Taxi's Articles

Microbes and Messiahs


Look how empty the sky, the roads, the market place.  Hollowed human life.  Ghost world.

See how sociable humanity is suddenly gripped by a strange foreboding and a desperate need for isolation.  Self-imposed quarantine all over planet.

Ladies and gentlemen, a paradigm shift has occurred right under our feet, and this time round, it unfolded in imperceptible and expanding biological ripples.  Toxic ripples that no one can now avoid grappling with.  A paradigm shift akin in surrealism and machinations to the traumatic event of 9/11 – an event that saw new and unconstitutional laws imposed on citizens; saw also citizens accepting these impositions with little to no resistance.  Saw, but alas, only a heightened increase in terrorism since then.

As nation borders rapidly close today, each isolating itself from the other, citizens of the world everywhere become one, united in fear and common dread. All seeking some kind of a pharmaceutical messiah.  All seeking protection and cure.  All seeking life-saving council.  All seeking updated information.  But, only to find themselves lost in a forest of unverifiable data and quackery, as the mysterious and deadly COVID-19 continues to infect more cities and whole nations.

In crisis time, throughout recorded history, no divine messiah or medicinal manna fell from the sky to resolve any human crisis.  Successful solutions to crises tend to come from fact-based human deductions and inventions.  But how does one obtain the COVID-19 facts?  Where is the oasis and the well?  In the mouth of Donald Trump?  Benjamin Netanyahu?  The king of Saudi Arabia?  The belly of Boris Johnson?  Search high and mighty there and you’ll be non the wiser.  In life and death situations, the last people to consult are the professional liars.  The cynics.  The exploiters.

In crisis time, predators in suits and shiny shoes come out to hunt.

Governments, who are in effect beasts chained by constitutional laws, smirk and drool at the prospect of unfettering themselves from laws that rightfully bind them.  Crises and cataclysmic events are the only viable keys that free them.  Once unshackled, their breakfast and dinner will be your dollar and your freedom; their shelter is your psychological fear.  They live for fleecing you by night during peace time, and for fleecing you with impunity by daylight during crises.  They live for exploiting you when you are at your most vulnerable and they dream of world domination: full-spectrum domination that begins with your individual oppression and control.  Often, they will manufacture a temporary and controlled crisis in an attempt to incrementally seize parts of your birthrights.  Often, these manufactured crises cause civilian deaths at home and overseas.  The assassins and gangsters swanning down the corridors of power are never held accountable for these unconscionable and ongoing crimes.  Crimes of willful neglect and endangerment of the general public.  High crimes against the Constitution itself.  Perpetual crimes against humanity and your very existence.  And it’s no mystery how these governmental criminals keep getting re-elected: they have corrupted to the core our democratic system: they have literally killed our democracy, buried it deep in some desolate desert grave and brought in a pernicious clone in its place while we slept.  A clone-democracy that despises you and your rights and serves only the elites and their families.  A grand sham bejeweled with nothing but ghostly hope.

With the advent of the internet and its ever expanding highway of information about everything, including information about the systematic corruption of greedy politicians, only the incurably gullible will believe anything their government tells them.  Only weak-minded people whose brains have been pickled in media propaganda literally hand over their very lives to elite politicians who literally caused them the injury in the first place.

Only citizens who’ve been psychologically lassoed by the manufactured politics of fear believe today that the government is the messiah who will save them from a malicious microbe called COVID-19: a manufactured and mutated virus that was sponsored and clearly created in some governmental lab.

There are so very many tentacles connected to the topic COVID-19, be they political, social, military, medical, technological or psychological.  So very many angles to cogently explore and unravel.  A gigantic maze of it.  Here, and in the spirit of simplicity, I would say that the two most important questions right now are: how long for the cure, and where did COVID-19 originate? 

We know that we have no cure yet, certainly not as of today.  And we also know that accusations between China and the US as to who originated the virus became public and somewhat heated this past week.  Worldwide, it would seem to be the case that the Chinese narrative is winning.  There is a prevalent belief in the Axis of the East nations that the US used a biological weapon called COVID-19 against China, and that Israel used a more deadlier strain of it on Iran, and that this biological weapon unwittingly boomeranged on the perpetrator nations and their allies.  This view is also shared by many in Europe and on the continents of America and Australia.  For those who dabble or live for geopolitical chess games, it is understood that because Pax Americana is losing muscle in the Eastern spread of the world, especially in the middle east, it is no longer able to employ nuclear weapons or even employ traditional warfare against powerful enemies such as China, without prohibitive costs to its own military, and perhaps even to its own overpopulated cities.  Therefore, Pax Americana is now doing dirty wars.  Biological warfare.  Covertly.

Is it coincidence that both China and Iran, the US’s top enemies of choice, have suffered profoundly from COVID-19, yet the nations of India, Pakistan and Afghanistan that lie between them suffered but a milder and belated dose of the virus by comparison?  And can calling on the National Guard to occupy our streets in lockdown California and New York really save us from COVID-19?  Is an unvaccinated soldier really able to kill the virus with his gun?  Or is the military on Mainstreet-USA there to protect the interests of politicians and their elite friends in Big Pharma, Big Insurance, Big Med and the MIC?  Dear reader, they are there in your neighborhoods to cuff your wrists, ankles and mouths – even kill you with bullets if you deeply dissent against the government’s narrative and its new imposed laws that gnaw at what remains of your freedoms.  At best, the National Guard are on your block to give you false comfort and fake security in the face of an incompetent and guilty government.

Yes.  “Something is rotten in Denmark”, as Shakespeare famously wrote.

Trump, perpetually held hostage by Epsteinian material in the hands of our Neocon Deep State and the Mossad (both are almost interchangeable by now) is being aggressively steered towards war with Iran as part and parcel of Pax American’s strategic eastern pivot towards China.  Whether Trump likes it or not, whether he wants it or not, he must be made to deliver on Iran so that the next president may begin the last pivot towards the ultimate American war project: War on China.  We can be sure that China is aware of this US war path towards Beijing via Tehran.  (And so too are Russia and Iran).

But first thing is first, as indeed this is the pragmatic pace and style of the Chinese.  First, the invention and distribution of a successful vaccine and the return of society to some semblance of normality must come to pass.  Then, post this period, China will be looking to punish the US for its biological attack on the Chinese mainland.  For some four years now, China has stood by, nonreactive to Trump’s punches on the belly of its economy, preferring to let things slide while it continues its singular focus on its programs of mass production and global trade.  But, it cannot absolutely swallow a second covert  biological attack on its people with no response.  Yes, a second biological attack.  The first attack was SARS, and now COVID-19, all inside of seven years.  The similarities between the viral character and substance of SARS and COVID-19 cannot possibly be a coincidental freak of nature: au contraire, they are both laboratory mutations that attack the human respiratory system, with COVID-19 being a more menacing and deadlier microbe.  A ‘new and Improved’ biological germ, you could say.  No doubt, the Chinese are aware that a pattern of biological attacks against them is now emerging.  Their Intelligence scientists are full-throttle hard at work looking for the clearest of the perpetrator’s fingerprint.  Looking for proof positive, for indelible and tangible proof of the CIA’s involvement in weaponizing COVID-19 against the Chinese: themselves being well versed in the history of the CIA’s covert bio-weapons programs and operations.

Moreover, China knows that should the US venture into a direct war on Tehran, the other victim targeted with COVID-19, then Beijing will be but a hop away to the American aggressor’s war stride.  More than ever before, and in the name of Chinese national security, Iran has become literary a Chinese border, despite there being a substantial landmass between them.

This is why we will soon see China going less diplomatic and more militaristic in its dealings with the US.  A 180-deree turn in Chinese response to US provocations.  The Chinese gloves will be coming off.  We will see China challenging American policy around the world, and especially in hot-spots that directly affect China and its Eastern trade partners.  And we will indeed see by far more of China’s overt involvement in the US-Iran conflict than we have in the past.  Chinese strategists know that they must not let the US wage war on Iran, and if war be it, then China must be sure that the US loses it.  And lose it bigly.

Beyond a COVID-19 vaccine hitting the market shelves, a new and darker chapter between China and the US will begin.  The dragon versus the eagle.

And unless one of them publicly surrenders, there will be war.  Unavoidable war.  A war between the Axis of the East and the Axis of the West.  A war between an incumbent and a contender over the throne of the world.  World War III.

COVID-19 has changed everything.  COVID-19 is but a prelude.  A portent of what’s to come.

No messiah will be on duty.  No government should be trusted.  Therefore, you and only you alone must be in charge of the safety of your life.

…  May you all live in sober caution.



  1. Taxi says:

    I encourage readers and all of humanity to play it safe and smart.  Be vigilant.  Be healthy.  Be wise.

  2. Taxi says:

    It is important to recognize that we are being assaulted by a two-headed monster: biological warfare and psychological warfare.  Both are extremely dangerous.  Both are government engineered.

    • Igor Bundy says:

      Yes that is the problem. The virus is a problem but they are using it for their own nefarious purposes. US got bulgaria and romania to stop Iranian drivers who were bringing medicines back from europe but Iran got other drives to get part of it back home.. 

    • Taxi says:

      While Trump was keeping the warmongering, psychotic Neocons happy by 'Making Israel Great Again', China proved to the whole world that it is expert at statecraft and at dealing with critical threats to its own people, as well as to humanity at large, in a most intelligent and strategic manner.

      We saw it all with our own eyes.

  3. Taxi says:

    Because here at Plato's we love politics and the poetics of life, and because probably most of you are in self-quarantine, I'd like to share with you a letter that F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote when he too was in quarantine back in the 1920's:


    Dearest Rosemary,
    It was a limpid dreary day, hung as in a basket from a single dull star. I thank you for your letter. Outside, I perceive what may be a collection of fallen leaves tussling against a trash can. It rings like jazz to my ears. The streets are that empty. It seems as though the bulk of the city has retreated to their quarters, rightfully so. At this time, it seems very poignant to avoid all public spaces. Even the bars, as I told Hemingway, but to that, he punched me in the stomach, to which I asked if he had washed his hands. He hadn’t. He is much the denier, that one. Why, he considers the virus to be just influenza. I’m curious of his sources. The officials have alerted us to ensure we have a month’s worth of necessities. Zelda and I have stocked up on red wine, whiskey, rum, vermouth, absinthe, white wine, sherry, gin, and lord, if we need it, brandy. Please pray for us. You should see the square, oh, it is terrible. I weep for the damned eventualities this future brings. The long afternoons rolling forward slowly on the ever-slick bottomless highball. Z. says it’s no excuse to drink, but I just can’t seem to steady my hand. In the distance, from my brooding perch, the shoreline is cloaked in a dull haze where I can discern an unremitting penance that has been heading this way for a long, long while. And yet, amongst the cracked cloudline of an evening’s cast, I focus on a single strain of light, calling me forth to believe in a better morrow.

    Faithfully yours,
    F. Scott Fitzgerald

    I should like to be as optimistic as dear old Mr. Fitzgerald, but, alas… life was somewhat more simple and hopeful in his days – evil was not as reckless and drunk on its power as it is today.

  4. Cloak And Dagger says:

    Sorry that you lost all your night's writing, Taxi. Some word processors automatically backup your work every few minutes. Check if your word processor has a "restore from backup" function.


    As you know, California is in a lockdown, so all of us who have flexible jobs are forced to work from home. Having recently gone through a divorce, it is really hard to be in this large house by myself – the loneliness can be overbearing. The streets are empty and SF looks like a ghost town. 

    This is when we become philosophical and ponder the meaning of a life with so much pain and suffering, mostly for the innocent. Why are we here and how does it all end? I don't know the answer, but here are some thoughts.

    As I have mentioned a zillion times before that I don't believe in any religion,  but I do believe in a cosmic force for our existence as a deist. There is a significant difference between those who adhere to a secularist culture (atheist or agnostic), and those who either pursue a karmic culture (Hindus, Buddhists), or follow a monotheistic culture of honor and shame (Christianity, Islam). It completely separates the kind of life one expects and pursues.

    For the secularists, there is only this materialistic life that ends with death. Therefore, the meaning of life is the accumulation of wealth, power, and all that this world has to offer. There is no concept of a soul or an afterlife, so use it or lose it. Life begins with the random event of conception and ends with the absoluteness of oblivion.

    The karmic religions believe that human existence is a process, which through repeated reincarnations, where suffering is the result of actions in a previous life, they can iteratively evolve their soul until reincarnation stops and they become a part of the cosmic soul to exist forever in love and in harmony with the universe. As such, there is no concept of "unjust suffering". All suffering is deserved and is part of the process of evolving the soul. It is an appealing thought and resonates with many, but seems that the flaw in that logic is that without past-life recollections, which I certainly don't experience, it is rather an inefficient process for evolution, and we kn ow that nature is very efficient.

    So, that leaves us with Christianity and Islam. Christianity (I don't know as much about Islam as I should) believes that Jesus was God incarnate, and in the process of incarnation, he experienced all of human suffering and so understands what we, and all the people of Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Libya and others, are suffering unjustly every day. Whether he is the "son" of God, I leave to others to debate. To me, "son" is a metaphor for God incarnating in spirit in the flesh of a human – like giving birth.

    Okay, so if God understands that we are suffering unjustly, why does he permit it to continue? If he is the loving god that we desire, and he is omnipotent and omnipresent, what is the rationale for standing by and doing nothing? Isn't that the very definition of the Ahrend's Banality of Evil? I don't know the answer to that.

    But, what if, suffering was essential and integral to the evolution of our soul? What if it cannot be avoided, and the purpose of our existence is specifically for that evolution? Forget the concepts of heaven and Hell, and the judgment day. Think instead of transformation (evolution) and an inherent property of the eternal soul – a steady-state universe without a Big Bang, a beginning, or an end?

    The advantage of such a perspective is that it is freeing. I don't have to hate anyone for the pain they caused, or seek justice (vengeance) for the many wrongs they have done me. Instead, if I forgive them, they no longer have power over me or control my thoughts or my life.

    I choose to forgive.



    • Taxi says:

      Oh man, Cloak!  I feel you.  Must be a hyper surreal experience for you: inside your house is weirdly empty, and the world outside has weirdly emptied out too. 

      Though solitude can be extremely difficult and can slam on you in giant waves, it is also extremely rewarding in unwordable ways.  Full of profundities and mirrors.  The more time you spend in solitude, the more you enjoy it – and the more you even crave it. 

      I am discerning that you are humbled and being spiritualized.  Some would envy being where you're at.  So take heart: embrace and brace yourself.  Both.  At the same time.  Something new and bright will eventually land on you.  Dawn on you, I should say.

      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        I am discerning that you are humbled and being spiritualized.

        That would be the understatement of the year!

        Some would envy being where you’re at.

        Those would be the masochists.

        But thanks for the words of encouragement. Liked the song.


    • Igor Bundy says:

      C&D treat yourself well.. Time will take care of the rest…  Can you still go for drives or have they stopped that too? Some mountain air does one good or those red woods to keep you company. Doing nothing makes things much harder.. Just do things..

      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        Thanks Igor, I appreciate the thought.

        Yes you can still go for a drive if you can stipulate that it is for approved essential business, including groceries or medicine. Can't go to Muir Woods, but you can drive close to the beach and then walk.

        It is funny talking to neighbors while standing 6 feet apart from each other.

        From a philosophical perspective, it brings home the transitional nature of our lives and the absence of permanence of our circumstances. Who would have thunk, even six months ago, that the mighty USA would be brought to its knees by a tiny life form. All power is illusory and all that we have is impermanent.

        Despite that, the hype is overblown by both MSM and alt media. Look at this headline in ZH:

        So Far, The Number Of Americans That Have Died From COVID-19 Is Greater Than The Number That Have Recovered

        This is completely meaningless statistics but it causes fear. What do you glean from this random piece of data which does not talk about duration, magnitude, or anything to derive a logical conclusion from it – but aren't you scared yet?



  5. Taxi says:

    Some thoughts on quarantine life:

    It's like papa god sent us all up to our rooms sad.

    Not so bad if you're like me and your favorite place in the whole goddamn world is your room.

    When I was a misbehaving kid and I'd be ordered to go to my room, I'd be silently overjoyed – I'd be like: "Woohoo!  Can hardly wait!" cool

    C'mon  guys and gals, getting a little self-retrospection time is a peach.  Take a bite.  Won't killz ya!  But you know what will?  Stupidity wrapped in anxiety.

  6. Canthama says:

    Taxi, extremely timely and well written article, it does bring together many nuances of today's issues, I agree many countries are looking into Covid19 with double thoughts regarding the US involvement with it since day 1, but there are the crazy lunatics that do endorse the idiotic mantra os "Chinese Virus".

    A friend once told me China forgets and forgive quickly, I totally disagree with his statement, I truly believe China holds tight its cards for the long run, I do believe China will come out stronger and bolder after Covid19, and will fight back.

    • Taxi says:

      I’m hearing and reading nothing but worsening news about the spread of COVID in the US and the ongoing idiocy and non-solutions coming out of both zionized war parties and the WH.  Somebody should tell the fuckers that patchy ‘containment’ does NOT work!  They’re all busy working on bailouts to their corpo shithead pals and putting soldiers on the streets instead of protecting the uninsured and uninflicted.

      As of today, 35.000 cases of COVID are counted in the US, of which some 20.000 afflicted are in NY.

      Wait till the stupid millennial springbreakers who’ve been hugging and macking on each other for a week on the beaches of Miami get back to their northern and western communities – they’re gonna be infecting their parents and their neighborhood buddies in no time.

      Begs the question here: would the spread get so bad in the next month or so that Americans would start thinking of leaving to safer shores?  But how will they get out when airports and state borders are closing?

      Will we see American boat-refugees heading out to South America and the Caribbean?  Cuba?

      Now THAT would be a turn up for the books!

      Poetic justice, some would say.  And sadly, they’d be right.

  7. Daniel Rich says:

    @ taxi,

    Thank you, darling. Great read. Great write.

    <3 this one:

    Governments, who are in effect beasts chained by constitutional laws…

    Very powerful imagery and very true.

    My compliments. 

  8. Daniel Rich says:


    Article by ELIJAH J. MAGNIER

    Here’s where EJM goes completely off the rails:” …we might wonder why the Lebanese Army needs to carry an M4 carabine (short and light NATO assault rifle) and not the usual M16 rifle, comparable to the Ak-47 Kalashnikov that Lebanese warehouses are full of. ”

    The M-16 [5.56mm] is a lighter caliber, prone to jam and unreliable in the field. The AK-47 [7,65mm]

    Have a look at the difference in firepower @

    …and judge for yourself. I’ll have the AK-47 any time of the day :o]

  9. Bornajoo says:

    Hi Taxi

    Great article! 

    With anything like this, as with 911, or the so-called holocaust, it’s up to us to look for the real truth. And once we start looking it doesn’t take long for the official story to unravel. Unfortunately, once these “facts” are presented by the usual mob, the vast majority of the sheeple believe it and it’s job done. They don’t really have to work very hard at it either, which is unfortunately a reflection of just how dumbed down the majority really are

    The ideas for 911 and the Skripal-Salisbury-novichok for example, pre existed in the realm of fiction before those events took place. And usually, after the event, films and documentaries are made to concretise these frauds as the “truth” in order to reinforce the message repeatedly to the masses until it becomes accepted as the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth. The holocaust is the best example of this

    At no point has the Chinese state ever agreed or confirmed that this virus started in a wet market in Wuhan and that it somehow originated from cross contamination by bats. This whole story was simply created by the usual mob and promoted incessantly by their stooges in the msm 

    Yet, the very vast majority of the West believe that this is the Truth. Only yesterday I was reading a blog where loads of people were making vicious comments about the Chinese and how they’re going to “kill us all unless they stop their disgusting eating habits” blah blah 

    For example, in Science Daily (funded by surprise surprise the US government) it states:

    “….. the virus evolved to its current pathogenic state through natural selection in a non-human host and then jumped to humans. This is how previous coronavirus outbreaks have emerged, with humans contracting the virus after direct exposure to civets (SARS) and camels (MERS). The researchers proposed bats as the most likely reservoir for SARS-CoV-2 as it is very similar to a bat coronavirus. There are no documented cases of direct bat-human transmission, however, suggesting that an intermediate host was likely involved between bats and humans.”

    Now watch the ending of the Hollywood film  “Contagion ” from 2011

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Bornajoo.

      Yeah I’ve read people commenting on the boards and they’re sticking to their batty-batshit soup explanation of COVID. And they’ll never change their minds, not in a million years. Brains pickled in CIA and Hollywood propaganda.

      The film ‘Contagion’ is yet another CIA psyop, coming out shortly before SARS was a headline. All you gotta do is look at who the principle actor is: Matt Damon: total CIA cultural asset, just like his bimbo friends Ben Afleck and George Clooney are.

      And a few days ago, that pseudo intellectual Clintonista retard Sean Penn was literally singing the praises of the US military taking over the COVID crisis, saying: “There is no greater humanitarian force on the planet than the United States military… it’s really time to give the military the full breadth and control of this operation.”

      Hollywood Celebrities Are Psyops Wrapped In Human Skin

  10. Mike-Florida says:

    Iraq’s Iran-Aligned Blocs Reject New PM-Designate. Struggles to put together interim Iraq government to prepare for early elections continue, with new PM-designate Adnan Zurufi seemingly latest to fail, as several Shi’ite blocs aligned with Iran are publicly rejecting him. Zurufi is seen as extremely pro-US choice, was previously part of US appointed authorities after 2003 invasion. (US control of Iraq contiues to decline. Mike).

    • Taxi says:

      There will never be a stable government in Iraq till the yanks leave. And leave by force, by the looks of it.

    • Thanks TAXI for your inspired article. I love your writing style.

      About Dr Thomas Cowan:

      If a high-minded people can comment on the video proposition, it's not for me to say. I'm only qualified as a low-minded, so:

      1) Electromagnetic radiation from human produced devices were absent until the end of XIX Century. All previous pandemics are excluded from Dr Thomas Cowan explanations.

      2) There are intensive studies on the health effects coming from the exposure to electromagnetic radiation, as many people work with in this field and are naturally concerned about their own safety.

      3) Frequency band matters.

      Remember the 'clean bombs' (neutron bombs), able to destroy only live tissues while preserving buildings? This was achieved by reducing the power liberated in the heat band, while leaving intact the radiation in the extremely high frequency bands. These primary radiation will not go far, but can break the powerful intra-nuclei bonds of the body of the bomb itself, that are left free to escape to the neighborhood .

      4) Dr Thomas Cowan does not even try to distinguish between frequency bands or output power used among various technologies. By far, the most powerful source is the Sun. Satellites are mere toys, so to speak.

      5) Cellphones can be harmful. The problem lies mainly in the portable devices, not on the base stations and even less in the satellite segment of the network. Portable devices are extremely closed to the brain cells, so moderate usage is highly recommended. Electromagnetic power vanishes following  the inverse square distance law. Each times we double the distance, we reduce the exposure four times.

      • Taxi says:

        Thank you, Antonio – kind words and very helpful and illuminating text.

        When it comes to hi-science and hi-tech subjects, it’s very hard for the layperson to know whom or what to believe. Academics, by nature, carry an authoritative tone, albeit a soft one. Hard to dismiss them if you don’t somewhat understand the subject matter yourself.

        Thanks again.

  11. Taxi says:

    Dear reader, I doubt that you need an armed battalion of soldiers posted outside of your home just to make sure you don’t leave your abode during a raging pandemic, or even a mild one.  I doubt that you need to be told a zillions times a day to keep your hands regularly clean and to practice very simple and unimposing hygienic habits, as well as keeping your home itself germ-free.  In fact, I doubt that you need Donald Trump or Boris Johnson or even me to keep you safe and alive.  None of us here is a certified genius but we’re smart enough in the face of COVID-19 to do ALL the right things, especially the one that requires us staying indoors – all for self-preservation.  We certainly don’t need a government spokesperson to instruct us on how to smartly stay safe and alive.  We certainly would self-quarantine during a pandemic in any case, even if the government neglected to request this.

    Dear readers, I sincerely think that State governors calling on the National Guard to insure populations are quarantined indoors is a wrong and dangerous solution, giving the government unnecessary powers of control, and setting with it precedents against your civil rights that the government will take full advantage of today and more so in the future.  So allow me to propose how to deal with the puny-minority idiots among us citizens who insist on going out during a pandemic just for the heck of it, and who give the government the ‘excuse’ of putting the military on the streets.

    Instead of deploying the National Guard, how about deploying local police forces and their reserves who will be tasked with fining anyone on the streets for recreational purposes.  Trips to food stores, hospitals, clinics and pharmacies aside, there really is no need for anybody to be outdoors when a pandemic rages.  If you want to stop people doing something, then fine them big.  Punishing the purse always works.  And to make sure that rich people take this seriously, add to the large fine some mandatory community service.

    For example, anyone caught in transit for social or lifestyle reasons should face a fine of $10.000, plus 2 years of community service.  I know it sounds harsh but extreme situations call for extreme measures.  You make that into law and I’ll bet my farm that everyone would comply.  No rich and no poor person wants to deal with either a large fine or a prolonged period of community service.  It’s a deterrence that will preserve life and constitutional liberties. 

    I much prefer a harsh civic-centered solution like the above instead of a military one.

    I’d love to hear if anyone else has other suggestions on this issue.

    • Bornajoo says:

      Hi Taxi 

      In answer to your question, especially after the latest measures announced here in the UK last night, I agree that we really don't need the army out on the streets! The mood this will create will be extremely negative and even more depressing than it already is 

      I'm self employed and all my family and people I work with are self employed. We suddenly have no work, no income and have no idea where this is all going. This is already quite a lot of stress to be dealing with. Stress causes illness too. We need to ensure that the preventative measures don't end up causing more damage than the virus itself 

      This morning as I was walking in the park, there was a police patrol car stopping people walking in groups of more than 2 and asking them why there's more than 2 people together. Apparently you can only be with more than 2 people if they're members of your own family living in the same house. Some people still have to work but have been told not to use public transport unless they're an "essential worker" but then how are they supposed to get to work?

      There's still a lot of confusion and the government simply cannot get their messages straight and they're just not as crystal clear as they should be

      On the other hand, some selfish ignorant people, as usual, cannot be trusted to follow the rules. So we always end up having to have enforcement which is harmful to the majority but required for this minority of arseholes

      So I fully agree with your suggestion. There should be local patrols by our local community support officers only. They should have the power to arrest and fine those who break the rules. But it should be handled as a community issue by the community itself. We must avoid putting the army on the streets. That would set a dangerous precedent for future crises 

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks for reporting to us from the UK, the dampest and dankiest zio island on the planet – a petri dish for all kinds of mental and physical ills.

        You report the height of absurdity. Boris Johnson is in a clusterfuck tiswas: caught between his jew masters telling him not to close business down (oh the smell of all them English shekels perpetually cascading, come rain or come germ!) – caught between them Mammonite jews and the worried public who are telling him to close the country down already and to bail out citizens unable to earn food and medicine money. The longer unessential businesses remain open, the more COVID has a chance to spread. Any dumb gnat can deduce this glaring danger! Boris’s nightmare is that he will be forced to behave like a traditional ‘socialist’ and actually do something for the ‘people’ and not for the frigging elite! He just can’t yet bring himself to do it, having shat on socialism and its endeavors to serve the workers of the nation all his miserable, pompous life. Lately, he looks like a deer caught in the headlight and about to puke on the windshield. I’m afraid he will fail the people of the UK, just like Trump will fail Americans.

        And just to be clear, I’m actually against arresting people for rejecting self-quarantine and promenading in the open, but I am all for fining them and forcing them into long term community service for foolishly ‘endangering creation’, as opposed to conspiring to endanger creation, like our governments and their military programs do. Them guilty conspirators, they deserve, well… COVID.

  12. Taxi says:

    The war of accusatory words between China and the US rages on.  The opposing narratives are at loggerheads.  When a european nation thanks China for its COVID-19 aid, the US and its media propaganda arm jump at the thankful nation’s throat, throttling it, all the while warning citizens that it’s all just Chinese propaganda designed to fool them.  This hostility, of course, will continue and become even more contentious, the wider COVID spreads in the US.  Trump will continue to distract from taking responsibility for keeping ALL Americans safe: by accusing the Chinese of spreading the virus.  Of course, America’s healthcare system is so tattered and prejudiced and exploitative that even if Trump did everything right, the current healthcare system will not be up to the task and will fail us.

    Perhaps because of this, even Americans who’ve been against free healthcare – free health-care that literally most of the world has; healthcare that even poorer nations provide for their citizens – perhaps these anti free healthcare people will now realize the true advantages of free, functioning and equitable healthcare.  Believe me there is plenty of money in the tax coffers for it.  Less money spent on the military will not make our military weaker, it will make it more focused.  Trimming the military won’t put us, a nuclear superpower, in any extra danger than we already face.  The people who benefit from our over-inflated military budget are the CEO’s and execs of our Military Industrial Complex, and the politicians they bribe.  The people do not benefit from excessive military expenditure at all.

    I hope COVID is affecting people’s thinking of how our government is spending our taxes.

    Let me tell you that if the government was made to give us all free healthcare, they’ll start banning food additives and such that are actually making us weak and sick in the first place.  As it stands, the government allows toxins in our supermarket foods while at the same time refusing to give assistance to people sick as a result of its laxed rules on toxic substances in food.

    Yes, I do hope that the combination of quarantine and a failing healthcare system will instigate a new way of thinking in the public, a new way of holding the kleptomaniacal and careless government accountable to its citizens. 

    We give so much and get so little back for it.  This must change.

  13. Taxi says:

    Ryan, from Last American Vagabond (youtube channel), has been doing outstanding work on the nature and the spread of COVID-19. Even though his shows lately are on the long side, they actually need to be this length in time as he goes over points and issues in an impeccably detailed manner. His deductions are pure common sense. Actually, pure and honest common sense.

    Worthy of your time:

  14. Taxi says:

    The issue of the illegal manufacturing of biological weapons by our government needs to be exposed and put on the table in every goddamn town hall meeting during election time.  Let's see which representatives and presidential candidates address this issue, shall we?

    We've already previously discussed the insanity of the very existence of nuclear weapons (especially that they're in the hands of psycho politicians and presidents).  We talked about it for decades till our tongues turned cotton – yet, to no avail.  The government dismissed us.

    We've also discussed the inhuman evil of chem weapons – the Syria wars brought this issue to the forefront.  We talked and talked and talked about it – yet, to no avail.  The government just meh ignored us.

    Now we gotta goddamn talk about biological weapons!  We gotta know who supports this insanity and WHY?!!!

    We must demand a ban on the manufacture of weapons that are literally anti creation.  And we must never vote or support politicians who are not on the same page as we are on this issue.

    Remember, bio-weapons are not created by some Hollywoodesque villain manufacturing them in some bunker built into the belly of a mountain, they're created by your goddamn government: using your tax dollars!

    The fuck is it time to talk about it! 

    • Igor Bundy says:

      US really has no fear because they have never been on the end of an extermination and also because for the most part they do all the tests and experiments in other countries.  Now its the fault of those countries that they allow the US in to do all these stuff in the first place by bribing corrupt politicians and gangsters. The people really need to hold accountable leaders such as that. But I doubt it. Everyone is only out for themselves. No one wants to spend the effort. I wonder what they are going to do with 1-2 or 3 week lock downs. What excuse they will have.. I mean I saw a lot of excuses about how their work was so important that they could not spare the effort for anything else.

      I doubt this will change anything though…

      • Taxi says:

        Maybe COVID will be the shock-therapy that 'moves' the US voter into demanding vivid changes, and not just shadows of change.  Maybe when the US COVID death count climbs up into 5 and 6 digits, the American citizen will realize that people are more important than 'business'.  That vulture capitalism is immoral, reckless and remorseless and will shred up even a strong society in times of pandemics and other such crises because it is based on Wall Street whimsy and not motivated by the health and cohesion of the society it benefits from.  Vulture capitalism in a society is no different to cancer in the body: feeding off the body till the body is no more.

        No, I am not a socialist, definitely not an ideologue of anything, but I am vehemently anti vulture capitalism.  I do believe in benefits that are equitable to productivity.  No more and no less.  And I believe that trading is an instrument of peace.  And sadly,  I believe that you may very well be correct when you say that post COVID, nothing in America will change.

        Oh pish!

    • Canthama says:

      I have little doubt this whole mess was planned and executed to reach the level of global histeria as we see nowadays, just look at the many Western Governments and their crooked MSMs bombing minute by minute of news cases and how. bad this could be blah blah, the are keeping people hostage inside their homes without even using military force…while. the financial market is being reset…without a single soul revolting in the crooked western world, it is the most peaceful economic collapse ever…it is ingenious nonetheless and perfectly executed by the so called "Leaders of the Democratic World" LOL, pathetic indeed.

      I can not stop to amazed how billions of ordinary people fell to this trap, peacefully, like sheep to the slaughterhouse.


    • Taxi says:

      It sure looks like it was planned, Canthama – but planned for the East and not for the West.  And this diabolical plan went horribly wrong, clearly.

      And now the ordinary people in the East and in the West are all held hostage by a puny but lethal germ that was unleashed on them by design.  What are the people's choices here?  Turn sheep or turn up dead.  There is no third option in a pandemic.  The virus has hopped continents and vast oceans and its potential to devastate and destroy an endless string of human life is very much real.  Tis why it must be stopped asap, even at the risk of crashing economies.  Well, what's the point of having a healthy economy in a society whose people are hooked to respirators?

      • Canthama says:

        No doubt, planned by the West to the East but it blew up badly in the face of the western leaders, these freaks have no idea what is China all about and how it can react, this is the true 21st Century leader.

      • Canthama says:

        LOL, the ignorance from many in the West regarding China is impressive indeed, that BS bat soup that went viral showed how far stupid a lot of people are in not knowing the reality in China, a country that has advanced in 30 years what very few did throughout the human history. I have been there many dozens of times since 1997 (1st time there), visited most of the country including Tibet, and saw how incredible is China, I admire them and their achievement, not only on technology, but the removal from poverty of hundreds of millions of people…unique achievement.

        I lived in the US for some 10 years, I could compare China and US all the time, and can only say…China is by far the future.

      • Taxi says:

        Pax Americana has no choice but to make China its number one enemy.

        There are no other contenders in the ring.

    • Taxi says:

      Attorney General William Barr, when talking about how there is a shortage of surgical masks in the US (fault of government btw), threatened any American who is hoarding or storing stocks of masks that they’ll be getting “a knock on their door”. Yeah, he actually used this downright threatening phrase. And shit yeah I object to language like this used by powerful government reps against ANY civilian, be they guilty or not. I object to any so-called ‘public servant’ using blunt verbal aggression against the very tax-paying people who pay their executive high government wages. What’s really maddening is the hypocrite fucker is doing exactly that himself: hoarding power and abusing it at his convenience, for the sake of gaining more power. Motherfucking gangster in full and shameless coercion mode. Wanting to take by force what clearly does NOT belong to him, what clearly not he nor the government ever paid for! I mean the language that is being used against the American people here! Disgusting vile fascism. Yet not surprising: this is exactly how the government ‘negotiates’ with its people. Always from a position of superiority and aggression.

      I am not defending hoarders of vital items in dire times of need, I am wigging out on the sheer hypocrisy of politicians and their intent to violently violate in dire times of need.

      And btw, is that motherfucker William Barr related to that unhinged narcissist-racist cunt Roseanne Barr? Cuz they’re both arrogant bully jews with lard tubs for torsos. Cowards! They look like fucking cowards!

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        You might have a good look at the ‘Borisofsky’ family tree.

        Threats are made from a position of weakness. I only have to look at a person, to make him/her stop. No need to say anything.

        Mankind needs a ‘PoliVirus.‘ A virus that only targets slimy politicians and wipes them all out. I just can’t stand them. I don’t want any of them to be on my team and dropped behind enemy lines, coz these fuckers sell me out to the highest [kosher] bidder. 

        It’s good to see the herd mentality is still alive and kicking.

        Yeehawww, to hell and back with a fistful of fucking toilet paper!!!


  15. AriusArmenian says:

    My son said he is concerned about the number of Americans that will suffer sudden onset poverty. I have known that about 40%+ of the people can't come up with $400 in an emergency. Now they can't make a living. 

    I think this will lead to big social, political, military, and economic change in the US. Already some are calling to cut military spending to fund the people's medical and other needs. We are likely into a coming historical change as big as after 1929 or WW2. The initial response by the elites is more of the same neoliberal economic tinkering. It will be its last act that goes all the way back to WW2. 

    As to where the virus comes from: there are specialists reviewing similar symptoms in the US around November 2019. The finger is starting to point at the US which would not surprise me.

    • Daniel Rich says:


      The reverberations and ramifications of this virus will ring around the globe for some time to come. It’s going to hit [ordinary] people the hardest, like it always does. With no savings to fall back on and CCs maxed out, most will descend into the pigsty of poverty and all the ‘goodies’ that come along with it. Wait until there ain’t no food or water to fight over and the gloves’ll comes off and concealed weapns drawn. Still, the masses won’t go for the bankers and politicians who’re responsible for this mess we’re in. They’ll happily blame China and Russia and sing along with MSM’s fake news bulletins to not have to face reality.

      Do WhatApp an Instagram pay bills? Do we really need privileged celebrities to lecture us on what to do from the sanctity of their mansion?

      Time to hit the gym. Talk to you laters :o]

    • Canthama says:

      Arius,  as mentioned earlier to Taxi, I am still impressed with the "sheep" like behaviour from most in the West, they have been contained inside their homes and not protesting against their own Government misdoings. I believe there will be a tipping point where people will say "basta" and we will see a revolt, so yes, the US will go thru some deep changes soon, not sure if bloody or else, but a revolt against the status quo it will be.

      Best regards my friend, stay safe.

  16. Anonymous says:

    [Daniel Rich]

    The NYT now tells me ‘Eyes Only‘ is the new beauty…

    So, what is it they don’t tell me…?

  17. Taxi says:

    It took the freaking DC zio whores TWO LONG DAYS to agree on a COVID-19 emergency package for the American people, as the number of victims kicked up pace and increased.  Shitheads would have agreed in TWO MINUTES if the emergency was for israel and jews.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      Shitheads would have agreed in TWO MINUTES if the emergency was for israel and jews.

      That long? Ff-ing ASs!!! 

  18. Taxi says:

    Even though Mr. Niqnaq's blog can be a little too wordy, I always appreciate his work and where he's coming from.  He's a stickler for journalistic detail, for sure.  Good articles on COVID on his site here:


  19. Taxi says:

    They've been intermittently playing this video here below on Almayadeen Arabic news channel for over a week now.  A brotherly shout-out from the mideast Resistance all the way to the liberated south of the Americas:

    • Dear TAXI, with this you made me cry.

      Portuguese revolution is extremely interconnected to the Chilean process and this song become a hymn also in Portugal in the glorious days of the Carnation Revolution. Here those days were remembered at an huge party in 2016. Chile will be always be in our hearts.

  20. Taxi says:

    Oof!  I'm really COVIDed out.  Piff!  I can't look at another germy headline today…

    And I can't say 'wake me up when it's over' cuz it's gonna be going on for a loooong, long time.

    I'm reading that the future king of England, Charles, has been COVIDed.  Jackson Brown got a little licked by it too.  I'm hearing Congress finally allotted some 3 trillion dollars to help COVID blahblah.  Bailouts to banks, LOANS to small businesses, increased unemployment expenses and hospital assistance.  In other words, Boeing and Wall Street win.  Again.


    And the sheep will take it lying down and without Vaseline.

  21. Daniel Rich says:

    In times of crisis there’s really only one way forward: national/international solidarity, thus, in Ireland, the entire Healthcare system has been nationalized. Kudos to the prevailing level-headed decision makers.

    “We must of course have equality of treatment, patients with this virus will be treated for free, and they’ll be treated as part of a single, national hospital service. For the duration of this crisis the State will take control of all private hospital facilities and manage all of the resources for the common benefit of all of our people… There can be no room for public versus private when it comes to pandemic.”

    Irish Healthcare

    US insurance bean counters have started to sweat profusely…

    • Taxi says:

      “Bean counters” cool.

      Look, the US is doing it so wrong.  Doing so very little about it, even today.  Why?  Because the US, being a vulture capitalist prefers to make dollars and count corpses, instead of losing dollars and saving human lives.

      Even in the tiny village where I live – not even an affluent village but just a regular one, even they are practicing better COVID containment that in the US.  For example, at the entrances of the village (it has two), there are teams of ‘COVID hygienists’ posted there 24/7, and they spray all cars coming in and going out of the village.  They also spray the exterior of all food shops, and the pavements and road right outside them – three times a day.  All food shops allow only two customers at a time – this is barely a problem: no long lines at food shops, maybe just a couple of people, because shoppers are buying bulk and doing it only once a week, plus, there are only some 2000 villagers living in the village all year round: shoppers are hardly ever crowded up in shops in the first place.  Also, the village council has banned ALL religious, sporting and social gatherings, and they have highly recommended that neighbors and families do not socialize with each other.  There is no ban on pedestrian activity, but they highly recommend that you only go out in the spirit of absolute need.  Youth hangouts like the internet cafe and sporting clubs are closed, but the local old village cafe (existing now for over 100 years), remains open, with safe distances between tables arranged and only one customer per table allowed – but hardly anyone is in the cafe: I always make a point to look in when I drive by – it’s usually full of old village men anyway and I don’t think their wives are letting them out of the house these COVID days.  There is no military or even police presence in the village at all – well, it does have ONE SINGLE POLICEMAN, and he’s sort of staying at home too heh.  It would seem to be the case that EVERYONE in the village is on the same page and sticking to life-saving practices simultaneously, thus they are not in need of government decrees, militarized policing or monitoring.

      Really, apart from the public spraying, you wouldn’t even know there is a COVID crisis going on.  Me, I reside on a remote hill and live a semi-reclusive life already anyway, so COVID has not effected my lifestyle at all.

      Fuck, I’d hate to be stuck in COVID California right now!  A chill runs up my spine just think to even about it.

      I count my lucky stars that I don’t live Stateside, especially now during COVID.

  22. Daniel Rich says:

    @ taxi,

    Chinese strategists know that they must not let the US wage war on Iran…

    There will be no war on Iran  The US doesn’t have the logistics, the manpower, the $$$ or a willingness to absorb large numbers of casualties to do such a thing. Remember, the Iranian attack on the US base in Iraq was forewarned and not aimed at barracks specifically, so you can imagine what will happen when Iran goes after high value targets around the Gulf coast/s and military bases.

    • Taxi says:

      You’re absolutely right, Daniel, but you know how evil operates: it is ceaseless in its attempts: it keeps looking for ways, on and on and on, to do evil – big evil. Evil never sleeps.

      Gone are the days when a military would just pack up and go back home when their muscle withers. Now, all thanks to terrorist israel’s model (yinon), Western military operations just keep at it, regardless.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      They [DNC assorted cronies] lost the plot years ago. And does it really matter which side of the coin faces upward?

      Bernie, Biden…? If there is a god, both will perish before the final showdown. If not…

    • Taxi says:

      Yes, it’s true, Hezbollah has offered the services of St. George (private) Hospital to COVID victims, ie the Hezb will pay the bill.  Not only that, but they’ve also offered the services of 4000 Leb doctors whom they have organized to be on call and to work for free, as well as the hands-on assistance of some 20.000 first-responders, if the Leb gov needs any of it.

      And what did American jew billionaires offer Americans in their current growing COVID epidemic?  Here’s what they’ve offered us during this crisis: they’d very much like to take more of our tax dollars right out of our hands:

      On Sunday, the ADL shared a bailout petition asking their followers to join them in pressuring congress for “$60 billion in emergency stimulus funding” for themselves and over 200 other non-profits.

      Despite $90 Million In Assets, The Anti-Defamation League Seeks Federal COVID-19 Bailout Money

      Let’s just hope that a most vicious jewish civil war soon breaks out in israel during the current and combined crises they’re struggling with: an uncontrolled COVID crisis AND a very unhinged political crisis – the worst political crisis that israel has ever faced.  A political crisis that analysts describe as striding more and more towards civil war with every passing day it is left unresolved.

      May they all kill each other off and save up the stinking trouble.

  23. Taxi says:

    The UN is calling on all conflict nations to cease all war activities and focus instead on fighting COVID:

    COVID-19: UN chief calls for global ceasefire to focus on ‘the true fight of our lives’

    And also, some heated words and a disruption at a WHO assembly on COVID between the US and China over the phrasing of the origins of COVID took place earlier today.  America insisted on injection the controversial phrase “originating in Wuhan, China” right at the beginning of the WHO speaker’s speech, and it raised the hackles and ire of the Chinese representative who interrupted the speaker in objection, sternly getting out of his seat and putting his objection forth on foot, thus an atmosphere of hostility and no compromise was unleashed in the assembly hall and representatives of other nations present began to get out of their seat and shuffle feet in a confused and disorderly manner.  The session was called off, needless to say.  I think they will try to hold session again tomorrow.

    I just saw a video of the above on Almayadeen, but I can’t find it on the net yet.  I’ll post a video of the disruption if I come across one.

    Why is the Trump admin so quick and oh so very insistent on pinning COVID on China?  Is China the new Saddam in the batshit brains of the motherfucking jewy neocons?  You bet!  Them aipac-loving war criminals are especially pissed that in the next couple of weeks, there will probably be more Americans dead of COVID than Chinese ones.  Mindful here too that the number of Americans killed by COVID has already surpassed that of Iran’s by several hundred.

    Observe how China is becoming less passive-aggressive and more aggressive-aggressive in its dealings with the US.  China ain’t Iraq: it has to keep reminding the DC and Pentagon fuckers of this.

    But cracks are appearing in Trump’s coarse-handed orchestration of his economic full-spectrum dominance – things are not exactly going according to plan.  Trump has no choice now but to put the breaks on his oil war against Russia via Saudia:

    U.S. Calling on Saudis to Halt Plan to Unleash Record Oil Supply

    What COVID is effectively doing is exposing vulturous and failed American policies overseas, and further policy failure and acute weaknesses in the domestic American system.

    COVID appears to be illuminating and separating the good from the evil doers. The wheat from the chaff.

    • Bornajoo says:

      Hi Taxi

      Pompeo, particularly, is a gruesome specimen. Not just physically, but in every dimension. He and fuck-face Trump are doing their best to try and pin the entire blame of the Covid19 Pandemic on China. Not only the deaths but the entirety of the economic consequences of this pandemic. They're trying to get the whole world to join them in blaming China for two reasons; to bring China down and to deflect the blame from where we all know it really belongs. It won't work, just like the rest of their nefarious plans 

      There are some positives about this pandemic. It's exposing the USA for what it really is. The so-called superpower that doesn't provide free health care for its own people and instead gives billions to Isra-hell and trillions to its military industrial complex while its citizens have to fend for themselves and die penniless

      It's also gonna cause much deserved blowback against the curse of globalisation. Take this dark, dank, damp, zio-shit hole (thank you for that terminology by the way) where I'm currently trapped that goes by the spurious name of "Great Britain". This country decided to shut down nearly all its manufacturing, steel and coal mining and focus on "services", mainly financial and legal. We used to make and build everything and we also used to grow all of our own food

      But then came the wonder of globalisation. The elite pompous British mindset was one of the first to believe that we didn't need to make anything any more. Little yellow people over there can make it all cheaper in sweatshops. And we don't need to toil in the fields any longer because intensive farming practices in Europe and elsewhere mean we can just import the food we need. And since then we've slowly decreased our food output to just under 50%. But not to worry, we'll get rich and lazy by providing services, because we're oh so clever and smart, while we let the foreign plebs do all the heavy lifting

      And it's all more or less tickety-boo. Until suddenly it isn't

      Suddenly we have a pandemic, out of nowhere. And this pandemic has just chucked a gigantic spanner into the globalisation machine.

      At the time of writing, a whole load of Asian countries are on lock down. This will massively affect their food exports. A large amount of our food imports come from India and South East Asia. A number of these countries are now halting exports. If the pandemic rages for longer than expected then European food producers will be producing less and therefore will export less too

      The question is, if a country starts running low on food, who are they gonna feed first? Their own citizens or will they continue to export that food to another country?

      Here in the UK we have over 6m hectares of cultivable land. Yet we only use a tiny fraction to grow food, 168,000 hectares, around 3%. We should be a net exporter of food but instead we import most of it. How fucked up is that? 

      With a lot of luck, the UK just might scrape out of this crisis in one piece and they might get a chance to realise that each country has a responsibility to at least fucking grow enough food to feed its people. 

      I feel sorry for the ordinary folk here, but as a country, we deserve everything that's coming our way. Services are the first to go and the last to return. That's the path our righteous leaders chose for this country and it will be its undoing, unless they realise that a massive change of direction must now take place. I somehow doubt it. 

      Maybe the UK will now get what it truly deserves. A country that has created and wreaked havoc across the globe with its colonial exploits and its alignment with the AoE of which most members today are the evil spawn of that previous Empire. What's left of this country is a flimsy house of cards which the Covid19 wind is about to blow away 



      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ BORNAJOO,

        As per usual, it's always Joe&Jane-six-pack who pay the price for the elite's casino fixation. When that monkey wrench's thrown into the rusty gears of the underbelly of societal fabrics, the fight still isn't taken to those who so rightfully deserve it: 0,001%. People yank TP out of each other's hands, like it's the just and rightful ting to do. Panic [buying] kills more people than it actually saves, but then again, we can go to heaven with clean asses :o]

  24. Taxi says:

    One day in the near-to-medium future when the COVID situation gets under control and Americans lose the germy fear that would have preoccupied them from one worrisome and exhausting month to the next – that day that is coming will find Americans finally with room to think instead of worry and some will wonder the following:

    How come the island of Cuba, that ant of a place if compared in size to us, that heavily sanctioned ant of a place, that small and poor ant-size island by comparison to the vast spread of our torso, how come that little ant island government managed to take care of all of its people during COVID without class prejudice and without blinking?  How come that ant island government had even more help to give and it took this surplus goodness across waters and successfully delivered humanitarian assistance to suffering people in other nations around the world?  How come that ant island called Cuba promptly stepped up to the challenge and excelled by far more than our own fabulously rich and powerful superpower supergun government?  How the heck is that possible?  Something’s gotta be wrong.  Gotta be our system.  No other explanation.  Yeah it’s our system.  Our system is so unbelievably broken and regressive that even the system of a small ant island did better than ours.

    Sure looks like we’re a failed state.  Run by men and women whose family and friends keep getting richer.

    … I do actually see somewhat of a collective shift in American political thinking post COVID.  Much more voter cynicism will be birthed.  And by far more deal-breaker voter demands and higher expectations of politicians’ performance.

    If COVID ends up killing more Americans than 9/11 did, and it’s trending in that direction already, then I doubt that average Americans will just forget about ‘coronavirus’ in a handful of weeks.  No they won’t.  The majority of Americans will not just forget about it.  And that’s because they’ll be wondering what the heck are they gonna do if another biological germ epidemic kicked up the following winter of 2021.  They’re not gonna be thinking COVID is just a unique, random one-off event and it’s all over now.  Not when they already know and fear the names of AIDS, Ebola, MERS, SARS and now COVID.  These people will start demanding that their hard-earned taxes are spent on their healthcare and not on corporate bailouts and overseas wars.  That their very own taxes should be spent on preserving their very own lives above all else.  Absolutely above all else. 

    After decades of the American public getting the healthcare shaft, COVID may very well change the political face of America’s healthcare.

    I’ll wager that healthcare will be the top issue in all the presidential debates from here on.  Local elections too.  It’s going to be a deal maker or breaker for a majority of voters.

    I do highly recommend the people use COVID as a cattle prod on politicians till the people get what they want.  What they really need.  What is rightfully theirs.

    • Cloak And Dagger says:

      That’s a good point, Taxi. Revolutions begin on empty stomachs. C19 has laid off so many workers who live from paycheck to paycheck, and the much vaunted govt. bailout is more SOP to the corporations and banks, with little to nothing for the cattle.

      When you are hungry, you ask:

      • I work hard. Why do I not have anything to eat?
      • Why are there billionaires? 
      • Why are there homeless and hungry people in this rich country?
      • Why are my taxes being used for wars of choice?
      • How come Kevin is homeless and hungry on the feces-littered streets of San Francisco, but we give oodles of money to Israel?
      • Why does the ADL get a helping from my tax money as ((they))) are asking for?
      • Why does Pompeo still have a job?
      • What has Pelosi done for us – ever?
      • Why are we so deferential to jews and Israel? Have we no pride?
      • Why am I voting when nothing changes?
      • Why do I pay taxes with so few services to me?
      • Why do we allocate $1 Trillion on defense every year, but spend it all on offense?
      • Why the fuck are we sanctioning Iran in their hour of need to please the jews, while causing thousands of deaths through attrition?
      • Where did $23 Trillion go? Did they search between the couch cushions?

      Revolutions happen when the elite least expect it. C19 is the catalyst which could transform the anger and despair of the masses into a sharp-tipped arrow that brings it all down.

      Courage, my friends.


      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Cloak & Dagger,

        Why do we allocate $1 Trillion on defense every year, but spend it all on offense?

        This line condenses all of the above into a single sentence. My mom always encouraged me to ask that dreaded question, “Why?” and I’ll never stop asking it. 

        But, revolutions need leaders and some sort of hierarchy, and that where it all falls apart again, even if it takes time to fall apart at the seams.

        Everything needs to be scaled down to local affairs, where politicians can and will be held accountable for their mis/deeds. The distance between the whores in DC and the ordinary folk going about their daily business, isn’t only physical, it’s emotional and personal as well. 

        That gap is too big to conquer with bridges, so it has to be filled up with the carcasses of the wicked and wealthy.

        Where do we begin?

      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        @ Daniel Rich

        But, revolutions need leaders and some sort of hierarchy


        Ay, there's the rub. The very people most enthused about a revolution are usually the ones least likely to be able to organize one. Take the ME for example. The desire to kick western imperialism out of there is widespread. However, neither unity nor organization manifests itself, except for the Axis, making the struggle drag on across century markers.

      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        @ Daniel Rich

        Everything needs to be scaled down to local affairs

        Absolutely! Couldn't agree more! A weak federal government with all power reserved for the states, except for limited exceptions, was the original intent of our constitution.

        As we were warned by our forefathers, we could not keep the republic, and the federal government has become a hydra with uncountable heads.

        Centralize everything, surveil everyone, control the world.


        That gap is too big to conquer with bridges, so it has to be filled up with the carcasses of the wicked and wealthy.




      • Taxi says:

        COVID is turning us all into Howard Hugheses.

        Now I gotta go wash my hands again.  Wipe down keyboard with rubbing alcohol.  Spray my nasal conch with cleansing Chinese herbs.  Fumigate my reading glasses with mosquito killer.  Double brush my teeth with salt and lemon juice.  And all this before typing the next sentence!

        Just kidding heh!

        But you get the point, right?

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      I sincerely hope this brotherhood cements itself into solid concrete, in order to withstand the blasts of  western lécheurs, who never tire of badmouthing anything positive that comes out of the [wider] M.E region.

      The writing’s on the wall. Will the pervicaciuos plunderers of Occupied Palestine be able to read it?

  25. Daniel Rich says:

    After the lockdown was announced, six hundred thousand Israelis applied for unemployment benefit, as small and medium businesses sent their workers home without pay. The laid-off workers would be able to take out loans, to be repaid with interest after the emergency is over; nobody says where they will get money to repay.

    This kind of uncompromised compassion brings tears to my eyes… 

  26. Taxi says:

    A glimpse into how the israel-firsters and Deep Staters see China (*recommended viewing – especially the last 10 mins):

    • Taxi says:

      We just don't like it when others do it to us.  We wanna be the only motherfucker in the world.

  27. Taxi says:
  28. Taxi says:

    Hiya readers and friends.  I woke up this morning unable to even hear the big bad ‘C’ word written all over the place.  Instead of my customary morning net-surfing for news and blogging etc, I decided to take a nice looooooong hike with my dogs – spring is everywhere and it so delights the heart and the senses.  We have yet another storm system hitting us here in the Lebanon for a few days starting from tonight, and I felt that oxygenating my bloodstream in the meantime was a better idea than de-oxygenating it with COVID news.  I’m pretty sure the situation the world over is worse today than it was yesterday.

    Hope y’all are being smart and staying safe.

    I’ll be back on the boards in a bit – but first, a late lunch and a nap…

  29. Taxi says:

    Some links from today's headlines and a coupla tweets:

    The US Has Faced Decline Before – But Nothing Like What’s to Come

    This Pandemic Is Exposing The Futility Of The National Security State

    US State Dept accuses China of putting conditions on Covid-19 aid, cites media when pressed on proof

  30. Daniel Rich says:

    Cmdr. Sean Robertson, a Pentagon spokesman, said in a statement: “Operation Inherent Resolve is in Iraq at the invitation of the Iraqi government and remains focused on partnering with Iraqi security forces for the shared goal of permanently defeating ISIS remnants. We are not going to discuss hypotheticals or internal deliberations.”

    So, what part of the memo that read, "Get the f*** outta here!!!" don't they understand? 

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        I expect reason from reasonable wo/men, but the mil brass is only about upward careers, consultant fees and the money making circuit, thus the bulky war machine moves onward, in need of ever more $$$ to fuel its wayward trajectory through the trenches of mankind.

  31. Taxi says:

    Howdy y'all corona fiends and freaks!  Hope you're enjoying the germless watsits of the day.

    Last night, I received an email from Linh Dinh/Unz Review requesting me to submit a report on COVID-19 that includes answers to the following questions:

    How has this crisis changed your life, if at all?

    What is the situation like in your city and/or country?

    What are you most worried about regarding this crisis, the disease itself, its effect on the economy or your government's handling of it?

    How long do you think this crisis will last? Will there be any permanent effects?

    What do you think your  city and country will be like a year from now?

    Well, I did just that this morning.  It will be included in a soon-to-be-published article that will also have 5 other writers' reports.  I will link it here on Plato's when it's published.

    And in the meantime, here's a tasty Sunday cheeseball for y'all:


    • Taxi says:

      Here's the Unz link to Linh Dinh's article:

      Coronavirus Missives from the Philippines, USA, France, Lebanon and Germany

      You'll see there a couple of very stupid comments about my entry, by typical dumbass Americans.  Yes, I responded to them, but with great restraint as I am but a guest at the Unz.  I'd love for the cocksucking motherfuckers to come over here to Plato's where I'm freer to speak my mind.  On second thought, I'm soooo over 'stupid'.

      An observation: reading through other comments of the two stupid Unz commentators, I found all sorts of pro terrorist israel commentary and much insidious jewish supremicism.  They just hated my 'Lebanon' thing.  Knowaddamean?  Fucking brainwashed terrorist cogs.

    • Taxi says:

      Allow me here this indulgence please.  I'd like to take this opportunity to sing the praises of Linh Dinh.  I love his work so much.  His poems, his prose books, his articles, his pictorial social commentary – I love everything he does.  I love how he thinks, I love how he writes – I love how he sees the world.  He's a genuine and truly brilliant and spectacular poet. 

      Every world generation gets but a small handful of poets, if its lucky, and Americans are most fortunate to have Linh Dinh to count as their own – ironically, all thanks to the bleak death fest called the 'Vietnam War', and his forced refugeedom and migration to America's shores when he was but a most curious and furious wee tween.  And just like in the biographies of most brilliant poets, Linh too was an outsider who was rejected by his academic contemporaries and general society while still alive.  In his case, it was the vile jews in academia who'd tagged him as an 'antisemite' for rightly observing and vocalizing the disproportionate powers that jews have in academia and in American society overall.  He did not critique, but merely observed and publicly noted so – as any honest and responsible intellectual would.  And for this American freedom of speech that he practiced, they ran him over and they ran him out of the country.  Literally.  They throttled and suffocated his rising star.  They destroyed his golden reputation.  They dipped his bread and butter in a vat of acid.

      Now he lives in Vietnam and periodically travels the exotic routes: witnessing and documenting the vast eastern prism of humanity that only his uniquely cross-cultured and life-struck eye can see.

      Like the great Walt Whitman and before him Percy Bysshe Shelley, he has a natural love and perfect empathy with the workers and the downtrodden of the world.  He has the playful disinhibition of Charles Bukowski.  And like the prodigal Arthur Rimbaud, his eye-to-word circuitry is thorn and silk on fire.  His images are awakened and arresting.  His words are vivacious gallops of horses on white surf – tumbling melancholia and music and gold dust.

      His poetic star shoots above all others.

      I love his work so much.  Beautiful poet.  Beautiful person.

      …  And America is but the poorer for losing him.

      Yet another national treasure assassinated and despoiled by the perpetually plundering jews.

    • Taxi says:

      It's hard to know which Linh Dinh poem to share with y'all – so very many brilliant ones to choose from.  But okay – here's a sample – a commentary on modern life:

      Brand New Products

      By Linh Dinh

      A vigilant gun that always picks out
      The right target—even if it’s you—
      No matter who you’re aiming at.

      A computer that listens and blows you,
      As you blow it, to your favorite tune.

      Meat that cleans your teeth
      As you’re masticating it.

      A truck so awesome, only the President
      Of the United States of America’s allowed
      To careen in it, to his own beat.

      A dictionary with positive adjectives only.
      A dictionary with no wet verbs.
      A dictionary with negotiable definitions.
      A dictionary that defines words by their antonyms.

      All the greatest hits from the last millennium
      Performed live, on stage, on the inside
      Of your state of the art, acoustically-enhanced skull.

      A complete set of nude photos
      Of you, taken by you and sold
      Back to you—at a discount.

      A sex doll with a mirror for a face.
      A sex doll with a Ph.D.
      A sex doll with adjustable skin tone.

      A sensitive sex doll that just wants
      To be friends—a Platonic sex doll.

      Rain water in a bottle, sunshine in a box
      And ambience sounds from a bus stop
      Down the street, recorded on a CD.

      A 24-hour video of what you did yesterday.
      A 24-hour video of what you’ll do tomorrow.

      A super realistic photo of what’s outside
      Your window, pasted to your window.

      A baseball game that never ends,
      To be played simultaneously with
      A football game that never ends.

      Cluster bombs that scatter copies of Leaves of Grass
      Over a thousand mile radius, for a thousand years.

      Landmines made with dough,
      Topped with mozzarella and all
      Your favorite toppings.

      An airplane that never lands.

      And, finally, your favorite fairy tale
      Painted on your new plastic limbs.

  32. Taxi says:

    Mainstream media is an ideologue.  Its scribes, even the seemingly reasonable ones, even when they’re on a nice and appealing roll, just can’t help but tilt a little here and then a little there against their ideological enemy.  Omitting a little here and then a little there some mortifying and relevant truths about their ideological relatives.

    For example, take a look at this passage from the linked (below) article:

    Pompeo is right about the facts. China did try to cover up the initial outbreak. Its Communist Party does lead a brutally authoritarian regime.

    Okay.  Fair enough.  If you say so, dear.  But then where is the equitable counter to this statement?  Where is the high journalism here?  Why isn’t the US’s global terrorism activities that have mass murdered by far more people than COVID and the Chinese communist government combined not mentioned here?  What about Trump’s COVID coverups?  What about his “brutally authoritarian regime” that stomped around the planet like a one-eyed thug aggressively attacking the economies of friend and foe alike?  Where’s the freaking journalistic balance here?

    Wot?  Worried about the ‘other’s’ terrorism and not ours?  We ARE the stinking womb of terrorism!  Yes, other nations have plenty of  ‘bad’ too.  But NOBODY’s got as much bad as the USA!  (Under jewish power, that is).  And unless this fact is recognized by a journalist, be they msm or alt, then fuck them and their covid eyepatch.

    Fact is, ideologues should be the last people in media.

    China rises as Trump cedes leadership in coronavirus crisis


  33. Taxi says:

    Sunday's multi-cultured COVID newsstand:

    Global Pandemic Preparedness – Which Country Is The Most (And Least) Ready For COVID-19?

    Italy Must Never Forget…Or Forgive

    Putin Says 'The Rich Must Pay' for the Corona-Virus

    Can COVID-19 Take Down NATO?

    Pushing for a third Iraq war – TTG

    Jews Fear They’re Prone To Coronavirus—But Race-Denying Ruling Class Suppresses The Facts.

    And last but not least, this sick shit here going on:

  34. Mike-Florida says:

    Lebanese security forces tear down camp at centre of protest movement, around Martyrs' Square to restrict movement in an effort to contain the spread of the coronavirus. A state emergency was declared on 15 March. Security forces were met with resistance from scores of protestors. and reopen roads that had been blocked for months. Local currency has sunk by some 40 percent since October. Lebanon has recorded 412 coronavirus cases and eight deaths. (the pix of the area shows such a mess created by protestors. Wising dear Lebanon best wishes. Mike).

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Mike.

      "Security forces were met with resistance from scores of protestors…"

      Yeah well what the MEE Staff who jointly wrote the article mean by "scores" is really a dozen or so activists keeping vigil by their protest tents during corona lockdown – with no other citizens milling in Martyr Square because pretty much everyone in the Leb is practicing self-quarantine.  The Leb forces dismantled the tents and sent everyone home as part and parcel of the lockdown measures.  Some level of resistance to going home was observed but nothing horribly violent occurred between the protestors and Leb forces – just some shoving and pushing etc.  One zealot dude tried to set himself on fire and failed cuz the Leb forces were close enough to immediately cover him with sheets of dismantled tents. Moreover, no roads have been closed since last autumn.  And when an article cites the Red Cross without linking the reader to the RC's official site, well…

      You see where I'm heading?

      The only fact in the linked article is the financial situ is still pretty bad.

      The Leb is experiencing no political crisis currently.  Just a financial one plus COVID.

      Dismantling the protestors' tents was an 'incident' not a crisis.

  35. Taxi says:

    Monday's mini newsstand:

    Russia quizzes US on coronavirus’ parentage

    The missing six weeks: how Trump failed the biggest test of his life

    The Contrarian Coronavirus Theory That Informed the Trump Administration

  36. Taxi says:

    A few words about Syria…

    Clearly, the political siege of Damascus by Arab nations is now in tatters, with MbZ of UAE having personally called Bashar last Friday to offer a hand in peace and support of the Syrian people and nation under Bashar.

    Regardless of this positive gesture, MbZ remains a snake in the grass in my eyes, and I advise the Syrian government extreme caution with him.

    But what's important here is this: MbZ is America's number one friend in the middle east: an enduring, reliable and most beneficial friend – a friend who would sacrifice Palestine and Yemen and Iraq to please America's jewy Deep State.  With this in mind, it behooves us therefore to view this most extraordinary single phonecall as an indirect announcement by Pax Americana that post COVID-19, a new equation, a new American foreign policy in the Levant and the general Arab world will be afoot.

    Don't get me wrong: the US's love of terrorist israel will remain the same, but its proactive involvement in jewish wars will lessen greatly.  After all, America now desperately needs to focus its full energy on blocking China's rapid rise to equivalent superpowerdom.  Note how much of our Deep State's psyops and propaganda has of late left the Levant, beelining straight at China.

    Mohammed bin Zayed breaks the Arab boycott against Bashar Al-Assad

    • Canthama says:

      Taxi, fully concur, I am cautiously optimistic about this rapprochement, inevitable since Syria has shown it stood against all their foes, I would point out the Arab world may finally woke up to turkish regime new ottomanism expansions…a bit late but it is fact, no doubt it involves the bad blood between UAE/KSA and Qatar.

      As anything in the ME, nothing is easy or crystal clear, the fact the Arab League continue to hold Syria's return, shows that the political environment continues to be playing a backstage game beyond we all know….

      Syria must now advance toward M4 and push turkish terrorists back to Turkey during summer times. It will be a very important event for all ME, since in my view it will see the SAA fighting the turkish army directly, not thru drones or artillery, it will be ugly and wild.

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks Canthama. 

        If the US itself is incapable of launching any war on any nation this COVID year of 2020, I'm of the mind that Turkey too will be short on warfare confrontation this year too.  Absolutely nobody on the planet can afford to go to war this year.  Even if large funds are available for war, the COVID-exhausted citizenry will bring their government down for spending yet more tax payer money on war than on COVID and the health of the nation. 

        Soon as the terrorists have been fully defeated/evicted from the last few patches of Syria, the Turks will vacate Syria, reluctantly but of their own volition, with massive pressure from both Russia AND the US. 

        Strategically speaking, the US now desperately needs to fully pivot eastwards to China asap, and will henceforth put more value on the kurds to work against Bashar from the inside (to create political instability), instead of using the more volatile Turkey from the outside (to create military instability).  Turkey will have to face the reality: the US is unable to meaningfully assist anyone in any war this COVID and election year, and even if the US was able to help, Turkey itself is flat broke and Erdogan can't afford to fight the Syrian army backed by Russia, Iran and the Arab Axis of Resistance to Ottomanism, which also includes UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Libya, Iraq et all.

        Of course, there's always that wild card called israel in this equation.  But can israel really afford missile attacks on tel aviv and the freezing of relations between it and the Gulf Arabs this year should it take Turkey's side?  No it can't.  Especially that the US is weakening.

        All that has to happen now in Syria is for the grand Idlib ops to conclude: ie the final and absolute defeat of the terrorists there, and for the SAA to take over everywhere in Syria that's west of the Euphrates.  The strategy for liberating the north-eastern and eastern parts of Syria will be determined by what will take place in the US November elections.  Either the US leaves of its own volition, handing the territory over to the political trouble-making kurds, or it starts to directly, suicidaly fight the Russians and Iranians in Syria – who will no doubt now be openly assisted by the Chinese. 

        I think the US will go for the first option.  After all, our military motto has always been: 'live to fight another day', not 'die fighting today'.

        The scales of power have tipped in the Levant, Canthama.  COVID caused the tip.  All war plans on everybody's table are now in review mode.  All drawn war plans are now old ones.

        Of course, you will still get localized skirmishes here and there in Syria, but no expansion of war there or in any of the hotspots of the world will occur this year.

        Ironically, it will be COVID that would have created this temporary state of warlessness and relative peace in the world, not the UN and its somber assemblies and ceremonies.

  37. Taxi says:

    In case readers didn't already know, Hezbollah has israeli agents working with them, plus they also have Hezbollah spies long embedded as jews in israeli society.  For every spy caught by israel, at least several hundred remain in the shadows of tel aviv, Jerusalem, Jaffa, the negev, etc:

    Israeli woman charged with spying for Hezbollah

  38. Taxi says:

    I still maintain that for any REAL positive changes to happen to the world and humanity, the very seat of global evil and usury must first be removed.  That loathsome talmudic mobster-monster state will first have to go.  Enter the dragon: enter the Axis of Resistance.

    It’s now becoming the norm to question and challenge the US and its few clingy allies.

    Russia: World No Longer Trusts U.S. to Lead, It’s Time Others Step in to Stop ‘Blackmail and Pressure’

  39. Mike-Florida says:

    Taxi – your comment > “Deep State’s psyops and propaganda has of late left the Levant, beelining straight at China” resonates 24/7 on all US MSM TV, from the right as well as from the left. Same from politicians both parties. Non-stop China is bad, China’s lies caused virus deaths, China is dangerous, etc etc. Since the virus took over the news the anti-China volume is higher than ever, such that it should cause viewers to question, but not so. If its MSM narrative its considered true by the masses – not propaganda – the creators have a firm grip on minds and those minds are convinced almost feveriously so. Mike.

    • Taxi says:

      Mike, some quiet but huge changes have taken place this past week with regards to Pax Americana’s global geopolitical strategy.  Feeling a substantial leak in the great ship, and knowing that ten fingers aren’t enough of a plug up, it is now on the very quiet reviewing the evidently shrinking power of its domination and dominion.  By absolute necessity it must now have a new plan, a new map. 

      Can it remain a unipower for ever?

      No.  It can’t.

      The whole world can now see this and this is America’s biggest problem.  It can no longer hide the creases on its suit and the hole in the sole of its shoe.  America’s soft-power credit line fell to single digits this week.

      Will it lash out at the doubting world?  Yes, under Trump, yes.  Will it cooperate with the other powers of the world instead of sanctioning them?  Under Trump, never.

      This is why the Deep State will now need a new face for Pax Americana’s new direction.

      Who the next elected president will be (selected first by the Deep State) will give us more exact clues as to how the Deep State plans to resolve the acute power-hemorrhaging that everyone can now see happening to the US.  Demonizing China in America doesn’t quite address this problem.  It is but a distraction for the time being to turn China into the new Osama Bin Laden in a bio lab.

      2020 is fast becoming the year of the unexpected.  Expect the unexpected.  Buckle up!

  40. Mike-Florida says:

    Taxi – contemplate this bomb >

    From >
    This Huge Jewish Finance Firm Just Took Over the US Treasury and Fed (Blackrock, Transcript + Audio)
    In less than a week the Federal Reserve has been merged with the U.S. Treasury (implying it wasn’t always that way) and BlackRock, the world’s largest and most powerful financial services institution, has been put in charge of executing future acquisitions and trades.  Who is BlackRock? What do they own? And perhaps more importantly, what and who do they control? Jazz and James dive into BlackRock and uncover a significant portion of the apparatus by which U.S. politics are controlled and manipulated – etc.
    Strongly suggest playing the supporting video on the above link.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Mike. My internet service is annoying slow tonight: vid keeps cutting off to buffer. I will definitely watch it and follow your recommendation first thing tomorrow morning.

      In the meantime, g’nite y’all – don’t let the bed germs bite.

    • Taxi says:

      The Mammonite jew are coming out from behind the shadows where they’ve been since 1913. There is NOTHING in American now that they don’t cynically control.

      How long can the gut of our center hold? …Waiting for the pitchfork mobs to come out.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Daniel. After being inundated with an ocean of death data and statistics these past three weeks, it’s really hard to know what to believe anymore. But I can indeed answer the proposed question at the end of the article:

      So, the question is, if we didn’t have a lockdown in 2017, and we didn’t have a lockdown in 2018, and we didn’t have a lockdown in 2019….why do we have a lockdown now?

      We have a lockdown now because COVID-19 is the most deadly and mysterious virus to date that humanity at large has had to face. Smart people, in this case, err on the side of caution, regardless of what their government and statisticians say or estimate. In other words, we self-quarantine because we don’t believe a shit they say.

    • Taxi says:

      Actually we SHOULD all forget cuz it ain’t never gonna happen.

      The jewy fuckers can draw all the maps they want on paper – and that’s exactly where they’re staying: ON PAPER!

      Now hand me that box of matches, pal.

  41. Taxi says:

    The Pentagon, otherwise known as Jesus Christ (NOT!) is nervous that citizens will now be demanding that some of the MASSIVE military budget gets diverted towards civilian health and welfare, and that politicians will have no option but to relocate some of the military trillions towards preemptive civilian safety preparations.  Yeah the military brass is so fuck nervous about this that they’re now asking congress to classify what their trillions are spent on: in the name of ‘national security’ bullshit, of course.  Well, what else do you expect from an institution whose sole purpose of existence is to mass murder humaity overseas as well as their own yank soldiers and civilians?!  What else do you expect from an institution that prides itself on its vast death culture?!  What else do you expect from an institution that is literally controlled by terrorist tel aviv?!

    Pentagon Seeks to Classify Future Year Defense Spending Plans

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      When I was a wee youngster, the dad of my then gf, invited me to his base to help blow through 20,000,000 bullets. When I asked him, “Why not keep the lot for the next [fiscal] year?” He said, “Otherwise they won’t be allocated the next time around!”

      You gotta <3 such a  mindset.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      Sorry, a short reply, coz I gotta type with one hand…


      News from the Vatican: ‘doggy style’ is now accepted as ‘social distancing.’

      • Taxi says:

        Heh heh!

        Really, some magical realism here needs to be promoted by the Vatican – stuff like virgin pregnancies.

  42. Taxi says:

    Raising a toast here to town criers and their bells:

    Can the United States decline peacefully?

    The profit system is sabotaging the struggle against the coronavirus

    Debt Collection Industry Deems Itself Essential to “Financial Health” of Consumers, Fights Covid-19 Shutdown

    Day 15: Rent’s Due

    Israel needs the Arab world to be ruled by dictators

    And speaking of terrorist israel, even during COVID, tel fucking aviv continues to kidnap Palestinian children from their beds during the midnight hours: 41 of them during this past February alone.  Jews continue to deny household cleaning materials from entering into Gaza and into Apartheid prisons packed with Palestinian prisoners.  They continue to butcher Palestinian olive trees en mass.  And jews continue to unleash their terrorist air force on Syria, attacking Homs with missiles only last night.  ALL THIS UNCALLED FOR EVIL DURING A GLOBAL EPIDEMIC! 

    About the only thing that COVID hasn’t stopped it seems is jewish evil. 

    No need to link you to the above stories – oh the links are aplenty and out there alright, but it’s the same sad-sad story of sadistic jewish injustice inflicted on the long-suffering Palestinians and Syrians that we’ve all read a million times before…  And they wonder why they’re so frigging hated the universe over.

    I didn’t even get into jewish abuse of American fear and poverty during COVID – the further corroding of our financial survival and the absolute and utter fleecing of the $2.2 trillion COVID ‘Primary Care Package’ just signed by our crutchless congress whores.

    And annoyingly enough, the terrorist jewish airforce is right this very second flying above my farmhouse.  Haven’t heard the motherfuckers in a while.  I guess the quarantined Netanyahu is flexing military muscle while wearing a medical mask just to show his macho man leadership is still a power to reckon with, that he remains the ‘protector of da juwz’.  All this stupid jew military theater is of course for domestic consumption.  Nobody here in south Lebanon even bats an eyelid when they fly overhead: the Lebanese knowing damn well the namby-pamby cowardice of the jews in the face of their heroic multiple Resistance groups.  All that terrorist jews can do to Lebanon is beat their fat chests at it from waaaaaaay up in the sky.  Cowards!  Born fucking cowards!

  43. Daniel Rich says:

    Read a funny comment on UNZ:

    Trump should start a MIPA campaign.

    Make Israel Palestine Again


  44. Taxi says:

    This morning, I found a bunch of comments addressed to me on the Unz article.  I responded to three of them and when I attempted to respond to the fourth, I got this message:

    Too Much Commenting on This Thread (Limit of 3/Hour). Take a Break.

    LOL!  What the fuck is that about?!  Limiting the number of comments per hour?  Never come across this rule in all my years of commenting.  Anyone know why the Unz does this?

    And at the rate of 3 comments per hour, I’ll have to keep going back to the Unz all fucking day long!  So annoying!

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      And at the rate of 3 comments per hour, I’ll have to keep going back to the Unz all fucking day long!  So annoying!

      I can't talk for the man, so, here's my guestimation: I think he tries to prevent spamming, but with the pre-moderation in place, that doesn't make any sense.

      Both Mondoweis an UNZ use blue and white as the primary colors of their respective web sites [like Zukerberg when he has to face congressional hearings, he pops up in a blue and white inspired suit], make of that what you want, but sporting the Occupied Palestine flag in your face is a bit of a giveaway, isn't it?

      • Taxi says:

        Yeah I find the Unz op very questionable myself – for years I have.  It's a perfect place to collect names of neg commentators on jews cuz neg commentary there is permitted.

        The only jews I trust are ex-jews, like Jesus.  And Gilad Atzmon.  And a handful of personal friends whom I've had for decades: all ex jews.

        The rest of them jews are either paid mossadists or volunteering sayanim.  Fuckers!

        Sayanim definition.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        Yes it is. The reality is a cold as those bodies.

        Scotland jumps in with both feet [all to protect he populace, of course]:

        Among a long list of changes, the Bill seeks to:

        • Replace trial by jury with bench trials, presided over by a Judge or local Sheriff
        • Remove the maximum time of 140 days an accused can await trial
        • Relax hearsay evidence law, allowing judges to hear pre-recorded witness statements that are not open to cross-examination
    • Daniel Rich says:

       @ taxi

      Couch potatoes will sit and watch everything unfold on TV, slice of pizza in one hand, soda pop in the other,

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      I thought jews are/were regarded as the plague…, or do I get my history mixed up here…?

      Cough, rattle…

      • Taxi says:

        Heh heh. You got that right, buddy.

        What was notable was that the writer used up so many fucking words to deny that jews have for long been poisoning wells and unleashing premeditated death on gentile societies when the jew-fleecing wasn’t enough to satisfy their grubby hands and sooty hearts. But I think some of the comments edited his shekeled screed back into reality.

  45. Jagsfan says:

    On a positive note, Orange-utan will get the wall he promised finished in quick time. Mexico will be building it themselves to keep the yankee out.

  46. Daniel Rich says:

    However, some orthodox Rabbis are not worried about Covid 19. In a peculiar video, so outrageous that it seems like a parody of SNL, an orthodox Israeli Rabbi urges his followers not to worry about the Corona virus as “the benevolent father looks after his children…the Corona is for the Goyim not for the people of Israel.”


    God and the Coronavirus – Atzmon on UNZ

  47. Taxi says:

    Israel hates the Lebanese singer Julia Boutros bigly because, well, she's a Christian Lebanese singer who loves and sings emotional homages for Hezbollah.  She is such a committed supporter of Hezbollah that they call her 'Our Lady of Hezbollah'.  Downright cowardly-mean then that a few days ago on Julia's birthday, idf honchos using social media invited her to sing at an israeli music festival this summer.  Of course, Julia publicly and immediately declined the invitation and bitchslapped them back with:

    It is not customary for me to enter into a discussion with anyone on social media, but the poisoned birthday greeting that I received today from a spokesman for the Israeli occupation army deserves the following response:

    Whoever occupies and commits crimes and massacres does not possess the minimum level of musical sensation and art and melodic taste because he is a predator who lives for killing, terrorism, torture, abuse of innocents, and violation of the legitimate rights of peoples.

    I said exactly the same back in my old Mondoweiss days, and I've said it a few times since then.

    So far, no idf response to Julia's classy punch has materialized for the past two days – obviously they jabbed and ran.  And weirdly, this story has been on Arab TV for some three days now and I STILL cannot find an article on it in English to share with you, not even in the English israeli press – only in Arabic is this story written – so I went to her twitter account and translated her above quote for y'all. 

    This COMPLETE whitewash of the story in itself is a testament to Julia's power as a member and icon of the Axis of Resistance – a testament too to the perpetual poison that flows so naturally out of the jew. 

    Check out this vid of the beautiful Julia below, check out the narrating scumbag propagandist mixed into her song lol – classic dumbfuck propaganda with lots of khkhkhkhkhkhkh in it!

  48. Canthama says:

    In times of distress, it is always good to hear a profound call to people and informing them that it is time for prayer. One may be religious or may be not, this melody touches us all no matter what.

    • Taxi says:

      Thank you, dear Canthama. That’s a lovely, soulful share.

      I hear muslim prayers coming from the mosques of nearby villages five times a day, all wafting and dreamily echoing against the surrounding hills. To be more precise, I hear the prayers of 3 different mosques coming at me from 3 different directions. Arabic chants criss-crossing and overlapping: gliding through the perfect quiet and peace of the hills… then slowly, very slowly fading. And on Sundays, the muslim midday prayers are mixed with church bells coming from 2 different churches nearby. Quite the orchestral, spiritual cornucopia for the ear and for the soul. What I like best though is when packs of jackals nesting in the hills start howling soon as the sunset prayers begin. This happens almost every end of day here.

      My dogs sometimes join in the howling too – man, so many different vocal pitches scratching and feathering at my ears when this happens heh!

      In truth, when I first moved here, having to hear the call-to-prayer thing reverberating five times a day drove me nuts – I almost left the Levant after the first year because of it. I just found it to be an unacceptable imposition and an intrusion on the peace and quiet of my hill and my thoughts, my mental focus. I experienced it as alien and grating sound pollution. But slowly, very slowly, I acquired an appreciation for it.

      And something else I’d like to share here about living in the rural Levant. Whenever someone dies, the local mosques announce it over their speakers, giving name of deceased, time of burial and which house people can gather at to pay their respects. This short announcement is then followed by the most melancholic and beautiful islamic prayers: chants that go on for about an hour and all the while, the sad vocalized melodies transporting you inwards and further inwards as if returning you to a deep and esoteric cocoon made of a soft and comforting sadness. And to hear these introverting melodies gliding through the hilly air and mixing with local birdsong is yet another unique and soulful feature of this place: the south of Lebanon.

      It’s no wonder, therefore, that Hezbollah is such a soulful warrior. Reared on the songs of god and birds and the howls of nature.

  49. Taxi says:

    As the plot thickens, so does the light:

    All Roads Lead to Dark Winter

    Marine Corps returning to its roots

    Could COVID-19 reshape global leadership?

    Why The U.S. Will Drown In Covid-19 Cases

    China Rolls Out the Health Silk Road

    Trump’s ‘Hospital worker stolen masks’ Found, in Massive alleged Hasidic Stockpile Seized by FBI


    The Reluctance to Test Israeli Arabs for COVID-19 Is a Ticking Time-bomb


  50. Mike-Florida says:

    Prices of imported products surged 50 to 55 percent in Lebanon due to depreciation of lira against dollar. (article does not give time period, but presume most recent. Living mostly on borrowed money in the past with no hard-currency early debt payback plan – together with balooned govt. spending without published meaningful cost-cut plan – guarantees on-going financial hardships, including inflation. Any news of meaningful progress RE negotiations with trustworthy suitors to share energy assets for funding such plans? Mike).


    • Taxi says:

      Inflation is horrid in the Leb at the moment – most items are a good 40% more than they were last autumn. PM Diab is inching towards a solution – he’s already cut down gov expenses by a third, mainly on wages for extraneous MPs. Right now he’s proceeding with allocating new candidates for the finance and banking industry. Plus, his investigations into financial corruption are expanding. The pace of all this has unfortunately been slowed down by COVID, though all of Diab’s activities into balancing the Leb financing continue. Many Leb talk-radio stations are raising money for needy people every morning, and here in the south, the Hezb has opened a couple of cut-price supermarkets, and also the hezb distributes daily foods for free to the neediest of homes.

      Lebanon is hanging in there.

  51. frankie p says:

    Greetings Taxi, and the entire community of Plato's Guns:

    I send you a message of solidarity, love, comfort and peace. I hope that you are all able to maintain your physical, mental and spiritual health during these trying days of COVID-19. 

    I am extremely fortunate to be living here in Taiwan, and to date the entire island nation has only just over 350 confirmed cases. We are not shut down, children attend school, restaurants and businesses are open. Everyone wears masks in indoor public places, everyone. I went to Cosco yesterday and while at the checkout line I looked around. I could see over 100 people, but I did NOT see one face without a mask! Many international companies, many of my clients among them, have encouraged wfh (work from home) or team A/B contingency plans. We hear the news about approximately 10 new cases per day, the majority of which are Taiwanese returning from overseas who are diagnosed at the airport. All arrivals (only citizens or foreigner residents like myself) must home quarantine for 14 days. These home quarantines also produce cases. There is very little community spread. Home quarantine involves providing cellphone information to the authorities, who check every day to make sure these people stay in. The US$30,000 fine for breaking home quarantine is a significant deterrent, but also are the moral values of an East Asian culture that places the needs of the group above those of the individual. I worry about my son, who is attending his senior year of high school in the US, living with my sister. His classes will be held via Google classroom for the next month. His mother wishes that we had brought him home, but I have convinced her that air travel is the highest risk activity one could undertake, especially a lengthy flight across the Pacific. 

    I salute the Resistance and have great sympathy for those under sanctions from my country, which has continued to shame me for so many years at the behest of a parasitic elite with no love for the US. I have sympathy for the American people, my people, the Italians, my roots, the confused Europeans who have lost pride in their civilization and culture. 

    This aftermath of this pandemic will have winners and losers. The Chinese word for "crisis" is one character from the word "dangerous" and one character from the word "opportunity". The common people of my country, the US, will be among the losers, and their standard of living will be taken down a few notches, even more than after the 2008 financial crisis. The US Financial sector and corporatocracy will not be hurt, as the political dirt in Congress and the Executive branch will continue to reward them for their bad behavior. I'm hopeful that the combination of these effects will push the American people over the edge and they will revolt. China will be an aggregate winner, as their strong social cohesion and respect (fear?) of their government has allowed them to defeat the virus. 

    Love to you, Taxi, and everyone else. I WILL see you in South Lebanon one day.

    Frankie P


    • Taxi says:

      Always beautiful to have you visit, dear Frankie. Thank you for sharing what be going down in Taiwan – I don’t know why for years I’ve thought you live in Oz.

      … And I can hardly wait for your visit to the Lebanon yipeeee! I will host you, no problem.

  52. Mike-Florida says:

    Hello Frankie. Thanks much taking the time for your very informative report RE virus from Taiwan. Thank you. Mike.

  53. Taxi says:

    Dear reader, I don't know about you but I've been kinda covided out these past few days, with my brain on overload from covid news saturation.  Tis why I've needed a couple of days off the news grid – a detox from the internet altogether.

    …  And I'll probably need a couple more days off…

    Hope y'all being smart and safe.

  54. idiocracy says:

    In reality, there is no pandemic in america.

    The Hospitals they claim are brimming, are in fact, empty.

    Everyone goes to work except those who do not want to.

    The whole thing is a vulger display of power.

    A mockery of the devastated, degenerated and malnurished american mind.

    As to the truth behind the suffering of other nations, I know not.

    I only know that it is not a real thing here, only fear without merit.

    A dual reality, a tolerance of incongruity, a self hypnosis, competing concepts held in the mind as both true, fighting with ambivalent disregard for simple understanding of the ambitions of evil.


    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, idiocracy. Problem is, I’ve read other writers/commentators who say exactly what you are saying, and then again, I’ve read others who say the exact opposite: ie that the US government is hiding/understating the real stats for COVID dead and afflicted. Some usually credible people say one thing, and some of the others who say the opposite have also in the past been credible.

      Who the fuck to believe? What the heck is going on in the US? It don’t look like anybody knows. Which in itself is seriously worrisome too.

  55. Bornajoo says:

    COVID-19 isn't an HCID (high consequence infectious disease). That's official. Yet somehow the shut down of almost the entire world economy is warranted. Goodness knows what we'd do if it really was an HCID. I've no doubt that lots of people are vulnerable to this virus. Probably more than there should be. This is because too many humans have crappy immune systems due to their diets and lifestyles. 

    If we look at our immune system as a wall to keep nasty things out, then surely the whole emphasis should be on building the strongest wall possible and regularly maintaining that wall to keep it strong. Just like the walls which were built around Constantinople that protected the city from numerous attacks over the centuries. 

    So it might be a good idea to explain to people that if they ate healthy food with a high vitamin/nutrient content, cut out sugar, did regular exercise and made sure they get enough sunshine, the vast majority of people simply wouldn't be affected in the first place and we could focus on protecting the elderly and vulnerable. 

    Unfortunately, the masses are brainwashed by powerful relentless advertising by the food and big Pharma companies to eat shit and take a pill for every ailment. The way most people live, the crap they eat, staying indoors most of the time with bodies already full of shitty pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines, leaves many vulnerable even to a non HCID like this 

    And what will 'their' solution be? Lots more vaccines each year, for everyone! Don't worry about what you eat, how much exercise you do or how lacking your body is of vital minerals and nutrients or how flimsy your 'wall' is, you just need another one of our amazing vaccines! And you probably won't be able to travel without proof of these vaccines. Yes, this is where I believe all of this is leading. And eventually it may even lead to microchips being implanted to be able to identify those who've been vaccinated and those who haven't

    In the meantime, many of us in our nation here in the UK are in a somber mood. The prime minister, our extraordinary leader, Boris Johnson is now in hospital with the virus. It's at times like these that we must remain strong, united, and collectively pray that they CANNOT cure the cunt!

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Bornajoo. 

      It’s all so very fishy, if you ask me.  A few days ago, we had reports that Boris was doing better and better.  Then suddenly he’s been transferred from his ministerial No. 10 residence to hospital.  And you know what I think?  I think the jews want him out of the way so that they can install the jew Dominic Raab in his place – Dominic Raab being the current Deputy PM/First Secretary of State.  Bearing in mind here that Boris does love israel but Netanyahu hates Boris (looks too Aryan) almost as much as he hated Obama (looks too black), I think that power-jews may very well be doing a massive reshuffle-and-control op in the UK.

      Dominic Raab is a jew toff elitist who went to universities in both Oxford/UK and in israel.  Famous for saying that the jew siege of Gaza is a “legitimate one”, plus he supported bigly ALL of mass-murderer Tony Blair’s criminal foreign policies in the mideast, even though they both belong to competing political parties.

      Boris’s setback is highly suspicious to me.  I mean how can a wealthy PM’s immune go downwards and out of control to the point of hospitalization when he’s had the golden treatment at home for a whole week from a team of ace doctors and nurses and nutritionists?  Doesn’t make sense at all.

      *A side black-comedy point: Dominic’s father is a Czech jew whose surname was Raab, and the word ‘Raab’ in Arabic literally means ‘terror’.  So the UK may very well end up with a new PM whose name is literally ‘Mr. Terror’.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        The UK has been raabing the world for centuries. All 'good' things must come to an end….

        The first thing that has to end is Occupied Palestine. The rest is just gravy.

      • Taxi says:

        You’re absolutely correct: free Palestine and the world dominoes into peace. Remove the jewy seat of evil in the world and EVERYTHING that’s good becomes possible.

        This is not a slogan. This is fact.

  56. Bornajoo says:

    Hi Taxi 

    I’ve no doubt whatsoever that they’re dying to install rabid Raab as PM. Johnson is good for them, but he’s much better. 

    They totally destroyed Corbyn and now look who we have as our ‘leaders’ here. Jew-zio lover Johnson as PM, that fascist Jew-zio loving neocon bitch Priti Patel who was actually sacked by Theresa May because she actually tried to divert UK government aid to the Israeli army. For fuck’s sake! And of course there’s Mr Jew-zio Raab too, waiting in the wings to take over.

    I’ve nothing against the ordinary people of this country and my life, work and income is invested here. But I promise you that I’m willing to lose it all to see that this country get what it deserves, and that’s nothing less than a total economic collapse and a relegation to a pathetic state with zero global influence. 

    I do feel sorry for the ordinary person but most of them voted for these cunts so they should also get what they deserve.

  57. Taxi says:

    Yesterday, 7th April, 2020, over 1100 Americans died of COVID inside of 24 hours.  Yet, we continue to warmonger and strike death and prepare for more BIG-BIG wars on competing and uppity nations, themselves struggling with COVID and a collapsing economy.  We continue to spend our tax dollars on killing others instead of curing our sick selves.

    You chop off one arm of an evil body and the second one goes thrashing into overdrive.  This is what’s happening to us during COVID.  This is proof-positive that our government IS evil, showing in glaring sunlight its true face to all and sundry.

    In the midst of a mass American death count, in the midst of rapidly rising unemployment and frightfully increasing poverty, in the midst of the biggest financial crisis facing pretty much 99% of ALL Americans, in the midst of personal and mass psychological trauma, we have turned up the volume on warring and warmongering against Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, Iran, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Yemen, Russia and of course, China.  In the midst of all the darkness we face today, our jewy government is warring against TEN NATIONS!  And who’s standing shoulder to shoulder with us in one or more or all these wars – directly participating as if we’re still in April 2019 – as if COVID never happened?  The frigging UK, UAE, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, ISIS and of course, the seat of global evil itself, israel.  These evil regime leaders, these despicable hate-filled Medusas addicted to human blood and mass graves, they just can’t help themselves, can they?  Kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill – kill all fucking day and night non-fucking-stop!!!  They live to prey and kill.  In fact, they are alive because they live to kill.   If they could reach out from the grave to kill you, they would!  Pure, unadulterated murder is what runs through these criminals’ veins!

    I’m so sickened by the news today.  Literally, I’m physically sickened!  It’s just gone past 7:30am and I’m already exhausted from reading about the aforementioned nations’ perpetual evil activities.  Talmudic activities.  Talmudic behaviorism.  Talmudic evil.

    P.U.R.E.  F.U.C.K.I.N.G.  E.V.I.L!

    How to save ourselves from them devout devils?  How, how?!

    We want to live and we want others to live.  This is our fundamental principle.  This is what separates us from them.  But this is also what keeps them living among us.

    …  We continue thus to seek a solution; seek to eliminate evil without eliminating humanity itself.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      Allow me to cheer you up with a mesmerizing meal and a dipsetic drink.

      Please have a seat.

      Yes, I’m evil too :o]

    • Taxi says:

      Hey I could be evil too if I wanna, but it’s so goddamn boring – gotta be more to life that just killing and shitting and killing and shitting and killing and shitting some more ad infinitum.  You and me, we much prefer to be surfing goofs.

      And while I’ve got your attention, Daniel, I just came across this baaaaaad military rag – I went there cuz they’ve a really baaaaaad article on the Hezb, which I read while laughing out loud at every stupid lie (what can I say, tacky propaganda tickles me), followed by reading an article from the front page on the last WW1 soldier who died at 110 years old, followed by a look in at the rag’s ‘About’ page.  Puffy shaved chests and drawers and all.  Maybe you know of this scumrag?  Are all army jurnos THIS deluded?:

      Lebanon: The next Middle East powder keg waiting to explode

      And just so you and other readers know, Hezbollah has been doing an amazing job in their fight against COVID, so much so that the israeli military and other shekeled haters are now worried to see for themselves Hezbollah’s current and very sophisticated Medical Arm in action – they’re as surprised and worried as if the Hezb has just unraveled a new stock of missiles.  Tel aviv is utterly gobsmacked by the Hezb’s advanced medical capabilities, impromptu readiness and access to supplies.  By far better, quicker and more organized than the stupid, over-priced jew one.

      Iran Regime Public Relations Campaign Claims Terror Proxies Are Helping Fight Against Coronavirus

      Hezbollah’s fight against the Coronavirus: A Display of Power

      Hezbollah’s latest front line? The fight against coronavirus.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        You know what they say abut broad brushes, so the following is very much in general, without going into any minute exceptions.

        Right off the bat, you've got his 'uniformed' vs 'civvies' mentality, in which 'uniformed' is ' disciplined' and 'civvies' know JS about militarism and 'honor.'

        That's schism no.1

        Onto no. 2: within the military you've got the Army, the Navy and the Air Force. The Army claims the Navy and Air Force drop them off to do the actual fighting and the Air Force and Navy give them some protection in return, ensuring lots of infighting when the various groups meet during wars/conflicts.

        Needless to say, all 3 are not about personal inclinations to turn this world into a better place. No, sirree. We've got enemies to kill, babies to maim and women to rape, every single act carrying with it the seeds of another My Lai in the making.

        So, don't look up to the [western] military to find peace.


    • Taxi says:

      Oooh and I do like how you've used the word 'dipsetic', Mr. Danielspeare.

      *dipsetic: Tending to produce thirst.

  58. Bornajoo says:


    Yes, that's true. Never thought about it like that! 

    Now he's in intensive care. Looks like Taxi's theory might just be right 

  59. Mike-Florida says:

    Lebanon announces preliminary financial plan > Wants debt halved, seeks billions including from IMF – targets ratio of debt to GDP steadily declining from current 176% to 103.1% by 2024 and further to 90.2% by 2027; budget deficit would narrow from this year’s 7.2% of economic output to 1.3% in 2024.  A change in currency peg starting in 2021 would weaken to 2,607 per dollar, compared with decades-old fixed-exchange regime of 1,507.5.

    Successive governments repeatedly failed to implement deep reforms needed to boost growth, reduce budget deficit and fix ailing power sector in return for financial aid. Lebanon instead kept up its borrowing, relying on remittances from millions of Lebanese living abroad as main source of financing. As inflows started to dry up over past year, cracks in funding model began to show and eventually wreaked havoc in banks and the import-reliant economy.

    Govt, plans to eliminate electricity subsidies soon as power is provided 24 hours per day. Tariffs will increase gradually with generation supply. Would need external financing of $10 billion to $15 billion over five years, preferably through loan program with the IMF. Securing five-year grace period on payments of principal and coupon reduction to minimum level during same period would generate $15 billion to $18 billion of projected $30 billion balance-of-payment requirements.

    Half of Lebanon’s bank assets are parked at Banque du Liban and losses on them could reach $62.2 billion, Plan envisages full bail-in of existing shareholders at banks. Balance of losses would be covered by “transitory exceptional contribution from large depositors,” guaranteeing assets of 90% of clients would be preserved. Also govt establishing special fund to compensate depositor losses that result from overall restructuring. (scary plan but at least finally a plan document, however at this point with no cabinet, Parliament or outside lender OK. This plan requires IMF funding and lenders agreeing to no principal payments for 5 years plus hit to bank shareholders and possibly depositors. Hope soon to see a no-debt funding plan based on Lebanon's energy resources invested with a trustworthy suitor. China? Mike).

  60. Mike-Florida says:

    Lebanon media > Lebanon import woes deepen as supply chains buckle. Lebanon's food importers, already hit by dollar crunch, struggled to book new cargoes as pandemic threatens supplies. Some vendors delaying shipments and refusing new orders – financial crisis wiped out half value of the currency – interruptions because of lack of cash dollars – Prices consumer goods nearly doubled past six months – govt warned foreign currency reserves plummeted to "dangerous" levels, pledging to keep them for key goods: wheat, fuel and medicine. With a tiny industrial sector and scant natural resources, Lebanon's economy produces few goods. (thankfully Lebanon has a new govt which so far projects a feeling of confidence and visible action. Mike),

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Mike. 

      Both Leb articles that you posted are full of half-truths, yet both strike the same coordinated note of despair, and both hate the new Diab government.  See where I'm going with this?

      Of course, with inflation at approx 33% (not "almost 40%", as one link phrased it!), Leb people, especially the working classes who live in the cities, indeed are in financial dire straights: struggling and jammed between covid-unemployment and rising food prices, especially imported foods like grains, imported cigarettes, cheeses and exotic fruit.  But, even though Leb agriculture is down in the dumps, Leb farmers can actually provide local produce to the country, and they are doing exactly that btw – they just don't have enough to export.  Interestingly, the working class who live in villages are faring much better than their urban brethren, as villagers tend to grow their own veggies and their village homes are mostly inherited, therefore, they have no rent expenses, with local annual village property taxes being negligible).  And every day, radio stations and special TV programs collect money from listeners and viewers to distribute to the needy.  Much citizen-to-citizen charity is taking place every day.

      The Covid crisis has financially piled on the Lebanon for sure, but it's not as despairingly bleak as your links suggest at all.

      I've noticed that a media campaign against Diab's government is currently in motion: a psychological campaign to falsely highlight government 'failures' and to dampen the spirits of an already depressed Leb population.  Singling out Lebanon's financial health in the age of COVID, when every nation on the planet (including rich ones) is limping is purely political.

      And no, I don't think the Leb will involve itself with ANY IMF deal if the deal entails making poor people there poorer, the government weaker and less independent, or if the IMF goes anywhere near the Hezb's missiles.  These three criteria are deal breakers.  The Hezb, the government and the street message of last autumn's (legitimate) protests pretty much made this clear.

  61. Daniel Rich says:

    What if a guy, that has heavily invested in factories/companies that produce vaccines, wants the entire planet to be vaccinated, might one argue there’s some sort of a conflict of interest in that volatile mix?

    Well, Bill, I’d bet on producing an OS for computers, if I were you…

  62. Anonymous says:


    Before 'you' sign a MEC [Military Enlistment Contract] keep this in mind [coz that's what you sign up for]:

    "The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) has received more than 1,600 firsthand sightings of live American prisoners and nearly 14,000 secondhand reports. After reviewing them all, the DIA concluded that they “do not constitute evidence” that Americans were still alive in Southeast Asia. All of these denials despite accounts of how our government have forsaken these American military personnel in its haste to get out of that war, has ignored, withheld, distorted, and destroyed evidence of their existence. These accounts are based on government intelligence documents, on sources closely involved with the material, and on other concrete evidence uncovered during two years of reporting. For example, only nine (9) American prisoners were returned from Laos at the end of the Vietnam War. This fact stands in stark contrast to U.S. intelligence reports that indicate that their closely held lists showed more than 300 men missing in that country. More shocking is most of these American MIAs are probably still alive to this day. This is substantiated by the fact that numerous radio messages about American prisoners were intercepted from Laos, a country controlled by Vietnam. The messages, which were exchanges between Laotian military units, spoke clearly about American prisoners being transferred from prison to prison or from prison to labor camp inside Laos. Those transmissions were picked up by the Thai signal personnel and passed to the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Pentagon’s DIA. "

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Anonymous, for your important share.

      So sad to be reminded how our boys have always and forever thus been nothing but mere toy soldiers in the hands of the Pentagon: during wartime and post war.

      I’ve heard stories before about unclaimed American POWs.  Heartbreaking…

      The sacking of Brett E. Crozier,  Captain of the coronavirus-stricken USS Theodore Roosevelt, was another example of the often unconscionable behavior of the military towards its members and crews.  Of course, this firing created many deserved waves of anger towards the navy brass, and the subsequent resignation of the filthy-mouthed Thomas Modly, Acting US Navy Secretary:

      US Navy boss resigns amid uproar over firing of ship captain

      Our military is a monster that literally eats its own children.

  63. Taxi says:

    Two nights ago, Leb PM Diab made a warning-statement directed at israel (and thus at its USA proxy too).  He informed the UNIFEL commander in Lebanon that his nation “will not allow Israelis to launch strikes on Syria using the Lebanese airspace”.

    Very nice nod to the Hezb to do as it sees fit, when it sees fit.

    Mr. Diab also struck a very important second bird with his one-stone statement.  Himself being a Sunni, he publicly reminded Leb Sunnis who are critical of Hezbollah that the REAL enemy of Lebanon is israel and not the Hezb.  Diab is therefore working on uniting all sectors of Lebanon against their singular external enemy, bringing everyone into the Resistance fold, as opposed to being divisive like ex PM Hariri used to be: spending so much fucking time and energy and resource on attacking Hezbollah within: using endless bullshit, lies and obstructions, just because the US embassy demanded it of him.

    Can you imagine Hariri making such a patriotic statement as Diab did?  Not in a million years!

    • Canthama says:

      Word on the street says a lot of royal family members are infected,  king and MbS fled to a Red Sea Island.

      I trust zero from Saudi Barbaria, these are freaks,  they worship the money, the low price oil will bring chaos situation in KSA. Perfect opportunity for Yemen to hit hard deep inside KSA, military bases and oil facilities, this is what will make KSA to bend, internal chaos. Go Houthis.

    • Taxi says:

      Yeah I’ve been hearing rumors of COVID spreading in royal saudi palaces for a few days now.  It wouldn’t surprise me when you’ve got MbS sucking at kushner’s germy dick 12/7 and the other 12 hours he goes around cousin-kissing and orgy-hugging.  Rumors also of Ivanka being in COVID isolation and under medical supervision.

      Honestly, COVID is too good for them to die of.  They deserve a much, much nastier end. I’d like to wake up one day and see headlines of their shockingly horrible deaths.

      Of course, during royal quarantine, there is still plenty of cocaine dusting up the big royal nostrils during COVID, but, oh dear, no new sex slaves to abuse while high on the white toot.  How terrible for them (NOT!).  Of course, the ever-so-polite article below would never mention Mbs’s cocky cokeheadedness and why he prefers to use a bone saw on his cocaine rocks instead of his Visa card blush

      Updating Traditions: Saudi Arabia’s Coronavirus Response

      Saudi royals are losing ALL their war bets and fortunes – always good to read about it:

      Saudi futuristic city turns into a mirage in Covid-19 era

  64. Taxi says:

    So…  I hear Bernie Sanders has quit his candidacy – giving everything to the Clintonistas: AGAIN!  This time, to that alzheimer-blighted pedo, Joe Biden.

    Biden versus Trump.  Oh man!  Trump will eat him raw like sushi in the debates.  Dems doing same mistake of putting forward the weakest and most decrepit of candidates to represent the party.  Both sides will cheat BIGLY BIGLY BIGLY!!!

    I predict blood on the streets of America during the coming election season.  Not quite civil war, but certainly civil unrest and major political strife.

    I just hope that frigging Martha's Vinyard mansion was all worth it for the whore Sanders.

    Let the rich eat cake while the people eat cac.

    • Taxi says:

      The irony is that both Trump and Biden are mossad-compromised israel firsters, so technically speaking, they will both have the same frigging foreign policy drivers.

      America dies some more in either pervert's hands.  Even on this point, why bother vote?

  65. Mike-Florida says:

    Taxi – thks for posting > PM Diab made a warning-statement directed at israel (and thus at its USA proxy too).  He informed the UNIFEL commander in Lebanon that his nation “will not allow Israelis to launch strikes on Syria using the Lebanese airspace.

    Glad to hear he was unafraid making that clear, warning statement. The post RE economic challenges included this > ‘thankfully Lebanon has a new govt which so far projects a feeling of confidence and visible action.’

    The more I ‘see’ of Mr. Diab the more impressed. I presume you feel the majority of citizens are feeling better and and better about the current govt. Mike.

  66. Taxi says:

    I've said before that I am pro the heavy fining of COVIDiots, but I am certainly against their forced incarceration, unless of course they're purposely going out on an infecting spree: this then makes their actions criminal and they should be arrested for public endangerment.  And I'm against the enforcement of 'covid camps' mainly because this would give the government even more undeserved powers that it's bound to abuse to the hilt.  I mean how would you like it if armed police busted your door down at 3am and dragged you off to god knows where with a black sack over your head because you had a low-grade fever due to a tooth ache or something?  You'd be disappeared for a while then returned to your family as dust in an urn.  No, this is not paranoia, this is how the fuckers operate against dissenters!

    Astounding then to see alt Moon of Alabama lining up nicely with mainstream CIA cunt licker Rachael Maddow, as well as other 'liberal' controlled opposition motherfuckers – all promoting and pushing the freaking government narrative:

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      A [Jewish] gatekeeper does what a gatekeeper does. MoA is an echo chamber where any dissident voices are forcefully removed. You gotta sing off of Bernhard's hymn sheets or else…

      • Taxi says:

        Oh I signed off alright back in 2017 when he banned me from commenting on his blog because I criticized how much of the Clinton's stupid-fake Russiagate story he was reporting on.  I said that he was criticizing those who were pushing the Russiagate narrative, yet, in practice, he's intensively perpetuating the fake story himself by writing about it 4-5 times a week, non-stop, for fucking months on end!  Pishshshsh so mentally prissy!

        And I didn't know he was a talmudi – if he is, he's certainly hidden it well.

        And one more thing about him: he's such a scamming fakester!  It always seriously annoyed me that come the time for his monthly money collection from his readers, he always used that stupid 'help a poet' pic and violin.  He may be a good reporter, but he has zero poetics in him.  He's not a fucking poet whichever way you look at him: not in linguistic style, nor in intellectual-visionary spark, and most certainly not in profundity of spirit.  A poet!  Ha!  Go eat some ass Mr. Moon!

        And the idea that a government SHOULD bust your door down to save your family from you, as Moon is suggesting, is just outright intellectual fascism and fuckery!!!!  And in China of all places: China that continues to socially revere its 'ancestry' and strictly adheres to the concept of family unity and respect of the elder.  As if an infected Chinese family member would insist on staying home to infect his whole family!  No, mister Moon, no, no, no!!!  This is not Chinese people's behaviorism!  An infected Chinese family member would self-quarantine off his or her own volition.  As if the Chinese are nothing but a familicidal bunch that must be stopped by armed government!  Go fuck yourself with this horrid and racist justification mister Moon!  Disgusting thinking!

        Clearly, soon as fear enters the human heart, weak-brained people turn clinging to their government for safety, showering its members, who are proven liars and total strangers to boot, with copious and limitless powers, when government is the most dangerous enemy any citizen could have: a wealthy and armed enemy within.

        This makes me think that when we go to vote, in essence we're choosing which enemy we prefer to rule over us, and not which friend.

        How can any thinker worth his salt NOT know by now that we're in the midst of a covert biological warfare attack: perpetrated by government and manufactured by government labs in order for government to mass murder and grab maximum local and global power?!!!

        Basically: using your very own tax dollars to poison you and the world.

        Regardless of the name(s) of the government who did this, I'm spamming my forehead in disbelief at human stupidity right now.

        Distracting us daily and endlessly with what the 'virus' is up to and not who the perps are is working.  Evidently.

        I give up!

        Let them eat corona!

  67. Taxi says:

    More theatrics from Ankara and tel aviv – as if we didn't already know that both suck each other's wotsits behind the bicycle shed!

    Turkey Sends Virus Gear to Ex-Ally Israel in ‘Humanitarian’ Step

    And note how the whole deal between Ankara and tel aviv hides behind 'sending masks to Palestinians too' shebang!  I mean why make the Palestinians WAIT "a few days" to get their MUCH NEEDED share of Turkish masks?  "A few days" means 'meh, whenever'!

  68. Taxi says:

    So it ain’t a rumor after all:

    Saudi Hospitals Alerted To “Influx Of VIPs” As 150 Members Of Royal Family Have COVID-19

    Could it be that MbS doesn’t need the bone-saw or the Carlton-Ritz in Riyadh anymore to get his shakedown and murder on?  Covid with one swipe took out 150 cousins – that’s 150 potential conspirators and assassins.  Curious, no?  Is hoover-nose MbS stuffing his pockets now with cocaine and covid?  Get my drift?

    You bet I think the worst of him!

    That and the fact that the victim number count is, well, too neat and too memorable to be true.  I mean to say that why not 149 or 151 or 178 or 191 etc victims?  A random number and not a rounded up nicely one.  After all, Covid strikes in seemingly random patterns, not all nice and neat and rounded up.

    Meanwhile, MbS is sunning his hairy buns and snorting cocaine powder on his private saudi island, drinking Mai Tais and making a new list of all his personal enemies.

    Is Covid the billionaire’s new weapon of choice?  Bloodless but torturous like pillow-suffocation, except it takes much, much longer than three minutes to die from Covid.

    • Igor Bundy says:

      Well at least this way, no one needs to ask inconvenient questions, though everyone already knows…

      • Taxi says:

        That's an impressively optimistic way of looking at murder-by-covid, Igor.  You found the silver lining.

        In this world, some people sing: every cloud has a silver lining, and others croon: every silver lining has a cloud kiss.


  69. word bird says:

    Based on empirical data, covid19 is a likely a diversion away from something much bigger. So big, that the rulers want everyone home to minimize the chaos when it’s rolled out.

    Influenza has killed far more than covid. Check the WHO and CDC numbers on Influenza.

    Numbers don’t lie, liars and cowards do. Liars lie to everyone, cowards lie to themselves.

    • Canthama says:

      WB, you nailed in the head, we are going thru a global economic reset (debts will be wiped out), planned, and to avoid revolts, they created this "stay at home" mantra repeated ad nauseam by the main stream and Governments. This is just the beginning, soon they will say the 2nd wave is coming,  stay at home II.

    • Jimmy says:

      Some info on "COVID19" numbers from a whistle blowing ICU nurse:

      "An ICU nurse of 30 years speaks out."

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks, Jimmy.

        Accusations of number fiddling seems to be going both ways: either understating the number of victims, or exaggerating them. Hard to tell what’s what with so much COVID fog getting blown at us by CIA psy ops. But regardless, lies are being peddled for sure.

        We will soon enough discover the details of the lies and the WHYs of it all. In the meantime, we play it safe – not because the government says so, but because we’ve all been forced to the darkest edge of a precipice.

  70. Taxi says:

    Biden is the Dem that Trump is scared of the most (so I've been reading here and there for the past two years).  Trump's team would have preferred 'Soviet Sanders': easy, low hanging fruit for Trump in the debates: whip up the red menace and race to the finish line.

    And I think this is true: Trump is scared of Biden, because even though jews lurrrv Trump, there are actually by far more jews who love on Biden.  And as we all know, our gentile vote doesn't count, only whom jews want counts.  It's only the American jew voter who decides who the next president will be.  And it's been like this for some time now.  And Trump, the numbers man, the popularity-contest-addict numbers man, knows this only two well.

    Biden has said: "I am a zionist".

    Even though Trump bends over backwards into alligator waters for the jews, has he ever actually said on camera: 'I am a zionist'?

    Yeah well regular Shlomos look for mawkish statements like that before they cast their vote.

    If the elections were being held tomorrow, stuck between Covid and Biden, Trump would be fucked.  (And what a lovely thrupple they all make).

    Point is, of course its way to early to call it, but it ain't looking too good for Trump this week.

    And I reckon we're in for a rocking series of surprises, even shocks, between now and November.


  71. Taxi says:

    Folks, in case you didn't know, the top three GIANT global industries are: Petro, Arms and Pharma, in that order.  So, of course, they all have representatives in every nation on earth's Deep State.  These three mega industries successfully dominate humanity and its destiny. 

    Often, Petro and Arms claim more media headlines than Pharma.  We only hear about Pharma when a scandal breaks, like in the recent opioid one.  But Big Pharma is a monstrous entity that's just as pernicious and evil as the others are – and it always hides behind the cloak of 'healing humanity', when in fact, it fully and relentlessly exploits the sick and infirm.  It's your dollar they're after, not your well being.  Well, it's a jewycon industry so what do you expect?

    They never make medicines that don't have side-effects, even though they could.  Once you get sick and they've clasped their claws around your neck, they never want to let go.  They want you chained to them as a customer for the rest of your life – to your own life's detriment and to the benefit of their purse.  There are no healers in Big Pharma.  Only excessively greedy death merchants.

    One of the many illuminations that Covid has brought forward into the limelight is that worthy journalists and private citizens are now keen on learning about and investigating this human abattoir run by sub-humans.  Indeed, we should all know what our enemy's face looks like:

    A Killer Enterprise: How One of Big Pharma’s Most Corrupt Companies Plans to Corner the Covid-19 Cure

  72. Taxi says:

    COVID-19 is changing our political thinking, globally.  I've a lot to say on this topic: the effects of COVID on democracy itself, the failing parts of it and a plausible cure for these failings.  A tweaking of democracy?  Removing all the loopholes from democracy that elites relentlessly exploit at our expense.  I'm mulling on this and will write more about it soon as the info within crystallizes.

    COVID has put injustice itself on the table and under a microscope.  What regular humanity had put up with before, will not be tolerated post COVID.

    COVID is making people angry at the system and the corruption and injustices it produces that's heaped upon them and on them alone, and not the elites who run and celebrate the system.

    What many bloody revolutions failed to do, COVID succeeded at: mass scrutiny of the system and its operators.

    And barely a toe is through that transformative door.

    Change in thinking is simultaneously happening to vast chunks of people globally.  Only prophets have been able to create this kind of scale phenomenon.

    Change is coming.  I should say 'rocky change is coming'.  This is why it's important to learn your basic survival skills today: eat healthier, get physically stronger, avoid conflict with other humans, waste not, and focus solely on distrusting and disrupting all politicians until they actually start rebelling against the status quo themselves: unless they actually deliver you JUSTICE, and deliver it unconditionally! 

    Simply: target nothing but the status quo and the elites who impose undeserved hardships on you; on us.  Resist them already even if it costs you a pretty penny because they are already using COVID, planning to both bankrupt and imprison you and your family for life. 

    It is critical that you remain vigilant and able in mind and in body.

    They've stepped up their war, therefore it behooves us all to step it up too.

    Survival of the fittest in mind and in body is the new game in town.

    Give up your distractions, if you know what's good for you.  There's work to be done.

    Remain focused.

    This Pandemic Will Lead to Social Revolutions

    • Canthama says:

      I with you all the way Taxi, there is no other way but to revolt, these global elites have crossed the Rubicon and is executing its dark plan to de populate the planet, Bill Gates' vaccine plan is evil, anyone that says that has a vaccine so fast is basically saying they were behind this covid19 since day 1, it will be a long and bloody fight.

  73. Daniel Rich says:

    So, this is what the scenario for ‘Home Alone IIIDenise The Menace Outside looks like?

    Corona Lock-Down Causes UK Hunger Crisis: 1.5m People Go Whole Day Without Food – Link to Fort Russ

    Excerpt: “Just three weeks into the lockdown, the Food Foundation said that 1.5 million Britons reported not eating for a whole day because they had no money or access to food. Some 3 million people in total were in households where someone had been forced to skip some meals. More than 1 million people reported losing all their income because of the pandemic, with over a third of them believing they would not be entitled to any government help.”

    side note: Can ‘you’ imagine what this looks liken on a worldwide scale?

  74. Daniel Rich says:

    I’m all for revolutions, but not for the leaders followers concept. 

    “The real purpose of Judaism [and all secret societies] it to con people into advancing the agenda of the super rich. Regardless of their exoteric objects, the esoteric aims of most societies are all directed toward the same end, namely: the concentration of political,, economic and intellectual power into the hands of a small group of individuals, each of whom controls a branch of the International life, material and spiritual of the world today.”

    The above written in the 21st century?

    Nope: “Occult Theocracy” – 1933, page 661

    They gave us Moses Mordecai Marx Levi [we care about control, not workers], Sigmund [yeah, my mom, eh?] Freud  and the greatest plagiarizing fraud of all, man of the 20st century [according to Time, owned by the tribe], Albert ff-ing Einstein.

    So, sit back and wonder: who’s gonna do what?

    Pitchforks and torches?

    Tar and feathers?

    Ain’t gonna happen.

    Although I’m an overtly optimistic guy, I’ve given up on mankind as a whole. I’m interested and care abut individuals, but have kicked ‘group think’ to the curb.


    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Daniel.

      There is no difference between a civilian waiting for a political leader to save them, and a religious zealot waiting for their messiah. It’s all the same delusion and paganism.

      It behooves individuals to save themselves with their own hands if REAL freedom is what they aspire to. But history has shown us that FULL personal freedom is not yet the priority of the masses. Insuring food and shelter at any cost remain the absolute top two priorities of the masses. They will put up with anything so long as these two are facilitated/provided to them by government. In our present century, the 21st century, we remain thus a primordial creature attached first and foremost to our bellies and not to our rational thinking. I don’t know what it will take for humanity to realize that rationality is essentially the most reliable architect of survival: a tactical provider of practically everything that human kind may need to survive.

      Like you, I too have “given up on mankind”, hence my reclusive lifestyle.

      All I do is witness and weep. Followed by witness and rage. Followed by witness and weep…

  75. Taxi says:

    Wouldn't it have been more humane and cheaper to just hand the dude a frigging mask?!  I mean look at all that wasteful resource: sending seven policemen to undo this simple situation by force.

    And it's only going to get worse for US civil liberties.

    • Saladin says:

      Hi Taxi and everyone,

       I greatly appreciate your wise and lucid words and clarity regarding this great evil that has emerged like a 7-headed monster from the swamps of the Deep State. It's been my view that the US created the Covid 19 and that seems to be prevailing view here, certainly Taxi you have so clearly written as much. It has been treated successfully by many doctors using quinine and zinc. Apparently quinine makes the cell walls more permeable, allowing toxins to be eliminated and essential minerals such as zinc to enter.  

      Despite the virus' contagious nature the lockdown is unnecessary and is really criminal house arrest of the population. Dr. Wittkowski affirms that developing "herd immunity" is the only sure way to build resistance:

      But we know this is all about social control, mandatory vaxx, eliminating cash, and inserting the chip. Fauci and Gates are two of the most dangerous people on the planet. I'm flabbergasted at the dumbed down mentality of the majority but I guesstimate as much a 25-30% realize something in the official narrative is clearly not right. When it hits 40% we will have simmering rebellion. 50% or more, and that is coming — though perhaps it is still years away — and the people will get out the pitchforks.


      • Canthama says:

        My friend Saladin, I would add the simple fact that reduced amount of Vit D (in fact it is a hormone) is very very detrimental to the immune system, hence the huge success in the northern hemisphere for the covid19 vs southern hemisphere….reduced sun light due to winter helped the bug, but quarantine is doing the rest bringing the natural conversion of sun light into Vit. D in everyones body….hence the huge impact on elders that tend to have reduced amount of Vit D naturally.

        There is an evil game here….pushing people to quarantine in a time like this is not wrong if properly done with information and Government. doing the right thing helping people to understand what to do to improve their resistance to the virus. We all know bad nutrition due to quarantine will lead to more diseases, couple with very low amount of Vit D, we will see old health problems like rickets in children booming in the EU and US.

        Virus is a nasty thing, but it can be fought back if people get immune to it with good health  conditions (food, sun light, good spirit etc…), but humanity will be herded toward mandatory vaccination and controls, people should know this is leading to a global authoritarian regime, one country after another is following in line to this globalist ideas, it must stop.

        I live in the country side of Sao Paulo, 50 kms away from the city, in a small farm where I grow some food and small animals, brought my elder Parents to be with me 4 weeks ago, I am cooking everyday, they are getting lots of sun light and I am giving them extra Vit D, C and Zinc to help build resistance, they fought back the slow motion life of the country side in the beginning but they are getting used to it now and enjoying this life.

        All the best to you my friend, stay safe and one day we will meet in Damascus and celebrate the Syrian victory against the coalition of evil.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Saladin.

      Like smoke and stun bombs, contradictory explanation after contradictory explanation is being thrown at us, the masses. The problem with all these medical directives is that they work on some people and not on others, therefore they are not the absolute answer. We will have to wait and see.

      But for sure, an insidious and most malicious man-made germ has been unleashed – how wide-spread remains a mystery due to so many fake reports circulating. The only wise recourse for individuals to take is to eat healthy all day and every day, with a little bit of exercise and some sunshine thrown in – even housework in a sunny room will exercise you if you’re in imposed or self-quarantine.

      The trick is, in order to eat healthy, one must first know what healthy eating is. This here is a befuddling maze for most as there are so very many contradictory diet trends to follow. But instead of following diet trends, why not invest some time in learning the alphabet of nutrition: ie learn what each food on earth (vegetable/grain/fish/foul/seaweed etc) benefits which human organ. Once you know the connection between a specific food and its corresponding human organ, you’re in for a lifetime of positive and healthy eating choices and habits.

      In order to regularly eat healthy, a paradigm shift in thinking has to occur. One has to stop eating ‘sentimentally’, ie ‘I feel like eating this and that today’. One must instead start thinking: ‘what does my body need to eat today’? And this is answered by diagnosing your daily morning poop: a reliable indicator of good health or imbalance in health. Yeah good health begins and ends with this diagnostic lavatorial practice. And forgive my graphics here but a healthy turd is green-brown in color, solid but buoyant – plus it literally has zero scent (healthy people’s shit don’t smell!). Turd too brown and you’ll need to eat more greens. Too green and you’ll need to eat more grains. Too runny and you’ll need to eat far less sugars. And too hard and you’ll need to eat less salt and less protein. When your shit don’t smell is when you know for sure that you’ve been eating absolutely correctly and have reached a perfect state of health. This is the basic principle of attaining good health.

      “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” (Hippocrates, father of medicine). This ancient statement is about the ultimate health advise in the universe.

      I took it upon myself 15 years ago to study macrobiotics at home from books – it took me about 3 months of daily study and 100% strict application to fully grasp it without having to further refer to books. And because I practice it daily, I’ve never forgotten the absorbed life-saving information. People who practice macrobiotics never get sick – I’m a testament to this: not even a single cold in over 15 years. But I’m loathed to aggressively promote macrobiotics because for me, telling someone how to eat is tantamount to telling them how to have sex. You just don’t do that to people. You can advise them, but you can’t force or browbeat them into it.

      After about the first year of practicing macrobiotics and not once getting sick (and I used to suffer from weird ailments all the time before this), I went ahead and cancelled my health insurance, keeping only ‘accident’ insurance – saving myself thus a sizable fortune over the years and just getting healthier and healthier for it. Americans waste so much worry and money on health insurance when the solution is staring them in the face: EAT FRIGGING BETTER!

      Considering that all humans need to eat daily, it behooves parents to learn how to eat properly themselves then pass this CRUCIAL knowledge to their children. And it behooves the education system and youth culture to reinforce and promote these principles of good health. Especially in this weird and wacky 21st century.

      And btw, healthy food is super tasty. And if it tastes bland to you, then it’s either the chef’s doing, or, your taste buds/tongue is covered with a clogging film – sometimes this film is invisible to the eye. It takes only 3 days of proper eating to remove this flavor-inhibiting film, after which, even the flavor of a single grain of rice explodes in your mouth.

      Bon appetite y’all.

      • Saladin says:

        Hi Taxi.

        Replying sort of late but anyway. I tried a Macrobiotic diet years ago and experienced its benefits. I'm mostly vegan, and am heavy on the grains and veggies, so without trying I'm probably 75% macrobiotic. That's just me. I don't eat red meat, rarely poultry, (at Thanksgiving maybe) though fish from time to time. 

        Nutrition is super important for health. It' sort of no-brainer, really. Foods and water laced with chemicals  I believe over time harden the cell walls, which undermine health and make people susceptible to illnesses such as the Covid. Positive mental attitude and an awareness of a Higher Power I also list as critical to long term health IMHO. I'm not a materialist; the source of all deep healing is the eternal divine light that informs each of us at the core of our being.

  76. Taxi says:

    Checking the Iraqi pulse, here’s briefly what I deduce:

    With the US closing small base here and faraway base there and shifting soldier units around like stick toys on a game board: only to bundle them up in thicker concentrations; and also installing several extra Patriot Missile systems near fattest bases – all of this combined activity indicates that the US is on the defensive in Iraq. 

    And if in war you suddenly have to go on the defensive, then you are one step behind your enemy, which means you need to fend off AND simultaneously find a way to turn the tables around and become the offensive player again – usually by being more violent than the enemy is and thus expanding the war zone geographically and timewize to no end. 

    Or else, you need to get the fuck out of the stressed-up war zone in a quick, but orderly and most safe manner.

    And do this right before election time… Trump will.

    Well, he has no other option but to withdraw from Iraq.  Between the high pressure of US soldiers being constant open targets and the high pressure of COVID striking both at home and in military bases overseas, it would be pure suicidal insanity, both politically at home and militarily overseas, to open yet another new war front against the shias of Iraq.

    Yes, I think Trump will exit and it will have to be a negotiated exit, which is why Trump needs a puppet leader who will leave the door slightly ajar for Trump to return to Iraq thru, just like what was set up previously by the cynical Obama (fighting ISIS lie).  But this puppet leader is looking less and less likely to materialize, as the US lost so very many Iraqi political supporters when it remorselessly assassinated the Iraqi people’s beloved and heroic al-Muhandis and General Suleimani.  In other words, Pompompoe’s bullheaded interference in internal Iraqi politics will not work past being a delay tactic – a prolonging of Iraq’s political (but curable) agonies.

    Of course, in the meantime, between now and the November elections, Pompompeo madness will ensue, and our military will keep killing more shia Iraqis, kill as many as possible as we exit, even probably on the last day of our withdrawal. 

    Yeah we fight dirty like the jews do.

    Because we are not an honorable army that serves the people, but a dishonorable army for jewish gangsters.

    • Taxi says:

      What should be of concern, however, is will the 10,000 American mercenaries leave Iraq alongside the official American military too?

      And what about the cunt mossad?  Will it pack up its coarse pubes and role all scrambled up like tumbleweed in the dusty winds of Iraq?


      • Taxi says:

        What is for certain though is that once the US leaves Iraq, it will next exit Syria, leaving turmoil-creation to its israel-turkey-kurdey devils: leading from behind till the evil trio are decidedly defeated in Syria.

  77. MIKE-FLORIDA says:

    Is Hariri trying to scare Lebanese citizens against its new government, just getting started dealing with challenging issues? April 10 Daily Star > 'Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri denounced government’s much-trumpeted economic and financial rescue plan as “suicidal,” saying it sought to seize the people’s bank deposits.' What other news sources do most citizens read that have commented on this point for more balanced and positive reporting than the Star – which to this observer appear mostly anti-Lebanon MSM? Mike.

    • Daniel Rich says:


      I always have to fill out my name and email address. Occasionally , I forget to do so and end up an 'anonymous' contributor as well. You're not alone :o]

    • Taxi says:

      Hello Mike.  I’m of the understanding that if you don’t sign into Plato’s using a wordpress account, you will need to insert your name for every comment you make.  Might help if you had a wordpress account – takes a couple of minutes to do this.

      And to answer your question: the Daily Star used to be a great and well-balanced rag and everyone used to read it, but for the past decade or so, well… only American embassy workers in Beirut read it.

      And nobody is paying attention to what Hariri jnr is saying anymore.  Only his cult members listen to him.  He’s brimming full of sour grapes and jealousy of Diab.  And the audacity of Hariri kicking up a fuss about people’s deposits when he and his gangsters fleeced $70 billion… a bad joke that nobody is laughing at.

      Fact is, Hariri is finished in politics.  He has nothing now but a FoxNews type TV station; and his inner-circle team is currently under investigation for corruption and mismanagement of government funds.

      And just so you know, Diab gov just made allowances for depositors who have under $15.000: they’re now allowed to withdraw their monies in full.  Depositors with more than $15.000 have monthly limits on their withdrawals.  So you see, the real situation is the OPPOSITE of what Hariri is complaining about.  Stupid fuck that he is!  And he really is a stupid fuck.  He way over-estimated his popularity during the autumn protests: he resigned during the protests cuz he’s a coward who didn’t want to take responsibility – he resigned thinking that the street protestors would en mass call/beg for his return and he would then come back riding into Beirut on a white horse with a bigger sword and mandate.  Well, non of that happened and now he’s lost all support except for his small base of paid employees.  More and more Leb sunnis are turning to Diab and away from Hariri.

      It’s a waste of time to talk about both Hariri and the Daily Star.

      Most Lebs get their news from Leb TV news stations and global social media – most certainly not from the Daily Star or the Hariri wire.

  78. Daniel Rich says:

    @ taxi,

    When you defend the motherland against an invader and you don't have the means to fight it out on a battlefield [who still does?], you fall back on asymmetrical warfare [aka 'Death by a thousand cuts'].

    The good thing about this is that when you take a 2 week break to celebrate your 25th birthday, your enemy [the invaders] think you're planning your next ambush. And, hey, you might as well be doing it, but the invaders will never know when you're going to strike, but strike you will.

    This instills fear into the enemy. It demoralizes the canon fodder and that's exactly what you want. Think about the Houthis on flip-flops against better armed and equipped adversaries . It can be done. Where there is a will, there's a way.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      New Document Reveals How Jews Manufactured Corbyn “Anti-Semitism” Hysteria In Quest for Power

      I think ‘power’ should be ‘control.’

      Control is less visible compared to power [imo].

      When you control, say information/money, with it comes power.

      Judaism also believes there’s beauty within evil. Evil is a Coronavirus riddled version of ‘love in the mirror… something the religion of hate is allergic to.

      When the US fails/falls, Occupied Palestine will go belly-up with it and the parasites will have to flea flee elsewhere

      • Taxi says:

        You’re so right: “control” is more precise and factual: REAL! I should like to be using this word more often when I describe the satanic, hateful authoritarian tribe.

        … And I’m expecting big trouble with them come this August when they plan to annex a big chunk of the occupied West Bank. I really hope they give big reason for the combined Axis of Resistance to pull their freaking big guns out!

  79. Daniel Rich says:

    In 2016, the Department of Health in London conducted a full-scale pandemic drill, known as Exercise Cygnus [PDF]. The National Health Service was overwhelmed. There weren’t enough ventilators, emergency beds, ICU beds, protective kits and much else. In other words, it predicated accurately the crisis we face today.

    Sponsored by : Your Caring Government 

  80. Daniel Rich says:

    @ taxi,


    How are the dogs doing and the rest of the livestock? Has all the damage [storm] been fixed/repaired?

    A picture of an Okinawan sunset to cheer you up.

    • Taxi says:

      Wow thanks for a beautiful pic – stunning! Lucky person who witnessed it in person and took the snapshot.

      And thanks too for asking after my dogs: they’re all doing great, including the senior one with ear probs. We’ve been having great springtime hikes this past week, now that the weather is turning warmer – aaah a couple of hikes a day has been the perfect tonic for us all. Except yesterday when da terrorist djuws flew their terrorist planes overhead and caused my dogs to bark incessantly at them for a good ten minutes. Yeah, my dogs are righteous! They always bark at devils.

      Hope it’s all rona-dandy with you and your family, dear Daniel.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        Glad all’s well in and around the farm.

        Time for Lebanon to obtain some nice [AA*] missiles, from trusted friends… and use them :o]

        *AA = Anti Aircraft

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks for your good wishes, Daniel.

        The Hezb already has AA. It’s been in their hands since even before the 2006 war, though they didn’t want to give secrets away and use them back then in the 2006 war with israel – and indeed, they didn’t need to use them to kick the shit out of the IDF and send their airforce bombing tens of thousands of fake decoy targets. I wouldn’t have moved here to the south of Lebanon 9 years ago if the Hezb had no AA.

        The Hezb is saving everything that’s good for the BIG ONE!

  81. Taxi says:
    • Taxi says:

      And another piece of news that I can’t find anywhere in English is the following:

      Several days ago, idf soldiers in a Merkava drove right up to the border of the southern Lebanese village of Addaisseh that sits right on the Blue Line between israel and Lebanon (northeast).  They scratched around and pitched a tent there and set up listening devices inside of it.  The UNIFEL complained to tel aviv and the UN and the response was ‘crickets’.

      The Hezb didn’t flinch either and is probably coiled and observing.  Probably listening to what the jews are listening to, if you know wadamean.  Plus, we’ve had a sudden surge of terrorist jew planes flying overhead these past 4 days, after such a long time of quiet skies here down south Leb.

      Even though the above is but a minor incident by any measure, in this part of the world, wars tend to begin with such small incidents.



      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        • When your enemy does something on the left, look to your right.
        • When your enemy does something above you, look below your feet
        • When your enemy does something behind you, keep your eyes trained on what’s in front of you. 

        The Occupied Palestine Brownshirts always try to provoke reactions, so they can ‘retaliate,’ it’s their ancient M.O.

        They can recite their Amidah until they’re blue in the face, it won’t make the winners on the battlefield. The link is to wiki, so you’ll get a sanitized version of reality. Of these prayers, the 12th one, Birkat-ha^minim is a hateful curse against heretics [me] and enemies of the jews [‘you’].

        Minim = Jewish heretics (Hebrew minim, מינים) are Jewish individuals (often historically, philosophers) whose works have, in part or in whole, been condemned as heretical by significant persons or groups in the larger Jewish community based on the classical teachings of Rabbinic Judaism and derived from halakha.

        Ye shall know your enemy, for he believes he knows you.” – Dan Tzu

  82. Daniel Rich says:

    MoA gatekeeper at work: "Still others doubt the value of masks (Yesterday I deleted a comment that argued against masks.)"

    So much for free thought, speech and having different opinions.

    • Taxi says:

      …  And Michigan is joining Ohio – and I hear south Carolina is doing same too.  Maybe by this weekend, there'll be 10 more states revolting against their excessive COVID house-arrest:

      Ridiculous when citizens in many states are banned from buying garden seeds, garden hoses and building materials during COVID.  Absolutely maniacally illogical.

    • Saladin says:

      Man, it makes me happy to see people starting to revolt against this criminal house arrest and oppression. Hope it comes to California soon, but it seems almost everyone has become timid and wimpish. This lockdown must end! Arrest Bill Gates and Fauci! (Dr. Faustus)

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      Thanks for all the links. Appreciated.

      Ran away from ‘celebrities’ a long, long time ago. They should stick to their fake identities.

      Remember Princess Di and the paparazzi? She was still warm and the idiot box filled up with celebrities. Not to talk about the shock and horror of Di’s death. Oh. no. Their own ‘horror’ stories about being ‘chased.’ Sick.

      The only guy I did respect was James Gandolfini, coz he really tried to help veterans [as in action, not words].

      Rihanninanana is busy trying to save the world [mouth vomit]…

      • Taxi says:

        James Gandolfini R.I.P. Definitely a good and beautiful egg.

        Remembering James Gandolfini and his work with military veterans

        So much talentless narcissism in today’s celebrities. I can’t take it! It was hard to do the research on their state of mind today without throwing up.

        Between the Harvey Weinstein scandal and now celebrity reaction to COVID, I’d say Hollywood lost a major chunk of followers worldwide.

  83. Taxi says:

    By the way, the earthquake fault line that goes from south Cyprus and arches north towards Latkia, passing the length of the Lebanon shore along the way, today released a 4.7 Richter at dawn and some 15 tremors have been felt here in the Leb today already.  The fault line continues north past Latkia and inland towards Skandaroon, with it landing last in the south-west dip of Turkey.

    So long as it charts below 5 Richter, then no stress.  But a 6.5 coming from Cyprus would cause a tsunami to smack at the whole length of the Leb shoreline.  Watery distance between Cyprus and Lebanon: 142 nautical miles.

    Gulp!  LOL!  Life just never stops, does it?


    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      Just be sure to not stack stuff ceiling high. Here in Japan many people get killed or injured by stuff crashing on them when an earthquake hits.

      Also Richter 7 quakes knock you off your feet. Be aware [and stay safe]!

      You said your farm was pretty beaten up after a storm. Have you fortified it so it's able to withstand an earthquake and/or future storms?

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        Also, is your abode brick-and-mortar, wood or a combination of both?

        Any which way, stay safe and in 1 piece!

        Keep an eye on your dogs/animals. The sense when something is about to strike.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Daniel.  My house is fine.  The freak windstorm we got last month knocked over trees and the damage was all in the garden from these fallen trees.

      My house's walls are actually twice the standard in thickness – super solid.  It was actually built by army engineers for a Leb General.  This General was tasked by the Leb army to be the unfortunate direct communicator with the israeli occupational honchos back in the 80's.  Some villagers took umbrage against him for it and started spreading rumors saying that he was actually "working with the israelis", and not just an army communique-charge.  The very day before the Hezb kicked out the evil jews from Lebanon back in 2000, angry villagers set up a road ambush and soon as they saw the General's car driving up the hill, they stopped his car, dragged him out of it and beat the shit out of him.  After this happened, the General moved to France and his house was left empty for a decade.  He has since passed away there and his adult kids all live in France.  I rent from his kids.  The biggest house I've ever lived in (14 rooms) and the cheapest at $1,200 per year.  Cheap cuz it needed some minor repairs and total refurbishment which I fixed up and paid for.  Nine years later and the rent has not gone up by a single cent – and it won't ever go up: that's our deal.

      Also, the house sits on top of a hill that's 437m above sea level and some 12 miles away from the sea – highly unlikely that a tsunami will touch it.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      I spotted a typo

      What's in the trunk? = What's in the Trump?


      I guess both have no point?

      • Taxi says:

        You could be right, Daniel. But we’ll never know.

        And your vid link: whoah! Some dudes sure do get excited by explosions. I’ll never understand that.

      • Taxi says:

        They're not risking anything, D.  That's why they do it.  Cowards!

        First, they dare not strike INSIDE of Lebanon – not since 2006.  Secondly, practically all their hit-and-run missions against the Hezb in Syria are literally for domestic consumption.  If you ever want to know the purpose behind israeli strikes, first check out their political scene.  If their leader's popularity is down in the polls, then there's your answer.  Nothing pleases the jewish pig sty crowd more than an offensive against the Arab goyim – and if the mission spills Arab blood, even better.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      Tie to give the US the Native nick it so rightfully deserves:

      [insert prolonged drum roll

      ‘Sitting Duck.’

      I got a bit of problem with this statement: “Also, history shows that the US does not engage in any war if victory is not guaranteed. ”

      It’s not so much about guaranteed, but about the ability [aka delusion] to believe, to convince oneself [against all odds at times] there will be victory. Vietnam, Afghanistan Iraq and Syria, all prove this doctrine to be misguided and utterly wrong.

  84. Taxi says:

    Just shut the fuck up and watch this video – yeah, all the way thru to the end, buddy.  You really don’t need any other news today.

    My salutes to Ryan from Last American Vagabond.  Unraveling the visible and invisible dots for y'all, and letting you connect them.

  85. Taxi says:

    Da djuwz.  Don't you just love 'em?  Such a nice people – lovely, cuddly, puddles of love:

    Spitting as a Weapon in the Hand of Colonial Israel

    And the Epstinian blackmail of our pervy senators continues:

    Despite coronavirus-caused cutbacks, Israel expects to get full $3.8 billion

    Wherever you find mass death and mass theft, there you find the jewish fingerprint: every, single, time:

    Israel's little-known support for Haftar's war in Libya

    Empire just loves warring on its enemies AND pitting its friends against each other.  It's what makes Empire, well, Empire:

    Trump’s Cyprus Signalling Is More against Turkey than Russia

    I say old chap, will the US use the South Korean model during the next elections or would the powers that be prefer the blood-on-the-streets method?:

    Democracy beats the coronavirus in South Korea as voters turn out in record numbers

    And last but most certainly not least:

    • Daniel Rich says:


      Coz the liars control the news and money flow. They got us by the balls [well, most of us]… 

  86. Daniel Rich says:

    @ taxi,

    14 rooms?

    437m above sea level, on a hill?

    Taxi, darling, you wanna marry me…?


    Am so happy for you [also that you live in  very safe place].

    Carpe diem.

    May the Occupied Palestine planes stop bugging you, anyone else in Lebanon and the wider M.E.

    We need peace. Not this Jewish driven, paranoid shithole.

    May peace be upon you and all who live with you.


  87. Daniel Rich says:

    I admire Gadot for serving in the Israel Defence Forces, but she may want to consider social media distancing.

    Is this is quote from an Occupied Palestine rag?

    Nope. it's from another 'conquered' media outlet, Russia Today.

    Glad I can hang out here, taxi. A place where the air is fresh and the mind open.

    Kudos to you.

    And despite 'social distancing' I'll throw in a big hug as well :[]:


  88. Daniel Rich says:


    For some giggles:

    What is a humuhumnukunukuapua'a?

    Something really, really big, right?

    At least that's what I thought.

    As it turned out, it's a tiny, Hawaiian, tropical fish :o]


  89. Daniel Rich says:

    REPORT: US Military Morale At An All-Time Low

    Excerpt: “So far, the US military has had a poor performance in the battle against COVID-19. The poor performance in fighting against the virus is mainly embodied in two aspects. One is the failure in early warning and prevention of the COVID-19 outbreak in the US military.”

    Side note: this is merely a disease the US can’t win a fight against. Now, insert an army of Russian men and lets see if the army of LTGBQRST will be successful on the battlefield…

    How many can do a 15 mile, fast paced march, with a 50 lbs load… [and that’s without firing a shot on the battlefield/front lines]? 

    I understand diversity, I’ve nothing against it [as long as it’s not in my face 24/7], but once physical challenges are abandoned so diversity can be inserted, an army weakens at its core.

    That means its physical readiness to go to war and fight battles are strongly diminished [provided they are justified to begin with]. The mind hobbles along with it, and if you’re lucky, it stays somewhat intact. If not, well, check the homeless. Roughly 40% of ’em are Vets.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Daniel.

      Trillions are spent on the military every year and everyone in uniform is depressed? That's just dandy, isn't it?!

      Thanks MIC and thank you jews for blighting us with identitarian politics.

      We're involved in so very many freaking wars – exporting mass death and misery remains our government's number one priority.  Every day Empire's arms shrink a little, but its ego maniacal head remains giant and I note that not a single day of war was missed under COVID.

      The only solution is to kill the petrodollar.

      Kill the fucking parasite already!

      Wake me up when the shitshow is over.

  90. Taxi says:

    Howdy readers and friends!

    Yesterday, I woke up with zero interest in the news – this happens to me regularly because of the media's incessant fixation on specific topics, like the recent COVID crisis.  I honestly can't take any more COVID news: daily death stats and a trunk full of contradictory information.  Fuck it and fuck all them repeaters and echo chambers!

    As far as I'm concerned, all I'm interested in are INVESTIGATIONS into the perps who unleashed this little devil upon humanity.  WHO IS THE FUCKING PERP(S) – TELL US ALREADY!!!

    We know it's a man-made virus – a biological weapon – so what's the hold up?!  Who did it and what is the punishment?

    These are the only questions that interest me now.

    Stats are faulty cuz most governments are lying.  Cure is faulty cuz the virus is behaving oddly and like no other.  What's left to say about these two topics except 'aaaaaaaaaaaargh'!

    I'm switching off goddamn it!

    I'll see ya when I see yaz!

    Stay well and stay smart.

  91. Mike-Florida says:

    MIC fights back. Most likly, gross Coronavirus unprepardness by Centers for Disease Control & nation-wide emergency management agencies that should have better prepared ahead will find immense public and political support for dramatic funding increaes. Fearing such might cause corresponding calls for big reductions in huge defense spending budgets – Neocons and MICs moving to protect their booty – via non-stop MSM China-bashing, not just accused of creating & spreading the virus, but also major threat to economy & national security. PTB’s vast network always on the move for more world-dominanting military power, but never less. Mike).

  92. Mike-Florida says:

    Watch: Failed Israeli Drone Strike On Top Hezbollah Official Caught In Rare Video. The latest escalation came Wednesday when Israeli drone targeted car full of Hezbollah operatives just inside Syria near border with Lebanon. Israeli drone first struck near car transporting Hezbollah members, but passengers got out before directly hit in second strike” – leaving no casualties. (cool video, but not reported who took time to plan and record video. Perhaps a psych-ops planned to intimidate. However, doubt Hezb will ever be intimidated. Never. Watch what happens to car near video end. Mike).

  93. Daniel Rich says:

    When I wake up, I realize that one day, I might not. As I have no clue when this is going to happen, I'm determined to 'carpe diem.'

    Life can be very fragile, always keep that in mind.

    Let the dogs run…

  94. Daniel Rich says:

    Some of the states that are enacting [abortion bans] – such as Alabama and Louisiana – are among the poorest in the country, pointing to a likely increase in the number of women who will be forced into having children they don’t want. 

    I was brought up with an awareness of actions and consequences. When puberty hit, actions were on the front burner and consequences be damned, so I understand the ‘get her done!’ part of the equation, but in this day and age, shouldn’t we be able to prevent pregnancies to begin with…?

    Back to the wall to wall Coronavirus gambit!

  95. Taxi says:

    Howdy readers and friends.  It’s been a few days since I last posted, and to be honest with you, it was very refreshing to be detoxing from the internet altogether, especially from all that meaningless covid news the world is buried under.  Really, I enjoyed the detox so much so that I would very much like to do it for longer, much longer: even indefinitely: mainly because I’m just so sick of the elites who control pretty much everything, including the minds of most of humanity.

    Briefly, my take so far:

    We are in the midst of a biological warfare, a project that was initiated by international jewish bankers with the cooperation of both the American and israeli governments: their main allies and enforcers.   Considering that the jewish banking system (Fiat) was in effect collapsing with no cure in sight, new and dramatic initiatives needed to be implemented globally by the system’s administrators.  This means that the jewish banking system and its tentacles needed to do two things: disarm the main robust competition (China) to slow their progress down, as well as fleece the taxpayers in the trillions and trillions. 

    Biowarfare cooperation between DC and tel aviv has been going on since the mid 1960’s and their main joint focus has been the development of a ‘racialist’ germ.  (Never mind that israel’s and America’s populations carry pretty much traces of all the races of the world in their genome!).  I’m of the mind that they felt that they had reached a satisfactory level of experimentation in their endeavors and also felt it presently politically opportune (especially for Trump and Netanyahu’s re-election bid) to whack at DC and tel aviv’s principal enemies: China and Iran respectively, using this man-made hyper germ known now as COVID-19. 

    Well, their experimentation may have been ‘satisfactory’ but it sure was not perfect and thus it boomeranged and infected DC and tel aviv, as well as most of the nations of the world.  But, although they’d lost control of the virus, they nevertheless succeeded in robbing the tax payer out of trillions of dollars: the LARGEST EVER daylight robbery the world has ever known since the days of Adam and Eve.  And of course, it helped much that population-quarantine was enforced on the masses, who were fed contradictory info on the virus 24/7, thus crippling them with fear and paranoia and rendering them unable to galvanize and take to the streets to protest en mass this obscenely gigantic raid on people’s hard-earned taxes.  All this to the delighted applause of international jewish bankers.

    What will transpire next is yet to be revealed: there are many plausible scenarios and non of them look good for the average person living in the West.  Thus, I advise readers to configure a new lifestyle (and if possible, also relocation) for themselves and their loved ones, with emphasis on ‘independence’ from the broken and usurious system that dominates both the consumerist Eastern and Western hemispheres – though I estimate it will be psychologically much more difficult for Westerners to do this, having for decades now strayed so far away from the ability to live with just basic survival needs.

    Both DC and tel aviv being unable for a few years now to go to direct war with any major nation: they have thus dutifully taken to warring by other means in an attempt to hold on their global seats of power.  They will do absolutely everything and anything and relentlessly so to ensure not just their survival, but their ongoing (private) prosperity at the expense of us all: humanity.  The difficulties the world is experiencing today will continue to multiply into the foreseeable future, in my estimation, and it behooves the individual to begin countering it today with preparations devised and implemented where possible.

    Simply: start to get ready for the worst that’s to come.

    I have no more to add to the above for the time being.  I will not be on Plato’s boards often and my entries will be random time-wise.  I do not see the point in commenting regularly when pretty much everything in the news is a lie.  I do not want to write ‘this and that is a lie’ every day – I’ll leave you to discern it for yourselves.  I advise you too not to depend on the news for helpful information.  There is NO ONE out there to help you with correct information.  Your safety is all in your hands and yours only.  Stay ahead by staying away from the quagmire of misinformation, and do practice vigilant common sense.

    Good luck to you all.

    • Canthama says:

      Taxi, very well thought note, fully concur with you. Have been on a small farm since 2012, have plenty of water wells, raise small animals, plant seasonal crops such as corn, beans, peanuts, have plenty of fruits, solar power and live seems normal down here in the country side.

      The world is upside down, it was expected for a long time, the fact that the train crash was coming was visible to all that wanted to see outside the box. This crisis will not be short, have said many times it is a long depression we are just starting, maybe a decade long, a lot of people will die, the world will be completely different from before, the previous status quo of irresponsible consumption by the most affordable in the West will end, with it the whole system built to hold this post WWII economic strategy will collapse…industries, services you name it…Eurasia, ME & Africa may survive, in a different manner though, but they have either the culture to survive (contact with the land and used to economic struggles) or the Government means (China, Russia and others).

      I am optimistic, this is exactly what the world needed, a reset, and maybe the end of this zio-nazis rule, this lesson won’t be learnt if the evil handlers of most of the world’s crimes are not punished – they must be, or all will return, the opportunity has opened for their reset as well.

      Stay safe, enjoy life and take care of your closer neighbours.


      • Taxi says:

        Hiya Canthama – hope you’re doing alright, buddy.  So great to hear about your farm life.

        Me on my farm since 2012 too kiss.  There’s a natural running stream underground there but the gov had already stopped issuing permits for water-drilling on private property by the time I discovered the presence of the stream.  It’s the only thing I lack to make my farm fully self-sufficient – but water in the Leb village that supplies my farm is cheap at $134 per year for house and garden and fruit grove.

        Fun little story: I discovered I had an underground stream running beneath my farm several years ago when I happened to meet five university students from the next village who had also formed a club for amateur treasure hunters.  They told me that apparently, the series of hills of which my farm sits on one, used to be the habitation of several small Phoenicia kingdoms, and much of their treasures in burial caves and in the ground have already been found accidentally by farmers and shepherds.  These collage students, one day while hiking the nearby wilds as kids had found a seven-room hand-carved cave with much Phoenician pottery and small statutes of fertility goddesses and such, AND, also three small cornucopias made of goat horns hand-inlaid with gold designs (they showed me pictures).  Well, these kids saw gold and got gold fever, so they saved up their pocket monies jointly in their teens and as a club bought quite sophisticated geological equipment and radars that can detect both water and cave-hollows buried underground by the dust of ages.  These kids were after the ‘big one’: a royal Phoenician chest full of the king’s gold goodies – probably a myth, they told me, but they were going to look for it just to be sure.  I was amazed that such young enthusiasts would even exist around here – really, it’s an oddity as most people around here are fixated mostly on making ends meet and taking care of their families – and of course the Resistance – and not on ancient local history and archeological culture.  These students had also massively read up on the local ancient Phoenician kingdoms and told me that my hill used to house a Phoenician wedding temple with a rather long step system that led you down to a stream that used to run through the gorge below my hill.  They also suspected that there may be a private priestly burial on my farm and they asked if they could come over with their equipment to investigate.  Of course, I said yes and invited them over.  Well, they came and spent all afternoon thoroughly scanning the property, and indeed they discovered a cave but waaaaay too deep beneath, as well as a running steam some 60 feet below – but no priestly burial.  It was a really exciting afternoon for a Californian beachbum like me.  These kids were an interesting and smart lot who were also trained in combat as teens and remained as reserve resistance fighters while at college and thereafter.  I’m sure their knowledge of cave and tunnel detection will come in handy during times of war – they even directed me to the nearest large-size cave where I can take shelter with my dogs and housekeeper should a war break out and bombs start falling too close to the farm.

        Finding ancient artifacts and gold jewelry around here is not unusual.  Even my current Lebanese part-time gardener who comes from a long line of farmers told me that his father when young was once hired with other local farmers to dig and transform a rugged hillside into a multi-tiered olive grove; and while digging, they discovered a clay jar with a lid that just would not open so they impatiently smashed it against a rock and it was full of a powder that they thought was old henna for hair – but it was gold dust and most of it just flew in the wind and onto the freshly tilled ground when the jar was smashed.  It was the farmer’s wife who realized it was gold dust when the farmer came back home with patches of gold dust on his clothes and when she tried to wash his clothes in her laundry tub, the dust did not dissolve nor did it discolor the water as earth particles or henna would when mixed with water.  To this day, his father curses the day he and his farmer friends thuggishly smashed that ancient Phoenician jar.

        …  Aaaah, Canthama, it’s so nice NOT to talk about the shitty politics of evil people for a change.

      • Canthama says:

        Taxi, awesome stories, no doubt you are in the middle of a treasure trove, thousands of years of history passed by your place, no doubt it is buried dozens of feet below the ground level…it is nice to be in a place that was and is part of ancient history, something we do not have in Brazil, ancient native history left little things preserved, very few, though very beautiful. I decided decades to go out and know the world, I loved ancient History and Geography, my wife and I are “museum rats”, we love museums, we love books, so we set in motion a plan to know the world and so far 48 countries and counting, I also have a thing or two for ancient Greek/Roman architecture, so we went searching for sites all over the world, in 2006 we have booked a long 30 days trip to Syria-Lebanon where we would spend all the time we needed, slowly, visiting sites and villages, and about a week to take off, the apartheid regime attacked Lebanon, we had to cancel it and we could not set the same trip since them, in part due to my work back then. I decided to retire from my professional life in 2011 and live in a small farm in the country side of Sao Paulo (which we did in 2012), and the first trip lined up was Syria-Lebanon, boom, the war of aggression against Syria started up ugly in 2011 and took off in 2012, once more delayed, but we are patient, I am now planning a trip to Syria-Lebanon but first I decided to learn oral Arabic (won’t venture in writing), and have booked classes for the next 18 months, will be great to visit the land I so much identified with and be able to talk with locals a bit. So maybe late 2021 will be the year for a trip to the Levant.

        Back to water, I find it fundamental down here, have 6 water wells, all of them with tested water for quality, and they are great, rich in minerals which city water hasn’t any longer. We reduced dramatically the intake of Fluor, from the water itself (city water has it) and regular toothpaste, we found it helped a lot in improving cognition and conceptual capacity. 

        Stay safe and enjoy life Taxi.

  96. Taxi says:

    "By giving us the opinions of the uneducated, journalism keeps us in touch with the ignorance of the community".

    Oscar Wilde.

  97. Taxi says:

    Take a look at what your tax dollars are being spent on when not being gifted to wahabi or jewish terrorists – ‘removing the god gene’:

  98. Daniel Rich says:

    Remember how the US plus Occupied Palestine gave the world ‘stuxnet’ targeting Siemens centrifuges in Iran’s nuclear program?

    Stuxnet is a malicious computer worm, first uncovered in 2010, thought to have been in development since at least 2005. Stuxnet targets supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems and is believed to be responsible for causing substantial damage to the nuclear program of Iran.”

    That worm found its way outside of the underground caves as well…

  99. Taxi says:

    Foreign Policy mag will charge you a djuwy $15 to read its major articles.  No, I'm not a subscriber and never will be, but my friend emailed me a cut-paste copy of their new major article below, which I would very much like to share with y'all – it's a little wordy but well-researched and packed with information – worthy of your time:

    How the Bottom Fell Out of the U.S.-Saudi Alliance

    A rocky marriage of convenience that has lasted since World War II could derail as oil markets crash and mutual mistrust reaches new heights.


    APRIL 23, 2020

    In late November 1973, just six weeks after Saudi Arabia and OPEC launched a devastating oil embargo on Europe and the United States, U.S. National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger railed against the Saudis at a secret meeting in the White House Map Room. He’d already toyed with the “not … so insane” idea of landing U.S. troops that “would have divided up” oil fields in the region, and he decried what he repeatedly called Saudi “blackmail.”

    “It is ridiculous that the civilized world is held up by 8 million savages,” Kissinger raged.

    Three months later, Kissinger was inside the palace of Saudi King Faisal, paying obeisance and promising U.S. economic, technical, and military aid—before the oil embargo was even lifted. “Our objective is to work with Your Majesty and to strengthen our friendship on a long-term basis,” he said.

    The monthslong drama of the OPEC oil embargo highlighted as seldom before the often troubled, yet surprisingly resilient nature of the U.S.-Saudi relationship. Again and again, the unlikely partners would fall out—usually over the Arab-Israeli conflict, much later over the 9/11 attacks. But the fundamental bargain struck by the U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and then-King Ibn Saud in the waning days of World War II that consummated the U.S.-Saudi relationship 75 years ago would never break.

    Until, perhaps, now. This spring, as in the early 1970s, the Saudis unleashed their oil weapon, inflicting damage on the U.S. economy by deliberately crashing oil prices at a time of global economic collapse amid the coronavirus pandemic. Lawmakers on Capitol Hill already had little love for the Saudis, disillusioned by continued human rights abuses in the kingdom, a brutal Saudi-led war in Yemen, and, perhaps most shockingly, the Saudi state-ordered butchery of a Washington Post columnist.

    By unsheathing the oil weapon, the Saudis have finally tested the patience of oil-patch Republicans, who have long been among their staunchest supporters in Congress. Even though the United States, Saudi Arabia, Russia, and other big oil producers reached a deal this month meant to curtail oil output and undo some of the damage, it hasn’t worked: U.S. crude oil prices are at their lowest levels of the 21st century, threatening mass bankruptcies and layoffs in the United States. On April 20, U.S. oil prices utterly collapsed, falling into negative territory for the first time in history.

    Now, lawmakers in oil states such as Texas, Louisiana, North Dakota, and Alaska accuse Saudi Arabia of waging “economic warfare” and have drafted legislation to immediately pull out U.S. troops and fuel up a decades-old U.S. security umbrella that has protected the vulnerable Saudi state.

    “This isn’t how friends behave toward other friends,” Sen. Kevin Cramer, a North Dakota Republican leading the charge on the legislation, told Foreign Policy. “They grossly miscalculated the U.S. response to this.”

    More broadly, many in Washington are coming to question the very fundamentals that have underpinned a very special bilateral relationship for 75 years—essentially, U.S. security to ensure the free flow of Saudi oil and Saudi support for U.S. designs in the Middle East.

    “This isn’t how friends behave toward other friends. They grossly miscalculated the U.S. response to this.”

    Even U.S. President Donald Trump, who has largely defended the relationship until recently, is openly questioning whether the United States needs to protect Saudi oil at all. Most of it is now sold to China and other Asian buyers, rather than to Europe and the United States as in decades past. The U.S. energy revolution over the past decade has dramatically reduced U.S. reliance on Saudi Arabia and the Middle East for oil supplies, which has driven many foreign-policy observers to question why U.S. funding must be spent and American lives must be lost to protect a Middle Eastern theocratic monarchy that shares few U.S. values. A shotgun marriage that survived the oil embargo, 9/11, and the Iraq War is now being shaken by seismic geopolitical shifts, and by growing discontent among American lawmakers, the media, and the general public.

    “I just have a hard time explaining to my constituents why we’re spending money and risking life to defend a country that’s got a sketchy history with us to begin with, and now demonstrated this type of behavior,” Cramer said. “They’ve just become very difficult to defend.”

    Matters could soon grow even worse.

    “The only thing holding the relationship together now is Trump—he has a peculiar affinity for Saudi Arabia,” said Bruce Riedel, an expert on Saudi Arabia and 30-year CIA veteran who is the director of the Intelligence Project at the Brookings Institution. That could change with this year’s election, if presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden prevails over Trump. Biden, the former vice president, has called Saudi Arabia a “pariah” and said he’d cut off military sales.

    How did it come to this? Today’s tensions stem, in many ways, from the original foundations of the odd-couple relationship: an oil-for security bargain that always sought, but never fully managed, to bridge the divide between a liberal democracy and a conservative religious monarchy.

    Some experts believe U.S.-Saudi ties will ultimately weather the storm, as they always have, because of the need for a large, wealthy, and anti-Iran anchor for U.S. interests in the Middle East.

    “It is really difficult, if not unthinkable, to think of a collapse in relations or divorce,” said Bilal Saab, an analyst with the Middle East Institute and former advisor on Middle East issues for the U.S. Department of Defense.

    Others are starting to see a potential breaking point on the horizon. “I think this is a very significant and potentially existential moment in the relationship,” Riedel said. “There have been ups and downs, and no foreign country has inflicted as much economic pain as they did in 1973, but the relationship survived and recovered because there was still that basic bargain.

    “But we don’t need the Saudis anymore—this comes in a very different geopolitical environment than previous crises.”

    The U.S.-Saudi relationship began, for all intents and purposes, with one president, one king, and eight sheep herded onto a U.S. cruiser on Great Bitter Lake in Egypt as World War II wound to a close. U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, on his way back from the historic Yalta conference and weeks away from his death, held a fateful meeting in February 1945 with King Abdulaziz ibn Abdul Rahman Al Saud, commonly known as Ibn Saud—the founder of modern Saudi Arabia.

    For Ibn Saud, the meeting posed an opportunity to clinch his fledgling country’s spot as a key ally with the clear victor of World War II, just as the postwar map was being drawn. He dazzled Roosevelt with an army of courtiers and sumptuous meals from the slaughtered sheep, hoping the U.S. president could offer Saudi Arabia vital financial support until its fledgling oil industry was up and running. And it worked: Saudi Arabia was one of the only countries in the world that continued to receive U.S. Lend-Lease aid after the end of the war.

    For Roosevelt, Saudi Arabia offered the United States two important things: the world’s biggest oil reserves and a central geographic location between Europe and Asia just as the Cold War was dawning. During the meeting, Roosevelt formed a personal bond with the Saudi king—the foundation of 75 years of ties between U.S. presidents and the Saudi royal family.

    Within a few years of that first meeting, the United States went from haggling over small-scale aid for Saudi Arabia to essentially underwriting the security of an oil-rich desert sheikdom to keep oil supplies flowing—and to keep the Soviets out of the Middle East.

    “No threat to your Kingdom could occur which would not be a matter of immediate concern to the United States,” U.S. President Harry S. Truman told Ibn Saud in 1950. A year later, the two countries inked a mutual defense agreement; two years after that, a U.S. military training mission was established in the kingdom. By 1957, the United States was selling Saudi Arabia massive amounts of arms to enable it to build up its ground forces.

    Today, Saudi Arabia is the biggest buyer of U.S. weapons and has basked in U.S. protection, whether in 1990 against Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein’s aggressive military moves or more recently from threatening overtures from Iran.

    Roosevelt had met Ibn Saud hoping for Saudi support for a Jewish homeland in the Middle East, which the king vehemently opposed, and the U.S. president—in Saudi eyes—gave his word not to press the matter.

    But Truman, Roosevelt’s successor, eventually supported the creation of Israel, sowing years of distrust and cries of betrayal in Saudi Arabia.

    From the very beginning, a fissure baked into the relationship threatened to crack it open.

    Tensions over the Arab-Israeli conflict would repeatedly flare up again, especially after the 1967 Six-Day War, culminating in the 1973 oil embargo, and again in the months after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, when Saudi displeasure at the stalled Middle East peace process came close to derailing the relationship that the terrorist attacks, carried out mainly by Saudis, had already come close to destroying.

    These tensions, especially after the 1967 war, which saw Israel’s territory grow at the expense of Arab neighbors, threatened to poison U.S.-Saudi relations at the outset of the Nixon administration. A National Security Council paper prepared for Kissinger in 1969 warned of an “erosion in our position in Saudi Arabia over the past two years” and stressed that “the Palestine question is the chief area of misunderstanding which could seriously damage U.S.-Saudi relations.”

    Those tensions escalated over the next three years until the Saudis started raising the threat of an unprecedented oil embargo to force a change in U.S. policy in the Middle East. At the time, the United States and its allies in Western Europe and Japan were growing increasingly reliant on cheap Saudi oil, giving the kingdom a unique chance to leverage its position as the world’s central banker of oil to browbeat the West into doing its bidding.

    “The growing financial reserves of Middle East producers have made oil a weapon for coercion or blackmail that we can no longer dismiss,” National Security Council officials warned Kissinger in the summer of 1972. By the end of the year, backdoor U.S. missions to Saudi Arabia brought warnings that the Saudis, for decades a more-or-less reliable partner, were getting ready to do the unthinkable.

    “It seems clear,” Kissinger wrote to President Richard Nixon in late 1972, “… that King Faisal is considering the idea of somehow bringing economic pressure to bear on the US to impose a peace settlement on Israel favorable to Arab interests.”

    Those fears came true in October 1973, during the war between Israel and Egypt, after the United States rushed arms to Israel to forestall a Soviet threat and prop up its regional ally. Ibn Saud’s heir King Faisal, described in a cable from the U.S. Embassy in Jeddah as being “as furious” as he had ever been, personally ordered an oil embargo on the United States. Kissinger, who hours before had remained dismissive of the oil threat, quickly became furious himself and vowed not to make U.S. policy a hostage to economic coercion.

    “I know what would have happened in the 19th century,” Kissinger fumed during a staff meeting. “The idea that a Bedouin kingdom could hold up Western Europe and the United States would have been absolutely inconceivable.”

    A month later, he was still bouncing around ideas for a military solution to the oil embargo and Arab pressure. “Can’t we overthrow one of the sheikhs just to show that we can do it?” he asked over lunch in the White House Map Room.

    U.S. President Richard Nixon and national security adviser Henry Kissinger visited with Saudi King Faisal in Saudi Arabia on June 14, 1974. Nixon spoke with Faisal about the global impact of the oil embargo.

    In the end, the United States and Saudi Arabia patched up the dispute, and the oil embargo ended by the spring of 1974. But the scars it left were deep and long-lasting, permanently damaging Saudi Arabia’s image in American popular opinion, and leaving deep-rooted fears that the Saudis could and would use their oil weapon to damage U.S. interests—a fear that has persisted even though the nature of the Saudi oil threat has changed.

    “The image of oil sheiks rubbing their hands in glee as we waited to fill up with gas has never made them popular,” Riedel, the Brookings expert, said.

    Even before the U.S. energy revolution enabled the United States to wean itself off of foreign—and especially Saudi—oil, the embargo planted a seed in the public mind that the kingdom wasn’t a rock-solid partner.

    “The embargo had a long-lasting effect on the relationship that still lasts today,” said Joseph Westphal, who was U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia from 2014 to 2017. “It made us aware of our dependence on foreign oil, and it created a whole new attitude” toward the Saudis, he said.

    Yet just a few years after the embargo, another momentous event shook the Middle East and had three lasting effects on U.S.-Saudi relations that persist to this day. In 1979, the Iranian revolution toppled Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, a fellow monarch and staunch U.S. ally in the region. The Iranian revolution, as well as an assault that same year on the Grand Mosque in Mecca, terrified Saudi leadership, who saw how vulnerable their own position was.

    The revolution, by removing the shah and creating permanent enmity with the United States, left Saudi Arabia as America’s main linchpin in the Middle East, all the bad blood from the oil embargo notwithstanding. Within a year, U.S. President Jimmy Carter would declare his eponymous doctrine that made U.S. protection of Persian Gulf oil supplies—and most especially those of Saudi Arabia—the very centerpiece of U.S. foreign policy in the region.

    The disruption of Iran’s huge oil industry also made Saudi Arabia an even more important player in the global oil market.

    Coming just a decade before the end of communism, the eruption of a revolutionary regime in Iran would conveniently offer the United States and Saudi Arabia a new and much-needed common enemy, one that would provide a glue to cement the relationship that lasts to this day. But the disruption of Iran’s huge oil industry also made Saudi Arabia an even more important player in the global oil market, reinforcing the lessons Riyadh had learned five years before and emboldening Saudi leadership to press for even more concessions.

    The Saudi government is “beginning to regard the U.S.-Saudi special relationship, generally defined as oil for security, as being somewhat unbalanced in the U.S. favor and is beginning to expect more consideration and more concessions from the U.S. in return for oil,” wrote U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia John C. West in a report for Carter in mid-1979.

    But that wasn’t the biggest impact of the Iranian revolution. Fearful of being toppled by religious radicals, Saudi leaders embraced a much more conservative line and empowered hard-line religious leaders in their own country, the first steps toward a decadeslong program to export the austere Wahhabi brand of Islam particular to the kingdom. Soon, wealthy Saudis, including one Osama bin Laden, started funding the Muslim mujahideen who were fighting the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan that began the same year as the Iranian revolution.

    Two decades later, that Saudi lurch toward a harsher official line on religion would end up creating the biggest crisis yet in the special relationship.

    9/11, the worst attack ever on U.S. soil, killed almost 3,000 people in orchestrated suicide bombings by hijacked commercial planes, knocking down the World Trade Center in New York and driving a stake through America’s long-held sense of invulnerability. The attack was carried out largely by Saudi nationals—15 of the 19 hijackers—some of whom had contacts with Saudi officials prior to the attacks. It created the most serious crisis to that point in a seemingly unbreakable relationship. U.S. popular opinion turned even more against the kingdom, while Saudi leadership resented the overwhelming U.S. backlash against what they saw as the work of rogue Saudi citizens, whose actions they officially disavowed.

    “That was a really negative time,” recalled Robert Jordan, dispatched as the U.S. envoy to Saudi Arabia just a month after the attacks. The Saudis, stung by the popular U.S. reaction, organized massive boycotts of U.S. consumer products that were normally a staple in grocery stores and new-car lots. “There was a seething unhappiness with the negativity coming from U.S. politicians, religious figures, and more that colored the relationship to a great degree,” Jordan said.

    The attacks led not only to two decades of the U.S. military crusading through the greater Middle East, still continuing today, but also to a simmering American resentment against what many believe was some degree of official Saudi government involvement in the attacks. For years, a classified portion of the 9/11 report fueled popular suspicions about Saudi involvement, though the eventual declassification of those missing pages in July 2016 attempted to lay the matter to rest. They hinted at possible, if unverified contacts between some of the hijackers and people connected to the Saudi government, but the inquiry was unable to document any official Saudi foreknowledge of or participation in the attacks.

    U.S. President George W. Bush said he could not grant the Saudi request to declassify sections of a congressional report into the September 11 attacks.

    The Saudi government welcomed the release of those documents. “We hope the release of these pages will clear up, once and for all, any lingering questions or suspicions about Saudi Arabia’s actions, intentions, or long-term friendship with the United States,” Abdullah Al Saud, then the Saudi ambassador to Washington, said at the time.

    It didn’t.

    Fifteen years after the attacks, Congress unanimously passed legislation—and overrode a veto from then-President Barack Obama—that opened the door to lawsuits for damages against Saudi Arabia for the families of 9/11 victims.

    “The relationship never really recovered from 9/11,” said Gerald Feierstein, a former longtime U.S. diplomat who served multiple tours in the Middle East.

    A grueling legal battle over the matter continues to this day, with the families of 9/11 victims, backed by powerful members of Congress, pushing for civil suits against the Saudi government for damages. The Justice Department has fended off repeated attempts to declassify more secret FBI files that assess whether Saudi officials had a hand in the attack—the latest in a series of filings sent to a federal judge this month.

    Days after the United States invaded Iraq, a tank from the U.S. Marine Task Force Tarawa set up a position in front of a painting of Saddam Hussein in the southern Iraqi city of Nasiriyah on March 24, 2003.

    Days after the United States invaded Iraq, a tank from the U.S. Marine Task Force Tarawa set up position in front of a painting of Saddam Hussein in the southern Iraqi city of Nasiriyah on March 24, 2003. 

    If actions by Saudis poisoned the relationship in 2001, the United States returned the favor two years later, when George W. Bush administration, despite vehement Saudi objections, decided to invade Iraq to topple Saddam Hussein. Saudis feared that would open the door to greater Iranian influence on their doorstep, as in fact happened.

    If Saudi Arabia had been paranoid about growing Iranian influence since 1979, “that was certainly exacerbated by Iraq and its aftermath,” Jordan, who served as ambassador until late 2003, said. “The Saudi foreign minister told me: ‘You have now turned Iraq over to Iran on a silver platter.’”

    But over time, even the 9/11 attacks offered the United States and Saudi Arabia the chance to find a new common purpose, especially after terrorist groups such as al Qaeda, which carried out the 9/11 attacks, began targeting Saudi Arabia itself with a high-profile attack in 2003. Counterterrorism cooperation between Washington and Riyadh went into high gear and continues to this day, acting as one of the biggest sources of ballast in an otherwise troubled relationship.

    Building a new counterterrorism relationship was “a turning point,” Jordan said. “The Saudis recognized that al Qaeda was after them as much as after us.”

    His fellow former envoy Westphal agreed that the joint fight against Islamist terrorism helped heal some of the wounds of 9/11 and give the relationship fresh impetus. The then-crown prince, soon to be king, “Abdullah was more conservative, in a religious, cultural way, but he was an absolute enemy of terrorism, and made it extremely clear that it needed to be stamped out,” Westphal said.

    “We couldn’t have had a stronger relationship on intelligence and counterterrorism and security,” he said of his time in the kingdom.

    The common fight against terrorism was a bond that would help preserve the relationship through all the strains about to come—and there were plenty during the Obama years.

    From Saudi Arabia’s perspective, the Obama administration couldn’t have dawned more brightly—before dimming disastrously, with clashing views over the Arab Spring, human rights, the civil war in Syria, and especially Obama’s efforts to reach a diplomatic accord with Iran.

    “Saudi Arabia has a 60-year history of disappointment with its lover,” said Ali Shihabi, who until last year headed the Arabia Foundation, a think tank, and who is a vocal proponent in Washington of Saudi interests. “But Obama was the first since Jimmy Carter that gave Saudi leaders a heartache,” he said.

    From Saudi Arabia’s perspective, the Obama administration couldn’t have dawned more brightly—before dimming disastrously.

    Saudi elites greeted Obama’s famous 2009 speech in Cairo calling for a “new beginning” of U.S. relations with the Muslim world with unabashed enthusiasm, U.S. diplomats reported in confidential cables at the time. Yet within two years, the outbreak of the Arab Spring would shake the foundations of countries all over the region, and the American response to the upheaval, to Saudi eyes, was to jettison longtime U.S. partners such as Egyptian strongman Hosni Mubarak. Worse, for Saudi leadership, was the apparent U.S. embrace of the Muslim Brotherhood—which Riyadh views as akin to a terrorist group threatening its place in the Muslim world—in the person of Egypt’s new president, Mohamed Morsi.

    “There’s no question that the Arab Spring unsettled the U.S. relationship with the Saudis. For them, the U.S. response [to calls for reform in the Arab world] was way too sympathetic, and the relationship cooled,” said Riedel of Brookings, who advised the Obama administration on foreign-policy issues.

    But the apparent U.S. welcoming of politically threatening reform movements went hand in hand with what seemed to the Saudis a frustrating lack of action on other fronts close to their borders. When the Syrian civil war erupted, the Obama administration called for an end to the violence and eventually talked of the need for Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad to step down—but it did little to intervene in a fight that the Saudis saw as a core security concern of theirs. At the same time, the Obama administration seemed to have little problem with the very pro-Iranian government of Iraq, led by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, which deeply unsettled Saudi leadership fearful of growing Iranian influence in their northern neighbor.

    “King Abdullah was very respectful and liked Obama personally, but there were things they couldn’t understand,” said Westphal, who was present for three of Obama’s record four trips to Saudi Arabia. “‘Why are you supporting Maliki, who is essentially handing over his country to the Iranians? How can you not depose Assad?’”

    The biggest threat to the bilateral relationship, however, came from the Obama administration’s efforts to normalize relations with Iran and to secure a diplomatic deal that would minimize the threat of Iran’s nuclear weapons program. Since 1979, Saudi leaders had seen Iran as the gravest threat to the region and their own security, and U.S. efforts to reach a nuclear deal while seemingly letting Iran continue its destabilizing behavior in the region unsettled the Saudis.

    Saudi unease “was not because of the nuclear piece,” Westphal said. “In my conversations with the king, the crown prince, and the deputy crown prince, they favored the effort to halt Iran’s nuclear weapons program. But they wanted more: They wanted us to push on Iran’s actions in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen, and we didn’t do that.”

    If Riyadh had difficulties with the Obama White House, they were set to face even bigger challenges from Congress, even before the passage of the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act that opened the door to terrorism-related lawsuits against Riyadh.

    Much of it centered over doubts about the Saudi-led fight against Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen. “We knew we might be getting into a car with a drunk driver,” one former senior Obama official later said. Still, wary of a Houthi takeover, and sensitive to the frail state of U.S.-Saudi ties after the Iran deal, the Obama administration ultimately lent military and diplomatic support to Saudi Arabia’s efforts in Yemen.

    Saudi-led coalition soldiers deploy to the outskirts of Aden, Yemen, on Aug. 3, 2015, during a military operation against Houthi rebels and their allies.

    As the war in Yemen dragged on, congressional opposition to U.S. military support for the Saudi campaign intensified, with growing scrutiny of proposed U.S. arms sales to Riyadh. Massachusetts Sen. Ed Markey, a Democrat, even warned in 2015 that the U.S.-Saudi partnership could be at risk over the war in Yemen.

    By the time of the 2016 U.S. election, Saudi Arabia was fighting a rearguard action to restore its privileged relationship with the United States. With the election of Donald Trump, a Republican who shared Riyadh’s hawkish views toward Iran and never made a fuss about human rights, Saudi Arabia secured a lifeline—but also a potential liability.

    Saudi leaders, like nearly everybody else, were caught off guard by Trump’s surprise victory in the 2016 election—and quickly set out to build bridges to the new administration, cementing a personal bond between Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Trump, and especially bonding with the president’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner.

    Recent past presidents had always made their first foreign visit to either Canada or Mexico, the United States’ closest trade partners and neighbors. Trump, bucking tradition, chose Saudi Arabia.

    Saudi leaders famously rolled out the red carpet, and a glowing orb, for Trump’s first overseas trip as president. It seemed a surprising about-face after Trump’s attacks on Muslims, and repeated attacks on Saudi Arabia, on the campaign trail, when he accused the kingdom of carrying out 9/11, criticized it for sponging off American protection, and threatened an economic boycott.

    Saudi leaders were happy to overlook Trump’s comments, eager to forge ties with an untested and unorthodox president before other foreign leaders could.

    “Washington is like Rome in the Roman Empire, and we are like a satellite state—you pay homage to the emperor,” Shihabi said. “You could put a monkey in the White House, and we’d pay homage.”

    Those close ties with the White House helped keep U.S.-Saudi relations on track even as Congress intensified its scrutiny over the war in Yemen and ramped up legislative efforts to loosen U.S.-Saudi security links during Trump’s first years in office; Trump vetoed congressional efforts to curb military cooperation.

    “Washington is like Rome in the Roman Empire, and we are like a satellite state—you pay homage to the emperor.”

    Congressional anger at Saudi Arabia only intensified after the brutal murder by Saudi operatives of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Turkey in October 2018. The CIA subsequently concluded that Mohammed bin Salman—the ambitious heir apparent to Saudi rule—ordered Khashoggi’s killing.

    But again, Trump ran interference to protect the Saudis, citing in part the economic ties between the two countries and fears of other U.S. rivals’ growing influence in the Middle East. “I’m not like a fool that says, ‘We don’t want to do business with them,’” he told NBC News in a June 2019 interview.

    Yet those presidential ties have come at a cost for Riyadh. The playbook that has reliably worked since 1945 to ground the bilateral ties in personal relationships with the president now seems to be backfiring. Mohammed bin Salman, reviled by many in Congress for his alleged role in the Khashoggi killing, as well as other continued human rights abuses inside Saudi Arabia and in Yemen, is seen as being exceptionally close to Kushner and Trump. Riding the coattails of a historically unpopular, already-impeached president isn’t the best way to improve Saudi Arabia’s image.

    The overtures to the White House “established a connection, but on the flip side, it identified Saudi Arabia with Trump,” Shihabi said, which in a time of hyperpartisanship in Washington has hurt Saudi Arabia’s cause on Capitol Hill and in the press. “The Trump embrace has cost Saudi Arabia more than it has given.”

    Despite decades of close economic ties and military and counterterrorism cooperation, Saudi Arabia never seemed to plant deep roots in the United States that would institutionalize the relationship beyond kings, generals, and presidents. This meant when tensions flared up between the two countries, Riyadh didn’t have many outside allies to come to its defense in Washington.

    “It’s been a relationship that’s kind of a mile wide and an inch deep,” said Feierstein, the former U.S. diplomat.

    Then came Mohammed bin Salman’s foreign-policy excesses: the disastrous war in Yemen, the bizarre virtual kidnapping of Lebanon’s prime minister to pressure Iran and Hezbollah, and an embargo on Qatar, its small neighbor and a key U.S. military partner. At home, there was the regular drumbeat of reports on human rights violations, plus a $100 billion shakedown on wealthy political rivals to consolidate power under the guise of an anti-corruption campaign.

    “MBS recognizes that we give him some legitimacy, that the world would probably come down much harder on them if we hadn’t stuck by them.”

    Those moves overshadowed Mohammed bin Salman’s ambitious drive to reform his country and diversify the oil-rich economy, leading congressional critics to conclude Riyadh was taking a one step forward and two steps back. In 2018, for example, Saudi Arabia finally granted women the right to drive. But some of the most prominent activists who pressed for such reforms were jailed and reportedly tortured.

    More than ever, Saudi Arabia has come to rely on its alliance with Washington to shore up international legitimacy as European countries and the wider international community soured on its trajectory.

    “As long as they’ve been a country—they’re so young—they really don’t know what their place in the world would be like without the backing of the United States,” said Kirsten Fontenrose, a former head of Persian Gulf issues in Trump’s National Security Council.

    Mohammed bin Salman “recognizes that we give him some legitimacy, that the world would probably come down much harder on them if we hadn’t stuck by them, that they would wind up potentially being a pariah, like Iran is,” added Fontenrose, now at the Atlantic Council.

    The pitchforks were already out for Saudi Arabia in Congress when, in early March, Russia and Saudi Arabia failed to reach an agreement to curb their oil production, breaking a partnership that had been in place for almost three years and that had kept oil prices relatively high. Russia started the oil price war, but Saudi Arabia finished it, massively ramping up production and slashing the sales price of its oil exports. Coupled with the catastrophic economic impacts of the coronavirus pandemic, which paralyzed economic activity around the world, the move sent oil prices on a historic plunge.

    Unlike in 1973, when Saudi Arabia used the oil weapon to jack up oil prices and hurt the United States, this time crashing oil prices did the trick. U.S. shale producers need oil prices above $40 a barrel to break even; the Russian-Saudi price war sent the price of oil to $25 and then into the single digits, ensuring a wave of bankruptcies and economic hardship from Texas to North Dakota.

    Now, it wasn’t just human rights-focused Democrats in Congress who were clamoring for blood: Republicans, too, were questioning the entire basis of the U.S.-Saudi relationship. In late April, powerful Oklahoma Republican Sen. James Inhofe urged the Trump administration to “punish [Saudi Arabia and Russia] for their destructive behavior.”

    “The Saudis have a deep problem with the Democrats, and that’s been clear for a long time. Now they have spoiled their relationship with Republicans,” Riedel said.

    “The strategic alliance that we have with them … I think it is broken,” Cramer, the North Dakota Republican senator, said. “The trust is going to take a long time to rebuild.”

    So is the marriage that began on the Suez Canal in 1945 about to end in divorce?

    In some ways, the fundamental tenets that have always underwritten the relationship, and especially since 1980, have already been quietly cast aside. For years, the United States vowed to defend Saudi Arabia and to ensure the free flow of oil for the good of the global economy. Declaring an era of great-power competition, the Trump administration is trying to pry away U.S. resources from the Middle East to confront its global rivals Russia and China.

    In the summer of 2019, when Iranian attacks on oil tankers near the Persian Gulf threatened the flow of oil, Trump’s response was to tell allies such as Japan and South Korea to protect their own ships, questioning why the United States should continue to carry out a mission it’s done for decades unless other countries coughed up cash. That fall, key Saudi oil facilities were attacked, allegedly by Iran, knocking out 5 percent of global oil production in a matter of minutes. The U.S. response, other than a Trump tweet, was to do nothing.

    “We had been told forever that an attack on Saudi Arabia would require a U.S. response, and then everybody just shrugged their shoulders,” said Steven A. Cook, a Middle East expert at the Council on Foreign Relations and Foreign Policy columnist. “The Carter Doctrine didn’t have any exceptions, and yet…”

    The bitter recriminations during this spring’s oil price war, coming on the heels of the Khashoggi murder, the continued war in Yemen, and other Saudi missteps, give many observers reason to believe that the relationship is due for a fundamental rethink.

    “It’s hard to come down tough on a partner that has been heralded in other cases as one of the few partners we can rely on against Iran.”

    The relationship “may very well need to be reevaluated,” Cook said. “What I think is a problem is that there is so much anger at the way in which Saudi Arabia has dealt with this situation, that it doesn’t bode well for a reconfiguration of the relationship. It bodes well for building up mistrust and division.”

    One thing that has changed over the last decade is less U.S. need for Saudi and other Middle Eastern oil. That alone puts the U.S.-Saudi relationship on a different footing than it had at the founding, or in the 1970s, or during the Gulf War.

    “The interests of the United States in the Middle East are different than they were in the past,” Cook said. Even if the U.S. energy boom has created a mythical so-called energy independence, where U.S. producers are still very much hostage to Saudi oil might and global market pressures, the vision of an America free after all these decades from Middle Eastern oil makes it easier to imagine a wholesale rewriting of the messy bargain Roosevelt struck with Ibn Saud.

    “People discount the political appeal of energy independence: It’s the political appeal of reconfiguring our relations in the Middle East,” Cook said.

    Other experts believe that much of the glue that has held the two countries together remains sticky. “Having survived 9/11 it’s virtually unthinkable to think of something worse that could happen that could obliterate the relationship,” said Saab, the Middle East Institute analyst.

    And as long as the United States continues to view Iran as a major threat, close relations with Saudi Arabia will have a strong appeal. Upending U.S.-Saudi ties “isn’t just the waving of a wand, given the historical and traditional nature of that relationship,” said Kaleigh Thomas, a Middle East expert at the Center for a New American Security. “It’s hard to come down tough on a partner that has been heralded in other cases as one of the few partners we can rely on against Iran.”

    But in this latest crisis, Saudi Arabia’s close relationship with Trump was the one thing that saved it from an even bigger blowback from Congress and kept the eight-decade-old relationship from collapsing altogether. That could change in November.

    “I think this time is different,” Riedel said. “If Biden wins, we will likely see a very fundamental reassessment of the relationship.”

    Keith Johnson is a senior staff writer at Foreign Policy

    Robbie Gramer is a diplomacy and national security reporter at Foreign Policy

    • Cloak And Dagger says:

      Decent article, but the unsaid remains unsaid.

       “If Biden wins, we will likely see a very fundamental reassessment of the relationship.”

      As if whoever is president makes a damn bit of a difference! I will believe all this when we see a very fundamental reassessment of the relationship with Israel.

      I am taking odds on how likely that is to happen this election season or the next. 

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Cloak and Dagger,

        I will believe all this when we see a very fundamental reassessment of the relationship with Israel.

        That will only happen when Occupied Palestine needs a new host to suck the life out of. Don't expect spineless wo/men to do the right thing.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ grr,

      Yeah, we all know 9/11 was pulled off by a man in cave, who had access to several US  alphabet agencies, so he could have drills going on simulating planes being flown into buildings… So, when you’re about to ‘capture’ this guy, you’re going to pick his brains…?

      Of course, not. You pretend to shoot him in the face [easier to recognize], pretend to dump his body in the ocean and the gullible populace will eat this slice of fantasy cake and never look back.

      The only problem is that OBL had died much earlier, but hey, who cares…, the story still stands, doesn’t it?

  100. Daniel Rich says:

    My BS-o-meter went through the roof.

    "The commander of the Israeli Air Force, Maj. Gen. Amikam Norkin, recently said, "The F-35 squadron has become an operational squadron. We are the first in the world to use the F-35 in operational activity, and the Adir planes are flying all over the Middle East. The Israeli Air Force has twice carried out strikes with the F-35, on two different fronts.”.………… "Flying all over the Middle East" implies the F-35 has not been detected. It's up to you if you want to believe him, but I am inclined to."

    "All over the M.E." = Occupied Palestine and parts of Lebanon.

  101. Taxi says:

    I cannot make rhyme or reason of the human condition.  My main subject of study in this regard is, of course, myself.  And having noticed that after some 3-4 months of living through Covidian-saturated times, and even though I knew very well that global establishments were churning out the politics of fear for more power-grab purposes, I recently found myself washing my hands by far more than was required.  Very illogical of me.  Simply, the freaking government brainwash was even working on me!  Therefore, it was time for me to unload and counter this insidious brainwash through a news detox – hence, my absence from the comments board.

    Now, a good week later, a week that was profoundly blessed by the LACK of news in my daily life, I find myself presently indifferent to the fake Covidian news orgy assaulting my cognitive faculty.  In fact, late yesterday afternoon, I realized that I’d spent all morning in utter Covidian amnesia.  Yes, yesterday I woke up and did not even have a single Covidian thought: I’d literally forgotten all about it; and it was really only when I opened a bathroom cupboard and saw a stack of face masks there that I was reminded of its existence.

    Phew!  What liberation hooray!!!  I’m now back in my rightful center of perception, with Covid being some weird story that took place on another planet in another era altogether.  And having thus detoxed, I find my attention shifting back to Empire and its jew-centric global crimes that are forever conceived in tel aviv.  There, that place of evil that the good eye of good people should never ever stray away from – EVER!  There, that place that forever schemes ill-will against you and me and humanity at large.  There, that pungently evil center for global terrorism and usury.  (More on this topic later).

    So, I do advise friends and readers to cut the bullshit brainwash from their lives by boycotting the news – all of it, till one feels re-centered again.  Try it.  You’ll be amazed at the liberating results.

    I will now leave you with a quote from the great Soren Kierkegaard:

    There are two ways to be fooled.  One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to accept what is true.

    Time now for me to go walk my dogs in the plentiful citrus fields nearby; time to get intoxicated by the scent of orange blossom mixed with the smell of a million daisies underfoot.

    Man, I just love springtime in the Lebanon!

    Laterz y’all.

    • Canthama says:

      Dear Taxi, this covid brainwash bug got to us all, no matter how we thought different, but it is fading away, this week has been a reborn to most of us around the world back to normal life, if there is anything like that, I found myself doing a lot of manual work and other stuff, and thinking less and less on geopolitics and covid, it is good indeed, it is a cleaning process, battery is recharged. We are moving into winter down here, enjoy the last fruits of the season, over production of avocado, bananas, small oranges (tangerines), passion fruit and many more, Autumn brings different flavours down here, besides the tons of leaves falling around. Life goes on, enjoy Spring time in the Lebanon.

    • Taxi says:

      Hiya Canthama – wow your summer harvest is glorious!  And how wonderful and satisfying to have tilled the earth to such fruition.  Makes me want to come over to San Paolo right now just to see the glistening green of your avocados – yumzy!

      Here in the Leb, we're being told that a second wave of Covid will break out in July and it will be deadlier than the first one.  I think they're saying this because the Lebs love their summer time: endless summer parties in the mountains and on the beaches, and the gov doesn't want the Leb citizens to rest on their laurels and ignore social-distancing regulations this summer while Covid still 'lingers' in mild measures here and there.

      I won't be paying Leb Covid much attention this summer: I'll be more focused on what terrorist israel is up to in the West Bank with its annexation plans and consequences.  This is by far deadlier than Covid, in my humble estimation.

  102. Mike-Florida says:

    Germany bans Hezbollah, raids mosques. Completely banned Lebanon’s Iran-backed Hezbollah movement carrying out activities on its soil, as police raided mosques and venues linked to the group. Dozens of police and special forces stormed mosques and associations linked to Hezbollah in Bremen, Berlin, Dortmund and Muenster. Al-Irshad mosque Berlin sealed off with16 police vans parked outside. Masked police officers walking in and out of mosque. Move welcomed by Israel.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      Move welcomed by Israel.

      Occupied Palestine loves to squeeze anything out of Occupied Germany, but the holocasut ground keeps shrinking. like their heads, lampshades and soap bars…

    • Taxi says:

      Who the fuck cares about israel’s hollow victory in this story lol?! The Hezb remains intact and is most certainly untouched by jewy Germany.

      This story is not even a paper-cut on the Hezb pinky.

      This story is yet another example of israel’s frustration at its inability to face the hezb directly on the battlefield.

      Fuck the jews and fuck the spineless German government lol!

      I can assure you of one thing: behind the scenes, Germany will be grovelling with apologies at the Hezb and begging to keep backdoor channels open with them. Cowardly fucks lol!

  103. Mike-Florida says:

    MSM reports > Crisis-Hit Lebanon’s government signed off on rescue plan to prepare for IMF bailout. Hezbollah, a key powerbroker in Lebanon that previously opposed IMF program given green light. Lebanon would need external financing $10 to $15 billion over five years. Details were unclear but Prime Minister Hassan Diab was expected to reveal more during an address. (Taxi – do your sources agree Hezbollah supports IMF bail-out? If they did perhaps they placed conditions, which IMF will reject? What viable alternative approaches are available? Perhaps Diab's address provided more detail? Sorry dear Lebanon sucked into IMF clutches. Mike).

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Mike.

      For the Leb gov to get outside monetary help, it needs to show that it’s dealing with its internal political corruption that has led it to its current financial crisis. This, indeed, PM Diab has been tackling in all earnestness and with evident determination. I watched his speech late yesterday afternoon and indeed he did mention that he will now begin “conditional negotiations with the IMF”. Interesting that he used the word “conditional” – a nuanced word that all western media appears not to have picked up on – so their reporting is inaccurate. The conditions are as follows: the IMF has ZERO say in Hezb affairs, and any IMF imposition that renders the poor worse off will be rejected. Now, as we all know, the IMF does not lend monies without gaining internal political power in return; and we also know that the IMF doesn’t give a fuck about poor people. And unlike, for example, Greece who fully surrendered its internal political independence to the IMF in exchange for a financial rescue package, the Leb’s Mr. Diab has placed strict conditions on such a deal with the IMF, conditions that I’m sure will not be acceptable to the IMF. And this is why I see this announcement as mere procedure: a path towards eventually pivoting towards China, who is seen as perfectly capable and less demanding, and more importantly: is seen as politically neutral as regards internal Leb politics, as opposed to Iran, who is also a perfectly capable candidate but too politically controversial inside of Leb, as any Iranian financial support will be seen by Leb opposition to the Hezb as too politically threatening to them.

      Diab understands the importance of the Hezb’s missile arsenal and views it as a national security necessity. He also knows the the IMF is jewy and has the Hezb’s missiles in its crosshairs. He knows that any IMF imposition on the Hezb is a deal breaker, plus, his sympathies towards the Leb poor is genuine and he will outright reject any deal that would harm them.

      Being ‘ready for negotiations’ with the IMF does not mean actually signing a deal. So you are correct, Mike, when you suspect that the IMF will reject Diab’s conditions during their coming negotiations. Diab finds it necessary, for internal security reasons, to first go through the mere motion of knocking on the IMF’s door.

      Let’s hope that Diab is able to continue to steer the Leb’s sinking ship to safe shores, despite US-backed forces inside of Lebanon (Hariri and Geagea’s March 14th forces) who are forever working against him, and working against him with much menace. And the closer he gets to implementing his policy of arresting the big thieves of Lebanon, the bigger the danger of Lebanon erupting into chaos – possibly a violent one.

      It’s going to be a freaky tough summer for the Lebs. So far, their spine has not snapped, despite the relentless gargantuan grind.

      • Canthama says:

        IMF is a trap and will always be a trap, the long tradition of IMF mismanagement is long…visa vis their inroads in Latin America for decades, it took 20 years or more for most countries in LA to get rid of the ill advises from IMF and of course pay the debt with the high interest rates.

        There is no short term solution for the Lebanon's economic challenges, but the best solution is mid-long term only…which is the public auction of the offshore oil/gas fields, the timing is the worst possible though where the value is diminished severely vs higher priced oil/gas season…no matter what this is a serious way out of this crisis, billions can be injected in a pre payment from Chinese and Russian investors, than many years later, there will be taxes, lots of if paid by the companies. 

        I sincerely hope the Lebanon can navigate on this trouble waters, only thru friendly countries they will be able to do it without the handcuffs from the IMF.

    • Igor Bundy says:

       “We’ve pulled off the greatest ripoff in history. We’ve gone way beyond anything that British Empire ever thought of.” He said, “That’s a success story. Most people think imperialism is bad; you’ve shown how it’s the greatest success story — we get a free lunch forever!”

      President Bush, George W. Bush, said, “Well we’re never really going to repay this. They get counters, but we’re not going to repay it.”

      And then, as a matter of fact, you have Tom Cotton a senator from [Arkansas] saying, “Well you know China holds savings of $2 trillion or so in US Treasury bonds. Why don’t we just not pay them? They gave us the virus; let just grab it and nullify it.”

  104. Taxi says:

    I’ve just read Elijah Magnier’s latest article here:

    Hezbollah is now the “Great Satan”

    Naturally, and as is often my habit, I emailed him my thoughts on his writings:

    How are you, dearest Elijah?  Hope the Covidian times have eased up some in Belguim where you are, and that freedom of movement and travel will be possible for you and your countryfolk this coming summer.  You especially, you must really miss your sojourns to the middle east where most of your good friends in the world live.  Everything here in south Lebanon is fine and dandy – we’re having a really lovely spring here, though a tad colder than usual.

    Your latest article on the Hezb being “the great satan”?  I don’t know about that at all, Elijah, except to say that it’s a saudi-wahabi slogan born out of rage at the Hezb’s alliance with Iran, as well as jealousy of the Hezb’s military power that smashed their jewish best friends in Israel.  Nobody uses this silly expression in the Leb, not even the Hezb’s internal enemies.  The hezb enemies tried to spread it during last autumn’s protests by having banners that said: ‘hezb is the great satan’, but they were few and far in between and made zero impact on Leb protest society, even though the West loved those banners and gave them much publicity in their jew-centric rags during the protests.

    And you’re mistaken also about the recent Berri-Hariri-Salame alliance, an alliance that was publicly born only this past week out of the trio’s desperation – born out of their guilt and political weakness in the face of Diab’s corruption-investigations, and in the face of massive public support for Diab’s intention and policy to ending corruption and bringing the guilty to account – an evil yet pathetic alliance that cannot touch the Hezb or Diab in any significant way.  The majority of Lebs support either the Hezb or Diab or Aon, or the trio altogether in their endeavors to bust up the corruption gangs – the Leb public therefore will not be supporting the evil trio of Berri-Hariri-Salame who literally personally brought them to their financial ruin.  Berri will soon enough die (he’s a sick man) and fold Amal on his deathbed – he has no interest in passing the Amal baton to a person outside of his family, and both Berri’s wife and son are also being investigated for corruption and thievery and command little genuine respect and affection even inside of the Amal movement.  The name of Ali Hassan Khalil has been put forward as replacement for Nabih Berri, but it looks to me like this train has already left the station.  Upon Berri’s demise, the hard core supporters will reject joining forces with the Hezb for reasons that you cite, but the majority who live in villages side by side with Hezb supporters – inter-married and blood-related and all – will opt for joining the Hezb who do give a good wage to their fighters and activists.  There is no way that Berri alone can put a dent in Leb shia unity, even if he became the president of the universe.

    Gaegae continues to eat Hezb shit and die every day – he is weak, as is Hariri, as is Salame, despite their American embassy patron.  Right now, Elijah, the Americans are weak, and getting weaker in the Leb by the day: their punishing arm is getting shorter and shorter with each step that Diab takes in his corruption investigations – even though, no doubt, they are still able to create trouble, even great trouble, but not to the point of destroying the Leb or Diab’s governance.

    With everything that has been thrown at the Hezb: from external (US) sanctions to Covid and everything in between, they literally remain upright and untouchable, as indeed is the case with Aon and Diab.  And just because the Hezb doesn’t bang drums and blow whistles to show off their steadily growing power does not mean that they are cornered and in a state of weakness and fear.  Although, of course they are indeed much concerned about their enemies destructive hands and remain vigilant and capable and… quiet.  Iran taught them the art of patience, and patience as we all know, is golden.

    Perhaps you will disagree with me – but with all due respect, this is my overall and brief reading of the current Leb equation.

    Always yours, always with respect and much admiration.


    Dear readers, I hope that between Elijah’s article and my response (and he does provide good info in his piece), you’re able to get a fuller picture of the internal political dramaramas taking place in the Leb right now.

  105. Mike-Florida says:

    Taxi – thanks much your comments RE IMF. Many nations borrowing from IMF thought they were so clever and smart they could extract a 'free lunch' from IMF if play along – only later surprised to discover IMF uses debt as a hammer to continuallly extract soverignty-sucking concessions negatively impacting borrower and its citizens. There is no free lunch. Its dangerous to mess with them. Ever. I am toubled that so far have not seen anything from the Diab govt. regarding specifics of major govt. spending cuts – as their issue is both corruption and massive govt. overspending for years living off debt and more debt. Right now they are sort of surviving by not making debt payments which is no solution, and in the end no free lucnh, too. Govt spending must be signifianctly cut – big time. Agree with Canthama RE China long-term, but as he says this is a terrible time to aution energy reserves. Cut govt. spending 70% should already be in process, adequate demonstration of such just might entice China to offer its 'solution'.  Appreciate if you have info specifics such already in play. Our dear Lebanon needs to get its own govt. spending house in order, especially now when eveidently most citizens, who will be impacted by cuts, are in support of Diab. Mike.

    • Taxi says:

      Mike, methinks you underestimate the craftiness of the Diab-Aon-Hezb alliance.  There will be no IMF deal for the Leb – the Lebs are just going through the motion of applying, all the while, they have their plan B.

      Yesterday, for instance, Schenker, speaking on behalf of the IMF responded to the Leb loan application by putting forth their overtly strict pincer conditions for a loan, saying that he ‘expected rigorous conditions to be set by international institutions in implementing the reform plan, requiring commitment across the political spectrum in Lebanon’.  Even without publishing these ‘rigorous conditions’ in black and white, these conditions are already utterly unacceptable to the aforementioned trio alliance, especially when they include ‘control of Lebanon’s borders’.  This means that, in effect, the prospects for the loan died yesterday – and the funeral will be announced when the IMF gets fed up sitting at the negotiating table with Diab’s financial council and wasting their time.  The Diab gov will now wait for the IMF to announce the failed negotiations, and in the meantime, this is what is taking place:

      1- Yesterday, short of announcing actual names, the Diab gov released a list of some dozen politicians who had transferred a bulk of their millions/billions to outside banks right before the protests broke out: sudden massive international transfers that caused the sudden fall of the Lebanese Lira/Pound (already teetering at the time) and created the current crisis.  This list gave the amount transferred by each politician as well as their rank – Diab naming the rank made it pretty much certain to all citizens who exactly the Diab gov has in its crosshairs.  Next will come the naming of these politicians, followed by prosecutions and the retrieving of monies back into the country.

      2- Earlier this week, Diab in his last speech also declared that the loan the Leb forfeited on a couple of months back will now be shared and paid by the following trio: the gov, the head of Banque Du Liban (Salame), and by the personal owners of the five major Leb banks (not by bank customers!).  Diab is currently devising laws that will force Salame and the heads of major banks to pay up “out of the billions in profit they’ve personally pocketed last year”, according to Diab’s speech.

      3- Financial deals with China are already configured, agreed upon and ready to go, just waiting for the failed IMF negotiations to be announced.  This is what my in-the-know sources tell me has been going on behind the scenes from literally the first week that Diab took over.

      Take heart, therefore, Mike, Canthama and readers, there will be NO IMF DEAL for Lebanon.  Diab is just going through the motions of it for internal political reasons.  He aims to show the domestic US-backed opposition to his governance that with the failures in reaching an agreement with the IMF, going the China way becomes the only sound option left.  He is therefore preemptively disarming all resistance to China’s near-future involvement in Lebanon’s finance.  And although we do not know the terms and conditions of the China-Leb deal, we know damn well that China is not obsessively fixated on Hezb missiles in any measure whatsoever: Hezb missiles that the Leb crucially needs for its national security, by far more than it needs the exploitative IMF deal.

      Really, Mike, you mustn’t rely on Leb info obtained from jewy medias.  They will never give you the full picture of what’s going on in the Leb, let alone the accurate progress of Diab’s efforts.  There is an ongoing Western media campaign against Diab and most of the info released on Diab by them is meant to blacken his good name and genuine patriotism.  Diab remains massively supported by the Leb citizens and for good reason, all to the chagrin of tel aviv and its global agents.

      • Canthama says:

        Taxi, this is simply awesome news. Thanks for the detailed view. Diab seems to be the right guy in the right place in the right time. 

      • Taxi says:

        You’re all so very welcome, my dear friends.  But let me emphasize here that Lebanon remains vulnerable and the most dangerous phase for it is yet to come – and this phase will be marked by Diab’s inevitable announcement that the Leb is going the China way.

        Response by the US to this will be extremely severe and punishing.  I don’t know what shape or form this may take.  Perhaps a high-value political assassination that will create massive political chaos and factional street violence?  Or the US refusing to let go of the Lebanon and turning it thus into a battlefield between it and China, as we’re now seeing taking place in Iraq?  I wouldn’t be surprised if the US throws everything and the kitchen sink at Lebanon for ditching it for China.  ‘Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned’, as the old adage goes.

        About the only thing the US dares not do to Lebanon is strike directly at Hezbollah targets there, as it currently does at the Iraqi Hezbollah: all for fear of literally loosing tel aviv to the Hezb overnight. 

        What good are Medussa’s limbs when her head is in the crosshairs?

        Everyone, including the US has been forced to play by Lebanese Hezbollah’s Rules of Engagement, and not by their own.  Fat chance that the Hezb will allow for this equation to change.  Since their 2006 victory over israel, their deterrence capabilities have but only multiplied, tripled, quadrupled.

        From this Hezb model, we learn that the future of the Levant will indeed eventually be brighter.  Especially for Palestine.  Palestine: the very core reason for the very existence of the Axis of Resistance itself.

  106. Mike-Florida says:

    Taxi. As always, thanks for providing your savvy insights. Looking forward to details of IMF’s expected response and Diab’s comments there to. Appreciated your conficence ‘Diab remains massively supported by the Leb citizens and for good reason.’ I have same conclusion. Mentioned spending cuts hoping today’s citizen support can be maintained once Diab is ready to publically outline cut details – major cuts always, everywhere, a political challenge, that MSM will play-up but will not deter this brave nation. Thanks. Mike.

  107. Daniel Rich says:

    Who needs enemies with friends like these…?

    Mossad Gave German Security Services Info on Hezbollah Shortly Before Berlin Banned Group – Report

    Excerpt: "Mossad may have helped to push Berlin into banning Hezbollah’s activities in Germany by providing the European nation’s security services with information about the group’s alleged money laundering activities, as well as warehouses where the Lebanese group purportedly squirreled away hundreds of kilograms’ worth of ammonium nitrate for use in explosives, Israeli media have reported, citing Hebrew-language broadcaster Channel 12."

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Daniel.  Horst Seehofer, Germany's interior minister for 'building and community' literally sneaked the bill through when no one was looking, forcing thus Merkel's hand, who apparently expressed private anger at his (shekeled) sleight of hand (this is according to Leb news when the story first broke out – a detail not found in Western media).  The concept of banning Hezbollah from Germany had been on the table since 2003, with Merkel refusing to sign it, finding it more geopolitically opportune for Germany to keep open channels with the Hezb.

      In the end, when Hezb missiles start raining on tel aviv, Germany will have zero influence on the situation with regards pressuring the Hezb to stop its missiles.  This bodes well, as far as I'm concerned.  Fuck the whole of shekeled europe.  Germany especially will be forced to receive all their war-punched German-israel jews when the shit hits the fan.  Giving the 'jew problem' back to Germany will be pure, unadulterated justice.


      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        Occupied Palestine's playing with fire. I can't wait for the moment it burns down to the ground. I've been longing for peace all my life. I want to see it emerge while I' m still alive and for that to happen two entities need to cease to exist. We both know who they are.

      • Taxi says:

        I can't wait for the trashing of tel aviv either.  The deluded always lose.  Take for instance two days ago when Bennet – who's put on weight since he took over the  jewish Defense Ministry, thus he now looks like a fat and hairless worm as opposed to a thin and hairless one – well, he did a sudden tour of israeli tv studios this past Tuesday just to say that the jewish military is succeeding at kicking Iran out of Syria lol!  Uhuh same old puffer fish story.

        Ah the ever amusing jewish bathos!

        What everyone needs to know is the US's continued presence in Iraq and Syria is FACTUALLY because israel is so freaking weak in the Levant that it now needs the US's PHYSICAL giant apron to hide behind.  But there's no hiding for long now, not when both the American Republic AND the American Empire are in a state of slippery decline.

        Just think, even war-torn Syria and Iraq remain able to threaten israel's (illegal) existence – even more so today than back when Saddam and Hafez were in charge during peacetime.

        Let the israeli jews eat jew bullshit before death's turd like a giant eel coils around them and gives them that old stinky choke they so dearly deserve.

        Politically speaking, I'm not ashamed to say that I literally live for the day that israel is annihilated.  Everything else is but a lesser, milder buzz.

      • Igor Bundy says:

        I highly doubt the US will ever leave Syria and Iraq even in the middle of blowing up. 

        Remember, the US gets other countries to fund them. Korea, Japan, Germany etc all pay for their US troops.. The few billion to hold onto the Oil in Iraq is nothing. Syria is a side show spoiler.. Unless the US feel acute pain, they will never leave.

      • Taxi says:

        Igor, our forces will leave both Syria and Iraq when tel aviv is in rubble.  This is all too clear.  And all indications are that this day will be coming.

        I will expound on this further when I write my new article soon.  Information and assessments on this topic are percolating in my brain right now.

        I have absolute faith in the smarts of the leadership of the Axis of Resistance, as well as in the ability and readiness of its fighting forces.

  108. Igor Bundy says:

    Just came from MOA after reading his latest article and for someone who is very good at analysis, he seems to have forgotten to take history into account. But he does say you dont know before hand and it is hard to predict.. Shouldn’t you look at someone’s previous record to see how accurate their predictions and modelling were? If they were of by 100x and had already cost a country tens of billions, that would be one I would look at much closer and most likely discard as a waste of time but when you have WHO and CDC etc and other powerful interests involved, I would want other opinions, Which also said pretty much the same thing as a non peer reviewed non scientific article is worth the garbage data that was used in its modelling predictions aka worthless.. When your life depends on it, you better think hard on this.

    Until today I did not have any of the hard numbers but I knew what was being done around the world was not the way to save lives, since saving lives is all I hear.. Mostly from beer drinkers and snackers working from home and getting paid extra. There was never any concern about those who were getting abused by this.. The closing of homeless shelters and lack of escape for minors from abusive homes.. Forget the future deaths but just this evil was enough to make me want to oppose any lockdown like this. How many women died due to abuse or suicide during this? Their escapes were all closed. Forget the number of children being raped.. Not only were the elderly not looked after which was the primary reason for everything, but all other vulnerable people were left to fend for themselves..

    I was very angry before and now I see my anger was warranted.. All the talk about saving granny was nothing but a gimmick by the really illiterate and ignorant from the ones lacking any kind of common sense. They sure svaed the village after all while burning it down to the ground. Oh it can be rebuilt.. in time.. the lives destroyed might take longer.. 

    “Michael Thrusfield, a professor of veterinary epidemiology at Edinburgh University, told the paper he had ‘déjà vu’ after reading the [Ferguson] Imperial paper [on COVID], saying Ferguson was responsible for excessive animal culling during the 2001 Foot and Mouth [actually, Mad Cow disease] outbreak.”
    Potential death toll during the 2005 Bird [avian] Flu outbreak. Ferguson estimated 200 million could die.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ Igor Bundy,

      In 2007, economists the world over ‘predicted‘ a rosy future. Heck, even Lehman’s head honcho called himself ‘Master of the Universe.’

      We both know what happened next.

      In reality, there are 2 kinds of forecasters:

      1) Those who don’t know

      2) Those who don’t know they don’t know.

      Additionally, what’s in it for the forecaster himself? Does he work for a company? Is s/he a self-proclaimed guru of sorts?

      As to the virus: the curtains have been pulled back. It was never about you and me, dapper parts of the grey masses. It has always been about those at the top. We’re expandable little workhorses, chomping and foaming at he bit, because we care. That part of me I’ll never give up, but as I don’t have the power to change the world for the better, I focus on where I am/live/work and give it everything I’ve got, right there and nowhere else.

      My advice would be: don’t get angry [although I understand your rage], make sure all those you care about are safe and protected. You are absolutely not alone in your predicament. I, for one, am right there with you. Shoulder to shoulder.

      • Igor Bundy says:

        Yes DR but there is a difference here.. Treating yourself to something nice because the future looks bright is entirely different than committing hara kari.. When Iran said they had 50% deaths of those admitted, I was not that worried but concerned on how to help.. I know it was hard on them but the alternative was to just die. We know they were short of every essential which made it this bad for them.. But for the rest to willingly go to their graves.. And on top of the pumping from the msm you have these beer bellies spouting off how great it is. They never cared about the vulnerable they so talked about protecting and still not protecting. But they still have not given up. They just cant see the evil they are part of and responsible for. No one ever looked at anything but the numbers because thats gates agenda.. The low or high numbers means they did or did not do something.. But what about the rest of the numbers and what about the rest of us? 

        I can see why the sheep are so easily led to the slaughter.. Like how hitler carried the germans to their deaths, we now follow the same path.. But hey look at germany now.. A world power.

      • Daniel Rich says:

         I hear you, Igor.

        How about the gods who write the DNR [Do Not Resuscitate] notes? Depending on your age and ailments they will let you go when push comes to shove.  

    • Taxi says:

      I just don't bother with Moon of Alabama anymore – too many hit-and-miss analysis this past year or so – and, if I may add: a new level of arrogance that can only come from a fat bank account, fattened by?…  Certainly not by donations from his regulars. Uhuh, Bernard of MoA is a breadhead and in an environment where truth is illusive, it's just simply foolish to think that breadheads will hand you the truth for free.

      If not for MoA's handful of excellent regular commentators, B's site would fall flat on its face for all the misinformation and mis-analysis B's been promoting of late.

      • Igor Bundy says:

        I am not a regular user of any site.. I keep to syrper mostly because of experience and I dont want to 'discuss' things I already discussed many times before and would get banned for anyway.. Saw ut was banning people posting anything that dont agree with the WHO, no matter what the source.. Companies like online services have an agenda in this as well as they have profited immensely from this.

        I read your earlier problems with MOA and his arrogance on this last article was something I could not stomach and even others posted exactly the same thing I did. When you say predictions are not fallible and the future is uncertain, you surely can look at the past and extrapolate. After all you are already doing it now. And if you can excuse one part ignoring the rest then the entire premise is worthless. And this part I have been arguing with many Epidemiologists which drives me nuts. Being married to one.. Who can only see their particular numbers.

        One of the questions I asked was, How many will die if they dont get replacement organs because people are locked up and no one is dying a normal death. This is a tough one because you are sure about certain deaths unlike potential deaths.. Their modeling blows up and default to ethics. I am also seeing a lot of deaths because they cant get hospital care. People on dialysis dont want to risk going to a hospital even if it was possible to go to one and it was open. You can not just model a single vector in life. A society has a huge number of tentacles all connected.. We will all reap the fruits of this sooner than later. And we will have the How could we have known or those who should have known told us so. Cant even feel sorry for such people.

      • Taxi says:

        Your argument is cogent and solid, Igor. Moreover, you take a moral stand in support of the weak and vulnerable when you give voice and concern in your commentary for the quarantine-trapped and abused children and spouses, as well as giving perfect empathy to all them helpless patients who are at death’s door, yet not from coronavirus: coronavirus that’s sucked all the oxygen out of every hospital and clinic the world over.

  109. Taxi says:

    Heyheyhey howzit?!  Y’all better still be alive and kicking else I’m coming over to kick yer corpsey asses .

    I’m just butting in to quickly remind y’all to believe NO ONE in the filthy-liar media!  Kick the fucking media in the teeth every morning and don’t you go handing it a wetwipe or your dentist’s phone number!  The shekeled brigade serving tel aviv is but a gummy biter and your brainwaves are made of super steel!

    Nothing has made the American mind weaker than its jewy media.  And nothing has made the American Outsider stronger but his/her own mental rejection of all them manufactured and shekeled lies.

  110. Taxi says:

    In a few minutes, I'll be taking a necessary drive to Beirut to go visit the American embassy – my passport requiring renewal and all.  Man!  I'm so angry I have to go there!  The ONLY place in Lebanon that I truly loath and never wanna go to.

    I'll admit that I'll be very tempted to punch the Ambassador in the nose should I see her swanning around the compound and speaking in hebrew on her cellphone.  Fucking shekeled whore who doesn't give a shit about American expats in Lebanon – is only there in the Leb to fuck with the Resistance on hourly instruction from tel aviv.

  111. Daniel Rich says:

    "The IDF hasn't wanted to win for years now. And that's exactly the problem", said Yair Golan who has since resigned from his military post and entered the political ring.

    The low morale that began eroding the IDF after the Second Lebanon War in 2006 was also addressed in 2017 by Maj. Gen. (Res.) Yitzhak Brick, who served as the military ombudsman from 2008 to 2019. He released an annual report that year revealing the factors contributing to this phenomenon. 

    These included the disappointment of many with the IDF's decision to cut thousands of positions, forcing soldiers to do less with more, dissolve some units and cut salaries of high profile commanders prompting many to resign from their posts and leaving the military in the hands of less capable or inexperienced personnel.

    The direct result of this low morale was a drop in the number of military recruits. In 2019, for example, 31 percent of young Israeli men did not enlist in the IDF, the previous low, 23 percent, was registered in 2005. A similar tendency was registered among the country's young women, with 44 percent of them staying away from service.


    • Taxi says:

      The real reason for the deflating powers of the idf is their inherent COWARDICE in the face of a mighty and able enemy like Hezbollah at their doorstep. Those ‘high caliber’ military jews are NOT all that and they dropped out because they are the super-coward type who prefer to work global cyber terrorism from the safety of their multi-million dollar hi-tech studios in tel aviv, New York, DC, Dubai and London.

  112. Anonymous says:

    The importance of Syria to Lebanon..

    Damascus seems to be the main backer of the recently formed technocratic government, which was formed after Hariri’s resignation, most probably to the discomfort of Hizbullah who is interested in maintaining his dominance in his home turf. 

    Through its growing influence in Lebanon, Syria is hoping to recalibrate its relationship with Iran which had descended from one of partnership into one of dependence and even vassalage during the civil war. Syria’s restored leverage in Lebanon, acquired largely through diplomatic and political means, is designed to put Damascus back onto an even footing with both Hizballah and Iran.

    Syria will have no substitute for its own military strength if it wishes to roll back Turkey’s military presence.

    Yuri Andropov, the Soviet leader and General Secretary of the Communist Party, said in the1980s that he would not allow anybody to defeat Hafiz. Today, President Putin is providing the same strategic shield to Bashar al-Assad.

    • Taxi says:

      Ah right, an article by Joshua Landis who spent years during the war referring to Syria as “Bashar’s bloody regime” – right, THAT Joshua Landis uhuh.

      So much covert and subtle anti-Syria propaganda going on in that link. Joshua Landis: sophisticated Deep State Academia? You bet. CIA and mossad asset? You bet. His blog, ‘Syria Comment’, a limited hangout? Well duh!

      Nice controlled opposition gig you got yourself there, Joshwee. Shiny snake in the grass. Similar tactic to that scumbag Max Blumenthal: much tokenism-speak on behalf of the righteous, all the while pushing the worm of the enemy’s angle somewhere in there.

      John Landis Wiki:

      For a man who’s been a long-time visitor and ‘knower’ of hot-blooded Syria, his ink betrays a weird kind of cold resentment towards Syria and Syrians. He mixes super-academia with covert political agenda – he does it with authority and expert precision. But his detachment from the soul of his subject of academic study exposes his writing for what it is: propaganda via academia.

      I invite readers to compare and contrast the academic work of the late and great Patrick Seale, whose book, ‘Asad of Syria: The Struggle for the Middle East’, is a classic that’s been studied by diplomats and intelligence agents with interest in Mideast politics and geopolitics since the day it was published. To really understand the very fibers of modern Syria, this opus of a book is a must read. Mr. Seale provides you with precise inter-history, accurate context, and crucially, he provides you with intimate nuance. And he’s able to do this because he has experienced not just the surface detail of his subject of study (Syria), but also, he has uniquely seen and touched its very soul. And Syria’s soul touched him back.

      Simply, he was genuinely fascinated by his subject of study – and he loved it. He studied it sans resentment.

      Mr. Patrick Seale (R.I.P.) has written many books on the middle east and most of them have been on Syria. A list of his titles are here: Patrick Seale books.

      Yes, I reckon he’s THE man to go to for a deeper understanding of the background to Syria’s recent wars, its socio-political and political structure, notwithstanding also the penetrating insights into the personalities of its leadership.

    • Taxi says:

      And I also wanted to say an earnest thank you to Anonymous for posting the link and the Leb-related excerpt, with passages that don’t know their knees from their elbows, if you ask me. Syria is NOT “re-calibrating” its relationship with Iran! Where the fuck is the evidence of this?! Syria has no “restored leverage” in the Lebanon! Where the fuck is the evidence of this?! Man! This man understands nothing and deduces according to an agenda – his tactic in this article is to inflate non-existent yet plausible fissures. Fact is, nobody is re-calibrating nothing till the war is over and I mean the BIG war with israel is over – liberating Idlib etc does not signal the end of the war that Syria, Iran and the Hezb (Leb) are all in. The current battlefield is in Syria but the real war is much bigger than that and includes future battlefields in Jerusalem and tel aviv. The trio are in the Syria war till the Levant is fully liberated, and not just Syria. And just because PM Diab of Lebanon has shown no hostility towards Syria and seeks to reopen trade routes does not exactly give Syria political “leverage” in Lebanon. “Leverage”? Really? The writer is out of his mind to use this word!

      • Saladin says:

        HAHa. Nice comments Taxi. I really enjoyed your dissection of that academic shill and covert zionist ideologue J.Landis. Thank you!

  113. Taxi says:

    Like giant glaciers breaking off the shoulders of mighty mountains, Pax Americana and its wretched Republic continue on their unstoppable disintegration and downward slide.

    Over 77.000 Americans already dead from coronavirus, including yesterday’s 1,300 dead in just four hours (R.I.P. to all).  A 100 million American jobs to be lost in these covidian times (projected by French gov study), with 34.000.000 million jobs already lost (recorded by US gov).  The Republic certainly appears to be losing mass life and limb, losing mass productivity dollars and bread, and losing its freaking mind.

    Pax Americana botching all its active grand ops, from the most stupid coup ever attempted in history a few days ago in Venezuela, to undressing its Patriot Missiles from the Saudi body overnight, to opening a cold-war front on China when US globalist elites desperately need Chinese trade deals to maintain currency superiority, to its continued trepidation at directly facing the Axis of Resistance in ALL the hotspots of the middle east.  To evidently only having the weapon of sedition and chaos-creating now at its disposal, despite possessing the grandest-size weapons depot the world has ever know.

    All this does not bode well for the futures of both Empire and Republic.

    Saddest of all is that there is no rescuing of America.  No President or presidential candidate is able to provide the cure.  American jews would never allow for this.  They would never allow an American President to put America before israel – and wadyaknow: it is this very israel-centric thinking in DC that has led both Republic and Empire down this ruinous path that America finds itself on – irreversibly.

    I weep at this saddest of spectacles.  Yet, I also applaud at this most necessary of spectacles.

    • Canthama says:

      Absolutely true, I grew up admiring the US, all my heroes back then were Americans and then suddenly things went south…Iran, Afghanistan in the 70/80s, Iraq in the 90s hit me hard, then came into a wide open aggression 24/7 on TV in Serbia/Bosnia/Croatia, no need to say when 911 happened I had no doubt it was a set up at the time…then the rest of crime against humanity is part of history to this day. There is no hope for the American Elite, this is morally and utterly corrupted, but I did expect more from the ordinary people, I could not believe when I say ordinary Americans cheering USA USA USA when Saddam was captured and then killed later, when Gaddafi was murdered with a touch of sadomasochism and then the supposed hunt for Osama, I lived in the US when those events happened, heard the USA USA USA being chanted by neighbours and people on the street and I asked myself why do they do that…can’t they see they are being played….my conclusion is that the vast majority of Americans know what is up, they understand, but they do not want to change their lifestyle, they do not want to change the “the American Dream” of ever lasting spending, the “superpower” feeling is intoxicating which brings me to the “I believe in American exceptionalism” brought back by Obama, that was the clear indication of lunacy, and in fact a collective, well oiled and well kept collective lunacy. 

      I feel sorry for the many friends I left in the US, they are dear to me and I know they will suffer a lot in years to come, I just hope the good people will survive the disaster that is descending in the US….

      Just to make your day even better, watch this 7 minutes video, the HR 748 CARES act was written 1 year before covid19…reviewed throughout 2019….and signed in 2020…it seems the conspiracy theory was not conspiracy after all….the truth is coming out.

    • Igor Bundy says:




      Hi Igor. America has the worlds worst? We certainly have our share. But like all countries, we shouldn’t judge a people based on the lunatics who are placed in power by the Puppet Masters. In my job…when I get back to it…I teach and get to know people from all over the world. They tell me they generally like Americans. I was surprised. I’ve noticed people are similar no matter where they are from. And learn as much from my students as I teach them. Maybe more. To me there are two kinds of people in the world. Decent folks…and assholes. When God passed out the assholes He made sure every race, religion and nationality got some. So to me, in a world turned upside down and backwards…the assholes tend to be on top. So yeah…America is run by assholes…but the country is far from filled with them.

      -2 Reply

      1 day ago

      Igor Bundy


      Famed Member

      PrimipilaresIgor Bundy



      I dont agree with you on that. I know a lot of Americans, actually I only know a few americans who think like I do.. I do not know anyone else long and close enough to make such a comparison. I dont even agree with some close friends but thats what a relationship is. I consider those who can think and act and admit what they are as people.. Rest I consider sheep and I understand the situation.. But there is a large number of nazi’s far above anywhere else in the world who only enjoy the suffering of others.. Same as the ones who voted for hitler.. When I was suddenly transferred I had to leave my bunnies with someone, imagine my shock when someone was looking after lost animals.. Not for money since he accepted what ever you paid.. That was in the middle of capitalistic immoral heaven.. So decent people can be found anywhere.. My shock was how he was not run over.. Such a large land would fetch a huge sum of money.. I even see despicable behavior everywhere.. What I dont agree with is how society considers it acceptable that you can openly agree with sadism and think they themselves are better… THAT I have never seen in any other country.

  114. Scott says:

    Hi Igor. I don't know how I missed your reply on Syrper. I apologize. I'll respond here. It somehow seems more private. When I mentioned decent people/assholes It was a generalization. All races, creeds and countries have both. America? It has lots of both. It is not the country I grew up in anymore. I'm 60. Does this society openly agree with sadism? Violence? Cruelty? I would say yes. Unfortunately. Majority? I would say so. Can I defend the actions of the US government? Heck no. How could any sane person do that. I can say Americans are waking up. 20 years ago…I might as well spoke Russian to my countrymen. Now? Many, many see things as they are. What to do? Revolt? It would be co-opted and guided by the same Puppet Masters. When I was a young man I wanted to change the world. Then I got jaded for many years. For the past 20? I try to change the tiny part of the world I have contact with. I can do no more than that. And maybe, in a small way…that IS changing the world. I talk, inform and encourage truth seeking. I did with my children who do so to their children. I, along with most of us, wish the world to be a safer, saner more peaceful place. I try to do my part as I'm sure you do too. Step by step man…every step forward…is a…step forward. Dang. That sounded WAY better in my head than reads on paper. OK…I've rambled on far long enough. God, please help us all. Even those who are pure evil that they may change their ways. 

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Canthama, Igor and Scott.

      I see it like this:  not only has America changed in the last 3 decades, with accelerated changes this past 8-10 years, but also, Americans and the American psyche have also changed, after remaining collectively static for a good 200 years: in a traditional state of mind that I would call ‘pleasantly naive and apple-pie gullible’. 

      The American naivete is now gone.  The apple-pie too has mostly gone.  But the gullibility remains – even more so than before, with smatterings of ‘woke’ Americans here and there emerging.  This gullibility remains due to the immense and incessant brainwashing that the Republic’s leadership successfully exercises over its citizens.

      We are definitely not the same people anymore.  We are now more violent and more “sadistic”, as Igor rightly puts it.  We behave in ugly and violent ways towards both foreigner and compatriot alike.  We are now volatile, dissatisfied, paranoid and narcissistic.  Worst of all: we have lost our sense of emathy. We have also lost our sense of curiosity regarding the world and ourselves – we no longer practice collective self-reflection.  We used to be sweet-souled and naive and amiable and to a large degree, communal.  Now we are bitter, wary, fragmented and hostile.

      But what has caused this ugly change to the American collective psyche?  Whatever happened to the thriving anti-war movement of the 60’s and 70’s?  Did the event of 9/11 put the final nail in its coffin after the peace movement had pretty much dissipated in the 80’s and 90’s?  Why is America the only country in the world with regular school shootings occurring on school premises?  The mass murder of our children by their classmates is about the most disturbing indicator of our modern criminal psyche.

      My personal investigations into the source of America’s increased violence reveal the following – and make of this what you may:

      We have been intentionally and en mass desensitized to the reality of violence by the following social instruments:

      1-  Hollywood

      2-  Violent computer games

      3-  Identitarian politics (promoted by our media and by our education system)

      And who, pray tell, controls/owns these instruments of social influence?  Yeah, you guessed it: American power-jews and their shekeled goy agents who make it all possible.

      And why would they do this?

      For israel.

      In order to maintain, nay increase America’s institutional support for israeli crimes, power-jews need for the American people to understand and support the inherent jewish brutality exercised by jewish israel.  They need the American people to be, well, literally israeli jews themselves.  They require the American collective to think like israeli jews and to do like israeli jews.  This is why jews infiltrated our civil-rights movement and its sister, our anti-war movement.  They view American peace-lovers as their enemy.  And simultaneously, power-jews also worked the MIC angle, becoming major stockholders and CEO’s of our weapons industry, profiting thus from the normalization of violence and endless warfare.  They have evidently succeeded at turning our apple-pie culture into a bombs-and-blood culture.

      Studying the history of jews and their relationships with their host countries over millennia, one discerns a recurring jewish pattern of behavior: infiltration of a single jew into a high position, followed by tribal cronyism where the infiltration multiplies then becomes a full-blooded and domineering jew-occupation, all the while fragmenting the nation’s psyche and behaviorism by the promotion and normalization of drugs (recreational and pharmaceutical), wanton pornography and violent wars.

      I’ve written enough about this topic – a perusing of my archive titles says it all.

      When it comes to America’s current decay, internal and external, I finger-point at power-jews (who are supported by the majority of regular jews: who are massively brainwashed by their political leaders and all their synagogues).  Evidence of this is EVERYWHERE!

      I know the jews call my conclusion  ‘a trope’, but fuck them and what they call it: IT IS WHAT IT IS and I am calling it by its accurate name: American jews are responsible for the ruinous path we’re on.

      Their (fake) tribe has done the same with every single Gentile host nation before us, without exception.

      They will never change their ways.  They have no intention of changing their behavior.  Ever!  As far as they’re concerned, they are following their talmudic instruction on how to create a full-blown ‘jewish universe’.

      And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the ‘jewish problem’ in a nutshell.  A problem that has been made more difficult to solve with the establishment of the terrorist state of israel, where they now have a nuke-guarded headquarters for their evil practices.

      This is why the only way to save what remains of true America is to promote the destruction of tel aviv by any means possible and available.  Tel aviv: the global center for terrorism and usury: two diabolical jewish arms that are destroying the world and humanity itself.

      Will their evil B-movie scrip succeed?  Not a fat chance!  Not with the existence of a thing we call ‘The Axis of Resistance’.  Though jewish power reigns supreme right across the Western world, israel itself remains weak and getting weaker.

      Destroy tel aviv and power-jews right across the world lose their reason d’etre and influence.


      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        We've become Occupied Palestine.

        When we're diagnosed with 'cancer' a band-aid won't suffice. We need to bring out a butcher knife and cut deep. until we reach blood and healthy tissue.

        Hitler was right. We need to get rid of this jewish rot, one way or another. Life with it is what we see now: a morally corrupt swamp of senselessness. A nation worshipping a circumcised mammon and chasing a mystified mitzvah into oblivion. 

    • Igor Bundy says:

      I wrote my reply before reading CANTHAMA’s reply, since I grew up with americans and lived most of my adult life amongst them, I think I know them pretty well..Its easy to be american since others I know try to be more american than americans themselves.. see niki haley and some of the others in both the US and UK.. Hence I get along with americans pretty much, except the extremes, I mean I even get along with american nazi’s and bikers and hippies and everyone in between.. Even if I dont agree with their views, there is a difference.. americans allow you to have yoru views while the fake americans dont.. 

      I was surprised he came to the same conclusions I did.. 911 was a real wake up call, I could not understand why others could not see the insider story in it, it was so plain and obvious. And anything I said got a reaction so I went into hiding.. with clapper on my heels.. Guess he found me 10 or so years later because my email id and such was freed.. They really wanted me to mail in my license and SSN.. Just how fucking dumb did they think I was???

  115. Daniel Rich says:

    UFC octagon girl Brittney Palmer was told to “stop blowing kisses into the camera” during the organization’s comeback show in Florida on Saturday night as some fans complained it was inappropriate amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

    These ‘fans’ have to be kicked out of the gene pool [one way or another].

    It’s always refreshing to come out here and meet people like you.

    Thank you for that.

  116. Daniel Rich says:

    “Our forces fly, sail and operate in the international waters of the South China Sea at our discretion and in accordance with maritime norms and international law, showing the wide range of naval capability we have available in the Indo-Pacific”, Fred Kacher, commander of Expeditionary Strike Group 7, commented on the current US operations in the region.

    Of course, the South China sea is 8,304 miles away from US shores, so we’re good and justified…

    Also, we meddle in the ME on behest of our BFF, Occupied Palestine, but that’s a story we have to save for another time.

  117. Scott says:

    Hi Taxi. I've written a few things. Had a couple short stories published. Wrote 1/3 of a book one winter when I was laid off my construction job. I've been told I was thiiiis close to being almost borderline articulate when I try to be. But sometimes I read something you write and I feel like my attempts to comment are just the idle scribblings of a feverish seven year old who's using a dull crayon. One thing does bother me. When it comes to the vermin who infest Occupied Palestine…I sometimes wish you wouldn't beat around the bush and just say what you think. Yes…I'm teasing. Keep givin' 'em hell. 

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ Scott,

      I don’t think this is a place where one is judged on one’s scribbling abilities. As long as you’re capable of getting your message across, nobody here [really] cares what it comes wrapped in [vocabulary].

      Of course, I don’t speak for everybody, but that’s my genuine feeling about taxi’s forum.

  118. Scott says:

    Thanks for the encouragement Daniel. I will continue to scribble when I think I have something to say. I will try to keep my crayon sharp. Oh…you were one of the commenters I follow on Syrper. I found Platos Guns via a comment by Canthama I believe. I'm glad to see familiar names here. 

    • Daniel Rich says:

      Hey Scott,

      I'm a firm believer in synergetic progress and if that doesn't work transfer it into symbiotic partnerships. There's only one way in life and that's forward. The past can be used as some sort of guidance, but shouldn't dominate the present.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        Yes, I agree.

        It's one of those rare occasions where something [relatively] negative [fear], results in something [very] positive and a person will only discover/know about it [on a personal level] when s/he runs into it.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi

        The 'Edit comment' function is stuck. Might be on my end. Dunno.

        To clarify: fear s a survival mechanism and as such not negative. However, when it turns into phobias, it is [or becomes] very negative.

        Taxi, you're one of my [intellectual] heroes.

  119. Taxi says:

    Hassan Nasrallah gave a speech early yesterday evening and the heart and crux of it was:  Syria.

    After giving a soulful homage to the martyrs of the resistance, and after praising the rich history and present heroic condition of Syria, he confirmed that as far as Hezbollah was concerned, their military mission in Syria against the takfiri terrorists was over and that Syria had already won that war, hence the withdrawal of Hezb forces from certain Syrian locations.  Amused, he continued by saying that israel’s military has chosen to misinform its own people on this by claiming that their strikes on Syria is what’s behind this Hezb shift and withdrawal of troops.  He said that, unable to accept the defeat of their takfiri allies, israel has “invented an imaginary” war in Syria, and he warned the israelis that their “delusions” may lead them to making miscalculations that would set the region on fire.  He reminded his audience that israel first entered the Syria war by saying that they are helping the Syrian people, then when their Al Nursa terrorist allies began to lose, the “zionists” switched to saying that “we are staying in Syria to evict Iran and Hezbollah from there”, and when they discovered the impossibility of this, they changed their words again to “we are in Syria to stop the transportation of missiles into Hezbollah’s hands”.  Nasrallah assured his audience that despite the defeat of the takfiri terrorists in Syria, Iran, who “has no military fighters in Syria but has advisors, consultants and organizers there,” as well as Hezbollah and its fighters: all together they would never leave Syria till the “region is settled” – meaning till the Palestine and the Golan are liberated.  He said that this is the wish of the Syrian government as well: for Iran and the Hezb to stay in Syria till full regional liberation is achieved.

    Adding to this, Nasrallah said that israel has been waging an ongoing psychological war, falsely claiming through its Western media that Iran is at odds with Russia and the Syrian government as well as with Hezbollah, but, that none of these israeli claims are true.  The trio of Syria-Iran-Hezbollah are tightly bonded and that there is nothing but respect, affection and allegiance between them and Russia.

    He spoke of treasonous Arab nations who have long been working with israel and the US against Syria and its people, as well as other Western nations who interfered in Syria militarily on behalf of israel – he said that all these multiple aggressor nations now find themselves dramatically weakened by their own lack of organization in the face of Covid, weakened by their own people’s discontent with their performance, finding themselves now unable to assist israel in its crimes against Syria while Syria continues on its path of recovery from the takfiri war.  He said that other foreign forces that remain present in Syria, ie Turkey and the USA, represent a different interconnected battle that will eventually be won by the Axis of Resistance due to both their “military abilities and deep patience”.   He added that despite the heavy-handed US sanctions, Syria, Iran and the Hezb have remained steadfast and their liberation project continues apace, though somewhat slowed down by the continued presence of these hostile foreign forces on its territory.  He asserted the importance of continued unity and added that the success of the war against all foreign terrorists and their multiple instruments of ruin (ie military, political and economic) also depends on Iraq’s stability, an issue that continues to be addressed and catered to by the Axis of Resistance architects.

    Regarding the occupied Golan, Nasrallah said that israel, who keeps changing its reasons for its Syria involvement, is petrified of a future that finds Syria liberating not only the north-eastern and north-western chunks of its territory, but also of a Syria that would be liberating the Golan thereafter.  This is the current terrifying equation that israel fears, hence its “invention of an imaginary war” in Syria, a war that a deluded israel claims it is winning.  (He smiled wide and amused every time he referred to israel’s “imaginary war” throughout the speech).

    And in closing his speech, Nasrallah urged the Leb gov and the Leb people to “stop wasting time” during their current financial crisis and begin to resume their diplomacy and trade with Syria.  He said that Syria is Lebanon’s historic and benevolent friend and trade partner, and that the resumption of such trade activities would fast lift the Leb economy out of its present financial misery on a grass-root level, thus avoiding a wave of starvation that’s being instigated and promoted by malevolent US sanctions on Lebanon.  Referring to the IMF negotiations with Diad’s financial team, he stated that the Hezb is willing to go along with any financial rescue package the Leb gov chooses, so long as it doesn’t make the poor poorer and the nation less politically independent.  (This statement was yet another rejection of any standard IMF deal that insists on putting international corpo interests above those of the native workers of a nation).  Again, he returned to the importance of trade with Syria saying that such trading would cancel out the need to accept austere foreign financial packages – that with the resumption of trade with Syria, the country would pivot itself out of the financial crisis to a large degree inside of one year, enabling it thus to refocus its energies on rebuilding its industrial and traditional agricultural programs that had been either crippled or closed down by past Leb government policies (Hariri father and Hariri son governments).

    Altogether, the speech was a promotion of the benefits of aligning with Syria, be it on the battlefield or the banking districts of the Levant.

    In essence, Diab’s government received a green light from the Hezb to reject the IMF deal and to lean towards local solutions instead, as well as to announce (in the near future) new faraway financial patrons of its own choosing, ie Russia, China, and to a lesser extent, France.  It is not the place of the Hezb to make such an announcement – such a consequential announcement should only come from the head of a government.  It appears that Hezbollah understands and respects this boundary.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      Thanks, taxi.

      Why doesn’t Lebanon follow in Germany’s footsteps [1933 – 1938]. It worked wonders. A national bank that provides interest-free loans. When you work, you earn money, etc.

      Btw, I copied and pasted the above to SyrPes, with a link back to you.

    • Taxi says:

      It’s a good suggestion under the circumstances, but the Lebs just don’t do “interest-free” lending cuz they’re frigging capitalists.  They love the old trade-and-profit.  This is their archetypal mind-set.  Remember their ancestors were the Phoenicians who were the first recorded ship-builders and continental traders.  Remember the Phoenicians invented the alphabet, not for love of literature, but to be able to keep business records of their stock and their sold merchandise.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        That's too bad.

        However, they should shun the IMF/Worldbank hyenas, coz they kill the 'little' man to line the pockets of the 'BIG' man [who's actually a dwarfish jew].

  120. Daniel Rich says:


    Sometimes I see something and I get lost in thoughts that lead nowhere.

    When asked why she cut the mask, she answered, "It's easier to breathe this way…"

    Picking up jaw from floor...

    • Taxi says:

      I’m laughing and crying at the same time. Reminds me of a vid of a white, xenophobic Florida woman that I watched the other day, where she keeps stating that “Mexicans have taken over Miami”. I-yi-yi-yi-yuy!

  121. f, formerly goysplainer says:

    I was blocked from editing my previous reply, but I don't think I was sufficiently clear. You may delete the original comment as I have updated it below:

    “My personal investigations into the source of America’s increased violence reveal the following – and make of this what you may:

    We have been intentionally and en mass desensitized to the reality of violence by [social instruments] owned by American power-jews and their shekeled goy agents who make it all possible.

    Destroy tel aviv and power-jews right across the world lose their reason d’etre and influence.”

    Dear Taxi,

    Let’s flip this on it’s head: It is not ideas that control “social instruments,” much less ideas with no basis in reality, but an autonomous covenant of goods that organizes relationships between people and gives birth to ideas that support its rule. The ideological chimeras that correspond to this inversion are not in charge, as the creation of use values, i.e. tools, implies conscious self-production, the absence of which is entailed by the fact that the "social tools" you describe are not used to satisfy any direct human need, but rather serve as a means to procure an illusory end which the individual cannot accomplish by his or her own personal powers.

    Obviously the demon YHWH does not produce the power of Judaism, or sustain it’s appeal, rather it is the practical, material life of the Jew that produces both the Jew and his demon. It is money, commodities, and the state that simultaneously manufactures his delusions, and furnishes the means of chasing after them. His stated ideological goals, which he never reaches, are interesting only insofar as they correspond to the actual material demands that produce them. Absent these demands, the covenant ceases to be a discrete possibility, and the Jewish demon becomes impotent and ineffectual. This is because it is not the Jew who controls the commodity, or his imaginary interlocutor, but the commodity that produces the “Jew” and his lurid imagination. 

    In the United States today, Jews and Christians have become indistinguishable in terms of the practical, material functions that they perform under capitalism. In other words, they differ only in their vocabulary, and not in their manner of acquiring the essentials of life. Because their practical, worldly activities are identical, their ideologies have rapidly converged. The cult of Zionism, which entices both secular and religious Americans, is one example of this ideological merger, and there are many others. 

    But it was not always that case that Christians and Jews were identical. So long as the state took a religious form, Jews, who had no state, were legally confined to a separate material role from Christians and Muslims. With the Enlightenment, the first secular states made it possible to finally extend civic, political emancipation to the Jews, however this emancipation was only possible by making Judaism universal. In other words, both Christians and Jews today perform the same function under capitalism—the maximization of exchange value (i.e. capital)—that was the original objective of the covenant elaborated by the priestly caste. 

    The Danish filmmaker Lars Von Trier’s offers a similar analysis in his “America” trilogy. The first film in the series, Dogville, is a parable considering the origins and inevitable fate of America. The movie describes the story of a woman, named Grace, seeking refuge from the mafia in a small Colorado town. At first, the townsfolk are welcoming and hospitable, and agree to assist her on the condition that she in turn provides some services for the community. 

    The fact that the protagonist is called Grace suggests a religious subtext: Grace is the feminine guise of a Puritanical Christ who starts from a literalist and unreflective interpretation of a religion of love and, on the basis of her sorry experiences in Dogville, reaches the conclusion that all humans are evil. She finally enters the house of her Father in advocating his strategy of the extermination of sinners. The fate of the US is thus clear, the commercial ethos of Puritanism is a return to the Old Testament, as Grace cannot exist where relationships are predicated on exchange.

    The argument that you become what you do, and not what you think is further exemplified by the relief often described by cinema goers upon seeing the OT eye-for-an-eye “justice” meted out to the villagers in the final scene. By drawing out the latent sadism of Christian audiences, the depravity and perversion of human nature (i.e. grace) produced by capital is fully displayed, and the viewer is left with the same dilemma faced by Grace Mulligan: a lifetime of exchange has made you into the anti-Christ, now what will you do about it? Return to your abusive father (i.e. money, commodities, the state)? or reconcile with your nature? 

    When confronted with the open ended question of living in accordance with the facts of nature, or conforming to the demands of their abusive anti-community, nearly all Americans, like nearly all Jews, will chose the latter. The narcissistic chosenism of the American/Jew that you so eloquently describe is a consequence of Stockholm syndrome. The generational weight of the abuse and the shared psychopathology of the community powerfully enhances the appeal of cult: insiders “get me,” while outsiders threaten the precarious emotional stasis I’ve managed to create. As the capacity for self-regulation becomes more and more enmeshed with the group identity, the paranoid division of “us” and “them” gradually grows into an addiction. National pride replaces individual confidence, and ancestral customs eclipse immediate human needs.  

    The resurrection of the Jewish state, and the transformation of Zionism into the official state cult of the American empire is no mere accident. America is the mafia don of capital, and as such support for the Zionist project is the natural culmination of Mammon predicted by Christ and described in detail by Marx. If, as the French writer Celine notes, “the only true regret of the bourgeois is not having been born a Jew,” then this spirit of Judaism cannot be erased simply by destroying “Tel-Aviv” or “power Jews.” Either we collaborate with nature, and become a partner in creation, or we serve the monologue of Mammon, and thus preserve the essence of Judaism:

    “Once society has succeeded in abolishing the empirical essence of Judaism – huckstering and its preconditions – the Jew will have become impossible, because his consciousness no longer has an object, because the subjective basis of Judaism, practical need, has been humanized, and because the conflict between man’s individual-sensuous existence and his species-existence has been abolished.

    The social emancipation of the Jew is the emancipation of society from Judaism.” (

    • Taxi says:

      Thank you, gosplainer, for your thoughtful and thought-provoking comment.  Apologies for the delay in response but lately I'm only able to look in on the news every couple of days or so – so sick I am of the repetitive lies and kleptomania of the msm and their bff elites, and so disappointed I am with humanity's lack of appropriate response to the ongoing murderous status quo too.  (And what I think is the 'appropriate response' of the tax-payer at this stage of the game should be out and out utter rebellion of the armed kind!).

      Just to be clear, I do not think the destruction of tel aviv equals the destruction of judaism, or the annihilation of the so-called jewish people.  But it is of absolute prime necessity to destroy the global jewish Command and Control Center, otherwise known as tel aviv.  As in any war, the destruction of the enemy's Command and Control center is of utter and absolute importance.

      Historically, every time the jews have been kicked in the teeth, they've tended to temporarily retreat into the shadows, only to regroup and charge forth again in their endeavors for tyrannical world domination.  World domination has been their obsession for millennia.

      Judaism pretends to be a monotheistic religion, but it is far from it.  Judaism is not Abrahamism, as Moses discovered when returning from his 40 day desert sojourn, only to find the 'rescued' jews worshiping at the feet of a golden calf.  Judaism is Mammonism hiding under the cloak of Abraham.  Judaism is paganism though and through: a paganism that promotes unspeakable blood sacrifices culminating in the genocide of humanity itself, as well as the worship of the material world that leads to loss of mass humanitarian empathy: a universal key to tolerant and peaceful co-existence.

      And you are correct to state that it is "money" that gives jews their destructive power over the non-jew, and not the jewish pagan god 'YHWH' himself: a hallucinated desert god born out of a single tribe's fear and loathing of all other tribes.  The 'appeal' of Mammon and his shiny trinkets has forever been an effective jewish weapon that's exploited and used against Gentiles.  The wisdom of Jesus was not only to "turn the other cheek" (as opposed to the violent judaic 'eye for an eye'), and his genius was not only to reverse the prejudicial concept of 'jewish chosenism' ("we are all the children of god", as he emphatically stated), but his brilliance was also to counter the intrinsic Mammonite principles in judaism by declaring that materialism is delusion of god and not the real thing ("it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God": a spiritual principle that is parallel to Buddhism and its view of materialism as ultimate illusion).  Therefore, it stands to reason to say that the only way to annihilate the violent cult of Mammonite-judaism, to make it go the way of other violent cults before it, is to educate the non-jew on the benefits of non-Mammonism, which is fundamentally a spiritual and humanitarian benefit that creates a better future for their progeny and higher survival prospects for their sanguine lineage.

      Of course, materialism has its valid place in the world, but it should not reign supreme forevermore in the minds of homosapiens.  Teaching the difference between 'the world' (which is man-made) and 'life' (which – for want of a better word – is god-made).  Life is indeed separate from the world.  The world is man-made materialism, whereas life is Creator-spiritualism that's connected to nature and the order of the cosmos at large.  A balanced integration of both is key to the survival of mankind.  But survival of mankind is of no concern to the jew: the jews are only interested in the survival of their tribe and their tribe alone, at any cost and at everyone's expense.  Here lies a quintessential difference between jew and Gentile.

      This brings me to your correct observation of the umbilical twinhood of judaism and christianity in the USA.  Yes, they are now, and have been for some time, inseparable.  This is to be expected, especially that christianity, as taught in capitalist America, is but an extension of jewish Mammonism and really has nothing to do with the humble teachings of Jesus.  And here, America presents us today with a clear example of where judaic Mammonism leads to: palpable, violent ruin.  It is no surprise that the nation that is suffering the most cases of death and infection of Covid-19 is the biggest capitalist nation the world has ever known.  But who in the media, be it mainstream or alt, is making this connection?  Few and far in between.  Cognitive dissonance continues to define our present and therefore our future.  This is why there is no clear savior of the inevitable downfall of America.  Contrary to contemporary Hollywood, the jewish brainy and brawny superhero will NOT be saving America.  No one can save America, but Americans as individuals can save themselves by figuring out how to live/survive outside of the collapsing system.  Yes, I know this is a serious challenge to most Americans, but it's doable if the will is there and this will is creative.

      Goysplainer, I have not watched Lars Von Trier’s triology that you reference, so I cannot add or deduct from your estimations – but, I really enjoyed and gleaned much from your analysis of his 'Dogville' movie.  I have no doubt that there is a difference in the nature of the violence used in Von Trier's movie, as opposed to the talmudic violence of someone like Tarentino.  Von Trier's films tend to depict the gritty horrors of the violence now inherent in the American psyche, whereas Tarentino celebrates and glamorizes it.  Here, it is worth mentioning that Von Trier is NOT a zionist, whereas Tarentino is a zion freak, now with jewish-israeli wife and child.

      The 'jewish problem remains', though, with the establishment of the jewish state of israel, I would go as far as to say that it is no longer a 'problem', but indeed it is now a total catastrophe that threatens the very existence of mankind itself.  The destruction of tel aviv thus remains a paramount necessity in my book.

      As per your Marx quotes at end of your comment: I am in disagreement with them, basically because I do not believe that jews are willing to ever change or give up ANY of their talmudic doctrines – in the past, they have only ever pretended to give up their talmudism.  I propose instead the use of active social and military warfare to strip away all and any powers that jews possess.  BOYCOTT EN MASS EVERYTHING JEWISH OR JEW-CENTRIC.  Take it all away from them and leave them 'out in the desert' alone to dry, so to speak.  Leave them there for a millennia till their numbers dwindle into a mere handful.  After all, this is exactly what they have prescribed for us goys – and if this plan is working on us, then it will work on them too.

      In the meantime, it behooves all woke Gentiles to carry on educating their goy brethren out of their jewish brainwash, out of Mammonite extremism.  With the advent of Covid-19, more and more Americans are now becoming anti vulture capitalism (a jewish invention): a capitalism that could not even provide them with a protective face mask despite the copious tax-dollars they've paid to belong to Mammon's capitalist system.

      A segment of America, especially its youth, is slowly but surely moving away from capitalism.  Give it a couple of generations, or give it all out civil war this coming elections, the American psyche tomorrow will not be the same as today's.

  122. Daniel Rich says:

    And for another good laugh:

    Israel holds simulated war against Hezbollah

    Wondering how many dead Occupied Palestine squatters that simulation involved…

    • Scott says:

      I assume their simulated war ended with them gaining a simulated victory? Much safer to operate in a simulation. Reality can sometimes be a real bitch.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Scott,

        In military parlance such Occupied Palestine simulations are referred to as PD [aka ‘Papmerland Delusions’] where the underdog [aka the circumcised puppy] always comes out as the Alpha Male.

        Once these ‘heroes’ run into real men, well…

      • Taxi says:

        Hezbollah makes the jewish soldier wet his freaking army-issued khakis.  It's viral images like this that prompted the cowardly jewish army honchos to issue 'standard adult diapers' to all jewish soldiers as part and parcel of their battle uniform.

        Yeah, jewish idf terrorists go to war wearing diapers.  Imagine that: tsk-tsk and sheesh.  The jewish army is the most nanny-coddled army in the world.  Explains their endless string of battle-failures since 1973.

        I remember back in 2006 watching a video of jew soldiers at camp getting ready to charge forth at Hezbollah.  Let me describe the scene for you:  a line of jewish soldiers taking turn to be blessed by a head-banging rabbi then given a cookie and a glass of milk by his assistant.  I kid you not: a glass of milk and a freaking cookie right before battle!  Very Spartacus, no?   Yeah!

  123. Daniel Rich says:

    "[…] I want to emphasize that we never act under the influence of emotion, anger or pressure. We are a Resistance party and a political party, enjoying the support of huge popular masses, endowed with a cause, foundations, principles, guidelines, vision and order of priorities. We operate through study and internal dialogue, because this party is not led by a single person. This party is a real organization. We debate, and when we see the interest of the country, the people and the Resistance in an action which is in accordance with our principles & foundations, we act with strength and courage, and without any hesitation. Anyone who imagines that through a media campaign, moral pressure, accusations of treason or insults, he can force our hand and push us to make choices that are inappropriate and contrary to our cause, our vision, our priorities and our responsibility, he deludes himself and shouts himself hoarse in vain. […]

    I am not a guru. Let no one say that he respects and cherishes the Sayed (Nasrallah), while insulting the Party, the Resistance and our ministers, deputies and officials, in no case. I am one of them. They are my brothers, and I am one of them. We walk side by side on a path strewn with martyrs. And this Resistance (Hezbollah) is the noblest, the most worthy, the most disinterested, the purest and the most rational of all the Resistance movements of our time. In this regard, I want to be very careful and very clear." – Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah on March 20, 2020 [part of a 75 minute long speech]

    Can you imagine a western politician being this coherent and lucid?

    • Taxi says:

      Never mind “coherent and lucid”, try ‘true to his word’.

      Yeah can you imagine a Western politician being THIS honest and true to their word?

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi

        Barr added that the election should be decided strictly on policy debates, and that any investigation of a political candidate would need to be approved by him personally. "We cannot allow this process to be hijacked by efforts to drum up criminal investigations of either candidate,"

        Aka, lots of white noise.

        The 2 men I do listen to are H.E. V.V. Putin, president of Russia and Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah of Lebanon. For the rest I'm not interested in the snake oil men's pitches.

        Like you say, we need people who are true to their word. Without them, we keep wading through the sewage canal we've been involuntarily launched into. My moral compass and this world's course are  thus very much at odds.

  124. Scott says:

    Hi Daniel. I wanted to reply to your photo depicting the heros of Masada with wet britches but there was no "reply" tag below it. I never get tired of seeing that picture. It makes me laugh every time. You know? I think that would be a great tee-shirt image. That picture and a witty line underneath it. Just a thought. 

    • Scott says:

      OK. Now my warped sense of humor is going. Maybe Taxi should have a contest. Here's the picture, come up with your three best captions. The winner gets…wait for it…the first tee-shirt. If it's a go, I promise to come up with three. Hell, I could do five…easy. 

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Scott/taxi

        This one's not my own. I just read it on Fort Russ and LOLed:

        Sykes-Picot: the Gentlemen’s Etiquette on Backstabbing


        I'll think of something though…

      • Daniel Rich says:

        1) The Good, The Bad & Uri

        2) Better 2 jews in the oven than 1 in a pit

        3) ‘Who Let the Logs Out?” [sung by a surprised German oven master]

      • Daniel Rich says:

        Pampers. Never leave home without them!

        Pee-pee Hermits’ Wet Adventure!

        No shit?!

      • Daniel Rich says:

        – “Pissed. Not stirred!”

        – ‘Once Upon a Time in Pamperland’

        – 'The Wizards of Pee'

      • Taxi says:

        Hi Scott.  Re missing ‘reply button’:  I set it up this way because with the page design I’m using, the comment width space gets really thin and long if every ‘response’ comment has a reply button – having such thin and long paragraphs annoys me aesthetically and gives me sore-eye while reading.  One can still respond directly to comments by using the first available ‘reply button’ above in the thread.  You seem to be doing it right with your above comments.  I hope this clarifies.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Scott – I love word games.  I just woke up so here’s a couple pre my first coffee (may add more later):

      1-  Who’s Afraid of Hezbinia Wolfe?

      2-   Why every jew needs Persil Plus

      3-  Duck and Pee in the Holy Land

      4-  Aaah the smell of jewish ammonia in the morning

      5-  Hezbollah’s in the house!

      • Taxi says:

        6-  Wet Jew

        7-  Kosher Duck ‘n Dive

        8  Peewee Herman

        9-  Jewish Courage

        10-  Sykes Pisso

        11-  Asphalt Humpers

        12-  Bibi’s Pissheads

        13-  Battle Circumcision

        14-  Battle Circumpission

        I could do this all day long lol but I best not heh.

      • Scott says:

        I don’t know why there isn’t a reply tag below some posts. Anyway…I’ll give a few captions to the picture.                                                                                  1) The moment the IDF General Staff realized they REALLY need to issue Pampers to their “warriors”.                                                                                     2) Pssst….Shlomo…why does my crotch feel cold every time the wind blows?                                                                                                                      3) Sometimes you really, gotta, need to..want to be somewhere…ANYwhere other than where you’re at.                                               4) What happens when Israels fearless “heros”…meet the REAL thing.           OK….maybe not great. I just popped ’em off. I can do better.

      • Scott says:

        All right…one more then I'll shut my brain off.                                                                                                                                                                                Hey….sarge!!!…I don't get it. Every time we do a simulated war game…we ALWAYS win!!!! WHat's going on?

  125. Igor Bundy says:

    wow 911 redux.. Its very similar reaction I see now compared to 2 decades ago.. They peddle the same nonsense.. I see b at moa still peddlings his views and discarding others while nit picking things from it so it works out for his views same as the MSM and others with agendas.. It was much harder 2 decades ago to censor results and views then since we did not have the likes of google, fb, twit etc  But the gatekeepers are easier to see now though. Because too many smaller sites up with differing info. This is almost like the plans for fusion bombs the US planted online knowing it would not work.. Or plans for anything else you get from the US, non of which will ever work.. It was funny how in college I was confused by so many circuits which I knew would nto work and they had to correct it in class.. The excuse was that they did not want the soviets to steal it..  But the “news” is very similar.. it looks real but its all fake since its not the news but prophaghanda.. They are peddling this social distencing krap even now. Which looks more like not makign connections to others in your community.. Because it sure wont stop an infection..  If you in a bus or train or plane.. it dont matter how far you are.. the air gets circulated and you smell everyones fart by the end of the trip.

    • Igor Bundy says:

      Another thing I noticed is, b is picking up klones.. very similar thinking with a one track mind.. These used to be smart intelligent people before, turned into drooling humanitarians..  Oh my I never knew so many people cared about others before.. actually it takes a couple of seconds to figure out they only care about themselves and morons below the surface..

       humans are so strange.. I just cant understand them.. ones you thought were so smart one day are really stupid people. lacking the common sense to even think about the most basic things.


      • Scott says:

        Hi Igor. I noticed the same thing at MOA. I posted a couple comments asking questions and b's Amen Chorus came from all angles. I thought wow…hostility for showing common sense in the face of hysteria? I figured…ok…give them a few days to see the scam. They just got worse. I've seen it on other sites too. The way I figure it, it exposes the posers and pretenders. Whatever the Puppet Masters intended…other than the theft of trillions…I'm not sure it's succeeding. More and more people are asking questions, looking for answers that ain't spoon fed from the Great God TV. so maybe in the long run it will be a good thing. 

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Scott,

        If/when you don’t see a reply button scroll upward until you see one [in the particular thread you want to reply to], click on it and post your comment. 

        The last thing I want is to end up in  an echo chamber, where a self-proclaimed guru [Bernhart] decides what hymn sheet we sing from. I really don’t understand why people can’t deal with opposing views and voice, and therefore find it necessary to forcefully ram their opinion down my throat as being the only right one. The universe, the one that’s been going on for billions of years, has decided in order to create energy, it needs 2 opposing forces, so I’ll stick to that solution, because to me, it comes naturally.

      • Taxi says:

        Thank you for not posting a link to MoA.

        Mental litter as the new enlightenment?  You fucking bet!

        Do not go where sheep graze.  Unless it's for scientific and observational purposes.  Be sure to wear a home-made brain mask to avoid infection.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        Do not go where sheep graze. 

        As a hungry, lone wolf, I might go there to have lunch…

        [insert the most evil laughter you can imagine]

  126. Daniel Rich says:

    An interesting read: The Clean Break Doctrine: A Modern-Day Sykes-Picot Waging War And Havoc In The Middle East

    Excerpt: "The “Clean Break” policy document outlined these goals: 1) Ending Yasser Arafat’s and the Palestinian Authority’s political influence, by blaming them for acts of Palestinian terrorism 2) Inducing the United States to overthrow Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq. 3) Launching war against Syria after Saddam’s regime is disposed of 4) Followed by military action against Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt."

  127. Canthama says:

    A nice article by Elijah Magnier on the 20 years of apartheid regime defeat in southern Lebanon, part 2.

    Powerful ending note from Elijah…"Hezbollah’s victory comes at a price: thousands of martyrs and thousands of wounded. However, the resulting harvest is so abundant and strategic that the Lebanese Shiites now enjoy more power in Lebanon and Bilad al-Sham than they have since the year 661 when the fourth caliphate’s Imam Ali bin Abi Talib was killed." 

    One can only see the desperation of the apartheid regime after their attempt to destroy Syria…it back fired so badly, that the apartheid regime is now in its most vulnerable moment in many decades….if the collapse of the Gulf regimes, the US and the EU, there is little the apartheid regime can reach for protection…

    • Daniel Rich says:


      Hezbollah has an army of men.

      Occupied Palestine has an army of mice.

      Just let the cat outta da bag…

      Their days are numbered and they know it… let’s say the holy number of 6 [something. Ask madonna]…

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Canthama and Daniel for your links.  It's been a few days since I've linked to anything, mainly because of my ongoing combination of disillusionment and boredom with the news of late.  But I did enjoy the cogent research on the source of jewish evil here:

      The Devil's Trick: Unmasking the God of Israel

      Whatever name and whomever fights the synagogue of satan is a true friend of humankind itself.  I applaud and support all and anyone's efforts in this regard.  There is no battle more important than the one that liberates the whole of historic Palestine from the evil claws of the beast we call israel.

      I consider anyone who fights israel, either with gun or pen, as my true friend for life.  And I consider anyone who attacks the Axis of Resistance as my eternal enemy.  Nothing can shift my position on this.  Nothing!

      This means I also consider israel's vile agents as enemies too.  This means that as an American, the United States government is my enemy and the enemy of humankind too.  My enemies also include the zio-freak American voters too.  Fuck them and their treason and whoredom – fuck them till kingdom come!

  128. Taxi says:

    International Quds Day 2020 is upon us this coming Friday.  Videos and events to mark this important event are already taking place online, much to the chagrin of the prissy terrorists of israel:

    From the jew press: Israelis called 'thieves and murderers' at Toronto Al-Quds Day event

    And a couple of samples of Al Quds Day vids:


    The jig is so freaking up and all that's left in israel's defense in the face of resistors is a dying Pax Americana and a decrepit American Republic.

    Let's hope 2020 that's brought us Covid damnations will also bring the Palestinians their liberation – cosmic balance and all that (more on this in my next article this weekend).

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      It will take more than a year, but the wheels are set in motion, and even though they might turn slowly, the momentum moves it forward. Their days are numbered.

      Live by the sword, die by it.

  129. Canthama says:

    A lot of truth in the article below, worth read it.

    "The next war will be started by Israel and we will witness weeks of depletion of IDF forces trying to attack Lebanon until Hezb Allah inflicts enough damage on the attackers to start their own offensive and only to be then safeguarded by fresh fighters pouring in from the Golan front when Israel will be trying to manage a 3 front war from Gaza, Syria, and Lebanon.

    Hezb Allah does not live with the thought of a war that it will need to rebuild after and then prepare for another, it is time to set things straight. How will it end? In enough damage that will lead to a national referendum that will define the new name and government of this holy land."

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Canthama. Some good information in the article. For sure the next war with israel will involve it on simultaneous multiple fronts, but it won’t be “three fronts” as the article writer posits, but four: south Leb, Golan, Gaza and the West Bank. And I don’t think the Axis of Resistance will wait “weeks” before going on the offensive. Nasrallah himself in two of his speeches made reference to the strategy of the next war. While pointing at a map of occupied Palestine, Nasrallah basically drew a rectangle of coastal territory currently under jewish control (in israel proper) – this territory spans 40 x 20 miles (containing tel aviv within it), and said that from day one, EVERYONE’S efforts will be directed at striking within this area – an area that houses all of israel’s military arteries and civilian infrastructure. Now just think, Canthama, of how long it would take to turn 40 x 20 miles into rubble when using an array of Resistance missiles relentlessly raining and coming at it from 4 directions. Personally, I give it 48 hours max.

      The next war will be horrifically violent, but shockingly short, in my humble estimation. Once that 40 x 20 miles is in smoking rubble, israel is finished and the invading jews there, the survivors of this missile-onslaught will find themselves clamoring to get the fuck out of the holy land, especially if Resistance missiles start falling outside the gates of the Dimona as warning. Following the jewish abandonment of territory, Palestinian refugees in neighboring countries will start flooding in to reclaim their ancestral lands with their presence.

      Game over for terrorist israel.

      The idea of attacking this 40 x 20 miles is to focus specifically and solely on the ‘head’ of the beast and not its numerous tentacles spread across a large terrain. Even if the US and other shekeled nations get involved, they will not be able to stop the storm of missiles aiming at this crucial rectangle in time.

      Bye-bye synagogue of fucking satan!

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        They should also destroy all airfields [civilian and military], all harbors and all infrastructure leading in and out of Occupied Palestine to prevent unca Sammy from lending a hand, since the first batch of US canon fodder is already stationed on that blood soaked zoil [no, not a typo. I just wanted to integrate zionism into the mix:o]

      • Taxi says:

        I have no doubt that the first missiles will be directed at both israeli airforce command and control centers as well as landing strips.  They won't be hitting ALL civilian jew airports and seaports as they need to leave a safe corridor open for all them scramming jew rats to exit the holly land.

        I have no doubt that no detail has been left out by the Axis of Resistance – every inch of Historic Palestine has been considered and covered.

        The yank soldiers in that 'radar station' in israel will get their wish: die for the satanic jews.  Good fucking riddance for their treason!

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        You would think that 100+ brain damaged grunts [after a few Iranian missiles rained down on them] would act as a wake-up call. But not with this brass. You're kind in letting them flee. I would want  to avenge all the evil that they've done, kill 'em all and not let them become someone else's problem. 

        By the looks of it: they won't know what hit them, once it starts. I hope they have enough body bags…

      • Taxi says:

        You’re right – they all do deserve to die, but unlike you and I, the Axis of Resistance are by far more merciful. They do war with mercy in the forefront of their being: all in accordance with islamic rules of war.

      • Scott says:

        Daniel, I wouldn't hit any civilian targets at all. I know it's tempting, but then you'd be acting just like the bloodthirsty jew. Show you are better, more humane…even if they don't deserve it. Besides..why waste the ordinance? Use it for military targets. As you point out, they are cowards. Make it easy for them to flee. Encourage it. Let them clog up airports, roads, ports and so forth. That combined with devastating their military sites…it'll paralyze the rat faced, hairy little monkeys. Couple this with your own swift, precise and relentless troop movements? Victory should come quickly. Way before anyone can come rescue the "poor widdle helpless jews". Just my thoughts. Those and a buck get me coffee at McDonalds…if I went there. Ain't gone in 35 years and don't plan to.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi/Scott,

        95% [give or take] of Occupied Palestine squatters are military men and women. They are legitimate targets, as they all see Palestinian and Arabs [in general] as a people ready to annihilate, as they’be been targeting them for over the past 7 odd decades. I have no mercy for them.

        The rules of war are very simple: live or die.

        Too slow? You’re dead.

        There [simply] ain’t nothing in between.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        Let me add this:

        After thousands of years facing a plague/rot, you want them still around?

        I don't.

        I eradicate it/them [in a heartbeat].

        Yes, I know, I'm a monster.

        Simply put: never f*** with me.

      • Scott says:

        Hi Daniel. I respect your view and understand it. I'm of Irish descent. The Celtic instincts are strong. Yes, I'd want to kill them all…remove their heads and bring them home as trophies. Yeah…we were headhunters. We are a bit more restrained now. I also get the long fight. My ancestors fought the damn English for 800 years until they finally said…oh…you're really serious? Why didn't you say so?  Tell you what. We will leave if you stop killing our soldiers. Hahahaha. Fuckin' English. Anyway…I see your view. And who knows? I might come around and say…fuck 'em. Kill them all. Uhhh…Daniel? You just might be corrupting me. Or bringing out a side I put away long ago. 🙂

      • Daniel Rich says:

        Hey Scott,

        I’m a principled, simple and straightforward kinda guy. There’s no second guessing about me. What you see is what you get.

        When the illegal squatters give a big thumbs up to allowing all Palestinians  to be labeled as ‘terrorists’ and thus lined up to be extra-judicially assassinated, shot, murdered or disappeared, I wholeheartedly reciprocate those gestures.

        I will do everything possible to not have to fight, but when anyone crosses a line [gets physical or threatens myself and/or those near and dear to me], the gloves come off.

        This appalling circus of injustice has been going on for over 7 decades, and that’s 7 decades too many.

      • Scott says:

        Hi Daniel. I agree with everything you just said. And if it became a fight? And I was there? Believe me…I'd stand either next to you or back to back…whatever was needed. We're on the same page…different tactics perhaps but same end goal. No problems my friend.

  130. Taxi says:

    Two significant speeches yesterday from Khamenei in Iran and from Nasrallah in Lebanon.

    Marking Al-Quds day, the two aforementioned leaders gave lofty praise and staunch life-long commitment to the Palestine cause; and also gave warnings to the terrorist states of israel, the US and their allies. 

    KHAMENEI in his speech applauded the Iranian people’s efforts and sacrifices in the face of ongoing and severe US sanctions; listing also all Iranian military, medical and technological advances that Iranians achieved even under these strangulating sanctions.  He further confirmed Iran’s current geopolitical policy of evicting all imperial and hostile foreign forces from the mideast region.  With unusual passion in is voice, Khamenei also praised the sanctity of the Palestine cause reaffirming Iran’s commitment to the liberation of Historic Palestine.  He proudly stated that Iran has supplied and continues to supply the Palestinian resistance groups, inside and outside of occupied Palestine, with both defensive and offensive weapons to be used against their terrorist occupiers.  He stated that militarily speaking, for the first time ever, Palestinian resistors are currently perfectly capable of defending themselves against ongoing “zionist terrorism” and that israel grows the weaker because of this.  He criticized the Deal of the Century and consigned it to the dustbin of history and called it “impossible to achieve”.  Notable in Khamenei’s speech was a warning to tel aviv not to miscalculate and give “Islamic Jihad, Hamas and Hezbollah the opportunity to fulfill their desired wishes of destroying tel aviv”, a task that the trio are now capable of achieving with Iranian weapons. 

    Yes, dear reader, the Palestinian Resistance has never ever been more powerful and capable – and Arabs no longer need giant armies to defeat the terrorist state of israel.  Just a handful of well-armed Resistance groups.

    NASRALLAH in his speech last night focused on the failures of the US and israeli projects in the region.  It was a long list of ongoing failures in Yemen, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine.  He analyzed these failures in each of the above nations; and he observed that currently, the “enemy is weak and in a massive rush to consolidate what remains of their powers through the implementation of the Deal of the Century”: a unilateral project that is full of fantasy and fantastical projections that the Axis of Resistance will never allow to manifest.  He asserted that all the gains of the Axis of Resistance are impossible to reverse, that there is now only forward progress towards achieving true liberation, that Palestinians have never been closer to attaining their justice and rightful freedom.  He advised resistors, both armed and civilian, not to despair at the length of the road to freedom; that freedom often requires several generations to achieve, regardless of the strength of the occupier.  He warned Arabs against the enemy’s current intensive campaign to push Arab nations to normalize relations with tel aviv.  He asked his viewers to take a good look at the non-existent benefits of normalization with tel aviv, here using Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia as examples: all suffering from severe financial crisis from such normalization; all suffering from irreversible and severe lack of political independence from normalizing: all teetering on societal collapse.

    Most poignantly, Nasrallah described “the struggle” as being first and foremost with the US – that the real battle is fundamentally with the US and that israel is but the first line of offense for the US aggressor – that tel aviv has been the “generational gate for US aggression against the region”.  He urged viewers not to be fearful of such a hostile giant and his instruments of destruction as the Axis of Resistance is now capable of facing such an enemy and defeating it.  He added that all the Axis’s efforts have always been first and foremost directed at aiding the liberation of Palestine and closing that diabolical (tel aviv) “gate” that has long facilitated the US’s wars against the Arabs and Iranians.

    He further praised the martyrs of the Palestine cause and heartily thanked Tehran for its crucial assisstance in this endeavor – assistance that has cost Iran dearly in materials but never touched its dignity or resolve to evict imperial and colonialist powers from the region.

    He closed his speech by again promising that muslims from all the muslim nations and christians from all the christian nations will soon be able to freely go and pray in mosques and churches in Jerusalem, without the harrassment or the presence of the “zionist enemy”.  “This day is visible and within reach”, he stated.

    Both leaders spoke from a position of strength and from profound affection for Palestinians and their rightous cause.  Both expressed lofty admiration for Palestinian steadfastness and their immense ‘sumud’ in the face of a brutal occupation, ongoing now for some 72 long and cruel years.  Both promised that Palestinian liberation is but an inevitability.

    • Canthama says:

      Taxi, thank you so much for both summaries, what your wrote "Both leaders spoke from a position of strength and from profound affection for Palestinians and their rightous cause." tells everything, this is the real deal. The Resistance is one step from the long term dream of liberating Palestine once and forever, it will be a day of global rejoice, it is coming. Enjoy the weekend my friend. 

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Daniel & Canthama.

      Indeed, the "Resistance is but one step from the long term dream of liberating Palestine once and forever".  These past five years especially, advancement in their military and technology, as well as ideological achievements (gaining more supporters) is simply stunning.  What used to be mere rhetoric in a dream can now be viscerally felt in the air (if you live in south Lebanon like I do) – felt in the very calcium of one's bones.

      Yes, the Resistance is literally one single step away from victory.

  131. Taxi says:

    Worth adding here that excessively tech-proud israel is freaking out because yesterday  Hamas managed to hack into the jewish systems again – and wanting to save face, tel aviv attributed the hack to Tehran, refusing thus to acknowledge Hamas' current cyber-tech advancement:

    Hackers deface 1000+ Israeli websites in attempt to get webcam access

    And this here below is another Hamas hack into tel aviv back in Feb:

    Hamas hacks hundreds of Israeli soldiers’ smartphones, according to Israel army

    Israeli soldiers duped by Hamas 'fake women' phone ruse




  132. Anonymous says:


    I saw a gender fluid woman the other day on a TV series called Billions.

    My question is: why dress like an Auschwitz male escape to make your point…? 

    I love women, but ‘you’ seem to hate them…

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        The person who’s ‘gender fluid.’ I grew up with men and women. I have friends who’re loving same sexes. I have no problem with different choices. I do have a problem with people who are confused and run around in their own la-la-land and are convinced my simplicity of 1 plus 1 = 2 should actually be way more complex.

        I don’t buy into that BS.

        Do what ‘you’ [all those who differ from me] think you have to do, but don’t make it mandatory for mankind.

      • Scott says:

        Methinks he dost refer to thou M'Lady. Holy Cow…I can speak Elizabethan English. I'm…a…linguist. Saints be praised.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Scott,

        I always direct my answers/replies to a person [like I do now @ Scott]. 

        When I’m unable to address a person directly, I will resort to using ‘you’, in this case as a reference to Asia Kate Dillon, who claims to be ‘gender fluid’ but dresses and acts like a man [aka, not gender fluid]. 

        Quotation marks have been invented for a reason.

        Never think you know what makes me tick without consulting me.

        Oops, now I realize my earlier remark’s is made as Anonymous…

      • Taxi says:


        Why do you even bother with these gruesomely narcissistic gender-identitarian fuckheads?!  I don’t even want to know these people’s names, let alone their stupid fashion style!!!  I advise you forever smother their image with a black pillow – black as satan’s underpants.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        I watch a few TV programs [NCIS, Billions, The Blacklist] in order to see what TPTB are up to and want the gullible audience to believe as 'truth.' Sometimes it pisses me off. This was one of those occasions.

        I do apologize and take full responsibility.

        [reaches out for pillow and smothers actress]

      • Taxi says:

        No need to apologize, dear Daniel – I'm just trying to save you from being irritated by lower forms of intelligence.

        I too watch crap every now and then just to keep finger on socio-political pulse.  Man, hollywood-joo liberalism has stained EVERYTHING on screen of late.  Even Period series now have episodes promoting gay lifestyles and other gender-bending issues with on-screen kissing and (implied) fucking.  If hollywood were to remake the Waltons or Little House on the Prairie today, you'd be getting that politicized gay shit rammed down your throat, as indeed they've done with 'Annie with an E' (a remake of Anne of Green Gables).  Nothing that hollywood jooz touch is made to be 'wholesome' these days.  They've completely wiped out traditional American 'wholesome' from the map in the past 5 years.  You now have to go to the Hallmark channel for anything wholesome – though, even Hallmark is shifting away from Wholesome by recently allocating principle actresses a 'gay best friend' who's into frappachinos and yoga.

        The thing is, I don't mind stories about gays and their life struggles – I do empathize with ANYONE who is not allowed to be themselves by society – but I do not like it one bit when it's obviously politicized.  Politicized homosexuality is used by hollywood-jooz specifically for social engineering, and what is 'social engineering' but mass brainwashing?

        I know literally everything that goes on in the hollywood film industry cuz I worked in it for almost two decades and still have a few friends who are still in it.  Myself, I've been retired from all that freaking jew shit for almost a decade now.  I dropped my lucrative hollywood career for the Resistance and literally moved from LA to south Lebanon out of repulsion at the changes that hollywood jooz were imposing on hollywood 'creatives'.

      • Taxi says:

        And may I also add that the best binge that I’ve watched on netflix during this ‘quarantine’ period is the series ‘Vikings’.

        Man! It’s so freaking good! I was so surprised that I enjoyed it as much as I did cuz I’m usually not into loud and metal-clanging films. But I found Vikings to be superbly informative on so very many levels – the dramas and political intrigue in it are simply excellent and most gripping. Yes, I watched all 6 seasons of it. I wish they’d made more.

      • Canthama says:

        Taxi, Vikings is indeed a good series, the producers demanded in the early seasons to follow historical facts as close as possible, customs, language, weapons…etc….moreover because it was dealing with partial legend and partial real history, so they tried to link real facts to a possible legend…for instance…there is no evidence Ragnar Lothbrok ever lived, but all his sons were living beings, what it is not known is whether they are really Ragnar's son or simply some famous warriors that took the legend Ragnar as father to bring them fame and "last name". Rollo and Lagertha existed and are documented, Rollo is the most documented of all since he indeed was granted Normandy by the French King, but no real historical link bond him to Ragnar. I found the 1-3 season particular interesting, more to the traditions and research. 

        Should you enjoyed Vikings, then there is The Last Kingdom on Netflix, this is a Viking story of real folks (except the protagonist) in the formation of the Kingdom of England, this series is based on Bernard Cornwell's The Saxon Stories series of novels, same writer that did the incredible Sharpe Stories (Napoleonic wars that ) 30 years ago that was made to TV by British TV. Both are excellent series, the 2nd is not on Netflix.

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks Canthama. I didn’t have time earlier to go into it but I have actually also seen The Last Kingdom, all three seasons – and I loved, loved, loved all of them! Astounding storytelling! And in this same genre, I’ve even recently watched the first 2 seasons of ‘Spartacus’ – I’ve one season left to watch. I was telling a friend of mine about Spartacus and how the first six episodes in the first series were so unbearably gory and violent and there was SOOOOOO MUCH of it like every 2-3 minutes of film that it more or less killed off the dramatics and turned it into a stupid slasher movie, but the storyline and drama picked up some in the 7th episode after they ditched the jew director responsible for these excessively violent episodes and replaced him with a gentile one who then took it the classier dramatic path of ‘Vikings’ and ‘The Last Kingdom’. The second series of ‘Spartacus’ goes back in time and is completely focused on the history and lives of the principle gladiators, giving you a unique and informative picture of how these gladiators lived and how they managed their very traumatic and dramatic life struggles. I found the second series of ‘Spartacus’ to be a very compelling watch and really good filmmaking to boot. The only reason why I even lasted through the first six violent episodes of the first series was that I could tell that the characters were whiffing of greatness but were winded by all that special effects violence endlessly interrupting their storylines, and I was really hoping that the series makers would wake up and change direction, and, indeed my patience paid off and the direction and tone of the storytelling did change and much improve.

        I discovered, through watching ‘Vikings’, ‘The Last Kingdom’ and ‘Spartacus’ that I do actually enjoy ‘swordy’ war movies because their wars are eyeball-to-eyeball and give the viewer a realistic sense of the warring side of the human condition. It was a surprise discovery as I normally never go for war movies. I usually tend to enjoy bloodless anti-war movies instead of the rah-rah-rah war blockbusters with hi-tech tanks and missiles etc. Of course, watching war movies based on real and rich history and not hollywoodism makes all the difference.

      • Taxi says:

        And I mustn’t forget here to tell you that the ‘Siege of Paris’ in Vikings season 3/episodes 8,9,10 were so phenomenally brilliant – probably the best war dramatics I have ever seen. I will remember them for the rest of my life, I’m sure.

      • Scott says:

        Hi Daniel. I too grew up with mom and dad. As a kid, my only experience with “alternative lifestyles” was TV. I saw Charles Nelson Rielly, Paul Lynde and Liberace’. I just thought they were kinda quirky, weird, but funny. Gave it no thought. It wasn’t ’til I was married I saw it up close. My new wifes brother enjoyed the company of a chap named Bruce. when my wife and I discussed it…she said “It’s OK. In his relationship my brother is the man.” I replied “Honey…in that relationship…there is no man. He either pitches or he’s a catcher.” Conversation ended abruptly. And you know? To this day I still don’t know why she divorced me and took everything. I wonder if it was something I said? Did I use “” correctly? I also addressed it to you. I’m trying Daniel. Bear with me. =)

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Scott,

        I had 2 'uncles' that were marked as brothers. I never gave it any thought. My own brother loves blond, fat women. I love black haired, skinny women. Still we're family and have to get along. The one thing I cherish is to have a choice. So, I let other people have choices as well, even if I don't agree with what 'they' want.

        Live and let live, that's my true and well tested motto.

      • Igor Bundy says:

        lots of weirdo's in this world.. it is only much later you realise that because most act normal in normal situations.. Its when you go slightly off that the quirks show up which might surprise you but many even ignore that.  There is only so much you can ignore though.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Igor Bundy,

        Some people toss the word  naive around like it's part of being severely retarded.

        I love the word, for it represents total innocence to me [when I was a kid].

        It's only through [life] experience that an individual, like myself, gets to learn and understand the bigger scope of mankind. I've met many great people during my travels around the globe, but they don't govern countries.

        Put the tar and feathers aside, get enough rope and give lampposts  a new lease on life…

  133. Taxi says:

    While we experience devastating record unemployment, and while several hundred million Americans live in daily fear of starvation and destitution, our senate found it apt to hold a closed meeting that ended with awarding terrorist israel yet ANOTHER $38 billion of our tax dollars!!!!!

    Who's gonna put an end to this fucking bullshit fleecing?!!!

    The faraway Axis of Resistance will!  Cuz Americans are coward cunts who love the jewish shaft!!!

    Senate Committee slips through $38 billion package to Israel

    • Saladin says:

      I'm more convinced than ever the solution to the world's many and varied problems begins with the coming Hezbollah victory over the Apartheidists. The lies spawned by the global mainstream media are due to the control by you-know-who of said global MSM. The lies have so permeated the mass consciousness and people are so dazed, confused and dumbed down that they drive around alone in their cars wearing face masks with the windows rolled up. It's all interconnected. The mass stupidity will slowly fade and a new enlightenment will arise within humanity when the phony state "israel" is dismantled by Hezbollah and its allies. Can't wait.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks Saladin.  Since Hezbollah's stunning victory over the terrorist jewish state back in 2006 – since this Hezbollah victory exposed the israeli jews as being nothing but a bunch of vile and cowardly paper-tigers – since that time back in 2006, I've been telling readers that the only way to smash the fuck out of AIPAC was to support Hezbollah who can flat-smash the terrorist jewish state's teat.  And as we all know, the drip-drip dumb-dumb brainwash is manufactured in tel aviv and administered into our arm by the evil hands of doctor AIPAC and his gangbanging orderlies.

      • Saladin says:

        Hi Taxi. The Hezbollah victory in 2006 was in my view a great turning point in world history. It of course began earlier, with the 18 year war leading to driving the criminals out of southern Lebanon in 2000. That was phase one, you might say. Phase two was summer 2006. We're in Phase three, the final phase most likely. There will be a long aftermath following the dissolution of the apartheid regime, but we're obviously in the buildup to the coming confrontation with and destruction of the illegal settler state, as you know as well as anyone on the planet. My guess is it'll be between 2023 and 2026. But it could start tomorrow for all any of us really know.

      • Taxi says:

        You’re absolutely correct, dear Saladin: Hezbollah’s victory over israel in 2000 was fucking HUGE!  Bigger than the 2006 victory.  Tis why Nasrallah labeled it the ‘Divine Victory’.  It was a most substantial and consequential victory that opened the jewish sealed door wide open for the Resistance.

        Not enough proper analysis was done by the Western media on the 2000 victory.  They basically dismissed it (no surprised there!).  And what led to that victory was hundreds of successful ops and battles by hezbollah against the invading jewish army – 18 years worth of successful ops and battles that eventually led to the UNCONDITIONAL and sudden withdrawal of the terrorist invading jews from Lebanon.  The 2006 battle that followed only further confirmed and exposed the jewish military as being nothing but paper tigers led by overconfident, idiot brass.

        The third and coming war will be the greatest of all equalizers.  We all await it with bated breath…

      • Taxi says:

        And I should also make mention that today marks 20 years since the Divine Victory. Today is the Divine Victory’s 20th birthday woohoo!

        Twenty freaking years and still the stupid jews have not managed to reverse their fortunes in Lebanon: growing even more petrified of the Hezb each day.

        I laugh at people who keep describing the jewish army as a force to reckon with.

      • Igor Bundy says:

        Here I thought the 2000 withdrawl was because hezbollah started taking out the command staff and even got the guy running lebanese op. They were fast running out of people who wanted to be in lebanon and since command staff usually know and are educated, there was no one left to lead..

      • Taxi says:

        Taking out the top israeli commander in south Lebanon was the last straw for israel.  Much, much loss of israeli soldier life, injury and humiliation during hundreds of previous Hezb ops and gunfire ‘skirmishes’ also gave a good thrashing kick up the jew ass.  It was accumulative and expanding resistance ops over 18 years, compounded by the loss of their top commander that eventually wore out the israeli army and ‘persuaded’ them to finally, unilaterally and unconditionally scram the fuck out of Lebanon.

        You must understand the truly humble beginnings of the Hezb, Igor.  In the early days, they would be outnumbered, under-trained and under-weaponed when attacking israeli mountaintop posts: fighting ‘up hill’, so to speak, which is the hardest slog in war.  They would ambush stealthily by night and they would accomplish their mission.  Back in their villages, no one even knew that they’d just returned from a successful resistance mission, let alone that they were even training with a ‘resistance group’.  Only when a fighter died a martyr during a mission that their name and association to Hezbollah would become known to their families and friends and village folk.  The returnee fighters never bragged and never ‘selfied’ their resistance work.  Everything that the Hezb was up to in the first six or so years of resistance was successfully kept hush-hush.  They ran intelligence and counter-intelligence circles around the invading jew army for years.  The idf never knew what hit them with every op – the Hezb always coming at them seemingly left of center and out of the blue.  The Hezb did all this without sophisticated radars and such absolute war necessities.  They used pure human intel and an extraordinary commitment to silence, coupled with an even greater commitment to martyrdom.  They began as a resistance entity that’s both extremely mentally focused yet soulfully humble, and this Hezb ‘personality’ has not changed one bit since its inception, despite its phenomenal growth into a regional power to be reckoned with.

        I’m also reminded here of how one Hezb fighter, having a sick and aging donkey in his village farmhouse, loaded up its saddle with explosives and led him to graze very near an israeli check point that was infamous for sadistic harassment of the natives, while the hezb fighter hid behind a rock and watched donkey and waited with finger on a trigger devise.  Soon enough, five israeli soldiers approached the wired donkey and started joking, abusing, kicking and tugging hard at the animal’s rope till suddenly BOOOOOM!  R.I.P. donkey dearest… and rest in hell evil jew invader!  South Lebanon people cheered the death of jew soldiers and wept for the martyred donkey, beating at their breast with grief at his loss as if it was their own loved one.  Nasrallah himself in several speeches gave homage to that donkey, calling him “a most honored and heroic martyr who liberated a whole village”.

        Stories of how one villager with a nagging wife, a bad back and a great big field to plow before the season’s end had gone to an israeli ‘security station’ and told them that he’d overheard that a Hezb member had buried a big pile of weapons in a field nearby, prompting thus the station chief to instantly send army tractors and half of the soldiers under his command with speed to the said field where they started turning its earth over with gusto.  But only to find nothing.  The sweaty idf soldiers looked at the villager and fumed.  The villager shook his shoulders and rolled his eyes away sheepishly.  Unbeknownst to them, the villager had tricked the idf into plowing his land for him: for free and right on time!  Meanwhile, the tricked israeli soldiers returned to their base at the security station, only to find everyone at the station killed by the resistance and the station’s electricity cables cut and water storage drained downhill.  The ever watchful eye of the Hezb had spotted half the soldiers suddenly leaving the ‘security station’ and had spontaneously pounced on the opportunity to close that station down.  And close it down permanently, they did.

        This is how the Hezb picked the israelis and their posts off one by one, till the invader jew just run the fuck away.

        Hundreds of resistance stories like that still fill the minds and hearts of the south Lebanese.  And all these resistance stories accumulated to eventually thrash and demoralize the israelis back to their side of the border.

        And I would be remiss here not to end this comment with: HAPPY FREAKING 20TH BIRTHDAY DEAR DIVINE VICTORY! sad

    • Igor Bundy says:

      I really really hated being an anti semite.. But I worked hard and did nto want what I worked so hard for to go to to some hooknoses far away that does some despicable things and not only there but are involved in some very nefarious activities even inside the US. But they not only control banking they also control the media and essentially everything else.. The arrogant assholes willing to die for them and the others cleaning tables are the sheep.. Pretty much the entire country.

      • Igor Bundy says:

        talking about anti semitism.. UNZ got banned from FB and goog.. dropping like a third of their views in a few days..


        so much for that yea?

        the anti-semitism was a joke.. just like people call mea racist for using whitey and blackey and supposedly a bigot because I dont approve some filthy muslim actions.. Heck I take pride that everyone hates me.. only regret is that I wish they hated me for something tangeable than semantics.. I dont put up with anyones crap no matter what they are let alone who they are. If I dont put up with my own crap why should I put up with someone else's crap?



  134. Cloak And Dagger says:

    Here is the viewpoint of a very selfish American – namely me:

    I am torn – and that is the honest truth. I do want Israel destroyed and all the sayanim here at home strung from lampposts across the nation and all US troops out of the ME. So far, I think I am in agreement with most of you.


    I dread the day that it does finally happen! Why, you ask? Well, the two destinations for rats leaving a sinking ship are going to be the US and Germany, the two most Israeli ball-sucking countries in the world (Okay, throw in the UK as well). The fact that through sleight of hand, they managed to legalize dual citizenship here, means that those vermin have a safe home in the US. So, my backyard will be infested with these deplorable rodents, which will result in the (further) corruption of our local government (the feds are already a lost cause).

    Decisions, decisions…


    Ah, fuck it! I am just going to find a sapiosexual to mate with and not think about this as the Shelter-At-Home nonsense is depressing enough!

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ Cloak & Dagger,

      I was raised with the notion to think ahead. As a 5-year-old, that meant nothing to me. When I ran out into my granddad's garden with a basket filled with Easter eggs, tripped and fell, he gave me 5 new ones [with 2 eggs in each of them] an told me to take 1 basket at a time and not to hurry or worry.

      In hindsight, that was a marvelous way to teach me something, without indoctrinating me into following his rule.

      I will always listen, but don't push me. I don't react kindly to such an approach.

      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        @DANIEL RICH

        I will always listen, but don't push me. I don't react kindly to such an approach.

        Was this meant for me??? I have no idea what you are referring to… I didn’t address my comment to you…

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Cloak & Dagger,

        No, no, no , of course, not.

        I greatly respect you.

        That's my sentiment towards the outer world in general.

        I'm a lone wolf that prefers to roam freely :o]

    • Igor Bundy says:

      Thats called being a selfish prick… but a man's got to do what a man's got to do.. like just shoot em..

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Cloak & Dagger,

        Guilty as charged.

        A free man never is guilty of the choices he makes.

        Others, who believe they have the right to be judgmental, will charge 'you' and make you feel 'guilty.'

        Who [honestly] wants to stare at a dead man on a cross as a light of inspiration…? 

        I [always] look at a wo/man's actions/deeds, for they will tell me the truth about a person.

      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        @Daniel Rich

        I agree completely – I just didn't want to debate someone who couldn't be bothered to read the first line of my post and instead made a redundant comment:

        Here is the viewpoint of a very selfish American – namely me

    • Scott says:

      Hi Cloak And Dagger. I'm sorry man…but I really gotta ask.I mean…maybe I've lived a sheltered life. Sure woulda never thought so…but…what is a…sapiosexual. I ask, thinking I might really not want to know. As for the "lockdown bullshit'? I ignore it. wear no mask. Enjoy chatting with the half-wits who do. Cops here leave you alone. You'd be amazed at their attitude and what they say. Chicago cops are a different breed.

      • Taxi says:

        ‘Sapiosexual’ is when a person’s intelligence is sexually attractive or arousing to others, as opposed to tits and arse or whatever.

        Cloak means to find a lady whose intelligence physically arouses him.

      • Scott says:

        Thanks Taxi. I get it now. Whew. For a minute there I thought he was saying he wanted to be a monkey fucker. The truth is waaaay better. And I can say I agree with him. Ummm…about the brains…not the monkeys.

      • Taxi says:

        Funny booooy!

        ‘Sapio’ comes from the word ‘sapient’, meaning ‘wise, intelligent etc’, and the word ‘sexual’, well, you know how that one goes. Now put them together et viola: sapiosexual.

      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        Ding! Ding! Ding! Taxi hits the nail smack dab on the head!

        And in case anyone is wondering, Taxi absolutely qualifies – although such an eventuality is impractical due to distance.


      • Scott says:

        Hi Taxi. Yes I know what sapio means. Homo sapien sapien. I knew that. For some reason I didn’t make that connection….I read sapio…but thought simian. Yeah I know…not really close. Anyway…that’s what must’ve occured. Either that…or the icy grip of Alzheimers had claimed yet another victim. Man. So I guess my possible future looks to be sitting in a chair, wearing a diaper, drooling on my shirt and staring at nothing in particular. Great. That’s…just…great. Sorry Cloak And Dagger…I didn’t mean any offense. I apparently have Alzheimers?

  135. Daniel Rich says:


    And then, ‘you’ have to play against the Detroit Pistons. A team that’s not about basketball in itself, but about denying other teams to play ball [’90s].

    Must be coincidence the head coach was [back then] Ron Rothstein… [cough, rattle…]

    Yes, I was a Bull’s fan. Really appreciated the trinity of MJ, Pippen and Rodman [MJ would not have reached stardom status without both of these guys]. Love/d watching ‘The Last Dance

    • Scott says:

      Hi Daniel.   Now you got me thinking of the good old days. I grew up 60 miles south of Chicago. And now live in it. Of course we affectionately refer to it as Chiraq or Chicongo.  Anyway…I grew up a Bulls fan too. Heck I remember when they drafted Jordan. I remember Ron Rothstein…but I also remember Chuck Daly was the coach for the Pistons when the Bulls and them had serious games in the late 80's. And Horace Grant before Rodman. God could that team play defense. Jordan, Pippen, Grant, Cartwright and Paxson. It was a wonderful time. Sheesh…now I'm getting all nostalgic here. I'll shut up. 

      • Daniel Rich says:

        Hey Scott,

        Watching the Last Dance was a true trip down memory lane and then I realize, I'm looking at something that happened almost 3 decades ago… [gulp]. The funny thing is, in reality, Dennis is a real nice and caring guy, nothing like his 'on air' persona.. As a basketball player… Man! One of a kind. Remember when MJ went to play baseball, how Pippen bloomed…?

        OK, I'l shush too :o]

      • Scott says:

        Hi Daniel. I haven't seen the Last Dance. I don't have cable and don't watch very much TV at all. I've read it was well done. 6 titles in 8 years was incredible. And if Michael hadn't gotten it in his head that he was a baseball player? It might've been 8 straight. We'll ever know. Oh well…memories. Oh…by the way…your British joke was very good. Being of Irish decent…well…other than Monty Python, Fawlty Towers, The Two Ronnies and a few more…I can take the British…or leave them. Well…I'll be enjoying "Freedom Day" today. Hope everyone here has a good day. 

  136. Daniel Rich says:


    A LOL moment I'd like to share:

    "The sun never sets on the British Empire, because God doesn't trust the British in the dark." 

  137. Bornajoo says:

    Couldn't agree more about Vikings and thanks for the recommendation Taxi. Probably one of the best, if not THE best series I've ever seen. Was very deflated when I got to the end of the last series! Can't wait for the next one 

    The siege of Paris is indeed superb and anyone who hasn't seen this series should check it out 

  138. Daniel Rich says:

    Oh, the hypocrisy: man arrested by police for not wearing a mask… by police not wearing a mask.

    Time to wake up [people]!

  139. Daniel Rich says:

    And again, those in the know [politicians and cops] can go about without, while the sheeple obey the orders,

  140. Daniel Rich says:


    On my way to work this morning, I realized I'd seen something [way] earlier on, but never recognized it as such: [singular] drivers in cars, with a mask on and the windows rolled up.

  141. Daniel Rich says:


    Between Facebook and Google, how much data and info do these guys have access to?

    Google products with especially sensitive information include:

    • Gmail: Your emails may contain sensitive information, including the names of your contacts, your private correspondence, or an attached copy of a medical report.
    • Photos: Your Google Photo albums may have photos that you’d prefer not to share, like pictures of your family or copies of official documents. In addition, many photos are automatically tagged by location and date.
    • Drive: There may be private information in Google Drive, like financial records, official reports, and presentations. In addition, if you’ve shared documents with other people, their names and contact information are also in your Google Drive.
    • Calendar: Your Google Calendar can have important information about your daily routine, as well as details about private events and appointments.
    • Contacts: Your Google Contacts can include the names, phone numbers, addresses ,and contact details of the people you know.

    I trust them as far as I can throw them [about an inch].

  142. Mike-Florida says:

    Taxi – thought you might like to read this Israeli MSM propaanda regarding Lebanon's southern border > "Hezbollah’s Nasrallah rejects US pressure to beef up role of UN peacekeepers. Israel and US demanding that UN forces be allowed to carry out searches to stop Lebanese terror group stockpiling weapons and fortifying along border. “Lebanon has refused to change UNIFIL’s mission, but Israel wants to have right to raid and search private properties, and the Americans are pressuring Lebanon on this matter,” Nasrallah said. Nasrallah spoke after a dispute broke out late Monday in the southern village of Blida between Finnish peacekeepers and residents, after a UNIFIL military vehicle hit two cars and motorbike, the National News Agency reported. Young men cut off the road in protest, and the Finnish peacekeepers had to be escorted out by the Lebanese army, it said. On Tuesday, surrounding villages in a joint statement accused the patrol of “entering and searching people’s vineyards and private properties”, describing such actions as unacceptable." < (In the article note how Israel as always justifies self to the world in its MSM propaganda as a victim, calling > "The head of the Lebanese Shiite terror group Hezbollah". Glad to see local villages standing up, and Nasrallah's quick strong support. Not unexpected cannot find US news covering this to enlighten its citizens. I salute those Lebanon citizens on the borrder standing tall – and, unafraid. They need to know we are with them. Mike).

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ MF,

      Hezbollah’s Nasrallah rejects US pressure to beef up role of UN peacekeepers.

      Occupied Palestine only uses those ‘Peacekeepers’ as a buffer zone of safety  against an army or real men. In fact they killed 4 unarmed UNTSO PKs, on July, 25, 2006 [Lebanon war] citing the ‘incident as ‘wrong identification of a target.’

      According to a UN official who had seen the preliminary report, the post called an Israeli liaison officer ten times to call off the bombardment and an Israeli official promised to halt the bombing each time

      The USS Liberty all over again and with the same ff-ing outcome: zilch.

      • Taxi says:

        Daniel, over the decades, israel has killed more UN forces than you list (I don’t have time right now to look it all up), plus it has bombed their bases numerous times. Funny thing is that israel is forever complaining how ‘antisemitic’ the UN is, yet it runs to hide behind its apron when it comes to Hezb issues. Nobody pays any attention to jewish whining around here.

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Mike. For lack of time, I will keep this short.

      Look, two days ago Nasrallah said that the UN is on the israel-Leb border by israeli request, not by a Lebanese one. He said if the UN wants to stay on Leb border, then they’re “welcome”, and if they want to leave then “we wish them good luck”. It’s not even an issue over here. But for a foreign force to enter the private properties of Leb citizens to search them without proper due process, like a search warrant that all Leb security forces themselves need, “this is unacceptable to anyone”, Nasrallah said. This means that the Hezb in the south of Lebanon and the Leb army will not allow the UN to willy-nilly pick on Lebanese citizens to help israel, or for any other dubious reason for that matter. And nobody and nothing can be done about this Leb stance. End of story.

      This situ only shows how weak israel has become. Its takfiri army having been mostly destroyed, its own army having been consistently humiliated by the Hezb for some 30 years, it is now trying to use UN forces to harass Lebanon. LOL, I mean you really gotta laugh here instead of worry.

  143. Daniel Rich says:

    According to local sources in Idlib, Russian warplanes have carried our an airstrike with vacuum missiles on the countryside Jisr al-Shughour. It is worth mentioning that this is the first airstrike by Russian warplanes since the beginning of the ceasefire 3 months ago.

      • Taxi says:

        Sometimes my Palestinian friends send me pics/artwork, other times I see artwork flashed on Arab TV news and I seek them out via a multitude of search engines. There used to be tons of pro Resistance artwork on google/image but… well…. they freaking disappeared them with their shekeled vacuum cleaner, didn’t they? Janitorial fuckers!

        The above artwork was posterized to mark the very recent Nakba 2020.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        Thanks. As per usual, the true voices of people are desanitized and disappeared, all under the banner of 'protecting' an audience against whatever the circumcised critters don't want the goyim to know.

        Not surprised [at all].

        I'll spread these voices of reason as far as I can. 

  144. Taxi says:


    And FUCK YOU mayor of Minneapolis, Jacob Frey: FUCK YOU and your freaking synagogue of satan!

    • Igor Bundy says:

      Some of the people are nice.. some not.. unlike other places its black and white.. I was washing my car and this old guy comes yelling at me about immigrants taking their jobs.. I was like hey man I got a $200 car and am a student spending money living 3 to a room.. I wish I could take anyones job.. and where the heck did he come from? Did not know pollacks were indigenous to minnesota..

      We went for pizza, at the hut my first one ever because in dubai we never thought about eating crap like that. Some white families around with a half full restaurant.. They go giving water and taking orders etc but never come around to us. But we placed order at the counter.. The others all ate and left we were still there with no water and no food.. They never brought it to the table or call the order for pickup.. It was hard as wood and cold after an hour of sitting on the counter.. Had a fight with the manager and told him we did not want it and to give a refund which he refused and told us would call the cops. Had to make a stop payment and got a call from corporate about the bounced check so told him yep, decided to spend more to stop the check than pay it due to what happened.. 

      Was an eye opener on how subtile racism could be.. Although once I saw a white chic sitting on this black guys lap at the bus stand, I was like you sure have guts and are calling for a back alley ambush.. So some just ask for trouble. Many have an attitude.. Yea they have the right but when you dont have the power, your rights mean little.. 

      • Taxi says:

        “I was washing my car and this old guy comes yelling at me about immigrants taking their jobs”.

        Igor, you gotta remind these colonizing Euro rejects that they’re the ones who took Native Indian jobs in the first place.

      • Taxi says:

        You can also tell them about how the evil bolshie jews treat the native Palestinians with brutality.  Every.  Single. Day. Done so for the past 72 years.

        Else you can show them this:


  145. Taxi says:

    Pompeo’s lightening trip to terrorist israel a couple of weeks ago appears to have produced the desired result for him: regarding pressuring tel aviv to stop doing deals with Beijing.

    Today, Netanyahu’s gov announced that it now considers the spread of Chinese companies in tel aviv as a ‘national security threat” and will therefore no longer be welcoming Chinese investments into israel.  They gave no clarification as to what would happen to already signed deals, deals in process and deals in actual material progress, etc.  I’d be very interested to find out whether tel aviv will break its deal with Beijing over the Haifa Port.  This deal is the biggest Sino-jew deal (as many Chinese companies are involved), and it is also the most sensitive and crucial  geostrategic deal for China: having a seaport in the eastern Mediterranean for its Silk Road II project: providing it with direct and short-hop access to southern Europe. And, I’ll also add here that the Haifa Port project between tel aviv and Beijing is the deal that the US is really sore and sour over. The US hates this very deal the most.

    Russia already has its Tartus Port in Syria well secured, for both trade and also to militarily repel any hostile European creep towards the Russian motherland.  And if Haifa is no longer available for China, then Beijing will be looking for an alternative.  Well, happenstance that all Lebanese ports that lie between Haifa and Tartus are available (and believe me they could do with a makeover!) – all Beijing has to do is pick one and negotiate a deal.

    I reckon the Chinese embassy in Beirut is on the blower to Beijing this very morning discussing this alternative.  Now the Chinese are even more keener on getting into Lebanon than they were yesterday.  Suddenly, China needs Lebanon as much as Lebanon needs China.

    In-teres-ting hmmm….

    Anyway, getting back to the point above of tel aviv stating that the spread of Chinese companies now pose a “national security threat”.  Kind of a crazy thing to say in these crazy covid-financial times, don’t you think?  This is definitely a first for tel aviv: to decline doing deals with moneyed industrial and hi-tec corporations and such; and also, to cave so publicly under obvious USA pressure.  No doubt, tel aviv’s crazy statement serves the Trump administration more than it serves israel.  Clearly, the Trump administration and its own zio Deep state (that converges with DC’s zio Deep State) have gone absolutely bonkers-stir-crazy with effrontery and worry over China’s (and its main allies) rise and Empire’s simultaneous decline: now visible to absolutely all, especially of late.  Clearly, Trump’s Deep State that’s headed by Don Pompeo gave tel aviv an offer it couldn’t refuse on his last visit: ‘cut off deals with China or we’ll cut off the balls of our military gifts’.  And as we all know, israel’s very existence depends on our ‘military gifts’.  Well, how else to explain deals with China suddenly becoming a “national security threat”?

    Goddamn it, people, this is huge!

    A sudden geostrategic shift in the eastern Mediterranean between the world’s two major powers just occurred and israel publicly chose a side.


    …  As the great and bulking ship of Empire sinks in slo-mo, so it drags with it everything that’s festooned to its hulk.

    • Canthama says:

      This is big indeed Taxi, the US did some similar pressure to Australia this week, actually with Victoria Province, no need to say Australia riches from the past 3 decades came from trading with China, it is by far their largest commercial partner, but it bends to the US for geopolitical games. At the end of the day, the whole global geopolitical scheme is under pressure, the old unipolar world is over, the dying superpower rapidly moving into domestic chaos, but it is still showing its teeth globally, rotten teeth, but nonetheless showing them…the "client" regimes must make smart decisions in 2020, and it seems the apartheid regime did not make it, they will suffer for it.

      In Germany, the pressure is on against Nordstream II again, after the effective stab in the back by the US late 2019, the Russian vessel that lay pipes arrived and it ready to restart the work, the US is freaking out.

      Should Trump win in 2020, it is very likely we will see Germany, France, Australia, GCC…moving toward a more neutral geopolitical alignment, but if the US enters in a modern domestic fight due to a bad election, no recognition, evident fraud etc…. we may not see gun battles but a complete chaos in all 3 Republican powers and letter agencies inter-wars, rendering the country without a north and totally adrift.

      2020 will continue to be an interesting crazy year, maybe the most important one….and lets never forget, a weak and isolated US means a weak apartheid regime…their end is approaching.

    • Taxi says:

      Interesting that this afternoon, a Chinese delegation arrived to Lebanon to deliver gifts of Covid-19 test kits, ventilators and masks specifically to the Lebanese army.  The delegation met with Leb's top brass administrators and offered any and all help that the Lebanese army may need.  All that the Diab gov now needs is a clear public mandate that desires to go eastward with China instead of the punitive USA and the West – something that President Aoun and Nasrallah are helping with by vocally promoting the concept of Leb turning east in all their recent speeches and interviews.  This week saw on Leb TV and social media, for the first time ever, much analysis and discussion on the Leb going eastwards, specifically with Beijing.  Building up consensus for it.

      The China seed is being watered.

      And the Chinese are eager to speed up the process by showing much good will towards the Lebanon and its army. 

      Beijing has definitely turned up the speed gear to accumulate allies during this month of May, in response to Trump's increased freakish hostility towards China.

      • Taxi says:

        Mindful here too that the US refused to give any Covid aid to Lebanon: citing ‘Hezbollah’s’ presence in the government as reason.

    • Taxi says:

      And I'll wager here that israel's 'strategic state keepers' took a good sober look at America's deflating hegemony these past two weeks and realized that should Empire fall further, then israel too will fall with it, therefore they must now stand behind their American protector for self-preservation (and not really for love of Gentile USA).  They probably think that Empire can turn its failing fortunes around again and that they can assist in this.

      This is certainly a grand miscalculation by the israeli jewish elites.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        When they control congress, the printing presses, MSM the media and Hollywood, the US is a host to a power hungry leach. Occupied Palestine’s words always ring hollow, as its deeds are those of a true coward. The squatters play it safe, until the teat of a steady stream of $$$ gets yanked out of its ever whining mouth, only then will it be on the lookout for a new, and even richer host [China].

        Russia has to give China a corner of its Tartus harbor as a hub into the underbelly of Europe, if nothing else materializes.

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks Daniel. I think the Chinese know the evil and opportunistic jewish MO better than us yanks do. There will always be plenty of “daylight” between China and israel.

        Reminds me of a funny and true comment I once read on the internet: “Because the jews can’t pass for Chinese, the world is saved”.

      • Igor Bundy says:

        Around 2 BILLION people may lose their jobs in the next couple of months due to pandemic

        Gee you thunk? The way I look at it is, the evil this virus hysteria caused will dwarf any good that others think or acted upon to such a degree that they will for ever in their life will regret it. ie people only thought of themselves and not the consequences which will be felt far and wide for a generation. I only had to look at the current consequences of things and it sent a chill down my spine. I mean the worlds brutal and if the victims are constrained then things can only get far worse. But taking power was the agenda here for everyone. I wonder what use that power will be when only surviving will matter for a long time. Seen the markets? almost back to the same insane heights of jan.. The markets have gone up 350% in a decade while inflated accounting profits have gone up 30%… Now profits will turn to losses but markets are back and the rich are feeling pretty good.. 

    • Taxi says:

      I've watched a lot of touristic vids on the Lebanon and never have I seen a single one done by the Chinese till yesterday: literally published yesterday.  Very curious indeed.  China promoting the Lebanon:

  146. Taxi says:

    I’m hearing on Leb TV that Trump is now saying that he’ll probably pull troops out of Syria because of Covid-19.

    I guess he thinks there’s more yank dignity in pulling out over (self-inflicted) germ warfare than over troop weakness and defeat.

    No.  Not fighting over pitiful Syrian oil wells till the last American soldier.

    Yes, pulling out of Afghanistan too.

    And loosening some sanctions on Iran.

    Wow.  I guess he’s got the election bug!  Discharging sudden reversal orders all over the place.

    But let us here remember that the mass murderer Obama did the same in Iraq when he caught the election flu, only to discharge ISIS on the suffering Iraqis then use that as an evil excuse to return and mass murder more Iraqis when his second term was in his back pocket.

    Hard to believe what America says these days.  “Show me the money” first motherfucker!

    • Taxi says:

      To further clarify on ‘Trump pulling troops out of Syria’: Leb TV is saying that Trump is arranging to hand over the oil fields to the kurds, and once he’s secured this, then US troops will be pulled out. Just in time for November’s elections, no doubt.

      This begs the question: how fucking long can the kurds hold on to the large swath of eastern and northeastern Syria in the face of the armies of Syria and its multiple fighting allies?

      • Canthama says:

        Taxi, there are a lot of talks in the backstage between all parties, the US is leaving Syria, no doubt, it is pointless to stay in the desert, the US has left few bases inside Iraq near the Syrian border, which were vital for a quick response, moving into less nbrs, bigger ones and more centralized to avoid dispersing its soldiers inside Iraq in prep for any conflict with the Iraqi militias.

        There are minimum leaks on the backstage talks, mostly held in Khemeimin and Qamishili, but there are progress in many aspects between the Syrian Gov returning to control the NE and East while a certain degree of autonomy is given, a kind of mid way toward federalization and strong central Gov. Russians are leading this process with all parties, including with the US. 

        Timeline is blurry, but it seems 2020 will end with a deal on that, and most likely a face saving for the US prior to elections will be needed…as "we came, we killed, we won and now we leave after billions wasted"…

        I am positive in the Syrian process, the US will fold, my main concern is the terrorist regime in Ankara, this one is out of control in Syria, Iraq and Libya, the time is ripe for Turkey as a Nation to cease to exist and be split into neighbours, what the Ankara regime/Muslin Brotherhood did in Syria and Libya is unforgiven and unforgettable. I see the fate of Turkey, the Apartheid regime in Palestine and Ukraine the same…the must cease to exist and return to the rightful owners.

  147. Daniel Rich says:

    @ taxi,

    There's a huge difference between saying things [gonna get me some tankers] and the actuality of action [well, ehmmmmm… let's look the other way…]. Once all boots are really off the ground [in Syria], I'll believe the Orange Cockatoo's words to be true. Until that moment, the only thing I'm hearing is ff-ing white noise.

    But, yeah. the hamburger chewing CiC is eyeing the bustling ballots, not his neutered balls.

  148. Taxi says:

    Massive riots across the US.  The National Guard has been deployed in 14 states.  Fires and looting and mass anger on the streets of too many states.  Arrests and beatings by the police numbering in the thousands overnight.  A nation breaking at the seams.

    And Covid?  Is but an afterthought in the minds of the protestors.

    The killing of a black man with a white knee?  We’ve seen this deadly tactic in occupied Palestine a thousand times before.  Yes, all that crowd-control training of our police in israel sure has paid off.  They’ll be picking on the suffering handicapped next, just like israeli police did yesterday in occupied Palestine: killing an autistic Palestine teen for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

    “Eat the rich”, protestors swarming on Beverly Hills and Rodeo Drive chanted.  Hollywood outlets looted.  A stabbing here and a stabbing there.  A fire here and a fire there. Rage, rage, rage at the jewy machine!

    So are the protests about racism or the 1%?

    EVERYTHING that’s wrong with America is being thrown into the bubbling cauldron.

    Fast forward to November 2020 and what do you see?  Voters or rioters on the streets?

    ‘May America and israel live in interesting times’, as the Chinese curse goes.


    • Taxi says:

      And them Covid masks on rioters faces?  Very problematic for all them detectives lol!

      And weirdly, hungry Americans are looting electronics instead of food.

      American citizens senselessly looting their own while their government loots the world.

    • Taxi says:

      The world’s consensus on the US riots: they want Trump to win the next election so that the disintegration of America is speeded up by his very own orange hands.  The world says: for what America has done to the world, it deserves exactly the same.

      This is what I’m gleaning from the internet’s global comment section.

      The solution to this world hostility towards America and Americans?  STOP FREAKING VOTING IN MORONS AND WARMONGERS!

    • Taxi says:

      In case you don't know what the American security apparatus that's trained by tel aviv does – oh yeah my linking them together is legitimate and a fact:

    • Taxi says:

      And let us here remember that George Soros is a funder of Black Lives Matter.

      Them elite jews have their fingers buried to the knuckles in this sour pie.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @  taxi,

        Them elite jews have their fingers buried to the knuckles in this sour pie.

        Which happens to be the right depth to chop them off…

    • Taxi says:

      The National Guard is deploying in LA right now and Gov. Gavin Newsom has declared a state of emergency.  More National Guard are expected to arrive at midnight to guard, well, the freaking rich.

      They’ve charged the policeman who killed Floyd with 3rd degree murder.  The fucker kept his knee on Floyd’s neck for NINE WHOLE MINUTES and he gets 3rd degree murder?!!!  Yesterday, I accidentally saw footage of Floyd’s last two minutes of life where he’s BEGGING the policeman to ease up his knee, his voice fading and fading still with every second till he expired.  I’m very disturbed by this.  Floyd’s pleading voice now haunts me.  I wish I’d never seen this footage.  Reminds me of the 2nd Intifada when terrorist jews massacred like 20 young Palestinian policemen in training and as they lay dying on the ground in a courtyard, the camera caught one of them barely whispering: “mother, mother, my dear mother – please someone take care of my mother”.  Brings tears to my eyes to remember this and type it.  Now I’m haunted by both these dead victim’s voices.

      And it’s astounding that so many Americans who support Floyd are anti Palestine!  Stupid brainwashed fucks!  Come what may at them – they freaking deserve it!  I’m enraged by their brainwash and/or by their prejudicial hypocrisy!

      • Scott says:

        Hi all. Things are interesting here in Chiraq. Lots to tell. I’ve seen much and heard more. First hand and unfiltered. But it seems people have opinions and desires of what they want to see and believe. So I’m not sure anyone wants to hear from me. Lol. Anyway, controlled chaos that’s planned and lead. And Tuesday I’ll go back to work…Academy reopens and I’m an Instructor …should be fun. I’ll be dead center in the middle of it all. It’s good to live in interesting times. Wouldn’t have it any other way. Would you?

      • Taxi says:

        Well, Scott, there’s ‘interesting’ and then there’s ‘interesting’, if you know waddamean.  Riots and looting in Chiraq sounds like the boring kind of interesting.  But living in south Lebanon with the daily prospect of a war that will annihilate terrorist israel: now THAT’S what I call ‘interesting’ sad

      • Scott says:

        Hi Taxi….yeah my "interesting" doesn't compare to yours. Yours is epic. Mine? Just a smidge of chaos. Everything calming down. Large numbers of armed civilians white, hispanic and black all came out to protect neighborhoods and local mom/pop stores. So those looking for "free shit" were stopped cold. Now some of the rioters are calling for a "war" on hispanics because they wouldn't allow the knuckleheads to loot, pillage and burn. Hysterical. You just cannot fix stupid. Antifa is claiming they are going to send busloads of moving targets into rural downstate Illinois to do their thang. I think it's a great idea. Country boys would make sure the buses returned empty. I'm sure it's all mouthy posturing. Won't happen. Anyway…just a quickie as to what's going on. Could say more, but better not. Bye for now. Stay safe.

    • Igor Bundy says:

      The kid deserved it if you ask me.. but since no one did.. look at the brave zionist who is acting very moderate for the situation..

  149. Taxi says:

    Nancy Pelosi, the eternal whore for israel, described the Hong Kong riots as "a beautiful sight to behold".

    I highly recommend China releases a statement saying that the riots that have engulfed the US in the past 48 hours are "a beautiful sight to behold".

    I would love for this to happen.  But it won't.  Because the Chinese are politically classy.

    • Igor Bundy says:

      I think pelosy works as a high class beverly hills call girls during the night because I dont see how she can make 200 mil bucks while being a carrier politicians and making $200k an year.. I hear those chics charge $20k per night.. or more.. The more you charge the higher the demand.. maybe she should ask for $80k.. 

  150. Taxi says:

    Of course, the satanic jews are always outraged when FACTUAL linkages to them are made:

    Outrage After Far-Left Pro-BDS Group Ties Israel to Minneapolis Police Violence

    Tel avivian politicos are denying such linkage, but let's have a looksie here, shall we?

    It is time for the US to end its deadly exchange programmes with Israel

    See how jewish 'outrage' is always used as a weapon of mass distraction?  But the discerning mind can easily see the truth in the above headlines.  You don't even need to read reports or articles on this – all you gotta do is compare pictures of various  'deadly force positions' that the US police began using against American citizens a decade ago with the 'deadly force positions' that israel uses on Palestinians every single freaking day.  Exactly the same deadly tactics.  In fact, one of the first offensive maneuvers that are taught in israel to israeli police is the 'neck-crush', the very same move that killed George Floyd.

    One can say here that George Floyd died a Palestinian.

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      There are a million ways to keep somebody restrained and none of them lethal. The human body, oh, wonder of wonders, comes built in with its very own restraints, especially joints [those grips can be very painful though]. There’s no need for a deadly neck crush, unless you don’t give a f*** about those you’re restraining. Que in the illegal, Occupied Palestine squatters and their US minions.

      Live by the sword, die by it.

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks Daniel.

        What’s truly cold and horrific about Floyd’s neck-crush is that the policeman who was doing the neck-crushing had his hands casually in his pockets while he was murdering the poor man. Hands in pocket as if he was just hanging out all relaxed and shooting the shit with a pal – and all the while, his face had a small power-drunk smirk. Man, them hands casually in pockets really chill me the most. Killing a helpless man while keeping hands in pocket as if absolutely nothing was going on, when in fact, the life of an innocent man was being slowly and mercilessly snuffed out. The policeman’s body-language reminded me of evil hunters posing with their dead animal trophies.

        And I’ve woken up here in the Levant to find that the israel-training-our-police story has caught traction on social media. I guess that’s something.

        I’ve woken up and I’m thinking: the people are being socially engineered into a race war instead of the REAL war which in fact is the class war that vulture capitalism has created. A race war to hide the MASSIVE financial discontent of ALL the people with the current severely lopsided neoliberal economic practices.

        This shit is only going to get worse. There will be no stability or certainty of peace in America till DC is burned down by the angry and armed mobs, regardless of who becomes president this coming November.

        Fasten your seatbelts tight! Or pack a suitcase and get the fuck out of Dodge while you can.

      • Saladin says:

        Hi Daniel, Taxi and everyone. Just like to add that as ugly and dreadful as is this murder by the cop of Floyd, and as warranted is the anger and outrage, the protests are certainly organized and instigated by Soros elements and paid agent provocateurs. Personally I cringe to see these neighborhoods and small businesses burn, and I also loathe even the destruction of the larger corporate venues. This kind of violence gains nothing for the victimized black underclass.

        But it sure is a perfect way to segue from one manufactured crisis (the virus) to yet another to distract the people from ongoing US war crimes. 

      • Taxi says:

        Thanks Saladin. I would agree with you if I didn’t blame the American voter for the mess they’re in. It is THEM who keep voting in blackmailable warmongers and malleable morons. It is THEM who keep enabling and sanctioning the endless war crimes of their governments. It is THEM who need a violent jolt to snap them out of their criminal sleep.

        Where the hell were the American people when Obama allowed and promoted the training of our police forces in Tel Aviv, knowing very well its implications, especially on the black community? Stuffing their faces with buckets of ice cream and bling-bling celebrity news, that where. So they can stfu – the lotta them – and start paying for the lack of empathy in their hearts and for their pathologically lazy-minded narcissism. Only Americans who don’t vote are innocent in this equation. The rest can go to goddam hell for all I care – and that includes my voting family and friends. Sorry but this is the crunch of war and war is exactly where voter rah-rah-rah stupidity has taken us. No mercy for voters who’ve sanctioned an endless list of wars with their voting choice while willfully sleeping! No mercy! Not after nations have been destroyed with voter blessing! No mercy when millions have been killed by our criminal military while voters cheered and demanded more! No mercy when millions more foreign refugees were created by our military with voters applauding and hating on the victim refugees. Fuck that!

        Either they wake the fuck up NOW and STOP VOTING FOR MORE OF THE SAME, or die at the very hands of a system that they’ve willingly been supporting.

        No, this is NOT a race war – if it were only that simple. This is a war against the system itself – a monster system that’s occupied, controlled and abused by jewish power.

        Fight THAT or fuck the fuck off, Americans. This is my message to my compatriots.

        And no, I will not hold any American hands and nanny them into a false security or hope. Our nation is NOT secure, and nor will it ever be safe so long as the voter keeps all them evil jews and their agents in power.

        Let me see the American voter confront jewish power first before I can genuinely extend my kind heart and warm hand to them.

        And to those who voted for the obscenities known as the Republican and Democratic parties (both jew controlled), to those who voted wrong and now are awake enough to regret it, to them earnest regreters, I extend my hand in friendship and solidarity.

        And goddamn the motherfucking rest!

        Sure it hurts me to say this, but it must-must-must be said!

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ Saladin/taxi,

        They’re going after UPS and electronic shops.

        They should go after the 0,0001%

        Oh, yeah, the ones living in gated communities and protected by the National Guard and militarized cops.

        You are what you vote for. Remember the [Rodney King] LA riots?

        When mercy killing, have no remorse.

  151. Taxi says:

    If you do anything useful today, be sure to include this on your list (2 hours long but feels like 2 minutes):

  152. Daniel Rich says:

    “Someone throwing a rock is like shooting a gun,” Trump told them. “You have to do retribution … You’ve got to arrest people, you have to track people, you have to put them in jail for 10 years, and you’ll never see this stuff again."

    I didn't know Trump reads hebrew…. 

    • Igor Bundy says:

      I noticed the wiggy iggy never said a word about what the bankers do.. or what scams the likes of wall street or how far more people are killed off due to all the white color criminals do.. The evil the likes of wiggy do cant even be quantified.. there should not be any jail time and just summary executions.. oh man how I miss those nazi hanging judges.. errr shooting I mean…

  153. Saladin says:

    Thanks Taxi for the Last American Vagabond video. Super important. Amazing the way he ties so many threads together. Not to be simplistic, but I'm ever more confirmed in the view that the linchpin to the defeat of the global elitists control of our minds, our pocketbooks and our lives is the defeat of the faux zionist state. Which brings me back to the existential importance of Hezbollah. Viva the Resistance!

    • Taxi says:

      Thanks, Saladin.  My new article is exactly about Hezbollah’s cornucopia of liberation goodies.  You’ll have to forgive my lazyass but it’s been sitting on my desktop for about three weeks now lol.  But it seems that my laziness paid off for a change:  I was able to incorporate the US riots into the mix to further state several of my points.  I will try not to get distracted by all them springtime butterflies in the garden today and focus instead on giving the new article some final attention and… I guess a small mouse click to publish the damn thing.

  154. Taxi says:

    Eighth day of protests and America remains convulsed.

    I forced myself to tune into ABC News to catch me some overnight footage of the riots: constantly being referred to as “protests” – there is a big difference between a riot and a protest, yaknow – I’m seeing riots and they’re calling them ‘protests!’.  And lucky me: soon as I tuned in, Trump’s speech was being televised.  So he’s off his jew-brainwash machine and addressing the nation after 8 days of mass street violence right across the nation.  Whoopedidoo!  “I am the president of law and order!”, he barked.  Uhuh, yeah sure you are, of course you are, dear.  He claimed he’s on the side of the “peaceful protestors” but now considers looters and “Anteeeeefa” as “domestic terrorists”.   I don’t really remember what he said after that as I was seriously distracted and aghast at his mouth that looked just like an elastic anus that’s been regularly shafted by jewcocks for the past 40 years.  How fitting for a bullshitter to have a mouth that looks like a bleached asshole.  Disgusting!  I took a mental note to avoid watching any future speeches by him.

    I advise you do the same.  Nothing he says between now and November will help him win the next elections.  I really saw him as a burned piece of toast as he stood there in front of the camera speaching away his bullshit.  Prepare yourselves for a Biden WH.  But don’t expect any changes at all.  All that will change is the ‘style’ of governance and not the policies.  The Dem reps on TV are full of mawkish sentiment about African-Americans (puke!).  Never mind that they are the original racist party and Obama did fuck all for his “brothers and sisters” in the eight long years that he ruled America.  Politicians make me sick!  My dad always warned: “never trust a politician especially at election time”.  Rivers of fake promises and lies the Dems will be spouting from now till November.  Ear muffs, goggles and face masks will be required if one does not want to suffer sudden guttural projectiles shooting out of one’s gob.

    It’s hopeless.  The voter will repeat the same mistake this coming November.  Stupidos thinking that Biden is the American Jesus will line up to vote for him in the millions.  How on earth can Biden “I am a zionist” be anyone’s savior?!  I give up!  You’re on your own America!  Not even your israeli best friends will come to your aid.   They’re in the game to suck you dry, not to help you.  Suckers!

    • Taxi says:

      And I’d like to draw comparison here between Lebanon’s protests last autumn and the American protests this side of 2020.

      First, there was a tiny bit of looting, as opposed to the mass looting that is taking place in the US.

      Second, the Leb army that was assigned to maintain law and order on the streets actually allowed the protestors to beat them up. The Leb army got beaten up so many times while they remained passive. Their instruction was to protect the protestors, including the ones attacking them, and they stuck to that directive. I seem to remember that the only time that the army responded heavily was when paid protestors tried to storm the Leb Parliament while it was in session and failed.

      This tells me that too many of my countryfolk don’t know how to protest because they have no real moral principles. Mass looting is a big part of the current US riots. Don’t y’all know by now that ‘stuff’ is the true American god and everyone wants a piece – by hook or by crook, everyone wants a piece.

      • Taxi says:

        And speaking of looting: aren’t US merchandising stores insured? If so, doesn’t that mean that jewy insurance companies lose and not store owners themselves?

        Someone please correct me on this point if I’m wrong.

      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ taxi,

        Mass looting is a big part of the current US riots.

        It’s Black Friday on steroids and without paying, for several days in a row…

        Those Freedom Fries surely look yummy. 

        Super Size me!!!!!!!

      • Igor Bundy says:

        Yes store merchandise is insured even against pickpockets.. but mainly against loss. I knew some store managers who told me they would regularely smash stuff they could not sell rather than send it back because it was faster and cheaper.  They also have provision of like 5% to depending on area, on how much loss will incur at a particular store. So they expect some of it to get stolen. One thing they never do is sell something at a loss. So when you see an ultra cheap sale item.. It still is more costly than the insurance for its loss.. kinda silly when I bought a dozen HP printers at $5 each at target.. Then I had to find a way to get rid of it since 4 of them filled up the garbage can and I still had 10 more to get rid off.



    • Cloak And Dagger says:

      I sure am glad not to be living in the UK any more (well it has been over 40 years…) – the final barrier to smashing human companionship and intimacy – a precursor to complete mental collapse of society. No touchee, no feelee. Just hopey-changey transformed to moronic rants and imbecilic slogans.

      I do have a thought on everything going on right now, addressed below.

  155. Taxi says:

    Some intense riot footage on Tucker's show last night.  I'm no fan of his but he did give a good rant on 'Nero watching while Rome burns'.  And he did bitchslap that jewish undertaker known as Jared Kushner for misguiding Trump (@19 mins).  Yeah Tucker, thataboy – blame it all on the jew lol!

  156. Canthama says:

    Worth watching this video by Marwa Osman @SyrianaAnalysis .

    Part 1 – The transformation of Hezbollah from domestic party to regional power

    • Daniel Rich says:

      @ taxi,

      Thanks, darling.

      “You can’t fight back, even when Occupied Palestine attacks you!”

      Fortunately, those days are over, as will be Occupied Palestine itself [soon]. 

      The Germans had it all figured out back then.

      Judenfrei und Judenrein

    • Saladin says:

      Thanks for posting this video Canthama. I love learning more about the Party of God. BTW, I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed reading about your farm (if I might call it that) in Brazil, with all that you grow and and the great lifestyle you've created for yourself and family. Sounds lovely, amazing and admirable. 

      • Canthama says:

        Thank you my friend…have tasted the high fly life in executive position in the US working for a large multinational company, saw the good, the bad and the ugly from inside…then I decided out, could not continue onward, returned the my country and back to my roots, I once lived in the Amazon region for 7 years in my teen time, and fell in love with soil, dirt, animals, trees, fruits and planting…then it was easy decision for me to just say good bye to the fast lane job and settle in my place and go back to basics, and I just love it, this is going to me to the end of my days.

        You take care my friend, keep safe, and maybe one day we will all meet on the street of Damascus…that would be just perfect. 

  157. Cloak And Dagger says:

    Well it wouldn't be me if I didn't make a comment that is sure to be controversial and raise the ire of many everywhere – so here goes:

    What is happening today across the US, is a good thing. There I said it.

    Yes, of course, I am incensed by the senseless death at the hands of our Israeli-trained police. However, to quote Jefferson:

    The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.

    So far, the patriots are dying but the tyrants remain unscathed. When the final blow comes, no tyrant will be left standing.

    Wishful thinking, you say?

    Nay, it is the cycle of history. No revolution ever takes place on full bellies and in times of contentment. Revolutions are presaged by the growls of empty stomachs and the futility of hope, when there is nothing left to be lost, thus overcoming the fear of consequences and love of life, and bodies are hurled into the machinery to end it. When a populace has nothing more left to be taxed or stolen by the power elites, beware the ides of November – Winter is coming.

    When the application of unjust force ceases to be effective in quelling the rebelling hordes and the power bequeathed by the people to those who were meant to govern, and instead, rule us, and the awareness of injustice is felt in every bone across this troubled land of ours, toiling under the yoke of jewish tyranny and the sleep-inducing drone of the mass media, then the time is nigh for the thunder of Mjölnir to land on the skulls of all those who profit from the oppression of goyim everywhere.

    Circa regna tonat (‘It thunders through the realm’).

        —- Sir Thomas Wyatt (1503-42)



    • Igor Bundy says:

      When I start to see cheap kidneys being sold on Ebay I will say the american revolution is happening..

      • Cloak And Dagger says:

        I will make sure to put up kidneys for auction on eBay to ensure that you are suitably informed of such a revolution, because nothing less will do.

      • Igor Bundy says:

        A Civil war always means cheap kidneys up for sale.. Show me a civil war without kidneys and I will show you a kidneyless klusterpuk..

  158. TAXI said:

    I’ve woken up and I’m thinking: the people are being socially engineered into a race war instead of the REAL war which in fact is the class war that vulture capitalism has created. A race war to hide the MASSIVE financial discontent of ALL the people with the current severely lopsided neoliberal economic practices.

    This shit is only going to get worse. There will be no stability or certainty of peace in America till DC is burned down by the angry and armed mobs, regardless of who becomes president this coming November.

    Fasten your seatbelts tight! Or pack a suitcase and get the fuck out of Dodge while you can.


    Excellent observational skills, TAXI. You are 1000% correct. I feel heads should’ve long been rolling in DC, New York, Brussels, London & Tel Aviv for all the treasonous sh!t we’re going through. But that’s just me though.

    IMHO, most American blacks who drink from the Demonrat KoolAid are going to be in for a rude awakening if they don’t wake the fcuk up to the reality that they are the pawns/sacrificial lambs in this most dangerous SJW game of race brinkmanship. I just wish my family in the US would get the fcuk out of Dodge before the coming civil unrest — and it will come, guaranteed. Many are retired ex-Military…hope their spidey senses are tingling.

    I tire of the sheep grazing getting fcuked up the ass while chewing. Secession is the answer. You need to write more about this in order to get the momentum going. “Build it and they will come.

    • Taxi says:

      Let me say here that I can’t figure out whom I loathe more: BLM or antifa: idiot putty-goys in the filthy hands of the synagogue of satan. Follow the money-of-destruction and there you’ll find a jew. And of course, the jews will always have a wall of gullible goys buffering them from attack by the goy knowers of their treachery. The cowards! Always hiding behind someone, or behind their illegal, ill-gotten nukes.

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