Taxi's Articles

Iran Nuke Deal is a victory for Iranian “culture of good manners”

I heard an analyst on Almayadeen TV yesterday say that first and foremost, the nuke deal is a victory for the  Iranian “culture of good manners”.  That it was specifically Rohani’s and Zarif’s exceptionally good manners that greased the deal forward from scratch.

The second victory for Iran is the overnight propulsion of Iran from “rogue” state in Western eyes, to peace-and-prosperity partner.

The third victory is that Iran has finally been recognized by the world  as an important regional superpower, in close competition today with isreal and Saudi Arabia, therefore  able to now legitimately exert geopolitical influence in the region.

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Taxi's Articles

Fear And Loathing In The House Of Saud

Iran, Iran, Iran – it’s all obsessively about Iran!  Iran is so deeply loathed and feared in the Saudi kingdom that they’re choking on their own pathological venom and lashing out at Iran’s weakest ally, Yemen.   Saudi’s all-consuming hate of Iran is remarkably like isreal’s all-consuming hate of Iran.

Begs the question here: why does the King of Saudi Arabia and his council of Wahabis fear Iran to such a level of dark profundity?

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Taxi's Articles

Netanyahu’s Victory And Isreal’s Legitimacy – Taxi

Netanyahu’s victory is the loudest public declaration yet from israel that not only is the 2SS truly dead, but that the Oslo Agreement too is now null and void and lying in state in a twin coffin.

Mr. Ban Ki Moon knows this but his suit and position force him into giving mere lip service to the utopian but unrealistic idea of a 2SS.

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Taxi's Articles

Israelis Vote For War and Deeper Global Isolation – Taxi–/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Zmk9ZmlsbDtoPTYzNDtpbD1wbGFuZTtweW9mZj0wO3E9NzU7dz05NjA-/

The racist israeli Likud party, headed by prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has won the israeli elections.

This clearly means that israelis in their majority want their country’s fate determined not by the path to peace with the Palestinians and a Two State Solution, but by the path of war. A war many experts predict will lead to the end of the zionist state as we know it.

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