all surprised that they get perturbed because do you really honestly believe that it is only all of  the17 million odd world wide Jews that are evil and none of the 7 billion odd non jews are good?.

      The Torah came before the very highly suspect Talmud and the last time I checked Moses 10 commandments sounded like a pretty decent way to stay away from evil to me, by commanding to not murder and steal etc etc and only a fool would say that the Torah has nothing to do with Judaism.

      You should try and arrange a visit some of the prisons here in the U.K and see how utterly vile and evil Gentiles can be and then I would suggest a walk round the North London boroughs of Golders Green and Stamford Hill amongst all the Jews and I am sure you would feel far far safer on your walks than amongst the locked up Gentiles.

      I am not a Jew and nor do i wish to be but what you said is complete nonsense in my view.

      Jew this and Jew that blah blah blah, when the bigger picture is all about good vs evil and really there is no need to even mention the J word……And then they cant even call you an anti-Semite can they?

      • Taxi says:

        Where Gentile evil differs from the evil of jews is that Gentile evil is not tribally based, you know, where the whole of Gentiledom is in on a genocidal ‘grand plan’ that’s instructed to them by their scriptures. For several millennia, jew members of the ‘tribe’ have passively or aggressively either enabled and contributed towards the destruction of the world that Gentile hands and minds have erected. Why do you think Jesus himself called them the “synagogue of satan”? He certainly didn’t call Gentiles that.

        And I actually happen to have lived in Golders Green for 4 years back in the 80’s. Sure I felt ‘safe’ there, but that’s probably because I didn’t know what lurked beneath the jew back in those days, and actually often I got cold looks from local jews, orthodox or otherwise, but I just thought it’s because I was a punk rocker back then – the ‘Gentile’ thing did not occur to me at all back then – but it certainly occurred to them jews that I was a Gentile, hence the ‘cold looks and bad vibes’. I was dumb to the jew danger back then, just like you are right now. And btw, you WILL be called an antisemite for even ‘looking’ at the jew the wrong way these days, let alone stating facts about their murderous history and present.

        Exposing jew evil is a contribution towards world peace. If you’re uncomfortable with facts that illuminate the jewish conspiracy against world peace, then that be your problem, I’m sorry to say. Facts are facts and it’s up to you to consider them in your calculations or not – they remain facts to others.

        Personally, if you call me an antisemite, it’s as if you’ve thrown a wet noodle at my ankle – meh I don’t give a fucker’s fuck.

      • Saladin says:

        Boris: you should research who was behind the false flag attack that brought the twin towers down in NYC on 9-11. It was the israeli mossad. And study the long zionist criminal persecution of Palestinians and the attempt to commit actual genocide of the Palestinian people. Evil beyond words. Who is behind the nine year war against Syria? It is the zionists. Sure, not all Jews are evil. And Taxi has clearly stated her view that you don't have to be ethnically a Jew to be a "Jew." There are born Jews who have transformed themselves and are not "Jewish" in the manner Taxi is describing. I won't put words in Taxi's mouth but she is, I believe, describing a Talmud-inspired mind-set that has become an almost genetically inbred attribute of so many. This is responsible for immeasurable wickedness and criminality. Read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (no they are not a "forgery") and you'll realize the organized diabolic evil that is at work to enslave humanity. By their fruits you will know them.

    • Sparrow says:

      @ Boris Johnson 

      You apparently haven't had the luxury of being prosecuted by their corruption in the COMPLETELY jew corrupt US Justice system.  It's all about $$$$$ NOT Justice.  I could go on all day but I know the Truth here loud and clear.  Unfortunately many dumbass goyim still don't see it or don't want to.  A day is coming very soon…maybe tomorrow when their apple cart will overturn and they will get a big portion of their shit.  I have had years of it clear down to when I was a young teen in middle school.  Maybe you can whitewash your infestation in the UK but you clearly don't have that ability to do it here.  Censorship the last I heard was worse in the UK than here…imagine that.  Do you simply not know who is behind this?  When a fucking jew gets nabbed for what (?) corruption (?) guess where they are openly welcomed to dodge the bullet of their corrupt judges in our courts?  That's right…where the Jew Rottenchilds invaded Palestine for a JEWISH homeland according to their manmade god stuck on a $$$bill hosted by the blood of many dumbass American soldiers not ever knowing why.  I don't know which is worse!  By the way have your Golders Green come to the streets to help the homeless that can't keep up?  

      • Sparrow says:

        Here's a small (but Huge) example of our jew shit here in this once free nation Boris:

        Tell me you gentile Brits wouldn't have a few knuckles to answer for this bullshit.

      • Boris Johnson says:


        'whitewash your infestation' I am fully aware of the Jewish/Zionist problem in the U.K thank you and i am not trying to whitewash anything and if you read what I said properly and don't go making false assumptions I was merely pointing out that not all of  the 17 million odd worldwide Jews can be evil(or even controlled opposition activists for that matter)

        @ Taxi

        I am fully aware of the Zionist danger and thus I am of course aware of Jewish danger and evil is evil whether tribal based or not and i am perfectly comfortable with anyone exposing Jewish crimes(or any crimes) but as I said  for me the bigger picture is an eons old battle of good vs evil and i will always maintain that.

        Was the Nanjing Massacre(rape of nanking) commited by Jewish Japanese against Chinese or was it by evil Japanese against Chinese?.

        The bigger picture.


        Thank you for trying to inform and I know you mean well but actually I have known all about all of what you said for years now and I believe it all to be true.I am glad you agree with me that all Jews cant be evil but i don't share Taxi's Gentiles being/acting Jewish view because i just see an evil minded/acting being for what it is and therefore i see no need to go attaching more labels.


      • Taxi says:

        First, jews being infamous fiddlers with numbers, the 17 million jews you reference is questionable. I would put the number of jews at least double your configuration, considering that there are millions of crypto jews worldwide. And isn’t it interesting that the Jewish World Congress has no official figures for exactly how many jews are alive today, but apparently they’ve meticulously counted all the dead jews of WW2. Point is, jews don’t want you to know how many of them there really are in existence today, and this is yet another sly ploy to make the world believe that they are THE smallest minority so as to gain ongoing ‘sympathy’ for their brand name. In my mind, every jew who supports the very existence of israel on Arab land is a terrorist. It’s really that simple. What may help you understand this as being ‘normal thinking’ and not extremist is if the UK was under jewish military occupation that was supported by all jews, armed and unarmed, begs the question therefore: how would you define the unarmed jews who supported the occupation/land theft? As nice people? I don’t think so. They ALL know damn well that mass crimes were committed to obtain the land and they approve of it, therefore they too are perpetrators. Boris, it does make a difference if evil is committed by a whole tribe or by individuals. A whole tribe committing a crime is a mega conspiracy and holds by far more danger to the world than a solo crazy motherfucking evil individual here and there. But I understand that this point is hard for you to grasp.

        What most people around the world don’t know, because of cover-ups, is that there’s not been a single war in the world for the past 200+ years that the jew did not start for their own benefit. Including the Vietnam war. Are you shocked? Don’t be. This is how they operate, my dear. It might help you to understand the jew role in warfare and the depth of jewish anti-gentilism if you were to read Gilad Atzmon’s books, or speak to any ex jew with an insight into jewish insatiable evil against Gentiledom.

        In any case, israel drove the USA into Vietnam (just like it drove the US into mideast wars etc) to distract Americans from focusing on illegal jewish wars against the Arabs during that period, when most Americans at that time were actually AGAINST israel in its wars against the Arabs – it was clear for Americans at the time that these jew wars were about nothing but jewish land-grabs and land-theft.

        There used to be thousands of google links to israel’s involvement in the Vietnam war, I’ve actually read a handful of them, but sadly, they’ve by now been ‘disappeared’. However, last year, the Unz published an article on exactly this topic:

        Was Vietnam a Holocaust for Zion?

        Their evil never sleeps – they operate this evil from the shadows. And they do it AS A TRIBE!

        They fool many people because they play both sides simultaneously: they play good-cop/bad-cop over and over again so that nice people like you defend them and their tribe.

        I’d get into more of this with you, but I’m short on time today, plus, just take an amble down my article archives if you care to really understand where I’m coming from.

      • Taxi says:

        And btw, Boris, it’s a false equivalence to use the Nanjing Massacre to score points. The Nanjing Massacre was a temporary government/military POLICY, not some whacked out ‘eternal mission’ directed by some oriental god. Jews do their evil against THE WHOLE OF GENTILE HUMANITY as per their so-called religious instruction. And they’ve been at it relentlessly for close to 4000 years. Chalk and cheese, my dear, chalk and cheese.

  25. Daniel Rich says:

    The last thing one is supposed to do, is to offer the resistance a 'target rich' environment. With Trump's ego being the size of Manhattan and further hampered by a TV [Talmud Vision] personality, the Orange Baboon won't hesitate to put other people's lives [no Trump family members] on the line to defend his beloved Occupied Palestine.

    When the HATTs are arriving back in the States, expect them to get the same treatment  as they got under 'W.' In the dead of night and out of sight, because [you've guessed that right], to prevent 'upsetting' the bereaved family members…

    HATT = Horizontal Aluminum Transportation Tube [no ff-ing joke].

    • Taxi says:

      Trump doesn't fully realize the Pandora's Box he's opened with his assassination of Suleimani.

      With every attack on a US base or soldier in Iraq, the chances for Trump's re-election lessen.  The Axis of Resistance understands this and will take full advantage of this equation.  I'd even go as far as saying that Trump already lost the election the very second he gave the order to murder Suleimani.

      The Axis of Resistance also has an advantage over Trump in this following regard: members of the Axis of Resistance understand American politics and religiously monitor American media.  Trump, on the other hand, is fed fake info about the nature and capability of the Axis of Resistance by the mossad, who prefer to keep him in partial darkness, so as to keep manipulating him into consequential military ops against Iran inside of Iraq, as indeed they did with them 'leading' Trump into the Suleimani assassination.

      In other words, the Axis of Resistance has a better grasp of the enemy, and this in itself is a very powerful strategic weapon.

      Trump doesn't realize that a high-value suicide mission by the Axis of Resistance in October 2020 will instantly flush what remains of his chances for re-election in a New York minute.  A suicide op, say, the size of the one that was dealt the Marines Barracks in Beirut back in October 1983.  An op that killed 307 people: 241 US and 58 French military personnel, 6 civilians, and 2 attackers.  That's a ratio of 305:2 US/AoR dead.  And we all know damn well that the AoR is capable of such an op today too.

      • Sparrow says:

        The saddest part is what don't they hear when a sovereign nation says to "GET OUT"!  So let them get PUT OUT!!!


  26. Taxi says:

    Ear to the ground:

    "Meanwhile, with administration officials providing unconvincing and mutually contradictory claims backed by no evidence that the assassination of Suleimani was carried out in the face of an “imminent” threat of attack, the Washington Post reported Friday that US security forces had attempted on the same day to assassinate in Yemen another of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force senior commanders.  According to US officials who spoke to the Post, the US aimed a strike against Adel Reza Shahlai, who was in charge of organizing the limited assistance that Iran has given to Houthi rebels fighting against the Saudi-led assault on the country that has killed nearly 100,000 people and left more than 8 million on the brink of starvation. The US has provided the arms and logistical support for this slaughter.
    As the Post reported, the unsuccessful US operation in Yemen raised “questions about whether last week’s assassination of Suleimani” was part of a “broader operation than previously explained, raising questions about whether the mission was designed to cripple the leadership of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps or solely to prevent an imminent attack on Americans as originally stated.”  The report quoted an unnamed senior US official as stating, “If we had killed him, we’d be bragging about it the same night.”"

    US and Israel escalate Middle East tensions in wake of Suleimani assassination

    And pertinent to my article's subject matter is this comment here below, copy-pasted from the comment section of the above linked article:

    David, your assessment of "Anti-Trumpers" is dead wrong: The Anti-War movement has to be 'amped-up' —- and the Anti-EMPIRE movement has to be started — finally! As my only demonstration, march, and protest sign for the last two years simply says:
    and on the other side, under the image of 'our' American flag:
    "We can't be an EMPIRE"
    The seminal, overarching and fast metastasizing cancerous tumor at the core of all "Issues" —- never-ending war, Wall Street looting, domestic spying, tyranny, awful health-care, rapacious crony capitalist, climate destruction, perversion of democracy, etc. — as Zygmunt Bauman says ["our entire ailing social order"], and Hannah Arendt writes ["Empire abroad entails tyranny at home"] both agree and recognized decades ago was only one thing EMPIRE (in our case a totally new form of "Invisible EMPIRE").
    Now, because of the existence of EMPEROR TRUMP (he's almost a 'gift') that even the dullest, least informed, and most 'atomized' and 'infantilized' Americans can now see that because EMPEROR Trump is soooo clearly acting like an EMPEROR that even his very base base may well start turning against him and remembering what our founders, framers, and farmers all knew in early 1770s — that they needed to begin a "Revolution Against Empire". [Justin du Rivage's definitive history of our first one]

    Alan MacDonald teri17 hours ago

    • Whozhear says:

      @ Taxi,

      "As the Post reported, the unsuccessful US operation in Yemen raised “questions about whether last week’s assassination of Suleimani” was part of a “broader operation than previously explained, raising questions about whether the mission was designed to cripple the leadership of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps or solely to prevent an imminent attack on Americans as originally stated.” "

      This I suspect is correct, and the empire was trying to decapitate the Iranian leadership from the top down too.

      If Y.N.M.S. is correct then the empire was attempting to do a mass killing across three sovereign countries.

      I have long been aware, five years, that Boeing writes into its flight control software the ability for Everett to take full flight control of its heavies, 747, 777 and 787, from Everett, anywhere between startup and shutdown, anywhere in the world. It appears that this software program may have invaded the 737NG program…………

      This would explain why the Ukrainian 737 impacted the terrain no where near FlightRadar24's last beacon pip reception, the beacon was turned off in flight. If the aircraft was hit by the missile at the last beacon pip point, it would not have managed to turn 180 deg's around and head back before contacting the terrain.

      It would also go a long way to explaining why in all of the video footage I have seen, 4 clips, no air navigation lights show including the white strobe lights on the wing tips and vertical stabilizer. At no point does the aircraft in the clips appear to be more than 3 miles from the camera. Most Iranians, I will submit, have at least very recently manufactured phones, which were used to capture the video footage, all of which have high quality cameras.

      If I had my finger on the fire button, under the circumstances, I would have fired the AD missile too.

      The ultimate humiliation to Trump and the empire is yet to come. The Iranians gave the black boxes to the froggies, Airbus, who will, if they can locate the inflection points, blackmail the empire and Trump into oblivion.

      In light of Dr Nasrallah's speech breathing fire and brimstone, I suspect we are in for a lively time from the Resistance.

  27. Taxi says:

    The predictable endless money pit that israel is… and meanwhile, our vets who’ve returned home from wars for the jews are living on the street and going hungry and crazy-blue from PDST – their suicide rate still stands at 20 per day:


    • Whozhear says:

      From my readings across the decades, the suicide rates of vets across the Anglo-sphere are similar. Until such time as the various versions of the VA are eliminated and care of vets is placed within the DoD's, these suicide rates will remain abnormally high.

      The conditions many vets are forced to live under is disgusting. A large swath of vets are unable to obtain employment due to the cultural stigma pushed by jews and communists over war and soldiers.

  28. Taxi says:

    Some captivating headlines from today:

    CONFIRMED: Israeli Supplied the Key Intelligence for US Assassination of Iran’s Soleimani

    The Soleimani Assassination: The Long-Awaited Beginning of The End of America’s Imperial Ambitions

    Israeli Intelligence Was Instrumental In Qasem Soleimani’s Assassination

    And the link here below is to share with readers like our Boris Johnson, whom I hope will find out for himself just how insidious even the 'peaceful jew' really is.  I hope he investigates for himself and double-confirms and concludes that, actually, 'peace activist' jews are no less anti-Gentile than the Bibi brigade are.  Same aim, different styles.  And here I gotta tell y'all readers that the most loathsome person to me is the slimy 'controlled opposition' agent.  Oh man! There's a special hell in me that's reserved for that type of a human cancer.

    We judge people by their behavior and their behavior only, Boris.  And further, if we consider ourselves truly intelligent and fair-minded, then we judge them specifically by their 'pattern' of behavior, and not just by random bad behavior here and there.  It's all about the 'pattern'.  And the jewish 'pattern' speaks for itself.

    Code-Panic: A Controlled Opposition Spectacle

    Max Blumenthal, Mondoweiss, Code Pink, Jewish Voices for Peace: all jews: all controlled opposition agents.  And a thousand other jews just like them are out there too.  And, even some Gentiles have unwittingly become controlled opposition agents for being followers of jewish controlled opposition leaderships.  Go too near them controlled opposition operators and you get infected by them, unless you're mentally pre-vaccinated.  It is pure folly to think for a nano second that the above-mentioned people are intellectually and spiritually sincere.  These are cold-hearted and calculated haters with manicured fingers and gentle voices.  Just look at the results of their 'activism': the more 'activism' by them 'peace jews', the more land Palestine lost.  Not a single pro Palestine memo or Bill has been passed since the 'peace jews' took over BDS and the Palestine issue in the USA.  Yet, the motherfuckers I've named above have made millions of dollars and improved their 'brand name' in spectacular measures right off the backs of the suffering Palestinians.

    People need to understand that ALL jewish decisions are based on this question: 'is it good for the jews?'.  The jewish premise and question is never: 'is it good for the neighborhood, for the community, for the city, for the nation, for the region, for the continent, for the planet or for humanity?'.  It is always, always, always: 'is it good for the jews' – and the jews only.  Pure tribalism which is supremacism which is on a perpetual path of warfare with universalism. And being the eternal minority, 'what's good for the jews' ultimately is obviously for mega Gentiledom to un-universal itself, disjoint itself and divide and war against all other Gentile pieces, war itself into self-annihilation.  Jews will not stop with their endless wars till the whole of Gentildom has been burned to cinders.  They do not intend to stop till they are the ruling majority population in the world. They are on a mass culling mission, even if it takes them 10,000 more years. This is precisely why, therefore, they MUST be stopped.  They must be stopped because they will not willingly stop with their evil.

    • Boris Johnson says:

      I guess you must see all world Jews as insidiously evil then but I don't buy that for one second but for sure one thing we can agree on is that for one reason or another far far too many Jews are evil and it was Jews who invented the gold/fiat money lending scam in middle ages Europe but it could easily have been any other non Jew Human group with a very clever scammers mind but it wasn't and so today we are left with all the fallout with the modern Jews who still control and the easily corruptible and greedy non Jews they serve but both are nasty 'evil' types and that is what I choose to name them.

      So much evil was committed through history by non Jews anyway so it is easy to put them all in one basket and call it all Human evil.


      • Taxi says:

        The very source of evil in the world, the well that perpetually overflows with evil is located in the synagogue of satan. If you don’t agree, then take it up with Jesus who knew the evil of jews better than you and I put together.

  29. Mike-Florida says:

    Hi Taxi – is it this bad RE finances? MSM proudly reports > “Crisis-hit Lebanon on Jan. 12 said it "regrets" being among seven countries stripped by the United Nations of voting privileges in the General Assembly for failing to pay their dues.”

    Additionally On Dec. 19, Hassan Diab was named by president Aoun as Lebanon’s next PM. Appreciate if you would update your prior comments with current status and projection of Diab successfully forming a government – and expected outcome. Thanks. Mike.

    • Taxi says:

      The Leb is still waiting for Diab to announce his new government – his offices say he’s finalizing ministerial ‘details’ – whatever that means. Analysts predict the announcement will be made by end of Jan.

      Also, these links will answer your questions:

      UN strips Lebanon, Yemen of voting privileges

      Lebanon’s UN vote to be restored Tuesday

      There is so very much broken with the Leb, but you know what, I still love the place, still love living here – definitely prefer it to Los Angeles, my old hometown.

      Why? Cuz Lebanon has more freedom of expression and allows for more citizen privacy. Therefore it is a more civilized place, despite the potholes in the road and the government’s electricity rationing. Yeah hands down I’d rather have less electricity and more freedom. I have a diesel motor that subsidizes the electricity rations – as do most Leb residents – so it’s not like gov rationed electricity is a deal breaker here.

    • Taxi says:


      Hassan Diab, the new government leader, has just announced that he has completed the list of new ministers he'll be working with – and that their names will be released this evening.

      I don't think I will know any of the names that will be announced.  I will contact several of my Leb friends who are experts on internal Leb affairs and ask them for an evaluation.  I will surmise a consensus from their inputs and share it with you.

      As predicted, stupid/paid potestors are already out on the streets right now trying to close roads, burning tires etc before the new gov names have even been announced.

      What is this?  Like the Axis of Evil is trying to again stir the pot of bubble-and-trouble, but with Tehran and Beirut simultaneously this time?  Iraq too hot to touch right now, is it?!  The freaking 'protest' shit didn't work a couple of months ago so like it's gonna work now just like that?!  Ooooof the AoE just keeps getting more and more boring.  Boring boring boring!

      • Taxi says:

        Oh and I heard some mean ol’ jew jets overhead late morning – not heard them stomping the skies for a long time now – maybe 5/6 weeks.

        I’d practically forgotten that the world’s center of evil is just over an hour’s drive away from me.  Funny that, right?  That one forgets that evil exists when evil is out of sight.

      • Taxi says:

        …  And as I just finished writing the above comment, I heard a series of faraway biiiig booms, a roll of them coming from further south, which is where the Leb-israel border lies.  Half an hour ago, I heard the same.  Perhaps they’re clearing mines today, with it being a dry and sunny winter day after a 3 week-long storm.  Yeah, they’re still clearing landmines from the 2006 war, courtesy of the jew’s last stand on the last day of war: depositing some 2 million landmines across the southern Lebanese terrain, a parting jew gift delivered 3 hours after the war was officially declared over by both sides.

        A completely and utterly predictable act of talmudic evil.

  30. AriusArmenian says:

    I didn't check to see if this has already been mentioned: Pepe Escobar is reporting on Russian sources saying the downing of the Ukrainian plane in Iran was a US cyber driven operation. He has provided info to The Saker that he says will be soon published.

    I initially thought that was the case but gave up on it when the Iranian government took responsibility. Goes to show that it's best to never underestimate the bottomless evil potential of the US.

    • Canthama says:

      Arius, I believe it was smart for Iran to take responsibility fast, it removed tons of speculations, on the other side, it also gives time for the real truth to emerge stronger, like the airplane route which is making everybody confused about, a possible and very likely cyber attack, EM war etc…sooner or later, when the truth emerges, and the BB will be investigated in details, Iran will emerge even morally stronger.

    • Taxi says:

      I posted a youtube link to Last American Vagabond upthread where he lays out some finer details to the crash that would indicate signal interference.

      Worth checking out the video.

  31. Daniel Rich says:

    The turds have this to say:

    "The Kurdistan Regional Government’s response to the immoral speech uttered by Hassan Nasrallah…"

    This is the kind of backstabbing, Barzani's mafioso crime family you would cull first, before moving any further in the political spectrum of life.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ sparrow,

      I dated a girl who's dad was a fighter pilot [F-16]. He sid he plane could project itself [on the 'enemy's' radar] 200 miles of where it actually was. That was 35 years ago. So, I have no problem imagining where 'we' are today [technically]. The fact the man who films it trains his phone on a part of the sky [which would be randomly], at the exact right time, doesn't bode well for the, "How lucky can I be, filming the exact moment a missile explodes near a Ukrainian plane, in Iran?" gambit.

      Given the FUZKUS 'war' machine's penchant for symbolism, injected with shots of Talmudic inspired, dreary darkness, it might indeed be a western triggered outcome of an extremely tense situation.

      Again, this doesn't do the 176 victims any good.

    • Igor Bundy says:

      Iranian president orders implementation of law blacklisting Pentagon as ‘terrorist organization’ “all members of the Pentagon, the affiliated institutions and companies, and the US commanders who planned and perpetrated [the] assassination” of Qasem Soleimani, former commander of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), were blacklisted.

  32. Boris Johnson says:


    I couldn’t reply to your reply to my comment above so I am doing it here instead.

    If every Jewish Israeli is a partner to a massive land theft crime then how do you feel as a U.S citizen yourself about what European Gentiles did to so many of the North American  Indians (and all the millions of beautiful Bison they slaughtered!) and how does a white U.S citizen of European descent today have more right to live in North American land  than do Euro Jewish middle east occupiers of historic Palestine today?

    Wouldn’t it be fair to say Taxi that if your reasoning is correct and that all modern Israeli Jews are complicit in the Palestinian land theft crime, that you as a Californian and hundreds of millions of others in U.S.A  are also an occupier but of  North American Indian land and thus also complicit in the crime of theft of land?

    Or perhaps you may be able to see that you are actually no different to an Israeli Jewish child born in historic Palestine today.

    • Taxi says:

      Oh shut it down already, Boris, really now! I can’t be dealing with these sophomoric circular points you keep bringing up all day. You don’t know ANYTHING about my heritage or ethnicity – okay? That aside, I do actually live in self-imposed exile and away from the US so clearly I am not a hypocrite. And of course I am against ALL material acquisitions, land or otherwise, thru genocide or thru incremental violence or coercion etc. And it’s just downright stupid AND a fave zionist argument loaded with whataboutery to compare where Native American Indians are at today with where Palestinians are at. Again, these false equivalencies…

      Clearly, you will never change my mind about the jews, and neither I you either. I do, every now and then, meet nice jews – no problem – but I just don’t trust them one bit when it comes to their tribal issues. I’m not some one-bit blind motherfucking hater just for the sake of hate. I ain’t the freaking ‘ghoul’ here. I go by my intensive, decades-long research and my conclusion that the jewish tribe is 100% pure evil is confirmed by their actions every single day. And not you nor some other smartass is gonna make me feel bad or wrong about my conclusions. My jury’s already out on this issue and that’s that. I just don’t care what anyone says or thinks about me and my conclusions. I’ve spent years debating the jewish issue with rabid jews and they always lost the debate because they do not use facts but rely on whataboutery, pathos and whimsy.

      I respect your perspective, I really do. I have no desire to convince you of anything. All I ask is that you keep an open mind and research for yourself. Definitely don’t take my word for it – and most certainly don’t take the jewish kool-aid either. Just find out for yourself, if the issue of ‘good and evil’ interests you enough, that is.

      And one last thing: Saladin understood me right: I categorize evil Gentiles are talmudic motherfuckers too. If you behave talmudically, meaning in evil ways, then you are a jew. No other scriptures instructs its followers to go forth and be ‘the destroyers of the world’ but for the talmud. This makes the talmud an instructive bible for evildoers. If you behave like the talmud instructs, then you are a jew. An evil jew. Again: the synagogue of satan and all that…

      • Boris Johnson says:


        I guess you must also consider Saladin a lite Zionist also then for agreeing with me that not all Jews can be evil?

        If you don’t retract that insult and apologise then you have lost a lot of my respect but I know for many saying sorry is no easy task.



      • Taxi says:

        Boris, I am genuinely sorry that you’re upset by my deductions of your political bent – this was not intentional at all. I upset myself with my own thoughts when back in the day I realized that my thinking was in the zionist-lite zone. I know it’s not a nice thing at all. But really, I cannot retract what is all too obvious for me. A very large chunk of Western humanity is unwittingly, thru insidious and relentless jew brainwashing, in the zionist-lite zone – and happily, this zone is shrinking these days. Shrink it further, why don’t you, Boris – instead of having this useless conversation with me.

        There’s no shame in knowing thyself.

        Just because I detect zionism-lite in a person does not mean that I think this person is evil. For the most part, zionist-lite people are truly well-intentioned people who have not researched enough to pull themselves out of the dank puddle.

        Based on extensive research: historic, political, social and religious, I maintain that the jew tribe operates as a force of evil – and they do their evil covertly and overtly, but always intentionally and with no remorse, all in accordance with their genocidal talmudic instruction.

        It’s fine by me if you disagree with my above statement. And it’s fine by me too if you call me an antisemite.

        Again, I apologize that your recent visits to Plato’s have been upsetting. I genuinely am. And I actually thank you for creating a teachable moment for other readers with regards to the insidious power of the jew brainwash. We’ve all been victims of it one way or another. Decades upon decades of it have truly inebriated the world with a false impression of what the jew really is and what their mission in life is all about. And what the jew really is, in his own words:

        We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you do will meet our needs and demands. We will destroy because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build.

        Maurice Samuel

    • Taxi says:

      Boris, for sure I deleted your last comment because you continue to make stupid assumptions about me, knowing very well that you know next to nothing about my existence. The second reason I deleted your comment is because I have no interest in debating with lite-zionists who don’t even know that they’re pushing lite-zionism. Unfortunately, you and a billion other non-jews mistake somber history for a Hollywood holocaust movie. Well, you’re just gonna have to enjoy your own ‘show’ without me and on your own blog, not mine.

      You’re welcome to comment here again any time, just so long as you don’t touch my personal life – not because I’m tyrannically ‘sensitive’ about it, but because you don’t even know 0.1% of it so any ‘opinion’ by you on this subject matter is just stupid NONSENSE based on your own projection – a projection that frankly doesn’t interest me at all.

      And btw, of the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of victims of jew wars this past 100+ years – that’s WW1, WW2, Bolshevik Revolution, and ALL the wars of the middle east and some African and south American wars too – of all the evil that the jews have committed, you’re only bothered by their usury? You stop at ‘usury’? You don’t like how the jews do money – is that ALL that bothers you, Boris? It doesn’t bother you that intanticidal jews have orphaned millions of children over several generations? Wow, now THAT takes the Mammon biscuit. Congratz, Boris!

      • Boris Johnson says:

        Sure evil Jews are responsible for millions of deaths in this and last century and anyone 'woke' can easily grasp that  but you don't mention the previous 4-5 millennia when countless millions of American natives were killed by 'superior' non Jew evil European white colonialists and so it is clearly not only Jews that are capable of evil is it?.

        May the faeces continue to pile up on city streets in U.S and may the spirits of the murdered native North American Indians be smiling from ear to ear.

      • Boris Johnson says:

        I am 'fully'(please note the emphasis) aware of all the ins and outs of Jew brainwash Taxi(I mean duh I read your blog. lol) and have been aware for years but for you to associate me with the pure evil of Zionism merely for not believing that all 17-34-51(or whatever it is) odd million Jews can be evil is ridiculous and you know i am not alone in my view here because another commenter agreed with me did they not and so they must be Zionist lite in your view also I guess?





    • Taxi says:

      You just can’t help yourself, can you, Boris? Yes, I deleted your second comment because it’s just more of the same content that I kindly asked you not to litter my blog with.

      I too used to be a ‘zionist-lite’ myself without knowing it a few decades back – that’s how I know your substance. Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt. It can take years for one to become aware of the insidious jew brainwash and proactively shed it.

      I harbor no ill feelings towards you, and I genuinely wish you good luck.

      • Boris Johnson says:

        What utter nonsense to call someone a lite Zionist for merely stating an opinion that not all Jews can be evil.

        Sounds to me like you have brainwashed yourself Taxi like Atzmon has by believing all are woke in U.K.(now that was a good one)

        I am very glad I encountered your blog because it has made me realise that Jews have as much right to live in the holy land as white U.S citizens do to live in U.S and good luck telling them all to go back to Europe because they are squatters and you can talk all you like about it not being comparable to modern day Israel/Palestine but I really beg to differ as the crimes committed against the North American Indians were simply shocking and matter!.

        I thank you for that with sincerity.

        Not too much personal stuff here for you to worry about but I wouldn't be surprised if my words here don't fit the narrative of your blog and you delete but I couldn't care less.

        Thanks again.




    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      Per your link:

      This can be seen particularly in the realm of public education: Non-Jewish residents question why ultra-Orthodox representatives may sit on a public-school board when ultra-Orthodox children generally use private yeshivas, and only use public-school funds for busing and special-education purposes. (New York state law requires the public-education budget to provide busing services for private schools.)

      The ultra-Orthodox population is also a heavy user of government resources such as Medicaid and food stamps. This is due to the perception that many of the men either don’t work or make low salaries, choosing instead to devote their time to studying religious texts.

      “Many in the community look at the Hasidim as locusts, who go from community to community . . . just stripping all the resources out of it,” said a Jewish, but not ultra-Orthodox, resident of upstate New York. The resident, who vociferously objects to ultra-Orthodox development and asked not to be named for fear of retribution by the ultra-Orthodox community, added that “nobody here doesn’t like them because they’re Jews. People don’t like them because of what they do. Rural, hardworking people also want to live our lives too.”


  33. Daniel Rich says:

    BREAKING: Our Press TV UK account has been permanently disabled by #YouTube without explanation, amid US-led anti-Iran sanctions and hostility.

    There will be no end to western ‘freedom [of speech]’ and ‘democracy.’

    Wow, what a ff-ing farce all this is turning into.

  34. Daniel Rich says:

    Israeli minister warns Hezbollah’s leader that he might be next after Soleimani

    Excerpt: “Israel’s Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz tweeted on Monday that Hezbollah’s Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah should refrain from attacking Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel or else he may share a similar fate as Qassem Soleimani.”

    The guy looks horrible, so you gotta click on the link below:

    Anyone wants to punch this meathead [I’ll hold him for you]? 

    • Sparrow says:

      As Hassan Nasrallah said (can't find the link now no)…went close to this…

      'Look at these faces.  Do these faces look victorious to you?'  

      After being here for awhile Daniel you get used to the comical (if not silent) rhetoric slung back from Nasrallah that now I automatically hear him in my head!!!  

  35. Boris Johnson says:

    Can all the Jewish Neturei Karta members in NYC and elsewhere, who go by the Torah(Moses thou shall not murder or steal etc)and unadulterated Judaism(non hate inspired and adulterated Talmud Judaism) and who refuse to accept Zionism really be considered evil?

    There must be thousands of other Jews like these and like them i firmly believe that these are 'the real Jews' and that 'a Zionist can never even go by the name of 'a Jew' for going against unadulterated Judaism'.

    Sure, to call Zionism evil is absolutely correct but to call Judaism or a Jew evil is complete and utter nonsense.

    I betcha this is exactly how the ultimate creator sees it!.


  36. Boris Johnson says:

    Therefore, Israel can’t even ever be called a ‘Jewish state’ but instead called  a ‘Zionist state of hate'(in its current form).

  37. Boris Johnson says:

    All Zionists living in israel or anywhere who call themselves Jews are in reality just ‘pseudo Jews’ who don’t have the common human decency to adhere to a few simple commandments of their religion like ‘thou shall not steal’ ‘thou shall not murder’ ‘love thy neighbour as thyself’ supposedly delivered by god to the patriarch Moses on Mount Sinai that are clearly written in the Torah scrolls, which is of course the foundation of Judaism itself.

    Zionists are very pathetic and loathsome creatures but Jews on the other hand are very beautiful people of god(evidently).

  38. Boris Johnson says:

    And if one fails to adhere to the rules and regulations of the club then you are out of that club.

    Would the Chairman or board members of a golf country club allow a member to play a round or visit the bar in a swim suit?.

    Would a Head teacher of a school make an exception and allow a pupil to turn up not wearing a uniform every day?

    Of course they wouldn’t and just like Judaism and its rules for Jews, if you don’t adhere to the code then you are out of the club mother fucker and don’t even consider coming back until you have grown up a little.

    • Sparrow says:

      Boris I really don’t entertain hijackers so I’ll make this brief.  Just where is this mother fucker located?  WHERE?  Because it doesn’t matter where these leeches are they have been kicked out of countries for millennia…WHY?  Because this is pure fucking EVIL!  THAT’S WHY.  No fucking debate has changed that.  By they way Boris where is your apology for starting the US Civil War?  That’s right…the one GREAT fucking BRITAIN wanted and got.  Fuck Off

  39. Taxi says:

    Boris, I’ll TRY and keep this one brief, and I hope we can move on from the tedium of discussing ‘zionism’…

    1-  Zionism is nothing.  It is but a cloak and a mask.  A fig leaf that badly behaved jews hide behind.  Zionism is not the source of jewish evil but an expression of it.  The source of jewish evil is the talmud’s genocidal instruction.

    2-  The most brainwashed people on earth are the jews.  The two instruments used on them by their religious rabbis and their shekel-power peers are the talmud and the so-called holocaust.  Hard-core indoctrination from the cradle to the grave is administered either by the talmud for religious observers, or hard-core holocaustia is administered to those non-observant jews.  All jews are indoctrination either by one or by both instruments.  Holocaust brainwash material is to cause the WHOLE of the jewish collective a cohesive paranoia of Gentiledom, perpetuating therefore the talmudic anti-gentile instruction.  The talmud is and has always been the very source of jewish evil.  Therefore, the talmud’s followers are practitioners of evil.  And the holocaust bible that’s pickled in anti-gentile talmudism and followed by literally ALL jews, well, this makes these followers of holocaustia also practitioners of evil too – whether they know it or not.  Between the talmud and holocaustia, 99.999999999% of jews are brainwashed/recruited into evil.  Of course, brainwashed in varying degrees, but brainwashed into evil nevertheless.

    3-  The very center of talmudic evil is israel.  It was always the talmud’s dream to create a center for itself from which it can spring forth and spread thus its evil.   The talmud’s dream has come true with the establishment of the jewish state of israel.  The Palestine issue aside, any jew therefore that supports the existence of israel, for ANY reason whatsoever, in ANY measure whatsoever, be it monetary or social or political etc, ANY jew who supports the existence of israel in ANY measure is therefore part of the evil talmudic cabal operating from the center of evil: israel.

    4-  Neturei Karta are talmudic followers.  Just because they don’t dig zionism doesn’t mean anything to me – they’re still very much attached to their talmudism.  The only difference between Neturei Karta and zionist rabbis is that Neturei Karta think that they should ‘wait’ before a ‘jewish’ state is constructed.  Neturei Karta believe they’re chosenites, just the secular jews and rabid jew zionists do.  Neturei Karta believe in a punitive, genocidal god, just like the rest of the jews do.  Neturei Karta object to the ‘current’ israel, but they do not object to the concept of it at all – indeed, they look forward to establishing their own ‘religious’ israel in the future, right in the heart of Palestinian Arab land.  They’re not against israel per se, they just don’t think it should presently exist.  This is very problematic for me.

    5-  Wahabism is talmudic islam.  Christian zionism is talmudic christianity.  Wherever you find extremism and a bevy of head-choppers, there you see the talmudic ideology in full display.

    6-  Talmudism needs an intact tribe to survive.  Indeed its longevity has depended on its tribal cohesion.  The talmdics have found a way to keep the tribe glued in modern times, despite the diversity of jews and their personal inclinations.  This way is called the holocaust guilt.  Perhaps one in a million jews is immune to the holocaust guilt-tripping scam.  By hook or by crook, talmudism has infected every single jew.  Sure, it’s in varying degrees, but the infection of evil is there seeded.

    7.  Jews of all types ALWAYS put the tribe first.  And the tribe is ALWAYS gathered around the talmud and its instructions.  Once you’ve fully grasped the meaning and implications of this, you will understand why I see the jews the way I do.  Why Jesus called them the ‘synagogue of satan’.  And why they themselves see themselves as the “destroyers of the world”.

    Do I want all jews ovened?  No, of course not.  But I have no problem with jews getting killed en mass in wars, wars that they’ve triggered.  And I have no problem with corrupt jews in banking and politics especially, all getting carted off to jail and their assets given to their victims.

    Do I like the jews?  Of course I don’t!  But I used to.  And I would most certainly not trust them ever again with issues to do with war and peace and money.

    There’s more but what the heck, Boris, I think I’ve said enough about it already, as indeed you have too.

    Boris, can we move on now to more important issues like what the evil jews, using American hands, are doing in Iraq and Iran and Syria and Lebanon AND the UK? enlightened

  40. Taxi says:

    Lets see what jewy wikipedia has to say about the talmud, shall we?

    The Talmud is the central text of Rabbinic Judaism and the primary source of Jewish religious law (halakha) and Jewish theology.  Until the advent of modernity, in nearly all Jewish communities, the Talmud was the centerpiece of Jewish cultural life and was foundational to "all Jewish thought and aspirations", serving also as "the guide for the daily life" of Jews.  Talmud

    So the talmud is both theology AND the "centerpiece of jewish cultural life" (for non-observan jews).  Add to that a giant dollop of holocaustia indoctrination and you basically bait in the seculars and thus keep your tribe intact and operating as one.

    • Boris Johnson says:

      Yeah anything to avoid talking about original Jewish law when Israel was birthed on Mount Sinai with the Torah but hey I guess to not kill or steal or not love thy neighbour doesn't fit with the you know who's narrative of hate.

      • Taxi says:

        The ten commandments do not include: though shalt not rape. So I’m giving that piece of unholy garbage the bin.

        Mindful that the few nicer things in jewish theology apply only to jews. “Love they neighbor” only applies to jewish neighbors etc. It was Jesus who expanded it to include Gentiles. Another reason that jews killed Jesus.

      • Sparrow says:

        Boris I'm sure you've heard of the Noahide Laws that have been signed off by the US JEW Government…(and watch out Boris in GB too!)

        There's more Boris maybe this will give you a start.  It's communist aim is to deny the Christ, destroy Believers and set up Anti Christ throne (cult temple) in Israel.  All of jewdom except for the small % who refuse to be jew anymore.  At any cost if we don't wake up to this evil the small % is will be included.  You have chosen to pick a side…so be it.  Go to a place where you feel good.  I come here because I feel GREAT being able to voice my opinion.  What you fail to understand is that these Judas's are CURSED since they preferred a militant instead of Christ.  And will be until the end unless they turn and accept Him as their Savior.  SO BE IT!!!  If you don't believe that then that is your short comings not ours or Taxi's.

      • ZiojooistanSucks says:

        Yeah anything to avoid talking about original Jewish law when Israel was birthed on Mount Sinai with the Torah but hey I guess to not kill or steal or not love thy neighbour doesn’t fit with the you know who’s narrative of hate.

        Yeah, let’s ignore actual “Jewish Law” as it operates now and has for centuries, and regale ourselves with fantastical tales about “original Jewish law when Israel was birthed on Mount Sinai”.

        The Talmud is the cornerstone of “Jewish Law”, Boris, not “the Torah”.

        According to actual “Jewish Law”, the Eighth Commandment that prohibits stealing is a prohibition against “stealing” Jews.

        Yes, you read that right: through the fucked up prism of the Talmud, a prohibition against stealing in “the Torah” is seen as a prohibition against “stealing” Jews—i.e, a prohibition against kidnapping them.  

        And under actual “Jewish Law”, sentiments such as “love thy neighbour” are taken to mean love thy fellow Jews, not every fellow human.

      • ZiojooistanSucks says:

        Anyone truly wishing to understand Judaism and “Jewish Law” should read Shahak’s ”Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years”:

        Interpretation of the Bible


        It will be seen from the foregoing example that what most supposedly well-informed people think they know about Judaism may be very misleading, unless they can read Hebrew. All the details mentioned above can be found in the original texts or, in some cases, in modern books written in Hebrew for a rather specialised readership. In English one would look for them in vain, even where the omission of such socially important facts distorts the whole picture.


        There is yet another misconception about Judaism which is particularly common among Christians, or people heavily influenced by Christian tradition and culture. This is the misleading idea that Judaism is a ‘biblical religion’; that the Old Testament has in Judaism the same central place and legal authority which the Bible has for Protestant or even Catholic Christianity.


        Again, this is connected with the question of interpretation. We have seen that in matters of belief there is great latitude. Exactly the opposite holds with respect to the legal interpretation of sacred texts. Here the interpretation is rigidly fixed – but by the Talmud rather than by the Bible itself. Many, perhaps most, biblical verses prescribing religious acts and obligations are ‘understood’ by classical Judaism, and by present-day Orthodoxy, in a sense which is quite distinct from, or even contrary to, their literal meaning as understood by Christian or other readers of the Old Testament, who only see the plain text. The same division exists at present in Israel between those educated in Jewish religious schools and those educated in ‘secular’ Hebrew schools, where on the whole the plain meaning of the Old Testament is taught.


        This important point can only be understood through examples. It will be noted that the changes in meaning do not all go in the same direction from the point of view of ethics, as the term is understood now. Apologetics of Judaism claim that the interpretation of the Bible, originated by the Pharisees and fixed in the Talmud, is always more liberal than the literal sense. But some of the examples below show that this is far from being the case.


        1) Let us start with the Decalogue itself. The Eighth Commandment, ‘Thou shalt not steal’ (Exodus, 20:15), is taken to be a prohibition against ‘stealing’ (that is, kidnapping) a Jewish person. The reason is that according to the Talmud all acts forbidden by the Decalogue are capital offences. Stealing property is not a capital offence (while kidnapping of Gentiles by Jews is allowed by talmudic law) – hence the interpretation. A virtually identical sentence – ‘Ye shall not steal’ (Leviticus, 19:11) – is however allowed to have its literal meaning.


        2) The famous verse ‘Eye for eye, tooth for tooth’ etc. (Exodus, 21:24) is taken to mean ‘eye-money for eye’, that is payment of a fine rather than physical retribution.


        3) Here is a notorious case of turning the literal meaning into its exact opposite. The biblical text plainly warns against following the bandwagon in an unjust cause: ‘Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest judgement’ (Exodus, 23:2). The last words of this sentence – ‘Decline after many to wrest judgement’ – are torn out of their context and interpreted as an injunction to follow the majority!


        4) The verse ‘Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother’s milk’ (Exodus, 23:19) is interpreted as a ban on mixing any kind of meat with any milk or milk product. Since the same verse is repeated in two other places in the Pentateuch, the mere repetition is taken to be a treble ban, forbidding a Jew (i) to eat such a mixture, (ii) to cook it for any purpose and (iii) to enjoy or benefit from it in any way.


        5) In numerous cases general terms such as ‘thy fellow’, ‘stranger’, or even ‘man’ are taken to have an exclusivist chauvinistic meaning. The famous verse ‘thou shalt love thy fellow as thyself’ (Leviticus, 19:18) is understood by classical (and present-day Orthodox) Judaism as an injunction to love one’s fellow Jew, not any fellow human. Similarly, the verse ‘neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy fellow’ (ibid., 16) is supposed to mean that one must not stand idly by when the life (‘blood’) of a fellow Jew is in danger; but, as will be seen in Chapter 5, a Jew is in general forbidden to save the life of a Gentile, because ‘he is not thy fellow’. The generous injunction to leave the gleanings of one’s field and vineyard ‘for the poor and the stranger’ (ibid., 9–10) is interpreted as referring exclusively to the Jewish poor and to converts to Judaism. The taboo laws relating to corpses begin with the verse ‘This is the law, when a man dieth in a tent: all that come into the tent … shall be unclean seven days’ (Numbers, 19:16). But the word ‘man’ (adam) is taken to mean ‘Jew’, so that only a Jewish corpse is taboo (that is, both ‘unclean’ and sacred). Based on this interpretation, pious Jews have a tremendous magic reverence towards Jewish corpses and Jewish cemeteries, but have no respect towards non-Jewish corpses and cemeteries. Thus hundreds of Muslim cemeteries have been utterly destroyed in Israel (in one case in order to make room for the Tel-Aviv Hilton) but there was a great outcry because the Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives was damaged under Jordanian rule. Examples of this kind are too numerous to quote. Some of the inhuman consequences of this type of interpretation will be discussed in Chapter 5.


        6) Finally, consider one of the most beautiful prophetic passages, Isaiah’s magnificent condemnation of hypocrisy and empty ritual, and exhortation to common decency. One verse (Isaiah, 1:15) in this passage is: ‘And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you; yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood.’ Since Jewish priests ‘spread their hands’ when blessing the people during service, this verse is supposed to mean that a priest who commits accidental homicide is disqualified from ‘spreading his hands’ in blessing (even if repentant) because they are ‘full of blood’.


        It is quite clear even from these examples that when Orthodox Jews today (or all Jews before about 1780) read the Bible, they are reading a very different book, with a totally different meaning, from the Bible as read by non-Jews or non-Orthodox Jews. This distinction applies even in Israel, although both parties read the text in Hebrew. Experience, particularly since 1967, has repeatedly corroborated this. Many Jews in Israel (and elsewhere), who are not Orthodox and have little detailed knowledge of the Jewish religion, have tried to shame Orthodox Israelis (or right-wingers who are strongly influenced by religion) out of their inhuman attitude towards the Palestinians, by quoting at them verses from the Bible in their plain humane sense. It was always found, however, that such arguments do not have the slightest effect on those who follow classical Judaism; they simply do not understand what is being said to them, because to them the biblical text means something quite different than to everyone else.


        If such a communication gap exists in Israel, where people read Hebrew and can readily obtain correct information if they wish, one can imagine how deep is the misconception abroad, say among people educated in the Christian tradition. In fact, the more such a person reads the Bible, the less he or she knows about Orthodox Judaism. For the latter regards the Old Testament as a text of immutable sacred formulas, whose recitation is an act of great merit, but whose meaning is wholly determined elsewhere. And, as Humpty Dumpty told Alice, behind the problem of who can determine the meaning of words, there stands the real question: ‘Which is to be master?’


        Structure of the Talmud


        It should therefore be clearly understood that the source of authority for all the practices of classical (and present-day Orthodox) Judaism, the determining base of its legal structure, is the Talmud, or, to be precise, the so-called Babylonian Talmud; while the rest of the talmudic literature (including the so-called Jerusalem or Palestinian Talmud) acts as a supplementary authority.


        We cannot enter here into a detailed description of the Talmud and talmudic literature, but confine ourselves to a few principal points needed for our argument. Basically, the Talmud consists of two parts. First, the Mishnah – a terse legal code consisting of six volumes, each subdivided into several tractates, written in Hebrew, redacted in Palestine around AD 200 out of the much more extensive (and largely oral) legal material composed during the preceding two centuries. The second and by far predominant part is the Gemarah – a voluminous record of discussions on and around the Mishnah. There are two, roughly parallel, sets of Gemarah, one composed in Mesopotamia (‘Babylon’) between about AD 200 and 500, the other in Palestine between about AD 200 and some unknown date long before 500. The Babylonian Talmud (that is, the Mishnah plus the Mesopotamian Gemarah) is much more extensive and better arranged than the Palestinian, and it alone is regarded as definitive and authoritative. The Jerusalem (Palestinian) Talmud is accorded a decidedly lower status as a legal authority, along with a number of compilations, known collectively as the ‘talmudic literature’, containing material which the editors of the two Talmuds had left out.


        Contrary to the Mishnah, the rest of the Talmud and talmudic literature is written in a mixture of Hebrew and Aramaic, the latter language predominating in the Babylonian Talmud. Also, it is not limited to legal matters. Without any apparent order or reason, the legal discussion can suddenly be interrupted by what is referred to as ‘Narrative’ (Aggadah) – a medley of tales and anecdotes about rabbis or ordinary folk, biblical figures, angels, demons, witchcraft and miracles. These narrative passages, although of great popular influence in Judaism through the ages, were always considered (even by the Talmud itself) as having secondary value. Of greatest importance for classical Judaism are the legal parts of the text, particularly the discussion of cases which are regarded as problematic. The Talmud itself defines the various categories of Jews, in ascending order, as follows. The lowest are the totally ignorant, then come those who only know the Bible, then those who are familiar with the Mishnah or Aggadah, and the superior class are those who have studied, and are able to discuss the legal part of the Gemarah. It is only the latter who are fit to lead their fellow Jews in all things.


        The legal system of the Talmud can be described as totally comprehensive, rigidly authoritarian, and yet capable of infinite development, without however any change in its dogmatic base. Every aspect of Jewish life, both individual and social, is covered, usually in considerable detail, with sanctions and punishments provided for every conceivable sin or infringement of the rules. The basic rules for every problem are stated dogmatically and cannot be questioned. What can be and is discussed at very great length is the elaboration and practical definition of these rules. Let me give a few examples.


        ‘Not doing any work’ on the sabbath. The concept work is defined as comprising exactly 39 types of work, neither more nor less. The criterion for inclusion in this list has nothing to do with the arduousness of a given task; it is simply a matter of dogmatic definition. One forbidden type of ‘work’ is writing. The question then arises: How many characters must one write in order to commit the sin of writing on the sabbath? (Answer: Two). Is the sin the same, irrespective of which hand is used? (Answer: No). However, in order to guard against falling into sin, the primary prohibition on writing is hedged with a secondary ban on touching any writing implement on the sabbath.


        Another prototypical work forbidden on the sabbath is the grinding of grain. From this it is deduced, by analogy, that any kind of grinding of anything whatsoever is forbidden. And this in turn is hedged by a ban on the practice of medicine on the sabbath (except in cases of danger to Jewish life), in order to guard against falling into the sin of grinding a medicament. It is in vain to point out that in modern times such a danger does not exist (nor, for that matter, did it exist in many cases even in talmudic times); for, as a hedge around the hedge, the Talmud explicitly forbids liquid medicines and restorative drinks on the sabbath. What has been fixed remains for ever fixed, however absurd. Tertullian, one of the early Church Fathers, had written, ‘I believe it because it is absurd.’ This can serve as a motto for the majority of talmudic rules, with the word ‘believe’ replaced by ‘practise’.


        The following example illustrates even better the level of absurdity reached by this system. One of the prototypes of work forbidden on the sabbath is harvesting. This is stretched, by analogy, to a ban on breaking a branch off a tree. Hence, riding a horse (or any other animal) is forbidden, as a hedge against the temptation to break a branch off a tree for flogging the beast. It is useless to argue that you have a ready-made whip, or that you intend to ride where there are no trees. What is forbidden remains forbidden for ever. It can, however, be stretched and made stricter: in modern times, riding a bicycle on the sabbath has been forbidden, because it is analogous to riding a horse.


        My final example illustrates how the same methods are used also in purely theoretical cases, having no conceivable application in reality. During the existence of the Temple, the High Priest was only allowed to marry a virgin. Although during virtually the whole of the talmudic period there was no longer a Temple or a High Priest, the Talmud devotes one of its more involved (and bizarre) discussions to the precise definition of the term ‘virgin’ fit to marry a High Priest. What about a woman whose hymen had been broken by accident? Does it make any difference whether the accident occurred before or after the age of three? By the impact of metal or of wood? Was she climbing a tree? And if so, was she climbing up or down? Did it happen naturally or unnaturally? All this and much else besides is discussed in lengthy detail. And every scholar in classical Judaism had to master hundreds of such problems. Great scholars were measured by their ability to develop these problems still further, for as shown by the examples there is always scope for further development – if only in one direction – and such development did actually continue after the final redaction of the Talmud.


        However, there are two great differences between the talmudic period (ending around AD 500) and the period of classical Judaism (from about AD 800). The geographical area reflected in the Talmud is confined, whereas the Jewish society reflected in it is a ‘complete’ society, with Jewish agriculture as its basis. (This is true for Mesopotamia as well as Palestine.) Although at that time there were Jews living throughout the Roman Empire and in many areas of the Sassanid Empire, it is quite evident from the talmudic text that its composition – over half a millennium – was a strictly local affair. No scholars from countries other than Mesopotamia and Palestine took part in it, nor does the text reflect social conditions outside these two areas.


        Very little is known about the social and religious conditions of the Jews in the intervening three centuries. But from AD 800 on, when more detailed historical information is again available, we find that the two features mentioned above had been reversed. The Babylonian Talmud (and to a much lesser degree the rest of the talmudic literature) is acknowledged as authoritative, studied and developed in all Jewish communities. At the same time, Jewish society had undergone a deep change: whatever and wherever it is, it does not include peasants


        The social system resulting from this change will be discussed in Chapter 4. Here we shall describe how the Talmud was adapted to the conditions – geographically much wider and socially much narrower, and at any rate radically different – of classical Judaism. We shall concentrate on what is in my opinion the most important method of adaptation, namely the dispensations.

        Shahak, Israel. Chapter 3: Orthodoxy and Interpretation. ”Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years”.

  41. Boris Johnson says:

    Sure,but all I want to add is, what about the  'true torah jews against zionism' website?.

    where they state their mission is to 'inform the world that the state of Israel does not represent Jews or Judaism'?

    I haven't read much yet apart from 'Shavuos the making of a nation ' which was very interesting but reading through all the headlines of articles I really don't see much controlled opposition going on there and it certainly looks like there are plenty of nice Torah law abiding Jews out there from the other Jewish groups opposed to Zionism I came across and I just can't label all Jews as being in the same 'evil boat' after discovering this.

    • Taxi says:

      Israel is a manifestation of the evil talmudic will. It’s not the place that’s evil, it’s the jews who run it today (Ashakanazim/Rothschilds) AND the jews who want to run it tomorrow (Neturei Karta). You keep saying torah this and torah that and anti-zionist jews this and that – Boris, I don’t know how many times I have to repeat this to you: it’s ALL the synagogue of satan – ALL OF IT! All of it is talmudic. And clearly the jew good-cop/bad cop game they relentlessly play works on millions of Gentiles…

      But you go ahead and knock yourself out – believe in what the ‘anti-zionist jews’ tell you – suuuuure they don’t lie for the tribe’s preservation at all. Oh no never!

      p.s. This subject is now closed – I will be deleting any further repetitive comments by you on the issue of the “beautiful” jew.

    • Sparrow says:

      Sefton Delmer, Jewish-British anti-German war propagandist: “Atrocity propaganda is how we won the war. And we are only really beginning with it now! We will continue this atrocity propaganda, we will escalate it until nobody will accept even a good word from the Germans, until all the sympathy they may still have abroad will have been destroyed and they themselves will be so confused that they will no longer know what they are doing. Once that has been achieved, once they begin to run down their own country and their own people, not reluctantly but with eagerness to please the victors, only then will our victory be complete. It will never be final. Re-education needs careful tending, like an English lawn. Even one moment of negligence, and the weeds crop up again – those indestructible weeds of historical truth.”

      • Sparrow says:

        It was Great Britain under Churchill WHO WANTED A WAR WITH GERMANY and gave the finger to Hitler's olive branches more than 3 times.  WHERE BORIS is YOUR APOLOGY?  

  42. Boris Johnson says:

    Wow Sparrow,why do you assume I am British just for living in the melting pot that is the U.K.(especially the capital!)lmfao)(I don't do immature name calling like you so I will just smile at you through my lap top.

    Ouch I really hit a nerve there with my shit on the yank streets comment eh and that was my intention I guess in memory of the natives slaughtered by the Euro colonialists.

    No need to be an educator as honestly I know all about that vile drunkard Churchill.

    • Boris Johnson says:

      Chose whose side exactly?and ive been woke to their evil for years but am just trying to see some good in some jews.

      Jesus wept,i don't get you with all your false assumptions.

      thanks for the links though and I will look another day.

      Taxi.I cant really remember all of the 10 but wouldn't 'thou shall not covert thy neighbours wife come under rape?…..rape is just slightly worse than that!.lol)

    • ZiojooistanSucks says:

      Ouch I really hit a nerve there with my shit on the yank streets comment eh and that was my intention I guess in memory of the natives slaughtered by the Euro colonialists.

      Try growing a fucking brain, Boris. No one here is defending the Americ*nts or saying what they did to the NDNs was right. You are equating something horrific that happened in the distant past with something horrific that’s happening right now, and which has been ongoing for more than a century and and with the blessing of Western governments.

      Jews conflate Zionism and “israel” with Jews/Judaism/Jewishiness all the fuckiing time, Boris, and then scream blue murder when gentiles do it.

      Jews in their criminal “jewish state” commit war crimes and crimes against humanity in the name of every fucking Jew, Boris, but woe betide anyone who dares to say it was Jews committing those crimes or any crimes.

      I’m very sorry, Boris, but “the Jews” can get fucked. And they will.

  43. Boris Johnson says:


    Sure no problem.

    I know that you mean well in you doing what you do online and so thanks for that.


  44. Boris Johnson says:


    Please tell me exactly where in the Torah/old testament where it says for Jews to only love their neighbours if they are Jews?

    why doesn't the Torah then say 'Love thy Jewish neighbour as thy Jewish self' then?

    That sounds like complete bullshit to me and I would be astounded if you could come up with evidence from the Torah that substantiates your claim.


    • Taxi says:

      Dude, the onus is on YOU to go do you own research. Or not. As you wish.

      ‘Zionists’ did not kill Jesus. Jews did.

      I’m just gonna leave you with that.

      • Taxi says:

        Yes, Israel Shamir is an excellent source – thanks ZiojooistanSucks.

        Simplified, “jewish law” is basically to instruct jews how to NOT fight each other, ie remain a cohesive tribe, plus to instruct jews to continue with their genocidal anti-gentilism: the oldest hate – a hate that is the very glue that keeps the tribe intact.

      • ZiojooistanSucks says:

        Yes, Israel Shamir is an excellent source – thanks ZiojooistanSucks.

        Shahak. 😉

        Judaism and Zionism really are two sides of the same coin, and Shahak’s ”Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years” throws this into stark relief.

      • Taxi says:

        Heh heh heh yeah of course it’s Shahak! I wrote that mistaken post before my first coffee heh!

        Gilad Atzmon too is a great insider-illuminator on the deceptions of the jews.

        Ex-jews are a fantastic source on the perpetual evil machinations of the tribe.

  45. Anonymous says:

    Trump's 'democrazy' at work:

    "According to EU officials familiar with the talks, the United States threatened to impose a 25-percent tariff on European automobiles from Germany, France and Britain, if they refused to condemn Tehran's actions and trigger a trade dispute mechanism within the deal."

  46. Daniel Rich says:

    @ taxi,

    How's the political and financial environment developing in Lebanon. The country is really fortunate to have Hezbollah to defend it. 

    I checked the armed forces' [LAF/FAL] military hardware and its AA capabilities are a ff-ing joke.

    No wonder the Occupied Palestine pilots can freely roam over Lebanese skies. I hope Hezbollah has some nice aces/surprises up its sleeves [like when they hit the INS Hanit, in 2006] to keep these fuckers sit tight on their bases.

    Even if lacking proper AA defenses, we have to keep the following in mind:

    "In May 2006, Hezbollah’s Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah explained “The purpose of our rockets is to deter Israel from attacking Lebanese civilians…The enemy fears that every time he confronts us, whenever there are victims in our ranks among Lebanese civilians, this will lead to a counter-barrage of our rockets, which he fears.”

    Back then Hezbollah had an estimated 15,000 rockets and missiles, today it's believed to have round 130,000. As these numbers are provided by western [or western orientated] propaganda outlets, the true number will never be known, but my gut tells me, if the Occupied Palestine brownshirts attack Lebanon again, the entire occupied nation will regret it.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Daniel.

      A new gov was meant to be named yesterday but it didn’t happen – could happen today though. Everyone’s eye is going to be on the names of three new ministers: Finance, Foreign Ministry and Internal Security. The new, yet unnamed, Finance Minister will be presenting a rescue package to counter the severe financial crisis that the Leb remains in. I reckon that there will also be a Plan B, which will reach out to the Chinese for help if the US fucks with the first plan (on behalf of israel). That’s how I see it going.

      And don’t worry yourself one bit: the hezb has plenty of surface-to-air missilage – they’ve had them since before the 2006 war and they did not employ them at the time because, well, these resistors are committed to the FINAL BATTLE above all, so they tend to save their big bang stuff for that day.

      Nasrallah has never given a precise number of how many missiles or what kind the Hezb possesses. Whenever the subject was presented to him, he’s smiled cheekily and agreed with whatever number is presented. “You’ve got 100.000 missiles”, say Mr. X. “Sure we do”, smiles Nasrallah. “You’ve got 150.000 missiles”, says Mr. Y. “Sure we do”, says Nasrallah smiling. Often he’s said: “we have everything we need”. Last summer, in one of his speeches he said: “we have so many missiles now that we don’t know what to do with them – we have no more storage room for new ones”, referencing Lebanon’s tiny geography.

      And yes, it’s Hezbollah’s missiles that keeps the jew terrorists at bay, not the Lebanese army. Poor Lebanese army’s been working with sticks and stones since 1952 when the jewish lobby in DC managed to get the US to stop ANY nation from supplying the Leb army with any consequential weapons. But, who needs a weaponized army when you’ve got a massive Hezbollah stock of fighters and missiles at your disposal?

      Resistors always find a way to amass weapons.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        Per your link [I ate a late lunch reading it]:

        I like how the say [without mentioning it] the US funds both Hezbollah and Iran. Ha!

        Somehow each of these media outlets has missed the reality that <b>Iran runs Lebanon</b> like the Shia colony it has become.


        What makes this so weird is that the month began quite differently when <b>on December 6 the US sent $105 million to Lebanon</b>, a country controlled by Hezbollah. 

        Obviously , you can have your cake and eat it :o]

  47. Whozhear says:

    @ Canthama,

    You have a story up on your tweeter feed about Cybereason.

    Can you post it at Syrpers please, with a special attention to the Aussies that post at Syrpers.

    Early in the article is a map of a city. I believe the city shown is Sydney, Australia. The bridge at the bottom of block 2 and top of block 5 is the Sydney Harbor Bridge, IIRC.

    • Taxi says:

      I’m shaking my head because the Russians appear to have this stupid policy of only supplying defensive weapons AFTER the fact. I just don’t get that about the Russians. But the Axis of Evil does and keeps taking full advantage of it, ultimately to Russia’s detriment, by my personal calculations.

      If your allies are weak, then so are you.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        Given the fact Iraq was/is a US colony, I wouldn't sell the Iraqis anything myself.

        The fact negotiations have started, indicates Russia is confident the FUKZUS 'war' machine will be kicked out of Iraq by the time these negotiations are finalized. 

  48. Daniel Rich says:

    @ taxi,


    I love the Napoleonic picture of Trump at the top of this article. It has a real 3D feel to it. Did you make it or find it somewhere?

    In case you did find it somewhere, are you willing to share that 'somewhere' with me/us?

    Thanks in advance.

    • Taxi says:

      Yeah that Trump portrait’s been around the internet for a couple of years. There’s a few of them Imperial portraits out there. Try searching for ‘Emperor Trump’ on your preferred search engine.

  49. Taxi says:

    I'm having a really wonderful morning and i just wanted to share this widy'all.

    My bedroom juts out into my Galilean garden and three of its walls are clear glass.  Right now I'm in bed drinking coffee and blogging and outside all around it's gray skies and a windless soft rain is falling – a beautiful textured gray and green tableau with an accompanying sound of individual raindrops falling on individual leaves.

    Aaaah I hope it rains like this all day…  I just love being in the Lebanon.

      • Taxi says:

        You're talking Hezbollah birds here heh – them sparrows, serins, doves and visiting winter cardinals have hearts of steel

        I've got a lot of bats in my pines at night too – they zig-zag in swarms at sunset, often to the howls of wild jackals.  I hear jackals practically every night.  Wondrous nocturnal orchestra.

    • Saladin says:

      Maybe we can all one day meet in beautiful Lebanon. Taxi can show us around… pointing out the remnants of destroyed israeli fighter jets. Sip coffee while learning some local Lebanese slang. Now wouldn't that be fun!

      • Taxi says:

        Ya dude!  Let's do it woohoo!!!  We can all go to Mleeta!


        A couple of days ago I walked my dogs through a large wheat field between two villages, where, back in the 2006 war, the israeli air force tried to air-drop jew commando terrorist there and failed: Hezbollah's village boys deterred them by stealth under moonlight.  The failed op took almost three hours and locals still talk about it – how terrorized they were by the sounds of jew copters, jets, explosives etc, and how when daylight broke, they all rushed to the wheat field to collect israeli military debris for souvenirs, like spent shells and ropes and them ugly jew helmets that look your grandmother's shower cap.

      • Taxi says:

        Mleeta is literally the very hilltop where the resistance was born.  Its peek overlooking an endless string of southern Lebanese hills and villages, the israelis had occupied it in 1982 for its highly strategic value, erecting there a military post with radars etc.  After several months of a miserable occupation, a small group of local villagers, literally a dozen men who were teachers and farmers and social workers, got together in secret and decided to train and prepare for resistance, with the purpose of evicting the violent jew occupier from the Mleeta hilltop.  Gathering what inferior arms and tools they could, they trained in secret and they also began digging a tunnel below the israeli military post.  They toiled undetected: under cover of night and the thick foliage of oak forestry.  They prepared to fight the enemy from 'below' – a very difficult and highly dangerous position to be in. They began with night raids on the jew post above them: lobe and hide.  They lobbed explosives at the jew post then hid in their tunnel and the jews just could not figure out where the heck the attacks were coming from.  This went on for several months – the idf bombed and burned chunks of the oak forestry in their search for the location of the resistors, but to no avail.  Word got around other villages that a local resistance going by the name of Hezbollah has been formed and is active and successful at hitting the invaders.  Thus, many more locals began joining and training in secret – and the established resistance in the meantime managed to acquire more and bigger weaponry.  A few more months of harder and more sophisticated resistance fighting from 'below' resulted eventually in the jews packing up and fleeing, having lost too many jew soldiers already and having realized that the weapons used against them were getting more sophisticated and more deadly.

        In the year 2000, the Resistance managed to evict the invader terrorist jews out of the south of Lebanon, and Nasrallah gave a victory speech right there on Mleeta's hilltop (because of its symbolism), famously describing the idf as being "weak as a spider's web".  This very phrase from the speech pissed off the jewish military honchos so very much that in the 2006 war, they made many attempts to retake Mleeta so as to reverse Nasrallah's "spider web" analogy and insult, but they failed miserably.  To date, Mleeta remains free and a living testament to the Resistance.

      • Sparrow says:

        Taxi your Mleeta video @ :55   

        Park benches lol…

        Gotta say they pulled this memorial off in the most unusual way of making Learning Freedom 101.  I WANT HEZB LESSONS!enlightened

      • Taxi says:

        LOL, Sparrow – thanks for reminding us of the wilder side of the Lebanese people.  And here I'll add that just you try bellydancing in traffic in a Western nation lol!  Straight to jail you, you, you unconforming, cultural terrorist!

  50. Taxi says:

    Did anyone notice how I never once mentioned the name 'Trump' in the copy of my article?

    That was intentional and because the name of the Emperor is irrelevant, considering that all Emperors owned by the jews are mere puppets: blank canvases and faces picked from a catalogue.  No difference between Emperor Obama or Emperor Trump etc when it comes to Empire's jewish-controlled foreign policy.

    I am more interested in patterns of behavior (that create facts) than I am in 'personality' (which is pure outward projection).

    • AriusArmenian says:

      You are absolutely correct. The US rich and powerful and dual passport holders use the two major parties to keep citizens at each others throats and not pay attention to their plowing and plundering. The ruling elites of both parties are deep into the MIC and are dollar drenched. Behind the curtain they do business with each other. The only difference between Obama and Trump is their public persona – otherwise they are essentially the same.

  51. Daniel Rich says:

    “The letter of Gen. William H. Sili, commander of US military operations in Iraq, was leaked and then rapidly disseminated among Israel’s most senior security figures on Jan 6 … The content of the letter — that the Americans were preparing to withdraw from Iraq immediately — turned on all the alarm systems throughout the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv. More so, the publication was about to set in motion an Israeli “nightmare scenario” in which ahead of the upcoming US elections, President Donald Trump would rapidly evacuate all US forces from Iraq and Syria.

    “Simultaneously, Iran announced that it is immediately halting its various commitments regarding its nuclear agreement with the superpowers, returning to high-level uranium enrichment of unlimited amounts and renewing its accelerated push for achieving military nuclear abilities. “Under such circumstances,” a senior Israeli defense source told [Caspit], “We truly remain alone at this most critical period. There is no worse scenario than this, for Israel’s national security … It is not clear how this letter was written, it is not clear why it was leaked, it is not clear why it was ever written to begin with. In general, nothing is clear with regard to American conduct in the Middle East. We get up every morning to new uncertainty.””

    Source @

  52. Taxi says:

    I should like to share with y’all that I have now banned Boris Johnson for the following reasons:

    1-  Refusing my repetitive and polite requests at changing the subject matter

    2-  Not taking responsibility for his own words and wordings

    3- Incessantly refusing to accept facts when presented to him, even facts originating from esteemed jews themselves were dismissed.  He read somewhere that ‘torah’ jews are blah blah and that was it for him.  His learning stopped right there because aaaaaah he liked the pretty jew story.  Never mind that the story is false and meant to woo the uninitiated in the practice of deductive thinking.

    You see, this is why I’m just not into debating the jewish issue with anybody, be they a professional or amateur debater.  Discussion, yes.  Debate, no thank you.  Instant polarization is born when debating jew and zionism issues, and this is exactly how the jews want it.  Jews always fogging up the issue, always to protect the tribe. It’s a side-effect of all that insidious, subtle and not so subtle brainwash on both Gentile and jew.  And the more facts on jews you present to the brainwashed, the more fog that blows.

    So freaking boring to debate zionism.  So freaking boring to even talk about the jews.  In fact so banal that I once even wrote an article about the banality of jews – it’s here.

    Anyhow, I did not enjoy banning Boris, but he left me no other option.  I did give him plenty of warnings but he just refused to heed.  Sure I let others respond without deletion, and that’s because they were responding to Boris and not initiating or littering.

    Sorry to see you go Boris boss.

    • Sparrow says:

      OMG dear Taximono….I'M SO GLAD and NOT SO SAD you did.  His 'debate' is way old, I've seen it a million times per tel aviv.  They use the Native American plight to justify their heinous treatment of Palestinians and well anyone now who doesn't belong to the demented tribe.  So to only 'care' about a certain tragedy to justify another reeks a special kind of evil IMO.  I can't change what happened in the American past (FUNNY HOW THE JEWS DIDN'T CHANGE THAT HISTORY), but I sure have apologized to a few local tribes (whom some attended school with me) for my own accountability as an emigrated descendant American.  In fact I promised them if I ever have the luxury of owning any land in my lifetime, I will bequeath it back to them.  So…thank you dear wonderful Host for setting us FREE   [~Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind?…uh um…hell yes~wooo, wooo, lala la laaaaaa~]  crying

  53. ZiojooistanSucks says:

    Re: the downed Ukrainian passenger jet.

    The two articles linked below are from 2012:

    Jerusalem Post,  March 1, 2012:

    WikiLeaks: Russia gave Israel Iranian codes

    Latest round of leaks suggest Russia gave Israel codes to access Iran’s Tor- M1 air-defense systems.

    Russia provided Israel security codes to access Iran’s Tor- M1 air-defense systems in exchange for an Israeli handover of codes to “hack” drones sold to Georgia, according to a leaked email from a private American intelligence company.

    Ynet, February 28, 2012:

    WikiLeaks: Russia gave Israel Iranian system’s codes

    Document by intelligence company suggests Israel, Russia contracted deal several years ago under which Israel provided Russia with codes for UAVs it sold to Georgia in exchange for Iranian aerial defense system codes

    This SOTT article, reporting on the Jerusalem Post story above, was updated today to highlight the possible connection to the downed Ukraine Airlines plane:

    Flashback: WikiLeaks: Russia Gave Israel Codes to Iranian TOR-1M Air-Defense Systems

    A search on the WikiLeaks website yielded the following results:

    P.S. The “Mexican source” referenced above also had something to say about the S-300.

    • Sparrow says:

      Well Ruca…I couldn't get past the first few para's without feeling sick.  I couldn't even get the comments read through…This is why I shut them down.  They are psycho, psycho, psycho.  They are severely lacking in human capacity and thus instantly causes a magnetic repulsion as if I suddenly almost stepped on a dog pile.  But I will use it to insert in comment sections here and there and everywhere…thank you.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks for the link, ruca. Yes, quite a chunky article – looks like a well-researched piece – hope to make time to read it and comment soon as time permits.

  54. Taxi says:

    Massive pro government marches/protests are taking place in Tehran and other cities today.  The Iranian citizenry is demanding outsiders and foreigners stop interfering in their domestic affairs.  Most of them marched wearing black, still in mourning over General Suleimani’s murder.  

    Also, Khamenei gave a televised Friday speech today, in Arabic – he only occasionally delivers his speeches in Arabic.  He pontificated on the recent events and the (controlled) clashes between Iran and US forces in Iraq, reminding everyone that the Iranian strike on the Ein al-Assad was but a first response to Suleimani’s killing, and that the full response/revenge will be in getting the US forces out of the region, beginning with Iraq.

    He also confirmed that Iran will never negotiate any deal with the US so long as the US sanctions continue to be imposed on Tehran.

    He also spoke of Iran’s broken heart at the Ukraine plane crash, and added that investigations remain ongoing.

    And of course, he confirmed Islamic Iran’s eternal commitment to liberating Historic Palestine.

    The most interesting part of his speech though was when he directed his words at the Iraqi people and warned them of a current US-israel plot to create hostilities between the Iranian ‘people’ and the Iraqi ‘people’.  He assured them of Iran’s neighborly and islamic goodwill towards the people of Iraq, and urged Iraqis to be awake to this evil ploy and to remain united as one, despite their many differences, so as to foil the dastardly plan that aims to set Iraqi against Iraqi and Iraqi against Iranian.  He warned them not to fall into simultaneous multiple wars engineered by foreigners who mean them harm and who are already killing them and stealing from them.  Several times he stressed and heartily encouraged Iraqis to remain patient, faithful and united in their efforts to evict all foreign forces from their land.  And he closed his speech that he delivered in Arabic with high and soulful praise of the Iraqi people

    Dear reader, there is huge significance in the Iranian Ayatollah giving his speech in Arabic today.  Out of all the subject matters he addressed in his speech, he allocated the most time to talking about Iraq.  His speech, therefore, was specifically directed at Iraqis, so as to counter the US’s recent propagandistic and military efforts that aim to dismantle/divide up Iraq and entangle Iraqis in endless civil wars and national insecurities, all the while robbing Iraq’s rich resources.

    Trump’s latest big moves against Tehran: assassinating Suleimani and forcing the euros out of the Iran Nuke Deal – some even say his cyberattack that caused the downing of the Ukrainian plane – all these big assaults launched by Trump have hurt Iran deeply, but really, hurt them more emotionally than strategically.  Strategically speaking, Iran has actually gained more steely resolve, widening and expanding its strategy to now include the proactive eviction of US military presence from the region and not just the containment of US forces in Iran’s neighborhood.  Another gain for Iran these past few days is that Tehran has also garnered more Iraqi sympathy with Suleimani’s assassination.  Nay, even more than that: Iran one week ago moved a rather gigantic chunk of Iraqis away from America’s grip and into their brotherly fold.  Millions of freedom-seeking Iraqis are now war partners with Iran against the US.  This past week in Iraq, the US made itself more enemies and Iran made itself more friends. 

    This lessens the chances for the US remaining indefinitely in Iraq, as indeed Trump has recently and belligerently bellowed.

  55. Taxi says:

    Soon after Hezbollah’s victory over terrorist israel back in 2006, the jewy UK assigned Hezbollah’s military arm as a terrorist group.  Today, the UK has assigned the WHOLE of Hezbollah: military, political and social, as “terrorist”, and confirmed the recent law that any hezbollah flag-waving during any UK protests will carry a 10 year prison plus fine.

    Meh so fucking what?!  All it does is weaken the UK embassy’s hand in Beirut.  That aside, the Hezb has zero financial interests in the UK so their coffers aren’t exactly touched by the UK’s decision\action today.

    But the real reason and timing behind this bland UK move is that israel has urged the UK to do it now just in case war in the Levant breaks out this year and so UK forces close to Lebanon territory can then come to israel’s aid and strike at Hezbollah under the banner of the ‘UK’s war on terrorism’.  See here how a legal ‘cover’ is today created by a government intent on committing a crime in the future.

    The morally and dentally-challenged Brit cabinet is as bad as the US Congress when it comes to cocksucking at Bibi’s kosher ding-dong.

    • ZiojooistanSucks says:

      Today, the UK has assigned the WHOLE of Hezbollah: military, political and social, as “terrorist”, and confirmed the recent law that any hezbollah flag-waving during any UK protests will carry a 10 year prison plus fine.

      Didn't the UK ZOG already designate Hezbollah's "political wing" a "terrorist organization" back in February 2019?

      Meh so fucking what?!  All it does is weaken the UK embassy’s hand in Beirut. 

      It's beyond fucked up though, because it means anyone in the UK voicing support for Lebanon's legitimate right of self defense against the jew aggressors who were installed in Palestine by the UK, now risks being arrested, fined and imprisoned.

      • Canthama says:

        And…UK airbase in Cyprus becomes a legal target, if the UK dare to strike Hezb Allah in Lebanon, not only for missiles but for special ops. Very stupid decision indeed, but what could anyone expect from Boris "the clown".

      • Taxi says:

        Both the US and the UK fully intend to enter the next Levantean war. They’re both lining up their legal and constitutional ducks right now, ready to rush to war for israel at a moment’s notice.

        Oh and that croaking imperial frog otherwise known as France. They too are dying to die for Rothschild.

        Oh well, it’s their funeral…

      • Taxi says:

        Yap you got that right, rebel Goyim! Westminster is jewish owned. Been that way for 200+ years. They used to keep the kosher deed locked up in a safe. Now jews shamlessly flaunt their ownership of Grrrrrreat Britain right in yer pale face.

    • AriusArmenian says:

      Calling Hezbollah’s military arm a terrorist group is to align all UK government sections toward attacks on it just like the US did on Iran before killing Soleimani. You are right to call it 'legal cover'. Iran responded to the US by assigning terrorist status to the US military. The EU just aligned itself with the US on Iran and the JCPOA like the vassal it is. This is looking grim. The US and its puppy dog UK are lining up for war.

      Watch the movie 13 Days about what is called The Cuban Missile Crisis. The military and intelligence (so-called) people around JFK were constantly pushing for war. JFK wasn't perfect but he threaded through it to avoid war with the USSR so we are alive today.

      In the recent two near US/Iran confrontations you can bet that Trump was being pushed hard to bomb Iran. Republican senators threatened Trump with impeachment if he didn't get more forceful on Iran. The Democrats want war on Iran as well. Impeachment by the House gives them political cover from a disastrous war and pushes Trump toward war at the same time. The button pushing elites in the deep state know what they are doing. Will they get the war they and the dual passport holders hunger for?

      Trump is definitely no JFK but he walked right up to the line and backed off twice. Trump probably doesn't want to start a war with US elections a year away. But with all the neocons and neolibs pushing buttons I think the danger will be much greater after the election no matter who wins. The brain dead US machine is marching to war, a war it cannot win that will bring down what it thinks it is protecting in itself. 

      I hope that Russia and China are quietly showing the US that it will not be allowed to defeat or occupy Iran. They know what it means for them if the US occupies Iran and uses it to push chaos and jihadis into Central Asia. Iran is the red line for the eastern powers. They cannot and will not allow it.

      The danger of war after the election will be even greater. Whoever wins will start the war sooner than later. It took the US about ten years of bombing Iraq then the convenient 911 to launch their invasion of Iraq. The US has been planning and staging for their air war on Iran for a decade or more. All they need is a false flag in their controlled MSM to launch. 

      God help us for something out of left field to derail the US march to war. I hate war and to see so much suffering, death, and destruction, but if the US goes an inch further and starts it then Iran and its allies in the region will justifiably fight and end the US petrodollar era and much of the US-centric global order along with the settler state.


      • Saladin says:

        Arius: excellent post. I agree that full-blown war is not likely to start this election year, but in 2021-24 the hounds of hell will likely be unleashed. Of course, the Israelis would like the war sooner than later so who knows? I've always felt that Trump was expendable and if the Deep State zio-crazies don't get their war during his watch they may JFK him. (That is, if he wins this coming election). Meanwhile, I expect Hezbollah and the Resistance to start targeting the enemy in Iraq, so the spark that starts a conflagration could be lit at any time. And remember that not only will Soleimani be avenged, but the valiant Hezbollah hero and martyr Hajj Imad Mughniyeh still waits full avenging.

    • Canthama says:

      Putin's home run in Russia with the ban of dual citizenship for public service employees…huge implications for the Russians in the Occupied Palestine, among others in comfy western Europe……

      • ruca says:

        Yes I agree. It's a brilliant move to help secure Russia's future against tainted leadership. No Russian Israelis for president. No Navalny! 

        As per your previous reply to ZIOJOOISTANSUCKS, it's difficult to imagine that BJ is the best the country has to offer. A tragic comedy.

      • AriusArmenian says:

        Putin is doing what it seems The Saker has also been calling for. Putin is already the most outstanding person of the century. Soleimani is another. He will be remembered as a near-Saladin of our time. The US thinks it will stop what he led by killing him. They have rocks for brains. 

        If only the US Congress would change the law to throw out the dual passport holders from you know where.

    • AriusArmenian says:

      Priests in Churches in Aleppo in their sermons honor and thank Soleimani for his significant help in driving the US backed liver eaters out. He and Putin are  heroes to the people of the region except for those taking money from the West.

  56. Taxi says:

    The freaking GrayZone has infiltrated Al-Mayadeen News TV!  This morning I saw Ben fucking Norton on a regular show discussing Trump – last week was the second time that I've seen Max bleeding Blumnthal on the same program too – yikes!

    This is what I'm going to do about it:  I know a retired Leb General who often appears on Al-Mayadeen to give military analysis on Syria, Iraq and Yemen.  I'm going to call him and give him the low down on Max Blumenthal and his band of merry controlled oppositioners.  I'm going to compile a bunch of links with facts on the Clintonian 'Blumenthals' (father and son), and I'm going to ask my General friend to pass these links to the producers of the show that keeps booking scumbag Grayzoners as their guest. 

    It's exactly what I'm going to do!

    LOL!  I can't tell you how much the Grayzone and everyone connected to it bother me lol!  Fucking CIA-DeepState-mossad friggers and assy assets!

    Tainters of everything that's good and true.

    • Sparrow says:

      Do it…So good to have a good connection Taxi.  Use your 'intel' back at them and flush them down the toilet.  Maxi worms his way into every deep state PLANNED event for propaganda…so it tells you what's coming up in the near future.  Fucking cancer they are.

  57. Taxi says:

    The Axis of Evil's loss of Syria is precisely why they've right now double-up on punching at Iran, at Iraq, at Hezbollah, etc.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      In military parlance this is referred to as "shadow boxing."

      aka PHIA 'Punching Holes In Air.'

  58. Taxi says:

    Paid protestors are raising hell in Downtown Beirut right now, trying to force entry into Parliament Road that's tightly blocked/barricaded by the Leb security apparatus and riot police.

    Water-hosing and the occasional teargas canister are being used against the stupid/paid protestors who look like they're actually enjoying vandalizing and throwing anything and everything at the security barrier.  Some of them are even breaking the branches of teen trees planted on pavements and throwing the trees' severed limbs at the police.  Why-why-oh-why kill the trees motherfuckers?!  And you wonder why I call them "stupid" all the time?!  I'm incensed about the damage they've done to the trees.

    There's about 2-3 thousand of them student protestors on the streets, fucking around and closing down a chunk of downtown.  It's also raining and now getting dark.  Internal Security has advised that all peaceful protestors go home.  Probably giving last warning before they move in on the vandals and arrest them by force if they don't go home too.

    The protestors are definitely 'organized' to create a negative headline or two or three…

    Meanwhile, the country is still waiting for the new gov leader, Hassan Diab, to publish the names of his new government.  Yeah, still waiting for that "imminent announcement" – yawn…


    • Sparrow says:

      They need to close down that American University Beirut and send them/students packing.  I'd close the American Embassy too and send them the same direction.  Don't give them a foot space in the Leb.  All of these fucking American enemies including the dupe Max Blumenthal et al should get the boot.  KNOW YOUR ENEMY!!!

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Sparrow,

        I think you're on to something here.

        Let's call it 3P [Three-Pee] or the 'Pompous Pompeo Proposition' in which 'We' can't guarantee the safety of US embassy personnel, based on the 'We have the right to kill anyone we deem to be a terrorist' meme.

        You know, reap what 'you' sow and s*** like that.

      • Sparrow says:

        The American University has been openly calling for protests.  It's all so predictable when one follows the makings of protests via propaganda hit pieces like MB and many others.  I watched his crap via Venezuela, the sh*t he was spewing and doing…and that's when my eyes were opened.  It started in Syria the same way.  They are worms that infect a host nation and sow divisive tropes with the help of their Rothchild schemes of breaking down the populations.  All courtesy of US/OCCpal.  They are working hard at home with an upcoming rally in the state of VA.  Just for an example of occupation of VA:     It's really bad here…and about to get worse.  The rally in VA is a CIA trap for 2d Amendment gun owners coming to a rally to demonstrate against the state trying to take away their rights.  Little do they realize it's a trap, a false flag trap to label anyone who makes the slightest wrong move a 'terrorist'.  All in the making since 9/11.  Communism by the back door.  So many times I am glad that my late mother (rip) doesn't have to live with this insanity anymore.  I just saw this from today:

      • Taxi says:

        Word is that yesterday’s Beirut protestors was actually a main mix of American University students and angry Hariri youth bused in from Lebanon’s second largest city, Tripoli. And by-the-by, Hassan Diab has just taken a drive up to the Presidential Palace to see President Oun: very likely to present him with his list of new ministerial names. Let’s hope this is the case indeed and let’s hope that tomorrow the Lebs can wake up to an actual government that’s actually practicing governance and good management, instead of the governmental vacuum that the Leb has lived in since last October.

        And yeah, our gov has been doing its best since 9/11 to prohibit any public or private dissent. The militarized elites have killed American democracy. I’m expecting a great year for these elites and their pockets, and a real bad one for the rest of Americans and for America itself. And it’s gonna get worser and worser as American power jews put more chain and kibosh on more aspects of traditional American life. R.I.P. to your sweet mama and to the beautiful America she once knew.

  59. Igor Bundy says:

    How else do we interpret 19 straight years of war and no end in sight? It’s part of who we are. It’s part of what the American Empire is. We are going to lie, cheat and steal, as Pompeo is doing right now, as Trump is doing right now, as Esper is doing right now … and a host of other members of my political party, the Republicans, are doing right now. We are going to lie, cheat and steal to do whatever it is we have to do to continue this war complex. That’s the truth of it. And that’s the agony of it.”

    A quick look at the map reveals the “secret” of the US refusing to pack up and leave Iraq, as demanded by the Iraqi Parliament and Prime Minister: to prevent the emergence of this corridor by any means necessary. Especially when we see that all the roads that China is building across Central Asia – I navigated many of them in November and December – ultimately link China with Iran.

    The immutable fact: everyone needs and wants Iran connectivity. For obvious reasons, since the Persian empire, this is the privileged hub for all Central Asian trade routes.

    On top of it, Iran for China is a matter of national security. China is heavily invested in Iran’s energy industry. All bilateral trade will be settled in yuan or in a basket of currencies bypassing the US dollar.

  60. Mike-Florida says:

    An-Nahar media 16 Jan. > “We are on brink of forming a government made up of 18 experts,” Finance Minister Hassan Khalil said he attended a meeting with Speaker Nabih Berri and Prime Minister-designate Hassan Diab. Diab, nominated almost a month ago, vowed he would form a government of independent experts but has faced push back from the Amal Movement, Hezbollah and the Free Patriotic Movement.
    (Taxi – Article suggests Diab is opposed by Amal Movement, Hezbollah and the Free Patriotic Movement. Is this true – and if so why – and how can he form a government without these parties? Lastly, is former PM Hariri supporting or opposing Diab? Requesting your take to make situation bit more clear RE Diab can form a govt. the public will support. Thanks. Mike.)

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Mike.  

      Hariri hates Diab.  He’s taking his place after all.  Hariri played a ‘resignation’ theater then attempted to get back into government by engineering a return ‘by public demand’ at the height of the protests but it didn’t work at all.  He put himself out and it backfired therefore he stays out.

      Oun loves Diab.  He’s just glad the name of Diab was agreed to by the majority of the old boys who were in charge of the old government.

      Hezbollah loves Diab.  He was elected fair and square and constitutionally and hezbollah has no governmental corruption going on so it has nothing to worry about.

      And the Amal Movement has a problem with Diab because their leader, Nabih Berri, who is also the Speaker of Parliament, is pissed that his high chair will be taken from him after some 30 years of sitting in it.  He’s also extremely worried that the new gov will investigate him for corruption and find there a mountain of misdeeds and fleecing.  Some 4 days ago Berri negotiated with Diab and they came to some sort of arrangement behind closed doors.  Analysts are saying that an agreement was reached between them where Diab will pursue corruption charges against Berri’s son and wife instead of Nabih himself, thus keeping the Amal Movement and its godhead Nabih Berri intact.

      The picture of what exactly took place between Diab and Berri will become clearer this coming week – a week that will see the names of the new gov ministers finally actually named.

  61. Daniel Rich says:

    Tom Hurndall

    Tom Hurndall, eliminated by an Occupied Palestine assissin… [2003]

    F*** all those who do not condemn this.

    R.I.P Rachel Corrie.

  62. Bornajoo says:

    Thank you Taxi for all these crucial updates, as well as the summaries of the recent speeches. Really appreciate it

    Let's hope Diab can somehow stabilise the situation in the Leb as soon as possible. Not an easy task but he knows exactly what he's up against 



  63. Taxi says:

    Dear readers, let us remember that this week Ayatollah Khameni announced a very clear and new policy/direction for the Axis of Resistance.  With the murder of Suleimani, Khameni did announce in his speech last Friday that the Resistance is now on a mission of two wars.  The first war is to evict the US troops from the region, beginning with Iraq.  And the second war is the liberation of historic Palestine.  So, basically, the eviction of both zionism and Americanism is on their open agenda.  From here on, these two war files will be the Axis of Resistance’s combined and prime focus.  From here on, everything the AoR does will be towards fulfilling these two ambitious and righteous tasks.

    Of course, these two projects are long-term ones that Iran will be funding and leading with utter strategic care.  Expect especially Islamic Jihad in Gaza to become supremely armed this year.

    The Resistance is not mincing words anymore.  They have declared open warfare against the US and israel.

    Pompeo says that the Suleimani murder was to “regain America’s deterrence”.  But instead of deterring Iran and the Axis of Resistance, the assassination of Suleimani has only added fuel to the resolve of the Resistors, and created also two legitimate doorways into two consequential wars.

    When Trump loses the election in November, he’ll go stuffing his face with Big Macs and weeping and uttering the name ‘Suleimani’ under his sniffling breath.  Yes, he will lose because the Axis of Resistance will be delivering him an ‘October Surprise’, at the heels of a long and bloody summer in Iraq that will see many US soldiers returning home in body bags: all casualties of intensive Resistor ops against them in Iraq – all as promised by the Axis of Resistance.

    Trump’s base is nothing without the ‘independents/undecided’ leaning with them.  And the independents/undecided are already abandoning Trump for his arrogance, lies and his mafiosa style of governance.

    I predict the lowest voter turnout ever this coming November.

    Me, I don’t care who wins.  They’re ALL motherfucking slaves of the evil synagogue of satan.

    • Sparrow says:

      Many thanks for the updates and a special thank you hug for my mom…missing her.  I hope your puppy is doing better from the vet's care.  Stay safe dear sister.  VIVA HEZB!!! 

    • Saladin says:

      Great post Taxi. Thanks for keeping us informed about the plans of the Axis of Resistance and the words of Khameni. I love the way the Shia resistance is so true to their words. They just don't give in. I love Hezbollah, its spirit, its subtle crafty intelligence and its unbending determination. I love the words of Nasrallah, one of the few leaders in the world who can be trusted.  The apartheid state and the criminal yankee military establishment are in for some hard times. I am saddened by the course my country has taken (commandeered by zio-criminals) and the unnecessary deaths and maiming of Americans in the military, but the evil machine must be defeated. Palestine must be liberated!

    • Daniel Rich says:

      Besides the illegitimacy of this war crime [assassinating a general of a country you’re not at war with] this must be one of the stupidest acts the US has pulled off in decades. 

      Words are cheap. It’s so easy to brag, but to pull the [occupation] plug needs a long term strategy [something US brass isn’t good at]. Cue in Iran, get popcorn, sit back and watch how a thousand cuts will evict the US from the ME. Maybe the world [you and me] will not see the HATTs arrive back home. The family members will. Tie a yellow ff-ing ribbon…? Don’t think so. It’ll take time. Time paid for in young American lives.

  64. Sparrow says:

    The State Security agency said Monday it had arrested a US national residing in Lebanon for live-streaming the recent events in Beirut for Haaretz, an Israeli newspaper.

    “Following social media news about a person who had been live-streaming the events in Downtown Beirut for the Israeli Haaretz daily, a State Security patrol managed to track and locate the whereabouts, and suspected an individual who had filmed the same footage that appeared on the enemy’s newspapers’ page. He had then been brought in for questioning,” a communiqué by the State Security indicated.

    The man, had been identified as Nicholas A., a US citizen residing in Beirut; he claimed to be a freelance journalist.

    Relations with the Zionist entity is governed by two laws, the 1943 Lebanese Criminal Code and the 1955 Lebanese Anti-Israeli Boycott Law which forbids any interaction with nationals of enemy states.

    Source: NNA



  65. AriusArmenian says:

    Pepe Escobar reports at on Senator Lindsay Graham telling Trump to take out Soleimani. Also David Wurmser is advising Trump on Iran; he was behind the Bush push into Iraq. Pepe didn't mention that Clinton did follow up with a second choice on the list: war on Yugoslavia. He started it the very day a very public report was to be issued on his very violent rape of Juanita Broaddrick. He started bombing Yugoslavia and Juanita was immediately forgotten.

    It won't matter who wins the election. This is a deep state operation to line up for what they hunger for. Everything is telling me that repub and dem elites are using impeachment to control the executive toward war. The arc of the resistance must prepare and surely are. I read about PMU groups meeting outside Iraq to coordinate. Taxi could be right about October but I still think after the election the mass manipulating media machine will go into overdrive after a false flag operation. 

  66. Daniel Rich says:

    “Trouble is, nowhere does the Raytheon gun-toting [1] Hadley reveal his inactionable puff piece links to Raytheon in his television appearances or articles. Now, in an Orwellian twist of doublethink only possible in a US war establishment run amok, Hadley is Board chair of Reagan’s United States Institute of Peace which would be laughable, if it were not so tragic.”

    Now, imagine you sit across a publisher’s desk in an attempt to hawk this idea as part and parcel of the core of your new book…

    You’ll be laughed at all the way to the nearest asylum…

  67. Taxi says:

    Hiya folks, you'll forgive my absence but I'm in a hotel in the northern ceder mountains enjoying snow falling on ceders and pines.  Problem is, this place has a reaaaaally bad internet connection.  I'll pop in on Plato's boards whenever I can.  Back down south in a couple of days.

    Hope y'all being more nice than naughty enlightened

  68. Taxi says:

    Howdy y'all!

    Short reportage today – more analysis on this tomorrow/day after, all depending on when I actually get back home:

    The Leb's new gov leder, Hassan Diab late last night finally announced the name of his new gov.  As expected, violent protests broke out on the streets of Tripoli (northern Lebanon) and in Akkar (east Leb): closing roads, burning tires, vandalizing shops, banks etc.  More peaceful protests also took place in Beirut and in Sidon (south Leb).  The army last night was seriously quick to reopen roads and local police arrested many vandals.  Today, only small number of peaceful protests are occurring.

    I listened (on the radio) to the press conference that Diab gave after the announcement last night.  He answered some very challenging questions most cogently and with confidence and equilibrium – he held himself upright and very impressively.  Work on the Leb's multiple crisis already began early this morning.  Most people seem to want to give Diab a chance to see what he can first do before knocking him off his perch.

    One thing of regional and local consequence that Diab said last night: "I will work towards trading with our immediate neighbors and with the Arab world in general".  This was his answer to a question by a journalist inquiring on what his Syria policy will be.  Compare and contrast this response with the frou-frou Hariri who cut off diplomatic relations with Syria early on in its war and swore off trade with Syria forever, trade that Lebanon's economy has historically depended on – all to please his wahabi saudi masters.

    Yeah, things are looking more hopeful today for the Lebs than it was yesterday.

    And on the gas/oil drilling tip, Leb marine explorations were yesterday postponed by one month, due to a combination of faulty machinery and intense stormy/choppy waters.

    Fixing Leb's economy is doable, with some patience, and the terrorist israelis are gonna have to eat yet more crow for consistently failing in all their Leb projects.

    Hezbollah is keeping a low profile, yet remaining focused on the prize: US out of Iraq and Syria as well as the liberation of historic Palestine.  Extra funds and weapons from Iran are already rolling towards the hezb and his brothers in occupied Palestine and occupied Iraq.  Soleimani's death is bringing riches to the resistors, despite Trump's jewy 'extreme pressure' campaign to bankrupt and starve the Axis of Resistance.

    Woohoo!  I'm-a-having a fab time up in the snowy north.  Today I'm heading to Bsharri, the birth place of Gibran Khalil Gibran, and probably one of the most beautiful places in the whole of the middle east – location-wise – cedered mountain sweeps and stunning deep and jagged gorges peppered with waterfalls and caves: ancient habitat fit for hermits and the humblest of god's seekers – Wadi Qadisha (Sacred Valley) having a particularly mystical and spectacular view.

    Hey you go enjoy your day too – fuck the fuckers in your lives and in the world!  They are losing-losing-losing, losing sleep and oomph as the days and nights go by.

    I'm posting the above video especially for those whose ears have never been graced with the ancient and beautiful Syriac language – enjoy y'all.

    • Taxi says:

      And if you're interested in more Bsharri eye-stunners, here you go:

      *(p.s. I don't know why the heck the vid footage went to the ancient port city of Byblos in the last few seconds lol – but still super cool).

      • Taxi says:

        I’m not one to politicize nature but I gotta be honest here and tell you that every time I visit a Lebanese beauty spot, I hate the israelis even more heh!

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks Ruca – same to you pal.

        I'll be making my way down the snowy roads after lunch today, in time before a new storm hits the Leb tonight and mountain roads get snowed in.  I'm planning to spend a night or two in Beirut with friends – definitely back down south by Saturday end of day.

        Hey have a great day yourself, dear Ruca.

    • Sparrow says:

      Ah Taxi peace for my soul…so beautiful.  I would never come out of this place.  And let everyone know that Syriac is in the SEMITIC language family.  Unlike the perverted Hebrew shreaded up by the ANTI SEMITES in Occupied Palestine.  Thank you for sharing and I hope you have a once in a lifetime holiday soaking in the beautiful Lebanon.  How much the Hezb has restored to her sovereignty.  Just think of the vast ancient beauty that once was in Palestine now destroyed by the occupiers from hell.  Free the ME of US/OccPal forever and NOW!!!  VIVA HEZBOLLAH!

      Syriacܠܫܢܐ ܣܘܪܝܝܐ‎, Leššānā SuryāyāSyriac - Estrangelo Nisibin Calligraphy.png

      Leššānā Suryāyā in written Syriac (Esṭrangelā script)

      Pronunciationlɛʃʃɑːnɑː surjɑːjɑːRegionMesopotamia (ancient Iraq), northeastern Syria, southeastern Turkey, northwestern Iran,[1][2] Eastern ArabiaFertile Crescent[3][4]Era1st century AD; Dramatically declined as a vernacular language after the 14th century; Developed into Northeastern Neo-Aramaic and Central Neo-Aramaic languages after the 12th century.[5]

      Language family


      Writing system

      Syriac abjadOfficial status

      Recognised minority
      language in

       Iraq (Recognized language and a constitutional right to educate in the mother tongue language)[6][7]
       Kurdistan Region (Recognized educational language of a national minority)[8]

      • Sparrow says:

        Couldn't hold back tears…God has blessed Lebanon with such beauty…with all my senses she has captured me.  (turn up the vol)


      • Taxi says:

        Hi Sparrow.  Thank you for all your comments.  If you don't mind, I'm going to keep the bland and minimalist wiki link intact – I'm going to keep both your Syriac links published so that readers can compare and contrast the level of information imbibed in both links.

        I've been saying for years that wiki was born to dumb down its readers, not to inform them.  They sure are NOT the Encyclopedia Britannica, if you know wadamean.

    • Taxi says:

      Right, well, Diab picked 20 ministers, cutting out some 10 extraneous ones – so he basically shrunk the ministerial count by a third.  Out of his 20 new ministers, 6 of them are women – the last ministerial set up had 2 women out of 30.  He gave the Ministry of Defense as well as the position of Deputy Prime Minister to a lady called Zeina Akar Adra. 

      And the slimeball jewy West has for weeks been calling Diab's government "Hezbollah's government" lol.

      Of course, I care most about the Defense Ministry, but I don't know anything about Ms Adra – but I will bring you info (that's NOT in Wiki!) soon as I'm back home and able to gather good info on her. 

      Here's a list of the names of Hassan Diab's new government:

      1. Prime Minister – Hassan Diab

      2. Deputy PM & Defense Minister – Zeina Akar Adra

      3. Foreign Minister – Nassif Hitti

      4. Interior Minister – Mohammad Fahmy

      5. Telecoms Minister – Talal Hawat

      6. Education Minister – Tarek Majzoub

      7. Environment Minister & Administrative Development – Demianos Kattar

      8. Energy Minister – Raymond Ghajar

      9. Justice Minister – Mary-Claude Najem

      10. Economy Minister – Raoul Nehme

      11. Minister of Affairs for the Displaced – Ghada Shreim

      12. Labor Minister – Lamia Yammine Doueihy

      13. Public Works Minister – Michel Najar

      14. Youth and Sports Minister – Varti Ohanian

      15. Social Affairs & Tourism Minister – Ramzi Msharrafieh

      16. Information Minister – Manal Abdel Samad

      17. Finance Minister – Ghazi Wazni

      18. Agriculture & Culture Minister – Abbas Mortada

      19. Health Minister – Hamad Hasan

      20. Industry Minister – Imad Hoballah

      • Taxi says:

        Here’s Diab’s fem squad today – the petite one in the middle (rocking bell-bottoms and bell-sleaves) is Zeina Akar Adra, the new Defense Minister and Deputy PM:

      • Taxi says:

        No woman loves a blood orgy more than Hillary Clinton does. This is fact. Yes, you’re right, females are capable of atrocities same as males, but, statistically speaking, far less women go for that option than men do. Personally, I don’t give a frook if you’re a he or a she – just do your job right and honestly and that’s enough to get my (metaphorical) vote.

        Zeina Adra’s distinction is that she is the first ever female Defense Minister in the whole of the Arab world – ever. And it was bound to be in Lebanon that this has occurred, Lebanon being by far the more socially liberal country in the Arab world.

        And MbS tells us that saudi arabia is “modernizing”? LOL the fucker’s sure got a loooooooong way to go!

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Taxi,

        Zeina Adra’s distinction is that she is the first ever female Defense Minister in the whole of the Arab world – ever.”

        No argument with that, darling :o]

        My experience with women in predominantly male dominated assignments was that they tended to feel they had to prove themselves.

        Can’t use a single brush and paint an entire part of mankind with it, but I don’t want to be dropped behind enemy lines with a woman. I love and adore women, but when it comes to fighting and dying I trust my life to a man [and not that many men either].

      • Taxi says:

        You’d definitely need a most stable women, which is an extreme rarity in and of itself, for her not to feel the urge to overcompensate in a man’s world – that’s for damn sure!

        I’m still not yet sure of the ‘substance’ of Zeina Adra (she will reveal her true self in good time, I’m sure), and really, I’m only pleased with her selection cuz it poked both of Pompeo’s eyeballs.

        Pompeo tweeted somewhere that he’s “not sure he can work with the new Lebanese government”. Yaaaaaay hooray! Fuck off then mister motherfucker lol!

  69. Taxi says:

    I mentioned on the comments board of my last article (Mythomania) that I respect the geopolitical analysis of the Lebanese (sunni) Mr. Anis Nakash, a Tehran and Hezbollah insider.  I also lamented that it was too bad that his work is not in the English language.  Well, I did last night find this little vid of Mr. Nakash doing analysis with English subtitles.  Take a look here:

    • Sparrow says:

      Wow Taxi thanks much…make that 'half a million' + 1…a sparrow with a song and prayer (in enemy territory) for the Hezbollah…VIVA!  

  70. Taxi says:

    This coming Friday, Baghdad resistors to US presence are organizing for a 1 million man/woman protest against US 'occupation' of Iraq.  A message that should be heard loud and clear by American citizens themselves who are paying for this 'occupation'.  But, I would be most amazed if the jewy msm actually writes about it, analyses it, provides pics of protests and interviews resistors etc.  This is why I very much expect the heat against foreign forces in Iraq to increase steadily as we inch towards the US's November elections.

    Immediate US withdrawal due to its violation of the agreement and Iraq sovereignty

      • Daniel Rich says:

        Martin Luther King Jr., the Civil Rights Movement, and American Jews

        For Freedom [of Speech and Anything] only when it serves them.

        If I am, today, a [foreign] soldier in Iraq [or the wider M.E.] I would read up on what happened in Nam. I've sworn to uphold the constitution and defend and die for the motherland, not face-down in the muck of a country where I'm illegal inserted in and not wanted at all.

        I think Russia will caution Iraq to first exhaust all legal venues to get the FUKZUS 'war' machine out [which they will categorically refuse], before the death by a thousand cuts, asymmetrical, partisan warfare can [and will] begin. 

      • Taxi says:

        Jews only ever serve 'what's good for the jews' – and always at a giant cost to humanity itself.  Always.  They never change their pattern of behavior, nor are they ever interested in doing so.  And 'overreach' is also part of their boring pattern of behavior, and always they get burned at that stage of their evil plan.  Today, they are setting themselves up to overreach on Iran.  They are so unbelievably deluded and drunk on their ill-gotten power that they believe they are immune from massive and destructive attacks once a regional or Levantean war starts.  They think they can repel most of the attacks and that only a few jewish lives will be sacrificed in their attempt to dislodge the Mullahs of Tehran.  They don't fully realize or even accept the possibility that israel will be utterly devastated and liquidated in the next war.

        Overreach on Iran is the very thing that will actually bring the jews their next catastrophe – and it will all be of their own making.  No Hitler or shmitler will be involved in this one.

        Yes, israel will be toast in the next war.  Not a day too soon and good fucking riddance, if you ask me.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        If the Iranian missiles are anything to go by, they’d better stock up on diapers and coffins. Once the missile rain starts, the ‘Iron Dome’ will prove to be as effective as the rest of the AD protecting US assets in the region. F*** all!

      • Taxi says:

        True, true, dear Daniel – and let’s not forget here that the Iranian Al-Quds Force has some 37.000 trained suicide bombers who would love nothing more than to die as martyrs, just like their beloved General Suleimani did.

    • AriusArmenian says:

      Iraq told the US to leave in a year – getting a No from the US – now Iraq says leave now.

      This in spite of the US threatening to block Iraq access to its money in New York.

      I have to refer to the US as dumb as rocks to think killing Soleimani would bring Iran and Iraq to heel. The US excels at strategic blunders on an immense scale. It's in its DNA. It is looking like those predicting a US bloody nose before the election this year are probably right. US elites are certainly demented.  

      • Taxi says:

        Let’s see the dumbfuck American ‘strategists’ drop jaws to see the ‘million man march’ against the US amass in Baghdad today.

        And you know what I think, Arius, I think the US military honchos know they have to leave Iraq and they know that the only face-saving exit for them is to bring in Putin and hand him the remnant of the ISIS-Iraq file, while Trump declares victory in Iraq against ISIS as reason for an ‘honorable and overdue’ exit.

        I think this year we will see clear and sure ‘official indicators’ by the US that they plan to peacefully exit from both Iraq and Syria. This will happen AFTER a few rounds of dead US soldiers hit the headlines and rock Trump’s election campaign.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks for Gilad’s link, Whozhear – great stuff! Now I wouldn’t exactly call the UK’s Labor Party ‘surrender monkeys’, I would instead call them ‘surrender junkies’.

      Shameful and willing submission to the absolute worst of the worst of jewish tyranny. They deserve more than Gilad’s punches to their gutless torso – they deserve absolute and utter public humiliation and disintegration.

      And btw Labor’s weakening and treason of the working man/woman began with Blair who had put jewish/israeli interests above that of British unions, not with Corbyn who tried so desperately to correct the ruinous party’s path. And let us also here remember that Corbyn failed in this task because of incessant jewish hostility and crybaby-tyranny.

  71. Taxi says:

    So Elijah Magnier emailed me today and expressed “shock” at how saudi arabia had sent one of its wahabi motherfucker clerics to Auschwitz, otherwise known as ‘Jewsney World’.  It’s true: this saudi cleric had returned from his holocaust theater fest yesterday and today he immediately began milking sympathy for the jews in the Arab world, saying to TV cameras: “Every Arab should visit holocaust places”.

    Yikes!  LOL!  See how they use their stringless holocaust violin as a weapon of mass disarmament?  The frisked-with-evil jews are rubbing hands with vigor and glee: they’re so excited to now be FINALLY converting ‘Aghabz’ to their fake holocaust religion.  Except, ONLY dumb wahabi fodder would gladly swallow that bent-over-with-sadness kosher poop log.  NOT “every Arab” will – that’s for damn sure!

    Anyway, here’s a copy-paste of my reply to Elijah’s email:

    Hiya Elijah!  C’mon you’re not really shocked by saudi arabia’s one-millionth dagger in Palestine’s back, are you?  Select saudi clerics have already been to Auschwitz, my dear, it’s only now that they’re making a public song and dance of it – especially right now with the marking of the holocaust memorial blahblah fake victimhood bullshit.  Saudi wahabis have long been crypto jews.  Everything about them is talmudic: their supremacism, their world-view, their belief in a genocidal ‘god’, their behaviorism and all.  The only real muslims in saudi arabia are the dissenters.

    Jews always test you before they befriend you and their test is always the Auschwitz test: they send you there then they count your tears and check your pulse – if they find the ‘count’ suitably satisfactory, then they’ll befriend you – if they need something from you, that is.

    It’s like the more power the Axis of Resistance gains, the faster jews work to apply their brainwash techniques on the rattled Gulfies.  The very same insidious brainwash techniques they used on the giantly dumb ‘western’ world for the past 75 years.  Exactly.  The.  Very.  Same.  Fucking way!

    The jews. They never change, do they?

    • Igor Bundy says:

      I think you are mistaken.. What he really means is every arab needs to visit Gaza to see the holocaust happening right in front of their very eyes..

    • Sparrow says:

      It tells me HOW DESPERATE the fuckers are!!!!   SHAKING THEIR KNEES!!!!  WOO HOOOOO!!!  That's one way to make'em bow to their holohoax god mammon.  DEATH TO ISRAEL!!  VIVA HEZBOLLAH!!!

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi/et/al,

      Yes, jews did die in the various camps, but a Polish nun, who shared a bunk with a jewish woman, underwent the same treatment as the jewish woman, couldn’t claim to have been part of the holohoax. No, baby. That whammy’s only about us.

      The funny thing is, they always wail about how we have to ‘respect the dead,’ so we can’t dig in places where all these million upon millions dead jews are supposedly buried, and all the while they keep slapping the world in the face with these dead corpses.

      No business but holohoax business!!!


  72. Harry law says:

    Oh my God! Hezbollah have 14,000 Zelzel2 ‘dumb’ missiles range over 210 kilometres [and many others] they are fitting them with a global Positioning System [GPS]  kits the size of small roll-aboard luggage. These medium range rockets can reach the gas rigs in the med and Tel aviv. Hezbollah need to fit all their missiles with these devices, which would be unstoppable since the Iron Dome according to Professor Theodore A Postol…    'The evidence that shows Iron Dome is not working'.

    “The Hezbollah Precision Missile project is a test case that could be replicated. After infrastructure has been put in place, evidence suggests that missiles can be converted into precision guided missiles in just a few hours at a cost of $5,000- $10,000. Iran has already attempted to utilise this technology for its Houthi allies in Yemen, a move which could put US bases in the Gulf under significant risk. • Iran sought originally to deliver advanced precision missiles to Hezbollah in Lebanon via Syria, with these efforts intensifying during the Syrian civil war. Israel declared that the supply of such weapons was a ‘red-line’ and has carried out air strikes to prevent them reaching Hezbollah by targeting storage facilities, weapons convoys, and research and production facilities in Syria.• As a result, Iran launched a new initiative to fit GPS guidance packs onto ‘dumb’ medium range Zelzal 2 missiles, of which Hezbollah is thought to possess 14,000 and which are already located in Lebanon. Relevant components are transported from Iran to factories in Syria and Lebanon, either by land, or by air via Damascus, using civilian aircraft.• Once in the factory, an existing section of the Zelzal 2 is removed and replaced with a new section which includes a GPS-type navigation system; a command and guidance system; and a control system (for applying guidance commands and steering the missile). This transforms the Zelzal 2 into something similar to a Fateh 110 missile”.

    Hezbollah has already threatened to attack power stations, air force bases, the Haifa oil refinery, the nuclear reactor close to Dimona, and the ‘Kirya’ Ministry of Defence and IDF Headquarters in central Tel Aviv.

    • Taxi says:

      Aaah music to my ears – thank you for the info and the link.

      The Axis of Resistance consistently proves that they are by far more resourceful and less wasteful than the Axis of Evil. Their smarts is exactly what has enabled their limited gunship creating an effective deterrence against the massively gunned-up Axis of Evil.

      The adage of ‘it’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog that matters’ comes to mind.

      History will record that the middle east was liberated by a masterful underdog.

    • Sparrow says:

      There needs to be an alternate to GPS.  The US (my enemy territory) is now doing war games 'Jamming' GPS sig's.  They've been doing it for a long time only it's more technical as we all agree today.  'JAMMING' and 'SPOOFING' kinda like what happened to the Ukrainian airplane in Iran recently.  I've seen videos where Syrian missles headed back to Syria with either a backdoor to this tech or was intercepted.  ALL THE AoR NEED TO BE AWARE OF THIS AND COMPENSATE ASAP!

      • AriusArmenian says:

        There is also Glonass (Russian), Galileo (EU), and BeiDou (China).

        That is why my next phone will probably be a Huawei model.

      • Canthama says:

        As far as it was shared recently, Iran used Glonass to hit Ayn al Asad base in Iraq, I really doubt the missiles in Iran and Hezb Allah are using GPS, so most likely Hezb Allah is using Glonass on this up grade.

        Harry, thanks for the link.

      • Sparrow says:

        Here's a propaganda partial piece of the link Harry provided:

        What happened in the 2006 Second Lebanon War? In July 2006, a Hezbollah raid into northern Israel – which resulted in eight Israeli soldiers killed and two captured – triggered a 34-day conflict between Hezbollah and Israel. Hezbollah fired 4,000 missiles at northern Israel, whilst Israel – which was yet to develop a missile defence system – used air and ground forces to try and destroy the launchers. Forty-six Israeli civilians were killed and the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) lost 121 soldiers. One thousand two hundred Lebanese were killed, the IDF estimates that 600-800 were Hezbollah fighters. The war ended with a UN-backed ceasefire, which mandated a strengthened UN force and required the Lebanese Armed Forces to deploy on the border in place of Hezbollah. However, whilst a ceasefire has mostly held since 2006, Hezbollah has not been prevented from greatly strengthening its military capabilities and deploying forces along the border with Israel.

        Just skimming through…it's so easy to spot the propaganda.  Thanks to Taxi and other truther's concerning the Hezb, one can spot the lies.  Funny how they never mentioned the biggest reason WHY THERE EXIST THE HEZB.

      • Taxi says:

        Of course the decrepit UK cocksucking on israel will not tell you about how back in the 2006 war, Hezbollah literally wasted the WHOLE of israel's ammo in the first 12 days of war by using the cheapest decoys on the planet.  Feeding israeli intel false info on their launch locations, the Hezbollah had placed several thousand decoys on the southern Lebanese ground, all made with 4×4 green plastic sheets that were held down by rocks, and with small battery operated torches turned on under the green sheet, thus creating 'false heat' that the israelis could easily detect.  The israelis bombed the shit out of these decoys for twelve straight days while the jew army radio puffed up chest as they declared imminent victory – all the while, Hezbollah fighters hid unseen by the jew enemy, only to pounce hard on them when their ammo got low.

        Cost of wasted israeli ammo: tens of billions.  Cost of Hezbollah decoys: $4 dollars each mail.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        Cost of wasted israeli ammo: tens of billions.  Cost of Hezbollah decoys: $4 dollars each

        When Unca Sammy foots the bills, who gives a f***? 

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ HARRY LAW,

      Russia developed a simple computer program that determines when to drop a [dumb] bomb on a target.

      The US on the other hand made/makes special JDAM kits that costs around $25000 per single bomb.

      You hear that sound in the background?

      That's the sound of the MIC fat cats, laughing all the way to the bank.

      • Igor Bundy says:

        The Russian solution means using the plane itself as the carrier and using its resources to hit the target.. Where is the money in that???

        Now to turn a dumb bomb into a smart bomb means a whole computer to do all that what the plane does and there IS money to be made on that selling a computer for every bomb dropped. And as long as money is no object neither are places and people to bomb.

    • Igor Bundy says:

      GPS wont work.. Thats why Iran used triangulation to get such accurate hits. So they might have assets on the ground. but it dont need to be close to the target, they just need to know where it is to hit.

  73. Whozhear says:

    Currently up on Jim Stone's site……….

    "Adam Schiff: The American people are too stupid to be allowed a vote

    Here is the key quote from Schiff, and I'll explain why it is the key quote

    "The president's misconduct cannot be decided at the ballot box, for we cannot be assured that the vote will be fairly won"


    Why is that a key quote? Answer: Because in the Jewish community, a "fair" election is that which goes in favor of the Jew and "misconduct" means any attempt to call any member of the tribe to account. They are not interested in an ethical, accurate, or properly represented election, they are interested in a "fair" election, and don't be fooled into believing "fair" is really fair.

    Schiff was pleading with the representatives to oust Trump, because it appears they are worried they won't be able to rig the next election adequately to achieve a "fair" outcome. "Interference" with the election in this case amounts to doing enough to stop the rigging to cause the will of the American people to be represented, rather than the will of the Jew, which is practically the only representation we've had as they sold America out to foreign powers, and maimed Americans as much as possible via "vaccines", scam medical, tainted foods, –

    There is no way they don't know what is causing autism, obesity and a plethora of other societal ills. It's not rocket science to get to the bottom of why our kids are getting wrecked. They know why, and are using a phony media to provide cover while subversives are using the medical system as a weapon, both economic and physical. It is 100 – 1, 000X over priced and weaponized to boot. 100X over priced hospital and doctors, 1, 000X over priced aspirin. And there's no secret at all with "vaccines", they are not looking for a way to make them safe, they are instead re-weaponizing the next batch to "frog in the pot" us into accepting an autism rate of 1 in 17 as normal, while all who did not get autism are seriously damaged to various levels from "less than what could have been" to totally wrecked.

    Schiff laid it out well yesterday. They have no intentions whatsoever of allowing Americans to slow their destruction, let alone turn it back. They actually are afraid Trump might call them to account. Too bad Kushner is right in Trump's face trying to convince Trump the Jews are not doing it all, when he damn well knows they are and was sent to use Ivanka to keep the scam and subversion going. He had Trump reined in before he even became President, billionaires are dangerous and must be controlled.

    So will the senate be swayed to oust a totally decent and innocent president? Short answer: If there are enough crypto Jews, (Jews who pretend to be something other than what they are) I'd say it is a solid YES. They must have their "fair" elections after all, Trump cannot be allowed to finish his term, let alone get on the ballot again.

    Trump really got in the way of "progress" which for the Jew means the advancements of their efforts to wipe out the white race and the civilization it created so they can steal the tech and live as gods above other races that will never challenge them. If they oust Trump, they'll probably succeed."

    Scroll down.

    I have long held the view that if you killed a faggot, jew or a communist, the event should be written up as an act of self defense.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Whozhear for updating us on the impeachment pantomime. I personally have zero interest in following it in any measure – basically because I hate ALL the players involved lol! I won’t watch a movie if it has a loathsome actor in it – it’s just the way I am. That aside, I see the impeachment as hammy and shammy. And the only thing I enjoy about it is the knowledge that the elites are ripping each other’s eyeballs out.

      I see it like this: the US likud-jews are at war with the US Gantz-jews, hence why you see some jews fighting against Trump and other jews fighting for him – Trump being a likudist and all (hello Sheldon Adleson!). Their fight is not really about Trump, but about keeping Netanyahu in power, or not. In other words, the US political arena is really where jews fight it out for israel’s internal power throne. The impeachment is more covert israeli politics than it is American. And what do I care about israeli politics when I know that sooner or later annihilation is coming to tel aviv? Israel is already dead and buried in my mind.

      And just so you know, I don’t have a problem with faggots, but I do have a BIG problem with identitarian and politicized faggotry. And I don’t even mind some communist people (hey some of them are nice people, though misguided) – but there again, I absolutely reject aggressive and over-jargoned communists. This leaves ‘jews’ – yeah, I loathe them all, with perhaps one or two exceptions – no more than that. If I like a person, then I embrace everything they love AND everything they hate. In my universe, love and hate are not censor-able. Though I will not accept ANY love of israel – this being the only exception.

      Personally, I hate Trump because he is a despicable and pathological liar with a taste for gauche furniture lol! His only redeeming quality in my eyes is that he shook up the elites so freaking badly during the last election – and the American political landscape has not been the same since. I would have probably continued to like him if not for his insatiable cocksucking on israel. Trumpstein indeed!

  74. Harry law says:

     A-10 Warthogs Elephant Walk In Show Of Force, Weeks After 52 Stealth Fighters Taxied Down Runway The objective of the exercise is to get all fighters and bombers in the air within fifteen minutes of an alert of an incoming missile attack.

    This is a show of force against Iran, I suppose you could call it willy waving by Trump to prove he has a bigger one than anyone else. Problem is, if they are stationed at the Al Udeid airbase in Qatar and if the target is that they must be airborne within 15 minutes, then Iran’s missiles flying in at over mach 7 [8640 Kilometres per hour] over that short distance could wipe out the airbase and all aircraft  in just over 1 minute. Huston we have a problem.

    • Taxi says:

      “Show of force” or haul-ass exercise?

      We need to wipe the bullshit from the rear view mirror and remember that Iran holds the ultimate card against the USA: that being the closure of the Hormuz Straights – an act that will pulverize the petrodollar and consequently drag the evil dollar down to the grave with it.

    • Igor Bundy says:

      Anyway you look at it, thats 52 pilots volunteering for a suicide mission.. It might be hard to find 2 let along 50 others.. And they think 52 planes will take out all of Iran's defences by themselves? 

      So what happens when 50 of those planes fail to show up for the next parade? I expect Iran to get destroyed like Iraq.. But the question is what comes after.. Yea the US can rebuild, but when North Korea sees the damage the US took, they might decide to take south korea and japan as its colonies.. The baltics might decide to join the Russian federation before they end up as dykes against an european folly..


    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ Harry Law,

      Training for shit is one thing, but when the real doodoo hits the fan, 65% of grunts shit and piss in their pants. The fact death comes a-knocking for real, is quite impressive.

      The A-10 can take quite a bit of damage [like the Mig-15 could as well], but when missiles start raining down, a swell of panic will engulf quite a few men. Hollywood makes war look oh-soooooo cool. Well, it ain’t. Body parts of your buddy all over the place, a part of an arm slamming in your face, that’s the kinda stuff for [real] nightmares. 

      But the FUKZUS ‘War’ machine has to be kicked out of the ME, head first, come hell or high water.

    • Taxi says:

      Ah RoHa, that adorable and anally-retentive grammarian with a ruler ready to whack yer knuckles blue if you get your conjugation and punctuation wrong. Yap, I know that chap – he’s the one who despises ‘poetic license’. Sey hy tu hem, wilya?! LOL!

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ Harry Law,

      Huston we have a problem.

      Dude, I actually read 'Houston' until I noticed your follow up comment…


      [sticks out hand reluctantly]

  75. Taxi says:

    So I'm right now watching live coverage of the gathering protestors in Baghdad.

    Perhaps after Friday prayers and sermons today, there will be more than 1 million Iraqis protesting against US and other foreign forces in Iraq.

    I'll be keeping tabs on the protest for the rest of the day – will be reporting on it as it heats up.

    Stay tuned, folks…

    • Taxi says:

      It's now 8:45am in Iraq and the streets are already filled with literally at least 100.000 Iraqi protestors.

      Just wanted to throw that in as a meter for y'all.

      There will probably be a temporary decline in protestor numbers at prayer time (11:30am), only for the streets to swell up massively again after Friday prayers are over @ 12:30pm.

      • Taxi says:

        Tens of thousands of street protestors are cloaked in white sheets that are loosely tied to their necks, symbolizing their readiness for martyrdom.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        Thanks for keeping us posted, darling.

        By killing Soleimani [among others], the Trump  regime has unleashed a genie that will never, ever, go back in the bottle. The fact Pompass has the gal to threaten leaders and military men the world over is another moment of sheer idiocy.

        We will see many  HATTs arrive back on US soil. Of course, Fake Stream Media won’t bat an eye and keep their gaze firmly rested on the latest BS about whomever I don’t give 2 sh**s about.

      • Taxi says:

        He sure got a fat rump he moons the sunny middle east with.  But a "plan" he ain't got.  Emperor only ever parrots the tel avivian jew memo.

      • Sparrow says:

        SOS…..WOW LOOK AT THAT!!!!  GO IRAQ VIVA!!!  

        Thanks Taxi for the updates…and all yer analysis as always.

        Stay safe!

      • Sparrow says:

        Right on Iraqi's…WELL DONE!!!  If the bone heads don't get it…let them lose it.  This is what we need in America NOW!!!  (at the same time!)

        I have been waiting a long time for this…FREE IRAQ, FREE PALESTINE, FREE SYRIA, FREE ALL ME NOW!!!

      • Sparrow says:

        When I suggested to use the kabbalah numbers back on your enemy (full moon, new moon, 9, 10 11 etc)  


        I'll bet the MIC throw away under garments are getting big sales about now!   


  76. Taxi says:

    I just watched a live Karbala sermon, packed wall to wall with observers – the cleric speaking there confirmed unity of all Iraqis in seeking independence from foreign forces and the formation of a new government.

    Meanwhile the Iraqi parliament had a session and unanimously voted to evict ALL foreign forces.

    Hundreds of other sermons are taking place in Iraqi mosques and carrying the same message with gusto: ‘leave us the fuck alone FOREVER!’, they all cry out. (Heh my yankeed-out phrasing, not the clerics!)

    • Taxi says:

      All morning, Iraqi analyst after Iraqi analyst said that "historically speaking, the US only ever leaves a nation through violence – so Iraqi violence we will give them".

      This is no joke.

  77. Taxi says:

    Right now, it looks like over 2 million Iraqi protestors are out on the street, Friday prayers having just ended.

  78. Taxi says:

    LOL take a look at msm Bloombeg's assessment of the Iraqi protests today:

    Honestly, dear reader, you're nothing but a fool if even you click on a single one of their headlines.  They are the BIGGGEST LIARS on the planet, wasting your time and vampiring your brain.  BOYCOTT ALL MSM!  For your own mental health, that is.  Nothing but toxic lies they give you, ALL for the benefit of terrorist israel.

    • ruca says:

      Why tell a small lie when you can tell a massive one. Waving national flags while protesting your government. That's original.

      • Canthama says:

        It is amazing, who they want to fool ? The world is seeing the Iraqi people saying NO, get out now or you will be killed. 

        The ME will never be the same again, after the assassination of 10 heroes from Iran and Iraq in Baghdad airport, the ME will finally see these freaks getting kicked out, it won't stop in Iraq, the pressure for NATO freaks to get out of most of the ME is just starting.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      Bloomberg wants everybody to hand in their guns…

      …except for his bodyguards…

      That's where the buck stops for me…

      F*** 'im!

  79. Canthama says:

    Meanwhile in Syria: GREAT NEWS

    All discussion between Turkey, Russia, Iran and Syria collapsed regarding any sort of cease fire and deal for NW Syria, Erdogan's terrorists attacked the SAA more than 30 times in January, including Aleppo city few times with several civilian casualties.

    Idlib and Western Aleppo are now at battle alert, the SAA is gearing up for the offensive that should have a long front line this time, from Khan Shaikhun all the way to southern Afrin, there will be at least 3 mains axis this time (Maarrat al Numa, Saraqib, western Aleppo), it could be that there will be a 4th (Afrin).

    There is no way back, talks collapsed entirely, meanwhile the turkish Muslin Brotherhood terrorist regime has supplied TOWs to all its terrorists prepping then for what Erdogan is calling "The Big Battle".

    This is it, hopefully we will see this human manure gone from Syria once and forever.

    • Taxi says:

      James Franklin Jeffrey, a US envoy to the middle east has just now released a televised statement saying that the US will NOT leave Iraq.

      Oh well, Jeffrey, don't say I didn't warn your stupid, sheckeled ass.

      • Sparrow says:

        There's the final piece of the Democracy hat blown clear off.  Democracy US has been a communist takeover for years and years.  

        But the FALL OF US/IS IS IMMINENT!    


    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Canthama for the “great news” update woohoo!

      Putin is dangling Libya in front of Erdo’s dose and leading him out of Syria this way. I’ve stopped worrying about the Turks in Syria – same with the yankees.

      I said it up thread and I’ll repeat it again: we will see clear and irreversible official indicators of both the US and Turkey’s exit from Syria by end of 2020.

      • Canthama says:

        Taxi, that I am quite certain, the US/UK/Turkey will leave Syria with huge financial loss trying to destroy this country. 

        Early on the war of aggression against the Syrians in 2012, I used to say at Syrper that all aggressors would suffer the same or worst than what they have done to Syrians, they would suffer civil wars, domestic unrest etc… one by one…US, UK, France, KSA, Qatar, UAE, Turkey, Israel and Jordan. 

        We have not seen at the same level of aggression yet, just some revolts here and there, but we will see it, fully, in them all.

    • AriusArmenian says:

      About time. Syria must and will clear the western backed vermin out of Idlib.

      Then on to driving out the US and the Turks.

  80. Canthama says:

    Dude, can't count the nbrs but that is a freaking massive demonstration by Iraqis to see NATO occupiers out of Iraq, millions indeed.

  81. Taxi says:

    I'm laughing my tres petite ass off at the jews who today are gasping while counting their buckets of holocaust shekels with eyes bulging at Baghdad and Adam's apple stiffly gulping.

    Hey jews, you want a REAL holocaust?  Then stay in the middle east.

    You think the 'Deal of the Century' that Trump will be unraveling this coming Tuesday will save you from annihilation?  Think again, and think real fucking hard.  You so as much as start ANY ethnic cleansing or 'transfer' of ANY Palestinians after Tuesday and missiles are gonna start coming for yer asses in the same hour and they ain't gonna stop till there's no israel left on the map and no shekel to be found in the market place.

    The Deal of the Century WILL bring you the holocaust you've always wanted.

  82. Taxi says:

    Any guesses what Donald Mafia Trump will tweet when he wakes up tomorrow and he’s briefed on the historic Iraqi protest?

    • Taxi says:

      Okay, I’ll play the ‘guess Trump’s next tweet’ game.  Here’s some suggestions on what Trump may tweet:

      1-  Tremendous fake protest in Iraq, beautiful fake, beautiful day. 

      2-  Last week I told you “there’s no such thing as Iraq”.  How can you have a protest in a country that doesn’t exist?  DOUBLE FAKE NEWS!!!!!

      3-  Where’s my fucking cheeseburger with extra pickled valium?!!!

      4-  One American soldier can beat one million angry Iraqis!!!!

      5-  Iran is paying Iraqis to “say bad things about us” again.

      6-  We gave Iraq Mcdonalds and Kentucky Fried chicken and this is how they pay us back?  Horrible, horrible people!

      7-  I will personally sanction every single Iraqi protestor!

      8-  Iraqis are begging us to stay, but it’s time to bring our troops home.

      • Sparrow says:

        hee hee hee Taxi….you've got him pegged exact.  #7 cracked me up final lol.  God damn fucking idiot buffoon balloon pig ass mother fucker.

  83. Taxi says:

    Iraq will liberate itself, and it will become a successful blueprint and model for other nations in the four corners of the world to adopt against whomever is occupying them.

    Oh my!  Just the thought of humanity living free actually gives me goosebumps.

    The possibility is certainly there – I've just glimpsed it.

    • Taxi says:

      In the minds of middle easterners, the US and israel are one and the same and interchangeable.  You say 'America' to a middle easterner and they immediately think of israel.  You say 'israel' to a middle easterner and they immediately think of America.

  84. Bornajoo says:

    "Okay, I’ll play the ‘guess Trump’s next tweet’ game.  Here’s some suggestions on what Trump may tweet"

    Brilliant! 😀😀👍👍I laughed my arse off. And extremely accurate too!! 

    • Igor Bundy says:

      BBC says tens of thousands.. but a lot of people love white meat so not sure what to do.. white meat is good for the body so cant just ban it.. mostly its just kids out for a party.

      hook says maybe its lacking in mayo.. donny says the check bounced and he aint leaving without the furniture..

  85. Taxi says:

    Jim Kavanagh has a great article on the whole Suleimani/Iran-US war shebang.  Excellent chronology of events with interesting cross-linkages.

    Aftermath: The Iran War After The Soleimani Assassination

    …  And without letting slip a 'spoiler' on you guys, I think Jim, in the finale of his article, neglected to consider the following absolutely feasible scenario: should israel nuke Tehran, what's to stop a storm of Axis of Resistance missiles launched from Syria, Lebanon, or even from Gaza, from hitting up the Dimona?

    Are the jews this level stupid to nuke Tehran when their own jew nukes are vulnerable to missile attacks and are located a mere drive away from their bedrooms?

    Only a senseless, jarring panic would compel a person or an entity to make such a stupid decision.

    Jews know that if they were to use a nuke, then not only would israel be toasted to rubble by missiles, but every single jew in every nook and cranny of the world would be left wide open for random slaughter: because most of the world is aware of the evil of israel and therefore the evil of the jews who thread it and run it, with the blessing and support of the rest of the jews peppered around the world.

    Question here is: are jews more stupid or more cowardly? 

    (When in a hyperventilating panic mode, I mean).

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      Never worry about the ones telling you “I’m gonna kill you!” coz they won’t. The people in Occupied Palestine should worry about those who’re quiet, coz they will kill you.

      Einstein will kill 2 ‘birds!’

      {Einstein [German] = one stone}

    • Canthama says:

      There is no doubt in my mind since day 1 of the 346 murdered civilians in two flights that Boeing was going to hell, somehow. It is no surprise we hear now the idea of footing a possibility to split the bankrupted civilian component from the "too big to fail" military component, they will shield it, as Germany shielded Deutsch Bank by splitting the bad asset from the "good" ones.

      Boeing is a good example of criminal Corporate America, they intentionally cut corners to improve profits in the development of 737MAX, by doing that they created a bad plane that killed 346 people, for me this is intentional crime, leaders should go to jail but in "the land of the free home of the brave", justice is not for the elite….they are in a different league.

      MoA did a really nice article on it, and all the sequence articles on this matter, top work by b.

      • Igor Bundy says:

        I know too much to expect much from the US justice system. Money talks there and some of these corps have huge amounts of money to throw around and buy judges and politicians. As some others have said, from now on when I plan a trip I also need to take into account the plane I an flying on. But I am but a very small percentage of the population who pays attention to such things. Most would rather cry and sniff after the facts. I mean I find people who live on the edge of rivers saying why the government did not do anything to stop their homes from washing away. huh??? But anyone who flies on boings now and not willing to accept the consequences deserve what ever the result just like I really dont care if the entire world burns and it will burn.. its not a question of if but when.. Maybe when only a few are left they would look back at what went wrong and decide maybe they should have taken control of their own lives rather than quotes from some business books..

  86. Taxi says:

    Right, well I’m back down south Lebanon – phew!  Good to be home again.

    I have not yet had a chance to look at today’s headlines etc – and to be honest, I can’t be bothered right now: too tired – and I don’t think anything of major consequence has taken place today anyway.  But if you, dear reader, want Plato’s to be aware of an important headline or two, then please do share.

    But, here’s an interesting story or two for you.  On my way back south earlier, I dropped in to see my retired General friend whom I contacted regarding Max Blumenthal’s creepy appearances on Al-Mayadeen TV these past couple of weeks – I went there for ‘Max’ updates from him in person, and also I wanted to find out the ‘substance’ of Lebanon’s new Defense Minister, Ms Zeina Adra.  This is what the General told me…

    First, he told me that my informing on Max has caused a big drama and fight between Al-Mayadeen’s Beirut General Manager and their man at the Washington Bureau, who had originally recommended Max Blumenthal.  The General Manager in Beirut ‘got’ that Max is a nasty piece of shit infiltrator just from reading his wiki page, but the dude at the Washington Bureau was defending his choice of recommending Max.  There’s now a dramatic standoff between them – and yes, my name got dragged into the dramarama (heh heh!).  My retired army General friend and I discussed how to move forward on this and he came up with a sure and brilliant idea that he will be executing in the next couple of days.  Once Max Blumenthal has been wiped off the coveted Al-Mayadeen guest list, then I will reveal and share all the details with you. 

    My retired army General friend also told me that Lebanon’s new Defense Minister, Zeina Adra, is 100% pro Hezbollah – information that is not out on the internet or in the Arab media.  He also said that she has a very strong personality, stronger than the last Defense Minister – that she has a very methodical and sharp mind and not a “malleable” one like her predecessor.   And apparently, she was also an active member of the ‘Hezb al-Qawmi al-Souri’, which in English is known as the Syrian Social Nationalist Party.   The only link in English with info on this party that I could find for you guys is jewy wiki – and boy they’ve weaved in all sort of smears and crap in there, as you will see and spot for yourselves, I’m sure.  But basically, the Syrian Social Nationalist Party is a Lebanese anti-colonialist party that believes in dumping the Levantean Sykes Picot map lines created to divide up Greater Syria into the current nations of Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Jordan and a corner of Iraq.  The Party believes in reuniting the Levant/Fertile Crescent and returning these currently hacked up nations to their original and historic status of one single nation called ‘Greater Syria’.  So I am relieved and happy to inform you that Zeina Adra is a super good egg.  And in case you didn’t know, dear reader, back during the israeli invasion of Lebanon that ended with israel’s withdrawn in year 2000, and as well as during the 2006 war, several Lebanese Resistance groups were also confronting the jewish menace alongside Hezbollah.  Even though it was Hezbollah who mainly brought the jews to their knees, they in fact did not fight alone.  They had much needed fighting help from other Lebanese Resistor groups such as the Lebanese Communist Party, Amal, AND the Syria Social Nationalist Party, whom Zeina Adra was a member of.  So, you see, Ms. Adra is a genuine Resistor.

    Phew!  I can sleep goodly-good tonight!

    And that be all I’ve got for you tonight.  Hope y’all be having a good weekend.



    • Canthama says:

      Taxi, thanks for the up dates, very encouraging on Zeina.

      For your info SSNP militia has fought bravely for years in support of the Syrian Gov in recovering large areas in Lattakia, Hama, Tartous and with distinction in the desert area against ISIS in Al-Qaryatayn, Sadad & Mahin.

      SSNP is well organized in Syria & Lebanon, the war of aggression against the Syrians helped to build a reputation of people’s protection and support to the National Government of Syria.

      Next few weeks or months will tell the direction Zeina may take, understand it is a “hot seat” to occupy, incredible pressure, but Lebanon must know Russia and many other countries do want to support the Lebanese Army with adequate weapons/protection against invasion and trespassing, so far all of the offers were declined, lets hope this changes.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi/et al,

      To f*** over the illegal squatters in Occupied Palestine, unite and call the new country 'Eretz Syria.'

      I'll arrange for a ton of salt, to rub it in as deeply as possible… :o]

  87. Thanks TAXI for the encouraging news in Lebanon. Have a good rest.

    Meanwhile, in MSM in Portugal, only the Pentagon approved number of 'tens of thousand people' was published, none reaching the front page in the newspapers.

    But the knowlege of the facts got their way through alternate media:

    Here the google translation:

    <a href="">A crowd on the streets of Baghdad calls for US troops to leave</a>

  88. Sparrow says:

    Thank you Taxi for updates especially the Blumi bust!  Just the fact that Washington got huffy tells all…BUSTED!  So so good to have the right connections baby and I'll bet the RetGen was also glad to get the buzz in his ear.  It puts you in a good position on the side of the Hezb and all of the Leb…yay broken heart!  Got to expose the enemy every and all the time and give them no ground to spew their fake crap.  There are more like him and they ALL have schmoozy open door to tel aviv.  Thank you too for the updates on Zeina (how to pronounce?).  To ever go back as far as  Sykes Picot map is purely unprecedented…It seems that every move in the right direction leaves me speechless.  Sweet dreams and hello hugs to pups.  They have your name?  ha ha (flipping bird wing)!


    • Taxi says:

      All them wormy jews out there crawling around the internet with their streamlined media-psyops, getting fat dollar and conned-up kudos for their controlled-opposition schtik – they don't fool me one bit!  I can sniff them fucking a mile away!

    • Taxi says:

      Actually, Sparrow, I think Al-Mayadeen should have Max Blumenthal back on their screen for one last time, just to get their stolen oats back.  They should turn the tables on Max on live television halfway into the show and start asking him shit about his family’s despicable anti-gentilism, his mass-murdering dad, and why is it that he himself spent years pushing the “Bashar gassed his own people” lie.  They should get really prody and personal with Max like that and ask him how well he knows the Clintons, the Epsteins and the Kushners – ask him why on earth would Hilary Clinton herself publicly praise his books whenever they get published.  Also ask him how much he’s worth and how much he’s donated to Gaza people, considering he’s made a pretty penny writing about their ‘suffering’.  Ask him why the Mossad and Shin Bet never molest his movements or arrest him when he visits the holy land, even though he’s a high-profile BDS member and Israeli laws have banned BDSers from entering territory under their control.  Ask him why he, like Henry Levy, are always present in nations about to suffer from color revolutions.  They should ask him all the above and a host of other pertinent questions from a long list I can provide them with.  And the show’s host should finally look straight at the camera and close the program with “… and the rotten apple doesn’t fall far from the rotten tree”.

      • Sparrow says:

        …IMO dear host, I really really think that they should allow You to interview the mole!!! omg I would pay my last penny to witness that!  Like you always say about others, I will say it about you…you're a good egg my deary…one that can come out crackin' those arrogant heads without missing a beat.  Of course the jerks would censor all the truth…but the AoR can make damn sure it gets passed around!  Just now I wan ted to listen to Le Trio Joubran once again and when I was (stupidly) searching on Google I found an entry identifying them as coming from P-israel…………..imagine my blush.  So I have their music in my ears right now seeing in my mind the ashes left of the occupiers….Yeah imagining makes one sit back and know it's around the corner.  Thank you as always…………….Ooooo…Ahhhh Hezbollah!   VIVA PALESTINE!!!

        Here's a couple of latest videos:

          (dedicated to the boys murdered on the Gaza beach 16 July 2014



  89. Taxi says:

    Unlike the West that has lost its 'culture of honor' after WW2, the middle east remains immersed in its dignified heritage.  And it's this very culture of honor that the jews have been relentlessly attempting to shred with its Yinon Plan.  Sure, they've succeeded in spreading war and strife across Arab lands – wars of destruction and refugeedom – sure they've succeeded in creating mass death, but they have not succeeded in creating mass 'demoralization', especially in the Levant where people there cling to their honor above all else.  The song in the video below is one of the most popular patriotic songs in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine.  Even though it is not the official national anthem of any of the above nations, it is nevertheless considered a cultural national anthem by all four nations of the Fertile Crescent.  There are thousands of covers of this song, so very popular across the local and larger Arab world it is.  A peek into its lyrics and soulful intent informs us foreigners and outsiders of the genuine culture of honor in the Levant, as it stirs our hearts with its melodic and earnest beauty.  Enjoy.  And learn.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi


      Wonderful voice.

      Song plucks every single string of my heart.

      [the lady too, but my wife keeps staring in a not so funny way at me :o]

    • Bornajoo says:

      Wow! Gorgeous song and what a voice!

      Thanks for the heads up on the Ottoman series. I might start watching it tonight! 

  90. Taxi says:

    I’ve just now finished binge-watching Netflix’s series ‘Rise of Empire Ottoman’.

    Highly recommended, especially to those who have an appreciation for historic ‘siege battles’ and the olden days when war was eyeball-to-eyeball with your enemy. 

    Set in the mid 1400’s, it tells the story of the battle that sunk the Roman Empire and birthed the Ottoman one.  A battle whose outcome and consequences still very much reverberate in our modern world.

    Worth your time to learn how a 21 year old Sultan Mehmet had successfully conquered Constantinople and thus brought down the grand Roman Empire with it.

    “For one Empire to rise, another must fall”.


  91. Mike-Florida says:

    Thanks much, Taxi, "Unlike the West that has lost its 'culture of honor' after WW2, the middle east remains immersed in its dignified heritage." Very well said – a lost culture, partially initiated by bowing down to the constant roar of : 'Political Correctness' – such as, 'racism', 'anti-semetic', etc.  And, thanks for link to that beautiful voice from Lebanon. Is her name > Natalie Saman? Here's another audio – beside the cool clarinet sound, note the cool string instrument accompanying her – and view (I presume) of Beirut. Mike.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Mike.  You'll forgive me but I deleted you last comment because it had two videos identical to the one you'd already posted above – please feel free to repost your intended videos again.

      It was the holocaust lies that created a paradigm shift in Western thought, a degrading shift that retarded us intellectually and emotionally, therefore spiritually too.  It was the holocaust lies that slowly fenced up free thought and free speech in the West.  It was the holocaust lies that were used as mind-instruments for socially engineering us into dubious conformities. And it was the US jews who promoted and pushed for divisive identetarianism in the US (and Europe), further shredding the fabric of our ancestral national identity and thus we lost our fundamental honor.

      But you know what?  Despite all that cultural corrosion and agony, we still got soul.  Though few and far between, we're still producing gifted youth.  They may not know much, but they feel much – and this is indeed a good sign.  Take for instance the singer-songwriter Billie Eilish: born a mere couple of months after 9/11, she appears to have transcended the dark atmospherics and dystopian world that 9/11 has imposed on us all.  She was born in Los Angeles yet she appears to have also transcended much of city's cliches and soulless trappings.  Here she is performing with her brother on a casual stage.  Pure.  Simple.  Poetry.


      We still got the goods… here and there… shiny sprinklings…


      • Igor Bundy says:

        ah the nazi's now want to ban denial in the entire EU with prison terms..


        amazing that you not believing in fairy tales can end you in jail.. 

      • Sparrow says:

        @ igor

        You've got the jews mixed up with nazi…would help if you knew the truth.  nazi's hated the communist jews not only for their perversions but for what they did and have now done with Europe/America…silence everyone from the truth.  They've got America by the throat and deny freedom…Bolshevik Jews and their communist hold on our banks, Constitution, Laws and the whole of the government to include every last senator, congressman and street corner protester.  The nazi (or National Socialists of Germany) got rid of their pollution and now it's our turn.  It's the bolshevik jews who control tel aviv and all of occupied palestine.  judaism = communism.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi/et al,

        Have a good look at the commenters here. 

        They tried, but failed to fully erase everyone's sanity. As long as individuals like you and me stand up for what we believe in, the jewish grand scheme of world dominance fails, like they always failed, everywhere they worked their way upward.

        Despite all our flaws as human beings, something, burrowed deep inside of us, and it might go and live on under many, different names, keeps the lot of us on an unguided course to justice and truthfulness.

        Nobody taught me to be like this, but one look around this forum and I know almost all of you have come to the same sort of conclusion of what to do with your lives and how to live them.

        So, there's hope of [and in the end, there will be] much better future.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Sparrown,

        You might reconsider using the word 'nazis' as it is a word used predominantly as a jewish [moral] battering ram to keep the holohoax story alive and well.

        I refer to them as 'Germans' [even when they fly their flag upside down]

        Black is 'the soil' and yellow 'the sun.' Jawohl, that's what a true colony looks like…

  92. Daniel Rich says:

    Jews in Germany feel threatened to such an extent that almost half have thought about emigration, Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said, demanding a harsher response to anti-semitism, not only in his country but across the EU as well. – Link to RT

    Obviously the plan to turn Germany into a multicultural swamp is backfiring. That’s what happens when waves of immigrants cross the German border and they all hate Palestinians…

    RT has way too many articles lately that link back to Occupied Palestine and/or its whining squatters.

    • Igor Bundy says:

      What happened to the millions of people who volunteered to go work in the death camps? Over ten million people worked in the camps to get a green card. liberating the death camps means unemployment and loss of immigration status to many others.

    • Sparrow says:

      Many have fled to Hungary…and are still leaving.  It's sad but no choice anymore.  Jail time for just mentioning the holohoax or anything wrong with sop.  Not reported but it's happening here too.

  93. Daniel Rich says:

    Mr Netanyahu, the Israeli Interim PM, compared Iran with Nazi Germany and said that destruction of Iran today equals the liberation of Auschwitz then. The Israeli President, Reuven Rivlin, said there is no difference between anti-Semites and anti-Zionists; whoever is an enemy of Israel is the enemy of all Jewish people, very simple.

    Count me in [as an enemy]. Really, f*** the squatters in Occupied Palestine! 

    • Sparrow says:

      I've been anti jew/zion since the internet and especially finding Taxi.  Being free to say the truth is keeping sanity.  This is why I try to educate the comments…the fucking slippery lying jews and their perversions of truth.  They have pounded this shit over our heads since the fuckers were allowed to live.  DEATH TO THEM ALL I SAY…NO MORE FUCKING JEWS = NO MORE OCCUPIED ANYPLACE!!!!  Germany resisted just as much as Syria, Iraq, Palestine etc.  If it hadn't been for fucking FDR, the Germans would have won the war and liberated all of Europe of these demons to include the Soviet Union (Russia).  They had no intention of occupying…only liberating, just as Putin is trying to do now.  

      The Final Secret of Pearl Harbor
      John T. Flynn
      October 1945  %5Bincluding David Cole in Auschwitz (Full Documentary) The Holohoax aka Shoah]

      David Cole has been threatened so many times he stays in hiding.  He renounced being jewish because he saw for himself the truth.  


  94. Taxi says:

    Much nervous foot-shuffling went on in the Arab holy land yesterday.

    Mahmoud Abbas refused to take ALL Trump's calls all afternoon and into the night.  And why should he take them when he knows damn well what Trump will order: 'Take the bad deal or I'll starve and crush you and your people you filthy Arab!".  Abbas's spokesperson instead spent all day yesterday threatening that they will pull out of the decrepit Oslo Agreement if the 'Deal' was published.  (As if the Oslo Agreement is even worth the toilet paper it's printed on!).

    And weirdly, ISIS's leadership yesterday warned in a 37 minute recording that it will start attacking israel if the bogus and loathed 'Deal of the Century' was introduced/implemented.  Their new leader, Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi, urged his caliphate brothers in Sinai and elsewhere to "fight the Jews and restore all that they have usurped from Muslims".

    Meanwhile, stateside, the Last American Vagabond is calling the Deal of the Century a declaration of war and not a peace plan.  And he's absolutely correct about this – and the jews know it!

    Okay so today/tomorrow Trump will publicly unravel the 'Deal' and the Arabs will scream in agony and the jews will breathlessly applaud.  But let's see what happens when the jews actually begin to implement it.  Yeah that's when the shit will start to hit the fan big time.

    The Resistors are on standby.  Jewish overreach has presented them with a golden opportunity.

    Faster yer seatbelts folks, this one here is gonna be one heck of a bumpy ride – for the jews especially, that is.

    • Sparrow says:

      Everyone needs to remember that isis is a cia terrorist front.  It's all manufactured for the f**ker's in p-israel to extort more and more and more $$$ (DEFENSE crap)…they also want to claim that isis is backed by Iran (Soleimani in reverse) and Hezb or wait for it…the Palestinians to mock the Resistance.  Slippery is as slippery does.  Another insane excuse to pick off more children?  Will watch video when I have more time…thank you as always.  


    • Taxi says:

      I’m expecting the “All is well” media treatment for this exciting story. But… hang on…. how will the jewy WH slimy-out the un-tragic death of Michael D’Andrea who was one of 10 CIAers on that broken, sooty plane? Aha!…

      Seems to me that Trump is already dragging a visible trail of dead Americans all the way to the voting booth.

      • Canthama says:

        This is awesome, not only sending a freaking moron to hell but to be confirmed by Russia.

        It says a lot to me, though the smoke screen of a possible mechanical failure, it is getting hot the ideia of either a shot down by some AA (not MANPADS) or some sort of sabotage before taking off, there is no doubt it is a pay back for Soleimani's assassination. Good for the US to know their criminals are not safe anywhere in the world.

    • Taxi says:

      Dude at Xymphora says: “The downed plane was the mobile CIA command for Michael D’ Andrea, and now, America’s most advanced spy platform and mobile command centre with all equipment and documents are in Taliban’s hands”.

      Well, he’s damn well correct! Added to that the 2 billion+ dollar mega spy drone that Iran knocked down back in the autumn and you have somewhat of a kneecapped American radar system in west Asia.

    • Sparrow says:

      We will provide additional information as it becomes available.

      Ha ha loaded bunch of sh*t.   They would never admit it was shot down…but we stupido's can certainly celebrate!  One down….many more to follow esp. Israeli F35 pos.  VIVA RESISTANCE!  Thanks for the info.

  95. Mike-Florida says:

    Taxi – appreciate other comments RE this article on the budget > "Lebanon's parliament on Monday Jan. 27 passed the 2020 budget, state media said, as leaders struggle to redress a plummeting economy and address anti-establishment protests. Beirut committed in 2018 to slashing public spending as part of reforms to unlock more than $11 billion in desperately needed international aid. The new budget aims to reduce deficit to around 7 percent of gross domestic product, parliament budget committee chairman Ibrahim Kanaan said. The last government promised a deficit of just 0.6 percent for 2020, but Kanaan said that was now impossible as unravelling economic crisis caused projected revenues for year to decrease. Thousands of Lebanese have been laid off or seen salaries slashed as value of Lebanese pound has fallen more than a third on parallel exchange market.That would be only a tiny drop from the planned deficit of almost 7.6 percent of GDP for last year, after a shortfall of 11.2 percent in 2018." 

    "Only 70 of the 128 members of parliament attended Monday's vote, just days after Prime Minister Hassan Diab announced his new team, the state-run National News Agency said.
    The budget was passed with 49 lawmakers in favour, 13 against, and eight abstaining, the agency said. Diab, who attended the session but whose cabinet still needs to be approved by the legislature, said his team would not hamper the budget prepared by the former government." (Clearly, huge reductions in govt. spending required if Lebanon is to eject itself from outside control via international lenders. Mike)

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Mike. I haven’t really looked into the substance of the new budget. All I can tell you is that it was the first session on this issue, and Diab attended this parliamentarian session out of protocol. He was there as ‘witness’ and not as a person of influence. Sure he said that his team won’t hamper the budget prepared by the former government, but this does not mean that he doesn’t have an alternative budget ready when this ‘pre-protests’ budget falls flat on its face in the next couple of months. Mindful here too that the ‘monetary corruption’ file is in Diab’s hands and his team has already begun its path to retrieve a chunk of the fleecing done by politicians: monies in the billions that once retrieved will be poured back into the government’s coffers for re-distribution and relocation to public services. Diab has said as much several times.

      I say let’s wait for the Leb parliament to have several sessions on this before it becomes absolutely clear how ‘fixed’ and immobile this 2020 budget will be.

  96. Sparrow says:

    OT but couldn't help but click on this link at IFP news…TAKE A LOOK AT THIS BEAUTIFUL SIGHT:

    Does it take a rocket scientist to figure out why the gatekeepers of hell COVET Iran for themselves?  The Persians are amazing gifted people as many others in the Islamic family.  Their structures are mesmerizing beauty that defy all sense of understanding.  (Another of my favorites is Hagia Sofia).  VIVA IRAN and DEATH TO HER ENEMIES!

  97. ruca says:

    What did I just watch? A declaration of war? Netanyahoo was sucking every cock in the house, to distract from his indictment. This plan is absolute bullshit.

  98. Taxi says:

    I've just watched the Deal of the Century speeches by the terrorists Trump and Netanyahu.  Oooof what a wank fest.  And a boring one at that.  Literally almost put me to sleep after 90 seconds.  Well, we kinda already knew the contents of the Deal and expected the ham theater that would come with it.  Their insincerity when they talked about ending "Palestinian suffering", and shit like "Palestinian hopes dashed by terrorism" – from the Palestinian side, was implied and specified.  I mean really now lol!  Who in their right mind would believe these motherfucking lying shits?!  Trump spoke with a kind of soft tenor, with low level excitement too, as if channeling Mr. Rogers on a Sunday morning.  Netanyahu's tried to put gravitas and drama in his voice so as to live up to the 'historic' moment of it all, but… meh his skin was slowly turning shades of gray from all that 'king of the jews' pretending and grifting.  At times, Trump's shoulder swayed lightly, rhythmically side to side while he listened to Netanyahu, as if his mind had left the room and he was humming to himself a Beatles song or a nursery rhyme or something.  Yeah and when Trump was 'present', much-much mutual masturbation went down on stage and much clapping from the kippahed jew seals in the audience.  Trump invited Netanyahu to "accept my peace plan" and Netanyahu accepted and they both urged the Palestinians to accept "the best deal" that will deliver them a "Palestinian state".

    And how exactly are they going to implement such a unilateral peace plan?  How are they going to disarm Gaza, one of the conditions of the peace plan?  LOL!  Yeah what we witnessed was truly a wank fest between two terrorists.

    I'm now gonna check out some Arabic analysis on TV.  I'll comment more on this stupid kabuki later-later.  Though what's there to say really except that the jews are so deluded to think that this Deal will stop the annihilation war that's head-on coming their way.

    Here I give my wholehearted support and soulful empathy to the Palestinians: brave and resilient heroes and heroines of humanity.  I love them so much.  And I really do hate their evil enemy with every fiber in me.  Because their enemy is also the enemy and destroyer of my nation too.

    No forgiveness.  No fucking mercy!

    • Taxi says:

      Mahmoud Abbas is right now giving a speech, a response to the 'invitation' by Trump and Netanyahu.  "No, no, and no".  Abbas has declined.

    • Igor Bundy says:

      Years ago I might have gotten taken by the baboon.. since so many had high hopes.. But that got shaken when he sent some cruise missiles and killed mostly civilians and mostly christians in Syria.. No sane or honest person would have done such crimes to a country that was hurt so badly.. all for a photo op.. everything after that I shove into the toilet.. and viola.. after another 3 years now everything that comes out of this monkey is nothing but crimes after crimes ever worse than before.. 

    • ruca says:

      "as if channeling Mr. Rogers on a Sunday morning"

      Bwahahahaha!!! That was exactly it! At least I didn't see Netanyawhore's pig wife on the video. 

    • Taxi says:

      The Egyptian Foreign Ministry released a statement just now "encouraging" both the Palestinians and the israelis to negotiate and work with Trump's Piss Deal.

      Traitor system in Egypt.  Going against the will of their own population and the Egyptian people, pretty much unanimously love Palestine and hate israel.

      Notice how the statement was released so very soon after the wanky speeches ended.  Total setup.  The jews are engineering a massive wave of diplomatic 'support' for Trumpstein's Kaka Deal.  Watch them operate and 'control' the BIIIIG headlines over the next few days, then watch their gloating narrative fizzle and fall flat on its face soon after that.

      And it's then the jews in the US and israel will really start the 'extreme punishment' of Palestinians.  All the while screeching the old familiar: 'we offered them peace and they gave us terrorism and now for the sake of peace, we have to transfer them to Jordon and Sinia – for peace, you understand, for peace – so we jews can live in peace'.

      Dear reader, I tell you they're dreaming out loud and they wouldn't fucking dare!  The cowards!  They want our boys to haul off thousands of miles away from home just to die for their real estate swindle.  A fucking land swindle!!!  With millions of violent co-conspirators!!!  Insane gangbanging evil.

      • Taxi says:

        Representatives from the treasonous saudi arabia, uae and oman were present in the room at the speech. So was the breathing corpse of Sheldon Adleson and his bottle-blonde terrorist wife.

        Kuwait refused to attend.

        Idiot jews think that bringing a handful of treasonous, coward Arab leaders into the mix would give their Turd Deal legitimacy and muscle. But it doesn’t. The Resistance pisses all over the traitors and the majority of people in the four corners of the Arab world are against the gifting of Palestine by ANY Arab hands. Saudi arabia, uae and oman have just entered the dark pages of Arab history.

      • Taxi says:

        I seem to recall that Trump in his speech also asked ‘Arabs’ to apologize to israel for the 1948 war. LOL! Re-writing history to cover up the original jewish sin will NEVER happen. Ever!

      • Taxi says:

        Hey dude, that map is totally fake – here’s the REAL jew map full of jew delirium – the map that the msm dare not speak of:

        And lookie how klepto jews want borders with Iran and the nibbling off a bit of Turkey too lol!  Yeah I’d like to see THAT happen.  Yeah the word “delirium” comes to mind again.

  99. Mike-Florida says:

    Regarding today's Netanyahu-Trump peace plan charade, Taxi wrote > "How are they going to disarm Gaza, one of the conditions of the peace plan?" A thought > 'The Palestinians should demand Israel also agree to disarm in the peace plan – as a condition to even read it.' Yeh. Hold your breath.

    • ruca says:

      We all know that will never happen. Seems to me the israeli doophus said something about having defended themselves by their own means (not an exact quote), that's also bullshit. Financed by the american tax payers.

  100. Mike-Florida says:

    At the same time the so called Deal of a Century is being broadcast to the world as a wonderful 'gift' to the Palestinians,  Israeli promises to annex Jordan Valley. The targeted area connects the eastern mountains of the occupied West Bank and the Sea of Galilee in the north, with the Dead Sea in the south. The area totals around 2,400 sq km and represents 30 percent of the occupied West Bank.


  101. Daniel Rich says:

    How about we stop referring to Occupied Palestine as something else, like it’s a real ‘territory’ with defined ‘borders’ an an actual ‘constitution’ erected and conceived because of western, financial interests?

    F*** any politician pretending to care about Palestinian and wider M.E. woes. Fight for it or be silent. There’s no other option.

  102. Daniel Rich says:

    You can label something 'Iron Dome,' but that doesn't mean it will stop missiles. I trust Egypt and Turkey as far as I can throw them [0]. Flip flop, waffle, back stab, you name it, they do it. 

    Although I want Palestine to keep their weapons [they need them to be able to defend themselves], but the actual attack on Occupied Palestine has to come from the outside [preferably long distance], to prevent another wanton slaughter of shooting fish in a barrel, when Occupied Palestine seeks 'revenge.'

    It must be an attack that scares the s*** out of the squatters, so they move elsewhere [preferably on an uninhabited island, far, far away] and Palestinians can finally use their keys and move back in and there will be no more 'revenge'.

    Grow olives and live in peace [not pieces].

    • Igor Bundy says:

      The penguins are non violent mostly and unarmed mostly and totally unprepared to accept such animals.

    • Taxi says:

      The attack will be simultaneous from within and from without, Daniel. This is already an established plan. And I’d prefer for the sake of humanity that as many jews die in this war as possible. I don’t fucking care! Same as I never cared how many head-chopping wahabis were getting slaughtered in Syria and Iraq. Just freaking kill as many as jew terrorists as possible – make no place in the middle east safe for jews thereafter.

      In any case, the jews are ready for this lethal scenario and have a plan B to go en mass to Petagonia:

      What is Israël’s project in Argentina?

    • Sparrow says:

      There's lots of room on a one-way ticket to the moooooooooooon.  There's also plenty of wars on Mars they can feel comfortable with.  No one to oppress with their boxes on their heads praying to their mammon god.  I'll donate what I have left.

  103. Daniel Rich says:

    I want to share a picture with y’all that I find immensely peaceful [beyond words].

    This is what I wish for: US and squatters out. This [kind of] peace back in [the entire M.E].

  104. Taxi says:

      • Sparrow says:

        In Ben-Gurion’s mind, making Israel a nuclear state was a matter of life and death, and obliterating any obstacle was an absolute necessity. In Netanyahu’s mind today, preventing Iran—or any other enemy of Israel—from becoming a nuclear state is of the same order of necessity, and would surely justify eliminating another U.S. president in order to replace him by a more supportive Vice President. Most dedicated Zionists understand that. Andrew Adler, owner and editor in chief of The Atlanta Jewish Times, assumes that the idea “has been discussed in Israel’s most inner circle,” and, in his column of January 13, 2012, called on the Israeli Prime Minister to

        “give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current Vice-President to take his place and forcefully dictate that the United States’ policy includes its helping the Jewish State obliterate its enemies. […] Order a hit on a president in order to preserve Israel’s existence.”[3]

      • Sparrow says:

        In his book and in his web articlescomplementing it, David Martin makes a compelling case that Forrestal was murdered, and that his murder was ordered by the Zionists, most probably with the knowledge and approval of Truman, who was then completely hostage to the Zionists. The motive? Forrestal was planning to write a book and to launch a national magazine: he had the money and the connections for it, and he had three thousand pages of personal diary to back his revelations on the corruption of American leadership and the sell-out of American foreign policy to communism under Roosevelt, and to Zionism under Truman.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ sparrow,

        If one so chooses to, one might murder many a people, but one will never, ever be able to kill the spirit of a people.

        Zionist are small, cowardly nitwits. No up-close and personal fighting. Car bombs, sniping and aerial bombardments, oh, yes. Hand-to-hand combat…? Abso-f***inglutely no!

        The writing’s on the wall. Days are numbered.

  105. Taxi says:

    Just a few words about Palestine…  And yes, only a "few words" because it's just too absurd and boring to waste time on the evil Jew Deal between President Kushner and Netanyahu.

    Look, there is no international consensus whatsoever that supports the latest klepto jew maneuver.  EVERYTHING that Trump has illegally given the illegal jews is meaningless – just the signatures of criminals on a combustible piece of paper.  The Axis of Resistance pays no heed to jewish delusions of ownership.  But just the jews try and change the demographics on the ground, well, then you will have the big explosion that we're all in waiting for.  It's facts on the ground that matter in the end.  Only that.  Anything else is just dirty jew political gamesmanship.  Everything else is just stupid politics with jew politicians giving themselves whistles and air.  Some 75 years of occupying Arab Palestine and the jews STILL have not grabbed the holy-land bull by the horn and secured themselves 100%.  Whaaaahhht you think the Palestinians and their AoR pals just dropped their guns to the ground and ran away soon as Kushner entered the fray?  LOL!  Rest assured all yea friends of Palestine:  the liberation project is still on course.  Nothing and nobody can stop it.

    What the jews are doing right now is eating fake cake.


  106. Taxi says:

    The jews are total morons.  They believe hostility and kleptomania will bring them peace and security.  It's like the thief who thinks that his house will be safe soon as he's robbed every single house on his street.  Know wadamean?  Morons!  Stupid fucking morons!

    • Canthama says:

      Taxi, what you just said is so true, this is exactly how they do it…hostility at maximum, to create a sense of fear in all neighbours then they still from the weak.

      Hezb Allah changed that, zero fear, actually the fear comes from the apartheid regime, as soon as Syria is back in strength, Golan Heights will be liberated, I have no doubt about that. 

      I have not hear from the dwarf king of Jordan on the great steal of the century, do you have any insight on Jordan and its british king there ?

  107. Taxi says:

    I'm hearing that Abbas has officially informed Netanyahu that Palestine is no longer part of the Oslo Agreement.  Trump got the news and frantically phoned Abbas, but Abbas refused to take his call.

    Donald Kushner's Deal of the Cuntury has solidified Palestinian political unity.   This unity is a miracle in and of itself.  And yesterday, Abbas sent a letter to Trump officially rejecting his gayjew deal and asserting that the Palestinian people themselves will positively ensure that his deal is spermless.

    In life, you get somewhere once you've fully grabbed your own destiny with both hands.

    • Canthama says:

      Time to fight, Palestinians got a lot of experience in Syria, several groups fighting for the Syrian Government are now considered Special Forces, such as the formidable Liwa al Quds from Aleppo and PLA from Damascus, these folks are battle hardened, trained to exhaustion and sharp on they do…urban warfare. Perfect to liberate Palestina. 

  108. Taxi says:

    Trump is out on a mission to punish ALL nations who are rejecting his Deal of the Cuntury.  The Lebanon will now come under even more financial pressure by Trump for being one of the rejector nations.  The idea is to force the Leb government to give citizenship to all the Palestinian refugees on Leb soil (close to a million of them), thus wiping out their Right of Return, as specified and supported by International Law.

    The Leb will NEVER do this.  Not in a million years.  They've been down this road before a few times over.  They will grit their teeth and take the punishment and thus be further compelled to join the Axis of the East, headed by China and Russia.

    Nothing but turdy failure awaits the jews with their hand right up the backside of their Orange Emperor puppet.

  109. Taxi says:

    …  And who will pay for Trump's jewy deal?  The wahabis, of course.  And how much?  Fifty billion dollars.  The treasonous house of saud thinks that the WHOLE of Historic Palestinian is not worth a penny more than 50 billion dollars.  Tsk, tsk, tsk.

    If that ain't jewy I don't know what is.

    Yet, here's something even more jewier than that.  Really, in practice, the white jews of europe are scamming the cryptojews of Arabia to pay for their stolen Mediterranean crib.

    And that's what I call rabid inter-tribal kleptomania.  The insatiable urge to thieve even from your own: the ultimate jewy yellow ribbon.

  110. Taxi says:

    Folks, I don't know about you but every which way I look, every which way I turn, every which way I deduce, I always end up with this very same conclusion time and time again: armed resistance is the only sane card to play when dealing with the usurping jews.

    • Sparrow says:

      100% agreed Taxi…I only wish I could join up and help.  After all life ain't worth living without Freedom from them…Absolute Freedom.  So I'll call that Axis of Freedom!!! Thanks everyone for updates and words of encouragement, forward  vision is the only vision, nothing right or left, our foreheads made of hardened rock that sustains that vision…Absolutely.  (Now I'm going out to practice my slingshot…loaded with 'surprises'.)   VIVA HASSAN NASRALLAH!!!    

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi/et al,

      Slowly, but surely, news drips into the atmosphere about at least 50 wounded US troops wounded during the Iranian missile attack. Apparently, HQ wanted the perimeters of the bases manned, which is, of course, a very stupid thing to do when Iran tells you their missiles are on their way to your bases. Furthermore, the fact that US AD did not intercept a single missile, should send shivers down the spineless backbones of the illegal squatters in Occupied Palestine. The fact the Iranian missiles hit their targets with such precision, should make them diaper ready. 

  111. Taxi says:

    It’s official.  THE OSLO AGREEMENT IS DEAD.

    Abbas set it up in the first place, and Abbas ended up ripping it to shreds.

    Poignantly, this means that the Palestinian Authority can now return to pointing its guns at israel’s ugly face – a principle prohibition it had to live with while being a signatory to Oslo.  Now the PA is free from the shackles of non-combative resistance that was imposed on it by Oslo.  Now ALL notable Palestinian factions can point guns at their shared enemy and not just 99% of them.

    Now we wait for Abbas’ other shoe to drop, this being the breaking of security cooperation contracts with the filthy jew occupier.  Abbas had better not let us wait long for that one!

    Today Palestinians are protesting en mass against that giant jewy turd that was midwived out of Netanyahu’s butt by Trump’s small and shitty hands.  The Midas Touch?  LOL I don’t think so.  Everything Mideast that Trump touches turns to shit that shits.

    Skidmarks all the way to November…


    • Canthama says:

      That is absolutely the right decision for Palestina. Time for war, Palestinians still enjoy good friends, even though KSA, UAE, Oman, Jordan, Egypt turned their backs to them. it is time for major revolution in the ME, fire up KSA, UAE, Jordan and the settlers, with that, money will stop flowing, a mess will be installed, and in this mess Palestinians can fight way much better than these freaks that want them to bend.

    • Sparrow says:

      I'm probably numeral uno who liked Abbas…I since learned why most didn't.  So I said, "My man, please don't make me hate you…" in my thoughts.  He's coming through and he will make it final.  Ripping up agreements from make-believe promises is the first step for Victory.  Cut them Off now and see your steps being lead not to trump but to TRIUMPH !  Next stop King Abdullah II…separate from your enemies Sir and the enemies of all Levant.  DO THE RIGHT THING NOW and cut off US/Pis from within your borders.  AL QUDS belongs to all LEVANT.  LEVANT UNITE!!!

  112. Igor Bundy says:

    Theres money in everything… 


    Who’s Included? If you received a Notice about the Data Breaches, or if you had a Yahoo account at any time between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2016, and are a resident of the United States or Israel, you are a “Settlement Class Member.”

    What does the Settlement provide?  Yahoo has enhanced, or, through its sucessor in interest, Oath Holdings Inc. (“Oath”), continues to enhance security of its customers’ Personal Information stored on its databases.  Defendants will also pay for a Settlement Fund of $117,500,000.

  113. Daniel Rich says:

    Who’s in control [or why your vote doesn’t really count]?

    Consortium News Strikes Back: London’s Five Eyes & Freeland’s Nazi Roots Stand Exposed Once More…

    Excerpt: “Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam was so shocked to discover the existence of covert intelligence connections between the Australian Security Intelligence Organization (ASIO) alongside its American and British counterparts that he fired its director in 1975. In response to the Prime Minister’s defiance of imperial policy, Sir John Kerr (Australia’s Governor General and actual Head of State) sacked Whitlam in 1975, proving that contrary to popular belief, the Crown’s powers are much more than the symbolic image which today’s perception managers wish us to believe.”

    • Taxi says:

      Sorry dear Daniel but I deleted your ‘Argentine cycling’ link because I have literally zero interest in the war of the sexes.  Some men are bastards and some women are sluts and that’s that in my books.  I will NOT indulge Plato’s in one of the most stupid identitarean social engineering programs.

      Equal pay is the only so-called feminist issue that’s worthy of discussion.  Everything else that’s coming out of today’s ‘4th wave feminism’ is whack and positively bores me.  And the behaviorism of men with wandering eyes equally bores me too.  Fuck the lotta ’em!  Stupid fucks!

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        No problem, I just honestly wonder whether the world will become more and more quiet as 'we're' less and less 'allowed' to be different. The BBC sound department [that records all sorts of stuff[, realized that despite an increase in people and cars, London today is much quieter than 40 years ago. 

      • With all respect to Daniel, I mostly agree with, let me second the clear cut posture of TAXI in this specific matter. Enough is enough in diversion maneuvers in the class struggle: let’s fight for justice (equal pay).

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        Am not listening to the BBC. Have their FX [CD] sound set [for my music]. Only watch David Attenborough's nature docus, coz they're the best.

        But to me equality doesn't mean we're the same, coz we ain't.

      • Taxi says:

        We’re all certainly not equal, that’s for damn sure. Which is why we need ‘equality’ laws: to give the weak and meek a break in our jungle world.

  114. Taxi says:

    I’m seeing several articles proposing that Putin will back Trump’s Turd of the Century.  WTF are they talking about lol!  Putin only ever goes by International Law and Trump’s Deal shits and spits all over International Law.

    The jewy press and their media assets are running wild with this stupid story.  And I’m especially suspicious of Andrew Korybko who is constantly penning misinfo (on behalf of his Russian-jew paymaster, no doubt) that supports the terrorist israelis, all the while pretending to be ‘independent’ and ‘alt’.  Fuck him and his controlled opposition fuckeries!  Take a look at his headline below:

    Don’t be Surprised if Russia Tacitly Supports the Trump-Netanyahu “Deal of the Century”

    What a load of bollocks!

    Yesterday, Netanyahu rushed off to Moscow to feel Putin’s pulse on the Deal.  The meeting was super short and the only statement released after the meeting was to do with the israeli drug smuggler that was nabbed by Russia’s security at the airport last springtime – Putin will exchange her release with the release of the Russian hacker rotting in an israeli jail.  Plus, you can tell from the body language of both men after the meeting that Putin was NOT pleased with Netanyahu at all – he barely made eye contact with him in front of the cameras.

    Putin knows damn well that ANY unilateral peace deal is an oxymoron – he knows it’s all political theater for Trump and Netanyahu.  He’s smarter and more moral than the both of them put together, and he knows that if the Levant is to ultimately be under Russia’s umbrella, the Palestinian issue will need to be resolved fairly.  He also knows that the natives want to resolve this issue by war, after giving ‘negotiations’ some three decades.  He will not interfere in this ‘coming’ war, and his stand will be pro International Law – laws that permit the natives to retrieve their occupied lands from the klepto jews.

    Putin is a pragmatist, not an ideologue or a slimy political chameleon.  His pattern of behavior over decades clearly indicates this.  So why does that asshole Andrew Korybko ignore this blatant Putin trait when he sits down to pen his analysis?  Does he really think he’s supremely scooping this Putin angle on the stupid Deal?  Oh man I could punch him right in the nose for his string of misinfo articles!  I am 100% boycotting all his future bullshit articles.

    Andrew Korybko and Max Blumenthal: they’ve both graduated from the same University of Lies and Liars.  Fuck them!  Sheesh!

    • Taxi says:

      Though there's no English subtitles in the video below, yet clearly, you can indeed read Putin's body language during his meeting yesterday with Netanyahu as non-euphoric and non-pleased to be having this meeting.  And what was discussed by Putin before the camera lens was NOT the Deal of the Century, but the release of the jewish drug smuggler in exchange for the release of the Russian hacker.  So, again, I say fuck you mister Andrew Korybko – lying motherfucking bastard!

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      “They steal your bread, then give you a crumb of it…
      Then they demand you to thank them for their generosity…
      O their audacity!”

      ― Ghassan Kanafani

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks Daniel for bringing us Ghassan Kanafani’s well-observed quote.

        In case readers were not aware, Kanafani was the intellectual founder of the Palestine resistance.  He was murdered by a car bomb in Beirut back in 1972, a car bomb that Ehud Barak himself had planted (bragging about it years later), Barak having entered Beirut disguised as a freaking (ugly) woman.

        And also, in case readers didn’t know (I’d talked much about it years ago when I was a regular commentator on mondoweiss): as a child, I’d spent some 3 years in the Leb in the early 70’s – my father’s work had taken us to the middle east, and I had gone to school with Kanafani’s two kids.  In fact, three of us kids shared an assigned double seat on the school bus (we lived in the same neighborhood), and the morning of Kanafani’s murder was the day the bus did not take a left down Kanafani’s street and my bus seat remained 2/3 empty.  Talk on the bus that morning was all about the car bomb.  I still remember it all so very well.

        R.I.P. to dearest, precious Ghassan Kanafani.

        You might also like to know that a young Osama bin Laden was also at the same Leb school that the kanafanis and I went to.   Yeah, I went to school with Osama bin Laden – how freaking whoah surreal is that?!!!

      • Sparrow says:

        Thank you Taxi for sharing such a tragedy especially trying to understand at such a young age.  No wonder you're doing what you do with a permanent memory to live with.  You are no hypocrite when it comes to empathy for Palestinians…that's for sure.  May your days along with our oppressed kindred in Palestine see Freedom once and for all.  I wake up everyday hoping to hear good news.  RIP Martyr Ghassan Kanafani.  He may have inspired General Qassem Soleimani.  Typical interview of a threat to the enemy of all of us.

      • Taxi says:

        That's a great share of Ghassan Kanafani being interviewed (I've only just noticed it).  What a smart and dignified man.  And how he would not suffer the folly of the interviewer is just pure gold.  Thanks again, Sparrow.

    • ruca says:

      Well said Sir. Putin's body language is screaming "fuck you!". Must have been painful to give flowers to a pig. She probably ate them off camera.

    • Canthama says:

      You nailed in the head Taxi, not only body language or Putin's resistance to keep Russia in the frame of International Law, but I also see that Putin knows very well if he slightly support this "Steal of Century" he will have irreversible breakdown in strategically relationship with the stakeholders Russia is forging in TMENA, an that includes Iran, Algeria, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon-HezbAllah and Turkey, a lot to lose for Russia in supporting the apartheid regime and honestly nothing to gain.

      What did Satanyahoo tell him in Moscow to convince Putin ?

      US would delay another new sanction and keep the old ? LOL

      Bribing Putin ? LOL

      Putin is thirsty for blood with the US/UK/apartheid regime, these trio of freaks have derailed Nordstream II, created the mess in Ukraine, financed & organized the crimes in Syria and are now attempting to fuck up with Iraq and Lebanon. I may be wrong, but Putin is fed up with these freaks, of course he won't go to war with them, but if shit hits the fan for them, so be it.

    • Sparrow says:

      I boycotted AK a while back…radar was getting too hot.  Fortunately there are a lot of veils coming off…especially after censoring.  The hidden propagandists are the worst.  We keep our GPS working overtime and nonstop.  Thank you for updates as always.  Have a good weekend everyone (what ever that means…).  

  115. Taxi says:

    Yesterday Lebanese and Palestinians protested outside of the UAE embassy in Beirut (approx 200 of them).  They were peaceful but angry that MbZ of UAE had sent a delegation to sit thru the Deal of the Century and offer monetary support to it to boot.  The Leb security apparatus allowed this protest to take place all day till the protestors departed of their own volition.  This tells you how atrophied the UAE muscle in the Lebanon has become.


  116. Taxi says:

    Palestinians and their Arab supporters continue to express their rejection of Trump’s jewy DoC, with protests inside and outside of occupied Palestine.

    Outside of occupied Palestine, the Yemenis held a massive protest this morning calling out for the “death of israel” – at least some 200.000 Yemenis turned up to this protest, and more protests in Yemen are in the pipeline for this weekend.

    Anti DoC protests continue in the Leb, with speakers cussing up the “Arab traitors”.

    In Syria, in Jordan, in Tunisia, in Algiers etc: same.  Even in Iraq, student protestors are throwing in pro Palestine slogans with their own anti US chants.

    Palestinian protestors in the West Bank have been met with extreme violence – the jew airforce was even compelled to fly over the protestors as part of israel’s ‘security management’ of the situation.  Tear gas and live bullets are being used against Palestinians – an 8 year old Palestinian was shot in the head and rushed to hospital where his condition remains critical.

    Meanwhile, Gazans protested against the Deal by the Separation Fence and in the dust and hubbub, a Gaza sniper managed to hit an idf terrorist with bullet, which prompted the jew airforce to shoot several missiles at Gaza in response.

    So, you see: there’s NO freaking peace or peace-making going on around here at all.

    Many mosques across the resistor nations today will deliver their Friday sermon all peppered with rejection of Trump’s DoC.

    Even Erdogan, that opportunistic bastard, today is saying that the “Arab hands that collaborated with the DoC will be punished”.

    But, more importantly, now two days after the announcement of the DoC, after the afterglow of the biggest wank in the history of peace-making had subsided, tel aviv itself is seriously worried today about the deal.

    First, there is the issue of security and the ‘managing’ of the growing West Bank protests against the deal.  Jewish security is nervous that the protests in the West Bank may quickly and at any time turn into a new Intifada, and with it infect the security in the 48-Triangle and the Gaza Strip.  Too many demands on israel’s limited security forces to be able to contain and put out multiple and ongoing fires of rage in these three over-populated Palestinian locations.  They are overwhelmed by this prospect because the PA will NOT be lending them a hand in policing Palestinian protestors as had been the case for the past 2 decades.  In fact, PA supporters ARE now part of the growing protests.

    Secondly, tel aviv jews are extremely worried that the DoC and its permission to annex 30% of the West Bank will massively dilute the ‘jewish character’ of israel, because annexation also means turning captive Palestinians there into israeli citizens.  And if no citizenship is given to these captive Palestinians, israel then becomes an undeniable Apartheid state in the eyes of the whole world, friend and foe alike.  Tel avivians do NOT want to be either an Apartheid state, or to dilute the ‘jewish character’ of israel by even a single drop – or to permanently live under the threat of a sudden Intifada breaking out in ALL the major Palestinian locations.

    Yeah, there’s a MASSIVE own goal in the stupid deal and the deluded jews have only just woken to it!

    The crappy deal allows the PA some 3 years to accept, align and prepare for the deal to be implemented.  Tel aviv analysts are today saying that the deal would be considered a failure if by deal’s deadline, the Palestinians are still not on board.  And, more concerning to them is that the massive time given for the deal’s implementation will undoubtedly bring with it “numerous negative surprises” to israel.

    Yeah, the deal has already lost its sheen a mere 48 hours after unraveling.  It’s expected that the jewy msm/alt will endeavor to cover up this colossal failure by Trump and Netanyahu with lies and ‘feel-good’ stories till the cows come home.

  117. Harry law says:

    Taxi, I agree this "vision" is shocking, as it goes against International law and all UNSC Resolutions, however I question your assertion that it may turn captured Palestinians into Israeli citizens and dilute the 'Jewish character of Israel."

     Even if Israel annexed the whole of area ‘C’ [60% of the West Bank] people of Jewish origin in Israel plus the annexed part would still be in the majority [by far] since Palestinians only comprise approx 200,000 of area ‘C’, they could even be offered the chance to vote in the Knesset without changing the political equations. What would happen is the fragments of the West Bank left over, areas A and B plus Gaza, still under occupation and given a "modicum" of self rule, would be Apartheid. The Palestinians need to resist this of course but should be wary of engaging in violence, I suspect the Israelis would welcome a show of force. The Palestinians need to
    1/ unite all Palestinians and
    2/ Form alliances with the ‘arc of resistance’. The Palestinians alone cannot defeat the occupiers, there is a good possibility the Israelis would welcome the chance to massacre the Palestinians again.
    Apartheid in South Africa was only defeated by all the front line states joining with the ANC, plus the support of the rest of the world who could not fail to see the injustices inflicted on the Black population,  even when their leaders did not [or chose not to see].

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Harry.  Actually, it's some israeli tv pundits (whom I watched on TV 2 nights ago) who are worried about the annexation consequences.  Me, I'm not worried at all.  Why would I when I know damn well that this 'jewish character' will be wiped out regardless of annexation policies or wotnot.

      That aside, Harry, israel's 'annexation' of Area C is but a step towards their grand plan of ethnically cleansing the WHOLE of the West Bank.  Israelis know this.  After annexing Area C, then comes the planned annexation of Area A and B.  Israelis know that first you annex without giving rights to the annexed, then you create 'reasons' for ethnic expulsion.

      Watch the big war fire up on that note.

      Tepid support coming out of the UK with regards Trump's Turd of the Century.

      Britain cautions Israel against advancing West Bank annexation

  118. Anonymous says:

    Today is Brexit Day for the UK. They finally did it, as Farage gave a rousing speech to mark his final appearance in the chamber – as Brexit is finally completed. “We love Europe, we just hate the European Union,” said Farage, labeling the EU an “anti-democratic” institution that gave technocrats “power without accountability.” “It is globalism against populism and you may loathe populism, but I’ll tell you a funny thing, it’s becoming very popular,” said Farage. “I know you want to ban our national flags, but we’re going to wave you goodbye,” said Farage before his audio was cut. President Mairead McGuinness cut off Nigel Farage’s mic and ordered British flags to be removed from the European Parliament. (Salute the UK, and best wishes as they re-gain their national sovereignty from the immense EU bureaucracy. Mike).

  119. Mike-Florida says:

    Brexit was my post, sorry screwed up sign-in. BTW – can someone post the current economic sanctions imposed by the EU on Lebanon? Presume reason is dumb thinking that Lebanon's citizens will disband Hezbollah in order to get handouts. Never going to happen. Hopefully, Lebanon can take off some of the financial pressure by getting its govt. spending budget into better balance, without adding more exterior debt. Mike

    • Taxi says:

      Tons of material on Leb sanctions obtained through your preferred search engine. Just enter ‘Eu sanctions against Lebanon’ and you get an array of copy on this, including info on US sanctions on the Leb too.

      Of course, the sanctions are pointedly against Hezbollah (and we know why and for whose sake!). But these sanctions aren’t really working. Hezbollah HAS the missiles that the sanctions aimed to halt.

  120. Mike-Florida says:

    After completing my education a zillion years ago one of the positions offered included teaching physics at the American University of Beirut. Wondering what goes on today at that institution, hoping the majority of its staff fully support a non-destructive political bias, unlike many universities in the US today, I came across this > Makram Rabah, lecturer at the American University of Beirut, department of history – title of a recent publication > "Will Hezbollah survive the Lebanese revolution?" – which might be summarized by this entry > "The ability of Hezbollah to wreak havoc and destruction is clear." His article also references a Dec. 2019 newspaper column titled > "Hezbollah, Amal turn to violence." Here's hoping this fellow's apparent 'political mission' represents but a minor minority at the university. Mike.

    • Taxi says:

      Well Diab is a product of the American University of Beirut, so indeed the stupid (and paid for!) anti-hezbollah rhetoric issuing out of the AUB is but one voice out of many. And as to mister Makram Rabah, lol, well, he sure is eating mega crow soup by now. The Hezb played the recent protest crisis soooo smoothly. Never once falling for ANY of the traps laid for it by domestic and international jewish tentacles vigorously operating against them.

      A “zillion years ago”, the AUB was truly a wonderful experience for student and educator alike: because back then (1960’s and early 70’s), Lebanon was just, well, almost perfectly perfect. You may have missed out on something special back then, dear Mike. But these days, unfortunately, a worm called ‘identitarianism’ has infiltrated and infested a section of the AUB population: both in student and staff. We saw their stupid expression on the protesting streets of Beirut not too long ago. Buncha brainwashed (and entitled!) losers!

  121. Whozhear says:

    Zero Hedge has been banned by twitter. It stems from Zero Hedge doing a post on the Corona Virus out of Wuhan raising questions as to the origin of the virus……..

    Zero Hedge then posted a fuller story on their website……..

    Exit question, was this virus created in China by the Chinese or by the empire and "dropped in"?

    • AriusArmenian says:

      Read this. I am coming to the conclusion that the US attacked China with a bio-weapon. 

      Several years ago three ports in China blew up, then a port in Japan blew up. It was an uptick in the US elites pushing forward Cold War v2. US agents blew up three Chinese ports, then China retaliated by blowing up a port in Japan implicating that US ports were next – then the US backed off.

      So after twenty years of US elites moving jobs and industries to China the US elites decided it's enough (i.e., not making enough money from it) and to beat down China but it's now bigger than the US in nearly all respects and will not submit. US elites attack with the coronavirus and push terrifying narratives to whip up fear and hate. It's more from their toolbox to demonize Russia, China, and Iran, and manipulate us.

      I am at a conclusion: US agents have hit China with a bio-weapon. Most in the US don't know that the US has bio-weapon labs around Russia and China. US diplomats travel around both countries collecting blood samples that they transport under diplomatic cover to those labs. Russian officials have stated they know and are very concerned which is diplomatic speak for something in response. Chinese officials certainly know about it.

    • Sparrow says:

      Here's a confirmation of : 

      TAXI says:

      Folks, I don't know about you but every which way I look, every which way I turn, every which way I deduce, I always end up with this very same conclusion time and time again: armed resistance is the only sane card to play when dealing with the usurping jews.

      …and also confirming what Wiles of Trunews said about foreign control of the US:

      by Kevin Berrett on Presstv video:

      Kevin doesn't miss a beat, I love to listen to his flat out no nonsense reality.


    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      Per your link:

      "An Israeli official said Issachar’s release was the result of a Russian goodwill gesture toward the United States, stressing that Israel did not give Moscow anything in return."

      Imagine my total and utter surprise… 

    • Sparrow says:

      Oh…so it's ok for the fuckers to boycott huh?

      Terry Poe

      It's time to boycott Aeroflot and stop travelling to Russia.

      Marc Scott Cohen

      Stop going to Russia.

      Irene Lever

      Dont forget Marc, a lot of Israelis have close Family in Russia/or were born there, its like telling American Olim not to go to the USA.maybe one day these People will make Aliyah and we wont have these Problems.

      Yeh jew bitch make aliyah…ashes to ashes.  This is where I'm against Putin vs. pisrael.  Holocaust the fucking aliyah lot NOW!!!  As a matter of fact I hope they all will…so we can end their hideous existance in one big god damn bomb.  DEATH TO PISrael  ugly fucking excuses for human beings…just fucking ugly.

  122. Daniel Rich says:

    Note to the illegal squatters in Occupied Palestine:

    The number of ‘injured’ soldiers loyal to the Trump regime went up from 0 to 64. As these are ‘official’ numbers, it’s a safe bet to assume the actual numbers are much higher, as expressed by the Iranians, who were watching the aftermath with drones [MEDEVAC choppers, etc.]

    This, despite an upfront warning from the attacking side [Iran].

    Now, what will happen to all of you, when there’s no warning at all, and your shitty Iron Dome fails to knock out the incoming missiles?

    Keep those diapers and coffins within reach. It’s gonna be a bloody it’s gonna be bloody ff-ing mess, that’s for sure and you’ll need all of it and then some…

  123. Taxi says:

    Quick post for now:  The Arab League met yesterday to discuss Trump's Deal of the Century and established, UNANIMOUSLY, that every single Arab nation will outright be rejecting it, INCLUDING official rejection by Saudi Arabia, UAE and Oman, who had sent ambassadors to attend the signing of the Deal between Trump and Netanyahu a few days ago.  Yeah the treasonous trio have back-peddled right back into the Palestine fold a mere three days into Kushner's fake piss treaty.

    Even more exciting:  at the Arab League meeting, Abbas officially announced that the PA will NO LONGER COOPERATE WITH ISRAELI SECURITY!  Yaaaaaay!!!!  He said at the Arab League meeting: "we will not continue with our security cooperation with israel – let them take full responsibility as occupiers of our land, as per International Law".

    Today, I'm thinking that the REAL winners of the Deal are the Palestinians and the Axis of Resistance.  The Deal has united ALL Palestinian factions: a first in decades!  I can't emphasize enough to you how important this point is.  Arab friends of Palestine have for years agonized and endeavored to unite the Palestinians and failed at it miserably.  Everybody knew that without this paramount unity, the land of Palestine will indeed be eventually snatched away from Palestine's fractured fingers.  Where EVERYTHING before had failed to unite the Palestinians, comes along the Deal of the Century and overnight ALL Palestinians are united yaaay!

    Thanks Trumpy, you bubble-assed orange genius you!


    Let's now see how the klepto jews attempt the enforcement of the dead Deal, further exposing its absolute and utter failure upon arrival.  And let us now see how the terrorist jews will be dealing with their internal security issues WITHOUT the PA's assistance.

    Hey jews, your Hour of Delusion is over!  You are NOT the creators of reality!  Face the facts: you are surrounded and time is NOT on your side.  Just grab your dual passports and fuck off out of Historic Palestine!  No, you're NOT allowed to take anything with you as EVERYTHING in your possession has be robbed and stolen from the natives AND from the USA taxpayer!

    My parting thought: if only the liberation war would begin today…

    • Canthama says:

      Thanks for this summery and your candid view Taxi.

      I wished the Arab League was a source of reliable decisions, we all know what they did to Syria, Libya and Yemen almost a decade ago, where they basically vouched the murder of thousands of people in the hands of NATO/GCC/Israeli terrorists.

      I sincerely hope the Arab League is not just a PR for ordinary Arabs around the world, a domestic consumption message, and in the backstage their leaders do support the apartheid regime, as Egypt, UAE, Saudi Barbaria and Oman did explicitly.  

      Time will tell, but there is no solution for Palestine if not the military one, same as it was in Syria, Libya, Yemen and Iraq.

  124. Taxi says:

    Thanks Canthama.

    The Arab League has been incompetent for too many years to mention, mainly due to saudi domination of the League, paying the largest share of its costs and bribing/coercing poorer Arab nations into supporting Saudi agenda and NOT the agenda of the  ‘Arab Umma’ as a whole, as the original intention of the League is supposed to be.  And yes, it’s true that they ostracized Syria from the League during the beginning of the Syria war, even though Syria is actually the founder of the League.  But in today’s Palestine cause, they did come through against Trump’s Deal and this is HUGE because the Deal needs OFFICIAL Arab support for it to go thru to the next stage, ie delegitimizing Palestinian rejection of the Deal as ‘unreasonable’ and even parsing it as ‘terroristic’.  The Deal depends on a chink in the Arab armor and this now is unachievable.

    Kushner was relying on MbS power, influence and public support of the Deal, and also relying on the ‘agreeable’ Arabs to pay for the monetary settlements of the Deal.  No doubt that MbS still supports the Deal, but obviously the King of Saudi Arabia has prohibited him from going down that road officially at the 12th hour.

    This has karate-kicked the Deal in the throat and now it’s on a respirator in some dank hospital basement.  The Deal has not only united all Palestinian factions, but it has also officially returned the Arab nations, every single one of them, and after many years of neglect, squarely focused behind the Palestinian cause and against the excessively bogus Deal.

    Another over-hyped, failed project by the terrorist jews.

    What’s also interesting is that CIA boss, Gina Haspel, yesterday made a secret visit to Ramallah and met with the PA’s intel/security head to make sure that Palestinian Intelligence will not cut relations with the USA, as it had indeed cut it with israel’s security apparatus earlier that day.  Yeah the israelis are hotly pissed about Haspel’s secret visit, and tonight their analysts and pundits are trying to interpret what all this means to israel’s security and the feasibility of the Deal after all.

    They’re confused and in a tailspin in tel aviv and I would love it if they start raging up on both Kushner and Netanyahu for further staining israel’s image in the world, as well as for further weakening its geopolitical position.   Today, ALL Arabs stand behind Palestine, whereas yesterday, Arab support for Palestine was not exactly unanimous.

    • Sparrow says:

      Palestine not invited to the 'Deal'…but this Hackspel's secret visit was top priority?  It can't get anymore ridiculous and shameful at the attempts to deceive the PA.  Just proves how they controlled them in the beginning.  It has been my prayer/wish for a long time for all ME to cut ties and stand together…look at these horrid shakers trying to bribe/extort etc to get their way.  Oh how utterly beautiful poetic justice is.  Thank you Ms Taxi for all updates enlightened!

  125. Daniel Rich says:

    Israeli forces launch large-scale military exercises across multiple fronts…

    Do these clowns really believe there'll be a classical war with neat front lines and all? 

    Haven't they heard of Asymmetrical Warfare or 'Death by a thousand cuts?'

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Daniel. Da djuz have been doing these futile exercises since they lost to the Hezb back in 2006. They’ve done thousands of them, over and over again. Begs the question here: why announce it? LOL! Yeah well they gotta look like they’re doing sommmmething! And that aside, they need to spend our tax dollars, always in wasteful ways. The jews think that their silly Golani Brigade, with the help of the jewish air force, will be able to squash the Resistor’s asymmetrical warfare. They forget that regular Hezb fighters decimated the lauded Golani Brigade back in 2006 – the Hezb didn’t even need to use their special units to pulverize israel’s ‘best’ on the battlefield.

      It’s like this: for israel, the next war will be an existential one, and for the Resistors, it is merely a war of liberation: freedom that they are ready to sacrifice blood and limb for.

      The terrorist jews think that in the next war, they will shock and awe the Lebanon into surrender in the first two days, but the reality will be that hezbollah will shock and awe tel aviv into surrender in the first two hours. The Hezbollah will seek to destroy israe’s Defense Ministry, all 4 israeli f-16 etc runways, and all their cyber and military radar centers in the first two hours.

      The fuckers don’t stand a chance in hell and soon enough, they’ll realize that none of their thousands of hyped ‘military exercises’ have served to protect their stolen loot or their criminal lives in the slightest.

      Today, the israeli jews remain in shock that their supposed new Arab allies sided with Palestine with regards to the ‘Deal’, or, the ‘Steal of the Century’, as it’s dubbed all over the Arab world.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        They forget that regular Hezb fighters decimated the lauded Golani Brigade back in 2006 – the Hezb didn’t even need to use their special units to pulverize israel’s ‘best’ on the battlefield.

        When I read that news back in the day, it brought a smile to my face. Add this to it: Hezbollah [overall] is getting battle hardened in Iraq/Syria/Yemen. A place where death stares ‘you’ in the face and ‘you’ either keep it together or ‘you’ die. Shooting, bombing and killing unarmed civilians makes one ‘soft’ and very much beatable’ [in any which way one chooses].

        It’s like this: for israel, the next war will be an existential one, and for the Resistors, it is merely a war of liberation: freedom that they are ready to sacrifice blood and limb

        The Axis of Resistance fights for the motherland, to liberate her from the stench of illegal occupiers.

        The illegal squatters in Occupied Palestine fight for the snakes they are [my heartfelt apologies to reptiles].

        They live on borrowed time. The hammer will come down on the anvil of justice, and that will squash them like the jellyfish they are [my heartfelt apologies to invertebrates]

      • Taxi says:

        Say, Daniel, what’s the pulse read on Japan and the Palestine issue/Deal of the Century etc?

        I read today that Japan is now sending a military ship to the Hormuz Straights to protect its ships’ transit there. Was that really necessary? Was that an American decision or a purely Japanese one? I thought I read last month that Iran had assured Japan that it will take security measures to protect Japanese ships in the Straight – did Japan reject this offer and is going it alone in the Hormuz waters?

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks Daniel and Canthama. Yes, we know where the Japanese government stands: firmly with the US (though slightly less so these days), but what of the Japanese people themselves – do they discuss the Palestine situ openly? Frequently? What’s the consensus of their position on israel and the jews? Have the Japanese been holocaustified by Hollywood? What’s the grass-root pulse of the Japanese people on the US/israel wars in the middle east?

        It is often the case that whilst a government is pro zion, the majority of the people are not.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        That decision was made by HQ.

        It goes like this:


        “How high?”

        Japan was forced to buy only US made planes [until about a decade ago]. 80% of its airspace is controlled by the US. Sending ships to the Hormuz Straights is only done to make the US ‘look’ good, coz it has ‘allies’… [it’s advisable to say the last bit this with a straight face]… 

      • Sparrow says:

        Taxi…(excuse me for butting in) I can tell you this much.  Protests by the Japanese outside US occupied bases go on every day just like in Germany.  The citizens have LONG been protesting for their sovereignty back esp. when one of their young women get raped by a US soldier.  Also the US Military is infested with dual Pisraeli's.

        Essentially Japan does what the US dictates unfortunately.  Hiroshima and Nagasaki are living memories 24/7.  I don't blame them, I blame their government.  Also it is widely speculated that Pisrael did a stuxnet virus to cause Fukushima disaster that keeps on giving.  Like Palestine they have been in a virtual captivity since WWII.  So if the citizens hate the US…then it is my assumption the same goes for *&^%-rael.

  126. Canthama says:

    I wouldn't read much on Japan, as Daniel says, it obeys the US, but also it only shows the very minimum support, 1 vessel that will be most likely in vacations tour on the Indian Ocean then stop in Dubai for shopping, pictures etc…

    Japan is slowly diversifying its oil & gas supply, Japan is indeed still very dependent on Qatari LNG while buys oil from several sources, but slowly, Japan is investing in Russia's Siberian LNG gas projects and is supporting Russia's proposal for an oil and gas pipelines to North Korea, South Korea and then Japan, this is still a project but it can go either way, with China or without China, with China may be a national security issue with Japan, without China could serve Japan better and increase its bid on the business, but this is still a long way to happen.

  127. Canthama says:

    Taxi and Platogunner, I believe this news will make your day so much better :

    From : @ynms79797979

    "The Zionist enemy media: the casualties rose to 15 soldiers from the Golani Brigade, with a mortar explosion during a military exercise in the north last night"

    The might Golan Brigade settlers killing themselves in training. These freaks will have to carry tons of toilet paper to battle when they know they will face Hezb Allah.

    Worth checking more info on the above news, pics would be wonderful, will dig it up if available.

  128. Canthama says:

    We can not make this shit up…

    "UK "academic" Scott Lucas denying relations with arrested Jaish Al Islam leader, Islam Alloush"

    by @VanessaBeeley

    The rotten western societies are just that…rotten, it cant not be fixed, the rotten flesh runs too deep.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ Canthama,

      The rot…

      Keep cutting until it bleeds, that's what a society needs. Lots of spilt [elite] blood running through the streets… Unfortunately, mankind seems to need leaders… and that's where things always come off the rails. Therefore, back to small communities, in which everyone knows everyone else and accountability and responsibility walk hand in hand toward a brighter future. There is no other way. Smaller is better [in this case].

    • Sparrow says:

      In a eulogy of the Mexican leader Andre Vlchek says ” Only a genius can break, without terrible casualties, the deadly embrace of the United States. And many believe that President-elect Obrador is precisely such a leader. ” No, Mr Vlchek, AMLO is a puppet; Salinas is the genius!

      Glad to get confirmation on Vlchek…worse than MB…revolving door with Pisrael and host to mis/dis/false information.  Don't understand why Unz hosts his crap.  Thanks for this article Taxi… I did know of the infiltration esp. the Mexican Congress bust…but not the rest.  Not surprised.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ sparrow,

        Don’t understand why Unz hosts his crap.

        I don’t want to live in an echo chamber. I want my voice to be heard, but also should allow those whom I disagree with to speak out. Life is about finding a right balance. Too bad mankind hasn’t found a balance on [and of] its own [yet].

  129. Mike-Florida says:

    Peace & stability in Lebanon and Syria also depends upon Iraq regaining its sovereignty and stability, which depends on forming a govt. acceptable to its parliament majority. Iraq working on that > ‘Iraqi cleric Muqtada al-Sadr Sunday urged his followers help security forces clear protest camps and roads blocked since onset mass demonstrations last year, calling for return to normality after contentious designation of new prime minister. President Barham Saleh on Saturday named former Communications Minister Mohammad Allawi prime minister.’ ‘And, Iran Sunday offered its full support for new Iraqi prime minister Allawi and reiterated backing for govt’s demand U.S. forces to leave the country.’ Of course biggie question is can the new PM & supporters sufficiently overcome exterior pressures & bribes to fairly quickly form a govt that is also approved by parliament majority? Time will show. Mike.

  130. Taxi says:

    The whole sentient world is now in sympathy with the Palestinians like never before.  All thanks to Kushner’s Chabadist Deal of the Century that the nepotistic Trump has been blackmailed into promoting full throttle.

    The whole world can now clearly see that the jews really have no intention of allowing a Palestinian state at all, therefore the killers of Christ have no intention of making peace, either with the Palestinians, with their immediate neighbors, or, therefore subsequently, with the peaceful world at large.  Neutral people who genuinely wanted an equitable solution, while letting slide for decades that incessant jewish criminality we’re all over-familiar with – all them nice and neutral people now feel obliged to actually spell it out, at least quietly to themselves: ‘This is not a fair deal.  This jewish deal will not bring about peace at all, or ever.  This is a bully’s deal that no one in their right minds would accept.  The jews are not being fair at all – not even one bit’.

    This newfound realization by the mass of neutral people reverses decades of Hollywood holocaust brainwashing where the jew is depicted and understood as the eternal victim.  Now, in humanity’s neutral mind, the Palestinian is the victim, not the jew.

    This is huge.  A paradigm shift in perception has occurred.  And at this stage, it’s irreversible.

    Yet another positive and unintended consequence of jewish overreach.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      This is a deal meant to go south. That's the [underlying] intention, so the illegal squatters can claim, "See, we offered them peace and they [the Palestinians] rejected it!" and continue to steal more and more land until there's nothing left.

      Well, that's the plan. Of course, it ain't gonna happen. Once peace returns to Syria, the focus will be on Occupied Palestine and returning all land back to its rightful owners.

      • Taxi says:

        Yes, I agree the deal was meant to both fail and inflame. But the thing is, the waaaay overplayed “See, we offered them peace and they [the Palestinians] rejected it!” ploy will NOT work this time round. Too many people unwittingly glimpsed the jewish dark side and machinations when the deal was publicly presented.

  131. Taxi says:

    Jews lie BIGLY when they whine that Palestinians have 22 Arab countries to choose from while they, the poor homeless jews, have but only one state called israel.  Fact is, there is actually already a jewish state, a sizeable and autonomous territory near the Russian-Chinese border known as Birobidzhan, a territory that was gifted to the jews by the Soviet Union back in 1931.

    Birobidzhan was created specifically for the jews, given freely to the jews during a time when a fledgling jewish political movement called zionism was still unpopular and actually, rejected by most euro jews when promoted by some synagogues and by the Jewish World Congress itself.

    However, the problem with jewish Birobidzhan was that the jews could not create a vibrant economy between them.  This is because there were no Gentiles to steal from in Birobidzhan and the talmud forbids jew-on-jew fleecing, so, no jew in Birobidzhan was getting rich, or would ever get rich.  This clearly indicates that jews are inherently thieves, not traders.

    They cannot survive without mass looting and mass murder.  They cling onto the worst aspects of the human condition for dear life.  They profoundly reject all other behavioristic alternatives available to them.  This is most abnormal, especially in a a post-Renaissance Age where the faculties of reason and ethics basically remain the fuel of the modern, enlightened mind (this enlightenment does not apply to most of the global political class).

    Birobidzhan is the already established jewish homeland – it still exists, though in a stale condition: all due to global jewish financial lethargy towards it.  The new mega Chinese Silk Road touches Birobidzhan, thus giving brighter economic future promises to its inhabitants.  This should change jewish attitudes towards Birobidzhan.  Actually, I mean to say that jews should be forced to admit to the existence of an already existing jewish homeland, and furthermore…  This is why, here, I'd like to give a counter to Kushner's Deal of the Century. 

    One word: Birobidzhan.


    Birobidzhan motherfuckers!!!!!!!!!!!

    Birobidzhan, or, the grave.


    Birobidzhan – The First Jewish State before the Jewish State

    The failed Soviet project to build a Jewish homeland in the Russian Far East

    In the (3rd) link above, modern israeli jews tell us that the 'weather' was too harsh therefore Birobidzhan failed to prosper in the hands of jews.  That although for millennia jews have been screaming at the world to leave them alone, once left alone, they didn't have a clue how to financially survive in their long-desired lonesomeness.  They also say that jews were not secure there at all, fearing Soviet 'midnight knocks on their doors'.  This, of course, is a paranoid jewish hoax.  After all, a bulk of the Bolshevik leadership and its movers and shakers were actually jewish.  Well, in any case, now they've got Iran and the Axis of Resistance ACTUALLY knocking on their midnight doors and there's no emergency fire- exist in their high-rise and jew-power towers.  All the mega money and mass jewish effort at illegally and immorally securing Palestine, at great cost to regional and world peace I'll add, could have been poured into Birobidzhan all this time, and it would have solved the world's jewish problem for once and for all.  Them jews could have been living separately from Gentiles, and in a financially and militarily secure state by now.

    But jewish greed… that infamous and intrinsic historic trait of theirs… the cause of several hundred million Gentile deaths, the cause of nation destruction and wasted Dollars and Pounds, that very perpetually ingrained 'jewish greed'… well, it reared its massive and ugly head with the announcement of the Deal of the Century a few days ago, and the whole world saw it for exactly what it is.  Jewish greed that we're all banned from speaking about.

    I say, again, Birobidzhan IS the only peaceful solution to the jewish problem.  Either that, or jews soon get burned to cinders by liberation missiles.

    Their choice.  And just you watch how they choose dumbly.  Again.

      • Taxi says:

        Yeah dude just as much as the Palestinians would accept living in jewshitstreakstan that’s currently on offer.  I give them both equal odds kiss

        Point is they lie about israel being the ONLY jewish homeland blahblah.  It’s like a landlord claiming homelessness.  Ok a slumlord, to be more precise.  Know wadamean?

        Evicting the invading jews from the holy land may solve the problem of Palestinian statehood, but it does not solve the ‘jewish problem’ for the world per se.  It’s a problem as old as god’s first turd.  Jews who will survive the coming Palestine liberation war should positively be encouraged to move to Birobidzhan, or to that chunk of Patagonia that the mega-rich-mega-paranoid jews are already developing.

        Birobidzhan really should be a household name, don’t you think? (Though perhaps the name may need a makeover wot!).   It already exists as a jewish homeland.  A homeland that the jews have already willfully accepted and established.  But you know how it goes in the ashkanazim universe: deny khazaria and deny Birobidzhan.  They’ve buried these two jewish homelands of theirs in the basement of history.

        But seriously, to answer your question in all sobriety, Igor: I don’t think tel aviv’s LGBT can live without sunning their fay buns on the Med.

        That’s why the solution to the Palestinian-israeli crisis is war.  Some wars deliver justice, some don’t.  This one will.  This war will be your archetypal, classic equalizer.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        Birobidzhan really should be a household name, don’t you think?

        Yes, Let's call it 'Cohenistan'

        As luck will have it, 'hen' in Japanese means 'weird/odd.'

    • Sparrow says:

      Thank you Taxi…I never knew this.  As hard as I tried to read it all…I wanted to just vomit.  I couldn't finish.

      No matter what the case…the illegitimate blood suckers are victims even with their own brethren.  I can't stomach these fuckers.  And like you mentioned, either they fucking go there or go up in cinders.  Cinders means there's no more oppression by the liars…so let them fucking get put against a rock and hard place (and add their allies with them).  The farce about M. Begin saying they were persecuted by the commies because they were zionists is a laughable lie…as zionism and communism are the same.  Wiki is nothing but lies and victimization for these parasites.  The fact that they WANT zionism is because of the constant holohoax extortion they have gotten filthy rich from at the destruction of hundreds of millions if not more.  Like you mentioned…their GREED tells them what they want and need.  It's funny because their relationship with communist China is peachy and booming.  I wonder how many ethnic and Christian Russians were murdered/starved to death to create the Bolshevik haven.  All I wish for and hope for is their end no matter where they are or go.  They currently control too many governments to let it go so I hope their greed will come full circle and kill them anyway.  Their phony and lawless usurpation of endless Constitutions have brought about tens of billions of goy hatred anyway and no law will stop us from their demise.  DEATH TO THEM FOREVER IN DAMNED FOREVER IN HELL will always be my mindset.  Knowing about this Birobidzhan just adds more hate to the poison cake of jew existence.  Who wants anything from them in trade or otherwise?  A Hollywood movie should be made to see them all marching back to their final place…and made to WORK for REPARATIONS to the rest of the world until they drop dead.  (Mel Gibson are you still around?)

    • Taxi says: is the ONLY rag saying this. Nothing about it in either the jew or Arab press. No ‘named’ person quoted in the article etc. I’d say it’s a rumor that the writer milked for nothing.

      Here’s the topic du jour re the Palestinians from yesterday:

      Abbas should embrace bi-national state if Israel goes ahead with annexation

      The Palestinians are looking for ways to counter the political battle that Trump’s deal opened wide. I’m personally more interested in the military battles with israel than I am in the cat-and-mouse political ones.

    • Taxi says:

      The other topic du jour from yesterday was the sudden Sudan-israel normalization – or rather, its failed attempt at launching lol. Seems that Netanyahu, having lost the promised Arab vote for the Deal, a loss that has tel aviv’s bones rattled with worry, ran around like a headless chicken trying to compensate for this embarrassing and dangerous failure to deliver. And what does he do? He coerces Sudan into a rush ‘normalization’ meeting in Uganda, just to grab a (fake) winning headline in tel aviv.

      After jewish media ran wild all day long with sleight-of-hand headlines like this: Israel, Sudan set up normalization teams, by the end of the day, they had headlines like this: Sudan’s Burhan casts doubt on rapid normalization of ties with Israel

      Oh the bathos!

      Jews lie to themselves. Jews lie to the world. Desperate liars. Cornered liars. Bitch-slapped liars!

  132. Taxi says:

    I have mentioned before that when the Lebanese political analyst Nasser Kandil speaks, I tend to sit up and listen.  I do the same with Anis Nakash.  And what I especially like about these two men is that before they became analytical pundits, they were actual eyeball-to-eyeball fighters using their guns in battles against israel throughout their early manhood – both men were part of the liberation forces against the israeli occupation.  This means that their understanding and actual experience of 'battle strategy' adds a special layer of insight into their political analysis.  Many other Leb analysts from their generation hold the same battle qualifications too.

    I'd also previously lamented that their work is not available in English, but, luck should have it that this morning, as I was surfing the net, I came across an English translation of Nasser Kandil's latest article.  Sample here for yourselves the mighty mind and pen of Nasser Kandil:

    Why did Iran choose such a response?

    Mr. Kandil has a weekly one hour analysis show in Arabic on his modest youtube channel – I always watch his episodes.  His latest show a couple of days ago was all about the Deal of the Century.  He's very pleased with it.  All for the right reasons.  He sees gems of opportunity and gain in it.  He's happy that, due to Trump's deal release, the Muqawama has regained a massive vote of confidence from millions of Arab citizens in the Gulf states, from nations that have been antagonistic to the Muqawama since their victory over israel back in 2006.  Arab-Gulf citizens that have since then been browbeaten by the propaganda club into hating on the Muqawama, now stand behind it and its Palestine project.  This sudden resurgence of popularity for the Muqawama perfectly explains why the rulers of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Morocco, Egypt, Qatar, Oman and UAE all HAD TO vote against the Deal at the Arab League meeting this last weekend.  These rulers, though secretly pro the Deal, they dared not expose their naked treason before the eyes of their people at the Arab League meeting lest the backlash would cause them an explosive internal crisis.  He said other interesting stuff as well but I can't off hand remember – I'm still on my first morning coffee – I need two cups of java before my upstairs-engine goes chuga-chuga.

  133. Taxi says:

    Very late last night (maybe 2am), I was literally woken to the sound of terrorist jew jets flying overhead, real low, on their way to illegally strike at Syria – missile strikes that Syria this morning claimed it succeeded at mostly repelling.  I had such a sleepy head when I was woken by jets and wondered for a couple of seconds whether it was the sound of THE beginning of the big war, or the usual israeli terrorist strikes on Syria.  I fell right back to sleep again seconds later and before I had an answer to my wondering.  It's crazy, especially for a Californian, to just sleep right through rough-sky shit like that.  Really, this is because I feel so very safe where I am, all thanks be to Hezbollah's vigilance and stealth.  I haven't had a chance to check on the news all day today so I don't know what kind of jew jets were flying overhead to strike at Syria: F-16, F15 etc, but I can tell you this much, folks:  they ALL sound fucking scary, especially when they fly so low.  But for knowing that Hezbollah can bring these fuckers down like flies when need be, I would not be able to feel alright to hear them every now and then – fall right back to sleep again like a baby.

    • Sparrow says:

      Ah Taxi good question.  With that I will comment with a question…'Will the jews ever gonna apologize for killing Palestinians?'

      This is something I grew up believing and THE #1 my dearest mother (RIP mom) lived by until her last breath…to the community and family she loved…of which my grandparents lived by without question:

      The Final Judgment

      31 “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 And he will place the sheep on his right, but the goats on the left. 34 Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ 37 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? 38 And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? 39 And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 40 And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers,[f] you did it to me.’

      41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.’ 44 Then they also will answer, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to you?’ 45 Then he will answer them, saying, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’ 46 And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”  Matthew 25:31-46

      [God gave her peace, comfort and rest…He revealed it to me a  dream (more like a vision) where I saw her again happy and without pain…doubting at times with great sorrow.  It is truly hard having faith when so much evil authority.  But He let me know it, and it is all encompassing.  It helped me to believe His Love for all who are persecuted and that they are with Him.  I'm not a religious fanatic as I ran away from that years ago.  But spiritual life is all together a different way of life even though I fall short of it wishing death to the enemies of life.  I can't love my enemy and don't know if I ever will.]


      • Sparrow says:

        Had my mother ever witnessed the Palestinian al-nakba and/or its years of oppression at some point…she would have been at a gate everyday with her infamous way serving up platters of food (even from her last dollar) to help in some way.  She would have been one of the martyrs that has gone before us…possibly thrown down and kicked to death by idf…oh the thought of how she was.  Never a neighbor went without…or a family member…or a funeral that needed a helping hand.  Miss you mom…heart we are all Palestinian.

      • Taxi says:

        The whole of life is mother. This is the sweet and sad story of life strewn asunder.

        R.I.P. mother of all sparrows.

    • Taxi says:

      I may feel the occasional soft pity towards my enemy, but most certainly I do not love them.  Nor do I want to.  I’ll leave that to the Jesuses of the world.

      I think this is the first time you’ve shared bible passages here on Plato’s.  You picked nice ones.  So much simple compassion in there.  But where these humanistic sentiments and inclinations invented by Jesus?  Of course not!  But what is certainly novel is that a jew called Jesus managed to mentally and emotionally (therefore spiritually too) circumvent the murderous talmudic teachings that were rammed down his throat all his life by zealot rabbi fuckers.  Jesus freed himself from the synagogue of satan through and through.  Jesus: the greatest ex-jew who ever lived.

      Here’s a book I used to love reading on Sundays as a teen:

      Not The Bible

      I highly recommend people read this awesomely awesome book. For more info on this “#2 Bestseller”, check out the readers reviews in the above link.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      <strike>that are extremely hostile toward</strike> the State of Israel

      F***, no!  A state is defined by its borders and its constitution. This hellhole has neither, so we call what it really is: Occupied Palestine.

  134. Taxi says:

    Today the long-suffering West Bank Palestinians gave the jew terrorist invaders a cocktail of rebellion.  They stabbed.  They fired bang.   And they rammed their car at jew military forces.

    IDF sending extra combat troops to West Bank as violence surges

    …  And the party hasn’t even started.

    Our dear friend Harry Law posted a map of the Deal of the Century upthread.  Take a good look at it if you haven’t already.  Man, I love that map!  Just look at how much freaking jew security forces will be needed for all them Palestinian islands!  LOL!  Security-wise, this map is a freaking nightmare to detail.  Worse thing about it: it brings the wet-behind-the-knees and wet-in-the-diaper jew soldiers up-close and personal with the Resistors.  To be picked off here and there and freaking everywhere.  Mindful here too that Iran, since the murder of Suleimani, has only gone full-throttle in supplying arms to both Gaza AND the West Bank. 

    When dealing with born cowards like the jews, random acts of violent resistance does actually work.  ‘Death by a thousand cuts’ indeed.

    Why should the invader jew be allowed even a moment of quality-life?  If you think that the terrorist jew should be cut some slack because of the hallowed holocaust then just STFU already!


    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      I expect the word ‘reservations’ to make a strong comeback. The only thing they can do is wall everything in, machine gun towers every other yard or so, dig 300ft deep to concrete it all up… and…. Oops. Forgetting all about Hezbollah and the SAA and their allies, are we?

      The situation in Syria is gradually returning to some sort of normalcy, but once the takfiri terrorist [and their assorted supporters] are kicked out of the country, the real war will begin.

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks, Daniel. I’m hearing just now that last night’s ‘ramming’ injured 12 Golani Brigaders. Bamm! A dozen shiny jew bowling pins knocked over. Molotov cocktails were thrown at idf tanks while driving gormless through Palestinian neighborhoods. Also, I just saw, on Al-Mayadeen’s coverage, footage of the shooting of an idf soldier taken from the Palestinian sniper’s POV. A preliminary search for this footage to share with y’all has produced zero links, but I’ll keep a look out for it – (I don’t have an Arabic keyboard so I cannot search unshekeled Arabic language internet scapes). And just so you know, the optics from last night’s Palestinian rage is looking pretty serious, I can tell you this much: fire and fury and the video announcement by an underground and armed West Bank Resistance known as ‘Saraya Al-Quds’ of the beginning of their armed resistance against the Deal.

        The best translation of ‘Saraya Al-Quds’ that I can come up with is this: Alquds = Jerusalem, and Saraya = cadres. So ‘Jerusalem Cadres’ it is. And note how it’s in the plural. Plural West Bank underground resistance cells operating under a single ‘Jerusalem Cadres’ theater.

        The Jerusalem Cadres are directly supported, in arms and in training and intelligence, by Islamic Jihad in Gaza; and Islamic Jihad are directly supported, in arms and in training and intelligence by Hezbollah; and Hezbollah is supported in arms and in training and intelligence by Iran.

        In other words, Iran is flourishing in the West Bank.

        Let’s hope that sooner than later, a new and massive West Bank Intifada bangs up and with it drags the sky falling on the heads of all them jew terrorist invaders.

        Yap! All thanks to Trump unwittingly gifting the Deal to the Resistance.

        Yap! The gift that will keep on giving till da BIG ONE breaks out.

      • Taxi says:

        Here's a tweet by the baklava-ed spokesperson of the 'Saraya Al-Quds'.  First, the translation of it:

        "We call on all of our people’s resistances to bear arms and attack the Zionist road barriers and to embark, with all your capabilities, on a mission of comprehensive and direct military engagement: following the path of struggle and liberation.  Your appointment is in the morning, and isn't it near morning?"

    • Sparrow says:

      If only you had a hot line to Damascus to warn about the fly over's from israeli occupied Palestine.  They should have been shot down by the Hezb. (re-no tolerance policy).  Maybe somehow there can be a warning hot line set up since you are in the zone of trespassing.

      TAXI says:

      Very late last night (maybe 2am), I was literally woken to the sound of terrorist jew jets flying overhead, real low, on their way to illegally strike at Syria – missile strikes that Syria this morning claimed it succeeded at mostly repelling.  I had such a sleepy head when I was woken by jets and wondered for a couple of seconds whether it was the sound of THE beginning of the big war, or the usual israeli terrorist strikes on Syria…

      • Sparrow says:

        Also Damascus should halt all passenger jets from flying at night.  

        “Air warfare with the use of civilian aircraft as cover against Syrian air-defense forces’ response is becoming the Israeli air force’s distinctive feature,” Konashenkov was quoted as saying.

        He blamed Israel for “caring nothing about putting the lives of hundreds of innocent civilians at risk.”

        That's why they imprison so many Palestinians to use as human shields.

  135. Taxi says:

    Last I checked, our National Debt was some 22 Trillion Dollars.  Add to that the 35 Trillion Dollars that the Pentagon has recently reported missing: apparently down an accounting "black hole", and you've got yourself a total of some 57 Trillion Dollars that our great-great-great-great-great grandchildren will still be paying off.  And remember, folks, ALL that missing money is actually YOURS: your tax dollars, so don't be remote about it – really digest these mindblowingly massive numbers.  57 Trillion in lost tax dollars!  Of which, $35 Trillion just disappeared up the Pentagon's war nose.  Snorting war after war after war.  For israel.

    Just a Little Sloppy Record-Keeping? The Pentagon’s $35 Trillion ‘Accounting Black Hole’

    We are such a failed state.  How could sooooo much money just go poof???

    In case you haven't quite yet grasped the humongousity of what even one trillion dollars actually is, this little vid here below will surely show you:

    Now multiply the amount of $100 bills you just saw by 57.

    Yes, we are a failed state because we're governed by pedo mass-murderers and kelptomaniacs.  Why oh why do we keep voting for people like that to rule us?…  Oh right, they've busted up the system and rigged it.  The 'appearance' of democracy is all we have.  I know it.  You know it.  So… where the fuck is YOUR REVOLUTION?!

    They steal from you today and they rob your great-great-great-great-great grandchildren before they're even born. All in the same day.

  136. Taxi says:

    Today's Levantean news is focused on the massive advances of the Syrian Arab Army in Idlib.  So far, 85% of Idlib has been liberated, and the SAA only has 15 kilometers to go before liberating the strategic Idlib-Damascus highway.

    A hurricane of chapeaux and sisterly love I am sending out to the Syrian heroes of heroes!  Slayers of wahabis, and soon, slayers of their talmudic masters.

    • Sparrow says:

      Long time coming…Syria needs some serious healing balm, rest and restoration.  There's still the big issue of US bases poisoning her sovereignty.  Hopefully this means the near end of that.  Viva Syria and wholeness to you once again.  Only when israel-occupied-Palestine is dead and gone will anyone feel and know peace once again.  Viva Liberation!  Viva al-Quds!

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi/Sparrow,

      The Syrian map of free soil is currently dotted with various blue spots. They're ex-Turkish 'observation' posts and used to keep the takfiri terrorists up to speed on what the SAA  + Allied fores are doing [or about to do]. Once the true Syrian war machine gets up to speed, those blue dots turn into red ones, filled with takfiti blood. War's hell. War's bloody and mostly unfair, but the Syrian lions will maul and kill the talmudic backed filth. The Occupied Palestine Jews [OPJs] will soon face and feel the wrath of those they oppress. It won't be a pretty sight either, but they [the OPJs] deserve every inch of what they're about to get/receive.

    • Canthama says:

      We are thrilled at Syrper with the SAA advance, today the sacred ground of el Eis was finally secured, this is a place where dozens of Hezb Allah heroes were martyred in 2016, a photo was shared today with a Hezb Allah fighter where the commander of Hezbollah assaults Special Forces Ali Fay'yad, aka Abu Ala' al-Bosna was ambushed and killed.

      Soon all M5 highway will be liberated, 15 kms left, though a busy area, the terrorists and the turks have no defense built protecting their rear, it is a gonner for them.

      Taxi, just a slight correction, 45% of Idlib Province has been liberated so far, 55% is yet to go, but in fact 85% of Idlib's Province arable land was liberated by the SAA and allies, only two plains with arable land is left to be liberated, partially (80%) of the Idlib plains and all of al-Rouj plain . A lot left to the terrorists are basically rocks, bare rocks.

      The terrorists and their supporters, NATO/GCC/Israel, know very well that the SAA is becoming a formidable fighting force, this is what is making Turkey and Israel very afraid. The SAA has transformed itself from static conventional army toward a mobile, all terrain fighting force, able to fight in all kind of environment. Now add, Hezb Allah, Iraqi militias and army, Yemenis-Houthis etc.. they are all formidable soldiers, what remains from the ME is only mediocre armies…the jokes UAE, KSA, Qatar and Kuwait and of course…IDF, they have no chance against the Resistance.


  137. Taxi says:

    Thanks Daniel and Sparrow for your comments.  And thanks Canthama for clarifying the liberated percentage of Idlib.  You Sypers rock when it comes to the finer details of the Syria battle zones.

    Yesterday, a mighty storm was blowing around here and I kinda well, stayed in bed all day and binged out on Netflix's 'Viking' series, falling asleep intermittently throughout the day – then I had dinner and fell asleep again till this morning.  The bear spirit in me loves to hibernate in winter (actually throughout the year heh!).  Anyhooz, I should have also reported yesterday that two days ago, the oil Gulfies had a meeting to discuss the results of an investigation into their petrol reserves etc.  The report was read out at the meeting and concluded with a dire warning: their oil is running out in 2035 and they had better come up with other industries to support them and their future generations, otherwise, their oil fiefdoms are going bankrupt and under.  In other words, the wahabi states had better stop spending on endless wars against each other and against Iran, AND, they'd better come up with a cheaper national 'security' package.  Yap, they're gonna have to spend the next few years making pragmatic peace with their Arab brethren and with Iran (who can guarantee them regional security at no cost), otherwise their houses will be poxed with bankruptcies and internal strife and bloody coups.  Here I'll say that the king of Saudi Arabia understands this, but I'm not sure that jewy MbS does.  We'll see what happens when the aging and sick king dies and is buried, without fanfare, out in the vast Arabian desert (this is traditional).   In any case, the meeting was a red alert warning for the GCC nations to pull their socks up already or face utter ruin.  I reckon because of this, we will indeed see some active policy changes in the Arabia Peninsular, especially with regards their foreign policies, including an extraction away from the West and a propulsion towards the Axis of the East (Russia and China) and Iran.  They have no other choice.  Iran can provide security and Russia will provide technology and China will provide golden opportunities for trade through their Silk Road 2 project.

    On the Palestine front, captive Palestinians inside of occupied Palestine are still rebelling and will continue to rebel till kingdom come.  And just to clarify, Abbas has warned that security cooperation with israel will end when israel begins annexation of the West Bank, in accordance with the Steal of the Century.  In the meantime, Abbas's security apparatus is NOT participating in any current israel security ops in the fired-up West Bank and Jerusalem.  This means that current security cooperation has been frozen and not broken, but it will be broken the second israel officially goes for annexation.  Netanyahu has some three weeks to make an annexation move before the next israeli elections that will take place on the 3rd March.  Anything can happen in this period of time, including no annexation, for fear of complicating israel's internal security program.  But you never know how stupid a desperate Netanyahu will get.

    In Yemen, massive gains for the Houthis.

    In Sudan: massive protests against ANY normalization with israel.

    In Lebanon: new government plodding along with its financial rescue package, with increasing chatter about pivoting towards the Axis of the East if America continues to strangle the new government, prohibiting thus Lebanon's financial recovery.

    All in all, the regional political 'intifada' against the jewy yanks is gaining pace.

    Me?  The storm lost its freezing, blustering winds today but I shall spend the day exactly as I did yesterday: napping and binging on Netflix's Vikings series.

    Hope y'all enjoy your Sunday.  Here's just one bite of the America that I still love, a bite that remains unmolested by jewish corrosion:

    • Taxi says:

      …  And speaking of “iron horses”, let us here take a moment to remember what originally made America great,  before jew infiltration.  Let us know here that it was America’s Steel Industry, and not its Arms Industry (MIC), that gave America its original advantage over the rest of the world.  Let us also here observe that today, it’s the jewy MIC and its agents who are destroying, not just America, but literally the whole world.

      If it were not for America’s boom in steel production back in the early 20th century, we’d be no more powerful in the world today than, say, Canada or Mexico.  Our industrial and building boom, especially in the early 20th century, would never have occurred without the flourishing of our steel industry that began in the late 19th century.  It was industry, and not warfare, that made America great and Americans prosperous.

      A Very Brief History of America’s Steel Industry

    • Canthama says:

      This is great info Taxi, I can see KSA and UAE in troubles, but still surprise if Qatar is, the gas field that shares with Iran is huge.

      It does explain though, KSA/UAE determination in grabbing energy supply from Yemen, Libya etc…and maybe even the issue KSA/UAE had with Qatar few years back, a c lear attempt to remove it from the map, so instead of finding out new industries and services, both were trying to stay in the oil/gas game longer, very short sighted.

      Enjoy the cold Sunday.

    • Sparrow says:

      Hey girl thank you for this artist and video!  Were I grew up the B&O was king.  It's what made my small town.  Walking the tracks, waiting for what seemed hours for it to clear crossings…I so much miss it.  Tractor trailer trucks have taken it's place and the many many tracks have turned into bike paths heart.  I would walk them to watch my brother play baseball, to visit my school friend (who lived right under it…their whole house would shake as it passed lol!)  So many good memories in the days of walking to where a one car family would take us.  It brought the mail to the center of town, brought new cars to a tiny car dealership right off the tracks…it was the life blood for anything that came in or went out.  The grange is still next to the tracks all shut up.  So so sad to see it now as opposed to the vibrant activity then.  My grandmother's brother and many of her kin worked on the trains/railroad and my brother-in-law is an engineer.  

      Here's one of my last loves.  My forever friend along with my dog (RIP):


      • Taxi says:

        OMG Sparrow, is that really you?!  Goodness-goodness me!  You and your besties are just utterly beautiful – I love you all soooo much!  Your photos are perfectly framed and imbibed with an air of innocence and palpable memories of innocence.  Classic!  I have pretty much an exact picture of me sitting on a horse out in Wyoming in autumn – it's in storage in LA.  Makes me weep for America' long-lost childhood.  Sigh…

        I've only ever shared one photo of me (as Taxi) on the net.  I've used it before here on Plato's:  Cedars, Sewers… and Plato’s Guns

        Also, somewhere in my old computer files, I have a few seconds of video footage of my visit to the Gene Autry museum in LA on my 50th birthday – doing 'interactive' horse riding – I'll try and make time to find it for y'all – embarrassing as it may be lol!

        But in the meantime, I wholeheartedly thank you for sharing your two beautiful photos: for sharing of yourself and what your heart loves the most.  I'm-a-hugging on you and your besties with so much love right now…

      • Sparrow says:

        Thank you my favorite girls…Taxi you are gorgeous!  You look Lebanese!  Wow girl!  And Miss Bornajoo I already know you are beautiful too just because you are You!  Send a picture too love!  Yep Taxi remember those cameras that would spit out a picture…lol…that's what these are.  My good boy 'Jeronimo' taught me how to ride (bareback) cause I didn't have a saddle at the time.  He was given to me by an ex-nun who couldn't take care of him anymore…so's I said, 'Bring him here and come visit or ride or have some tea with me anytime you want!'  He taught me how to jump too…Saddlebred Appaloosa pacer and he felt like a Cadillac when riding.  He would follow me around all the time.  He loved Carmen my white furry right arm (rescued as a puppy) and wouldn't take a step for fear she was too close.  She would walk under and beside him all the time.  Jeronimo would always wait for me at that gate so he wouldn't have to mingle with the herd and get a big fat juicy apple from the neighboring orchard.   He had the best stall in the old barn!  My old place is not there anymorefrown…she was early 18th c. and so filled with life on 500 acres.  I don't have pic's anymore because they got destroyed in a fire.  I accidentally found these and was soooo glad.  I wanted it to be a refuge for animals but didn't get that far.  My old riding pal (who taught me a lot) took the pictures.  We were active in competition endurance riding…(not for the fru fru) and won many rides.  Would love to see your pictures too, both of ya'll!  Just today after my usual hike I was met with a boisterous German Shepard who was very happy to be free from 'where ever'.  So after several hours my friend and I finally found his owner.  What a full mooooon will do!crying

      • Sparrow says:

        To add to your beautiful self I must say after reading such a profound heartfelt diary of your thoughts and vexations…you are truly truly gifted with such a 'humanitarian' path given the hardship one endures in it.  Wading around in that realm needs a respite to cleanse ones inner self all the time.  It is what true refugee's suffer from.  Whatever it may be of encouragement anytime dear girl…you have helped many people including me with the truth.  It is what causes me to hang around more than any other place.  With all of us, time to avoid the darkness to recoup is nothing more than self rescue and understood without words of explanation.  All I can ever say is 'thank you always' for the gift you share with us on behalf of the many suffering everyday.  To keep us abreast is to help them more even though it may seem like chicken feed…it makes many wonderful eggs.

      • Canthama says:

        Taxi, it was a real pleasure to re read the Ceder, Sewers …and Plato's Guns article, time passed by quickly, thank you for what you do.

      • Sparrow says:

        Hi Ruca…thank you!  Maybe everyone could add an old photo.  Better days to be remembered enlightened.  (…maybe Taxi riding a wave in her old days lol!)

    • Saladin says:

      Wow! I love the photos you shared Taxi and Sparrow. You are both beautiful in visage as you are in your lovely eternal souls. Thank you for sharing these precious photos. I thought that picture was of you Taxi when I came across that article before but I wasn't sure.  I too miss the America I grew up in. It was so innocent by comparison to what has transpired these past 4-5 decades. So much has been lost. Yet all things unfold in cycles so perhaps after much chastening and the death of the zionist-plague that has infested the soul of ours and so many nations, we will see a rebirth of a more beautiful spirit in our land and through the world. Viva the resistance!

      • Sparrow says:

        Thank you Saladin…it's good to know where we've come from, the base of a better time (for some of us).  In those days I knew nothing of Palestinians or even the occupation.  It was home and survival.  Share your old American life if you care to…And yes I agree with your sentiments.  Here's to 'rebirth' brother broken heart

      • Saladin says:

        Hi Sparrow. I won't say much of my past to take up space on Taxi's amazing blog, but just one scenario of my childhood. In summer me and my ten year old buddies would set off on our bikes in the morning and ride ten miles to a hidden swimming hole, where we'd climb out on the end of a large tree branch and leap into the water, splashing loudly, regaling ourselves in this pleasant occupation for an hour or so, sunning on the banks, then heading home on our bikes, crossing highways and busy streets and back to our pleasant neighborhoods by sundown. All this merely ten miles or so from a city with over a million people. Never a care, or thought of danger or "bad people" or perverts or any fear of harm coming to us. The fact our mothers never feared for us underscores the innocence of those long lost times. Things changed so suddenly. The assassination of JFK was a turning point, for sure. Such a contrast to nowadays when parents won't let their kids walk around the block alone and young people are so cut off from nature. Not to mention glued to cell phones when they have yet to reach puberty. It's a bizarre world but at some point more serene times will return. Can't wait for better times to come for the suffering Palestinians. That too is on the horizon. Viva Palestine!

  138. Sparrow says:

    The price for Egypt’s new position was $9 billion, the amount promised at the economic workshop for the deal of the century in Bahrain last summer. It’s a big chunk of money for Egypt, given the dire straits it has found itself in under Al-Sisi’s mismanagement of the economy, and should provide some generous bonuses for the ruling generals, who we know through the whistleblower Mohamed Ali are getting rich through corruption and at the expense of their own people.

  139. Igor Bundy says:

    Oh wow someone else with a kodak..


    Thanks ladies.. you learn something new every day.. Women have strong opinions about the world too.. Too bad I never met any of you when I was around. I get an epiphany and then for a decade turn into a pumpkin. I have such strange experiences in life that I cant even describe it. As taxi was saying so many lies.. It makes trying to understand anything very difficult.

      • Igor Bundy says:

        I knew of polaroids when my aunt would visit and show off with it long ago.. But I went with kodak for some strange reason. I also had betamax.. camera as well.. I gave up on instant once I realised it was too large and difficult to use when travelling and I travelled a lot. The colors on the pics seem to fade though after a few decades unlike normal pics. A couple of weeks ago I found some more pics and mailed it out to a few people I last talked to 30+ years ago.. They did not recognize themselves.. 


        The difference between kodak and polaroid other than both getting greedy and going bankrupt is, you peel the polaroid after developing. The kodak keeps the stuff inside so no alkaline burning yourself by mistake.

      • Taxi says:

        I used to have a lotta fun with my old Polaroid. After ‘peeling’ and before the liquid (quickly) dried up, myself and friends would scratch with teaspoon tip or coin all sorts of trippy shapes and designs over the emerging picture. It was a super cool look. I don’t have a sample to show you – everything from my past is in my LA storage unit.

      • Sparrow says:

        hey thank you Igor…maybe it was a Kodak because I don't remember peeling the paper off.  It just came out the bottom and was done.

    • Taxi says:

      Igor, the fuckers know that ceaseless lies will short-circuit the minds of the best of us.  It's why they do it.  And half of their lies are subtle and it's these subtle lies that are in fact the most dangerous.

      One shields oneself by simply NEVER believing a word they say.  EVER!

      Soon as you know what makes the beast tick, it is slain.

    • Taxi says:

      If only the injured soldiers were the children of warmongers…

      Iran’s original count of US injured was “over 100”, and at the time, Western media poopooed it and laughed it off as being the mullah’s outlandish propaganda. It is tragic that we’re forced to believe the ‘enemy of the State’ instead of the State because the State has not told a single flake of truth since the day I was born.

  140. Taxi says:

    Sparrow, you and your besties are so unbearably adorable – sweet sorrow to remember how things used to be for y’all – indeed, for us all Americans. And just so you know, Bornajoo is a guy – I met him in person when I last went to London a few years back – and yes, he's a beautiful person inside and out.  And me, sure I look Lebanese, and when I've visited Spain, I blended in as Spanish.  In France, they thought I was French; when in Italy, I was undeniably Italian – in Mexico, I easily passed for a Mexicana and every time I've worn my hair in braids, I've looked Native Indian.  I just have one of those ethnically malleable faces.  But really, I am not photogenic at all – I never look like my real self in photos unless these photos are professionally lit and taken by professional photographers.

    And at the risk of looking like a total silly moo, here's the vid of me on my 50th birthday, taken at the Gene Autry museum in LA when I was last there several years ago.  I am sitting on a stationary saddle sandwiched between two screens showing identical cowboy footage: an interactive ride, as you'll see and discern.  Off screen, the male voice is a friend of mine's and the lady's voice is that of a stranger who just randomly butted in just for the fun of it.  *(Please, you'll excuse my un-self-conscious 'bouncies' lol!  I may delete this vid sooner than later if it makes me too uncomfortable to share no).

    (video removed by Taxi)

    • Bornajoo says:

      Hey Taxi! That's a cool video and thanks for sharing it. You can definitely pass as Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, North and South American and a whole lot more

      It was a great pleasure to have met you and I really look forward to seeing you again. Thanks for the kind words but they describe you more than me! 

      Thanks for everything you do 


      • Taxi says:

        Dear readers and friends, you should know that Bornajoo is an intrepid and regular traveler who always, always gives food, affection, shelter, medicine and total succor to stray animals in countries he’s visiting – I should know, he regularly sends me pictures of the poor four-legged loves he’s helping. If these ceaseless acts of kindness don’t make the doer of them a beautiful person, I don’t know what does. To Bornajoo: I INSIST that you are a “beautiful person inside and out” – heh!

      • Sparrow says:

        Thank you thank you a million times Bornajoo.  A million x infinity for animals.  It's been a life time and last $ spent for me too.  It's worth it forever dear friend and there's nothing more instant than the welfare of suffering animals.  It's what keeps a heart happy and in great sorrow at the same time.  God bless you… If only the majority would have the same toward suffering humans we would be a better world.  No more bombs.  No more murder.  No more injustice.  No more…

    • Igor Bundy says:

      I grew up in the ME and never met any south americans. So imagine my epiphany when someone called me maam in Texas… I was trying to grow a beard too.

      I was like, if these woman have better beards they must be some macho honchos in this part of the world. Of course I also never seen many women before so it was sorta huuuummm I hope my wife don’t have a beard.  Sorta missed out on the differences due to missing classes moving around… Imagine my shock to learn there were 2 kinds of hoomans… well 3 kinds… us normals and the exceptionals.

      That’s a hilarious vid. I got pics taken at Universal aliens set and I snuck into captn kirk’s chair too. Thought that was life’s greatest achievement for a while.


      • Taxi says:

        I think your 'beard' story is funnier than my goofy video cool

        Thanks for sharing, dear Igor.

        I too spent several years of my childhood in the mideast (Lebanon/my dad's work took us there) and I saw a lotta guys and dolls there.  You must have lived somewhere like saudi arabia where mass and public gender segregation is the norm.  Correct me if I'm wrong (and if you feel like it).

        Anyhooz…  True story: cptn Kirk once saw me in a cafe in the Valley (LA's armpit) and he came to my table and offered to buy me a cup of coffee and I politely said "no thank you, I'm just leaving".  For a few seconds, his face was bent over mine only a few inches away and his facial muscles looked real stiff from all that botox and puffed up from all them 'fillers' and all that patchy fake tan and man, no, I could never enjoy a cup of anything with a man who was old and remained so creepily vain.  He was cool about my "no" and I quietly felt sorry for him.  Real lonely and real low self-esteem, I thought.  Just one of the many weird 'Hollywood moments' I've had when I lived there.

      • Igor Bundy says:

        I lived on the persian gulf all over there.. In class we had girls but they were just like us. But outside many hid their face and a lot their hair as well.. I was always doing my own thing to pay much attention.. or learn the differences.. Yea I knew my sister had long hair and I was like okay but I am keeping mine short.. There were some girls who would take me around and stuff but I never paid them much attention. Not many were intrested in what I was.. electronics and such..  Now that I think about it, they must have all thought I was really strange.. But if they were intrested in my things I am sure we would have been buddies.. But the culture itself made sure you did not mix and girls were not into bikes and such..  So it was all guys.. but I spent most of the time alone. Its amazing that you can walks around for hours and not meet a single person.. I used to skip classes to go fishing where they built that al burj now..

        Oh I think kirk’s an asshole.. maybe in real life as well.. Some guy who has problems with any woman and saves the planet is like, whats his problem.. why is he always trying to kiss every woman and most of them were green or purple..





      • Taxi says:

        Thanks for sharing, Igor. I’ve made friends with a few expats who hopped around the Gulf with their parents – they describe a similar childhood there to yours.

        And really, I wouldn’t describe Kirky as an “asshole”. ‘Little lost boy’ comes to mind’. A lot of old-school Hollywooders are like that. They don’t know what to do with themselves when their fame fades.

      • Sparrow says:

         Igor….macho honchos.   I guess that gives a good reason to smoke mucho hasheesho Cheecho and Chongo lol!

      • Taxi says:

        I’ve camped in bear country outside of Cody-Wyoming and I can tell you the customs in the town of Cody to date remain saturated in Wild-West traditions. You walk down Main Street there and pretty much all the men around are head-to-toe dressed as cowboys: clicking spurs on cowboy boots and sagging gun-belt with six-shooter guns at their hips. Every shop, saloon (yeah they still call ’em that in Cody) and restaurant has heads of wild animals hanging on walls – or taxidermyed whole on a stand. A real time-warp of a place. Though it felt odd to be there, the place did have its charm, I must admit. But the weirdest is that the Native Americans of Cody are freaking Mormons! One Sunday, I watched all these Cody Indians, dressed in feathered-up native gear, pile inside a Mormon church — WTF?!

        Problem is, the REAL history of the Wild West is nothing like Hollywood’s depiction. Get rid of Hollywood’s distortions of the Wild West, if you think you’ve been infected.

    • Saladin says:

      Great fun video Taxi! Thanks for sharing. And your story about Captain Kirk too. I once passed Paul Newman in a hotel lobby. He stared at me as if I was supposed to ask for his autograph. Nah. I just kept on walking. In contrast, stood in line at a bank beside Clint Eastwood; he seemed more or less like a regular guy. Perhaps my favorite celebrity story is that I got to be friends with Grace Slick of the Jefferson Airplane. She was smart, lovely and genuinely interested in others as people. No snobbiness whatsoever at that point in her life. I guess she was maybe fifty. Perhaps it was her battles with alcohol that left her humble, real and human. Man what a voice she had.

    • Sparrow says:

      OMG….no Bornajoo!   I'm soooo soooo sorry…OMG no  Oh well that's the way it goes on the internet.  Please accept my apologies X 1000!   But you are a wonderful You and I miss you and beautiful Bintbibba when not around.  Taxi that video is so funny.  You do look Native!  It takes a special kind of light carefree heart to do crazy things like that.  I loved it!  Remember those photo booths one (person) could sit in and get multiple pictures of yourself?  Once my two sisters and I were completely bored while waiting for the adults to stop shopping and we piled in one.  We laughed so hard it almost turned over.  Needless to say after that there was a long line waiting behind us lol.  Thank you for sharing so much fun!

  141. Taxi says:

    Mining/stealing/hacking data is a two-way street, you freaking jew terrorists!  Only fools at this stage of the game would underestimate Iran and Hezbollah's cyber tech savvyiness.

    • Igor Bundy says:

      We already knew this but its on RT about CIA buying security companies and spying on 150+ governments for decades using their equipment..


      And imagine the gall of such people now to blame china for spying..  Now if someone broke in and did it I can understand..  Its a lot different than actually selling stuff that you certify and then have back doors in.. Thats pure duplicity on a much higher level..



  142. Taxi says:

    The Leb politicians are today meeting in Parliament to officiate a 'vote of confidence' for Diab's new government.  Once this vote of confidence has passed, many items on Diab's 'rescue package' can begin initiation.  It's a very important political vote.  And of course, because it is important, the stupid paid protestors are present outside parliament (in small numbers) creating havoc and mindless protesting.  Soon as Diab's gov gets its vote of confidence from parliament, it can then begin the criminalization of protestors who attempt to close roads and those who take to the streets to vandalize and destroy commercial and private property.  Diab's REAL first heave-ho begins the second parliament gives him its vote of confidence.  Plato's wishes Diab all the best in his endeavors to straighten the country out.

    • Sparrow says:

      Parallel that with the first real reason for protesting…I guess they thought we've forgotten.  You know when it's right when official takfiri's come out.

  143. Bornajoo says:

    Actually dear Taxi, it was your amazing commitment to rescuing and helping these beautiful creatures in Lebanon that made me realise I could do much, much more than I used to. So thank you for the inspiration 

      • Taxi says:

        How very interesting. And big! Especially for China and the Axis of the East. But we gotta hold our horses here for a mo or two cuz Prez Duterte was vocally anti American before he became quietly pro American – and heck now he wants out of the US throttle completely over American ‘bad manners diplomacy’? In a much milder and slower tempo way, Duterte’s been doing the Erdo-pendulum dance with other regional issues too. He’s been taking Saudi money to fight islamists in the Philippines (oh the racket of terrorism!). And lately, also giving airport security contracts to israeli companies, preferring them over Chinese companies, who also have their own islamist Uygurs crisis. I know about the Manila Airport thing because my housekeeper is from the Philippines and she gave me the low down on it last autumn when they changed security regulations at Manila airport for Philippinas working in the Lebanon: they all now have to be interviewed upon re-entry by israeli airport ‘security’ agents. Not forgetting also this little historic israel-Philippines arms deal here:

        Israel lends Philippines a helping strategic hand

        Duterte says he’ll buy only Israeli weapons… because there are no restrictions

        So, you see Duterte’s contradictions now? I mean being pragmatic with the jew devils and all that, instead of being at war with their satanism.

        But worst of all, christian zionist churches, with all their gory jew brainwash, are sprouting up in the Philippines by far more than in any other Asian nation. Yikes!

        In any case, if Duterte holds his ground on this “threat” to America and makes good on it, then this means that the terrorist jews don’t have any pedo blackmail material on him and he doesn’t mind to rumble and tumble with the yanks for extra nationalistic street cred in the Philippines.

        But regardless of the realpolitic and reason for Duterte’s threat, the optics we see here is: yet another Western Satellite “demanding” independence from Pax Americana’s sphere of influence.

        Well, good luck with all that Mr. Duterte – let’s hope that a giant wave of US-wahabi terrorism isn’t sent you and your people as punishment for your uppity rebellion.

    • Taxi says:

      WTF?!  Looks like Russia is gonna be rescuing our asses out of Syria till the last soldier.  Man, our troop presence in half the mideast is so hated.  And rightly so.

      14yo boy killed in US-Syrian skirmish, further escalation stopped ‘only’ due to Russian mediation – Russian MOD

      But what the article doesn't say is that shortly after our troops, with the help of the Russians, safely left the Syrian village, our airforce sent three strikes there.  We are evil fuckers to bomb an unarmed village for wanting their independence from our illegal occupation.

      • Igor Bundy says:

        Remember how fallujaha started.. I throw up when soldiers talk about it like it was best thing since sliced bread.. You go around the world terrorising the people and then when they fight back its a big thing and you developed nightmares about it. Be gracious you are not dead and dismembered like thousands of those you terrorised.


        US forces occupying the local school killed almost 20 people who protested asking them to vacate the school premises.. US killed 5000 civilians , destroyed 90% of the homes in the town and created ISIS right there.. brett the godfather of ISIS has nice pics of his daughter all safe and sound enjoying xmas.. too bad his victims dont enjoy much of anything.

      • Taxi says:

        I get sick with grief at the mere mention of the name Fallujah…

        Even though too many soldiers deserve the trashcan bitchslap, some even the noose, really, the bulk of rage should be directed at their incurably psychotic masters.

      • Igor Bundy says:

        This also brings me back to another event, the cuban missile crisis..

        Ah well no one talks about the jupiter nuclear missiles placed in Turkey 10 mins away from moscow.. But the soviets placing missiles in cuba is provocation to start a war?

        There are still dozens of nuclear bombs in Turkey.. I hope the dog realises not only turkey but his ottoman empire would be a huge lake in case war started.. Russia always said the straits were far too narrow.. All these psychopants need to realise their history and race itself would not exist in the future. 

  144. Mike-Florida says:

    Taxi. Good to hear you believe parliament close to confirming ‘vote of confidence’ for new PM Diab’s government. Of course that depends on majority of members voting for Lebanon peace & stability, refusing all bribes, etc. to the contrary. In meantime, MSM trying to keep Lebanon always in de-stabilization mode, relentlessly-daily broadcasting that big demonstrations continue against any and all potential new governments, to keep public there and abroad believing Lebanon’s own citizens are against any govt. – same PTB de-stabilization strategy in Iraq. In case interested, here’s a link resulting in search of  > “February 2020 protesters are gathered in downtown Beirut” – link titled > ‘Anti government protests, Beirut’ with current date (Feb 11).,-beirut-2020-02-11

    Many thanks that you are on-scene to report the facts. Salute Lebanon – and, you. Mike.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Mike. The vote of confidence passed last night. MPs from the Gaegae and Hariri camps voted against but were waaaaay outnumbered by the rest of parliamentarians. That’s it. Done deal. Now Diab will go on a regional tour to ‘collect monies’ for Lebanon, and depending on how successful this collection tour is, Diab will either be calling Beijing, or not. I reckon he should have Beijing on speed dial as the Gulfies are pissed that a pro Resistance and pro independence government now runs the Lebanon.

      And yeah, I checked twitter’s Beirut hashtags and had a laugh at ALL the lies attempting to take off and failing lol! The paid idiots were just after the optics – no substance whatsoever. Yesterday’s actual anti gov clashes barely lasted an hour, though non-violent protestors in small numbers stayed on the pavements all day. There were so few of the ‘clashers’ charging forth, only to be met with crippling, high-pressure hoses and intermittent tear-gassing. Most of the population just laughed at them and cracked silly jokes like: ‘free showers for pigs’ and ‘wash and go’. The American Embassy architects in Beirut must have been fuming to see that local news more or less switched off their reporting of the protests soon as the actual physical clashes died down, only giving brief 2 minute updates on the status of the protests per hour thereafter – focusing instead on the actual televised speeches given by parliamentarians during their looooooong session.

      What was super cool was Diab’s speech in parliament where he said that his government will NOT be a political one, it will NOT be aligned to any specific party, but instead, it will be a purely “autocratic and pragmatic fixer of the economy and other threats to the flag”. He thanked the genuine protestors who had facilitated the opportunity for real change – thanked them for enabling him to his high position: “I would not be here if it weren’t for you and your love of the flag”, thus further confirming his genuine commitment to the interests of the ‘people’. This way, Diab buried the attempt by external ‘color revolution’ forces to hijack Lebanon’s genuine revolution.

      The road ahead for the Lebanon is still fraught with danger – but at least a sound man is at the helm. Plus… Hezbollah is stronger than ever. A hard poke in the eye to israel and its agents of chaos.

      • Sparrow says:

        Glad to hear the good news Taxi…another long time coming.  The ME is shaping up for unity it seems, and its main purpose the citizens.  Only place left for the haters is emigrate to the moon.

  145. Bornajoo says:

    Hey dear Sparrow. No need to apologise. I took it as a compliment 😀! That is indeed the nature of the Internet 

    Just to let you know that Bintbiba has been a bit poorly these last few months but she's definitely on the mend and will be back on Platos soon. I just returned from India and we're meeting up on Monday before I head off again 

    Thanks for the kind words and I know you love animals too, as does Taxi (who inspired me) and probably all of the Platos gang. I'm in the process of opening an animal rescue centre in South India, together with a fantastic local animal lover. So this is now starting to be my main vocation and there's literally nothing else I'd rather do. It's the most rewarding activity in the world (except maybe helping to destroy Israel, which is probably THE most rewarding activity in the world) 


    • Sparrow says:

      Thank you for letting me know about Bintbiba and I do hope her the best of heath and love.  Please let me know when you are set up in India (congratulations!) if you take donations (?).  I am so happy that you have found a most gratifying life giving force.  All my best.

  146. Mike-Florida says:

    Taxi wrote > “And btw, Mike, 63 out of 84 MPs voted for ‘confidence’.” 1st grade math calculates that vote at 75% for the new govt. What other government has such majority? Salute PM Diab and Parliament. Taxi also wrote > “Now Diab will go on a regional tour to ‘collect monies’ for Lebanon.” Considering Lebanon’s exterior debt is way high which thereby provides exterior leverage RE Lebanon’s sovereignty, here’s hoping Diab’s tour for money does not accept a dime tied to any foreign loan payable in foreign currency – or any threat by certain powers now holding Lebanon debt. Instead of more debt to get economy moving, does value of Lebanon’s off-shore energy reserves represent sufficient value to entice some sharing with China (or > ?) in exchange for wiping clean most current exterior debts? Salute dear Lebanon. Mike.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Mike. I don’t believe Diab will go the direction that further entangles Leb’s independence. He hasn’t yet revealed his financial rescue package yet – and I guess this will occur after his regional money collecting tour is over and Leb’s foreign patrons are named. He is perfectly aware of the US’s financial war on the Leb and no doubt he will aim to disentangle the Leb from the cruel grip of the dollar. Already, a special court has been set up by him to investigate the fleecers of the country – already the financial head of the Casino Du Liban has been arrested for money-laundering. Much more like this will be coming. The new government has 100 days of ‘promoting and testing’ its new policies before opposing parliamentarians get a chance to oppose or block.

  147. Mike-Florida says:

    Today Feb 12 the UN Human Rights Council published a black list of 112 companies with ties to illegal Israeli West Bank occupied settlements. Israeli media responds via below link > The UNHRC has a permanent agenda item against Israel – its anti-Israel slant is blatant – so Israel will simply ignore, since it chose not to be a member of UNHRC. (by finally able to publish this report, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet has stood her ground against years of never-ending political attacks on the UNHCR, including against a huge majority in the full UN general assembly, repeatedly trying to bring justice to the Palestinians. More than 600,000 Israelis live in over 230 settlements built since the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories. Ms Bachelet has a Medical Degree in Surgery, and served twice as President of Chile, its first female president – appointed UNHCR Commissioner Sept. 2018. Salute Ms Bachelet. Mike.)

      • Taxi says:

        Oh man don’t these israeli-jew “whores and cunts” make you wanna throttle them with bare hands?! Despicable evil on legs! Them jew kiosks are both a money scam AND a mossad op. We had them in LA and a few years ago, I had a BIIIIIG public verbal fight with two jew kiosk attendants that resulted with me complaining to the Mall security and the fuckers apologizing to me at the security office and giving me a ‘gift bag’ of ‘Ahava’ beauty products made by terrorist jew settlers. Well, I took that bag at the mall’s security office and went back to the offending kiosk downstairs and stood there waving it in the air and telling passers by NOT to buy “Apartheid products” harvested in Palestinian pools of blood. They couldn’t get rid of me for a good hour lol! When eventually I got bored, I took out all that shit from their gift bag and one by one opened every jar, spat in it and dumped contents in the trash can beside the jew kiosk. It was a good and unexpected day of spontaneous activism lol. They had to close down them jew kiosks in LA soon after because they were exposed for ripping off old ladies for thousands of dollars – it was a scandal that the local papers reported on.

      • Sparrow says:

        You go girl…it's a good thing I wasn't with you…omg.  If I had been with these ladies in KW I would have changed my sign to BDS these fucking israeli scum NOW and repeated everything back that he was saying to them with embellishment!!!!   I would have done this kind of dance on their heads….No kidding.  But you know the tax payers are hopefully waking up to this sh*t..


    • Igor Bundy says:

      The list is not for the benefit of israel of the US zionist dead enders.. Not sure how motorola is involved since they were sold off by google. But its a start.. They try to stop BDS but everyone needs to do their part but these animals are ruthless. But anyone with a brain should look a little deeper to see what a money maker this fake victum industry is. I just saw a pic of gaza with a swimming pool and nice view and grass etc… While the palestinians of gaza have to drink sewage. The only people totally fooled are the US and the EU politicians since most of the people dont believe this. I bought this crap for the longest time but after a while you just start to wonder and then it all fell apart. ALL LIES!!! They have now even started to infest the bible. I get this urge to stand up in the middle of mass and ask the priest how israel came to be quoted in it since it did not exist before 1949.


    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Daniel. It’s not “odd” at all to want the center of the synagogue of satan ovened. ANY support for israel is tantamount to literally supporting evil. And of course, good people like you would never support the existence of a colony dedicated to the perpetual manufacturing of evil.

    • Igor Bundy says:

      Yea got so sick of the whining that I started to look deeper and found the face of evil.. Didnt really care one way or another but now to think how much of my taxes went to it I am quite angry..



  148. 1domusdejanas1 says:

    Pictures of Qassem Soleimani all over Italy: Rome (in front of Colosseum, significant…), Milan, Turin, Naples ecc…

    The phrase says: "But there is another type of paradise: The battlefield. The battlefield for one's homeland." 

    Hope Titus moment is coming.

    ImageImage may contain: 1 person, standing and outdoor

    Image may contain: 1 person, text

    • Taxi says:

      Grrrrrreat share – thanks, 1domusdejanas1!

      None of the international leaders who conspired to murder Suleimani have ANYWHERE near this level of global admiration and influence.

      Yeah sure it was an American finger that pulled the trigger, but the murder weapon was put in our hands by terrorist israel. And let us here observe how israel’s assassination campaigns for the past 74 years have had zero strategic effect on shrinking the powers of the Resistance. Mindless murder. Simply that, with zero strategic value. In fact, after every assassination, the Resistors have increased in number and ability.

    • Sparrow says:

      HEY!  Thank you for this!!!!  Hot damn good!!!!  Tide is turning and can't move fast enough!  A hero of mine too…along with so many more (thinking of the Houthi's at the moment).  THANK YOU…just made my day!.

  149. Canthama says:

    It seems Sayed Nasr Allah has a long interview today. Looking forward to watch it when english subs are available. This is great timing for this interview.

    Unews Press Agency

    Unews Exclusive Interview with Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayed #Nasrallah to be Aired Today at 08:30 pm Beirut time

    • Taxi says:

      Nasrallah is also scheduled to give a new speech this Sunday at 2:30pm local time. I’ll watch and give y’all his main points, as per usual.

  150. Igor Bundy says:

    After the martyrdom of Hajj Qassem Soleimani and Hajj Abu Mahdi, I listened to statements by Trump, Vice President Pence, the Secretary of State, the Defense Secretary, the National Security Advisor and of the United States Congress who all claimed that the world is a safer place after the assassination of Soleimani. You are deluding yourself! You are grossly mistaken! And you will soon realize it. You will realize it by the blood (of your soldiers & officials). You will soon find out. Which world is safer? The world of those whose territory is occupied? The world of the oppressed? The world of peoples? The Palestinian, Lebanese, Syrian, Iraqi, Afghan, Pakistani, Yemeni, Bahraini people, the peoples of the region? Are you talking about these people? Certainly not. You talk about the world of the Zionists, the world of the occupiers, the world of the despots and the tyrants. The days to come will reveal to you that after the martyrdom of Soleimani, the world will be very different (from what it was): there will be no more security for the tyrants, murderers, criminals and despots.

  151. Bornajoo says:

    Thanks for posting the link to Nasrallah's superb speech Igor. If only we had him in charge of the UK! The whole zionist infested bunch of Jew-loving shit-heads in our government are worth less than a small clipping from one of Nasrallah's toenails. And that's being generous 

  152. Taxi says:

    Last night, Nasrallah gave a lengthy interview to an Iranian interviewer/TV that lasted for just over two hours.  I’ve just finished watching it this morning.

    Let me first start by saying that the interviewer approached the interview as if an investigative historian, as opposed to a standard journalist.  The interviewer always left Nasrallah well alone to answer for minutes on end – the answers thus were multilayered and extremely informative.  It was truly an exceptionally rich interview, conducted by a truly professional interviewer.  

    Nasrallah’s answers at the beginning of the interview laid out the history, past and present, of the relationship between Hezbollah and Tehran, all in Nasrallah’s own words, with many personal caveats and behind the scenes strategic revelations.   And I’d say the following 3/4 of the interview had questions and answers that revolved around Nasrallah’s personal relationship with General Suleimani (R.I.P.), as well as the General’s relationship with the Axis of Resistance groups who were fighting ISIS in Syria and in Iraq.  This further revealed the lofty and soulful substance of General Suleimani’s conduct and his genuine care for all who were fighting the Axis of Evil forces.

    It would be impossible for me to relay a blow by blow account of all the questions and answers for their sheer intricacies and details (it would take me days to decently translate this exceptionally lengthy interview).  It was an interview that was full of specific dates and histories, full of accounts of Suleimani’s strategies in Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq – strategies that have successfully “imprisoned” israel and created deterrence against the mighty USA.  Pretty much everything in the interview revolved around the humble personality and clear-thinking strategies of General Suleimani, and how he was instrumental in bringing the Axis of Resistance, against great odds, to its current power status.  Nasrallah (looking a tad tired, I thought) answered with his usual lucid and methodical intelligence and humility.  His interview was one of pure ’emotional history’.  So much so that Nasrallah involuntarily wept at the end of the interview to answer the last question which was all about his last meeting with Suleimani some two days before the General’s murder.  Yes, Nasrallah became overwhelmed at the end of the interview.

    I would summarize the interview as brimming with history, revelations and information: all threaded together with the spirit of brotherly comradery and soulful sorrow at the loss of dear General Suleimani.

    I really hope somebody out there puts out an English translation of it sooner than later.  An extremely important interview, worthy of its length – full of affection and gravitas.  

    • Canthama says:

      Taxi, thank you so much for your summary of this interview, I am sure and english subtitled video will be aired soon enough, will be diving into it as soon as it is out there. 

      Have to say that reading your worlds above and mixing it with Nasrallah own words few months ago (when IDF killed two HezbAllah heroes in Beirut with a drone), it gave me the impression, and I eargerly want to be wrong with this impression, that there is a sense of farewell from Nasrallah, as if he knows he won't stay on this dimension much longer….hope I am truly wrong, may God protect him, it is not only the Resistance that needs Nasrallah, it is the whole freaking world, he brings a balance of moral, ethics and light that I saw in very few leaders throughout my life.

      Thank you again, if I see a post if the interview with english subs I place it at Plato's in seconds.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Canthama.  Let me tell you there’s not a single Nasrallah supporter who’s not had the worrisome thought that the jew fuckers might one day get at him.  Nasrallah himself has talked about this in the past and expressed readiness for martyrdom whenever it comes.  He’s also, on several occasions in the past couple of years, confidently said that he and his fighters will be praying in Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, thus indicating his survival past the new big war.  In the interview, Nasrallah said that during the 2006 war, General Suleimani was often there at his side, and that never once did the israeli intelligence or any other nation’s intelligence ever find out where their location was.  His personal security detailers have learned from other assassinated leaders all about miscalculation and so far, no mistakes or oversights have occurred with regards to Nasrallah’s personal security.  It’s known that the security methodology for Nasrallah was originally put together by Imad Mughnieh himself, and Mughnieh is a master security detailer: thus far having kept Nasrallah safe for almost 30 years.

      And speaking of Mugnieh, Nasrallah in the interview described how much Suleimani wept tears at the news of Mugnieh’s death.  In fact, in many of the stories that Nasrallah shared last night, Solueimani is described as weeping, and resistance fighters too are described as weeping.  This made me think that these guys do war the old-old school way: attached to their humanity just like their hero prophets did.  They fight hard and weep hard to lose their comrades – and they weep heavy-hearted in victory too.  For them, the war affair is altogether devoid of personal benefit, and instead, war is seen as a righteous pursuit only if it be literally a mission from (their) god – therefore, the glory of victory is accredited to god and not to the self.

      They fight for god, on behalf of the victimized and downtrodden, and their enemies fight for corporations and banks.  This is the bone of the spiritual discrepancy between the two sides.

      • Canthama says:

        Taxi, thank you so much for what you said, it is recomforting to know the security around Nasrallah, he is what he is, a unique human being, unique leader of people, an influencer and a doer, may he stay safe and all his security apparatus work as planned. Thank you again.

      • Igor Bundy says:

        I read a report that General Z faced over 260 SVBIED attacks in DZ.. Now surrounded and having to protect hundreds of thousands of civilians, facing this kind of attack can only be faced by those having faith. But how can you keep faith against such odds? Especially when you see like the US helping the enemies who want to kill you..

        Its tough to find people like that.  We can look back and think a lot of things.. But at the time, facing the odds.. It would be like facing hell and telling at it to stay back.. Even when it looks like a giant tidal wave swarming towards you..

        Whats worse is, he was in damascus for a few weeks to take care of some ISIS attack at the time in between so he had the chance to not go back.. But he did, maybe knowing all those people would die without him. People like that can not be replaced..  Because the strength they hold, keeps back mountains.. 

        Very few people have such character.. We are very lucky to have known such men in out life time.. for they are very few and far in between.. 






      • Taxi says:

        Thank you, Igor. Well observed and beautifully expressed.

        Staring right into the eyes of violent death: truly, only heroes can do this. And when they do, it makes us pause with wonder and weep.

        I imagine Suleimani did absolutely everything he possibly could to avoid suffering from ‘survivor’s guilt’.

    • Sparrow says:

      Thank you Taxi for your diligent summary of the interview with Hassan Nasrallah.  It is now 5:31pm 14 Feb 2020 and I put below what I could find.  

    • Canthama says:

      Independently if one supports the Venezuelan Government or not, agree with what they did or not, one can never support a traitor to its country, Guaidó is a traitor to Venezuela, and has done a terrible job to impoverished  the Venezuelans, he is a criminal and should be judged by Venezuelans as such. Justice must be made.

  153. Mike-Florida says:

    Taxi – thanks for your good summary of Hassan Nasrallah's moving interview. Became bit sad when you mentioned > "Nasrallah became overwhelmed at the end of the interview", coupled with Canthama's observation > 'there is a sense of farewell from Nasrallah, as if he knows he won't stay on this dimension much longer.'  Clearly, he took Suleimani's assassination as a very hard personal blow to endure. But, endure he shall to his best physical ability, as his past actions assure he continues his mission of Good. To share, I looked-up his birth date > 59 years old (born 31 August 1960) is the third and current Secretary General of the Lebanese political and paramilitary party Hezbollah since his predecessor, Abbas al-Musawi, was assassinated by Israel Forces 28 years ago this month (Feb 1992). Many millions world-wide salute Nasrallah. May God protect this great man. Mike.

    • Igor Bundy says:

      Iran has always mainted that the US is without honor..

      As have I realised lately the same..

      No one expected the US to be such scum without honor or ethics in this day and age of instant communications..

      This event, not only has lowered zionist americans as duplectious criminals in the eyes of the world far lower than any other but all americans would be thought of as as dirty, as people to be watched closely.. The money makes you act normal but inside they would all be thinking, they need a shower to wash this dirt off just being around them. A sad day for many indeed.. For many it is a spark.. 







  154. Sparrow says:  (short clip video)

    Sayyed Nasrallah on Suleimani: “Take My Soul and Let Go of Hajj Qassem”

    The feeling when half of you feels useless and void.  The added volume of getting it right and the weight of innocents if not.  The Almighty is our strength and may He give this leader comfort, courage and sumud more than ever before.  We are with you Sayyed Nasrallah and we are tens of millions!  God Bless You with mighty wisdom to bring forth the other half Hajj Qassem fulfilled.

    • Sparrow says:

      Sara Taha Moughnieh

      Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah spoke affectionately about Hajj Qassem Suleimani in an interview to an Iranian TV channel that was broadcast Thursday evening.

      His eminence first spoke about the beginning of the relation with the Islamic Republic of Iran on the military level.

      “It was in 1982 when the Israelis invaded Lebanon, occupying many areas and reaching Beirut. Imam Khomeini sent Iranian forces to Lebanon and their duty was to help the Lebanese establish a local resistance that could confront the Israeli occupation… This is how our ongoing relation with the Iranians emerged. Back then, Al-Quds brigade wasn’t established yet, but when the imposed war on Iran was over, Imam Khomeini ordered the formation of Al-Quds Force in the Revolutionary Guards Corps.

      His eminence went back to the first days he met with leader of Al-Quds Brigade Hajj Qassem Suleimani. It was 22 years ago when he was appointed in this position.

      “We had never met before that, even in our visits to Iran and our meetings with leaders there, Hajj Qassem was never present. He was either in the battlefields in Iran or fulfilling his duties in Karman, Sistan and Baluchestan.”

      Sayyed Nasrallah interview marking 40 days on Qassem Soleimani martyrdom“When he was appointed he came to Beirut and met with us, Hajj Imad and Hajj Mustapha Badreddine were among the attendees, and since the first moments we met, there was harmony and we felt that we knew each other since many years.”

      His eminence considered that “Martyr Qassem Suleimani was a comprehensive figure, not just a military leader. We never felt that we are in front of a military specialist, instead he had wide knowledge on the political, economic, cultural, military, and security aspects… In addition to that, he built a strong relationship with Hajj Imad Mughnieh and other leaders in the resistance that was based on trust, love, friendship and loyalty. All this put us in front of a promising and powerful phase.

      When asked about the background of the term “School of Qassem Suleimani or Office of Qassem Suleimani”, his eminence clarified that this is a reference to his unique approach in work that relies on constant visits and presence in the battlefields.

      “It is true that he is the leader of Al-Quds Force but he barely stayed in Tehran. He personally joined the battlefields in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and other places and visited the groups he worked with, he didn’t wait for reports or for anyone to visit him in his office.”

      “He had strong relations on different levels and this is the secret behind his success, his constant presence in the battlefield, building friendly and personal relations… his relation with Hajj Imad was the strongest, they were friends and more like family. His relation with Haj Imad was very similar to his relation to Martyr Ahmad Kazemi.”

      ““School or Office of Qassem Suleimani” is a reference to his path which requires observation. For instance, since we started working together we only visited Iran a couple of times, he was the one visiting us constantly, meeting with the leaders, joining the battlefields, expressing respect and showing high morals, listening to other points of view, listening to the sufferings and struggles in the battlefields… he never relied on reports, he joined the battlefields and witnessed everything himself. Despite all that, he never got tired, I have never met anyone who tolerated pain as much as Hajj Qassem did… He didn’t get bored or tired… He was consistent and perseverant… He was very humble despite his high position… This is something very rare and important.”

      His eminence pointed out that Hajj Qassem was always on the front lines and under threat.

      “He insisted on being with us in July war 2006. He arrived through Damascus and contacted us to send a car to pick him up. We told him it was impossible under this situation, he replied that he would come by himself if we didn’t send a car. When he came he stayed with us throughout all the war days… and if you listen to the resistance fighters in Iraq they would tell you that Hajj Qassem was always present in the most critical places in the battlefields there.”

      “The School of Qassem Suleimani is taken from the school of Imam Khomeini, from the directions of leader Khamenei, and from the Iran war, which was a great experience on the intellectual, cultural, spiritual, and military levels. Hajj Qassem was the embodiment of this great experience…” Sayyed Nasrallah concluded this part saying.

      Hezbollah SG referred to the great role of Hajj Qassem in supporting and developing the resistance capacities in Lebanon.

      “He used to visit us every couple of weeks, not every couple of months. He used to visit the Southern Suburb mostly and he sometimes visited the South and met with the resistance fighters there.”

      On another hand, Sayyed Nasrallah noted that “in the past we didn’t believe that the Israelis would pull out from the South under military pressure, because this would be a blunt and strategic defeat for them. When we met with Sayyed Ali Khamenei in the end of 1999 and revealed our doubts, his response to the political leaders was to keep it a supposition, but his response in front of the military leaders, was that you will witness liberation yourself.”

      “… and there was the victory in 2000, and all those 50 leaders whom Sayyed Khamenei addressed that day witnessed the victory, no one got martyred before that day.”

      In 2006, Sayyed Nasrallah said, “the Arab world, European countries, even Russia and China took a negative stance against us. Even internally, stances divided with and against the resistance. This put us under huge pressure, but the presence of Hajj Qassem among the fighters had a great influence on their morale… In July war, Hajj Qassem, Hajj Imad, and I where at the same place, but we worried that we would all be killed together, of course our worries were not out of fear from death but out of fear on our role and duties. So we separated, but Hajj Imad and Hajj Qassem stayed together all the time.”

      “All 33 days, Hajj Qassem shared with us our happiness, sadness, affection… When the letter of the mujahedeen, then my response to them were recited on TV we were all crying out of affection. Hajj Qassem was with us.”

      Hezbollah SG further referred to a letter he received from Sayyed Ali Khamenei through Hajj Qassem in which he expressed confidence that Hezbollah will triumph in the war and will become a regional power after that, at a time when everyone was wagering on our defeat.

      “The letter revealed that the US and Israel were preparing for a surprise war on Lebanon in the end of summer 2006, but the captivity of those Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah removed the element of surprise and the resistance was prepared for any confrontation.”

      As his eminence indicated that “Hajj Qassem Suleimani had a political and strategic mind, not just a military one. One of the ideas he introduced to Hezbollah was putting long term plans, he helped us put plans for years ahead,” asserting that “Hajj Qassem never focused on internal Lebanese details, all his concern was to preserve and strengthen the resistance.”

      In response to a question about the day of Haj Imad Mughnieh’s martyrdom, Sayyed Nasrallah said that “Hajj Imad was with Hajj Qassem. They were together in a house in Damascus, then Hajj Imad took Hajj Qassem to the airport and on his way home he was assassinated. Haj Qassem instantly returned to the location, then he came and met me in Lebanon… it hurt him so much.”

      Sayyed Nasrallah recalled the day of the formation of the Popular Mobilization Units in Iraq (Hashd Sha’abi).

      “When ISIL emerged Hajj Qassem saw Iraq as his ultimate duty… On the day that Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Sistani issued the fatwa calling for jihad against ISIL, Hajj Qassem came to me at 12 am and told me that by sunrise 120 military leaders must be available to travel with me to Iraq. He said he had no other choice in order to be able to defend the Iraqi people. By morning 60 leaders were ready and he did not leave before I assured him that the rest will follow him the next day.”

      “He never asked for fighters. There are many fighters in Iraq, he only wanted leaders. I have said earlier that throughout 22 years this was the only request Hajj Qassem had asked from us.”

      Sayyed Nasrallah and Martyr Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis

      “My first meeting with Hajj Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandes was in the early 90s in Iran. He was the leader of Badr Movement. He had a strong relation with Haj Imad and Haj Mustapha Badreddine, but the relation became stronger in the recent years due to regional developments and the war against ISIL,” Sayyed Nasrallah stated.Sayyed Nasrallah interview marking 40 days on Qassem Soleimani martyrdom

      “In my last meeting with Hajj Abu Mahdi, we were discussing the Iraqi developments and analyzing military and security issues, then he told me that “the war with ISIL is almost over and I haven’t been martyred yet! Look at the white hair covering my head and beard… After all those years is it possible that I die in bed! He then asked me to pray for his martyrdom. Of course I haven’t prayed for a near martyrdom, but I prayed that when his life ends, it would be only through martyrdom.”

      “Martyr Abu Mahdi was a faithful, devoted, religious, responsible person, and he had many common traits with Hajj Qassem, this is what build the significant relation between them.”

      In conclusion, Sayyed Nasrallah referred to the last time he saw Hajj Qassem in.

      “It was Wednesday and he was martyred early Friday. We sat for hours then prayed together… We did not have work to accomplish, he said he only wanted to see me… During his last visit he was very comfortable and relaxed, despite all the trouble around him. He even asked the photographers to take all those pictures for us. We don’t usually take this much pictures. I was worried about him.”

      On the martyrdom, his eminence said: “The martyrdom of Hajj Qassem was historic. His funeral was unique in its size and level of affection! All the participants cried him as if they lost their dearest one. This level of affection only happens towards those who are very close to God.”

      He reassured that “the US Administration had crossed the red-lines and people are now prepared for a confrontation with it. When a nation becomes aware of its real enemy it will fight it,” adding that “they wagered that Iran and the resistance axis will weaken after the assassination, but in contrast Iran showed great courage, and the axis of resistance advanced on several fields like Yemen and Iraq… I even received requests of individuals applying for self-sacrifice operations. The virtuous blood of Hajj Qassem and Hajj Abu Mahdi revived the spirit of revolution… their influence now is even stronger than before.”

      “We are not worried; we are certain of our perseverance on this path. If we ever get tired or bored, the influence of Hajj Qassem and Hajj Abu Mahdi will urge us to continue even stronger.”

      On the “Deal of the Century” his eminence stressed that “Hajj Qassem was a constant obstacle for the Americans, as he was present on various fields, so getting rid of him was important for the US to issue this deal.”

      In a final word that he stated while trying to hold back his tears. Sayyed Nasrallah talked about a thought that came to him one day before the martyrdom of Hajj Qassem. It is that the angel of death gave him the privilege to choose between taking the soul of Qassem Suleimani or taking away his soul. His eminence asked him to leave Hajj Qassem and take his soul instead.

      “I don’t say that just out of love and friendship, but also out of believe in the important role of Hajj Qassem in the Islamic Nation.”

      Sayyed Nasrallah said “I thank Allah for knowing Hajj Qassem. I used to enjoy his company and trust him. I was always ready to sacrifice my life for his sake,” yet he reassured that “what happened was Hajj Qassem’s ultimate desire.”

      Source: Al-Manar


      • Saladin says:

        Thank you Sparrow. I am so moved reading this. You don't encounter these sort of words by European, English or American leaders or thinkers. It has the deep soulfulness of the Arab and Iranian world view and philosophical-historical perspective. Almost a poetry in the words and thoughts. And thank you Taxi. I have no doubt the resistance will triumph.

      • Taxi says:

        The translated stories, that our vigilant Sparrow shared above, altogether cover but a handful of minutes out of a 2 hour interview. Just imagine how illuminating and stirring it was to sit through a couple of hours of this level of Nasrallah’s loftiness. I must admit, I watched the interview first thing in the morning yesterday and it left a soulful but somber impression on me that I carried with me throughout the day. Kinda exhausted me for all the contemplation it provoked.

        Al Manar should hurry the fuck up and provide English translations of ALL of Nasrallah’s TV appearances. They really need to step up their media warfare. The Axis of Resistance media: it’s the only detectable weakness they have. The Axis of Evil does media warfare better than the Axis of Resistance does. Sad fact.

  155. Sparrow says:

    Chief of Iran’s IRGC Threatens to Submerge ‘Israel’ in the Mediterranean Sea

    Salami told the gathering, “We have said to (the Israelis) many times: Do not count on America. America always arrives late, or it does not arrive at all. If you want to open such an account, take a good look at the sea because that is where your final place of residence will be.” The Commander-in-Chief went on to clarify that he was referring to the Mediterranean Sea.

    broken heartbroken heartbroken heart

    • Taxi says:

      And if you want to see more vids of Syrian villagers rebelling against our terrorist invading troops, which, truth be told,  always makes for great viewing, then please visit/troll/follow this twitter account here:


      These villagers in the vids may be poor in materials, but by gollygod they sure are rich in honor.  Why the fuck can’t we be like that?  Fucking Americans have turned chicken!  Unarmed AND armed chickens!  Cowards!  The disappointing lotta them!  Cowards getting the jew boot and shaft in their own homelands and homes!

      Yeah right, just say nothing and focus on your stupid ‘credit score’ motherfuckers!

      • Sparrow says:

        Ha Taxi…my credit score went the way of hell back in the 90's after filing for bankruptcy.  I haven't step foot in a bank since then.  I might be on the low/no end of the social latter but I'm not kissing the jew mafia banksters anymore as they were never ever nice to me.  It won't be long before they crash making Depression 2.0 bigger than 1.0.  Then they can call me up and ask me how to survive…and I can kick my snob mafia neighbors with their new cars/guns to the curb.  When you don't have anything to lose…courage takes it's place and the spirit of martyrdom is in the forefront.  The funniest part of Resistance is how fast a few of them moved out because I was a deplorable.  A jew is in every person with arrogance, wealth, perversion and (worse) redneck snobbery.

      • Sparrow says:

        That one soldier looked female.  That big tall Syrian with the flag was literally bending over top them…he could have fallen on them!  They know they are in Syria illegally.  They know the Russians are allied with them.  The first soldier even took a step back when that tall Syrian  holding the us flag came over to him.  That proves that they know and (IMO) that they certainly would be better off in mutiny.  It's hard to believe and the fact that their supposed honor doesn't exist except in the minds of their master pisrael is even more disgusting.  Who is David and who is Goliath!  VIVA SURIAH (and your stones)!!!

      • Igor Bundy says:

        Weekend warriors, not soldiers.. They replaced the special forces with national guard. Maybe changed command authority since SF's would come under direct authority of the president and these are pentagon traitors. 


        None of the NG I knew thought they would ever be deployed, they joined for the extra money and get training which is not much. The money is definetely not worth getting hurt for, let alone dying. Surprised the protecting home and pie has not run its corse and people not joining any longer.. Shows lots of stupid people still exist..




  156. Mike-Florida says:

    Taxi – adding to your post about Qamishli > NewsWeek article > Russia military blamed U.S. soldiers for Wed 14 Feb clash at checkpoint NE Syria, claiming presence of Russian troops stopped bloodshed. An altercation broke out after U.S. convoy stopped by a checkpoint manned by fighters loyal to al-Assad in the city of Qamishli. Locals and armed men argued with U.S. troops before a firefight broke out. A bystander stole a U.S. flag from one of the armored vehicles and was filmed shouting at troops, “What do you want from our country? What is your business here?”

    With regard to your correct remark > ' The Axis of Resistance media: it’s the only detectable weakness they have,'  to the comment section of that NewsWeek article I submitted this > 

    "Since that small group of Syrian citizens nearby the U.S. military convoy asked those questions, clearly they knew the U.S. military was illegally in their country, and that Syria has never militarily occupied U.S. soil and the US Congress has never declared war against Syria. Certainly, those US convoy soldiers understood that, and also understood the Russian military is there legally, having been so invited by the Syrian government. So, unless any U.S. soldiers are in the dark regarding legality, why do they allow themselves to be put in that position occupying a poor little Syria? Just asking."

    Your comment is right on > " The Axis of Evil does media warfare better than the Axis of Resistance does. Sad fact." Those unknowing citizens of the West have nil knowledge regarding the Middle East. As we become better informed we must assist others in that regard – best we can. Your Empire Games site is a great contribution. Thanks. Mike.


    • Sparrow says:

      Video: A new video from Ansar Allah ‘Bonyan al-Marsous’ operation in west of Marib and Nihm area 

       11 February 2020

  157. Canthama says:

    Have seen so many great articles from Elijah, but this one seems to sum up so well the current stance in the ME and The Resistance, Elijah outdid himself, a must read.

    "These events show that individual leaders are irrelevant; the best leaders know that they will be killed on this path. The Martyr Qassem Soleimani is achieving even more than the Major General did."



  158. Taxi says:

    Bonjour mes petites chouchous!  Hope y'all be enjoying your weekend. 

    In searching for translations of the awesome interview that Nasrallah gave an Iranian TV station a few days ago, I came across this little vid here from last year where Nasrallah explains how the Resistance will overwhelm the terrorist jew colony in the next war:

    • Taxi says:

      Simplified: the Resistors will focus on a coastal area spanning 20×40 miles – an area where pretty much all of israel’s brain and arteries are located – and missile the fuck out of it as quickly as possible.  They’re not going to even bother missiling anywhere else inside of the jew colony: just that 20×40 block.  And how long do you think it will take before the invader jews scram out of Historic Palestine wearing nothing but diapers?  Yeah, a couple of days max.  And should the evil jews decide to use their nukes on Tehran in the war, well, they’ve been warned several times that their Dimona will be hit in retaliation.

      Uhuh, take THAT synagogue of satan, you savage and vile motherfucker!  Put THAT in yer stolen pipe and inhale your own cancer to death!

      Nuke or no nuke, israel will be in rubble in any case.

  159. Taxi says:

    Right!…  Well, I've got an update on the Blumenthal/Al-MayadeenTV dramarama.  (Background to the story is HERE if you've missed it).  I had a conversation today with the retired Leb General who's helping out and this is what transpired:

    Taxi:  Got any news on the Max Blumenthal situation?

    General:  Well, I made a call to the Hezb.

    Taxi:  And what did they say?

    General:  They said nothing.  They usually say nothing.  They took the information, all the links you sent me – and thanked me.

    Taxi:  So what happens now?  Is it a done deal yet?

    General:  Have you seen him on Al-Mayadeen lately?

    Taxi:  Well, no I haven't.  So this means the case is closed, right?

    General:  My dear, no case is ever closed.

    Taxi:  What do you mean?  I'm confused.

    General:  What's there to be confused about?

    Taxi:  I'm just not clear on… I mean will Max Blumenthal be invited to Al-Mayadeen again?

    General:  You haven't seen him there lately, so that's your answer.

    Taxi:  But you just said no case is ever closed, so which is it: is he in or is he out?

    General:  Both.

    Taxi:  Both?

    General:  You won't see him again till the Hezb wants to see him.

    The General smiled wide at my confused face as I ran his last line over and over and fast in my head, trying to understand.  Then a few seconds later…  woohoo revelation!

    Smart Intelligence architects never dismiss or ban anyone.  If they catch a bad whiff off someone, they don't immediately expose them and make them persona non grata.  They sit with them as if normal, meanwhile collecting further information on them in secret, AND, more importantly, they feed them fake Intel.

    Heh heh heh!

    Max Blumenthal may one day be helping Hezbollah without even knowing it!

    How poetic justicey is that?!

    Marvelous, marvelous, marvelous Hezbollah.

    • Sparrow says:

      The ME is overdue dear Taxi…Justice for all.  I am so sickened everyday of living in a nation of terrorist run US.  It never ceases the list of war crimes, torture and allowing war criminals to find a haven all for that fucking miserable sh*t stain in poor occupied Palestine.  I hate my nation.  I pray for justice everyday that these criminals and their allies meet their end.  VIVA HEZBOLLAH infinity.  Thank you always for Plato's, exposing crimes and most of all allowing us as readers/commentors to add to it.  FREE PALESTINE ever on my lips.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      You beat an enemy not by dismissing him, but by understanding him.

      You don't make your opponent lose by pretending to be better, but by being stronger.

      The outcome of a/ny battle is never 100% guaranteed, but he who puts in his heart, is bound to win the fight.

      These rules are written in the blood of the dead of war.

  160. Taxi says:

    So in about an hour, Nasrallah will give a pre-scheduled speech.  I have a house full of visitors for the day and we'll all be having Sunday lunch and watching the speech together.  This means I won't have time to report back to you soon as the speech is finished as I'll still have my hands full with hosting my guests etc.  But I will relay the speech's main points to you later in the evening, if I'm not too exhausted, that is – or else, first thing tomorrow morning, Levant time.

    Thanks for all your informative and fun links, everybody.  Apologies but I don't have the time to respond to y'all good people today.


    • Sparrow says:

      Thank you Canthama for the link. 

      ref: #SayyedHassanNasrallah: I just received news that the Americans are threatening to impose sanctions on everyone related to the lawsuit of the agent Amer Fakhouri if anything was done against him! They are using the weapon of sanctions against everyone. (from the reader app:

      For those of us that don't know this horrible story (I didn't), read about it here:


      Cilina Nasser



      Published date: 30 September 2019 16:57 UTC | Last update: 4 months 2 weeks ago

      Survivors of torture camp want justice after 'butcher of Khiam' returns to Lebanon

      Former prisoners remember the hardships in the Israel-backed detention camp under the command of South Lebanon Army's Amer Fakhouri

      Every time Ola Hamzeh misses her father, she drives through the mountainous villages in southern Lebanon, walks into a French-built fort converted into a detention centre in the town of Khiam, stands next to an electric pole there, and recites Quranic verses for his soul.

      Khiam detainees

      The last birthday that Ola spent with her father was when she turned three in October 1985. (MEE/Ola Hamzeh)

      Her father, Ali Abdallah Hamzeh, spent the last hours of his life in March 1986 tied to this pole in what would eventually become the most notorious detention centre for torture and ill-treatment in then-Israeli-occupied southern Lebanon: the Khiam camp. 

      His jailers, members of Israel’s proxy militia, the South Lebanon Army (SLA), never handed over his body to his family. He was 42 years old, a father of three children, and a teacher at a local school in the village of Jmayjmeh in southern Lebanon. Former detainees say he died within two weeks of his abduction. 



      • Canthama says:

        Elijah just mentioned on twitter that a deal is impossible without a prisoners trade and easing on sanctions, this is a hot subject now in Lebanon.

      • Taxi says:

        Listen folks, the torturer and mass-murderer Amer Fakhouri has been wanted by Lebanese authorities from way back in 2000 – he fled with his family to israel the night the idf unilaterally and suddenly withdrew from south Lebanon in year 2000, eventually becoming a naturalized American citizen. Everyone in the Leb was surprised when two days into the early stirrings of protests last September, in through airport customs swanned Fakhouri – just like that, as if a tourist or a regular dude: as if ‘safe entry’ into the Leb was assured him by power brokers working behind the scenes. Naturally, airport customs arrested him on the spot and he’s been held in jail since then, awaiting his trial for treason, torture and mass murder. At the time, I was asking this question: who the hell sent him back and why now? A close ally of the other Leb war criminal, Geagea, my Leb friends were speculating that the US was preparing for a coup against the Leb Prez Oun, with the idea of installing Geagea as president and Fakhouri as Leb army honcho, where together, they would take on Hezbollah from within while israel bombs the fuck out of south Lebanon and the Bekaa Valley. The timing of his re-entry was worrisome, due to the mounting swell of mass protests in all the corners of the Leb. So this is the background for Faskouri’s re-entry. He didn’t just torture, murder and ‘disappear’ muslim hezb men btw, but also he murdered south Leb Christian resistors and many communists fighting alongside Hezbollah against the jewish invasion.

        Since his arrest, the American embassy in Beirut has intermittently expressed its displeasure at the arrest, but without much media fanfare or results. They put pressure on Leb justice honchos to have him released but the justice minister utterly refused to buckle. Soon after, a trial date for April 2020 was set for Fakhouri and the story went quiet throughout the street protest period, till about a month ago when news of him suffering from cancer became a headline, and the US Beirut embassy started making noise about his release again. Still, Leb officials ignored them. Then two days ago some shekeled-by-the-cunt congresswoman called Jeanne Shaheen stirs it up again and starts demanding the Lebs release “an American citizen held hostage by the Lebanese authorities” – right there on Fox News. Oh for Pete’s sake go freaking die already you miserable Shaheen fucker! There’s no chance in hell that Fakhouri’s crimes will go unpunished. And here I’ll add that initially, a military court took up his case, but due to a policy that was initiated by Hezbollah back in 2000, a policy that forgives Lebs who acted criminally during the israeli invasion, the military courts passed him to the civilian courts where he now sits in one of their jails.

        It’s a small story here in the Leb, pretty much everyone wants Fakhouri tried in court to death! But the US, having lost so much hold on Lebanon, is attempting to use Fakhouri as a whip. Little do they realize that the whip method ain’t working on the Lebs no more. Pax America has been reduced to fighting to release war criminals from the Leb – as if this will win the hearts and minds of the Lebanese people.

        Total moronic maneuver by the US to focus on the severely hated Fakhouri’s release.

      • Taxi says:

        Here's Fakhouri with Trump back on November 9th, 2006 – the day after Trump won the elections.  Say no more…


      • Sparrow says:

        Thank you for explaining Taxi…and as you mention it, it sure is curious timing.  With what lows will these desperate despots crawl (to fuck with your mind) pleading for a life when millions never counted.  Only when its a fucking terrorist doing their bidding.  Death to them all one by one or all at once…Death to Pisrael rot in hell fucking jews.

  161. Taxi says:

    This is Suleimani bereaved at the funeral of his good friend Brigadier Ahmad Kazemi back in 2006:

    • Sparrow says:

      Oh Taxi…this just breaks me.  frown   RIP Hajj Soleimani along with your comrades and martyrs that went before you…Peace to you dear Sir.

      The Broken Chain

      We little knew that day,
      God was going to call your name.
      In life we loved you dearly,
      In death, we do the same.

      It broke our hearts to lose you.
      You did not go alone.
      For part of us went with you,
      The day God called you home.

      You left us beautiful memories,
      Your love is still our guide.
      And although we cannot see you,
      You are always at our side.

      Our family chain is broken,
      And nothing seems the same,
      But as God calls us one by one,
      The chain will link again.

      Author: Ron Tranmer

  162. Daniel Rich says:


    Rapid changes on the ground in Syria. It looks like Russia/Syria have had enough of Sultan Errdogance’s Machiavellian shenanigans 

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Daniel. I’m watching the advance of the Syrian army circling Aleppo live right now, listening to locals and soldiers being interviewed etc…

      I’m hearing from Syrian workers living here in my village that Syrian villagers under US occupation are collecting stones as weapons, building hidden little mounts of stones down their alleyways and on main roads here and there, all ready to throw them at our troops. Of course, we all know that stones are the most archaic weapon of all time, but it’s a loud and clear message: we are not wanted on Syrian land in the slightest. We also know from history that big armies lose to less-armed rebel groups once the locals decide en mass that the invader must be evicted at all cost.

  163. Taxi says:

    Oooof!  My computer crashed when I was almost done with my comment about Nasrallah's Sunday speech angelangelangel

    I'll try and do another one when I'm recovered from the trauma of it all…

    • Taxi, could you not use the freeware, Open Office to compile a post? I recall this traumatic occurrence as happened to you before. Open Office would allow you to retrieve an essay at the point when the computer decided to cease functioning.  

      • Sparrow says:

        The Fatah movement, on Friday, called on both Germany and the Czech Republic in particular to rescind their requests to become an “amicus curiae” with the intention to argue that the International Criminal Court (ICC) has no jurisdiction over the occupied Palestinian Territories.

        In a statement, Fatah’s spokesperson, Jamal Nazzal, which comes as a reaction to Germany’s joining the Czech Republic in offering to speak on Israel’s behalf at the ICC, arguing that it has no jurisdiction, the Palestinian News and Info Agency (WAFA) reports.

        “Over the years Israel has killed thousands upon thousands of Palestinian civilians with hundreds of unarmed and underage individuals amongst them,” Nazzal added, warning the two countries against “standing in the way of justice for thousands of Palestinian victims, thus giving Israel green light to go on with its human rights violation over technical issues, while war crimes are being committed by Israel either through the continual bombardment in Gaza, the illegal settlements or the shooting of unarmed Palestinian individuals in violation of international law.”

        (Source / 16.02.2020) 

  164. Daniel Rich says:

    A wise tree doesn't fight a storm, but a rock brakes the waves, that's what I see unfolding in Syria at the moment.

    May this be prolonged into the liberation of Occupied Palestine any day soon now.

    The cancerous growth has to be removed for a healthy society to return to its century old roots.

  165. Taxi says:

    Apologies folks but my computer is on the blink – keeps crashing every 3-6 minutes – I tried to fiddle with it this morning but I'm afraid I've made it even worse.  Am driving to the Mac shop in Beirut to have it mended – usually takes a couple of days.  But I'll pop into the village internet cafe (small shopfront with 3 computers and 30 teens waiting to play video games!), and I'll post up stuff from there in the meantime.

    Laterz.  Long drive ahead…

    • Igor Bundy says:

      You can do it from your phone? I use wordpress app for many sites. Its useable for most things.

      Although your post on aletho only have a couple of comments..

  166. Sparrow says:

    Imagine this liar rag fessing up to never ending propaganda (what an election will doindecision):

    Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif sat down with NBC News' Richard Engel last week and reflected on the violence between the United States and Iran last month. Zarif argued in the interview that the Trump administration brought the region very close to the brink." He added, "We were very close to a war."

    The US/pisrael love affair…


  167. Daniel Rich says:

    @ taxi,

    That's a bit of a bummer, darling [computer]. Hope everything gets sorted out ASAP. Good luck. Keeping fingers crossed.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks dear Daniel – meh what to do?… just another modernity nuisance to put up with.

      @Igor: I’ve been typing 50 words per minute and without looking at keyboard since I was a teen: tis why I just can’t deal with one or two finger-typing on a miniature keyboard – just can’t handle it: slows down my brain rush for words – tantamount to asking a runner to win a marathon using only their belly.

      • Igor Bundy says:

        Yea I worked as a programmer for 2 decades and I can almost hit 1 word a minute.. So for me its actually faster to use that sliding board thing which spells the word out for me. 


        But you know, get a blue tooth keyboard and mouse.. You can even cast the phone screen onto a tv set with many dongles..  For the longest time my phone had higher resolution than my desktop.. I am pretty sure your phone is from the last 2 years it would be faster and have a bigger screen than your laptop or desktop. Most people dont realise it but phones have surpassed desktops like 5 years ago and cost less than a third as much. The main reason phones appear so slow is because it runs everything under java.  


        I keep backups around since you never know when lightning strikes.. Every couple of years it fries everything around me..






      • Taxi says:

        Thanks for all the tips, buddy. I shoulda mentioned that I had a little sweet tea spillage on my keyboard a few days before my laptop started acting up and rhythmically crashing on me. Well, it was more of a little accidental splash, actually. The wet laptop seemed to work fine for a few days after I buried it in a laundry tub full of dry rice. I’d heard about this rescue remedy but had never actually done it before (thankfully!) – but I guess one or two honeyed drops musta lingered and eventually tipped it over. Next time, I’ll have to soak the darn thing in dry rice for longer.

        And… forget me and connecting anything thru a phone. I hate the fucking phone. I’m anti telephones. I’m famous for never answering my phone. Unless, of course, I reaaaaaaally have to.

  168. Taxi says:

    Quick post for today….

    First and foremost: woohoohoo and congratulations x infinity to the good people of Syria and their heroic army for kicking ass in Aleppo (Halab) and finally liberating it from the head-chopping kidnappers and mass murdering invading terrorists.  A time now for freedom that the people of Syria and their global supporters have long-long been waiting for.  Kisses to the bereaved families of the fallen during their long captivity and torment.

    Secondly, but, really, just as important: FUCK YOU AXIS OF EVIL – FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FOREVER AND EVER AND EVERMORE! 

    And you thought you're the tough guy in the hood?!  Now go home motherfuckers or die broke and broken by Resistance heroes and heroines!

  169. Taxi says:

    Aside from Aleppo, ALL other news so far this week is secondary and can wait till my computer is fixed (pick up is Friday am). Hope y’all be drinking da champos for Aleppo: slish-slosh awaaaay! Lol!.

  170. Bornajoo says:

    Thanks for the info about the Aleppo cats, Sparrow 

    The situation in Syria over the past 9 years has caused immense suffering to both humans and animals. Yet even in the face of such danger and despair there are these amazing people trying to save as many cats, dogs and other animals as possible

    There's quite an intensive onslaught of negative news about Syria and Russia right now. The coverage is literally saying that they are deliberately bombing and mass murdering innocent civilians for no other reason than trying to kill as many as possible. No background, no balance, just brazen lies.

    I expect further surprises from the AoE. We normally get this kind of intense propaganda when the public is being softened up for a military escalation. They're not done with Syria yet, methinks, especially with Erdoğan the snake involved 

  171. Mike-Florida says:

    SyrPer – others having this response today? > "Error 504 The web server reported a gateway time-out error." Mike.

    • Canthama says:

      I had the same error yesterday Mike, today is fine, for while. It seems this error is random, not sure the reason.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ Mike-Florida,

      When people with handles like this appear’

      “Turkey is Dog Sh!t

      Filthy Smelly Turks

      US Slave Of Israel”

      …and words like inbred, degenerate, etc. popup, you know for sure the hasbara trolls have returned in force. They really want to make Ziad’s web site look like it’s a subsidiary of Stormfront and point back at the tribe, to show them how utterly evil the outside world still is…

      They’ve been at it for years and I really wish Danny the WP Guy would cut/switch off the guest entries.

      Site itself is up and running again.

    • Cloak And Dagger says:

      Gateway timeout is indicative of a non-responsive host. This usually happens when a site is under a concerted DDoS attack – which is strange since it is using CloudFlare which provides DDoS protection. It is possible that the host is down or so busy that it can't keep up. Possibly old server?


  172. Taxi says:

    Hiya beautiful people out there – I'ma back in the saddle!

    Thanks to everyone who shared comments and links in my absence – some super cool stuff there.

    I've a bit of time to comment today, but tomorrow my computer time is limited – and as usual, please feel free to comment in my absence: mi casa es su casa.

  173. Taxi says:

    Summary of Nasrallah’s speech last Sunday:

    He began his speech by saying that his words today are “meant to give despair to the enemy who promised to celebrate the fall of Tehran by last Christmas” – (reference to the terrorist John Bolton’s promise last year).  He then proceeded to wax lyrical and soulful in praise of ALL Resistance martyrs, honoring by name General Suleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, as well as Imad Mughnieh.  Nasrallah also pontificated on the philosophy and spiritual value of martyrdom. 

    He next moved to the subject of the Deal of the Century, stating that not a single Palestinian is in support of the deal and that this unanimous rejection is the cornerstone of the Deal’s failure, and that this failure will be exposed the more as such with the passing of time.  He added that not only is the Deal a bad one for Palestine, it is also bad for Lebanon too as it gives the Shebaa farms and several other Lebanese border villages to Israel, as well as it demands the naturalization of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, thus altering the organic socio-political demographics of Lebanon.  This is unacceptable to any Lebanese, including Lebanese who are opposed to Hezbollah, he said (and it’s true).  Moreover, he added a warning to his supporters, saying that “the enemy has given himself plenty of time to manifest the contents of the Deal – this is because the enemy knew already that the deal would be outright rejected, and is hoping to use this time to turn the table around and sway important people and entities and nations towards accepting it”.  He said that the enemy’s nefarious intention will begin with the enemy speaking nicely and softly and offering all kinds of fake concessions to bend the will of their targets, so that slowly, gradually, the refusers become acceptors of the Deal.  Nasrallah said “The most dangerous thing is to just call the Deal a stillborn and forget about it.  The enemy has already refused our rejection and will continue to ambitiously and with zeal plow forth to realize it – even at the cost of destroying our cities and armies.  They will not give up just because we rejected the Deal”.  He repeated the warning for supporters to remain vigilant against this vile and vicious game that will be played against them over the next several years.

    He continued by blaming the US, just as much as Israel, for all the death and destruction in the region.  He gave a long list of all the Mideast wars and atrocities within living memory that were engineered, enabled and supported by the US government.  He said that the most lucrative war on earth right now is the Yemen war, and that this is the very reason why the US continues to support and prolong it.  Nasrallah described Trump as a criminal operating outside of International Law and outside of “any measure of morality”.  He said that for Trump, everything is about profit – nothing else but profit at any cost, including the destruction of whole nations and the mass murder and refugeedom of millions of civilians.  He added that the “US itself, even by Hilary Clinton’s admission, created ISIS and unleashed their evil in several nations against millions of Arabs, muslim and Christian alike”.  He stressed that this occurred expressly at the pure wish and engineering of the US.  “This is why we should not just focus on israel’s evil, but also on the evil of the USA”, he asserted.

    Nasrallah furthermore said that the US is a mighty power but that it has two Achilles heels: the dollar, and war casualties.  He said that these weaknesses must be exploited to the fullest measure.  He said that military casualties for the US are occurring in the region, and will continue to occur and mount as the Axis of Resistance endeavors to evict the US from the region in stages.  And here, he addressed what ordinary, unarmed people can do to attack the dollar by suggesting a boycott of American products.  He reminded his supporters that there are alternatives to American products in the market place and to choose them instead.  He literally asked his supporters to begin a campaign of targeting the dollar by boycotting all American products.  Not only that, but Nasrallah called on all decent people around the whole world who disapprove of America’s destructive actions in the middle east to boycott American products in unison.  He said that even if this only creates a small dent in the dollar, it is an important dent that carries a very powerful message: a regional and global denouncement of America’s senseless violence against humanity itself.

    He also suggested and heartily encouraged citizens of nations who’ve been victimized by American terrorism to put together class-action legal files against the US, with evidence and all, and submit them to both domestic and international courts.  Again, Nasrallah said that even if nothing comes of these cases, it was an important step to take so as to inundate American embassies with countless court cases to deal with, and to also demonstrate “non-violent push back against the US government”, sending thus a loud and clear message of mass resistance to DC honchos, and also, through court-case headlines, to alert underinformed American people of their government’s crimes overseas.  Nasrallah stressed that ALL weapons/tools/methods of resistance must be employed against the US: peaceful and armed ones.  He said that the use of arms for resistance is already occurring, but that peaceful methods must not be forgotten and must be used too.  And at this point, Nasrallah’s voice spontaneously raised in volume and temperature and he yelled with righteous anger : “Resistance weapons are non-negotiable!  The enemy has left us no other choice but to use weapons against them, and one day soon in the future, the enemy will force ALL OF YOU too to pick up a weapon!  We must all resist by all and every means possible!”.

    He then spent a couple of minutes poopooing israel’s cowardice, saying that when the resistance destroys their (jew) tanks and other armories, the Israeli military is unaffected and just replaces them (using our tax dollars, I’ll remind readers here).  But when the Resistors kill or even injure a single soldier, the whole of jewish Israeli society, civilian and military alike, shakes and trembles with fear and insecurity.  He reminded his supporters that killing Israeli soldiers is israel’s Achilles heel.  He said that the Israeli public is fooled just because Syria and Iraq don’t immediately respond to Israeli attacks – that Israeli jews have built up a false sense of security that will be instantly shattered on the first day of the next war with Israel, as Israel will experience many, many casualties from day one.

    Nasrallah then switched pace and gave heartfelt praise for historic Iraq and its martyrs, for Muhandis/abu mahdi and the suffering Iraqi people.

    He closed his speech by addressing internal Lebanon politics, asking all Lebanese to give support to the new government that is “brave enough to take, head on, Lebanon’s biggest ever financial and corruption crisis”.  He asked Leb citizens to give kudos to a new government that’s brave enough to step up to its massive responsibility, and to do so with historic transparency.  He said that Leb citizens who’ve already given up on the new government and are wanting to “sell our problems to external forces and countries are not in sentiment or deed supporting the nation at all”, and he asked these “despairing citizens” to be patient and to give the new government a chance to implement new policies that will correct the country’s direction while maintaining independence. “The solution is inside Lebanon itself, not in selling Lebanon to outsiders out of despair”, he concluded thusly his speech that lasted for over one and a half hours.

    Dear reader,  I will confess here that even though readers find my summaries of Nasrallah’s speeches valuable, let me tell you that what I transcribe of them is but a tiny-tiny corner of his palace of illuminating words.  Nasrallah’s speeches for decades now have never ever ceased to amaze and inform.  The man is an exceptionally gifted orator who rarely ever refers to his notes during his long speeches – I’ve often watched him speak for over an hour without even once looking at his notes.  How many world leaders are this lucid, this focused and dynamic?   At the beginning of every speech, a calm Nasrallah makes eye contact with the camera lens, then he opens his mouth and a flood of unstoppable sensibility, truth, poetry and spirited passion all cascade fluidly and fluently out of his mouth.

    What a fucking ace dude!!!!!

    I love him so much.

    If ANY of our politicians actually practiced our Constitution, we’d be supporting Hezbollah and not the terrorist state of Israel.  Hezbollah actually exemplifies everything that’s good and true in our beloved Constitution.  And at the risk of offending the Hezb, I will here say that the Hezb embodies the very revolutionary spirit and righteous principles of our American forefathers.  In essence, and in this regard, the Hezbollah is unquestionably American.

    There! I said it! And I hope da juz choke on it. Heh!

    • Bornajoo says:

      Thanks so much for this dear Taxi, really appreciate it. 

      Here in the jew-controlled UK, we've designated Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation. It's one of the first things that the shabbas goy slaves did on behalf of their Tel Aviv masters when they won the election

      But the truth is that Nasrallah is a better statesman, thinker, strategist, orator, leader and human being than all of our slimey zionist controlled Western leaders put together.

      They will one day come to fully understand this.

      I just can't wait for that day to come.

      Can't wait 

    • Sparrow says:

      Dear dear Taxi…welcome back and Salam Alekum!  What was only a few days seemed like a few years…missed you.  Thank you so very very much explaining why I so love Hassan Nasrallah the Hezb, and now your new government (pbu them all now and hereafter).  You explain in the same poetic substance as 'our' dear leader…it certainly wears off for the good and hope.  In fact I only want to read your translations…ha!  I exhort all of us in this Almighty Wisdom as it confirms everything shown to me.  It is with patience I have the most trouble…unstoppable patience!  Thank You ever more!  Those Lebanese who are against the Hezb would surely be Pisraeli slaves by now…crying and choking more loudly than they are now…(don't get it and never will).  Being united means everything…Glad your back and computer fixed.  Onward to the ME Freedom once and for all.  Hugs for puppies too.

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks Bornajoo and Sparrow et all. I missed y’all but I’ll admit I did enjoy the computer-detox for a couple of days. I wanted it to go on for longer so I could just chill and do sweet fuck all, but writing up Nasrallah’s speech (which I was some 5 days late for) was an important task that had to be done pronto – that’s what really motivated me today. Readers who’ve been with Plato’s for years know that I am a lazy gal. I’ve talked about it enough times in the past – about how much I truly enjoy being lazy. I remember my parents freaking out when I was a teen and started talking about how “laziness should be celebrated in our society”, lol! The thing is, it’s not really-really ‘laziness’ as such when the mind is active and sparkling, it’s more a state of ‘beingness’, or ‘being still’. What to my parents looked like idleness, was in fact revolutions taking place within me.

        And yes, oh the Hezb, the Hezb, the Hezb… let me put it this way: I am one American who has actually benefited from their existence. Not in a monetary way at all, but, in providing me with rare humanist inspiration as well as excellent security as an American expat. I certainly rely on them to protect my well-being more than I do the American embassy in Beirut.

        There is no cause more worthy than that of the Axis of Resistance. They are collectively the ONLY legion that is brave enough to battle with evil itself. The secret of their indelible strength lies is their culture of martyrdom. Their enemies are taught how to use weapons, but not how to embrace death with open arms. The Axis of Resistance therefore will always have this vital advantage.

  174. Taxi says:

    Some stuff that I missed sharing widy'all these past coupla days:

    I've not be engaged by the 'race to the White House' this season at all, basically because I hate every single candidate on offer, including the Greens and the fake Indies – I see no distinction between this and that treasonous cunt candidate.  And that aside, I don't bother with cheaters committed to continuing the shame and scam of our so-called democracy.  People, we DO NOT have a REAL democracy!  What we have in practice is full blown jewocracy.  Or, Sheldonocracy, to be more precise.  And to all those idiot leftie fuckers high on Sanders' armpit whiff out there, why don't you shut the fuck up already and realize that he will NOT deliver either free meds or free schools even if he gets elected.  Don't be a moronic 'hopey-dope' and realize already that the cantankerous Sanders is nothing but a freaking Hilaryite in Tye-dye underpants:

    Sanders tells New York Times he would consider a preemptive strike against Iran or North Korea

    BTW dear reader, the above site is a REAL socialist website, not the abortion variety socialism promoted these days across the homeland, and across the UK and Europe too.  Think of socialism what you may, but their intelligentsia have a history of accurately assessing and analyzing political landscapes – at least by far more than either liberal or conservative media.


    Trump’s Vanished ‘Liberal Middles’

    Is Iran ill-advised to finance its regional allies while under sanctions?

    Pipeline or a Pipe Dream: Israel, Turkey Hydrocarbon Conflict is Brewing in the Mediterranean

    The US’s Inalienable Right to Violence

    My Struggle

    Will Censorship Prevail Over the First Amendment?  (Plato's got a mention in comment #4)

    And this little ignored nugget here:

    • Taxi says:

      And this one here too:

      Lebanon Begins Drilling for Oil Next Week

      Also, Laranjani visited the Leb two days ago and officially offered the Lebanese a rescue package.  We will see if the Leb goes the Iran way, or the Chinese way.  No doubt, either way, Trump will go apeshit and desire to punish the Lebs most harshly, just like he did with Iraq recently when they signed a $400 billion deal with Beijing.

      Evidently, there's a high blood-tax for freedom and independence from Pax Americana.  Brace yourself, dear little Lebanon.

    • Sparrow says:

      I agree with you about Sanders…been knowing his maneuvering side steps since ever hearing his name.  A pisraeli firster he is as is all the rest.  Their manipulative mind games are all on display for the discerning whilst our nation floats around in pond jew scum.  All south already imo…

      I have big reservations about AM.  Amazing how a jew can sue another jew(s) but us goy have no way in hell to beat the corrupt judges.  It's about $$$ and the political scene/elections…as she could have done that years ago…how long has it been?  She was oh so visible when the $ directed opposition in Venezuela was going down…years ago.  She's in and out of pisrael all the time.  My radar with her is never down when one sees where she is, who she's with and what show hosts her.  PCR (the white worrier) is not imo one to know the enemy.  Why doesn't he report on the white scum military who has a report card all the way to hell?  But he doesn't.  God dammit I WILL because it is inexcusable and needs to be condemned as they are satanic brainwashed pig reprobates with absolutely no honour nor dignity nor heart.  Scott Creighton pissed me off because suddenly the Bernie (who he hated) is now the champion!  The buck stops at our door when we willingly let the enemies of our nation win by doing anything for money and not for the better cause.  Just my two cents worth…

      • Sparrow says:

        Also let me address the Georgia chapter of CAIR.  I personally knew some very very militant military connected people of CAIR and an all black university (Morehouse), no other color allowed… who absolutely hated whites (but loved the likes of barfer Jerry Springer).  They perverted Malcolm X to be of a militant persona which explains their agenda.  Malcolm X was of a peaceful nature up against all odds in his day (like Muhamad Ali), but never came against anyone with violence.  These so called American allies to Islam in the ME are a farce.  I also want to reveal that a lot of them are in the US Military!  My understanding of true Islam is for peace, justice and equality for all…but in America they have perverted it and connect it with racist all black universities.  Several times I tried to contact the local CAIR to bring a donation and they would never engage.  Some difference!  CAIR in the US is just another isolated religious group that absolutely hates everyone else…a Jew occupied reality.

      • Taxi says:

        I don’t like CAIR either – I just don’t like ANY identitarian fucker, be their skin color black or white or puce. And I’m not really a big fan of Abbey Martin either – I keep whiffing controlled opposition off her but am too lazy and disinterested in researching it. I whiffed it in the CAIR ‘scenario’ of her statement, but I posted the vid cuz it’s important for citizens to know that they can take their State to court over issues of israeli gagballs.

        Muslims in the mideast look down on how African Americans practice their islam. It’s not a pure form of islam: is what I’ve been told by several practicing Arab muslims. What essentially attracts African Americans to islam, especially those in our prisons, is the tenet in islam that promotes liberation of slaves and the ending of slavery. In this context, islam is fundamentally non-racist scripture. Unlike the racist-to-the-bone freaking talmud!

      • Sparrow says:

        Their agenda is to cause a race riot in the US…another Civil War.  It's been their desire to use Islam (as they have done in the ME) to wipe out their targeted enemies here.  There posture is not the same as the Hezb…or IRGC.  Their posture is the same as ISIS that they have certainly shown…but they will always use a different mask.  There are many honorable blacks who condemn these impostors for what they are, as it was my first exposure to Islam and caused me to hate it!

    • Sparrow says:

      We are living in the peak of Jew World Order.

      If you find this statement antisemitic, if you disagree with the facts and statistics that identify American Jews as heavily dominating or fully controlling American Media, Banking, the Judiciary and American Culture (Hollywood/Education/Book Publishing) – controlling through the Jewish lobby our Congress, the Senate, the Pentagon, Policing and Intelligence Agencies as well – if you are still in denial of the above facts, then this article is not for you.  I advise you therefore to go fuck yourself as far away from here as possible.,,

      Brought you by…..

      …and by…

      How to stop yourself from inappropriately laughing in any situation

      1. Be a mindful master of your laughter. …
      2. Call upon an all-knowing friend to ground you. …
      3. Make a mental note to just laugh later. …
      4. Write it all down. …
      5. Leave, and then laugh away.

      and by….

      When your doctor recommends an antidepressant to fight depression—such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)—it's about more than just boosting your mood…

  175. Taxi says:

    You wanna bet ten bucks that if I got Trump real skunk drunk he’d tell me his real heroes are Hugh Hefner and Elvis Presley?

    Not Mahatma Ghandi or General Schwarzkopf.

  176. Mike-Florida says:

    Recommend reading > “Lebanon’s new government has its work cut out for it” at >

    Summary Items >

    1. The newly formed Lebanese govt in for real challenges, mainly crisis of collapsing Lebanese pound and debt that reached a record level.

    2. ranked 137th on list of least corrupt out of 180 countries – that bank loan defaulters will not be prosecuted, and given grace period of six months to resume paying off their loans and to end preferential treatment between banks and clients

    3. slated to repay $1.2 billion in Eurobonds maturing March 9 (Mike > reschedule to protect current reserves until Diab sees where he is at)

    4. pinning hope on the much-anticipated $11 billion from the CEDRE Conference for international donors and investors to support Lebanon’s economy held in Paris April 6, 2018 (Mike > beware of ‘free lunches.’

    5. pointed to positive signs from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to support Lebanon, but warned any aid from IMF could be linked to Lebanon’s silence on the US Mideast plan, known as the “deal of the century,” and the presence of the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. (Mike > shows apartheid state’s control in IMF – never, ever accept such conditions)

    6. IMF would directly lend to Lebanese state at low interest, but this would give it free rein to interfere with country’s fiscal and financial policies. (Mike > should demand work around and restructuring, but zero added debt dominated in foreign currencies)

    7. The fund may request privatization public facilities, such as Middle East Airlines; telecom companies, including Touch, Alfa and Ogero; ports of Beirut and Tripoli; Rafic Hariri International Airport; Electricite du Liban and Casino du Liban. (Mike > do not  transfer or pledge Lebanon’s real assets to others – that was done to Greece)

    8. additional taxes and fees that could be imposed as part of structural reforms and need to float Lebanese pound if a potential IMF deal would be taken, which could adversely affect purchasing power and increase poverty rate to more than 50%. (Mike > do not pledge any new taxes or fees payable to IMF, World Bank, etc. – Greece again)

    9. Diab is planning to take a tour of Arab countries, starting with Saudi Arabia, to send message his government is open to Arab countries and Lebanon will not give up its Arab aspect. (Mike > wishing him all the best, and that most all Arab nations provide meaningful support – in hard cash)

    10. issue of the Syrian refugees is another thorny issue for government which seeks to expedite their safe return to their country (Mike sees no evidence of large percent refugees returned to Syria – Taxi, holdup for ?)

    • Sparrow says:

      I agree Mike…Greece is the first one I thought of when reading.  I just want to add that an IMF deal would end all Lebanese sovereignty, dissolve the Hezb and make way for a US/pisrael military base(s).  This whole game of sanctions and forced Syrian/Palestinian refugees is a hallmark of IMF vulturism.  I hope Diab gives them (and SA) the polite f/o.  Iran imo would be the direction to take.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Mike.  Excellent suggestions (I'd vote for you!).

      Re #9: the last government of Hariri stupidly and immorally cut off diplomatic relations with Damascus for most of the Syria war (under instruction of US and KSA) – this, of course, meant that there was no Syria-Leb joint cooperation regarding moving bulks of refugees safely back to Syria.  Diab will re-instate diplomatic relations with Syria.  Just waiting for the file to be reactivated by his office.  Of course, resuming diplomatic relations with Syria doesn't only help Syrian refugees return back home, but it also reopens historic and traditional trade routes between the two Levantean nations.

      I don't think 2019 gov spending has been released yet.  And gov spending from 2018 is basically an accounts log of corruption as this spending is not reflected on the ground at all, ie the infrastructure of the Leb has not improved one bit for several decades.  The gov does not provide full med or education services for free.  People in need tend to get assistance from charitable churches and mosques.  Ironically, and despite the miserable conditions of their lives, Palestinian refugees in Lebanon get free healthcare and free education – food vouchers and stipends too.  Same with Syrian refugees.  Monies for this comes not from the Leb gov, but from international and UN aid programs.  Lebanese get fuck all for free in their own country.  The Leb is a very capitalist society – you don't work: you don't eat.

  177. Mike-Florida says:

    Forgot to mention I was astounded above report did not include a major-major item, that is > out of control government spending. Cannot find 2019 spending amount, but 2018 was 54% higher than 2017. The bulk is absorbed by debt servicing and paying a bloated civil service stacked with political appointees. This is the exact formula international PTB and apartheid state vultures love to gain control of a nation.

    PM Diab’s main action, in my view, must be significant and immediate spending reductions and moving off the list of 137th most corrupt nations. Over-relying on an international tour, item 9 above, hoping to find no-strings-attached donations and free lunches from such as Saudi Arabia and others who financed the intended destruction of Syria and Iraq is not how to wrest Lebanon’s sovereignty away from internal and exterior oligarchy and back to the people who are helplessly depending on the new govt.

  178. Taxi says:

    Dear regular Plato readers, I'd like to share with you that migrants from the blog 'Syrian Perspective' are the best of people.  I want to take a moment to praise them and 'Ziad' who runs the show there.  Like Plato's, Syrian Perspective has excellent articles and a truly fantastic comment section.  So much great info as well as current battle analysis updates from the likes of the marvelous Canthama, Igor Bundy, Daniel Rich, Mike-Florida etc can be found there.  I highly recommend you bookmark their site, especially if you're interested in the Syrian war progress.  No better place on Syria than our brother-blog 'Syrian Perspective'.

    My sincerest thanks and appreciation to Ziad, the blog's founder and MC.

    Syrian Perspective

    Plato's lurrrrrvs Syrian Perspective.


    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      My litmus test is always: do I want to be dropped behind enemy lines with ‘you?’

      Hezbollah gets a resounding ‘Yes!’ Our forefathers? Not really.

      I’m a man that’s all about honor [ plus his personal pride] and I recognize it in people the moment I see it/them. The names you mentioned are part and parcel of that group as well,  as are you, darling. I’ve got your back.

      Russia’s bombing the bejesus out of the takfiri infested villages in Idlib. 

      For a Free Syria, Liberated Palestine and Balanced Lebanon.



      • Taxi says:

        Friendship is a most beautiful thing, Canthama.

        My fave friendship quote by the ubiquitous and immortal writer 'Anonymous':  There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate.

    • Canthama says:

      Taxi, I am sure I can speak for most Syrpers in saying thank you for what you do and how you do it, no doubt my friend Ziad and yourself carry a heavy burden on your shoulders flying high the flag of truth to us all around the world. Many Syrpers have become Plato'sGun as well, as you noticed, all thirsty to hear the truth and your valuable insights from Lebanon, Hezb Allah and the Middle East. 

      My deepest appreciation.

  179. Canthama says:

    We all knew the turkish regime was funding, helping, arming, training al Qaeda and ISIS in Syria since day 1 when the turkish regime decided to side with the Apartheid Regime to destroy Syria. Now, that the terrorists and turkish military are turning into kebab in Idlib, we hear confessions directly from the devil mouth…..they planned a chemical attack in . Syria, they got trained by the Turks, they get supplies (Chemical Weapons as well) from Turkey etc….

    Confessions of a prisoner from a Turkish backed al Qaeda, captured by the SAA in Idlib in the recent disastrous attack into Nayrab, NW of Saraqib.



  180. Mike-Florida says:

    Without further burdening readers RE govt over-spending, here are 2 links for those wishing more detail > 

    15,000 of  100,000 people currently employed by the state, excluding army, were hired under illegal classifications such as “provision of services”

    Lebanon's public sector plagued by inefficiency, and a huge waste in over-staffing.

    Wish Lebanon's new PM Diab all the best. Mike.

    • Taxi says:

      Thank you, dear Mike. No burden at all. I love how focused you are on the minutia of Lebanon’s governance and purse. Please always feel free to post anything you deem valuable and rich in information.

  181. Taxi says:

    Israel hates Hassan Diab, Lebanon’s new PM.  That’s a kiss of life to Diab, as far as I’m concerned.  They hate him so much so that they’ve defined him as a man with membership to Hezbollah AND and an Iranian passport holder too lol!  Of course, he’s neither but jupeeps don’t give a shit about facts.  Only menace.  They just love their jewish menace.  It’s fun for them to be so evil.  Mouths full of murderous lies and writhing worms.  See how many lies you can spot in the linked article below. 

    Lebanon Poses Acute Threat to Israel With Hezbollah, Iran Controlling Its Government

    Funny really because the undertone of the article, or the purpose of it, if you like, is to give assurance to the paranoid jew kleptos in israel as they carry on with their brutal mass theft of Palestine.  If the israeli military could actually destroy the Leb, it would have done so already at least fifty times over.  We all know how the vindictive jews love their preemptive strikes and we all know that they used to strike plenty and capriciously at Lebanon before they lost the war to Hezbollah back in 2006.  We’ve had not a single preemptive jew strike on the Lebanon since 2006.  But of course, the jew media would never headline such a fact.

    I linked the above article because it is an example of how Diab will be treated by Western media and by the million motherfucking Western politicians whoring for israel.  They will all be instructed by tel aviv to describe and treat Diab as a ‘Hezbollah-Iran man’, just because Hezbollah supports him (cuz he’s clean), and NOT because Diab himself directly supports Hezbollah’s manifesto (although he does support their security role for the Lebanon: he’s a realist after all).  Moreover, the jew press utterly ignores the pertinent fact that Diab is also supported by the majority of Lebanese Christians.  Ironically, Diab is a sunni and the biggest push-back against him comes from the sunni Hariri brigade.  Fact is, Diab is not pledged to or is personally affiliated with any political party – he has no interest in playing a divisive ‘party man’ like Hariri did before him.  Diab just wants to operate as a non-political PM and focus purely on delivering a feasible and realizable rescue package.  A technocrat with rare courage.  All strength to his back and shoulders for the burden he is now carrying.

    And here’s some other links from today’s topsy-turvy newsstand:

    Netanyahu between the Nakba Arabs and the Arabs who are a joke

    And here the nicely detailed:

    Trump-Kushner “Peace” Plan ignores elephants in the room: Israel created this mess

    And the ‘Oooops Award’ goes to:

    Pentagon ‘Accidentally’ Tells The Truth About Idlib

    And the link below I would have headlined: Trumpire versus the Yellow Dragon.

    Huawei in the Crosshairs

  182. Sparrow says:

    FEBRUARY 18 ,2020


    Bahrain and Palestine: At the Heart and Front of the Struggle Against US and Zionist Occupation

    Nine years ago, on February 14 of 2011 to the date, massive anti-government protests swept Bahrain.

    Yet the common narrative of Bahrain’s uprising as on the backburner of the failed Egyptian movement downplayed the real significance of Bahrain in struggle. Rather than writing it off as a failed after effect of the 2010-2011 Arab Spring protests, Bahrain should be recognized as a struggle of liberation against Western imperialism and occupation on par with the Palestinian struggle. With a long, established root in history, Bahrain deserves increasing attention and as the Resistance Axis scales up the regional call to expel US occupation following the assassination of IRGC General Qassem Soleimani.

    [Good read for learning the years of exploits, occupation, theft, murder and oppression of Palestine and Bahrain by Britian since 1820 and then by the US…further giving evermore strength to the growing AoR and it's overthrow of tyranny.]  VIVA RESISTANCE!  VIVA FREEDOM!

  183. Taxi says:

    Wow is that the time?…  I’ve had such a snoozy Sunday… binging on Netflix’s ‘The Last Kingdom’…  Great period production that follows the story of the wars between the Anglo Saxons and the Danes in the 9th century, back when kings lived in wooden shacks and wore stinky animal skin and everyone behaved like talmudic motherfucking wahabis…  Great battle scenes between the pagan Danes and the Christian Anglos – everyone riding beautiful horses and using heavy silver swords for attack and hand-painted wooden shields for defense lol.  Warfare sure has come a looooooong way – though israel’s Iron Dome may as well be made from 9th century wood chippings.  And… the overwhelming reminder that all them self-appointed European ‘royals’ (whose progeny later became the vile colonialists of the four corners of the world), were all conceived in rivers of blood and all their lands and wealth acquired through sadistic kleptomania and the remorseless murder of each other – all wars for plunder.

    …  And now, back to the 21st century and all articles today about the current multiple wars in the middle east are just full of stupid lies – no surprises there – but, what have we here below?  I know it’s slim pickings but that’s about all I could find today, which proves my long-held theory that terrorists like to take the weekend off every now and then.

    I’ve taught at six Jewish day schools. They’re preaching dual loyalty to Israel.

     Hope you’re all having a nice Sunday.

  184. Sparrow says:

    Syrian Army uncovers large tunnel system in newly captured Aleppo: video

    The Syrian Army has uncovered stocks of weaponry and ammunition, including a large caliber anti-aircraft gun and hand-built artillery piece used to lob shells down on population centers, at a terrorist hideout near the town of Hajjan, about 10 km northwest of Aleppo city, SANA has reported, with one of its correspondents sending back photos and video footage from the scene.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      What holocasut [sorry, I'm a Holywood exec]?

      Don't give anything to anybody that doesn't belong to them.

    • Taxi says:

      Time to use an accurate word to describe ongoing jewish violence against Gentile corpses, especially if the corpse itself was a Palestinian killed by the terrorist idf.  The word here, dear reader, is 'necroviolence'.  Let me see here if I can put it in a sentence: jewish necroviolence is promoted by the talmud and is practiced by the terrorist jews of israel on a regular basis, despite necroviolence being deemed a war crime by the Geneva Conventions.

      Israel slammed for 'necroviolence' on bodies of Palestinians

  185. Taxi says:

    The evil israeli jews were fancy-shmancy with their killing spree late yesterday in Gaza: with missile strikes inside Gaza and bulldozing corpses by the Gaza fence, but also in Syria where they sent missiles targeted at Islamic Jihad leaders: two of them fallen (R.I.P.) and the Syria airforce blocking other missiles.

    No end to their vile talmudic blood lust.  And no end to my HATRED of jews and all things jewish. Wtf – it’s how their crimes make me feel.

  186. Taxi says:

    LOL so the terrorist jews don't know and NEVER know where Nasrallah's location is but they're absolutely sure he lives in a bunker – yeah right, very logical.  Never mind he moves with utter caution but he moves freely nevertheless.  He goes to Damascus, goes to Tehran, to karbala – in Lebanon he meets with political leaders all the time etc.  But to the idiot jews, he's a rat who lives in a bunker, never ever catching a single sun ray.

    I say this to the fucking jews: Nasrallah lives under your bed motherfuckers!  And if you're talking "beast", then it's YOU who will be slaughtered with no mercy come the day – and I hope this day cometh right fucking now!

    Ex-NSC chief Amidror: IDF will have to destroy Hezbollah ‘beast’

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      During the 2006 mass murder of Lebanese by the Occupied Palestine Air Forces, they tried to bomb Nasrallah off the air… Not one second did they manage to succeed in that devious mission. Like they say, “Live by the Sword. Die by it.”

      Their days are numbered. Having planes doesn’t win you a war. This time we will drag our couches up the hill, share popcorn and watch filled to the brim with glee, while this scum is driven back into the sea.

  187. Taxi says:

    Right now it’s 7:35pm and for the past good 9 minutes or so, terrorist jew jets have been flying overhead.  Probably on their way to Syria to terrorize and mass murder with impunity.  Again!

    One of these days, I tellzya…. a downward spiral to terrorist jew jets in the skies – kaboooooooom!

    …  Jews are lucky the Axis of Resistance doesn’t do corpse-bulldozing.

  188. Taxi says:

    Elijah Magnier's latest article on a war between israel and Hezbollah relies heavily on the notion that Hezbollah does not want a war with israel.  This is simply not the case at all.  The fact of the matter is that the Hezbollah DOES WANT a war with israel, but it will not itself initiate it (for religious/humanist reasons).  Hezbollah prays for this war every second of the day, prays that israel grievously miscalculates.  I can say this with certainly because Nasrallah himself has often talked about liberating the Galilee AND he's also often made mention of himself personally praying at the Al Aqsa Mosque when Jerusalem is liberated.  He has even referred to this coming war as "the war for Jerusalem".  No, the next war will NOT be limited to only military targets then everyone just goes home and takes a shower.  The next war will be the big one – the last one between israel and the Hezb.  Not forgetting that any future war engagement between israel and hezbollah will also instantly bring with it the involvement of other members of the Axis of Resistance from Afghanistan, to Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Palestine, Iran and the Lebanon army (though not a member of the Axis of Resistance, the Leb army will get involved cuz the Leb will be under attack).  Fact is that all the members of the Axis of Resistance have signed a security pact and already operate under a single war theater.  Initiating a war against one member of the Axis of Resistance is tantamount to declaring war on all of them – the Axis of Resistance has stated this clearly several years ago.

    And the other fault in the article is that Elijah is assuming that israel will only strike military targets in the next war.  I say that whoever is of this belief doesn't understand the terrorist jewish state's MO.  The jewish pattern of behavior in war demonstrates 100% of the time that they WILL attack civilians and civilian infrastructure.  The talmudic terrorists love spilling the blood of unarmed civilians – they especially revel in the mass murder of children and women.

    The war scenario between Israel and Hezbollah 

  189. Taxi says:

    When the Western world is suffering from 'holocaust fatigue', how do you promote yet another Hollywood holocaust series?  Simple: have (yet another) jewish food-fight before the Gentile world and make the project 'controversial' and worthy of first page headlines, thus creating mass chatter and interest in it. 

    Mindful too that the holocaust industry architects currently have the 'youth' as their MAIN conversion target, as poll after poll of Western youths clearly indicates either an ignorance  or a disinterest in anything holocaust.  There are literally thousands of articles on this topic – simply use your preferred search engine and enter: 'young people don't care about the holocaust' for a good variety read on this.

    So, what better way to drag young asses in bulk to watch a holocaust flick (a-la Games of Thrones "bulk") unless you create a controversy over it?  They did exactly the same with the movie 'Joker' this past year.  The movie Joker is made by jews and subsequently, jewish critics warned that the movie should be boycotted for its violence: et voila!  The 'Joker' ended up making almost a billion dollars and winning several Oscars last year.  See how they work their lucrative jewish food-fight shit?!

    And also, the Irony here is that the so-called controversy over 'Hunter' is that it "fictionalizes" the holocaust.  LOL.  As if the whole goddamn holocaust itself is not the fictional work of the demented tribe.  No doubt that the persecution of jews did occur during WW2 but a "holocaust"?  Really?!  Let us look here at the definition of the word 'holocaust' – from my Macbook dictionary:

    holocaust | ˈhäləˌkôst, ˈhōləˌkôst | noun

    1.  destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war: a nuclear holocaust | the threat of imminent holocaust

    • (The Holocaust) the mass murder of Jews under the German Nazi regime during the period 1941–45. More than 6 million European Jews, as well as members of other persecuted groups, such as gypsies and homosexuals, were murdered at concentration camps such as Auschwitz. 

    2. historical a Jewish sacrificial offering that is burned completely on an altar.

    If we're to go by definition #1 in the above dictionary, then no doubt there was NOT the nuking or mass burning of 6 million jews.  Nor has there ever been found a Hitlerian policy officially written that specifies that Hitler's government intended to 'burn' all jews in its path.  And interestingly, definition #2 is based on jewish paganistic ritual where they THEMSELVES do the burning.

    There are so very many inconsistencies and holes in the official holocaust narrative that it should really be called the 'horseshitcaust'.

    Auschwitz Memorial slams Amazon series about Nazi hunters for its 'dangerous foolishness'

    Of course I won't be watching the damn propaganda flick.  I'm sick of Hollywood actors, Gentile and jew alike – the lot of them utterly disgust me.  I don't want to see their ugly botoxed faces at all.  One of the pleasures of having watched 'The Last Kingdom' this past weekend is that it is unmolested by jews and non of the actors are familiar to me.  How lovely!

  190. Taxi says:

    I am not a fan of NPR, that pseudo genteel jewish controlled opposition outfit.  And I really can't stand the grating nasal timber of Amy Goodman, who is yet another jewish media gatekeeper.  But, I did come across her interviewing the patriot General Wilkerson regarding the murder of General Suleimani (R.I.P.), and so here it is for all you good folks out there:

  191. Bornajoo says:

    Not only necroviolence. Israel is the global hub for organ harvesting and trafficking. You can add this to the endless list of crimes against humanity 

  192. Taxi says:

    Don’t you just love tear-jerking family reunions?  I know I do enlightened.   But seriously folks, when the House of Saud tumbles and they ask you why, show them this picture in the article below – cuz it sure does guarantee the fall of the House of Saud, otherwise known as the crypto jews of islam:

    In first, Saudi king hosts Israeli rabbi at royal palace

    And btw, it’s NOT a “first” at all, but it sure is the first gay kushnerite outing intended for public consumption, mainly to allay the freaking unhinged with worry jews of israel.  Which is in itself insane because, well, if you were insecure, dear reader, would you run to the arms of Saudi Arabia for protection? 

    I got one word for you: Khashokgi.


  193. Taxi says:

    Bajeezuz is there no end to this vile and vampirical jewish practice of infant rape-by-mouth?  WTF?!!!  And we wonder why so many jewish boys grow up to be sadistic serial rapists?

    And btw, did you know that 'holocaust porn' is a hugely popular genre in jewish israel, especially among the military?  I kid you not.

    Holocaust Porn

    Of course the link above is wiki so yeah there's lying going on, but only when they say that the jewish holocaust porn industry has been closed down by the israeli gov several decades ago.  It hasn't.  Jewish appetite for holocaust rape and revenge is deep and insatiable and the making of these pornos for the jewish market remains big business – a simple search for 'holocaust porn' will turn you up all the latest titles of the genre.  And boy ain't that the truth.

    I do not advocate the watching of such videos btw.  I do not advocate for watching anything made by evil jews.

    • Taxi says:

      And one more thing about all that rabbi sucking off the blood of a freshly circumcised toddler penis thang (sorry for the vile graphic): why has not a single jewish doctor (and there are millions of them!) recommended the screening of these sucky rabbis for herpes and such BEFORE they perform the evil act?  Why, why oh why?!!!!

      Fucking bloodlusting pagan weirdos – the lotta them!

    • Taxi says:

      As well as banking, politics, media etc, we can now also add ‘rape’ to the list of activities where jews are over-represented.  We know this to be true because almost all the rapists who’ve been catching the headlines these past couple of years have been entitled jewish men and women.  And you may be shocked to also know that the talmud does not consider the rape of a gentile to be a crime at all, and it also permits intercourse with children as young as two years of age, describing the intercourse as no worse that a mere “poke in the eye for the girl”.

      Yeah I know my jew only too well.  I know the jews inside and out and clothed in all their disguises and I know them nude too.  I know it all.  I know my enemy.


  194. Taxi says:

    Ex Egypt prez Hosni Mubara died today at 91 years of age – if it means anything to you, that is.  It don't mean nothing to me except for this observation:  Mubarak was the second Arab leader to cling to an alliance with israel for dear life (the first was Sadat and look what happened to him).  Somebody needs to tell KSA that bedding the jewish devil will impregnate you with humiliation followed by death.

    • Sparrow says:

      Dear Taxi…

      In this lastest episode of idf bolshevik murder and despicable destruction done with a bulldozer…made me so sickened I just couldn't respond.  Even when we know how capable they are to such extreme evil considering death…I was shocked into silence.  Yeah even my tough outer self couldn't bear it anymore because my inner self loves peace, life, happiness and all to do with brotherly/sisterly respect.  No amount of words can describe my sorrow for these utterly downtrodden suffering people…God's creation none the less.   I question my faith and what I want to believe in what the word love means.  I honestly don't know how you do it day after day with this…so my biggest and greatest thank you for helping all of us in this.  Freedom to our Palestinian family doesn't seem enough to say and my actions keep shouting for more.  I am so sorry for this in whatever amount of anguish words can relay.  I'm just so sad to the core.

      I wanted to send this (as I just found it from a comment in one of your past posts…).  I may be late on the subject with most of you well into late ME history…but it helped me to understand the degree in which I need to know of it.  I have spent well over a decade researching and being liberated of the 'Holohoax' industry…so much so I don't mention it anymore as it's foundation of horrid blatant lies are available for the true seekers…and not for the blasphemers.  The history of the Bolshevik atrocities and who are behind the same today.  The history of the true holocaust of Dresden, Nagasaki, Hiroshima and the most recent ones  in Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen et al.  When we consider the same activities over and over by the same evil group and their allies the stamp remains and will always remain the official mark.  This article may not sit well with some…but it  has allowed me to reflect…but no excuses for foul play are ever accepted by me.  Just as with much if not all of our histories that have been perverted and buried…it takes considerable research and revision to go back to analyze… to objectively connect…and take current actions as witness to the past outcome.  It perhaps is no anecdote to what we are witnessing, but it is to our benefit to always know our enemy/ies and what needs to be done to ultimately destroy them however that may come about.

      I pray for you everyday dear sister…and the family you have brought near to us.


      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ sparrow,

        Quote: "but no excuses for foul play are ever accepted by me."

        Reply: this is how I do it – 'you' play foul. I play fouler.

      • Sparrow says:

        It all seems so simple to respect borders, sovereignty, peoples self determination with what they are blessed with…and most of all to love your neighbor as yourself.  I simply don't understand greed as I've never been able to take part in it.  If someone needs my last dollar or crumb…it's theirs.  When I used to live and work in Atlanta there were so many homeless people…some willingly…some not.  I had to discern the true ones from the panhandlers (making big dollars pretending to be one of them).  One old guy sitting on a curb with a sign for needing work, sitting there with his poor dog claimed my pity…even though I didn't have much.  But at least I had a car and some change in my bag in which I gave to him.  I came back with more for his dog but he wasn't there.  So many more times I could tell but don't want to toot a horn.  Sometimes it seems I wish I had the world in my hand to help but the circumstances are heavier.  I had to settle many times with…I'll do what I can.  With Palestinians and the ME horror I struggle with my weaknesses not being able to help in more ways possible.  America has had and still has the biggest opportunity to be a good Samaritan to everyone but instead chooses to be the most hideous opposite all for greed and imaginary power…and so she will reap the heap.  Thank  you for your wisdom filled thoughts and keeping focus.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ sparrow,

        Throughout my travels around the globe, I got and received more from poor people than the rich. I could bang the rich women, but always loved the poor [and hugged them instead].

        Those who know how to share what little they have, are the truly rich, for real human prosperity doesn't reside in banks. It lives in hearts.

        Kudos to you, sparrow.

      • Taxi says:


        Yes jews have been at their evil for some 3500 years: infiltrating, corrupting, corroding and warmongering.  No different to how they work it today.  Evidently.  And despite their well-practiced evil, curiously, it’s been a long, hard and slow slug for jews to get to where they are today.  It’s taken them some 3500 years to get a small strip of land and a large nuke.

  195. Mike-Florida says:

    Lebanon media > ‘The regional press office of French multinational energy firm Total on February 25, 2020 shows the Tungsten Explorer, a drillship to explore for oil and gas off coast of Lebanon. Lebanon’s first endeavor into exploratory drilling for oil and gas in the Mediterranean will be a historic moment for the country, President Michel Aoun said Wednesday.’ (perhaps later Taxi or others will have more to report about this hopeful action, including expected recovery and Lebanon’s percent takeout – and its timeline. Mike).

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Mike.

      Here's a transcript of Oun's speech yesterday:

      “My fellow Lebanese ladies and gentlemen,

      We are a few hours away from launching officially the drilling of the first oil well in Lebanon, at a point of our territorial waters, facing our shores and in front of our mountain peaks which will bear witness to the importance of this event.

      Lebanon will witness indeed a historic day tomorrow, a turning point between what came “before” and what will come “after”. It will separate between “before” and “after”. Lebanon’s present and future will evoke it as The Day when our nation entered officially the club of oil countries, the countries rich with one of the most important sources of energy in the twentieth and the beginning of the twenty-first centuries for the economies of contemporary humanity. It gives me great pleasure that this event is taking place in the year during which the Lebanese Republic is commemorating the centenary of the creation of the Greater Lebanon.

      Since my return to Lebanon in 2005, after the years of exile, I have been conscious that the dream of many faithful citizens must be fulfilled. Through the “Change and Reform” parliamentary bloc that I had presided over for years, and through the ministries that we have held, in particular the Ministry of Energy assumed by Minister Gebran Bassil and those who succeeded him, we have been committed to working day and night, relentlessly, in order to fulfill this dream that I will be launching tomorrow with much pride.

      This event was supposed to be kicked off in 2013 but internal and political difficulties prevented it. How can we forget that it was sometimes hindered by the turmoil of the region and sometimes by events that have stormed our nation? Too often did covetousness, will and maneuvers stand in the way of its fulfilment.

      We must as well avail ourselves of this occasion to express the due gratitude to all those who contributed to this achievement.

      My fellow Lebanese ladies and gentlemen,

      As we are going through the toughest economic and financial crisis in the modern history of Lebanon, I am confident that this event is of paramount importance, not the least at the geopolitical level, and it affirms our active presence and the elements of our strength and steadfastness.

      Our destiny is not to remain exposed to crises that generate each other, making us desperate about our nation, thus driving us to desert it, emigrate from it or deny it. Today, more than any time before, we are determined to shoulder the responsibility of facing wrong economic policies as well as successive and numerous accumulations, and to put an end to them in view of stopping this downward path that has brought us to this point decades ago. We have the will to confront, for the sake of Lebanon’s survival and perpetuity, to revive peace of mind and bring the cycle of life back to normal.

      Although the event that we will be celebrating tomorrow comes amid circumstances of suffering that we are going through together, it will stand out as a cornerstone to get out of the abyss, and a decisive milestone to transform our economy from a rentier, utilitarian economy, to a productive one to which everyone contributes and by which everyone benefits; an economy where our young potentials are formed, with all their enthusiasm, knowledge and strong willpower, are the engine, the foundation and the objective; and thousands of new and promising job opportunities have been opened for them.

      My fellow Lebanese ladies and gentlemen,

      Our oil and gas resources belong outspokenly to all the Lebanese. Their revenues constitute a sovereign wealth that can neither be the object of squandering nor corruption, and can neither be controlled by one party nor seized by anyone.

      It is also a trust for the present and future of our generations, and we shall protect it with all our solidity, tenacity and strength. We shall not squander them, and as we defended and are defending our legitimate right to every inch of our precious soil, so shall we defend, with the same fierceness, our right to every drop of our territorial waters which hold our oil and gas. I promise you that this will not be the object of concession or dependence.

      As we shall celebrate together launching the drilling of the first oil well in Lebanon, I call on you all to open a window of hope in the wall of the crisis that we are going through. I am confident that we shall overcome it with our willpower and resolve, so that we get out of it stronger, after ridding ourselves from its repercussions, in order to bring back to our years and to the future of our children their well-deserved bliss.”

    • Taxi says:

      Yesterday, it was discovered that one of Hariri’s MP’s met with a French rep and asked him NOT to give aid to Lebanon. It is also assumed that the Hariri brigade are also working from the shadows against Diab by whispering in their Gulfy pals ears NOT to give financial aid to the Lebanon as well. This prompted Diab to release a statement yesterday, without naming names, that it behooves all Leb patriots to assist in the rescue of Lebanon’s finance instead of working against his government that’s attempting to save Lebanon. He also added that his mission is to cancel some and rectify other financial policies established some 30 years ago that have led the Leb to the current precipice of financial ruin. Well, thirty years ago, Rafik Hariri (the father) had come into power (well, bought himself into power with saudi petrodollars, that is) and had himself introduced and established the dodgy neoliberal financial policies into Lebanon. As expected, the (minority) zealot worshipers of Rafik Hariri and supporters of his son Saad’s political party took that as a personal insult, accusing Diab of smearing the name and legacy of the assassinated “martyr” Rafik. No, this will not create a civil war as both Hariri and Diab are sunnis. Leb analysts applauded Diab for pushing back on unpatriotic, self-serving internal entities.

      Meanwhile, Iraq awaits a vote of confidence for its new parliament, lagging some two weeks behind Leb’s new government progress.

      Both the Leb and Iraq remain in the US’s crosshairs for their support of the Axis of Resistance. It is expected that even more sanctions will be applied on both nations in the coming months. Trump’s ‘Maximum Pressure’ campaign is not getting the desired results for the Axis of Evil so now Trump is aiming for a ‘Double Maximum Pressure’ campaign on these struggling nations. And the only way to counter Trump’s evil madness is for these two nations to speed up normalizing diplomatic, military and trade relations with a recovering Syria, thus uniting the triad against the coming US tsunami. Historically and traditionally, the three nations have thrived when interconnected by trade routes. And although Syria remains in a financial crisis of its own, with Russia behind Syria’s recovery, the three Levantean nations can indeed form a wall-block against the ruin that the US has planned for them next.

      Question here is: if Trump is unable to go to direct military war against any of the Axis of Resistance nations, and if his ‘Maximum Pressure’ campaign fails between now and Nov 2020, with elections staring him in the eyeball, what will Trump do thereafter?

      • Taxi says:

        And btw, I forgot to mention above that this coming Monday, Diab's gov reps are FINALLY scheduled to meet their Syrian counterparts to OFFICIATE the resumption of relationships between the two sister nations.  HOOOOOORAAAAAAAAY!

        All thanks to Diab for ignoring US embassy threats against this.  Unlike the motherfucking Hariri before him who cut off relations pronto when the US asked him to do so some 8 years ago.

  196. Daniel Rich says:

    We live in times where a judge can say this: “Are you suggesting, Mr Summers, that the authorities, the Government, should have to provide context for its charges?”


  197. Taxi says:

    As Nasrallah has said on several occasions, “it is an honor to be sanctioned by America”, and today, as predicted by many, the US added more Hezb supporters and affiliates to its looooong financial blacklist, devised, naturally, by terrorist israel.

    Doesn’t the US realize that if they build a high wall, then the prisoners will dig a tunnel?

    Everyone in Leb today is chuckling and giving the proverbial middle finger at Trump’s dollar-war on the Leb.  Nobody cares what the US wants anymore.  They’ve literally been kicked to near unconsciousness by the US boot and they’re over it.

    US blacklists Hezbollah-affiliated companies

    • Sparrow says:

      Hi Taxi…

      My only concern when I read about the Tungsten Explorer, it is American owned by Vantage  Not only that read the board of directors

      Nils E. Larsen is a Senior Operating Adviser working with The Carlyle Group’s U.S. Equity Opportunities Fund…

      Mr. Bonanno joined York from the Blackstone Group…

      Thomas R. Bates, Jr. has 40 years of operational experience in the oil and gas industry, having held executive leadership positions at several major energy companies… 

      Scott McCarty is a partner of Q Investments and has been with Q since 2002. Prior to his current position as manager of the venture capital, private equity, and distressed investment groups, he was a portfolio manager. Before joining Q Investments, Mr. McCarty was a captain in the United States Army and worked in the office of U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison…

      L. Spencer Wells is a Founder and Partner of Drivetrain Advisors, a provider of fiduciary services to members of the alternative investment community, with a particular expertise in restructuring and turnarounds. Previously, he served as a senior advisor and partner with TPG Special Situations Partner where he helped manage a $2.5B portfolio of liquid and illiquid distressed credit investments employing a “distressed for control” investment strategy…

      Mr. Gordon is currently a Managing Director of Anchorage Capital Group, L.L.C. and has been with the firm since 2011. Mr. Gordon is the head of the firm’s U.S. Portfolio Group, which is responsible for driving operational, financial and strategy improvement in companies where Anchorage has a significant ownership stake…

      Richard B. Aubrey III is currently a Managing Director at Anchorage Capital, which he joined in September 2014. At Anchorage, Mr. Aubrey is responsible for leading the research process across the energy space, including upstream, midstream and offshore drilling. Prior to joining Anchorage, Mr. Aubrey worked at First Reserve Corporation from 2010-2012 as a private equity associate. Mr. Aubrey started his career in Houston with UBS Investment Bank in the Global Energy Group. Mr. Aubrey received a Bachelor of Science in Economics and a Masters of Business Administration with Honors from The Wharton School.

      ALL AMERICAN!  When reading this I was reminded of Nasrallah's call to Boycott all things American…

      I'm not ever going to burst anyone's hope…just looking into things for the security of the Leb.  And America AIN'T IT!


    • Canthama says:

      Nbrs are up in the air…sources say 22, other 34, 37 etc… but this is a big blow to the criminal turkish regime. And guess who came to support erdoggy as fast as Flash, no other then the apartheid regime…bombed Quneytra few hour ago and the SAA got hit with KIAs, no details yet.

      What I find incredible is Russia and Syria in all this….RuAF is flying and bombing the hell out in Idlib, killing scores of turkish backed terrorists and the SAA continues on the offensive downhill toward the M4…they are simply givin' a fig for what the hysteric turkish regime supporters are squealing….

      I am certain that what comes out of this event between Russia and Turkey will mark the moment the US may decide to cut their losses and get the hell out of Syria….

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Canthama,

        “…the US may decide to cut their losses and get the hell out of Syria….”

        You have to understand the American mindset. We never lose. even when we do. We’re jocks and winners. We believe we’re always the ‘better’ team, even when we f*** things up and over.

        Trump is an egomaniac [that’s why he ordered Soleimani be killed] and his ego will prevent the US from cutting anything. 18 years in Afghanistan should give you some indication of what the world is up against. Think of all the improvements at home, that could’ve been financed by the vast amounts of money wasted in a country on the other side of the globe…

        The casino banks will falter and the US trip and fall, but the gloves are off [Coronavirus] and every single option is on the table [as far as Trump is concerned].

        However, the SAA and Allied forces will liberate Syria, no matter what the US/NATO says or does. Talk is cheap. Dead bodies are hard to sell [to the public at large].


  198. Canthama says:

    Syrian Arab Army Facebook" – a very reliable source, does not officially represent the SAA but with deep connections with it due to ex officers and current ones as well.

    "The target was west of Saraqeb. A terrorist group with a group of Turkish soldiers.

    A little context to the matter: Over the past 72 hours, the Turkish regime had escalated its fire support provided to terrorists as they attack SAA positions in the western side of the M5 motorway aiming to recapture the city of Saraqeb.

    The Syrian units acting on the command’s orders responded to direct fire only and avoided inflicting mass casualties in the Turkish forces for political reasons.

    A message via appropriate channels was sent to the Turks that their actions will no longer be tolerated. However, the Turkish side escalated their attacks on SAA positions (one of our team members was injured in the process, he is well and back to the battlefield now)

    A Syrian 9K79-1 missile (NATO reporting name SS-21 Scarab-B) was launched at a target West of Saraqeb where Turkish Spec-Ops soldiers were stationed with al-Nusra terrorists.

    The aftermath was the death of 22 Turkish and others injured. We received pictures of the dead Turkish soldiers transported back to Turkey, we will see how we can share them without risking the page being unpublished by FaceBook.

    The Syrian forces are expressing the uttermost self-restraint against the Turkish presence in Syria but will not hesitate to take out any Turkish military establishment/convoy that will get in the way of SAA’s operations or might threaten SAA’s personnel."


    Syrian Arab Army  Facebook.

    • Saladin says:

      Thanks for the update Canthama. Good to know the SAA is firing at the Turk positions. I'm amazed at Syrian restraint. Time to take the gloves off. Will be interesting to see Erdogan's response. 

  199. Daniel Rich says:

    @ Canthama,

    The Syrian forces are expressing the uttermost self-restraint against the Turkish presence in Syria but will not hesitate to take out any Turkish military establishment/convoy that will get in the way of SAA’s operations or might threaten SAA’s personnel.”

    I saw drone footage of Turkish artillery firing at the SAA positions. Am not sure about the SAA, but Russia has the gear to pinpoint where the fire is coming from and instantly retaliate. We both understand the complexity of the situation on the ground in Syria, but it looks to me, Russia has decided not to wait any longer for Sultan Errdogance to do nothing, and, in fact, help the takfiri terrorists as their proxy army to further gains on Syrian soil. Therefore, any Turkish soldier embedded with takfiri terrorists is fair game.

  200. Daniel Rich says:

    “Chinese scientists had published the genome sequence of the virus on January 12 and, based on it, developed test kits within a few days. The U.S. Center of Disease Control and Prevention also developed a test kit but had problems with its first version and its wider distribution. More than a month later it is still not ready for the foreseeable need”

    And they [the US] still believe they can win wars? 

  201. Taxi says:

    Thanks everyone for all your comments.  Unfortunately, I have to travel for a few days to attend a family funeral so I don’t have time to respond.  I’ll be back home late Monday, so I should be back on Plato’s boards on Tuesday.  But in the meantime, you should all know that my hatred for israel just keeps growing the deeper.  Take this recent example of their evil and the lies they use to cover it up, re the Coronavirus and the illegal jewish biological weapons program, which is acutely and vigorously active and has been so since the 1960’s, in their attempt to devise racialist virus that would kill only Arabs.  Mindful here too that israel remains, unsurprisingly, a non-signatory to the global Biological Weapons Convention when every other country on earth is one:

    “Let’s call it pure luck,” he said. “We decided to choose coronavirus as a model for our system just as a proof of concept for our technology.”

    Oh “pure luck” is it?  Pure fucking luck that the jew hand has been working on Coronavirus for yonkers, and “pure luck” that they believe they will have a perfect cure for it inside of “three weeks”?!!!   How convenient and how so very frigging lucrative!  Check out how they hide their latest evil against humanity:

    Israeli scientists: ‘In a few weeks, we will have coronavirus vaccine’

    And no, I will NOT be contracting Corona for traveling today – I will NOT be wearing a mask at the airport etc – I have not even suffered from a single cold for 15 years (it be 16 years this October) – I have extremely high immunity to illness and disease due to my decade and a half long macrobiotic diet.  I never worry about contracting shit from nobody.  I could french-kill a Corona victim right now and nothing will happen to me.

    I’ll be able to give a fleetingly quick look in on Plato’s here and there while traveling, but no time or mental focus to comment on latest developments in our sad and sorry world.  But I hope my flight back will afford me the right mental state to write a new article on the plane – something I had intended to do today anyway, but alas…

    Y’all have a great weekend full of insights, fun and loving company.   Above all, I bid you a miraculous lie-free weekend.

    • Saladin says:

      It would not surprise me about the origins of corona virus being israeli. What I find interesting about the whole Covid virus panic is that it definitely does seem to be a severely hyped up matter. Not that it is not dangerous. of course it is and I don't want to downplay the potential seriousness. But it seems to be overblown by the sensationalist media. By comparison, flu season in the US alone has killed over 5000 people. About 10 million at least have contracted flu this year. My sense is that someone intends to enrich themselves from the Coronavirus… namely pharmaceuticals. They'll try to force legislation that makes everyone be injected with their evil innoculation concoctions. I'm highly suspicious of where this is leading.

      • Sparrow says:

        Hi Saladin…

        I don't know if you saw the [p]resident's speech about this, or what you could stomach.  The most important part that I could listen to was when he put the vice putsch in charge of it and the billions allocated to this hoax.  A jew in charge of this ultra billion dollar scam that will be using EBOLA  vaccine for it.  The WHO is run by a jew.  We are living in an utterly demonic realm of these despicable beings and worse is that many are pushing for the jew bernie for [p]resident…swallowing all the BS he has to offer to the change folks that need to hear lies for votes as it doesn't matte which way they vote, it's a doomed ending.  I just don't get this stupid dumb downed mentality at all.  The reason there is a pandemic (I try to tell these people) is because of the flu shots injecting ultra dna changing bioweapons and releasing it into the atmosphere for all those with immune deficiencies causing pandemics for years.  What is used in these vaccines, to include chopped up human fetus, animal parts and other depraved sh*t.  It's also being linked to 5G technology.  You are right to be suspicious.  

        The BEST NEWS re CΟRΟNΑ VΙrus you've heard all month! Kinda.

    • Sparrow says:

      dear Taxi I'm so sorry for your loss…RIP to your family member.heart  I do hope that your trip is safe and the weather in good favor.  God speed dear friend. 

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      Sorry for your loss. Condolences.

      Quote; “I could french-kill a Corona victim right now and nothing will happen to me.”

      Reply: I hope that’s a typo, darling, coz I don’t want to end up as the victim of a ‘Black Widow…’ :o]

      Oh, and I drink Corona beer, am not into viruses…

  202. Daniel Rich says:

    The ff-ng Turks killed 3 Hezbollah fighters in Syria – Eissa Ali Burji, Ali Eissa Qassrm and Mohamed Tarshishi:


    Killed in Aleppo province. Bomb, bomb,bomb. Kill, kill, kill these Turkish ***ers!

    • Sparrow says:

      I wish they would just go home.  I don't understand why Erdogan does not fight behind his own territorial line.  I thought things would be different when the Astana agreement was planned…but now I can't make anything of it…my confusion.  Send me a link please?  RIP Eissa Ali Burji, Ali Eissa Zassrm and Mohamed Tarshishi…martyrs for the homeland.  

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Sparrow

        Here you go: Link to twatter

        Sultan Errdogance needs to be quartered and burned. Back stabbing bastards have to die. Russia still remembers the pilot it lost due to these f***wits.

        R.I.P heroes/martyrs.

  203. Sparrow says:

    Translated by

    Turkey officially speaks of several hundred victims, but these figures are grossly exaggerated; Reuters speaks of 48 dead, including 9 members of Hezbollah (30 others were reportedly injured). At this stage, no official figures have been released by the Syrian military or Hezbollah. But we can be sure that there will be hell to pay, and that Hezbollah will retaliate in kind.


  204. Sparrow says:

    Iran’s consultative center:
    – We answered Syria’s army and government request regarding liberation of M5 highway so we participated.
    – Forces who liberated M5 were under command of IRGC, Hezbollah and resistance groups.
    – Resistance forces did not target Turkish forces due to respect for commander of the operation and we are still following this rule.
    – In past four days, groups Tajik, Turkistan party and al Nusrah launched extensive attacks to Syrian army positions and our forces support the army. In despite of our defensive stance, Turkish army targeted us in ground and air.
    – We sent messages to Turkish army through intermediary. But they continued bombing and martyred our forces.
    – Syrian army answered by artillery and we haven’t responded directly. We told Turkish army that commander of the operation emphasized on political solutions regarding Syria and Turkey issues and we ordered our forces not to target Turkish forces.
    – Turkish army continues bombing and we ask them to act wisely.
    – We tell Turkish people that their children are within our reach and we can take revenge but withhold under command of the operation leader.
    – We ask all sides to be wise and understand the dangers of the war.

  205. Sparrow says:

    Hezbollah confirmed: 8 members died in Syria


    BreakingGalleryImageLebanonMediaMiddle EastNewsSyria 29 February 2020

    ISWNews Analysis Group: Hezbollah officially issued a statement confirming the martyrdom of eight of its fighters in Syria’s Idlib.

    Names of the martyrs:
    – Ahmed Ali Abu Khader
    – Issa Ali Burji
    – Ahmed Fayadh Mustafa
    – Talal Adel Hamza
    – Mahmoud Adnan Hamed
    – Ali Issa Qasim
    – Muhammed Jamal Tarshishi
    – Sayyid Ali Zanjani (Iranian)

    It is noteworthy that these members were martyred in a Turkish airstriks last night on the positions of the Resistance forces in Idlib province.

    RIP hero's of heaven and earth…martyrs for peace and justice…names to be remembered by all.

    • Canthama says:

      Heard of 9 HezbAllah heroes and some 2 dozens IRGC, they were intentionally targeted by the Turkish long range artillery, when they were hit, Iran called Turkey to stop but Turkey did not, it continued to hit and killed 30+ Resistance fighters. 

      Iranian Embassy in Damascus, under the IRGC voice, has responded to Turkey early today saying they attempted Turkey to stop the murder of their soldiers that were far from the frontline in vain, that their troops are still not allowed to attack the turkish soldiers bit this can change very fast of the turkish illegal soldiers continue to hit IRGC and HezbAllah, besides, IRGC threatened Turkey that their Obs Post with 986 soldiers are surrounded and are easy and fair targets if this intentional attacks continue.

      The shit hit the fan badly in Syria, 6 turkish drones were downed today, Turkish regime shot 2 SAAF jets (pilots safe) early on, SAA is about to liberate Saraqib again, a NFZ was established in NW Syria, SyAAD is shooting down anything that flies without permission, the war is on and very violent, I have zero doubt Syria and its allies will annihilate the turkish al Qaeda and regime terrorists.


  206. Sparrow says:

    For whatever it's worth, here is a recent statement by Erdogan: dtd 01 March 2020

    ISWNews Analysis Group: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke with members of Istanbul’s parliament about recent developments in Syria and the Idlib conflict.

    Erdogan said:
    – “We have sheltered 3.7 million Syrians in our country and cannot stand a new wave of immigration.”
    – “About 4 million people have fled the Turkish border because of the bloody attacks by the regime, and there are 1.5 million on our border right now.”
    – “Turkey is not seeking adventure or striving to expand its borders. In Syria, we are neither seeking oil nor soil, our desire is to ensure the security of our borders through the creation of a safe zone.”
    – “Idlib has become a pretext for pressuring us and destroying the other gains of our country. We did not go there at the invitation of Assad, but at the invitation of the Syrian people. Until the Syrian people say it is over, we have no intention of leaving.
    – “I told Mr. Putin, what do you do there? If you are looking to build a base, build it but step aside from us.”
    – “The main goal of the current scenario is not Syria, but Turkey. After reaching their goals in Syria, they will head towards Turkey. The idea that those who have divided Syria into three parts, respect the territorial integrity of Turkey, is a mere neglect.
    – “We will show our determination to the regime and its supporters, everyone must see and accept that our struggle in Syria is for everyone’s future.”
    – “Let’s not forget that we have lost about 7,500 security forces and 6,800 civilians in our country since the first PKK terrorist act in 1984. Today, in Syria alone, the number of trained and equipped terrorists is estimated at between 40,000 and 60,000.
    – “The blood of our martyrs will not be in vain. So far, more than 2,100 elements of the Assad regime have been killed and 300 of their military vehicles destroyed. Our efforts to create an effective safe zone at a depth of 30 kilometers in Syria continue.”
    – “Last night 7 chemicals warehouses blew up and this is the stage we never wanted to reach. But as long as we are forced to do so, the consequences must be borne.”
    – “Their commitment to us was to out the YPG and the PYD from these areas, but neither Russia nor the US did. Those who help the terrorist groups and the regime buy ammunition and equipment from these countries, but no one is supporting Turkey, neither in this respect nor in the field of asylum seekers.”
    – “What did we say months ago? If this is the case, we will have to open the borders. They were upset but didn’t believe it. What did we do yesterday? We opened the doors. As of this morning, about 18,000 have fled the border. That figure is likely to reach 25,000 or 30,000 today. We will not close the doors from now on.”

    *IMO Turkey will lose this expedition simply because he breached the agreement(s) set out with Russia and Iran.  Putting his own military at/behind sovereign Turkish borders would not only help but win this war.  Being involved with terrorists groups will only end in disaster…VIVA HEZBOLLAH   VIVA SAA and Russia.  VIVA sovereign nations and their borders…all invaders/occupiers get out or die.

    • Sparrow says:

      ***this statement right here confirms the wishful overthrow of President Assad:

      – “Idlib has become a pretext for pressuring us and destroying the other gains of our country. We did not go there at the invitation of Assad, but at the invitation of the Syrian people. Until the Syrian people say it is over, we have no intention of leaving.

      I admit I had hope for Erdogan simply because of the agreements made with Russia/Iran.  I was hoping they would join forces to oust the [bel·lig·er·ent]  US/pistrael et al and bring an end to this jew/israel wish of world power and control over natural resources.  Now Erdogan has admitted to digging in…a hindrance to liberation and restoration of Syria…and an ongoing fester of anti Assad instead of meaningful willing talks for agreements and peace.  What will Russia do now?


      • Canthama says:

        I have a personal rule…never to trust a Muslin Brotherhood, this is by far the worst criminals in TMENA, being Turkish, Qatari, Syrian, Libya, Egyptian or Palestinian, any muslin Brotherhood is equal to ISIS, al Qaeda etc…

        Erdogan is MB 100%, that makes him a leader of a terrorist regime. 

  207. Sparrow says:

    “The United States is not here today to listen and discuss. We are here to speak directly and without qualification,” Craft warned. “In the days ahead, the United States’ commitment to our NATO ally, Turkey, will not waver,” the ambassador added.

    Calling the Astana format for Syrian peace talks “broken beyond repair,” Craft said that the US wants “an immediate, durable, and verifiable ceasefire in northwest Syria,” and urged the UN to “play a central, active role if we are to avoid even greater escalation.”

    [Proof of the convenient sabotage of the Astana Agreement by Turkey FOR failing empire US.]


  208. Daniel Rich says:

    Any Turk, close to one or more takfiri terrorists thus becomes a legit target and renders Sultan Errdogance’s wailing into nothing but white noise. 

    Those Turkish soldiers are not trotting down vague pathways down the hills on their home soil, they’re in ff-ing Syria. Get out. One way or the other.

  209. Sparrow says:

    Iranian Advisory Center in Syria: we call on Turkish forces to act rationally for the benefit of the Syrian and Turkish peoples

    Source: Al-Manar, February 29, 2020


    The Iranian Advisory Center in Syria, which takes part in the fighting in northern Syria, issued a press release through the news agency U-News in reaction to the recent confrontation between the Syrian army and the Turkish army. It should be noted that the Iranian Advisory Center is made up of the group of Iranian experts who advise the Syrian State and its armed forces, and that this is the first statement it has issued since the beginning of the war in Syria.

    Full text of the statement (@ link)

  210. Whozhear says:

    Canthama’s tweeter feed has been suspended by the homo inline with his khazar bum chum’s demands.

    Canthama is on Gab……

    • Canthama says:

      That is true….it seems the zio-turkish twitter army is active and shutting down many accounts, no surprise since NATO has supported all sort of terrorists, from ISIS, al Qaeda…all the way to the apartheid regime and the criminal turkish one. No words for the disgust toward these criminals.


      • Whozhear says:

        Canthama, it seems to my way of thinking that Moscow has lost control of the Syrian mess mostly due to Putin having severe difficulty coming to terms with how the khazars and MB operate.

      • Igor Bundy says:

        worms always need cover or they get eaten by any ole bird..

        they are also crunchy after being cooked well..

        I stick to VK where its hard to ban for siding against the zionists.. gab is just too anti jewish and racist for me.. 

    • Sparrow says:

      Thanks you guys for keeping Taxi and updates going…after reading news all day it seems certain US is wanting war with Russia.  I sure do hope I'm wrong…either way I wish I had the power to end the fucker's wherever they set foot.  My only confidence is in the wisdom of the Hezb/IRGC/SAA.  May God guide and keep them.  VIVA Hezbollah!

  211. Sparrow says:

    US Carrier Strike Group Enters Mediterranean As Syria & Turkey Move To State Of War

    Erdogan is urging US and NATO help to halt the Syrian-Russian offensive in Idlib, and elsewhere Libya is also turning into a full-blown major conflict involving external powers, notably also Turkey which is providing military support to Tripoli against Gen. Haftar's offensive. Turkey and Syria are currently downing each other's aircraft over Idlib province in a major escalation.

    And now the Marine Traffic maritime information portal has identified along with other international reports that the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (or "Ike") crossed through the Strait of Gibraltar and entered the Mediterranean Sea late Friday into Saturday, accompanied by multiple support ships…

    • Sparrow says:

      This also as Russia's Interfax news agency reported additional Russian warships currently en route to the eastern Mediterranean, including the frigate “Admiral Makarov” and “Admiral Grigorovich” which have consistently participated in operations off the Syrian coast

  212. Sparrow says:

    Affirming the sick minds of israel this time of year (Purim 10Mar2020, Passover 9Apr2020) 

    MAJOR WAR CALL to their demented satanic god…to include that they fall on their famous numerology 9-10-11…but also Full Moon 9Mar2020 and anther Full Moon 8Apr2020. 

    Be vigilant SAA/IRGC/HEZB/RUSSIA  and know their sick game to murder…esp at these times.

     Last time Iraq, this time Iran, time for Purim 

  213. Taxi says:

    Death death death!  Everywhere is freaking death!  Between Coronavirus and Turkinitus, nowhere is safe it seems.  The Russian bear’s feet in Syria stupidly froze up a couple of days ago and Erdo took advantage and did his mass murder of Syrians, Hezbos and Iranians, on instruction from zioNATO no doubt.  The rules of the game in Syria are now changed: no more ‘polite’ Russian hospitality to the enemy will be adhered to by the Axis of Resistance.  The Hezb and Iran gloves are off as far as the loathsome Turkish Muslim Brotherhood is concerned.  I predict that everything that was lost in Syria two days ago will soon enough be reclaimed in the next few days, and more.  Turkey is now seen as no different to terrorist israel or the US.  Klepto terrorism is what they all have in common in their foreign policy and actions.  Backstabbers will pay and pay and pay till they are sent back to Ankara either on bended knees or in body bags.  No more ‘simmering’ war in Syria.  Full on warfare is the only answer and let the chippy bombs fall where they may – preferably mostly on tel aviv’s head.  Yes, it’s ALL terrorist israel’s fault.  Jews warmonger, divide, incite, support, supply and scheme against the Axis of Resistance, using ANYONE to punish them at every turn of their battle victories.  Yet the Axis of Resistance continues to push forward, with even more resolve.  Ya think just because the Hezb lost 9 fighters two days ago that they will now just pack up and go back home to the Leb?  No freaking way!  Like Nasrallah has often said: “we will be where we are needed, at any cost”.  Never underestimate the Hezb’s commitment to cleaning up the Levant from talmudic jew scum and their islamist-kurdi projects.

    Today terrorist israel goes to the voting booth to select a terrorist to lead all them ugly-faced talmudic inbreds.  May the worst wormy jew win.  And may he sooner than late miscalculate and bring the fiery wrath of the Hezb and the Axis of Resistance upon the evil tribe.

    Nothing but hate and ill-will I feel towards them.

    • Saladin says:

      Thanks Taxi. I've always believed Erdogan was a secret (and not so secret) ally of the zionists, despite his words (to his countrymen) to the contrary. By their fruits you will know them. The events of the past few days confirm that his Muslim Brotherhood roots put him in devious alliance with the Nato-zionist axis. This is nothing new. Turkey has always been supporting the terror elements entering Syria. It's high time the SAA, Iran and Hezbollah (supported by Russia) kick these criminals out of Syria.

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks, dear Saladin. You might glean further insight into the Turkish-Syrian conflict from a brief look into the history of their shared borders:

        The ‘Stolen Province’: Why Turkey Was Given A Corner Of Syria By France 80 Years Ago

        Sykes et Picot. Fucking alcoholic bastards! No peace in the Levant since they drank their 2 bottles of expensive cognac and thus sloshed, bent over the map of the middle east and drew slobbery and erratic lines that the natives are still suffering the consequences of. Killer lines! Murderous geographical lines! Man! Just think of all that pulsating and perpetual evil that these two fuckers unleashed at a great sum of people and the many generations of their progeny – far away people who’d never ever done them any harm!

        And to think the world continues to focus on Hitler and nobody but Hitler as the uber baddie…

        Owwww never mind the shrunken bollocks, MoA has a good swinging pair today:

        Syria – A Short Note on Recent Developments

        And Elijah ‘da gud’ further illuminates:

        Erdogan: Idlib is mine

  214. Taxi says:

    Hey y’all.

    I was horribly jetlagged and fell asleep at an inopportune time and missed the funeral service that I flew thousands of miles to attend in Red Hook, Upstate NY.  The only way to rectify this unintended disrespect is to stay here for a couple of extra days to attend the memorial.  This means that I’ll be back in my little Levantean paradise on Friday.

    And just so you know, even though it’s heartwarming and profoundly wonderful to see my family en mass again, I am actually hating every second of being in my terrorist country.  Makes me sick to my soul to be here – can’t wait to get back to the dignified jew-free south Lebanon.

    In the meantime, true love and infinite thanks to y’all who’ve kept the comments coming in my absence.  Thank you from the depth of the four chambers of my heart.

    • Sparrow says:

      Thank you Taxi for coming back for a few…you always have a way of keeping up the morale along with your new friends from the Syrian circle to keep updates coming this way.  If there is one thing that will burn in my soul, it's betrayal and treachery.  May the AOR ousting commence at quadruple pace to get Syria, her people and her resources back 1000%.  Sadly Erdogan hasn't too many friends left…he's being played like a fiddle…He had a chance to choose the good side…oust the NATO/US from his territory and join the ranks of higher thinking leaders and people.  To think he was so concerned about Palestinian citizens causes me to hate him even more.  I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt because of the Agreements but his jew entanglement got him off the fence…(that is if he ever was on it).  It won't be a good outcome for him either.  Be safe and don't tell the enemy where you are…

  215. Mike-Florida says:

    Tulsi Gabbard has once again gone on the offensive, skewering Washington mainstream foreign policy > "Trump needs to make it clear to NATO and Erdogan that the United States will not be dragged into a war with Russia by the aggressive, Islamist, expansionist dictator of Turkey, a so-called “NATO” ally."

    • Sparrow says:

      Hi Mike

      Tulsi is in their pocket like all the rest.  DC is nothing but a jew battle for the golden chair and power.  She is very good chums with the rich jew Adleson's and gets pretty good money for it too.  She's got a pretty face and right words to lure you in…just like the bernie bro…but will leave you stung like from a black widow.  Trusting any of them is like what Erdogan just demonstrated…and then some.  Our whole government even down to the local are completely corrupt, bought and sold out.  Try getting a response from a congress pocketeer on anything to do with our failing country let alone their worship and idol jew/israel.  FL is far gone in that department sadly…lotsa jooooos camping out there.

    • Sparrow says:

      The United States’ relationship with Israel, she said, “must rise above the political fray, as America continues to stand with Israel as her strongest ally.”And in January 2017, Gabbard – a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee – issued a statement explaining why she voted against a House resolution condemning the UN Security Council resolution, which harshly slammed Israel’s settlement policies, and the failure of the US to block that resolution.“I know how important our enduring alliance with Israel is,” she wrote. “My vote upholds my commitment to maintaining and strengthening this alliance, as well as my long-held position that the most viable path to peace between Israel and Palestine can be found through both sides negotiating a two-state solution. While I remain concerned about aspects of the UN resolution, I share the Obama administration’s reservation about the harmful impact Israeli settlement activity has on the prospects for peace.”She stressed that she co-sponsored a House resolution reaffirming US commitment to “a negotiated settlement leading to a sustainable two-state solution that re-affirms Israel’s right to exist as a democratic, Jewish state and establishes a demilitarized democratic Palestinian state living side-by-side in peace and security.”That resolution also reaffirmed the US commitment to Israel and the US policy of vetoing one-sided or anti-Israel UN Security Council resolutions, and condemned boycott and divestment campaigns that target Israel…


      She called out Trump for firing cruise missiles on Syria following Assad’s use of chemical weapons there in April 2018, calling the strike “reckless and short-sighted.”

      This is one small example.  btw Assad did not use chemical weapons…this is how they slip things in to the unaware and unknowing.  In a nutshell…Tulsi and all the sellouts who sign an oath to Israel OVER the United States can literally say anything…like a puppet…but it won't happen.  Deceit rogue sell outs…all of them with good words to jingle some ears but their actions speak louder.

      • Mike-Florida says:

        Thanks much, Sparrow, for passing along your findings. Maybe still she is as you say, but just in case has changed I posted this only because whom ever says this need passing along > "Trump needs to make it clear to NATO and Erdogan that the United States will not be dragged into a war with Russia by the aggressive, Islamist, expansionist dictator of Turkey, a so-called “NATO” ally." BTW – posted that 2x on SyrPer and it got deleted. Mike.

      • Sparrow says:

        Likewise Mike…I hope you don't think in anyway I am trying to persuade. Here's a list in case you want to read some past links

           I don't vote for many obvious reasons and one main reason. Being out of the scene I could easily see the drama, manipulation, lies, cons and hypocrisy that I can't be part of.  The worse is the 'required' oath to a foreign (illegal) state Israel to be a US representative.  All it takes in this downward illegal spiral is more oaths to foreign states (Saudi Arabia perhaps!) and whatever else they deem to lawlessly get away with.  They are all compromised.  Bernie S used to live in Israel.  Here's the game I've seen played before and they are doing it now:  Tulsi will garner votes then the last minute she will back Bernie (with those votes) etc.  She appeals to the right just for that reason.  Good cop/bad cop being played out so people won't sit on the fence too long voting for him.  To me it's all so evil across the board.  No more JFK whose word with actions for the people were true.  So now I witness JFK mockery.  I can't find the video because it's been many years back…but Bernie shouted down a citizen in a town hall meeting just because he asked about the Palestinians…to the point where the police was about to drag this poor guy out.  I never forgot that moment of Israeli/jew panic which tries to stay hidden but is ever and always there.  Good luck dear Mike in whatever you do and especially sharing info here.

      • Sparrow says:


        Reminding how low our military has gone…in this christian news video starting @ 1:34 will show footage of our marines training in Thailand drinking blood from a decapitated cobra.  This is literal satanic worship…and for me absolutely disgusting and inhumane.  It confirms the US creation of isis…it's training etc.  Sickening.  These are the soldiers Tulsi cries for…the ones occupying Syria and stealing their oil…the ones who are waging war for pissrael.  [not endorsing website…only sharing footage]

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ sparrow/Mike-Florida,

        Tulsi voted against the BSD movement. That's all need to know about a person [like ff-ing Bernie endorsing HRC].

        F*** all of 'em.

      • Sparrow says:

        Daniel I agree and have been this way since 9/11.  I wish I could pack 'em all on a BIG cruise ship, set it sail and drop a nuke…that's how much I hate them and their traitorous stench.  They are not Americans and if they are…I'm not.

  216. Mike-Florida says:

    Here’s a pix of peacefulness – as it always should be – in Lebanon and Syria. Mike.

    • Canthama says:

      Whozhear, moved for while to VK, meeting Syrpers there as well, Igor created a group, we will see how it goes…meanwhile will think in a way to return to twitter under a similar name but different email/phone. 

      Are you in VK ?

      Thank you for the help my friend.


      • Mike-Florida says:

        Thanks good friend. Mine now working again. All the best to your determination not to be stopped, despite Twitter controllers. You are a continuing source of most important inspiration and info so helpful to so many. Thanks, again. Mike.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ Mike-Florida,

      I case of setbacks [not being able to reach a certain site], try this:

      1) Check to see whether your browser is up to date

      2) Close and restart browser

      3) Restart computer [to make sure there aren't any pending updates of OS]

      4) Still no luck? In that case, nothing's wrong on your side of this endeavor.

      Good luck.

  217. Daniel Rich says:

    The bullet that killed RFK was shot 1 inch from behind his right ear…

    The Palestinian 'killer' Sirhan Sirhan [cue in the USS Liberty] did not stand behind RFK…

    So, Tulsi [or anyone else who wants to fight the swamp reptiles] needs physical and moral bodyguards to simply survive. Let us not kid ourselves and believe a single individual can change all that. It's a fixed mindset, nestled in those who're groomed to 'lead' us. It's a game. You remember, when you were a child. You and I played many games… for fun…

    But nobody ain't laughing nowadays…

  218. Daniel Rich says:

    @ taxi,

    This is how I deal with death: I can't stop it. It's inevitable, so I'm at ease/peace with it. I lost quite a few good men/friends over the years, but the best compliment I can give [all of] them, is to let them live onward in my mind and memory. It doesn't matter whether I attend their funeral or not, as it is a relatively short period of time, afterwards is what you and I have to live with, so, let peace be upon you, darling.

    Big hug.

  219. Daniel Rich says:

    A very sad sight…

    A very sad sight

    Picture also reminds me of the SAA and Allied Forces’ martyrs…

    • Sparrow says:

      A longtime friend of mine whom I used to work with found it OK for her granddaughter at 17 years old to sign up.  Her dad (my friends son) had to sign for her since she was a minor.  This is how depraved and far gone they've become…children ending up in those graveyards.  It reminds me how glad I am to not have any children or grand"…to never be guilty of them killing an innocent family in a sovereign land who never did anything to me or mine.  All for the demonic barbaric presence here and ME.  SHAME ON US!!!  My dad is a proud member of one of those spaces who died a brainwashed hero.

      • Igor Bundy says:

        The US is the most militant society I have been in, Even the turks are not like that even though there are a lot more nut cases who have not heard the empire is long gone.


        The US has never even been attacked.. The US attacked canada and got slapped hard and the US attacked Mexico and took half the country.. Spain was so afraid that they just gave up everything to the US. Its like Nazi's on steriods.. What has the US got to be so gung ho about? playing cowboys and injuns across the entire world and acting macho about it.


        A truely sad nation who can only find purpose in opressing and plundering others.


  220. Taxi says:

    Hey y'all!  Another quickiroo from little ol' moi: still stuck in Red Hook hell and feeling like I've been away from the Levant for five hundred slo-mo years…  Am I being dramatic? Yeah I am – jetlag does this to me. Oh well, I just have to grin and bear it for a couple more days.  In the meantime, some read ups for y'all good folks and folksettes out there:

    Draining the Intelligence Community Swamp

    Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Ansarullah is the front line, not China-Russia

    Saudi Arabia And Its Future

    syria for tuesday mar 3

    Hezbollah against putting Lebanon under 'IMF guardianship'

    And this one here below: so freaking weird that CBS would broadcast such a thing – huh! – wonder why they're doing it:

    And regarding the sudden 'retirement' of that hideous Chris Mathews for being an inappropriate and creepy 'speaker to women': who gives a shit if he lives or dies?!  Not me – that's for damn sure!  But what's striking about this story is that he and other warmongers for the jews are never booted for promoting mass murder, but instead they get the chopper for being a verbal nuisance to women?  What kind of a world do we live in?!  And I'm not downplaying the shittiness of dickheads like CM, but in my universe, if a man is verbally inappropriate with a female, then justice is to kick 'im real fucking hard in the nuts; and when a high profile man is promoting mass murder 5 days a week, you freaking remove him from the public eye and give all his assets to the victims of the wars he promoted.  This, I call justice.

    • Taxi says:

      Oh and the pervy jew vid linked above: read the comments to it and it will give you an insight on how REAL Americans REALLY feel about jews and israel.  Yet more proof that the shekeled polititareat whores in DC are pretty much the ONLY supporters of the terrorist state of israfuck.  Oh right and that clusterfuck of xtianzios who're irreparably intellectually handicapped due to severe satanic brainwash between skull and groin.

      • Sparrow says:

        Mine probably got censored…

        Just another fake cripple playing the victim.  I wish they would just start killing each other so we won't have to waste our time.  Go ahead jews…just kill each other lol!

      • Sparrow says:

        ref your above link…here's a comment I would like to present for clarity…because it's an election year don'tcha know:

        Cr Lawn says:

        February 29, 2020 at 6:07 pm

        I am Jewish and believe that Israel should exist, but I cannot support any form of Zionism that would restrict my freedom of speech or my ability to criticize my own country or Israel when they commit acts of injustice. I salute these two students for their courage and willingness to express their truth. In no way can their action be construed as Anti-Semitic. My understanding of Judaism does not countenance racism.

        Breaking the capital J[ew] down…#1   [b]elieve that Israel SHOULD exist…#2  But…#3…canNOT support ANY for of what(?) ZIONISM…#4  [which made [PISS]rael in the first place…  that would Restrict (or restrain my emph) MY FREEDOM OF SPEECH (EXCEPT THE GOY!  THE GOY! whose very rights are being taken away)…#5  or MY ability to CRITICIZE MYOWNCOUNTRY (one word) or Israel…when THEY (whose they?) commit ACTS OF INJUSTICE (lol?) [and JustWhatAreThoseActs?]  Taxi that's just the first sentence!  

        My point is…any [J]ew can say what they want, in whatever light THEY deem fit…and protest about THEIR RIGHTS…but the fucking elephant in the room has totally censored and silenced the GOY with what?  ANTISEMITISM for this very same thing.  It's all a ruse.  It's an election campaign fraud to dupe the Blacks to vote for the Bern. After all they have had them in slavery with the dems forever…why?  Because many of them like their free ride on the backs of Taxpayers…JUST LIKE THE FUCKING JEWS.  Forgive me for airing out my contempt here…but where else can I?  That CBS video above about the pedo hiding out in Israel…GOT CENSORED because I asked why they don't report the abuse, torture and murder of Palestinian children and adults being held for to reasons!!!  Like I said…actions of [J]ews are suck a fucking CON I don't believe any of their shit.  In fact if one was drowning (and I was a certified life guard for several years)…I would show the sharks where they are.  My hatred for them and their al(LIES) are all consuming to say the least.  The only thing that would simmer the pot would be to destroy them completely along with their satanic gods in their dual empiristic PISSrael/USA  forever.  Several of my comments were censored…so there you go!  DEATH TO ISRAEL AND IT'S DEMONIC SMELLY DISGUSTING LIAR JEWS!broken heart

      • Taxi says:

        But why are we so stuck in stupid-selfish?  Even many well-traveled yanks have drank the 'exceptionalism' koolaid.  And it's worse now cuz the jews have added identitarianism to the exceptionalist mix.  Lethal cocktail, if you ask me.

    • Canthama says:

      I have been in China dozens of times in a 15 years timespan, the evolution of this strong country was breathtaking, from cities, factories and foreign languages, a revolution never seen before in such a short time. Two things that did not change for a the general people (not the super rich) were…traditional chinese culture (food,music,way of life etc..) and China's national pride, even in territories that were regrouped under mainland China on the 20th century following 2 centuries of losses to western powers and Japan, the Chinese pride is there, even in the famous Tibet, which I have been and saw with my own eyes…few still have the bitter taste from the 50-60s but most can see the huge progress Chine brought to them.

      The coronavirus has hit China's pride, I mean the people see how the Government dealt with it, professionally, openly and effectively, they few the power of the State and its reliable actions, but also the coronavirus has hit China's pride negatively…and it is in relation to the mocking of many western regimes and their people…there is a sense of "betrayal", many Chinese tell me they felt very bad to see the discrimination and accusations against fellow citizens around the world…people will remember it for a long time. 

      Tks for sharing the beautiful song from Tibet to Wuhan, really touchy.

      • Igor Bundy says:

        Throughout history Tibet was better adapted than China but they never really saw how WW2 changed China into a giant. That mistake cost them their empire. The feudal warlord system worked well a hundreds years ago when supply lines were a huge problem. Even the mongols had a hard time conquering them. But that was the only time they were a part of China. Think China tried 3 times to conquer them and failed. Even India tried a few times without success. Even the british left them alone and they were only able to wrestle a small part of it by duplicity and deceit.. 

        Some of alexander’s men set up shop there. and maybe even jesus stopped by.. I saw some european looking sherpas on some of those expeditions..



      • Taxi says:

        Igor, there are two original races in the orient: Chinese and Mongolian. Natives of modern nations in the vast orient mostly carry the DNA of either one or both.

        Originally, humanity as we know it today began with five races: African, Caucasian, Native Indian, Chinese and Mongolian. Interestingly, Caucasian includes both Aryan and semite: semite being the darker shade of white. Of course, these days you have some patches of the world that still maintain some blood purity, but most humans now are a cocktail of these five races, in numerous variety.

      • Sparrow says:

        TAXI says:

        I hate the Free Tibet movement.

        I was introduced to this movement…No they are not a CIA front.  I saddens me that you feel so sorry for Palestinians, but with hypocrisy you diss the very same oppression done to the Tibetans.  Fucking shame.  Good luck with your 'humanitarian' whatever…the truth is China (with all their money!) is an Oppressive Controlled regime.  From Tibet, Mongolia, and the rest of their independent autonomous regions are fighting for their sovereignty to this day.  To deny their freedom is to deny yours and mine.  Censor away Taxi…you're just another.

      • Taxi says:

        Free Tibet is a Hollywood CIA op turned global anti-China cult – as you’ve clearly demonstrated by your hostility to dissenters. You’re behaving just like erm your despised ‘China’? Ya you are.

        Go back and re-read my comment – preferably after you’ve taken a chill pill.

        And just to remind you, Plato’s is a non-commercial, non-profit PERSONAL blog. It’s like my personal living room, dear. If something like pictures or discussion of animal cruelty disturb me, I WILL NOT want them on my walls or have them in my space. And if a ‘guest’ keeps saying the same thing over and over again and off topic, I will ask them to quit it cuz it’s freaking BORING to me. It’s really that simple. Nothing to do with “censorship”. It’s a personal taste and sensibility thang.

      • Igor Bundy says:

        Sorry but to me the issue is not complex at all.. China annexed Tibet the imperial way and slaughtered much of the population and settled hun colonists to take their place.. No different than any other brutal empire..

        You wont get me to agree that the Tibetians are better off.. Because well its like the indians are better off, the aborginals are better off, the arabs are better off.. Ofcourse some are better off under a more advanced civilizations.. For me personally after having lived through both high and low and much of in between, I never had a smart phone until less than 3 years ago.. Although I had internet type contacts since the mid 1980’s.. I been struggling getting all this modern krap working. Yes it works.. until it dont and then you are in a world of hurt.. A lot of modern luxeries cost a LOT.. it costs others far away much more.. A weeks worth of AID’s treatments cost what most people make in a life time.. So if you are a lord, life is pretty good for you.. For the rest, not so good.. The world has turned into a fantasy game. Where reality is not how it seems.. You can find people who have houses built of gold while they are technically beyond broke..  It creates a civilization of icing with no substance.. Your relationships now are only for show. Even family means little..

        A world such as this will go extinct very fast. Like a life that shines twice as bright will light half as long and this is shining a quntillion times brighter already..

        But when I had lost all hoep I saw a small spark.. When the indian government send in the army to survey a few of the islands, they were attacked and some units wiped out. Rather than sending in the gun boats and erasing those islands and sinking it to the bottom of the ocean, they quarantined them and on one the larger ones, set up a small enclave where the natives can come to seek treatment and education but not many took the offer.. But its an important island as indonesia said it will conquer it and the chinese would have done it already as well since it will protect ther shipping lanes.. If nothing else, genetic memory in some indians made them remember how they themselves were almost wiped out by the aryan invasion. The most advanced civilization in ancient history comparable to medival europe now live as forest dewellers.. We need something like that on global level..

      • Taxi says:

        Igor, even teen relationships that last a week are complex, let alone two connected territories whose relationship is thousands of years old.

        I see China as the authoritarian mother of the East who is fighting with half of her children: some want to leave home, others have already left it.

  221. Sparrow says:

    *(Vid on animal cruelty has been removed from this space cuz Taxi can’t deal with either title or images). Sorry.

    • Sparrow says:

      China is the worse cause of extinction of animals in the world because of their fucking quackery that OBVIOUSLY doesn't work.  Animal abuse, torture and beating until death with sledge hammers on animals is barbaric and unquestionably demonic.  It doesn't get worse than in China and many Asian cultures.  Everyone can love China all they want…go live there with their oppression.  It's no wonder why Israel has such good economic relations with them…slave labor is easy to find and their living conditions are appauling.

      • Taxi says:

        Sparrow, every single nation commits the crime of cruelty to animals.  No exceptions.  Of course some countries are worse than others on this.  China is not the worst offender.  You'll be surprised at the top ten list of nations that are cruel to animals:

        Top 10 Countries Famous for Animals Cruelty

        The Voiceless Animal Cruelty Index

        And the way America has turned its cruelty towards animals into an industrialized hell needs noting here too:

        America Rated Second Worst Country in the World for Animal Cruelty

        You'll forgive me but I'm removing the vid about cruelty to animals – I can't bare to scroll down and keep seeing it – and no I can't bare to even think of watching it.  Too much!  Waaaaay too much for me.

      • Sparrow says:

        ref your links about animal abuse

        I am more than familiar with animal abuse in USA because I have spent my whole life supporting and defending groups who fight for them.  You forgot to mention that there are also many many laws that have been put in place to stop a lot of it because of activism.  There are many Chinese owned ranches in our USA that American ranchers sell out to.  The produce is sent to China.  You would be surprised at how much land in the USA China has taken over.  I hate them because of the US corporations were allowed to set up business in slave labor China with out having to bend to US environmental laws etc…to leave America then to sell back to America all for GREED.  Communist China is a barbaric oppressive place when it comes to the 'other'…when it comes to sovereign nations and their resources…when it comes to surveillance…you can have them!  They are no different that Jews/Judaism/Communism!  

      • Taxi says:

        “… you can have them!”.  I don’t want them. Why would you say this to me?  Twice now with a pissy tone.  Totally uncalled for.  I may not agree with you on every point, but I do respect where you’re coming from.

      • Taxi says:

        Personally, the jews are the only people I hate, and zionism is the only political ideology that I profoundly detest.  I’m not a fan of communism but I gel with armed communist farmers who resist corporate aggression and hostile takeover of their lands.  I gel with tribal communism in the jungles of Peru.  I basically gel with anything that is practiced by non-corrupt and peaceful communities.  I don’t see communism as a black and white issue.  There are many shades and grades of it.  Vulture Capitalism is by far a worse offender than communism-by-choice.  And who do you think invented Vulture Capitalism?  It was not the Chinese, but the jews.  I personally wouldn’t put Chinese culture on par with jewish culture.  Chalk and cheese.

        And you’ll forgive me please but I’m gonna have to remove some of your linked Tibet vids – I’ll keep a couple: that’s sufficient info.  And I’m removing basically because, well, it’s repetitive.  And btw, I’ve seen a few vids in the past with Tibetan extremist monks being horrendously and murderously violent towards Tibetan border farmers who preferred communism to Tibetan paganism.  Not all Tibetans are peaceful and not all Chinese are violent.

      • Igor Bundy says:

        SPARROW you realise these commies are well not the soviet style communists..  They are village communists like the kurds. If you dont like something you can change it. Those who do better gets promoted. So its not like stalin issuing orders and the farms doing their thing. Its the farms that do the thing and if they do it better than the rest, then the rest start doing it and on and on.. So if cruelty is involved, then it was found to be the best way to do it. I might not agree with it, but look how fast they have grown. So I have to give them credit and most people would gladly accept such a solution..


        And no I dont agree with it.. But I dont need to agree with something that obviously works for the great majority of them. I dont agree with the US system either, and I find out the entire economy is held up by like 5 million or so people while over 100 mil cant even make ends meet.. But if you look at the US, the most powerful and richest nation in the world.. Where most people are suffering.. I was shocked I was near the top end of the chain and it was disgusting.. The things I would have had to do to stay there.. So again I would not agree with such a system either.. Maybe why I dont have many friends.. And they do think I am strange and unique.. I dont mind being a weirdo..

      • Taxi says:

        That’s the problem with ideologues: disinterest in facts and balanced inquiry – and much appetite for demonization.

  222. Taxi says:

    Levantean news today in brief:

    – MBZ has contracted Coronavirus in Abu Dhabi – ‘supposedly’ from one of his Philippine palace servants.

    – Syria repelled ALL of terrorist israel’s missile ambush on Syria during last night.

    – Extreme worry grips the terrorist israeli military over Hezbollah’s mindblowingly successful night op in Saraqeb/Idlib a couple of nights ago – coward jews are panicked to realize that Nasrallah’s threat to “liberate the Galilee” from the klepto jews can easily be done in stealth and swiftly by Hezbollah during moon hours – that terrorist jews would one day wake up to find that they’ve lost the Galilee to a Hezb op by night.  They are studying, with extreme trepidation, available details of Hezb’s night op in Saraqeb.

    –  Bashar gave a talk yesterday and addressed the Turkish people politely asking them: “why and for what are Turks dying in Syria?”  A pertinent and powerful question indeed.

    –  Erdo meets Putin today over the Turkey’s Idlib failures this week – I expect Erdo’s butler will provide an adult nappy for him that matches his tie.

    –  Kata’eb Hezbollah in Iraq are accusing Iraqi Intelligence of having a hand in the murder of Suleimani.  A very dangerous and emotive accusation that will no doubt produce a violent consequence.

    And in the US, it looks like two senile zionists will battle for the Dem party throne: Biden and Sanders.  But some analysts are predicting an 11th hour entry of that war criminal Hilary Clinton.  Whichever way it goes, millions of Dem voters will be fucked over – again.  Here I blame the voter cuz evidently they love being duped by criminals ruling over them, despite the availability of mountains of info that expose their corrupt leaders as being concerned ONLY with their own personal positions of power.

    …  G’nite from pleasant but boring Red Hook y’all…


    • Taxi says:

      I shoulda also mentioned in the above list that yesterday, Syria signed massive rebuilding deals with China.  This means that China now has Iraq and Syria on its roster of geostrategic interests and investments.  I look forward to Lebanon's turn.  It could really do with a Bruce Lee coming to its rescue.  And when this occurs, this will mean that the only Levantean nation not partnered industrially and economically with China is israel.  Despite contracts here and there between israel and China, israel will never take the full embrace of Chinese patronage.  American jews running our Deep State will never allow it.  They see that permanently leeching off Pax Americana's liver and spleen is a better deal for the jews.

  223. Taxi says:

    To my mind, counter-intelligence ops are by far more interesting than your standard intelligence fare.  Let us remember here that a major reason for Hezbollah's victory over the terrorist jews back in 2006 was due to Hezbollah's uber sophisticated counter-intelligence activities against the terrorist jews.  Looks like now the US too is feeling the sting of Hezbollah's counter-intel drill mill:

    Translator Accused of Revealing U.S. Secrets Amid Tensions With Iran

    And if they've caught one hezb-connected operator, we can safely assume that a good dozen remain embedded under the noses of the US's military intelligence and the CIA.

    And in case readers were not aware, Hezbollah has spy rings inside of israeli society, and right in the heart of the jewish military:  all thanks to some enlisted and wily Palestinian Druze.

  224. Taxi says:

    An interesting passage from today's Xymphora newsstand:

    "8% of Iran's parliament has tested positive for coronavirus, official says" (Mostaghim).  Other cases are curiously distributed right across the country, as if they were seeds planted in many different places.  What appears to be a direct attack on the Iranian parliament, plus the distribution of the attacks, makes it look like an intentional biowarfare attack, perhaps spread by MEK 'Typhoid Marys'. They can't tell us the race of the victims – as that would be racisssssssss – but I assume most of the victims outside China are also Chinese, and I wonder if this attack in Iran is a slightly modified virus, with the attack hidden behind the bigger attack against China.  On the other hand, maybe being on the Silk Road left behind some common genes.

    And this here too:

    "Who or What Started the Wuhan Coronavirus Epidemic?" (Hall) (what follows this excerpt is an enormous litany of hinky recent events involving medical research and researchers):

    "One of the primary areas of professional contention arising from the COVID-19 crisis involves the close connections between biological research aimed at finding preventions and cures for diseases and research aimed at creating biological weapons. Biological weapons can be designed with the goal of bringing about indiscriminate mass murder. They can also be used to bring about the targeted murder of specific human populations sharing common genetic attributes.

    Gradually a portion of the public is becoming aware that a conflict of interests exists between the military and public health applications of the microbiology field within the so-called life sciences. How many practitioners of the so-called life sciences are really devoting themselves to the death sciences? The public has reason to question, for instance, the procedures involved in the production of vaccines by an industry with one foot in the health care field and another foot in military research.

    Why should the public not fear that some practitioners in the field of microbiology might confuse their dual responsibilities in projects aimed at both saving and killing people? What is to be said of the development of vaccines, in some cases by the same people involved in genetically engineering the very diseases that vaccines are meant to protect against?

    Similarly, why should the public trust that we are being well served by systems of research primarily driven by the quest for lucrative patents to enrich their owners? Why shouldn’t the public suspect that we are being used as guinea pigs in experiments on human beings that continue to be perpetuated in the course of applied medical research regardless of the prohibitions that have been enacted? Did the Wuhan Coronavirus epidemic begin as an experiment on human subjects that got out of control?

    How many times can the public trust be betrayed before the habit ceases of giving possible professional offenders, including those in white lab coats, the benefit of the doubt? Where does the protection of the public interest and the common good fit into this complex and internally contradictory picture?

    Where is there genuine accountability to a public required to support with our tax dollars scientific research that can result in both good and bad outcomes? Why does the financial return on this public investment so often end up in corporate and private hands whereas the liabilities and collateral damages accrued are expected to be absorbed by the public?"


  225. Mike-Florida says:

    Protecting Lebanon’s liquidity vs. Eurobond payment due >

    Prime Minister Hassan Diab met Tuesday evening March 3 with a delegation from Association of Banks in Lebanon, in latest of government’s intensified consultations before deciding on whether to pay or default on $1.2 billion Eurobonds due next week.

    Cabinet set to announce Eurobond default Saturday March.

     Taxi – please let us know once decision is made, and related comments and > ID of principal holders of those bonds. Thanks. Mike.

  226. Anonymous says:

    Impacting Israeli military movement >

    IDF bars all foreign travel for troops, to confront virus. Military calls off all international exercises — in Israel and abroad.

    Israel Defense Forces called off a major air defense exercise with US on March 4 night, a day after it launched, following stricter safety restrictions issued by the Health Ministry aimed at curbing the spread of the coronavirus. The biennial Juniper Cobra exercise — one of  IDF’s largest international drills — was scheduled to be held over course of 10 days, with thousands of American and Israeli soldiers taking part. The Juniper Cobra exercise has been held every other year since 2001 and is one of IDF’s largest international drills. The exercise simulates a large-scale missile attack on the State of Israel.


  227. Mike-Florida says:

    A judge stunned Lebanon Thursday March 5 with a bold decision to freeze the assets of 21 Lebanese banks for what he said was a violation of the money and credit law and undermining the rights of the small customers.

    (Looks like Diab’s govt. making moves RE corruption, news of which should make Lebanon citizens a bit more hopeful. Mike.

    • Mike-Florida says:

      Freezing bank assets most likely tied to decision RE eurobond payment – if not made, Diab surly does not want banks to find sneaky ways such that the $1.2 billion leaves Lebanon in any form. Just my speculation. Lebanon's govt. must control, not banks or others. Mike.

  228. Daniel Rich says:

    Occupied Palestine Air Force again using passenger planes as active cover for their heinous and cowardly attacks on Syria proper.

    With such little respect for goy lives I sincerely hope they'll be roasted for ever after.

  229. Mike-Florida says:

    Lebanon looks set to announce Saturday March 7 it cannot make $1.2 billion dollar Euro-bond payments due March 9, and also wants to restructure $31 billion of foreign currency debt. Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri, one of most influential figures in Lebanon and ally of Hezbollah group, said March 4 majority of lawmakers backed not paying back the debt. (Taxi – pls let us know tomorrow’s decision and apparent ramifications via local media. As an aside > Suggest Lebanon should insist any restructure considerations must up-front include EU/US cancelling any and all economic sanctions against tiny Lebanon, as well as significant net debt reductions re-payable in Lebanon currency. Mike.)

  230. Taxi says:

    Howdy y'all.  Am finally back in my farmhouse in south Lebanon – I will probably sleep for a couple of days now…  In the meantime, here's some thoughts on some stories swirling around our sunny (but miserable) globe.

    – Aipac conference is hit with coronavirus and it would be poetic justice if all attendees died in unison from cocksucking on jewish speakers and their shekels.

    – Coronavirus originated in the USA – and Italy and Iran share much gnome:

    Who will punish the perps who weaponized coronavirus that specifically targeted the massive nations of China and Iran with it?  No, dear reader, there is no justice in this universe and the sooner you learn that justice does not fall from the sky but from the tip of the sword, the better navigator of our immoral world you become.

    And the arrest of royals in saudi arabia?  The important thing to know here is the battle for who rules the evil kingdom is quintessentially a battle between the CIA and the mossad.  The CIA prefer Ibn Nayef (currently under arrest) because he is an old and reliable friend, and the jews prefer MbS because he is kushner's butt-bitch and will thus be malleable for the next 50 years.  Anything can happen after the death of the current king, including the dismantlement-by-civil-war of the House of Al Saud and the return of the original name of the Arabian peninsular to 'Al Hijaz'.

    Erdo surrenders to Putin in Idlib but Erdo's pet head-choppers dismiss the surrender agreement between Moscow and Ankara and continue their failed caliphate project regardless – and as we all know, stupid people make stupid decisions that always lead to ruin or death.

    And who exactly won the israeli elections?  As if the answer to this question makes any difference to the satanic nature of jews.  White dog, black dog: as the Arabs are wont to say.

    Leb PM Diab decides on defaulting payment of 1.2 bn for euro bond debt payment – a first for Leb, but certainly the right way to go considering the current financial hardships.  He is on a mission to restructure Leb finances and industries and may the force be with him.  He is assigning a portion of this 1.2 bn as aid for needy Lebanese civilians who are being beaten into a pulp by the dollar hammer.

    And allow me please here this small indulgence:  upon my return to my farmhouse, I find my fruit orchard is in full bloom and the floral scent is so intense that it would turn any old coarse-headed bastard into a refined poet.  Disarming aromatherapy at my doorstep indeed. 

    Y'all have a super good Sunday.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      Welcome back [home], darling.

      Ahhhh, the smell of spring is an all overpowering ‘assault’ on common senses :o]

      A counterweight to all the insanity, emanating from around the globe.

      Have a good [night/day] sleep and find a basket filled with happiness at/on your doorstep the moment you wake up.

      Big hug,

      • Taxi says:

        You are perpetually so kind and thoughtful, dear Daniel. Thank you. Feeling a little worse for wear from jetlag today – back to bed in a mo – plus I’ve got some catch-up house stuff to deal with before I can focus proper attention on Plato’s. You’ll forgive then please my absence for the next couple of days or so – then its back on the saddle again with new article etc. Inshallah.

        Y’all be good and dandy in the meantime.

  231. Taxi says:

    It's time to start viewing the mutant coronavirus as a collaborative conspiracy.  China: number one enemy of the USA.  Iran: number one enemy of israel.  Say no more…

    Can't use bombs face-to-face but can use cowardly biological warfare.  The US has already done exactly this against the Native Indians: giving them infected blankets during winter and wiping out millions of them in a single season.  The total number of Native Indians killed by euro settlers (who later called themselves 'Americans')? Fifty two million Native Indians dead inside of a decade.

    Israel has one of the most robust biological warfare programs in the world, after the USA.  The hezb is well aware of this and has repeatedly threatened to bomb their bio labs, unleashing thus the germs against their jew creators.  This is why israel chose to strike their racialist corona at Iran and not the hezb: too close to home.

    The evil experiment did not work as planned: the racialist virus is imperfect and proved to affect all races and not just the Chinese and the Iranians.  Lessons will be learned from this.  We hope the right one. 

    Biological warfare can easily boomerang.  DO NOT TOUCH!


  232. Taxi says:

    BTW Lebanon is experiencing a serious internet problem right now.  Because a chunk of the population is staying at home and not going to school or work due to coronavirus, the demand for internet bandwidth is greater than the supply.  Lebanon’s internet is on serious overload.  Expect great delays in commentary from me.  I’ve literally woken up at 2am this morning just to check my emails, and even at that silly early hour, I’m having problems with limited bandwidth.  God knows how many times I will have to resend my comments today before they get through and get published.

    Dog help us all!

  233. Taxi says:

    Elijah Magnier’s new article:

    A lesson from Idlib for Hezbollah: is Israel preparing an attack?

    Every now and then, Elijah will share his new article with me via email and before publishing.  He shared his latest one with me a couple of days ago and here is my email response to him this morning:

    Bonjour Elijah.

    Thank you for your latest article.  Really great stuff.  Israel since 2006 has not dared touch Lebanon, all thanks to Hezbollah.  Tel aviv unleashed ISIS onto the Levant thereafter to weaken the Hezb and its supporters in Damascus and it’s been almost a decade of ‘unleashing’ and this evil plan hasn’t exactly worked.  Although Syria is destroyed, yet Damascus remains standing and the Hezb has only grown more powerful.  Turkey’s NATO army did not succeed in weakening the Hezb either, as you correctly point out.  At this stage, israel is out of war options – it can no longer fight the hezb from the ‘back’ of someone else’ army, and it’s too chicken-shit scared to fight the Hezb face-to-face.  After the Saraqeb op, israel is now loosing even more sleep and is deeply concerned that the Hezb can now operate so very perfectly by night that tel aviv will wake up one morning to find the Galilee liberated by the Hezb, as per Nasrallah’s threat.  As you correctly implied in your article’s conclusion, israel does not have the nerve to even do a limited strike against the Hezb, or the Lebanon itself, for fear of unleashing Hezbollah’s promised wrath on tel aviv.  Really, israel has been militarily check-mated by the Hezb and the most that tel aviv can do is send stupid clusters of spy drones over south Lebanon and the Bekaa.  But… you and I know that the day will come when israel will be forced to face the combined Axis of Resistance forces in the Levant, and this indeed will change the world as we know it.  We hope for the better.

    Trump’s ‘maximum pressure’ financial campaign against the Leb is supposed to target the Hezb, but the Hezb remains untouched by it, though the rest of the country is deeply suffering for it.

    What will Hezbollah’s enemies do next?  Nothing!  Sweet fuck all!  Cuz they can’t do anything directly against the Hezb without sacrificing tel aviv AND the Galilee.  Here in the south Lebanon, like in occupied Palestine and in Syria, we all wait for the mother of all battles against tel aviv: the global center for terrorism and usury.  All tel aviv can do is delay this inevitability: delay, delay and delay.  But to no avail.  The coward, klepto, mass-murdering jews will one day meet with the same fate as their pet ISIS in the Levant.  Crushed and evicted.

    I can tell you that whenever an israeli drone flies over our little village, many people ignore it and the ones who don’t, look up at the sky with hands held in prayer and say: “dear god, please let it (the mother of all battles) be today”.  This occurs in practically every single southern village.  This is where the spirit of resistance in the south of Lebanon is at.

    • Canthama says:

      Taxi, this is great, I really enjoy Elijah, have been supporting him in the past few years for him to write his book on HezbAllah, it would be an incredible book to educate the world on what is HezbAllah all about, not only the military branch, but the ideal of a society under pressure, holding high its pride, not afriad, but investing all the time in the future…education, health and building of character.

      Thanks for sharing the above, really appreciate.

  234. Taxi says:

    Jewish terrorism and war crimes against Palestinian children told with such pride – wow so impressive that I wanna give 'em psycho jews even MORE of my tax dollars.  NOT!!!

    '42 Knees in One Day': Israeli Snipers Open Up About Shooting Gaza Protesters

    And this headline here below is run exactly word for word oooh at least 4 times per year – just read up on the wishful-thinking of the jew and his deluded war strategy:

    Israel vs. Hezbollah: Is the Third Lebanon War Inevitable?

    And this headline here regarding the origins/originators of coronavirus:

    Some in Russia Think the Coronavirus Is a U.S. Biological Weapon

  235. Daniel Rich says:

    Journalist Joe Bageant [2007]:


    Much of the ongoing battle for America's soul is about healing the souls of these Americans and rousing them from the stupefying glut of commodity and spectacle. It is about making sure that they—and we—refuse to accept torture as the act of "heroes" and babies deformed by depleted uranium as the "price of freedom." Caught up in the great self-referential hologram of imperial America, force-fed goods and hubris like fattened steers, working people like World Championship Wrestling and Confederate flags and flat-screen televisions and the idea of an American empire. ("American Empire! I like the sound of that!" they think to themselves, without even the slightest idea what it means historically.) "The people" doing our hardest work and fighting our wars are not altruistic and probably never were. They don't give a rat's bunghole about the world's poor or the planet or animals or anything else. Not really. "The people" like cheap gas. They like chasing post-Thanksgiving Day Christmas sales. And if fascism comes, they will like that too if the cost of gas isn't too high and Comcast comes through with a twenty-four-hour NFL channel.

    That is the American hologram. That is the peculiar illusion we live within, the illusion that holds us together, makes us alike, yet tells each of us we are unique. And it will remain in force until the whole shiteree comes down around our heads. Working people do not deny reality. They create it from the depths of their perverse ignorance, even as the so-called left speaks in non sequiturs and wonders why it cannot gain any political traction. Meanwhile, for the people, it is football and NASCAR and a republic free from married queers and trigger locks on guns. That's what they voted for—an armed and moral republic. And that's what we get when we stand by and watch the humanity get hammered out of our fellow citizens, letting them be worked cheap and farmed like a human crop for profit.

    Genuine moral values have jack to do with politics. But in an obsessively religious nation, values remain the most effective smoke screen for larceny by the rich and hatred and fear by the rest. What Christians and so many quiet, ordinary Americans were voting for in the presidential elections of 2000 and 2004 was fear of human beings culturally unlike themselves, particularly gays and lesbians and Muslims and other non-Christians. That's why in eleven states Republicans got constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage on the ballot. In nine of them the bill passed easily. It was always about fearing and, in the worst cases, hating "the other."

    Being a southerner, I have hated in my lifetime. I can remember schoolyard discussions of supposed "nigger knifing" of white boys at night and such. And like most people over fifty, it shows in my face, because by that age we have the faces we deserve. Likewise I have seen hate in others and know it when I see it. And I am seeing more of it now than ever before in my lifetime, which is saying something considering that I grew up down here during the Jim Crow era. Fanned and nurtured by neoconservative elements, the hate is every bit equal to the kind I saw in my people during those violent years. Irrational. Deeply rooted. Based on inchoate fears.

    The fear is particularly prevalent in the middle and upper-middle classes here, the very ones most openly vehement about being against using the words nigger and fuck. They are what passes for educated people in a place like Winchester. You can smell their fear. Fear of losing their advantages and money. Fear there won't be enough time to grab and stash enough geet to keep themselves and their offspring in Chardonnay and farting through silk for the next fifty years. So they keep the lie machinery and the smoke generators cranking full blast as long as possible, hoping to elect another one of their own kind to the White House—Democratic or Republican, it doesn't matter so long as they keep the scam going. The Laurita Barrs speak in knowing, authoritative tones, and the inwardly fearful house painter and single-mom forklift driver listen and nod. Why take a chance on voting for a party that would let homos be scout masters?


    (Dear Hunting with Jesus: Dispatches from America's Class War, chapter 2)

  236. Mike-Florida says:

    Must read below link RE Lebanon's economic crisis – from Lebanon's own media. Summary > 

    Beirut could try and manage without the IMF but it would still need to do what no previous government has been able to do – slash government spending and start a longer-term programme of tax hikes to get the finances back in shape. Credit rating agency Fitch has said the government may even raid the deposits and savings held in the country's banks like Cyprus did. Hezbollah's leaders have been arguing against IMF involvement, saying the likely terms of a bailout would be so painful that they would spark "a popular revolution."

    (Hope PM Diab can keep his govt. together as a determined team with most daunting challenge, working their way forward. Mike.)

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Mike. The Diab gov will NEVER allow for a Cyprus situ – there will be no “raiding” deposits and savings accounts in Leb. Why? Because this in itself will bring down his government overnight. What the America-loving Daily Star isn’t telling you about are the financial aid packages that China, Russia, Iran and India have offered the Leb. In any case, I see Diab as pivoting Eastwards for assistance if all else fails with the neo-lib financial institutions in the West. Probably with China as they are offering to invest heavily in re-establish Leb industries again, and allowing the Leb to begin paying back in 20 years time.

    • Canthama says:

      Mike and Taxi, in my humble view there are few options for Lebanon, the by far best one is fresh investment money for oil/gas off shore, billions of USD equivalent from China or Russia. The longer it takes to close large big USD deals the worst it will be.

      Lebanon for decades was a financial "paradise", this "industry" is not productive, it is service based, Lebanon needs investment money to large scale infra structure projects that consume labor and can move billions in trade…efficient and safe ports, at least two large scale efficient ports to compete with the apartheid regime and Turkey, these two brotherly regimes take the lion share on efficient large scale ports in eastern Med sea.

      Infra structure money is long term, jobs are long term…and this is simply perfect fit for China's BRI and the Asian Infrastructure Bank lead by China and many of the Lebanese creditors.. the sooner the Lebanon embrace Eurasia the better, but it will need protection, meaning either China or Russia would have to say "no pasaran" for the ZioNato and their GCC/apartheid regime clowns, without guarantees/protection, money to infra structure does not flow. 

      The Lebanon has the keys and the Government to take this call now, this is a window of opportunity.

      • Taxi says:

        You’re absolutely correct Canthama. And I reckon PM Diab agrees with you and is endeavoring more or less the same thing. Plus, Diab is trying to find a balanced and legal way to return big monies stolen from the country’s coffers by corrupt ex politicians – investigations into these thieves has already begun.

  237. Mike-Florida says:

    Re Lebanon finances – I concur with Canthama's comments about China, deploy energy assets, etc. But, that takes time – and at this time China has its own hands full. With dwindling reserves Lebanon's time has ran out. Need other actions now > Diab's govt certainly recognizes posted media article, said > "slash government spending and start a longer-term programme of tax hikes to get the finances back in shape." There must be immediate big govt. spending cuts –  which means laying off lots of employees and cancelling outside contracts. So far not seen layoff announcements. Of course Diab's govt guys have their own govt. pay checks to protect – and Diab must be hanging tough, constantly letting public know what he's doing and who are resisting. Its not only debt overhang but its cause > large out of balance govt. spending, which is in Diab's govt. control to fix, now. Is this discussed on local TV/radio? Govt. employee and contractor spending cuts can happen tomorrow. Mike.

    Latest media > Lebanon’s GDP declines to $44 from $55 billion. Economic indicators deteriorated rapidly while businesses either closed or scaled down size.


    • Canthama says:

      Mike, true, money for infra structure is long term…but there are deals a country can make to anticipate funds…it is done every time…Venezuela, Iran, Iraq….countries receive net present value in the form of payment or credit line, the Lebanon can get that easy since it. has off shore assets of value. I truly believe the time is now, and the window of opportunity with the current leadership is perfect. 

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Mike/taxi/Canthama,

        I have a German stamp that's valued at 5,000,000,000 Reichs Mark. That was from a time Germany laid in [jew instigated] ruins [early twenties, 20th century]. A decade later, it was up and running. It can be done, but without foreign intervention/banks/money.

  238. Mike-Florida says:

    Many Lebanon challenges >

    Al Arabiya reported 11 March Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah had been quarantined for fear had contracted the disease, apparently after spread to aides by Iranian visitor.

    and > Lebanon Restaurants Closed over Coronavirus Fears.

    • Taxi says:

      Wow that is a beautifully preserved old stamp – and its message remains largely current. Thanks for sharing, Daniel.

  239. Harry law says:

    Daniel, pigeons have been used in warfare before, targeting ships in WW2, since bombs dropped sometimes missed their target by miles.

    One to three pigeons, trained by operant conditioning to recognize the target, were stationed in front of the screen; when they saw the target, they would peck at the screen with their beaks.[2] As long as the target remained in the center of the screen, the screen would not move, but if the bomb began to go off track, the image would move towards the edge of the screen. The pigeons would follow the image, pecking at it, which would move the screen on its pivots.

    The sensors would detect the movement and send signals to the control surfaces, which would steer the bomb in the direction the screen had moved. As the bomb swung back towards the target, the pigeons would again follow the image, bringing the screen back to the centered position again. In that way, the pigeons would correct any deviations in the course and keep the bomb on its glide path.

    Early electronic guidance systems use similar methods, only with electronic signals and processors replacing the birds in detecting the target and preventing deviation from the glide path.  Those pigeons were nearly as stupid as Pompeo.

    Reminds me of the film Two way stretch when the inmates were going to send a message by carrier pigeon to an accomplice. One had doubts the bird would make it, Peter Sellers said “don’t have doubts it will walk it”. Next scene a pigeon walking across Trafalgar sq.

  240. Harry law says:

    The US are taking their occupations of the Middle East very seriously, they are now attacking the Popular mobilization units [PMU's] which are part of the official Iraqi military, this is a very serious move by the US, on the one hand the US think they can act with impunity since they have all Iraqi oil sales money in US banks [29 billion dollars] which the Iraqi government need to fund its day to day activities, they also have Iraqi gold reserves [for safe keeping you understand]. China is willing to develop more Iraq oil fields and invest in other Iraqi projects, the US is aware of this and will not let the Chinese get such a big foot in the door. The Iraqi government are in a cleft stick, either  boot the US out and lose their money and gold and remain a sovereign self respecting Nation, or fold to the Hegemon and be its slave forever.

  241. Taxi says:

    Dear friends and readers.  Last Thursday, sunset time, the south of Lebanon was struck by an almighty freak windstorm.  But it wasn't an ordinary windstorm – its speed reached 120mph – typhoon like.  It lasted for over eight hours non-stop and its unbearably loud howling kept me up all night.  Early Friday morning (yesterday), I let my dogs out at 4am as usual and I was shocked to discover that there was so much storm damage to my garden.  Four juniper trees, all of them 70+ years old had been snapped into two at the trunk like brittle pencils.  Two of them had fallen on my gardener's cottage roof, one fell on a couple of fruit trees, breaking them too, and the fourth fell on the chicken coop roof and collapsed it completely, frightening all 47 chickens away in the middle of the night.  Of course, I didn't hear any of this when it happened – all I heard was the loudest of howl after wind howl.  Never mind the garden debris everywhere, all the blossom on the trees blown off before their time, the new patch of flowerbed that I'd planted just the day before was just not there anymore, and neither is my organic garden patch – two rooftop TV dishes lay twisted and bent out of shape below by the garden wall – garden furniture strewn everywhere: one iron chair slammed into my car rear window and smashed it – other garden furniture hung from tree branches or was flung outside the compound.  Absolute and utter mayhem everywhere the eye turned.  Naturally, I was horribly traumatized for the fallen trees and the missing chickens.  I spent all day yesterday, inconsolable with grief over their loss and searching for them: traipsing the wild hill below where only jackals and wild boar live.  By 3pm I had located only two of my missing 47 chickens.  They were huddled up together in a nook formed by two boulders leaning on each other.  I saw chicken feathers everywhere on the hill but in the end found only two chickens.  No longer having a viable coop to house the pair of found chickens, I went ahead and gave them to this old lady from the village for keeps.  I will have to rebuild the coop before I can raise hens again.  I'm too despondent to do it right now – you could say that the crazy windstorm winded the fuck outta me.  I've had to hire extra hands to help with cleaning the storm debris for the next few days – yeah that's how much damage was done.

    But my damage and loss pales in the face of what south leb farmers and their crops have had to endure these past couple of days.  The only word that describes it is 'devastation'.  So unbearably sad: and just as spring harvesting is about to begin…  all those gifts of nature that the farmers poured sweat and patience over will not make it to market this season – will not therefore pay for the next season's planting.  While the whole world is currently fixated on COVID-19, here I am clearing storm debris and giving donations to local farmers: my heart full of bereavement over my fallen trees and the horrors that my hens must have faced.

    Needless to say, I'm experiencing an exhaustion after my funereal trip Stateside and now this…

    But I'm back again – in spits and spats.

    • Canthama says:

      So sorry to hear that, I live outside the city in a small farm as well, and big storms (above 100 kms/hr) are always tough to handle, lots os destruction, though never lost chickens/ducks/turkeys with them, but will be extra careful learning from your experience. Stay safe, plant new trees and rebuild, life is a constant rebuilding.

    • What a terrible experience to have to go through, dear Taxi,  I remember some of the wild storms in Lebanon years ago when the sea would rise and the mighty storm would cause great destruction inland . I remember returning from a trip  abroad the day after the great storm of 1987 , and seeing the carnage done to the beautiful trees in the Parks and lining some streets.   I pray that you won’t experience anything similar again soon…I add  my sincere commiserations to the local farmers for all their heartbreaking losses.

      I am so sorry for the loss of your chickens , and your dogs must have been terrified as well !  I wish you well and good luck with all the rebuilding and repairing of damage you have to do , as well as the loving replanting of what has been blown away so violently  soon after your trip back from the U. S.  

      I also wish to join your avid readers in thanking you for the translation of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s epic speech .  What an amazing man !

      Please take good care of yourself and above all ,  stay safe , dear Taxi !


      • Taxi says:

        Wow beautiful Nadia – so wonderful to see you posting again. You’ve been truly and sorely missed, my dearest. Thank you so much for your kinds thoughts and words. I sincerely do hope all is well with you.

        Weirdly, the windstorm struck only the south of Lebanon. The eastern Mediterranean has a reputation of birthing sudden storms – all due to it being the meeting place where the perpetual northern European winds clash with the random hot winds blowing from the Sinai. This unpredictable weather phenomenon gave much inspiration to ancient Greeks writing about the ‘wrath of the gods’ in their mythology.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      Needles to say, I feel sorry for [all] your loss/es. Also needless to say, if nearer to you, I’d hop over and take most of the burden of rebuilding the mess off of your shoulders. Given the distance between the two of us, I can only be with you in spirit, nevertheless, I am in all my human and manly glory.

      Strength and Honor.

      • Taxi says:

        I’m a-feeling your good wishes and great strength, dearest Daniel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  242. Taxi says:

    Last night, Hassan Nasrallah gave a surprising speech that he referred to as a “science and religion” speech about the COVID-19 situ.  He submitted up-to-date scientific findings, giving global stats etc; then he proceeded to speak of COVID-19 as “an enemy we are all in a state of war with” that all who live in the Lebanon, regardless of nationality, must unite to defeat “this lethal and merciless enemy”.  He gave all practical advise as to how people can protect themselves AND their communities, and how no person should “be looking to score points” off the back of this world crisis, but instead, should work together as brothers and sisters, regardless of religion, to combat this “silent, intelligent, toxin”.  He put much emphasis on the need for people to cooperate with one another using good manners and genuine soulful compassion.  He repeated that the preservation of human life is a lofty endeavor “much loved by god”.  He referred to the COVID-19 medical respondents as “front-line hero soldiers who put their own lives at risk to help save others: he called them “true martyrs in every sense of the word”.  It was a speech full of wisdom and human empathy: brimming with illuminting and practical advise.

    And clearly, he appeared NOT to be suffering from COVID-19 himself, as the saudi-jew bullshit bitches has pipe-dreamed a couple of days ago and spread rumors that he had caught the deadly contagion.

    His speech lasted for almost one and a half hours, of which I’d say one hour and twenty was dedicated to COVID-19.  He also briefly touched on the Leb’s dollar crisis: declaring that the Hezb is okay with foreign lenders but NOT if their terms included taxing the poor further.  He said that he would never support such a program, and neither would most of the population.

    He closed his speech with giving very brief kudos and righteousness to the Resistance attack on the US/coalition in Iraq.

      • Taxi says:

        I also observed that Nasrallah never once, not once did he politicize the subject matter of COVID-19. He stayed well away from theorizing the source or intention of the outbreak – did not go into any analysis of it being ‘Germ Warfare’ (gone wrong, naturally), directed at the uppity challengers of Pax Americana and that wannabe-semite terrorist known as israel. Not once did he name names or accuse or point fingers at the ‘satans’ among us. He focused all his attention on giving people practical advice and illuminating to them the humanitarian aspect of the challenge.

        Yes, indeed he is a “true leader of people”.

      • Taxi says:

        I forgot to also mention that Nasrallah also asked Leb banks to donate generously to the Leb’s ‘COVID-19 readiness fund’ out of their “large profits from last year”, thus publicly elbowing their ribs into charitable acts (and not usury). People will now expect the banks to help out or the people will (post self-quarantine) protest outside their business doors and with ardor shame and smear them further on social media.

        He also said to “prepare for the worst in case it comes”, giving valuable survival tips with detailed explanation and reasoning and thus also honing up people’s dormant survival instincts. “The smart will survive this crisis”, he said.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      Hassan Nasrallah emanates the wisdom one finds in the scribblings of Lao Tzu [the old master]'s Tao te Ching.

      One can only respect such a mindset.

      • Taxi says:

        A person cannot be a true leader without being sage.  Cannot be an effective leader without being positively instructive.  Tragic that the Western world has ceased birthing such profundities.

        If you were sitting with Nasrallah and compared him to Lao Tzu, he would humbly disagree, I reckon kiss.

  243. Taxi says:

    A little pontificating homage here cuz the muse is in the house:

    The brilliance of Hezbollah's current leadership aside, in essence, what makes Hezbollah ‘Hezbollah’ is their fighters.  Their character.  Their extraordinary human substance.  They are not hair-gelled soldiers peacocking on the battlefield.  They are not hollow soldiers stuffed blind with someone else’ hate.  They are not fodder.  None of them are, regardless of rank.  They are always polite, always helpful towards their communities and to all whom they come into contact with.  They are modest, they are humble, they are fair-minded – they are either silent, or truthful – they are true to their word.  They do not “lie, steal or cheat”.  They do not even abuse captured enemies.  They are family orientated.  They are pious.  They are humanitarian.  They are spiritualized.  They are willing martyrs in the name of justice and equity.  They fear nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  But [their] god.  They are truly the bravest of men.  They are ALL heroes.  Hezbollah is literally a shining legion, an army of heroes.  Every single one of them is consistently exceptional.

    And I am not romancing the boys here, I am stating well-document facts.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      The contrast between Hezbollah fighters/soldiers and the diaper wearing Occupied Palestine brown-shirts couldn't be darker/starker. Once on the front line/s, the shitheads will feel and know the difference and die like the shitty rats they are [sorry, rats].

  244. Taxi says:

    Lookie what a friend just emailed me:

    Dear Patriot Defense Employees, Independent Contractor Team, Sub-Contractor Teammates, and Our Valued Customers:

    Over the past several weeks we have witnessed the world waking up to the realization that we are facing a global pandemic. I am sure everyone has been following the spread of COVID-19 from China to the Koreas, Iran, and then Europe. We are now entering “community spread” here in the U.S. as well. There is reason for cautious optimism given the trends in South Korea and the reported data coming out of China where mitigation efforts, though draconian, are curbing the spread of the infection. Additionally, there seems to be consensus from the majority of decease control experts world-wide that mitigation efforts when properly and fully implemented have a significant effect on the rate of increased infections. However, it appears this crisis will get worse before it gets better.

    The U.S. and the rest of the world are now taking significant steps to mitigate the threat this pandemic poses to our people, our economy, and our national security infrastructure. If you are receiving this email, you are a part of the Patriot Defense team and critical to our resiliency. I want to reassure all of those reading this email that we have continuity plans in place here at Patriot Defense to keep our administrative and training and direct support operations up and running.

    We are preparing for multiple scenarios and resourcing several potential courses of action in order to continue to keep our people safe while meeting our obligations to our clients. We recognize that given the current trajectory of the community spread infection rates, this pandemic will likely impact our military optempo, our business operations, the operations of our teaming partners, and all of our families. As we progress, we will continue to communicate and follow (and enforce) CDC and WHO guidelines to help keep our work force healthy. We will also be implementing contingencies across all of offices and our client contract programs to ensure we have redundancy for program management and key personnel as well as IC and Subcontractor support to our clients. Below are some of the areas in which we are implementing plans to support our resiliency.

    Travel and Protective Measures

    We have restricted all international travel, and have recommended against non-essential domestic business travel, for all employees. We are also instituting a 14-day work-from-home precautionary period for anyone who returns from a high-risk area or who has been exposed to the virus. As always, we have asked employees to stay home from work if they feel sick, and to seek treatment as necessary. We appreciate the vigor of our employees, but if you show signs of illness and come to work, you will be sent home. We have also increased preventative measures such as enhanced cleaning and disinfection procedures in our offices to match the building management notices. Click below for the most recent CDC guidance to help prevent the spread of this infection. 

    CDC workplace-school-and-home-guidance.pdf

    Additional DoD policies and CDC updates are included in the links below:

    For your awareness, on March 11, 2020 Defense Secretary Dr. Mark T. Esper announced new travel restrictions for 60 days for service members, DOD civilians and families traveling to, from, or through Level 3 locations, as designated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    • Travel Restrictions for DOD Components in Response to Coronavirus Disease 2019

    • Update on DOD COVID-19 Measures

    • Force Health Protection Guidance (Supplement 4)

    • CDC COVID 19


    We are reviewing forward-looking client requirements, events and meetings—and alerting our employees, ICs and Subcontractors quickly about any changes to pending work requirements across our various programs. Where events are going forward, we are taking additional preventive measures in line with CDC and WHO guidance. Our Program Managers will keep all Patriot Defense program personnel who are assigned to the upcoming MARSOC and USAREUR requirements informed about any potential changes to these requirements.

    Work Arrangements

    Our clients depend on us 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and we will remain committed to our client end users. To do so, we have prepared plans for people to work from different locations, including primary and secondary locations, while others may be asked to work remotely. Our plans for alternative work arrangements are intended to balance our workforce efforts by location in order to provide continuity over an extended period of time if it becomes necessary. Patriot Defense currently provides short and long-term disability insurance to all staff and contract employees. Additionally, the Administration and Congress are considering financial assistance to businesses and their work forces that are impacted. We will stay abreast of these resources and factor those into our planning. No one will go unpaid because they cannot come to work due to the pandemic.   

    Communications and Awareness

    We will provide regular updates to all of you from the various sources of information and guidance we receive and as we implement milestone-based contingencies. As we prepare for the various contingencies, we are asking our program managers and support personnel to actively use the Cc line and include the widest possible distribution on your emails so all of our team have increased tactical situational awareness on the primary programs and business operations. When in doubt, keep your colleagues copied on business related correspondence so that we can react in a real-time manner to developments related to our operations.

    Common Sense Guidance

    No need to repeat what everyone else is saying – “Cover your mouth when you cough, wash your hands, stay away from crowds, drink water, and don’t pick your nose.” Stay informed and don’t panic. Toilet paper is important but not worth fighting over. While we should all plan to be able to take care of ourselves and our families for a couple of weeks, hoarding toilet paper and water won’t feed the hungry. Make prudent and practical plans to ensure you have food, water, cash and other basic necessities in the event you are exposed to the virus and asked to self-quarantine.

    Adversity is not new to the American people, our economy, or our particular industry and careers of choice. History tells us the American response always rises to the challenges we have faced—this time will be no different. While no one knows exactly what the coming days, weeks, or months will bring, we can prepare for various scenarios and we will get through this together.

    Looking forward to seeing you all soon, in packed places, full of healthy people.

    Best regards,

    Brian Scott

    Chief Executive Officer

    Patriot Defense Group, LLC

    Address: 1900 Summit Tower Blvd., Suite 650

    Orlando, FL 32810-5922

    Phone: 407-539-2975

    Fax: 407-628-1508


  245. Bornajoo says:

    Oh damn Taxi! So sorry to hear about the damage from the storm. It reminds me of the storm we had in the UK in 87. All I could hear was the howling winds but when I woke up nearly every single tree in the street had fallen and caused untold damage. All in all 6 million trees were lost that night

    I feel really sorry for you about the loss of your hens and all the other damage you're dealing with. On top of all the other issues the poor Leb is facing, you get a storm like this! 

    Wishing you a speedy recovery from all the damage and very much hope that this was a one off freak incident that won't be repeated any time soon

    So an even bigger Thanks than usual for giving us the summary of Nasrallah's speech and the other info in the midst of the carnage you're facing 

    Take care! 

    • Taxi says:

      Kind words – thank you Bornajoo, sir!

      Oh I remember the ’87 storm alright. On that calm late afternoon (the calm before the storm), my friends and I entered a Soho pub only to emerge to unbelievable mayhem winds where pedestrians were literally clinging to lamp posts, railings and to each other – all night my rooftop flat shook and rattled and I honestly felt that the whole building would suddenly take off up into the sky with my flat being the cockpit (heh). Yes, the damage from that craziest of storms was devastating especially for our foresty friends. A biblical level of destruction right across the whole of the UK.

  246. Taxi says:

    We all know that what Trump wants from the middle east is dictated to him by tel aviv for purely and only jewish interests.  Here's a situation where israel for decades has been inciting and supporting Ethiopian hostility towards Egypt, then it changes course against Ethiopia thru Trump's short fingers and big mouth, of course to serve its own Kushnarian interests:

    Trump Splashes Into Nile Dispute to Gain Leverage in Middle East

    It's all about president Kushner.

  247. Taxi says:

    Good grief the ka-ching machine is unplugging itself:

    MGM Resorts: Employees test positive for coronavirus at Luxor, Wet Republic in Vegas

    Why do I get the feeling that suddenly we’re all living in some cheap Hollywood sci-fi movie?

    COVID-19.  COVID-19…  Even the name has some kind of Trekie mesmerism in it, no?

  248. Mike-Florida says:

    Taxi – Residing in Florida, land of hurricanes, I fully understand post storm anxiety, on top of jet-lag from trip. Since you did not mention house structural damage, perhaps surrounding terrain buffeted house somewhat from direct 120mph hit. Residing on waterfront we had no natural barriers – evacuated approx. every 6 years, together with pets – sometimes scared home might not survive. But, each time house ok, just loss of some roof tiles and downed trees.

    In our area the key to house structural survival from strong hurricanes is protecting each window and door by proper metal storm shutters to assure wind does not enter the structure via blown-out windows from wind itself or flying objects. Mentioning in case helpful passing along hurricane rule > properly protect each opening (windows, doors).

    Unlike your situation with nil prior warning, with hurricanes we can track storm days in advance, giving time not just closing shutters but most important clearing grounds of lawn furniture, grills, kayaks, potted plants, antennas, flag pole, etc. – anything movable by heavy winds. Seems you had nil warning and must organize grounds accordingly. So sad your loss of chickens but hopefully they are somewhere ok. Maybe next chicken coup more protected from normal storm direction? Have you checked roof and window frames?

    Importantly, not only were you spared added anxiety leaving but seems your house is ok – a blessing. All the best to you, dear Taxi. Most importantly > you are ok. And, thanks again and again for your gift to so many – platosguns AND, you. Mike.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Mike. Yeah Fla. sure gets slammed up with some rough and tumble weather. You must be an expert at preparations now – and a good thing too.

      My house structure is fine and good – it’s a solid, double-glazed and thick-walled house – no storm damage there at all, despite it sitting atop a hill and encircled by old and large pine varieties and a single old ceder tree hugging tight the southern corner of the house. It was the garden and the fruit grove that took the brunt of the winds. I’m kinda almost over the shock of it by now – been too preoccupied with COVID-19 and storm clearing and prep to have much time to even think about it. Life goes on, Mike…

  249. Daniel Rich says:

    @ taxi,

    The measure of friendship isn’t about when things go right, it’s about when things go south and whom you can count on. Here’s hoping on a speedy and full recovery of all the damage and losses. On the upside, you’re unschathed :o]

    Good luck, darling.

  250. Daniel Rich says:

    Auschwitz = C/TM = Jews

    They were the only inmates, and thanks to the Deutsche Gründlichkeit no witnesses were left after the war to tell the horror stories of… Wait a minute… 1,000, 000 Jews claim and get compensation [if they’re not shafted by fellow tribesmen]… Oh, and quite a few goyim ended up in camps as well, so when Rammstein [German hard rock band] makes a video clip, you can guess why only the tribe has a right to cry foul  as they’re the only ones making noises [as usual].

    Picture of the ‘offending’ clip:

    The clip, teasing an announcement on March 29, shows members of the band standing on gallows with ropes around their necks, with vocalist Till Lindemann sporting a cut above his eye. This imagery has caused controversy amongst the Jewish community in Germany, claiming the band are using concentration camp imagery.”

    Back into the sea with the lot.

    The tribe also really dislikes striped fashion attire, unless they can make money off of it [owning clubs, cover games on TV, commercial shit, the works], than it don’t matter that much…

    [see picture below]

  251. Taxi says:

    As of today, Lebanon is on lock-down over COVID-19.  PM Diab announced it as a state of emergency last night.  He put forth a list of preventative measures that the government and the people will be undertaking.  Diab said the steps would “no doubt impact the [crisis] economy but people’s lives and health are more precious”.

    Now, everyone everywhere in the Leb must self-quarantine.  Everyone.  By yesterday's count, some 73 people in the Leb are infected and three have perished.  Airport, seaport, land-crossings, banks, hotels, restaurants, cinemas, colleges, schools, places of worship – everything except hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, supermarkets/mini-marts and gas stations are closed.  No public gatherings are permitted and personal gatherings are severely discouraged.  A skeletal number of government administrators are allowed to go to work, as well as local trash collectors.  What applies to cities also applies to all villages.

    I spent all morning stocking up on human and pet needs for the next two weeks – plus getting ready for another four day storm that's hitting the Leb as of tomorrow.

    Good thing the debris from the last freak windstorm was all cleared up yesterday afternoon.

    Oh well… c'est la vie sauvage.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Mike. The Leb gov is currently in negotiations with eurobond lenders to determine an alternative debt-payment formula. COVID-19 has slowed everything down including this negotiation. I don’t expect a final decision on this before summer time.

  252. Taxi says:

    So what if it’s psycho Gantz and not the motherfukkker Netanyahu – who gives a shit?!  Not I.  Both fuckers will see the rubble that will be tel aviv with their own eyes.

    And so fucking what that Trump moves more troops and gear around the mideast – who gives a shit?!  End result will be the same anyhooz: USA booted out.

    And so fucking what that the WH is a bit late in COVID-19 preparedness?  WH jews are killing y’all already and you don’t even know it yankee-yokes!

  253. Taxi says:

    We call them 'diaperheads' when it's us who'll be wearing diapers and shrouds:

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks, dear Daniel. Sure my life is back on track – but alas no other hens have been found. Probably they’re in the belly of the skinny beasts around here – the cycle of life and all that…

        There are however two current snags: slow internet (too many quarantined people simultaneously using it) combined with that fuzzy-sleepy head of mine. I guess I just need a little more rest up…

        It’s the second day of the storm today, two more days of gray, rainy skies and springtime here can resume its course, and with that, I hope my brains too will work all brightly and sprightly again.

        (… Preparing to write a new article. This morning I got the title and the artwork together cuz that’s about all the focus I could muster. I’ll write the content down soon as the brain-fog lifts. Who knows… it could lift tonight, tomorrow… but lift it will).

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        Take your time, darling. Rebuild. Regroup. Rewrite [or rewire when you operate on an entirely different level ;o]

  254. Daniel Rich says:

    Next time when US say anything about #HumanRights, remember this

    Down pointing backhand index #Pompeo threatens #ICC members (and their families) for ICC investigation of US #WarCrimes: "We want to identify those responsible for this partisan investigation and their family members"


    Ahhh, the <strike>sweat</strike> sweet smell of democracy early in the morning…

  255. Taxi says:

    Hey y'all.  My brain spent the day in a hammock and refused to budge.  We got snowed in overnight and I spent most of the day sleeping – I needed it.  I missed much of the daily news hubbub and I estimate that today's news is the same as yesterday's but worse.  And tomorrow will no doubt be worser.

    This is the biological dystopia we suddenly find ourselves in.  Some say it's a prelude to WW3 where the Axis of the West wars up against the Axis of the East – at stake is Pax Americana's keys to the universe.  The COVID-19 sure is some strange event.  We are being inundated with 'official' and 'professional' proclamations and no doubt the sheeple are lost in a forest of contradictory information – hence the panic-buying that's taking place in such a pronounced way, especially in the West.

    It will be some time before this opaque biology chapter is explained – or I should say 'understood'.

    • Taxi says:

      That's nice.  So much bad news coming out of israel.  A quick peruse thru their headlines today shows that instead of Gantz taking the reins, Netanyahu exploited COVID-19 by killing jewish democracy and appointing himself as grand dictator of the jews.  No one can now unseat him till COVID is back in the bottle and dog knows how long this will take.  Today also saw a spike in COVID-affected israelis, raising their numbers to 529.  News of a handful of members of the lauded Golani Brigade contracting COVID has also necessitated the quarantining of some 5600+ jewish soldiers.  The mossad also squatted and took a big shit in public when they 'acquired' from several 'unnamed' nations some 100.000 COVID test kits that turned out to be dud.  And unsurprisingly, the mean old motherfucking jews halted entry of household cleaning materials into Gaza.

      The juwz sure are stupid.  What makes them think that if COVID spreads in Gaza it will stay in Gaza?  Their hate of Palestinians is greater than their survival instinct.  Good.  Stay that way motherfuckers cuz it's this very hate of yours that will be your undoing.

      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        The juwz sure are stupid.  What makes them think that if COVID spreads in Gaza it will stay in Gaza?

        An interesting article I read (and can't find again) speculates that the reason US/Israel are so cavalier with introducing C19 in China/Iran is that they became complacent after the SARS virus, which the Chinese stamped out without any serious damage to the west (I think there was just one death in the US). Consequently, their calculus was that the same thing would happen with C19, but would destroy China and Iran economically. Italy was not expected.

        Karma is a bitch!


    • Taxi says:

      And desperate to show its atrophying muscle in the mideast as well as some (fake) good news domestically/stateside, a US helicopter coming from Cyprus flew into Lebanese airspace today where it landed on the American embassy roof and picked up the most infamous traitor and torturer in Lebanon, Amer Fakhooury, whisking him away despite there being a COVID no-fly zone imposed by the government, and despite there still remaining other cases against the Fakhoury fucker, whose current case a military court threw out of on a bogus technicality, with the help of some shekels and some sort of weird sodomy between the US and israel, of course.  And yes, I’ll say it again: despite there being other pending charges against Fuckoury.

      Lebanese society is most offended by this criminal and disrespectful act.

      It’s just another example of the US flouting international law and especially the laws of the land of the enemies of terrorist israel.  Another example of how the US now lives to support and rescue torturers and beheaders.

      • Taxi says:

        The corrupt military judge who signed on Fakhoury’s release has this morning resigned from his position as army judge. Apparently, first thing this morning, he was presented with litigation accusing him of corruption of the laws of the land.

        You see, dear reader, unfortunately, within the Lebanese army, there are small pockets of middle and high ranking officers who (illegally) support the US’s projects in the Leb – they are America’s agents. This morning, the patriots in the army pushed to clean up at least some of these cells, starting with the resigned judge. The Diab gov is staying well out of it. Hezbollah is staying well out of it too, leaving the Leb army honchos to flush out traitors among them. Despite this morning’s resignation, investigations into the judge’s corrupt activities in the Fakhoury case, as well as in other cases, will ensue. The judge’s reputation is in the shithouse now, and it’s highly likely that he will be stripped of all his accolades and end up in jail. The army will need to make an example of him in order to regain a measure of public confidence that was lost them due to this case.

        Several of my Leb friends have expressed relief that Fakhoury is no longer in the Leb. They said that had he stayed in the country, his trial over months would have caused much distress to the public, and pernicious forces within Leb would have used him to create sectarian divisions.

        Well, dear Americans, aren’t you just snap-happy that your tax dollars were spent on ‘rescuing’ an infamous torturer and bringing him stateside to live as your neighbor and compatriot? Yeah sure, we’re always the good guys, right?!

  256. Cloak And Dagger says:

    Update from Silicon Valley

    Some of you in the Levant may be wondering about how C19 is affecting the mainland. I can speak to the San Francisco Bay Area from my personal experience: 

    1. Most companies including mine have forced workers to work from home with very limited access to the company campus.
    2. Some companies are resisting and insisting that their workers show up to work. Tesla is probably the most infamous of these – Elon is defying the orders of Alameda County Sheriff to shut down.
    3. The roads are empty! I took a drive to pick up some groceries (you are allowed to do that) and interstates 101, 280, 580, 80, 880, and pretty much everywhere are nearly empty of any traffic. The scene is that of a bio dystopia – very disconcerting.
    4. Grocery shelves are bare as people are panic-buying. Stores are limiting how many rolls of TP you are allowed to buy (just one) and even with those restrictions, it is nearly impossible to find TP, Sanitizers, disinfectants, etc. – an interesting view into the collapse of society, unless you are affected by it.
    5. Gas prices are the lowest I have seen in California in a long while. My cars are topped up, but nowhere to go.
    6. Fear has gripped many segments of the population – irrational fear – making them do stupid things like stocking up on 3 years supply of goods. Paranoia has severely restricted social interaction or even common courtesy.


    Now my opinion:

    • Yes, it is a good idea to shelter at home. See the video below as to why
    • It does get very lonely, even with video chats with friends and colleagues
    • Your daily behavior changes. I am constantly wiping down door knobs and such with alcohol and washing my hands every hour
    • The fear factor is overblown, but without a strong central government like China, controlling the populace is much harder
    • We are where China was a couple of months ago. This will get a lot worse before it gets any better
    • The stock market crash has wiped out everyone's nest eggs. I was lucky and cashed out a bunch of stocks in February – other people, not so much. Of course cash can become valueless in an instant, so I am not out of the woods
    • Interestingly the price of gold and silver have dropped. I think I will buy some.

    Hang in there folks. In chaos there is opportunity. This could be the change in world order that we have been waiting for. For globalists, their goose is slowly cooking…

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ C&D,

      Newspapers are still printed?

      If so, there you got you TP. It's gonna be and inky and yucky business, but who gives a shit…?

      Suddenly I'm thrown into  an extended holiday and I got nowhere to go.

      Panic and fear are 2 of the worst advisers known to mankind. I stick with rational thought and reason. This doesn't mean I don't take any precaution/s, but the 'fear factor' that has a grip on so many,doesn't do its magic on me.

      Nevertheless [all of you], stay safe, healthy and stgrong.

      • Cloak And Dagger says:


        No newspaper deliveries in the neighborhood (I don't read MSM print or stream). But, on a whim, a few months back, I installed bidet attachments on all my toilets – it washes and dries without the need for TP. Does a really great job (I have both Swash and BioBidet).

        Panic and fear are 2 of the worst advisers known to mankind

        Absolutely! That is why TPTB use it so frequently and is the basis for false flags. 3000 people were slaughtered by the fiends on 9/11. The resulting fear allowed the passage of the Patriot Act, invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, with mission creep expanding to the entire ME/West Asia.

        In reality, the common 'Flu kills an order of magnitude more people each year than C19 has done so far.


        Stay safe, stay sane and Fuck Israel and its minions in our government.



      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ C&D,

        Only 2 absolute certainties in life: birth and death. In between is a string of opportunities one can aim for [or not] and hope for the best. 8% if our DNA are remnants of viruses, so the ol' adage of 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.' still rings true today. However, playing Russian roulette with diseases comes with its own price tag, but common sense will get you where you want to be.

        Hence my motto, "Carpe diem!"

      • Cloak And Dagger says:


        Only 2 absolute certainties in life: birth and death

        Heh. Birth is not a certainty – ask anyone with a miscarriage.

        I think you meant death and taxes – the latter being the bane of American life.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ C&D,

        I meant as a living person there are only 2 certainties: having been born and going to die, they can't be avoided. As to taxes, I circumvent them every turn of the way, as in 'I cheat,' but I ain't gonna cheat death :o]

      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        As to taxes, I circumvent them every turn of the way, as in 'I cheat,

        Heh, who doesn't? It is not an option – it is a requirement to do so. Training crooks…

    • Taxi says:

      That’s a cool and super smart vid – thanks Cloak. And thanks too for reporting on the COVID panic sweeping SF. I also hear today that California’s governor has ordered a lockdown on the State, remarking in a press conference that he estimates some 65% of Californian residents will become infected, totaling approx some 25 million COVID victims. Good fucking grief! This is unbelievable! I mean I knew Cal would get it bad but not THIS bad. My good wishes to all. So sad…

  257. Taxi says:

    Nasrallah gave a speech last night that addressed the illegal release of the ‘Butcher of Khaim’, Amer Fakhoury, by the terrorist US and its Leb agents.  More specifically, he addressed circulating rumors that the Hezb had known about the corrupt judge’s decision BEFORE he gave it.  He dismissed this as being a silly rumor and he also asked citizens to stop expecting the Hezb to interfere in either judicial, army or governmental issues.  He said that the Hezb, despite its large popularity, actually has limited political power – that essentially the Hezb serves to protect the Lebanon from takfiri and jewish invasions above all.  And responding to people who were saying that the Hezb should have “shot down” the US military plane that whisked Fakhoury away, he shook his head and said: “You go shoot it down.  We don’t work like that, in this illegal manner”.

    He also addressed the COVID-19 crisis and reminded people to not get lax about it after only two weeks of quarantine – that whoever does not comply with ALL the necessary safety measures is putting the whole nation that’s full of innocents in dire danger.  He also criticized the US for increasing sanctions on Iran during its COVID-19 crisis.  And he also criticized saudi arabia and israel for exploiting COVID-19 to impose further hardships on the suffering Yemenis and Palestinians.

    He appeared to be in good health and pulse and remained focused on basically two issues: Fakhoury and COVID (and what a pair they make!).  He did not go into any geopolitical analysis during last night’s speech.

  258. Taxi says:

    If you’re wondering why Arab countries aren’t running out of toilet paper during COVID-19, here’s the reason:

    It’s called a ‘shattaf’ and every single bathroom in the Arab world has one.  Such a simple, ecologically sound and hygienic alternative to bleached toilet paper.  Think of all them wasted trees chopped down just for the sake of human arses.

  259. Taxi says:

    Dear readers and friends,

    I sincerely apologize for my major absence from the board this past week.  To be honest with you, my new article linked below was my third attempt at writing about COVID-19 this week.  The first version of it, after spending some two days researching the bio-weapons realm before writing, was just too technical and staid, with information in it that literally became moot overnight as more information on COVID-19 was becoming available.  I dumped that version fast.  The second version came in a flood of poetic inspiration two days after the dump and right before I fell asleep – I literally wrote it with only the computer screen light on in the room.  And it was such a beautiful flow of words and meaningfulness – I love it, how it all just streamed fluid out of me with no effort.  But I was too tired to finish it and thought I could pen the denouement the following morning.  I woke up all excited to finish it the following day, but soon as I opened my laptop, it freaking crashed!  EVERYTHING WAS LOST!  My laptop had not been quite the same since I had an accidental spillage a couple of months ago.  In my tiredness the night before, I had forgotten to save what I wrote.  I was absolutely empty with grief over it.  My brain pouted in disappointment for several days – I had zero appetite for writing.  Then today, I mustered up some mental energy and penned a third version.  It is here:

    Microbes and Messiahs

    See y'all there on the comments boards.

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