Taxi's Articles

Israel Kills Girls

Oh yes they most certainly do!  YouTube be my witness, Israel kills Palestinian girls.  In broad daylight, on film, and in cold blood.

Street executions of Palestinian teen girls are on the rise.  Some of these executed girls had nothing to do with the Knife Intifada.  Often, knives are planted posthumously beside tiny corpses; or else they’re planted on innocent Palestinian girls who then get carted off to jail for an alleged failed stabbing.  And the ones who were out on a mission to stab Israeli soldiers, (a mindblowingly brave endeavor!), well, no doubt a nifty Krav Maga maneuver by a trained Israeli soldier could easily disarm a thin-wristed waif wielding a kitchen knife.  No?  Surely a copiously trained soldier would be able to expertly kick a paltry knife out of a small girl’s hand, no?  Evidently not.  We note, therefore, the excessive new level of fatal force used against Palestinian  girls.

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Taxi's Articles

Netanyahu, King Salman and the Devil’s Valentine

Two champagne glasses clink in a prism of light.

Netanyahu:  I’ve heard you had a mansion made entirely out of gold but I never thought I’d ever get invited to it – and on Valentine’s day, no less – wow –  I mean look at this place – unbelievable!  A sea of red roses, a thousand lit candles, the Mariachi band in the corner, the kosher champagne – and just look at this mountain of kifelta fish – look at this mountain of Ben and Jerry’s pistachio-vanilla!  How on earth did you know it’s my favorite?!

Salman:  I googled it.

With a twinkle in his eye, Salman places a small Israeli flag on top of the ice cream mount.

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Taxi's Articles

Netanyahu and Erdogan flee to the moon

There are two deckchairs on the moon.  Netanyahu is slumped in one; Erdogan is splayed in the other.  A billboard beside them says:  Welcome to the Sea of Crisis.

Netanyahu:  At least you can’t see Aleppo from here.

Erdogan:  And no one can see us crying here either – god – never been so embarrassed in all my life!

Netanyahu:  What the hell went wrong?!  It was such a perfect plan.  We smuggled in so many thousands of terrorists – we trained and armed and nursed them like one of our own – like wacko terminators they chopped off heads of men and boys and raped women and girls – they looted factories and oil wells – our media threw buckets of shit at their army’s name–

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Taxi's Articles

The Infinite Intifada

intifada girl Za4

There is no stopping the ongoing knifing on the streets of Jerusalem and the West Bank.  A whole generation of young Palestinian teens have willfully placed themselves on the front lines of an urban armed resistance.  They asked nobody’s permission – not their parents, not their preachers, teachers, and certainly not Mahmoud Abbas or Hamas.  Child army of resistors, not marching in traditional single or double file, but springing their cause forward through zigzag martyrdom; paying the high cost of liberation in pure vestal blood – because for Palestinian youth, remaining still is tantamount to a slow death in chains.  Undignified.  Unacceptable.  To be resisted at early age and at all cost.  “Give me liberty or give me death” is their sacred, evident manifesto.

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