Taxi's Articles

Putin Plays Russian Roulette

They don’t call it Russian roulette for nothing.  Get a six-shooter, load it with a single bullet called Destiny, spin the chamber, point the barrel an inch above your ear, any ear – now wait or don’t wait – now squint or don’t squint – think or don’t think – now flashback or don’t – now weep or unweep now breathe or don’t breathe now laugh or don’t laugh so dammit – what the heck you waiting for?!  Pull the goddamn trigger!


Potluck, you’re still alive.

You lost five pounds of sweat in just under a minute.  But you’re alive.

Now it’s Putin’s turn.  Shootin’ hootin’ tootin Putin – it’s his turn.

You hand him the gun.  He takes it.  He looks down at you, even though he’s shorter than you.  How the hell does he do that, you wonder? Continue reading

Plato’s Pow Wow

Welcome to the New Plato’s Everybody!

Woohoo! A little Irish gig is in order here!

As you can see, I have kept the minimalism design and added a drop-down menu, found top left hand of homepage (a stack of three lines as symbol).

For the good reader/visitor, I have archived everything methodically now, please refer to the menu when searching for articles by me or by my NewsStand.  The archives are now divided into two categories: ‘Taxi’s Articles’ and ‘NewsStand Articles“.

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Taxi's Articles

Drinking Kosher Moonshine in Rogue Town

Bibi:  Goddam this moonshine’s good – give me s’more, you give me s’more now!

General Zee:  Think you’ve had enough – should go home now and–

Bibi:  Awww put a sock in it – just hand the bottle over – I’m in the middle of having a great fish-fish… fision, fizion, vison, vijon, I mean vision of this great big bad–

General Zee:  Mr. Prime Minister, I urge you please stop drinking or you’ll–

Bibi snatches the bottle of moonshine from the General’s hand and takes a long spilling swig.

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Taxi's Articles

Holy Slingshots and Bastard Bullets

The Palestinian today is a human slingshot and the stone in hand is the wrath of the land upon the cruel invader.

To have endured close to seven remorseless decades of daily brutality and death and to not have surrendered deserves earnest applause and fecund tears from the high sky.  The patient ones are rewarded by the gods, they say.  If this be true, then the enduring practice of Sumud has by now become an added survival organ in the Palestine body.  Sumud as dear and silent clinging to life.  A fixated insistence on justice.  Sumud as higher love.  The  virtue that needs to be taught to child and suffering hostage alike.

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Taxi's Articles

Russia Raps at Fortress Israel's Wall

My how the Russian boot suddenly landed heavy and sure on Syria’s soil.

How Israel gasped with surprise and dread to see the giant footprint and realize that its lauded Air Force no longer has the monopoly on Syrian skies.

Soberly it knew only too well that the Merkava is no match for even Hezbollah and Russian subs are a boat ride up the coast – checking Israeli frigates and pirates.

Suddenly Israel has no total freedom of the skies, checked on land and out at sea too.

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Taxi's Articles

A Review of the Reviewer of Max Blumenthal's Book

I was going to leave this as a comment on MW but decided against it because I suddenly realized that I much prefer to write it up for my own blog – simple as that.  But I will be linking it there and people who come to Plato’s to read it will then be able to comment, if they feel so inclined, without gatekeepers reading over their shoulders. 

Why James North’s promotion of Max Blumenthal’s book fails as a review is what interests me here, not Blumentha’s book itself.  So here’s what I’d like to say to James North after reading his promotional and uncritical review of Max Blumentha’s latest book – James’ article is headlined: ‘Why the mainstream media is still ignoring Max Blumenthal’s excellent book on Gaza’.

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Taxi's Articles

Jewish Anti-Goyism and the Entrenched Divisions in the Palestine Movement

Ladies and gentlemen, there is a HUGE and unaddressed problem with anti-goyism within the Jewish branches of the Palestine movement.  And it is disheartening and disappointing that honorable leaders of the movement and other non-aligned individuals, both Jewish and non-Jewish are not addressing it in public for the benefit of the movement’s solidrity.  What are we waiting for?  Permission?  Permission from whom exactly?  Really now!  It’s high time the anti-goy card is put face up on the table and examined.

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Taxi's Articles

The Dirty-Dirty Narrative War and the Smear Attacks on Palestine Activists

We already know that Adleson and Saban held a secret anti BDS summit not too long ago and assigned some Forty Million Dollars to the cause of “fighting BDS”.  Well, now we know where some of that money is going to:  skanky bloggers who are out there smearing activists in the most disgusting way – literally referring to them as “pedophiles” for defending the children of Gaza.  My advice here is two-pronged.  First, relentlessly beat the shit out of the offending deranged zionists on the bloggosphere.  Second:  all smeared activists really need to gather themselves as one and class-action sue the living daylights out of the writers of such filth and fuckeries.

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